How to make a garden swing out of wood? Do-it-yourself garden swing: a selection of design ideas and ways to implement them We do it for home and apartment

Swings are not just for fun. For adults, they calm the nerves, improve mood and put thoughts in order; especially if, swaying, contemplate the clouds in the sky. Children and teenagers on a swing train the vestibular apparatus, develop coordination of movements, and, as they say, feel physics with their whole body. Schoolchildren who know how to swing well on a swing, as a rule, do better and quickly grasp such difficult concepts as, for example, the moment of inertia of a body.

Making a garden swing with your own hands is a simple matter. Who in childhood did not swing on a plank suspended from a branch of a tree on ropes? Or didn’t he flounder into a river or a pond, swinging on a bungee? And having at your disposal a certain amount of material, a simple tool and not quite crooked hands, you can build a corner of relaxation in any situation, which in its action is not inferior to a rock garden arranged according to all the rules, see fig.

country grace

Street and yard swings are placed where there is a place. At the dacha, it’s also, in general, not in abundance, but for yourself it’s worth figuring out how to collect country pleasures in one edem: and the place is saved, and, if we relax, then the beds, from which the hands are in calluses, eyes didn't callous. Here, as usual, every man is his own master. However, there is a very good universal option: hang a swing for giving in a pergola, see fig. If it is, of course, strong enough for this. Dig more and equip a decorative pond nearby - and a do-it-yourself paradise is ready on less than 1 hundred square meters.

About metal swings

Their own swing is most often made of wood: it is more familiar, cozier and easier to work with. But if, say, the whole world equips a playground, then a stronger and fireproof structure is already needed, so that the tomboys do not have to pull up every now and then, and it was difficult to damage the swing by a hooligan, which, alas, will not be transferred. In such a case, in Fig. below is a drawing of a classic, so to speak, yard swing made of metal: pipes, corner, strip, wire rod, with a canopy. In the future, we will pay more attention to wooden swings, except for those cases when metal is necessary for strength: for a sports corner for a teenager, etc.

Note: there are also cases when metal as a structural material for a swing is chosen according to other criteria. For example, at pos. 1 fig. on the right - a forged swing. Their production requires high skill, and it is very expensive to order, but the prestige is obvious. But on pos. 2 in the same place - a metal swing from the scraps of the channel. For those who know how to handle a welding machine and a grinder, their construction is a matter of half a day, and the bright coloring masks the utility of the material.

The best for children

Swinging on a hanging swing does not begin immediately. Toddlers, who have just learned how to rearrange their bottom two properly, are just right to ride on a pendulum swing. Which, by the way, also develops motor skills and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Parents who built their children's swing-pendulum with their offspring are soon convinced: abrasions on the knees and elbows, broken noses, roar and resentment from both have noticeably diminished. Although, of course, still not without it. But the swing will help children develop reasonable caution and common sense, preventing serious injuries.

It is known how the swing-pendulum works. Shown in Fig. the option is interesting in that as many as 11 nails are required for metal fasteners:

Details marked with (!), are made of hard, small-layered deciduous wood - oak, beech, hornbeam, walnut. The ends of the pendulum axis can not be turned to a perfectly round one: it is enough to plan it more or less evenly so that they fit into the nests with a slight interference, and shake the board several times, they will run in. If the fibers in the axis and support posts are oriented mutually perpendicular (which is elementary to observe by cutting them out of one board), then the swing will last for many years, and the rubbing surfaces will soon become mirror-smooth and durable, as if machined from steel.

The pendulum swing can be made portable, so that, say, it can be brought to the veranda for the winter. 2 ways for this are shown in the same place, pos. a and b. According to method a, the ends of the racks are concreted in an unusable tire; method b is obvious and simpler, but both riders can fall sideways along with the swing. By the way, many other benefits can be derived from old swing tires; we will return to them later.

Swings for older children are made suspended, as for adults (see below), with some features:

  • The supporting beam of the swing is made from a bar with an extension to which a ladder leads, see fig. on right.
  • Even better, if there is enough space, put an additional support lower on the side, so that a horizontal bar is also obtained, see fig. below. In this case, it is preferable to make the entire sports corner, except for the bar of the horizontal bar, from a profile pipe, then the whole structure is stronger, cheaper and technologically simpler.
  • Hanging a rocking chair for children who already know how to swing is best suited for a 2-2 rope scheme (see below). Then it will be possible without the risk of pinching, or even breaking a finger with a chain, swinging, it takes your breath away. And correctly chosen materials and the design of the suspension will not allow you to “turn the sun” and dive down from its highest point, or turn into a projectile fired from a sling, not being able to group for a landing, like acrobats.

Note: when choosing or designing a swing, do not neglect safety precautions! When rocking in full swing, the speed of the rocking chair at critical points of the trajectory exceeds 50 km/h! Accordingly, the result of a breakdown or fall from a swing will be equivalent to an accident at the same speed.

There are also swings for newborns and babies. There are many benefits from them, but they are medical equipment. It is strongly not recommended to make such a swing yourself, and you need to choose purchased ones and use them only as directed by a pediatrician.

For babies from about six months old, whose eyes are already looking meaningfully (this means that their vision has formed and they see clearly), a children's swing for little ones will be useful, see fig. on right. They cost a lot, but it’s very easy to make similar ones yourself from pipes, PVC or propylene, and cutting plywood, see video:

Video: baby swing for kids

Do not forget to just plug the ends of the pipes with foam: at this age, a finger crawls into a small hole, and you want to put it in there. They swing the child in such a swing, holding the suspension with their hands; in the apartment, the same plastic pipe is suitable as a cross member, the weight is small.

Note: it is the swing that is most often the basis of the children's corner. What else is needed for it, and how to put it all together, requires a separate description in parts. For an example, you can watch the following video:

Video: playground with swings in the program "Fazenda"

Adults and all-all-all

Now it is appropriate to ask: how is the swing set for the whole family? So that it would be comfortable for adults to swing, and for children to like it too? It is quite possible to find a compromise: the seat should be double-backed, but not very massive. The seat is strong enough so that a large child can stand on it. We take a chain suspension, because rope with such a load will stretch. Its scheme should provide a fairly easy swing without outside help, limiting the angle and speed of the swing, and a long swing after it.

It is desirable to make a family swing out of wood for the above reasons: they are more comfortable, no complex tools or special equipment are required for manufacturing. It is also highly desirable to get by with 1-2 standard sizes of lumber, and what is cheaper is an ordinary edged board. For durability, the workpieces are impregnated with biocides (antiseptics) and water repellents (water-repellent agents).

Since the swing is not a residential building and will dry out very quickly in the air, it makes no sense to spend money on expensive branded products. As a biocide, used motor oil (working out) is suitable, and a water-repellent agent is a water-polymer emulsion or, instead, PVA glue or water-based tile, diluted 3-5 times. The blanks cut to size are impregnated first with mining, and after 3-7 days with an emulsion.

