Why dream of getting dirty with feces. Was the feces human? Baby surprises and human poop

Their appearance in a dream can predict all sorts of troubles, scandals or money obtained dishonestly.

Any waste of the body's activity that you saw in a dream portends some kind of scandal, an unpleasant feeling or success, which also has a dark side.

If you want to understand what feces are dreaming of, pay attention to exactly where they were in a dream, whether they were removed and how unpleasant they smelled. Here is what the dream book writes about this.

Insect waste

see them in own house or near it - to depression or illness. Usually such visions dream of routine and extremely unpleasant work, troubles, scandals. After this dream, your desire will not come true and you will have to wait a long time for a favorable moment in order to fulfill your desire.

Insect feces rarely have an unpleasant odor, and their mass is very small. If you see too much of their waste, beware of a disease that will be unpleasant and contagious, but will not become a threat to human life.

Usually such a vision predicts little harm to your property or a minor obstacle to the implementation of plans. In some situations, such a dream is a dream for conflicts with your young children or people of a lower class.

For example, many of your classmates from ordinary working families will envy your acquaintances and connections, scold success in the modeling business and say all sorts of nasty things behind your back, but you can put such people in their place.

Seeing the feces of flies, mosquitoes and other insects in food in a dream is a disease. Their appearance generally predicts trouble, depression, loss of strength and all sorts of health troubles.

Sometimes this dream portends damage to property, minor material damage, feelings of annoyance and anger.

Remove them or throw away spoiled products - to ensure that you can part with the past without regrets in order to start new life from scratch.

Bird feces

Usually the most unpleasant birds in this regard are pigeons and seagulls, they can stain clothes on the balcony and spoil the attractive appearance of everything that is on the street. To notice their fecal masses on your balcony or on the window - to slander and trouble.

Perhaps there is a person who denigrates someone's good name in front of you or tries to spoil good relationship with your acquaintance and friend. In some situations, they mean naive revenge or an insult that will not cause you significant harm.

Sometimes the feces of birds dream of the dissatisfaction of some person with you. Usually this is a person who has a lot of freedom of action, but has a tendency to envy and condemnation.

If you notice that pigeons have shitted on your balcony and ruined things that you have to wash, expect a scandal. It is possible that someone has a great discontent boiled against you, which this person constantly takes out both on you personally and on others. He can gossip, say nasty things to other people, trying to ruin your reputation.

Therefore, seeing the waste of bird activity on sheets, pillowcases or outerwear, expect that in reality someone will gossip, distort the facts or try to weave intrigues behind your back. Modern books indicate that nasty things will not harm you, and you will quickly be able to expose the ill-wisher.

If the "waste" ended up on your underwear or underwear of a family member, someone shamelessly discusses his sexual behavior. Perhaps some details of someone's personal life have become known, and they are being actively discussed.

If pigeons and many other birds try to stain balconies and loggias, then seagulls most often like to spoil beach accessories or boats and yachts left unattended. In some situations, they are able to damage the decks so that it is impossible to move on them.

Why dream that it was their feces that appeared in your dream? It seems that soon you will encounter the unpleasant side of creativity or love. The dream interpretation writes that after such a dream, one should expect trouble, grief or a discovery that will destroy the romantic halo and force one to face the truth.

For example, if you dreamed of a sea voyage, you woke up on a yacht and saw a dirty deck - beware of gossip about your personal life or creative success. After such a dream, you should take a closer look at your friends, as they may turn out to be insincere.

If you dreamed of feces on a deflated sail or personal items left in a conspicuous place, expect money or bad news. Modern dream book writes that you may be made a dubious offer or embroiled in other people's intrigues.

Therefore, try to show prudence and caution, so as not to regret anything later, after a while. A large poop near a wallet or handbag can dream of money. The larger it is, the more you get. But to find it on a swimsuit, underwear or cosmetics is a serious insult that someone will soon inflict on you.

