Autumn chores in the garden. How to make compost from fallen leaves Is it possible to use last year's leaves in compost

Leaf humus humus humus Humus humus soil with humus

soil fertility

collect leaves it is possible with the help of special hand-held fan rakes that do not damage neighboring plants. On a small lawn or other open space, use a lawn fan rake. Benefits of "old fashioned" hand assembled are that you can work in wet weather, which is not uncommon in autumn. Wet leaves are best for leaf humus

The advantage of using a lawn mower and a vacuum cleaner is that the leaves are shredded and collected in one place (bag or basket), saving the gardener a lot of time and physical effort. Crushed leaves decompose much faster and turn into humus. However, working with them has its own limitations: you can use the equipment only in dry weather; with wet leaves, they do not work as efficiently at all; the collection of leaves with a lawn mower has to be carried out regularly, not allowing them to accumulate.

The collected leaves should be moistened, tightly laid and tamped.

Using fallen leaves


  1. Special bags for preparation of leaf humus


Leaves as soil fertilizer - how to use

Fallen leaves as fertilizer

Autumn fallen leaves are often collected by people with a rake and burned. It’s good if it’s outside the site, since nothing can grow at the site of the fire for several years. Such an action is unjustified, because by doing this you, firstly, worsen the environment, and secondly, deprive yourself (that is, your garden) of useful leafy fertilizer.

Many gardeners do not know for sure whether tree leaves can be used as fertilizer, believing that the leaves have already fulfilled their function. In fact, fallen leaves, even from garden trees, even from any other, are powerful top dressing, because over the season the leaves have accumulated a huge amount of nutrients and they can give them to you. You just need to be able to properly organize this process.

Use of fallen leaves as fertilizer

The benefits of fallen leaves are very great. They contain such useful elements as magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. All of them are necessary for good growth and development of plants.

There are several options for using dry leaves as a fertilizer. You can dig your garden trees along the crown radius, remove upper layer(about 20 cm), put leaves from the same or any other tree in the resulting hole, add a couple of glasses of chicken manure, water and lay the top layer of soil again.

In this way, you can fertilize apple trees, pears, plums, apricots, walnuts and many other fruit trees. In addition to the function of feeding, such a layer of leaves also has a warming effect, preventing the soil and tree roots from freezing during the winter cold.

Another option for using fallen leaves as fertilizer is to make compost out of them. To do this, you need either a compost pit or a deep container. Leaves should be laid and well compacted in it and left for 2 years. The readiness of the compost can be determined by the characteristic forest smell of rotted leaves. By introducing humus into the soil, you will improve its structure, provide plants with useful substances.

Of course, the leaves can only be used with healthy trees. All damaged by diseases and pests must be immediately removed from the garden plot.

See also: What to do with fallen leaves

Leaf humus contains almost no nutrients, so it cannot be used as a fertilizer. Advantages humus lie in its soil-conditioning properties. Soil generously fertilized humus, retains moisture at the roots of plants longer, helping them survive summer drought and saving the gardener time, labor and money. Humusfavorite place habitats of earthworms, great helpers of the gardener. semi-finished humus is a great addition to garden compost. Using fallen leaves for making humus, they do not have to be burned, poisoning themselves and their neighbors with acrid smoke. If you care about the environment, then plant acidophiles (plants that love acidic soil) in the mixture soil with humus and refuse to use shop peat, which is extracted from unique natural peat bogs.

All on the site COUNTRY LIFE on the topic soil fertility

Collection of leaves for leaf humus

In flower beds, among shrubs or other plantings collect leaves it is possible with the help of special hand-held fan rakes that do not damage neighboring plants.

On a small lawn or other open space, use a lawn fan rake. The advantage of "old-fashioned" hand assembly is that you can work in wet weather, which is not uncommon in autumn. Wet leaves are best for leaf humus because they decompose faster.

On the patio and others flat surfaces to collect leaves, use a broom or a special garden vacuum cleaner that works in two modes. By blowing air, it will help to collect the fallen leaves in a pile. Drawing in air, he will collect the leaves in a special bag, after crushing them. On large lawns, it is most convenient to use a lawn mower to collect leaves, setting the blades to the highest height.

The advantage of using a lawn mower and a vacuum cleaner is that the leaves are shredded and collected in one place (bag or basket), saving the gardener a lot of time and physical effort. Crushed leaves decompose much faster and turn into humus.

Compost from tree leaves, features of cooking in a pit and in a bag

However, working with them has its own limitations: you can use the equipment only in dry weather; with wet leaves, they do not work as efficiently at all; the collection of leaves with a lawn mower has to be carried out regularly, not allowing them to accumulate.

