Indian horoscope - Vedic astrology, jyotish online. Mars (Mangala) in Vedic Astrology Mars in Aquarius 3rd house

In the natal chart, Mars is located in the third house , indicates a certain propensity for intellectual work or travel-related work. Often people with this position of Mars are very talkative, characterized by quick speech and a quick reaction to any changes. Such people, like everyone else with a pronounced Mars, have a certain imprudence and haste in action.

The 3rd house is the house of the inner circle and the inner circle of communication. Accordingly, Mars located in this house will contribute to more active connections and contacts in the inner circle of communication. However, all this will have a certain Martian coloring. Those. there will be a certain tendency towards rivalry, but it can most often be translated into a constructive direction, there will also be conflicts and disputes in the inner circle provoked by the owner of such Mars. Also, such people tend to use their inner circle for selfish purposes, forcing them to work for their own benefit, most often imperceptibly, but sometimes explicitly.

In general, people with this Mars are also purposeful, but to a lesser extent than people with Mars in the 1st and 2nd houses. Here the activity shifts more to people than to deeds. Also, people with such Mars have problems with endurance and endurance. Those. a good start, but the fuse quickly resembles.

Sometimes in people with Mars in the 3rd house, you can observe some kind of internal struggle. As if there is a struggle between animal instincts and higher ideals. Victory in such a struggle depends on the "spiritual level" of the individual. In general, it is better to refrain from indulging animal instincts in this area. Then life will proceed with fewer troubles and it will be possible to find good support in your inner circle of friends.

Mars in the third house endows its owner with a love of speed. Of course, this is not as noticeable as in people with Mars in the 4th and 5th houses, it is also observed. This love of speed can lead to crashes, accidents and consequential injury. Therefore, such people should be careful about the craving for speed and speed. Especially p ri afflicted Mars. Also, an afflicted Mars in this house may indicate injuries associated with travel or public transport.

Aspects of Mars in the third house with other planets.

Mars conjunct in third house The sun enhances ardor, irascibility, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, haste, recklessness . A person with such Mars has an increased will, but often this strengthening is aimed at making his inner circle (family, friends and close relatives) act in their own interests. If this fails, then the person strives with all his might to leave the last word for himself. In general, most of his initiatives regarding the near environment can be good, you just need to learn how to act softer, smooth out the negative manifestations of Mars. With a good study of this aspect, you can show your leadership qualities well. And inspire everyone with your example.

with the moon looks like awakening animal instincts and violent passions . Also, such a person reacts very violently to events in his inner circle. Also, such an aspect may indicate health problems of loved ones with an affected Mars, and it is even possible that a person with such Mars himself has brought such a state to such a state by his behavior. In a word, you need to learn to control yourself, and use emotions as fuel for accomplishments. In this case, to build relationships with the inner circle and gain authority.

Mars conjunct in third house with Mercury can give ease of communication . Such a person has a plethora of ideas, both good and bad . Sometimes this manifests itself as some kind of aggression in a conversation, the desire to prove one's case or to reserve the last word. This is especially evident in your close circle or in the family. In a foreign society is more restrained. For elaboration, I recommend not to give free rein to words, but to try to speak only to the point, to try to put more meaning into each word.

Mars conjunct in third house with Venus can often appear as craving for communication with the opposite sex . Gives women a certain charm extravagance, charm, attractiveness . For such people, it is important to be in the spotlight and be trendsetters in their inner circle. To work it out, it may be worth considering whether it is necessary to draw attention to your person in this way. Perhaps such a desire is dictated only by complexes? I recommend to look back at yourself more often, and do everything for yourself, and only then in order to impress.

People with Mars conjunct in the third house with Jupiter often seen optimism and enthusiasm especially when they are in their own company. intensifies spiritual and physical strength it seems that they are like a fountain of energy and activity. Joyfulness, cheerfulness, courage, love of study and travel it all characterizes such people. To work out, you need to understand that Jupiter can multiply not only positive, but also negative/destructive. So, do not indulge those traits of your character that cannot give you anything in terms of creation, in terms of building normal relationships and friendly communication. Develop only what will be useful to you in the future. Develop those connections that will benefit you in the future. And discard the useless.

Mars aspects in 3rd house with planets.

Mars conjunct in third house with Saturn often appears as internal restlessness, a tendency to sarcasm and excessive criticism in communication. Gives craving for disputes and conflicts , but at the same time gives mobilization of forces and energy for the implementation of the plan at the same time, it looks like a person is acting as if in spite of circumstances. This feature increases the likelihood accident, blackmail, intrigue, slander, betrayal . To work out, you need to pay attention to 2 points. 1st - do not seek to subordinate everything to your will, do not look for conflicts and do not seek to push through your opinion and achieve what you want with your will, i.e. - you can strive, but you need to do it carefully without making enemies. 2nd moment - Enemies in the close environment are especially dangerous. Don't turn them on and don't let them get close, move away from them is the most effective way to fight.

Mars conjunct in third house with Uranus often manifests itself in the form of eccentricity and individual. Brings a certain courage and determination to the character, as well as cavalierity . These features greatly increase the likelihood accidents, accidents and catastrophes . They can also denote blackmail, intrigue, loss of authority and reputation, especially in close circles. It is unlikely that it will be possible to fully work out this aspect, but it is quite possible to weaken it through self-control.

Mars conjunct in third house with Neptune gives the individual strong ambition, selfishness, cunning and unhealthy imagination. H inconsistency in feelings and friendship. In such people, one can often notice either a certain tension in relations with close relatives, neighbors, colleagues or they tend to have illusions about their immediate environment. Also stands for intrigue, slander and the possibility of betrayal but in your life. Strive for a sober mind.

Mars conjunct in third house with Pluto gives tremendous strength y. Such people have a big attraction to the opposite sex and increased sexual potential. This aspect symbolizes the presence fatal events and in a person's life. And also the danger during trips, hikes etc. This is an aspect of human transformation, whether he wants it or not, but he will change. It is better to succumb to these changes than to resist.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with the Sun in the natal chart manifests itself as generosity, nobility, honesty and ambition. Such an individual has organizational talent. Such a person has a lot of ambitions and he loves to bring them to life. They also like to be the center of attention. The main thing is not to catch star disease.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with the Moon. Such an individual always has a cheerful spirit, and this aspect also manifests itself in the form courage and, emotional forces s and vigor. Often such an individual is characterized goodwill in relations with the outside world . A chic aspect, the main thing is not to get carried away and keep a sober mind, because you can waste yourself on trifles and there will be no time for more important things.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Mercury in the natal chart gives a person resourcefulness, wit, prudence, quick thinking and great speed in the execution of decisions. It is important to remember that it does not always make sense to rush, sometimes it makes sense to let the idea mature, then missed opportunities may open up.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Venus. This combination gives the opportunity to live, work and act according to one's own will and discretion. But we should not forget that freedom is a conscious necessity. Sometimes it makes sense to give up your own for the common and get a tangible result. In general, the aspect of creativity and self-realization in a circle of like-minded people.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Jupiter. This combination fills optimism, gives great enthusiasm in everything, but also does not exclude forethought and diplomacy. With the development of this aspect, it will result in the ability to keep in touch with the right people. Also, this aspect allows you to charge your inner circle with activity and different ideas. However, remember that you do not need to get carried away, keep a sober head and do not indulge in baseless dreams. Be realistic.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Saturn gives the individual the ability to inspire his will, views and beliefs to others, as well as certain spiritual and intellectual abilities. Moreover, such a person is able to establish and maintain the necessary connections. Such a person will go through trials after a slave until he learns the correct manifestation of Saturn and Mars in life. Do not abuse your abilities, retribution is not far off.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Uranus provides the individual with special spiritual and intellectual my abilities. Gives resourcefulness, wit, and seduces the implementation of the most daring ideas and risky ventures. Can give success in scientific activity and. Not all that glitters is gold, don't be fooled by beautiful "toys". However, this advice is rather useless and such a person will not listen to him.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Neptune gives extraordinary imaginative thinking, an abundance of ideas, encyclopedic knowledge. However, this aspect fills a person with illusions. A person often chases after a dream, not realizing that this dream is just an unattainable image or a deception.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Pluto- high intelligence, versatility of knowledge, resourcefulness, wit, ingenuity, oratorical gift, eloquence, inventive spirit; innovation abilities.

Mars square in 3rd house Ascendant often manifests itself in the form of frivolity weatheredness and a tendency to an easy lifestyle. Learn to manifest Mars to your personal benefit. And don't bully your loved ones!

Mars opposition in 3rd house with the sun often appears as impulsiveness, aggressiveness, haste and propensity for risky ventures. When you strive to do what your heart wants, all activity seems to disappear. But at the same time, you are full of activity in an effort to organize everything around you, but only your goals and beliefs of this activity almost do not fall. Make a choice, decide what is important to you and follow that choice.

Mars square in 3rd house with Sun also manifests itself in the form of impulsivity, aggressiveness, haste, etc. Often you curse yourself for not directing your activity where your heart and soul want. Sometimes this aspect brings conflicts at work and with business partners.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with the moon provides the individual unhealthy fantasy and morbid imagination m. At the same time, you often act contrary to your feelings and your loved ones may suffer from this. It can also testify to some kind of spiritual throwing, between "righteousness" and "selfishness".

For Mars square in 3rd house with Moon characterized by great emotionality. Beware of taking out your emotions on loved ones. Over time, you can learn a truly philosophical calmness.

For Mars opposition in 3rd house with Mercury the individual has the danger of implementing erroneous ideas and plans. Harm from rumors and gossip, as well as indulgence defamatory connection pits. I advise you to decide on life guidelines, which is important to you. Do not get carried away by intrigues in the inner circle and do not allow yourself to become a victim of intrigues.

Mars square in 3rd house with Mercury can manifest itself as a kind of streak of failure in family life. Your mind haunts, palming off all the new tasks that you seek to implement. Stop and consider whether it will benefit you and your loved ones.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Venus often manifests itself as a tossing between sensual pleasures and duty towards relatives and friends. You already decide on priorities. These are two extremes, but you need to learn inside yourself to make the same choice every time and defend it in your life. Then this aspect will be worked out.

Mars square in 3rd house with Venus appears as all kinds of intemperance, indulgence of addictions addicted, intemperance in relations with the opposite sex with all the ensuing adverse consequences.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Jupiter appears in the natal chart as injustice, intrigue, blackmail, squabbles, and the likelihood of suffering from denunciations and intrigue. It can often appear as loss of prestige and honor. Sometimes such a person achieves his dishonest way. Decide whether the game is worth the candle?

For Mars square in 3rd house with Jupiter in general, the same is characteristic as for the opposition, but only. Here it is not a choice, but the fact that often your activity does not bring the fruits that you expect. And your loved ones often suffer from this. Beware of the machinations of ill-wishers.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Saturn manifests itself as internal anxiety, craving for disputes, and conflicts with loved ones. Sometimes a person's principles can bring a lot of grief in the family, but sometimes following them can bring results in the long run. But at the same time, you can’t relax, you need to actively plow in the direction you have chosen.

For Mars square in 3rd house with Saturn it is characteristic that you will act as a tyrant or suffer from tyranny yourself. Learn to be calm and don't get fooled by it all. Follow your goals and your tasks calmly and with self-respect.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Uranus gives rudeness, arrogance, arrogance, ruthlessness, as well as frivolity and windiness. Such a person often has craving for disputes and conflicts, especially with close relatives. About the danger of an accident, as a result imprudence.

For square Mars in 3rd housewith Uranus the same thing, but in a more rigid form.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Neptune gives the individual inconstancy in feelings, unhealthy imagination, mood instability. Such a person has strained relationships with close relatives, neighbors and work colleagues, but most often the pretexts are far-fetched.

For Square Mars in 3rd housewith Neptune characteristic is the same as for the opposition, but betrayal and intrigues with close relatives, neighbors or work colleagues. At the same time, sometimes these intrigues could be only in the imagination of such a person, but in reality it is absent. It is difficult to distinguish real conflicts from imaginary ones.

Historical figures with Mars in 3rd house

Francis I, Henry II, Henry IV, Charles X, Niccolò Paganini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Oscar Wilde, Walter Horn Old (Sepharial), Jean Morinus, Alexei Losev, H. P. Blavatsky, Jean Morinus.