Drawings of a family swing of this "classic" type are shown in fig; the length of the legs is given based on their penetration into the ground by 0.5 m:

Their peculiarity is that they are built entirely of boards, without the use of more expensive timber, as can be seen from the material sheet, pos. 2. On pos. 3 shows how the supports are adjusted before assembly: a crossbar board is used as a slipway. The legs, cut to size and at an angle (see below), are applied to the stock, bred to the desired width (at the same time, the accuracy of cutting is checked). Then a workpiece of the lower spacer is superimposed, set parallel to the slipway at the distance of its ends from it, and marked for trimming in place. From scraps of the lower spacers make the upper ones.

Note: in fig. on the right - a method of marking the blanks of the legs, based on an angle between them of 30 degrees. Markers on a steel bench square are made from several turns of soft wire with bent ends.

Swing of our own design

You may have a question: how to make a swing completely on your own? Schemes, drawings are good, but if there is already material (for example, left from the construction site), which is clearly enough for a swing, but does not fit into this design? And I don’t want a typical product, I want something of my own. Finally, in fig. at the beginning it is clear that the most luxurious original swing is generally obtained from dead wood and waste from pruning the garden. How to make a beautiful, comfortable, durable and safe swing out of all this? Well, let's get started. Sequence order:

  1. Dimensions;
  2. Foundation and method of attachment to the ground;
  3. Carrier frame;
  4. Suspension methods and designs;
  5. Suspension units;
  6. Rocking chair, she is a seat;
  7. Ways to hang a rocking chair.

Finally, consider a few more non-trivial designs and special, but arranged on the basis of ordinary, special-purpose swings.

Dimensions and proportions

The dimensions of the swing are considered, firstly, based on the width of the park bench seat for 1 person - 60 cm; the minimum value is 40 cm. The height of the seat above the ground is taken a little more than the standard chair height of 40 cm, so that, on the one hand, you can swing without touching the ground with your feet and at the same time, stretching your legs, you can slow down; on the other hand, it was even more convenient to sit down / get up. Usually they take 50-55 cm, but in fact they customize it for themselves by adjusting the height of the suspension, see below.

Note: for a paired swing with a longitudinal buildup, the height of the suspension of the board (boat) is taken 0.7 of its length. For landing and disembarking, then a platform is needed, and for a rocking chair, a smoothly acting brake (suddenly someone is muddied on it, or he / she gets scared and panics), actuated by the operator from the ground. Therefore, paired swings with longitudinal buildup are almost never used in everyday life.

Suspended swings consist of a supporting frame (2 support posts + crossbar), a suspension system and a rocking chair, it is also a seat. The distance from the edges of the seat to the side supports is taken at least 150 mm with a chain suspension type 2sh-4 or 4-4 (see below), for any other chain suspension from 250 mm, for ordinary rope suspensions from 350 mm, and for any suspension with 1 attachment point at the top - at least 0.7 of the total height of the suspension system. These requirements are based on the fact that for any swing, lateral swinging is inevitable, and touching the rocking chair on the support is unpleasant and, with strong swinging, is traumatic. That is, if we have, for example, a 40-cm seat suspended on ropes, then the span between the supports should be at least 35 + 40 + 35 = 110 cm.

The distance from the seat to the crossbar should be no less than the height of a person on a swing, so that, firstly, you can swing while standing, and secondly, so that, suddenly getting up, you do not hit your head. It is taken within 190-220 cm, depending on the available material.

The angle between the legs of the side supports is taken 30-40 degrees; most often - 30. Then, if we take blanks in half the standard length of 6 m, i.e. 3 m, then, taking into account the depth of the legs and the thickness of the workpiece on the seat, it will just be possible to stand up to his full height. In addition, the area occupied by the swing is reduced.

Note: the thickness of the material of the bearing parts is taken on the basis of a 3-fold overload during rocking. For a quality wooden beam, this will be from 150 mm in height, and for steel pipes - from 40 mm in diameter or side of the square.

Ground anchor

The legs of a wooden swing are either dug into the ground 1 m or more, or concreted to a depth of 0.5 m. 60 cm. In both cases, the ends of the legs, before being installed in pits with a margin of 15-20 cm in length, are either impregnated with bituminous mastic (40% bitumen and 60% white spirit or solvent), or spilled with bitumen heated almost to a boil, and, barely cooled down, sprinkled with sand; this method is better protected from decay.

To pour bitumen, bricks are placed under the leg so that the butt can also be poured. It is poured in a thin stream, for which it is convenient to heat the bitumen in an unusable tin with a drawn-out spout. Having poured over one side, the leg is immediately turned over and poured over the other side, trying to also flow onto the butt. Sand is sprinkled in the same order.

With a metal swing, the situation is more complicated: a pipe that is thin compared to a log or beam can eventually either wriggle out of the ground or break on the concrete itself, because. here, when swinging, loads are concentrated. Therefore, metal outdoor swings for general use must be made with support frames in the form of a solid triangle and concreted into a trench, then the metal beam laid in it will take on a significant part of the effort and unload the legs.

The legs of the swing without additional supporting elements, like those shown above from the channel, are concreted to a depth of at least 1.2 m, regardless of the depth of freezing in the area, then the channel will be able to transfer part of the loads to the concrete. Ordinary metal swings are best tied at the bottom with an additional supporting frame and attached to the ground with anchors at least 1 m long, see fig. This, by the way, will allow, if necessary, to return the land for economic use without any problems.


Country swings are most often made on a frame of 2 A-shaped supports connected by a transverse beam. Sometimes, if the swing is equipped with a hard awning, the frame is made on 4 pillars with a canopy, see below. In hot sunny places, where an awning is needed all summer, this gives some savings in material.

Recently, a frame on λ-shaped supports has become increasingly popular, on the left in the figure:

During construction, it saves wood in a whole beam, which is significant at current prices for lumber. But this swing is only for adults: when swinging in full swing, the supporting beams may not withstand - the wooden ones will break, the metal ones will bend. By the way, it is impossible to make a λ-frame from ordinary structural steel, it will bend immediately. We need very expensive special steel.

Frames with a traverse (in the center in the figure) are known to everyone: a swing on a bitch is what it is. Specially traverse frames are made for acrobatic swings with the 1st suspension point of the rocking chair; on them, having mastered the swinging technique properly, you can write out intricate pirouettes. In this case, the wood on the frame is taken in double thickness, and on the concreted ends of the legs there must be firmly attached crossbars.

A kind of traverse frame - metal mobile. They are made of high-quality steel, loads, moments, center of gravity, etc. mechanical wisdom is accurately calculated. Popular (and very expensive) swing chairs are made in a similar way, on the right in fig.

wooden frames


The most spectacular and in many cases inexpensive swings are obtained from logs. It is not necessary to take debarked and rounded: as already mentioned, trimming waste and dead wood will go. The frame from the latter, if the trunks are still strong and powerful, does not need additional reinforcement, pos. 1 in fig. Swing frames made of commercial logs, especially if they are mobile, i.e. not dug in and not concreted, it is necessary to strengthen with struts, pos. 2 and 3. The same amount of material is needed in the latter case, but the frame closes the sky less. The question is, why are the frames not deepened? In order not to spoil the lawn or paved area, in fig. it is seen.

