Window decoration with a balcony curtains. How beautiful to hang tulle on the balcony and in a room with a balcony door. Colors and accessories - what is useful to know

The selection of curtains for a bedroom or living room with a balcony is one of the most important points in interior design any housing. It is he who is the main accent and the final touch of the design solution, on which the atmosphere and comfort of the house will depend.

In standard residential buildings, the living room or hall is usually equipped with a balcony or loggia. This fact does not in any way relate to the disadvantages of the layout, but brings some difficulties in decorating the opening with the curtains of a room with a balcony and a window.

Incorrectly chosen curtains for a living room or a bedroom with a balcony will have a negative impression on the overall design of the room: a curtain that is too long will interfere, and a short one will simply ruin the overall picture of the room.

Each interior space must have its own own flavor, so let it be perfectly matched curtains that will favorably emphasize dignity, hide errors and give a unique image to the room. Ideally, the curtain material should match with fabric, which upholstered furniture, and decorative elements of the situation. The main thing is that curtains should provide free access to the doors of the balcony or loggia.

When choosing a window decor option with a balcony door in the living room or bedroom, the following factors must be considered:

  • The amount of daylight penetrating through the curtains for the living room with a balcony door. It should be understood that even when the windows face the warm side, the glazed balcony will be able to let in only part of the sunlight, so it is not recommended to place dark sealed curtains.
  • When the loggia is not glazed, and the windows of the room are large enough, then, on the contrary, you should think about good protection from blinding sunlight and prying eyes.
  • The balcony is a fairly functional part of the home, because it is there that they usually dry clothes, store a lot of things, or have a good time. Therefore, when making an opening, you need to take into account how often this room is visited. If the household runs all day between the balcony and the apartment, then the exit should be as functional as possible so that the textile curtains do not need to be folded or specially removed.
  • It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of material with a balcony, taking into account the above factors.

Convenience of styles

It is important to understand that the design of such a window with curtains should remain practical and not complicate access to this small room. The aesthetic component plays an equally important role, so the market today offers an immense number of options for decorating a window with curtains.

Strict blinds

Horizontal or vertical door and window, made of a variety of materials, occupy a minimum of space, are quite practical to handle, convenient to use and do not interfere with free passage.

In addition, at the request of the customer, the blinds are equipped with a special remote control and are moved both from the inside and from the outside of the balcony. They make the room visually larger, but have a fairly official look and require additional decor if installed in a living space.

Roman and roller blinds

Roller blinds or Roman blinds in a room with a balcony door are a pretty practical option. They are concise and easy to use. Roll options have a huge number of different colors, can be adjusted using the control panel and meet all the requirements for the decor of a bedroom or hall.

At the same time, Roman and roller blinds on the balcony door and window, like blinds, have a slightly office look, and to complete the image of the opening, it is recommended to frame them with weightless tulle that do not block the exit from the room.

Therefore, when choosing roller blinds or Roman blinds for a balcony door or window, you need to be careful, thinking through all the options so as not to turn your own apartment into an office.

Traditional simplicity

For the use of decoration with traditional curtains in the living room with a balcony, there is a rich selection of design solutions for any type of interior. You can choose luxurious elegant heavy curtains in a classic style, late baroque or materials with metallic threads for modern living.

Dense canvases, which go well with delicate, airy, but opaque tulle, will hide the flaws of the balcony opening and harmoniously combine the exit and the window into a single composition.

If we are talking about choosing curtains for a bedroom with a balcony door, then you should pay attention to models with a minimum set of decorative elements so that they do not create a congestion of space. At the same time, the material should be easy to handle and maintain. This type of curtain is perfectly complemented by stylish and at the same time practical tie-backs with magnets.

Today, eyelet curtains are back in fashion. They perfectly decorate any modern interior, especially when placed in a window opening with a balcony door, because they are very easy to move away.