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Mars in I field
Mars in the first field of the horoscope can be both constructive and destructive, as it shows in this field the full range of its specificity, both positive and negative: will, great energy, courage, courage, masculinity, aggressiveness, and penetrating power. Here Mars gives strong ambition and lust for power.
People with Mars in the I field boldly take on any business and projects, they are attracted by any goal, near or far, their main goal is to be “in business”. They are very purposeful and are not afraid of any barriers and obstacles, to overcome them they use any means, both permitted and unlawful. Their motto is: “The end justifies the means.” They are self-confident to the limit, arrogant, very decisive and convinced of the correctness of their decisions or actions.
Their industriousness and efficiency are amazing, they do not like delays and stops, they are able to work to exhaustion in order to complete the work they have started as soon as possible. Mars in the 1st field in general greatly intensifies the life of its charges, does not give them a moment's rest. They are enterprising, they have good organizational talent and leadership abilities, but they are very independent and strive for personal and spiritual freedom. It is difficult, even impossible for them to be under the power of another person. Other people's orders cause internal resistance and resistance in them, as they always doubt the correctness and expediency of these instructions.
These people go into battle with an open visor, but they are too frank and straightforward, they always say what they think, fearing no one and nothing. These are inborn leaders, leaders, ringleaders, monarchs and dictators, despots and tyrants. Their spontaneous volitional impulses are never controllable. On the one hand, they are obvious adventurers, lovers of thrills, risky and dangerous events, but on the other hand, they are lawyers for whom law and justice are put in the first place. Any rebuff or attack they take place in accordance with their code of honor. Be that as it may, always, in their opinion, justice should win. They are very demanding both to themselves and to others and do not give concessions to anyone.
Considering the influence of the configuration of Mars in the first field with other planets and elements of the horoscope, one should always consider the nature of the signs of the Zodiac in which both planets are located.
In positive signs, Mars gives great abilities in everything, in negative signs, Mars warns of possible misfortunes and suffering.
In the signs of Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and partly in Pisces, a full range of Martian manifestations is manifested. In the signs of Taurus and Virgo, the Martian qualities are reduced or suppressed, and in the signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius they are sublimated.
Also, a lot depends on the configuration of Mars with several planets. For example, any aspect connection with the Sun increases energy and willpower, and with Saturn it neutralizes or completely destroys the influence of Mars, depending on which planet in the configuration is stronger.
The negative aspects of Mars in the I field reveal such character traits as haste, recklessness, irritability, irritability, outbursts of anger, which, however, are quickly forgotten. Ideas are often not thought through to the end, and things are not brought to completion. There is also a great danger of injuries, cuts, burns, bruises, accidents.
Applique conjunction with the Sun, while simultaneously damaging the Moon by Saturn, portends premature death.
Applique conjunction with the Ascendant warns of the danger of injury or accident, especially when such a configuration is repeated by transit Mars.
At night birth - success as a military leader; in case of damage - an accident due to impulsiveness, indiscretion, recklessness, often - violence, coercion, orphanhood, short life; the individual's father is at risk of blindness or sudden premature death.
Now consider the influence of Mars in the first field of the horoscope, which has a constellation in different signs of the Zodiac.

In the sign of Aries
Average height, well-built figure, strong bones, broad shoulders and chest, the upper part of the figure is more powerful than the lower. The face is oval, dark in color, eyes are gray or brown, hair is dark.
Temperament choleric, lively, active, dynamic. Physical strength, great energy, courage, bravery, courage, audacity, impulsiveness, passion. On the one hand - nobility and generosity, on the other - aggressiveness and a tendency to violence. Obstacles are overcome with great pressure and perseverance. A clear lack of patience, but increased purposefulness, penetrating power.
Head and face injuries, inflammatory processes and fevers, injuries are possible.

In the sign of Taurus
Medium height, full figure, portly; the face is round or wide, the eyes are gray-green or blue, the hair color is brown hair, possibly dark. Wide mouth, nose and nostrils.
Characteristic features are selfishness, self-will, self-will, stubbornness to the point of obstinacy, pride, quarrelsomeness, lust for power, a strong craving for the opposite sex, gourmandism, voluptuousness. Love for art, love for beauty, cleanliness.
Weak places of the body - pharynx, throat, larynx, oral cavity.

In the sign of Gemini
Growth to high. Slender, graceful figure. Strong bones, long limbs. The eyes are gray-green or dark, the hair is blond or chestnut, the skin is pink.
The character is very ambitious, the mind is mobile, resourcefulness, wit, ingenuity. Haste in decisions, recklessness in business. Strong urge to move. Many changes in fate, both good and bad.
Weaknesses of the body - respiratory organs, upper limbs, nervous system. Beware of psychic explosions.

In the sign of Cancer
Growth to medium. The physique is often not quite proportional, often with some defects. The face is large and pale. The eyes are dark, the hair color is brown or chestnut. The upper body is more developed than the lower. Women often have large, lush breasts.
Increased attraction to the opposite sex and sensuality. A penchant for the sciences, especially the humanities and the occult. When damaged - often an immoral lifestyle.

In the sign of Leo
Growth to high. Strong, often athletic figure with strong bones. Broad shoulders and chest. The face is small, often round, pink. The eyes are gray-green or blue, the hair is blond or chestnut. Long, beautiful legs. Firm gait.
The character is noble, generous, proud, passionate, ardent, hot, but very quick-tempered. A person who loves movement, travel, fun companies, a bohemian lifestyle, public spectacles.
The weak points of the body are the heart and cardiovascular system, the diaphragm.

In the sign of Virgo
Growth to medium. The figure is slender, proportionately folded. The face is round or oval, often pink. Grey-green eyes, brown or brown hair.
The character is very irritable, quick resentment, irascibility, vindictiveness, often greed, greed.
The weak points of the body are the intestinal tract and the solar plexus.

In the sign of Libra
Growth to high. The figure is slender, proportionately folded. Beautiful appearance. Oval face, blue eyes, blond or brown hair.
The character is ambitious, friendly, sociable. More attention is paid to the appearance of people than to the inner content. In general, a person is calm, harmless, but very superficial, with a tendency to boastfulness and flattery.

In the sign of Scorpio
Growth to medium. The figure is strongly built, portly. The upper body is more developed than the lower. Short neck, broad face. Brown large and often bulging eyes, a penetrating gaze. Dark chestnut hair.
The character is ambitious, power-hungry, passionate, quick-tempered, vengeful, cunning, selfish, cruel.
Weak places of the body - the groin area, genitals, endocrine system.

In the sign of Sagittarius
Growth to high. Slender, proportionally folded figure. Open face, small grey-green or blue eyes, blond or brown hair. The character is choleric-sanguine, bold, passionate, ardent, noble, generous, benevolent, merciful, always ready to help.
The weak points of the body are the hips and femoral joints, ligaments and tendons.

In the sign of Capricorn
Growth to medium. The figure is thin, disproportionately built, sometimes with defects. The face is small, narrow, grey, pale, sometimes reddish. The eyes are small, brown. Hair is brown or dark brown.
The character is very selfish, courageous, decisive, enterprising, cunning. The goal is achieved by any means.
The weak points of the body are the knees and knee joints. Metabolic diseases.

In the sign of Aquarius
Growth to high. The figure is slender, strong, athletic build. Beautiful appearance. The eyes are small, penetrating look, hair is blond.
The character is ardent, hot, but capable of self-control. Often lofty aspirations. The person is active, enterprising, honest, decent, benevolent.
Weak places of the body - lower leg, ankles, leg calves, nervous system.

In the sign of Pisces
Growth is average. Meaty, well built figure. The eyes are grey-green or blue or watery (often fish eyes). The hair is blond or blond.
The character is carefree, harmless, unstable, fickle. Often uncontrollable, unpredictable.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Ascendant - activity and dynamism in any field of activity, one's "I" is most clearly manifested;
with the Sun - quick, fiery and unrestrained temperament, activity, endurance, strong will, a lot of energy, great physical strength, a penchant for adventure, gives a certain goal in life, the possibility of achieving it, as well as good health and good immunity.
with the Moon - harmful to one's own health or the health of a loved one;
with Mercury - briskness, liveliness, courage, courage, militancy, haste, recklessness;
with Venus - increased sensitivity, impressionability; strong sensuality, increased interest in the opposite sex, sexual activity;
with Jupiter - great ambition, lust for power, intellectual abilities, optimism and enthusiasm, spirituality, innate worldly wisdom; inborn leader; charity;
with Saturn - increased lust for power, aggressiveness, ruthlessness, discrepancy between desires and opportunities; slow labor and social recovery; the possibility of an accident or premature death of a violent nature;
with Uranus - courage, courage, masculinity, craving for risky and dangerous enterprises, excitability, irritability, intolerance, harshness, rudeness, arrogance, ruthlessness, quarrelsomeness, eccentricity, self-will, stubbornness; danger of an accident, explosion, fire, fire, fall, accident;
with Neptune - increased ambition, selfishness, excessive sensitivity, cunning and cunning, anarchic inclinations, scandals, immoral lifestyle; self-deception, delusions, deception of other people, increased interest in the opposite sex, sexual adventures; propensity for scams; danger of an accident on the water, injury by a weapon, poisoning;
with Pluto - a huge destructive energy, strong will; aggressiveness, predisposition to extreme and critical situations, propensity to violence; the possibility of premature death due to an accident or injury from a weapon; vicissitudes of fate, severe injuries.

with the Sun - nobility, generosity, willpower, energy, honesty, decency, conscientiousness, goodwill, activity;
with the Moon - activity, strength, energy, impulsiveness, ardor, courage, enterprise, practicality;
with Mercury - efficiency, enterprise, especially in such areas as medicine, law, science, technology, industry, trade, pedagogy, military affairs;
with Venus - increased sensitivity, susceptibility, impressionability, on the one hand, idealistic love, on the other - carnal passion;
with Jupiter - courage, masculinity, nobility, generosity, justice, generosity, breadth of soul, a sense of justice; the spirit of a missionary, a pioneer, the ability to achieve a high social level; material wealth, recognition, awards;
with Saturn - purposefulness, penetrating power, courage, oratorical gift, ambition, lust for power, organizational talent, the gift of a leader, the talent of a commander, statesman and politician; responsibility; involvement in risky and dangerous enterprises and adventures;
with Uranus - strong will and energy, intellectual activity, the gift of an inventor; phenomenal abilities, predisposition to spiritual pursuits, to science, technology; craving for everything secret and secret, for the occult sciences, medicine, including folk medicine;
with Neptune - increased susceptibility, impressionability, sensitivity, insight, subtle perception and understanding of the human soul, phenomenal or extrasensory abilities; suggestion ability; a penchant for spiritual pursuits, for the occult, for folk medicine and healing;
with Pluto - great will, powerful energy, endurance, creative spirit; hypersensitivity, subconscious power, psychic and magical power.

with the Sun - aggressiveness, impulsiveness, haste, recklessness, self-will, willfulness, irritability, excitability, hasty and reckless judgments, rash acts and actions, overestimation of one's strengths and capabilities; prone to injury, fever, inflammation.
with the Moon - weakened body defenses, greater sensitivity to colds and infectious diseases;
with Mercury - the desire for disputes, quarrels, scandals, incontinence in words and deeds;
with Venus - whims, whims, whims, hysteria, nymphomania, increased craving for the opposite sex, sexual adventures, often an immoral lifestyle; sudden maternal death or blindness (during daytime birth).
with Jupiter - expansiveness, extremism, lust for power, violent temperament, spontaneous volitional impulses; danger of an accident, injury to the head or face, the possibility of surgery, poisoning;
with Saturn - increased lust for power, aggressiveness, cruelty, ruthlessness; confrontation between desires and possibilities; the possibility of a crime, premature death of a violent nature or attempted suicide; often some kind of physical handicap, injury or chronic illness leading to disability or incapacity for work (according to the sign in which Saturn is located);
with Uranus - self-will, willfulness, stubbornness, irritability, impatience, arrogance, ruthlessness, fanaticism, the spirit of a rebel and a rebel, the possibility of an accident; injuries, disasters;
with Neptune - self-deception, delusion, deception of others; theft, fraud, speculative activity, propensity to gambling are possible; increased attraction to the opposite sex; danger of poisoning or accident on the water;
with Pluto - strong will, boundless energy, destructive aggressiveness, self-destruction, predisposition to extreme critical situations; the possibility of premature death due to an accident or injury from a weapon; fatal blows and vicissitudes of fate.

Historical figures with Mars in I field
Edward VI, Charles VII, Cardinal Richelieu, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Nestor Makhno, P. A. Stolypin, Winston Churchill, Ernst Hemingway, Wernher von Braun, Walter Koch, Dmitry Donskoy, Girolamo Savonarola, Simon Bolivar, Horatio Nelson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Valentina Vaulina, Raisa Vinogradova, Yuri Andropov.

