Beautiful curtains for the loggia. What are the curtains for loggias and balconies. Video: how to make beautiful window blinds from old wallpaper

Curtains make the balcony space more comfortable and attractive, protect from prying eyes and sunlight. Balcony is an additional living space in an apartment or private house, which is used in different ways: someone invites guests to it, and some keep banks and old skis here. Recently, it has become very popular to create a unique place to relax on it, where it will be nice to have a cup of coffee or watch the sunset. Do-it-yourself curtains on the balcony will help to make this place really unusual and cozy.

Varieties of curtains

To choose the right curtains for the loggia, you need to know what varieties of them are on the market today. Balcony curtains can be transformed only if they are the most suitable for its interior, and also meet all the requirements of the owners of the house.

The window is a very important part of the room and naturally it needs to be decorated.

Consider the main models of window curtains:

  • classic curtains hang on a balcony on a regular cornice. They are suitable for those loggias, the gap between the ceiling and the window of which is at least 15 cm. Depending on the material chosen and individual preferences, the cornice can also be different: round, sliding, tire. A metal string will help to make it almost invisible, on which you can hang a light tulle curtain.
  • Roman curtains are a piece of fabric that is attached to each sash of a balcony window. These comfortable curtains make the balcony spacious and comfortable. Using them is very simple: while lifting them up, a small thin fold is formed. At the bottom, a weighting agent is attached to the material, which does not allow the fabric to get confused and develop in different directions.
  • Japanese a variety is made of fabric, at the top and bottom of which a small horizontal bar is installed. Curtains are equipped with special guides that allow you to move up and down. Such curtains are suitable for a large balcony. Not very convenient for small loggias, because they can create obstacles to opening windows.
  • Rolled- a very convenient option for a balcony. They are a fabric web, which, while moving up, is wound on a small roller fixed at the bottom of each curtain. Managing them is very simple: you can do this with a chain or rope.

How to choose the right curtains?

To use the curtains was convenient and they did not cause unnecessary trouble, you need to know how to properly transform the balcony with curtains.

Curtains can hide flaws and emphasize dignity

What to look for when choosing curtains:

  • consider the size of the loggia: if it is small, then it is better not to hang traditional curtains, because they will hide a lot of space under them;
  • the number of movable and deaf sashes: if a lot of sashes open, then it is better not to purchase Japanese curtains, because it will be very difficult to open a window with them;
  • the color scheme of the curtains for the balcony should fully correspond and be combined with the one in the room;
  • in the event that the balcony faces the sunny side, in the summer it is recommended to hang items made of denser fabrics on the windows, which will help create a pleasant microclimate in the room;
  • it will be possible not to restrict the access of sunlight due to light and transparent materials.

Curtain materials

If you have decided on the type of curtains for your balcony, and have chosen Roman blinds, you need to think about how to make them special. The best option is to make them yourself. First of all, you need to think about what materials to make curtains on the balcony from.

The choice of material for curtains depends only on your tastes and preferences.

You can sew them from any fabric you like: it can be light tulle or heavy material used for curtains. Roman curtains on the balcony will be really comfortable if they are made of hard materials. Such curtains will decorate the balcony, because dense fabrics will create beautiful folds and will keep their shape perfectly, without wrinkling or wrapping.

In addition, you should think about purchasing high-quality and beautiful fabric with patterns and embroideries, because in this form they will further transform the loggia.

If your balcony is on the first floor, or you are planning to hide from nosy neighbors, opt for a translucent fabric. It will perform all its protective functions and will perfectly pass sunlight through itself.

In the case when you need to hide a balcony under the curtains, use completely opaque options. They are treated with a special impregnation that delays ultraviolet radiation, does not fade and does not change its appearance.

Synthetic materials are suitable for those loggias in which children like to play. These fabrics are easy to wash, have a long shelf life, and also have the ability to repel dirt. Inserts from other materials will help to make them more pleasant: cotton, silk or linen.

Whatever material is chosen, the main thing is that it is combined with the furniture located on the balcony, walls, floor and ceiling, and also complements the design of the entire apartment.

