Foliar fertilization of wheat with urea - the experience of farmers. Fertilizing winter wheat Fertilizers for winter wheat

One of the most important stages in growing wheat is the timely application of fertilizers. Feeding wheat throughout the growing season stimulates plant growth and has a positive effect on the yield. The agricultural technology of spring and winter species is somewhat different. Let's take a closer look at how to fertilize spring and winter wheat to get maximum results.

Article outline

General information about growing wheat

The amount of wheat harvest directly depends on the amount of nutrients applied. It is believed that only on chernozems and virgin lands do grain crops do not require additional nutrition and it is possible to do without basic fertilizer, using only seasonal fertilizing. However, practice shows that nutritional deficiency is observed to one degree or another on any soil. Therefore, it is recommended to apply fertilizers for wheat in plowing, and then carry out root and foliar feeding on all types of soils.

For spring and winter wheat, fertilizers are applied in the fall. For winter cereals, nutrients are laid down already at the end of August and during the first ten days of September. Fertilizers for spring types are applied later, in the second half of October - the first half of November.

If fertilizers have not been applied to spring wheat since the fall, this activity can be attributed to the spring. This should be done with the onset of the first warmth, in early spring, so that the nutritional compositions begin to release useful elements into the soil as quickly as possible.

In large areas, spring placement of mineral additives on the snow is practiced. During the spring thaw, fertilizers, along with moisture, go into the upper layers of the soil. However, it is worth considering that the dose of applied nitrogen must be doubled with this method, since nitrogen is a volatile element, and a significant part of it will not enter the soil solution.

Pay attention! Nitrogen is the most important element for wheat. The bushiness of the plant, the amount of grain in the ears and, as a result, the volume of the harvest will depend on its quantity.

Nutrient requirements of wheat per hectare of crops

Essential Nutrients

The main fertilizer for wheat should contain a full complex of the main N-P-K elements - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Of these, the most important element is nitrogen, which is applied both in the fall under winter wheat and in spring-summer fertilizing. Phosphorus is necessary to improve soil structure, as well as for better absorption of nitrogen by cereals. Potassium participates in metabolic processes at the intercellular level and is responsible for the formation of proteins and sugars.


Nitrogen is necessary for cereal crops throughout the growing season. However, an excess of this element has a detrimental effect on winter species, reducing their winter hardiness. Wheat may begin to get sick and be damaged by pests.

  • For winter wheat, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied in the fall at the rate of 30% of the total norm on chernozems and 50% on other types of soils. Next, nitrogen is applied to winter species by spring and summer fertilizing.
  • Under spring wheat, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are laid in a similar way. There is no need to supply large doses of nitrogen to spring species in the fall due to the unstable state of this element.


Phosphorus is needed by cereals at all stages of development. In winter wheat, phosphorus increases resistance to low temperatures. Significant doses of this element are absorbed during the period when the plant enters the tube. The accumulation of sugars, and therefore the taste of the grain, depends on the amount of phosphorus.

Phosphorus fertilizers have a prolonged decomposition period. They need to be added to the soil in the fall to a depth of no more than 20 cm. The optimal temperature for the absorption of phosphorus by plants is 15°C. It is also necessary to monitor soil moisture. If there is a lack of moisture, phosphorus does not decompose and is not absorbed by cereal crops. They are used for wheat.


This element has a long decomposition period, so it, like phosphorus, is recommended to be added in the fall. Potassium is necessary at any stage of development - in the phase of germination, flowering, booting and heading. Winter wheat especially needs potassium for growing roots and increasing winter hardiness.

This element will also prevent the lodging of cereals and improve the taste of the grain. Potassium-containing fertilizers are applied to the depth of the arable layer. Potassium salt or potassium chloride is more often used due to its inexpensive cost. On small farms you can use and.

Microfertilizers for wheat

Wheat also needs fertilizing with microfertilizers. Practice shows that the amount and type of microfertilizers depend on the type of soil on which cereal plants are cultivated. Thus, on virgin lands and forest soils, crops suffer from a lack of boron. On chernozems, wheat needs additional additions of manganese and zinc. Almost all types of soil require fertilizer with calcium and sulfur.

We must not forget about deoxidizing the soil before sowing. Typically, chalk or dolomite flour is used for this. Limestones will improve the structure and composition of the soil, help the growth of beneficial microflora in the upper layers, and fill the soil with calcium.