Mars in II field
People with Mars in the II field are endowed with great energy, diligence and efficiency, they are initiative and enterprising. With Mars in this position, you can have a lot of money. Although wealth is unlikely to be accumulated, prosperity is guaranteed, as Mars in this field gives the opportunity for quick and good earnings. In any case, people with such Mars will owe their material support only to themselves, well-being is earned by their own efforts, thanks exclusively to their own work.
On the other hand, the attitude towards material means can be too frivolous, even careless. People with this Mars often lose money through negligence or due to indiscretion, as well as due to excessive generosity and extravagance. Therefore, their mismanagement does not make it possible to accumulate as much money as one would like to have. The happiness of these people lies in the fact that all their crazy spending and losses are quickly replenished, and again thanks to their own efforts.
With a positive aspect with the dominant of the VII field - money through a partner in marriage or business; with the dominant of the VIII field - inheritance.
In case of damage - systematic material losses due to indecision or indiscretion.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - business activity, enterprise, ambitious aspirations related to money and earnings;
with the Moon - the acquisition of money with the help of women, but also the possibility of embezzlement because of them;
with Mercury - the main profit from labor activity;
with Venus - profit or waste due to women;
with Jupiter - kindness, mercy, charity; social activity; organizational gift, administrative abilities; a good indicator for financial transactions, exchange transactions;
with Saturn - willfulness, stubbornness, selfishness, selfishness, unfavorable for financial transactions, stock exchange transactions, investment, any speculative activity; the possibility of financial ruin;
with Uranus - craving for material values ​​​​and their acquisition by any means; sudden, unexpected profits, the same sudden and unexpected losses; unsuccessful financial transactions and exchange operations; judicial property processes;
with Neptune - earnings are dark, unclear, side, unsystematic spending, unsuccessful financial transactions, fraud; financial litigation; the possibility of bankruptcy; often - an immoral lifestyle, fake partners, strong competitors;
with Pluto - self-will, self-will, stubbornness, a tendency to violence, despotism; may indicate a large profit obtained by criminal means; great sensuality, strong craving for the opposite sex; material losses, bankruptcy are possible;

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Ascendant indicates great profit through labor;
with Meridian - profit due to fame and popularity;
with the Sun - profit through initiative and enterprise, often a great financial success;
with Mercury - profit from private enterprise, crafts, commercial activities;
with Venus - profit in cooperation with female representatives;
with Jupiter - business scale, scope; spiritual and material acquisitions; success in business, material abundance, even wealth; love for all earthly pleasures and pleasures;
with Saturn - profit as a result of selfless work or thanks to spiritual studies, scientific work; the main goal of life is material security, security and a calm, happy old age;
with Uranus - resourcefulness, wit, diligence, efficiency, successful financial transactions, speculative activity, commercial activity; profit from discovery, invention;
with Neptune - on the one hand - a tendency to the material world, practicality, on the other - the expansion of the spiritual horizon; profit from spiritual studies, charitable activities, intellectual work; successful financial transactions, exchange operations, investments;
with Pluto - endurance, endurance, determination, penetrating power, self-confidence, determination; mobilization of forces for the conquest of material wealth, an increase in capital.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Ascendant - the desire for power, the fight against competitors, opponents, enemies; excessive purposefulness can deprive of mental balance;
with Meridian - often indicates professional difficulties, erroneous rates, incorrect actions with bank loans;
with the Sun - monetary losses in most cases due to one's own fault;
with the Moon - monetary losses due to large spending on female representatives or through them;
with Mercury - loss of money through young persons or due to unsuccessful financial transactions due to carelessness or frivolity;
with Venus - monetary losses due to an immoral lifestyle;
with Jupiter - imprudence, imprudence, dishonest actions, unsuccessful speculative activity, danger of litigation; possible financial collapse or loss of property;
with Saturn - self-will, stubbornness, selfishness, self-interest; possible financial crisis, losses, losses, long periods of need or poverty, poverty; danger of acts of violence, robbery;
with Uranus - losses due to unsuccessful financial transactions, lack of diplomacy, extravagant motives or behavior; perhaps sudden enrichment, as a rule, ending in the same sudden collapse and ruin;
with Neptune - losses due to deceit, fraud, theft or unsuccessful scam; unreliable partners, propensity for financial and love adventures; risk of loss of reputation; legal difficulties, lawsuits;
with Pluto - waywardness, stubbornness, obstinacy, whims, whims, hysteria; financial loss due to an act of violence, robbery, racketeering, often indicates a shadow business; increased sexual potential, amorous adventures.

Historical figures with Mars in II field
Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Catherine II, de Montmorency, Niccolò Machiavelli, Otto von Habsburg, Albert Schweitzer, Louis de Vol.

Mars in III field
Mars in the III field gives a tendency to intellectual work or work related to movement. People with this position of Mars are talkative, they often have quick speech, tongue twister, quick reaction to any changes and innovations, but often - thoughtlessness, indiscretion, haste in decisions, recklessness in actions and actions.
This position of Mars activates connections and contacts with the outside world and indicates a tendency towards rivalry and competition. In principle, people with such Mars are purposeful, but they lack patience, endurance and endurance, and besides, they tend to use others for their own selfish purposes, imperceptibly forcing them to work for themselves. They are well aware of the weaknesses of people and deftly use them to their advantage. Because of this, disputes and conflicts with others can arise. Often in these people there is a fierce internal struggle between high ideals, beliefs on the one hand, and low animal instincts on the other. The victory of one side or the other depends entirely on the spiritual level of these people.
Mars in the III field endows people with a love of speed, so they choose sports related to movement: rally, bicycle racing, air sports. But this is associated with a danger to life: with catastrophes, accidents, often ending in death.
In the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, this position of Mars often indicates sea voyages, stays in a foreign country, or business dealings with foreigners.
With poor performance - the possibility of an accident on the street and in a public place, in transport, during trips or excursions.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - ardor, irascibility, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, haste, recklessness;
with the Moon - animal instincts, violent passions;
with Mercury - ease of communication; an abundance of ideas, both good and not quite, interest in young ladies, success in all kinds of writing;
with Venus - a craving for communication with the opposite sex, for women - the charm of extravagance, charm, attractiveness;
with Jupiter - optimism, enthusiasm, spiritual and physical strength, abundance of energy, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, courage, love of study and travel; craving for risky and dangerous enterprises, the desire for fame, honors, popularity;
with Saturn, inner unrest; sarcasm, excessive criticality, craving for disputes and conflicts; mobilization of forces and energy for the implementation of the plan; the possibility of an accident, blackmail, intrigue, slander, betrayal;
with Uranus - eccentricity, courage, harshness, arrogance, ruthlessness, the danger of an accident, accidents and disasters; blackmail, intrigue, slander, unpleasant publications, revelations, loss of authority, reputation, as well as an attack by large four-legged animals are possible;
with Neptune - strong ambition, selfishness, cunning, unhealthy imagination, inconstancy in feelings, instability of mood, a tendency to anarchism; tension in relations with close relatives, neighbors, colleagues; accident during travel, blackmail, intrigue, slander, betrayal;
with Pluto - great strength, attraction to the opposite sex, increased sexual potential; fatal events, vicissitudes of fate of close relatives; danger to life during trips, hikes, excursions; blackmail, intrigue, slander, betrayal, treason.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - nobility, generosity, honesty, decency, organizational talent, guiding gift;
with the Moon - cheerfulness, courage, strength, energy, goodwill in relations with the outside world;
with Mercury - resourcefulness, wit, ingenuity, prudence, a quick process of thinking, a high speed of execution of decisions;
with Venus - the ability to live, work and act according to one's own will and discretion; indicator of good results of own work;
with Jupiter - optimism, enthusiasm, foresight, diplomatic gift, eloquence, the ability to maintain contact with the right people; success in literary activity;
with Saturn - spiritual and intellectual abilities, the ability to inspire one's will, views and beliefs to others; the ability to establish and maintain the necessary connections;
with Uranus - spiritual and intellectual abilities, resourcefulness, wit, accuracy in expressions; implementation of the most daring ideas and risky enterprises; success in scientific activity;
with Neptune - extraordinary imaginative thinking, an abundance of ideas, often encyclopedic knowledge; art of speech, diplomatic talent, inventive spirit, rationalization abilities;
with Pluto - high intelligence, versatility of knowledge, resourcefulness, wit, quick wit, oratory, eloquence, inventive spirit; innovation abilities.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Ascendant - frivolity, windiness, a tendency to an easy lifestyle;
with the Sun - impulsiveness, aggressiveness, haste, propensity for risky ventures;
with the Moon - unhealthy fantasy, morbid imagination; danger of an accident during a trip or business trip;
with Mercury - the danger of implementing erroneous ideas and plans, harm from correspondence, rumors, anonymous letters; damaging relationships with young people;
with Venus - increased passions and addictions, intemperance in relations with the opposite sex with all the ensuing adverse consequences;
with Jupiter - injustice, illegal actions, the danger of being involved in intrigues, blackmail, squabbles; the likelihood of suffering from denunciations and anonymous letters; often loss of authority and honor; prodigality, adultery; sometimes serves as an indication of a suicide attempt;
with Saturn - internal restlessness, excessive criticality, craving for disputes, conflicts; troubles from publications in the press; the possibility of an accident or premature death during the trip; problems with close relatives, neighbors, work colleagues;
with Uranus - frivolity, windiness, rudeness, arrogance, impudence, ruthlessness, quarrelsomeness, craving for disputes and conflicts, especially with close relatives; danger of an accident, catastrophe;
with Neptune - unhealthy imagination, inconstancy in feelings, instability of mood, tension in relations with close relatives, neighbors and work colleagues; intrigues of enemies, often from close relatives, neighbors or work colleagues; danger of poisoning and accidents on the trip;
with Pluto - the danger of racketeering, robbery, robbery, murder, both for material and political reasons; vicissitudes of fate of close relatives; an accident on the road, often the premature death of a close relative or one's own; blackmail, intrigue, slander, denunciations, revelations.

Historical figures with Mars in III field
Francis I, Henry IV, Henry II, Charles X, Niccolò Paganini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, H. P. Blavatsky, Oscar Wilde, Walter Horn Old (Sepharial), Jean Morinus, Alexei Losev.

Mars in IV field
Mars in the IV field often portends disharmony in the parental home or in one's own family. This position speaks of disputes, disagreements, quarrels, confrontation, discord with parents and early departure from the parental home. Often this is an indication of the premature death of one of the parents, more often the father. Conflict situations with parents, most often, are created because of a too violent desire for personal and spiritual freedom and independence, a desire to become independent as soon as possible. Various difficulties in family affairs arise due to intransigence.
Mars in the IV field can indicate the possibility of damage, loss and loss associated with the house, for example, damage from fire, accident, theft, robbery or other violent act, also damage associated with natural disasters or due to revolution, riot, rebellion , war. Problems may also affect other real estate, for example, land, cottages.
Often this position of Mars indicates that the homeland will have to be defended with arms in hand, to fight for the integrity and stability of the native land. It may also happen that the native land will be unfavorable for life and prosperity.
The last third of life will require more struggle than the previous two. This is most often due to the fact that the consequences of previous injuries and injuries begin to appear, it can reach disability and even disability.
Good aspects give strength, energy, activity and enterprise, the possibility of acquiring real estate.
The constellation of Mars in the signs of Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn portends victory in the struggle for the realization of one's ideas, goals, plans, albeit for a short time.
A negative aspect with malefic planets often speaks of the premature death of the father, possibly violently.
A negative aspect with the Sun or Moon is also premature death, often of a violent nature.
With a negative aspect with Saturn, Uranus or Neptune - mental disorders, mental suffering, accident, the possibility of suicide.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - enhances will and energy, activity and dynamism, hard work and efficiency;
with the Moon - contributes to the implementation of everything conceived, but often develops animal instincts that have to be fought;
with Mercury - private entrepreneurship at home can bring success;
with Venus - any occupation by Venusian professions will bring fame and popularity;
with Jupiter - a sense of justice, love for the father's house and parents, for the native land; hereditary profession, prosperous house;
with Saturn - self-discipline, self-control; poor relationship with parents, especially the father, breaking off relations with them, separation for many years or forever; there may be an accident with parents, their loss, losses from a fire, natural disasters or because of an immoral lifestyle;
with Uranus - unexpected changes regarding the home, family, parents; unstable relationship with parents, especially with the father; unhappy childhood, early separation from parents, from the native land; injury or premature death of one of the parents;
with Neptune - a secret associated with the parental home and family; whims, quirks, hysteria, uncontrolled actions; deceit, fraud, accident related to the home; premature death of one of the parents is possible, more often - the father; danger from large animals;
with Pluto - a family secret; critical events that entail changes in the home and family are often associated with mass and natural phenomena; loss of property due to explosion, fire, robbery or other violence; premature death of one of the parents, emigration is possible.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - good changes, well-being, enhances creative qualities and opportunities;
with the Moon - favors all household chores, home improvement;
with Mercury - good for free professions and crafts;
with Venus - crafts at home; beautiful, hospitable house;
with Jupiter - love of family and home, a rich house; profession inherited from parents;
with Saturn - work at home, craft; accumulation of material values; security in old age;
with Uranus - creative activity at home; interest in ancient civilizations and culture, religious rites, occult sciences;
with Neptune - good relations with parents, taking care of them and their own family; often serves as an indication of a stepfather or stepmother, half-brothers or sisters, an illegitimate child, a foundling;
with Pluto - phenomenal or psychic abilities, obligations to parents and family, somewhat tense relationships in the family are possible due to forced changes and changes; increased craving for the opposite sex, strong polarization of spirituality and materialism, fanaticism, radicalism are possible.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Ascendant - enhances negative traits of character and disposition, such as, for example, lust for power and aggressiveness, especially in dealing with family and marriage partner;
with the Sun - the possibility of an accident - fire, fire, house robbery;
with the Moon - quarrels and scandals in the family, material losses are possible due to theft, robbery; in female horoscopes - trouble due to an immoral lifestyle or illness;
with Mercury - the possibility of moral decline, quarrels with relatives, intimate contacts with minors; loss of honor, position; inglorious end of life.
with Venus - a tendency to low society, licentiousness, an immoral lifestyle; marital infidelity;
with Jupiter - often losses and losses for the house due to non-compliance with the law; an accident in the house; explosion, fire, theft;
with Saturn - problems in the father's house, bad relations with parents, especially with the father; severance of relations with them, parting for many years or forever; possible crime or accident in the house;
with Uranus - unhappy childhood or problems in the second half of life; trouble in the house - explosion, fire, robbery; poor relationships with parents, especially with the father, and with other household members;
with Neptune - quirks, whims, hysteria, uncontrolled actions, danger of robbery, theft or fraud related to the house;
with Pluto - lust for power, aggressiveness, fanaticism; the possibility of robbery, murder or suicide in the house, the premature death of one of the parents, forced separation from their home, region, homeland; forced isolation, captivity, emigration are possible.

