Peonies planting and care in spring. Peonies: subtleties of planting and care, why they don’t bloom. Herbaceous peony, preparation of planting material

Gardeners say that peonies need to be looked after for a whole year, but you can admire the blooms for only 10 days. In order to fully enjoy their beauty, you need to study the features and requirements for the conditions different varieties. For peonies, planting and care open ground must be carried out as carefully as possible, since these are fragile flowers. They grow in one place for 15-20 years and do not require replanting. Before planting peonies at your dacha, you need to study the features of agricultural technology.

Brief description of the culture

These shrubby plants reach a height of 1 m and are unpretentious. Peonies have a large rhizome from which several stems grow. The flowers are voluminous and 15-20 cm in diameter. Gardeners grow peonies in open ground because of their rich aroma and lack of difficulties in care.

This herbaceous plant is valued for its longevity, because in a permanent place in the garden the bush can grow for more than 15 years. Even after the end of flowering, the lush color remains until autumn. green foliage.

Breeders have bred more than 5 thousand varieties of peonies, which differ in color, growing season, and size.

Agrotechnical conditions for growing

In favorable conditions and with proper care, these flowers grow in one place for more than 50 years. Specifics of agricultural cultivation technology tree peonies in open ground is that in the first year development is slow. Only in the second or third season does flowering become abundant. Without knowing this feature of the crop, many gardeners transplant it to another place, which only slows down its growth.

Soil requirements

Peonies should be planted in areas with loamy soil. They grow well in lowlands and places with high humidity. Gardeners who do not know where to plant peonies if there is groundwater are recommended to do raised beds or drainage ditches. Otherwise, the roots in the soil will rot and the plant will die.

Development and flowering depend on how prepared the land is for planting. As a rule, to enrich the soil it is necessary to use organic fertilizers and maintain physical properties, in particular, moisture, looseness.

Climatic conditions

The southern regions of Russia are considered the most favorable for cultivation. Before planting peonies, you need to evaluate the illumination of the area and choose suitable place. This light-loving plants, so they need to be cultivated in sunny areas. Peonies tolerate partial shade well for 2-3 hours a day, but do not like strong shading.

They cannot be planted within the radius of the root system of trees, shrubs, or near houses. We must also remember that the scorching sun harms all plants. Therefore, in those regions where the air temperature stays at +30°C for a long time, peonies should be planted away from stone walls, slate fences that heat up the sun and reflect it onto the flowerbed.

When is the best time to plant peonies?

The choice of time for agricultural work depends on the climatic zone. It is necessary to adhere to the basic rule - peonies should be planted in open ground one month before the onset of the first frost. Accordingly, the sooner cold weather sets in, the sooner you need to bury the rhizome in the ground.

The question of when is it better to plant peonies - in spring or autumn - is impossible to answer unequivocally. Most often this is done at the end of August or beginning of September. In this case, they will bloom in the 2-3rd year after rooting. If the peony was purchased in the spring, you can bury it in a pot and keep it in a cool place until planting it in open ground.

The soil must be constantly moistened, and if the first shoots have appeared, it must be provided with good lighting.

Benefits of spring planting

There is a belief that autumn is the optimal time for agricultural work. This opinion is due to the fact that when planting peonies in the spring, active development of green mass and depletion of roots begins. Against the background of weak immunity, seedlings do not take root and grow well. Beginning gardeners find it difficult to choose when it is better to plant peonies - in summer or spring. But the material purchased in February does not have to be aged for six months at home. Once installed warm weather In spring, peonies should be immediately planted in open ground.

The advantage of early work on the site is that at this time of year the roots do not lose their ability to grow. And until hot days arrive, there is a high probability that the flowers will take root. However, it is worth remembering that after spring planting the plant will need increased attention and care.

Benefits of autumn planting

Peonies should be rooted no earlier than August and no later than mid-September. As a rule, by the end of summer the plant has time to form buds, which will produce foliage and buds in the spring.