Magnesium is involved in the process of photosynthesis and is responsible for the movement and absorption of phosphorus. Magnesium is supplied to wheat in the form of root and leaf fertilizers. Also, for normal development, cereal crops need sulfur. This element prevents lodging and stimulates metabolic processes between cells.

Organic fertilizers for wheat

More often, organic fertilizers are used for wheat precursors. Manure is used directly for wheat only if the humus content in the soil does not exceed 2%. The rate of organic fertilizers in this case is 35 t/ha. To improve the soil structure on chernozems, 15 t – 20 t/ha is sufficient.

The manure is spread evenly over the entire area and then plowed under. It is recommended to apply organic fertilizers to wheat in the fall. In spring and summer it is more convenient to use industrial agrochemicals.

Winter wheat - fertilizing

If fertilizers were applied to wheat in full in the fall, then the next fertilizing is carried out in early spring, then during the period of flowering, stem emergence and heading. It should immediately be noted that all summer and spring fertilizing of wheat is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers.

The first fertilizing of winter wheat is carried out. To do this, up to 45 kg of nitrogen fertilizer per hectare is spread over the surface. Can be used for subsequent fertilizing.

How to feed wheat with ammonium nitrate

Spring wheat - fertilizing

For spring wheat, a full complex of fertilizers is plowed in in the fall or early spring, although at the beginning of the growing season the need of spring species for nutrients is minimal. Large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium will be needed later - during flowering, transition of the stem to the tube and in the heading phase.

Nevertheless, nitrogen fertilizers are applied immediately in the fall plowing, as well as during the spring sowing of spring species in rows. Ammonium nitrate is used as the main nitrogen fertilizer for wheat, and urea is used as an additional fertilizer.

Double superphosphate is used to replenish phosphorus, and potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium or potassium sulfate will fill the need for potassium. Fertilization with ammophos has proven well for spring wheat. This agrochemical contains both essential phosphorus and nitrogen.

Universal fertilizing with urea

Fertilizing wheat with urea (urea) is carried out:

  1. during the bush formation phase;
  2. in the flowering stage;
  3. during the period of going on the phone;
  4. in the heading phase.

Urea is used for both spring and winter species. The agrochemical is scattered over the entire surface of the site, then abundant watering is carried out. But it is better to use a urea solution for root or foliar feeding of wheat. The use of solutions is more effective in dry summer conditions, when cereals lack moisture. On large areas, foliar feeding of wheat is carried out by irrigation using special agricultural equipment.

Urea solution for watering and irrigation:

  1. in early spring and during flowering - 20% urea solution;
  2. in the phase when the stem emerges from the tube - a solution of 10% - 12%;
  3. in the heading phase - urea solution 8%.

Foliar feeding with urea is an effective remedy, recognized both in large agricultural complexes and in small household plots. Irrigation of wheat with urea:

  • does not cause leaf necrosis;
  • can be combined with insecticide treatment against pests;
  • can be combined with ammonium nitrate.

The maximum result is observed when processing wheat in cloudy weather and in the presence of dew on the plants.

Wheat in summer cottages

Cereals are rare plants in the country. Typically, gardeners plant vegetables in a small area. Growing crops for grain is irrational and labor-intensive. However, wheat can be used as green manure. If you need a certain area to “rest” from planting, you can sow wheat.

It is better to use winter wheat as green manure.. Sowing of seeds is carried out in the fall. However, spring species planted in spring will also bring undoubted benefits. Under wheat in spring and autumn, you can apply rotted manure, compost or humus. Mineral supplements are also used, as when growing for grain. Although careful feeding of wheat is not necessary in this case, because the quality of the grain does not matter.

Advantages of wheat as green manure:

  • improves the structure and composition of the soil;
  • prevents drying out of the soil solution;
  • prevents the leaching of useful elements;
  • enriches the soil with humus and nitrogen;
  • suppresses the spread of weeds.

How to grow a good wheat harvest


To avoid applying fertilizers to winter and spring wheat, select the site correctly. Good predecessors would be:

  • leguminous plants,
  • potato,
  • rape,
  • corn,
  • annual herbs.