Sewing method

Curtains for a loggia can differ from each other not only in material, but also in sewing technology.

There are various ways of tailoring curtains and everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

Roman blinds for the balcony can be:

  • single- suitable for transparent or translucent fabrics with beautiful, light patterns;
  • double- are used when sewing from dense materials that fade less in the sun and better protect from it.

How to choose the size of a roman blind

In order for the curtains to fully correspond to the balcony, you need to correctly calculate their size. To do this, you need to choose the method of their attachment.

Roman blinds are not bulky and they are very easy to operate.

There are two mounting options:

  • Directly on the window frame. Such a curtain is suitable if there is a large window sill. Its size completely coincides with the size of the frame.
  • On the wall above the window. This mounting method is suitable for opening windows. When assembled, it will not interfere with ventilation or full internal opening of the window. The size of this curtain should be 5 cm or 10 cm wider than the window in length and 15 cm longer at the top and bottom.

How to make curtains yourself

To make curtains for a balcony, you need to be patient and be very careful. Only this will allow you to complete all the work quickly and efficiently.

Sew curtains with your own hands (video)

Do-it-yourself Roman blinds (video)

Necessary tools and materials:

  • the cloth;
  • lining (if needed);
  • tape with Velcro, which will match the width of the curtain;
  • plastic rings, 10 mm in diameter (needed for a cord that will lift the material);
  • 3 cords: 2 of them will have double the length of the curtain, and 1 - double its width;
  • aluminum planochka serving as a weighting agent;
  • a bar on which the finished product will be hung;
  • nails;
  • screws;
  • hooks.

Work sequence:

  • Measure window opening.
  • To the obtained value on the side in width, add 5 cm on both sides, 10 cm on top and bottom.
  • Wash, dry and iron the material to avoid subsequent shrinkage.
  • Curtains will decorate the balcony when they have a uniform number of folds. It is optimal to make 7 folds (the distance between them should be the same).
  • From the inside, we draw lines of folds, underturns and the location of the rings.
  • Tucking the edges twice along the length, we sew them.
  • Paint a wooden block or varnish it.
  • One end of Velcro is nailed to the wooden plank with carnations.
  • We process the upper edge of the curtain and sew the second part of the Velcro to it (it will allow you to remove the material and wash it).
  • At the bottom of the curtain we make a hem, sew it together, and then insert a weighting agent into it.
  • Stitch the finishing border from the inside and insert the strips into it. The edges of the border are carefully sewn up so that, if necessary, it can be torn open and the fabric washed.
  • Sew rings (their distance from the edge should be at least 5 cm).
  • Rings are nailed to a wooden bar with carnations (with their help the lifting mechanism will be fixed).
  • Wrap one end of the cord around the bar, thread the other through the rings. Tie a knot at the bottom so that the thread does not come out.
  • Pass a cord through all the rings, the edges of which should be pulled out from the top of the curtain.
  • Fasten a wooden block over the window and straighten the curtain.

Roman blinds are the perfect solution for decorating any loggia. Having made it yourself, you can choose the material and accessories you like that your whole family will like. In addition, at any time you can create another curtain model that will delight you and all your guests.

Examples of curtains on the balcony (photo)

Many have probably come across and will remember that delight and admiration when they received or bought an apartment, and it turned out to be a large balcony or loggia. The size and location of the balcony is determined by the series of the house and the layout of the apartment itself. Balconies are even, including rounded, in other words with bay windows. By the number of square meters there are also a lot of types. Sometimes, by the way, the first floors expand the loggias, completing them. But such a procedure is quite complicated and expensive. Therefore, it is better to proceed and ennoble what is.

Moreover, by choosing the right interior and accessories, you can visually expand the space and give it a neat look. The same goes for functionality. Let's first look at three simple recommendations on how to improve the atmosphere on the balcony.

