Aspects of the sun and saturn in the natal chart. Saturn-Jupiter opposition: meaning, features, decoding of the meaning of Saturn in opposition to the sun

There are people who find it difficult to express their feelings. And they are not crackers. The box is full of feelings: love, joy, desire. But as soon as it becomes possible to interact through these feelings with the world and others, something “freezes” from the inside. Embarrassment, shame and fear. Why? The reason for such oddities may be the opposition of Venus - Saturn in the natal chart.

Both planets are not as opposite as they seem. Both belong to the same earth element, both are feminine (at least in Avestan astrology, Saturn is considered a feminine planet). In this case, the principle of pleasure, represented by Venus, is contrary to the principle of limitation, embodied in Saturn. In any case, this is how it seems to the sufferer - the bearer of the opposition.

Opposition is an aspect of confrontation, tension, deaf enmity between the planets. It torments a person and corrodes him from the inside. This enmity manifests itself precisely in the dynamics when a person begins to act. For example, we experience feelings and emotions according to Venus, but as soon as we want to express them, Saturn immediately turns on. He begins to limit, pinch, hangs a barn lock on our passions and desires. The planets fight each other, but they cannot exist separately.

What functions of our psyche in this case oppose each other?

Venus- this is love, our feelings, our likes and dislikes, the pleasure that we get from life, the money that we earn with our work. In ancient times, astrologers called Venus "small happiness", in contrast to Jupiter - "great happiness". This is the most simple, human, if you like, philistine happiness: when you are not a millionaire, but you have money, you are satisfied with life, you love and are loved, the house is a full bowl, and everything in your little world is good. In our life, the planet Venus can also be represented in the form of specific characters or things: in the map of a man, it indicates a beloved woman, the image of a woman-lover, to whom she is physically attracted, can mean a daughter, money, sweets, etc.

Saturn- our inner core, duty, our principles, the ability to wait and endure, concentrate, move step by step, step by step, focusing on one thing completely. Medieval astrologers called Saturn "great misfortune", as it brings difficulties, obstacles, slowdowns, inhibitions, restrictions into our lives. A strict teacher who gives a reward only if you endure. Saturn can mean father, grandfather, person, older than us, boss, cold, time, mountains, spine, hearing, etc.

How can the opposition Venus-Saturn manifest itself in the character and events of a person's life?

There are many options depending on the position of the planets in signs, houses and aspects to them.

  • Man is afraid to love. It seems to him that having opened up in love, letting feelings into his soul, he will lose himself, something very important in himself, that love will change him so much that he will no longer be him.
  • It's scary to trust someone else. There is no spontaneity in the manifestation of feelings, guarantees and security are needed.
  • Obstacles in love, love is not mutual. Lovers are separated by distance, difference in age or status and social position.
  • A 180-degree change in the field of feelings: you think you love him, and then you suddenly realize that you don’t. Not at all. And vice versa.
  • The girl likes films and books about unhappy love. When the heroes have many obstacles, when love is either non-reciprocal, or something interferes with it. And she dynamizes the fans, it's easier for her to say "no" than "yes".
  • Financial difficulties
  • Emerging feelings are contrary to duty, the rules in the perception of a person
  • You are in love, but the elders / father / grandfather are categorically against the object of your passion.
  • What you like to do, what brings you pleasure (Venus) and what you should do (Saturn) are two very different things.
  • Your profession (Saturn) does not give you pleasure (Venus). The need to work creates discomfort, deprives the joy of life.
  • A beautiful girl considers herself unattractive. Mirrors and men in love cannot convince her otherwise.
  • Shyness, fear of communication and social fulfillment
  • The aspect can cause procrastination: as soon as you need to work and strain (Saturn), Venus (laziness) turns on. At work, you want to relax, and at the time of rest, thoughts about work strain.
  • As soon as a person is relaxed and enjoys, then Saturn turns on and a sense of guilt due to his own joys.

How to work?