Sowing wheat

In the fields, cereals are planted in a row manner. At your summer cottage, you can use a similar method and plant wheat in rows. The average seeding depth is 4 cm - 5 cm. But in arid areas or when planting winter species late, the seeding depth needs to be increased to 8 cm - 10 cm. When planting late in the spring, the seeds are planted 3 cm deep. The optimal distance between rows (rows) is - 15 cm. For more uniform germination, the rows are rolled.

There is an alternative way to sow winter wheat for green manure purposes. The soil is plowed with a plow or a plow cutter is used, leveled, and the seeds are scattered evenly. The area is then watered and covered with straw. This method is simpler, but it should be borne in mind that straw takes longer to decompose than green wheat sprouts.

Fertilizers for green manure – to use or not?

For green manure purposes, it is not necessary to apply fertilizers to wheat. For winter species, you can use superphosphate and potassium salt so that the plants have time to take root before the temperature drops. But if organic matter was added to the digging site, it is not necessary to use agrochemicals.

Incorporation of “green fertilizers”

Winter wheat must have time to sprout, grow to 20 cm - 25 cm and go under the snow as a green mass. Many gardeners mow green manure before the first frost. This procedure is not necessary; the “green fertilizers” will rot under the snow and release useful substances into the soil unmown.

Spring wheat must either be mowed or buried in the ground before the formation of the stem tube begins, or better yet, before flowering begins. The stem tube subsequently becomes straw, which is difficult to mow and takes a long time to decompose.

It should be recognized that wheat is not a popular green manure among amateur farmers. It is believed that wheat removes a large amount of nutrients from the soil, and its lumpy roots complicate the process of pre-sowing site preparation.

There is a certain amount of truth in this. Indeed, if wheat is allowed to outgrow, its lumpy rhizome will complicate the procedure of digging and plowing under the plow. However, as a green manure, wheat is incorporated into the soil at the stage of green shoots, when the roots are not yet very developed.

As for the removal of nutrients, here too it turns out that wheat carries out significant doses of nutrition in the flowering, booting and heading phases. And planting should occur before flowering begins.

To sum up, we can say that problems when growing wheat as green manure were experienced by those farmers who did not incorporate green mass into the soil in a timely manner.

The correct use of chemical fertilizers in growing plants not only helps to increase yields, but also affects the quality of grain.

During the period of growth and ripening, this crop consumes a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so constant maintenance of balance is required. Application liquid fertilizers for winter wheat allows you to achieve balance and good results. It is necessary to carry out this work comprehensively so that the plants develop organically.

The effect of fertilizers on wheat. Nuances in carrying fertilizers when sowing winter wheat

Nitrogen mixtures play a major role in improving grain quality. The effect of fertilizers on wheat is felt already in the first year of planting in a certain area. Constant feeding brings more significant benefits. Productivity almost doubles, and the quality of the resulting product also improves.

Fertilizing with urea allows you to saturate the soil with nitrogen necessary for plant growth, which is released during the breakdown of the active substance. Also, to improve the quality of grain, it is necessary to add copper and manganese to the mixture. They allow you to increase the amount of protein and gluten.

At the initial stage, fertilizing winter wheat requires phosphorus mixtures. They allow you to increase your yield. If there is a deficiency of this substance at an early stage, it cannot be replenished subsequently by abundant application to the soil. AND liquid phosphate fertilizers must be added together with planting material into the rows. A lack of substance leads to poor development of the plant.

Before the ear blooms, care must be taken to apply potassium liquid fertilizers. The application of fertilizers containing potassium when sowing winter wheat contributes to the development of cold resistance and resistance to fungal diseases. Strong straw is formed and excess nitrogen is eliminated.

What fertilizers are needed for winter wheat: features of fertilizing for wheat

Farmers are concerned about the question of what fertilizer to apply when sowing winter wheat for abundant growth and a good harvest. The Terra company offers a wide range of various liquid organomineral fertilizers. This form contributes to high-quality soil fertilization and a bountiful harvest.

What fertilizer to apply when sowing winter wheat, as well as at other stages of its growth

Reasil Forte Seed Start (W/V) is intended for application during sowing. The grain germinates well, germinates better and has high viability. The plant becomes more resistant to drought, frost and various diseases.