With the arrival of the first frosts, flower growth will slow down; September is considered optimal time for propagation of young bushes. Breeders call the following advantages planting peonies in the ground in autumn:

  • the flower takes root faster in a new place;
  • strengthening immunity during wintering;
  • growth of rhizomes for the next season;
  • You can get flowering next spring.

In order to understand how and when it is best to plant peonies in the fall, you need to focus on the climate and monitor weather changes. All work must be carried out one month before the onset of cold weather. You can also focus on lunar calendar.

Technology and rules for planting in open ground

Having chosen a suitable place for the future flower garden, you need to start watering it 2-3 days in advance. This time is enough for the earth to fill with moisture and become soft. Then dig a hole 70 cm deep, 1 m in diameter. You need to plant peonies, adhering to following rules:

  • Place a mixture of humus and potassium-phosphorus additive at the bottom of the dug hole. You can replace mineral fertilizers wood ash;
  • if a large bush was purchased, its roots must be carefully separated. It is most often impossible to do this manually, so you will need garden shears;
  • the roots must be laid out in the holes. The soil should be covered in such a way that the top bud is located 1 cm below the ground;
  • the soil needs to be pressed down a little to release the air;
  • Be sure to water thoroughly after planting.

Features of care

We must not forget the importance of preparing the plant for wintering. Only if you follow a number of rules for planting and caring will herbaceous peonies produce abundant flowering on next year. Immediately after the roots are embedded in the ground, active growth and flower development. All nutrients are concentrated in the thickened parts of the plant; to distribute them, you need to provide the beds with abundant and regular watering.

In addition, you need to think in advance about actions to protect and combat pests and diseases. If you properly care for peonies in the garden, abundant flowering will not be long in coming.


The plant especially needs to moisten the soil if it is a dry autumn or hot spring. It is watering that stimulates rooting in open ground.

Caring for peonies in this regard consists of making grooves at a distance of 20 cm from each bush, which are filled with water. It is advisable to water in the evening, when the moisture will not evaporate in the sun and will reach the young roots.

On average mature plant need to be irrigated once every 10 days. The norm for water consumption is 3-4 buckets per bush. When growing peonies, you need to remember that the peak watering occurs at the beginning of summer, when the buds form. On especially hot days, it is necessary to additionally moisten the soil under the bush, trying not to get it on the foliage.


These perennial herbaceous plants demanding on soil composition. In the first year there is no need for root feeding, provided that the bed has been properly prepared. In the future, gardeners enrich the soil in two stages:

  • for the first time in early spring, when the snow has melted, 10-20 g of potassium and 15 g of nitrogen per bush should be added to the ground. Breeders recommend the use of mineral fertilizers. To do this, you need to dilute 50-70 g of the flower mixture in water and pour over the peonies;
  • During the period of bud formation, it is necessary to re-feed. To do this, you will need to dissolve 10-15 g of potassium and nitrogen, 15-20 g of phosphorus. Water each bush with the resulting mixture.

It must be remembered that any type of fertilizer can be applied only in the evening after watering or rain. If fertilizing is carried out in dry soil, the flowers may die.

To prepare for winter, beds with peonies need to be covered with peat or spruce branches. Sawdust is suitable for this purpose. It is not recommended to cover flowers with cut leaves, as they become a favorable breeding ground for insects.

Diseases and pests

Not all varieties of peonies are sensitive to the effects of a virus or fungus. For example, American terry hybrids die immediately, but the old subspecies remain stable.
The most common diseases are:

