How to organize a service center. How to open a phone repair shop

Have your dream business. Have stable income. Do what you love, knowing that there is an inexhaustible financial cushion at your side. Isn't that why we're all here? Isn't that what we're developing for? Yes, friends, no matter what anyone says, this is an American, but still a cherished dream.

Today We will talk with You about the basics, about how smart people, which We are, start their business. Business plan. To understand what the conversation will be about, as an example, consider the business plan of a service center for repairing phones, computers and other electronics.


Absolutely any business for a clear understanding further action Start with a well-written business plan. To do this, it is necessary to approach the following points with multifaceted consideration:

Product Description - Repair Services

So we want to open service center repairing phones, computers and other electronics. The products are REPAIR SERVICES. Let's stick to the following points:

  • Purpose and possible areas of use. So, with the appointment, everything is clear - this is the repair of equipment.
  • Main characteristics, novelty of technical and technological solutions, strong and weak sides, competitiveness . The main characteristics of the service center are the range of services provided (that is, simply replacing the components of the device, or software repair and configuration, or is it working with hardware and complex repair work troubleshooting, etc.). Obviously, the larger this range of services, the greater the volume client base will be covered. As such, there is no novelty here, but you can come up with chips (for example, free diagnostics) that will allow the client to look at our service center in a new way. Definitely the most important forte is the time and quality of repair. Well, the main criteria for increasing competitiveness, in our humble opinion, will be the choice of the opening site at the first stage, and the quality of the repair at the second.
  • Readiness degree. In considering this item, We need to understand how well We can provide appliance repair services. It may be worth learning for a while by working and learning new things at another appliance repair center. At the same time save up finances to open your own.


Analysis of the sales market for our services at the beginning is extremely simple - it individuals, namely, all people who use electronics. In the future, this list will expand, but we are just getting started. Therefore, we immediately proceed to the analysis of competitors. This is where there will be room for creativity. At this stage, we need to correctly evaluate strengths and weaknesses of competitors. For example, a quick but expensive repair, polite administrators but paid diagnostics, a comfortable waiting room but an unfortunate geographic location of the center, etc. There is another criterion market volume, where the current state of the market and its forecasts are assessed, but we do not consider it, since the dynamics of sales electronic devices is growing, and the repair, as it was more profitable for the owners, remains. Smart people also love estimate market share by the end of the first year of operation. We will also bypass this, since even repair giants occupy a small share in the market for these services. Here it is better to focus on the profitability of the center.


When drawing up a marketing plan, you should build on the initial capital when opening a service center. Since our main client is individuals, the first thing to do is to pay attention to where there are a lot of them: on the streets of the city. To start, a great option would be to print business cards and distribute them on the streets. Further, as profits increase, you can start advertising on Avito and similar sites, in the Metro, if there is one in the city, but it should be remembered that the most important advertising for us is word of mouth, therefore, it is worth doing all the repairs as for yourself. Pricing and expected sales volume. For the first time, we will set average prices for the market, then, with a larger flow of customers, it will be possible to lower them to put pressure on competitors. After a confident start, you should consider further advertising and promotion, but it is rational to do this after 4-6 months of a stable flow of customers.


This section usually covers the following points:

  • Need for space (industrial, warehouse, office and other). Here important criterion will be where we will open our service center. Naturally, the more traffic, the better.
  • The need for equipment (tools), ways of obtaining (own, rented, leasing), terms and conditions of delivery; equipment for the service center will depend on the skill level of the craftsmen. Will it be just screwdrivers, or a soldering station, or an infrared soldering station, etc. Of course, it is better to reduce the repair time, but in such a way that it does not affect the quality.
  • Production and sales program for 3 years (1st year broken down by months). "Shakespeare strove for the sun and became Shakespeare." Be sure to set yourself a goal to which you will go.


So now we need to decide on location our service center. It should be chosen so that:

  • There was a high permeability;
  • There were no other service centers nearby;
  • It was located inside a residential complex.