Try to understand:

Become aware of the energies of both planets. If there are usually no problems with Venus, we all understand what love, comfort, food, things and money are, then with Saturn it is more difficult. Saturn - limits, but this is not a punishment, but a necessity. He needs Venus. The abundance of love, things and food will lead to satiety and self-destruction. Do you need such nauseating happiness? Saturn will help you understand where the line is between comfort and laziness, pleasure and lax self-indulgence. Realize how lucky you are to have such a stopcock in your card.

All change begins with acceptance of the existing situation. Accept the fact that the freebie will not pass and your happiness will never be easy. Learn to enjoy difficult and long projects. And then this hard-won happiness will be a doubly pleasure. Time (Saturn) is on your side.

Try to do:

Look for a way to reconcile Saturn and Venus. According to Saturn, take on difficult cases, bring them to the end, endure and work. Set a goal and achieve it, despite the obstacles. Endure discomfort now, and then pleasure (Venus) awaits you at the end of the path as a reward for efforts and as a great feeling of pleasure from yourself, your loved one. "Who's good? I'm fine fellow". First do what you have to - and then eat the candy.

Make a promise to yourself and keep it. And see how nice it is.

Cross Venus and Saturn in real life by tasting Saturnian pleasures and leisure activities. They are not so simple, but many are pleasant.

For example, you can do yoga. Motionless fixed postures (according to Saturn) over time (also according to Saturn) will give you a feeling of pleasure and relaxation (according to Venus), make your forms more toned and attractive (also Venus). I remember how the yoga teacher’s phrase infuriated me: “And in maximum stress - relax as much as possible.” When you can do that, it means that Venus and Saturn have become friends.

You can go to the mountains. Mountains are the symbol of Saturn. It will be difficult for you there (according to Saturn). But along the way you will see beauty (Venus) and experience the pleasure of reaching the top (Venus again).

If you go from Venus, then you can take Venusian affairs and bring them to perfection, and this is already Saturn. Most likely, as soon as you try to move forward, the opposition will turn on and you will find that it becomes very difficult. The main thing is not to quit. Set yourself a goal for this. If this is dancing, then learn the dance and perform it at a concert. If you draw, then do not leave the art school that you just entered and where you were so pleased at first. Make a promise to yourself not to quit until you reach your goal. No matter what happens. And act. Gradually, step by step, Saturn loves gradualness, for him "fast is slow, but every day." As a result, you will pump your willpower (Saturn), get the result (Saturn) and bring to life what you like (Venus).

If you manage to "make friends" of two warring planets, then:

  • Your feelings will become long and stable, relationships will be strong
  • In love, you will learn to appreciate constancy and fidelity.
  • Love the routine, start making plans for the day. In a clear daily routine you will see the guarantee of beauty and health, a source of strength and energy
  • Learn to enjoy activities that involve stress and tension
  • External restrictions cannot destroy your inner harmony.
  • The statues will seem alive to you
  • Men in love will propose marriage to you
  • You will appreciate beauty and money, but you will understand that you feel good even with a minimum set of necessary things
  • The faces of older people will seem attractive to you, and you yourself will no longer be afraid of time and old age.
  • You will look younger than your age
  • Finally, you can express your desires
  • Learn to choose without hesitation
  • Strengthen your spine
  • There will be female leaders in your life
  • Your financial position will be stable

Well, what about feelings? They will start showing up on their own. Just become mature and aware.

Opposition in astrology is a rather tense aspect that brings a lot of trouble to the individual in material life. However, everything is relative, and in those times when a person experiences manifestations of complex aspects, he grows as a person.

The Saturn-Jupiter opposition is especially difficult for those who are attached to the benefits of the material world. Consider the features of this aspect. What is the strength of a native with such an aspect, what are his weaknesses?

Jupiter and Saturn. Symbolism of the planets

Saturn symbolizes duty, diligence, asceticism, patience and strong will. A strong Saturn promises the native material and temporal limitations, difficulties in achieving the cherished goals, and in return gives perseverance. However, if a person has gone through this "Saturnian path of barriers", he gains a solid position in society. And no one will be able to remove him from his post, up to retirement.

Jupiter, on the other hand, endows the native with excessive optimism and carelessness. It allows you to expand your material possibilities and relax, not particularly striving for anything. But also this planet is responsible for religion and helps all those who have embarked on the path of spiritual development for the first time. Therefore, in the Eastern astrological tradition, the planet is called Guru - teacher.