  1. - a fungus that appears as brown spots on the leaves. It is quickly transmitted, and in 2-3 days all bushes in the area can be affected. With this disease, the green mass of peonies dries out and the growth of the rhizome stops. As a preventive measure, you need to cut off leaves and shoots in the fall and burn them, and regularly weed the ground. It is also necessary to carry out disinfectant spraying. To do this, you will need to dissolve 200 g of nitrafen in 10 liters of water.
  2. – a disease in the form of a white coating on buds and leaves. First it affects the stem, which then darkens and breaks in this place. The pathogens overwinter in the soil and become active in damp weather. For disinfection, it is necessary to spray the bushes with a 0.6% solution of copper oxychloride or 1% Bordeaux mixture. Stems or leaves that are affected by the disease should be cut off.
  3. - a virus that appears on green mass in the form of yellow and light green stripes. The disease does not inhibit the development of the bush in any way. Infection occurs during work gardening tools, which is not disinfected with potassium permanganate. Affected shoots must be cut down to the rhizome and burned away from the site.
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Pests do not cause much damage to these flowers, but you need to be prepared to fight them. Root-knot nematodes, turf ants, and bronze beetles can be annoying. Peonies planted in partial shade suffer from butterfly caterpillars that chew out the buds. To control pests, it is necessary to regularly spray the bushes with pesticides Kinmiks, Aktara.

Reproduction methods

With proper cultivation and care, peonies grow and bloom profusely. The natural desire of every gardener will be to propagate flowers on his site. It is not necessary to buy expensive planting material. Peonies are propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, and root cuttings. Each method has its own characteristics, but they are united by the ease of performing the procedure.

Sowing seeds

Obtaining seedlings using this method will take a long time. Breeders claim that peonies grown from seeds begin to bloom only in the 5th-6th year. It is necessary to collect material from mid-August to early September. The seeds will need to be planted in the ground to a depth of 5 cm. early boarding they manage to go through 2 stages of stratification. The next year, seedlings are formed, and some of the seeds will germinate within a season.

If purchased material is used in winter, it must be embedded in moistened sand in a pot and heated with a heating pad.

The temperature should be 30°C during the day and 15°C in the evening. The soil needs to be moistened periodically, and when the first shoots appear, transplant them into boxes with enriched soil. At this stage the temperature should not exceed 10°C. In the second half of August, seedlings can be planted in the soil on the site.

Dividing the bush

This is the simplest way favorable time for which it is the end of summer. During this period, the plant's roots continue to grow, and the air and soil temperatures decrease. For propagation, you need to choose adult bushes over 5 years old, whose root system is already sufficiently developed and stable.

The selected plant must be carefully dug up and washed underground part water and leave in a cool place for 3 hours. After this, shorten the stems by 10 cm from the rhizome. The most suitable division is one with 2-3 replacement buds and adventitious roots.

Disinfect the selected planting material weak solution potassium permanganate and grease all sections with a mixture of ash and clay. It can also be placed for 8 hours in a solution of root formation stimulator Heteroauxin or Kornerost. The prepared cuttings are planted in moistened holes and continue to be cared for in accordance with the basic rules.

Peonies are my favorite flowers. Therefore, if I’m going to plant something at the dacha, where I mostly go on vacation, then these beautiful creatures... Many people believe that peonies can only be planted in August-September, after they have been dug up and divided. But these flowers take root well even after planting in the spring. The main thing is to do everything right.

For information: Peony has two periods of regrowth of suction roots: autumn (August-September) and spring (April-May). It is at this time that it is recommended to plant plants in the ground.

In the spring, you need to plant peonies before steady warming begins, so that before the shoots begin to grow, the division can take root at least a little.

How to choose good peony rhizomes?

First of all, pay attention to the packaging. A conscientious manufacturer will always indicate:
● name of the variety;
brief description plants;
● quantity planting material in pieces;
● quality control mark;
● planting instructions.

After examining the packaging, proceed to inspect the cuttings (usually this is easy to do, since peonies are sold in plastic bags with labels attached). It should have 2-3 renewal buds and at least 2 adventitious roots more than 5 cm long. But no traces of damage or signs of disease - this is important!

It is better to refuse the purchase if:
● the division is wet to the touch or, conversely, too dry;
● the packaging smells of mold or rot;
● there are growths or knot-like thickenings on the rhizome (such planting material may be infected with cancer or affected by root nematode).

Important! If there are only 1-2 buds on a cutting, this does not mean that the plant will definitely die. Most often, such peonies simply grow more slowly and bloom a year later.

