Panel history of origin and development. A panel is not just a craft. Mosaic panels in the interior

- (fr.). All parts of the works of the architect., carpentry. or jewelry, representing surfaces decorated with carvings, framed by borders, ornaments, and the very surfaces are whole paintings or bas-reliefs. Dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (French panneau, from lat. pannus a piece of cloth), 1) a part of the wall highlighted by a frame (stucco frame, ornament ribbon, etc.) and filled with a pictorial or sculptural image (or ornament). 2) Oil painting, ... ... Art Encyclopedia

unchanged; cf. [French] panneau] Part of a ceiling, vault, or wall set off from a common surface by a border and usually filled with paintings or sculptures; images that fill the allocated space. Mosaic p. Stucco p. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

PANEL, non-cl., cf. (French panneau) (suit.). 1. In architectural structures, the surface on the wall, on the ceiling, bordered by a border, frame and filled with stucco or pictorial ornament, painting, etc. 2. Large size painting on canvas (in… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

PANEL, non-cl., cf. 1. The surface on the wall, ceiling, framed with an ornament, smooth or with picturesque, sculptural images. 2. A painting or relief decorating some kind of section of the wall, ceiling. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

panel- - a part of the wall filled with an artistic image, framed by an ornamental ribbon or a stucco frame. Also panels - wooden carved, stucco or mosaic compositions ... Builder's Dictionary

panel- PANNO, non-contiguous, cf. A work of fine art (a painting or a relief) located on a section of a wall or ceiling highlighted by a border. The furnishings were quite simple, but all made of ash was unusual: ash parquet, ash panels on the walls, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

- (French panneau), 1) a part of a wall or ceiling, highlighted by a frame (ornament ribbon, etc.) and filled with some kind of image. 2) A painting (less often a relief) designed for a specific section of the wall ... Modern Encyclopedia

- (French panneau) 1) a framed part of a wall, ceiling, filled with an image or ornament. 2) A painting or relief intended for permanent or temporary decoration of a certain section of a wall or ceiling ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Shell panel "Mermaid" (2038), . Create an unusual panel in the form of a fabulous mermaid! Glue the paper stencil onto the piece of wood. Decorate the tail with sea shells and bright beads. For a stylish hairstyle, use ...
  • Gypsum panel (for girls) (1431 BB), . Try to make all these wonderful items yourself: - necklace, - magnets, - panels, - photo frames. Color them to your liking! Kit contains: detailed instructions, form, plaster, paints,…

A panel is a modern and very stylish way to decorate any interior, from a residential apartment to a solid office. We see such works of decorative art very often, but we rarely think about what it is - a panel. This article is devoted to this interesting topic.

So, a panel is an element of room decor, which is designed to decorate walls, ceilings, and sometimes even building facades. How, in this case, does the panel differ from the usual picture, because both serve to decorate the interior? First of all, the way it is made. If a picture is considered, first of all, a work of pictorial art, then a panel can be sculptural, mosaic, fabric, wooden and even plastic. Let's look at the types of panels in more detail.

Modern types of wall panels

There are the following types of decorative panels:

  • fabric: these are all kinds of embroidered paintings, tapestries and appliqués on fabric. They can be made manually or serially, in the form of machine embroidery;
  • from stone: Here, natural stone is most often used - granite, marble, basalt and others. Panels made of stone in mosaic technique look very beautiful;
  • wooden- most often it is a panel with an abstract plot, for example, carved wooden panels made of oak, birch, beech, pine and other types of wood. Sometimes they are supplemented with semi-precious stone inlay, which looks great in a classic interior;
  • ceramic- are mosaic paintings of ceramic tiles, suitable for placement in the bathroom or working area of ​​​​the kitchen;
  • sculptural- are voluminous, which qualitatively distinguishes them from other types of panels. Such mini-sculptures are made of gypsum, textured plaster, metal;
  • graphic- unlike drawn or painted paintings, this type of panel is made using modern types of printing, including photo printing. This also includes reproductions of paintings;
  • others: this includes handmade panels made using a variety of materials (seashells, dried flowers, cereals and grains, clay, salt dough, etc.).

Decorative panels in the interior

If you plan to decorate your home with beautiful modern panels, you should consider their placement in advance. After all, the different household purposes of the rooms entail differences in their decor.

The living room is best decorated with an exclusive panel or polyptych (several images that continue one theme). Abstractions, landscapes or other themes that are most suitable for the general style of the room are popular here. Consider also the size of your living room: too large a decorative panel is unsuitable for a small area, and vice versa - a small picture can be “lost” on the wall of a spacious room.