Preparation of leaf humus

The collected leaves should be moistened, tightly laid and tamped. For preparation of leaf humus you can use the following:

  1. Special leaf designs (four wooden pegs covered with metal "chicken" mesh), 1m x 1m or larger with open top
  2. Dense plastic bags for garden waste. Pierce bags filled with wet leaves in several places, the top can be slightly twisted or even left open.
  3. Special bags for preparation of leaf humus(sold in garden centers), see photo below.

Bags for the preparation of leaf humus. Wet leaves are left in such bags in a secluded corner of the site. Ready humus take it out and use it when you need it

Fungal cultures, which decompose leaves and turn them into humus, require almost no oxygen (this is one of the significant differences from making garden compost), but they do require high humidity. Mixing leaves with green grass clippings also speeds up the process.

Now all you have to do is be patient and wait. As with garden compost production, it's only hard to wait in the first year. And when the process is already established, then during the laying of a new batch of leaves, last year’s one is already ready for pre-winter mulching and other autumn work in the garden.

What leaves to use for leaf humus? In fact, any. However, remember that the time of decomposition of the leaves depends on the type of tree. Quickly (within a year) subject to compliance right conditions the leaves of most deciduous trees decompose: birch, oak, maple, hawthorn, mountain ash, hornbeam, hazel. Evergreen leaves and needles can take 2-3 years to decompose, and it is especially recommended to grind such leaves in a garden vacuum cleaner, lawn mower or shredder.

The use of leaf humus

Young leaf humus ready in 0.5 - 2 years, depending on the quality of preparation and tree species. In the young humus, in addition to the dark homogeneous soil, the skeletons of the leaves are clearly visible, sometimes whole leaves and small sticks come across. Such humus can be added to the soil on the site, in containers, dropped under plants, used as mulch, brought into recesses to level the surface of the lawn, and also used for hilling plants (for example, chrysanthemums) before sheltering for the winter.

Aged leaf humus is ready in 1.5 - 3 years, depending on the quality of the bookmark and tree species. Such humus is a dark crumbly uniform soil without inclusions. individual leaves. In addition to everything listed for young humus, aged humus is well suited for sowing seeds and growing seedlings. It is also good for home use. indoor plants, if mixed in equal parts with garden compost and fine sand or loam.

Manure obtained from pine needles, takes about 3 years to complete and is great for mulching acidophilic plants (lovers acidic soils): hydrangeas, camellias, pieris, azalea, rhododendron, heather, erica and others.

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All on the site COUNTRY LIFE on the topic soil fertility

The benefits and uses of compost

Proper garden compost beneficial in every way. For plants compost applied to the soil is a good organic fertilizer, saturated with essential trace elements and humus. For soil compost is a natural conditioner: it improves the structure of the soil, loosens and retains moisture and fertilizers at the roots of plants. Spread out in a layer on the surface of the soil, compost makes an excellent organic mulch.

Leaves from trees as fertilizer for the garden

The living inhabitants of the garden appreciate compost heap deservedly. compost pit- an excellent "dining room" for birds and small insectivorous animals, as well as a place of mass habitat and reproduction of earthworms, which (along with bacteria and fungi) are actually engaged in composting processing organic matter.

See also: Humus. How to make leaf humus

At DIY garden compost production no need to burn waste garden pruning, old leaves, paper, packaging and cardboard, poisoning the environment and neighbors with smoke. No need to buy expensive garden soil or soil mixtures. In this way, preparation and application of garden compost not only makes life easier for the gardener, but also contributes to environmental protection. Zero Waste Gardening and compost application, mulch and organic fertilizers instead of synthetic - important components of the concept of organic gardening.

Photo above: Here in the UK gardeners are encouraged to practice composting at the local council level. With significant discounts buy boxes (containers) for compost and get the information you need

What is compost

The word comes from Latin Componere and compositum and means mixture, something put together. Compost is a composition of organic matter decomposed by microorganisms. Compost used to improve soil structure, as well as fertilizer and mulch. Should not be confused garden compost with ready-made soil mixtures, which are often sold in garden centers under the name compost .

See also: compost bed for early cucumbers

Composting: The Quick (Hot) Method

If put into one pile (pit) bark, tree branches, grass clippings, leaves, annual weeds (not during flowering!) And other garden waste and leave it all for some time in a secluded corner of the garden (so as not to spoil the view), then in the end all this once something will rot and turn into a quality compost. This process will only take a few years. This is the so-called slow (cold) composting method. Unlike him, fast (hot) method of making compost takes about 4-6 months. To make compost fast, will have to be provided in compost bin or compost bin the following conditions:

  1. availability of fresh ‘green’ materials containing nitrogen
  2. presence of dry carbonaceous ‘brown’ materials
  3. Availability compost accelerators
  4. oxygen access to compost bin
  5. constant humidity compost mixture
  6. heat (temperature at industrial compost production reaches +85°C!)

