How to decoratively plaster the house outside. How to use facade plasters on brick? How is the exterior decoration of the house with plaster - a step-by-step diagram

In addition to the decorative purpose, according to all modern trends, plaster has a number of significant advantages:

  • Prevents the ingress of moisture into the room, and does not prevent the penetration of air;
  • The special composition gives the coating heat-insulating and noise-absorbing qualities;
  • A wide selection of textures allows you to give the coating a very different structure;
  • Has the ability to implement visual changes in the future.

Plastering the exterior walls of the house will be a great way to make the structure brighter, more noticeable against the general background. Plaster mixtures are:

  • silicate;
  • Silicone;
  • Mineral;
  • Polymer;
  • Self cooked.

In all these compositions, in addition to the main components, the content is allowed:

  • Polymer particles that provide heat retention;
  • A crumb of stone, for a visual effect;
  • Glass sand will give shine;
  • Small particles of crushed stone will help create an original texture.

How to plaster exterior walls? It is necessary to consider in more detail:

  • Silicate solutions are ready for use immediately after the original packaging is hidden. Such mixtures are not presented in the widest range of colors. The full use of the product is necessary, since it can no longer be stored after the container is opened. This type of plaster is a reliable barrier to moisture penetration, well withstands moderate mechanical loads;
  • Silicone mixtures are also quite elastic, have good resistance to various atmospheric phenomena, and are prone to self-cleaning. The plaster coating has high performance characteristics. The disadvantages include a fairly high cost in comparison with other finishes;
  • mineral mixtures. Cement is the main ingredient. Dry components require dilution with water according to the manufacturer's recipe. Plaster mixtures of this type are inexpensive, remarkably "breathe", they are easy to work with. The disadvantages include not very good elasticity, and high requirements for the surface, which will serve as the basis for the plaster layer.

If you are a beginner and do not know what is the best way to plaster the outer walls of the house, use polymer plaster mixtures. They are applicable to almost all substrates, are resistant to temperature changes, create an attractive cladding that is characterized by a long service life.

Similar properties are made possible thanks to the artificial resins that make up the composition.

You can also do your own mixing. To do this, you need to take cement, fine sand and water, and then mix them in the proportions specified by the recipe. This is an affordable, but rather laborious way, which is very attractive for its financial availability.

It is important not only to know how to plaster exterior walls, but also on which surfaces the mortar will adhere well:

  • stone surface;
  • Wooden;
  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Monolithic concrete.

For concrete pavement, a separate approach is required. When choosing how to plaster the outer walls of the house, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the material both absorbs moisture and gives it back. It turns out that the exterior finish should be softer than the main surface. Such measures will help prevent cracking, and the right product will not lead to evaporation and condensation.

The plastering of external walls from gas silicate blocks should occur differently than brick or concrete surfaces. It is unacceptable that the plastering of the outer walls of the blocks is carried out with a cement-sand mortar, since in this case it is not necessary to allow a violation of vapor permeability and the internal climate in the house.

Plastering of exterior walls made of aerated concrete is carried out using special light plaster mixes. One of the best options is a mixture of lime, sand, a small proportion of cement.

And if the outer walls are made of gypsum, how to plaster? For such a foundation, gypsum will be the best option. You can also use gypsum mixtures with the addition of lime. Cement mixtures are not suitable for these purposes, as chemical incompatibility is formed.

Do-it-yourself plastering of external walls requires careful surface preparation. This stage is very important, since the final result and the further life of the surface will depend on it. The process includes:

  • Removal of the old layer of plaster material;
  • Inspection and verification of the base for integrity, strength;
  • Removal of visible contaminants in the form of dust, oily stains. Creating a dry and clean surface will ensure good adhesion to the applied product;
  • When working with a brick wall, you will need an additional increase in joints and the creation of holes that will improve adhesion;
  • The next step is to treat the surface with a primer. The product can be applied with a brush or roller. Give preference to deep penetration formulations;
  • Now you need to mount the paint grid on the wall, and remove all the irregularities and cracks found with putty. It is also welcome to use a reliable and proven method - installing beacons. Observing with accuracy all the rules for their installation, you can get a perfectly flat surface.

The technology of plastering exterior walls includes fairly simple steps. If you have some experience in repair work, you can do everything yourself.

