110 units more than 7 hundreds. Gout: treatment with modern drugs. Disease of Kings - video

Finding a solution to the dual problem

Finding intervals of stability of a dual assessment with respect to changes in resources of each type

inverse of matrix B composed of vector components, a basis that determines the optimal plan of the problem taken from the columns of vectors, forming the initial unit basis

Obviously, if this means that if the number of type I resources is increased within 555, then despite this, the optimal plan for the dual problem remains plan Y(0;5/2:1/2).

if the III type of resource belongs accordingly, and the number of other resources remains the original, then the dual task has the same plan.

Identification of changes in the total cost of manufactured products, determined by the optimal plan for its production with a decrease in the amount of resource

In this task, the amount of resources of all three types changes simultaneously.

At the same time, the amount of type I resource decreases by -130, II and III resources increase by 120 and 110 monetary units.

Therefore, find out whether the optimal plan for the dual problem remains optimal with the specified change in the amount of resources or not. To do this, let us substitute in the inequality instead

Consequently, despite changes in the amount of resources in the indicated sizes. The optimal plan for the dual problem remains. This conclusion allows us to use the equality

monetary units

This means that a decrease in the amount of resources of type I by 130 units and an increase in resources of types II and III by 120 and 110 units leads to the possibility of constructing a production plan, the implementation of which will ensure the output of a product by 355 monetary units more than with a production plan determined by the initial amount of resources. Reducing the number of resources by 130 does not allow for a change in the max value of the function, while increasing resources of types II and III by 120 and 110 units will lead to an increase in the max value of the function, respectively

Economic interpretation of dual valuations

Let's consider the economic interpretation of dual problems and dual estimates using Table 2, where the optimal solution to the dual problem is

Variables and denote conditional dual estimates of a unit of raw materials, types II and III, respectively. These estimates are different from zero, and raw materials of types II and III are fully used with the optimal production plan. The dual value of a unit of type I raw material is zero. This type of raw material is not fully utilized in the optimal production plan.

Thus, only those types of raw materials that are fully used in the optimal plan for the production of products have a positive dual assessment. Therefore, dual assessments determine the scarcity of raw materials used by the enterprise. Moreover, the value of this dual estimate shows how much the maximum value of the objective function of the direct problem increases when the amount of raw materials of the corresponding type increases by 1 kg. Thus, an increase in the amount of raw materials of type I by 1 kg will lead to the fact that it will be possible to find a new optimal plan for the production of products, in which the total cost of manufactured products will increase by rubles. and will become equal to 1360+2.5=1362.5 rubles. In this case, the numbers in the vector column of Table 7 show that the indicated increase in the total cost of manufactured products can be achieved by reducing the output of products B per unit. and increasing the output of products A by units. As a result, the use of raw materials of type I will increase by kg. In the same way, reducing type III raw materials by 1 kg will make it possible to find a new optimal plan for the production of products, in which the total cost of manufactured products will increase by rubles. and will amount to 1360+0.5=1360.5 rubles. This will be achieved as a result of increasing the output of products A by units. and reducing the production of products B by unit, and the volume of raw materials of type II used will be completely used.

Let us continue our consideration of optimal dual estimates. Calculating the minimum value of the objective function of the dual problem

we see that it coincides with the maximum value of the objective function of the original problem

When substituting optimal dual estimates into the system of constraints of the dual problem, we obtain

The first constraint of the dual problem holds as a strict inequality. This means that the dual valuation of raw materials used to produce one product of type A is higher than the price of this product and, therefore, it is unprofitable to produce products of type A. Its production is not provided for by the optimal plan of the direct task. The second and third constraints of the dual problem are satisfied as strict equalities. This means that the dual valuations of the raw materials used to produce a unit of products B and C, respectively, are exactly equal to their prices. Therefore, it is economically feasible to produce these two types of products according to dual estimates. Their production is provided for by the optimal plan of the direct task.

Thus, dual estimates are closely related to the optimal design of the direct problem.

1. Ordinal counting in various number systems.

In modern life, we use positional number systems, that is, systems in which the number denoted by a digit depends on the position of the digit in the notation of the number. Therefore, in the future we will talk only about them, omitting the term “positional”.