Historical figures with Mars in IV field
Henry III, Charles IX, Catherine de Medici, M. Yu. Lermontov, Karl Marx, Emile Zola, Charles De Gaulle, Mikhail Levin.

Mars in V field
Mars in the V field gives an increased interest in the opposite sex and love game. It promotes bright self-expression, self-affirmation and promotes a creative mood.
Mars in this position speaks of activity, enterprise, courage and determination, the desire to be the first in work and in sports. But excessive impulsiveness, recklessness, craving for risky ventures and speculative activities, a tendency to casual and extramarital affairs, self-indulgence, a passion for gambling promise great troubles associated not only with material losses, but also with the loss of authority, prestige, reputation. Often they cause damage to physical health.
This position of Mars is especially dangerous for women, as it produces material and moral temptations. With this location of Mars, the birth of an illegitimate child, abortion or miscarriage, difficult childbirth or postpartum complications, as well as genital diseases or surgery are possible. Late marriage or marriage in old age is possible. Along with this, there is a real danger of remaining an "old maid".
This position of Mars often indicates the possible death of the firstborn, especially when Mars is in the zodiac signs of its exile or phallus (Libra, Cancer) and, at the same time, has a malefic aspect with Saturn. Only with the strong support of a strong Jupiter or Venus, everything will be done by the fact that the child will be very painful in the first years of life, he will be disturbed by frequent colds.
Good aspects bring victory in sports, predict profits from enterprises related to show business and other entertainment.
Negative aspects give frivolity, windiness, fleeting relationships and excessive sexuality, warn of a possible accident during a trip, in a public place during entertainment.
A conjunction or negative aspect with the Sun or Moon indicates weak, sickly children or a short life.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - enterprise, entrepreneurial spirit, craving for risky and dangerous enterprises;
with the Moon - success in the military field, in medicine, especially in surgery, pedagogy and in sports arenas;
with Mercury - activates the business environment, good results in cooperation with young people;
with Venus - frivolity, windiness, fleeting relationships, excessive sexuality, a lot of intimate contacts, craving for a bohemian lifestyle;
with Jupiter - activity, determination, ambition, lust for power. Both big incomes and big expenses are possible; the opportunity to reach a high social level; extramarital love affairs;
with Saturn - unsuccessful early love affairs, bringing disappointment; illegitimate children, lawsuits; the danger of an accident with children or even their premature death; financial problems; the possibility of exile, emigration, financial collapse;
with Uranus - creativity, research talent; business acumen, but also a penchant for a bohemian lifestyle, increased interest in the opposite sex, premarital affairs, illegitimate children, the risk of venereal diseases and accidents;
with Neptune - increased sensuality, increased interest in gender issues; emotions prevail over reason; possible celibacy, late marriage, infertility, immoral lifestyle;
with Pluto - increased ambition, lust for power, activity, initiative, many destructive changes and changes; quarrels, scandals and confrontations; increased sexual potential; an immoral way of life, an accident, robbery, murder, premature death of a violent nature are possible.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - activity, initiative, courage, diligence, efficiency, craving for the opposite sex, often extramarital affairs;
with the Moon - promotes business and new beginnings, changes and changes, trips; inclines women to male society and intimacy;
with Mercury - agility of mind, sleight of hand, intellectual work, creative ups; craving for youth, love for children;
with Venus - increased craving for the opposite sex, for a bohemian lifestyle, a lot of intimate contacts, especially with young ladies;
with Jupiter - sound judgment, conscientiousness, prudence, determination, penetrating power, organizational talent, oratory, eloquence; the opportunity to occupy a responsible state post, a leading position;
with Saturn - increased ambition and lust for power, but without aggressiveness; organizational skills, ability to manage affairs and people; quick wit, prudence, prudence, decisiveness, self-confidence, enterprise, penetrating power;
with Uranus - freethinking, love of freedom, ambition, enterprise, intellectual activity; increased interest in the opposite sex, often bohemian lifestyle, parallel connections; successful financial transactions, some phenomenal abilities;
with Neptune - intuition, insight, spiritual and intellectual abilities; success in the humanities and occult sciences; strange love affairs, parallel intimate contacts; success in financial transactions and exchange operations;
with Pluto - strong will, powerful energy, passion, creative and labor activity; increased sexual potential; successful financial transactions and exchange operations; public service or political arena.
Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - extramarital love affairs; in women - an unexpected child, complications in the postpartum period;
with the Moon - in men it affects the mood and mood, in women - on the state of health or indicates trouble due to lies, slander, gossip; an immoral lifestyle is possible;
with Mercury - low-grade companies, loss of morality;
with Venus - frivolity, windiness, fleeting relationships, excessive sexuality, relationships with young ladies of dubious morality, women face a loss of reputation and good name;
with Jupiter - craving for risky and dangerous enterprises, extramarital affairs and intimate contacts with unseemly partners; financial losses from unsuccessful financial transactions or speculative activities; loss of authority, reputation, honor;
with Saturn - failures in business and enterprises related to financial matters; material and moral losses from speculative activities, gambling; trouble with and because of children; illegitimate children, lawsuits;
with Uranus - material losses, loss of authority, reputation due to speculative activities or due to gambling; craving for a bohemian lifestyle, love affairs, love affair "on the side", illegitimate children; danger of injury, catastrophe, accident in a public place;
with Neptune - emotions dominate the mind, self-deception, delusions; fraud, corruption on a large scale; increased interest in the opposite sex, love affairs with dubious or casual partners; danger to life in transport, in a public place, in crowded places;
with Pluto - the danger of robbery, violence, rape, even murder; many forced changes, often destructive; quarrels, scandals, confrontation; increased sexual potential, often immoral lifestyle, propensity for criminal acts; the possibility of an accident in transport in public places.

Historical figures with Mars in V field
Richard III, Elizabeth I of England, George V, Michel Nostradamus, George Sand, Marina Tsvetaeva, Aza Takho-Godi, Vera Zlotniikova, Prince Charles.

Mars in VI field
This local determination of Mars has a generally unfavorable influence. Firstly, Mars here provokes quarrels, scandals with service personnel, subordinates and colleagues. Secondly, this position of Mars speaks of poor health, both one's own and service personnel, domestic or household animals. As a rule, the disease corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac in which the cusp of the VI field of the horoscope is located.
If Mars in the VI field has a strong cosmic status and is not damaged, then this indicates a strong will, energy, perseverance, perseverance and conscientiousness in doing one's work, the ability to work in any conditions. The approach to business is balanced, prudent, consistent. People with such Mars are distinguished by pedantry, pragmatism and passion for various details and trifles.
If Mars is weak or has negative aspects, especially with malefic planets, then this portends losses from servants, subordinates, the death of livestock, diseases of domestic animals, one's own poor health. May indicate imprudent acts, extravagance, as well as the possibility of an accident or surgery.
In case of damage - inflammation or damage to that part of the body or organ, which is indicated by the sign of the Zodiac with the constellation of Mars:
in the sign of Aries - inflammatory processes, fever, headaches, eye and toothaches, brain diseases, insomnia, neuroses;
in the sign of Taurus - inflammatory processes in the neck, occiput, cerebellum, frontal sinuses and auditory canals, esophagus, thyroid gland, oral cavity; polyps, rheumatism, gout, stone disease, benign tumors, erysipelas, colds and infectious diseases;
in the sign of Gemini - respiratory organs: trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleura; tongue, upper limbs from fingers and hands to shoulders, nervous system; arthritis, polyarthritis, inflammation or tuberculosis of the bronchi and lungs, pleurisy, diaphragmitis, neuritis and neuroses;
in the sign of Cancer - diseases of the digestive apparatus, tumors; stomach, mucous membranes, diaphragm, pancreas, liver and gallbladder, mammary glands;
in the sign of Leo - diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, circulatory system, diaphragm, spleen, spine and ribs; aortic aneurysm, angina pectoris, pericarditis, endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the spinal muscles and joints, often kidney stones and bladder diseases;
in the sign of Virgo - diseases of the chest, mammary glands, abdominal cavity, intestinal tract; plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus; hernia, diarrhea, helminthic invasion, especially in childhood; hepatolithiasis, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder;
in the sign of Libra - a disease of the kidneys, renal pelvis, diseases of the uterus and ovaries, bladder, venous system; nephrolithiasis, venereal diseases;
in the sign of Scorpio - mainly diseases of the genital organs and the excretory system; diseases of the endocrine glands, metabolic disorders, nephrolithiasis and cholelithiasis, tumors of the genital organs, in most cases benign; in men - prostatitis; in women - metritis, vaginitis, in young years - menstrual irregularities;
in the sign of Sagittarius - sciatica, sciatica, diseases of the pelvic region, fractures of the hip joint, sprain or rupture of ligaments and tendons, diseases of the liver or blood;
in the sign of Capricorn - diseases or fractures of the knee joint, metabolic disorders, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, polyarthritis, skin diseases, colds and infectious diseases; in children - often scabies, urticaria, measles, scarlet fever, eczema, ringworm;
in the sign of Aquarius - diseases of the legs, especially the lower leg, ankles and leg calves, diseases of the periosteum, ligaments, tendons, cerebellum and nervous system; often - diseases of the heart or blood;
in the sign of Pisces - diseases of the lower extremities, especially the feet and duodenal joints, ligaments and tendons; diseases of the endocrine and lymphatic systems, glandular tissues and mucous membranes, diseases of the skin and blood - boils, carbuncles, abscesses, acne; dropsy, mental disorder.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - an active, healthy lifestyle, love of order, diligence;
with the Moon - work related to medicine or agriculture;
with Mercury - sober logic, prudence, high intelligence, mind rules over feelings, the talent of a research scientist, physician or financier;
with Venus - irritability, touchiness, criticality, but also diligence, hard work, the spirit of a research scientist;
with Jupiter - the talent of a research scientist, mental activity, insight, organizational talent;
with Saturn - poor health since childhood; possible disability, incapacity for work, accident in the line of duty, trauma, surgery;
with Uranus - difficult relationships with staff, superiors, colleagues; sudden diseases of both the individual and family members, pets; non-compliance with the regime of work and rest; danger of animal bites, accident, injury;
with Neptune - irritability, resentment, rancor, excessive desire to criticize actions from around the corner; disputes, scandals, danger of poisoning;
with Pluto - a tendency to conflicts, quarrels, scandals; intolerance towards others. Bad for health: incurable disease, disability, incapacity for work.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - realism, practicality, labor activity, diligence, good relations with superiors, subordinates and servants; good health;
with the Moon - help in work from women or household members;
with Mercury, profit from private enterprise and occupation;
with Venus - good relations with employees, superiors and higher officials, mutual understanding; success in everything related to the service of other people or animals;
with Jupiter - good health, success in accounting and banking; medicine, including folk medicine;
with Saturn - self-discipline, self-control, the ability to concentrate on a goal, self-control; advances in medicine, work related to accounting and various calculations, with agriculture; good for commercial activities;
with Uranus - originality and originality of thinking, resourcefulness, wit; striving for sciences and research work; special success is foreshadowed in medicine;
with Neptune - a sober and deep mind, high intellectual abilities, strong intuition and insight, the ability to maintain good relations with subordinates, superiors and high-ranking officials; success in the free professions and research work, in the occult sciences, in medicine;
with Pluto - a profitable option; rich imagination, strong intuition, insight, foresight, professionalism; success is foreshadowed in the free professions, in medicine. Fame as a doctor or healer; occult studies, public service, work in financial institutions and insurance companies are possible.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - bad relationships at work, loss of pets, health problems;
with the Moon - quarrels, scandals with staff, colleagues, subordinates; health problems of one's own or pets;
with Mercury - a tendency to disputes, scandals and confrontations, may be an indication of a chronic illness;
with Venus - disability due to chronic illness;
with Jupiter - problems with colleagues and superiors, which hinders a career; an accident during a trip; diseases of the liver, blood, abdominal cavity, pancreas, head injuries, headaches;
with Saturn - the need for a diet, the danger of protracted diseases leading to disability; the possibility of industrial injuries, accidents, surgical intervention;
with Uranus - problematic relationships with staff, superiors, colleagues; often - poor health of one's own or family members; possible intrigues of competitors and envious people, animal bites, an accident at home or at work; fatal accident or suicide;
with Neptune - irritability, resentment, vindictiveness, the need to take care of health from an early age, conflicts with superiors and colleagues; danger of poisoning;
with Pluto - a tendency to quarrels and scandals, difficult relationships in a team, intolerance, excessive criticality, sarcasm, ruthlessness; bad for one's own health and the health of servants or pets; possibly a chronic or incurable disease with disability.
Historical figures with Mars in field VI
Franz Joseph I, Bismarck, Nicholas I, Maximilian Robespierre, Voltaire, Benedict Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, Alexander Grin, Albert Einstein, N. S. Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, Yulian Semyonov.

