How to grow dates at home from seeds? Exotic date palm from a pit: how to grow a date from a pit Plant a date palm from a pit

The date palm is an excellent opportunity to decorate any room, be it ordinary apartment or office. This idea can be implemented in several ways. The easiest way is to purchase a plant that has suitable sizes And appearance. However, growing date palm on one's own. Naturally, to do this, you will first have to get acquainted with the agricultural technology of working in our climate, which is an order of magnitude different from the tropics.

Selection of seeds and their preparation for planting

Regardless of the tree that you are going to grow at home, the first thing you need to do is prepare planting material and provide it with favorable conditions for development. If you want to get a beautiful date palm from a pit, you should choose a variety that can grow indoors. To do this, you do not have to seek help from specialists, since any dates that have not undergone heat treatment are suitable for this.

Most suitable planting material is fresh dates. You don’t need photos for this, because if you don’t have them, you can replace them with dry fruits, which can be found at any market.

Choosing dried dates to grow decorative palm, it doesn’t hurt to first ask the seller if they were boiled in sugar syrup. You should not buy fruits that have undergone such heat treatment, since the seeds taken from them will not germinate.

Preparation of planting material

When you have seeds, you can start preparing them for planting:

One more way can be proposed to speed up the ripening process. To do this, the prepared bones are placed in hot water, heated to a temperature of 80 degrees, and kept in it for one to two minutes. A sign that the seeds are ready for planting will be their swelling.

Conditions for growing date palms

A photo of a tree should make it clear that it is beautiful. date tree It is not so easy to grow because you need to be careful at every stage.

Even before you plant the seeds in the soil, you need to decide important questions:

  • find suitable premises, where the date palm will grow best;
  • find a container of suitable size;
  • prepare the ground.

Considering that natural environment The habitat of palm trees is the tropics; they can grow well with sufficient lighting and air humidity. But this should not be considered as a recommendation that in the tub you need to create conditions reminiscent of a swamp. For the normal development of date seedlings, it is necessary not only to frequent watering, but also provide direct sunlight for at least three to four hours a day. The most favorable conditions for growing date palms can be created on the south side.

However, keep in mind that the date palm is a fairly tall tree that can reach up to 30 meters. But it is unlikely to grow as high in room conditions, usually its height is limited to 2–3 meters. Moreover, to reach such a mark, it will take at least 5 years. To avoid delays in palm development must be ensured optimal quantity lighting throughout life. In the first years, it is allowed to grow young shoots in a pot on the windowsill. However, when the seedling matures, you will have to find suitable place, well lit by the sun.

You can grow date palms in any suitable sized pots. But we must remember that in the first years of life they form a root, after which they form leaves. Growing a palm tree begins with planting seeds on common garden bed, from which the seedlings are already planted in separate tubs.


To plant seeds you will need soil suitable composition. The easiest way is to buy it at flower shop. However, this must be a special soil, where there is an indication “for palm trees”. If you want to be sure of quality planting soil, it is recommended to prepare it yourself.

A good base for soil will be raw sawdust, peat and sand, taken in equal quantities. Other types of soil looseners, such as perlite, are also suitable for this. Before filling the pot with soil mixture, drainage is placed at the bottom. Subsequently, when the palm tree continues to mature, it must be replanted, each time preparing new soil.

Stages of transplanting a date palm from a seed at home: from seed to palm

Proper preparation of seeds before planting is certainly an important step. However, this does not guarantee that they will grow into strong beautiful plants. If you do not follow the care rules at one of the subsequent stages, then at any moment the tree may wither and die. This can be avoided if you carry out the following activities throughout the life of the plant:

Specimens at the age of 5 years must be replanted every year. Subsequently, replanting is carried out taking into account the size of the plants. This can be determined by the roots sticking out of the ground.

When the time comes for replanting, it is imperative to shorten the felt layer formed by the roots. This will prepare the young palm tree for artificial conditions cultivation, thereby increasing its survival rate.