If you manage to meet these three conditions, the flow of customers will grow extremely quickly from the very beginning. Another important aspect is information about partners, namely those from whom the purchase of spare parts will be carried out. At first, you will have to buy them in retail or small wholesale stores. Great option will conclude an agreement with any seller of spare parts and advertise it in their own center for good discount. In general, what you come up with here is what you put into practice. Useful in the section of structuring your plans will be the creation calendar plan implementation of the business plan of an entrepreneurial project in a monthly breakdown, in which you will see the whole picture of what is happening in the service center. Be sure to keep all expenses (equipment, spare parts, staff salaries, advertising, etc.) and income.


In this topic, we will touch on our staff. So, the first cell of personnel is the repairman. With a good start, our center will need at least one repairman. Best conditions to work with the master, it is to share with him the cost of the repair that he performs in half. If it is not possible to immediately hire an intelligent master, the option of cooperation with another service center is possible, but the lion's share of the profit will have to be given to that center. When the main employees of our center have been sorted out, now it is worth thinking about the administrator. An excellent option would be a young girl versed in technology, who could immediately orient the client on the price, timing and complexity of the repair. But, since this is unlikely, we will get out with the favorite phrase of the administrators of many service centers: "Leave your device for diagnostics, and we will contact you within two business days." Over time, the service center will expand, and to cover a larger area, it is worth opening device collection points in different parts city, and the second workshop should be opened only if the service center has enough experienced craftsmen so that in each workshop our center can cope with the arriving “killed birds”.


You, dear reader, must overcome this point on your own, having decided on the direction of your business. We can only suggest the main points on which you need to draw up a financial plan:

  • Estimated project cost and traffic forecast Money broken down into equity and borrowed funds (broken down by months);
  • Profit and loss forecast for the first year (broken down by months).

It is best to present this data in tabular form.


So, after drawing up a business plan according to the plot presented above, you will have a clear idea of ​​​​the concept of your business, specific actions, which you need to take step by step for a successful start, understanding the life process of the enterprise that you open and the goal you should go for. I wish you success!

A mobile phone has long ceased to be just a means of communication and has taken a firm place in the list of one of the most necessary devices for a person. Like any complex electronic device, the phone breaks down much more often than its owner would like. According to statistics, every third mobile phone is repaired at least once during the year, what could be better for a service business than regular customers? That is why the question of how to open a phone repair service is more relevant today than ever.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:80-120 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 5 thousand people
Situation in the industry:high competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 4-6 months

A profitable business with a guarantee of a stable income that does not require big investments to start - just a dream for a novice businessman. Then why is this niche still half empty? Indeed, despite the fact that repair shops for phones, tablets and various gadgets are found literally at every step, in rare places you can hear an offer emergency repairs.

There are several reasons for this:

  • The repair shop requires specialists who are well versed in electronics. To the common man"from the street" no one will entrust a device worth 50 thousand rubles or more.
  • The profit generated by the workshop, against the background of other business ideas that bring much more income, pushes this project into the background. That is why most of the owners of telephone repair shops are real or yesterday's students or even schoolchildren; former electronics engineers; people for whom opening a workshop is just the first step in creating a large-scale business. An exception to all of the above, of course, are official service centers.

Business Format

Opening a phone repair shop today implies two options for doing business.

The organization of an authorized service center that cooperates with the manufacturer of a certain brand of phones and other equipment and accepts only this brand for repair. This format has both certain advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, it facilitates the work of the master performing the repair. It is always easier to work with a limited number of models, all possible breakdowns which and how to eliminate them, in a few months of work, you can learn by heart.

Secondly, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the service center with spare parts for phones. Thirdly, it is always a large flow of customers. People are always more willing to go to official center than to a semi-basement workshop, especially when it comes to an expensive phone, which is also under warranty. And finally, you can always get advice from the manufacturer on technical or administrative issues.

What are the disadvantages of such a business format?