  1. Throw away unnecessary rubbish. Scarce times are far behind, but still on many balconies you can find old cornices, ski poles, rusty sleds and much more - something that is no longer useful at all, but thrown away - did not reach the hands. Therefore, the purification of space is the first way to its functionality.
  2. Warming. If you want to have a cozy balcony that you can go to both in summer and winter, admire the beauties of the city landscape or other views, of course, the balcony must be insulated. And it is desirable to do this both outside and inside. In addition to insulation, you will need finishing. This is also worth paying attention to, it is desirable that this continuation of the room does not fall out of the general ensemble of the entire interior.
  3. Choose the right curtains. And now let's talk about this in more detail.

Curtains can be found for every taste and color, for this, if desired, you can not even leave the house. And just scroll through a couple of photo catalogs on the Web, and a bunch of ideas will already appear. However, it is also worth noting here that there are still people who are one hundred percent sure that only the old and unnecessary should be “taken out” on the balcony. This also applies to curtains. Indeed, there is an opinion that it is better to hang an old yellowed tulle on the windows, because the window will still open, dust will fly in in summer, and frost, rain, sun and everything else will spoil the fabric in winter. You should immediately give up such thoughts, a person lives in order to rejoice, and for this all conditions must be appropriate.

So, let's see what kind of curtains the market of this industry offers us today.


This is the best option for a balcony. It consists of a canvas, which is attached to special strips, a small cord is pulled through them, which regulates the height and amount of light transmitted. Such curtains can be bought, or you can make your own hands, but more on that later.

roller blinds

In other words, roller blinds. This option for self-production is difficult, but for a balcony it is just as good as the previous one. In this case, a special mechanism is attached to the windows, which allows the canvas to lower and rise semi-automatically. Such devices come with a PVC sheet, which greatly simplifies their care.


Well, where without pleats, draperies, coattails and lambrequins? Classic curtains for the balcony are acceptable, but in the case of proper design of the balcony and the right height. Too long will simply hide the whole zest of this small room. And, by the way, about a small room, on tiny balconies, they will look ridiculous. A beautiful classic in the photo of large loggias, bay windows, etc. Where all the luxury has a place to turn around at the same time, without reducing functionality.


Let's try to describe how to make Roman blinds with your own hands.

  1. First you need to measure the windows, because they will not be attached to the wall, but to the window panel.
  2. The canvas must be bought with a gap. And for this, first make a pattern with an allowance for the slats. The top bar should be 5 centimeters wider than the rest.
  3. For example, the height of the window is 1.2 m, 6 planks will be inserted into the canvas, 1 - 8 cm, the rest - 3 cm. That is, the indent will be 40 cm. You can do less, this is individual. This means that for such fabric curtains you will need a cut of 1.7 m with a margin. The fact is that for each plank separate pockets will be stitched, respectively, their sizes are also taken into account.
  4. After the pattern is ready and all measurements are taken, you can sew the pockets.
  5. You will also need a special riveter and a tool to make holes in the straps for the laces.

Of course, this is not a detailed instruction, but further in Roman blinds you can make products with your own hands, guided by logic.

It will be more difficult with classic curtains, because in this case you need cutting and sewing skills.

Insulated and glazed balcony visually increases the space of the room, makes it possible to be on the balcony at any time of the year and allows you to be closer to nature. No matter how beautiful it is inside the room, the beautiful interior of the balcony attracts in the first place. Details in design are essential for complete comfort. Therefore, different types of curtains are used for the balcony.

It is the curtains that make the room more attractive, the balcony is protected from prying eyes, and also protected from too much sunlight.

Rules for choosing curtains

Balconies come in different sizes and non-standard shapes, as well as their window openings, layouts, sizes. Therefore, to choose curtains for such windows is not an easy task.

There are several rules for choosing curtains for a balcony:

  • When buying curtains for a balcony, you should pay attention to which side the windows face. Windows that face south would be appropriate to decorate with thick curtains. If the windows face north, it would be appropriate to decorate them with light translucent curtains.
  • In any of the rooms you can choose absolutely any curtains, but the curtains on the balcony, you should pay attention to the volume and dimensions of these curtains, because every centimeter counts in this room.
  • It is not often possible to find suitable curtains for a balcony in size, volume, beauty. In this case, it would be more logical to sew such curtains on your own. It will be something more expensive than ordinary curtains, but the master will do everything according to your taste and wishes so that your curtains are the most beautiful and pleasing to the eye for both you and your guests.