Photo on the left: rotating compost bin - a device for quick composting at home. According to the manufacturers, obtaining ready-made compost in such a container maybe in 2-4 weeks. Fast Cooking compost provided with an even distribution compost mix container, moisture and heat. The gardener will only need to rotate twice a day compost bin with a special pen

How to make compost

  1. Install compost device(see below) in a designated area of ​​the garden.
  2. Lay down approx. 20 cm ‘brown’ material for drainage and ventilation.
  3. Add to compost, evenly alternating: crushed dry ‘brown’ materials(branches of trees and shrubs, paper, cardboard, sawdust, bark, straw, hay, shavings, wood ash, dry leaves); moisture containing ‘green’ materials(kitchen waste, cut grass, weeds, algae, tops, green manure); compost accelerators(EM effective microorganisms, special preparations for accelerating compost, rotted manure of herbivores and bird droppings, urine, already prepared compost, earthworms, garden soil, etc.). Significantly improve quality compost plants rich in useful substances: nettle, comfrey and other green manure crops, yarrow, dandelion (not roots and not flowers!) and others. The alternation of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ layers allows air to penetrate into compost heap, uniform and balanced maturation of compost in a container, and in the future - structural, fertile, proper compost . Never push or compact the contents, this will interfere with the air circulation in the compost bin. Over time, the mixture will go down and you can add waste to the container. When compost bin has already been filled to the top several times, you can stop filling it and move on to the next one.
  4. From time to time stir and shovel the cooking compost forks for better air access and uniform humidification compost. Keep Humidity ripening compost in a box with irrigation. However, avoid standing water in compost bin. Bad smell ammonia (rotten eggs, putrefaction) from compost bin speaks of an excess of ‘green’ materials and a lack of oxygen. Add to composter‘brown’ waste and stir the mixture.

A few months later the content compost heap must acquire Brown color and the fresh, sweet smell of the earth. Compost ready for use in the garden.

Compost heap, bin or compost bin?

Benefits of open wooden compost bin in that it allows air and moisture to pass through and maintains good ventilation. compost bin can be bought at garden center or make your own from boards and metal mesh. Volume compost bin must be at least 1 cubic meter. In fact, such a device is placed in wooden frames compost heap(see photo above).

A photo: industrial compost production at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (London). Shredded garden waste is mixed with horse manure from Royal stables in Knightsbridge. The mixture is contained in huge compost heaps, regularly moistened with settled rainwater and mixed, turned over. Volume compost production in Kew is impressive: 20 tons of manure and 100 tons of garden waste are used weekly! Process composting takes 10-12 weeks. The results are also impressive: Kew recycles 99% of its own garden waste and all the resulting compost is used for the further prosperity of the botanical garden. Here is such a constant cycle of economical ecological production! All this is presented to the attention of visitors to the botanical garden. Here you can find detailed instructions for making compost in your own garden

What else can you put in compost?

  1. Raw vegetables, fruits, cereals
  2. Tea and coffee
  3. Remains of cooked food, meat waste (only in closed compost bins!)
  4. Unpainted and untreated chipped wood
  5. Fresh herbivore manure and bird droppings (only in slow compost heaps)
  6. Bird feathers and down, pet hair
  7. Paper: tissue paper, shredded newspaper*, printer paper*, packaging, cardboard
  8. Shredded natural fabrics*: cotton, silk, linen, wool, etc.
  9. Evergreens (only in slow compost heaps)

What Not to Put in Garden Compost

  1. Large and hard meaty bones
  2. Feces of humans and carnivores (including domestic animals). For safe composting human feces need special compost toilet . Dog feces can be recycled into compost systems with worms. Cat feces are generally not recommended for composting
  3. Ash from burning coal in a stove or fireplace
  4. Flowering, seeded and perennial rhizomatous weeds
  5. Garden waste affected by diseases and pests
  6. Insect pests, their eggs and larvae
  7. Garden waste from the use of herbicides (unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer)

* In the EU and US, newspapers and other printed materials have been free of heavy metals and other harmful ink additives for decades. Newspaper recycling compost recommended here by leading environmental organizations ( HDRA Garden Organic and etc.). The same applies to fabrics. If you are in doubt about the composition of paints in your country, do not add these materials to compost

Material and photos: Oksana Jeter,

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Compost in a bag: step by step instructions

Many summer residents have already got used to making compost with their favorite method. Someone digs a hole, someone makes a pile, which they then cover, someone allocates a special place and builds a large wooden box.

If you're short on time or want to try a new and less labor-intensive method, then bagged compost can be a great alternative. The fact is that such compost is prepared quickly and easily, and its main advantage is its cheapness. All you need to buy is bags - thick and black. These bags are durable heavy rains and even frost. Gardeners recommend taking larger bags, with a volume of 120 or 250 liters.