These two planets by nature have exactly opposite aspirations. Their aspects always give contradictions in the nature of the native and certain difficulties. The ruler of Jupiter is the idealistic fire sign - Sagittarius. And the ruler of strict Saturn is the practical and earthly Capricorn.

Opposition in the natal chart

These people tend to take on too many responsibilities, go into battle without feeling the limits of their abilities. They are not allowed to occupy high positions, they must work all their lives in submission, although they are desperate to escape from pressure. Almost no one ever helps them in their careers, since Jupiter is constrained in its manifestations.

A person tends to often make mistakes in calculations and overestimate his strength. There can be serious legal troubles over real estate or financial speculation.

In general, you need to look at the map as a whole. Those people who have a stronger planet of contacts appear in society more as sociable, liberated personalities. And those who have a stronger Saturn are known as hopeless "nerds" with a narrow circle of interests, "mundane" careerists. Significantly reduces the severity of the aspect of the presence of a trine or sextile to the giant Saturn

Problems in the parental home. Aspect Influence

A native with this position often has a less than cloudless childhood. Parents, perhaps, make excessive demands on the child, are critical and even sometimes despotic.

Because of such parental influence, the child grows up extremely insecure, pessimistic and withdrawn. But the role of parents is not to break the character, but it is to temper the will of the native, to strengthen the qualities of Saturn. Very often, in adulthood, a native needs to rethink his attitude towards himself, to develop an adequate self-esteem.

Development of the will as the main task

There is no such thing as good or bad aspects in astrology. Difficult situations in life help develop will and endurance. In those areas of life where there are tense aspects or planets in exile or fall, there is a noticeable spiritual growth, the development of new qualities.

If a person has such an aspect as the opposition of Saturn-Jupiter in natal, he will be subject to numerous anxieties and depressions.

For such a person, life is always full of troubles, conflicts, financial difficulties. As well as deep internal contradictions. If they choose the position of "opportunist", then financial affairs will return to normal, but they will have to forget about their ambitious ambitions. But having chosen the path of struggle for an independent cause, they will repeatedly suffer defeat. This is the position of Sisyphus, forever failing in his aspirations and again embarking on the path of struggle.

Only in adulthood does recognition and success come to the native with the Saturn-Jupiter opposition. But only if he adequately went through all the hardships and difficulties, having developed in himself all the best Saturnian qualities, and at the same time did not lose the thread leading him to spirituality.

Synastry. Opposition Saturn Jupiter

As for the compatibility of partners, one of which has Saturn, and the other the benefactor Guru, then such a combination is considered extremely unfavorable for marital relations. Firstly, that person who is under the influence of a strict planet will not be able to respect a too "careless" Jupiterian. And secondly, the Jupiterian himself will consider the partner too conservative, depressive and generally uninteresting. It is almost impossible to reach a consensus on any issue, neither in everyday life nor in financial matters. Since one strives to save and save all the time, while the other is used to spending money without hesitation.

However, there are also positive aspects. Both partners can teach each other a lot. A person with the planet of ascetics teaches to take life more seriously, not to waste oneself on trifles, but to build one's own life on one's own. The second can teach a partner to enjoy cheerful companies, be more friendly and appreciate the simple joys of life.

Transit opposition

Opposition transiting Saturn-Jupiter activates the polarization of the planets, causing a person to rush from one pole to another. From liberal views, love for the world and one's own land, to purely careerist goals.

The opposition each time bluntly raises questions of personal responsibility, the ability to build long-term plans and correctly assess one's own capabilities.

When transit aspects are "superimposed" on our personal map, we have the opportunity to realize something deeper, to develop our worldview. So although Saturn is considered a "malicious" planet, one cannot definitely treat him badly and sadly expect when the transit will take place. It is important to make every effort to learn the lesson that the Universe gives.