For the bedroom, more calm elements of decor are preferable - for example, panels on a marine theme. Abstract textile panels also look good in the bedroom. It may seem interesting to have an option for an LED panel with backlight, which also plays a useful role as a night lamp.

The children's room can be decorated with some bright panels depicting the baby's favorite cartoon or fairy-tale characters. And if you practice joint creativity with children, you can make panels with your own hands. Using any materials at hand and your imagination, try to arrange the work in the most appropriate style.

A wall panel is one of the most interesting decorative decorations, the creation of which has no restrictions - a complete flight of fancy. On such an interesting topic, the editors of the online magazine site have prepared exhaustive material with a little surprise - interesting step-by-step master classes.

Decorative panel in the interior

This element of interior design can be created from a wide variety of materials. Many believe that exclusivity is achieved not only by creating a special pattern, but also by using a variety of materials in one composition. Here it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of each and their compatibility.

Carved wood panels on the wall

Wood has always been considered the best option for creating design elements of any premises. This material is durable and looks great. Environmentally friendly elements are perfect for creating panels, or.

To create a unique interior, you can use different parts of the tree. It can be both branches and small sections of the trunk. Many use ready-made canvases. For example, . With the help of special tools for (wood cutters or) each element is made individually. At the final stage, individual elements are assembled into a special pattern.

In order for wood to last as long as possible, it must be subjected to additional processing. Coating with varnish, paint and special compounds that prevent decay and the appearance of a wormhole. At the same time, you can buy a wooden panel on the wall both in the budget version and real works of art.

Panel on the wall of ceramic tiles

Mosaic elements are attached to a degreased surface. To do this, you need to use a special glue. When creating your own interior model, you can use ready-made elements. They are sold in stores in kits, which include everything you need.

Glass and mirror panel - a little journey with Alice through the looking glass

Glass wall panel options will add variety to your room. Glare will make the room look new every time. This material is recommended for use in the design of the kitchen. We stick individual elements on a flat surface and form exclusive patterns. In order for the panel to look complete, it is recommended to apply.

Important! This design option allows you to clean the room without risking destroying the composition. Glass is the most wear-resistant material that can last for a single year.

Recently, mirror panels have been especially popular. But this material is difficult to process. Accordingly, you can use a variety of substitutes: special and so on. That is, in fact, any materials that have the properties of a mirror are used.

When using glass and mirrors, you can create the most amazing decor options for. Designers recommend using these types of materials for decorating living rooms.

Decorative plaster panels - work for real masters

To create a special mixture is used, which is based on the use of finishing. At the moment, several types can be distinguished. In particular, they are popular. Each drawing will be embossed. Smooth options are, in fact, the creation of a complete picture.

The surface is covered with special materials that contribute to the ease of surface care. If necessary, you can quickly change the drawings. This material is considered the most wear-resistant.

Textile as an art form

For the manufacture of panels on the wall, you can use a wide variety of types of fabric. To create a unique option, you can even use burlap. That is, you can take any fabric that you find in your bins.

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The elements are sewn together with threads. These panel options are enough to sew and hang on the wall. Accordingly, this view can be regularly updated, changing the features of the interior. You can create for every season and holiday.

Panel on the wall in macrame technique

Weaving has been famous since antiquity. Modern nodular macrame options allow you to quickly create the most bizarre and beautiful patterns. After you tie this or that product, you need to fix it on the wall. This version of the panel attracts with its originality. Handwork is considered the most demanded. Needlewomen can create patterns in the national style, which will make it possible to make a unique interior in.

Paper panel - beautiful, elegant, but short-lived

To create decorative elements, it is enough to recall labor lessons in kindergarten. To do this, you need to pick up a picture and take colored paper or. By gluing small elements, you create individual paintings that can be safely considered real decorations. Therefore, a do-it-yourself panel made of paper is a fairly popular type of decoration among needlewomen. And most importantly - the cheapest.

Panels can be attached to the wall in a variety of ways. In particular, elements can be . At the same time, it is possible to use buttons and other materials.

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: what is the difference between these decor elements, what compositions are in trend today, the features of choosing and placing interior paintings in different parts of the house, tips on decorating an office, where and at what cost you can buy paintings and posters - in our publication.

Photo panel on the wall

Experts consider this species the most interesting. In order to create a decorative element, it is necessary to apply it to the wall surface using a special print.