Dogs and cats

Feces in a dream left by dogs or cats rarely dream of very big troubles. Usually their appearance in the yard, in the grass near the house, or even on the street, dreams of receiving money or news.

If the dog shits near your car or you find him doing this, then the modern dream book indicates that you will soon receive money.

The larger the cool poop was in a dream, the larger the amount will be. Sometimes the dream book writes that you will receive funds in gratitude for some business or service.

Modern books indicate that your dog's "work" is dreaming of a surprise, which will be pleasant if the masses were cool.

Diarrhea usually predicts the failure of some business or a result that will not bring any real benefit.

Seeing the poop of a cat, kittens or cats portends trouble in amorous affairs.

It is possible that you will come across an unpleasant side of the character of your lover or lover, greed or exactingness, which will spoil the relationship.

The appearance of pet feces on the carpet in front of the guests means that an unpleasant surprise will happen or some truth will suddenly be revealed that may be shocking to others.

For example, if the poop is in a prominent place or near the table, then your child will present some kind of unpleasant surprise.

For example, without asking permission from his parents, he will make a mohawk or decide to show off a new tattoo in front of his great-grandmother. If the cat's feces were not noticed by anyone, and you stepped on them or someone else got dirty with them, expect trouble.

Outside home

To smell feces, no matter who they belong to, is a nuisance. Most likely, someone is interfering in the dreamer's life or he will have to face intriguers or the unpleasant side of some business. If in a dream you saw a sewer hatch and did not fall into it, this is a sign that you can miraculously avoid danger or scandal. Perhaps there is a danger of getting into a very unpleasant story that can end badly.

Stepping on the excrement of a dog or cat is a surprise. It can turn out to be both good and very bad and bring you a lot of trouble and all sorts of problems. The appearance of such dreams can mean great luck, especially in some rather dubious business, or, on the contrary, a dirty story in your life that can lead to bad consequences.

If you dreamed that your close person came home, stained with feces, which was located on the street - soon he would accidentally receive some money that was not related to his labor activity, or will be a victim of slander or some kind of scandal.

Perhaps he himself will do something that you will have to clear up. For example, a teenager can contact a bad company, and a girl can contact a womanizer, which can have a very negative impact on her development and health.

To smear yourself with excrement - to quarrels, squabbles. The dream portends an extremely unpleasant business or intrigue that you will have to sort out personally for a long time. Sometimes the appearance of feces in a dream in an unexpected place can mean a trap or a quarrel.

If the car drove past a dirty puddle and splashed you - beware of a scandal and someone's aggressiveness. The modern dream book writes that you can get into terrible circumstances or contact bad, vindictive and cruel people.

Baby surprises and human poop

The dream interpretation writes that the feces of babies mean a surprise, which can turn out to be both pleasant and not very pleasant. If the baby crap one's pants in bed, then soon he will get sick or do something bad.

To smear yourself with an unpleasant mass - you will have to rake some kind of mess. Sometimes such plots predict the disclosure of some unpleasant secret that can significantly damage your authority.

If the child has done his business where it is supposed to, and you have become a witness to this natural process, this means that the business that you are planning will quickly bear fruit.

A cool poop in a dream predicts success, or that your child can express himself in creativity and achieve good results. In some situations, if you have diarrhea between such dreams, then you can expect success, among which there will be one or more defeats, but they will not spoil the result.

Human activity

Why dream of a toilet or a toilet with human feces? The dream interpretation writes that you can not only come into contact with the dirty side of reality, but also see someone else's result of work or activity.

If someone else's dirt did not prevent you from doing everything you need in the toilet, then no gossip and talk will make you turn off the intended path. In some situations, you yourself can use other people's work so that they work for you.

In another situation, when you notice diarrhea on the toilet and do not go into it, expect problems. A modern dream book indicates that you yourself can become a witness to someone's weakness, helplessness or humiliation.

Why dream of seeing a person who pours the contents of the toilet onto someone? If he is familiar to you, be afraid of his unkind language. It is possible that he has a vengeance and can greatly harm you or your friends.