Mars in VII field
Here Mars harms the main principles of this field of the horoscope and, above all, partnership. Mars in the 7th field is a sure indicator of an unsuccessful partnership, and also indicates an early love affair, an early hasty rash marriage and, as a result, an unhappy married life. Blows of fate on loved ones, marriage or business partners are possible.
Often this position of Mars prevents marriage, causes lawsuits with the termination of contracts and contracts, and increases open hostility with the use of violence. People surrounding the owner of a horoscope with such Mars are mostly prone to irritability, overexcitation, and often mislead the individual. Mars in the VII field gives rise to strong, energetic, aggressive and merciless enemies who unceremoniously interfere in the affairs and personal life of the owner of such a horoscope.
People with Mars in the VII field against their will, can be forcibly involved in any group or society in which they will be forced to be in a subordinate position. You can fall under the influence of a partner - an energetic, aggressive, inflexible, uncompromising person who does not tolerate objections and does not take into account the feelings and experiences of another person. But with a well-aspected strong Mars, it is possible to turn opponents into friends and use them to carry out their enterprises.
In male horoscopes, this position portends a strong, hardworking wife, self-confident, courageous, but too categorical. In women - an accident with her husband or his sudden premature death.
Around 18, 30 and 43 years old, you should beware of suspicious companies and fellow enterprises that can lead to breaking the law.
Negative aspects can bear losses and accidents related to fire and weapons.
Negative aspects with the Sun in the IV field, the Moon in the I field and Saturn in the X field portend premature death due to a deliberate murder or a traffic accident. In general, a bad aspect to the Sun often indicates some kind of physical defect and possibly a short life.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Descendant - the struggle for leadership, the desire to dominate in partnership;
with the Sun - business activity, the desire for cooperation; active respected partner;
with the Moon - active business women partners; promotes marriage;
with Mercury - strengthens and stimulates relationships with marriage partners and companions;
with Venus - increased craving for the opposite sex and intimate contacts, often of an immoral nature;
with Jupiter - an active, business partner; decisiveness in relations with partners, successful cooperation, co-authorship, capable of bringing material benefits; successful marriage;
with Saturn - troubles in marital and business relations, discord, rupture of relations; unhappy marriage, unsuccessful business partnership, strong opponents; the possibility of divorce or widowhood;
with Uranus - creativity in cooperation with partners, a parallel love affair; marriage and business adventures are possible; often serves as an indication of an unhappy or forced marriage or unsuccessful cooperation;
with Neptune - problematic relationships with partners in love and marriage and with business partners, discord, breakup, divorce; problems due to partners, dependence on them; blackmail, intrigue, slander, treason;
with Pluto - a forced union, acts of violence and coercion are possible in cooperation; often serves as an omen of an unhappy marriage, unsuccessful cooperation; communication difficulties, breakup of relationships, separation from a partner, often forced.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - honest, conscientious cooperation, decency in partnerships;
with the Moon - good relations with both a marriage partner and business partners;
with Mercury - an active smart partner, intellectual cooperation, joint deals and agreements;
with Venus - good results in all partnerships related to Venusian nature, especially those related to the world of art;
with Jupiter - conscientious fulfillment of obligations with partners; a successful marriage, often based on business cooperation; partners, as a rule, educated, wise, cultured or religious people who have a good social and financial position;
with Saturn - a sense of duty to partners; stable partnership;
with Uranus - an active partner, contributing to the implementation of ideas and plans; the possibility of a happy marriage, and with a person not simple, but talented and famous;
with Neptune - an optimistic partner, confident in his infallibility; often a partner with some phenomenal ability; collective enterprises on a spiritual or ideological basis, social activities or a secular way of life;
with Pluto - strong, strong-willed partners, enemies, competitors, early love, early intimate contacts; hasty, reckless early marriage.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - a tendency to conflict, the danger of robbery, violence, coercion;
with the Moon - losses and losses as a result of dishonest cooperation, an immoral way of life;
with Mercury - a tendency to low-grade companies, disputes, quarrels, conflicts, thefts, deceit, fraud are possible;
with Venus - a tendency to low society, often an immoral, immoral lifestyle;
with Jupiter - dangerous rivals, open enemies, strong competitors; possible loss of honor, prestige, reputation due to unseemly, dishonest cooperation; suffering due to blackmail, intrigue, slander and squabbles, anonymous letters, the possibility of divorce, widowhood, separation from a partner, the threat of disaster;
with Saturn - an unhappy marriage or unsuccessful business cooperation; many strong opponents, unbearable struggle with them; conflicts and confrontation with partners and companions in the case can lead to crime, divorce or premature death of a partner;
with Uranus - problems of relationships with marriage and business partners through their own fault; two love affairs at the same time; unhappy marriage, unsuccessful cooperation, loss of a partner;
with Neptune - deceit, fraud in business relations, complicated relations with partners, discord, break in relations, danger of falling under the power of a partner; blackmail, intrigue, slander, denunciations, betrayal;
with Pluto - an imperious, rude partner; unhappy marriage, unsuccessful cooperation, forced entry into some group or society, where you have to endure a certain submission; danger of robbery or other kind of violent action.

Historical figures with Mars in field VII
Pavel I, A. S. Pushkin, Paul Verlaine, Sergei Yesenin, Charles Chaplin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Otto Pfefferkorn.

Mars in VIII field
This place is one of the most unfavorable for Mars, since here it is a harbinger of an unhappy end to life. People with this position of Mars have to deal with many obstacles, competitors, enemies, endure many disappointments, and in the end, most often, they will have an unhappy end to life, an untimely violent death or a suicide attempt. This position may also indicate misfortunes in the family or with close relatives. This is especially pronounced if the Ascendant is in the signs of Aries or Scorpio, or if Mars is associated with an aspect with the dominant I, IV, VI, VIII, X, XII of the horoscope field or with the point of death (Pars mortis).
Mars in the VIII field constantly creates some kind of extreme situations, which are almost impossible to avoid. With the constellation of Mars in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Scorpio or Capricorn, a person himself can become a free or unwitting killer, an accomplice in murder, or until the end of his days will harm someone with his insidious machinations. Difficulties associated with the inheritance or property of deceased people.
Mars in the VIII field can promise enrichment through a marriage partner, an inheritance or a successful investment, but the opposite is also possible, large embezzlement, squandering the money of a marriage or intimate partner.
Often here Mars enhances interest in military affairs and weapons, the occult and secret sciences, in astrology and magic, in mysticism in general, in spiritualism. Here, Mars always increases the craving for the opposite sex and sexual experiments, often forcing his “victim” into a union or using the gift of suggestion for this.
A bad position in the signs of the Zodiac portends a danger to life, loss of inheritance or fortune, a tendency to mysticism, to the occult sciences, fevers, inflammatory processes, premature death. In case of damage - the same.
Mars in the signs of the elemental trine of Water - a threat on the water, drowning; Air - mental disorders, an accident associated with fire, explosion, violence.
Damaged Mars in the signs of Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius - deliberate murder or death on the battlefield, during a fight, surgical intervention in those organs indicated by the zodiac sign in which Mars is located

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - the danger of an accident, fire, robbery and other violent acts;
with the Moon - an accident during travel, travel, often through the fault of women;
with Mercury - the danger of an accident in transport or in a public place, as well as from weapons;
with Venus - trouble from women or because of women; in the female horoscope, fatal diseases or premature violent death are possible;
with Jupiter - often successful financial transactions and investments through a marriage partner or inheritance;
with Saturn - often a threat of premature death due to a fall from a height, illness, accident or violent actions;
with Uranus - quarrels, scandals, often professional activities - the fight against crime; an accident due to one's own fault; possible fall from a height, injury or damage due to explosion, fire, fire or weapons; a harbinger of an accident or premature death of someone close; the danger of a plane crash;
with Neptune - the danger of excessive enthusiasm for spiritualism, occult sciences, especially black magic; the possibility of an accident due to fire, weapons; danger of poisoning by alcohol, drugs, food, various liquids, medicines;
with Pluto - the danger of an accident, injury, premature death; crowds of the masses, various rallies and demonstrations should be avoided.
Favorable configuration of Mars
The favorable configuration of Mars with other planets only to a certain extent softens or neutralizes the indications given by the conjunction of Mars with other planets:
with the Sun - craving for everything secret, unknown, for the occult sciences, increased sexual potential;
with the Moon - inheritance, enrichment through a marriage partner; activities related to forensic science, occult sciences, magical experiments;
with Mercury - great activity and efficiency, phenomenal or extrasensory abilities are possible; attraction to risky and dangerous enterprises;
with Venus - purposefulness, tirelessness, penetrating power, self-confidence; passionate attraction to secrets and secrets, propensity for risky ventures;
with Jupiter - interest in the secrets of nature and the Universe, in the occult and secret sciences, hard work, great efficiency, craving for risky ventures;
with Saturn - self-confidence, determination, perseverance, purposefulness, penetrating power; organizational talent, the gift of a leader; often - public service, political activity, work in security agencies;
with Uranus - strong intuition, insight, gift of foresight, passion for occult knowledge: astrology, magic and other border sciences; increased interest in the opposite sex;
with Neptune - mystical mentality, interest in the occult sciences, hypnosis, psychotherapy, traditional medicine; increased sexual potential;
with Pluto - powerful will, physical strength, endurance, determination, penetrating power, self-confidence, determination, steadfastness; achieving the goal by any means; phenomenal and psychic abilities; radical changes in life and destiny; the possibility of enrichment through a marriage partner or as a result of a successful investment.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - the possibility of litigation over alimony or inheritance; large monetary losses due to the unreasonable spending of money or other material values; danger to life coming from a partner or another person, the same can threaten a partner;
with the Moon - dangerous diseases; extreme situations, premature violent death or suicide attempt;
with Mercury - haste in decisions and conclusions, thoughtlessness, recklessness, arrogance, ruthlessness, ruthlessness, lust for power, aggressiveness;
with Venus - thoughtlessness, recklessness in actions, arrogance, ruthlessness; the danger of sexually transmitted and infectious diseases, the possibility of surgery on the genitals;
with Jupiter - the danger of an accident with a partner; material losses due to fire or extreme situations; lost lawsuits, persecution of the powerful;
with Saturn - serves as an indication of various disasters and accidents, danger to life from water, the threat of being hanged, strangled or bitten by an animal; the possibility of premature death from a long-term chronic disease,
with Uranus - almost always a harbinger of an accident or premature death of one of the relatives of the individual or himself, more often through his own fault; the cause of unhappiness may be quarrels, scandals, professional activities or a plane crash;
with Neptune - one should beware of excessive enthusiasm for spiritualistic sessions, occult sciences, magic; an accident involving fire or weapons; danger of poisoning, material losses due to negligence, negligence, incompetence of partners, due to lies, deceit, swindle, various adventures;
with Pluto - increased ambition, lust for power, aggressiveness, a tendency to violence, including sexual violence, the danger of lawsuits and accidents; premature death in the war or in the performance of their official duties and in other emergency circumstances.

Historical figures with Mars in VIII field
Albrecht Wallenstein, Cardinal Mazarin, Chiang Kai-Shek, John F. Kennedy, Heinrich Himmler, Marilyn Monroe, Ernst Krafft, M. S. Gorbachev, Ivars Godmanis, Augustina Semenko, Tamara Globa, Alessandro Cagliostro.

