How to make blinds or curtains from wallpaper with your own hands. Do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds: master class, video instruction How to make wallpaper blinds easily

When you want to make your designer way, it will be useful to study the instructions on how to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands. The HouseChief editors in this publication will analyze in detail all the points regarding the design of double-glazed windows with photo examples. After all, protection from sun rays in the house should be beautiful and practical.

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Advantages and disadvantages of wallpaper blinds

Suppose after repair you have unnecessary rolls. They can be used to organize light-protective canvases on windows, that is, to manufacture. However, before starting to create useful accessory, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages, which sometimes become decisive.

Let's take a look at the benefits first:

As for the disadvantages of this invention, it is not subject to wet cleaning and fades very quickly in the sun. Therefore, after a while it turns into a very unattractive product.

Interesting ideas for window blinds from wallpaper with your own hands

If you are faced with the question of how to make blinds for windows, you must first determine the required dimensions. It all depends on how wide window opening and the frame itself. It is from this that it is worth starting from the development of design. Consider some incredible ideas that will transform the room.

  1. Options with floral ornament . Various colors may be involved here, but pink, lilac and green are more common. This design can be done in the form of a "Peacock tail" and an unusual accordion. Often a light colorful version of the blinds is hung.
  2. Accordion blinds - pleated. When properly made, they will add zest to interior design rooms.
  3. . This is one of simple ideas how to make blinds from wallpaper. There is nothing to do here, except for a small decorative fastening. Such curtains last longer than others and perfectly regulate the intensity of light transmission.
  4. Accordion "Inside" It is considered a completely complete solution for windows if the morning sun enters the room. The manufacturing process is quite simple. There is also a variant of folds to the outer edge of the window.
  5. If there are already finished blinds, but I want to diversify them, why not stick pieces of colored wallpaper to the stripes. But here it is important to accurately determine the dimensions so as not to disrupt the closing-opening function.

In addition, a housewife can not limit herself to fantasy at all. Why not create own idea decoration and not surprise your guests?

How to choose components for the manufacture of blinds

When choosing materials for the manufacture of homemade blinds for windows, you can use any type of paper wall coverings(it is desirable that they have a good density). At the same time, it is better to pay attention to those that will match (usually this happens, since the remnants of pasted ones are used).


In addition to those materials that remain after, completely different ones can be used. Fabrics can be chosen according to your preferences.

Please note that too bright colors are not suitable for placement in rooms with a sunny side. Such options fade very quickly and lose their presentable appearance. And here are the models of rolls in light colors keep their freshness longer.

As for density, paper wallpaper should be preferred for learning how to make. They bend perfectly and keep their shape throughout the season. But ordinary paper practically does not darken the room, and if it is urgently needed, then why not use vinyl or interlining?

Suitable tools

To decorate windows, you will need a small list of tools and improvised means, namely:

  • scissors, hole punch, ruler;
  • decorative tape, retainer, lace;
  • glue or Double-sided tape;
  • nippers, painting knife.

You can’t do without the listed list in order to fix the finished blinds in window opening. Accessories can be plastic silicone or metal. The main thing is that the hostess has the skills to work with them.

On a note! Our detailed instructions with photo instructions will help to study in detail the entire process of making blinds from wallpaper with your own hands and repeat it in your apartment.

Features of making do-it-yourself blinds for windows in the form of an accordion

Wallpaper blinds are considered so affordable that they can be made without difficulty, the main thing is to prepare so that all the components for work are at hand.

What you need to make

First of all, you should prepare tools for each stage of work. They can then simply be removed to the side so as not to interfere. What will be useful:

  • scissors, tape measure;
  • double-sided tape, lace;
  • clamps with spring;
  • hole puncher;
  • the wallpaper itself.

Instead of a hole punch, you can use a simple pencil with an empty grater compartment at the end. Only work in this way will be many times longer and more difficult.

How to measure the window opening and frame

Depending on how the paper curtain will be fastened, the parameters should also be measured. To attach the curtain to the outer edge of the window opening, you need to measure its length and width, and add 10 cm to the blinds down and on the sides as a margin.

If the fixation of the paper curtain will be carried out inside the opening, then it is advisable to make its size 5-10 mm narrower. As for mounting on the frame, here it is necessary to measure the glass and use the dimensions of the canvas exactly. It is even easier to try on the canvas on the window and add half the height of the window down to it, because when folded, the length decreases somewhat.

