What is needed to open a service center. How to open a computer service: a computer, laptop, smartphone repair company

In our daily work, we are faced with typical tasks that our clients have to solve. From a legal point of view, the utilitarian foundations of legislation, workflow, taxation, etc. – have a lot in common in different areas of business, which allows you to find the right solution quickly enough (if you have the relevant experience and the necessary professional qualifications).
As an example, consider our recommendations for the implementation of a full-fledged professional activity Service Center, and this example can be extrapolated to related industries and activities to provide different kind services to both individuals and legal entities.

The basis for the activities of a legal entity - regulations governing this activity:

I. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (including, but not limited to, art. 161, 432);
II. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (including, but not limited to, Chapter 39);
III. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (mandatory in the current edition);
IV. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55 List non-food items of proper quality, not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration;
V. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2011 N 924 "On approval of the list of technically complex goods";
VI. Rules consumer services of the population in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1025.

The list is not so voluminous, but it is important to understand and correctly interpret its content. In addition to the main regulations, depending on the specifics of the type of activity of your business, the list may be supplemented by local laws and regulations, documents on industry specifics.

We equip the "Corner of the consumer"

In any type of business that provides certain services, it is necessary to provide mechanisms for informing consumers-clients about the services provided and additional mandatory information relating to the protection of their legitimate rights and interests.
One of these ways is to equip the “Consumer's Corner”, in the form of a stand or a specially designated place for this, a section of the wall in a prominent place. It can be called whatever you like - "Consumer Corner", "Information Stand", "Information for the Consumer" and the like (there is no strict regulation).
All laws, codes, rules must be presented in the form of printing publications (to exclude the possibility of replacing individual pages or their fragments). All documents must be submitted in the form of copies certified by the Company (signature CEO and the seal of the Company - so that the consumer or regulatory authorities also do not doubt their authenticity).

But with regards to the information contained on the stand, or rather its minimum mandatory list, it is legally established:

  1. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (in the current version);
  2. Rules for consumer services for the population in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1025;
  3. Fire safety rules;
  4. Escape plan in case of fire;
  5. Book of reviews and suggestions, registered in the Council;
  6. Logbook of inspections of a legal entity, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 No. 141;
  7. Telephone numbers of emergency services and regulatory authorities (state trade inspectorate, consumer protection department / consumer market department, telephone of the district ATC / ATC, Administration, Prefecture, Fire Supervision Inspectorate);
  8. Information about extraordinary service certain categories citizens (disabled people, veterans, etc.);
  9. Price list for the services provided (price list, the most complete list);
  10. Information about the Company (copy of state registration certificate);
  11. Documents certifying the quality of the goods sold (licenses/certificates), in the case of selling goods directly at the Service Center;
  12. Before entering the Service Center, there should be a sign with the name of the company, including the legal form and mode of operation of the organization.

Internal documents required for the operation of the Service Center

In their work, the Service Center (and similar organizations) use internal documentation, the development of standard samples of which will greatly facilitate the work, streamline and structure how internal processes and relationship with clients.
With regard to our example under consideration, we can distinguish the minimum mandatory group of documents that can be expanded (or reduced) depending on your real needs:

  1. Regulations (the main document, which spells out the basics of the organization's activities);
  2. Work rules (specify the production process);
  3. Request for technical support(allows the client to fill out a unified form that takes into account all the nuances, including those affecting the calculation of the cost);
  4. Work order (the employer can easily control the performance of labor functions by employees);
  5. Warranty card (the consumer receives complete and up-to-date information about the warranty and signs for its receipt);
  6. Request for the supply of spare parts (allows you to control the contents of the warehouse and vary the operating balance);
  7. Sale Notice vehicle(always useful)
  8. The act of acceptance of equipment after repair (allows you to avoid unreasonable claims and lawsuits);
  9. Certificate for employees who have completed training (indicates high quality services provided by your organization);
  10. Performance contract repair work(to control the risks and obligations of the parties);
  11. Legal opinion on the exchange and return of goods of good quality (if necessary).

