Choosing a door to a private house: materials, construction details and design. How to choose the best front door to a private house Which front doors are better in a country house

The choice of the front door is a rather crucial moment, since the safety of all the property of a house or apartment, and sometimes the life of the owners, will depend on its design. Today, the assortment of specialized stores is formed by many manufacturers presenting their products, which have a wide range of prices - from the most modest to very high. Therefore, you can always choose a door that will fully meet the capabilities of homeowners.

The purpose of the front door is not only to protect housing from intruders, as it should prevent the penetration of external noise and cold air masses. In addition, there are models that can create a reliable barrier even to intense flames during a fire. How to choose an entrance metal door professional advice - they are necessarily given depending on where it will be installed: at the entrance to an apartment or a private house, and also taking into account many criteria that directly affect the performance of this design.

Criteria for choosing an entrance door

To clarify all the nuances, we turned to the Moscow manufacturer of entrance doors, ProfMaster, where more than 80% of orders are individual production. "to order", because this is the only way to choose a door without compromising on quality.

There is a list of the main points that you need to pay special attention to when purchasing an entrance door:

  • Place of installation. The door can be installed on the street in a private house or at the entrance to the apartment, that is, in the entrance room protected from direct external influence. The choice of insulation material and outer skin will depend on this.
  • Protection level. This criterion can be attributed to several aspects at once:

- the thickness of the metal used to make the door;

- frame design

- the number of metal layers in the door leaf;

- the number of stiffeners inside the canvas frame;

- the number and design of locks and hinges;

- the presence of a review element.

  • insulation material. In order for the door not to let in cold masses and extraneous noise, it is insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or cardboard. In some cheap models, insulation may be absent altogether.
  • The number of seals. They can be installed on the door leaf or frame, in one, two or even three rows. For fire-resistant structures, sealing contours made of special materials are used.
  • door weight. A high-quality product should be heavy, as it has reliable stiffening ribs and is made of high-quality, fairly thick metal sheet.
  • A design solution that will harmoniously fit the door into the overall design of the facade, if the door is installed in a private house.
  • Fire-fighting qualities of materials, if you plan to purchase a door that has protection against the spread of flame.
  • Anti-vandal coating - especially necessary if there are animals in the house that can scratch the door lining, or in an apartment where there is no combination lock at the entrance to the entrance.
  • The door must have a quality certificate or a passport for the product, which will indicate all its characteristics.

Evaluation of the main characteristics of doors

The price of such products is quite high, but you can be sure of the safety that they will fully provide. Therefore, in recent years, more and more apartment residents and home owners prefer this particular door option.

So, the design of the entrance doors must fully meet all the criteria for safety and comfort when opening and closing it, as well as satisfy the homeowners in terms of its design. Therefore, when making a choice, you need to make a list of requirements for the door structure in advance, and if the model meets them, then this option is ideal for a specific entrance to a building or apartment.

When choosing a front door for a private house, there are many factors to consider. The product must meet certain requirements, important of which are reliability and high thermal insulation. Without knowing the basic required characteristics, you should not rush to the first option that comes across. In this article, we will look at several different designs, and also figure out which front door is best for a private house in one case or another.

Types of entrance doors

Entrance doors for a country house are classified according to several parameters. First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which the structure is made. Among the popular options are wooden, plastic, metal and forged doors.

In addition, other types of door structures can be found on the market. Of course, they are not so popular among the population, especially glass products. Doors of this type perform a decorative function, moreover, the work of installing them in Moscow is quite expensive.


Wooden doors are very common because they are highly durable and ennoble the exterior of the house. But, recently, the popularity of such doors has decreased somewhat, this is due to the appearance on the market of steel structures, which inspire more confidence.

For the manufacture of wooden doors, solid wood, wooden panels or panels in combination with metal are used. In the first case, the canvas is completely made of wood without any inserts from another material, in the second case, sheet metal of a certain thickness is placed between the shields, which can significantly increase the strength of the structure.

Wooden canvases can have a different design and size, they protect the house well from heat loss.

We recommend opting for products made of solid natural wood, since sheets made of pressed chips have a short service life (as a result, they will have to be replaced within a few years after installation).


No less popular are modern plastic doors. For their manufacture, PVC profiles and plastic sheets are used. A heater is installed between the sheets, which improves the thermal insulation properties of products. In the photo below you can see a standard plastic front door in a private house.

Among the advantages of plastic street doors for the house, it is worth highlighting:

  • low cost;
  • good sound insulation;
  • perfect insulation;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • no corrosive processes.

Structures made of metal-plastic are equipped with double-glazed windows. On the inside, you can stick a special decorative film, which will give originality to the doors.

Of course, metal-plastic structures have some disadvantages. So, for example, when burning, they emit toxic substances, there is a high probability of fading under the influence of sunlight and rather high temperatures. In addition, such canvases are unstable to mechanical damage.

On the video: what you need to know to choose the right PVC doors.


Today, entrance metal doors in private homes are in great demand. This is due to the fact that they have high performance characteristics. For the manufacture of metal doors, a steel standard sheet is used, the thickness of which can reach 2 mm. The thicker the material, the higher the structural strength.

From the inside, the sheet is reinforced with vertical and horizontal stiffeners. The best option is the combined arrangement of elements.

Armored metal doors from the manufacturer have high strength. They are made on the basis of the safe. So, concrete is poured inside the frame, which makes the doors bulletproof. Of course, such iron products are very heavy and not easy to use.


Beautiful forged doors are basically a metal sheet, which is decorated with forged elements. Particularly popular are products with glass inserts on the outside, while high-strength material is used. This allows you to leave the reliability of the door structure at the appropriate level.

Entrance door dimensions

Depending on the size, entrance doors are divided into three types:

  • single leaf;
  • one and a half;
  • bivalve.