First of all, these are regular reports on the work done to the manufacturer. The inability to accept phones of other brands, for this they can deprive the certificate for the right to work with this brand, impose a fine, etc. (depending on the terms of the contract).

Often there are situations when manufacturers literally leave service centers to the “arbitrariness of fate”, leaving them without spare parts or not observing deadlines their delivery to the workshop. At the same time, service center managers will have to “take the rap” for the disrupted repair time.

Like a service center, an ordinary private workshop has its advantages and disadvantages. Only in this format of business, its advantages can be both disadvantages and vice versa. The owner of a private service does not report to anyone, but also does not have any support, relying only on himself.

Repair of any brought models of phones expands the target flow of customers, but makes it difficult to find spare parts for devices. You constantly have to "keep" the brand - one or two cases of impossibility of repair for reasons that are disrespectful to the client, and "word of mouth" will conduct a large-scale anti-advertising of the institution.

What business format to choose? First of all, it depends on the size of the starting capital. If the opening of a private workshop requires an amount of no more than 150 thousand rubles, or even less, then at least one million rubles is required to organize an official service center.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

How to start a phone repair service without a step-by-step guide to start a business? Do you really need a business plan for such a relatively small business how to repair cell phones? Yes. Even if you plan to open a small private workshop, step by step guide drawn up and recorded on paper or in in electronic format, necessary.

For a successful start, you need to have a complete idea in what order it is necessary to organize a business; how and where to buy spare parts, what to do in case of force majeure, what profit can be expected from the business, how to attract customers and what are the possible prospects for the development of this business idea? It is simply impossible to keep all this information in your head.

Often, novice entrepreneurs neglect this rule, motivating it with a small scale of business and relying too much on themselves. And that's why they fail.

Opening an official phone repair service center requires a business plan. You can find out how to write a competent business plan on your own, and why you need it at all, at the links indicated.

When choosing a format entrepreneurial activity for a service center, the most acceptable option would be LLC, for a small workshop - IP. This will help you choose the right form of taxation.

Finding and renting a workshop space

One of the important conditions for the success of a business in the provision of services is the presence of an office point in places of heavy human traffic. It is hardly worth expecting an influx of customers by opening a workshop in the basement of a house located on the second or third line, even setting super low prices and offering urgent repairs. Of course, they will have their regular customers, but their phones will not break down every month, will they?

Where to find appropriate place? Usually, small workshops with one or two employees are opened in the basements or semi-basements of the first line of houses or in a large residential area, in shopping and entertainment centers, in underground passages, small pavilions or kiosks are installed. The area of ​​​​the premises for a private workshop also does not have to be large. 15-20 square meters will be enough. meters for 2-3 staff members. One master is enough for 10 square meters. meters.

If phone repairs will be carried out at home or in another equipped place, for example, in a garage, then, as an option, you can get by with 4-6 square meters. meters - enough space for taking orders, just to put a couple of chairs, a table and a small rack.

There is no special need for repairs in the room, since customers will be more interested in the qualifications of the master than the color of the wallpaper on the walls and the presence of an aquarium.

To organize a service center for repairing phones, the room will need much more - up to 70-80 square meters. meters, taking into account the point of acceptance and issuance of orders, a workshop, a room for staff.

Necessary equipment and inventory

What equipment and inventory will be needed for the workshop? First of all, it is a set of small tools (screwdrivers, wire cutters, pliers, scalpels, tongs, tweezers, etc.). Similar kits can be purchased literally for a penny on Aliexpress or Juma. No time to wait? You can buy a tool in any specialized store, only a little more expensive.

In addition, special equipment will also be needed, an approximate list and cost of which are presented in the table:

Type of equipmentCost, rub.
Soldering Station3 000 – 5 000
Oscilloscope10 000 – 15 000
Adjustable power supply1 500 – 2 000
Set of cables for connection1 000 – 1 500
Set of connectors for power connection800 – 1 000
programmer5 000 – 10 000
Microscope3 000 – 5 000
hair dryer2 000 – 4 000
ultrasonic bath1 500 – 2 000
laptop/computer25 000 – 30 000
Vacuum tweezers2 000 – 2 500
Total54 800 – 78 000

In order to disassemble the iPhone, you will need a special opening kit, since Apple mobile devices are produced non-separable.