When choosing a fabric for tulle and curtains, you need to remember the length of the curtains in order to allow for the possibility of fully opening the sash without damaging the fabric with strong tension.

Of course, traditional curtains for a living room with a balcony are not as practical as blinds, but they harmoniously smooth out the obvious difference in the size of the door and windows. In addition, this decor option helps to hide an unaesthetic radiator, which is hardly a room decoration.

If straight traditional curtains seem too casual, then you can take a closer look at asymmetrical curtains. You can balance the exit to the balcony, which is too large compared to the window opening, using an asymmetric lambrequin, where its elongated side will go down to the window, and the short side will cover the door.

The tulle for this option is made up of a couple of parts to make the exit to the balcony easier and protect thin fabric from damage. A similar window decor with a balcony in the bedroom looks quite original, organic and attractive.

Tulle transparency

When the balcony is glazed and curtained, then the living room window will perfectly decorate the organza tulle or veil, which will allow you to decorate the opening without darkening the room. It is important that two-piece tulle is not suitable here, only one-piece fabric.

When choosing a single piece of tulle, you need to add about two meters to the width of the opening, then the material will gather into beautiful folds and allow you to open the balcony door without damaging the fabric.

Plastic or metal eyelets are suitable for attaching light curtains. It is important that the colors of the tulle harmonize well with the interior of the room, and it is not at all necessary to use the usual snow-white fabric.

Tender muslin

The fashion novelty of this year are considered filament curtains (kiseya). They look unusual, spectacular and decorate the window in an original way. Thin flowing curtains can create an incredible play of light in the hall. You can purchase a one-color version of such curtains or assemble a composition from a pair or more colors.

In addition, the following kisei options are offered:

  • with beads
  • flowers.
  • other decorative items.

This option for decorating a window with a balcony is not only outwardly attractive, but also quite practical. You will not need to constantly move the curtain to go out to the balcony.

Japanese practicality

The most non-standard way of registration are considered modern japanese curtains for living room with balcony. They are ideal for interiors in oriental, minimalist or European style.

It is worth choosing such curtains for a window with a balcony door when this room is often used. The curtain fabric, fixed on the frame, moves smoothly along the guides, so it is almost impossible to damage it. In addition, the material of the curtains is impregnated with a specialized composition that effectively protects against dust and dirt.

Bamboo (oriental)

An exotic design option for a window opening with a balcony in the living room. They are intricate interweaving of natural fibers, ideally complementing and decorating the expressive oriental interior of any home.

loggia decoration

In a modern apartment, the balcony is also a full-fledged room, even if it functions as a storage room. After all, it is this room that is located on the outside and it needs to be decorated with dignity.

An excellent solution in this case would be tulle on the balcony and curtains for the balcony door. You need to select them in the same way as for any room. The main thing is compliance with the general style decision of the room. It is also necessary to take into account the size of the balcony or loggia.

For a small room, it is better to choose a short fabric or tulle that does not reach the floor so that the room visually appears larger. Curtains to the floor are suitable for a spacious loggia, which will bring complete harmony to the interior.

Today, a huge number of ways to design windows with a balcony door are offered for every taste, interior and wallet. And therefore, everyone has the pleasure of choosing curtains for a window with a balcony, so that later they can enjoy the aesthetics and practicality of their own homes with pleasure.

The balcony is an original architectural solution, plus an additional area. In apartment buildings, access to it is most often located in the hall. In order for the balcony door to harmoniously fit into the interior of the living room, and not spoil it, it is necessary to properly decorate it with curtains.

How to choose curtains for a hall with a balcony door: basic rules for choosing

When choosing curtains in the living room for a window with a balcony door, you need to take into account the following points:

  • room area - in the presence of a small, light range;
  • window size - usually it is large, plus a door, so you need to take more fabrics to get beautiful waves;
  • design of the room and balcony - it is necessary that the curtains correspond to the general interior;
  • they should be easy to wash and be durable - after all, you will often move them;
  • the preference of the owners - taking into account all the requirements, nevertheless, you should push away from your desires;
  • features of opening the door - take into account the way it functions.

