How to make an unusual decorative fireplace with your own hands. Do-it-yourself false fireplace: step-by-step instructions for a plasterboard fireplace Do-it-yourself small decorative fireplace

The article is intended to help the reader understand how to make a decorative fireplace. Disassembled below different varieties materials, two step-by-step master classes are offered.

For ease of reading, the article is divided into several chapters:

  • review of materials;
  • finishing tips;
  • two master classes on creating a decorative false fireplace with your own hands from plasterboard and plywood;

In conclusion, a short overview of the most popular models of ready-made fireplaces is provided.

In a classic interior

The purpose of decorative fireplaces

Several decades ago, the fireplace served as a source of heating in the house; for a long time, wood and coal were burned in it to heat the room. Now there is no need for it - more modern and ergonomic heating systems they left him no chance to compete, making him a relic of the past.

Decorative fireplace in the living room interior

The need for such visualization of heat still exists in humans. Not every house and apartment allows the installation of a fireplace, so decorative false fireplaces have come to the rescue. It will not give a completely natural smell and fire, but it can create a pleasant atmosphere of comfort in the room.

Important: False fireplaces have no restrictions on their use - they can be installed in absolutely any room. Store model range has a huge number of proposals that are used indoors and on verandas or gazebos.

In a big house

What to make a decorative portal for a fireplace with your own hands - advantages and disadvantages of materials

A decorative portal for a fireplace is made from a wide range of materials:

  • drywall;
  • brick;
  • foam;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • polyurethane.

In black


Drywall consists of pressed sheets of gypsum, fastened with strong cardboard on the sides. The material is used in construction, it is perfect for making a decorative fireplace from plasterboard with your own hands (false fireplace). It is used in the construction of partitions in apartments and private houses, and in the installation of ceilings.

In a painted room

The main advantages of a decorative portal for a fireplace made of plasterboard include:

  • ease of work;
  • light weight;
  • low price.

Drywall is cut with an ordinary stationery knife and secured with screws. The surface can be puttied and painted with any paint, and if handled correctly, structures made from it are almost eternal.

In the bedroom

Important: Light weight will allow you to make a fireplace without weight restrictions. The plasterboard frame is lightweight and will not create any pressure on the supporting elements of the floor and walls. Low cost is obtained from the low cost of the sheet - 1 square meter costs 300-400 rubles, and consumables cheap to build.

The disadvantages include:

  • fragility;
  • low resistance to moisture;
  • “disposability” of the material.

If the surface protective layer is damaged, drywall quickly crumbles. Easily penetrated by hand or foot. You can get rid of this by tightly fastening the sheets and placing profiles more frequently, but this greatly damages the fireplace. Moisture quickly destroys plaster. Protect the sheets from any damp places.

Fireplace made of plaster

Important: If the cut is incorrect or broken, the drywall will have to be completely replaced. It cannot be glued or twisted, because errors in calculations are costly.


The brick represents classic material for ordinary fireplaces - it is temperature resistant, durable and has a very noble appearance. For false fireplaces, such properties do not matter, but a decorative element from it allows you to decorate the room. Brick:

  • durable;
  • resistant to moisture, temperature and mechanical damage;
  • relatively easy to work with.

With decorative trim

Indoors, brick is almost eternal. In rare cases where the chosen brick was extremely low quality, it begins to crumble, but, in lately This doesn't happen often. High-quality masonry does not allow water to pass through and will not fall apart even from the strongest blows.

Brick is quite convenient to lay - all you need is a little experience and fairly cheap tools. An ordinary decorative portal rarely requires any major design changes and is made in one day. Difficulties arise when working with used bricks, but for decorative elements we recommend using new ones.

The disadvantages include:

  • high weight;
  • demands for support;
  • high cost.

Decorative firewood for the fireplace

High weight is the main negative property - the finished structure has a large mass, which puts pressure on the surrounding supports. From this same quality there is a second disadvantage - you need a durable floor that can withstand future decoration.

Important: The cost is comparatively higher than other materials, taking into account that the walls of the structure are entirely made of brick.

Foam plastic

Foam plastic is foamed plastic, which is an excellent material for making a decorative fireplace with your own hands. Foam has large number applications - from insulating houses due to its low thermal conductivity to packaging equipment due to its softness. It is used as decoration in any area - it is flexible and easy to use.

The advantages include:

  • easy processing;
  • very light weight;
  • moisture resistance.

From foam plastic

The foam sheet can be given any shape. It is processed with a knife and a hacksaw. Using grained sheets they create similar imitations of stucco or other decorative effects. The low weight is due to the peculiarity of the material - more than half of the volume is pores, due to which low weight is achieved with a large size.

Important: Polystyrene foam does not get wet - it repels water perfectly. In rare cases, grained foam breaks down when exposed to water - this happens due to the use of weak glue to hold the individual grains together.

In the red room

Main disadvantages:

  • is destroyed under the influence of various chemicals;
  • brittle;
  • ignites easily.

Most adhesives and paints melt it - the foam structure quickly collapses under the influence of aerosols, nitrates and solvents. Paint polystyrene foam with water or acrylic paints, fasten – special glue.

The fragility is due to the structure. A small impact is enough to break it. A decorative fireplace made from it will be quite brittle, which requires special care in handling. The low mass of the finished product will lead to the need for additional strengthening.

Decorative portal

Important: We must remember - polystyrene foam, like other flammable plastic materials, ignites quite easily. Its combustion temperature is much lower than that of wood, which can lead to a fire if the temperature of the candle or heating elements is low.

laminated chipboard

Laminated wood particle board is a pressed mass of wood with additional protective coating. It is processed wood chips that are pressed and glued together under high pressure. Lamination gives any appearance.

The main advantages of fireplace portals made of laminated chipboard include:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of use.