To plaster the outer wall of the house, you need to learn certain steps:

  • splashing. To perform this stage of work, it will be necessary to prepare a liquid solution into which liquid PVA glue is added. The resulting composition is sprayed onto the surface using a small bucket capacity. The process must be done in a measured manner. The more roughness is formed on the wall, the better the whole material will hold. Before continuing work, you need to wait for it to dry;
  • Application of the base layer. The finished composition should be like thick sour cream. The application takes place by applying between the beacons. The layer should not exceed 5 mm. Having attached the rule with the narrow side to the lighthouses, move it from side to side, and then smoothly heading up;
  • The finished composition should be like thick sour cream. The application takes place by applying between the beacons. The layer should not exceed 5 mm. Having attached the rule with the narrow side to the lighthouses, move it from side to side, and then smoothly heading up;
  • For the finishing grouting of the coating, it is necessary to use a special grater, which will help in smoothing out small cracks. We move in a spiral from a small circle to a large one;
  • Drying also needs a certain amount of time. It will take about 5 days to set;
  • The plaster, which gives the wall texture, is not applied in a continuous layer of mortar, but at small intervals. They are closed by stretching the solution when it begins to dry out.

For those who decide to learn all the information on how to plaster a wall on the street with their own hands, you need to learn how the material is applied to the basement and corners of the building.

The basement refers to special areas of the house that need special protection. That is why it is covered only with moisture-resistant cement-based compounds. Also, at the turn of the wall and the basement, the installation of waterproofing materials will be required. If this area is solid, then it is plastered with a wall, which is not typical for a speaker.

Work on the corners is left for later. To finish them, it is necessary to use polymer types of decorative plaster, which is characterized by a high degree of resistance to mechanical stress.

No one will argue that exterior wall plastering is important during construction. The materials used for this do not always provide a quality result if important requirements and technologies have not been met.

For those who are so interested in the question: how to plaster the outer wall with your own hands, you should follow a number of rules:

  • On a newly built house, the process of applying plaster becomes possible after a couple of months. Ideally, if this period is extended to six months. Otherwise, as a result of shrinkage of the building, cracks may appear;
  • Plastering outside is carried out only after the implementation of internal work with a full finish;
  • Before plastering the outer wall of the house, it is important to complete all types of repairs - to carry out all communications, eliminate all holes, fill openings if necessary;
  • It should be borne in mind that the base must always be stronger than the applied material. Do not allow reverse situations. Cement mixtures can be classified as durable plasters and lime-based materials as weak ones;
  • Having chosen a specific plane for finishing, it is necessary to gradually complete the entire range of work without interrupting the finishing;
  • Monitor the outside temperature during renovations. It should be moderate and not fall below 5 degrees Celsius. This is due to the fact that the plaster will not stick to the frozen wall as it should, but if it is too hot, it will simply slide off. If the air is still hot outside, spray the plaster with water to prevent cracking.

There are a number of the most popular types of plasters that are successfully used to create an original facade part: textured, cement-lime, thin synthetic. In composition, they have significant differences, but all are equally well suited for decorating walls.

The pebble structure can be attributed to the most popular finishing option. This plaster looks pretty, but also has good practicality. To obtain a certain result, the plaster layer can be processed almost immediately after finishing and after hardening.

The crumb can be both in the composition and on its surface using a special sprayer. After drying, the surface is fixed with adhesive, which contributes to good fixing and creating a surface resistant to damage.

A very original solution would be to imitate a wooden surface spoiled by a bark beetle. To create this effect, the top layer is processed with a grater, which is held at a certain angle.

Colored cement-lime plaster looks very colorful. You can replace lime with marble dust, and then the effect will be simply amazing.

This option is not cheap. However, a complete surface decoration may not be performed. It is enough to select some important areas, and the rest, for example, to cover with pebbles.

Thin-layer plasters are very plastic, and allow thin plastering due to the reduction of layers. They are excellent in composition, suitable for use on a variety of surfaces. Silicate plaster can also be classified as thin-layer. It is great for processing large areas of facade buildings.

After reading this article, you will know how to plaster exterior walls with your own hands. Let's do this process. The main thing is to follow the prescribed instructions. By following the recommendations, you will definitely achieve positive results, and the beautiful facade of your house will delight you for a long time.

How and with what to plaster the outer walls of the house with your own hands: video

Plaster today is considered one of the most sought-after materials for finishing a building outside. It protects the facade from excessive heat loss. With proper repair work, it is possible to subsequently significantly save energy costs for heating a house.

It also improves the appearance of the building. The surface of the walls after proper processing is not subject to negative environmental influences, does not collapse for a long time. Every builder or repairman should know how to properly apply plaster.


Today it is quite high if you turn to the help of professional builders. The average price of such works today is about 350-400 rubles / m². Therefore, many decide to perform all the actions on their own.

Applying the presented type of finish, you can get a high quality end result. First of all, it should be noted aesthetic appearance. Many textures, shades allow you to create a fashionable, stylish design of the outer part of the house.

The price of which today is acceptable for almost every property owner, easy to use. Depending on the type, manufacturer of dry mixes, you can purchase a dry mix (25 kg) from 350 to 500 rubles.

The products presented today for sale protect walls from moisture penetration, are resistant to low temperatures, and prevent corrosion.