Mars in IX field
Here, Mars has a certain influence on philosophical views and worldview, changes or distorts religious feelings and attitudes towards religious rites. This position of Mars enhances stubbornness, obstinacy, jealousy, envy, dogmatism, the desire to implement their ideas by any means. In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to follow the code of honor, to be honest, noble, fair.
Mars in the IX field gives a love of travel, but it should be borne in mind that long trips and long long journeys are allowed only with the strong support of Jupiter, Venus, the Sun or the dominant of the IX field of the horoscope, in other cases, road accidents should be feared.
With the square and opposition of Mars in the IX field with Jupiter, the Sun or the Moon, any trips and travels are categorically excluded, especially if these aspects are repeated by transit planets.
With the square or opposition of Mars with Jupiter, a person can become either a religious fanatic or an ardent atheist. In general, any damage to Mars here enhances blasphemy, and also warns against blood poisoning.
The constellation of Mars in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces portends a stay in foreign countries;
Mars in the signs of Water threatens with the possibility of drowning, in the signs of Air - all trips are dangerous, but especially by air;
Mars in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces indicates foreign trips, the success of which will be indicated by aspects with their dominants and planets that have a constellation in these signs.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - danger to life on long trips and long journeys;
with the Moon - the same as with the Sun;
with Mercury - often indicates occupations in the occult sciences, study or work in foreign countries;
with Venus - a love affair with a foreigner, one should be wary of rape;
with Jupiter - desire for personal and spiritual freedom, independence, higher education, interest in philosophy, religious matters and foreign countries; often missionary activity, work abroad;
with Saturn - the possibility of an accident during a trip or while in a foreign country; the possibility of injury, violence, falling from a height, fracture or disease of the hip or knee joint; rupture of relations with parents or family, disagreements with superiors and higher officials;
with Uranus - relationship problems due to inconsistency and rash acts; harshness, arrogance, danger of an accident on the road;
with Neptune - the likelihood of deceit, fraud, blackmail, intrigue, both on their part and on the part of others, especially in cases related to the occult sciences. Accident on or from water, possibility of poisoning; misfortune in a foreign country;
with Pluto - strong will, abundance of energy, lust for power, the gift of suggestion; danger of life away from home, injuries, injuries, disasters during trips and long journeys; danger of poisoning, possible immoral lifestyle, litigation, division of property.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - favorable for long trips and long journeys, higher education, work abroad;
with the Moon - promotes long-distance travel and especially those affairs indicated by both planets in the Radix;
with Mercury - successful trips related to commercial activities, scientific and literary affairs;
with Venus - successful business trips that can bring fame; tours to other countries, personal exhibitions;
with Jupiter - successful long-distance trips; successful commercial activity abroad, scientific conferences, symposiums;
with Saturn - long trips contribute to the implementation of the most daring and risky ideas; successful commercial activity and business in cooperation with foreigners;
with Uranus - success, often unexpected, is brought by long trips, business trips and long, long journeys, scientific expeditions, educational and missionary activities in distant foreign countries;
with Neptune - good for establishing and strengthening ties with foreign occultists, magicians, traditional healers, chemists, pharmacologists, shamans; charitable, research, reform activities;
with Pluto - charity, missionary work, striving for higher education, personal and spiritual freedom and independence; often state or political activity.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - the possibility of a robbery or other act of violence during a long trip or during a stay in a foreign country;
with the Moon - any road portends a loss of a material or moral nature; trouble in a foreign country mainly because of women; death while traveling or abroad;
with Mercury - sectarianism, dogmatism, evil wit; danger to life while traveling, relations with foreigners that bring problems;
with Venus - a connection with a person of a different nationality or religion, bringing disappointments and problems, the danger of a sexually transmitted disease;
with Jupiter - material losses during long trips or while in a foreign country due to frivolity, negligence, carelessness or due to deceit, fraud, theft; difficulties in getting an education; religious fanaticism;
with Saturn - sectarianism, dogmatism; danger of shipwreck, drowning or other accident during long journeys or while in a foreign country; dubious connections with foreigners;
with Uranus - the danger of disasters during long-haul flights, an accident on the road or in a public place, especially while staying in a foreign country; connections with foreigners, big problems and even misfortunes; disagreements with superiors and higher officials;
with Neptune - deceit, fraud, theft or poisoning, especially when traveling or staying in a foreign country; danger of shipwreck or other accident on or from water;
with Pluto - a greater likelihood of accident, injury, injury, disaster during long trips, business trips or long long journeys, also the danger of robbery or other violent act; possible immoral lifestyle, prostitution, lawsuits, division of property.

Historical figures with Mars in the IX field
Louis XI, Nicholas II, M. V. Lomonosov, Peter Paul Rubens, I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, James Cook, V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin), Henry Ford, A. F. Kerensky, Pavel Globa.

Mars in X field
Mars in the X field shows the whole complex of Martian specifics: powerful will, inexhaustible energy, perseverance and perseverance in overcoming obstacles, purposefulness, purposefulness, great diligence, efficiency, penetrating power. These qualities taken together contribute to the socio-economic rise and career growth of the owners of such a horoscope. Mars in the X field promotes self-affirmation and the realization of the plans of its owners. These people are ambitious, have the gift of suggestion and persuasion, they know how to subjugate others to themselves and their will. They are exacting and demanding of themselves and others.
Mars, wherever it is, never creates an atmosphere of calm, relaxation and pleasure. His spiritual, mental and physical energy constantly excites his wards, spurs them on and encourages everything to new and new "feats". Mars always creates a factor of indignation, disorder, violence, coercion, destruction, damage, but also creativity and creation. There is only no peace, since it is much closer than peace to such concepts as impulsive expression of one's will, speed of decisions, instant readiness for action.
Life in a team with Mars in the X field never flows smoothly. As a rule, disharmony periodically arises: disputes, conflicts, discord arise. This is largely due to the eternal haste and rash decisions. A strong spirit of competition and a desire to overcome all one's enemies, to bypass competitors gives rise to haste and recklessness, as well as aggressiveness, harshness of measures and ruthlessness. But, as a rule, this fight almost always ends in a brilliant victory, however, provided that Mars is strong and intact.
Mars has the strongest influence when it forms a conjunction with the Meridian or the dominant of the X field of the horoscope. Depending on the status of Mars, this can mean either a firm position and a leadership position, or an unstable position. But even today's stable situation does not mean that it will always be so. Success usually alternates with failure, and fluctuations from better to worse or vice versa depend on the influence of transiting planets on each individual moment of life.
As a rule, the first job search, the first test of strength occurs approximately between 18 and 25 years of age. Then comes the climax, which lasts exactly until the first malefic aspect of the transiting malefic planet to Mars, most often Saturn or Uranus, is formed, which will force the individual to change jobs, positions or even professions.
If there is an unfavorably aspected Mars in the Radix, the position and work of the individual, the socio-economic situation and the demand for him as a specialist will always be problematic. These issues are never removed from the agenda. This means that it will often be difficult for an individual to find a suitable occupational job or to keep a job for a long period of time. You will have to change your job more than once, and the chances of taking a good position will be missed more than once for various reasons depending and independent of him, although to a greater extent through his own fault.
Much, of course, depends on the sign of the Zodiac, in which Mars has its constellation and on its configuration with other planets and elements of the horoscope.
So, for example, the signs of Taurus and Capricorn contribute to the pacification of unbridled animal instincts, various passions and even some negative character traits of the individual and enhance such qualities as perseverance, endurance, endurance, even give some patience. When Mars is in these signs, there are more chances to gain both a high social and stable financial position.
The signs of Gemini or Sagittarius give frequent job changes, loss of position, or this may indicate the wrong choice of profession, the need to change specialty.
The sign of Pisces can be an indication of some kind of secret, secret work or occult pursuits.
The sign of Aries often gives a profession related to technology, mechanics, various devices, apparatus, machines or machine tools and usually does not create any special problems with the profession.
In the signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, there is the possibility of an accident during travel, travel, flight.
During the day birth, catastrophes are to be feared.
With a night birth - often childlessness or one child.
When damaged - painful ambition, despotism, a tendency to violence, inner anxiety, overestimation of one's strengths and capabilities; in female horoscopes - whims, quirks, whims, hysteria, censure due to an immoral lifestyle.

Conjunction of Mars
with Meridian - almost always a factor of violence, coercion, indignation, frustration, indicates problems in professional activities or in connection with the position
with the Sun - promotion, fame, honors, popularity;
with the Moon - it all depends on the aspect connection with other planets, often indicates the fate of the mother;
with Mercury - promotes such professions as medicine, military affairs, literature and journalism;
with Venus - promotes affairs related to the world of art, fashion, cosmetics, often - immorality, bohemian lifestyle;
with Jupiter - perseverance, determination, pressure, lust for power, the desire to make a career. Success in business is indicated by Jupiter in Radix, it can be public service, jurisprudence, commercial activity;
with Saturn - career advancement in the initial period, and then, after reaching the climax, a fall or overthrow; often serves as an indication of premature death of a violent nature or by a court sentence;
with Uranus - a quick rise is possible, and then a fall or overthrow; indicates problems throughout life in connection with the profession, social uplift and material wealth; the possibility of suffering from an explosion, lightning, fire, fire, electricity;
with Neptune - ambition, anarchic dynamism, greed, conflicts, chaos, danger of blackmail, intrigue, slander; periodic ups and downs in a career;
with Pluto - excess of energy, great ambition; portends many competitors, opponents, enemies and an eternal struggle with them; reckless actions, a tendency to decide things from a position of strength, excess of power; after a brilliant success in life and a dizzying career, a loss of position is possible; often serves as an indication of premature death.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - always contributes to the affairs of the profession, work, positions indicated by both planets in the Radix;
with the Moon - success often awaits in the military field, in medicine and in all "lunar" and "Martian" affairs;
with Mercury - enhances agility of mind and sleight of hand, practicality and efficiency, quick wit and prudence, diligence and expressiveness;
with Venus - brings success in matters of art and art, fashion and cosmetics, perfumery and jewelry, while increasing craving for the opposite sex and the bohemian lifestyle;
with Jupiter - often glory, honors, titles, awards, fame; life wisdom, organizational talent, administrator abilities; possible public service or political activity;
with Saturn - seriousness, efficiency, organizational gift, ability to lead, physical strength, fortitude, but also boundless ambition, the ability to achieve one's own, regardless of any obstacles;
with Uranus - purposefulness, inventive spirit, rationalization and design abilities; success in matters related to science, research work, applied sciences or technology and mechanics, public service and a political career are possible;
with Neptune - optimism, enthusiasm, spiritual, physical and material incentives, employment in the humanities or the occult sciences at a professional level, long trips, travel, business and cultural ties with foreign countries and foreigners;
with Pluto - impulsive expression of will, quick decisions, concentration, instant readiness for action, endurance, purposefulness; the greatest success awaits in the military field, in forensic science, in public service and in the political arena.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - conflicts with superiors and higher officials, often serves as an indication of the premature death of a father;
with the Moon - professional failures due to wrong behavior, haste, recklessness or other negative traits of character;
with Mercury - the danger of deceit, fraud, theft, theft; shoddy companies;
with Venus - a tendency to an immoral lifestyle, immorality, licentiousness;
with Jupiter - excessive ambition, a tendency to exceed authority; the possibility of losing position, honor, authority, reputation due to violation of laws, rules or due to injustice;
with Saturn - ambition, ambition, excess of power, abuse; a crime or an accident is possible, often serves as an indication of premature death of a violent nature or by a court sentence;
with Uranus - problems with a career, loss of position, sudden change of profession, danger of an accident, premature death of a sudden and unexpected nature is possible; revenge of the mighty of this world;
with Neptune - the danger of poisoning with pesticides or liquids; career problems due to scandals, conflicts, intrigues, slander; after a career take-off, a loss of position and prestige is possible;
with Pluto - recklessness, excessive impulsiveness, aggressiveness, the desire to resolve issues from a position of strength; problems related to the position and professional activities; numerous enemies, opponents, insidious competitors.

Ivan IV the Terrible, Wilhelm I, Louis XVIII, Napoleon, A. V. Suvorov, Francisco Goya, Joan of Arc, Friedrich-Wilhelm Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Cornelius Agrippa, F. M. Dostoevsky, N. V. Gogol, A A. Arakcheev, Franklin Roosevelt, Nelson Rockefeller, L. D. Trotsky, G. K. Zhukov, Dwight Eisenhower, Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis, Alexandre Dumas.