False fireplace in an interior made of chipboard

Chipboard is similar to wood, therefore all the main advantages come from it. It is quite difficult to break, and it is quite convenient to place the slabs - you just need to cut them into required sizes and twist them together. The weight depends on the specific slab and its thickness, but to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands, use slabs of small thickness.

The main disadvantages are:

  • low resistance of cuts to water;
  • complex surface treatment with various paints.

The adhesive used in the process of gluing boards is quite easily destroyed when exposed to water. Moisture extremely quickly destroys the bonds between the chips, which becomes a big problem for the finished structure. Water enters through cut or chipped areas, which forces them to be additionally protected from environmental conditions.

In the interior of the room

Laminate flooring is difficult to paint. It represents polymer layer, which is difficult to paint with alkyd, acrylic and water-based paints - they do not adhere to it, peeling off as a film. Laminated chipboard requires additional coating for decoration.


Polyurethane contains a large number of materials - from liquid and viscous mixtures to completely solid plastics. The material is used in any construction process - a huge number of shapes and textures contribute to this. To make a false fireplace with your own hands, polyurethane is perfect.

Made from polyurethane

The advantages of decorative portals for false fireplaces made of polyurethane include:

  • moisture resistance;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • unlike polystyrene foam, it is more resistant to various solvents.

Polyurethane is not afraid of water - it does not get wet and does not lose its properties. It is used as waterproofing for various pipes, which constantly release condensation. It does not require maintenance - in extremely rare cases the surface becomes dirty.

A different structure allows you to paint it with absolutely any paint and not be limited in the use of various adhesives and aerosols. Polyurethane is resistant and can be used outdoors.

In a private house

Main negative sides are:

  • easy flammability;
  • light weight of the material.

Polyurethane only needs the fire of a match or a cigarette to melt - it is not much different from polyethylene in this regard. There are special reinforced sheets on sale, but their use is comparable in cost to more natural materials. For some types of false fireplaces this is important - an accidental spark from the wiring can burn half of the property.

Polyurethane fireplace option

Light weight requires additional fastening of the structure, which is not always convenient, especially when the room already has a ready-made renovation. This is compensated for by the heavier filling.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a fireplace in an apartment - portal finishing options

Finish is individual solution. The fireplace is covered with decorative brick tiles or painted to resemble lime or marble - the absence of a real fire leaves a lot of room for imagination.

Idea: For brick fireplaces, it is permissible not to use finishing - the brick itself has a natural look, but it is not difficult to complement it by painting or decorative elements.

White brick

Most materials require additional processing before decoration - chipboard or polystyrene foam. Otherwise, various surface defects will be extremely noticeable and will spoil the appearance of the product.

Do-it-yourself decorative fireplace made of plasterboard - photo, step-by-step instructions

The master class explains how to properly create a false fireplace with your own hands from plasterboard. Step-by-step instructions and photos are presented later in the article.

The main idea of ​​a decorative fireplace is to create a kind of shelf for equipment and camouflage various wires. Since there are no special requirements for it, ordinary drywall is used, which will be attached to the frame.

For work you will need materials:

  • plasterboard for sheathing;
  • metal profiles – wide and narrow;
  • drywall screws;
  • decorative brick;
  • tabletop - for the top of the fireplace.
Designation View Har-ka Application Cardboard color Marking color
on the back side on the front side
GKL Regular Used in buildings and rooms with dry and normal conditions grey grey blue
GKLO With increased resistance to impact open flame They differ from conventional ones by special reinforcing additives in the core material grey pink red
GKLV Moisture resistant Differs from conventional ones by using hydrophobic additives It is used like conventional gypsum plasterboards, in rooms with high humidity, providing exhaust ventilation and subject to protection of the front surface, for example: waterproofing, waterproof primers, paints, ceramic tiles green green blue
GKLVO Moisture-resistant with increased resistance to open flames They differ from conventional ones in the combination of properties of GKLO and GKLV green green red

Advice: The brick is selected to taste. Almost all of them have the same thickness and are distinguished by color and texture. The best option is to buy individual bricks - the plates can be large for a false fireplace, and they will have to be cut.

A fireplace countertop is optional. Instead, use any other material - the fireplace portal will not suffer from this. You will need wood for the back wall - it will be removable to provide convenient access to the sockets hidden behind it.

Tools you will find useful:

  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • square;
  • spatula for attaching decorative bricks;
  • metal scissors.

You can’t leave out absolutely anything from the list of tools - they all represent the basic minimum, without which it will be impossible to do the job. A square and a level are required in order to create smooth walls and surface - a crooked fireplace will look extremely unsightly.

Frame installation

The process of installing a portal for a decorative fireplace is divided into several steps, see step-by-step photo instructions:

1. Work begins with the installation of the frame for the fireplace portal. To do this, assemble a base of four profiles. At this stage, narrow profiles are fixed as the bottom, into which transverse ones will subsequently be inserted.

2. The next step is to strengthen the vertical profiles. Cut their side parts to the required length, and screw the screws into a wide plane.

3. Attach the profiles for the main skin. They are fixed by analogy with the previous ones.

4. The floor is additionally reinforced with several horizontal profiles, which allow you to create a flat area for future decorative firewood for the fireplace.

5. The last step is to cover the horizontal elements and simulate a pipe that will hide the wires from the TV.


The cladding will be made of plasterboard. Cut it exactly to size construction knife. Start doing this from any side, sequentially go through 3 layers - 2 layers of cardboard and plaster. For convenience, make a margin of 3-4mm, which will then be cut off with a knife.

The work starts from the ground up:

6. After the horizontal part is attached, add one more vertical stripe on each side - they will provide a stronger foundation.