Home date palms: photos

Rules for caring for a date tree

If you want to enjoy the appearance of your date palm, then you will have to provide proper care. Considering that she is used to growing in the tropics, the following will be useful for her:

  • sunlight;
  • moderate humidity;
  • soft loose soil;
  • periodic shower, which can be replaced by wiping the leaves with a damp cloth;
  • high temperature regime;
  • space. It is possible to grow a date palm only if there is a large enough free area so that light reaches it from all directions.

Other factors that are not included in this list are harmful to the palm tree. You can determine the deterioration of a tree by changes in leaves. They usually turn black. Most probable cause This is due to lack of sunlight or poor watering. It should also be taken into account that the plant can be affected by disease if there is a draft from the window in the room. For this reason, you need to ensure that there are no sudden temperature fluctuations in the room.

Having realized that the plant has begun to feel worse, you need to immediately take urgent measures to correct the situation. It can often be helped by increasing the air humidity, which can be done by spraying it with ordinary water from a spray bottle.


The date palm is interesting not only because it is a representative of a tropical climate, but also because of its original appearance. Even at a height of 2–3 meters, it can make the interior of any room attractive.. Growing dates at home is not so difficult if you start paying attention to the plant from the stage of sowing the seeds. It is important to remember that a date palm will only grow well if it is given enough space. Therefore, at the moment when she becomes high enough, it is necessary to find her optimal place, where she will not feel constrained.

For successful cultivation from date palm kernels, there are two completely equal methods.

First way.

Dry the date pit for several days outdoors. Then fill it hot water and leave for about 24 hours for the bone to swell. Pour sawdust into a small container, place the swollen bone in it and generously water it with water. In this case, the sawdust should always be damp.

After 30 days, when the first sprout appears, you can transplant the sprouted seed into a pot about 70 mm high. We arrange good drainage in the pot and fill it with a mixture consisting of 4 parts sand, 2 parts turf land, 2 shares of humus and one share of charcoal. During this procedure, you should be especially careful with the sprouted seed, keeping it connected to the sprout - the seed provides additional nutrition.

When the sprout reaches a height of 100 mm, you should also carefully transplant the young palm tree into a pot with a larger volume. Considering the fact that the palm tree is sensitive to transplantation, the best option will simply move the entire plant along with the soil ball into new pot and filling the remaining space with a soil mixture similar to that used during planting.

The first five years of transplantation are carried out annually, then once every 3 years. In this case, each time you should slightly increase the volume of land. Upon reaching 15 years of age, the frequency of transplantation decreases to once every 6 years. Pots should not be wide, but high, because the palm tree has a long one root system. The lighting of the palm tree should be diffused, and during the process of growth, the plant should be turned little by little, while orienting the palm tree so that the end of the youngest sprout is directed deep into the room.

Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature. The frequency of watering increases in hot weather. Constantly wipe the palm leaves with a damp cloth and additionally moisten them with a spray bottle. Entering a special nutritious feeding(ready-made, available in stores) is carried out once every 2 weeks, during the period of intense growing season - in summer and spring, the frequency increases to 1 time per week.

It is preferable to choose a moderate temperature: in winter from 8 to 15 °C, and in summer - up to 20 °C. The room is ventilated, but the date is not exposed to drafts. When “walking” a palm tree on a balcony or in a garden in the summer, avoid open, drafty places. Remove dried leaves immediately.

Second way.

The method is similar to the first in almost every way, except for a few features. Firstly, before planting, the hard shell of the seed is cut in the middle. This is necessary for a faster emergence of the sprout from the very strong shell of the date seed. And secondly, after placing the cut seed in the pot, the surface is covered with film to create a microclimate. The soil under the film should be kept moist. The sprout appears after 30 - 45 days and further operations are completely identical to the first method.

How to grow a date from a seed

Date lovers, while eating the amazing fruits, are probably wondering - can a date palm grow from a seed? If so, will it look like a plant that grows in nature?