It is important to remember, no matter how beautiful your curtains are, they should not block the entrance to the balcony and not be an obstacle to the window.

It should also be noted that in addition to beauty, curtains should protect from prying eyes and excessive sunlight. This must be taken into account when choosing curtains for the balcony.


Types of curtains for the balcony and loggia

There are many types of curtains for balconies. These can be ordinary curtains made of light ordinary fabric, thick curtains in several layers, blinds and curtains. Now we will consider the most common types of curtains for the balcony.

The very name of these curtains speaks for itself, about their origin. Even in ancient Rome, such a look as drapery was born. In this type of curtains, they rise up in even horizontal folds, somewhat similar to ship sails. The canvas can be made of synthetic and natural fabric, it is attached to the eaves.

A counterweight bar is attached to the bottom. The fabric itself is divided into several ribbons. Rings are attached to these ribbons, through which cords are threaded to raise and lower the Roman blind. When raised, they do not interfere with free access to the window.

Advantages of Roman curtains:

  • High price;
  • Small consumption of fabric;
  • Simple fastening to the ceiling with different types of glazing;
  • Combination with sliding classic curtains;
  • Versatility.

This type of curtains, which can move along the window without obstacles. Planks that can be attached at the bottom and top give the curtains an even and smooth appearance. They can be collected both on different sides, and in one.

Advantages of Japanese curtains:

  • Many color solutions;
  • Ease of care;
  • Compactness;

Such curtains are the simplest and most convenient to use and decorate the window on the balcony. The fabric of such headsets is wound on a shaft, in the upper and lower parts of the window.

The main feature of such curtains is the absence of a cassette into which the curtains are assembled.

Advantages of roller blinds:

  • The smallest number of parts that can break;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Ease of maintenance.

This type of curtain is universal. Such curtains can be applied to any interior in the loggia. Classic curtains provide great opportunities for the originality of the design of the balcony window, you can use any fabric, texture, shades, combine different furniture.


If your balcony has a classic style, then asymmetric-type curtains with grommets will suit you. It is this asymmetry that will give some sharpness to the traditional interior design, and the method of attachment will not give obstacles to using the balcony. Asymmetric curtains are an unusual design element.


But in case of their correct selection, they will significantly change the interior of the entire room. The possibility of such curtains is a different length of the panel. The right side of the curtain is shorter and the left side is longer. It can be vice versa.


The material of these curtains is silk. They are laced many times along the entire length. With the help of such lacing, the curtains are fixed at a given height or assembled at the very edge of the eaves. Very often they are made of light organza, cambric, tulle, silk, veil and add airiness to the space.


Such curtains have long been well known to everyone. They can be used in the loggia and balcony of short or long length and combined with tulle or just leave one tulle.

The main advantage of such curtains is the low price and appearance of the material and the ability to hang them yourself.

Such curtains can be beautifully and easily draped. The main disadvantage is that such curtains must be constantly washed and ironed, and also very carefully treated.

If the exit to your balcony is located in the hall, curtained or glazed, then the window can only be decorated with a veil or light organza tulle.

A canvas of thick curtains will not fit such a window, and it also does not make sense to divide them into two parts, since they will look very inappropriate on the window.

Fastening for such curtains is most often chosen by metal or plastic eyelets. This is done in order to open the door to its full potential if necessary, it will not be difficult and the tulle will not be damaged.

It is important that the shade of the curtains matches the interior of the room itself. A snow-white shade is completely optional in such cases.

A fashionable little thing and an innovation in 2017 is filament curtains or muslin. This type of curtain is quite unusual and looks original and interesting. These are thin and flowing threads that make an extraordinary play of light in the room. You can make your window both monophonic and connect more than two shades. In addition to the usual flowing threads, you can combine beads, flowers or many other decorative elements with them.

Such curtains are very practical, because you will not be inconvenienced to go out to the balcony.