Reasil Forte Carb-N-Humic (W/V) nitrogenous substance. It is used after fertilizing with saltpeter during the germination period. A high-quality formula promotes 100% absorption. The foliage of the plant is being processed. The fertilizer is absorbed better than saltpeter.

Humasporin (W/V) enhances the plant's immune system. It contains several types of acids and biologically active substances. Helps strengthen the plant, helps get rid of various diseases. Increases productivity and increases the shelf life of grain.

Reasil Forte Carb-S-Amino (W/V) contains nitrogen, sulfur, amino acids and other biologically active substances. Improves the root system, increases grain yield, helps increase the proportion of protein in the product, and increases productivity. Used to fertilize winter wheat and other grain crops.

All these and many other fertilizers are presented in a wide range by the Terra company. High-quality products from a local manufacturer without unnecessary chemical additives help increase yield and improve grain quality.


In some cases, the traditional method of fertilization is impossible or ineffective, then you can “feed” the plant through the leaves.

What is the point of foliar feeding?

The soil does not have the required amount of nutrients, and therefore fertilizing is a mandatory procedure that cannot be ignored. The method of fertilizing plants by leaf is also called foliar, and all because nutrients and minerals do not enter through the root system, as is usually the case, but through the leaves. It is carried out by spraying.

Previously, there was an opinion that there was no point in this method of fertilizing plants, since it best absorbs all nutrients exclusively through the root system. But then this point of view was revised. The fact is that all the useful components that are sprayed over the surface of the leaf are absorbed by the plant much faster than through the root. This means that when it is necessary to quickly rehabilitate a plant, there is no better way than foliar feeding.

Advantages and disadvantages of foliar fertilizer

Now let's talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of foliar feeding for grain crops. As already mentioned, only this method can save a wilting plant, and it’s not just a matter of speed. The condition of the roots of such representatives of the flora is quite deplorable, and therefore watering them with the necessary composition is not only pointless, but may even aggravate the situation, since nutrient solutions can simply burn the already weak root. But foliar feeding in such a situation performs the function of, so to speak, resuscitation, and all the necessary elements quickly enter inside.

Also, plants need similar feeding in unfavorable weather conditions, and this can be either drought or the rainy season. During this period, the metabolic rate of all crops decreases significantly. And it is not always the case that fertilizers introduced into the soil are fully absorbed by the plant. Some of them are washed out, weathered, etc. However, you should not think that everything is very simple with foliar feeding; this process is quite painstaking, and it will not be possible to achieve results in one go.

Technology of leaf feeding of grains

What is the technology for such feeding and what should you pay special attention to? Of course, this process is quite painstaking and requires patience; there are also pitfalls. The idea is quite simple and consists of finely dispersed application of fertilizer used for foliar feeding to the crown of the plant so that both surfaces of the leaves are covered with an even layer of solution.

Keep in mind that the sheet has thinner tissue on the underside, which facilitates better absorption of the solution.

In addition, it is forbidden to carry out such feeding in extreme heat, since in this case there is a high probability of burning the leaves. Also, the longer the fertilizer stays on the surface of the plant, the greater the amount will be absorbed. Therefore, this procedure is recommended to be carried out only in the evening or in cloudy weather. The frequency of foliar feeding depends on many factors, ranging from the quality of the soil, weather conditions and ending with the condition and variety of the plant itself.

It is advisable to carry out at least two sprayings, but 3-4 sprays will give a much more effective result.. Avoid contact of the solution with inflorescences and set fruits in order to reduce the amount of chemicals in them. And be sure to monitor the concentration of the solution, otherwise it may cause burns to the foliage, and then all efforts will be harmful.

Features of winter wheat fertilizer

Now let’s move on to more specific examples and consider the characteristics of leaf, and a little lower, barley. So, the fertility of grain crops largely depends on a number of nutritional supplements. One of the elements that determines grain quality is nitrogen. Moreover, its level is especially important during the period of spikelet formation, since then this chemical element is used in almost all quantities for the accumulation of protein in winter wheat grains. Its dosage largely depends on the period of spraying. For example, if the procedure is carried out during the formation of 2–3 internodes, then about 45 kg/ha of nitrogen is required. During the heading period, its dosage will decrease to 30–45 kg/ha, but it will be minimal at the beginning of the milky state and will be 15–30 kg/ha.