It is possible to grow a homemade date from a seed, but such a palm tree in an apartment will never bear fruit.
She will fit perfectly into modern interior, will not require intensive care and some plants will even begin to bloom, so why not try it?

The desire to have a home greenhouse very often arises after a bright vacation among exotic nature. Implement the idea winter garden in an ordinary standard apartment in in full will never work, but also a few unusual ones indoor plants can be an excellent decoration for a living room, bedroom or kitchen.

As you can see from the photo, the date palm in the interior requires a lot of space, since the plant has branches that are both high and wide. To create real tropics at home, an adult palm tree should be placed only in those rooms where there is not a lot of furniture.

Dates in the interior will not look impressive if you place them in corners or too close to the walls. For the interior of rooms in Mediterranean or nautical style This indoor plant is the most ideal option.
A properly selected pot will add style - these can be stylized medieval barrels or specially aged clay flowerpots.

If in your apartment small rooms, then this is not at all a reason to refuse interesting experiment– Grow a date palm from a seed.

It will grow for a long time, the plant is not one of those species that stretches out in a year or two, so in the first years there will be enough space for it on the windowsill.
Then you can give it to relatives, friends, or take it to work - in offices there is usually always plenty of space.
Believe me: it is very interesting to watch every day the gradual transformation of a palm tree, how the leaves appear, how they grow, how the seedling completely changes.

See what a date palm will look like at home, so you don’t have to worry that your pet is growing slowly.

This is exactly what a date palm looks like at the age of 2-3 years, it is not very beautiful yet.

These palms are about 5 years old: they already have feathery leaves, but lack height.

Tips on how to grow a date palm from a seed

A date from the pit will only work if it has not passed heat treatment. Both fresh fruits brought from vacation and dried fruits from the store are suitable for this.

For the sake of experiment, many people try to simply stick a bone into flower pot and surprisingly: it usually takes root. In an apartment, this can take up to 5-6 months, is it possible to speed up the process?

How to germinate a date seed:

1. The seeds must be thoroughly cleaned and washed so that the process of rotting does not begin in the soil. Once washed, they should sit for a day until the next stage - soaking.
2. Date seed is very hard. To speed up the seed germination time, the most various ways:
– scratched or rubbed sandpaper its surface for faster penetration of water;
– cuts are made to make the shell easier to split;
– for this you can simply scald the bone with hot water.
3. The most effective soaking is with cotton wool. A piece of cotton wool in a small container (for example, a plate) is generously moistened with water, a bone is placed on it, and covered with another layer of moistened cotton wool to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture. Cotton wool can be replaced with gauze, sawdust, hydrogel.
4. Germination requires high temperature, so the container with cotton wool can be placed on the battery. Every day you need to monitor the moisture content of the cotton wool and add a little water.
5. When the seed swells well, it can be transplanted into the ground.

Thanks to soaking, several months are saved. Best time to start germination - February-March. Even if you want to grow only one date from a seed, you need to take several seeds. Some sprouts will die due to disease or your inept actions during transplantation, so insurance will not hurt.
How to grow a date palm from a seed further:
1. All seeds are immersed in prepared soil (soil from the forest, peat or a mixture of earth and sawdust) vertically to a depth equal to one and a half lengths of the seed.
2. Place the container with soil in a warm place. Make sure the soil is constantly moist.
3. The first shoots can be seen in 1-3 months. When their length reaches 10-15 cm, each sprout will need to be transplanted into a separate pot with a diameter of about 10 cm. The pot should not be too wide; its height is important, since the date will have long roots.
4. There must be good drainage at the bottom of the pot (expanded clay, charcoal, pebbles), since stagnation of water is detrimental to the plant. You can buy special soil for palm trees or mix the soil yourself, take:
– clay-turf soil – 2 parts;
– humus-leaf soil – 2 parts;
– peat – 1 part;
– rotted manure – 1 part;
– sand – 1 part.