It is better to choose simple models, a minimum of bows and folds. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to factors such as lighting and free movement.

Sunlight enters the living room through the balcony, and if it is glazed and hung, then little light will enter the room. Therefore, do not choose very thick curtains. In the presence of large windows and the lack of glazing of the balcony, you need to take care of serious protection from sunlight and prying eyes.

In addition, the balcony has many functions: clothes are dried on it, things are stored and the family just relaxes. When designing a door, you should consider how often you will use it. If you plan to go out on it many times, then the curtains are needed in such a model so that they do not block the movement and are not clamped by the door.

Requirements for the design of curtains

Curtains in the hall with a balcony door can be of any model: classic, short, combined, ceiling, corner. They should be practical and look aesthetically pleasing. Also, starting to choose them, you need to decide where the window is located, on the south or north side.

Blinds, Roman and roller blinds

Blinds, Roman or roller blinds are the ideal choice for a hall with a balcony door, they take up little space and will not overload the interior.

Their main advantages:

  • do not interfere with free access to the balcony;
  • allow you to adjust the level of illumination, there are models with remote control;
  • they are easy to clean.

However, they also have a drawback, without additional decoration, the room looks official with them. If you like minimalism, this option is suitable. But if you want to give the room coziness and warmth, you should supplement the opening with light curtains.

Curtains and Roman blinds in one composition look very stylish in the hall.

Classic straight models

In an apartment with small windows compared to a balcony door, it is better to use classic straight curtains. They will hide this discrepancy and make the design harmonious. And if you add them with pickups with magnets, then in addition to practicality, it will look stylish.

An ideal option for a design with a door is curtains on grommets, they look good in any interior. In addition, they move easily, which is important when there is a door.

When choosing curtains, it should be borne in mind that the door will open, and the length should not interfere with the process.

Of course, such a model is not as practical as blinds or Roman blinds, but it will help smooth out the disproportionate design and hide the battery.

Asymmetric options

More original for the hall, unlike ordinary straight curtains, they will be asymmetrical. They hide flaws and allow you to correct the proportions of the structure. If you arrange the design with an asymmetric lambrequin, where the long side is above the window, and the short one is above the balcony door, you can achieve balance. The tulle in this composition will add lightness, and it is better if it is in two parts. Tacks look great on tulle from the fabric from which the lambrequin is made.

Curtains in the interior

If there is a glazed balcony decorated with curtains, it is enough to use only light curtains made of tulle or organza in the hall. They fit perfectly into any interior and will not darken. But, the two-part option is not suitable here, since in the absence of dense curtains, a separate tulle composition looks bad.

When choosing tulle, add 1.5 m to the width, this will allow you to assemble the curtains into a beautiful fold. The color should be selected based on the color preference of the room. Eyelets made of plastic and metal are suitable for attaching tulle.

Curtains with lambrequins

The hall is the main room in the apartment and often not small. Curtains for him are an important design element and any decor details are acceptable here, but without frills.

An excellent solution would be to complement the composition with a lambrequin, it can be hard and soft. In addition, it visually gives height to the room, but can make the interior heavier, and therefore, its choice should be approached carefully. It should harmoniously fit into the design of the living room.

Japanese curtains

For lovers of minimalism or original Asian-style options, Japanese curtains are suitable. They are ideal if the balcony is actively used:

  • such a model cannot be clamped by a balcony door, because the matter is attached to the frame and moves along the guides;
  • the fabric is impregnated with a composition that repels dust and dirt, because they are often touched when going out to the balcony, and dust also flies from the street.