Opposition in strong signs

Opposition in Capricorn is a position when both planets are strong enough. When Jupiter is in the sign of Cancer, it is in exaltation, that is, in its strongest position. The position of the planet gives the support of authoritative persons, organizational skills. A person is capable of generosity, has good energy and love of life. Since Cancer is the sign that symbolizes family values, the comfort of one's home and love in general for a great homeland, for a native with this position of Jupiter, these areas will be very important.

However, the influence of Saturn in Capricorn is no less strong. This formidable planet will lead a person in a completely different direction. People with in Natal are cold, calculating pragmatists. They are able to move towards a long-term goal for a long time and systematically, regardless of anyone or anything. These are Saturnians in their "pure" form - that is, isolated ascetics who are not able to liberate themselves internally, communicate heart to heart or have fun.

The influence of two planets "pulls" a person in two different directions. And he will have a very difficult time in search of a golden mean between the opposite tendencies of his own soul. But it is possible. As a result of the internal struggle, the native becomes both a good family man and a steadfast "soldier" going towards the goal, but no longer so isolated and cynical.

Retrograde planets

If one of these difficulties increases during the opposition of Jupiter-Saturn in the natal chart, internal contradictions become extremely intense.

A well-developed Saturn gives self-confidence, a solid inner core and independence from circumstances. But Saturn retrograde forces you to go back inside yourself and reconsider your views on responsibility, re-evaluate your ways of dealing with difficulties. Often Saturn retrograde in the natal chart for those people who either try to do too many tasks, or do not want to at all and do not know how to take responsibility.

Retrograde Jupiter sets other tasks for the personality. The retrograde planet will manifest itself as a constant search for the "right" philosophy. A person is excessively idealistic, looking for a perfect social system, a perfect profession, religion. Adapting to the real world can be very difficult, so neuroses and neurasthenia develop. If a person is internally strong, he sometimes unites people and is a reformer. But this is a rather rare occurrence. Jupiter reverses every 13 months; the duration of the retrograde period is 4 months.


Saturn-Jupiter opposition will make a person experience difficulties both in the domestic sphere and in the sphere of relationships. If Jupiter expands the circle of contacts, then the Saturnian path is the path alone to a personal goal, personal heights. Therefore, already from a young age, the native will have to form his inner position, be independent and not look for parental care.

Self-denial, self-restraint, self-control, self-protection. The importance of hierarchy, power structures. Awareness of fears, limitations. The importance of time.
Low self-esteem. Lack of confidence in oneself, one's strengths, one's individuality. Modesty, caution, shyness. Gradual progress of self-awareness, personality building. The desire to defend and strengthen your "I" in the eyes of others. The desire to be noticed, marked and - at the same time - the fear of failure. Difficulties in exercising leadership functions. It is easier to obey than to lead. External control, burden of responsibility, obligations imposed by others. Respect for hierarchy, power figures. Desire, readiness to take one's place in the structure, to devote one's "I" to a common task.
The desire to do something, to leave a mark. Dissatisfaction with oneself, the achieved result, the need for improvement. Constantly testing yourself in an attempt to gain more confidence in your own abilities, to overcome the fear of failure. Serious attitude towards yourself and life. Pessimism, negative expectations, uncertainty about the future. Fears, phobias, awareness and struggle with them. Serious attitude to time, its effective use. Striving for the exact observance of the deadlines, undertaken obligations. The experience of finiteness, the limitations of earthly existence. Death is an incentive. In childhood, the weakness of the figure of the father, his insufficient presence in the process of education. Non-individualized and formal approach to education, "strictness for the sake of severity." Restriction of self-will, freedom, creativity. B.Israel.

Sun-Saturn Conjunction

The combination of conscientiousness and firmness produces a type of person with ambition, who, however, likes to keep a low profile and would rather choose the role of a gray cardinal than royal regalia. He has no illusions that the whole world rests on him, and will spare no effort to achieve his goal, although he often gets down to business late (influence of Saturn). He is serious, thinks soberly, sets goals for himself and, as a rule, achieves them. Psychologically, this aspect often indicates a "fixation" on the father model, which a person repeatedly refers to, doing both good and bad deeds. Catherine Obier