In addition to special equipment for repairs, you will also need furniture - a work table, a chair, armchairs or chairs for customers and racks for storing spare parts. All this can be purchased second-hand on Avito or another similar site. When buying all necessary furniture you can meet the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles.

Of course, an authorized service center will have to buy the same equipment completely new, since one of the frequent conditions for a manufacturer to work under his brand is a new specialized tool and inventory.

Spare parts supplies

If the manufacturer provides spare parts to the service center, then the private master will have to “spin” on his own in order to provide himself with uninterrupted spare parts for various models phones. The issue of supplying spare parts should be taken care of immediately after the question arises of how to open a phone repair service. Where do repair shops get spare parts?

As a rule, the same Chinese Aliexpress acts as a supplier. That's just the goods from China go for a long time, and in recent times due to the work of the Russian Post, an order for Aliexpress resembles a “come or not come” lottery. Therefore, private workshops order, in general, small batches of the most “traveling” spare parts for phone models that are in the greatest demand and that are most often repaired - glasses for screens, batteries, housings, video cameras, Wi-Fi modules, etc.

The small volume of batches is also due to the fact that dozens of new models appear on the market almost every month and there is a high probability that most of the ordered spare parts may never be needed. The same is true of Russian parts suppliers, who typically go along with the wholesale buyer by selling parts in small batches in exchange for a commitment to consistently acquire the required parts at least once a month.

Another source of purchasing spare parts for phones is buying up old models. Very often, workshops purchase broken phones specifically for disassembly for parts. As a rule, this method fully pays for itself. Spare parts can also be found in the markets of radio components or in official branded stores. But there you can buy a spare part only at a retail price, respectively, the cost of repairs for the client will increase significantly.

In addition, there are situations when this moment it is easier and faster for the master to deliver a new spare part, especially if the client is in a hurry. And then the old, broken one remains in the workshop. AT free time the master repairs the broken part so that it can be put on the phone of another client.

Do you need additional staff for the job?

Of course, that the official service center will not be able to work with one or two employees in the state. Phone repair service staff typically consists of:

  • 2-3 acceptance managers;
  • 2-3 masters;
  • and administrator.

Cleaning, as a rule, is carried out by visiting employees of a cleaning company.

Whether assistants are needed in a private workshop, only its owner decides, based on an analysis of the volume of orders. In a small town, the master usually handles incoming orders alone. In cities with a larger population, 2-3 people take part in the repair.

A nuance that must be taken into account when hiring employees is the conclusion of an agreement on liability. Before entrusting expensive phones into the wrong hands, it is best to play it safe, otherwise the solution to the consequences of unpleasant situations will fall on the shoulders of the owner of the workshop.

Organization of an advertising campaign

How to advertise your service point? If the authorized center has more than enough opportunities for marketing, then the most effective advertising strategy for a private service remains the quality of its work.

"Word of mouth" - the most effective way advertising for a small private workshop. A base of 40-50 regular customers is able to increase the flow of clients by 3-4 times - this has been verified by the experience of operating workshops. should not be neglected and traditional ways advertising:

  • large signs and pavement signs placed near the workshop;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards;
  • holding promotions and discounts for phone repairs;
  • advertising in in social networks.

How much does a phone repairman earn?

How much can a phone repairman earn in a month, provided independent work? Do accurate forecast quite difficult, because the income of a private phone repair shop depends entirely on the number of customers.

As a rule, the markup on spare parts for phone repair is now between 80 and 100%. Considering also services not related to the use of spare parts: flashing operating system, cleaning contacts, removing malware software etc., and based on the data obtained from existing workshops, it can be calculated that the monthly income in a small (up to 50 thousand people) city can be up to 40-50 thousand rubles "clean".