How to hang curtains with a balcony door: types of cornices

The cornice is an integral element in the design of a window with a balcony. When choosing it, you should act on the principle:

  • first, the ceiling height and window dimensions are measured, and only then the model and style are selected;
  • a cornice is selected based on the weight of the curtains;
  • if there is a door, the curtains should walk well along the eaves, so eyelets are the winning option;
  • if the curtains are simple, then round cornices will do;
  • with multilayer curtains - cornices should be in several rows (curtains, tulle, lambrequins - all this should be located harmoniously on it);
  • aluminum profile is designed for Roman and Japanese version;
  • the color of the cornice should match the color shades of the interior of the room.

Ceiling plastic cornices are well suited for light, airy curtains in the hall. They allow you to vary the design of the room in the desired style, but they are also the most expensive.

The color scheme of the curtains depending on the color of the room

The design of the curtains must be combined with the style of the room and its color scheme. The coloring should be similar to the upholstery of upholstered furniture or walls. The window must harmoniously fit into the overall interior of not only the living room, but also the balcony. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the hall of an active person should be in bright colors, and for lovers of calm conversations and relaxation - light, calm colors.

We must not forget that the dark color makes the room smaller, and when used in a small room, it will become even smaller. And light shades - visually increase the area.

Models for a dark interior

In the presence of dark walls and furniture, curtains must be selected light, translucent. Correctly choose curtains a few tones lighter than walls or furniture, then they will give light to the dark interior and dilute it.

Today, brown is very fashionable and all shades of light brown will fit perfectly into such a room.

White or beige color is a win-win, and in combination with dark curtains it will look great in a dark interior and refresh it.

Options for a bright interior

Everything can be suitable for a light interior. Delicate pastel colors will give the atmosphere of the living room calm and tranquility. And so that the situation is not boring, you should add tacks or a lambrequin of bright color. If you want to liven up the atmosphere, you can focus on the window using contrasting colors. For example, dark curtains on white walls, beating them with bows or ruffles to match the interior. But the choice of such an option must be approached carefully, with the wrong combination of colors, you can harm the overall impression.

How to sew curtains with a balcony door yourself

If you want to have curtains that embody your fantasies, you can sew them yourself. This does not require special skills and a lot of time. The main thing is to make the right measurements, choose the fabric and accessories. The amount of material needed depends on the model and size of the window.

The work process is as follows:

  1. Measurements are taken - the length from the cornice to the floor and the width of the cornice. If the model provides for the presence of folds, then plus 1.5 - 2 meters.
  2. Matter is chosen - if there is a window on the north side, it is better to take a not very dense fabric. From the south - dense material is suitable, it will protect from the sun. Also, experts advise, in the absence of experience, not to take complex fabric for tailoring: velvet, silk, satin.
  3. Curtains are covered - the required number of stripes, according to the model.
  4. Tailoring - the stripes are sewn and all edges (except the bottom) are tucked up by 1.5 cm, they must first be overlaid.
  5. The bottom is bent by 10 cm and a cord (weighting agent) is pulled into the seam, its presence will make the curtain look more beautiful.
  6. Top - a curtain tape is attached to it, pulling on it, the curtain is going into folds.
  7. The last stage - hooks are attached, and curtains are hung.

Curtains, the easiest model to sew, which everyone will make. They can be decorated with bows or using a tack to assemble beautifully.

Do not neglect the decor when decorating curtains, it gives the interior a zest and individuality. These can be bows, ribbons, ruffles in contrasting colors, tacks and even special butterflies that can be beautifully placed on curtains. But it is important not to overdo it with these elements, the excess will look tasteless.

There are a large number of models of curtains that are suitable for a balcony door. Using fantasy, you can not only decorate it beautifully, but also emphasize the style of the room and fill it with comfort.

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It does not always make sense to decorate the balcony with curtains. In what cases will they be appropriate and why do we need curtains on the balcony? Which cornice to choose for them? There are plenty of questions, but first things first.

Often the hall in the apartments borders on the balcony area. It can be difficult to arrange this part of the living room, because improperly selected curtains on the windows with a balcony door will immediately spoil the whole impression of the room.