If he poured the contents of the toilet onto someone, then in reality this person will suffer from unpleasant actions. And why dream of liquid feces that were poured on you personally? Beware of someone else's vindictiveness and scandalousness.

Most likely, you have already plunged into an unpleasant story, although in some cases such a dream predicts envy and glory.

Detect and throw away other people's feces - you will expose the enemy or take advantage of his work results.

Rinse what was floating in the toilet - to get rid of trouble.

Even if you are a victim of intrigue or slander, you can get away with it, and even out of the most unpleasant situation.

When we dream of things that cause disgust in real life, we especially carefully try to analyze our nightly dreams. Let's say, why dream of feces? Most dream books refer to such a vision as “shift dreams”, when a seemingly “bad” dream promises good events in life.

However, if feces are dreamed at night, great importance has who "produced" it. good value the dream acquires when the feces do not belong to the sleeper himself. If the dreamer himself defecated with the excrement that appeared in the vision, then the dream should be taken as a warning.

See from the side

A good sign or warning will bring you a dream in which you had to see feces - it depends both on the plot and on the state of the "object". What visions with feces appear in a dream most often?

  • You can just smell it.
  • See the feces from the side.
  • Empty yourself.
  • Get dirty in your own or other people's feces.

As he says The latest dream book, the smell of feces in a dream, when you cannot find the very source of origin of the "aroma", means that others have their own opinions about how you should live and what to do. Try in reality to protect yourself from such "well-wishers" if you do not want them to ruin your life.

Smell the feces and see them - in your life is brewing conflict situation. How to proceed further depends on your goals. If you need a conflict to get rid of an unpleasant influence, enter it, but wisely, and if emotional "wars" are not included in your plans, turn on the diplomacy mode.

If you notice violations of the chair in your visions, this is an occasion to take action in real life. So, if the stool was liquid, you are very nervous that others do not want to recognize your merits. Problems with bowel movements are dreaming - you are too conservative, and this prevents you from working successfully, it is worth bringing fresh trends into your life.

interact with excrement

Getting dirty with feces in a dream is considered a favorable sign. The Chinese dream book says that to see yourself smeared with excrement in a dream means wealth awaits the sleeper. However, the Old Russian Dream Book attaches importance to the one with whose feces in a dream the sleeping person was smeared. In the case when the feces in which the person smeared himself in a dream was his own, the vision warns against careless actions and indiscretions that can cause failure.

This vision also has a prosaic explanation: if you dreamed that you managed to inflict your feces on yourself, then you should take up the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Get dirty with other people's excrement or animal feces, says Noble dream book, means profit, and significant, and fun.

In a dream, did you have to go to to do your natural necessities? If you dreamed of a plot that you had to do this in some inappropriate place, then there may be two interpretations. First, your help will not be accepted by the person you want to give it to. Secondly, because of your benevolence and kindness, you may find yourself in an awkward situation, so do not trust everyone in a row.

Go to the toilet and see that someone's feces are already floating in - such a vision portends that you will learn someone else's secret, from the category of those that are not customary to speak out loud. Clean and dry toilet in a dream, according to Chinese dream book, in reality means quick career growth.

Such an unpleasant plot may also be dreamed up, when it seems to the dreamer that he is absorbing his feces. feces are also interpreted in two ways: firstly, you shouldn’t gossip in reality - people don’t like it, and you can make ill-wishers even where you didn’t expect. The second meaning of sleep, in which you had to eat feces, is to put your diet in order.

Feces- as was noted in one of the chats, no matter how badly fate will do with your children; there will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a “perverted” upbringing. In principle, such an approach in psychotherapy is one of Freud's achievements that have perpetuated themselves (after the theory of penis envy). Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experience mentioned in his biography. Many believe that feces predict well-being and wealth. But it should be noted that both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it can be implied here. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something produced by him, and therefore as something of value. It would be surprising if an adult woke up, because he dreamed of feces, and would feel light and free from this. To interpret the dream, it is important to know the source of the origin of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if feces appear in a dream in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces they are and what you do with them (you just saw them, cleaned them, etc.) - this will say a lot about your relationship with the dream characters.