The first option is often used in urban apartments. As for one-and-a-half and double-leaf structures, they are installed in private homes and offices. Each of these options has its own characteristics.

One and a half

One and a half doors are installed in country houses, in the entrances and vestibules of multi-storey buildings. With their help, you can provide enough space for bringing furniture, building materials and other bulky items through the openings. Such doors consist of a narrow part and a wide working leaf. The width of the first canvas is 30 cm, and the second - 90 cm.

Often a small sash is fixed in the door frame with a latch. If necessary, it can be easily opened. The main thing is that the loop is movable.


The peculiarity of such a door design is that both leaves are working, so they are often the same in width. Of course, when making a custom design, the ratio of dimensions can be changed. But still, the canvases are equipped with handles and a connecting locking mechanism.

Double doors fit perfectly into the exterior of a Gothic style house. To hide the bulkiness of the design and give it elegance, experts recommend using decorative forged elements and inserts made of durable glass.

By style

Previously, doors were used solely to protect the house from the entry of strangers. Today, such products are an integral element of the exterior of the house. They can tell a lot about its owner. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering the design of the door leaf.

modern doors

To make the door a real color of the house, it is best to opt for modern designs. They are made from various materials and have certain design features.

In a private house, you can use the following products:

  • Modern combined doors. Several materials are used to make canvas. A good option would be a composition of metal and glass - these doors look very modern and elegant.

  • Hinged doors. The canvas is mounted on hinges. Despite the heavy weight, the door easily rotates into the desired position.

  • With additional sash. For creative people, the best option would be to install an additional decorative sash.

  • Doors with glass inserts. With the help of glass, you can dilute the monotony of the canvas and make it more attractive and solid. Inserts can have a different shape, size and placement. You should not worry about the reliability of such a door, as it uses tempered and high-strength glass that can withstand various loads.

In fact, there are a lot of options for decorating doors. Therefore, everyone can find an option that suits a particular style.

Winter doors (insulated)

In regions with harsh climatic conditions, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the house. An excellent solution in this case would be the installation of winter doors. The peculiarity of such structures is that they have high thermal insulation properties. Inside the canvas there are several heaters (polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, mineral wool, cork material, isolon). There are additional layers for insulation - at least 2-3 contours of the seal and finishing with frost-resistant materials on the outside of the canvas.

Insulated front doors for a private house have the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation, which allows you to protect the house from heat loss;
  • protection against formation of condensate and icing of a cloth;
  • the presence of an external finish with an anti-vandal coating;
  • variety of design, aesthetic appearance.

The Finnish door is a multilayer structure: the frame is made of timber, which is sheathed with reinforced aluminum sheets, the void is filled with polystyrene foam. It also uses double-sided insulation, which protects the canvas from moisture. A decorative coating is attached on top. To protect the house from heat loss, the door structure is additionally equipped with seals.

The advantages of Finnish doors include:

  • high strength;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • variety of colors and designs;
  • the possibility of using decorative inserts;
  • sufficiently high strength.

Doors with glass

Many people believe that glass inset doors are less secure than conventional doors. But actually it is not. It all depends on the material used. Often, high-strength glass is used for insertion, and forged gratings are used as additional protection.

Doors with glass have some advantages:

  • The presence of a natural light source. Light from the street will enter through the glass insert into the dark corridor. This eliminates the need for artificial light sources.
  • Safety. Through the insert, you can see who is on the other side of the door. This option is especially suitable for protected objects.
  • Aesthetics. Glass inserts give the door leaf elegance and elegance. They can have a different shape and shade.

As for the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the relatively high cost due to the use of glass elements.

Thermal break doors

A door with a thermal break is a metal sheet that is equipped with special heat-insulating inserts. These are special elements of the interior of the front door with a low degree of thermal conductivity.

As a thermal break are used:

  • PVC inserts. Allow to reduce heat transfer between materials. Gaskets have chambers filled with air. They are what keep the heat in.
  • Styrofoam. Most often used to protect the product from freezing.
  • Mineral wool. Acts as an ideal sealant. To protect the cotton wool from getting wet and losing its properties, it is additionally covered with a special film.
  • Glass wool. Used in cheap models. The disadvantage of the material is that when it burns, harmful fumes are released.
  • An array of wood. Environmentally friendly material with high density. Its presence significantly increases the cost of the product.

Of course, in order to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to carry out a quality installation of the door structure in compliance with all requirements:

  • a seal is mounted around the perimeter of the door frame;
  • installation of special handles with a thermal break;
  • organization of supply and exhaust ventilation.

Given these features, it is better to entrust the installation of the door frame to professionals.

On the video: an overview of the insulated front door with a thermal break.

Elite doors are quite expensive. This is due to their high performance and special production technology. The canvas is made of a steel frame, which is equipped with stiffeners. It is sheathed with a one-piece bent sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm to 3 mm. The latter option is recommended to be installed in private homes. The filler is polypropylene or polystyrene. They provide high heat and sound insulation.

As for finishing, valuable wood species, expensive metal, glass and other elite materials are used for this.

In addition, the design is equipped with high-strength and reliable locks and other fittings. When making a door to order, it is possible to install a biometric lock. It identifies the owner by fingerprint.

Front doors to the house

Front doors are representative structures that are installed at the central entrance. Externally, they are designed for the exterior of the building, and inside - for finishing the entrance room. A very large load falls on such entrance doors. Therefore, they must meet high requirements in terms of strength and insulating properties.

Front doors differ in their appearance. They look very massive and have a significant size. Often they are made in the form of a double-leaf design.

Among the main features it is worth highlighting:

  • presentable and aesthetic appearance;
  • the use of natural and expensive materials;
  • practicality and reliability;
  • high wear resistance and long service life;
  • reinforced construction and massiveness.

Often front entrance doors are made to order. Therefore, it is possible to create an original design. For decoration use a variety of inserts and forged products.