If the swing is dug in or concreted, then the most economical and durable frame is like a Chinese swing, pos. 4. Although such a swing has long been known in Russia; they were often made in birch forests, tying the tops of trees in pairs. "Russian-Chinese" swings can also be made shallow by providing an additional frame at the bottom. A drawing of such a design is given on the next. rice: legs - logs or square bars, crossbar - timber 180x80, lower frame - from boards 150x40.


An ordinary, unprofiled wooden beam makes it possible to build a swing greater than a log. It is easier and cheaper to make a swing with a permanent canopy for hot countries from a bar, pos. 1 in fig. A conventional frame on A-shaped supports made of timber (pos. 2) will also turn out to be simpler and stronger: under the weight of the rocking chair, the legs compress the crossbar (pos. 3) and the more the swing is loaded, the stronger the frame is held. In the frame of the "Russian-Chinese" swing from a bar at the top, just like for logs, only 1 fastening unit is needed, pos. 4, and the device for a canopy over a swing made of timber on A-shaped supports is also not difficult, pos. 5.

Moreover, the crossbar from a bar can be taken the same as on the legs, i.e. reduced section (100x100 mm), if it is reinforced at the ends with overlays from the board, and the hanging points of the rocking chair are placed close to them, pos. 6. Then the moments bending the crossbar will, as it were, flow into compressive legs, and the tree holds the compressive load well.

To enhance this effect, the crossbar is sometimes placed below the tops of the supports, pos. 7, but the gain in strength is illusory, but the extra fasteners are striking, and it costs money. Using this principle, it is better to cut off the tops of the supports and additionally secure the crossbar from above with overlays, pos. 8. Then it will be possible, if the crossbar is 150x150, and the legs are 200x200, to make the crossbar extensions up to 1.5 m, and hang a children's swing on the ropes to them, attach a ladder with a slide, etc. You will get a family swing-sports corner with a material consumption of only a little more than for one swing.

And another question: is it possible to replace the beam with a board, say, 150x40? It is possible, as shown in pos. 9, only extensions can no longer be made and the height of the supports will have to be limited to about 1.8 m. The swing will be just as strong, but much cheaper than the beam. Well, it will take more work - to mark, cut, stitch.

Note: the “classic family” swing described above is even more economical, but their legs must be concreted, otherwise the plank frame will be fragile. And shown in pos. 5, 6 and 9 are mobile, they can simply be placed on the ground or on the floor.

How to put a frame?

The swing crossbar must be horizontal, otherwise the rocking chair will wobble unpleasantly on any suspension. It is difficult and troublesome to set it up with a bubble level, it is not much easier with a hose level, and a laser level - a plane builder, of course, is not just kept on the farm.

You can set the crossbar of the swing using one of the oldest leveling devices - the Egyptian plumb line, see fig. It fell out of use in ancient times due to low accuracy, but it will be enough for a swing. As a lower load, you can use a bucket of sand, and, in addition to the usual construction plumb line, any iron - a bolt, a nut - will go to the top.

Hangers and pendants

The suspension of the rocking chair determines the convenience, comfort and safety of the swing. This rather complicated node should:

  • Prevent rocking within safe limits as little as possible.
  • Gently absorb rocking energy if rocking speed/angle is out of range.
  • Ensure rocking without jerks and with as little sideways wobbling as possible.
  • Acrobatic suspension should provide the same in 2 planes.

Rocker suspension schemes are indicated by formulas of the form n-m-k, where n is the number of suspension points at the top, m is the number of intermediate suspension points, and k is the number of them on the rocker. It is somewhat similar to the wheel formulas of steam locomotives, but this is a pure coincidence: for a steam locomotive, m cannot be equal to 0, since denotes the number of driving axles, and for a swing - easily.

Some types of rocking chair suspensions are shown in Fig:

Suspension type 1-2 with a soft flexible rocking chair (not shown in the figure) is called a flying trapezoid. Hangers of types 1-m-k are used in swings on traverses. Garden and country swings are most often hung in ways 2-4 (the easiest), 2-2-4 (does not swing excessively) and 2sh-4 (you also won’t swing much and no wobbles).

Special mention should be made of the 4-4 suspension. It’s not actually a swing: how can you swing on such a thing? However, it is sometimes used for original garden benches (on the left in the figure):

For some, a little erratic swaying is soothing. But most often, swing arbors are suspended in the 4-4 way, on the right there. It's a matter of taste, some people like it. The eastern lords of the past, and even of the present, they say, they simply thrive in such in the company of their concubines.

Chain, rope or pull?

Hanging a swing on a rope is the easiest and, if you know how to knit some sea knots (see below), does not require expensive additional fasteners. But the rope, as you know, stretches, and the spiral layer does not limit the swing in any way. Therefore, firstly, it is better to hang the simplest children's summer swings on the ropes, pos. 1 in fig. below. Secondly, take the rope with a cross lay, see fig. on right. It has a lot of internal friction, which is why riggers do not like it (the efficiency of lifting mechanisms decreases), but for a swing, this is exactly what is needed so that the unreasonable child does not arrange somersaults for himself. The diameter of the nylon cross cable for swings is from 24 mm.

Chain hanger, pos. 2, expensive, but in terms of the totality of characteristics it is optimal in all respects: the chain is strong, its wear is immediately visible, it almost does not slow down a slight buildup, and extinguishes excessive due to friction in the links. However, due to the latter circumstance, the smallest in a swing on chains for adults can seriously pinch a finger; for children's swings, small-caliber chains are taken.

The rocking chair on rigid rods (pos. 3 and 4) is suspended, as a rule, on bearings. It sways very smoothly, without the slightest wobble, and, as they say, a mosquito will swing on it. But such a swing without additional security measures is dangerous: crashing headfirst into a stone fence or curb at a speed of under 60 km / h is no longer an accident, it is a tragedy. Therefore, on the site, swings on hard rods for children should, firstly, be equipped with a rocking chair with a fence, as in a swing for kids, pos. 3. Secondly, it is still impossible to let a child on them without adult supervision.

In public yard swings on bearings, a swing limiter must be provided - who knows how to get in there and how he knows how to swing? About a simple limiter from a pipe (see fig.), the rocking chair beats, which is unpleasant. In good branded swing models with rigid rods, bearing suspensions are made with a built-in hydraulic brake, which operates on the principle of viscous coupling of cars with an AWD drive, but such suspension units are expensive.

Sometimes rocking is also limited by connecting rigid rocking rods to the frame with segments of chains, pos. 5. But, generally speaking, this is not the best way out: due to the different mechanical characteristics of the suspension links, even a small and quite safe swing on such a swing occurs with noticeable jerks.