A small palm tree will need to be replanted every year, always increasing the pot size a little. The plant has very delicate roots, so replanting should be done using the transshipment method to avoid damage to the root system.
Date palm at home - how to care and replant
Having an exotic palm tree at home is pleasant and prestigious, because an adult indoor plant is expensive. Growing a date from a seed is an excellent solution for everyone who does not have the opportunity to purchase a grown seedling, but not everyone can do it.

Why doesn’t every plant look like in our photos?

The main reason that the sprout did not become a tall and lush tree is that it was not received on time full information data care exotic plant.

The advice is suitable for both adult specimens and seedlings that are only a few years old.

The temperature in the room where the pet will be should be moderate 16-20°C. There is no need to place it near heating devices, so as not to provoke the death of the plant. IN summer period best place– outdoors without drafts.
Humidity in the room should be within 50%. Spraying the leaves will increase it; this can be done up to several times a day.
The lighting should be sufficient so that the leaves do not become brittle or elongated. Even direct ones are possible sun rays. The pot should be periodically unrolled so that a uniform, beautiful crown is formed.
Water abundantly - only in summer; at this time you can even leave water in the pan. In winter, watering is minimal. It is necessary to strictly control so that the coma does not dry out, but the water does not stagnate due to poor drainage.
Transshipment – the only way transplants. Everyone is looking for information on how to plant a date seed, but then they forget that until the age of 5, the plant needs to be replanted every year. A large palm requires replanting as the roots grow.
Spraying and wiping the leaves will increase humidity and give the plant a beautiful appearance. Once a week it is advisable to take it under the shower, but you must carefully protect the earthen lump from excess moisture.
Fertilizers (mineral and organic) are introduced in sufficient quantities during the period active growth– from March to September weekly, and in winter once a month.

A date palm from a seed can either decorate a home or completely destroy coziness and comfort.

When a plant is sick, it looks very unsightly - the leaves turn yellow, darken, fall off, the trunks become soft, and a putrid smell appears. Diseases arise from improper care or due to pest attacks. Help your pet: there is detailed information on our website on how to deal with these problems.

Date palm at home

IN wild conditions The date palm grows in India and Africa; scientists know 17 of its species. A tree lives among the hot sand for about 150 years, and during this time many new plants grow around it, growing from its seeds and roots. Is it really possible for a desert palm tree to grow in our apartments without specific care?

Robelena (Phoenix Roebelenii) with a very beautiful dense crown no higher than 1.5-2 meters.
Canary (Phoenix Canariensis) – height up to 2 meters, feathery trunks, hard straight and narrow leaves.
Finger (Phoenix Dactylifera) is the most common form, not very beautiful, but growing relatively quickly. The disadvantage of this plant is that its trunk will gradually become bare over time.

Growing a date at home requires a lot of desire and time, but it can be an excellent hobby for for many years. Many people try to grow date palms from seed; this is an excellent solution for anyone who does not have the opportunity to purchase an adult seedling, which is relatively expensive.

How to care for a date palm

The date tree will not delight you with its beauty for the first five years; decorative value will appear only after 5-7 years. Don’t expect that, having grown a date from a seed, you will be able to have it in just a couple of years. great decor your home.
To decorate your home with an adult indoor date palm, caring for it throughout the years requires several important points:
It must be constantly turned towards the sun so that the sun's rays reach all the leaves. Without light, the leaves stretch, develop unevenly and become brittle.
The plant is very afraid of drafts. When ventilating your home in the autumn-winter period, you need to protect it from cold air currents.
When watering, water should not stagnate at the roots, so good drainage is prerequisite. For irrigation, use settled, soft water without chlorine at a temperature of approximately 20°C.
The leaves need to be sprayed daily, as the tree needs moist air. Once a week, the plant will even need a real shower, but during the procedure, the earthen lump in the pot must be carefully covered with film.
The leaves should also be regularly wiped with damp sponges so that they are not attacked by pests and simply to ensure that the palm tree has a well-groomed appearance.
Under no circumstances should you cut or break off the top of a palm tree. Trimming the top of the stem can result in the death of the plant.
Mineral and organic fertilizers apply twice a month in the warm season and once a month in the winter. Complex preparations for palm trees or decorative foliage indoor plants are suitable. They are applied only to moist soil, in diluted form.