What is the best front door?

When choosing a front door for a private house, it is worth considering that it must meet certain requirements:

  • Home safety. The main function is to protect the house from the intrusion of third parties. Therefore, the door structure and accessories must have high strength and reliability.
  • Heat and sound insulation. The canvas should reliably protect the house from external noise and heat loss.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. First of all, it concerns hacking attempts. The design must withstand any attempts to open.

So what kind of front door to choose for a private house? The best option would be metal insulated sheets, you can also consider options for Finnish production. Such products are presented on the market in a wide range, so it will not be difficult to choose a model that will be optimally combined with the exterior of the house.

- the face of the house and the basis of its protection. We hope that everyone already understands well how much security, thermal insulation and the perception of the appearance of a private house depend on the chosen door. Unscrupulous companies often try to sell us a Chinese door of dubious quality under the guise of a reliable product, enticing with discounts and conducting loud advertising. That is why you yourself need to know how to choose the right front door to a cottage, country or private house, what is important to consider and what details to pay attention to.

No. 1. What are the requirements for the exit door?

Let's start with the declaration of variables, or rather, we will voice the characteristics that a really good front door should meet:

No. 2. Door leaf material

We don't have a lot of choice today. Entrance doors are often made of the following materials:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • metal-plastic.

Steel door- a classic, a model of strength and aesthetics. Today, such doors are in more than 70% of private homes. Overlays made of wood and MDF, powder coating and other ways of finishing the canvas allow us to talk about a decent variety. A strong competitor to metal sheets has recently been considered plastic doors. Looking ahead, we note that they are distinguished by better thermal insulation and a slightly lower price, but in terms of reliability they are not inferior to metal doors. Wooden doors are used less and less. Today, this is an outdated option that has a lot of drawbacks, and if such a canvas can be used in an apartment, then it is unlikely in a cottage, except in rare cases.

Number 3. Metal entrance doors

Many people prefer to buy entrance doors to a cottage, a country house or an apartment from metal. Such structures have a number of undeniable advantages:

So popular that the range is growing day by day. Next to really high-quality samples, doors are sold that can be damaged with an ordinary can opener. They are made in China and can be sold both at very attractive prices (which at least slightly justifies their quality), and at the average market price. How to recognize a really high-quality door and not fall for the tricks of cunning manufacturers and sellers?

It is necessary to evaluate a metal door according to a number of indicators:

metal door construction

The door consists of a frame to which the inner and outer leaf of the door leaf are attached. Between the canvases there are stiffening ribs, in the cavities between which the insulation is laid. The design is illustrated in the figure.

Metal sheets can be made from hot and cold rolled steel. The first option is cheaper, but this material is more susceptible to corrosion. Cold rolled steel for the front door in the cottage will be an advantageous option: it is less susceptible to precipitation and more durable.

Sheets of steel must have a thickness 1.2-2 mm, and even better - even more, otherwise the canvas can be easily damaged with a sharp knife without much effort. Some experts advise installing doors with a steel sheet thickness of about 4 mm in country houses. Please note that only the outer sheet can be metal (then the inner panel is made of MDF, for example) or both sheets. The second option is preferable, since this way the door leaf will be more durable. In some doors, between the outer and inner steel sheet, there is additional layer of steel. In terms of reliability, this is an ideal option, but it will also cost accordingly.

However, even if only the outer part of the door is made of steel, the canvas can still remain reliable. The main thing that the castle area has been reinforced an additional sheet of steel or an armored plate.

door frame, to which sheets and stiffeners will be attached, can be made of solid profile pipe, the ends of which will be connected with only one seam. This is the ideal option. If four sections of the profile are used to create the base, which are welded together, a less durable, but still satisfactory construction is obtained. Worst of all, when each side of the frame is welded from a pair or more pieces. In this case, too many seams are obtained, and each seam reduces the degree of protection of the fabric.

Stiffening rib reinforce and reinforce the structure. They can be:

  • vertical. Well resist torsional loads and will not allow to bend the corners of the web;
  • horizontal. They protect against punching and do not allow the door leaf to be squeezed out of the frame;
  • combined. Such doors have vertical, horizontal, and sometimes inclined stiffening ribs, so they perfectly withstand any load.

The more stiffeners there are, the better. At least two vertical and one horizontal. Ribs are usually made from rectangular pipe or angle. This is a classic and reliable option. There are doors where the ribs are made from a profile of complex configuration. This approach allows you to create an equally durable canvas while reducing the weight of the structure.

Fills voids between stiffeners insulation, which increases thermal insulation and allows you to get rid of the unpleasant sound of a hollow door. Usually, and are used for this purpose - both options are quite effective. Foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, paper and pressed cardboard are not very suitable for thermal insulation of the front door.

Along the contour of the door leaf should be located sealant, which provides a snug fit of the door to the door frame, protects against noise, drafts and smells from the street. If the seal is of high quality and installed correctly, one circuit will be enough, so samples with two, three or more circuits should be treated with caution. It is best if the seal is made of rubber. Silicone and polyurethane in this case behave somewhat worse, and the option with foam rubber and plastic should not even be considered.

Hinges and door frame

If the door leaf is not hackable, the thief may try to cut off the hinges. Therefore, it is important to consider the front door as a complex complex structure, where every element is important.

Loops can be of the following types:

Number of loops depends on many factors: the weight and dimensions of the door, the thickness of the metal, the exterior and interior finishes. The required minimum is 3 loops. Less can not be even in the lightest designs. If the canvas turned out to be heavy enough, you can take hinges with support bearings which will facilitate the process of opening and closing.

The door frame also affects the strength and reliability. It should be made of a U-shaped profile with a thickness of at least 3-5 mm.