This video shows what a good peony division should look like, ready for planting. permanent place.

Planting a peony in open ground

In general, the technology for planting peonies in spring is not much different from that in autumn. The planting hole can be dug in advance so that the soil has time to settle a little. But some gardeners do this on the day of planting. If you are one of them, then this instruction is definitely for you.

Step 1
We dig landing hole size of at least 60×60 cm. Upper fertile layer We add the soil separately.

Step 2
At the bottom of the hole we pour drainage (expanded clay, broken brick, river sand, etc.) in a layer of 10-15 cm.

Step 3
We fill the hole with half of the dug fertile soil, 1-2 buckets of compost or humus, 200 g of superphosphate and 300-400 g of ash. Mix. If the soil is clayey, add a bucket of sand or peat, and if sandy, add a bucket of clay.

Step 4
Sprinkle the remaining mound on top fertile soil so that about 10-12 cm remain to the edges of the pit.

Step 5
We place the peony section in the center, having first straightened the roots (they should be directed downwards or to the sides). If the soil in the area is heavy, we deepen the division by 5 cm, and if it is light, by 7 cm from the beginning of bud growth. To visually check the soil level, you can attach the handle of a shovel to the hole.

Important! If you deepen a peony too much, it will not bloom. This is one of the main reasons for the lack of flowering. If, on the contrary, you plant the plant too close to the soil surface, then in winter it may freeze.

Step 6
Carefully cover the peony rhizome with soil, lightly compacting it with your hands so as not to damage the buds. Under no circumstances should you trample the ground with your feet.

Step 7
We make a roller around the hole from the remaining soil and water it generously. If the soil has subsided, add more soil.

Step 8
Mulch the hole with peat, humus or a mixture of garden soil and peat (1:1). This will protect the soil from drying out and create favorable conditions for the seedling to take root.

At first, peonies need to be watered every day so that they take root faster. Otherwise, care is the same as for autumn planting. And although it is believed that “spring” peonies may be slightly behind in growth compared to those planted in September, with timely watering, fertilizing and weeding you can grow magnificent and healthy bushes.

How to feed peonies in spring for lush flowering

If you feed peonies correctly during the growing season (and especially in the spring), then in the summer they will charm you with their incredible lush flowering. We'll tell you what medications you need to use and how to do it correctly.

Peonies can grow well and bloom profusely in one place for a long time. But for this you need to carefully care for the bushes of the plant. From the third year of development, when peonies begin to bloom, except regular watering and loosening, they need additional feeding.

1) First feeding carried out immediately after the snow melts. At this time, peonies need nitrogen-potassium fertilizers: 10-15 g of nitrogen and 10-20 g of potassium per bush.

2) Second feeding, which occurs during the budding period, should consist of nitrogen (10-15 g per bush), phosphorus (15-20 g) and potassium (10-15 g).

3) Third time Peonies are fed 1-2 weeks after flowering (during bud formation), the fertilizer should contain phosphorus (15-20 g) and potassium (10-15 g).

Note: When applying fertilizers, monitor their rate. Excessive amounts (especially nitrogen) only promote the growth of foliage, while the formation of buds is delayed.

What fertilizer should I feed peonies?

To make it easier for you to find the right fertilizer, we will tell you which ones modern drugs have the greatest efficiency.

Mineral fertilizer Kemira

Kemira is used 3 times per season. Early spring and a week after flowering, use the Kemira-Universal fertilizer: after watering, a handful of the drug is poured under each bush and embedded in the soil. And the second feeding is carried out with Kemira-Kombi fertilizer. Place a small handful under the bush and water generously. This fertilizer quickly dissolves in water and goes to the peony roots.

In Kemira, all elements are in chelated form. This allows the plant to absorb them without additional processing by soil microorganisms.

Organic fertilizer Baikal EM-1

This is a microbiological fertilizer prepared on the basis of EM technology. It contains living microorganisms that improve the structure of the soil and increase its fertility. Fertilizer Baikal EM-1 is added to compost and adult plants are mulched with it in the fall. In this case, the mulch layer is 7-10 cm.