7. Next, we begin to sheathe the sides. All sheets are screwed on with screws. The length of the screws should not be too long (3 mm) - it is enough to simply secure the sheet in the profile.

8. The next step is to secure the front sheets. Make a curved sheet - it will serve as a ceiling for the “firebox” of the false fireplace. To do this, make shallow cuts on one side of the sheet - it will be screwed to the ceiling.

9. After that, screw the last sheets and proceed to the next step.

Finishing an imitation fireplace in an apartment

TO finishing Do-it-yourself decorative fireplace made of plasterboard includes facing it with brick and securing the countertop. The tabletop is attached like a regular kitchen one - with latches. Decorating with bricks is done with special glue and a spatula. Start from the bottom level.

10. We finish the transitions on the false fireplace with foam stucco molding, which is selected according to size. It is an ordinary plinth that is attached with glue. Finishing is done from the bottom up, which allows the bricks to be placed more densely.

11. Create a backsplash for the fireplace. Any sheet of not too thick plywood on which the brick will be placed is suitable for it.

12. The end of the finishing will be a narrow baseboard, which will create a narrow transition between the finishing and the countertop.

As a final step, decorate the structure with logs, placing them in an imitation firebox. The upper shelf is used to install various equipment.

How to make a false fireplace with your own hands - step-by-step photo instructions from plywood with a mirror

As part of the master class, we will tell you how to make a false fireplace with your own hands (step-by-step instructions with photos are attached) from plywood, wooden blocks and a mirror. The dimensions of the finished structure are 1100 mm in height, 220 mm in depth and 900 mm in width.

The structure is made entirely of wood, with a mirror inserted on the back wall. The wall behind the fireplace will serve as it.

Materials you will need:

  • plywood 2mm thick;
  • bars, 20x40mm;
  • board, 40x220mm;
  • wooden corners;
  • metal corners;
  • mirror;
  • dye.

Plywood and bars are made from any wood - it is advisable that they be sanded in advance. There are no special requirements for the board, the main thing is that its surface is smooth. The dimensions of the mirror depend on the desired characteristics; 600x400 mm will be more than enough.

Tools you will need:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill or drill bit for a screwdriver;
  • brushes for painting.

Frame installation

Assembling the frame is not very labor-intensive - all the main guides should be on the edges of the proposed sheets. It is advisable, before you start making a false fireplace with your own hands according to our step-by-step instructions with photos, to develop a rough drawing that will allow you to navigate the dimensions of the structure.

1. The beams are fastened together with metal squares and wood screws - their strength is enough for the frame of a false fireplace.

2. Prepare horizontal guides for the shelves. They are attached as follows.

3. The shape of the squares does not matter - any that were at hand are used. The most important thing is leveling - use a level at all stages of frame assembly. After assembling the proposed frame, place the mirror. This is done with siding screws.

On last stage It is not superfluous to cut plywood. Accuracy is not so important - deviations of up to 2-4mm are permissible, since all joints will be covered with corners.


This stage of installation of a false fireplace can be carried out by any suitable paint. It is worth painting in a thin layer, after first removing the sheets of plywood from the frame - this will make it extremely difficult to stain the surrounding walls.

Advice: We recommend showing the texture of the wood after a thick coat in the following way: take any rag and rub it over the still wet paint. Part of the surface layer will transfer to the rag and expose the texture. Do not use felt or cotton fabric - it will leave a lot of lint on the surface.

After drying, attach all the sheets to the frame of the false fireplace portal.

4. Glue the sheets to the frame


The decor for a false fireplace is considered to be corners that will hide cosmetic defects of plywood, various strips and building decorative panels. We recommend starting work from the corners.

5. Thin wood splits when twisted with a screw, therefore, before screwing the corner, drill a hole in it with a drill slightly smaller than the diameter of the screw.

6. After this, the screw is tightened, attaching the corner.

7. A strip is attached to the top of the fireplace, to which the corners are screwed in advance. It allows you to hide the joint of plywood sheets.

8. For additional decor, it was purchased in the store construction panel. It has the appearance of stucco and is pre-painted. It is attached by screwing from the inside of the sheet.

9. After this, arrange the remaining decorative elements: candles, garlands or paintings. Place logs under the bottom shelf.

Options for purchased decorative fireplaces

Decorative fireplaces are taking over the home decor market in a big way. Ready-made solutions are portable, and the main operating principle is a system of mirrors with lamps and sound effects.

All offered fireplaces are divided into two functional groups:

  • with heating;
  • without him.

Cozy atmosphere

The first option plays the role of not only a decorative element, but also a heater - heating elements or other heaters are installed in them, which, with the help of a fan system, allow heating the room. Do not purchase cheap Chinese solutions - they are dangerous for the apartment in terms of fire safety and place a large load on the electrical network. Take this into account, because often the heat from it becomes unnoticeable against the background of the electricity consumed.

The second option is completely decorative and has no benefit other than decorative effect for the premises. In such fireplaces, various fire imitation systems are used: from ordinary lamps and multi-colored flaps to full-fledged screens, it all depends on the budget and imagination of the manufacturer.

False fireplaces in the living room interior - photos of 12 more ideas

With a mirror

Decorative firewood for the fireplace

In white tone

False fireplace in a Provence style interior

Country style

Modern classics

Decorative plasterboard

With candles

In the dining room

In a bright room


Near the plants

A fireplace is a symbol of home, warmth and comfort. But modern fireplace- it is rather not a source of heat, but an interior item conducive to a romantic pastime.

Flickering flames, the crackling of burning fires, a cozy chair, a warm blanket - what else is needed for relaxation and a pleasant, leisurely conversation.

But, as you know, it is not possible to install a fireplace in an apartment for a number of reasons.

Decorative false fireplace has become an excellent invention of designers, which has found a place in many modern apartments.