Note: there is also a whole class of luxury swing suspensions on systems of balanced levers, springs, hydraulic shock absorbers. It is clear that it is expensive and not to do it yourself.

Suspension units

Critical swing suspension points are attachment points. They have very large alternating loads, they are subject to abrasion. A small burr on the rubbing surface of the attachment will give very noticeable jerks when swinging. Therefore, the choice of the design of attachment points must be approached with all responsibility.

The cheapest, but also the worst option is S-hooks, pos. 1 in fig. Huge loads are concentrated in their crossbars, the probability of sudden destruction is high, therefore, such an attachment is only permissible for swings-benches suspended no higher than 0.5 m and whose design allows you to barely sway.

The most reliable fastening is on clamps with carabiners, pos. 2. The main load in them falls on the top of the crossbar beam, which is absolutely safe. It is only necessary that the carabiners have safety teeth and an anti-friction insert: the suspension rod sliding in the eye of the carabiner is already an emergency mode in case of excessive swinging.

Reliable clamps still spoil the look of the swing, so fastenings are most often done on eyebolts, pos. 3. Indispensable conditions for their maximum reliability - the bolt must pass through the crossbar, under the nut, regardless of the material of the crossbar, a steel washer must be placed at least 60 mm in diameter and 4 mm thick, and the nut must be tightly locked. Spring washers of all types during rocking do not prevent the gradual spontaneous loosening of a single nut!

The reliability of the eyebolt is absolute - there are large stresses on the neck of the eyebolt (ring). Absolutely reliable are slightly more expensive U-hooks and shackles, pos. 4. Under the mustache of the hook, a blind hole is drilled in the crossbar and it is inserted tightly there. Not being able to straighten even a little, the hook will withstand an incredible load, because. the destruction of the metal begins with microdisruptions in the bonds between its crystallites.

The eyebolt, U-hook and, to a lesser extent, the shackle significantly weaken the deadbolt, since the concentrated force applied from above tends to break it just where the beam is weakened by the hole, and the fastening pin, when swinging, seems to “gouge” it. The washer weakens this effect, but does not eliminate it completely. As a result, where it would be possible to get by with a 100x100 mm solid beam, you have to put 150x50 mm, and based on the buildup in full swing and all 200x200 mm.

They are conspicuous, but ideal in all qualities through fasteners with an overlay and an upper suspension, pos. 5 and 6. Shear forces from them spread freely to the sides along the beam and tend not to break, but, on the contrary, to compress the hole, as if it does not exist; the beam now becomes an equivalent solid. In addition, although such a suspension looks like a 4-4, it is kinematically equivalent to a chain 2-2-4, but dampens excessive buildup even better and smoother. If the suspension with overlays is rope, then between the carabiner and the fire (loop) of the cable you need to put a solid ring, pos. 6.

Also, the rings connect the branches of the chain suspension 2-2-4. The upper branch is welded to the ring or soldered with hard solder, and the lower ones slide freely along it, pos. 7. Only then will the 2-2-4 chain hanger acquire the desired kinematics.

Rope hangers are good because they allow you to easily adjust the height of the rocking chair, but, made "in a chain", require a fairly large number of expensive fasteners, locking and adjusting parts and assemblies, pos. 6,8 and 9. However, all of them, with one easily accessible for self-manufacturing exception, can be replaced by marine units of the appropriate purpose. The reliability of maritime knots has been tested by thousands of years of maritime practice, and their complexity exists only in the popular imagination.

You don’t need to know 200-400 knots, like a boatswain of a sailing fleet, or at least 20-40, like a current yachtsman, to build a swing, 7-9 is enough for everything, see fig:

A - an anchor knot, or a fishing bayonet, for attaching a cable to a carabiner with an anti-friction gasket or an intermediate ring. Up to 5 hoses (turns) can be carried into the eye. A simple mark is applied to the running (free) end of the cable and the running end is connected to the stretched end with it, shown in the red frame. The mount holds until the cable rots or the eyelet rusts. The anchor knot is not tightening, it is not difficult to untie it: it is enough to remove or cut the brand that tightens the ends.

B - bed knot, also non-tightening. Suitable for the upper suspension of temporary, say, for the weekend, children's swing.

B - a bayonet with a run-out, the same as B, but for adults.

G - stop knot, or figure eight. For the lower attachment of a children's swing through the holes in the board.

D, G - sealing the end of the cable with a turnip and a simple disk knob. The same as G, but for adults, and the tails of the cable do not hang out. Although, in general, it is better to fasten a rocking chair on ropes to the bottom without knots at all, as described below.

Z - net knot, for tying 2 ropes crosswise anywhere without cutting.

And - this is how a loose loop is knitted on a solid rope. You can hang an umbrella, a soda siphon, adapt a shelf or something else.

Note: there are also simple knots for tying 2 ropes, the same or different, for example. weaving knot. However, it is strongly not recommended to assemble a swing rope suspension from pieces.

It remains to solve the issue of adjusting the rocking chair on the ropes. To do this, you need 2 trimmings of a durable hard board from 30 mm (oak, beech, elm, walnut), from which running, or hanging, rope stoppers - lufers are made, see fig. on right. Such gizmos regulated the tension of the rigging of ancient sailing ships, and nothing - the oceans swam across, America-India was discovered. Ufers are used in conjunction with the rocking chair suspension method described below.

Rocking chair and its fastening

A rocking chair for adults is, in general, a garden bench without legs. They choose it to their taste and on the back with a fifth point. From below, an adult rocking chair is reinforced with a pair of transverse bars, and eyebolts or U-hooks are inserted through their ends, as in pos. 4 drawings of the "classic family" swing at the beginning. Fastening at any point of the top, as in pos. 1 fig., is extremely unreliable. The centrifugal force during swinging should compress the rocking chair and press it against the supports, and not stretch and tear it away from them.

Children are very fond of swinging on flying trapezes, pos. 2 in fig. below. You can make this yourself from a tarpaulin, reinforcing the ends with wooden planks inserted into pockets sewn on the bottom and providing eyelets. But you can’t put eyelets for curtains, they are weak. If there are no sailing eyelets at your disposal, you can sew on their substitutes from a steel ring and a harsh, properly wired or resinous thread, pos. 3.

Children's rocking chair from a board with a two-point suspension, pos. 3, it is not recommended to do it by any means, there is a high probability of overturning. If we make a rocking chair at 2 points, then from logs, as in pos. 4, and hang the rocking chair from the board at 4 points, passing the cable through the holes, pos. 5.

However, the best rope suspension for both children and adults is a loop in the grooves, pos. 6. For adults, the lower support bars of the rocking chair are made wider, with an offset of 100-200 mm. They do not interfere, on the contrary, with a slight swaying, you can put a book on them, put a can of beer, etc. And suddenly there will be a transverse buildup, they will also serve as good shock absorbers. The suspension in the grooves is absolutely reliable, it is elementary assembled and disassembled. Adjusting the height of the intermediate points with slings allows you to change not only the height of the rocking chair, but also the kinematics of the suspension within a fairly wide range.