Work in the city large quantity population increases income almost proportionately. For example, in Moscow, a small private telephone repair shop with a staff of 3-5 employees may well earn up to 800 thousand per month. Moreover, profits can come not only through repairs, but also through the sale of accessories and refurbished used phones.

Organization costs and payback period of business

The total cost of organizing a small phone repair business for a novice entrepreneur will be approximately 80-120 thousand rubles. With known savings, this amount can be reduced by 1.5-2 times. The costs will pay off in about 4-6 months.

An official service center will require an amount of at least 1 million rubles for its organization. The payback period will be about 10-12 months.

And in conclusion - advice from the owners of successfully operating repair shops:

  1. You should always call the real terms needed for repairs. If there is no confidence in meeting the deadlines, it is better to take a supply per day.
  2. The phone repair period should not exceed 14 days, even taking into account the order and delivery of spare parts.
  3. You should always be honest with the client. If the phone is not recoverable, this should be said right away.
  4. The workshop should always have a small stock of the most "traveling" spare parts for famous brands and models of phones.
  5. Never say the exact cost of repairs right away. The damage may turn out to be much more serious than it seemed during the preliminary inspection, and the amount greater than that announced upon acceptance of the phone may cause the client to suspect fraud.

How to open a service center in areas where niches have long been formed, the rules of the game have been defined and stability is observed?
However, new opportunities can be found in such areas. The working business plan of the service center is based on an understanding of the main truth of any business - how and to whom it is planned to provide services.

Target audience analysis

Electronics repair and household appliances in demand - the number of devices used by the population is constantly growing. Planning begins with an analysis of potential consumers of services and a choice of location - how to open a repair service center near your target audience. There are two ways here:

  • Rent in a residential building. Ideally - on the ground floor, with a separate entrance or its own intercom. An expedient move if the planned service point is located in a densely built-up microdistrict and there are no direct competitors within a radius of 500-700 m. However, it is likely that home-based professionals are working. They are identified using marketing research”- they study requests on the Internet, announcements on boards, bus stops, entrances of houses. It is recommended to make several calls, ask if there is a service center website, clarify the list of services and find out the pricing policy of potential competitors.
  • Rent in office building. This option is considered if it is planned to attract corporate clients, and there is no need for a constant flow of people. If the building is located in a busy part of the city, access to the inside is not difficult (turnstiles, access system), and nearby residential development, the choice will be good.
  • Rent in mall. A good place for receiving and issuing orders. Optimal location- in close proximity to residential areas. Walking distance of the target audience to the point of service provision is important.

Possible formats of work

The structure of the service center at the initial stage is quite simple:

  • Point of reception / issue of orders and repair shop - these can be different rooms or shared office.
  • The staff is the manager, ideally he is the chief engineer, repairmen, customer service manager, accountant.

In the absence of proper resources, it is not recommended to offer a wide range of services. Important to choose basic work, which bring a stable income and allow you to increase your customer base. With proper investment, you can initially position yourself as a multi-profile service.

However, the organization of the service center does not have to be complex and is subject to transformation as the business develops. Scaling up causes less hassle and loss of reputation than downsizing.

How to get started

Target groups are defined. The premises are rented. Equipment for the service center has been purchased. At the launch stage, it is recommended to purchase a basic kit:

  • soldering equipment;
  • diagnostic and measuring equipment;
  • hand tool;
  • optical and lighting devices;
  • power sources.

Also, the creation of a service center includes the purchase of furniture and equipment for workplaces. When everything is ready, you can open.

  • distribution of leaflets and flyers with promotional offers - it is necessary to form the core of the audience;
  • launching your own website, pages on social networks, entering data on Internet maps and electronic databases;
  • use of technology "word of mouth" - the quality of services should be such that you are talked about and recommended to friends.

What is needed for the operation of the service center is constant maintenance contacts with the target audience and the offer of competitive services for affordable price. However, in an effort to get as many customers as possible, you should not dump. Raising prices is more difficult than offering discounts or bonuses.

Therefore, clear price lists for services, formulas for calculating the cost of components and regulatory documentation are initially needed. Service center manager job description can be typical - defines the functionality of each employee, duties and areas of responsibility.

Business scaling

Expansion is an inevitable stage of business development. This process is possible in several directions:

  1. Service center area. The problem is less acute if the point of reception of equipment and the workshop are separated. It is possible that a warehouse will be required to store orders and Supplies and the creation of additional jobs. When providing operational services, you need a waiting area for customers and a dedicated workplace for administrator.
  2. Organization of sale of accessories for computer equipment and mobile devices as an additional service.
  3. Service center authorization. Marks the transition to new level– obtaining a license makes it possible to carry out warranty and post-warranty repairs and cooperate with official representatives.

The true sign that everything has worked out is when the business goes into auto-pilot mode. This is the time to think about opening a new direction.

Before you start creating computer service, you must officially register with the tax office, and coordinate your activities with regulatory authorities.

If you plan to open only one computer repair shop, the best thing. LLC should be registered only if more than 2-3 customer service offices are planned.

Advice: You should not work without registering an IP. If you don't pay your taxes, you could get into serious trouble with government agencies, resulting in huge fines.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start working on any project, be sure to . It is very important to write down all the points that are related to your future business:

  • expenses;
  • income;
  • risks;
  • planning.

If your qualifications are not enough to draw up such a plan, be sure to contact a specialist. The future of the entire business project will depend on this business plan.


The most important point in the work of any service center for the repair of computers and related equipment is the professionalism of employees. The best option there will be hiring a few familiar professionals who you know personally.

They will be able to supervise newcomers and check the quality of their work, at first. If this is not possible, all employees must be tested who you will be hiring.

The peculiarities of such a business are that from time to time, employees will have to go on orders (repair with a visit to the house, to the office). In this case, the employee must be tidy, polite and treat with special patience those who do not understand certain points or ask several times.

The knowledge of workers is also important, they must quickly navigate all models of numerous computer devices and be able to quickly repair them. If the work is of poor quality, the client will no longer contact your service.

Advice: to get qualified employees short term, you need to contact a special recruitment agency.

Computer service room

Renting a place for the work of the service is one of the easiest points in building such a business. You do not need to look for a particularly attractive office, even semi-basements will do. The main thing is to place an attractive sign above the entrance so that customers can easily find you.

For the office, choose a place that will be easy to reach from anywhere in the city. The ideal option is a place near the subway, closer to the city center.

Finding Clients

Building a client base from scratch takes a significant amount of time. There are several options:

  1. Advertising on billboards and flyers. One of the most popular types modern advertising, not the most effective, but bearing fruit.
  2. Website from detailed information about services. Creating a website, promoting it online will help you attract a large number of customers, the better the site and better price the more clients you will have.
  3. Contextual advertising on the Internet. Today it is a very popular way of advertising.
  4. Cooperation with electronics companies. If you manage to sign an agreement with such a company, you will receive constant inflow customers, as you will serve people who buy equipment of this brand. In this case, the work is paid by the company.

Equipment for work

For successful work you will need specialized equipment. It can be purchased at electronics stores or ordered abroad. Find out the list from your employees, they know better what exactly they need to repair equipment. Roughly the list is:

  • multimeter;
  • soldering iron;
  • oscilloscope;
  • current clamps;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • tweezers;
  • sets of parts for equipment (video cards, keyboards, wiring, motherboards and etc.).

Have ready set details in the workshop is very important. Some computer repair companies neglect this point and order parts only when the client has already paid for the work and sent his device in for repair. If the delivery is delayed, and the parts arrive later than the scheduled date, you may lose the client forever, as the repair will be delayed for at least 2-3 weeks.

Decide on a list of services

Before opening, decide on which you will provide. A detailed list can be peeped at competitors. They can also find out the prices that you can ask for such work. It is important not to forget that during a crisis, all people are looking for cheaper options, so they will turn to you if you make the price average or below average by 5-10%.

To attract customers, at first, some service can be made free.

Advice: make a detailed price list in which you list the prices for all services and post it on your website on the Internet, this will seriously reduce the flow of calls to the company on this issue.


The profitability of a business is very important in order to calculate it, it is necessary to take into account the following costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment for repair. About 2 thousand dollars. The cost depends on the quantity and quality of the purchased equipment. Remember that some parts will have to be purchased constantly. Equipment of this type can be purchased on lease, which is profitable and convenient, especially.
  2. Room rental. Depending on the location, it's about $400. The closer to the city center, the more expensive. Try to choose optimal location, closer to the subway or public transport stops.
  3. Advertising company. About 350 dollars. You need to pay for advertising all the time, focus on creating a site and contextual advertising.
  4. Utilities, internet, cleaning, etc. About $150-160 per month.
  5. Other expenses. This paragraph refers to unforeseen expenses in the office. Usually, it is no more than 200 dollars.

An entrepreneur's initial outlay will be $4,500-$5,000, including employee salaries. It is not difficult to calculate that such an amount will pay off in 5-6 months, net profit service center is about 400-500 dollars per month. It is very important that you can bring customers to you.

The computer repair business is very profitable today and will be profitable for decades to come. Each person has a phone, computer, tablet, which periodically breaks down, which means that it becomes yours. potential client. and already, in a few years, you will have not one office, but a whole network.

Phone repair shops are a sought-after business. Despite the fact that there are many of them, the number of gadgets among the people is growing every day, and sooner or later they all need to be repaired.

Legal side of the issue

If you decide to open a phone repair service center, first register a business. We have detailed how to do this in previous articles.

It is not necessary to certify the activity of the service. Can be done even without cash register- Use strict reporting forms BO-3. They equate to cash receipts. Forms register and certify in the tax.

Do not forget to coordinate the opening of a business with local authorities, SES, fire department. They will come with checks, check details and subtleties directly with them. Be kind! Regulatory officials are people too.

Premises: choose and arrange

The service center can be located on small area, for example, in a kiosk at the supermarket checkouts or in underpass. Even if the master will work in the same room, the equipment will not take up much space, a small nook is enough.

You can even organize a point of reception and issue, and the masters themselves will produce the work at home.

Special repair is also not required - enough cosmetic. Buy furniture for the administrator and waiting customers.

We buy equipment and spare parts

Equipment for a phone repair service center will not take up much space.

For productive work of the center, buy:

  • Soldering station with hair dryer
  • Power Supply
  • UFS with cables (smartphone end-to-end service equipment)
  • ultrasonic bath
  • Microscope or lamp with a magnifying glass - for working with small details
  • programmer
  • Tools for opening phones (for Apple technology, a special set is needed)

It makes no sense to buy large quantities of spare parts for phones - they quickly become obsolete, like the devices themselves. To save on the purchase of components, find a supplier with preferential wholesale terms, team up with repair services from neighboring areas and place a general order.

The average markup for clients is 100%. If you make an extra charge based on the wholesale price, the price list will look attractive to visitors.

The wizard will download the firmware from the Internet, so take care of a computer and a high-speed connection.

We are looking for staff

If you know how to fix phones, you can at first find yourself a shift and work together. In this case, even a beginner is suitable, whom you will teach yourself. But such a case is rare.

Look for at least two craftsmen who can work part-time and take orders. To motivate them to work, offer to work for a salary and a percentage of completed orders.

Be sure to write in employment contract clause on liability - after all, the masters will work with other people's phones, including expensive ones. Do not hire workers without registration!

Advertising and promotion

Get promoted before the official opening. So the service center will not be idle, but will immediately start working.