Types of plaster

Today, many varieties of mixtures for plastering facades are used. These are textured solutions that differ in a number of characteristics. The most popular manufacturers of dry mixes for such finishing are the companies KNAUF, Ts erezit". Facade plaster may contain various fillers.

To set the desired texture for the finish, the composition of the solution includes components of various grain sizes. It can be marble chips, quartz sand, colored granules, glass dust, wood fibers, etc.

Dyes are added to give color to the mixture. In this case, you can achieve almost any shade. Tinting is carried out in a trade organization using special equipment. This allows, if necessary, to set the base to exactly the same shade, if you have to buy a dry mix. The heterogeneous structure of the solution allows you to hide the unevenness of the base.

Finishing methods

The coating on the facade of the house can be mechanically or manually. In the first option, you will have to purchase special equipment. Companies such as KNAUF, C erezit, facade plaster whose production is very popular today, they are developing a special line of products that can be applied mechanically to the base. This approach is preferable for professionals who perform significant amounts of finishing work.

For craftsmen who wish to apply the solution to the facade of their house, it is better to do it manually. This way you can save on the purchase of special equipment. In this case, you will need to purchase only ordinary tools. To create a certain type of texture, you also need to buy curly spatulas.

In the process of applying the solution in any way, the manufacturer's recommendations should be strictly followed. Only in this case it will be possible to create a strong, beautiful protective layer.

Work technology

Finishing work is carried out according to a certain technology. By correctly performing each stage, you can achieve a good result, even without experience in carrying out such actions.

Facade plaster for outdoor work, the price of which will be affordable for almost every owner of a house or cottage, is designed to finish the base of various materials. It can be brick, foam concrete, or other types of building materials. The most optimal and inexpensive way of finishing is the use of beacons.

The work is carried out in several stages. First you need to prepare the base, then the beacons are installed. Only after that you can start plastering the facade. This method is suitable for manual application of the solution. It is important to adhere to the proportions when mixing the dry mix, as well as the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the time of its drying.

Foundation preparation

Plastering of brick facades or made of any other materials must begin with the preparation of the base. If you skip this step or do it poorly enough, the result will be of insufficient quality.

First you need to remove the old finish. It is beaten with a small hammer or a wooden block. Where the sound is deaf, the old finish is knocked out with a chisel and hammer. In some cases, you will need to use a hammer drill. It also removes dirt, oil stains and dust.

It is desirable to reduce as much as possible the number of irregularities, bumps on the base of the walls. If this is not done, you will have to apply the plaster in a thick layer. Material consumption will increase significantly. Therefore, it is better to properly prepare the surface of the walls than to spend the family budget on the purchase of an additional dry mix.

A brick base requires, in some cases, jointing. This procedure allows you to increase the adhesion of the solution to the base. The plaster will hold tight, and the life of the coating will increase. Some builders, when erecting brick walls of houses, leave the facade with empty seams. This allows you to prepare the base for finishing faster.

For foam blocks, the jointing is not done. This also applies to walls made of reinforced concrete slabs of "rough" masonry, in which the surface is smooth. A mesh for plastering facades is immediately stuffed onto such varieties of materials. A deep penetration primer must first be applied. It will enhance the adhesion of the solution to the base.

When choosing a primer, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers. It is also necessary to adhere to the correct concentration of the solution. In this case, the film will be strong.


Assumes the use of beacons. These are metal guides. They are installed on the base to indicate the level of plaster application. The rules, leveling the layer, slide their nose along the tops of the lighthouses.

It is believed that the use of this method of finishing allows even a non-professional to make a perfectly smooth surface. However, the master needs to familiarize himself with the technology for installing beacons on a plane.

It is necessary to determine the verticality of the wall with a plumb line. Deviations from the level must be determined before installing the guides. If the top of the walls is inclined in depth, this indicator must be taken into account. Beacons are customized to a certain size. The excess height of the guides must be cut off.

Installation of beacons

Produced after the installation of beacons. From the corner at a distance of 20 cm, a point solution is applied. Their diameter should be about 5-15 cm. The height depends on the intended layer of plastering. If the rule is 2 m long, the beacons can be placed 1.7 m apart. If the wall is too large, it is necessary to increase the guides.

Each beacon is installed in the solution and sunk a little there. The level rule is applied on top of each element. If necessary, the position of the beacon is adjusted to achieve the perfect vertical position of the trim. To avoid deviations, errors, it is recommended to pull the "laces" between the two extreme elements during the alignment of the beacons. After the solution has dried, the voids formed under the lighthouse are filled with putty.

Applying the first layer

Plastering takes place in 3 stages. Mechanical plastering of the facade allows you to perform all actions faster. However, in this case, be sure to work in a respirator and goggles. Otherwise, the solution may enter the respiratory tract or eyes.