The curtains must:

  • Be practical;
  • Do not fade in the sun;
  • Do not obstruct access to the balcony.

Many people use the loggia as greenhouses in the warm season, so that the plants do not ruin the excessive amount of sunlight, they hang curtains.

Some even use the balcony as a personal office or bed, placing a cot there. It’s not a bad idea if it’s not possible to go on vacation in the summer: you can imagine that you are lying and sunbathing on a beach chair, the noise of cars will pass for the sounds of the surf, and the screams of children on the playground - for the screams of seagulls, and light curtains will not let you get burned in the sun.

Usually, practical options are used for a window with a balcony door, such as blinds, roller blinds and Roman blinds. They meet all the above requirements for curtains. The only negative is their excessive formality, which is suitable only for minimalist interiors. However, this problem is solved with the help of additional decor.

Often in an apartment, the windows to the balcony are small compared to the door. It does not look very attractive, so the use of ordinary straight curtains is recommended: denser fabrics on the sides and light tulle. Thus, the window opening and the door will become a single composition. Do not forget about the cut in the middle of the tulle. It is needed to access the door and window sill.

So that the curtains do not block the entrance to the loggia, they use pickups on magnets. It is both practical and beautiful at the same time.

The curtains on the grommets are also easy to use. They can be easily removed, hung and moved in the right direction.

Choosing a fabric for curtains considering several criteria.


  • Light transmission of the material;
  • Compatibility of fabric colors with the interior of the room;
  • The presence of defects that must be hidden behind a curtain (windowsill, radiator).

Asymmetric lambrequins can help balance the difference between a small window and a balcony door. At the same time, the tulle should consist of two parts, so there will be no problems with entering the loggia.

We decorate a room with a balcony and a window: Provence style interior

The design of a room with a balcony depends on many factors, the most important of which is the frequency of use of this part of the home.

There are 3 types of balcony, the design of which will vary.

They are:

  • glazed;
  • United with rooms;
  • open.

Open options, in turn, are divided into subspecies. For example, there are French balconies, they have very little space. It is only enough to install a chair and a couple of flower pots.

What to do with such a small space? If there are no curious kids in the house and you want something new, you can decorate the room in the French style: order wrought-iron grilles for the balcony, replace the standard door with a glass one with the same exquisite binding, and a small romantic corner in the apartment is ready.

Curtains are selected in pastel colors from thin cotton, without bright patterns or patterns, or with an unobtrusive floral print. If the balcony is spacious, beautiful Japanese panels can become window decorations.

Do not forget about the interior, a light rustic Provence should be seen in all interior items of the room. The bedroom is decorated without bright contrasting colors, the wallpaper is delicate, with floral prints, and a large and comfortable bed is the main element of decor.

We select curtains for the balcony door to the kitchen

It often happens that the kitchen borders on a balcony. To ensure fire safety, in this case, many curtains are replaced with blinds, but other options are possible.

A room combined with a balcony should have an unusual window design. Classic models with many folds and accessories will not fit here, as cleaning them will be difficult.

Curtains for the kitchen:

  • Do not absorb odors;
  • Be non-marking;
  • Do not interfere with cooking.

Short beautiful curtains with delicate floral prints are suitable for a Provence-style kitchen, and plaid models are suitable for country music. Window decoration can be in a classic style. Austrian curtains are suitable for this. They will give the kitchen a touch of sophistication, and at the same time will not interfere during cooking. At the same time, an ordinary curtain of the same color and material as the curtain for the kitchen window is used for the balcony door. The classic model is mounted on a cornice under the ceiling above the door.

The door can be replaced by an ordinary arch, and the balcony itself will become a place for breakfast. This would be a great option for a one-room apartment where there is no space for a dining room. In this case, the place of the opening is not made out with curtains.

Also for a window with a balcony door, Roman blinds and fabric blinds are suitable. You can hang them without a cornice.