Thus formed documentary base of any organization provides for all aspects of its activities and allows you to develop regular actions in the event of a particular situation. Of course, it will not be possible to foresee everything, but it is very important to prepare for common situations and know how to act in them without compromising your business.

Our company FLC specializes in comprehensive business services and will take care of the entire legal component, develop impeccable document templates, contracts, provide accounting services and consider options for optimizing the tax burden. Our arsenal includes the experience of hundreds of medium and large enterprises not only in the Russian business segment, but also abroad.

FLC is a complex of legal and accounting services for business.
Our practice allows us to quickly and efficiently solve any issues and problems

A business based on the repair of digital equipment, and mainly computers, laptops and phones, is not only profitable, but also surprisingly tenacious. Given how tightly digital technology has become part of our lives, you will not have to complain about the lack of customers. Let's take a closer look at this business.

Significance of this business

A very small starting amount makes this enterprise very interesting for start-up entrepreneurs. As practice shows, in order to open your workshop, you will need, on average, about $ 2,000.

Second positive moment is pricing flexibility. In other words, the prices for such services are not regulated by anyone and directly depend on your opinion and your skills.

An important point is the minimum risks in this case. If you fail to develop your business, you can always wind it up. In this case, the losses will be minimal.

And of course, the positive aspect is the ever-growing demand for such services.

What will you need?

In fact, very little is required from you. To get started, you need to register your business in legal form. Here the option with an individual entrepreneur is suitable and this will be quite enough to gain a foothold in a certain niche, to gain a good client base and further develop your business.

Basically, your business is ready.

You can do the work right at home, however, as practice shows, having your own outlet significantly increase the flow of customers.

You do not need to rent a large room at all. Suitable for basement small size, sufficient to accommodate a desktop, and there may be a rack for storing parts and orders.

Naturally, another important point in running such a business are your professional skills. If you know how to fix electronics and can quickly determine the cause of a breakdown, you will quickly develop your business.

Where to start development?

At the first stage, you will not a large number customers, because they simply will not know about you. You can declare yourself in a very ordinary way - ads on the Internet. bulletin boards, social networks, thematic forums, all this has one common featurepotential clients.

Since the funds for his workshop in initial stage you may simply not have it, you can start a career by visiting a client at home. Block repair, diagnostics, software - these are your main services at the initial stage.

After gaining a client base and earning the first money, you can expand, specifically in terms of opening your outlet.


In the process of work, you will need both parts and consumables (solder, hot melt adhesive, thermal paste, etc.). So that there are no delays in business, you should take care in advance to find suitable suppliers. You shouldn't have any problems.

Business expansion option

Many believe that by opening a second point and hiring a person, you can earn twice as much. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. You should expand if you feel the real limit of your capabilities. At the same time, practice shows that opening a point at the other end of the city in the desire to distribute the load may simply not justify itself. Much better to expand the only workshop, hire another master, add services. For example, you can go to the client on order to set up routers, cable TV, and install software.

How quickly will the costs pay off

Service center for the repair of electronics and digital equipment in the presence of demand in your area, and the demand is almost everywhere, you can recoup the initial costs in three months. The thing is that more than half of the repair cases will cost you nothing. That is, frequent breakdowns are not technical, but programmatic in nature and you will only need to restore the system. In addition, many technical breakdowns require the replacement of parts, the cost of which is at the expense of the client. And only about 10% of breakdowns require serious repairs using time-consuming consumables.

Service center- a repair company various equipment. You just need to decide what you'll be repairing. Open own business in this direction is very profitable, but we will talk about this later. We will now consider ready business plan for opening your own service center (SC).

The most important thing is what kind of support the director will give you after the sale of a certain product. Please note that this fact is very important, because in the future you will buy electrical appliances, appliances and other additions for your SC anyway. Commit to finding a good supplier, as all appliances must be of excellent quality, because people will not go to you.