Date palm – replanting, transshipment

The plant often begins to hurt after transplantation. It bears it very hard if everything is done traditional way.

How to replant a date palm, is it necessary to do it at all?

A young date palm (up to 4-5 years old) is replanted annually, and mature plant– in 2-3 years.

Transplantation is required only when the roots no longer fit in the pot and are clearly visible through the drainage holes, so each replantation (more precisely, transfer) is done into a pot 3-4 cm larger in diameter.

To do this, the bush is carefully transferred into a new container, and the voids are filled with soil.

Experts in caring for date palms at home have noticed: the larger the pot becomes, the more intense the plant begins to grow. But you should not take containers that are too large, as the tree’s growth may stop in them.

For replanting, store-bought soil mixtures “For palm trees” are taken, or the soil is prepared independently based on the following calculation:
2 parts light clay-turf;
2 parts humus-leaf;
1 part peat;
1 part rotted manure;
1 part sand;
some charcoal.

The soil should be loose, soft, permeable to air and moisture. A good drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the pot to prevent water stagnation as much as possible. The pot should be chosen not wide, but high, so that long roots fit well.

Date palm diseases

It would seem that the indoor date palm is receiving care, but its appearance is not the same. high level– it dries, the leaves turn yellow, darken, and curl. What could be the problem?
Let's look at what date palm diseases can occur due to poor care:
If the leaves become completely dark, almost brown, the trunk becomes soft, and a putrid smell is felt, then this indicates waterlogged soil. After such signs appear, watering stops and you need to wait until the soil dries.
It is necessary to examine the condition of the root system; to do this, the plant is removed from the container in which it grows. If all the roots are soft, watery, dark, then they have already died and such a palm tree cannot be saved. If there are living roots, then they must be carefully protected from dead ones by cutting them off and sprinkling crushed coal on the cut areas.
If only the tips of the leaves turn brown, this happens as a result of lack of watering, dry air or winter drafts, sharp changes temperatures Brown leaves they're not scary downstairs - it's age-related changes. The darkened leaves have died, so they should be cut off sharp knife, they cannot be restored.
If a date palm turns yellow, it means that it is watered either with hard water or does not receive enough moisture, nutrients. Due to insufficient watering, the leaves droop, and this defect cannot be corrected. You can lift them by tying them to a support.
Pale appearance indicates too much light or red lesions spider mite. To protect the tree from bright solar lighting, you need to slightly shade the plant.
If a date palm dries out, the leaves fall off, darken, curl, and brown plaques appear on their surface - the plant dies from pests.

Pest control - scale insects, mealybugs or spider mites - is standard for all indoor plants. You need to wash the leaves with a solution laundry soap, sprinkle with garlic extract.
If severe damage is observed, apply a solution of Actellik (a broad-spectrum insecticide) - 1-2 ml per liter of water.

All date lovers have probably thought more than once about whether it is possible to grow this plant at home. And if this works, will the date look like a tree growing in the wild? Let's say right away that it is possible to grow a palm tree, but you should not expect dates from it, since this plant does not bear fruit indoors. In this article we will tell you how plant dates from pits and what it will take.

Date palm

How to plant dates from pits: where to start?

First of all, we need good sedimentary material. Where can I find it? At the market or in the supermarket. It’s just important to choose a date that has not been processed. An excellent option would be sun-dried dates.