Video on how to care for filament curtains:

blinds curtains

Such curtains are modern, do not take up much space and are very convenient to use. They differ from other types of curtains in that they are durable, practical, easy to care for, and also have a wide selection of colors.

Blinds are divided into two types:

  1. Vertical. They consist of synthetic or natural strips. They are fixed on the ceiling, but it is also possible on the window opening. The degree of lighting is adjustable. In such models there is a mechanism of movement. With this mechanism, the blinds can be moved in different directions, which is necessary before opening the window.
  2. Horizontal. Such curtains are made from a thin panel of wood, plastic, metal or dense fabric. Their location is horizontal. They can be pure white or multi-colored, with a glossy surface or matte, with patterns, drawings, photo prints. When the strips rotate, the light flux changes.



This type of curtain is made of fabric fabric, which has already undergone special processing and is packed in an aluminum or plastic box. Such curtains fit snugly to the window. The mechanism of their fastening is special.

Roller blinds are assembled into a roll-and-chain mechanism, which is why the material of such curtains is always perfectly smooth. They are made from natural and artificial materials.

The main disadvantage of such curtains is their price. But it is always justified by its quality, durability and ease of use.


Such curtains are translucent or transparent, transmit light, make it diffused, soft. They can be fixed semi-raised and thus free up space for the window sill. More often, long types of such curtains are very inconvenient to use, but they will be appropriate in a loggia.

Today, the balcony becomes not just a storage room in an apartment or house, but sometimes takes on the function of a separate room: an office, a gym or a relaxation area, a continuation of a kitchen or a children's area. In any case, you need to hang curtains on the balcony to maintain comfort, install a cornice or other structure with curtains on the balcony door or the one that leads to the loggia.

It is important to provide convenient access to the balcony or to open windows so as not to damage the curtains and create a homely cozy atmosphere.


Fabric or non-woven curtains become an important decorative element of the balcony, but this role is not the only one:

  • First of all, curtains protect guests from sunlight and bright rays, from the views of neighbors and passers-by if the apartment is located on a low floor.
  • Curtains as decor should be chosen if the balcony is larger than 5-6 square meters and is used frequently. If the loggia is used to store things, but it’s still worth installing them, give preference to simple and functional models that will not let in bright sunlight and will protect people from prying eyes.
  • Often, balcony curtains or those used in a room have a common color scheme to create a unified interior. But this is just a recommendation to make the choice easier.


  • The windows on the balcony often have non-standard sizes, which can complicate the search for suitable curtains. To solve this problem, you can order curtains to order: it may cost a little more, but you will get exactly the desired result and the most functional design for each window opening.
  • Balcony curtains should not be too voluminous or have a lot of decor; such fabrics are best chosen for the living room or room. An exception will be a spacious balcony where guests or family gather almost daily or several times a month.
  • If the side of the balcony is south, that is, sunny, it is worth stopping at dense fabrics of light or dark shades, which will allow you to curtain the curtains if necessary. For the north side, designers recommend using tulle, blinds only in light shades, so as not to darken the space.

  • Curtains are hung in glazed loggias or on a balcony door, and are selected based on the interior of the room (living room, kitchen, bedroom, nursery) or are selected separately.
  • Depending on the balcony, the length of the curtains is selected: for a small balcony, you should choose short curtains, tulle or blinds so as not to clutter up the room, and in the conditions of a large square of the balcony, long curtains made of light fabrics will look concise.

The design of the balcony also affects the choice of curtains: if you plan to choose a model of curtains for a gym or workshop, choose the simplest ones, like blinds or Roman blinds. For a balcony-living room or dining room, you can choose curtains like French ones.


The most popular type of curtains for a balcony is roll models, the design of which is a roll with material, with the movement of a hand, it goes down or goes up.

Classic curtains will be a worthy choice for a spacious insulated loggia. Fabric curtains are installed on the cornice, which will require additional work and will be appropriate on a balcony with an area of ​​6 squares.

There are models with Velcro fastening or those that are selected thanks to an additional belt with Velcro.

Tulle will be appropriate on a balcony or kitchen with a balcony door.

Such curtains can be used as an independent element of decor, and in a block with curtains.