Ready-made business plan for a service center for the repair of equipment To be rude, creating a business in this area will be no different from any other. If you are good at this, then you will certainly succeed. Our website also includes other ready-made business plans so you can check them out too.
Download file: (downloads: 294)

Don't forget about discounts. If a client has come to you and you want him to continue to contact only you, then give him a discount and he will be satisfied. How to open service center?The initial step in opening any business is the registration of the enterprise. To do this, you need to collect Required documents and put your idea into tax office. Next, get a document that says that you are a private entrepreneur. Now you need to register the service itself. You also have to go to the tax office. You will be registered as entity. It will be necessary to order a seal or a stamp in order to implement cashless payments in the future, as all other persons do.

The third step is to get a license that shows what skills you have. Rent an office or an office.
If you have authorized your center correctly, you will be able to perform both warranty and post-warranty repairs. If something breaks at the client after your work, then he will be able to reapply and do it all for free.

For the successful functioning of the SC it is necessary:

  1. reception point
  2. workshop or repair
  3. transport for the delivery of large goods

All issues related to the repair of equipment are solved by the service center. In order for the work to be performed with the highest quality, the manufacturer must supply the SC parts for replacement free of charge and pay for all repairs. Please note that the center side should also be good relationship. You must recruit highly qualified and competent workers, your repair area must be equipped with the latest technology, and most importantly, that any kind of work you have done. Not necessarily in as soon as possible, the main thing is quality and clarity. An agreement is concluded between each manufacturer who is interested and the SC, which states that the SC can carry out the work of this or that equipment. To start work - you, first of all, must find a supplier and establish contacts with him. The speed of repair work will directly depend on how quickly the supplier finds and delivers the part you need. Please note that you need to start cooperation with suppliers already at the initial stage of opening a service center for the repair of equipment. Believe me, this is very important and if you do everything right, you will come to success.

Well, the final step is drawing up a business plan. But you need to start it only after registration and registration. Just what I wrote above. If you've made the final decision, then that's good. Business plan in ready-made we have already provided. Further, for crime to work, you must clearly and clearly draw up a list of services that you will provide to clients. Personnel need to be found already trained or to make sure that these people are trained. If the business is independent, then the business plan can be filled in in any form.

In general, this is all I wanted to tell you. remember, that this species business is no different. But if you are well versed in this, then success is guaranteed to you.

All kinds of devices designed to facilitate and improve life are very popular. The technology is becoming more advanced and widespread. But she tends to break. This means that a household appliance repair shop will always be in demand among the population. What you need to know to create successful enterprise in this domain?

Beginning of work

First of all, you should officially register your business. Illegal repair of household appliances is subject to fines and threatens with administrative liability. AT government bodies registration it will be possible to choose the legal form of your enterprise.

You can register as individual entrepreneur, but if in the future you plan to cooperate with large companies or develop to the level of a network, register as a legal entity. You do not need to obtain a special license for this type of business.

But it is necessary to register with the tax service. You can choose the most convenient taxation option for you - with a predetermined amount payable or with a certain percentage of profits. After obtaining all the necessary permits, you can start working.

Format selection

Before you open a home appliance repair shop, you should decide on a specific line of business. There are two main options.

You can open a branded service center for the repair of household appliances of a particular brand. In this case, you will need to contact a large manufacturing company, perhaps your company will be a subsidiary.

Many famous brands there is no wide repair network, so you can easily find a customer base and get a steady influx of visitors from the very first days of the business. The second option involves independent activity.

You will be able to work with any brands without any restrictions, but you will not have to wait for financial or any other support from manufacturing companies. In this case, you can also choose between a one-stop shop to repair any household appliances, from mobile phone to the TV, and an establishment specializing in a particular type of technology, for example, exclusively in refrigerators or computers.

Premises for rent

The question of the location of the institution must be addressed immediately. It is possible to open a workshop for the repair of household appliances in a large shopping mall, but the cost of renting such a site will be too high, which means that the enterprise can easily turn out to be unprofitable. The same applies to the location of the point on the central streets of the city.