The dry mixture must be diluted to the consistency of liquid sour cream. In this case, the manufacturer's recommendations must be taken into account. Ready-made ones are also on sale. Some professional builders recommend adding PVA glue to the solution. It will give extra strength. Putty will lie well on the wall.

The mortar is applied to the wall with a ladle. The mixture must be poured onto the base without pouring it. Roughness on the top layer is welcome. After surface treatment, the solution must dry.

Base layer

The next step is the main facade plastering. To do this, you need to prepare a solution. It should be the consistency of thick sour cream. It is thrown on the surface between two lighthouses. It should be noted that the thickness of all layers of plaster should not exceed 5 cm.

With the narrow side, it is necessary to press the rule to the beacons. The tool is moved from side to side. The edges of the rule should not fly off the tops of the guides. The movement is made in an upward direction. The excess is cut off. This results in a perfectly smooth surface.

If during the alignment process it turned out that the solution is not enough, it should be added. The mixture is poured into the hole formed. Then again draw the rule over the surface.


Assumes the completion of the final stage. The surface needs to be sanded. This procedure is performed after the cement finish coat dries. For this, special graters are used. They can be made of foam or wood.

If a putty is used that is not based on cement, the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. They must be indicated on the packaging.

Grouting allows you to smooth out small irregularities, seal sinks after applying the rule. The grout is performed in a spiral. Circular movements begin with wide movements, gradually moving the tool towards the center. A tubercle in the center is stretched from a large circle. In the reverse action, it is completely leveled.

Considering how it happens facade plastering, everyone who wants to can do the procedure well. In this case, the surface will be perfectly flat. Following the recommendations of professional repairers and builders is a guarantee of a good result of the final work.

Any building in an open area needs to protect the walls from bad weather and mechanical damage. Exterior plaster performs both of these tasks and becomes the basis for the decorative design of facades.

Exterior plaster at home - consider the pros and cons

Plaster for outdoor work is in demand at the final stage of construction brick buildings, concrete, cinder blocks or wood. The main advantages of this repair method are:

  • Low price. Any other method of finishing wall cladding will cost several times more than the exterior plaster of a house.- from siding to tiling;
  • With the help of plaster mixes, significant masonry defects, seams between bricks or cinder blocks, protruding ends of reinforcement, potholes, cracks, etc. can be repaired. An ideal surface for plaster is not needed, on the contrary, strong contact with the wall is ensured when the base is uneven;
  • Repair of plastered surfaces is carried out simply and quickly, for it it is enough to dilute a little of the same plaster mixture and repair the damage that has occurred;
  • Ample opportunities for the selection of the optimal composition for finishing work. External plastering of the house is carried out with various compositions, taking into account the type of walls, their size, the further "fate" of the plastered surfaces in terms of design (see below);

Exterior decoration of the house with plaster is not a universal repair method, it has characteristic disadvantages:

  • You need to be able to plaster, no matter how trite this phrase sounds. Facade cladding with siding or wall insulation with roll insulators is much easier to do without the appropriate skills than plastering a wall with high quality. Initial experience can be gained on small surfaces - for example, when decorating window slopes with plaster;
  • Preparation for finishing is quite laborious - it will be necessary to dilute significant volumes of plaster, lift them onto scaffolding and constantly move along the decorated facade. A significant part of the effort will not fall on the plaster itself, but on preparatory and auxiliary procedures;
  • There will definitely be waste in the form of pieces that have fallen off the wall, splashed or accidentally spilled plaster mixture. And the less experience you have, the more waste when applying plaster will be;
  • Good weather is needed for work, especially the absence of precipitation. You can cover yourself from rain or snow with impromptu canopies made of film or thick polyethylene; you will not be able to protect yourself from high humidity. It will lead to bad contact of the plaster with the wall and the likely delamination of the composition after a few days.

Durable and reliable plastering at home is ensured not only by the skill of the worker, but also by the properly diluted composition, high-quality tools and good weather on a working day.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the right amount of plaster.

Exterior plaster at home - varieties of smooth finishes

All available types of plaster compositions can be divided into three large groups:

  • Decorative plasters. They are used at the final stage of finishing work, after which the walls acquire a finished appearance (colored, embossed, etc.). The application of such compositions is most difficult;
  • Special plasters are mixtures with screening and/or heat-insulating properties. They are used as additional protection against noise, moisture, frost and other things, including as a basis for decorative compositions;
  • Ordinary plasters. Used to level the walls, which allows you to subsequently apply putty, paint or varnish on them. They also serve to protect block wall materials (brick, cinder blocks, aerated concrete) from direct exposure to atmospheric phenomena and other environmental influences.