Tire swing

Perhaps the most favorite swing for children is made of tires. The reasons here are not only psychological or ergonomic, a rocking chair made of tires is an excellent shock absorber in emergency cases, and an adult master dad is an excellent rocking material. An unusable tire can simply be hung on a bough, pos. 1 in Fig., from its trimming, a flying trapezoid is obtained without any particular difficulties: the presence of a strong rubber of steel cord in the mass makes it possible to do without eyelets. The whole tire will go to the rocking-nest for collective gatherings of small fry, pos. 3. When two or three swing each in their own way, the trajectory of the rocking chair-nest on a suspension 1-3 or 1-4 makes a person who knows mathematics and physics well scratch his head thoughtfully.

Finally, from tires cut and folded in different ways, single rocking chairs are obtained not only for children, but also for adults, pos. 4-6. The popularity of tire swings is so great that some sports toy and children's goods companies produce, especially for swings ... square tires, pos. 7! It remains only to exclaim after the author of "Tartarin of Tarascon": "Has anyone ever heard of something like this?"

Curiosities, but to the point

Since we are talking about funny swings, let's touch on some of them, but quite suitable for their intended use. For example, swing-hammocks, on the left in the figure, although the hammock is already a recumbent swing in itself. There is probably something about wiggle with additional degrees of freedom that the owners like. In any case, there will be no harm.

The device in the center will surely appeal to children, but it is impossible to name it without sinning against Russian grammar. Swing, don't swing. And the author posted a photo of what is on the right with a note: the easiest way to recycle an old car. The commentary was in English, so it's quite possible that in many Western countries, getting a car to a junkyard or scrapping it is worth a lot of trouble. And here the large inertia of a heavy rocking chair allows, having swayed, to sway for a very long time, the canopy turns out by itself, and the soft sofa will not reduce comfort.

Not those but the swing

Finally - about the swing, the direct descendants of the children's swing-pendulum, but quite adult. And not for fun, they help to cope with arthritis, osteochondrosis, sciatica without expensive treatment. Reviews of doctors are positive.

Bird trills delight the soul, and a slight swaying soothes. Garden swings at their summer cottage are needed not only for children, but also for adults. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to buy the same type of model, covered with fabric. It is much more interesting to create an original designer thing on your own. How to make a garden swing with your own hands? What is better to choose for the frame, metal or wood? Tips from experienced craftsmen, drawings, a selection of photos and video instructions - in this review.

Homemade swing and their classification

As a child, it seems that the "winged swing" is able to reach the sun. Growing up, we remember this wonderful feeling of carelessness. And subconsciously we want to repeat it. This is quite possible, because the swing is not only for children:

  • family. They look like a bench with a high back, suspended on strong supports by chains;
  • mobile swing, if necessary, can be moved to another place;
  • the hammock is the ultimate champion for relaxation;
  • gazebo swing. Suitable for several people;
  • balancer or pendulum. A floor structure in the form of a log, which is thrown to one side or the other, depending on the weight of the players;
  • swings - sofas. Soft design with the ability to embody the most daring design decisions;
  • swing - "boats".

According to the manufacturing method, the swing is divided into:

  • frame;
  • frameless.

By installation method:

  • stationary;
  • portable - easy to remove and put away.

The frame can be made from a number of materials and their combinations:

  • plastic and fabric;
  • tires and chains or ropes;
  • wood and chains;
  • rounded and non-rounded bars;
  • metal.

Choosing the Right Option

Before proceeding with the construction, it is necessary to determine the purpose of use and the material of manufacture. If a baby needs a swing up to 3 years old, then a purchased or home-made stationary, stable option is suitable. For children from 5 years old - light plastic or wooden hanging swings. They can be attached to a canopy beam in front of the house or to a powerful tree branch. A noisy children's company will appreciate the entertainment in the form of a balancer (pendulum).

Attention! The most durable are products made of processed wood and metal. For "wintering" it is enough to cover them with polyethylene. Purchased swings with a plastic base covered with fabric - must be disassembled for the winter and stored in a dry, warm room.

If you want the garden swing to serve not only as a place of rest, but also as an accent detail of landscape design, then you can prefer noble forging or eco-friendly wood design.

For the older generation, durable benches with a high back and a canopy are ideal. For noisy youth - swinging sofas with a lot of colorful pillows or hammocks for relaxing with a book.

Original tire design

A swing that any beginner can make from improvised materials. For manufacturing, you will need a car tire, a strong rope and the ability to knit marine knots.

Installation steps:

  1. Drill four holes in the tire. 2 on each side.
  2. Insert the rope into the two holes next to it and tie it firmly below, under the tire.
  3. On the second side, repeat the same steps.
  4. Choose a suitable tree branch or any other crossbar. Hang an impromptu swing on the bar. The main thing is strong knots that ensure the safety of rocking.

Such installation will not take much time, but will bring a lot of joy to children.

Children's entertainment from a board and a rope

The easiest swing to make, which does not require special skills and materials, is a beam suspended on a rope.

Attention! A wooden swing without a back is unstable, so it is recommended to build them for children from 7 years old. If you want a swing with a back, you can cut off the legs of a wooden chair and attach it with a rope to the base and back.

For installation you will need:

  • edged or unedged board with a thickness of 3-4 cm and a width of 15-20 cm;
  • strong rope;
  • antiseptic, varnish;
  • hacksaw or saw.


  1. Saw off a piece of board to the desired length.
  2. Sand to smoothness.
  3. Cover with antiseptic and varnish.
  4. Cut 2 grooves along the long sides of the board closer to the corners.
  5. Make 2 more dranks on both sidewalls about 3 cm from the corners.
  6. Pass the rope from groove to groove with three "stitches".
  7. Attach the rope to any cross bar.

The fastening feature guarantees the strength of the structure. At the bottom, the rope will not untie and will not fray.

Making a family swing from wood and metal

Evening conversation on a bench swaying steadily promotes mutual understanding. And if you decorate the wooden frame with cute pillows, then a comfortable stay is guaranteed!

Advice. The thickness of the planks for the seat of the swing bench should be greater than for the back.

Before construction, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • 15 pine or spruce boards 10x25x2500 mm;
  • 1 board 150x50x2500 mm;
  • a chain equal to the length of the swing;
  • 40 self-tapping screws 80x4.5 in size;
  • 200 self-tapping screws 51x3.5;
  • 6 carbines;
  • 2 screws with rings 12x100;
  • 2 screws with rings 12x80;
  • drill, jigsaw, circular saw, hammer, planer.

Action plan:

  1. Cut boards 1.5 m long.
  2. Cut out 6 curly parts for the base of the bench from the thickest board.
  3. Having arranged 6 parts in 1 row, attach wooden planks to them with self-tapping screws. The bar should be fixed first from the ends, then in the middle. The seat will take 17 boards, the back - 15.
  4. Make two armrests and the remaining wood.
  5. Attach a screw with a ring to the bottom of the armrest.
  6. Attach the finished swing to any crossbar. If it is not there, then you can dig 2 beams into the ground, concrete them and connect them with a transverse board.
  7. Attach 2 more rings to the top bar.
  8. Stretch the chain and hang the swing.

A properly built structure will be solid and reliable, and will last for several seasons.

Strong base for any kind of seat

You may want to hang a swing bench or a pair of children's plank rails on chains. The main thing is to mount a reliable base that can withstand both a small load and several adults.

For construction work, the following elements are required:

  • bars 100x100 mm;
  • boards for the construction of the base and canopy;
  • concrete;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer, hacksaw, drill, tape measure.

Advice. The part of the bars intended for digging into the ground should be treated with bituminous varnish or resin.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Determine the location for the swing. This step is important because design is not portable.
  2. Dig 4 holes 1 m deep each.
  3. Set the bars in the pits so that they cross at the top, resembling the letter "L".
  4. Fill the base with concrete.
  5. Fasten the bars with self-tapping screws at the intersections at the top.
  6. Knock down wooden flooring from half of the slats.
  7. From the second half - a canopy with a horizontal crossbar and jibs that strengthen the structure.
  8. Varnish the finished frame.

Any kind of swing can be attached to such a base using rings, a carabiner and a chain.

What to choose, chain or rope?

The safety of the swing directly depends on the type of suspension. Rope is a fairly strong option, especially if it is secured with a marine knot. But over time, it can stretch or fray. Therefore, such a suspension is recommended only for children's swings that are not subject to heavy loads.

Attention! The optimal rope is kapron with a cross lay from 24 mm.

The chain is a more durable option that can withstand heavy loads.

Advantages of using a metal chain:

  • strong;
  • the weakening of the ring is immediately visible;
  • optimal for weak buildup.
  • when mounted on bearings, it swings very strongly. This means that it is necessary to install a swing speed limiter;
  • in large rings, babies can pinch their fingers.

Garden swings are not just a place of rest, but also an original "highlight" of any site. A rational choice of design, construction taking into account all the nuances and careful maintenance will provide the swing with a “long life”.

DIY garden swing - video

DIY garden swing - photo

Remember the lyrics to the song "Winged Swing"? Now country swings of a wide variety of colors and sizes can be bought at BestMebelik at very competitive prices.

In the young month of April
Snow melts in the old park
And funny swings
They start their run.

In this catalog you can pick up and buy the garden swing that suits you, and then, sitting comfortably in such a swing for giving and garden and singing your favorite song, forget about everything in the world and enjoy your summer cottage. The range of this type of furniture is represented by models made of artificial rattan on a metal frame, as well as mahogany and solid pine. Swings for summer cottages are in great demand. They are liked by both children and adults. By the way, on the swings, vacationers not only sing and swing, singing songs. How nice it is to have a hearty meal on a warm summer day and lie down for a lunchtime nap on your country swing! Here you have the singing of birds, and a neighbor's saw, and a pleasant breeze from swaying. Soft pillows will make your stay even more comfortable, and an awning will protect you from the hot sun and light rain. And yet, the swing is an additional place for guests and neighbors in the country.

Rest without a garden swing is not a holiday

Garden swings are an essential attribute of any modern suburban area and a favorite type of family vacation. After all, what could be better than family pastime in your country house on the street, in the open air, enjoying the singing of birds, the rustle of trees and communication with nature? Therefore, we offer our customers such a variety of various models so that everyone can find their dream in our online store. All models are made on a solid metal frame and therefore so hardy. In terms of capacity, you will find with us both single and double and triple rooms. Seats and backs are usually made in the form of a soft element of practical and durable fabric, but there are models made of natural solid wood. In this case, the wooden element must be covered with special agents and varnish to protect against fungus, woodworms and moisture.

A roof made of waterproof and sun-resistant awning will provide complete comfort in any weather. You can install this item both on the street and inside the gazebo, which will extend their service life and make your stay as comfortable as possible. And although all products are great for outdoor use, for the winter they must be cleaned in a dry, ventilated room, after cleaning and drying. To buy a garden swing in our online store means to make a choice of decent quality at a low price. A wide range will surely allow you to find your ideal model, which will be appreciated by your friends and family members, young and old.

Remember childhood sensations from the swing? This is not only pleasant, but also useful - monotonous rocking trains the vestibular apparatus, and also calms the nervous system. The second property is very useful in our time. Such a pleasant treatment-relaxation after a busy day. Moreover, any person with “straight” hands can make a swing with their own hands. There are, of course, complex models, but there are much more simple ones.

About designs

Like most outbuildings, swings are most often made of wood. Racks and crossbar - from timber, logs, seats - from planks and even from parts of home furniture.

A little about designs. There are three main types of hanging swings, or as they are also called - boat swings, sofas, benches, etc. The main difference is in the type of support structure: there are A-shaped and U-shaped. You see an example with racks folded into a triangular structure above, and in the photo below an example with a U-shaped rack. This is more likely with a hanging bench and it is built according to the same type, only taking into account swinging loads.

There is a third type - this is already a complex structure that requires certain skills - it is based on articulated joints and they swing from their feet to the floor. We will immediately give both photos and diagrams for those who wish (you can expand it to full screen by clicking on the arrows in the upper right corner of the picture).

We make a swing with our own hands from wood

Most often, they independently make a design in the form of the letter "A". It is simpler, requires less material consumption. We will analyze the nodes, fasteners in more detail, talk about materials, protection against destruction and stability.


Immediately about what to make a wooden swing from. The choice of lumber section depends on the planned load. If it is assumed that one adult will sit, the uprights and the upper crossbar are at a minimum - 50 * 70 mm. If a larger number of "seats" is supposed - two or three, then the cross-section of the beam is at least 100 * 100 mm, better - 100 * 150 mm. It has been experimentally established that such a design, when using a beam of 100 * 100, can normally withstand a total load of about 200 kg. If you need more - take a larger section, or put logs))

About what the bench / sofa is made of. A bar 70 * 40 mm will go to the frame, the back height is at least 600 mm, the seat depth is at least 480 mm. You can experiment with the depth of the seat and the angle of the backrest: there are options for a “lying” position. Accordingly, both the length of the sofa and the dimensions of the structure change greatly from this. For fastening use nails 200 or studs at least 10 mm in diameter.

How to position the racks

Scheme with dimensions and a list of the required material in the photo below. To be frank, few people make from such materials as indicated in the specification. More often they put a bar.

There are varieties of this design: with or without a lower frame. If the swing is installed on a hard platform and the fasteners are made rigid, on studs, without the possibility of backlash, then such a design will stand without problems. If in doubt, you can make a screed from a bar along the bottom, nail it with studs to the coating, or drive the staples into the ground.