For the convenience of taking measurements, a laser tape measure is suitable. With it, you will definitely not make mistakes.

Do-it-yourself blinds from wallpaper step by step: detailed photo instructions

It is preferable to work on a large free surface. Best of all, on a clean floor. Prepare it for this: remove the tracks and wipe. Next, we act according to a strict algorithm, illustrated by a photo that will help you make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands.

Illustration Action Description

Cooking necessary inventory and make sure that they are in harmony with the interior.

We make segments according to measurements, if necessary, glue the width on the sides. This is only done if the wallpaper is narrower than window hole.

Next, we do the accordion folding. For convenience, we take a ruler, the width of each fold should be 3-4 cm.

We fold with an accordion almost to the very top. You can leave a fragment for fixing to the frame, but not necessary. We fix the ends with a clothespin and leave for a while.

Then we bend the entire resulting structure in half to get a fan with a gap in the center.

We make a through puncture in the center with an awl. Top part the resulting fan is used for gluing.

Using a gypsy needle, thread through both holes. In this case, the length of the lace must be greater than the length of the finished curtain. We lower our clamp almost to the very bottom.

We pass the lace through the hole in the wallpaper and glue it with adhesive tape to inside folds so that the puff is held firmly.

Attach two strips of double sided tape. If it is wide, then one tape for the entire width will be enough.

Little by little, peel off the protective strip of adhesive tape and glue it to the frame or slope. We adjust the height of the canvas with a clamp.

We see that the process of making paper blinds takes about 30 minutes. At the same time, the result is quite unusual and rich, despite its budget.

Master class on making roller blinds from wallpaper with your own hands

Do-it-yourself wallpaper roller blinds great option glass decor. They can be made from any kind of paper wall covering. If you want the curtains to cover the entire window, then most likely two halves of the canvases will come in handy. You can also choose wider options. Do-it-yourself blinds made of non-woven or vinyl wallpaper are considered a good alternative to paper ones, since this business requires even canvases that are difficult to wrinkle.

What do you need to work

Stock up on material that is really suitable for specific room. And for the job itself will come in handy:

  • roll (may not be whole);
  • tube for fixing the roll;
  • scissors, double-sided tape;
  • fixing tapes.

To create rolled paper curtains, it is necessary to provide for the option of fastening to the window, otherwise there may be breaks in the structure of the wallpaper and their unreliable fixation in the opening. An excellent solution would be to install a special cornice.

Removing window sizes

Most convenient way to measure a window is to use a wallpaper canvas and figure out what width you will need for the opening. If the roll is too narrow, you can expand the canvas a little by gluing additional strips on both sides so as not to spoil the design.

If you measure the width of the window with a tube, then it is not necessary to know the exact value. Attach it to the window, cut off the excess and, based on its length, select the required width of the wallpaper.

We make blinds from wallpaper with our own hands: step by step instructions

It is not difficult to make roller blinds from the remnants of wallpaper, the main thing is to follow the instructions and do not forget important points. Let's analyze in more detail the whole essence of the process.

  1. We take the selected tube (you can use the old one from the factory roller blinds), glue the tape of double-sided tape along the entire length.
  2. Fixing inner part wallpaper on the tube and wind it up to the end.
  3. We bend the lower end of the wallpaper, insert it into the weighting bar into a special groove. It is important that this load captures the entire length of the blinds.

The only thing left is to fix the finished paper curtain in the window opening. For details on how to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, see the video at the end of the publication.

How to fix a curtain rod for a roller blind

For fixing it is better to use specialized cornices with brackets. Such models are sold in stores. They have special grooves and rope mechanisms that will securely fix the roll and will freely adjust its height.

Roller blinds can be made from tubes made from thin paper wallpaper

You can independently insert special regulators or an axis with a holder into the tube, which will play the role of a curtain lifter.

Do-it-yourself paper blinds "Peacock tail" from wallpaper: what is important to remember when making

The rounded options are considered the most popular today. They are suitable not only for rectangular windows, but also look perfect in semicircular double-glazed windows. To properly build this element, you need to study a few useful tips:

  • to obtain an inextricable semicircle at the base of the paper blinds, you can use double-sided tape by gluing the two ends together;
  • when installing a fan structure in a semicircular frame, it can be made from several canvases glued in width and simply fixed at the bottom point with glue or a clothespin;
  • semi-circular wallpaper blinds can only partially close the window, for example, from above. Such options are usually fastened from below with a stapler with large staples.