In order to learn how to convert numbers from one system to another, we will understand how sequential recording of numbers occurs using the example of the decimal system.

Since we have a decimal number system, we have 10 symbols (digits) to construct numbers. We start counting: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The numbers are over. We increase the bit depth of the number and reset the low-order digit: 10. Then we increase the low-order digit again until all the digits are gone: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. We increase the high-order digit by 1 and reset the low-order digit: 20. When we use all the digits for both digits (we get the number 99), we again increase the digit capacity of the number and reset the existing digits: 100. And so on.

Let's try to do the same in the 2nd, 3rd and 5th systems (we introduce the notation for the 2nd system, for the 3rd, etc.):

0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 10 2 2
3 11 10 3
4 100 11 4
5 101 12 10
6 110 20 11
7 111 21 12
8 1000 22 13
9 1001 100 14
10 1010 101 20
11 1011 102 21
12 1100 110 22
13 1101 111 23
14 1110 112 24
15 1111 120 30

If the number system has a base greater than 10, then we will have to enter additional characters; it is customary to enter letters of the Latin alphabet. For example, for the 12-digit system, in addition to ten digits, we need two letters ( and ):

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
12 10
13 11
14 12
15 13

2. Conversion from the decimal number system to any other.

To convert a positive integer decimal number to a number system with a different base, you need to divide this number by the base. Divide the resulting quotient by the base again, and further until the quotient is less than the base. As a result, write down in one line the last quotient and all remainders, starting from the last.

Example 1. Let's convert the decimal number 46 to the binary number system.

Example 2. Let's convert the decimal number 672 to the octal number system.

Example 3. Let's convert the decimal number 934 to the hexadecimal number system.

3. Conversion from any number system to decimal.

In order to learn how to convert numbers from any other system to decimal, let's analyze the usual notation for a decimal number.
For example, the decimal number 325 is 5 units, 2 tens and 3 hundreds, i.e.

The situation is exactly the same in other number systems, only we will multiply not by 10, 100, etc., but by the powers of the base of the number system. For example, let's take the number 1201 in the ternary number system. Let's number the digits from right to left starting from zero and imagine our number as the sum of the products of a digit and three to the power of the digit of the number:

This is the decimal notation of our number, i.e.

Example 4. Let's convert the octal number 511 to the decimal number system.

Example 5. Let's convert the hexadecimal number 1151 to the decimal number system.

4. Conversion from the binary system to the system with the base “power of two” (4, 8, 16, etc.).

To convert a binary number into a number with a power of two base, it is necessary to divide the binary sequence into groups according to the number of digits equal to the power from right to left and replace each group with the corresponding digit of the new number system.

For example, Let's convert the binary number 1100001111010110 to the octal system. To do this, we will divide it into groups of 3 characters starting from the right (since ), and then use the correspondence table and replace each group with a new number:

We learned how to build a correspondence table in step 1.

0 0
1 1
10 2
11 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7


Example 6. Let's convert the binary number 1100001111010110 to hexadecimal.

0 0
1 1
10 2
11 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 A
1011 B
1100 C
1101 D
1110 E
1111 F

5. Conversion from a system with the base “power of two” (4, 8, 16, etc.) to binary.

This translation is similar to the previous one, done in the opposite direction: we replace each digit with a group of digits in the binary system from the correspondence table.

Example 7. Let's convert the hexadecimal number C3A6 to the binary number system.

To do this, replace each digit of the number with a group of 4 digits (since ) from the correspondence table, supplementing the group with zeros at the beginning if necessary:

In the names of Arabic numbers, each digit belongs to its own category, and every three digits form a class. Thus, the last digit in a number indicates the number of units in it and is called, accordingly, the ones place. The next, second from the end, digit indicates the tens (tens place), and the third from the end digit indicates the number of hundreds in the number - the hundreds place. Further, the digits are also repeated in turn in each class, denoting units, tens and hundreds in the classes of thousands, millions, and so on. If the number is small and does not have a tens or hundreds digit, it is customary to take them as zero. Classes group digits in numbers of three, often placing a period or space between classes in computing devices or records to visually separate them. This is done to make large numbers easier to read. Each class has its own name: the first three digits are the class of units, then the class of thousands, then millions, billions (or billions) and so on.