Door leaf trim

The door finishing material should be combined with a (when it comes to the outside of the canvas) and the interior of the hallway or vestibule, but this is not the main thing. The exterior finish must be resistant to various weather conditions and be wear-resistant. Such stringent requirements do not apply to the interior.

For finishing the inside and outside of metal entrance doors, the following materials are used:

There are other ways of finishing, such as handmade painting, laminating with PVC film or using plastic panels, but in this case I do not want to recommend them. They do not look solid, and in operation they do not show themselves very well.

Note also that the metal sheet may have glass insert. It decorates the door, but makes it more vulnerable, so they take armored glass or protect it. Forged grilles look great, especially if they are supported by other forged elements in the design of the porch and yard.

Thermal insulation of a metal door

Perhaps the only disadvantage of metal entrance doors is their the ability to freeze and become covered with frost. High-quality thermal insulation (in the form of a layer of insulation inside the door) can practically neutralize this problem, but sometimes additional measures may be necessary. To get rid of the freezing of a metal door, you can use the following tricks:

No. 4. Wooden entrance doors

The safety of metal models is beyond doubt. Durable material, high protection against burglary, resistance to fire and mechanical damage - all these advantages have made them a worthy competitor in the market. Can wooden entrance doors outperform metal ones? To understand this, you need to understand the main advantages of wood products:

  • strength. Entrance models are made as durable as possible, so they are often made of oak. The material is quite difficult to damage;
  • many years of service life. Wood itself is considered a durable base. Through proper surface treatment and with constant care the canvas can last at least 50 years;
  • environmental friendliness. Wood is a safe and hypoallergenic material. It has practically no analogues;
  • external attractiveness. The classic shade of oak or pine looks very beautiful on the front doors and harmonizes with any facade. Metal sheets in this regard will have to be chosen more carefully;
  • resistance to corrosion. Wood does not rust (unlike metal). Due to this, periodic surface treatment with various anti-corrosion agents is not required;
  • soundproofing. The sufficient thickness of the door provides protection from extraneous sounds even in the absence of a filler;
  • low thermal conductivity. The wooden door will not cover with condensation or frost.

On the other hand, wood panel afraid of precipitation, sudden changes in temperature, fire and pests, so it will have to be constantly processed - without them, even a door made of glued laminated timber will not last long. In addition, if suddenly the sash leads, then repair is almost impossible. These shortcomings can cross out all the advantages of wooden doors, so today they are very rarely installed. If nothing but wood matches the facade, it is better to take a metal door with a wooden lining. The best place for a purely wooden door would be south side of the house. Naturally, the porch must be reliable.

No. 5. Metal-plastic entrance doors

Only metal-plastic doors can compete with metal doors. They have such benefits:

  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties. The canvas does not let in external noise, prevents the ingress of cold and does not freeze through;
  • good strength properties. In terms of reliability and safety, such doors, contrary to prejudice, are not inferior to metal ones;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors;
  • variety of appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost. Such doors will cost on average 10-15% cheaper than metal ones.

By structure metal-plastic doors resemble those known to everyone: the production principle is the same, but the design is different. The profile for such a door has at least five chambers, reinforced with steel. is placed not from ordinary glass, but from armored or triplex. The glazing area can be of any area, but for security reasons it is better that it occupies only a third of the door leaf.

No. 6. Burglary resistance of the front door

Large manufacturers certify steel doors according to the burglary resistance class. There are 13 such classes in total: doors from classes 1 to 4 are used in everyday life, the rest are armored doors for banks and safes:

No. 7. Entrance door lock

A durable door leaf will protect against rough hacking methods, and from intellectual ones. The following types of locks are placed on the front door:

  • lever locks- the most durable and reliable. The degree of protection depends on the number of levers. There can be from 1 to 10 of them. A good lock has 6 or more levers, and their number can be judged even by the number of steps on the key (one must be subtracted from their number to get the desired value). Lever locks of a crab design are suitable for the front door; when locking, their crossbars extend in different directions: it will be more difficult for a thief to find and cut them. Locks with a manganese insert also show themselves well, which will protect the mechanism from drilling;
  • cylinder lock works on the basis of cylinders located at a certain height. It is difficult to open it with a master key - it is much easier to knock it out, so it is better to protect the mechanism with an armor plate or special balls that will resist the drill. It is better not to use it as an independent lock - only complete with a lever lock;
  • electronic locks, which are opened by a digital code, fingerprint or card, reliable, modern, but expensive, so they have not yet received distribution;
  • combined several mechanisms are combined in one lock.

Better for front door put a couple of locks. Lever and cylinder are an ideal pair, but it is better to place them at some distance from each other, 25-30 cm will be enough. Choose castles 3 and 4 security classes and trust the products of renowned manufacturers.

We didn’t mention it, but it goes without saying that before contacting a company that makes and installs doors, you need to know the dimensions of the doorway. If it is very wide, it is possible that one sash is not enough - it will be more convenient to put the door on two or one and a half sashes. Please note that ordering a non-standard size canvas will cost more. Also, do not forget about the accessories (handle, etc.), which must also be of high quality.

Choosing the front door to the apartment is not an easy task and raises many questions. You need to know what qualities the design should have, what to look for when choosing. The front door is the keeper of the hearth, preventing noise, cold and uninvited guests from entering the housing. It should also look presentable, as it acts as the hallmark of the apartment.

Requirements for the entrance door to the apartment

Any premises, residential or industrial, meet the visitor with the front door. It is not difficult to choose the front door of internal opening to the apartment now. Nevertheless, manufacturers offer a wide range of products, the difference between which is in materials, dimensions, colors and styles.