The next element to pay attention to is phosphorus. It plays a major role in ensuring normal photosynthesis. If there is a lack of sulfur, photosynthesis will also slow down, which will lead to insufficient development and, as a result, will negatively affect productivity. But magnesium is responsible for the transfer of phosphorus and the conversion of nitrogen into protein, so its amount must be at the required level.

In addition, proper absorption of nitrogen by the plant, transportation of carbohydrates and good development of the above-ground part depend on calcium. And immunity to fungal diseases, cold resistance, as well as good development of the root system and stem provide a sufficient amount of potassium. But it is not enough to know what elements are needed by grains; it is also very important to maintain their correct proportion. For example, due to the large removal of nitrogen from the soil, its amount should be at least 1.5 times more than phosphorus and potassium, that is, their dosage will be 1.5–2:1:1, respectively.

Features of winter barley fertilizer

The technology of foliar fertilization of winter barley is in many ways similar to foliar fertilization of wheat. If we talk about doses, then one ton of grain contains up to 36 kg of nitrogen, about 12 kg of phosphorus and 24 kg of potassium. In general, this grain crop is quite responsive to all additives, but there are some subtleties. For example, in addition to all the above elements, the barley plant also needs copper, the lack of which negatively affects the synthesis of the plant and contributes to the accumulation of amino acids, soluble carbohydrates and other decomposition products.

Boron is responsible for the occurrence of biochemical processes in the plant, including protein and carbohydrate metabolism. But if there is not enough molybdenum, the correct course of nitrogen metabolism will be disrupted, and a large accumulation of nitrates will occur in the tissues of barley, and the process of their recovery will be delayed. From this we can conclude that it is especially important to introduce this element after nitrate feeding. This is where the basic principles of foliar fertilization of winter barley and wheat end, but there are many more nuances that only make sense for agricultural organizations to study.

An important step in growing winter wheat is the competent selection and application of fertilizing. Autumn fertilizers have a pronounced prolonged effect and are designed to support plantings in winter, provide them with nutrition until spring, and protect them from diseases. Spring fertilizing stimulates the growth and development of wheat and has a beneficial effect on the harvest.

Wheat cultivation

Winter wheat grows on different types of soil, but produces good yields only on fertile soils with an acidity level of 6-7. A powerful root system allows the crop to actively absorb moisture in the spring and begin active growth before the onset of summer heat. A long growing season makes it possible to more productively use nutrients from the soil, including organic matter.

Wheat greatly depletes the soil, and therefore requires timely application of fertilizers. For example, to obtain a yield of 10 centners per hectare, you will need to add 35 kg of nitrogen, 12 kg of phosphorus and at least 20.5 kg of potassium. There are simply not so many nutrients in the soil, and therefore the amount of harvest directly depends on the fertilizers applied.

Do not forget that their quantity must be strictly dosed. If the proportions between macroelements are not met, this will affect the productivity of the crop and the quality of the finished product. In addition, it will be more difficult for wheat to resist pests and diseases.

Feeding in autumn

Fertilizers for winter wheat should include a full range of macroelements, as well as essential microelements and vitamins. The main role is played by nitrogen, on which the growth and development of the crop depends. Phosphorus improves the structure of the soil, facilitates the process of nitrogen absorption, and has a positive effect on the formation of ears. Potassium takes part in intercellular metabolism and is responsible for protein synthesis.


Wheat needs this macronutrient throughout the growing season. But you should not exceed the application dosage, especially in the autumn. Otherwise, the crop will begin to grow and will not be able to fully prepare for winter. Weakened wheat may not survive the cold season or die from disease.

Nitrogen is introduced in several stages, starting in the fall. The amount of application is determined by the type of soil. Before winter, saltpeter is usually applied (50 kg per hectare), and in the spring urea can be used.


The macronutrient is also necessary throughout the development of wheat. Autumn application increases the frost resistance of the crop. But phosphorus is needed most of all at the stage of transition into the tube. This element regulates the process of accumulation of sugars, which has a beneficial effect on the taste characteristics of mature grains.

Phosphorus decomposes in the soil for quite a long time, and therefore they begin to add it in the fall, embedding it in the ground to the depth of a spade bayonet. Cereals absorb this element only at +15 degrees and sufficient soil moisture. For winter wheat, any type of Superphosphate is suitable at a dosage of 200 kg per hectare.