Opposition, quadrature (square) Sun - Saturn

The complex of failure, behind which lies the fear of being a bright personality, the inability to tune in to success or enter the time of maturity. This is based on an imaginary imperfection in comparison with the ideal-father, which gives rise to self-doubt and depression. However, having gone through some experience, having undergone development (for example, by burying his father), a person can begin to live in accordance with the positive aspects of this arrangement of the planets, becoming wiser and learning to control himself. Indeed, Saturn encourages - and sometimes simply forces - to behave like an adult, which, as a rule, is not given painlessly. Catherine Obier

Trine (trine), sextile Sun - Saturn

Honesty, practicality, discretion. Economical use of energy and money. The emphasis is on usefulness and practicality. Organizational talent, concentration, discipline. Goals are achieved through hard work. Even in difficult times they do not experience difficulties, since caution always leaves something for a rainy day. Patient, do not take risks, live to a ripe old age. Francis Sakoyan

Such interaction of these planets gives concentration, clarity, depth, forethought, planning, purposefulness, diligence, perseverance, endurance, patience, endurance, diligence, diligence, responsibility, seriousness, discipline, organization, tendency to order, thoughtfulness, methodicalness, constancy, ability to constant efforts, practicality, logic, rationality, calmness, ability to obey. S.V. Shestopalov

Saturn is always difficult, so I consider the aspect of the Sun and Saturn initially difficult. The connection of these 2 planets is negative. When your Sun is in a square, opposition, conjunction with Saturn, problems may arise in the sphere of the house, for which the Sun is responsible in the horoscope. For example, the Sun rules the 10th house. What can Saturn create in the sphere of the house? At a minimum, create obstacles, because Saturn teaches patience. But not everything is so scary if we are talking about the field of career growth. After 30 years, after all, a person can reach heights. Maybe earlier, but this is a story about working in the spheres of Saturn.

I am now engaged in the study of medical astrology and noticed a very interesting and unexpected thing for me. I first read about it in a book. But you know me 🙂 . I need to check everything. It has been said in this book that Sun-Saturn conjunctions can give debilitated health. After that, it dawned on me! Really! The sun is also our life force, even without reference to the houses that are responsible for health. I will not say that only Saturn figured in my research. But I often found it in the cards of people whose health was always not the best. Well, in my opinion, the current president of Russia coped well with the problem of Saturn. Vladimir Vladimirovich has a conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in the sign of Libra. Of course, Saturn is strong here, so there can be such an effect, but the Sun is also weakened here. Therefore, the conjunction is quite interesting because of the strength of Saturn. Vladimir Putin does everything according to the schedule, adheres to proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and goes in for sports. In general, everything that Saturn loves so much 🙂 .

Most of all, I figured the conjunction and burning of Saturn in.

The defeat of the daylight by Saturn adds seriousness in any area. But at the same time, it adds self-doubt, stiffness.

Both sexes may have father problems. It can limit their development, close personal qualities, talents. Children may have a strict upbringing. Relations with the father may not be very good, cold, at best businesslike. The same goes for the boss.

You need to add a spoonful of honey to a barrel of tar. This aspect adds punctuality. You can rely on this person. The owner of this "gift" is responsible for the words and does not let words go to the wind. But in order to be sure here, it is necessary to analyze Mercury in the horoscope.

Also, the Sun in conjunction, square or opposition with the Sun can talk about the fear of speaking in public, showing your talents.

The exception is the burning of Saturn. Then the child may not be raised by the father or they will have a good relationship. It's hard to educate a person. He is not interested in social norms. I'm considering an orb for burning less than 3 degrees. And, of course, other indicators of the chart and Saturn itself.

Interestingly, Saturn has a remarkable feature. After the Return of Saturn, this malefactor becomes kinder. Not even like that. People are more indifferent to what Saturn taught them. This is the conclusion I came to after analyzing the maps of people of different ages. No need to think that his qualities are disappearing, no. The qualities that Saturn left behind remain, but the attitude towards oneself changes.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that in youth we are not up to the qualities of Saturn. We want freedom, freshness, change, joy, fun, lightness. Do not deny yourself anything, so that there is something to remember. Saturn vehemently contradicts all this, which is why we perceive his lessons as a limitation in our youth.

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Astrologer Polina Sergeevna