In the cold season, it is nice to soak up the warm sunshine and let the bright daylight into the room, penetrating the house through the windows. But in the summer, you often want to protect the house from the scorching rays and shelter the green inhabitants of the windows from the merciless sun. good decision this issue can become blinds, it is convenient, practical and beautiful way isolate the room from external influences.
In addition to the protective functions, the blinds will perfectly fit into modern interior, can become the main decoration of the window or an addition to the curtains. Often, complex multilayer curtain designs are used to decorate windows. It is not always convenient to close the windows with such curtains, the intricate shape of the curtains is violated, which becomes a difficult task to correct every day, and to close the windows from prying eyes overnight is necessary. In such cases, blinds covering only the surface of the glass will come to the rescue. In the daytime, if there is no need to cover the windows, the blinds can be easily folded, filling the room with daylight.

History of blinds

There is no single definition for the appearance of blinds. The origin of the name is attributed to French, and in translation it means - jealousy. Therefore, they believe that blinds owe their appearance to medieval Europe. These were heavy wooden structures covering a door or window opening. They were used as shutters that allowed daylight into the rooms, but protected from direct sunlight.

According to other sources, blinds appeared in Eastern countries, where they are jealous of hiding women from prying eyes. Therefore, it was convenient to use a shutter design for windows that ensures the penetration of the necessary daylight, but completely hiding the room from outside views.
In any case, transforming and changing, blinds have survived to this day and gained particular popularity in the middle of the 20th century.

Designers liked this way of decorating and protecting windows. Began to use modern materials for their manufacture and improved the design, creating functional and comfortable blinds able to decorate any interior.

World of blinds

Windows are necessary for our homes, thanks to them the room is filled with daylight and warmth, but for comfort they must be covered from the scorching sun and prying eyes. Buying store blinds is a quick and easy solution for window decoration. But there may be a number of inconveniences. The purchase is quite a costly undertaking that requires the investment of certain funds. The constant monotonous decoration of windows can get boring or they may not be needed at a certain period of the year, but it is not so easy to remove them, because they are fastened quite firmly during installation. Over time, dust and dirt accumulate on the surface, so they will need to be washed. This activity will require a lot of time and effort.

A good alternative to expensive purchased ones can be do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds. They have a number of advantages. One of the most important is the cheapness of such an arrangement of a window opening. To make blinds with your own hands from wallpaper, you practically do not have to spend money. As a material, pieces of wallpaper left after the repair are suitable, the use of which was not found, but it is a pity to throw it away.

None special tools will not be needed, everything you need can certainly be found at any hostess.
Care of such blinds is not required, they will not have to be washed. If the canvas becomes dirty or becomes unusable, then it is disposed of and new blinds are created, updating the look of the window. It’s not a pity to throw them away, because they were used for manufacturing waste materials, and new panels can be made quickly using the same simple materials. They also do it if you want to change the decor of windows, bring novelty into the familiar interior. A simple and cheap replacement of blinds can transform a room, creating a comfortable atmosphere.

To create blinds, you can use the same wallpaper that pasted over the walls in the room, this will create a single harmonious interior. You can use wallpaper that contrasts or matches the color of the curtains, make stripes different colors or decorate the panels with any man-made pattern. Any fantasy is appropriate in decorating windows with blinds from hand-made wallpaper.

It is very convenient to use wallpaper blinds not only on the windows of rooms. Large balcony openings or a veranda in the country house will be perfectly protected by such blinds. This is an economical and convenient way to big windows inaccessible to the penetration of sunlight and prying eyes.

Turning wallpaper into blinds

AT modern world, when everything can be bought in a store, and if you wish, even without leaving your home on the Internet, the hand-made direction is becoming widespread. It consists in the manufacture of various household items with their own hands, from improvised available materials. Such products can not only decorate the room, making it cozy, but also be useful and functional. To figure out how to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, consider the step-by-step instructions.
For work you will need:

remnants of wallpaper;
stationery knife and ruler;
Double-sided tape;
hole punch or awl;
braid or strong thread;
For the manufacture of blinds, you can take any remnants of wallpaper; non-woven paper will last longer. You can use wallpaper for painting, especially if you want to put some kind of pattern on them. Colors are selected depending on the preferences of the owners, but it should be borne in mind that White color will give a uniform diffused light. More dark tones will let in less daylight, so they will create an atmosphere of twilight in the room.