Dried date

It is better to take several seeds to be sure of getting the result. The seeds are carefully cleaned of pulp, since the slightest part of them on the fruit can lead to the formation of fungus. Now the bones need to be lowered into cold water for a couple of days, while periodically refreshing it. After this, check again for any remaining pulp. Planting material ready, but experts recommend using a couple of tricks to speed up the germination process of date seeds. To do this you can:

1. Pour hot water over the seeds for 10 minutes. Thanks to this, the first shoots will appear within a few weeks, instead of waiting months.

Remove the pulp from the bones

To plant a date you need to take care of creating necessary conditions. We will find out which ones further.

Dates from pits at home: creating the conditions


Landing. Planting itself is not difficult: the seed is lowered into the ground vertically and then covered with earth. After this, the seedlings need to be watered with a small amount of water and the container should be placed in a warm place. Any container can be used as a container for planting dates: pots, large bowls, etc. When a small leaf appears from the ground, and then a sprout, it is time to plant the seedlings.


Basic date palm care is simple. It is no different from other indoor plants that love warmth, moderate moisture and good nutrition, so dates should be fertilized several times a year. The main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out and becoming waterlogged, shower in the summer and ensure that ultraviolet rays. As you can see, planting dates from seeds is easy. And very soon you will enjoy a beautiful palm tree that will decorate your interior.

A lot of lovers indoor floriculture at least once they tried to grow something exotic and interesting from a seed or seed of a purchased fruit. Perhaps it was a fig, banana, kiwi, coconut or citrus fruit, date from the pit. This is exactly what we will be talking about. An overseas guest has long ceased to be something out of the ordinary, and can easily be found on store shelves. So why not try growing your own palm tree from it? Knowing how to grow dates from seeds at home, you can easily make your wishes come true. There is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to put in a little effort and have a little patience. And the grown-up one will not cause you much trouble at all, but will only delight you with its beauty.

date tree

In other words, the date palm is a plant from the genus Palmaceae, which includes from 14 to 17 species native to Africa and Eurasia. The fruits of many of them are very common food products.

Dates began to be grown in ancient Mesopotamia (the territory of modern Iraq) in the fourth millennium BC. For thousands of years, dates have remained a staple food in North Africa and the Middle East.

Biological description of the genus

All representatives of the small genus are mainly trees or squat shrubs with characteristic pinnately dissected leaves. Besides, distinctive feature Most representatives have a single trunk without branching. The long, hard, leathery, dark green leaves have spines near the base. Date is a tree with small yellow flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences. The feathery leaves are located on a long stalk at an angle. The height of the palm tree can be different and ranges from 15 to 30 meters.

Date tree fruits

They are edible not in all species, but only in a few. The palmate date is especially prized. Sweet fruits have long been used by people as a highly valuable food product. They are usually sold and exported in dried form. They are high in calories and have the highest glycemic index. Therefore, people with the disease diabetes mellitus You have to be extremely careful with these fruits.

Date tree from pit

Growing an exotic palm tree at home is quite possible and very simple. The most important thing is to pay attention to the dates; it is advisable that they are fresh and not dry. You can eat the fruits with pleasure, but leave a few seeds. Rinse them thoroughly with water and dry them lightly with napkins. Then, in order to break the integrity of the seed shell, you need to rub it with sandpaper and lightly scratch it. This procedure will speed up germination. Keep in mind that a home date tree will not bear fruit; you will only get a beautiful palm tree with large decorative leaves.

How to germinate seeds?

The first step is to prepare the soil in which you will plant the seeds. Recommended soil mixture the following composition: peat, sand, sawdust in a ratio of 1:1:1. Plant date pits vertically so that the top is covered with a one-centimeter thick layer of soil. It is advisable to cover the container with bog moss (sphagnum) on top to prevent moisture evaporation. If it is not there, then simply place the container in a transparent plastic bag and place it in a warm place (not lower than 25 ° C). Keep the soil moist at all times. Dates from seeds take different periods to germinate, on average from one to three or even six months, so you will have to be patient. Sprouts appear fastest on fresh seeds.