Roman blinds are dense vertical elements, more likely to remember the combination of blinds and a ship's sail. This type of curtain for the window opens up thanks to a special fastening.

The basis of the Roman model is often dense natural fabric, and linen and thick cotton materials look especially interesting.

Curtains of the country of the Rising Sun, or Japanese models, are elongated strips of their PVC or other synthetic material up to the middle of the window and below, which are ideal for decorating a loggia. Japanese models are of high quality and density, they are unlikely to be spoiled by the scorching sun, and they will become especially relevant in an Asian interior or a modern style balcony, loft, hi-tech.

French curtains are famous for their light textures, they are often made from silk, but you can dream up and choose a model from any flowing material.

It is important that they have laces for adjustment and are gathered.

Lambrequin to the kitchen with a balcony door will become not only a room decor, but also a functional thing. A similar model should be chosen for large kitchen rooms from 10 square meters, otherwise the design will visually make it even smaller.


An alternative would be to choose translucent light-colored curtains that are floor-length or a little shorter.

Roller blinds resemble Roman counterparts, they are mounted on top of the window and lowered vertically thanks to a cord.

An interesting model will be "day-night", in the daytime they have gaps, but at night they close completely and do not let in light from street lamps.

How to choose

Regardless of the model chosen, there are several rules that should apply after installing a curtain rod or any other design.

  • Curtains for the kitchen with a balcony door should not interfere with the free opening of the door, choose curtains that are not solid, but two-part to provide free access to the balcony and not too long.
  • Choose the material of the curtains based on external conditions: if they are hung on a loggia on the south side with a bright scorching sun, then choose UV-resistant materials of synthetic origin.
  • Natural fabrics will be appropriate on the balcony on the north side of the apartment, give preference to light shades to visually make the space brighter.

  • For a modern small loggia, choose Japanese, roller or Roman curtains, which are convenient in their opening and take up a minimum amount of space. They will be appropriate for sliding windows, this will require a separate element for each window in order for the curtains to function with ease.

  • For a French window, choose light curtains to the floor, which will make the interior harmonious and concise. For the design of a spacious room, lambrequins will be appropriate, and for a small room - Roman, roll or Japanese models.
  • Curtains for the hall are traditionally luxurious and long, consisting of several layers: curtains and tulle. In this case, the decoration of the balcony with curtains becomes inappropriate if the room is small. An alternative solution would be to use concise designs like Roman models or roll products.


A good idea would be to install blinds on the balcony and choose traditional curtains for the kitchen.

Multi-colored blinds will become the "highlight" of the balcony with panoramic windows.

Light translucent curtains are well suited for a modest-sized kitchen, and the cords on the curtains allow you to fix them in the right position and make the exit to the balcony free.

Curtains for loggias and balconies are a special type of decor, which involves taking into account some important nuances. This is the side on which the windows overlook, and the features of the room itself. If, for example, the windows face south, then the sun will penetrate into the room both in summer and in winter. Therefore, it is better to hang thick curtains on the balcony in order to protect yourself from the intrusive sun.

Much depends on the size of the balcony block - blackout curtains on a small balcony are out of place.

Consider different options, starting with the classics. Roman blinds or roller blinds may well decorate a balcony, but balcony blinds will be fine under certain conditions.

Curtain ideas for balconies:

  • Blinds. The good thing is that they can be fixed on the wall or in the window opening. Blinds can be placed on each sash separately. Since the slats rotate, you can adjust the degree of illumination yourself. This idea is good because the material for the blinds is wear-resistant, not afraid of temperature changes. True, such curtains for typical balconies may somewhat interfere with the full opening of the shutters. And the lamellas can also ring in drafts, but this can be fixed by fixing the lower fasteners.
  • roller blind. When opening such curtains for balconies, the fabric either rolls up or fits into a special box. Cloths are separately attached to each sash of windows. The roller blind pleases with the fact that it is resistant to precipitation, is not afraid of dust and does not fade under the bright sun. Wooden, aluminum, plastic - you can install balcony curtains from any material. And the rolled design does not require special care, you can walk on it with wet wipes or limit yourself to dry cleaning.
  • Roman curtains. Another name is romance. These curtains for the balcony form beautiful folds during assembly. Roman blinds on manual control have become classics, but the novelties of 2016 step on their feet - luxurious curtains on the electric drive. Romanesque blinds are easy to hang, harmonize with classic tulle and save space on the balcony. Such curtains on all balconies will be appropriate, in what style the balcony would not be finished. Decent, classic window decoration. By the way, you can sew them with your own hands.