Foliar feeding of peonies

In order to admire the spectacular flowering of peonies throughout the season, young and adult bushes are fed foliar once a month. To do this, the leaves of the plant are sprayed (or watered from a watering can with a fine sieve) with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. For example, you can use Ideal - the rate of fertilizer used is indicated in the attached instructions.

In order for the nutrient solution to better linger on the surface of the leaves, add a little laundry soap or washing powder(1 tbsp per 10 liters of solution).

Foliar feeding is best done in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Also foliar feeding can be carried out according to the following scheme. For first feeding(it is carried out immediately after germination of the above-ground part of the bush) use a urea solution (50 g per 10 l of water), for second(after a month) - add microfertilizers in tablets to the urea solution (1 piece per 10 liters of solution). A for the third time(after flowering) water only with a solution of microfertilizers (2 tablets per 10 liters of water).

* * *
Correct and timely feeding will help you grow healthy and beautifully flowering peonies. But don't forget that for better effect these procedures should be accompanied by abundant watering and loosening the soil around the bushes.

70% of gardeners claim that there are no flowers more beautiful and unpretentious than peonies. That is why Kvartblog studied how they can be grown in the country, and what conditions they need for active flowering.

How to grow peonies in the country: a complete guide

Peonies are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and popular flowers. They began to be grown as many as 2000 years ago, and since then a huge number of species and varieties of the peony genus have appeared. Over time, the technique of growing such a plant also underwent changes.

Peonies fascinate many with their beauty, but to achieve lush buds Not everyone succeeds, which is why gardeners are increasingly improving agricultural technology every year and coming up with new ways for the beneficial cultivation of peonies in any environment. In general, originally peonies cultivated in China, and then they scattered across Eurasia and North America.

Interesting fact! The peony received its name thanks to the mythical character - Pean (healer of the gods). He could heal any person (be it a god or a commoner) from mortal wounds.

Over its long history, this flower has shown that get along well in our latitudes. They can grow without transplanting for up to 20 years!

Open ground: choosing where to plant and how to care

Before planting, you should carefully choose a place where the plant can bloom quietly for many, many years. Keep in mind that peonies love warmth. So much so that you can leave them in the shade for a maximum of 3 hours a day. Wind and draft are also not for them.

The roots of this plant already grow to 80 centimeters in a couple of years, so the gardener determines the space for peonies in advance and does not place other plants there.

The main danger when growing peonies in open ground is the possibility flooding of the area or stagnation of water. If the ground remains wet all the time, the root and, accordingly, the entire bush may rot.

Over time, an overgrown peony will need free space, so you should not plant it in cramped spaces.

Here are a few important points things you need to know when growing:

  • Planting holes should be about 1.5 meters apart from each other or other perennial plants.
  • Trees should not be closer than 2 meters.
  • The bush should not be placed next to fences or walls of buildings closer than 2-2.5 meters.

After you select a suitable site for the plant, you will need to pay special attention to the soil itself.

A simple one is suitable for growing loamy soil, since peonies are not particularly whimsical in this matter. If your soil has a slightly acidic or, for example, neutral reaction, then it at least needs give looseness.

If you have sandy soil, then you can add humus or deoxidize with special means.

If the soil is excessively clayey, then it can be dilute with sand.

Peonies, like many plants, have their own distinctive features upon landing. Firstly, this, of course, is that the growing point during planting does not need to be left at soil level, but rather should be deepened. If you neglect this rule, the plant may simply find itself without protection in severe weather conditions. However, you should not be overzealous with the planting depth, as you can harm the plant.

Some important conditions when landing:

  1. The holes should have a depth of about 80 centimeters (if it is a tree-like bush) or about 60 centimeters (if it is a herbaceous shrub).
  2. The width of the holes is about 60 centimeters.
  3. Do not leave the bottom open; it is better to cover it with drainage.
  4. The hole needs to be filled 2/3 with a special substance (substrate + 100 g of superphosphate + 1 spoon iron sulfate+ 1 liter of bone meal/sifted wood ash).
  5. The expanded roots of peonies need to be covered with soil with a loose structure.