Simple harmonica

Blinds can cover only the surface of the glass or partially cover the frame. The dimensions of the piece of wallpaper that will be needed to make the curtains will depend on the selected parameters. After measuring the width and height, the panel is cut out. The width is kept constant, and 20 to 50 percent of the length is added to the height and cut out. This length reserve will be needed to create an accordion; the frequency of kinks and their density in the finished product will depend on the added value.
On the wrong side, you should mark the places of paper kinks, the optimal value of each fold is about 3 cm. If desired, you can make wider or narrow folds, their value will change the thickness of the product, making it more voluminous or flat. Marking must be done on both sides of the cloth, so that it is easier to fold the accordion evenly, avoiding distortions.

Focusing on the marks, you need to carefully fold the panel with an even accordion. When folding, it is necessary to ensure that the folds match in size, and that distortions and protrusions do not form along the edges. For convenience, the upper bend should open outward, and the lower one should form a finished step.

To seal the upper edge, the last step can be glued. The band folded like an accordion can be put under the load or fastened, and left for a while so that the folds are well ironed and used to their position.
You can use the resulting corrugated strip as blinds.

To raise the curtain, opening the window, it is fixed with one clip in the middle or two on the sides of the strip. The wallpaper blinds shown in the photo are in a simple way creating a protective curtain.

peacock tail

To give decorativeness and make the operation of the blinds more convenient, they use other mechanisms that fix the raising and lowering of the curtains. Using a ruler, mark the middle of the strip, this is the place of the future puncture for threading the braid. Using a hole punch or an awl, make a hole in the marked center of the strip.

Punctures should be symmetrical, at the same level, so they must be done in one motion. To make the holes more durable, especially on the lower and upper strips, it is necessary to stick on the wrong side, at the place of punctures, small pieces of ordinary adhesive tape. And then pierce the holes again. The adhesive tape will not allow the paper to tear and this will extend the life of the blinds.
Measure a strong thread or braid along the height of the window, with a small margin. Pass the thread through the holes on the strip and fasten on the upper edge.

For secure fixation threads, it is glued with double-sided tape, which is attached along the entire length of the upper strip. Subsequently, a strip of adhesive tape will serve as a fastening of the blinds to the window opening.

A retainer is put on the bottom edge of the thread. With it, it will be possible to fix the curtains, assembled, on different height. To weight the thread, you can use a trailer or a large bead attached to its lower edge. Thanks to the limit switch, the thread will not be tangled and bent, it is more convenient to hold on to it when moving the curtain up or down.

If, when unfolded, you need a flat lower edge of the blinds to close window glass completely, then it is left freely falling. To decorate a beautiful decorative semicircle resembling a peacock tail, the bottom strip is glued together. To do this, on it, on both sides of the hole, pieces of double-sided tape are glued and glued together, forming a beautiful fan. For reliable fixation, you can glue the last 3-4 folds, in the middle.

Having moved the blinds to the height of the window opening, so that the curtain completely covers it, the cords are connected and fixed using a bead, end switch or knot. You can think of any other decorative ornament, holding which will be convenient to move the blinds.
So that the lower edge of the curtain does not lose its even shape, bending and breaking over time, it is necessary to strengthen it. To do this, on the bottom strip from the wrong side, you can glue a suitable size piece of cardboard or any other comfortable material. This design will make the lower part of the blinds heavier and make it more durable and reliable.

The craftswoman tells and shows in detail about creating blinds with her own hands from wallpaper on the video:

A photo of do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds shows how diverse they can be. In any place and interior, they look impressive and original.

Making blinds is interesting and creative process, which results in a beautiful and functional household item, useful and convenient. Creating blinds from wallpaper, any craftswoman puts a piece of her soul, decorating her home and making it comfortable. Having protected one of the windows of the apartment with such spectacular curtains, stop, it will be hard, you will probably want to decorate other window openings in such an unusual way.

There are situations when, when decorating windows, you don’t want to spend money on buying new curtains, but save money and show your imagination by creating them on your own from improvised materials. And what could be easier and simpler than paper crafts? What can be done with your own hands from paper, quite uncomplicated and at the same time necessary in an apartment? Little hint - paper blinds or pleated curtains from wallpaper. Despite the apparent simplicity, such decor not only looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing on the windows, but is also practical: you can create such curtains in just a couple of hours, and they will last more than one season and will cost you completely free, because there are remnants of wallpaper in every home. In addition, windows and walls during their installation are not exposed to mechanical damage, because nothing needs to be drilled, nailed and twisted - the curtain is hung on double-sided tape. And to update the interior, it is enough to spend another couple of hours and create new blinds from the remnants of wallpaper of a different color.