The mineral is also characterized by a long period of decomposition. Wheat will have time to absorb some of the substances before winter, the rest in the spring. Potassium is required by plants during the period of growth, flowering, tube formation, and heading. It also helps the root system gain strength in the fall and favorably endure the winter cold.

Potassium prevents lodging of spikelets and improves the taste of grains. This element is applied to a depth of 20 cm. In most cases, potassium chloride and potassium salt are used (up to 200 kg per hectare).


The crop's need for a specific microelement is determined by the type of soil. Virgin soil and forest soil are deficient in boron, and chernozem requires the addition of zinc and manganese. For all types of soils, add sulfur and calcium.

If the soil is too acidic, dolomite flour is added at the very beginning of autumn. With a lack of magnesium, phosphorus is poorly absorbed, photosynthesis slows down, and therefore this microelement must be added to different types of soil.


Typically, winter wheat is planted 2 years after adding organic matter. Manure is not placed directly under this crop. The exception is very poor soils, with a humus percentage below 2. The application dosage in this case is up to 40 tons per hectare. To improve the soil on chernozems, 17 tons per hectare is enough. Manure is spread and plowed in the fall.

Fertilizing in spring

This period is unthinkable without the application of nitrogen fertilizers, since the seedlings need to be given nutrients for rapid growth. Already at the end of March, at air temperatures above +5, urea or saltpeter is added. The only difference between these fertilizers is the rate of decomposition: nitrogen from nitrate gets into the soil faster than from urea.


A comparative analysis of urea and ammonium nitrate showed: with the surface method of application in early spring, the effect of both types of fertilizer was approximately the same. Nitrate is more suitable for chernozem, highly alkaline soil, and urea is more suitable for wood-podzolic soil.

Urea is used during bush formation, during flowering, tube formation, and heading. If it is applied to the soil, the optimal dosage is 0.15 tons per hectare. After scattering, the soil is thoroughly shed so that the substance is completely dissolved and absorbed into the soil.

If used in the form of a solution, then different concentrations of the composition are needed at different periods: in early spring and during flowering - about 20%, when the tube is formed - 11%, when the first spikelets appear - 7%. The use of solutions is most effective during droughts, when the cereal crop experiences an acute lack of water. Special equipment is used in the fields to apply liquid fertilizer.

Foliar feeding with urea gives maximum results when applied before rain. It can be combined with insecticides designed to protect the crop from pests.

Fractional application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers during the growing season can increase the yield of cereal crops and improve the quality of grain, especially the content of vegetable protein in it.

Note. Foliar feeding of cereal crops with urea makes it possible to obtain dense, heavy grains, as well as double their quantity. Urea does not harm plants and does not cause leaf necrosis, and therefore its use is much preferable to the use of other nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Do not forget about the late spring application of mineral fertilizers, which help to increase not only the protein in the grains, but also the raw gluten.


Thus, wheat needs phosphorus for more complete absorption of nitrogen from fertilizers. Without it, protein production begins to delay. In addition, phosphorus accelerates the ripening phase of the ears. With its deficiency, flowering and ripening are delayed.

It blocks the harmful effects of aluminum on extremely acidified sod-podzolic soil. Its maximum quantity is observed during the period of emergence, but during the growth of wheat its reserves are significantly depleted. Phosphorus is needed most during tubing, flowering and spikelet formation.

With a deficiency of this macronutrient, the leaves begin to turn reddish and gradually dry out.

Note. Winter wheat is unable to extract phosphorus, which is in a form difficult to assimilate.


Stimulates protein synthesis, takes part in the production of carotene and carbohydrates, and has a beneficial effect on the immunity of cereal crops. When it is deficient, the leaves turn blue-green with a characteristic bronze sheen.


Timely application of complex fertilizers for winter wheat will allow you to obtain a consistently high yield on any soil. In addition, good nutrition contributes to the development of stable immunity - the ability to resist diseases and pests.

To obtain the maximum amount of harvest, it is necessary to use fertilizers during the growing season of crops. Fertilizing winter wheat can vary significantly depending on the time of application. In each period of plant growth, it needs different elements - certain means are used. The article will describe the technology, timing of application and types of fertilizing used for winter wheat.