Mars in XI field
A strong cosmic status and a favorable configuration of Mars in the XI field with other planets and elements of the horoscope gives true friends, devoted like-minded people, decent guardians, benevolent sponsors or patrons to their wards. People with this Mars are often supported by high-ranking government officials who give them recommendations and patronage. Thanks to their patronage, these people bring their ideas to life, and often gain fame in society. With this Mars, people engage in social activities and organize collective enterprises.
In friendship, these people are generous, frank, somewhat demonstrative, but in a group of their like-minded people they strive for leadership. The friendship of people with Mars in the XI field is most often a purely impulsive and spontaneous attraction, not devoid of either despotic manifestations or reckless hobbies. These relationships cannot be called reliable, especially with negative aspects to Mars, since friendship can end in separation or irrevocable separation, which is not always their fault. Breakups or breakups often occur as a result of unexpected or changed circumstances. Troubles and strife, up to a break in relations, are also observed in married life.
By nature, these people are anarchists of the purest water. Rejecting the old methods, they approach the matter from different, more modern positions. These are innovators, pioneers, discoverers, often outright adventurers and "Robin Hoods" of our century. In the political arena, they are fighting against bureaucracy, philistinism, retrograde, thus destroying everything old and rotten and clearing the way for new trends.
In case of damage - increased eccentricity, unpredictability, dissatisfaction with the social and financial situation, losses and damages due to friends; possible premature death of close friends.
In daytime birth - changeable happiness, loss of property, separation from children. At the same time - diligence and loyalty to friends.
At night birth - great energy, passionate friendship, honor, fame, fame, increase in fortune.
In male horoscopes, this position often indicates poor health or a difficult birth for the wife.
In female horoscopes, it indicates a difficult second birth, up to a danger to life, and often that the husband will be wasteful and very quarrelsome.
A bad aspect with the Sun, Moon and Venus warns that you should beware of false friends who can bring trouble, material loss and damage, and even pose a threat to life. This position of Mars is also bad for the parents of the individual.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - danger to life through injuries, diseases, as a result of an accident, due to an explosion or fire; possible separation from close friends or their premature death;
with the Moon - problems created by friends, a serious illness of a close friend or a danger to his life;
with Mercury - accident, injury, unsuccessful surgery, problems due to friends;
with Venus - the possibility of the transition of friendship into a love affair, extramarital intimate contacts;
with Jupiter - friendship with strong and decent people from among high-ranking officials; the possibility of an accident due to one's own fault;
with Saturn - an accident with a friend or his premature death; false friends, selfish guardians;
with Uranus - beware of accident due to explosion, fire, fire, burn or injury, often through the fault of a friend; unreliable acquaintances, fake friends, discord in relationships;
with Neptune - danger from seances, evil eye, damage. The possibility of poisoning, fake friends, selfish sponsors, unscrupulous officials. Danger of blackmail, slander, denunciations, disinformation;
with Pluto - problems and dangers due to fake friends, the danger of racketeering, robbery or other kind of violence; dishonest guardians, mercenary sponsors, hostility of chiefs and officials.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Ascendant - enhances positive character traits and rights and helps to establish and strengthen good relationships with friends and like-minded people;
with the Sun - success in the military field and in matters that require organizational talent; help of friends, patronage and recommendations of officials;
with the Moon - contributes to any business and enterprise, especially joint, with female representatives or under their patronage;
with Mercury - the help of young friends, the help of people from the military environment or doctors, especially surgeons, intellectual friends, writers, journalists;
with Venus - help from female friends, successful cooperation with them;
with Jupiter - successful cooperation, patronage, recommendations, support of high-ranking officials; fulfillment of cherished desires;
with Saturn - activity, diligence, efficiency; the talent of an inventor, innovator, organizer, administrator, leader, commander; success in working with friends; support of superiors, high-ranking officials;
with Uranus - often spiritual pursuits, mental work, interest in the occult sciences, astrology, magic, psychology and sociology; friendship with people involved in these matters;
with Neptune - gives refinement of the psyche, the desire for personal and spiritual freedom, interest in the exact and occult sciences, scientific research; foreign friends; the favor of the authorities, the goodwill of officials;
with Pluto - influential friends serving in the army or law enforcement agencies, criminologists, employees of detective bureaus; love for personal and spiritual freedom, originality and originality in thoughts and ideas, eccentricity in behavior.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - indicates that the individual should beware of false friends - "wolves in sheep's clothing." Premature death is possible through the fault of friends;
with the Moon - illness or accident, through the fault of a woman;
with Mercury - beware of intimate contacts with immoral youth, especially drug addicts; possible injury from a firearm;
with Venus, wastefulness and extravagance due to women of low society. Beware of sexually transmitted diseases;
with Jupiter - lawsuits, losses or loss of authority due to rash acts or folly of false friends and pals;
with Saturn - false friends, selfish guardians, cunning sponsors; the possibility of an accident due to carelessness, negligence of friends; disputes and conflicts with friends can lead to crime; danger of blackmail and threats;
with Uranus - a tendency to eccentric, unreliable acquaintances, unreliable friends; dangerous incidents due to the fault of friends and acquaintances; danger of explosion, fire, gunshot wound; material and moral damage due to friends;
with Neptune - the danger of blackmail, slander, denunciations, deceit; the possibility of poisoning, evil eye, damage; false friends capable of betrayal, unscrupulous officials; material losses, disappointments;
with Pluto - trouble due to fake friends, material and moral losses due to communication with friends - representatives of the criminal world, the danger of premature death.

Historical figures with Mars in XI field
Charles IX, Peter I, Mary Stuart, Salvador Dali, Sigmund Freud, Guglielmo Marconi, Honore de Balzac, Pierre Curie, Pablo Picasso, Margaret Thatcher.

Mars in XII field
Here Mars brings many troubles and disappointments into the lives of his wards, mainly through his own fault: because of his temper, unbridled animal instincts and passions, morbid pride, rash decisions, hasty conclusions and reckless actions. The only way to avoid problems is honesty, decency, justice, conscientiousness, rejection of selfishness and self-interest. It is better if the birth took place between sunset and sunrise, since Mars gives its best properties to people born at night.
Mars in the XII field directs its wards to search for the truths of life, to explore the secrets of nature and the universe, the secrets of human existence and being. A person with such Mars can choose a field of activity related to the occult sciences, astrology, magic, traditional medicine, and healing. The type of activity may be associated with frequent travel.
Often this local determination of Mars indicates poor health or some kind of physical defect, either congenital or resulting from an accident, illness or injury from a firearm, an injury inflicted by large quadrupeds. Such Mars creates great difficulties in childhood and youth, when the individual is still developing, when feelings still completely dominate the mind, creating mental instability, imbalance in the soul. Difficulties await at the first meeting with false accusations and hidden enmity.
This position of Mars speaks of the danger of losing personal or spiritual freedom or independence, forced or voluntary isolation from the world. The intrigues of secret and insidious enemies, their intrigues, slander, and lies can even lead to prison. Also, injuries are possible here, both bodily and mental, incurable diseases, separation from close relatives. There is a high chance of becoming a victim of robbery. Untimely violent death or suicide is not ruled out.
The troubles and misfortunes that Mars can bring to the XII field are determined by the essential nature of the sign of the Zodiac in which it has its constellation.
The constellation of Mars in the signs of Virgo, Libra and Aquarius warns that wounds can be inflicted by the human hand;
in the signs of Leo and Capricorn - one should be wary of large four-legged animals;
the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces indicate sea trips;
signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn - for long-distance and long trips, for staying in foreign countries and relationships with foreigners.

Conjunction of Mars
with the Sun - increases ambition, activity, enterprise, but also gives adventurism;
with the Moon - unhealthy, especially for the female, increased interest in the opposite sex;
with Mercury - fanaticism, interest in the occult sciences, astrology and magic, shadow commercial activities or activities associated with any art, writing, journalism;
with Venus - increased sexual potential and interest in the opposite sex; artistic talent;
with Jupiter - activity and determination, sound judgment and execution of the plan;
with Saturn - beware of an accident or disease of those organs and parts of the body that the sign of the Zodiac indicates;
with Uranus - beware of accident, catastrophe, lightning, explosion, fire, fire, burns, wounds with firearms; troubles and disappointments, mostly through their own fault;
with Neptune - the danger of an accident on the water, an immoral lifestyle; the possibility of deception, fraud, theft, poisoning;
with Pluto - the danger of violent actions, murder, suicide; a lot of troubles and disappointments, mainly due to their own fault, due to impulsiveness and irascibility, aggressiveness, hasty conclusions, reckless actions.

Favorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - promotes progress and success in business and enterprises, which are indicated by the essential nature of both planets and signs of the Zodiac, where they have their constellation;
with the Moon - promotes travel and swimming, maintains health, strengthens the psyche;
with Mercury - enhances agility of mind and sleight of hand, activity and enterprise, success brings military affairs, sea voyages, medicine, literary and journalistic activities;
with Venus - success can be expected in matters related to the world of art and art, with fashion cosmetics and perfumes;
with Jupiter - overcoming all obstacles and obstacles, success in business and enterprises, long trips, travel, scientific expeditions, missionary and charitable activities;
with Saturn - a combination of strength and energy with sober composure and reason, making it possible to withstand difficult circumstances;
with Uranus - a predisposition to science, technology, the occult sciences, the desire for risky and dangerous enterprises; interest in everything secret and secret, participation in secret societies;
with Neptune - interest in the secrets of nature and the universe, the occult and secret sciences, in folk medicine and healing; phenomenal abilities, the gift of foresight;
with Pluto - the study of the secrets of nature and the Universe, the secrets of the human brain and psyche, craving for the occult and secret sciences, a healing gift; work in closed institutions.

Unfavorable configuration of Mars
with the Sun - intrigues of secret enemies, danger to life;
with the Moon - the danger of a serious illness, an accident on the water; intrigues and slander from women;
with Mercury - the danger of an accident, conflict and confrontation, especially during trips, business trips, travel;
with Venus - beware of intimate relationships with immoral women, the threat of sexually transmitted diseases;
with Jupiter - conflict situations with government departments, lawsuits, the possibility of losing personal freedom; powerful secret enemies;
with Saturn - danger to life: shipwreck or other misfortune on the water, in the forest or in the mountains; intrigues of strong enemies, the possibility of blackmail, slander, slander; danger of premature violent death;
with Uranus - danger of suffering from an explosion, fire, lightning, firearms; a lot of troubles and disappointments, mainly due to their own fault; the possibility of provocation, blackmail, betrayal;
with Neptune - the threat of poisoning with pesticides and liquids, drugs and potent drugs; accident on the water; danger of loss of personal freedom or chronic, incurable disease;
with Pluto - a lot of trouble and disappointment, mostly through their own fault; danger to life from an accident, injury from a firearm; loss of personal and spiritual freedom; possibility of premature death.

Historical figures with Mars in XII field
Charles VI, Louis XII, Franz Ferdinand, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Franz Kafka, Pablo Picasso, P. I. Tchaikovsky, Wolf Messing, Omar Khayyam, Sri Aurobindo, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, Boris Yeltsin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Lennon.

The position of a planet in a retrograde, as a rule, enhances all the negative qualities of the essential nature of this planet. In the case of Mars, it will be impulsiveness, irascibility, impatience, haste, recklessness, lust for power, aggressiveness, violence in the sphere of love and sex. All this can manifest itself as an increased likelihood of accidents associated with explosions, fires, weapons, acts of violence.
The retrograde of Mars indicates that the impulses to action are unconsciously connected to some elements of the subconscious, thereby creating unconscious motives that guide a person with such Mars. Often the desires of an individual and his manifestations can be restrained by internal uncertainty in his strengths and capabilities, or by some other circumstances.
Often this position of Mars also affects the sexual potential, creating a certain kind of neurosis or mental complexes. But on the same basis, a certain experience of the sublimation of will and desires is also possible, which is clearly demonstrated by the possibilities of yoga.
If the retrograde Mars is used properly, then valuable lessons can be learned regarding the development of will and patience, as well as the organization and implementation of creative ideas and their actual achievement.
Retrograde Mars requires caution and prudence in their conclusions and decisions, thoughtfulness of actions, confidence in the success of the case and the obligatory completion of all their affairs from their wards. Negative emotional energy should always be contained. This means that all the will and energy that exists must be directed only into the right track so that they benefit not only themselves, but also those around them.

> > Mars in the 3rd house

The person who was born at Mars in the 3rd house, has an impulsive and restless disposition, knows how to convince others that he is right. Always knows what and when to say. If someone offends his family members or friends, become a brave defender and support. He likes to think and rant on various topics.

He is overly curious, does not hesitate to ask people for any information of interest to him. He can be called tactless and impatient, tends to criticize everyone and find fault. His brain is able to generate the most amazing ideas, but because of his irritability and multitasking, he often misses important details, which is why he cannot fully implement the plan.

Communication with a person with Mars in the 3rd house

In the event of the defeat of the planet, he grows up in the family alone, and he lacks sisterly or brotherly complicity. As a child, he experiences many good and terrible moments. His manner of expressing his thoughts can be called aggressive. The mind is constantly busy inventing new concepts and solving pressing problems. It only takes a few tiny clues to find the root of the problem. In emergency situations, it is distinguished by quick response and correct actions.

He is accustomed to speak directly about what he thinks, likes to make sarcastic jokes. Gravitates to a constant and uninterrupted exchange of news.

There may be a predisposition to journalism, commerce or politics. Often finds himself in the publishing house or in the transport business, communications.

All actions are immediate, this person does not accept postponing things "for tomorrow" or until a better time. Prefers dynamic work filled with business trips and new acquaintances. If the energy is directed in the wrong direction, then the person will constantly "walk on the razor's edge." This applies to both personal security issues and communication with higher authorities.

Human character with Mars in the 3rd house

He believes that everything he does is exceptionally correct and meaningful. Does not accept remarks in the direction of his intellect. Denies his addiction to gambling. It is very difficult for him to understand his own wrong, he does not know how to ask for forgiveness in time. Trying to defend himself in a verbal skirmish, he does not hesitate to let go of sharp and harsh phrases.

Going on a trip, it is highly likely that you will get into trouble. Knows how to manipulate people, convince them that they are right. Quickly ceases to need parental care. A well-developed intellect allows you to build an excellent career as a teacher, or become a well-known writer.

In the event that the planet is damaged, he may think about laying hands on himself or causing irreparable harm to the health of an outsider. Such a person has the nature of an inventor. They say about such people that nature itself endowed him.

As mentioned earlier, from early childhood strive to gain complete independence. It is distinguished by high efficiency and purposefulness, although it is very selfish in its views. Due to his impatience and restlessness, he may suffer losses by signing the wrong document or agreement without reading the terms.

The main difficulties in his life are generated by actions committed on emotions, and an internal struggle between lofty goals and animal, primitive instincts. It is difficult for such a person to communicate with relatives, as he unreasonably feels the hostility of the whole world.

He has a penchant for writing, but it does not bring him the desired satisfaction. Litigation or spontaneous travel can cause irreparable harm to his health.