You need to start caring for the plant as soon as it is planted. First you need to compact the mail (about 10 liters of water per bush).

Peony planting seasons

It is best to plant peonies in September. at the very beginning of autumn. Before the cold weather, planting peonies should be done at least 30 days in advance, so the plant will calmly take root in the new territory and will not freeze.

There are no specific planting dates, because a lot depends on climatic features and the landing region itself.

The shorter the summer season, the earlier you need to start planting and growing the plant. For example, in the Siberian region, planting can begin from August to October. In the Urals - from the second half of August to mid-September. South of Russia - you can start from September to mid-October.

If the seedlings were purchased from a nursery or the cold weather is coming very soon, then it is recommended to plant in the spring and not risk the young plants again. Keep in mind that if the bush has open system roots, then spring planting may have a hard time.

After winter, the plant is weakened and needs time to adapt. It happens that even over the summer the plant does not always manage to recover completely. For safety and security, planting in the ground begins as soon as the snow melts and before the heat begins. But, for example, peonies that have closed system roots are planted at any time from spring to autumn.

How to care after planting

After you have planted your peonies in open ground, a period of intensive plant care begins. You should start by loosening the soil, followed by watering as needed and, of course, fertilizer.

You need to water the bushes abundantly, but not often. They don't like constant moisture.

Mixtures with a large number minerals and nitrogen. It is recommended to fertilize only when the soil is moist, so all substances will penetrate into the roots much faster. It is better to pour the fertilizer into a special hole at a distance of about ten centimeters around the bush.

Interesting fact! Young peony bushes love feeding even in summer time. Special foliar feeding will be useful for them. This solution must be applied at intervals of up to 20 days from the moment the first shoots appear.

In dry times, one bush will need from 10 to 15 liters of water, depending on its size. The main thing is to maintain soil moisture for at least the first month after spring planting.

Particular attention should be paid to blooming and young peonies. They should be regularly removed with faded flowers. In summer, plants weeding. In autumn - shoots are cut off before the onset of frost.

Proper planting and care of the plant will allow your flowers to bloom in the first 2 years. And then they will only grow more and more, delighting you and your guests.

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Peonies - beautiful perennials or tree-like shrubs whose flowers resemble small roses without thorns. They come from Japan, where they are a symbol of happiness and prosperity. In the gardens and summer cottages this plant has no equal, because we not only admire peony flowers, but also enjoy their pleasant delicate aroma. Peony has been grown in gardens for thousands of years and is still very popular.

The external beauty and health of the plant directly depends on proper planting and seasonal care. Execution simple rules and recommendations will allow you to admire luxurious peonies in your own garden every year.

Peonies description and plant varieties.

Peonies are perennials of the Peony family, which are divided into 2 main varieties: herbaceous (about 500 varieties) and tree-like (more than 4,600 varieties). There are also many hybrids that combine best qualities these two types.

Tree peonies grow as bushes on firm, tall stems. The plant blooms for 2-3 months, starting in June, and loses its leaves in the winter. Over time, it grows new shoots that gradually harden. Tree peony flowers are lush and large. Depending on the variety there are different shades.

The herbaceous peony has a powerful root from which soft stems grow. Throughout the season, the plant actively grows new leaves, the color of which varies from different varieties from green to dark purple.

The main differences between tree and herbaceous peonies:

herbaceous peony– the stems are soft, the diameter of the flower is up to 20 cm, the height of the plant is 1.5-2 meters, the planting is shallow, you need to cut the flowers the first two years after planting.

tree peony– the stems are hard, the flower diameter is up to 30 cm, the plant height is 1 meter, the planting is deep, shelter for the winter is required.

One of the popular varieties of herbaceous peonies is evasive, also called Maryin root. The stems and rhizomes of this plant are used to prepare a tincture, which:

  • improves skin condition, rejuvenates it;
  • eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair follicles;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • helps in the fight against gynecological diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

Medicines based on tincture of peony evasive should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor in the appropriate dosage, because large doses are poisonous.