Ordinary exterior plaster on brick or concrete is carried out with cement-sand mortars, not only outdoors, but also inside them. Other varieties of conventional plasters are gypsum or lime mixtures. They are used only for interior work, as they do not have moisture resistance. We will describe the method of external plastering using a sand-cement mortar, as detailed and clearly as possible.

How is the exterior of the house plastered?

Do-it-yourself plastering of external walls with cement and sand does not at all involve mixing these ingredients on your own. There are many ready-made dry mixes in hardware stores, which are brought to repair readiness according to the well-known advertisement "Just add water!" The other stages of our finishing path are as follows:

How is the exterior decoration of the house with plaster - a step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Preparing the base

Before plastering, the walls must be "relieved" of the old finish, whether it be whitewashing, putty or plaster of the previous generation. If the building is new, you should remove the influx of mortar and measure the walls for their convexity. If necessary, individual "humps" should be cut down with an ax, otherwise you will have to increase the layer of plaster or put up with the uneven application of it. Large cracks and potholes in the masonry, deep defects in concrete are filled with a cement-sand mortar "roughly", without leveling. It is enough to eliminate significant voids, the smoothness of the wall is provided later.

Step 2: Mixing the plaster

If you have to work with separately purchased bulk materials, then first they are mixed with each other in a dry form. The basic ratio of sand and cement is 4:1, but for greater weather resistance it is better to increase the "cement fraction" to 3:1. Cement is needed grades from M-300, M-250 and below will not provide long-term strength for exterior decoration.

If a ready-mixed dry mortar is used, the water content of the finished plaster must be accurately controlled. The concentration of the finished composition should be similar to thick (natural village) sour cream. This consistency sticks well to the walls and stays on them without problems until leveling. The kneading is performed on a wide sheet of old linoleum, on sheet metal.

Step 3: Plastering

Before applying the cement-sand mortar, the wall should be moistened with water. The easiest way is to douse it from top to bottom with several buckets of water, spraying moisture on bricks or cinder blocks in a wide fan if possible. The best plaster will not adhere to a dry wall.. Take care of strong scaffolding or a convenient ladder in advance, and it is advisable to use scaffolding. They are provided with flooring, where you can put the tools and put a bucket of mortar, there are no such amenities on the stepladder.

The plaster is started from the upper and clearly visible corner of the wall, moving sideways and down in the so-called "square-nested" way. The size of the square drawn by the trowel is individual, for masters it is larger, for beginners it is smaller. You can start with a 40x40 cm square and gradually increase its sides. When throwing the plaster mix, the wall should completely hide under the bumpy layer, without gaps and gaps.

Step 4: Trowel Procedures

A piece of linoleum or a metal sheet is spread below and close to the wall (dense cellophane is also suitable). With the help of a long bevel, the excess mortar is cut off parallel to the wall and falls freely onto the prudently spread material. These "waste" can be used when mixing the next batch of solution.

If the wall next to the fresh plaster is dry, it is moistened with a spray bottle. Then they throw in a creamy mixture, again wait for it to dry for some time and cut off the excess with a long bevel. When the entire wall strip - from top to bottom - is ready, it is rubbed with wooden or plastic trowels. The movements of the trowels should be uniform and measured. Upon completion of the grouting procedure, they proceed to plastering the next section of the facade or wall.

Now external plastering of walls is one of the most commonly used types of home decoration. Moisture, penetrating into the plastered walls, damages them and significantly worsens the thermal insulation. At the same time, external decorative finishing can not only give the building a neat appearance, but also protect its load-bearing walls from destruction.

Advantages of plaster finish

In addition to ennobling the appearance, do-it-yourself outdoor plastering has a lot of other advantages:

  • prevents the penetration of moisture inside, without retaining air;
  • special components that make up the plaster mixture help to improve heat and sound insulation;
  • a variety of textures for finishing houses on the outside allows you to give any structure to the outer layer of facade plaster, as well as in the future to change not only the color, but also the texture itself.

What surfaces are suitable for plastering

The quality of work and the reliability of the coating directly depend on what material the facade of the house is made of. For applying plaster with your own hands are well suited:

  • wood;
  • a rock;
  • reinforced concrete slabs;
  • monolithic concrete.

The sequence of work

The process of such wall decoration from the outside can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Selection of the necessary plaster mixture.
  2. Surface preparation.
  3. Installation of special beacons.
  4. Plastering of the surface of the facade.

External plaster - its types

Most often, do-it-yourself external facade plastering of walls is performed using a special decorative composition. The mixture can be applied on the main layer or on the installed insulation. It can also be mixed with a variety of artificial or natural pigments to achieve the desired color or volumetric components in order to create a texture during application to the surface to be treated.

The color scheme of the exterior plaster

Before determining which mixture is better to use in work, it is worth knowing at least the basic physical properties of certain types of solutions. Usually, some types of decorative mixtures are used during construction.