What can be put in bags?

Grass and any kind of plants (that is, tops, leaves, hay, and so on);

Food waste and egg shells

Weeds with soil

sawdust, wood.

What should not be bagged?

Chemistry and chemicals

How to fill bags?

Try to fill them in layers. Pack firmly into each layer. Periodically add garden soil to the bags. You can also pour a jar of weekly aged herbal infusion. Once the bags are full, tie them up. Pierce with forks from the sides.

Three secrets of success

1. The soil to be added to the bags. 2. Humidity - that is, from time to time, while you fill the bags with grass, weeds and waste from the kitchen, add water or herbal infusions. 3. Air - it will appear when you pierce the bags with a pitchfork.

Leaf litter as fertilizer for the garden

Once a week, at first, try to turn the bags over if possible so that they do not stale.

When will this compost be ready?

After 3 months, the compost will reach half-readiness. It can be poured under berry bushes and fruit trees, also flower beds with perennials.

But this is still unripe compost. If you want real rotted compost, then leave the bags until next spring or summer. And then you open the bag and see completely loose and black soil, smelling of black earth!

Manure is not always available, and soil-improving organics are quite expensive. Therefore, garden compost is used as a source of organic matter. Composting allows you to quite cheaply and effectively convert kitchen waste and personal plot into a valuable material that enriches the soil with nutrients.


For cooking good compost crumbly, finely lumpy structure, the compost heap is laid in such a way that, without turning into a pile of rotting garbage, it provides the fastest decomposition of organic matter. Intensive decomposition of the starting materials under the action of bacteria and fungi is possible only in the presence of air, moisture and nitrogen. Air enters through the base and side walls of the pile. If signs of drying appear, the mass is moistened with a watering can or from a watering hose; moisture is usually retained by covering the pile with burlap, old rags, or plastic wrap. Nitrogen sources can be manure, compost activator or nitrogen fertilizers. This creates conditions for the activity of bacteria and fungi, which provide decomposition processes.

The compost heap is best placed in a location protected from the wind. shady place, at some distance from trees and areas where their roots can penetrate. Compost maturation takes time.

compost bin

The device of a compost heap on the ground in the selected corner of the garden plot allows you to achieve the required degree of decomposition of its contents. But over time, the pile loses its original shape, and its surface dries up. Decomposition can be accelerated by placing the compostable material in a compost bin that provides Free access air and retain moisture. Its height should not exceed 1.2 m. Optimal dimensions 2.5— 3×1.2×1.2 m

There are many ways to make a compost bin. The simplest of them is the fencing of the selected place with a net stretched over four strong supports dug into the ground. For the convenience of unloading decomposed compost, the front wall is made sliding. In compost bins large sizes for the base, they lay a “floor” of twigs or deadwood or place a support grate of short planks laid on bricks. This ensures the penetration of air to the composted material. To preserve moisture, the walls of the box are lined with old newspapers from the inside, and the compost is covered with burlap or plastic wrap, crushing with a brick.

For a more durable container, use pillars sheathed at the corners with iron, and wooden bars, which are nailed at some distance from one another, which provides air access. Interior decoration similar to the previous design. When constructing brick or block containers, leave a few non-cemented vertical seams for air to enter. It is desirable to make the front wall of containers in the form of a movable wooden lattice,

On the large plots It is convenient to use two or three compost bins. Having filled one of them, they leave it and, while the process of decomposition is going on there, fill the other. This approach provides the gardener with a constant supply of compost.

The compost bins produced by the industry are also very diverse. Some of them are equipped with movable walls for compost extraction and various coatings retaining moisture. When buying, you should check the strength of the box and choose the right size, taking into account the required amount of compost and its decomposition time.

Compostable materials

To make good compost, use any kitchen and garden waste on hand, which, however, must be thoroughly mixed. The more diverse the material introduced into the compost, the faster its decomposition proceeds. Weeds (not treated with herbicides), mowed grass, potato peelings, tea leaves, crushed eggshell, urine and slurry, scraps of newspapers, young foliage after cutting hedges, fallen inflorescences, pea pods, stems and leaves of vegetables, foliage of trees and shrubs. All components are well mixed. Do not add to compost wood material and crop residues that have been sprayed with herbicides or have been attacked by diseases and pests.