Since we use the decimal system, the basic unit of quantity is ten, or 10 1. Accordingly, as the number of digits in a number increases, the number of tens also increases: 10 2, 10 3, 10 4, etc. Knowing the number of tens, you can easily determine the class and rank of the number, for example, 10 16 is tens of quadrillions, and 3 × 10 16 is three tens of quadrillions. The decomposition of numbers into decimal components occurs in the following way - each digit is displayed in a separate term, multiplied by the required coefficient 10 n, where n is the position of the digit from left to right.
For example: 253 981=2×10 6 +5×10 5 +3×10 4 +9×10 3 +8×10 2 +1×10 1

The power of 10 is also used in writing decimal fractions: 10 (-1) is 0.1 or one tenth. In a similar way to the previous paragraph, you can also expand a decimal number, n in this case will indicate the position of the digit from the decimal point from right to left, for example: 0.347629= 3×10 (-1) +4×10 (-2) +7×10 (-3) +6×10 (-4) +2×10 (-5) +9×10 (-6 )

Names of decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are read by the last digit after the decimal point, for example 0.325 - three hundred twenty-five thousandths, where the thousandth is the place of the last digit 5.

Table of names of large numbers, digits and classes

1st class unit 1st digit of the unit
2nd digit tens
3rd place hundreds
1 = 10 0
10 = 10 1
100 = 10 2
2nd class thousand 1st digit of unit of thousands
2nd digit tens of thousands
3rd category hundreds of thousands
1 000 = 10 3
10 000 = 10 4
100 000 = 10 5
3rd class millions 1st digit of unit of millions
2nd category tens of millions
3rd category hundreds of millions
1 000 000 = 10 6
10 000 000 = 10 7
100 000 000 = 10 8
4th class billions 1st digit of unit of billions
2nd category tens of billions
3rd category hundreds of billions
1 000 000 000 = 10 9
10 000 000 000 = 10 10
100 000 000 000 = 10 11
5th grade trillions 1st digit unit of trillions
2nd category tens of trillions
3rd category hundreds of trillions
1 000 000 000 000 = 10 12
10 000 000 000 000 = 10 13
100 000 000 000 000 = 10 14
6th grade quadrillions 1st digit of the quadrillion unit
2nd rank tens of quadrillions
3rd digit tens of quadrillions
1 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 15
10 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 16
100 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 17
7th grade quintillions 1st digit of quintillion unit
2nd category tens of quintillions
3rd digit hundred quintillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 18
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 19
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 20
8th grade sextillions 1st digit of the sextillion unit
2nd rank tens of sextillions
3rd rank hundred sextillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 21
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 22
1 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 23
9th grade septillions 1st digit of septillion unit
2nd category tens of septillions
3rd digit hundred septillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 24
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 25
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 26
10th grade octillion 1st digit of the octillion unit
2nd digit tens of octillions
3rd digit hundred octillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 27
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 28
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 29

1. What kind of number will it be if it contains 1 hundred and 2 tens?

2. How many tens are there in this number?

3. Express the number 120 in units.

Solution: 1. A number in which there is one hundred and two tens is 120.

2. One hundred is ten tens. There are also two dozen in this number. There are twelve dozen in total.

3. 120 is 100 units and 20 units. It turns out 120 units.

To determine the total number of units (tens, hundreds), it is necessary to convert all digit units into the required digit units and add the obtained results.

1. How many tens are there in the number 150?

2. How many tens are in the number 270?

3. How many tens are there in the number 400?

4. How many hundreds are there in the number 300?

5. How many hundreds are there in the number 900?

Solution: 1. In the number 150 there is one hundred. 1 cell = 10 des. Also included are 5 des. The total number of tens is 15.

2. Among the 270 are two hundred. 2 hundred = 20 des. Also included in the 7 des. The total number of tens is 27.

3. Of the 400 there are four hundred. 4 hundred. = 40 des. Only 40 tens.

4. Among 300 there are three hundred. Only 3 hundred.

5. Among 900 there are nine hundred.

1. How many units are there in 25 tens?

2. How many units are there in 5 hundreds?

Solution: 1. There are 10 units in 1 ten. There are 250 units in 25 tens.