Of course, there are still a lot of options, but the photo gallery, which shows the novelties of 2016, their design, suggests that next year these options will be the best clothes for windows on the balcony.

Cozy curtains for the balcony (video)

Curtains on the balcony

But what kind of curtains for balconies and loggias is better to hang, classics or novelties, and what is the peculiarity of the design of loggias in 2016? You can start with the fabric that is preferable for the loggia.

Curtains on a spacious loggia can be from:

  • Tulle;
  • Batista;
  • Organza;
  • Kisei;
  • Silks;
  • Curtain fabric.

If the loggia is in the shade, the window design should be appropriate - light, transparent, with a fairly large openwork. It’s good if the fabric is easy to wash, because in the summer, light curtains get dirty quickly.

Design of curtains for the loggia

If you are not satisfied with the size of the loggia, and you would like such a design to visually increase its footage, pastel colors are the best option. It is really suitable for curtains on loggias and curtains for small balconies.

If you are interested in what pleases the design according to the latest fashion, then in 2016 the loft style will be relevant. This is an industrial style of interiors, somewhere deliberately rough, the sharpness of which can be set off by window decor. Loft and elegant curtains are quite combined, only it is better to drape them with your own hands. But the overall design suggests that the loft will combine the entire composition of the loggia into one block. Therefore, color intersections, or vice versa, contrast should become the threads that connect the window decor and the wall decor of such a balcony.

If you have a standard loggia finish, but you are not averse to hanging such curtains on rather big loggias that will stand out, you can take curtains with photo printing. In 2016, a roller blind with photo printing will look fresh and original.

If the loggia is large enough, then the curtains on such loggias can be both bright and dark - look at the photo, such a design will not reduce a large space. Curtains for large balconies can also be bright, with rather big patterns and frilly prints. The same roller blind is a great option.

Curtain design on the balcony (video)

DIY curtains on the balcony

Romanesque curtains for balconies and loggias and balconies are most often sewn by hand. Since there are many examples of successful curtains of this type in the photo gallery, and in 2016, the designers assure, classics and vintage will be in high esteem, and you can decorate your balcony block with Roman blinds.

They are suitable for almost any windows, their design can be complicated due to an interesting fabric (examples can be found in the photo), and sewn with your own hands quickly enough.

There are two types of Roman blinds for balconies:

  • Single- good for transparent or translucent fabrics, with elegant, interesting patterns;
  • Double- such curtains on the balconies can be protected from the intrusive sun.

Romanesque curtains will perfectly decorate the balcony block, and their fastening will be imperceptible. You can fix such curtains on the walls of the loggia (the one above the window), or on the window frame itself.

Highlights of tailoring Roman blinds on balconies:

  • Measurements of the window opening;
  • Pre-washing, drying and ironing of the material;
  • The choice of the number of folds (best - seven);
  • Drawing folds from the inside, sewing them together;
  • Painting and varnishing of a wooden bar;
  • Nailing to the resulting Velcro strap;
  • Velcro sewing to the upper edge of the curtain;
  • Weighting insert down curtains;
  • Sewing rings;
  • Fixation of the lifting mechanism.

Next, the bar is fixed above the window, the curtain is straightened. The type of windows immediately changes, the balcony block is transformed. In any photo you can see how Romanesque curtains change the image of the balcony. Such curtains on balconies will always be a classic.

Which curtains to choose for the balcony (video)

After reviewing a lot of photos, find your option, choose a curtain that will decorate the balcony block. With your own hands, you can change the style of the balcony with such a detail, and curtains have been and remain one of the most inexpensive, but significant accessories.

Curtain design on the balcony (photo)