What material is more profitable to build a house. What materials are the cheapest to build a house from - a detailed analysis of quality and cost. Round timber construction

Anyone who wants to build a house for himself is concerned about the question of what material to choose for building walls. After all, the strength, durability and comfort of the home depend on it.

The choice of wall material directly affects the cost of building a house.

To choose wall material that you are “on the shoulder”, we will turn to FORUMHOUSE specialists for clarification.

Where does the choice of wall material begin?

Aerated concrete or warm ceramics, timber, wood concrete or frame technology ... Any novice developer when choosing a material for building a house under permanent place residence is faced with an abundance of conflicting information. It seems that there are so many materials that choosing the right one seems an impossible task. We have to narrow the scope of the search and select exactly what is needed!

According to a forum user with a nickname abysmo, it is enough to understand just ten things to decide whether to build a house. Namely:

  1. What kind of housing do you plan to build - for permanent residence or for short-term visits;
  2. What are your requirements for strength and environmental safety wall material;
  3. How quickly do you want to move in;
  4. What fuel is planned to be heated;
  5. What will the operation cost?
  6. How much are you willing to spend on construction?
  7. What building materials are available in your area;
  8. Is it possible to carry out independent work, or workers will be involved;
  9. What kind building technology and means of mechanization are available in your region of residence;
  10. Are you considering the possibility of selling the building on the secondary market.

There are no universal wall materials suitable for every project. Big or small plot, features of the region of residence, climate, personal preferences require the use of their materials.

Construction consultant's opinion Romana Nikonova:

– When choosing wall materials, it is necessary to take into account a number of technological features and protective properties material: fire resistance, durability, thermal conductivity. In addition, you should be guided by your feelings - whether you like the material or not.

In conditions middle lane Russian walls should provide good thermal protection. They must also be strong enough to withstand the weight of floors, roofs, snow and wind loads.

Snow in the conditions of the Moscow suburbs is capable of giving a load of up to 180 kg per 1 sq.m. roof surfaces. Do not forget about the fire resistance of structures.

The point of view of the expert of our forum Alexey Melnikov(nickname on the forum Lyokhin ):

- In case of violation building codes and technology, even modern and expensive wall material can be ruined.

And vice versa - a competent approach and careful planning allow, with a very limited budget, to build a reliable, practical and not so small comfortable house for permanent residence.

For your information: the cost of building a box (relative to the total construction budget) usually does not exceed 20-30%.

The following example is illustrative:

If the house is planned to be operated in the “cottage” mode, then build stone walls not profitable for the following reasons:

  1. Economic component. If the stone housing has cooled down, then upon arrival it needs a long heating. It is unprofitable to do for the sake of one or two trips a week.
  2. operational component. Irregular heating of a stone structure in winter negatively affects its durability.

What house to build. O features of wall materials

Among the most known materials used in the construction of walls, the following can be distinguished:

  • brick and warm ceramics;
  • foam concrete and aerated concrete;
  • wood;
  • frame technologies;
  • arbolit.

Consider their main features.

1. Brick and warm ceramics

The advantages of this material:

1. Strength - denoted by the letter "M". The number after the letter indicates how much load the brick can withstand. This value is expressed in kg per 1 sq.cm.

2. Durability. Brick buildings are among the most durable.

3. Environmental friendliness. Bricks are based on clay, sand and water. Due to its structure, the brick passes air well. Therefore, a favorable microclimate is established in the room, and excess moisture is removed outside. In addition, the walls accumulate heat well and then give it to the inside of the room.

4. High frost resistance. The higher the frost resistance, the more durable the building. Frost resistance is the ability of a building material to withstand freezing and thawing in a water-saturated state. The frost resistance of the material is indicated by the letter F. The numbers after the letter indicate the number of freeze and thaw cycles that the material can withstand without losing its qualities.

5. Aesthetics. A cottage built of brick can be made in any architectural style, and the masonry technology itself has been worked out for decades.

6. High degree of sound insulation. Brick walls dampen both street and interior noise well.

Despite a number of undoubted advantages, a simple brick also has significant drawbacks.

Alexey Melnikov:

– Traditional ceramic brick 250x120x65 mm in size does not meet modern heat engineering standards.

Calculations show that the required thickness of homogeneous brick walls (even for the southern latitudes of our country) is at least 1 meter.

It is possible to build a house for permanent residence with such a wall thickness, but it is not economically feasible. So the brick got its further development- in the form of such modern solution like warm ceramics.

Roman Nikonov:

– A ceramic block, or porous ceramics, is high-tech material clay based.

Thanks to the smallest pores filled with air, the ceramic stone is very warm and has a high mechanical strength. The dimensions of a block of warm ceramics exceed the dimensions of a standard brick by several times, which increases the laying speed. But warm ceramics is a rather fragile material. Therefore, for fixing any structures in a wall made of a ceramic block, it is necessary to use special anchors.

Alexander Toporov(nickname on the forum 44alex) :

– Warm ceramics have a thin-walled structure, so it is not easy to fix any heavy objects on it, and it requires an expensive special tool. After laying warm ceramics, it should either be plastered from the outside, or additionally fill the vertical seams. Before the purchase ceramic stone I recommend paying attention to the geometry of the blocks and make sure there are no cracks.

When chasing and drilling walls made of warm ceramics, you need to be very careful, otherwise you can split the block.

The main disadvantages of brick:

  • 1. High construction cost. Brick is an expensive building material, which leads to an increase in construction costs;
  • 2. The large mass of a building built of brick requires the laying of a carefully calculated, powerful and expensive foundation;
  • 3. Seasonality of construction works.

Wet processes (cooking building mixtures and water-based mortars) impose restrictions or make it impossible to lay bricks in winter.

2. Foam and aerated concrete

Today, gas and foam concrete blocks are the most common materials for building walls. This is due to a good balance in the price-quality ratio.

Alexey Melnikov:

– The advantages of such blocks are their relatively low thermal conductivity (as a result, high thermal resistance), high fire and bioresistance, ease of processing with hand and portable power tools, as well as their lightness.

It was these qualities that allowed the user of our forum with the nickname Dimastik25 independently, in one hand from aerated concrete.

- I chose aerated concrete, because it makes it possible to carry out laying independently, without the involvement of auxiliary forces.

The size of the block allows it to be laid by one person, but due to the large format of the block, the work is done quite simply, quickly and without unnecessary labor.

Even an unprepared person will be able to lay blocks on their own. No need to knead a large number of cement-sand mortar, masonry is carried out on a rather thin layer of glue. Also a significant plus is the uniformity of the wall, big choice blocks and their good geometry.

Alexander Toporov:

- Gas silicate is easy to process, it is easy to saw. Various armored belts, lintels, arches, etc. are also easily organized.