Wallpaper curtain - step by step instructions with photos

Homemade paper blinds and curtains can be different types: rolled, Roman. This master class talks about how to make pleated blinds for plastic or wooden windows do it yourself from the remnants of non-woven wallpaper, using very few tools and materials.

Before starting work, we collect necessary minimum from the following list. We will need:

  1. Wallpaper.
  2. Scissors or utility knife.
  3. Ruler and pencil.
  4. Double-sided tape.
  5. Rope.
  6. Roulette.
  7. Hole punch or awl.

Then we step by step perform the following steps, which are presented in stages and supplemented with a photo for clarity.

Step 1

Using a tape measure, we measure the window frame (if the frame is hinged with a handle, the measurement is made to the base of the handle) or the double-glazed window itself, on which it is planned to install the manufactured blinds.

Measurement of a double-glazed window along the inner edge of the glazing bead.

Step 2

Unrolling the roll flat surface, measure the desired length and draw a perpendicular line along which we cut. Please note that the length of the wallpaper to be cut, taking into account the folds on the manufactured blinds, should be 25-27% more than the height of the measured window.

Example: during the measurement it turned out 130 cm, therefore, we cut the wallpaper with a length of 162-165 cm

Step 3

The cut canvas along the entire length on both sides is marked with symmetrical to each other, risks for the future corrugation. As a rule, the width of each strip varies between 3-5 cm, but you can not follow this recommendation and make it a little wider. Then we fold the "accordion" along the marked lines as shown in the photographs.

Tip for the lazy: you can not mark the canvas, but simply adjust all subsequent folds to the width of the second fold. The main thing is to make sure that all the folds are the same size, except for the very first one, on which the curtain will be hung. Its width is calculated from the width of the double-sided tape that we use, plus a 1-1.5 cm tolerance.

Step 4

After the "accordion" is assembled, we measure the middle of the width and mark this place across the entire thickness by drawing a line from top to bottom, as shown in the photographs. We draw a line on the side where there is no pattern, on the same wrong side we will make holes with a hole punch. You can “hole” with an awl, but with the help of a hole punch, the holes are more even and aesthetic. Indentation from the edge to the puncture in any case should be 8-10 mm.

Step 5

We pass the guide rope into the prepared holes.

Step 6

We fasten the rope stretched through all the blinds with double-sided tape to the fold, which is planned as the top one. To do this, cut off a strip of tape 8-10 cm long and stick it in the middle of this fold. Then we make a loop on the guide rope and also stick it on top of the adhesive tape as shown in the photo.

After that, already on top of the loop on the same fold, we glue a continuous strip of adhesive tape to the width of the wallpaper (we do not remove the upper protective film from it yet) and proceed to the next step.

Step 7

The next step is to create a "fan" on the bottom edge. To do this, we again cut off a small strip of adhesive tape, less than the width of the strip of the lower fold and about 15-20 cm long. We paste it on one of the sides, considering the hole in it as a separator of the sides of the strip width, as shown in the photo below. Then we remove the protective film from the adhesive tape and bring the ends of the bottom edge together so that we get a “fan”. We press the folds together.

All! original and beautiful blinds from the wallpapers created with the help of your own hands and this master class are ready. It remains only to hang them on the window sash.

Step 8

We are filming protective layer with adhesive tape, we hang our pleated curtain on one of the window sashes, adjust its length by desired height and fix. To fix the required length, we make an easily untied knot at the end of the rope.

You can use additional accessories for clothes: instead of a knot, use a retainer, and install a tip on the end of the guide.

Wallpaper blinds made with your own hands and this step by step instructions will look great on wood and plastic windows and perfectly fit into the interior of not only the room, but also the glazed loggia or balcony.

Another of the possible pleasant additions to creating paper crafts will be making them together with the kids. Children love any paper craft. Create comfortable conditions for joint creativity and make curtains for the children's room together. But keep in mind that such curtains have the shape of an "accordion" and even when they are lowered to the end, the folds remain on them. Because of this, any drawing looks broken, and images of cartoon characters and princesses so beloved by boys and girls will have to be abandoned. For boys, in this case, pictures with marine motifs or abstract geometric figures. For girls - prints with flowers, hearts, jewelry. There are many options, the main thing is to approach the creation of blinds for windows from wallpaper with imagination and inspiration.