A crossbar has been added here, there is nothing to move apart The simplest design, but the “legs” can move apart

For those who are afraid of lateral loads - the design in this axis is not the most reliable - we can offer to install racks with a slope. The area will be large, but the stability will be high.

If installation in the ground is intended, parts of the posts that will be buried must be treated with bio-protection. As a cheap option, put it in a vessel with used oil for several hours. Dry, then bury. They bury to a depth of at least 50 cm, pour a little rubble on the bottom, set up racks and concrete. If you are afraid that this is not enough, attach a few strips of metal crosswise at the bottom. The hole will have to be dug larger, but the holding area will be larger.

Ways of fastening the crossbar

In all swings of this type - with racks sawn at the top with bars - the problem is the attachment point of the crossbar, to which the bench is then hooked. In the photo above, it is solved reliably, although not entirely aesthetically pleasing. The trouble is that aesthetic methods are difficult to perform. And, if you are not for sale, it's faster to do something inelegant, but reliable. So, in order to fix the crossbar, an overhead beam is attached below the intersection, pulled to the uprights with studs. A cross member rests on it, which is held from lateral shifts by racks and fasteners - nails and spikes.

Another way to install the crossmember is to mount the side racks in the form of the letter "X". With this option, the carrier beam fits perfectly. It is additionally fixed with nails, and the racks are pulled together with studs. See the next photo for this.

Everything is fine, but the length of the sofa is not enough ...

By the same principle, a do-it-yourself swing is assembled from logs: the side ones are fastened crosswise, and a support log is laid on top. If the timber is sometimes assembled on nails, then in the case of logs, studs are mainly used.

For those who are familiar with carpentry, there are other options: half a tree. Such a project is in the photo gallery below with close-ups of some of the key nodes.

How the racks are fastened together - inside view

Photo gallery of homemade swings on chains

And a few photos of different swings made on the basis of an A-shaped design.

From thin logs under a reed roof - it looks great Chic option - 3-seater, or maybe more, a swing manufacturing This is a whole swing house .... cool Immediately and a ladder ...

Fastening the swing to the crossbar

The swing mount also requires clarification, that is, it is not obvious to everyone how to hang a bench-sofa on the crossbar. First, the crossbar is drilled from the bottom up through. A bolt is passed through the hole, to which the eye nut is attached. One or two wide washers are placed under the nut head so that it does not squeeze under weight.

It turns out that the eye-nut ring is located at the bottom. You can attach a carabiner to it, throw a rope or cable, etc. Just note that the carabiner should hang normally, freely on the eye-nut ring. And in the carabiner, two links of the chain should fit freely. Therefore, it is advisable to buy everything together in one store: you can try on the entire knot at once.

By the way, in the rigging store you can stumble upon other devices that can be adapted for attaching chains or ropes from the swing seat. For example, such as in the photo below.

They are designed to lift loads from 0.5 tons, so it makes no sense to use them for children, but on a swing for adults - quite.

Such a mount has a significant minus - a creak is heard when swinging. For a while, you can get rid of it by lubricating the knot, but this operation will have to be repeated periodically. The way out is to make a knot on bearings, but you can’t do without welding.

Do-it-yourself metal swing

Their structure is exactly the same. The material is different, and the way it is attached. This is welding. For those who are familiar with, it will not be difficult to cook something similar. And for inspiration, a photo report.

Below is a drawing of this swing with dimensions. Some explanation is required. In the figure there is a pipe welded around the perimeter (this plane is shaded). It is buried and therefore not visible in the photo. It was made in order to increase stability: the masses of friends are considerable. For the same reason, metal plates are welded onto the ends of the racks. The installation was complicated, but the swing is tight.

For manufacturing, it took 22 meters of a profile pipe 50 * 50 mm, for a seat 25 * 25 mm - 10 mm, boards 2000 * 120 * 18 - 7 pcs and the rest - fasteners, paint, anti-rust.

There is another way to attach the swing to the crossbar. He is in the photo.

A way to make a metal swing mount to the crossbar

The original form of a swing from a profile pipe - the racks are non-linear, but curved. If it is possible to do this with a tree, then only the master.

Baby swing

For children, you can make the same design, but smaller.

There are several other models for , but about . Here are the first ones - a swing-scale or a balance beam.

Swing for children - balance beam or scales

Everything is clear, questions may arise only on the attachment point. Below is a drawing with dimensions. To strengthen the upper part, steel plates are fixed inside. To make them swing, a hole is drilled into which the pin is threaded. You can improve the "rolling" by inserting bearings.

You can quickly and easily make a nest swing from a tire (car tire). Bolts with eye nuts are installed in it at four corners, but of a smaller diameter (do not forget about the washers), ropes or chains cling to them, and you can even throw them on the corresponding branch on the tree, even hang them on the horizontal bar.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

It's nice to sit on a bench after a long day at work. It is also much more pleasant to relax on a garden swing, which will give light swaying and soothing coolness. Buy, unfortunately, such a design is not always possible. After all, the cost of such a swing is high, often sky-high. Therefore, let's talk about how to build gardens in order to enjoy a pleasant outdoor recreation.

Beautiful garden swing in the country

Undeniable advantages of a garden swing. Varieties

At the dacha or in the yard of a country house, garden swings are an indispensable attribute of landscape design. In addition to a great place to relax, they perform many functions:

  1. resting on them, you can easily gather your strength;
  2. calm the nervous system;
  3. beautiful decoration helps to transform the entire yard;
  4. a comfortable place to work at a laptop or to read books;
  5. you can nap on them during the day (especially for children);
  6. suitable for a pleasant tea party and conversations with a glass of wine;
  7. children are helped to train and develop the vestibular apparatus.

As you can see, the benefits are really huge. Therefore, it is logical that their popularity is so high among the population. The design, in fact, is not very complicated, so even a beginner in the construction business will be able to build such a swing at home.

Another advantage of own construction is the full compliance with your desires. You can decorate or decorate it yourself, choose a special shape and size. The main thing is to follow the instructions during construction, then everything will definitely work out.

Before you start making a garden swing, you need to consider what they are. For example, for the purpose:

  • for kids;
  • for adults;
  • for the whole family.

Depending on the location there are:

  • stationary swing;
  • mobile swing. Convenient in that you do not need to be tied to a specific place. You can easily and quickly move it to another area.

If we talk about the main materials used, then the swing is:

  • from wood;
  • from metal.

The design can also be very different.


This option is simple. All that is needed to create such a swing is a crossbar, a high strength rope and a seat (it is better to choose with a back).

Hanging garden swing


Often used for children. They are strong and stable and easily moved. So at any time you can move the swing to the shade or another place you like.

Frame garden swing

Crafting on wood requires crafting a seat. Everything else is easy. After all, it is not necessary to make a frame in this case. After the construction of the structure, it must be fixed to a tree (make sure that the branch used is strong) or a beam. For fixing, a cross-twist rope with a diameter of at least 24 mm is suitable (especially for swings on which children will ride).