Many people are not able to make a competent choice due to the large variety. This is especially true for those who buy entrance doors to the apartment for the first time. To avoid errors, you should take into account the requirements for any input structures:

  1. General reliability parameter. Entrance doors perform many functions, but the main one is to ensure the protection of housing. For this reason, the design chosen must be durable and of high quality, able to protect against intruders.
  2. It should be possible to inspect the outer territory. It is better if the front door to the apartment is equipped with at least a small peephole. This will allow you to see the situation outside the housing or on the flight of stairs.
  3. Noise and heat insulation. The product prevents the penetration of noise and cold into the house, increasing the comfort of living.
  4. Appearance. It is better to choose a beautiful front door to the apartment so that it fits into the interior of the home with its style design.

Before you go to the store for a purchase, you need to consider other points:

  1. Canvas price. It all depends on the quality of the design. If you choose a door for a summer cottage or an old abandoned apartment, then it is not necessary that it be high-strength. Cheaper alternatives will work as well. But if the product is installed in a new building apartment or a residential country house, then more expensive variations can be considered.
  2. Opening dimensions. The canvas should easily "enter" the doorway. Therefore, before buying, you should take all measurements in advance.
  3. Choice of accessories. We are talking about locks, hinges, eyes, handles and so on. It takes into account the type of construction and your own preferences. Of course, it is better to choose the appropriate fittings for a good entrance door to the apartment, suitable in quality and style.
  4. Availability of certificates and guarantees. This is an important point at the time of purchase, ensuring that all installation and operation issues are resolved.

Types of entrance doors

A wide range of input structures is presented on the construction market; designer canvases and technical models are also produced. They are classified according to the material used in the manufacture.

metal front door

This is the most requested type. They are made using special technology from durable materials. There are models that are additionally coated with an anti-corrosion compound, which allows the blades to be used under different climatic conditions, extending their service life.

The thickness of metal sheets also matters: for European entrance doors it is 1 mm, Chinese - from 0.5 to 1 mm, domestic - from 1.5 to 3 mm. The strength characteristics of the input structure depend on the thickness of the metal. European models have standardized sizes, while our manufacturers also produce non-classical options.

The customer can choose the design and format of insulation.

Before choosing a metal door to an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification according to the level of complexity:

  1. Economy class. These are simple and affordable products made of single-sheet steel with a thickness of 1 mm. As a design, only painting is used, without insulation and soundproofing. A separate variety is metal sheets in an apartment, assembled from two sheets (each 1 mm thick). For such products, finishing, heat and sound insulating filler is provided.
  2. Middle class. These are products made from two sheets, where the thickness of each is 1.5 mm. Finishing can be any and depends on the preferences of the customer.
  3. Elite class. Entrance doors with a reinforced structure, with a thickness of sheets up to 2 mm. They are finished with natural or artificial materials, sheathed with wood, veneer.

As a finish, they use: thermal film, polymer or powder paint, plastic or wooden lining, vinyl leather, car enamel, varnish, MDF lining and other materials.

Important! In order for the selected metal front door to successfully fulfill its functions, it is important to install it correctly.

wooden front door

Not so long ago, wood was used as the main material for the production of entrance structures. Now the user has a choice where each product differs in its operational properties. Nevertheless, wooden canvases are classified as luxurious and practical classics. Thanks to innovative technologies, their functions and properties have been improved by an order of magnitude compared to the first models, as a result they last longer.

Wooden products are no longer as popular as they used to be, this is due to the fact that a large selection of artificial materials is offered on the market. But some customers prefer the natural solid wood. Considering the design features, three types of wooden entrance doors can be distinguished:

  1. Shield. To assemble these products, shields up to 4 cm thick are used. The frame is assembled from solid wood elements glued together. Some manufacturers supplement such entrance doors with an aluminum frame, which not only retains heat, but also extends the life of the product.

  2. Paneled. In terms of design, they are similar to shield ones. They weigh an order of magnitude less, which facilitates transportation and installation.

  3. Whole. This option is now the most common. For manufacturing take a solid array of wood.

What materials are wooden doors made from?

  1. Oak. This is a high-strength and durable breed that can last for several decades. An interesting feature is that oak hardens over time, which makes the canvas even more stable. The result is the most expensive entrance doors to the apartment.

  2. Ash. By analogy with oak, a durable and practical material. A popular option due to the variety of colors.
  3. Beech. It is better to install such a door to an apartment in a multi-storey building. Beech does not tolerate moisture, so it is not used for country houses.
  4. Pine. The key advantage is the affordable price. Pine is a soft material, so canvases from it are made purely for apartments.

Wooden doors to the apartment are preferred by those customers who prefer environmental friendliness and natural appearance.

Entrance door to the apartment with a mirror

This species is gradually gaining popularity. Many customers prefer just such entrance doors to the apartment, explaining the choice by the small size of the hallway. Now the mirror can be mounted in both wooden and metal products.

The front door with a mirror looks organically in any interior, often acting as a key element of decor. The design is interesting for its decorative effect, but it can also perform other functions:

  1. Practicality. Leaving the apartment, you can always look in the mirror, evaluating your appearance. Of course, for this you need to correctly place the light sources so that the light falls on the person.
  2. Visually enlarges the space. Light, reflected, creates the illusion of a large corridor.

Important! To ensure the desired effect, it is necessary to carefully choose the shape and size of the mirror to be installed. This will emphasize the style of the apartment and decorate the interior.

The mirrors themselves are practical products. Indeed, in a small hallway, it is sometimes difficult to place a separate large mirror. But the door panels are just the right size.

The width of the entrance door to the apartment

Standard dimensions are defined by GOST standards, regardless of the material of construction. The main parameters are as follows:

  1. Height. The standard parameter is in the range from 2070 mm to 2370 mm. To determine a specific value, the total height of the ceiling and the width of the door leaf are taken into account.
  2. Width. The minimum parameter is 910 mm. For single leaf - 1010 mm, one and a half - 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm, double - 1910 and 1950 mm.
  3. Thickness. There are no strict regulations regarding this value, since it all depends on the material of the canvas for the apartment. The thickness should be enough for the front door to perform its main functions.