If you detect or cannot see feces but are aware of their presence- it means that you are concerned about the attempts of others to interfere in your life. Money can also be involved here if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Feces- you will find yourself in an extremely ugly story that will change your fate for the worse.

Italian dream book

Feces- a symbol of reductionism in relationships, that is, the depreciation of relationships that, on a conscious level, can still be considered as valuable.

To eat or manipulate feces is to program or nurture the negativity or death of the instincts.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in opened window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

    Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

    Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

    Turn bedding inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

About what feces dream of, dream books put forward different opinions. A dream can be interpreted both with positive and with negative side. Despite the unpleasant plot, the image in night dreams often promises a man or woman wealth, prosperity, success in business. To make up more exact interpretation, it is important to pay attention even to the smallest details of sleep: appearance feces, actions performed by the dreamer or dreamer, environment, terrain, plot.

If you dream of someone else's feces - to conflicts, difficulties in relations with people around you. Perhaps soon the dreamer or dreamer will quarrel with a colleague, relative, friend, acquaintance, or anyone else. The dream book says the following about what a person’s fecal masses dream of: the image has a warning meaning and calls to control one’s emotions. A scandal can adversely affect the plans of the person who had the dream.

dreamed own faeces- to success in business, the implementation of plans, desires. In the near future, the dreamer or dreamer will face a considerable number of difficulties, but the efforts and efforts will pay off. financial profit. It is important not to deviate from your plans, and they will be able to translate into reality.

The excrement of some animal is dreaming - good sign symbolizing prosperity. In interpreting the image, it is important to consider Whose excrement was it, what kind of animal did it belong to:

About, why do cat poop dream should be discussed separately. This is a symbol of the fact that soon all the troubles of a person will end and a white streak will begin in his life. Cat excrement portends great success, luck in business, meeting new people. interesting people. The psychological and physiological state of the dreamer or dreamer will also improve, especially if before that he or she felt unwell, weak, tired.

If the plot of the dream unfolds in such a way that a person smells, but does not see feces, this is a sign of deterioration in relationships with someone. Soon, the dreamer or dreamer will face a very unpleasant situation that will help open their eyes to a family member, "second half", a good friend, girlfriend or new acquaintance. The conflict will occur due to deceit, hypocrisy, bad deeds coming from a woman or man who were considered close.

If you managed to remember exactly what the excrement looked like, then this is also should be taken into account when interpreting the image seen in night dreams:

  1. Liquid stool, diarrhea. You should not express your opinion under the influence of emotions, you should control yourself.
  2. Constipation, stool obstruction. A person will be ashamed to express his opinion, which will cause him considerable discomfort.
  3. Large amount of feces- to ease in the fulfillment of desires, profits.

A dream about feces with blood warns the dreamer or dreamer that due to a stupid and reckless decision, he or she may lose profits.

Actions performed by the dreamer

The main meaning in the interpretation is what the person did with the feces.

Options may be as follows:

To dream about baby poop, from which a small child had to be washed, is a symbol of the fact that you will soon have to take on great responsibility.

The dreamer or dreamer may be absolutely unprepared for this, but you will have to make a decision that will change the life of both the person himself and close family members.

Location and setting

The process of defecation is dreaming - to the successful implementation of plans. But it is important to try to remember the environment and terrain in which the toilet procedures took place,

Why dream of such dirty and unpleasant things? How does the dream book evaluate human feces or "humus" obtained from different animals?