Today we’ll talk about options for installing a false fireplace and decorating it.

  1. False fireplaces can only loosely resemble a real hearth. The “firebox” is decorated with candles, stacked logs, a picture of fire, and much more.
  2. The second option for installing a false fireplace is a portal for installing an electric fireplace, which imitates a flame and looks more like a real one.
  3. And finally, the biofireplace is a modern invention using safe fuel. The burning flame of a bio-fireplace and logs made of heat-resistant ceramics will imitate a real hearth as much as possible.

False fireplace made of plasterboard

The simplest and cheap way false fireplace devices are the construction of a portal structure made of plasterboard. It can be placed against the wall opposite the sofa area, where the TV will subsequently be located, or you can arrange a corner false fireplace in a separate seating area. A false fireplace finds its place in the bedroom, in the nursery, and in the office.

To install a fireplace portal, you will need metal guides or wooden blocks, drywall, screws and a screwdriver. Marking dimensions on the wall future design, according to the completed drawing, we build a frame and cover it with gypsum fiber sheets.

The dimensions of the portal are individual and depend on the final purpose of the structure. If the mantelpiece will be a place to install a TV, then the height of the fireplace with the shelf should not exceed valid values for comfortable viewing.

It is individual for each room, depending on the distance from the TV to the place where it is viewed and on the size of the diagonal of the screen, but, as a rule, does not exceed one meter.

Decorating the false fireplace portal

Making a false fireplace from plasterboard is extremely simple. The difficulty lies in decorating the box. To decorate fireplaces, plastering and painting, stone cladding, tiles, and heat-resistant tiles are traditionally used. In our case, the false fireplace will not heat up, so we don’t need a heat-resistant finish; we’ll focus on the decorativeness of the finish.

False fireplace in antique style. The portal was finished with polyurethane molding.

Now on sale you can see a large assortment of this material - columns, cornices, pilasters, rosettes with smooth and embossed texture.

The next type of finish is imitation brickwork. This could be brick tiles or brick-like wallpaper.

A fireplace that combines stone and wood looks great. The design is solid, even massive, and will take pride of place in a respectable living room.

An additional decorative element can be a glass screen covering the “firebox”. Add accessories to the composition in the form of a fireplace set and a firewood rack, and your false fireplace will look as much like a real source of heat and fire as possible.

A corner false fireplace made of plasterboard, decorated with artificial stone, is an interior decoration in a modern style.

Fireplaces can be wall-mounted, built-in or island. Here we see a built-in bio-fireplace. The wall is lined with decorative artificial stone.

And here it is unusual shape A high-tech fireplace can inspire you to create an individual design.

To install a fireplace, you can purchase a ready-made portal made of natural or artificial stone. The photo shows a portal made of white marble.

An interesting use of a false fireplace for storing books and documents. The aged, seemingly worn surface of the portal is an element of vintage style.

Often an imitation fireplace is built to create an accent in a room. A white portal against a background of a bright wall or vice versa - a bright element against a light background will attract attention and become the center of the overall composition.

A false fireplace decorated with candles and attributes of Christmas and New Year will make the holiday special, filling the house with warmth and the anticipation of a fairy tale.

Rack imitating a fireplace. At the bottom there are candles, on the top shelf there are trinkets dear to the heart and a framed family photo.

A “firebox” filled with real firewood is an interesting design find that will undoubtedly decorate the interior of the living room.

A false fireplace made of boards stacked on top of each other. You can achieve a “striped” façade using various wood impregnations. An eco-friendly and very attractive design is a bold, extraordinary solution.

An imitation of a fireplace in a children's room in the form of a toy rack is the center of the composition. Over time, you can hang a mirror above the mantelpiece, the shelf will turn into dressing table for a grown girl.

And this fireplace is made of cardboard. Don't believe me? But that's true. Usage non-standard materials V recent years became fashionable direction in interior design.

In place of the fireplace insert, you can hang a reproduction with an image of a fire or make a drawing on a plastered surface in the style of a fresco. This decision is reminiscent of the fairy tale about Pinocchio, where in Papa Carlo’s closet a fireplace was painted on the wall, behind which a secret door was hidden. And who knows, perhaps happiness will come to your home, and not fabulous, but real: it will warm your souls, fill the house with warmth and a pleasant atmosphere.

Useful video

Evening by the burning fireplace... What could be more romantic? But for most people living in city apartments, this is just a dream. However, if you can’t install a real one, then try making a decorative fireplace with your own hands, which will become an interior decoration. You can create a false fireplace from plasterboard, brick, artificial stone, or even cardboard using old boxes.

Interior matching

A false fireplace that matches the interior will not only serve as decoration, but will also make the room more stylish. Before you build your fireplace, following the master class, you need to decide on its appearance. Experts advise:

  1. For a room in classic style choose a corner false fireplace or square shape. As a decoration, you can make bas-reliefs or decor with artificial stones on it. It is recommended to finish it like marble or brick.
  2. If the apartment is dominated by country style, then it is advisable to make an imitation of a rough rustic fireplace made of brick or natural stone. The fireplace can be mounted in a corner or installed so that it is visible when entering the house.
  3. Fans of high-tech are recommended to make a false fireplace with sharp corners and finishing with mirror elements.
  4. The modern style allows you to make a false fireplace of any shape, but will require glossy materials for cladding. Such a corner fireplace installed close to the light source will look great.