Important! For entrance structures, the standard size is larger than for interior ones. They do this so that a person carrying a load can freely pass through the opening.

How to choose entrance metal doors for an apartment

The most common metal structures. Most often, a steel door to an apartment is chosen, which provides adequate protection for housing. There are both global and domestic manufacturers on the market, producing products of different styles and sizes.

Metal has long been used to make entrance doors to an apartment. This is the most durable material that provides protection against burglary. For this reason, it is popular for both residential and industrial premises. When choosing an iron door to an apartment, you should pay attention to the base material. For the manufacture of products using the following metals:

  1. Aluminum. Such products are different in texture and shades. Aluminum is a metal that is easy to process, so making entrance doors from it is somewhat easier.
  2. Steel. This metal is more reliable and durable. In addition to the main function, such entrance canvases are equipped with noise and heat insulation. At a price they are more expensive than aluminum counterparts, but the quality is better.

When choosing a product for an apartment, pay attention to the thickness of the base layer - the more, the better the design will protect the home. Only two materials are used as the basis, but the products differ from each other due to the decorative layer. As a decor used:

  1. PVC panels. Caring for such a coating is quite simple.
  2. MDF. In addition to environmental friendliness, this material provides good sound insulation. The most preferred option for office space.
  3. Powder coated. Budget exterior.
  4. Panels made from natural wood. Expensive, but environmentally friendly and visually appealing option.

To increase the mechanical characteristics of the entrance door to the apartment, manufacturers equip products with stiffeners. These elements provide protection against deformation and increase burglary resistance. The more stiffeners, the more stable the structure will be. It should be understood that due to the increase in the number of these elements, the weight increases, which means that the hinges will experience increased loads and will fail faster.

What color to choose the front door to the apartment

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the general style of housing design, the color of the floor material, walls, and basic furniture. The right tips to help you choose the color of the front door to the apartment:

  1. The best solution is to choose a neutral shade that will go with nothing. White, black, gray or beige options look good.
  2. It is optimal if the color of the canvas matches the shade of the window frames.
  3. Doors decorated with drawings, stained-glass windows or stickers look good. The bias is made on design, so compatibility is relegated to the background.

Important! These tips are suitable for choosing the entrance canvas to the apartment, as well as for interior partitions.

Rating of entrance metal apartment doors

The most popular designs of the following brands:

  1. Outpost. This manufacturer produces products at a reasonable price. The company is originally from Russia, but production is organized in China, which made it possible to optimize costs. The manufacturing process is controlled, so the products are of good quality, unchanged technical parameters and appearance.
  2. Torex. The company has been producing entrance doors to apartments for over 25 years. Thanks to solid practical experience, the fabrics produced have good consumer properties, without overpayment. The range includes fire protection options.
  3. Elbor. The year the enterprise began its activity is 1976. Not so long ago, a comprehensive modernization of the company was carried out, which made it possible to increase production capacities.
  4. Guardian. A distinctive feature of the products of this company is the high price, but consumer properties correspond to the premium class. For the manufacture of entrance doors to the apartment, strict international and domestic standards are taken into account.
  5. Became. This is a group of companies that produces entrance canvases for individual orders. A feature of the products is additional concreting, thanks to which the box is attached many times more reliably, while maintaining tightness.

This is not a complete list of companies manufacturing entrance doors for apartments.

Where should the front door to the apartment open?

In this matter, there is a main requirement - in the event of an emergency, the structure should not create obstacles for the evacuation of people. If we consider the practical side, then take into account several points:

  • when opening inward, you will have to stop in front of the door and step back to open it;
  • the canvas that opens outwards is characterized by burglary resistance, since it is much more difficult to knock it out;
  • if the product opens inward, it will not be possible to put an additional door, which will not only keep the heat in the apartment, but also reduce the noise level;
  • if the room has a small entrance hall, it is better to choose the option of opening to the outside.

In the case of apartment buildings, the following points are also taken into account:

  • when plowing outside, the canvas should not interfere with the opening of the neighbor's doors;
  • if the apartments open to a common vestibule, then the vestibule door is opened outward, and the entrance door is opened inward;
  • if during the opening the door touches something, for example, a counter, then it is supplemented with an opening limiter.

For the most part, where the canvas will open is the decision of the owner of the apartment.


Choosing an entrance door to an apartment is not a problem, as there are many proposals: these are metal, wooden products or structures with mirrors. The main thing is that the door provides adequate protection for the apartment and at the same time matches the interior of the room. You can take into account the rating of the entrance metal doors to the apartment, but it is equally important to properly install the canvas.

Metal doors are used to equip apartments, houses. Such products have high strength, wear resistance, are not susceptible to moisture and retain heat well.

When choosing models, pay attention to the security system and technical reliability.

How to choose a metal door

  • The basis of a metal door is made of aluminum or steel. Steel structures are more durable, provide high-quality noise and heat insulation.

Aluminum sheets are lightweight, so they are easy to install. This material allows you to realize many options for finishing.

  • Pay attention to the way the door opens. It is better to choose designs that open on both the left and right sides. External or internal doors to choose - depends on taste preferences.
  • Consider the technical characteristics of the model, because it will be constantly under mechanical and thermal influence. To keep the look longer, opt for powder coating or oak paneling.
  • The level of noise and heat insulation are important criteria. As a rule, a metal door is insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, corrugated cardboard.

Mineral wool is best suited for internal filling of the product, it is an environmentally friendly material with high thermal insulation properties. Other materials are cheaper, but can crumble quickly.

  • The door must have a reliable system of protection against intrusion. Locks of 1-4 classes of burglary resistance are built into metal structures that are used for domestic purposes.

By type, locks are divided into lever locks with increased secrecy and cylinder locks, which are subject to recoding in case of loss of keys. As a rule, modern models are equipped with these two locks.