They are conditionally divided into:

  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • polymeric;
  • mineral;
  • and homemade mixes.

Differences in decorative mixtures

Silicate solutions are made liquid, that is, they can be used immediately after opening the container. But their main drawback is a small selection of colors. In addition, such mixtures must be consumed immediately, otherwise they will dry out quickly. Such facade plaster guarantees excellent waterproofing and is not afraid of mechanical damage.

Do-it-yourself plastering on the outside of the walls of the house, which are subject to the stable negative influence of high temperatures and solar radiation, is most often performed with polymer mixtures. Synthetic resins can also be included in their composition: acrylic-styrene, polyvinyl-acetate, etc. These mixtures bond well with almost any kind of bases.

Like polymeric, silicone mixtures can withstand the harmful effects of solar radiation and various mechanical factors for a long time. They have a long service life and storage, and are also able to provide good waterproofing.

house plaster

For the manufacture of mineral mixtures, dry cement is used. To get started, it is enough to dilute this mixture with water to the desired consistency. Mineral-based plasters are non-flammable and allow the wall to breathe. However, their main drawback is poor adhesion, which requires additional preparation of the base. The main advantage is its self-preparation.

Preparations for work

In order to properly prepare the surface of the walls for applying the plaster mixture, it is necessary:

  • Remove old, weakly adhering plaster, if present.

If possible, remove the sagging and bumps. Being too lazy, you will be faced with the forced application of thick layers of plaster, which will cause waste of materials, effort and time during the work.

  • Remove any contaminants from the surface.
  • If you are dealing with a brick wall at home, then it is worth embroidering the seams, that is, expanding and deepening the joints. Thanks to this, the applied facade plaster will “cling” to the base of the wall more firmly. It happens that a new brick laying is carried out in advance "into the wasteland", which can significantly reduce the time of preparation for the main work. After grouting, the brick walls must be primed and allowed to dry completely. And only then you can start plastering.

If blocks larger than standard bricks were used in the construction of walls, then there is no need for jointing. There will be much less seams here and places for a hook too.

  • If the wall of the house was erected using the “rough” masonry method or smooth reinforced concrete slabs were used, then we proceed as before. On the surface of such a wall, you can immediately stuff a special plaster mesh. The wall must be pre-treated with a deeply penetrating primer.

Walls made of concrete or aerated concrete require a different attitude. Before proceeding with the finishing process, you need to figure out how to plaster them correctly. The selected facade plaster must be weaker in strength than the base. This will help to avoid the appearance of layer tension at the joints. The mixture should allow the wall to breathe, because concrete can accumulate and release moisture. The ability of the solution to penetrate steam will protect against condensation and the appearance of fungi.

Fungus on the plaster surface

Decorative facade plaster is applied only on the main layer of the mixture, the thickness of which is from 1 to 5 cm. Before this, the base must be primed or finished with a special mounting grid installed on a liquid basis. If work is carried out at high temperatures, then the layer must be periodically sprayed with water for uniform drying. Otherwise, the outer layer dries earlier than the inner one. This will inevitably lead to cracks.

Installation of special beacons

Plaster beacons - rails fixed to the wall from a metal profile. Moving along them, the spout of the trapezoid rule turns the freshly applied solution into a perfectly flat plane. To achieve this result, you need to make them properly installed.

How to do it right:

  • The prepared wall is hung with a load to determine its vertical deviation from the level. If the tops “sink”, then the vertical deviation is greater at the top than at the bottom. Therefore, during the installation of beacons, you will have to add a solution under them. And vice versa.
  • Take the beacon and shorten as needed. The thickness of metal beacons is 6 or 10 mm, and the length is 3 or 4 meters. Please note that 6 mm beacons are more flexible. In view of this, it is more reasonable to use 10 mm. However, because of this, the thickness of the plaster layer will increase by 4 mm.
  • Smear the wall approximately 20 - 30 cm from the corner with one line in the form of dots. Leave approximately 50 cm between the beacons. The mixture should be thick. Piglets should be 5-15 cm in diameter, and the height will depend on the thickness of the future facade plaster. The height is greater, the thicker the layer. Also don't forget to consider where the biggest shift from the level is.
  • Attach the beacon and lightly press it into the mixture. Then attach a rule with a built-in level to it and, pressing or pulling the beacon, reach the desired wall vertical. We immediately clean the lighthouse from sagging, and smooth out the protruding places with a spatula.
  • When the solution adheres, carefully seal the voids that remain under the beacon. Do the same in reverse.
  • Try not to have more than 1.7-1.8 m between adjacent beacons. It is more convenient to handle the 2-meter trapezoid rule during leveling work.

If the size of the wall exceeds 2 meters, then add guides between the beacons placed at the corners.

How to properly apply plaster

Plaster work is also divided into 3 main stages.