Fertilizers for winter wheat must be applied throughout the entire growing season of the plant, and this is at least in autumn, spring and summer. If possible, you can apply fertilizers more often; they will not do any harm: in the fall, before planting, the soil is fertilized, then in the spring, during plant growth, bushing, flowering, tube development, and heading, special substances are added to support and improve the growth of the crop.

If fertilizing is applied correctly and in the right quantity, it will not spoil the wheat, but if you add it in excess of the norm, the plant may disappear or the taste of the grains will simply deteriorate.

What substances are important for winter wheat?

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Wheat, like any other crop, needs certain substances for active growth and development. Below are the most important elements due to which winter wheat grows quickly, rarely gets sick and produces a rich harvest.

These three elements are the most important for winter wheat. But besides them, the plant needs boron, sulfur, manganese, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. The last two are actively involved in the metabolic processes of the plant. Some of them are available in small doses in complex fertilizers, but if you need to increase the rate, then the easiest way is to purchase these substances separately and simply mix them into the fertilizer.

What fertilizers should I choose for wheat?

The means used to improve the quality of soil and plants depend on the time of their application. Fertilizer used to feed winter wheat throughout the entire growing season should contain an abundance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

In the fall before winter, the soil should be fertilized with complex substances. At this time, you can apply “Superphosphate” (200 kg/ha) with the addition of “Potassium salt” (200 kg/ha). As for nitrogen, approximately 300 kg/ha is applied in the fall for soil with normal values ​​directly into the ground with other minerals. As you can see, the ratio of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to be added to the soil is approximately 1.5:1:1 - the golden mean, according to most experts.

Organic substances - manure - are often used in the fall. If the humus rate in the soil does not exceed 2%, it is necessary to apply 35 tons of the substance per hectare of land. To improve soil quality on chernozems, use no more than 20 t/ha.

It is important to note that there are no exact rates for applying fertilizers; it all depends on the quality of the soil, its acidity, and fertility. In order to find out the exact numbers, it is worth doing a soil analysis, it will show what the soil lacks and what it has in abundance.

The application rates for winter wheat also depend on what kind of crop the farmer intends to obtain. With a harvest of 10 c/ha, plants will take an average of 37 kg of nitrogen, 13 kg of phosphorus and 21 kg of potassium from the ground. It is this amount that needs to be replenished throughout the entire growing season of the crop so that the land does not become depleted.

Do not forget that when fertilizing the soil for the winter, before sowing it is necessary to balance its acidity; for this, lime or dolomite flour is added. But this procedure is necessary only on acidic soils.

In spring and summer, mineral substances are usually used; they are easier to work with. For spring feeding, which is carried out no later than March, nitrogen mixtures are used. An average of 45 kg of ammonium nitrate is taken per 1 hectare. In summer you can use carbamide (urea).

Urea is a universal fertilizer for winter wheat. It can be used during the period of bush formation, flowering, booting, heading - that is, at different periods of development. If urea is applied to the ground, then an average of 150 kg/ha is required. In the case of watering and irrigating crops, solutions of different concentrations are used:

  • in spring – 20%;
  • during the flowering period – 20%;
  • during the period of going on the phone – 11%;
  • during heading - 8% solution.

Fertilizer technology

Depending on the type of winter wheat feeding, it can be used in different ways. In the case of sowing a winter species, the area is fertilized from the end of August. Then the procedure is repeated in the first half of September. Organic matter and minerals are always added to the soil in the fall before wheat is planted. In this case, the soil is thoroughly plowed and left for a week or two.

In the spring, you can use a very simple method. Fertilizers (ammonium nitrate and phosphorus-potassium mixtures, if they were not applied in the fall) are laid directly on top of the not yet melted snow in early spring. Only in this case, a double dose of nitrogen substances is used, and phosphorus and potassium are taken no more than the norm! The fact is that nitrogen is a volatile substance; while the snow melts, it can evaporate. If you lay down a double norm, then, together with the melting of the snow, the fat will saturate the earth and young wheat sprouts to the fullest.

Urea or urea can be used in different ways. When fertilizing the soil, you just need to sprinkle it on the soil and water it generously. You can also use root and foliar fertilizers for plants. They are used in cloudy weather, but it is important that there is no rain if foliar feeding!