You can select a wide variety of images and combine them into a single composition. This interior design option will make the room a real place to relax. Many seek to give their rooms the look of a beach or forest. These pictures bring peace.

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The choice of a place for installation, existing methods of fastening, the best fasteners for fixing modular paintings to surfaces made of various materials - we will consider in the publication.

Wallpaper wall panel

To create paintings, there is no need to purchase new ones. It is enough to use the waste that remains after the completion of the repair work. It is enough to choose an image and realize them in the form of a picture on the wall.

In this way, you can decorate any room. By the way, when using detergents, a bathroom panel is created.

Salt dough panel or do-it-yourself 3D images from childhood

This option is suitable for families with children. Do not forget that kids just love to make various crafts from plasticine or. Here there are no limits for imagination. Each element of the picture is created separately.

In the end, every detail becomes an element of the big picture. You can create a wide variety of decorative ornaments.

Other types of panels

Decorative elements can be made from any materials. Including using improvised means. In this case, it is recommended to combine materials. For example, you have , wood and glass. Try to combine these materials into a single, integral composition. Or you can just make a simple and beautiful wall panel from.

In addition, the panels differ in the type of premises. Only environmentally friendly elements are suitable for a nursery. For the bathroom, you need to use those materials that are not afraid of high humidity. The living room is decorated in light colors. The theme of the image can be emphasized with frames and other related elements.

How to place a panel in the interior

When placing, you should consider a few basic rules:

  1. The panel should look harmonious with the rest. For example, if you are using expressive images, then it is recommended to make the background of other surfaces more calm and uniform.
  2. We take into account the purpose of the room. The image should bring calm and a sense of comfort. Accordingly, it is not recommended to decorate with elements that are heavy in meaning. The feeling of pressure and nervousness will not let you rest in peace. It is not recommended to decorate with dark tones. All images should be joyful luminaries.
  3. Each element must have its place.
  4. The image must be coherent and complete. That is, if you decide to decorate the walls with a three-dimensional panel, then choose a place where the picture will be visible in full size. It shouldn't be cut. This may cause a feeling of discomfort.

Thus, in order to give your interior originality and exclusivity, we recommend using a variety of types of panels. Moreover, this decorative element can be safely created without the help of specialists.

How to make a do-it-yourself panel from newspaper tubes

Do-it-yourself decorative panel is an affordable interior decoration for everyone who is interested in this technique. How to prepare newspaper tubes for subsequent weaving, the video below will tell in detail. And we will consider how to make a panel fan.

Illustration Action Description

Prepare two semicircles from durable.

According to their size + 1 cm on each side, cut a semicircle from the fabric.

Glue the prepared tubes to one of the semicircles.

Glue the second part with a cloth and also attach it well to the existing workpiece. This will be the face of the future product.

On the back side, to stiffen, glue a semicircle with a large diameter.

Weave the first row with a volumetric oblique according to the principle shown in the photo.

Weave subsequent rows simply - through one tube. In our case, it turned out 6 rows.

Then step back from the first block of weaving by 2-3 cm and continue in the same technique. To prevent the work from slipping, make limiters from cocktail tubes.

When the weaving is finished, complete the work by closing the tubes.

Be sure to plant the last row on.

Trim off excess parts.

Also shorten the main tubes so that there is no more than 3 cm of free edge.

Weave a voluminous braid from the tubes.

Glue the resulting braid along the edge of the product. Decorate the fan with lace and a bow.


A panel is one of the types of monumental art that is very popular in interior design today. With it, any interior can be decorated with style and modernity. The panel can be hung in an ordinary residential apartment, and in a respectable office. This is a stylish and modern way to decorate any interior, which gives a room or office an unforgettable atmosphere. Moreover, it can be made for every taste and color. A little imagination - and any room will become part of the room, where a unique and unforgettable atmosphere reigns.

Painting and panel. Differences

The panel is an element for a decor of rooms. It can become a beautiful decoration of a wall, ceiling or even the facade of a building. Thus, a natural question arises. What is the difference between a panel and a regular painting? After all, both decorate the interior. First of all, a panel is an element of decor, distinguished by special manufacturing methods. The painting is a work of art. The panel can be made of various materials: gypsum, metal, plastic, mosaic, fabric, wood and others. Moreover, in the manufacture of this decorative element, several methods of work are often combined. For example, wood and stone are perfectly combined. An interesting solution could be an artistic combination of unusual materials. It all depends on the taste of the owner.

Several kinds

One of the advantages of such a design detail as a panel is the choice of material from which it can be made. Such an element of fabric decor is most often made in the form of embroidered paintings, tapestries or appliqués. For stone products, granite, marble or basalt are mainly used. A mosaic panel made of such materials looks luxurious and adds a touch of sophistication to an ordinary interior. Wooden paintings often have an abstract plot. They are cut from birch, oak or other species. There are rare cases when they are supplemented with glass or jewelry inserts. This solution is great for apartments in a classic style. A ceramic mosaic panel looks like a picture made up of many pieces of tiles. This interior detail is perfect for a bathroom or kitchen. Graphic decor is made using new printing methods. It can be a photo print or a reproduction of a painting.

An original detail in the interior of any room

To decorate your home or office in a beautiful and modern way, you need to show imagination. A wall panel can become an unusual and unique particle in the interior of a room. But in order to "hit the target" it is necessary to think in advance where exactly to place it. Indeed, in accordance with the domestic purpose of the rooms, their decor differs. For example, a product made of ceramic tiles, wood or other natural materials will look good in the kitchen. A decorative textile panel in the bedroom will give the room a calm and cozy look. And the use of LED lighting, as an addition to the picture, will play a useful role as a night light. In the children's room, bright pictures with images of the child's favorite characters, for example, from a cartoon or a fairy tale, look good. A panel is not only a beautiful, but also an effective part of the design. For example, in the bathroom, ceramic tiles are often used, which have practical properties. They can be washed and wiped, as they are resistant to moisture.

Unusual panels

For those who love everything original and unusual, the panel will become an indispensable detail in the interior of the apartment. After all, the variety of materials from which it can be made is simply amazing. So what extraordinary is a decorative panel made of? There are some fresh and good ideas. In the manufacture of panels, you can use seashells, cereals, grains, clay, pasta and other materials. To give them an unforgettable look, they usually use various colors, sparkles, and also complement the panels with multi-colored pebbles or glass. Such an element of decor simply cannot but attract attention. The panel is a universal solution for decorating any room. The plots of such a design particle can be very diverse. You just need to show a little imagination and imagination. Indeed, as a result, you can turn an ordinary room into an unforgettable and original corner of art!

The word "panel" is of French origin (from the French - panneau), it is a painting of a decorative nature, usually intended to permanently fill any section of the wall (wall panel) or ceiling (plafond); bas-relief, carved, stucco or ceramic composition serving the same purpose.

Panels made on the outer walls of a building from colored tiles or using the fresco technique are sometimes called murals.

mosaic panel

The history of the creation of mosaic panels is not known, but such panels can be found in the ruins of Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. Creating a mosaic picture required painstaking manual work. That is why mosaic panels laid out from small pieces were considered the privilege of very rich people and persons of royal blood. With the help of mosaic panels, you can give the interior a completely unusual look. The selected drawing is digitized, and then, using special programs, a diagram of the future panel is created, the size of the mosaic elements and their color scheme are selected. By using relatively large pieces when laying, you can create the effect of large, confident brush strokes. These panels are ideal for a living room, decorating walls or floors in a swimming pool, or to give an exclusive look to the facade of a building.

porcelain panel

Porcelain is the noblest and most perfect form of ceramics. Porcelain production in Russia is inextricably linked with history. Attempts to organize the production of porcelain in Russia began under Peter the Great. Porcelain tableware is notable for its particular elegance, lightness, and durability. Porcelain can retain heat for a long time. When lightly struck on the edge of a piece of porcelain, it produces a clear, sustained sound. Porcelain paintings and panels are an interior element that will give individuality to any room, whether it is a city apartment or a country cottage, a cafe or a restaurant, a company office or a manager's office.

Leather panel

Genuine leather has unique properties that allow it to be used for making a variety of things. The history of artistic leather processing dates back to the Stone Age. Even then, clothes made of skins appeared, the first utilitarian items - belts wrapping the shaft of a spear, belts, bags. Another example is the Byzantine icons created using the technique of intarsia (VIII-XII centuries).

There are many techniques and technologies for processing leather. Depending on the purpose of the product and in accordance with the artistic intent, these techniques are used both individually and in combination. Different peoples used leather and decorated items from it in different ways. In Europe, embossing appeared along with printing, ladies' bags and belts were decorated with appliqué and embroidery. In the north, the skin was trimmed with fur, and in the East they learned to cover it with gold. Leather clothes and shoes, furniture and wallpapers, book bindings and sheaths for weapons have accompanied mankind throughout its history.