  • Pay attention to the quality of accessories. It includes door hinges, handles, chains, eyes, and other decorating elements. The aesthetics and beauty of these details also testify to the reliability of accessories.

  • Notice the door hinges. Do not buy products that are equipped with less than three hinges. Consider the opening angle of the structure: 90, 120, 180 degrees. The higher this figure, the better.
  • It is better if the model is made from a single-curved profile.
  • When choosing a door, specify the thickness of the door leaf. The minimum figure is 40 mm, but the structure will not be protected.

The thicker the canvas, the more reliable the protection and the higher the thermal insulation characteristics. In severe winters and constant frost, the best option would be a thickness of 80-90 mm.

  • Pay attention to the thickness of the sheet, the optimal indicator is 2-3 mm. Do not purchase products with a steel thickness of less than 0.5 mm, such designs are prone to dents and have a short service life.

The thickness of the door frame must be twice as large to withstand the fastening of the fittings.

  • The most vulnerable places of the door leaf must be sealed with stiffeners. This improves the performance of the product, reduces the risk of deformation.
  • Pay attention to whether the product is equipped with an armor plate, this is a mandatory component of the kit.
  • Choose models with ball hinges and anti-cuts that are attached from the side of the hinges.
  • The tightness of the structure is ensured by a double-circuit seal, which protects against the ingress of foreign odors, drafts and retains heat well.
  • The diameter of the locking bolts must be at least 16-18 mm.

    • The design and decoration of the door depends on your preferences. A popular finish option is plastic panels, which are durable and impact resistant.

With the help of polymer coloring, the structure acquires a new color and protective characteristics. Lacquering is a type of coating with a high level of resistance. Wood trim is the most environmentally friendly and effective way to decorate.

  • When choosing a color, be guided by your taste, but keep in mind that dark canvases will retain their presentation longer.
  • It is desirable that all fittings are made by one manufacturer.
  • The presence of a manganese plate will prevent the door from being drilled.

The best metal door with a thermal break

NORTH used in severe winters, withstands temperatures down to -39 degrees, vulnerable spots are reliably sealed with contours. The thickness of the canvas is 80 mm. The design is reliable, as it is equipped with 10 locking points.

The average weight of the model is 100 kg. Stylish design and beautiful appearance are ensured by polymer-powder painting of the model. The door is simple to install, easy to maintain, wear-resistant and durable when used correctly.


  • weight - 100 kg;
  • dimensions - 860 by 2050 (960 by 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuits;
  • 10 locking points;
  • web thickness - 80 mm;
  • polymer powder coating.


  • the design does not freeze, no ice;
  • reliable protection system against penetration;
  • multilayer insulation system;
  • functionality;
  • thermal resistance;
  • wear resistance and durability;
  • average weight, transportability;
  • high-quality accessories, reliable fastenings;
  • easy installation and maintenance of the door.


  • high price.

The best metal door with a thick canvas

canvas Trio Metal, insulated with mineral wool, thickness - 80 mm. The model is sealed with three contours in places that wear out quickly. Loops on bearings provide opening of a door on 180 degrees, the peephole is responsible for a wide review.

Included with the design are 2 locks and a night valve. For interior decoration, a moisture-resistant PVC coating in bleached oak color is used. A product with reliable protection against burglary, high heat and sound insulation.


  • web thickness - 80 mm;
  • dimensions - 2050 by 880 (980) mm;
  • the canvas is filled with mineral wool;
  • three sealing contours;
  • finishing with MDF panel;
  • door with a special powder coating;
  • fittings (2 locks, night valve, hinges, peephole, handle).


  • resistance to mechanical damage and atmospheric influences;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • convenient equipment, reliable fittings;
  • Stylish and high quality interior and exterior finishes.


  • heavy and bulky item.

The best Belarusian metal door

Design Veldoors Chocolate available in two sizes. The door opens from two sides. Beautiful design and quality finish with PVC. The simplicity of geometric shapes and dark chocolate color give the design elegance and a special charm.


  • dimensions - 860 by 2060 (960 by 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuits;
  • filler - ISOVER mineral wool;
  • cover - structured MDF panel;
  • fittings (2 hinges with bearings, 2 locks, night latch, anti-removable pins).


  • possibility of opening from the right and left side;
  • environmentally friendly insulation;
  • external and internal finishing MDF;
  • sealing vulnerable areas of the metal sheet;
  • the main lock is protected by an armor plate;
  • stylish design;
  • quality headset.


  • difficulty in care;
  • accumulation of dust.

The best metal soundproof door

Design LEGANZA FORTE ideally combines aesthetic appearance and high quality: sound insulation, insulation. Adjustable hinges prevent the door leaf from sagging. Anti-burglary product, powder-coated exterior.


  • modular layout;
  • web thickness - 60 mm;
  • 5 stiffeners;
  • double porch;
  • weight - 85-115 kg;
  • the maximum opening size is 1020 by 2300 mm;
  • fittings (hinges, locks).


  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • locks with recoding;
  • built-in protection against the most popular hacking methods;
  • high sound and heat insulation;
  • equipped with adjustable loops that prevent sagging of the canvas;
  • comfortable and practical design.


  • large door;
  • low portability.

The best apartment metal door

Design Akron 1 reliable, wear-resistant, durable. The doors are made of 65 mm thick metal sheet, providing good sound insulation. In vulnerable places they are sealed with special contours.

Reliable protection is provided by fittings: hinges, locks, anti-removable pins. The door has the main lock Guardian 10.11 with the second class of burglar resistance.

Mineral wool is used as a filler, the material is environmentally friendly, safe for health.


  • web thickness - 65 mm;
  • filler - mineral wool;
  • 2 sealing circuits;
  • reinforcement of the canvas in unreliable places;
  • fittings (locks, anti-removable pins, hinges).