You can replace the rope with a chain suspension. So you make the whole structure much stronger. So that the chain links do not harm children (fingers can get into the links), you need to place it in a suitable size plastic pipe. Alternatively, you can take a chain canopy with a small caliber. It is worth noting that to install a frame garden swing, you should choose the right place on the site, avoiding trees and various kinds of fences.

Correct choice of support

A swing support is not just a structural element, but its main component. The safety of being on a swing and the permissible amount of swing will depend on its strength. Most often, the material that is used to make the support is wooden beams, metal pipes and corners. For a summer residence, a support in the shape of the letter A is often enough. For this, a frame is built from two supporting elements. Between themselves, they are connected by a transverse beam, which is installed horizontally. Its placement occurs at the level of one third of the column above ground level.

The crossbar itself, on which the seat is then hung, must be mounted to the uprights, which are vertical. Use screws for fastening.

Important: metal swings must be fixed in the soil. Because in the process of rocking the "leg" of the pipes loosens and twists out of the ground. To prevent this, support frames are created. Alternatively, concreting into a trench can be done.

But for a more durable fixing of the wooden structure, you need to bury the "legs" of the garden swing to a considerable depth (at least one meter). It can also be filled with concrete. But before concreting, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Bituminous mastic is applied to the support so that the “legs” are well saturated. This will protect the wood from decay processes. A brick is laid at the bottom of the pit.

Video: do-it-yourself garden swing made of metal

Do-it-yourself construction of a garden swing made of metal

Metal is a durable material and heavy enough to make the entire structure of the garden swing strong and stable. This choice is ideal for building a swing that teenagers and adults will ride on. Also, the metal base will be more wear-resistant to heavy loads.

Metal garden swing

Be sure to use the drawing so that the entire installation is done correctly. Therefore, further step-by-step instructions are presented so that you can build a garden swing with your own hands from metal (drawings and dimensions, photos will be indicated below) in your country house. Of course, the options are selected individually. And in the photo we show only one of the possible.

Drawing of a metal garden swing

The construction of this installation begins with the preparation of materials:

  1. pipes cut in accordance with the required dimensions;
  2. burrs and sharp protrusions should be removed with sandpaper.
  1. Form a base. To do this, the supporting elements must be fastened at an angle of 45 degrees. Then install the crossbar. It should be strictly perpendicular to the uprights themselves. At this stage, you should use a welding machine to connect all the elements as firmly as possible.
  2. It is necessary to make recesses to secure the support. Pour sand to the bottom, which must be well compacted. Then install the support and pour concrete over it. The entire structure is left for at least a week so that the solution dries well and sets.
  3. As soon as the filling dries, you can proceed to fixing the seat. Before installing it, you need to weld special hooks using a welding machine. The seat itself is hung on ropes (high strength) or on metal beams.
  4. The final step is to paint all the elements of the garden swing. This measure is necessary not only to give the structure an attractive appearance. By painting it, you will protect your creations from rust and corrosion. It is also possible to decorate according to your taste and imagination.

Finished metal garden swing

If you feel that this option is beyond your power, then you can stop at a simpler copy of it. In this case, you need to stock up on a regular metal profile (diameter 50 mm).

Drawing a simple model of a metal swing

On the drain (transversely), attach special metal brackets. To do this, use bearings and a welding machine.
Install the seat on suspensions and attach to the structure itself. Most often, metal rods or chains can be found as suspensions.

A simple version of a metal swing

The creation of exclusive models looks original and attracts the attention of others. It can be forged products or a swing made from channels, or rather from their scraps. The swing benches made by yourself look interesting.

Wrought iron garden swing

Wooden swing

They are especially popular. After all, wood has always been popular as a building material. Building a garden swing with your own hands from wood is as easy as from metal. Drawings and dimensions, photos from the Internet to help you. It is only necessary to use suitable projects, then you will get the perfect result, and the photo of the homework is proof of this.

DIY wooden garden swing

Such structures have their advantages:

  1. naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  2. presentable and original appearance;
  3. strength (in case of impregnation with specialized solutions and substances).

Drawing of a garden swing made of wood

The most suitable tree species are birch, spruce or pine. For construction you will need:

  • wooden pole - 2 pcs.;
  • crossbar;
  • rope - about six meters;
  • hooks or suitable hangers;
  • elements for fastening the structure (the ideal option is to use bolts).

If you have a wooden beam, then building a swing on four poles would be a great option. But this design requires some attention and effort.

  1. Initially, you need to make a support. Two parts of the bars need to be assembled in the shape of the letter A, as shown in the photo.
  2. After that, you need to fix the crossbar.
  3. In order for the installation to be as strong and reliable as possible, you need to use short bars.
  4. From the same bars you need or a seat. And don't forget the backrest for maximum comfort.

Beautiful garden swing

Construction of a children's garden swing

The process of building a swing for children is similar to the construction of an adult version. We need a detailed design diagram, drawing the dimensions and locations of the elements for fastening. When using blueprints for adults, be sure to optimize it for children.

  1. Racks need to be made. They must be the same size.
  2. The racks are installed at a distance that directly depends on the width of the future seat.
  3. Connect both supports with a crossbar.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the reliability of connections. To do this, you need to measure as accurately as possible the angle at which the elements of the racks, which are located vertically, will be connected.
  5. You also need to ensure that the crossbar itself is equally removed from ground level.
  6. Before installation, you need to dig a trench. It creates a special pillow of gravel. That's where the supports are placed. After installation, everything is poured with concrete mortar.
  7. There is a grinding of the entire structure, it is also necessary to round the corners. This is necessary in order to make the swing safe for children.

Children's swing

Your dacha will sparkle with new colors when such a swing made on its own appears in the yard. It is not only useful, but also incredibly beautiful.

Fixing system

There are various mounting systems for garden swings, namely:

  • carabiner - made from the following types: with a rectangular section (intended for beams) and with a circular section (for bars);
  • anchor - the type of fastening passes through;
  • staples and hooks - designed for children's models;
  • clamps - needed for fixing in case of hanging the swing on cables.

Therefore, carefully study the features of each system. After all, the right choice of fasteners allows you to make the swing not only durable, but also reliable.

Rope swing

The most classic models are rope and log swings. This option is considered the easiest to manufacture. To implement such an idea, it will be enough for you to make four holes. Use a wide log as a base. A rope must be passed through the holes made.

Rope garden swing

Using the same ropes, you need to put on a board for the seat. But you need to be careful. This option is not entirely sustainable. To prevent the seat from flipping over, make four holes on the side and thread the ropes through them.

The ends of the rope must be tightened well and tied with strong knots. And the swing is ready to use.

Today, DIY garden swings make a chic and unforgettable impression. It just takes a little patience and attention. What will the swing be like? Frame made of metal or mobile made of wood? It's up to you, but the swing must be fun. And all the most interesting about the independent construction of a garden swing, see the video below.

Video: wooden swing