2. 1 hundred = 100 units. Then there are only 500 units in five hundred.

The boy's height (Fig. 2) is 1 m 27 cm. How many centimeters is this?

Rice. 2. Boy's height ()

Solution: 1. In order to answer the question, we must remember that 1 m = 100 cm. Then add 27 to 100 cm and get 127 cm.

The window width is 150 cm. Help Mickey (Fig. 3) determine how many decimeters this is?

Rice. 3. Mickey and the window ()

Solution: 1. 1 dm = 10 cm

2. In the number 150 there are ten and five tens, we get 15 dm.

Write down five numbers (Fig. 4), each of which contains 37 tens. How many such numbers can you write down?

Solution: 1 37 tens is the number 370. If you change the number of units, then the number of tens will not change, so we write 370, 371, 372, 373, 374.

2. A total of ten such numbers can be written: 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 379.


  1. Mathematics. 3rd grade. Textbook for general education institutions with adj. per electron carrier. At 2 hours Part 1 / [M.I. Moreau, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova and others] - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2012. - 112 p.: ill. - (School of Russia).
  2. Rudnitskaya V.N., Yudacheva T.V. Mathematics, 3rd grade. - M.: VENTANA-COUNT.
  3. Peterson L.G. Mathematics, 3rd grade. - M.: Yuventa.
  1. Uchu24.ru ().
  2. Myshared.ru ().
  3. Math-rus.ru ().


  1. Mathematics. 3rd grade. Textbook for general education institutions with adj. per electron carrier. At 2 hours Part 2 / [M.I. Moreau, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova and others] - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2012., Art. 51 No. 1-5.
  2. Name the rule by which you can determine the total number of units or tens or hundreds in a number.
  3. How many three-digit numbers can you write that have 52 tens?
  4. * How many units are seven hundred? How many units are there in 70 tens? Compare the numbers you get.

At the dawn of human history, epidemics of infectious diseases were considered a real scourge. With the advent of vaccines and antibiotics, the severity and social significance of this problem has decreased enormously. Now metabolic diseases have come to the fore. The most common are diabetes and obesity. They often meet together. In some cases, gout is added to all these diseases. Painful exacerbations and inflammation of the joints are reasons for prescribing medications. Modern medicine offers a wide range of treatments for gout.

Causes and manifestations of gout

Gout is a specific metabolic disease that gradually leads to significant damage to the kidneys and joints. This pathology is quite common. Men are more likely to be affected. Women suffer from gout much less often. The cause of the disease is impaired metabolism of uric acid in the body. Normally, the kidneys strictly regulate the content of this substance in the blood. An excess of uric acid precursors in food leads to its deposition in various parts of the body. It is no wonder that among patients with gout, overweight men who consume large quantities of alcohol and meat products predominate. is suspended in the blood. Excess amounts are deposited in the joints, skin, kidneys and urinary tract. In the first two cases, accumulations of uric acid are called tophi. Inside the renal pelvis and ureters, uric acid precipitates and forms stones.

Gout affects the joints

The presence of uric acid in organs and tissues inevitably causes inflammation. Typically, gout follows the pattern of a chronic disease with a series of exacerbations and subsidence of symptoms. The small joints of the feet and hands are the first to be involved in the process. Uric acid is deposited inside the skin, large joints, and kidneys. Tophi contain a white powdery mass inside. Accumulating between the surfaces of the bones, it soon deprives the joints of all mobility. Repeated waves of inflammation deform the joint. Stones inside the kidneys often cause a chronic inflammatory disease - pyelonephritis, as well as problems with urine excretion.

Tophus - focus of uric acid deposition

At one time, such famous people as Isaac Newton, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Benjamin Franklin, Peter Paul Rubens suffered from gout.

Taking medications is one of the main ways to treat gout. Medicines affect all parts of the process: high levels, formation of tophi, inflammation in the kidneys and other affected tissues. Medicines are used to eliminate acute attacks of gout and prevent further spread of the disease.