Bookmark compostable materials

The prepared box must be filled correctly. A layer of compostable material 15-25 cm thick is placed on the surface of the soil or on top of a humus floor, if it is provided, and lightly tamped down with a pitchfork or a rake base. Then sprinkle it with ammonium sulfate at the rate of 20 g/m2 and lay the next layer of compostable material. After filling the box, the compost heap is covered with burlap or plastic wrap, and if it dries out, the top cover is removed and the heap is moistened so that the composting process is not interrupted. A layer of ammonium sulfate is alternated with a layer of lime, which neutralizes the acidic reaction of the former. Avoid mixing ammonium sulfate and lime in the same layer. Sometimes compost activator or manure is applied between the layers, eliminating the possible contact of manure with fertilizers or lime. Otherwise it will happen chemical reaction, which will release valuable nitrogen into the atmosphere. To cover a filled container instead of burlap or polyethylene film you can pour a layer of soil about 5 cm thick.


The cultivation of certain cults on the site and the incorporation of their green mass into the soil to enrich it with nitrogen and improve the structure is called the introduction of green manure (green manure). Rapeseed, annual lupine, mustard and perennial ryegrass are used as green manure. In spring or early summer, green manure seeds are evenly scattered over the soil surface. Plants grow very quickly, close them in the soil just before flowering. To eliminate the temporary lack of nitrogen, when planting plants, powdered ammonium sulfate is added to the soil at a dose of 35 g / m3. In the absence of plants, it will help bacteria convert nitrogen bound in the form of organic compounds into mineral. Sometimes green manure is sown immediately after harvest - in early autumn or early spring.

Then the container is left and, if necessary, proceed to fill the next one.

Use of compost

In a well-designed and filled bin, the compost does not need to be turned, since the laid material is already effectively decomposed. In spring and summer, maturation proceeds faster than in autumn and winter. Compost when laying in warm weather usable after six months. The state of the heap is periodically checked and, if possible, the ripened compost is removed from the base. Ready compost It has a brown color and a crumbly, finely lumpy texture. Undecomposed material serves as the basis for laying the next pile. Mulching is carried out only with well-ripened compost, since partially decomposed weed seeds capable of germinating can be preserved. Compost is incorporated into the soil during its cultivation in autumn and winter at the rate of 5.5 kg/m2.

Leaf humus

Leaves shed by trees and shrubs, decomposing, enrich the soil with humus.

Fall leaf compost

To prepare leaf humus, it is convenient to use a mesh box (the same as for compost), each layer of foliage 13-20 cm thick is moistened with ammonium sulfate solution. In autumn, layers of foliage and fertilizer are also placed in black, perforated (for air) bags, which do not take up much space. Tied bags are left in a remote corner of the garden, and by spring humus forms in them. Leaves left in open boxes outdoors take longer to decompose. For composting, the foliage of any deciduous trees and shrubs is used. Sycamore, poplar and maple leaves take longer to decompose than oak and beech leaves. The leaves of evergreen plants are not suitable for the preparation of humus. Leaf humus is embedded in the soil or used as mulch (see pages 14-17).

Good afternoon to all gardeners! Gardener I. Krivega tells how to make compost with your own hands from fallen leaves. Leaves are a free material that we bypass our attention, but in vain! This is a very high quality organic fertilizer.

What can be sent to the compost heap

The figure shows what can be added to compost pit. This is foliage, and food waste, and tops, and thin branches, and lawn grass, and waste products of domestic animals.

Leaves are very underestimated

Everyone knows that the main organs of plants are roots, stems and leaves. Meanwhile, the leaves were not lucky in this regard - few people write about their benefits ...

The leaves are only mentioned that they contain chlorophyll and in the process of photosynthesis provide nutrition for carbohydrates and other substances to the whole plant. Well, as for the already fallen tree leaf, it is believed that it is completely useless and unnecessary, since it does not contain nutrients, and it is not a fertilizer.

This means that an amateur gardener concludes for himself that the fallen leaf must be taken to a landfill, which is done in the city, and in the countryside, castings are most often burned in autumn heaps. And what will happen to the roots of trees without this protective layer? Are autumn leaves so useless?

Flower growers were the first to talk about the use of leaf humus

And it's understandable why. The moisture capacity of the soil increases and its structure and mechanical composition improve. But is it only necessary for flower growers? If you bring leaf litter from the forest, and even take it from your site and simply put it in a pile, it will be stored for a long time without rotting.

Another thing is forest leaf litter. From this, in fact, the desire to prepare leaf humus and compost began.

Collection of semi-rotted leaves from the forest

In a deciduous or mixed forest, without depriving the trees, I rake up a layer of half-decayed leaves, capturing a little of the topsoil as well. Usually this layer already consists of leaf humus. This composition has an acid reaction of the soil solution. I put all the prepared mass into spherical hemispherical heaps and compact it a little.

How to determine the degree of readiness

The readiness of leaf humus is determined by appearance and smell (a purely forest, not a putrid smell appears). Such humus can be applied to the soil as a loosening and fertilizing material. Forest bed prepared as humus, compost is especially good for clay soil.

How to prepare this compost component?