  • burglary resistance;
  • dense canvas provides excellent sound insulation;
  • reliable fastening of accessories;
  • strength and wear resistance;
  • durability subject to the rules of operation;
  • high sound insulation.


  • hard to transport.

The best metal door with MDF finish

Design Professional door-MD10 weighty and large in size, suitable for decorating the entrance and front doors of the apartment. Thanks to the built-in stiffening ribs, the elastic metal sheet acquires reliability and durability.

The door is equipped with a reliable security system, there are lower and upper locks, a peephole. Noise and heat insulation of the model at the highest level, this design will bring comfort and coziness to the house. MDF finish is used to create a natural effect.


  • dimensions - 200 by 80 cm;
  • weight - 70 kg;
  • 2 pyramidal stiffeners;
  • MDF finish;
  • reinforcement with a profile pipe;
  • noise insulation of the door porch;
  • fittings (two locks, peephole).


  • the design is protected from foreign penetration;
  • high-quality insulation of the model;
  • high sound insulation;
  • stiffening ribs provide wear resistance and reliability of the structure;
  • MDF finish brings the model closer to natural design.


  • hefty construction.

The best metal door for a private house

Wear resistant Arma Standard-1 tight design with two sealing circuits. For the manufacture of the door, a bent metal profile with stiffeners is used. The product is equipped with a cylinder and lever lock, a peephole, chrome-colored fittings.

Reliable protection against breaking is provided by anti-removable pins. The metal door is powder coated, resists corrosion and mechanical damage. Although the design is heavy, it opens easily and without excessive sound effects.


  • canvas dimensions - 880 x 2050 mm;
  • thickness - 80 mm;
  • filler - mineral cloth "URSA GEO";
  • MDF finish;
  • external powder copper coating;
  • fittings (sealing contours, hinges, pins, night valve).


  • large thickness of the metal sheet;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • high-quality filler, high-quality insulation;
  • reliable protection against hacking;
  • possibility of opening from both sides;
  • beautiful appearance, stylish design;
  • convenient set.


  • heavy construction.

The best metal door for technical rooms

2DP-1S are installed in buildings and places of public use, are made of high-quality and wear-resistant materials.

The door is designed with the latest technology, equipped with reliable protection against burglary and fire resistance. There are two types of seals used. Stylish design and beautiful powder coated finish.


  • dimensions - 1400 by 1000 (2350 by 1750) mm;
  • exterior finish with powder-polymer coating;
  • two contours of a rubber sealant, a thermoexpanding sealant;
  • execution of the box (with and without a threshold, in an overlay or in an opening);
  • equipping with fire-fighting mechanisms;
  • accessories (crossbars, locks).


  • high technical safety;
  • several design options;
  • high-quality exterior finish, beautiful design;
  • reliable insulation;
  • supply of fire safety system.


  • rather heavy construction;
  • difficulties in transportation.

best bi-fold metal door

DZ-98 Designed for wide doorways. The weight is approximately equally distributed on both parts of the door leaf, so the load on the hinges is significantly reduced.

The construction is strong, wear-resistant and durable. Among the fittings are two locks, a peephole with a 180-degree view.


  • type - ceremonial double-leaf;
  • dimensions - 2000 by 800 mm;
  • finishing (powder coating);
  • equipped with top and bottom lock;
  • number of loops (2);
  • insulated with mineral wool;
  • Equipped with a 180 degree eye.


  • uniform load distribution;
  • reliable protection against penetration;
  • wear resistance, durability;
  • stylish design and good finish;
  • the structure is insulated;
  • convenient set.


  • suitable only for large openings.

The best metal door with internal opening

DS-7 Designed for installation in offices and residential areas. The design is made of a one-piece bent door leaf (two metal sheets, 4 stiffeners). The product is equipped with locks of 3 and 4 classes of burglar resistance.

Wear-resistant design with two sealing circuits, insulated with environmentally friendly mineral wool. Stylish design, wide choice for decorative finishes. High-quality fittings will give reliable protection, comfort and coziness.


  • 4 stiffeners;
  • dimensions - 2000 by 880 (2100-980) mm;
  • two contour seals;
  • the structure is insulated with mineral wool;
  • fittings (hinges, peephole, lining, handle).


  • a wide range of decorative finishes;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high-quality fittings;
  • insulation with mineral wool;
  • 5 available sizes;
  • the design is wear-resistant and durable;
  • burglary protection (class 3 and 4);
  • durability and reliability.


  • there are no anti-removable fasteners.

Which metal door is better to buy

Let's compare the main technical characteristics of the models to find out which ones are best suited for equipping an apartment or house.

  • The thickness of the metal sheet must be at least 2-3 mm; the designs presented in this rating correspond to the indicator.
  • Let's pay attention to the thickness of the web, there are models with high (80-90 mm) and medium (60-70 mm) parameters. Sealing contours and stiffening ribs are used to support the shape of the metal sheet.

Among the best doors are Sever, Trio Metal.

  • An important criterion is the level of heat and sound insulation, which depends on the thickness of the door leaf and the insulation used. All structures from the rating are insulated with environmentally friendly mineral wool.

The anti-corrosion model LEGANZA FORTE has excellent sound insulation.

  • We pay attention to the quality of the fittings: locks, hinges, door handles. Buy models Akron 1, Arma Standard-1, they are equipped with the necessary accessories.
  • It depends on the security system how the design is protected from hacking. Products with high-quality protection - LEGANZA FORTE, North, Professional door-MD10.
  • The finishes of the products are varied, powder-coated (LEGANZA FORTE) and MDF (Trio Metal) models are presented.

All models have a stylish design, the most original is Veldoors Chocolate.

So, among the best models are Sever, Trio Metal, Veldoors Chocolate, LEGANZA FORTE. These are products with high wear resistance of the metal sheet, good sealing and insulation, reliable protection system and good external finish.