Material selection

Having decided on the appearance of the fireplace, you need to choose the appropriate material. If you look at the recommendations of master classes, then each type of false fireplace is recommended to be made only from a certain material. But you shouldn’t follow everything the master class advises and spend extra money. You can create a great imitation from what is available:

  1. Drywall. Many people have pieces of drywall left over from renovations at home, and they are quite suitable for making a decorative element of the interior. Drywall is easy to process, and parts of any shape can be cut from it. Expenses will only be required for fasteners.
  2. Cardboard. The cheapest material is cardboard; you don’t even need to purchase it. You can ask for empty cardboard boxes at any store. The advantages of cardboard are that you don’t even need to study a master class to work with it. It’s enough to use your imagination, giving cardboard sheets any shape you like using glue and tape.
  3. Tree. Not every craftsman can make a hearth out of wood. In this case, certain woodworking skills will be required. But a budget option would be to remake an old chipboard cabinet. No master class is needed here, because anyone who knows how to use a jigsaw and a hacksaw can handle this work.
  4. Brick. Real brick requires certain skills, and not everyone can create an original false fireplace from this material. But many master classes recommend using fake facing bricks made of plasterboard or papier-mâché. Even a beginner can handle false bricks, and the product will look great.

How to make interior decoration

Beginners and experienced craftsmen are offered step-by-step instructions on how to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands from various materials.


In addition to sheets of drywall, you will need:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • metal profile;
  • facing material: false brick, decorative paper, artificial stones, etc.

You also need to purchase dowels and simple nails of various sizes.

  1. On a piece of paper, draw a sketch with exact proportions.
  2. Transfer the drawing details onto drywall and cut out.

Advice! If you plan to cut drywall with a knife, you should not immediately cut through the entire sheet of drywall - you may end up with uneven edges. It is better to first trace the contours of the drawing with a blade, partially cutting the sheet, and then make a full cut.

  1. Make a mark on the wall where the false fireplace will be installed and mark the places for fastenings. If you plan to make a corner hearth, then you should take into account that the structure will be secured only after complete assembly. In all other cases, it is possible to assemble directly on the wall.
  2. Cut the metal profile according to the marks on the wall and secure it with nails or dowels.
  3. The master class requires you to check the drawing in order to secure the plasterboard parts to the metal profile using self-tapping screws.
  4. After that we do the decor - and the house decoration is ready!


The instructions for making a hearth from cardboard are extremely simple. For this you will need:

  • cardboard boxes;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • simple pencil.

It is better to prepare more boxes so that the necessary raw materials are always at hand.

  1. Choose the largest and most stable box that will serve as the fireplace base.
  2. First draw a sketch on a sheet of paper, and then transfer it to a full-size box and cut it according to the sketch. If you wish, you can make a corner false fireplace, but then you will have to cut the cardboard diagonally and glue it additional details. If the corner option is chosen, then it is recommended to secure all the joints of the inserts well with a stapler and glue them with tape.
  3. Attach the resulting structure to the wall using tape.
  4. Decorate. For cardboard, it is permissible to use only lightweight materials, for example, wallpaper depicting marble or brickwork.


The master class for chipboard and other wood materials is generally similar to that offered for drywall, but differs in some features:

  1. Cutting chipboard blanks is done using a jigsaw or hacksaw.
  2. To make it easier to fasten structures with self-tapping screws for a screwdriver, it is recommended to drill holes in the chipboard sheet with a drill.

If you have little experience working with wood, then when using chipboard (remaking old wardrobe or chest of drawers) you can get a cheap, durable and beautiful fireplace for your home.

No matter how beautifully a decorative fireplace is decorated with your own hands, without imitation fire it will look unfinished. You can simulate a flame in several ways:

Do you want to have a fireplace, but it’s not possible? Not scary. Thanks to detailed master class, your skills and imagination, a false fireplace will become a worthy interior decoration, creating in the house special atmosphere warmth and comfort.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to install a fully functioning fireplace in an apartment. In this aspect, owners of private houses are luckier. It is quite possible to build a fireplace there, especially if you provide for it at the design stage of the structure itself. But the inhabitants of apartments in modern multi-storey buildings there is a worthy alternative: they can make a decorative fireplace with their own hands. This will create a relaxing and cozy atmosphere in the interior of the room.

Decorative fireplaces are divided into the following groups:

  • symbolic. Any material can be used to create them. The peculiarity of such a decorative fireplace in an apartment is its dissimilarity with the usual fireplace. An example is his image on the wall, decorated with decorative paraphernalia;

  • conditional. Thanks to the self-made portal protruding from the wall, this type of fireplace is very reminiscent of a real one. At the same time, you can decorate it as you wish, for example, by placing firewood or candles in the firebox;
  • reliable. This is an option for the most complete imitation of a fireplace in an apartment, in compliance with the principles of design and the corresponding dimensions of the structure. To create the effect of a real flame, the inside of the pseudo-firebox is equipped with a bioburner. The impressive price of this option is offset by its extreme realism.

You can make a decorative fireplace with your own hands from a variety of materials. Moreover, any such design is characterized by ease of implementation. The materials you will need can be purchased at any hardware store or hardware store, and a number of them can be found even at home.

Making a fireplace with your own hands from boxes

It is noteworthy that from this material it is possible to create a portal for an electric fireplace with your own hands, and not just a purely decorative design. Of course, this option excludes the installation of a gas burner due to the presence of an open flame, which can cause a fire. It is impossible to place a heat exchange fireplace with a casing and a water boiler in it due to the fact that cardboard can catch fire due to overheating, and because of the bulkiness of the final structure. For the same reasons, it is unacceptable to install an electric fireplace with a built-in heating function and an open firebox yourself.

From the above, we can draw the following conclusion: only an electric fireplace with flame imitation using backlighting or on an LCD screen can be installed in a structure made from boxes.

Useful advice! To make it look more like a real fireplace, decorate the boxed product with decorative plaster or paint it with acrylic paint.

The only drawback of such structures is their lightness. Therefore, fastening homemade fireplace from the boxes you need to carry it to the floor or wall.