Due to the extensive systematic and botanical description peony on Wikipedia, we will not deal with this, because it will be a duplication of what already exists. For those who want to get to know this more thoroughly, you can click on the link on Wikipedia.

Reproduction of peonies.

There are several ways to propagate peonies, but the simplest of them is the method of dividing the bush. It can be produced from August to September according to the following scheme:

  • tie or cut the leaves of the plant;
  • carefully dig the root out of the ground;
  • wash away the soil from the root;
  • remove diseased and defective roots, and shorten healthy ones to 15 cm;
  • divide the root into several parts (make sure that each division has at least 3 buds and 2 strong roots);
  • plant the cuttings in holes, covering the buds with soil;
  • water and mulch the soil at the planting site.

Peony propagation by seeds is a very time-consuming and painstaking method. It is usually used by breeders to develop new varieties. Some experts grow peonies by root or stem cuttings, as well as layering. In gardening, these propagation options are not very popular due to the complexity and low survival rate of seedlings.

How to plant a peony: herbaceous and tree-like.

It is better to plant peonies from September to August. Such flowers get sick less often than those planted in the spring, and most importantly, they take root well. Accordingly, transplanting herbaceous species should be done at the same time. In general, the procedures for transplanting and planting peonies from cuttings are identical.

It is important to choose the right place for the peony: it should be sunny, with shading at noon. Peonies can grow in the shade, but they will not bloom. Remember that peonies are alpine plants, so they prefer cool places and will bloom best in cool, dry years. For the same reasons, eastern and west side plot. Although the plant loves the sun, the south side is least favorable for it. The peony will bloom even in partial shade, although there will be much fewer flowers.

Due to initial problems with the efficiency of the root system, the soil must be properly prepared. Taking into account the love of peonies for loose soils, we will try to pamper them. The best soil for peonies - slightly acidic loams. Sandy soils can be improved with a small amount of compost or clay: this will improve both the structure and composition of the soil.

If you have clay soils, make sure there is no stagnant water there. If after a heavy rain there are puddles in the place you have chosen for more than an hour, this is not a place for peonies, and nothing will help here, because stagnant water is the biggest enemy of peonies. You must choose another place. If the water does not stagnate, for clay soil you need to make good drainage: we leave at least 10 cm of drainage layer under the roots of the plant. It is much better to use gravel than sand.

How to plant a herbaceous peony:

How to plant a tree peony:

Plant tree peonies in partial shade, in a place protected from strong wind. At the bottom of the pit, pour a mixture of soil and fertilizers (200 g each of superphosphate, dilomite flour, potassium sulfate). Place the seedling in the hole so that the root collar is 15 cm below ground level. Before filling the plant with a mixture of compost and soil, pour a bucket of water into the hole until completely absorbed. After planting, water the seedling generously and mulch the ground around it.

The roots of a newly planted tree peony will constantly seek water and follow it. Therefore, its root can grow several meters. This is one of the main reasons for low transplant tolerance. Therefore, after replanting, it is necessary to treat the plant as if it were a baby - regularly water it, loosen it and cover it for the winter.

The difference in planting herbaceous and tree peony.

  1. Herbaceous peonies Don't plant them too deep or they won't bloom.
  2. Tree peonies planted deeply, so that the root collar is covered with soil at least 10-15 centimeters - only then can it form its own own roots. The second difference in planting herbaceous and tree-like peonies is the inclined position of young plants. This little trick causes tree peonies to form larger shoots and thus grow bushier.

The specificity of the peony root system means that it does not tolerate transplantation. Therefore, take your choice of landing site seriously. Also, keep in mind that they will become a large bush in a few years, so you may want to only plant plants around them that can be easily replanted elsewhere later and that do not compete with them for water. So, due to fierce competition for water, peonies should not be planted near bushes.

Caring for peonies.