How to make blinds from wallpaper video

[Rated: 15 Average rating: 3.8]

Blinds are versatile mechanical curtains that are suitable for any room. In addition, they will help out perfectly if the apartment is being renovated, but you don’t want to hang windows with old newspapers. In this case, you need to definitely make blinds from wallpaper. With their own hands, they are built for a couple of minutes, they serve for a long time, and it’s not a pity to throw them away if they suddenly get dirty.

paper curtains

As curtains, and even whole partitions, paper began to be used back in Ancient China. There, this material was relatively accessible and inexpensive. Our mothers and grandmothers also made paper curtains. True, they took old newspapers for this, since they were not yet aware of how to make blinds from wallpaper with their own hands. So the whole yard knew which apartment was being renovated.

Today, paper blinds are not only a temporary necessity. They can be a great decorative element. This can be done if we take as a basis beautiful paper or make a special painting on it with artistic paints.

In any case, it is easy to make the basis for the blinds from the wallpaper with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for the whole process are illustrated with photographs, so even a child can handle the work. And you can decorate with such curtains both a balcony or a kitchen, as well as a living room with a bedroom.

Preparatory stage

Before you start making blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, you need to prepare all the tools and materials. For this work you will need: a roll of wallpaper, double-sided adhesive tape, hole punch, lace, scissors and ruler.

First you need to measure the size of the glass. These curtains are made the same width or slightly wider. Therefore, 2-3 stripes will hang on one window, depending on how many vertical sectors are allocated in the frame.

Next, calculate the length of one strip. It should be much larger, because the paper is folded like an accordion, and a beautiful fan is formed at the bottom. It is better to take with a small margin and then cut off than to redo the entire strip due to the fact that it is a bit short.

Last action preparatory phase- cutting blanks according to the calculated dimensions. This should be done carefully so that neat blinds hang on the windows, and not bits of paper.

We work with an accordion

This stage of work is given special attention, because without it it is impossible to create blinds from wallpaper with your own hands. Step by step we mark the places of future bends. A ruler is perfect for this purpose. Or, alternatively, take some kind of wide strip that fits the width of the folds perfectly, and, applying it to the previous mark, mark both long sides.

Make sure that the marks are strictly opposite each other, and then the bend lines are parallel to the short side.

We begin to form folds. This is where the most difficult moment begins in creating blinds from wallpaper with your own hands. The master class suggests, to facilitate the work, use a ruler or rail, along which to make the initial bend, and only then iron it more clearly. The result should be a neat accordion that easily folds and stretches.

We make a lifting mechanism

We have almost created blinds from wallpaper with our own hands. The step-by-step process guide further leads us to the point of designing a simple system that will allow the curtain to be assembled when the need arises.

We fold the accordion and find its center. In this place, a hole is made with a hole punch through which the lace is passed. At one end of the accordion, it is fixed with a knot, after re-threading it into the extreme hole. This will be the top of our blinds.

In the lower part, we attach a special lock-clip on a spring to the lace. You can use the old one left over from a worn jacket or tracksuit, or you can buy a new one at sewing shop. For now, the creation of blinds from wallpaper with our own hands is almost over, the master class of which we analyze in detail. The next steps are already related to decorating and attaching to the window.

Final stage

When the do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds are almost completed, you need to add a little zest to them. This will be a beautiful semi-circular fan-shaped bottom. It is obtained as follows.

We glue double-sided tape on one of the halves of the blinds from the hole to the edge. Then we bend the other half to it and iron it well. They need to be securely attached to each other. For this, it is best to use a stapler. We release the edges, and they themselves form a beautiful semicircular fan. If desired, it can be corrected by ironing fuzzy folds.

If you figure out how to create blinds from wallpaper with your own hands step by step, then it is obvious that there is nothing complicated in this process. It remains only to fix the design on the window. This is also done with double sided tape.

Decoration options

At first glance, it may seem that do-it-yourself blinds made from wallpaper look poor. Photos also do not always convey the charm of this invention. Additional decoration can correct the situation.

Her options are countless. Firstly, the wallpaper itself has a whole mass of patterns and textures. Combining them on the window, you can achieve a stunning effect. Secondly, different pictures are drawn on a white sheet of paper. The selection of the plot should be done in accordance with the feature of the ribbed surface of the product. Not every drawing will look perfect in such conditions. But right choice really transforms the room.