The cement mortar is diluted to the state of rare sour cream. If you are using dry or ready mixes for outdoor use, then everything must be done following the manufacturer's instructions.

Then, with a ladle, we spray the solution on the entire wall. The mixture should not splash, but pounce, and with reasonable diligence. The more “roughness” comes out, the better. We are waiting for it to dry.

Application of the main layer

Dilute the solution to a state of thick sour cream and sprinkle between two lighthouses on an area equal to 40-60 cm in height. The largest total thickness of all layers of plaster should be no more than 5 cm. Having attached a trapezoid rule to the beacons with the narrow side, begin to move it from side to side. Try to ensure that the edges of the rule do not leave the lighthouses, while at the same time slowly moving up.

So all the excess will be cut off and the plaster of the outer walls will become as flat as possible. If in some places the solution was put a little less than necessary, then you need to throw it in and perform all the steps again.

Grouting plaster

If you used cement plaster, then after the mixture has dried, grouting is performed. To do this, use a wooden or plastic grater. The purpose of the process is to prevent the appearance of cracks, as well as to smooth out the smallest irregularities and close up minor shells remaining after the rule.

Grouting is carried out in a circular motion in a spiral. From a larger circle to a small one, we “stretch” the solution to make a tubercle. And in the reverse order - we level it completely.

The technology of plastering the facade from the outside with your own hands is not so complicated as it might seem at first. With simple tools, time and desire, all these types of work are quite doable without outside help.

In the process of finishing country houses, special facade plaster is increasingly used.

This is a versatile material that is ideal for finishing residential buildings, garages, laundry rooms and various utility rooms.

Versatility is also based on the fact that plaster can be applied to a variety of surfaces - drywall, concrete, silicate brick, cement, etc.

The most important thing is that the surface is carefully prepared. In addition, plaster is characterized by high strength, reliability and elasticity.

To choose the best plaster option, it is important to first determine for what purposes it may be required - as a leveling lining or for decoration. In addition, it is necessary to determine the climatic conditions in which it will be used, since the composition may have different technical qualities and characteristics, protect against moisture and seismic activity in different ways.

Among the main types of such a mixture, the following can be distinguished:

  1. - used in regions with frequent temperature changes and high humidity.
  2. - provides a durable and reliable coating that has properties such as moisture resistance, hydrophobicity, resistance to UV rays and temperature extremes. This is the best and, accordingly, the most expensive mixture.
  3. or plaster - used at the final stage of working with walls. Can be used in a wide variety of climates. The composition is characterized by susceptibility to pollution and has low vapor permeability. The cost of the product is relatively low.
  4. - Used for design. It can be different in texture - smooth and embossed. Very often, the composition contains such additional components as stone chips, quartz sand, and so on.

Among these types, decorative and silicone plasters are popular. The first perfectly imitates different surfaces, and the second is of high quality workmanship and operation.

How to make plaster with your own hands

To prepare a mortar and a mixture of facade plaster, you will need take the main cement substance, gypsum, clay or lime, as well as the filler - water or sand.

In the process of mixing different components, it is always necessary to be guided by the ratio of the most voluminous parts of the composition. After preparing the composition, it is important to pay attention to its overall consistency.

If the resulting mixture strongly sticks to the tool during mixing, this means that it lacks filler, if it does not stick to the tool at all, this is a mixture in which there is a lack of binder.

At a normal level of fat content, the adhesion of the solution is medium. Without experience, in this case it will be quite difficult to figure it out, therefore at first it is better to use certain correlation rules.

In the process of preparing a mixture intended for facade decoration, as the main volumetric components, sand and cement are used in a ratio of 1: 3-1: 6, it all depends on the required level of coating strength on the brand of cement used. Cement at the same time you need to take the brand M400, as this is the highest quality product.

The procedure for preparing the solution is quite simple. Initially, the main fractional parts of cement and sand previously sifted through a sieve are mixed, and then water is introduced into the solution, with the help of which the plaster solution is brought to the desired consistency. To make it easier to work with cement, you need to add detergents - liquid soap, washing powder, and shampoo. These funds are added to the calculation of a tablespoon per bucket of plaster composition. Such an additive will not allow the solution to sit down much, moreover, it will make it soft and pliable.

Surface preparation for application

Preparing the walls thoroughly is essential for a quality plaster application, as even the best quality plaster will not show in all its glory if the walls are not properly prepared.

In the process of preparing the walls, it is necessary to thoroughly clean them from the old paint coating, from the remnants of old plaster and whitewash. At this stage, you can not strive to achieve optimal smoothness.