A pile is watered with slurry, a solution of fermented herbs, and feces can also be added, as recommended. But I do not bring the latter for sanitary and hygienic reasons.

For such short term which one I take for composting - 8 months, helminths, if they are there, will not have time to decontaminate and fall into the soil. Also, it seems to me, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of prefabricated compost, where the conditions are different, and the preparation time too.

Compost - only healthy leaves

We are talking about the fallen leaf, but it is brought into the compost and with fruit trees and shrubs, only if the leaves are healthy and not damaged by pests and diseases. Affected leaves are to be burned or removed from the garden plot away, where they will be disinfected in a natural way.

This applies not only to leaves from trees, but also to vegetable and other herbal leaves, which are also included in the compost, but in healthy, without rot, pests, diseases. In prefabricated compost, the leaves contribute to better aeration, moisture capacity and act as a ripper.

But to accelerate the maturation of compost, the leaves must be applied in crushed form.. Otherwise, the leaves of a tree such as aspen stick together with plates and are stored in this form for years. It is best to make a birch, linden leaf, which does not need to be crushed.

Application of dry leaves

Dry leaf is used not only in compost, but also as a component in the construction warm beds, where, mixed with straw, hay, grass residues, it contributes to the production of heat for the roots of plants, and is also protective layer from the dank cold layer of soil.

To do this, I collect dry leaves in dry weather and store until spring in closed containers. In particular, they are stored in my barrels under a canopy and in cans.

A dry leaf is also used by me as a mulching material for trunk circles fruit trees and shrubs, and garden beds. Including as a protective layer, and hence the roots of plants from frost and soil drying. The soil under the leaf is always moderately moist.

Now the autumn period of plant life has come. This year, the leaves of birch, linden, mountain ash and other plants turn yellow and fall first. Then mass leaf fall will begin.

Dry leaves are used along with dry peat, chopped straw as bedding material with a layer of up to 30 cm, which absorbs liquid well when preparing a site for the preparation of any compost.

Warming leaves beds with winter garlic

Dry leaves have passed my test for suitability as an insulating, and at the same time, aerosolizing material for winter garlic, planted in late September - the first decade of October.

On a ridge with planted garlic, I pour a layer of 5-10 cm of dry birch leaves and cover with spruce branches or stems of raspberries, Jerusalem artichoke - so that they are not blown away by the wind, in winter I still sprinkle 20-30 cm of snow.

There has never been a case that winter garlic, planted at a depth of 8-10 cm, froze. In the spring, with the removal of shelter, it actively grows and produces good large bulbs.

Making a compost pit

Over the years of gardening, I have developed the following technology. Given the possibility of freezing compost, I cook the latter in shallow pits. The depth of the pit is 30 cm, the width is 2.5 m.

Experience has shown that the process of decay, fermentation in the pit does not stop even in winter. Now I'm already taking care of composting for the right time. My deadline is in the foreground.

And microorganisms, bacteria, earthen fleas, fungi, worms and other living creatures in the soil will figure out for themselves what to do with this organic matter, plant food. This is noticeable on trial, test beds. Plants vegetate more actively than on normal ones.

Laying layers in a hole

So, having provided a five-centimeter bedding layer in the pit, I lay dry leaves of deciduous trees moistened with a solution of saltpeter or carbamide (urea) in layers (except oak, which rot poorly and contain tannins).

In general, to be honest, I can not imagine how to use fallen oak leaves as a type of fertilizer. The leaves do not decompose very well in the compost pile and contain a fair amount of tannins that degrade the quality of the soil. So that, I don't recommend composting them at all. .

For every 10 cm layer of leaves I always add a layer of garden or turf soil. For what? In order to, in addition to the structural composition of the soil, the macro- and microelements contained in it, also introduce soil microflora into the leaf layer.

Then the next layer- a solution is added wood ash, then again a layer of leaves moistened with water. We cover everything with a five-centimeter layer of mowed grass.

The next layer is covered with chopped straw- for oxygen, hay - for microorganisms, moistened with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

The compost pit is covered with turf 20x10 cm stacked tightly together on top of a pile, grass-side down. Then I install two vertical tubes to the middle of the pile - for air and moistening the pile, then I take them out and fill the holes.

Pit maintenance

I have two holes. One is where the components are assembled. Another - where the composition is shoveled. Shoveling is done in about a month after laying all the material in the first pile. This must be done to loosen the compost, and hence improve aeration, for better mixing of the composition of the heap.

So I had to give up classical forms composters and move on to cumulus forms. In addition to other advantages, I consider the main thing for me to be convenience and ease (after all, age is no longer the same strength) in the shoveling itself. After that, the compost is ready and can be applied to the soil.