Thirdly, the folds themselves can be glued paper butterfly or make a full-fledged application, which will change slightly depending on the form in which the blinds are now.

Environmental friendliness, practicality and variability of blinds

Making blinds from wallpaper with our own hands, we solve several problems at once. To begin with, let's recall what store curtains of this type are made of. Few can describe the exact composition of this material. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers add cheap and at the same time poisonous components to it. Hanging blinds from wallpaper, we definitely protect ourselves from the influence of dangerous chemistry, which could constantly reside in our room.

The second point is related to the practicality of the application. They are very simple and mobile. They do not require any additional fasteners, and a damaged strip is easy to notice with a new one.

This brings us to the third aspect - variability. Changing paper blinds is easy and inexpensive. This option is suitable if you want to improve something in the interior, and money for new expensive curtains no.


In everyday life, wallpaper blinds are unpretentious. They practically do not get dirty, and the dust that has settled on the folds is easily swept away with an ordinary brush. Yes, in some cases they can break. If the damage is small, you can patch it with ordinary transparent adhesive tape from the wrong side.

If the damage is critical, then the entire strip is replaced in 10-15 minutes, taking into account the fact that it will be necessary to find in the pantry the roll of wallpaper from which this thing was made.

This is the perfect low-budget product to transform any apartment. Made even as a temporary measure, such blinds can take root on long years, taking its well-deserved place at the very top of the window.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

If after the repair you have several rolls of wallpaper left, you can make blinds from them with your own hands, following simple step-by-step instructions and photos. Self made blinds perfect solution to save the budget and use leftovers finishing materials. After spending just a few hours of your time, you will be able to make beautiful, original, stylish blinds.

An example of paper blinds from wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper blinds

Homemade paper curtains have a number of advantages:

  • Low material cost compared to real blinds. Often, wallpaper does not have to be spent at all, as they remain after repair. But even if you buy an expensive roll of wallpaper, it will still cost much less.
  • No need for wet cleaning.
  • Ease of manufacture.
  • Easy to replace old or damaged paper curtains.
  • Easy to mount and remove from window.

However, an obvious disadvantage is short term operation, wear and tear. Wallpapers with highly likely will fade in the sun, which will soon lose their original appearance. Since they cannot be wiped with a damp sponge, if they are heavily soiled, they will simply need to be disposed of. Also, due to the fragility of the material, with careless handling, paper curtains can be very easily torn. This disadvantage can turn into a virtue if you like to change accents in the interior often.

Another disadvantage may be cheap appearance products. Although in this case a lot depends on the quality and color of the wallpaper itself, the craftsmanship, and how harmoniously they fit into the design of the room.

Installation methods and work planning

To decide on the right size piece of wallpaper, you need to consider mounting options. Classic blinds can be mounted outside or inside the window opening.

  1. External fastening. The width of the roll should exceed the width of the opening by 10 cm. This mounting option is appropriate for a very narrow window sill.
  2. Internal fastening along the width of the window. In this case, the width of the wallpaper matches the width of the opening. This option is also convenient with a narrow window sill.
  3. Fastening by window frame. In this case, the width of the paper roll must match (+/- 2 cm) with the width of the frame. This mounting method is optimal for wide window sill to preserve its functionality, and most acceptable in the case of homemade paper wallpapers.

Installation options for classic blinds.

In our master class, we will consider how to make paper blinds step by step with fastening along the window frame. Therefore, at the planning stage, take the appropriate measurements of the window, compare the width of the opening with the width of the roll. If the window has non-standard dimensions, it may be more rational to make paper curtains from two segments.

Necessary materials and tools

To create budget original blinds You will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Roll of wallpaper.
  2. Roulette / ruler from 50 cm.
  3. A decorative cord or ribbon that matches the color of the wallpaper.
  4. Scissors.
  5. A piece of double sided tape.
  6. Fasteners.
  7. Hole punch (awl).

For the manufacture of blinds from wallpaper, only varieties of medium-weight paper are suitable. Vinyl wallpapers will be extremely difficult to bend and use.

Necessary materials for the manufacture of blinds.

Step-by-step production of paper curtains

When the measurements are taken, the plan is drawn up, and the tools and materials are at hand, you can start making blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, following the clear step-by-step instructions with photo examples.