Date seedlings

It is simply impossible to confuse the seedlings with anything else. They, like soldiers, jump out of the ground. Thin and long sharp green skewers pull out instantly in the first days. You need to wait until they grow to a height of 10-15 cm, and only then plant them in separate small pots. Or, as an option, you can immediately plant the seeds in a separate container. A date tree from a seed usually grows strong and healthy. The main thing is to care for it properly. Let's find out how to do this.

Place in the house and soil for date palm

The optimal place would be in the house, where large quantities there is diffused sunlight without direct contact with burning rays. To maintain the symmetry of the plant, it is recommended to rotate it 180 degrees around its axis every two weeks. Then the palm tree will not tilt to one side, and all the leaves will remain straight, even and green.

The soil for date palms should consist of the following components: turf, leaf soil, humus, peat soil and sand (in a ratio of 2: 2: 4: 1: 2). Be sure to make good drainage from a layer of expanded clay and add charcoal to the soil. A date tree grown from seed is replanted annually at a young age, and once every few years after reaching the five-year mark. The signal for this will be the roots that will come out through the drainage holes, which means that the pot has become too small.

Before you grow a date from a seed, you should think about whether you can provide it with suitable conditions, including temperature conditions. In winter, the air should be heated between 16 and 18 °C, and in summer - up to 25-30 °C.

Water regime and fertilizing

During the period of active growing season and growth of green mass (from April to August), watering should be plentiful, do not allow the earthen clod to dry out. And in the autumn-winter time it is necessary to take short breaks: at this time the plant begins a weak dormant period.

Complex feeding mineral fertilizers They are also carried out from April to August at intervals of once every two weeks. Use special drugs for palm trees or for decorative deciduous plants with an optimal content of basic elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - in a ratio of 3:1:3. The date tree tolerates the dry air of apartments with city heating; a humidity level of 40-50% is sufficient for it. IN summer time The palm tree can be taken out onto a balcony or loggia and periodically wiped from dust with a damp sponge.

Characteristic signs of a lack of useful elements

After learning how to grow dates from pits at home, it is important to remember the main problems that may arise when growing a palm tree.

  1. Nitrogen deficiency. Symptoms: palm leaves turn light green, plant growth stops.
  2. Potassium deficiency. Appears in bronze-colored spots on the leaf blade. Symptoms appear on the old parts of the plant first, only then do they spread to the young ones. Also, yellow translucent or orange color spots. Gradually, necrosis begins from them. The leaf dries and curls.
  3. Magnesium deficiency. Symptoms are similar to the previous case, appearing first on older leaves. A deficiency of the element manifests itself in the form of a wide yellow stripe along the edge of the leaf blade, while the blade itself retains a bright green color.
  4. Manganese deficiency. The first signs of element deficiency begin to appear on young fresh leaves in the form of chlorosis, poor development, and smaller size compared to the rest. The deficiency is caused mainly by the fact that the element does not dissolve when high value pH or low air temperature in winter.

Main problems

1) The date tree has stopped growing. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by leaf chlorosis. The reason is low air temperature; root growth, and therefore their absorption of nutrients, stops at 16-17°C. There is a deficiency of several microelements at once. The way out of the situation is to maintain correct temperature indoors at 25-27°C.

2) Lack of nutrients. The first symptom is the appearance of chlorotic spots, which, if measures are not taken, become necrotic. A deficiency of copper, manganese and iron can cause high levels of fertilizers. Apply fertilizers correctly, in strict accordance with the instructions.

3) Marginal burn of leaves. Palm trees, including the date tree, are very sensitive to waterlogging and do not tolerate poorly drained substrates. First, the roots are damaged, and, as a result, a marginal burn soon occurs on the leaves. The solution is to change the substrate and reduce watering.

Knowing how to grow dates from seeds at home, basic maintenance conditions and possible problems, you can get a beautiful and strong plant.