One of the main advantages of gas and foam concrete as a wall material is their good heat and noise insulation, which leads to lower heating and insulating costs.

Aerated concrete blocks are produced by large enterprises. Therefore, the quality of such materials corresponds to the declared characteristics, and geometric deviations are minimal.

But this material is not without drawbacks.

Alexey Melnikov:

- Gas and foam concrete blocks are a very fragile material. Low bending strength requires the use of a relatively expensive and powerful foundation (usually a monolithic reinforced concrete slab), as well as additional elements reinforcements - armored belts.

Foam concrete, although it costs less than aerated concrete, can be produced by the so-called "garage" methods. Therefore, when buying it, you must carefully consider the issue of choosing a supplier and not chase the lowest price.

You can familiarize yourself with all and.

3. Wooden houses

Wood is a classic construction material, but, despite the ubiquity, it also has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Roman Nikonov:

- The wooden house breathes, is beautiful. It is very flexible, "homemade", universal material, easy to transport and install. But it is less durable than stone.

Because when building a log house, there are no wet processes, then such a house can be built at any time of the year.

Starting a construction site, we think about which log is better to build a house for permanent residence. Experts believe that wooden house it is better not to build from a log!

Alexey Melnikov:

- Timber is more practical in terms of cost-energy efficiency ratio, but for connoisseurs of log facades, the aesthetics of a log house usually come first.

Rounded log and profiled timber (incl. chamber drying) - all this modern types logs aimed at raising aesthetic properties and simplification, building a house.

Well made wooden houses can serve 200-300 years.

Among the shortcomings wooden houses can be distinguished:

1. The arrangement of "wet" rooms in a wooden one is associated with certain difficulties.

2. Based on standard sizes logs (6 m), the overlap of premises over 5 meters wide is difficult to implement. Interfloor ceilings in wooden houses, they are usually beam-wooden. This reduces the degree of sound insulation in the house (wood conducts sound well) under shock loads.

3. The tree is subject to shrinkage and cracking.

4. A wooden house must be regularly caulked and painted. Thermal protection sufficient for comfortable life in the house, provides a wall of wood with a thickness of 200 mm.

5. Wood can rot and requires antiseptic treatment to protect against mold and woodworms.

Therefore, the next stage in the development of wooden housing construction was the development of glued laminated timber - a wall material devoid of the disadvantages of conventional timber.

Let's name the advantages of glued beams:

  • The material is durable and, thanks to a special profile (the serration protects the wall from blowing), it retains heat better in the house;
  • Glued laminated timber has a clear geometry, which facilitates and speeds up the process of building a house;
  • The material practically does not shrink, which allows immediately after the construction of the house to start laying communications and interior decoration;
  • Thanks to the factory fire and biosecurity, glued laminated timber is characterized by increased resistance to fire, mold and fungi;
  • The walls of a house built of glued beams do not need interior and exterior decoration.

The main disadvantage of this material is its high price, as well as the need to attract highly qualified specialists for the construction of a house.

4. Frame technology

Frame houses are considered one of the most prefabricated and warm houses. Therefore, if you urgently need housing, and you are wondering what time resources and what material to build a house from, feel free to choose this option. Main advantages frame housing construction profitability and high - a few months - the speed of construction.

Because Since the frame house is light, it does not require a powerful foundation to be built under it, which also perfectly reduces construction costs. The absence of wet processes allows the frame house to be built all year round.

Denis Reznichenko(nickname on the forum silent):

– If you intend to permanently reside in frame house, please note that heating costs will be noticeably lower compared to wooden or stone houses, because ability to retain heat modern heaters higher than traditional materials.

Advantages frame houses:

  • high construction speed;
  • frame technology does not require the use of heavy construction equipment;
  • the construction of such a house can be carried out independently;
  • due to the lack of shrinkage, internal and exterior finish frame house can be done immediately after construction is completed;
  • wall thickness in frame houses usually does not exceed 30 cm, which increases usable area Houses;
  • in the cold season, frame houses quickly warm up to a comfortable temperature.

The disadvantages of frame houses include:

  • High quality requirements for the materials used. For the construction of a frame house, first of all, you need well-dried and planed wood, treated with fire and bioprotective compounds that protect it from damage and decay. When erecting a frame, it is unacceptable to use raw wood, because. during the drying process, it warps. This changes the geometry wooden structures;
  • Construction performed by low-skilled workers with a deviation from technology entails a significant reduction in performance characteristics Houses;
  • Compared to stone houses, frame houses lower degree of sound insulation.

Alexey Melnikov:

- Also among the disadvantages is the low heat capacity (heat storage capacity) of frame walls.

A frame house with the heating turned off quickly cools down. However, there is a way out - you can use an insulated Swedish plate as a foundation.

5. Arbolit

Arbolite is a material made from cement binder (concrete) and organic aggregates obtained from woodworking waste.

Sometimes wood concrete is called wood concrete, because this wall material has incorporated the advantages of both concrete and wood.

Arbolit has high thermal insulation performance.

It's ecological pure material who don't need additional insulation. It does not dry out like a tree, does not rot and does not burn.

Arbolite walls "breathe" (the vapor permeability of the arbolite wall is more than 35%). This regulates the level of humidity in the room. This provides good air exchange in room.

Alexey Melnikov:

- Arbolite is an old and, at the same time, undeservedly forgotten material. Attempts to implement it were made back in Soviet times.

However, the segment of individual low-rise housing construction at that time was not developed, mainly panels of high-rise buildings were built, and over time, wood concrete gave way to other wall materials.

However, now arbolite is experiencing a rebirth.

After all, it is devoid of a number of disadvantages inherent in gas and foam concrete blocks, the material is relatively light, and the construction of a house does not require the construction of a powerful foundation.

Also, wood concrete has high bending strength and will not crack when the foundation moves or settles.

Wood concrete, like wood, is well sawn, drilled, nails are easily hammered into the wood concrete wall, and the material itself holds heavy objects well without the use of special fasteners.

Among the disadvantages of wood concrete, two can be distinguished: its high cost and the insufficient number of house projects designed specifically for these blocks. Therefore, when choosing wood concrete block(in order to avoid buying low-quality material with broken geometry or strength characteristics), it is necessary to carefully consider the issue of choosing a supplier.

On our portal, they will help you find out everything a novice frame builder needs to know, which house, to understand which is better,. We will help you choose best material for walls and how to build

Watch the video on building a house from wood concrete blocks. And after reading our next video, you will learn how to build your own

So, you have finally decided to build your own house. And, of course, the first question that arose before you was “What is cheaper to build a house from?” The budget is quite often an obstacle to a good warm home where you can live comfortably all year round. But should it be? Maybe it's the wrong calculations and illiterate selection of materials? But there is also no desire to save on their housing. The house should be reliable, strong, warm and cozy. How to achieve this? What is the cheapest and best way to build a house?

The Teplo Doma company is engaged in the construction of all types of houses. We know which house is better and which is worse, which house is more expensive and which is cheaper? Especially for you, an objective assessment of the construction of houses from various materials. During the analysis, it will be found out from which material it is cheaper to build a house.

You can contact a specialist of our company and discuss all the nuances personally, or you can first read the information provided.

Let's get started.

Note! The cost calculations given in this article are made on the example of a house of 180 sq.m. with an interior Savoyardi 250. The foundation of the building is pile-grillage, the roof is a metal profile or metal tile. Standard kit engineering work- electricity, plumbing, septic tank, sewerage, heating, air conditioning and so on. Project and estimate - free of charge. The prices for work and materials in 2017 were used in the calculations. In your particular case, the cost of construction can vary significantly, both up and down.

We DO NOT build houses from timber cheaply

You have probably heard about the construction of wooden houses at a low price. A house made of timber seems to be such an elegant structure. Yes, his appearance deserves special attention. But is it effective to build a wooden house? Why is wood used as a material for building walls? Let the house "breathe". Right? But timber is not the best material in terms of resistance to heat transfer. Yes, this is the most important indicator if housing is planned year-round living. How to create inside such a structure comfortable conditions for life? According to GOST, the thickness of the walls should be approximately 55 cm.

half meter wooden walls This is, at the very least, an expensive pleasure. In addition, such thick walls of wood are not erected anywhere. It turns out that wooden house needs to be insulated, as well as doing outdoor and interior decoration. BUT this in turn will prevent the house from "breathing".

The Teplo Doma company does not take this option seriously, so we do not build turnkey log houses cheaply. But you can do it yourself. However, all of the above should be taken into account. It will be cold in an uninsulated house, and building 55 cm walls is expensive.

brick house

Now that's another matter. We are used to seeing brick houses everywhere. This is an affordable and not very expensive material. However, to say that we are building the most cheap house from brick, also impossible.

Firstly, I would immediately like to note that the thickness of the walls in such a house should be at least one and a half full-bodied bricks. But this, of course, is not enough to create a cozy temperature in the house in winter, and even in summer time. Such thin walls bricks have a strong thermal conductivity. Therefore, they must be supplemented with 100 mm of insulation. Of course, the thickness depends on what material will be chosen as a heater ( mineral wool, styrofoam, polystyrene foam and so on). If you do not want to use insulation, be prepared to build brick walls 52 cm thick. So you can meet the requirements of GOST R 54851-2011 and not freeze in the winter.

Please note that a wall 52 cm thick will “eat” large area either in the house or on the plot. In addition, building a house cheaply on a turnkey basis will prevent the high cost of the foundation for heavy brick walls. It is also worth considering that brick walls are far from perfectly even, so finishing them will also cost a lot of money and effort. Plus, it takes quite a lot to build a brick house. cement mortar. Well, let's not forget about the two-layer crate of the facade. All this in the end will significantly increase the final cost.

In fact, it turns out that building a brick house is the most expensive, not the cheapest. For example, take a building with total area 180 sq. m. Its average turnkey cost with finishing and engineering in Moscow and the region will be approximately 7 125 000 rubles. This is 57,000 rubles per 1 sq.m.

House made of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks

Build a house from aerated concrete blocks - a good choice. This is a great material and very easy to work with. Walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete are considered to be warm. However, they still need to be insulated. The thing is that at high humidity this material loses its heat transfer properties. A 5 cm insulation is enough to achieve positive results.

The walls, as in the case of a brick, for such a house should be quite thick - 49 cm. But the cost of the foundation will be slightly reduced due to the fact that the foam blocks are lighter. It is difficult to say that building foam blocks at home is cheap. But it will be cheaper than brick.

Medium the cost of a house made of aerated concrete will be 6,558,000 rubles. By the way, this is almost 500,000 rubles cheaper than building a brick house.

Ceramic block house ST300

Building a house with ST300 porous ceramic block is a good choice. This material does not require insulation, due to this, the final cost of housing is reduced. However, when performing work with ceramic block ST300 should strictly follow the instructions. Otherwise, disruption of technology may become a serious problem in the future.

Here are just a few of the details you need to be aware of:

  • Ceramic blocks are cut using special equipment.
  • To fasten the crate, liquid nails should be used together with the dowel-nails.
  • The blocks are laid on warm glue using a grid.
  • For laying internal communications, plastering of the walls with a layer of 30 mm is required.

It should be noted that all these nuances, and more precisely the time, effort and money spent on the technology of working with a ceramic block will be included in the cost of the house.

The pleasant moment is that at last we have reached such material which does not demand the big thickness of walls. 34 cm is enough to feel comfortable inside the house. And this is taking into account the fact that no insulation is used outside. Small wall thickness saves usable space.

But perhaps the most important plus of warm ceramics is a relatively inexpensive foundation. At least these works will cost the owners much cheaper than in the case of construction brick house or buildings made of foam blocks.

Medium the cost of a ceramic house is 6,298,000 rubles(we are talking about a building with an area of ​​180 sq.m.). Such housing is in the middle of the conditional table of the cost of houses from various materials.

Houses made of reinforced concrete panels with rock wool insulation and BENPAN+ ventilation facade

It will be not only cheaper to build such a house than all those listed before, but also easier. Thanks to the special BENPAN+ technology, as well as the properties of reinforced concrete panels, some stages of work are excluded. For example, plaster internal walls there is no need. During construction, all communications fit into the thickness of the walls. The outer surface does not need to be prepared separately for cladding.

Savings on everything: interior work, outdoor works, laying of utilities.

Of course, you can choose the option - "we build cheap houses from blocks", but if you want to save a little more without losing quality, then you should opt for reinforced concrete panels and BENPAN+ technologies.

The cost of building such a house with an area of ​​​​180 square meters. m. is 6 235 000 rubles.

You can discuss the conditions for building houses using the BENPAN+ technology right now in the online chat.

frame houses

And finally, we have come to the last option that we would like to offer you - this is the construction of a frame house. If you were looking for the cheapest accommodation, you have found it. What is the cheapest house to build? It is this one.

Frame houses are in no way inferior to housing from any other material. And in most cases, they do the opposite. Perhaps the most important of which is the price.

I would like to point out right away that the cost of a frame house with an area of ​​180 sq. m. is 5,268,000 rubles. This is almost 2,000,000 cheaper than in the case of a house from solid brick.

Cost reduction is achieved at all stages of construction, excluding the roof and interior decoration.

The walls in such houses are built from wooden beams, which are upholstered with OSB on both sides. Insulation-polystyrene foam is placed inside. Outside, the walls are finished with siding, and inside with drywall. In a frame house you will be both warm and comfortable. But the main thing is that you will be able to enter it to live in 90 days.

The final price comparison table for houses from different materials

Cheaper to build or buy?

Many are interested in the question of what is cheaper to build a house or buy a finished one. In fact, this topic can be discussed. Price finished house may vary depending on the situation in the construction market, as well as the desire of the investor to quickly sell the building. All the nuances of building a house are negotiated in advance, so the price at the exit will not change. You cannot influence the house that has already been built in any way, if you wish, you can only redo something, and these are additional costs. Should they be included in total cost? Or you decide something from the category "Nothing, and so, in principle, it's good." At the design stage of the project, you can influence the development of events. As a result, at the output you will see what you wanted. No additional expenses. I would like to say that a finished house will cost more, but this is not entirely true. At the design stage, you can make changes that were not originally planned. Changes will increase the price and you will overpay. You want to move quickly, so force the construction crew to hand over the house early. It will also seriously increase the final cost. There are a lot of factors affecting the price of a finished house and a house under construction. It is possible to consider the situation in a vacuum, but this makes no sense.

What is cheaper to build or buy? Response to this question simply no.

Which house is cheaper? Frame. Which house is better? One in which you will be happy.

We build houses in Moscow and the region

The Teplo Doma company is engaged in the construction of houses from various materials. We can easily find the option that is right for you. If you decide to order the construction of a house from us, then the project, estimate and other documents and drawings can be obtained free of charge. We are a serious company that knows everything about the construction of houses. Our craftsmen are experienced professionals who know their job well.

The topic of the article is important for everyone who decides to approach the construction of their home. After all, you won’t get a house for free, and it would be good to understand what you fit into even before construction begins. And it is very easy to be deceived. And because of the advertising that convinces you that you can build an excellent house of 200m2 for a couple of million rubles, and because of the lack of information and understanding of what is generally hidden behind the concept of “build a house”. And in general, because of people's love for self-deception.

Surely, when you drive outside the city, you come across houses that are abandoned at some stage of construction or have been built for years and even decades - in most cases, the reason for this is an overestimation of your capabilities and an underestimation of the task ahead. The price of a mistake with the cost of building a house can be very high - lost money, nerves, broken family relationships, health and much more.

Do you want to be in such a situation? Not? Then read the article to the end. We will consider the issue of cost in a comprehensive manner, not only regarding the cost of building a frame house.

In general, my opinion is to paraphrase the popular expression about vacation - “ if you are going to build a house, double your wishes and double your budget“.

Before proceeding, a few important points:

  • The article is more designed to analyze the cost of building a house for permanent residence (permanent residence) with a modern level of comfort and housing requirements. Although modern dachas are often no different from the house of permanent residence.
  • If you are interested in the cost of building a summer cottage, you will also find useful information. The principle of pricing will not change.
  • The article does not take into account the “individual perception of comfort” - for someone even a hut is a paradise, and for someone a palace with turrets is too small.
  • The article is primarily designed for those who are building a house near the cities of "millionaires" and in the first place - St. Petersburg and Moscow. The farther from these cities, the prices can vary greatly. Although I repeat, the principles of formation of the total cost will remain unchanged.

Where to start building a house? Mysterious turnkey house

Very often, people from the very beginning begin to be interested in a “turnkey house”, but in fact, each person understands something different by this.

Personally, I immediately remember "Heart of a Dog"

“Speak counter-revolutionary things, Philipp Philippovich.
“Ah, nothing dangerous. No counter-revolution. By the way, here's another word that I can't stand at all. It is absolutely unknown - what is hidden under it? God knows what.

It's the same with a turnkey house. Understanding what it is and the “turnkey cost of a house” for a contractor and a customer can differ dramatically. Moreover, when answering the question “ how much does a turnkey house cost” options can be very different:

Example 1: The contractor says that a turnkey house will cost 1 million rubles. At the same time, in his understanding, it is just a box without facades, communications, decoration, but with installed windows and doors. And in the understanding of the client, he mentally brings furniture there. The client happily agrees, then problems will naturally begin.

Example 2: The contractor says that a turnkey house will cost 10 million rubles. At the same time, in his understanding, this is a house where all that remains is to bring furniture and put a barbecue in the "barbecue zone". And in the understanding of the client, he is offered a “bare box with a door” for that kind of money. He is horrified and runs to another firm, possibly turning down a good offer.

Therefore, the first rule. Try to avoid the concept of "turnkey house", or clearly find out what is offered to you under this sauce, or explain yourself - what exactly do you mean by this concept. This will help you save time and get an offer that meets your needs.

If, speaking of a “turnkey house”, you are thinking about a house already with interior decoration, electrics, water supply, then ask yourself a question. What kind of tiles will you have in the bathroom? How many sockets will there be in the living room? How many lights are on the ceiling? The floor will be laminate or linoleum, or parquet - if so, which one, for 300r/m2 or for 1500r/m2?

Can you answer these questions yourself? Not? Has the “manager” already told you the cost of a “turnkey house”? And how does he know what you want, if you yourself don’t know it yet or haven’t told him? Does he have telepathy and future reading?

So the second rule. Don't trust a turnkey home build offer unless you have all the details of what you want. Otherwise, the probability - that you will not get what you wanted, or the amount will increase upwards in the process - is 100%.

What is building a house?

Let's go global. After all, you will not live in a house where there is no decoration and even electrics? Therefore, the question of the cost of construction is actually much broader.

While at the Asuntomessut exhibition in Finland, I came across an interesting sign, which outlined the costs of building a house. Naturally, we will have different amounts, but the percentage of the cost of the house will be approximately the same. In some places we will have more, in some we will have less.

The cost structure of building a house in Finland

The cost of building a house in Russia will consist of the following components:

  • The cost of the land and the initial investment in it
  • The cost of connecting basic utilities
  • Design cost
  • The cost of the "box" of the house
  • The cost of engineering communications inside the house
  • The cost of interior decoration of the house
  • The cost of landscaping
  • The cost of furniture, appliances and other benefits of civilization.

My personal opinion is that this is what it is in the end " turnkey house". That is, when it remains only to bring personal belongings and begin to settle down.

Now let's take a closer look at these points.

Cost of land and initial investment

Naturally, the house must be built somewhere. You can buy an empty lot in a new village, or an old gardening house. It is difficult to talk about the price here - there are a lot of options for every taste and color. We will consider what is not directly related to the price of the site, but it is very likely that it will be required, it will cost additional money and it will not be possible to avoid these expenses.

  • Demolition and removal of the old house, if any.
  • Organization of arrival at the site
  • Organization of "rough" parking - for the arrival of equipment, delivery and storage of materials
  • Fence and gate (often these costs are left to a later date, but nevertheless they will be)
  • Possible additional fees - typical for new settlements. Collection for roads, for a common well, for the installation of electric poles, etc. Sellers do not always warn about the presence of such fees in advance. And the amounts can be very decent.
  • "utility payments" - for example, in many new settlements they charge extra money for the passage of a car with building materials, concrete, etc. It will all fit into your construction budget.
  • Initial preparation of the site - backfilling, drainage, drainage and other land works. This will of course depend on your site.

By the way, with roads there is a very common "razvodilovo" in new settlements. The site seems to be your property, but the road leading to it belongs to the developer or some private person in general. As a result, when all the plots are sold, the houses are built - “suddenly” fees for maintaining roads and their maintenance begin to grow. Sometimes at times. And you can't refuse. The road is not yours - you can simply be banned from driving on it. Walk please, but by car - FIG.

The cost of basic engineering communications

Communications on the border of the site, gas in the future, electricity power 3 (5) kW included in the price of the site, it is possible to increase the power…. familiar phrases?

Remember that you will pay money for all this. If not immediately, then later.

Communications on the border of the site - does not mean that you can easily connect to them. Firstly, it will cost far from a couple of thousand rubles. Secondly, it may turn out that it simply will not work to connect.

Find out how much it will cost to connect communications and the availability of technical specifications for connection

For example, with electricity, you can run into the banal “not enough power”. And you will wait for your e-mail for several years, even if you are ready to pay a round sum for it.

For a fulfilling life in the house you need

– Electricity, not less than 10kW

- water, if not drinking, then at least technical. Accordingly, a well, a well. It is good if there is a central water supply, although the connection will either be paid, or will initially be included in the cost of the site.

- sewerage. In 99% of cases, you will have to do a local

– gas connection for heating (not available to everyone and not everywhere)

For construction, it is highly desirable to have at least 3-5 kW of electricity and technical water.

Naturally, you can do without it, but the time of axes and hand saws has passed. Usually at construction there is a fair amount of power tools. Naturally, you can work with a generator. Just keep in mind that generator rental and fuel costs will be included in your bill, explicitly or implicitly.

The presence of water is required for some construction technologies, and workers are people too, sometimes they want to wash themselves, unless of course they drive home every day. Accordingly, if there is no water nearby, it will either be imported (at your expense), or you will have to invest in it before construction begins.

By the way, there is one more small "scam" of developers - for example, the cost of the site includes 10 kW of electricity, water supply, but they will connect this electricity directly to your site for some money. Moreover, the management company will most likely put up such specifications for connection, that either you will have to run a lot to fulfill them, or turn to the services of the management company itself, which with a 90% probability will be overpriced.

Project as a gift or design cost

The design process in private housing construction is traditionally forgotten in our country. In most cases, the project refers to the layout and appearance. And often in a wretched, primitive form.

It is believed that "good builders" this should be enough. It’s just from here that the legs of incomprehensible, ugly, inharmonious houses grow, made in such a way that, in fact, the whole house is one big construction mistake. And what the customer imagined will remain his fantasy.

Often contractors offer, and customers downright demand - “a project as a gift”

Project “as a gift” may turn out to be a primitive architectural sketch

Remember, normal design costs normal money. Design is time and no one will work "thank you".

Therefore, the project "as a gift" can be only in three cases

  • There is no project as such. A project is understood at best as a quick architectural sketch with plans and a couple of sections, or generally a primitively drawn layout and appearance. - this is the most common option.
  • "Gift" neatly smeared on the estimate. Also a very common option.
  • You are building a house according to a standard project. Which was once bought by a contractor, let's say for 100,000 rubles, and then built 10 times. Naturally, for each house, the share of the project cost is small (10,000 rubles) and it is quite possible to “gift” it. Although, again, most likely the gift will be "smeared" in the estimate. But such a scenario is quite rare. In the "economy" segment with construction according to "standard projects", this option is never found - there in 99% there will be point 1 - a project is understood at best as a layout and appearance.

Want to check if there is a project or not? Ask him to present. If excuses from the series “this is our property” begin, be sure that there is no project.

Ideally, you will need such a set of projects, and preferably even before the house starts to be built.

  • Architectural (sketch) project - in fact, it shows how the house will look like, what the layout will be
  • A constructive project (working documentation) is the project that is responsible for how exactly the house will be made. What structures, nodes will be used, etc.
  • Engineering communications projects - primarily power supply
  • Interior design project
  • Landscape project - even if you do not plan to make fountains, alpine slides, and other peacock breeding - a landscape project will help you correctly and conveniently place both the main house and all subsequent secondary zones and buildings on your site.

With good quality of execution, all these projects cost far from 5-10tr. Do not be guided by the fact that "standard projects" are sold on the Internet for 15-30tr. First, it is often only an architectural project. Secondly, what I wrote about above - they did it once, paid 100,000, then resold it 100 times for 15,000. But, if we are talking about an individual project, no one will do it for you from scratch for 15-30tr.

The cost of the "box" and the foundation of the house

A very extensive point, in a good way - a separate article. Now I'll try to be brief. Under the box, I mean a house in full readiness for engineering work and interior decoration - that is, with windows, front doors, roof facades, etc.

There is the most important catch in the cost of the box, which, like a rake, people continue and continue to step on.

Remember how our father is a box at homefully built home!

In order not to have to place an advertisement for the sale of “unfinished”, remember that a house is not only a “box”

After all, everyone wants to build cheaper. Demand creates supply. And they give it cheap. Discarding one, the second. Then, already when you sign the contract and ask “where is this”, it suddenly turns out that this is an additional option that costs money.

Therefore, carefully study the proposed "complete sets" - see what exactly they offer you. The larger and more detailed the estimate, the better you understand it, the more chances you have that later you will not have to look for money somewhere for what is not enough.

Most people, even after receiving a detailed estimate, most often look only at the “total” line. This is mistake. It is clear that you do not want to dive into the details, but this can cost you sideways.

There are a few pitfalls to watch out for

  • There is no estimate at all or it consists of a couple of lines “work is so much, material is so much” - this is captivating. You are offered an “easy solution”, indeed, why do you need an estimate if you still don’t understand it. But by doing so, you are actually buying a pig in a poke. A potential contractor, even if he is honest, has many temptations. For example, he initially thought to put a good quality window profile. Then I realized that it does not fit into the declared amount. And he will have 3 options - to issue you an additional invoice, replace it with something cheaper without informing you (you were not interested anyway) or pay extra from your own pocket. Which option do you think he will choose? I assure you, the last option will be chosen only as a last resort.
  • Common phrases in the estimate. For example, “metal tiles made in Russia”, “two-chamber PVC windows” - what is hidden behind these phrases? The quality of the material and, accordingly, the price can vary greatly.
  • Price guarantee is a very sweet gingerbread. It is clear that this is an ideal option, we would all like to clearly understand the cost in order to calculate our finances. But there is a catch to the price guarantee. Nobody wants to lose their money. And in construction there are many unpredictable situations. Therefore, in the “price guarantee”, it is very likely that there will be a good margin for possible risks. Risks have not come - excellent, more money has been earned. An interesting observation is that "price guarantee" is usually clearly related to the previous 2 points. When there is no exact understanding of what specific materials will be used. Why do you think? It is possible and necessary to guarantee the price, but this can usually be done either after designing and detailed estimates, or if the construction is carried out according to a standard project that has already been built more than once, and everything is known there “to the last nail”

Therefore, the main moral is to study carefully what exactly they offer you for your money. What is included, what is not included. What specific materials will be used, etc.

If you choose from several contractors, carefully compare estimates. What's in one, what's in the other? For what money? To what extent?

Remember - when building the same house, from the same materials, using the same technology, with the same quality, different companies will not have a dramatic difference in the cost of construction. If the offers differ significantly, then these are completely different offers and the houses will also be different, although they may look the same.

Engineering Communication

A multifaceted topic that receives little attention. Engineering communications that you will need in the most minimal version (not counting any bourgeois excesses in the form of built-in vacuum cleaners, solar panels, smart homes, etc.)

- Sewerage - wiring around the house, installation of a septic tank or local treatment plant (VOC) and its connection

- Water supply. Wiring around the house, connecting to a central water supply or arranging a well / well with related equipment, which may be a significant amount. For example, if the quality of water in a well or a well is poor, you can "get" for very decent money for a water purification system. Do not forget also that you will not have central hot water - there will be a boiler. It is possible to add another water distribution to the site, for example, to a bathhouse.

– Heating. Underfloor heating, radiators - boiler equipment, boiler room piping, automatic heating control

- Electrical. This is both input to the house and wiring around the house, installation of a shield, electrical outlets, possibly wiring around the site ...

- Ventilation. A topic traditionally forgotten in our country, because contrary to the whole world, we believe that houses breathe on their own

- Weakness. At least it's TV. In general, here you can add video surveillance, security systems, intercoms, elements of a "smart home" and many other modern "buns"

Engineering equipment and work on it costs very decent money. All "engineering" at home can easily be 15-20% of the cost of the "box".

The decoration is done, and the engineer?

The engineering filling of the house should be given the closest attention even before the construction of the “box” begins or simultaneously with it. Otherwise, you may end up with very significant additional amounts that could have been avoided - if you think about it in advance.

Unfortunately, very large companies also suffer from “forgetfulness” in terms of engineering, especially in frame housing construction, where hidden engineering is easily done at the “box” stage. They handed over the “box” to you, perhaps even with a rough finish, and the question arises - how now to lay the electrician? Either open, or disassemble what has already been done, or make an additional frame ...

The cost of interior decoration of the house

Surprising but true. Approaching the construction of a house, people are very light on the issue of the cost of interior decoration of the house. Like, yes, it's understandable, but we'll figure it out later. For some reason, it seems to many that the rough and fine finishing of the house costs a little.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that at the time of making a decision on construction, few people have any idea what kind of finish will be where and what they want. It is possible that having behind him the experience of repairing a “kopeck piece” or “three-ruble note” - this price is automatically transferred to the house, despite the fact that it is probably several times larger than this apartment.

To better represent the "scale of the disaster" the following example helps very well. Finishing a house will cost no less than finishing an apartment of the same size. Are you going to build a house on 300m2? Well, imagine that you bought an apartment of a similar area and you need to make repairs in it. Finishing in the house - will not cost less. Why?

It seems to be a simple analogy, but for some reason it escapes the attention of most people.

The cost of tidying up the site

When people hear about landscape design, they often immediately imagine something exotic and expensive that they will not need 100%. Often it is. But still, if you bought a plot of the former "agricultural land" with grass about your waist, you are unlikely to live in this field. You want to trim the area somewhere, raise it somewhere, make a lawn, make paths, a parking area, a playground - you can do a lot of things without “alpine slides with fountains”.

Even if you do all this on your own, you will still spend money on materials.

By the way, a fence, a gate, a gate can be attributed to the same item - you may be unpleasantly surprised when you find out how much the simplest fence made of corrugated board with sliding gates costs for a plot of 10 acres.

The cost of furniture, appliances and other goods

Probably the shortest section in the article

You will not live on the floor, on a mattress, will you? Although often, new settlers live like that, and for a long time.

As well as with interior decoration - imagine that you need to furnish an apartment of 100-200m2, buy household appliances, toilets in 3 toilets, sinks .... Do you have a 20m2 kitchen? Have you looked at how much a kitchen set will cost?

Therefore, think about how much furniture and appliances for your home will cost.


Building a house is a costly undertaking. Perhaps someone, after reading this article and figuring out what all this will cost, will even refuse to build. But the purpose of the article is not that.

about the author

Hello. My name is Alexey, maybe you met me as Porcupine or Gribnick on the Internet. I am the founder of "Finnish House", a project that has grown from a personal blog into a construction company whose goal is to build a quality and comfortable home for you and your children.

The permit that the developer receives for the construction of a residential building is issued for a period of ten years. Illegal construction on the lands of individual housing construction - what to expect? If the developer erected a residential building and outbuildings without obtaining permission to build an individual housing construction house in advance due to ignorance of the laws, by mistake or intentionally, then in the future he may face big problems and even material losses. It is even worse when the erected residential building is very different from the one designed at the beginning or erected with gross errors and violations of SNiP. 1. Communications will not be connected to such a house, the building will not be registered with the BTI, the house will not receive permission for commissioning. 2. Without registering this house on the land of individual housing construction, the owner does not have the right to use it for living, sell, change, mortgage in a bank, donate, etc.

House on a personal plot: we build according to the law

It should be located at a distance of 5 meters from the red line running on the street and 3 meters from driveways. The same applies to outbuildings, including utility rooms for keeping livestock. As for the distance between the adjacent plot and the residential building, then, according to sanitary and hygienic requirements, it should be 3 meters, from the house to the outbuildings - 4 meters.


Other types of buildings should be located at a distance of 1 meter. In accordance with the above acts, fire-resistant building materials must be used for individual housing construction, which will not cause fire, mold will not form on their walls. The owner of the land plot should accurately mark its boundaries, properly draw up documents for it and future construction.

Dacha by law: how to build an individual house

On the issue of obtaining maternity capital funds, you can consult the Office of the Pension Fund of the Motyginsky District, Motygino settlement, st. Sovetskaya, 111. VI stage. Obtaining a permit for commissioning A permit for putting an object into operation is a document that certifies the completion of construction, reconstruction of a capital construction object in full in accordance with the construction permit, its compliance with the town-planning plan of the land plot or, in the case of construction, reconstruction of a linear object with the project territory planning and land surveying project, as well as project documentation.

Angarsk worker

The land plot of private household plots can be used in the same way to build your own house. It is not necessary to grow chickens, goats and pigs on it or arrange beehives, but it is also very beneficial to have such an opportunity. In the built house, you can register and, if desired, sell it with a plot without any problems.
The previously existing differences in the possibilities of construction between plots for individual housing construction and private household plots, garden and summer cottages on the territory of settlements have become insignificant in accordance with the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of April 14, 2008 N 7-P. Houses built on these plots and suitable for permanent residence are recognized as residential, and permanent registration can be obtained in them.

What are the rules for building a house on the Izhs site


IZHS to the authorized body exercising authority for urban planning activities in the relevant territory, it is necessary to provide an urban planning plan for the land plot. After the site is formed, any right is issued, it is necessary to prepare an urban planning plan for the land plot. The plan indicates a number of requirements and restrictions on the planning of the site, the details of the documents accompanying the construction are prescribed.

In order to obtain a town planning plan, the developer needs to contact the local government body exercising powers for town planning activities and provide the information necessary for preparation (technical conditions for connections to engineering networks, an extract from the state real estate cadastre with sheet B.6., title document for land plot, if available - topographic survey of the site).

Construction on the sites of Izhs and LPH

This is not always acceptable. So, in SNiP the following norms are indicated:

  • the minimum distance between the house and the neighboring plot is 3m. If the distance is reduced, a document confirming the consent of the parties must be drawn up;
  • a barn for animals, poultry, livestock should be located at a distance of 4m from the fence;
  • sanitary facilities (baths, showers, toilets) at a distance of 2.5 - 3.5 m;
  • when installing a greenhouse, the recommended distance is 4m, this will avoid both shading and the ingress of wastewater with fertilizers into the neighboring area;
  • for a garage and a shed with inventory, the minimum distance is 1m;
  • the optimal distance for the construction of any buildings is 3 m from the fence.

Summer cottage: what and where can be built according to the law

A permit for individual housing construction is issued for a period of 10 years. According to Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, a building permit:

  • confirms the compliance of the design documentation with the requirements of the town-planning plan of the land plot, and in the absence of a town-planning plan - with the permitted use of the site;
  • entitles the developer to carry out construction, reconstruction of real estate, as well as major repairs.

If the previous owner of the site has already received a building permit, and the ten-year period of its validity has not yet expired, then the new owner does not need to obtain a permit again - it is not tied to a specific person, but applies to the site as a whole, with the exception of individual cases.

Norms for the construction of a private house: requirements of snip

These standards also contain requirements for drainage, distance to the roadway, darkening of the site, etc. Most often, fences are a stumbling block between neighbors. Some "impregnable fortresses" close the access of the sun to the beds, trees, shrubs.

In accordance with the current SNiP, the erection of blind fences between plots is prohibited, the fence must be mesh or lattice, and its height should not exceed 1.5 m. Such strict rules are dictated by the fact that summer cottages and garden plots are intended primarily for growing crops, and not for the construction of residential buildings.
A permit for the construction of IZHS facilities is issued for 10 years. After that, you can start building a house. When obtaining a building permit, it is not required to provide technical conditions for connecting the facility to the power supply networks, but one must understand that in order to connect the house to electricity, these documents will have to be obtained in any case, and it is better to do this in advance, after the title documents have been received land documents. It is possible to consult about obtaining technical specifications for power supply at the Motyginsky branch of KSK-Service LLC (p.
Motygino, st. Ordzhonikidze, 50). V stage. Construction. For the construction of IZHS facilities, the developer does not need any licenses or specialized permits, so he has the right to work independently (in a household way) or to attract a specialized organization.

Where to build a house on the site according to the law

In the suburban real estate market, both among the townspeople planning to live outside the city, and among the residents of towns and villages themselves, IZHS and LPH plots are in great demand, because they do not need to carry out the so-called “land transfers”, which allow them to build a residential building of capital construction and decide yet simple questions about registration (registration) in this house. In addition, on the lands allocated for individual housing construction, according to the law, local municipalities must organize an effective engineering and social infrastructure. When purchasing a land plot of individual housing construction, one can count not only on the provision of territories for individual housing construction with the necessary engineering communications, but also on the availability of high-quality roads, systematic transport links, health care facilities, education, shops and other socially significant facilities.

Let's define some stages of choosing a IZHS site that can help you in this matter: 1. If an IZHS plot is purchased for the construction of a country house that will be used only for recreation, then it makes sense to look for a plot of land near a pond, not far from the forest, away from roads . 2. If the IZHS site is acquired for the purpose of building a permanent home for permanent residence, then the best option would be an area located near the village infrastructure - shops, a hospital, and children's educational institutions.

3. A mobile person, who is forced to go to the city every day to work in his own car, will be interested in a plot of land for individual housing construction not far from the highway, with convenient access to the house, good roads. 4.

The owners of suburban areas have a great opportunity to assemble inexpensive houses with very good performance characteristics. There are several ways to build an economical and reliable building today. In this article, we will talk about what is cheaper to build houses from.

What factors affect the cost

You can save when building a country house:

  • Properly drafted. A compact house with a well-thought-out layout will cost less than a large “chaotic” building and will be no less comfortable at the same time.
  • Choosing the right material for walls, roofs, ceilings and finishes.

It is the latter factor in terms of project cost that often plays a decisive role.

Materials for how to choose

When deciding what exactly the walls of the house, its ceilings and roof will be built from, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Climatic conditions. In cold regions, it is better to use, albeit not so durable, but always warm materials. The owners of sites located in the southern regions of the country have a much wider choice. In this case, you can use absolutely any modern inexpensive materials.
  • Specific properties of materials. Of course, buildings made of SIP panels or foam concrete are much cheaper than brick or log houses.
  • features of the local market. For example, wood may be cheaper in wooded regions, while concrete may be cheaper in steppe regions.

The most economical building materials

So, now let's see what is cheaper to build houses from. A very economical and convenient building in our time can be built using:

  • Timber and modern insulation. This is the most inexpensive type of buildings at the moment. At the same time, despite the cheapness, panel houses have very good performance characteristics. Inexpensive materials are also used as cladding in this case. Most often it is plywood and siding.
  • SIP panels. Such a building will cost more than a shield building, but it is also built faster.
  • Foam blocks. Buildings erected from them are also very inexpensive and at the same time are considered somewhat more reliable than panel buildings.

All these modern materials for building a house fit very well and at the same time are able to last for a long time. Next, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Perhaps this will help someone make the most successful choice.

Advantages of frame buildings

Wooden houses of this type, in addition to being cheap, also have such advantages as:

  • Ease of construction. You can build a frame-panel house on your own, without the involvement of specialists. When erecting such a building, there is no need to use any expensive equipment. The foundation for a panel house can be poured with the most inexpensive - columnar (of course, only on reliable ground).
  • Excellent heat-preserving qualities. Such houses are isolated from the cold using modern inexpensive materials. Usually it is mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Even not too expensive unprofiled timber in this case is used in minimal quantities - only for the construction of the frame.
  • Aesthetic With the use of high-quality internal and external cladding, choosing this technology, you can actually get a very beautiful and at the same time comfortable building.
  • No shrinkage. Unlike expensive block and log buildings, you can move into a house built using this technology immediately after its construction.

Disadvantages of panel buildings

Timber and modern insulation are just a great answer to the question of what is cheaper to build houses from. But of course, like any other technique, this building construction technology has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of frame-panel houses include, first of all, a not too high degree of environmental safety. The fact is that mineral wool and expanded polystyrene are materials that, in certain situations, can emit. When building a house, this must be taken into account and the inner lining made as airtight as possible. Mineral wool releases and polystyrene foam - poisonous styrene.

The disadvantages of panel structures can also be attributed to a not too high degree of fire resistance. Wiring in such a house is best left to a specialist. Even though it will incur additional costs. You will also have to spend money on treating the wooden frame with antiseptic and fire-resistant compounds, as well as insect repellents. As you know, only if these funds are used, wooden houses are quite durable.

The owners of remote summer cottages often refuse to erect such buildings due to the not too high mechanical strength of the walls. To break into such a house in the absence of protection, thieves may not even need to pick the lock.

Advantages of buildings from SIP panels

This type of building is structurally very similar to the previous one. In fact, this is just a kind of panel house. The only difference is that the elements of this type of building are assembled from panels supplied ready-made. Of course, when using such material, the building is more reliable and durable. Houses made of SIP panels are not too expensive. However, their cost, as already mentioned, is slightly higher than that of conventional shield ones.

SIP panels consist of two OSB boards, between which expanded polystyrene is fixed. Despite the apparent fragility, due to the integrity of the structure, they are able to withstand huge loads and, in fact, are just perfect for buildings. You can also build a building from this material yourself. It is not required to fill under SIP-walls and too powerful foundation. The advantages of this material include a very low degree of thermal conductivity.

As in the case of a frame-panel house, the construction of such a building does not require the use of expensive equipment. The panels are processed in an elementary way - with the help of a conventional hacksaw. Therefore, houses from SIP panels can have any layout and architecture.

Cons of SIP buildings

The disadvantages of such houses are about the same as those of conventional frame-panel houses. That is, they do not differ in fire safety and environmental cleanliness. In addition to expanded polystyrene, in this case, OSB panels are also used, the safety of which is highly doubtful. Some of the disadvantages of SIP panels include the fact that you can build houses from them only of a limited height (maximum 2 floors). Engineering communications in buildings of this type are quite difficult and expensive to carry out. This can also be attributed to the disadvantages of such buildings.

Advantages of houses from foam blocks

This material is slightly more expensive than SIP panels. However, the cost of the foam block is still low, and the difference in price in this case is not critical. In addition, in comparison with SIP buildings and panel buildings, houses made of this material have a lot of advantages. These include:

  • The ability of the walls to "breathe". In this regard, buildings made of foam blocks are comparable to, for example, comfortable structures such as log houses. The microclimate in buildings erected from this material is created almost the same.
  • Fire resistance of walls. Concrete, as everyone knows, does not burn.
  • Durability. By definition, such a building can serve much longer than a wooden building. Concrete does not rot and is not damaged by insects.

Disadvantages of foam concrete houses

The disadvantages of such buildings include, first of all, the need for thorough waterproofing of the foundation and the use of materials that prevent the penetration of moisture into the walls. Inexpensive foam block houses should be protected as carefully as possible. The fact is that this porous material absorbs moisture very well. At the same time, its heat-preserving qualities are lost. Moreover, wet blocks of this type easily crumble, which can even lead to cracks in the walls.

Despite the fact that foam concrete is light, the foundation for it should be used sufficiently powerful and reliable. It's all about the fragility of this material. Foam concrete can give cracks even with small movements.

The disadvantages of this material, in comparison with SIP panels, include some difficulty in building houses when using them. To build, fasten the foam blocks with special glue. In this case, the seams, unlike concrete ones, are very thin and do not let the cold through. However, masonry by this method involves the use of blocks of ideal geometry. But despite the existing standards, material with various kinds of defects is often sold on the domestic market.

From the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be drawn. You should buy foam blocks only from large manufacturers who value their reputation and supply the market with sufficiently strong material with ideal geometry.

Cost of materials

For the construction of the walls of the building, structural and heat-insulating foam blocks are usually used. The price for them depends on the size, manufacturer and supplier. For the D500-D600 block, for example, you can pay from 47 to 185 rubles. The cost of a foam block of the most convenient dimensions for laying 20x30x60 mm is usually 135-150 rubles.

The price of SIP panels of different sizes can be found in the table below.

Dimensions (mm)

OSB thickness (mm)

Cost, rub.)

Thus, the price of a SIP house (or rather, only its walls) 5x5 m in size with a ceiling height of 250 cm and a wall thickness of 12 mm will be 47,200 rubles, not counting the cost of consumables. Of course, it's not too expensive. Foam blocks of the same size will cost about 55,000-60,000 rubles, which is also quite cheap.

What to make ceilings and roofs from

The use of SIP panels and foam blocks significantly reduces the cost of building houses. From various materials of a modern type, such as metal tiles, ondulin or profiled sheets, it is possible to assemble a very inexpensive roof for a country building. The floor and ceiling in a budget house are usually sheathed with a simple edged board.

As for the frame of the floors and the roof, then the choice, of course, is not too big. Logs, beams and truss system are usually made of timber. And the material used is quite thick. After all, such structures are load-bearing and must withstand serious loads. Therefore, saving on them, of course, is not worth it. However, the price of an ordinary non-profiled timber is not too high.

Thus, using the materials described above for building a house, you can save a lot of money and at the same time get reliable and environmentally friendly structures.

How to choose a cutting board

When choosing this material, you should pay attention to two factors:

  • The presence of knots. They should be as few as possible. Especially the dark ones. Such knots will surely fall out over time, and ugly holes will form in the floor or ceiling.
  • Material geometry. All selected boards must have the same thickness and be even in all planes.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

In addition to the low price, the advantages of this material, which is used to assemble an inexpensive roof most often, include:

  • light weight,
  • strength and durability,
  • aesthetic appearance,
  • ease of installation.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are:

  • noise during rain
  • the ability to rust and click in the sun with improper installation.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what is cheaper to build houses from is not too complicated. Choosing inexpensive materials for the construction of walls, floors and roofs of a building is very simple these days. Of course, when drawing up a project, everything should be carefully calculated and thought out. In this case, the house will be economical, reliable and comfortable.