Related video - composting leaves in bags

Leaf humus contains almost no nutrients, so it cannot be used as a fertilizer. Advantages humus lie in its soil-conditioning properties. Soil generously fertilized humus, retains moisture at the roots of plants longer, helping them survive summer drought and saving the gardener time, labor and money. Humus- a favorite habitat for earthworms, great gardener's helpers. semi-finished humus is a great addition to garden compost. Using fallen leaves for making humus, they do not have to be burned, poisoning themselves and their neighbors with acrid smoke. If you care about the environment, then plant acidophiles (plants that love acidic soil) in the mixture soil with humus and refuse to use shop peat, which is extracted from unique natural peat bogs.

Collection of leaves for leaf humus

In flower beds, among shrubs or other plantings collect leaves it is possible with the help of special hand-held fan rakes that do not damage neighboring plants. On a small lawn or other open space, use a lawn fan rake. The advantage of "old-fashioned" hand assembly is that you can work in wet weather, which is not uncommon in autumn. Wet leaves are best for leaf humus because they decompose faster.

On patios and other flat surfaces, use a broom or a dual-mode garden vacuum to pick up leaves. By blowing air, it will help to collect the fallen leaves in a pile. Drawing in air, he will collect the leaves in a special bag, after crushing them. On large lawns, it is most convenient to use a lawn mower to collect leaves, setting the blades to the highest height.

The advantage of using a lawn mower and a vacuum cleaner is that the leaves are shredded and collected in one place (bag or basket), saving the gardener a lot of time and physical effort. Crushed leaves decompose much faster and turn into humus. However, working with them has its own limitations: you can use the equipment only in dry weather; with wet leaves, they do not work as efficiently at all; the collection of leaves with a lawn mower has to be carried out regularly, not allowing them to accumulate.

Preparation of leaf humus

The collected leaves should be moistened, tightly laid and tamped. You can use the following for:

  1. Special leaf designs (four wooden pegs covered with metal "chicken" mesh), 1m x 1m or larger with open top
  2. Thick plastic bags for garden waste. Pierce bags filled with wet leaves in several places, the top can be slightly twisted or even left open.
  3. Special bags for preparation of leaf humus(sold in garden centers), see photo below.
Bags for the preparation of leaf humus. Wet leaves are left in such bags in a secluded corner of the site. Ready humus take it out and use it when you need it

Fungal cultures, which decompose leaves and turn them into humus, require almost no oxygen (this is one of the significant differences from making garden compost), but they do require high humidity. Mixing leaves with green grass clippings also speeds up the process.

Now all you have to do is be patient and wait. As with garden compost production, it's only hard to wait in the first year. And when the process is already established, then during the laying of a new batch of leaves, last year's one is already ready for winter mulching and other autumn work in the garden.

What leaves to use for leaf humus? In fact, any. However, remember that the time of decomposition of the leaves depends on the type of tree. Quickly (in a year), under the right conditions, the leaves of most deciduous trees decompose: birch, oak, maple, hawthorn, mountain ash, hornbeam, hazel. Evergreen leaves and needles can take 2-3 years to decompose, and it is especially recommended to grind such leaves in a garden vacuum cleaner, lawn mower or shredder.

The use of leaf humus

Young leaf humus is ready in 0.5 - 2 years, depending on the quality of preparation and tree species. In the young humus, in addition to the dark homogeneous soil, the skeletons of the leaves are clearly visible, sometimes whole leaves and small sticks come across. Such humus can be added to the soil on the site, in

» Preparations

On each garden plot grows a lot various trees and shrubs. And each of them sheds leaves in autumn. In addition, after harvesting, whole heaps of plant waste remain. Where to put all this wealth? Some gardeners just send them in the trash, some burn them. Both of these decisions are wrong. All of these ingredients can be used to make compost. However, many find reasons not to start a lawsuit with its preparation. One of the reasons is the lack of space for the construction of a pit or a piece of land for a heap. But it turns out that humus can also be prepared in bags.

Before considering how to make leaf humus in bags, you should understand the general concepts.

Compost is an artificial fertilizer made from tree leaves and plant waste.

For compost, in addition to leaves and plant waste, food waste can be used, such as cereal crops, fruits, vegetables and even tea grounds.

What are the benefits of compost? It is difficult to answer this question in one sentence. To understand its importance in agriculture, it is necessary to list its main advantages.