For herbaceous peonies, the buds need to be cut off during the first 2 years after planting. This is necessary to strengthen the root system and form lush buds in the future. For tree species this is not necessary. Caring for peonies should include:

  • abundant watering during the periods of bud formation, flowering, and bud formation (August);
  • weed removal;
  • loosening and mulching the soil around the flower;
  • spring pruning of tree peonies to form a crown (this is important to do before the buds open);
  • Since peonies have large flowers, it is good to provide them with a support in the spring so that the bush is compact and does not fall apart under the weight of the flowers.

How to feed a peony?

Although peonies are not big gluttons, do not forget about feeding. Starting from mid-spring, young plants need to be watered monthly with universal organic-mineral fertilizer with the addition of liquid soap (1 tbsp. L / 1 bucket of water).

Fertilize peonies older than 2 years in 3 stages every 3 weeks, starting in May:

  • solution of urea and water (50 g/10 l);
  • solution of urea and water (50 g/10 l) + 1 table. microfertilizers;
  • solution of urea and water (50 g/10 l) + 2 tables. microfertilizers.

In mid-spring, feed the soil with fertilizer containing potassium and nitrogen (15 g per plant). During the formation of buds, water the flowers with a solution cow dung. At the end of flowering, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer (15 g per plant).

Advice. Don't overdo it with feeding the peony. mineral fertilizers, especially nitrogen. With an excess of nitrogen, it may happen that the leaves will grow magnificently, but the peony will bloom with one flower or will not bloom at all. In addition, an over-fertilized plant is susceptible to fungal diseases.

What to do if peonies don't bloom?

Sometimes this is due to improper landing peony Most often, you just have to wait: the first flowers on herbaceous peonies will appear in 2 years, and for several years it will come into full force until it reaches its maximum flowering. For tree-like ones, you will have to wait several years before full flowering begins. This is due to the slow development of the root system in this type of peony.

Peony diseases.

Another important condition for caring for peonies is the fight against diseases and pests. Characteristic spots on leaves, weakening, deterioration appearance plants may indicate the presence of one of the common problems:

  1. Rust is brown spots of fungal origin on leaves that quickly spread through the air from a diseased plant to a healthy one. Parts of the perennial infected with rust should be cut off and disposed of, and the bush itself should be treated with Bordeaux mixture.
  2. Powdery mildew is a white coating on the leaves. Treatment with household mixture is required. soap and soda ash.
  3. Gray rot (mold) affects the entire plant and leads to its death. Diseased areas should be disposed of, after which the plant should be sprayed with Thirama liquid.
  4. Viral mosaic - leaves are covered with light green and dark green spots, which alternate with each other. The diseased plant must be removed from the site.
  5. Spotting - formation on leaves dark spots with a purple or brown tint. It is necessary to remove the diseased flower and treat the area with Bordeaux mixture.
  6. Unreasonable weakness of the plant, lack of flowering, swelling in the root area - these problems indicate Lemoine's disease. A diseased plant must be disposed of.
  7. Peonies infected with verticillium wilt cannot be saved. This disease is recognized by the causeless weakening and drying of young leaves, stems, and buds.

Also make sure that the plant is not affected by pests: ants, aphids, root-knot nematodes, thrips, hop silkworms. Some pests can be removed manually, but more often you have to use special preparations.

Peonies have faded - what to do?

With the arrival of winter, trim the leaves of herbaceous peonies as close to ground level as possible, and sprinkle the soil with ash. For tree species shelter is required: mulch the ground with peat, and wrap the stems with burlap or thick fabric before spring comes.

At proper care herbaceous peonies grow in one place for about 15 years, and tree species- even longer. Therefore, do not be lazy to follow the recommendations for the maintenance of these wonderful perennials, which will decorate your site every summer.

Peonies don't just look great in the garden. They are also great cut flowers that last up to 10 days in a vase. To enjoy their look and smell in your home longer, it is better to cut peonies in buds. Best time for cutting - early morning or evening.

I hope we have inspired you to plant some beautiful peonies in your garden.