Disease of Kings - video

Drugs for the treatment of acute gout attacks

The first blow of the disease, as a rule, falls on the small joint of the big toe. The attack is accompanied by acute pain, fever, and general malaise. Externally, the joint looks changed: it is increased in volume, the skin over it is bright red, movements cause severe pain. This scenario is typical for 50–80% of cases of gout onset. In some people, the disease begins with inflammation of other joints - knee, hip, interphalangeal, wrist. In some cases, the pain is of an uncertain nature. Several groups of drugs are used to treat an acute attack of gout.

Inflammation of the joint of the first toe is the most common scenario for an acute attack of gout.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs are a whole group of drugs. It is named so because it helps to subside inflammation in the gout-affected joint. The inflammatory process is impossible without a number of biologically active substances. Their common precursor is arachidonic acid. Chemical transformations occur with the help of a kind of accelerator - the protein-enzyme cyclooxygenase. The latter is divided into two varieties. The first plays a positive role and is not involved in the inflammatory process. The second type (COX-2) leads arachidonic acid along the path of transformations, as a result of which inflammatory activators are formed.

All NSAIDs affect arachidonic acid metabolism

The action of all NSAIDs is based on the blockade of the enzyme cyclooxygenase. These drugs simultaneously have three effects: antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. All three are extremely necessary during an acute attack. For gout, not all NSAIDs are prescribed, but only certain drugs. The drug Colchicine, used for an acute attack of gout, is somewhat different from other NSAIDs. It directly affects the activity of immune cells involved in the process of inflammation. Colchicine prevents their penetration into the site of uric acid deposits. The chemical component of inflammation is also blocked. In addition, Colchicine has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Colchicine affects immune cells and leukocytes

NSAIDs for the treatment of acute gout attacks - table

Name of medicine Active ingredient Release form Contraindications Price in pharmacies Analogues
  • pills;
  • injection solution.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased bleeding.
  • from 36 rubles for tablets;
  • from 73 rubles for solution.
  • Amelotex;
  • Arthrozan;
  • Liberum;
  • Genitron;
  • Melbek;
  • Flexibon;
  • Movix;
  • Movasin.
  • pills;
  • solution for injection;
  • suspension for oral administration.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased bleeding.
  • from 462 rubles for tablets;
  • from 567 rubles for solution;
  • from 578 rubles for suspension.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased bleeding;
  • kidney diseases.
From 28 rubles
  • Nise;
  • Nemulex;
  • Nimulid.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased bleeding;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases.
From 180 rubles
  • Dilaksa;
  • pills;
  • ointment;
  • rectal suppositories.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased bleeding;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases.
  • from 42 rubles for tablets;
  • from 70 rubles for candles;
  • from 64 rubles for ointment.
  • Indovazin;
  • Methindol.
  • pills.
  • gel;
  • ointment;
  • solution for injection;
  • rectal suppositories.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased bleeding;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases.
  • from 59 rubles for tablets;
  • from 28 rubles for candles;
  • from 24 rubles for a solution.
  • Voltaren;
  • Diclovit;
  • Ortofen;
  • Rapten;
  • Remetan.
  • severe liver diseases;
  • severe kidney disease.
From 1150 rublesColchicum-Dispert

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - photo gallery

Movalis contains meloxicam Nimesil contains the active ingredient nimesulide Celebrex blocks cyclooxygenase Indomethacin relieves fever and pain Colchicine is prescribed for an acute attack Diclofenac is a popular anti-inflammatory drug

Steroid hormones

Glucocorticoids, also known as steroid hormones, are another group of medications for the treatment of an acute attack of gout. These drugs have an even more powerful anti-inflammatory effect than NSAIDs. Steroids affect the functioning of the immune system. Immune cells ignore uric acid deposits in the joint and do not participate in inflammation. When taken orally, the medicine has many side effects. It is more advantageous to inject hormones directly into the site of inflammation (intra-articular). Glucocorticoids are used in severe cases of intolerance to NSAIDs.