  • the preparation of humus saves the gardener from the problems of exporting garden plant waste, as well as some food waste;
  • no costs required. All components are right under your feet in the garden area;
  • it's environmentally friendly pure fertilizer, which is saturated with micronutrients and humus;
  • after making it into the soil, it becomes loose and well passes air. In other words, the soil begins to "breathe";
  • compost-rich soil retains moisture well;
  • can act as a mulch. If it is enough, then they can evenly cover a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. Its presence in the beds does not allow weeds to germinate and retains the moisture of the root system of plants;
  • humus lying on the beds attracts birds, and sometimes hedgehogs, which save plants from harmful insects or slugs;
  • beneficial bacteria and fungi multiply in it, which contribute to the decomposition of organic components. Worms are bred in it, which, on the one hand, loosen the ground, and on the other, can be used for fishing;
  • saves the gardener to look for a place to burn;
  • a natural product that saves the gardener from oversaturating his site with all sorts of chemical fertilizers.

Making compost in bags is a little-used method for gardeners.

The disadvantages include:

  • some leaves that have flat shapes are endowed with the property of caking with each other into a dense mass, which complicates the process of decay;
  • rapid evaporation of moisture. To ensure the decomposition process, the compost should be watered frequently.

Having become acquainted with the advantages of compost, you can try to understand the technology of its manufacture.

Technology for the preparation of leaf humus in bags

The main component for the manufacture are fallen leaves of trees. It is recommended to prepare compost in the following sequence.

Selection and procurement of components

Leaves, grass clippings, small tree branches and other vegetable waste can serve as ingredients for cooking. The harvesting technology is the same for all methods of its laying, including cooking in bags.

The time it takes to make compost depends on the type of tree. Products deciduous trees such as birch, oak, maple and all fruit trees decompose faster. The finished product from such raw materials can be obtained in a year. Raw evergreens and conifers decompose slowly, and the aging period increases to 2-3 years.

Leaves can be collected with a hand fan rake. Such a rake does not damage the stems and roots of plants. Where there are no shrubs and trees, it is better to collect foliage with a lawn fan rake. Garden vacuum cleaners are widely used for collection.

Leaves for compost should not be diseased

They can work in suction and blowing mode. When working in suction mode, the leaves are drawn into a special collector, which is included with the vacuum cleaner. In the blowing mode, the leaves can be collected in separate piles. The vacuum cleaner is advantageous in that before sending the leaves to the collector, it crushes it. And finally, if leaves need to be collected from large lawns, it is best to use a lawn mower.

Avid gardeners buy lawn mowers or vacuum cleaners. These mechanisms are very advantageous, because they grind the food and collect it in special collections, consisting of a bag or basket. This frees the gardener from the physical labor of moving to a certain place.


Before laying the leaves for compost, they must be crushed. If they are collected with a vacuum cleaner or lawn mower, then they are already crushed. If the collection of leaves occurs in a different way, then to grind them, you can use a special leaf chopper, called a mulcher.

Bookmark material for composting

The collected and crushed foliage is laid in places where the compost will ripen. It could be a hole compost heap or free-standing containers or tight plastic bags.

The collected leaves are placed in the selected containers and lightly compacted.

To create favorable conditions for rotting leaves, oxygen is needed. Therefore, the bag should be pierced in several places.

Before you start laying the future humus in a bag, a layer from the top of the soil should be laid on its bottom. After that, the bag is filled with other components.

To speed up the process of decay, there must be enough moisture inside the bag. In addition, moisture must be maintained during the entire ripening period. Given these circumstances, plastic bags should not be tied, but left open. If too dry autumn or spring is issued, then it is recommended to moisten the leaves inside the bag with water.

Composting bags can be purchased at any gardening supply store. They must be black and solid.

The following cannot be used as components for a bookmark:

  • remains from animals: droppings, small bones and other meat waste;
  • use freshly cut and perennial weeds, as well as the remains of the root system of plants;
  • waste of diseased plants;
  • fresh manure;
  • waste containing toxic substances and toxins.

Nitrogen addition

To accelerate decay, it is recommended to add nitrogen-rich plants to the bag. These plants include lawn grass, nettle, comfrey and others. If, after time, signs of decay do not appear in the compost, then nitrogen biologics should be added to its composition.


The compost prepared in this way is left in open bags for maturation.

Rotting time can be from 1 to 2 years, depending on weather conditions.

To create uniform conditions for decay, the compost is recommended to be mixed several times during maturation.

Production fixtures

Manufacturers have set up many devices for making compost. However, their use is beneficial only in large farms. In such organizations, composts are produced in large volumes, and the use of small equipment is not rational.

For the preparation of humus in individual summer cottages, and also in cramped conditions, it is enough to use those devices that have already been mentioned in this article.

Garden vacuum cleaner - convenient fixture to collect leaves

These devices include:

  • fan and lawn rakes - they are intended for collection;
  • garden vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers - used for collecting and grinding;
  • mulchers - designed for grinding.

Most gardeners know that the soil depletes over time, which means what to expect on such lands good harvest not worth it. Therefore, soil fertility should be increased annually. It will take several years to improve the soil.

Thus, compost in bags will save every gardener money and will maintain soil fertility every year.