This material allows you to realize a wide variety of design ideas. Today there are several style directions for a DIY fireplace made from boxes in an apartment.

Modern. Decorating a fireplace portal in this style involves a variety of colors and textures, a combination of antique decorative elements (rosettes, stucco molding, etc.) and modern forms. This fireplace will harmonize perfectly with almost any interior.

Hi-tech. This style suggests a kind of futurism. Therefore, in in this case To create a fireplace in an apartment with your own hands, ultra-modern materials such as plexiglass and steel are used. It would seem, what does cardboard boxes have to do with it? However, even from them you can make a fireplace in a modern style. It is enough to give it an interesting geometric shape and paint it steel or black, and simply insert a mirror into the firebox. Laying glass on the mantelpiece is also allowed.

Classic. This style is always in fashion. A minimum of additional decorations, strict lines - you can install such a fireplace in absolutely any apartment.

Country. Many of our contemporaries prefer the rustic style. What makes these fireplaces different is that they are made from natural stone. To give a boxed product this look, just cover it with self-adhesive wallpaper or film with a stone print, and be sure to place firewood in the firebox.

What materials and tools will you need to make your own fireplace from cardboard?

It is clear that first of all it is necessary to have several large cardboard boxes. In addition, in this case, to create an imitation fireplace, you will need to buy:

  • glue for connecting boxes together;
  • polymer-based glue;
  • paint suitable for working with cardboard “building materials” (usually water-based);
  • gold paint in a can;
  • colorless version of varnish;
  • ceiling molding;

  • brushes and sponges;
  • masking tape and tape;
  • ruler, level, measuring instruments.

Let us briefly consider the question of how to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands. The length of the base is about 120, and the height is 50 mm. The main part is constructed from a cardboard box and covered with tape. As a result, you need to get a blank that looks like a dollhouse. The portal is also created from cardboard. To simplify the work, opt for the option that has a solid back wall.

Note! When drawing cutting lines for a cardboard box, do not use felt-tip pens or markers. They will show through the paint and ruin the whole look.

The front part of the portal is made of a piece of cardboard in the form of a strip. Then the combustion part is cut out. Scotch tape is used to connect all the parts together.

Next, the top shelf is created. It is necessary to understand that the strength of an artificial fireplace created by yourself is determined by the quality of this particular element. To prevent the installation of heavy objects on the top shelf from deforming it, it is necessary to glue several layers of cardboard together. And to give this part rigidity, press it until it dries completely. The top shelf is fixed to the portal using polymer-based glue. Then the joints between all parts of the fireplace are sealed using masking tape.

The process of decorating a homemade decorative fireplace made of cardboard is the most enjoyable and easiest of all the work involved in its manufacture. One of the most attractive options is the use of stucco. But most often, moldings or baguettes made of foam plastic are used to frame the fireplace.

Making your own brick fireplace

This material is used to ensure similarity appearance designs with a traditional fireplace. Usually decorative or facing bricks are used. Laying must be done according to a previously drawn up drawing or sketched order. Execute this type construction can only be done by a master with experience in masonry work.

Decorative brick fireplace V additional finishing doesn't need it. This material itself looks very original. To decorate the structure of this type Wooden shelves and real logs will do. And a special romantic atmosphere will reign in the apartment when a brick false fireplace with candles is built in it.

What is live fire? Types of fireplaces with 3D fire effect. Features of choosing electric fireplaces. Rules for installing an electric fireplace.

The brick laying for the fireplace is decent. Before moving on to the next row, it is advisable to give the previous one time to dry. Be sure to wipe the face of the brick.

A gap of 5 millimeters must be left between all metal components and the brick. Place an asbestos cord of the same width in it. The gap is left in order to prevent damage to the structure of the dummy fireplace caused by different linear expansion coefficients of metal and brick.

Pay attention! The jointing of the masonry should be done immediately. Then there will be no need for additional finishing.

To decorate the structure, it will be enough to install a mantelpiece made of hardwood. How budget option– shelf made of foamed concrete. An electronic portal with the functions of simulating live fire and sound can be installed inside the combustion hole. Of course, using such a homemade brick fireplace for heating is impossible, but visual perception“dancing” flames will bring a touch of real warmth to the room.

Creation of decorative fireplaces from plaster

Gypsum is one of the most practical and at the same time cheap materials for the construction and decoration of false fireplaces. It is safe for health because it is environmentally friendly. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture in the room and, conversely, release it if the air there is very dry. The plasticity of this material makes it easy to decorate the surface of the product.

A plaster fireplace portal can be decorated with elements that match the interior style specific premises. Wide range of options available to choose from artistic treatment such a design is the main advantage of this material from the point of view of implementation design ideas. For example, its surface can be decorated with alfresco painting or covered with gold, imitation marble or wood, tinted using acrylic or water-based paint in any color.

The answer to the question of how to make a decorative fireplace portal from plaster depends on what type of plaster the homeowner chooses. According to the criterion “manufacturing method,” experts distinguish two main types of such structures:

  • profiled. Separate elements of decorative framing are attached to the profile: cuttings, pilasters, moldings, friezes, rods;
  • sculptural. It involves the use of such sculptural elements as atlases, bas-reliefs and caryatids.

A good help when choosing will be to study photos of imitation fireplaces with a plaster portal.

Features of making a corner false fireplace from plasterboard

In accordance with the name, such a decorative fireplace is placed in the corner of the room. Thus, the floor and two interlocking walls serve as supports for the structure. Usage plasterboard sheets allows you to give the fireplace smooth and curved shapes and fit it perfectly into the interior of your apartment.

And in this embodiment, the final product is often equipped with an upper shelf. By placing objects on it decorative purposes, the owner will bring a touch of sophistication and originality to the home.