Steroids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect

Steroid hormones for the treatment of an acute attack of gout - table

Name of medicine Active ingredient Release form Contraindications Price in pharmacies Analogues
  • fungal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • HIV infection.
From 300 rubles
  • Beloderm;
  • Kuterid.
  • ointment;
  • pills.
  • fungal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • HIV infection.
From 29 rubles
  • Solu-cortef.
TriamcinoloneTriamcinoloneSuspension for injection
  • fungal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • HIV infection.
From 480 rubles
  • Berlicourt;
  • Kenacort.
  • pills;
  • injection solution.
  • fungal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • HIV infection.
  • from 73 rubles for tablets;
  • from 33 rubles for a solution.
  • Decortin;
  • Medopred.

Steroids for the treatment of gout - photo gallery

Cortef contains hydrocortisone Kenalog is available in the form of an injection suspension Prednisolone is prescribed to treat arthritis Akriderm - steroid ointment

Long-term drugs

After the first attack of gout is relieved, medications are prescribed that directly affect the metabolism of uric acid in the body. There are two main ways to combat high uric acid levels. The first type of drugs - uricodepressive (or uricostatic) drugs - reduce the production of uric acid from its precursor substance xanthine. Uricostatics block the action of the protein enzyme xanthine oxidase. Under the influence of these drugs, uric acid is formed in much smaller quantities.

The second type of medication that affects uric acid levels is called uricosuric drugs. They work inside the kidneys, causing these organs to more actively remove uric acid in the urine. Pharmaceutical companies have also created mixed-action drugs that simultaneously reduce the production and improve the excretion of uric acid. In addition to these two types of medications, uricolytics are prescribed. These drugs make urine alkaline. Under normal acidic conditions, uric acid tends to precipitate, forming small crystals and larger stones. One of the manifestations of gout is often stones in the kidneys and ureters. Uricolytic drugs prevent the formation of sediment from uric acid and further growth of stones.

Drugs for the main treatment of gout - table

Name of medicine Active ingredient Form
Contraindications Price in pharmacies Analogues
  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • liver diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • pregnancy.
From 75 rubles
  • Purinol;
  • Allopurinol Egis.
  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • liver diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • pregnancy.
From 150 rublesNo analogues
Orotic acidOrotic acidPills
  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • cirrhosis;
  • renal failure;
  • urolithiasis.
From 100 rubles
  • Magnesium orotate.
Uricosuric drugs
  • urolithiasis;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney diseases.
From 4500 rubles
  • Santuril;
  • Probenecid biocanol.
  • peptic ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • blood diseases.
From 500
  • Apo-sulfinpyrazone;
  • Anturan;
  • Anthuranil.
  • kidney disease;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pregnancy.
From 1615 rubles
  • Dizurik;
  • Normurat;
  • Hipurik.
Mixed-action drugs
  • allopurinol;
  • benzbromarone.
  • hypersensitivity;
  • kidney disease;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.
From 58 rublesNo analogues
Uricolytic agents
  • piperazine;
  • urotropin;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • tartaric acid.
Granules for oral administration
  • hypersensitivity;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus
From 500 rubles
  • Urosine;
  • Atophan.
Potassium sodium hydrogen citrateGranules for oral administration
  • renal failure;
  • chronic pyelonephritis.
From 871 rubles
  • Soluran.

Drugs for long-term treatment of gout - photo gallery

Allopurinol is a popular drug for the treatment of gout. Potassium orotate reduces uric acid production Blemaren prevents the precipitation of uric acid Urolite is prescribed for gout Urodane is available in granule form

For several years now I have been observing the progression of gout in my relative. As far as is known, this is the first case of gout in the family. He himself is overweight and addicted to meat products. The first attack of the disease at the age of 50 followed a typical scenario: the big toe suddenly turned red, severe pain and fever appeared. It was possible to step on the foot only with great difficulty, overcoming painful sensations. The acute attack was relieved by Indomethacin in combination with Movalis. A biochemical blood test showed a high level of urea. The therapist at the clinic prescribed Allopurinol and diet. Giving up meat products was a difficult choice for my relative, but he tries not to break the diet. I also had to forget about drinking beer and other alcohol. Taking medications and diet have led to the fact that exacerbations of the disease over the past 5 years have occurred no more than once a year.