Mars is the point of activity. The location of Mars tells where and how a person operates. Paints the house where it stands. It is necessary to pay attention to the highlighted position of the planets especially. They characterize the psychotype. Mars has a strong influence on the profession.
Example: Mars in the handle of a basket, Uranus in the sixth house. A person, despite Uranus / in this example, he is in a weak position /, will not be engaged in programming.
Mars is the will to act on the physical plane. provoke situations. If Mars is retrograde, then there are delays in actions, later development, obstacles, difficulties in social manifestations. In conversations will pour out more energy than in action., But it will manifest itself. A strong planet, but retrograde is still strong.


Even if weak in sign gives a tendency to risk, mobility, dynamism, activity, independence, the need for action. Does not necessarily give a strong physical constitution. Mars in the 1st house will not necessarily give a person of average height and stocky. It can manifest itself more in mental activity, one must look at the signs.
In Libra - a person grabs onto different things, is ready to cooperate. In Pisces - very weak, but in the handle and ascending, retrograde, in the included sign. In this case, Mars is not strong in quality, the first impulse is strong here. A person will scatter, often there will not be enough will to bring the matter to the end.
Strength must be looked at at home, the closer to the top of the house, the more manifested the planet. Mars in the 1st house is marked, usually with a sign on the face or skull / Uranus ascending or Aquarius also give a mark /. Close to ASC - inflammatory diseases, difficulties in childhood.


It can also be active, but it is more stable, material, the action itself gives pleasure. The tendency to self-affirmation, to risk in money matters, activity, skill in financial matters. The practicality of Mars can be expressed in the fact that his actions must be concrete.
Mars / and in 1 and 2 houses / - a tendency to injury, bruises, blows.


The desire for leadership among the inner circle / brothers, sisters, close relatives /, conflicts are possible, speech dynamism, in the circle of friends - active. Affected Mars - troubles, injuries on short trips. Sometimes the craving for knowledge is an active, lively mind. With the aspect of Mars with Mercury - a corrosive mind.
Example: Mars on the cusp of the 2nd house, struck - the death of a sister, she died in the first year of life / the girls were twins /.
Mars near the 4th house cusp / in the last, 3rd part of the house, the planet influences the next house, the action begins in the house where it stands, and the result on the next house, especially if not more than 5 degrees from the house cusp /, can give invention, conflicts in the house, the death of one of the parents, or grandparents, or just leaving the house of one of them. The distance from the house cusp can indicate the year of the event.


In angular houses, the action of the planets intensifies. Mars in the 4th house can talk about events in the house, relationships with parents of the Mars type. Prolonged conflict since childhood. A planet in the 4th house is not outwardly visible, only those who live nearby will feel it.
For example, a planet in the 1st house is visible, and higher planets are visible at a more mature age / Jupiter after 30 years /. Psychologically, the Sun in the 4th house is almost invisible, but in its circle, in a natural setting - brightness, sunshine.
Mars in the 4th house - a man outwardly not Mars. His emotions set the mood for everyone around him. The 4th house is associated with the astral, a person with such Mars can be an astral bully when strong emotions appear. A person himself may not be in conflict, but conflicts can arise among his environment, just because he is among them. But sometimes there can be their own bursts. Hereditary situations, tribal karma are also associated with the 4th house. Can talk about the character of the father or mother. The tendency to manage one's own house, to do without asking anyone. Transfers his conflicts from his father's house to his own. Such a person should be made aware that he is a source of conflict by asking him leading questions like: "Have you noticed that your environment is exploding after you?"


Creativity, entertainment, love, children, heart impulse. House of gambling, speculation, the desire to play for luck. Mars gives direction to invest in an enterprise in order to earn quickly and a lot. It is necessary to look at aspects to the 2nd and 8th houses, or their rulers, then tell the client whether he should do such things / if the square to the 2nd house is a tendency to lose in these situations /. It is necessary to pay attention to the transits of planets to Mars, standing in the house. Mars in the 5th house - carried away, excitement, brightness of feelings, assertiveness, categorical / all or nothing /, amorousness. When aspecting Pluto, conflicts with a loved one, especially in a woman's chart, where Mars is a beloved, lover. Mars in aspect to Venus - flexibility, plasticity, art.
Enhances jealousy, strong love situations, love for sudden spending, sometimes for show. He talks about children, about relationships with children. If Mars is affected, then the child may have a conflicting, stubborn character. In a man's chart, Mars tensely aspecting the 8th house may indicate the death of a child. In the woman's chart, she talks about the peculiarities of childbirth, for example, Mars in square with the 8th house, and according to the directions, the top of the 5th house fell on Mars - the child died in the hospital. The 6th house from the 5th is the 10th - the health of children, their illnesses. The 8th house from the 5th will be the 12th - you need to look at the confirmation of these instructions / 10.12 at home / and look at the child's chart. Events in the life of children in a woman's chart can be viewed from the 5th house / for a child it will be the 1st /. The card works well for astrally close people or blood relatives.
Mars in the 5th house in men to a lesser extent Don Juan, can give a passionate heart. Strong Mars in men can give - creativity or their own business, business, excitement.


Gives the type of activity, such as military. Mars in the 10th house rarely indicates a military profession. Mars in the 6th house can give military surgeons / just surgeons often go through 8 or 10 houses /. Inflammatory processes, operations, injuries. The tendency to independent activity in the service, at school. Likes to be ahead and does not like to obey. Active in service. Mars in the 6th house with a connection to the 2nd house - a person is very active. Mars in aspect to Saturn - conflict with superiors, dislike of discipline. Mars aspected by higher planets - disease or professional activity. Invisible planets are either diseases or relationships in society / What? Show aspects /. Mars in the 6th house is a leader at work, if his business.
Mars in Aquarius and in Aries indicates that a person will leave work and mind their own business.
6th house indicates useful animals.


Similar to 1. Mobility, dynamism, leader, debater. Example: Saturn rising, Mars in the 7th house - a person does not look like a debater, but loves to argue, although this happens without pressure.
Conflicts in the 7th house with relatives, partners, leading to courts / without "blood" /. It is more difficult to show one's own activity, rather in contacts. The tendency to group contacts indicates marriage. Men have conflicts with partners. Women have love situations, active temperament, difficult love situations.
Saturn in the 1st house - caution, isolation, on the other hand, the need for friends, but distrust.
Mars in the 7th house - the situation is dual, there may be aggression towards partners, and there may be aggression of partners towards the owner of the card. Mars in Libra - there is stubbornness, pressure on a person, but it will look like aggression from partners.
In a female sign - he perceives aggression, in a male sign - he himself is aggressive towards a partner. Mars is well seen in its strong signs and poorly in weak ones. The impulse comes from one, and the other realizes it. Mars in the 7th house prefers to act through a partner. If he is offended, he will not give retribution himself, but through relatives.


Professions: surgeon, analyst, businessman, criminal athlete. Small merchants with their tents. Injuries, accidents, incidents, blood, firearms /fire signs love/. Operations, accidents, violent death, misfortunes with loved ones, near death. Occult abilities, yoga, magic. If Mars is in the middle of the house, then a dual situation arises. In the last third of the 8th house - black magic. Being at the beginning of the house is positive, the middle is negative, the end of the house is synthesis. Mars at the top of the ninth house will indicate White Magic. The closer to the beginning of the house the location of the planets, the stronger they act, weaker in the middle, strong again towards the end. Difficult cases with death, she can "walk" nearby.
Example: Moon conjunct Saturn in the 8th house and Mars afflicting the 8th house - constantly crashing. While the Moon is direct in the 8th house, it is good to move to this time.
Perhaps deep analytical thinking when pointing to science. In the map of a woman - a strong first love, first intimacy, difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.


Men have dangers, tensions on long journeys, dangers abroad / with Mars afflicted /. The activity can well unfold far away, in another country. The 9th house is the creative house and Mars in the 9th house is the form of creativity. Army-related travel, sometimes with training. Mars in the 9th house does not always indicate education.
Planet in the 9th house conjunct the MC - the situation in the life of the parents not long before birth. afflicted Mars on the MC may indicate that by the time of the birth of a parent there is none.


Independence, tendency to independence, career. There may be conflicts with the mother, father, boss. The conflict is not born by the person himself, but as a consequence of his assertive, independent nature. Mars in the 10th house indicates a vocation, rarely a military profession. Mars in the 2nd house manual professions - a blacksmith, a steelmaker, a carver. Mars in the 6th house is a military one. service house.
May indicate the misfortunes of parents, divorce. (Near the Arctic Circle, some houses are huge, and all the others take up little space, there may be Mars in square with Venus in the same house. Venus in the 12th house - emotions are clamped, it is difficult for her to manifest).
10th house in early childhood wears a shade of the 4th. These houses may indicate the character of the parents. Behind the conflict there is a tendency to command. Mars on top of the 10th house in square with the Moon - you need to look at the parental houses, it speaks of relationships with parents. Mars in 10 and 1 houses - the desire for command.
Mars in 10, 11 and 12 houses - when hit by higher planets - a dissident.


When Mars is afflicted, conflicts with friends. Through the 11th house - characteristics for children. Mars in the 11th house does not give idealism. Social activities, circles. Conflicts with society, charity.


Secret enemies. Forced stay away. 12th house of relationship with society. Detachment with roots, isolation. Forced situation, karma. Isolation, like emigration, is a disease. A tense planet is a conflict with society. Lenin has Mars in the 12th house. Secret, revolutionary societies. Magic, misfortunes with loved ones, or personal injuries, misfortunes. Difficulties in expressing yourself. People with Mars in the 6th house do not appear aggressive, they can be internally aggressive. Psychological difficulties, tensions in the astral plane, emotions as in the 4th house. Tendency or susceptibility to magic. situations on long journeys. With harmonious aspects in the woman's map - love, possibly secret.
Will turned on itself. Emotions can not manifest itself, self-criticism. If a person has an affected Mars in the 12th house, then in a past life he may have been killed. The planet aspecting Mars indicates the type of trouble /Neptune - poison, Pluto - fire, Uranus - travel injuries, with electricity /.



A person whose horoscope has Mars in the 3rd house will not have younger brothers or sisters. His wife will acquire a dubious reputation. This will not happen if Mars is aspected by a benefic planet. The owner of the horoscope will have a good financial situation. If Mars is conjoined with Rahu or Ketu, the lord of the horoscope will enter into association with prostitutes. He will have a hostile relationship with his brothers. The wife of the owner of the horoscope will have well-formed genitals. If Mars is in an unfavorable conjunction or aspected by a malefic planet, loss of brothers or sisters is possible. If Mars is placed in its own sign, as well as in the sign of exaltation, the brothers of the owner of the horoscope will live long, and he himself will be patient, brave and able to show valor and heroism on the battlefield. The same favorable characteristics, only to a lesser extent, will appear when Mars is in a friendly sign.


According to the theory of "Karaka-bhava-our", the planet-koraka, located in its own house, gives a manifestation of negative characteristics in terms of the function of karaka. Mars as bhratri karaka, the sign of brothers, being in the 3rd house, especially without the influence of a benefic planet (such as Jupiter or Venus), can cause the loss of brothers or sisters. Since Mars is a warlike planet, relations with close relatives can be hostile. The 3rd house is the house of short journeys and the presence of Mars in it indicates danger in travelling. But, as the great sage emphasizes, with a good placement in a sign or with a favorable aspect, the negative influence of Mars on the 3rd house will be destroyed. The 3rd house is the house of profit, falling, and Mars is also an indicator of property, so this standing of Mars in the horoscope gives its owner a good financial position and the ability to work hard for profit.

Valor and heroism - these characteristics of the 3rd house are fully manifested when Mars is present in it. In addition, this is one of the important factors indicating that the owner of the horoscope in his past life took part in battles and battles. But in order to speak of this with certainty, confirmation of other aspects in the horoscope is necessary.

As for Bhrigu Muni's statement about the "doubtful reputation of the wife of the owner of the horoscope", neither the 3rd house nor Mars has anything to do with marriage. Most likely, this statement will be true when Mars is combined with the lord of the 7th house or with the kalatra-karaka Venus, the indicator of the wife.

Other opinions:

Brihat Jataka- Developed intelligence and courage.

"Phaladeepika"- the owner of the horoscope will be endowed with good qualities, rich, happy and no one can defeat him, but he will experience difficulties in relations with his brothers or survive their death.

"Saravali"- a person whose Mars is in the 3rd house of the horoscope will be rich and famous, brave and daring, endowed with good qualities. He won't have brothers.

"Chamatkar-chintamani"- there will be no happiness because of brothers and relatives. Courage, boldness, wealth.


1 - a malefic planet, getting into the house upachaya, gives favorable results in strict accordance with the characteristics of the house;

2 - this is the theory of "Karaka-bhava-nashaya", according to which Mars, as the indicator of the brothers, bhratru-karaka, and the significator of the 3rd house, located in his house, gives negative results in relation to the brothers.

But Bhrigu Muni emphasizes that there may be exceptions to the last rule (and this is confirmed by practical experience) when Mars is in its signs, exaltation sign or is under a beneficial influence.

(The text is taken from the book: "Houses and Planets in Vedic Astrology." and is given with the kind permission of the author - Indubala devi dasi.)

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