The following advantages of this design solution can be highlighted:

  • saving indoor space;
  • in almost any room you can find a free corner and place a false fireplace in it;
  • This placement allows you to increase the size of the corner fireplace. Thanks to this, the decorative component of the home’s interior will increase;
  • installing a false fireplace in the corner does not create obstacles to moving around the room;
  • any home handyman will be able to mount the design of a corner decorative fireplace with his own hands. Photos of this product will be best assistant when carrying out such work. To increase the level of visual appeal, decorate the corner raised stove with natural or ceramic tiles, etc. In addition, elements made of polyurethane and gypsum can be used for decoration, for example, in the form of columns.

Pay attention! One of the most common design solutions is to install a false stove in the corner opposite front door. Then the decorative fireplace will become the central accent of the interior.

What tools and materials will be needed to make a false fireplace from plasterboard?

Beginners who do not know how to make an artificial fireplace portal from plasterboard should listen to the recommendations of professionals. The main advice is formulated as follows: before starting work, you need to decide on the design of the product and create a drawing. It is this scheme that will allow you to calculate the approximate amount of materials.

Typically for the case you will need:

  • drywall. It is sold in sheets of different sizes;
  • metal profile. A frame is created from it;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • putty and primer;
  • cladding material.

The basis for fastening the elements of the fireplace portal is a metal profile made of galvanized sheet. During installation, several types of such products are used: arched, guide, rack, corner profiles.

To build a frame, you should have the following tools at hand:

  • grinder - angle grinder;
  • level, preferably laser;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • long ruler and tape measure;
  • square

Beginning of work on the installation of a corner false fireplace made of plasterboard

The choice of installation location is made taking into account the following factors:

  • distance from other objects. Placing the structure near cabinets and other furniture is not best solution. A fireplace will not look good here;

  • the presence of free space - in it the fireplace attracts the attention of others more;
  • away from the windows. Even a decorative fireplace is always associated with warmth. And close window opening such an association may be broken.

Having chosen a place, we draw a drawing. It should display the parameters of each element of the false oven. There are two options here: choose from the Web already ready plan or create a drawing yourself. In favor of the first, it says that you will definitely be confident in the correctness of the indicated numbers characterizing the dimensions of all parts of the structure.

Having made the drawing, we apply markings to the floor and walls. Having done this, check all lines for level. Even the slightest irregularities must be eliminated.

Note! Before you go to a building materials store to purchase elements of the future frame, you should calculate the optimal thickness of the metal profile taking into account the magnitude of the load. Judging by eye is not acceptable.

How to install a corner decorative fireplace made of plasterboard

The occurrence of certain nuances is due to the angular location of the false oven. To assemble a frame from metal profiles, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  • install along the walls on the floor starting profile. It should converge at the corner;
  • then we build the base of the fireplace on the floor. We assemble it according to the standard scheme using guide profiles;
  • along the lines in the corner and along the walls we fasten the guide profile, which is included in the starting profile fixed to the floor;
  • All fastenings between profiles and walls, as well as the floor, are carried out using dowels.

The base is metal profiles of various types

Remember that the key to the strength of the entire structure is a stable and powerful foundation. After its installation, we proceed to assembling the frame and niche of the fireplace portal. First, we insert the guide profiles into the base and remove the box. After this, we fix the jumpers between the guide profiles. We connect the profiles together using metal screws. The final stage of frame installation is the laying of wires through which power will be supplied to devices that simulate a real flame.

Covering the frame and decorating the false fireplace

Plasterboard sheets are used for cladding. Meanwhile, in the context of the question of how to make a fireplace in an apartment from this material, this procedure has the following features:

  • to sheathe inner part portal and base, you will have to cut the plasterboard sheets into small pieces;
  • at this stage you will need a lot more perforated corners than the previous ones. Only with them will the created structure have ideal right angles.

In all other respects, covering the frame with plasterboard sheets is carried out according to the standard scheme. Upon completion, start decorating the fireplace with your own hands. When choosing a finishing option, you need to focus, first of all, on the design features of the living space.

Most often for outer covering are used ceramic tiles, decorative brick and artificial stone. Liquid nails or tile adhesive are used to attach finishing components. If the cladding is done with tiles of the correct shape, it is necessary to lay them so that the gaps are equal. This result can be achieved by using special plastic crosses.

However, for the final design of a decorative fireplace in an apartment in a multi-storey building, a less expensive option is allowed. For example, the use of paint or decorative plaster. In this case, the surface should be carefully treated with putty, all irregularities should be eliminated and the joints between the sheathing components should be sealed.

Important! Even a carefully cut plasterboard sheet will have jagged edges. Before puttying, they must be removed using sandpaper.

Finally, all that remains is to place an electric fireplace in the “firebox” opening. However, you can decorate the free space in accordance with your taste preferences. Yes, one of great options For classic interior is the arrangement of warm and soft lighting in the “firebox”.

In general, today there are many ideas for decorating a decorative fireplace. You can implement the proposed solutions, or come up with your own, unique one.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Photo exquisite interiors apartments or houses, the main decoration of which is a decorative fireplace, have won many hearts of connoisseurs of comfort and beauty. Creating the same interesting art object at home or in the country will not be difficult. Designers have come up with many ways to arrange an original hearth using inexpensive materials and having minimal skills.

What is a decorative fireplace

A full-fledged hearth with a chimney, firebox, and real live fire is a luxury not available to everyone. The designers suggested that an imitation fireplace would look very advantageous in home interior. Such decorative object maybe not only simple decoration, but also a functional piece of furniture - a shelf for books, CDs, home photos.