  1. Mark the height of the window on the wallpaper, then add at least another 25% of this segment. Part of the extra length will go to the "accordion", the other part - to the mount.
  2. Draw strips of the future accordion up to 3-5 cm wide on a segment. If the width of the folds is greater, the curtains will look very untidy. The stripes must be perfectly even. Fold the accordion so that the entire segment turns into a narrow strip. Cut off the excess.
  3. Wallpaper accordion.

  4. Next, you need to make holes in the accordion. There can be two options here: for the manufacture of classic blinds, you need to make two holes at the edges of the roll, for the manufacture of swag ( decorative element in the form of a "peacock tail"), it is necessary to make one hole in the center of the wallpaper. Regardless of whether you make two or one hole, it should recede from the edge of the folds by at least 10 mm.
  5. Holes in accordion wallpaper.

    To punch a hole, it is advisable to use a special hole punch to get neat punctures and not bend / damage the paper. In everyday life, a hole punch is often replaced with an awl or a screwdriver, but in this case, you need to work very carefully so as not to bend the wallpaper.

    Using a screwdriver to pierce holes.

  6. You need to thread a string or ribbon through the hole. At the top edge, it is worth making a small reliable knot. The length of the cord after tying the knot should be equal to the length paper cut. Attach clips to the lower end and cut off the excess.
  7. Clamps can act as standard clips for ropes and cords, decorative clothespins, beads, paper clips and other devices. You can not use clamps at all, but fix the height of the blinds by tying decorative bows from a rope or ribbon.

    An example of fasteners for a blind cord.

  8. Glue to the top edge of the paper piece double sided tape(at the same time fixing the knot of the rope). The protective film on the other side of the adhesive tape does not need to be removed yet.
  9. If you want to do decorative option with a fan at the bottom, you will need a piece of double-sided tape up to 20 cm long, the width should be less than the width of the accordion folds. The tape must be glued to one side of the lower fold, then remove the protective film and connect both halves of the accordion, as shown in the photo:
  10. Sticking double-sided tape on one side of the accordion fold.

    Gluing the accordion folds into a fan.

  11. In the final, it is necessary to tear off the second protective film from the adhesive tape at the upper edge of the structure and attach the curtains to the window sash.

During operation, the lower fold of the curtain (unless it is made in the form of a fan) will deform and deteriorate the fastest. To extend its life, you can glue a strip of cardboard to the bottom harmonica (before making holes). This will make the entire structure heavier, therefore, when raising the blinds, they will need to be additionally fixed with clothespins.

In general, the whole process consists of the steps shown in the illustration:

Step by step illustration of the process.

A quick way to make blinds

This option is suitable if you need to install temporary sun protection before buying store blinds or curtains, and aesthetics and decorativeness do not play a role. This is a variant of wallpaper blinds for the lazy, since it will take no more than 20 minutes to make it. You can remove and mount this structure as much as you like if necessary.

Required materials and tools:

  • wallpaper section (length = window height + 25%);
  • piece of cardboard;
  • double sided tape;
  • clothespins.

Description of the work in stages:

  1. You need to measure the height of the window, measure the desired length of the roll and add another 25% to this number.
  2. Fold the wallpaper into an accordion, similar to the previous option.
  3. The bottom fold of the accordion must be reinforced with cardboard using PVC glue, double-sided adhesive tape or a stapler.
  4. Attach double-sided tape to the upper fold of the accordion, remove the protective film from the other side and glue it to the sash of the double-glazed window.

At night, the blinds will hang freely down. In the daytime, the height of the blinds will need to be fixed with clothespins or clips.

"Lazy" blinds from the wallpaper in the lowered form.

Decorating blinds with wallpaper or paper

You can use the remnants of wallpaper not only for making blinds, but also for decorating ready-made ones. window curtains. Blinds made of plastic, wood and bamboo are suitable as a "base". With the help of such a simple decor, you can transform an old, bored interior, hide defects on the blinds and add bright colors to the design of the room.

This decor option is suitable for blinds with a slat width of 5 cm or more.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • old blinds;
  • a roll of wallpaper or colored paper;
  • PVC glue or other for paper, brush;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Step by step work:

The final look of the decorated blinds.

You can make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands together with the kids, because following the step-by-step instructions and tips in the photo, the whole process will be quick and fun. Homemade wallpaper blinds can be used for any room of the house, not only as a temporary solution, but also as permanent original window curtains.

In detail, the process of making blinds from paper wallpaper can be viewed on the video: