Brick and ceramic stone. General specifications. GOST brick and stone ceramic specifications Brick and stone extrusion

It is not difficult to buy a brick, but to determine its quality Without special knowledge, not everyone can.

So that the buyer can be sure that he is buying quality products: safe, durable and suitable for construction,

many manufacturers certify it, although this is a completely optional procedure.


Certificate for specifications , confirming that no materials containing radioactive elements were used in the manufacture of bricks, and that all material complies with sanitary and hygienic standards, can be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor.
But the presence of this document will not guarantee that the bricks will comply generally accepted standards, they may differ in size, percentage of materials in their composition, and this may affect on suitability for construction.

Each manufacturer has the right to issue their specifications, they are built according to a certain scheme:

These specifications may be completely different from each manufacturer, and in order to be sure that the purchased brick complies with generally accepted standards, you need to make sure that certificate according to GOST. GOST is the State Industry Standard, all requirements for the material are the same. In order to make sure that all bricks comply with them, special laboratories carry out research, the results are recorded in the protocol. Based on their results, a certificate is issued, the validity of which is limited. up to 3 years.

note to the fact that the quality certificate should indicate which GOST the brick corresponds to: the first digits show which products are being certified. The following shows in which year the standards were adopted.

So, a building material with a certificate according to GOST 530-2012 belongs to ceramic bricks meeting the requirements adopted in 2012.

Ceramic brick: technical specifications

The new GOST began its operation in 2013, it applies to such building materials:

  • ceramic bricks and stones used for the construction and cladding of any walls;
  • clinker brick for the construction of foundations and walls subjected to significant loads;
  • brick for laying stoves and chimneys.

In addition, the current standards classify bricks according to different technical characteristics.

  • By appointment: ordinary, used for rough construction of walls or facing. There are no restrictions on the color and texture of stones in this document.
  • In the new GOST defined solid, hollow bricks and additional elements.
  • Ceramic brick GOST 530-2012 differs by compressive strength from M100 to M300, this is the ability to resist any load without destruction.
  • Frost resistance it is denoted by F with a number indicating the number of cycles to be maintained from 25 to 300. But these indicators are not the limit, some manufacturers achieve values ​​\u200b\u200bup to 1000.
  • GOST defines density of each product. All bricks are divided into groups according to thermal characteristics: from high efficiency with a density of 0.7-0.8 to low-efficiency bricks with an index of 2.0-2.4.
  • Dimensions strictly defined, deviation from them is allowed only at a minimum, so the brick is single with dimensions of 250x120x65 mm; "Euro" -250x85x65mm; thickened - 250x120x88; modular single - 250x138x65.
  • Also given determining the sides of a brick: what is a poke, spoon and pastel.

Interestingly, there are no distinctions by weight bricks according to GOST not provided, the mass of bricks can be absolutely any.
Requirements to appearance provide that the color and type of the front face can be any, the presence of defects should not exceed the indicated values, so there should be no cracks on the front bricks at all, and two slots are allowed on ordinary bricks.
Only an organization can issue a quality certificate in accordance with GOST, accredited by the State Standard.


Buying a brick will not amount to no labor, almost every region has a brick factory. This building material can be bought both in large quantities and individually, with bulk purchases. shipping may be free.

The cost will vary greatly for different types of bricks, the front one will be more expensive than the ordinary one, the hollow one is cheaper than the full-bodied one. And the price of a brick with a high brand is 20 - 30% more expensive than with a low one.

Profitable purchase a double brick for construction, since its consumption per 1 cubic meter. twice less, and the price is only 20% higher.

For the most common full-bodied ceramic brick price per piece will be about 6 - 12 rubles, facing more expensive - average cost 15 rubles, the most expensive is imported, the price is in the range of 35 - 45 rubles apiece.
Consider prices by region.
Moscow and Moscow region:

  • a full-bodied, single M200 costs about 15.5 rubles;
  • the same with the M100 brand - 11 rubles;
  • hollow, M125 - 7.30 rubles.


  • the price of facing bricks starts from 12.5 to 30 rubles;
  • single corpulent M125 - from 11.50 rubles;
  • one and a half of the same brand - from 13 rubles.


  • a single solid M125 brick costs 7.70 rubles;
  • one and a half M125 - 13 rubles;
  • hollow - 11.50 rubles.

St. Petersburg:

  • hollow brick M150 front - 11.70 rubles, the price rises depending on the color;
  • private M150 - 9.50 rubles;
  • one and a half - 12.30 rubles.


  • ordinary corpulent M125 - from 8 rubles;
  • facial hollow - 12 rubles;
  • brick brand M200 - from 13 rubles.


  • an ordinary costs about 6 - 8 rubles;
  • facing - 14.80 rubles;
  • thickened hollow M150 - 9.50 rubles.

Almost all brick supply companies can offer their storage services for purchased material, some do big seasonal discounts. It is best to specify the cost by phone, depending on the batch, you can also safely ask for a price reduction.





Official edition





1 DEVELOPED BY JSC VNIIstrom im. P. P. Budnikov with the participation of TsNIISK them. V. A. Kucherenko, NIISF and JSC "Voronezh building materials" Russian Federation INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia 2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction (MNTKS) on April 19, 1995

voted to accept

3 ENTERED INTO EFFECT as of July 1, 1996 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 5, 1995 No. 18-103

4 VZ Amen GOST 53 0 -80

GOST 530-95



Technical conditions

Ceramic b ricks and stones.


Introduction date 199 6 - 07 - 01


This standard applies to ceramic bricks and stones manufactured using the method of semi-dry pressing or plastic molding from clayey and siliceous (tripoli, diatomite) sedimentary rocks and industrial waste (coal mining and coal enrichment ia evil) and burned in kilns. Bricks and stones are used for laying stone and reinforced masonry external and internal walls of buildings and structures, as well as for laying solid brick foundations. The requirements set out in clauses 3.1-3.6, 4.2.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 4.8, sections 5 and 6 are mandatory. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)


This standard makes reference to the following standards. GOST 162-90 Depth gauges. Specifications GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications GOST 3560-73 Steel packaging tape. Specifications GOST 3749-77 Testing squares 90 °. Specifications GOST 7025-91 Ceramic and silicate bricks and stones. Methods for determining water absorption, density and control of frost resistance GOST 8462-85 Wall materials. Methods for determining ultimate strength in compression and bending GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods GOST 15846-79 Products shipped to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas. Packing, marking, transportation and storage GOST 18343-80 Pallets for bricks and ceramic stones. Specifications GOST 24816-81 Construction materials. Method for determination of sorption moisture content GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene thermoshrinkable film. Specifications GOST 26254-84 Buildings and structures. Methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides GOST 30244-94 Building materials. Flammability Test Methods (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)


3.1 Brick and ceramic stones (hereinafter - products) are made in the form of a parallelepiped and, depending on the size, are divided into types indicated in table 1. Table 1
In millimeters

Product type

Nominal sizes according to

Single brick
Thickened brick
Brick modular dimensions single
Brick of modular dimensions thickened
Thickened brick with a horizontal arrangement of voids
Modular size stone
Enlarged modular size stone
Enlarged stone
Enlarged stone with a horizontal arrangement of voids
Note - It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to produce enlarged stones in sizes: 380 180 138 380 255 188 380 250 138
3.2 Limit deviations from nominal dimensions in millimeters should not exceed: 5 ............... in width - for products of plastic molding and semi-dry pressing ± 5 ............... ...... in length 4 ..................... in width 3 ................. .... in thickness - for brick 4 ............... in thickness - for stone Deviation from perpendicularity of faces in millimeters should not exceed: 4 - for plastic molding from loess, tripoli, diatomites; 3 - for products of plastic molding and semi-dry pressing. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 3.3 Types and dimensions 3.3.1 Single and thickened bricks are made solid (without voids and with technological voids) and hollow, and stones - only hollow. The dimensions, shape and location of voids in the product, as well as the voidness of the product, are targeted in Appendix A. The thickness of the outer walls of the hollow product must be at least 12 mm. Products can be manufactured with a different hollowness, with a different number and arrangement of holes, subject to the requirements of 3.5, 4.3. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 3.3.2 The voids in the products must be located perpendicular or parallel to the bed and can be through and non-through. The width of slot-like voids should be no more than 16 mm, and the diameter of cylindrical through voids and the size of the side of square voids should not exceed 20 mm. For enlarged stones, technological voids are allowed (for capture during laying) with a cross-sectional area of ​​voids not exceeding 13% of the base area. The diameter of blind voids and the dimensions of horizontal voids are not regulated. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 3.4 In terms of strength, full-bodied products and with vertically located voids produce grades: 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, and with horizontally located voids - 25, 35, 50, 75, 100. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 3.5 According to frost resistance, products are divided into grades: F 15, F 25, F 35, F 50. 3.6 Symbol ceramic products should consist of the name, type, brand for strength and frost resistance, the designation of this standard.

Legend Examples

Solid single ceramic brick, strength grade 100, frost resistance grade F15:

Brick K - O 100/15/GOST 530-95

Brick ceramic hollow single brand strength 150, frost resistance F15:

Brick KP - O 150/15/GOST 530-95

Brick ceramic hollow thickened brand for strength 125, frost resistance F25:

Brick KP - U 125/25/GOST 530-95

Ceramic stone grade for strength 100, frost resistance F15:

Stone K 100/15/GOST 530-95

Enlarged ceramic stone grade for strength 150, frost resistance F15:

Stone KUK 150/15/GOST 530-95

Ceramic stone of modular dimensions of the brand for strength 175, for frost resistance F15:

Stone KM 175/15/GOST 530-95

Enlarged ceramic stone with a horizontal arrangement of voids, strength grade 50, frost resistance F15:

Stone KUG 50/15/GOST 530-95

Thickened ceramic brick with a horizontal arrangement of voids, strength grade 100, frost resistance F15:

Brick KUG 100/15/GOST 530-95

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)


4.1 Products shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard. technological regulations approved by the manufacturer. 4.2 Characteristics 4.2.1 Appearance The surface of the edges of the products must be flat, the ribs - straight. It is allowed to produce products with rounded vertical ribs with a radius of curvature of not more than 15 mm. According to the texture of the surface (spoon, bonder) products can be smooth or corrugated. On the product, defects in appearance are not allowed, the dimensions and number of which exceed those indicated in table 2. Lime inclusions that cause destruction of surfaces and spalls with a depth of more than 6 mm after steaming the products are not allowed. On the surface of the products, the presence of spalls in the largest dimension from 3 to 6 mm is allowed, the number of not more than 3 pieces. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) The amount of half a ladle in a batch should not exceed 5%. A brick that has one or more through cracks throughout the entire thickness of the brick with a length of more than 30 mm along the width of the brick and located in the central part of the supporting surface is referred to as a slab. . Table 2 4.3 The grade of stone in terms of strength is set by the value of the compressive strength, and brick - by the value of the compressive and bending strengths, not less than those indicated in Table 3. (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1) 4. 4 Water absorption should not be less than 8% for solid bricks, less than 6% for hollow products. 4.5 The mass of bricks in the dried state should not exceed 4.3 kg, and of stones - more than 16 kg. It is allowed, upon agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, reflected in the supply contract, the manufacture of enlarged stones weighing more than 16 kg. 4.6 Products are classified as non-combustible building materials according to GOST 30244. 4.7 Products intended for laying the outer walls of buildings and structures must be tested for thermal conductivity in accordance with 6.7. 4.8 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides (A eff) in products should not exceed 370 Bq/kg. If necessary, in the national norms in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits indicated above. (Changed version. Rev. No. 1) 4.9 Requirements for raw materials and materials 4.9.1 Clay raw materials used for the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents. The materials used for the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents for these materials, as well as technological documentation, and ensure that products of the specified technical characteristics are obtained.
Table 3

In megapascals (kgf / cm 2)

Tensile strength

under compression

when bending

all types of products

solid brick

plastic molding

semi-dry pressed bricks

and hollow brick

thickened brick

Medium for

5 samples


for a single sample

Medium for

5 samples


for a single sample

Medium for

5 samples


for a single sample

Medium for

5 samples


for a single sample

For bricks and stones with horizontal voids

Note - The flexural strength is determined by the actual area of ​​the brick without deducting the area of ​​voids.

4.10 Marking 4.10.1 Products must be marked in each package, one in the middle row. 4.10.2 An indelible paint is applied to the bonded surface of the product using a stencil (stamp) or brand imprint in the manufacturing process trademark manufacturer's predpriyatiya. 4.10.3 Each package (package) must have a transport marking in accordance with GOST 14192.


5.1 Products must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer. 5.2 Products are accepted in batches. The volume of the batch is set in the amount of not more than the daily output of one furnace. 5.3 The batch should consist of products of the same type, of the same brand in terms of strength and frost resistance. 5.4 To check the conformity of products with the requirements of this standard, acceptance tests and periodic tests are carried out. Acceptance tests are carried out according to the following indicators: - appearance (presence of defects in appearance); - size and shape correctness; - weight of the product; - compressive strength of products; - ultimate strength in bending for bricks. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 5.5 Periodic tests are carried out at least once: - every two weeks - to determine the presence and star inclusions; - per month - to determine water absorption; - per quarter - to determine frost resistance; - per year - to determine A eff in the event that there is no data from the supplier of raw materials on the value of A eff in the supplied materials. Periodic tests in terms of water absorption, frost resistance are also carried out every time when the raw materials and technology (composition of the charge, molding parameters, drying and firing modes) change, according to the presence of lime inclusions - when the content of carbonate inclusions changes in clay raw materials. Periodic tests to determine the A eff are also carried out each time the raw materials are changed. The thermal conductivity of products is determined when the product is put into production, as well as each time the raw materials, size and number of voids change. (Changed version. Rev. No. 1) 5.6 For carrying out acceptance and periodic testing items are selected randomly from different places batches in the quantity specified in 5.7 and 5.8. 5.7 Acceptance of products in terms of appearance for compliance with - is carried out by visual inspection, and, if necessary, by measuring the detected defects, using the sample size, acceptance and rejection numbers indicated in Table 4. Table 4 The lot is accepted if the number of defective products in the sample for the first stage is less than or equal to the acceptance number A c for the first stage of control. The batch is not accepted if the number of defective products is greater than or equal to the rejection number Rc for the first stage of control. If the number of defective products in the sample for the first stage of control is greater than A s, but less than R s, they proceed to the control of the second stage, for which a sample of the same volume is selected as in the first stage of control. A batch of products is accepted if the total number of defective products in samples of the first and second stages is less than or equal to A c. The batch is not accepted if the total number of defective products in the samples of the first and second stages is equal to or greater than R c for the second stage of control. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 5.8 To conduct acceptance and periodic tests, a number of samples are taken from a sample of products that meet the requirements of this standard in terms of appearance, in accordance with table 5. Table 5 (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 5.9 If, when checking the dimensions and correctness and shape of the products selected from the batch, there is one product that does not meet the requirements of the standard, the batch is accepted if two - the party is not subject to acceptance. 5.10 If, when testing products for other indicators specified in Table 5, unsatisfactory results are obtained, re-test products for this indicator of a double number of samples taken from this batch. A batch of products is accepted if the results of repeated tests meet the requirements of the standard, if they do not, the batch is not subject to acceptance. 5.11 Each batch of supplied products must be accompanied by a quality document, which indicates: - the name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark; - name and symbol of products; - number and date of issue of the document; - batch number and quantity of shipped items; - mass of bricks and stones; - water absorption; - brand of bricks and stones in terms of strength and frost resistance; - specific effective activity of natural radionuclides; - thermal conductivity of products; - designation of this standard. (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1) 5.12 When checking the compliance of brick and stone with the requirements of this standard, the consumer must apply the procedure given in 5.7 - 5.10 and the control methods established in section 6. In arbitration cases, the control check should be carried out in the presence of representatives manufacturer. (Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1)


6 .1 Product dimensions, outer wall thickness, corner radius, diameter of cylindrical voids, width of slit-like voids, length of cracks, length of brokenness and bluntness of products are measured with an error of 1 mm with a metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427. (Modified edition No. 1) 6 .2 To determine the length and width of products, measurements are made in three places - along the ribs and in the middle of the bed, the thickness of other items - in the middle of the poke and spoon. For products with rounded corners, measurements are taken at a distance of 15 mm from the ribs. Each measurement result is evaluated separately in accordance with 3.2. The depth of brittleness and bluntness of corners and ribs is measured with an error of 1 mm using a depth gauge according to GOST 162 or a square according to GOST 3749 and a ruler according to GOST 427 along the perpendicular from the top of the angle or rib formed by the square to the damaged surface. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 6.3 Deviation from the perpendicularity of the faces is determined by applying a square according to GOST 3749 to adjacent faces and measuring with a probe or depth gauge according to GOST 162 the gap formed between the square and the edge of adjacent faces. The result is taken highest value from all obtained measurement results. (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1) 6.4 The strength limit in compression of brick and stone and in bending of bricks is determined according to GOST 8462. 6.5 The presence of lime inclusions (dutiks) is determined by steaming products in a vessel. Samples that have not been exposed to moisture are placed on a grid placed in a vessel with a lid. The water poured under the grate is heated to a boil. Boiling is continued for 1 h. Then the samples are cooled in this closed vessel for 4 h, after which they are removed and checked for compliance with the requirements of 6.6 The mass, average density, water absorption and frost resistance of products are determined according to GOST 7025. Water absorption is determined when the sample is saturated with water at a temperature of (20 ± 5) ° C at atmospheric pressure. The grade of brick and stone in terms of frost resistance is determined by the number of cycles of alternate freezing and thawing, in which the product does not show signs of visible damage: peeling, delamination, cracking, chipping, as well as changes in the appearance defects specified in and of this standard. Chips with a diameter of up to 3 mm, formed at the place where the brick was cut or due to lime hydration, are not taken into account as signs of damage to the surface of the product when testing for frost resistance. In arbitration cases, the evaluation of the frost resistance of bricks should be carried out by loss of strength and mass. Brick is considered frost-resistant if the average loss of strength for five samples and the lowest value of the indicator of an individual sample, set in Table 3 for this brand, is not more than 5%, and the average weight loss for five samples is not more than 3%. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 6.7 The thermal conductivity of products is determined according to GOST 26254 in laboratory conditions in a climatic chamber with automatic maintenance temperatures in cold and warm zones minus (30 ± 1) ° С and plus (20 ± 1) ° С on large and small fragments from the wall in accordance with 6.7.1 and 6.7.2. 6.7.1 Determination of thermal conductivity on a large wall fragment Thermal conductivity of products is determined on a wall fragment, the size of which, taking into account mortar joints, must correspond to: one spoonful of rows of bricks or stones. For products with a horizontal arrangement of voids, a fragment in thickness is made in two versions: the first is from a bonded row of products, the second is from a spoon row; - in length (l) and height (h) - not less than 4.5 d, but not less than 1810 mm. In the event that the height of the brick silt and masonry does not correspond to the established height of the wall fragment, the masonry fragment is supplemented from below and from above with layers and masonry mortar, consisting of fine broken brick and complex mortar in a ratio of 50 to 50% by volume. The laying of a wall fragment is performed with a single-row chain dressing on a complex mortar of mark and 50 of medium density and 1800 kg / m 3 of composition 1: 0, 9: 8 (cement: lime: sand) by volume, on Portland cement of mark 400 with a cone draft for for solid products 12-13 cm, for hollow ones - 9 cm. The made wall fragment is kept for a month in a room with an air temperature of 15-20 ° C and relative humidity 40-60%. A fragment of the masonry is installed in the climatic chamber and the gaps along the contour of the chamber are sealed with heat-insulating material. Five thermocouples are installed on the inner and outer surfaces of the wall fragment: three on the surfaces of the spoon and butt rows and two on the horizontal and vertical mortar joints. A heat flux converter (heater) is used with a square section with a side equal to the sum of the height of one masonry element and the thickness of one mortar joint. The heat meter is installed in the center of the wall fragment on the inner surface of the spoon element of the masonry, capturing half the thickness of the upper and lower mortar joints (Figure 1c). a - a fragment of masonry c b - types of masonry in a transverse axonometric section (single brick, thickened brick, stone)

c - the location of the heat meter and thermocouples

1 - heat meter; 2 - thermocouple

Figure 1-Technical characteristics of a masonry fragment

The tests are carried out in laboratory conditions in accordance with GOST 26254. For the heat meter and each thermocouple, the arithmetic average of the readings for the observation period (q i) and (t i), where e i - sensor number. Then, the weighted average value of the temperature (t) is determined, taking into account the area of ​​the stretcher and bonder measured sections of the masonry, the vertical and horizontal sections of the mortar joints, according to the formula (1) where F i is the area of ​​​​the site, m 2. The experimental value of the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in the state of actual humidity (l exp), W / (m × ° C), is calculated by the formula (2) where q is the heat flux density, W / m 2, determined by formula 5 GOST 26254; t in, t n - the weighted average value of the temperature, respectively, of the inner and outer surfaces of the wall fragment, ° С; d is the thickness of the wall fragment, m. The result is the value of the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in the dry state, calculated by the formula (3) where l 0 is the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in a dry state, W / (m × ° С); W exp - actual value moisture content of the material in the masonry in % by weight, determined according to GOST 24816; K - coefficient of increment of the value of thermal conductivity depending on the moisture content of the material, taken equal to: K = 0.09 - for products with an average density of 1200 to 1500 kg / m 3; K \u003d 0.11 - for products with an average density of St. 1500 to 1700 kg/m3; K \u003d 0.13 - for products with an average density of St. 1700 to 1900 g/m 3 . For products with a horizontal arrangement of voids, the result is the value of the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in the dry state, determined by the formula (4) /(m × ° C). (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 6.7.2 Determination of thermal conductivity on a small fragment of a wall It is allowed to determine the thermal conductivity of products on a small fragment of the wall, consisting of 12 bricks or stones. Before testing, the fragment is dried to a constant weight, covered with paraffin in order to protect it from moisture during the test. It is allowed not to dry a wall fragment to a constant weight, but to determine the moisture content of the material after the end of the test in accordance with GOST 24816; A fragment of the masonry is placed in the opening of a detachable security zone made of a material similar in thermal properties to the tested products. The security zone, together with the fragment under study, is crimped by a fastening frame and installed in a wall separating climate chamber into warm and cold zones. The heat flux converter (heater) and thermoelectric thermometers are installed in accordance with Figure 1. Tests are carried out in laboratory conditions in accordance with GOST 26254, the value of the heat flux density (q) is measured and temperature drops (t in - t n). The experimental value of thermal conductivity is calculated by formula (2), the thermal conductivity of products in the laying in the dry state is calculated by formula (3) of this standard. For products with a horizontal arrangement of voids, the result is the value of thermal conductivity calculated according to formula e (4) of this standard. 6 .8 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined according to GOST 30108 on products placed in bags or on pallets with cross-dressing "on a plate". 6.9 Unburned and burnt products are determined by comparing bricks by color with samples - standards approved by the manufacturer in the prescribed manner. (Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1)


7.1 Transportation of products should be carried out using pallets of the type "POD" in accordance with GOST 18343 as a means of packaging. ) packages without pallets using fastening devices (removable and stationary) as means of packaging in the bodies of vehicles. 7.2 Transportation of products by road, rail and water transport must be carried out in accordance with the requirements normative documentation applicable to each mode of transport. 7.3 Transportation of products to the regions of the Far North and hard-to-reach areas is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846. 7.4 Loading and unloading packages of products must be carried out mechanically using special load gripping devices. 7.5 Loading products in bulk (throw) and unloading them by dropping are not allowed. 7.6 On pallets, the products should be stacked in a "herringbone" or "on a die" and "on an edge" with a cross dressing. The mass of one package should be no more than 0.85 tons. 7.7 Packages of bricks laid with cross-linking must be packed with metal tape in accordance with GOST 3560 or shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951, or stretch film in accordance with GOST 10354. 7.8 Products must be stored in packages on pallets according to GOST 18343 separately by grades and types in continuous single-tape stacks in one tier. It is allowed to install the package on top of each other no higher than two tiers. 7.9 It is allowed to store products on flat areas with a hard surface in single-strip stacks in packages without pallets.

The film is polyethylene. Specifications

GOST 14192-77 Marking of goods

GOST 15846-79 Products shipped to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 18242-72 Statistical acceptance control by alternative attribute. Control Plans

GOST 18343-80 Pallets for bricks and ceramic stones. Specifications

Table 1

in millimeters

Product type Nominal sizes according to
length width thickness
Single brick 250 120 65
Thickened brick 250 120 88
Brick modular dimensions
288 138 63
Brick modular dimensions
288 138 88
Brick thickened with
horizontal arrangement
250 120 88
Stone 250 120 138
Modular size stone 288 138 138
Modular size stone
288 288 88
Enlarged stone 250 250 138
250 250 188
180 250 138
Stone enlarged with
horizontal arrangement
250 250 120
250 200 80
Note. It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to issue
enlarged stones sizes:
380 180 138
380 255 188
380 250 138

3.2. Limit deviations from the nominal dimensions in millimeters should not exceed:

For products of plastic molding from loess, tripoli, diatomites

7 ...................... in length +-5 ...................... in width

For products of plastic molding and semi-dry pressing

5 ..................... in length +-4 ...................... in width +-3 ..................... in thickness - for bricks +-4 .................. ... by thickness - for stone

The deviation from perpendicularity of the faces in millimeters should not exceed:

4 - for products of plastic molding from loess, tripoli, diatomites; +-3 - for products of plastic molding and semi-dry pressing.

3.3. Types and sizes

3.3.1. Single and thickened bricks are made solid (without voids and with technological voids, the volume of which is not more than 13%) and hollow, and stones are only hollow. The dimensions, shape and location of voids in the product, as well as the voidness of the product, are given in Appendix A.

The thickness of the outer walls of the hollow product must be at least 12 mm.

Products can be manufactured with a different hollowness, with a different number and arrangement of holes, subject to the requirements of 3.5, 4.3.

3.3.2. The voids in the products should be perpendicular or parallel to the bed and can be through and non-through.

The width of slot-like voids should be no more than 16 mm, and the diameter of cylindrical through voids and the size of the side of square voids should not exceed 20 mm.

For enlarged stones, voids are allowed (for capture during laying) with a cross-sectional area of ​​voids not exceeding 13% of the base area.

The diameter of blind voids and the dimensions of horizontal voids are not regulated.

3.4. According to the strength of products with vertically located voids, grades are made: 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, and with horizontally located voids - 25, 35, 50, 100.

3.5. According to frost resistance, products are divided into grades: F15, F25, F35, F50.

3.6. The symbolic designation of ceramic products should consist of the name, type, brand for strength and frost resistance, the designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

Solid single ceramic brick, strength grade 100, frost resistance grade F15:

Brick K-100/1/15/GOST 530-95

Brick ceramic hollow single brand strength 150, frost resistance F15:

Brick KP-0 150/15/GOST 530-95

Thickened ceramic brick of strength grade 125, frost resistance F25:

Brick KP-U 125/25/GOST 530-95

Ceramic stone grade for strength 100, frost resistance F15:

Stone K 100/15/GOST 530-95

Enlarged ceramic stone grade for strength 150, frost resistance F15:

Stone KUK 150/15/GOST 530-95

Ceramic stone of modular dimensions of the brand for strength 175, for frost resistance F15:

Stone KM 175/15/GOST 530-95

Enlarged ceramic stone with a horizontal arrangement of voids, strength grade 50, frost resistance F15:

Stone KUG 50/15/GOST 530-95

Thickened ceramic brick with a horizontal arrangement of voids, strength grade 100, frost resistance F15:

Brick KUG 100/15/GOST 530-95

4. Technical requirements

4.1. Products must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved by the manufacturer.

4.2. Characteristics

4.2.1. Appearance The surface of the edges of the products must be flat, the ribs must be straight.

It is allowed to produce products with rounded vertical ribs with a radius of curvature of not more than 15 mm.

According to the texture of the surface (spoon, bonder) products can be smooth or corrugated. On the product, defects in appearance are not allowed, the dimensions and number of which exceed those indicated in table 2. Lime inclusions that, after steaming the products, cause destruction of surfaces and spalls with a depth of more than 6 mm, are not allowed.

On the surface of the products, the presence of spalls in the largest dimension from 3 to 10 mm is allowed, the number of not more than 3 pieces. The amount of ladle in the batch should not be more than 5%. It is not allowed to supply the consumer with unburned and burnt products.

table 2

4.3. The grade of stone in terms of strength is set by the value of the compressive strength, and the brick - by the value of the compressive and bending strengths indicated in table 3.

4.4. Water absorption should not be less than 8% for solid bricks, and less than 6% for hollow products.

4.5. The mass of bricks in the dried state should not exceed 4.3 kg, and of stones - more than 16 kg.

It is allowed, upon agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, reflected in the supply contract, the manufacture of enlarged stones weighing more than 16 kg.

4.6. Products belong to the group of non-combustible building materials according to GOST 30244.

4.7. Products intended for laying the outer walls of buildings and structures must be tested for thermal conductivity in accordance with 6.7.

4.8. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides (A_eff) in products should not exceed 370 Bq/kg.

4.9. Requirements for raw materials and materials

4.9.1. Clay raw materials used for the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents.

The materials used for the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents for these materials, as well as technological documentation, and ensure that products of the specified technical characteristics are obtained.

Table 3

in megapascals (kgf/cm2)

Tensile strength
under compression when bending
all types of products solid brick
semi-dry brick
pressing and
hollow brick
thickened brick
Medium for
5 samples
for 5
for 5
Medium for
5 samples
300 30,0 (300) 25,0 (250) 4,4 (44) 2,2 (22) 3,4 (34) 1,7 (17) 2,9 (29) 1,5 (15)
250 25,0 (250) 20,0 (200) 3,9 (39) 2,0 (20) 2,9 (29) 1,5 (15) 2,5 (25) 1,3 (13)
200 20,0 (200) 17,5 (175) 3,4 (34) 1,7 (17) 2,5 (25) 1,3 (13) 2,3 (23) 1,1 (11)
175 17,5 (175) 15,0 (150) 3,1 (31) 1,5 (15) 2,3 (23) 1,1 (11) 2,1 (21) 1,0 (10)
150 15,0 (150) 12,5 (125) 2,8 (28) 1,4 (14) 2,1 (21) 1,0 (10) 1,8 (18) 0,9 (9)
125 12,5 (125) 10,0 (100) 2,5 (25) 1,2 (12) 1,9 (19) 0,9 (9) 1,6 (16) 0,8 (8)
100 10,0 (100) 7,5 (75) 2,2 (22) 1,1 (11) 1,6 (16) 0,8 (8) 1,4 (14) 0,7 (7)
75 7,5 (75) 5,0 (50) 1,8 (18) 0,9 (9) 1,4 (14) 0,7 (7) 1,2 (12) 0,6 (6)
For bricks and stones with horizontal voids
100 10,0 (100) 7,5 (75) - - - - - -
75 7,5 (75) 5,0 (50) - - - - - -
50 5,0 (50) 3,5 (35) - - - - - -
35 3,5 (35) 2,5 (25) - - - - - -
25 2,5 (25) 1,5 (15) - - - - - -
Note - The flexural strength is determined by the actual area of ​​the brick without deducting
void areas.

4.10. Marking

4.10.1. Products must be labeled in each package, one in the middle row.

4.10.2. On the bonded surface of the product, an indelible paint is applied using a stencil (stamp) or an imprint of the brand during the manufacturing process, the trademark of the manufacturer.

5. Acceptance rules

5.1. Products must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

5.2. Products are accepted in batches. The batch volume is set in the amount of not more than the daily output of one furnace.

5.3. A batch should consist of products of the same type, of the same brand in terms of strength and frost resistance.

5.4. To check the conformity of products with the requirements of this standard, acceptance and periodic tests are carried out.

Acceptance tests carried out according to the following indicators:

Appearance (presence of appearance defects);

Dimensions and correctness of form;

Product weight;

Compressive strength of products;

Bending strength for brick grades 75 and 100.

5.5. Periodic tests are carried out at least once:

In two weeks - to determine the presence of lime inclusions;

Per month - to determine water absorption, flexural strength of bricks of grade 125 and above;

In a quarter - to determine frost resistance;

Per year - to determine A_eff in the event that there is no data from the supplier of raw materials on the value of A_eff in the supplied materials.

Periodic tests in terms of water absorption, frost resistance are also carried out every time a change in raw materials and technology (composition of the charge, molding parameters, drying and firing modes), by the presence of lime inclusions - when the content of carbonate inclusions in clay raw materials changes.

Periodic tests to determine A_eff are also carried out each time the raw materials are changed.

The thermal conductivity of products is determined when the product is put into production, as well as each time the raw materials, size and number of voids change.

5.6. For acceptance and periodic testing, products are selected by random selection from different places in the lot in the amount specified in 5.7 and 5.8.

5.7. Acceptance of products in terms of appearance is carried out according to a two-stage normal control plan in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18242, while the sample size, acceptance and rejection numbers must correspond to those indicated in table 4.

Table 4

Lot size
number A_s
10001-35000 I 80 80 7 11
II 80 160 18 19
35000-150000 I 125 125 11 16
II 125 250 26 27
St.150000 I 125 125 11 16
II 125 250 26 27

For control, an acceptance level of defectiveness equal to 6.5% is taken.

The batch is accepted if the number of defective products in the sample for the first stage is less than or equal to the acceptance number A_c for the first stage of control.

The batch is not accepted if the number of defective products is greater than or equal to the rejection number R_e for the first stage of control.

If the number of defective products in the sample for the first stage of control is greater than A_c, but less than R_e, they proceed to the control of the second stage, for which a sample of the same size is selected as in the first stage of control.

A batch of products is accepted if the total number of defective products in the samples of the first and second stages is less than or equal to A_c. The batch is not accepted if the total number of defective products in the samples of the first and second stages is equal to or greater than R_e for the second stage of control.

5.8. To conduct acceptance control and periodic testing, a number of samples are taken from a sample of products that meet the requirements of this standard in terms of appearance, in accordance with table 5.

Table 5

Name of indicator Number of samples
Dimensions and shape 24
The presence of lime inclusions 5
Weight, water absorption 3
Compressive Strength:
- stones 5
- bricks 10 (or 10 paired halves)
flexural strength of bricks 5
Frost resistance 5

5.9. If, when checking the dimensions and correctness of the shape of the products selected from the batch, there is one product that does not meet the requirements of the standard, the batch is accepted, if there are two, the batch is not subject to acceptance.

5.10. If during testing of products for other indicators indicated in table 5, unsatisfactory results are obtained, the products are re-tested for this indicator of a double number of samples taken from this batch.

A batch of products is accepted if the results of repeated tests meet the requirements of the standard, if they do not, the batch is not subject to acceptance.

5.11. Each batch of supplied products must be accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:

Name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark;

Name and symbol of products;

Number and date of issue of the document;

Lot number and quantity of shipped products;

A mass of bricks and stones;

Water absorption;

Bending strength for brick grades 75 and 100;

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;

Thermal conductivity of products;

Designation of this standard.

6. Control methods

6.1. The dimensions of the products, the thickness of the outer walls, the radius of curvature of the corners, the diameter of cylindrical voids, the width of the slot-like voids, the length of the cracks, the length and depth of the brokenness and bluntness of the products are measured with an error of 1 mm with a metal ruler according to GOST 427.

6.2. To determine the length and width of products, measurements are taken in three places - along the ribs and in the middle of the bed, the thickness of the products - in the middle of the poke and spoon. For products with rounded corners measurements are made at a distance of 15 mm from the ribs. The final result is taken as the difference between the largest and smallest of the measured values.

The depth of brokenness and bluntness of corners and ribs is measured using a depth gauge according to GOST 162 or a square according to GOST 3749 and a ruler according to GOST 427 along the perpendicular from the top of the corner or rib formed by the square to the damaged surface.

To determine the brokenness of the ribs, a section with a brokenness depth of not more than 10 mm is determined, and then the length of the brokenness of this section is measured.

The length of the crack along the bed of the product is measured with a ruler along the perpendicular from the most distant point of the crack to its intersection with the edge of the face through which it passes.

6.3. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the faces of the products, referred to a length of 120 mm, is determined with a steel square by applying it to the spoon and measuring the largest gap between the poke and the inner edge of the square with a measurement error of not more than 1 mm.

6.5. The presence of lime inclusions (dutik) is determined by steaming products in a vessel.

Samples that have not been exposed to moisture are placed on a grid placed in a vessel with a lid. The water poured under the grate is heated to a boil. Boiling is continued for 1 h. The samples are then cooled in this closed vessel for 4 h, after which they are removed and checked for compliance with the requirements of

6.6. The mass, average density, water absorption and frost resistance of products are determined according to GOST 7025. Water absorption is determined when the samples are saturated with water at a temperature of (20+-5)°C at atmospheric pressure.

6.7. The thermal conductivity of products is determined according to GOST 26254 in laboratory conditions in a climate chamber with automatic temperature maintenance in cold and warm zones minus (30+-1)°C and plus (20+-1)°C on large and small wall fragments in accordance with 6.7 .1 and 6.7.2 .

6.7.1. Determination of thermal conductivity on a large wall fragment

The thermal conductivity of products is determined on a wall fragment, the size of which, taking into account mortar joints, must correspond to:

By thickness (delta) - based on the conditions for the presence of one bonder and one spoon rows of bricks or stones. For products with a horizontal arrangement of voids, a fragment in thickness is made in two versions: the first is from a bonded row of products, the second is from a spoon row;

Length (l) and height (h) - not less than 4.5 delta, but not less than 1810 mm.

If the height of the brick or stone masonry does not correspond to the established height of the wall fragment, the masonry fragment is supplemented from below and above with layers of masonry mortar, consisting of small broken brick and complex mortar in a ratio of 50 to 50% by volume.

The laying of a wall fragment is performed with a single-row chain ligation on a complex mortar of brand 50 with an average density of 1800 kg / m3 of a composition of 1: 0.9: 8 (cement: lime: sand) by volume, on Portland cement of brand 400 with a cone draft for full-bodied products 12 - 13 cm, for hollow - 9 cm.

The laying of a fragment of a wall from enlarged products with through voids larger than 20 mm is performed with the filling of voids effective insulation(porous aggregates, expanded polystyrene, foam concrete, etc.) or by technology that excludes filling voids with masonry mortar.

The fabricated fragment of the wall is kept for a month in a room with an air temperature of 15-20°C and a relative humidity of 40-60%.

A fragment of the masonry is installed in the climatic chamber and the gaps along the contour of the chamber are sealed with heat-insulating material.

Five thermocouples are installed on the inner and outer surfaces of the wall fragment: three on the surfaces of the spoon and bond rows and two on the horizontal and vertical mortar joints. Heat flux converter (heat meter) is used square section with a side equal to the sum of the height of one masonry element and the thickness of one mortar joint. The heat meter is installed in the center of the wall fragment on the inner surface of the masonry spoon element with the capture of half the thickness of the upper and lower mortar joints (Figure 1c).

Tests are carried out in laboratory conditions in accordance with GOST 26254.

For the heat meter and each thermocouple determine the average arithmetic value indications for the observation period (q_i) and (tay_i), where i is the sensor measurement. Then, the weighted average value of the temperature (tau) is determined, taking into account the area of ​​the spoon and bond measured sections of the masonry, the vertical and horizontal sections of the mortar joints, according to the formula

The experimental value of the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in the state of actual humidity (lambda_exp), W / (m x ° C), is calculated by the formula

The result is taken as the value of the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in a dry state, calculated by the formula

For products with a horizontal arrangement of voids, the result is the value of the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in a dry state, determined by the formula

6.7.2. Determination of thermal conductivity on a small wall fragment

It is allowed, according to the methodology of the Research Institute of Building Physics, to determine the thermal conductivity of products on a small fragment of the wall, consisting of 12 bricks or stones.

Before testing, the fragment is dried to a constant weight, covered with paraffin in order to protect it from moisture during the test.

It is allowed not to dry a wall fragment to a constant mass, but to determine the moisture content of the material after the end of the test in accordance with GOST 24816, material samples after testing are taken with a jumper from a wall fragment from the location of the heat meter.

A fragment of the masonry is placed in the opening of a detachable security zone made of a material similar in terms of thermophysical properties to the tested products. The security zone, together with the fragment under study, is crimped with a mounting frame and installed in a wall that separates the climatic chamber into warm and cold zones. The heat flux converter (heat meter) and thermoelectric thermometers are installed in accordance with Figure 1. Tests are carried out in laboratory conditions in accordance with GOST 26254, the value of heat flux density (q) and temperature differences (tau_v - tau_n) are measured.

The experimental value of thermal conductivity is calculated by the formula (2), the thermal conductivity of products in the masonry in a dry state - by the formula (3) of this standard.

For products with a horizontal arrangement of voids, the thermal conductivity value calculated according to formula (4) of this standard is taken as the result.

6.8. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined according to GOST 30108 on products stacked in bags or on pallets with cross dressing "on a die".

7. Transportation and storage

7.1. Transportation of products should be carried out using pallets of the "POD" type as a means of packaging in accordance with GOST 18343. Transportation of products is allowed by car technological (sparse) packages without pallets using fastening devices (removable and stationary) in the bodies of vehicles as means of packaging.

7.2. Transportation of products by road, rail and water transport must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation in force for each type of transport.

7.3. Transportation of products to the regions of the Far North and hard-to-reach areas is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846.

7.4. Loading and unloading of packages of products must be carried out mechanized way using special load handling devices.

7.5. Loading products in bulk (throw) and unloading them by dropping are not allowed.

7.6. On pallets, the products should be stacked in a "herringbone" or "on a die" and "on an edge" with a cross dressing. The mass of one package should not exceed 0.85 tons.

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GOST 530-2012



General specifications

Ceramic brick and stone. General specifications

MKS 91.100.15 91.100.25

Introduction date 2013-07-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Association of Manufacturers of Ceramic Materials (APKM), Limited Liability Company "VNIISTROM" Science Center ceramics" (LLC "VNIISTROM "NCC")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (Supplement 1 to Annex B of Protocol No. 40 dated June 4, 2012

Country code by


MK (ISO 3166)

countries according to MK (ISO







Abbreviated name of the national authority government controlled construction

State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture

Ministry of Urban Development

Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services


Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Ministry of Regional Development

Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government

4 This standard complies with the main provisions of the following European Regional Standards*:


* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here

EN 771-1:2003 Definitions concerning wall stones - Part 1: Brick

concerning wall stones. Part 1: Brick) in terms of requirements for average density, void space, thermal properties, initial water absorption rate, acid resistance;

EN 772-1:2000 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 1: Determination of compressive strength

EN 772-9:1998 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 9: Determination of volume and percentage of voids and net volume of clay and calcium silicate masonry units by sand filling voids, net volume of ceramic bricks and silicate blocks by filling with sand);

EN 772-11:2000 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 11: Determination of water absorption of aggregate concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, manufactured stone and natural stone masonry units due to capillary action and the initial rate of water absorption of clay masonry units (Methods of testing building blocks - Part 11: Determination of capillary water absorption of building blocks made of concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete, artificial and natural stone, initial water absorption of ceramic bricks) in terms of the method for determining the rate of initial water absorption.

Translation from of English language(en).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 by order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of December 27, 2012 N 2148-st interstate standard GOST 530-2012 entered into force as the national standard of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2013.

6 INSTEAD OF GOST 530-2007

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ceramic brick and stone (hereinafter referred to as products) used for laying and cladding load-bearing, self-supporting and non-bearing walls and other elements of buildings and structures, as well as clinker bricks used for laying foundations, vaults, walls subject to heavy loads, and brick for outdoor masonry chimneys, industrial and domestic ovens.

This International Standard specifies technical requirements, acceptance rules, product test methods.

This standard does not apply to bricks for paving roads, bricks for laying the inside of chimneys and industrial furnaces, refractory and acid-resistant bricks.

This standard uses Normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Specifications GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Technical

conditions GOST 473.1-81 Chemically resistant and heat-resistant ceramic products.

Method for determination of acid resistance GOST 3749-77 Calibration squares 90°. Specifications

GOST 7025-91 Ceramic and silicate bricks and stones. Methods for determining water absorption, density and control of frost resistance

GOST 8462-85 Wall materials. Methods for determining the ultimate strength in compression and bending

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods GOST 18343-80 Pallets for bricks and ceramic stones. Technical

conditions GOST 25706-83 Loupes. Types, basic parameters. General technical

requirements of GOST 26254-84 Buildings and structures. Methods for determining resistance

heat transfer of enclosing structures GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Definition

specific effective activity of natural radionuclides GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Test methods for

combustibility Note - When using this standard, it is advisable

check the effect of reference standards on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 brick

3 . 2 normal format bricks (single): Product in shape cuboid nominal dimensions 250 120 65 mm.

3 . 3 stone: Large-format hollow ceramic product with a nominal thickness of 140 mm or more, intended for masonry.

3.4 solid brick: A product in which there are no voids or with voids not exceeding 13%.

3.5 hollow brick: Product with voids various shapes and sizes.

3.6 shaped brick: A product having a shape that differs from the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

3.7 add-on element: Product special form designed to complete the masonry.

3.8 clinker brick: A product with high strength and low water absorption, which ensures the performance of masonry in a highly aggressive environment and performs the functions of a decorative material.

3 . 9 front brick: A product that provides the performance characteristics of the masonry and performs the functions of a decorative material.

3 . 1 0 ordinary brick: A product that provides the performance characteristics of masonry.

3 . 11 stone with tongue-and-groove system: A product with protrusions on vertical edges for tongue-and-groove joining of stones in masonry without the use of masonry mortar in vertical joints.

3.12 working size (width) of the stone: The size of the product between smooth vertical edges (without protrusions for the tongue-and-groove connection), which forms the thickness of the wall when laying in one stone.

3 . 1 3 non-working size (length) of the stone: The size of the product between the vertical edges with protrusions for the tongue-and-groove connection, which forms the length of the wall when laying.

3.14 bed: The working face of the product, located parallel to the base of the masonry (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Fragment of masonry

1 - width; 2 - length; 3 - thickness; 4 - spoons; 5 - bed; 6 - poke

Figure 1 - Fragment of masonry

3.15 spoons

3.16 poke: The smallest face of the product, located perpendicular to the bed (see figure 1).

3.17 voidness: The proportion of voids in the volume of the product, expressed as a percentage.

3.18 crack: Rupture of a product without breaking it into pieces, with an opening width of more than 0.5 mm.

3.19 through crack: A crack that passes through the entire thickness of the product, with a length of more than half the width of the product.

3.20 cut: A crack with an opening width of not more than 0.5 mm.

3.21 broken: Mechanical damage to the edge, edge, corner of the product.

3.22 spall: Product defect caused by the presence of carbonate or other inclusions (see Appendix B).

3.23 peeling: Destruction of a product in the form of delamination of thin plates from its surface (see Appendix B).

3 . 2 4 chipping: Shedding of fragments of the surface of the product (see Appendix B).

3.25 cracking: The appearance or increase in the size of a crack after exposure to alternating temperatures (see Appendix B).

3.26 ladle: Two parts of a product formed when it is split. Products with through cracks are referred to as a slab.

3.27 contact patch: An area of ​​the surface of a product that is different in color and which occurs during the drying or firing process and does not affect the characteristics of the product.

3 . 2 8 efflorescence: Water-soluble salts that come out on the surface of the fired product when in contact with moisture.

3 . 2 9 black core: The area inside the product, due to the formation of iron oxide (II) during the firing process of the product.

3 . 3 0 unprotected masonry: Masonry not protected from external atmospheric influences and water penetration under operating conditions.

3.31 protected masonry: Masonry protected from water penetration (internal wall, inner part double wall, outer wall protected by a layer of plaster or cladding) under operating conditions.

3.32 masonry in a highly aggressive environment: Masonry exposed under operating conditions to constant saturation with water as a result of a combination of unfavorable natural and (or) artificial factors (ground or waste water, climatic conditions) and at the same time frequent freezing and thawing in the absence of effective protection.

3.33 masonry in a moderately aggressive environment: Masonry exposed under operating conditions to periodic exposure to moisture and alternate freezing and thawing, but not related to masonry in a highly aggressive environment.

3.34 masonry in a non-aggressive environment: Masonry that is not exposed to moisture and alternate freezing and thawing under operating conditions.

4 Classification, main dimensions and symbols

4.1 Classification

4.1.1 Products are divided into ordinary and facial. A stone with tongue-and-groove and groove joints can only be ordinary.

4.1.2 Brick is made solid and hollow, stone - only hollow. The stone can be made with flat vertical edges, with tongue-and-groove protrusions on the vertical edges, with an unpolished or polished supporting surface (bed).

The voids in the products can be located perpendicular (vertical) or parallel to the bed (horizontal).

4.1.3 By strength, bricks are divided into grades M100, M125, M150, M175,

M200, M250, M300; clinker brick - M300, M400, M500, M600, M800, M1000; stones - M25, M35, M50, M75, M100, M125, M150, M175, M200, M250, M300; brick and stone with horizontal voids - M25, M35, M50, M75, M100.

4.1.4 According to frost resistance, products are divided into grades F25, F35, F50, F75, F100, F200, F300.

4.1.5 In terms of average density, products are divided into classes 0.7; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.4; 2.0; 2.4.

4.1.6 According to the thermal characteristics of the product, depending on the class of average density, they are divided into groups in accordance with table 1. Table 1 - Groups of products according to thermal characteristics

Medium density class

Product group for thermal engineering


high efficiency

Enhanced Efficiency


Conditionally effective

Ineffective (ordinary)

4.2 Main dimensions

4.2.1 Products are manufactured in nominal sizes given in tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 - Nominal brick dimensions

In millimeters

Product type


Nominal dimensions




Table 3 - Nominal stone dimensions

In millimeters


Nominal dimensions

Length or



Distinguish brick ceramic and silica. Ceramic brick - by definition explanatory dictionary It's a piece of baked clay. Silicate brick - a product from fine-grained silicate concrete. The characteristics of these two materials are regulated by different GOSTs, and builders very clearly draw a line between them.

Brick is easy to use, strong and durable. Currently, more than 15 thousand combinations, shapes, sizes, colors and surface textures of bricks are produced in the world. Ceramic materials for laying stone and reinforced masonry structures are called "brick" and "stones" ( GOST 530-2007).

There are several varieties of ceramic bricks: building (ordinary, ordinary, full-bodied); hollow (economical, perforated, slotted, self-supporting); facing (front) and its subspecies (facade, shaped, figured, glazed, engobed). Types of bricks can be combined. For example, facade brick it can be both hollow and full-bodied, and shaped - both construction and facing. According to the texture of the surface of the spoon and bonder faces, the products can be smooth or corrugated.

Ceramic material is used when laying stoves and fireplaces. For those parts that are in direct contact with open fire, fireclay (refractory) bricks are needed, and for finishing they take a fireplace - an analogue of facing shaped. Paths are paved with clinker bricks, the plinth and walls are lined.

Depending on the method of molding, bricks of plastic molding and semi-dry pressing are distinguished. By the method of plastic molding, a brick is obtained from a mass with a high (up to 20%) moisture content by extrusion on belt presses (extruders) in the form of a continuous bar cut into bricks. The cut goes along the plane of the bed. Before firing, the raw brick is dried; at the same time, the dimensions of the brick are reduced by 5-10% due to shrinkage caused by water evaporation.

Full bodied brickplastic molding is used in the construction of structures into which water can enter (foundations, plinths, etc.). A hollow brick is obtained in the same way. The voids in it are formed with the help of cores located in the outlet part of the press head.

The molding of voids in bricks and ceramic stones has several goals both in the direction of increasing operational properties products (reducing the mass of bricks, reducing thermal conductivity, improving the appearance), and in the direction of improving manufacturability. The voids speed up the drying of products and reduce shrinkage stresses during drying; accelerate the heating of products, reduce fuel consumption and ensure uniform distribution of temperatures throughout the volume of the product, which ultimately ensures greater accuracy of brick geometry, the almost complete absence of cracks and high quality shard. However, the formation of raw bricks with voids is a technologically complex process: careful preparation of the raw mass is required, c. features for obtaining products with large quantity small voids, special nozzles etc.

Using the semi-dry pressing method, bricks are individually pressed from loose clay mass (with a moisture content of less than 10%). To reduce the mass, semi-dry pressing bricks are always made with voids. His distinguishing feature- conical shape of voids, usually non-through.

Due to the low initial moisture and piece molding, semi-dry pressing brick has a more regular shape and dimensions, but the structure of its shard is such that its frost resistance is lower than that of plastic molded brick.

Solid bricks are considered to be without voids or with voids, the volume of which is not more than 13% of the volume of the brick. Only single bricks are made full-bodied and less often thickened ones. One of the reasons is the limitation of the mass of bricks: no more than 4.3 kg.

Bricks and stones are considered hollow if they have more than 13% of voids (usually their voidness is 25-45%). The shape and size of voids can be different. For products with vertical voids, the thickness of the outer walls is normalized - at least 12 mm; the width of the slotted voids can be different, but not more than 16 mm, and the diameter (side) of round (square) voids - not more than 20 mm.

For increase thermal insulation properties In addition to the formation of voids, porization of the clay mass (porization of the shard) is possible. The front (facing) brick, when laying walls, simultaneously acts as both a structural and a finishing material. face brick differs in more exact sizes and has improved in the esthetic relation, at least, two, and more often three sides. These edges are either smoothed after molding, or they are given a decorative texture, or a decorative layer is applied to the surface. According to the main properties - strength, frost resistance - it is similar to an ordinary brick. The front brick, as a rule, is hollow - this ensures the quality of the shard.

Silicate brick is made from a mixture of lime (10%) and quartz sand (90%) in autoclaves at 170-180°C and high blood pressure. The strength characteristics of silicate brick are the same as those of ceramic, but it is less frost-resistant, water-resistant and more thermally conductive, as well as absolutely non-heat-resistant.

Silicate brick is not recommended for laying foundations and plinths of buildings, as well as furnaces and other units operating at high temperatures. When ensuring a dry mode of operation, silicate brick is not inferior in durability to ceramic.

brick requirements. Quality Criteria

Normative base. It so happened historically that until 2008 two standards were in force: GOST 7484-78 “Brick and ceramic facing stones. Specifications” and GOST 530-95 “Brick and ceramic stones. Specifications”, which replaced GOST 6316-74 and GOST 648-73.

On March 1, 2008, a new Interstate standard GOST 530-2007 "Ceramic brick and stone". The new standard combines the old GOST 7484-78 and GOST 530-95, as well as some specifications. The standard defines regulatory requirements and to facing bricks, and to building bricks, and to porous ceramic stones format up to 15NF. The Interstate Standard of OAO VNI-ISTROM im. P.P. Budnikov" and Russian society civil engineers; introduced technical committee according to standardization TC 465 "Construction"; adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction.

This standard complies with the European standard EN 771-1:2003 "Definitions concerning wall stones. Part 1. Brick "in terms of the requirements for average density and thermal properties.

Compared to previous regulatory documents, the new GOST tightens the requirements for the quality of ceramic bricks, its geometry, appearance, heat engineering, etc. This standard includes large-format stones, requirements for them, description, types and types of walls from it; for the first time, a classification of ceramic products according to thermal properties (five groups) was presented.

The requirements for both front and building bricks have been tightened: in terms of geometry (limit deviations have been reduced); frost resistance (minimum frost resistance building bricks- F25, front - F50, full-bodied for use in plinths and basement walls - F50); by strength (minimum strength of hollow - M100, solid - M125). The presence of lime inclusions on the front bricks is not allowed; front products should not contain water-soluble salts, leading to the formation of efflorescence (efflorescence) on the surface of the product. A section on heat engineering is included, which contains the calculation of the required resistance to heat transfer of external walls according to sanitary and hygienic standards, depending on climatic regions. The calculated thermal performance of ceramic wall materials of various densities in the wall masonry has been introduced. Design solutions for solid and lightweight brick masonry of external walls with heat-shielding qualities and humidity conditions, satisfying the required values ​​for various climatic conditions of the country, are given.

Marking of ceramic bricks, stones, blocks. In the technical documents for ceramic bricks and stones, a special marking is adopted, which indicates the main indicators of the material. The symbol includes the name of the type of product (brick or stone), the name of the material (K - ceramic, the silicate brick has the symbol C), the geometry of the product (P - hollow, U - thickened, G - with a horizontal arrangement of voids), brand strength (75-300), frost resistance grade (F15-F50) and standard number.

In GOST 530-2007, the following interpretation of the designation is recommended: “size”, “type”, “hollow”, “surface”, “color”, “size factor / brand / density / frost resistance / GOST”.

Standard size - KO single, KU - thickened, KE - euro, K - stone, KP-U - thickened bar. Type - L - front, R - private. Nf - size factor, single brick - 1Nf (normal brick). Brand - strength of the product (M100, M125, M150, M175). Medium density class (1.2/1.4). Frost resistance class - F75.

Regulatory requirements for ceramic bricks. To determine the brand of bricks in terms of strength in accordance with GOST, bricks (5 pieces from a batch) are tested for compression and bending (stones - only for compression) and, according to the data obtained, a brand of bricks is established. The standard provides for 8 grades of bricks in terms of strength from M75 to M300 (kgf / cm 2 ). It should be noted that the bending strength is not more than 20% of the compressive strength (Table 5.1).

The compressive strength of the brick is quite high. However, in masonry, the brick works not only in compression, but also in bending due to the presence of layers of mortar and brick masonry with dressing. Therefore, the bearing capacity of the masonry is taken lower than the strength of the brick itself.

Frost resistance refers to the ability of a material to withstand repetitive freezing and thawing when water is present in its pores.

The combined effect of humidification and periodic freezing -the main natural destructive factor, which determines the durability of many building materials in middle lane Russia. Therefore, the frost resistance of bricks is a very important indicator.

A quantitative assessment of the frost resistance of a material is the number of cycles of freezing at -18 ± 2°С and thawing at +20 ± 2 °С in a state saturated with water until the onset of structural disturbances in the material, expressed in surface peeling, cracking and a decrease in its strength. The standards for these indicators are set by GOST for the material.

GOST 530-95 established the following brick grades: F15, F25, F35 and F50 (facing brick grade F15 was not provided for). In accordance with GOST 530-2007, the minimum frost resistance grade is F25, for the front one - F50. The number after the letter F indicates maximum number cycles of freezing / thawing, which the brick of this brand can withstand without signs of destruction. This figure shows the potential ability of a brick, evaluated in the laboratory under extreme conditions. In nature, temperature fluctuations are not so sharp, and moisture saturation of bricks is far from the limit. In addition, the right design decisions, mainly regarding waterproofing, vapor barrier and roof drainage, can ensure the durability of the brick in the structure.

In no case should hollow bricks be used for external structures, where water can penetrate into its voids (foundations, basement, etc.), which contributes to destruction.

Brick quality criteria (lack of defects).

The brick corresponds to the actual compressive strength of the declared brand. Produce brick brands M75, M100, M125, M150, M200, M250, M300. The numbers indicate the compressive strength (in kg / cm 2 ); material is selected based on the calculation of the load on the walls.

The brick corresponds to the brand for frost resistance, i.e. the number of alternating freeze / thaw cycles that a brick is able to "survive" while in water for more than a day. Existing frost resistance grades: F25, F35, F50. In central Russia, brand products from F35 and more are used.

Facing bricks with frost resistance of 15 cycles are not mass-produced. It is allowed to be produced only in the southern regions and only if the experience of past construction in these places using non-frost-resistant material turned out to be positive; water absorption compliance with the standard - not less than 8% for a solid brick and not less than 6% - for a hollow one.

The product corresponds to the given size. Standard - 250x120x65 mm. There are also: thickened brick - 250x120x88 mm, single modular size - 288x138x63 mm, thickened modular size - 288x138x88 mm. In addition, GOST allows manufacturers, by agreement with the consumer, to produce custom-made products of non-traditional dimensions and shapes. Most often found: one and a half bricks - 250x120x103 mm and double - 250x120x138 mm. However, in all cases, the deviation of dimensions from the standard (or from the dimensions specified in the contract) should not exceed: ± 5 mm in length, ± 4 mm in width, ± 3 mm in thickness. For facing products, the requirements for deviations are stricter: ±4 mm in length, ±3 mm in width, and from -2 to +3 mm in thickness. The amount of the so-called "polovnyak" in the party does not exceed 5%.

The appearance of the brick meets the standard. The surface of the faces should be flat, the edges should be straight. True, at building material rounding of vertical ribs with a radius of up to 15 mm is allowed.

The brick complies with the environmental standard. Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides should not exceed 370 Bq/kg.

The brick should not contain inclusions of lime and stones. In principle, lime is part of the raw clay, but at the same time it is finely ground. If large particles remain, then in the future they begin to absorb moisture and swell (the so-called “dutik” appears), breaking off small pieces of brick.

The mass of any brick in the dried state should not exceed 4.3 kg.

For building bricks, the presence of some permissible defects is not considered a marriage. It is allowed to have broken corners with a depth of 10-15 mm and (or) damage to the ribs up to 10 mm deep, 10-15 mm long - two defects per brick; the presence of cracks up to 30 mm long is allowed - one for the spoon and bond faces. Surface spalls with a depth of 3-10 mm are allowed in an amount of up to 3 pieces. on a brick.

The requirements for the appearance of facing bricks are more stringent: on the front surface of the brick there should be no chips (including from lime inclusions), spots, efflorescence and other external defects visible from a distance of 10 m in open space in daylight.

Marriage are cases of violation of the brick firing regime. Signs of underburning - mustard color, dull sound on impact. The result of such a marriage is poor water and frost resistance. Burning is characterized by black marks and a swollen, broken shape, increased density and thermal conductivity (heat from the premises will “leak” much more intensively).

Characteristics of individual types of bricks

Brick solid. Solid brick - a material with a small volume of voids (less than 13%). It is used for laying internal and external walls, erecting columns, pillars and other structures that carry an additional load in addition to their own weight.

Due to the fact that this material is used mainly for the construction load-bearing elements buildings, its other names are common - “construction”, “ordinary”, “ordinary”. It must have high bending strength, compressive strength (if the structure is heavily loaded, you can order the M250 and even M300 grade), be frost-resistant. According to GOST, the maximum frost resistance grade for such a brick is F50, but you can also find bricks of the F75 grade.

Porosity determines the heat-insulating properties, the quality of adhesion to the masonry mortar, and at the same time the absorption of moisture when the weather changes. The water absorption of ordinary bricks should be more than 8%, and there is a material on the market for which this value reaches 20%. The heat transfer resistance of solid bricks is low. Therefore, external walls completely lined with this material require additional insulation.

Table 5.1

Hollow brickused for laying lightweight exterior walls, partitions, filling high-rise and multi-storey buildings. In fact, this brick has many “names”. In various announcements, it is called "perforated", "slotted", "thrifty" ("economical") and "self-supporting". From the last name it can be seen that it is used mainly for unloaded structures.

Holes in hollow bricks can be both through and closed on one side; in shape - round, square, rectangular and oval; by location - vertical and horizontal. It must be taken into account that the material horizontal holes less durable (M25-M100).

Due to the fact that voids make up a significant part of the volume (more than 13%), less raw materials are used to manufacture hollow bricks than to manufacture solid bricks. Hence - and a relatively modest price, and the name - "economical". In addition, closed volumes of dry air increase the heat-insulating properties of the material. It is only necessary to ensure that the masonry mortar is thick enough and does not fill the holes, otherwise this advantage cannot be used.

Of course, the size of the cracks themselves also affects the degree of penetration of the solution.

To improve the thermal performance, even at the production stage, they try to achieve increased porosity of the solid part of the brick: when preparing clay, peat, finely chopped straw, sawdust or coal are added to it, which burn out during firing, forming small voids in the clay massif. Often the brick obtained in this way is called "light" or "super efficient".

Brick facing. Facing, it is also front and front, used when facing buildings. Standard sizes he has the same ones as an ordinary one - 250x120x65 mm. Some manufacturers offer reduced width facade bricks (85 mm instead of 120).

As a rule, the facade brick is hollow, and therefore, its thermal performance is quite high. According to the standards, the lining must have good frost resistance and a presentable appearance. The color should be even, the edges should be smooth, the shapes should be accurate. The presence of cracks and delamination of the surface is not allowed.

By selecting the compositions of clay masses and adjusting the firing time and temperature, manufacturers get a wide variety of colors. Brick cladding costs more than plastering, but with the right choice of material, a ceramic facade will not require updating for much longer than plaster.

Facing textured (embossed) brick is interesting. Its spoon and bond surfaces have a pattern. It can be just a repetitive depressed relief, or it can be “marble”, “wood”, “antique” (textured with worn or deliberately uneven edges) - at the customer's choice.

shaped brickotherwise called curly. Features such a brick - rounded corners and edges, beveled or curved edges. It is from such elements that arches, round columns are erected without any special difficulties, and facades are decorated. There are special elements for the window sill and cornices. A subspecies of shaped brick is a curved brick, the shape of which is made to order, according to the provided template.

Glazed or engobe facing brick. To obtain a brick with a brilliant colored surface, glaze is applied to the fired clay (a special fusible composition based on glass ground into powder), and then secondary firing is carried out at a lower temperature. After that, a vitreous waterproof layer is formed, which has good adhesion to the bulk and, as a result, increased frost resistance. Glazed brick allows you to lay out mosaic panels both indoors and from the street.

The technology for producing engobed brick (it is also called “two-layer” or “colored”) is different in that the color composition is applied to the dried raw material and fired only once. Samo decorative coating also different. An engobe consists of white or dyed clay brought to a liquid consistency. If the firing temperature is chosen correctly, it gives an opaque, even layer of matte color.

Glazed and engobed bricks are used for original design cladding of external and internal walls. A wide range of colors allows you to implement virtually any design idea.

Approximately the same requirements are imposed on the appearance of glazed and engobed bricks. On the colored surface there should be no sags and cracks, bubbles and swellings. Notches and crevices are allowed, but in very small quantities (no more than 4 pcs.). The same applies to bubbles and black dots - "flies" (no more than 3).

It should be borne in mind that the colored layer of both bricks is quite fragile - probably because of this they are not in great demand. They are made mainly abroad and to order, however, there are manufacturers in Russia as well - these are the Chelyabinsk plant "Kemma", the Krasnoyarsk "Krasnoyarskstroymaterialy" and others. up to 43%) - NPO Keramika.

Clinker bricks are used for facing plinths, paving roads, streets, yards, floors in workshops industrial buildings, facade cladding.

Completely immersed in water, the clinker brick can withstand at least 50 cycles of alternate freezing / thawing, and as for strength, it is simply not produced below the M400 grade. Such characteristics are provided by the high density of the brick, which is achieved through special raw materials and special technology.

Refractory clays are used in the production of this type of material. They are fired to sinter at much higher temperatures than is customary for making conventional building bricks.

The material turns out to be expensive, and its use is advisable where the operation of building elements or pavement takes place under the most severe conditions. Brick paving of paths has become popular in last years, more often clinker is used for facade cladding - the finish does not need to be repaired for a long time, dirt and dust practically do not penetrate the surface structure, and there are a lot of variations in colors and shapes. There is only one drawback: due to high density clinker has a high thermal conductivity.

Chamotte brick. To avoid the rapid destruction of masonry in contact with open fire, a brick is needed that can withstand high temperatures. It is called furnace, refractory and fireclay. This material withstands temperatures over 1600 °C. They make such a brick from fireclay - refractory clay. By the way, the same clay is added to the masonry mortar so that the stove does not fall apart from exposure to the flame. make fireclay brick classical, as well as trapeciidal, wedge-shaped and arched forms.

Ceramic large-format hollow stones (manufactured by KERAKAM, RAUF, Pobeda) are used for laying load-bearing and self-supporting external and internal walls of residential buildings up to 9 floors high; for carriers and self-supporting walls public buildings up to 24 m high; for self-supporting and internal walls of industrial buildings; to fill the frames. Stones are also used for the exterior walls of rooms with a wet regime when a vapor barrier coating is applied to their inner surfaces.

Large-format porous stones make it possible to conduct a simple single-row masonry (meeting the requirements of SNiP li-3-79 "Construction heating engineering"), in which the length of the stone corresponds to the thickness bearing wall. In this case, the facades of the outer walls can be plastered or lined with facing bricks. In the case of facade cladding with bricks, when laying a wall of large-format stones, stainless steel anchors must be placed in each horizontal seam of the masonry. To save the solution and prevent it from falling into the voids of the stone, it is recommended to use a plastic mesh.

In terms of strength, ceramic bricks and stones with vertical voids are manufactured in the following grades: 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, and with horizontal voids - 25,35,50,100. The average number in size is just the thickness of the wall when laid in one block (except for INF, 2NF and 6.87NF). This size is the size of the block along the tongue and groove.

Purchase of bricks, transportation and storage

When buying a brick, you must require accompanying documents: a certificate or passport for the product.

When buying imported bricks, it must be borne in mind that European standards do not always coincide with domestic ones in terms of size, frost resistance, and strength indicators. Keep this in mind when using imported and Russian bricks together. It is also necessary to take into account that the thickness of domestic reinforced concrete elements (lintels, floor slabs) is a multiple of the height of domestic bricks.

Transportation and storage. One of real sources the appearance of marriage of ceramic bricks (cracks, battens, broken and chipped) is its incorrect transportation. It is often possible to observe how a brick (even relatively expensive - facing) is transported in bulk and unloaded, like crushed stone, by a dump truck. Non-conformity with this method of transportation can reach 20%.

The "civilized" way is to transport bricks on pallets. The manufacturer, as a rule, releases its products to the consumer in this way, and either sells or leases pallets; delivery options on customer pallets are considered.

Ceramic brick is a firing material with good weather resistance, and this allows its purchase for future use (including in winter). Ceramic bricks are stored under a canopy (excluding direct exposure to atmospheric precipitation), in stacks, with ventilation gaps in masonry and aisles between stacks. Storage in bulk, especially in open areas, is not recommended.

How many bricks do you need to build two-story house

Let's make a calculation for a two-story house with walls measuring 8x8 m and a ceiling height of 3 m.

1) Determine the length of the outer walls (perimeter of the house): 8-4 = 32 m.

2) Ceiling height - 3 m; the height of the walls of a two-story house is -6 m. This means that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer walls: 32-6 \u003d 192 m 2 .

3) We choose a masonry of 2.5 bricks, then the thickness of the walls will be 64 cm, although for each individual project this value will have to be calculated individually, based on the design features of the building, the weight of the floors, etc. At the same time, we will perform laying in two bricks from a double ordinary brick and one row (in half a brick) from a single front brick.

If the number of bricks is determined taking into account mortar joints, then we get: 192-104 \u003d 19968 pcs. double private or 192-204 = 39168 pcs. single ordinary brick plus 192-51 = 9792 pcs. front single brick (see table).

Table 5.2

Average brick consumption per 1 m²

* The thickness of the outer walls must be at least 2.5 bricks (ie 64cm).

4) Taking into account the prices valid as of August 1, 2008, the costs for ordinary bricks will be: 39,168-10.0 = 391,680 rubles; and for the front brick - 9792-15.0 \u003d 146,880 rubles. Taking into account the 5% stock, the entire brick will cost 1.05 * 538,560 \u003d \u003d 565,488 rubles.

We accept the cost of masonry materials and masonry work in the amount of 30% of the cost of a brick: 0.3-565,488 = 169,646 rubles.

5) You can also calculate how much a finished house will cost: 1 m 2 in a brick house it costs 9000-11 OOO rubles, i.e. need to multiply total area at home (2-64 = 128 m 2 ) per 10 OOO rubles. The cost of finishing will be 1,280,000 rubles.

Thus, the building of the house with finishing will cost: 565,488 + 169,646 + 1,280,000 = 2,015,034 rubles. Foundation, foundation work, roof, roof vi roofing amount to at least 20% of the calculated costs.

The cost of the house (according to consolidated indicators) will be: 2,015,0341.2 = 2,418,041 rubles. (18890 rub./m 2 , or 787 dollars. (510 euros) per m 2 ).

It is obvious that the calculation was carried out according to "aggregated indicators". If the house provides for a basement floor, then the cost of the foundation will be much higher, and the cost of the roof also depends on the type of attic (operated - warm attic or attic), and on the design (including materials) of the truss system, and on the type of roofing finish.

The price of a brick total cost at home will be: (100-565,488) / 2,418,041 = 23.4%, i.e. does not exceed 1/4 of the value of the house. This leads to the conclusion that it is completely unprofitable to save on a brick, and especially on its quality.