Choosing curtains for a window with a balcony correctly

An opaque fabric is not suitable for a balcony, it is preferable to see light air curtains here, but ordinary blinds are also possible if it is a balcony combined with a bedroom, and its windows face south or east. Layered curtains look beautiful in a spacious loggia, but it is important to secure them correctly.

You can hang classic curtains on a regular cornice only if there is a 20-cm layer of concrete or brick between the window and the ceiling on the balcony.

In addition to the blinds for the balcony fit:

  1. Pleated curtains. They come in several options, with such curtains you can decorate the upper, lower part of the window or its middle. The material for corrugated curtains is impregnated with a dust-repellent composition, does not fade in the sun, which is undoubtedly a plus for balcony curtains.
  2. roller blinds. Models from fabrics of different density are great for loggia windows. However, in order not to be disappointed in the unreliable twisting mechanism, it is better not to save money, purchase curtains from reputable manufacturers.
  3. Japanese models suitable for large loggias, although they are not very practical, but they look interesting on balcony windows. Such curtains were created on the principle of compartment doors.

You can arrange a balcony block with your own hands. Skillful needlewomen can sew Roman blinds on their own by watching the video instructions and an example in the photo in advance.

For this, they select:

  • Suitable dense fabric;
  • Reiki or twigs for folds;
  • Metal rings, the diameter of which is 1.2 cm;
  • Weighting bar;
  • Strong cord;
  • Finished cornice.

How to choose curtains for windows (video)

For the first experiment, it is best to choose a fabric of such a color that will hide all the flaws and errors. For example, material in a cage.

Design of curtains in the bedroom with a balcony door (photo in the interior)

In the article I will consider the design features of a window with a balcony door. I'll tell you what design options exist. Consider how to choose the right curtains.

balcony door window design

This design method is suitable for the bedroom and hall.

Japanese is one of those options that will always be appropriate.

Japanese ones consist of two or more pieces of cloth that move vertically. If you need to open the door to the balcony, you can move only one curtain.

Such models are made of transparent tulle, so they can always be kept closed.

Asymmetric curtains for a window with a balcony door

Design features

Many people prefer not to design a balcony door with a window, because they have to constantly move the curtains to get to the balcony. But if you leave the opening empty, it will not look very nice. And this is not very practical if the apartment is located on the 2nd or 3rd floor.

All design options are suitable for the bedroom, living room and nursery

In the hall you can hang transparent tulle and thick curtains. Install blinds if it faces east so that the sun does not interfere with sleep. The same reception is suitable for the nursery and for the living room.

The use of curtains for the kitchen is not desirable, especially if there is a stove nearby. Long curtains and tulle will only get in the way. Roman (if you want more decorative) and vertical blinds are suitable for the kitchen. They are easy to wash and won't get in the way.

Vertical blinds are attached to the wall cornice above the window or to the ceiling, they can easily be rotated to any position in relation to the opening.

It is important to combine the design of curtains for a balcony exit with the style of a living room or bedroom, choosing the right color, shape and texture.

Or you can hang a short tulle near the opening, and leave the door like that. This option is suitable for those who have kitchen utensils or a pantry for groceries on the balcony. So you do not have to constantly move the curtain to get to the balcony.

Japanese curtains are also suitable. They will organically fit into the minimalist design of the kitchen.

Non-standard decor

A common design option is a rectangular balcony door and a square window. But you can decorate in an unusual style. True, this is a laborious and expensive process. You will have to change the entire balcony block. But after such transformations, you do not have to hang curtains or blinds. You can put several pots of flowers on the windowsill so that the space does not seem empty.

For example, you can make an opening in the form of an arch or a semicircle. Install a door in the center, and two large windows on the sides. There may be many options.

The design of a window with a door leading to a balcony is a complex and creative process. It is not enough to hang just tulle and curtains. After all, the balcony has to be opened all the time, and the curtains can interfere. You need to select a design depending on how often you have to go out onto the balcony.