  • Why dream of feces? It all depends on the situation of sleep. Say, if you saw them at the bottom of the toilet, the dream says: if you work hard, you can get rich.
  • Complete cesspool kala says: you can become a victim of a scammer, and only your own common sense will help you stay "on your own." Do not trust unfamiliar people, and most importantly, do not show off to them about your income and savings.
  • The floor, stained with the waste of human (and not only) digestion, says: good money will come to you “on the ball” - maybe you will be able to win the lottery or in the casino, or maybe you will find something worthwhile. So when walking down the street, take a closer look at your feet!
  • The second interpretation of this dream does not sound so rosy anymore: you can be robbed. Receiving the reason for the loss of a valuable item or wallet can be your naivety.
  • If you have seen a lot of feces, this dream promises: your life will be easy and carefree.
  • If your bed was stained with poop, and there were, well, a lot of feces: you will find a generous and not poor sponsor. It may well be that this sponsor will be a person in love with you. But if so, then your relationship will not end with a wedding, although it will turn out hot and passionate.

What did you do in your dream?

  • Flushed feces into the toilet - to an expensive purchase. Moreover, the more impressive the “heap” that you tried to get rid of, the more expensive your acquisition will be.
  • Did you take the poop in your hands? A person who loves you is ready to help you financially. And he won't ask for anything in return.
  • Have you soiled your hands or clothes in feces (or maybe in a dream you took a baby in your arms, and he specifically “marked” you)? This is happy dream, he says that soon you will be able to get rich.
  • You did not see the excrement, but you smelled it: the business you are planning to start will be very profitable.
  • However, the second interpretation of this dream warns: a business partner may offer you something suspicious. Be careful!
  • Collect poop for analysis - you need a hint from a reasonable person. If, while carrying a jar to the laboratory, you lost it in a dream, it means that you can commit a stupid, rash act.
  • Seeing the feces that you smeared all over your body - too good dream. It means: finally, you will fulfill your dream or a very desired goal.
  • Wipe your feces: your enemy has found compromising evidence on you.

Was it animal droppings?

  • Was the feces in the dream dog? The dream promises confidential gatherings with a close friend or friend. If there was too much such feces, the dream becomes a warning: if you don’t think and do something dubious, you can be disgraced.
  • Cat poop promises betrayal, or a “crooked path” that you are about to step on.
  • Goat "peas" promises wealth.
  • Cow "cakes" say: you work hard, and the result of this work will be worthy.

Was the feces human?

  • Most general interpretation: a dream indicates your conservatism. Try to be more modern!
  • They were very fresh: the dream speaks of your contentment with the current state of affairs. You would like nothing to change in your life.
  • And vice versa, old and dried feces say: your being has become too insipid. You dream of at least somehow decorating it, bringing bright events and strong emotions to life.
  • Baby poop (say, in a potty or in a diaper): you can get pregnant.
  • Was it your own feces? What did he look like? Liquid: people can talk badly about you (and undeservedly), and your efforts will not lead to anything good. Firm: The help you offer to your neighbor will be rejected.

And how do the most popular books interpret the appearance of feces in a dream?

It may seem that the topic of human excrement is so "untouchable" that experienced interpreters will not study it. But this is not so: feces are an integral part of the life of any creature, so seeing them in a dream is as natural as seeing food, water or a pillow. And this is how respected authors of books about the secrets of human dreams interpret such dreams ...

Miller's dream book

  1. Seeing poop or smelling it can be people who are in a rather strained relationship with their neighbors.
  2. If feeling bad smell, you tried to find its source, but did not find it - the dream says: a lot of people give you advice, interfering in your life, but there is zero sense in these tips.
  3. Also similar dreams promise profit to businessmen and financiers, and farmers or summer residents - a noble harvest.

Loff's dream book

  1. Such a dream shows your desire to have a lot of money and other goods that you can buy for them. It is quite possible that now financial terms you are "stranded".
  2. If in a dream you get dirty in the waste of the human intestine, you will get absolutely rich.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  1. This dream book considers feces to be a symbol of relationships that you still value, but soon they will become nothing to you.
  2. If you did something with poop (including eating them), the dream says: your feelings and instincts die off, and your thoughts and (or) actions are to blame.