DIY decorative fireplace

Dreaming about home, you can create an artificial fireplace with your own hands or purchase a finished product. Simple decorative solution– electric false fireplace in the interior, it can be purchased at any store household appliances. An electric fireplace is suitable for rooms that require additional heating. The eco-fireplace looks interesting; it uses ethyl alcohol with the addition of bioethanol to create an even flame without smoke or soot. Bio-fireplaces are very popular in interiors; not only floor-mounted fireplaces are used, but also tabletop and wall-mounted eco-fireplaces.

From plasterboard

Ready-made bio-electrical devices, although they look attractive, do not always suit the interior, and are not affordable for everyone. Interesting solution- decorative fireplaces made of plasterboard. A custom false hearth will transform your living room without spending a lot of money. Another important advantage: you can decorate the original building in any style, using stone, brick, wood, or forging.

First, it is worth preparing a full-size drawing in order to calculate the dimensions of the structure and individual elements. In addition to plasterboard sheets, you will need metal profiles and screws for metal. Step-by-step instructions will help you implement the project:

  1. A frame made of a metal profile is attached to the wall, which will play the role of support element, the frame is made from a profile, self-tapping screws are used.
  2. The frame is covered with plasterboard.
  3. Drywall joints and places where self-tapping screws are attached are sealed with putty, leveling and sanding of the surface are carried out.
  4. The fireplace is decorated with artificial stone, ceramic tiles, it can be decorated with decorative elements made of polyurethane, and a decorative grille.

From cardboard

When you want to create an inexpensive but effective decoration on the eve of New Year's holidays, a decorative fireplace made of cardboard will ideally fulfill this role, especially if you take care of the decoration: garlands, New Year's boots, candles. You need to prepare:

  • thick cardboard (you can use packaging from household appliances);
  • construction tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • tools.

Having estimated the dimensions of the future object and prepared a drawing, you can begin to work:

  1. Using a sharp utility knife, tape, and PVA glue, a portal is created from cardboard. More difficult to perform corner fireplace. Having accurately measured the angle, you need to calculate the dimensions of the structure so that large gaps do not form between the walls and the upper tabletop.
  2. The front part of the decorative fireplace is finished with polyurethane moldings, including around the firebox.
  3. When all the parts are firmly fixed, the structure is puttied, smoothing out all the errors, and sanded.
  4. Painting is done with water-based paint.

From foam plastic

If there are materials left over from the renovation, it’s worth trying to make a decorative fireplace from polystyrene foam. You will get an inexpensive imitation of a fireplace in an apartment if you do everything correctly:

  1. Sheets of foam plastic are cut with a stationery knife: two pieces measuring 60x40 cm and two pieces measuring 40x20 cm.
  2. The blanks are glued together at right angles to the joints, smeared with PVA glue and secured with wooden toothpicks and tape on the inside.
  3. In the front part of the frame, a firebox is cut out with a knife.
  4. The frame must be primed and cleaned with fine sandpaper, paint with water-based paint.
  5. The decor is made with elegant ribbon, finishing paper, polyurethane skirting boards, moldings, decorative elements.

Made of wood

A false fireplace made of wood will be durable and functional. An accurate drawing will help to avoid mistakes and unnecessary waste of material. The frame is made from wooden beam with a cross section of 40x40 mm, plywood is used for cladding. With some experience in carpentry, such an object can be made in a few evenings:

  1. The timber is marked, and the base of the fireplace is made using wood screws. Vertical racks The dowel is attached to the wall with nails.
  2. plywood sheet 0.5-0.7 cm thick are marked and cut with a jigsaw or a hand hacksaw according to size. The sections are treated with sandpaper.
  3. Plywood is attached to wooden frame self-tapping screws, covering the base and firebox.
  4. Fireplace decor is done using finishing film, wallpaper, decorative panels, polyurethane baguettes and moldings.

Do-it-yourself imitation of fire in a fireplace

What is a fireplace without a mesmerizing flame? You can simulate a fire in a fireplace with your own hands in different ways. The simplest solution is to install lighting using a “Candle” lamp or LED strip. Interesting effect it will work if you perform a composition for which you need:

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Each branch is wrapped in foil, a layer of glue is applied on top and overlapped with lace.
  2. When the pasted branches have dried, the lace sheath is carefully removed by cutting along the branch with a stationery knife. P
  3. In the hearth, stones are laid out in a circle, in the middle of which an LED garland is installed. Openwork branches are placed vertically, at an angle, so that the lower edges rest on the stones and the upper edges touch each other. You can make the structure more durable with glue or tape.
  4. All that remains is to connect the garland and admire the flickering lights.

Artificial fire for the fireplace

There are other ways to depict artificial fire in a fireplace - both expensive and budget ones. For example, it is not difficult to simulate fire using a hologram, for which you need to purchase a picture of a flame depicted in three-dimensional format. Having installed the picture in the firebox, you need to install lighting using halogen or LED lamps. The 3D image, skillfully illuminated with flickering light, will enhance the feeling that a live fire is burning

Imitation of firewood for a fireplace

Using an LED strip or garland for illumination, you can lay out a picturesque pyramid of firewood in the firebox, masking the lighting between them. Online stores sell special artificial firewood for fireplaces made of plastic and ceramics. You just need to connect such elements to the power supply, and they will be beautifully illuminated from the inside with built-in light bulbs.

False fireplace with candles

A false fireplace with candles looks cozy in the interior. When arranging it, it is important to remember fire safety. Thick candles are installed in the firebox lined with non-combustible materials. Compositions made from candles of different heights look especially advantageous. It's nice to light the lights on winter evenings; their flickering light creates a special atmosphere of warmth and love.

Video: How to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands

Creating a false fireplace – exciting activity, even women can implement such a project. The main thing is to study the advice of experts, think carefully about the design and take care of fire safety if you plan to use live fire. The videos will help you understand the basic principles of constructing a decorative fireplace from different materials.