Today, more and more balconies or loggias serve as rooms for rest and relaxation. If you use the room rationally and decorate its interior with taste, then a cozy corner will become a decoration of your home.

Since balconies and loggias are mostly glazed, it is important to properly arrange window frames and door panels. By hanging roller blinds on the balcony door and windows, you can drastically change the look of the room. These curtains have their own characteristics and advantages, unlike simple window curtains.

When choosing roller blinds, it is important to choose the right design and size of products. Cloths must exactly fit the shape and dimensions of the window.

The most practical and popular designs are the following:

  • Standard. They are considered the best for decorating a loggia or a balcony with a blank window. In addition, the Standart design is suitable not only for lifting mechanisms, but also for sliding opening systems. The width of the canvas is greater than the window frame. The canvas is not suitable for tilt-and-turn sashes. The roll cloth will interfere and prevent the window from fully opening. In this case, the right decision would be to hang mini-roller blinds.
  • mini. Cassettes of this type are intended for decoration of any types of window frames, except for sliding ones. When choosing products, the type of frames and their shape should be taken into account. Canvases decorate both the balcony and the loggia. Blinds are attached directly to the frame. This allows you to freely open and close windows. Roller blinds are perfect for balcony doors. They are mounted on the upper part of the body and do not interfere with the operation of the doors. Mini cassettes fit snugly against the glass. The effect is achieved thanks to the web tension system using a special string. It allows matter to hold its shape.

Roller blinds are a good alternative to horizontal metal or plastic blinds. They have a number of advantages:

  1. Made from natural material.
  2. Easy to clean.
  3. Able to visually expand the space. It is only important to choose the right color and type of fabric. With their help, the interior can be decorated in any style you like. Cloths serve as reliable protection from prying eyes and do not let sunlight into the room.

2 mounting options

An important role in the installation of roller blinds is played by their modification. Mounting methods are different for each model. The fastening of the roller blinds should be given attention so that their operation lasts a long time and does not cause discomfort to the residents. Instructions should be included with the curtains. Thanks to it, you can easily install a mechanism with a retractable curtain.

There are 2 methods of fastening roller blinds: with drilling and without. The principle of each of them depends on the model of the blinds and on the type of window frames.

Step-by-step instructions for attaching roller blinds

Blinds are on sale. Their control unit must be fixed with self-tapping screws. Curtains are mounted in the following way:

  • Marks are made on the window frame for a block with curtains.
  • In order to fix the box with the mechanism on the window panel, drill the corresponding holes.
  • Using self-tapping screws, the box is tightly fixed to the frame.
  • Check the mechanism in action. Close side covers tightly.

Easy fastening without drilling

This option is the most popular way to install fabric blinds:

  1. The box with the mechanism is applied to the window frame and the location of the curtains is marked with a marker.
  2. The panel on which the mechanism will be mounted is degreased with acetone.
  3. The block is connected to the frame with glue, which is applied by the manufacturer to the back of the box.

This is a popular and affordable mounting method. It is enough to competently prepare openings and window frames for installation.

Design solutions

Manufacturers of rolled curtains are trying to improve the quality of products and are constantly expanding their range.

This group of products provides a choice of the most attractive and unusual colors. Materials use different structures and textures. For any room, you can choose the right canvas. Designers of manufacturers of roller blinds are well versed in this issue.

It is possible to make repairs and create an interior in the design direction you like on a loggia or balcony without much difficulty. The product range of roller curtain manufacturing companies includes variations from country style to baroque.

Some models come with original and sophisticated decorative elements. These can be heavy velor brushes with harnesses that power the mechanism, or airy ribbons with flowers.

It is not necessary to choose dark-colored fabrics to protect from sunlight. The technology for the production of fabrics for blinds allows matter of any color to prevent the penetration of sunlight by 90%. In such a room it is very pleasant to be and relax.