Once the initial cleaning of the surface is completed, more thorough surface preparation can begin.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. The surface of the facade is prepared in the same way as. The walls must be carefully leveled, all chips, cracks and scratches must be repaired.
  2. If the surface does not have sufficient density, it can be treated with a special restoring or strengthening primer. Such compositions ideally strengthen the walls, are additional protection against destructive dampness, and also improve the adhesion of the coating itself to the surface. If plaster is applied to the walls of a building located in conditions with high humidity, they will need to be treated with special antifungal compounds.
  3. Existing cracks need to be completely exfoliated, and then fill with a special putty composition.
  4. If multiple layers of plaster are used, each of the layers must be thoroughly dried throughout the day. Each of them must be covered with a special acrylic primer of special deep penetration.

Fine-grained sandpaper is used to sand the surface.. Before applying the plaster, it is worth making several painting processes. This will help to pre-evaluate the texture of the finished coating, you can also adequately assess the color of the future coating.

Reinforcement and priming

After this event, a special. It is necessary so that the applied plaster mixture is very well fixed on the earlier.

Properly selected and installed mesh will play the role of protection and strengthening.

In the process of applying the grid, it is preliminarily cut into meter pieces. No more dimensions are used, as the plaster may simply dry before it is even spread.

After gluing the mesh, it must be rubbed with special mixtures of plaster or building mixture.


For facade work, it is required to use a mesh, the density of which is 140-160 g / sq.m.. It is possible to choose a grid and a higher density.

With its help, you can get a more even plaster layer. The only thing to note is that the denser the mesh, the more difficult it behaves when processing corners.

The walls are not only carefully reinforced, but also primed. If the wall absorbs moisture very strongly from all applied materials, 2-3 coats of primer will be required.. This is a very important process, since it is the primer that significantly increases the adhesion of the surface to the coating and thereby helps to overcome the general wall uneven drying of the finish layer.

Also, the primer serves as a protection against various biological formations that can be caused by a fungus or other pests. After that, before applying the primer, a certain technological pause is maintained. Only after that, the process of applying facade plaster with your own hands begins.

How to finish the facade of a private house with plaster

The plaster must be applied to the surface of the walls according to specific instructions. This is the only way to count on the fact that the facade coating will not only be of high quality, but also attractive.

Here is an algorithm of actions that must be followed in the process of working with plaster (photo below):

  1. The first layer is applied "splashed" and it is made from a fairly liquid plaster. The thickness of this layer should be no more than 0.5 cm. The purpose of the layer is to provide the desired level of adhesion of materials. The layer dries for about 2 days.
  2. After that, the wall is covered with a thicker solution, that is, soil. Its value lies in providing a high level of thermal insulation, as well as water resistance. In addition, this layer perfectly levels the surface. The thickness of this layer is already 2 cm.
  3. Approximately after 2-15 days, it is worth applying a special layer of “covering” with a thickness of 0.5 cm. It must be applied tightly, completely eliminating all gaps and rubbing with a tool such as a trowel. How the next layer will be applied directly depends on the next stage of facade processing.

One of the most common methods of processing a completely plastered surface is special textured processing.

In this case, special wool is used, as well as ordinary sponges. Its appearance directly depends on the general properties of the material used, as well as on the degree of hardening of the coating.

The applied facade plaster must be processed. If lime is present in the coating composition, it can be processed in a plastic state. The cement composition can be processed after the final setting.

In the process of processing, it is possible to give not only a smooth surface, but also to give a special rough surface. In the second option, you will need to use special rubber and metal brushes. The process is carried out at the stage of solidification of the composition.

Quite often, the surface roughness is given with a trimming brush., which is processed not yet dried decorative plaster.

Completely finished coating is painted and decorated strictly in accordance with the taste of the owners. Finishing material can be used as part of the main glass or marble chips. Also, quartz sand may be present in the composition, which gives the coating an attractive aesthetic appearance. It is also possible to give the plaster a certain color, which eliminates the subsequent painting of the facade of the building.

Useful video

Facade finishing technology in the video tutorial below:


Properly selected and applied composition of facade plaster is able to effectively improve the overall appearance of the building, ideally hides quite significant flaws or defects. Do-it-yourself plastering can not only protect the building from destruction, but also gives the perfect appearance to the structures.

High rates of protection of buildings and structures with the help of plaster are based on the fact that all modern compositions are characterized by such important advantageous qualities as fire resistance, the ability to repel water, perfect thermal insulation, as well as sound insulation.

In addition, these are very durable layers that are resistant to various adverse events, to moisture, for this reason they become protection for the house itself.

If you use the right plaster, you can be sure that it will be a breathable material that is resistant to frost and has mechanical strength. Air permeability is very important, as the walls get the opportunity to remove excess moisture into the environment, which will automatically accumulate inside the room.

If you use low-quality plaster, it will not remove water, which will automatically lead to serious destruction of the walls. With regard to such qualities as frost resistance and mechanical strength, it ensures the ideal quality of the entire structure as a whole.

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