For the first time, it will be more profitable to choose small room, where orders will be taken, and their execution can be carried out at home. The disadvantage of this option is the need to constantly transport equipment. Optimal solution- an institution of two rooms, in one of which there is a reception room, and in the other there is a direct repair of various devices.

Necessary equipment

Of course, a repair shop is impossible without tools. You will need both manual and electrical tools. Them exact amount and the ratio is determined by the type of activity and the most frequent orders.

The standard set includes a variety of screwdrivers, a soldering iron, various measuring instruments. For the comfortable work of the master, a comfortable table is no less important, as well as a sufficient number of shelves and racks for storing spare parts.

You should not purchase exclusively expensive and new equipment, something can be purchased in a used condition. When the repair shop starts to bring stable income, all tools can be gradually replaced with new and high-quality ones, but for the first time budget ones will suffice.

Interior design

If the business plan allows, it is better to repair household appliances in a room that does not have to be changed with an increase in the number of orders. For employees and visitors to feel comfortable, the reception area should have an area of ​​​​about twenty square meters.

Workplaces for craftsmen should occupy about ten meters each. The interior should be decorated in neutral, cozy colors. Signage is of great importance. It should attract the attention of passers-by, but not seem annoying.

The name is just as important. It should communicate the specific activity of the workshop so as not to confuse customers and also be easy to remember. Ideally, you can also invest in getting an easy-to-remember phone number. All this contributes to the fact that your service center for the repair of household appliances will quickly become famous and popular.


Among other things, before you open a home appliance repair shop, you also need to recruit staff. Important to find experienced craftsmen who have already worked in similar firms and have an idea about such activities. The success of your enterprise depends on the level of their professionalism. Masters must be able to work not only qualitatively, but also quickly enough.

Then the workshop will be able to accept and fulfill a greater flow of orders, which will positively affect profitability. Choose several specialists from different fields, so that everyone works on a specific technique, because generalists are usually not so professional. Not the least important is the selection of the acceptor of orders. A non-conflicting, pleasant administrator in communication will help attract more customers and avoid controversial situations.

Profitability of the enterprise

The idea of ​​opening a household appliance repair shop will have to be abandoned by those who rely on quick and big profits. The profitability of such an enterprise is quite low and amounts to about 6%. It's all about the new Appliances sold by affordable prices, so many prefer to buy it, rather than fix the old one.

In our modern society computer literacy has gained a significant boost. There are more and more PC users every day. A structure is being formed that suggests that very soon almost every person will have their own computer to expand their capabilities, both in work and in entertainment. Let us say right away that this moment the cost of a PC is still quite high, despite the fact that new models appear almost regularly, and companies are in significant competition. Accordingly, there are few users who can systematically change computers if there are any problems with use. And this means that service centers that carry out the process of repairing computer equipment are extremely relevant and in demand. Since it is they that allow you to get the benefits and prospects for restoring the performance of such equipment.

If you decide to open a business that will actually have significant aspects of popularity and relevance, then you definitely need to pay attention to the possibility of opening such a service center, especially if you have a certain amount of skills, abilities and knowledge in this field of activity. . The thing is that the demand for such services will still be extremely high, and it will grow. You, as a specialist, will be able to competently perform the tasks assigned to you, which will help you quickly carry out the process of active development. Accordingly, such a business will have all the necessary advantages. We will certainly say that even if you do not have the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge, you can still start working on the implementation of such a project. But, then the business costs will be more serious, since you will have to look for skilled and knowledgeable specialists, the cost of whose services simply cannot be minimal.

The organization of such a business has all the advantages and development prospects. On the other hand, you must understand that there is competition in this area, and quite significant. And accordingly, you will have to competently think over the structure of the business organization, ways to deal with competitors and attract potential users of your services. That is, in fact, you will have to devote a very significant amount of time to the issue of calculating a business plan. Based on this document, you will actually be able to correctly, competently and clearly carry out the process of calculating the costs that you will face, as well as identify all kinds of risks that may appear in the process of doing business.

Often, start-up entrepreneurs have to do everything possible to carry out the process of attracting investors or partners, as well as to carry out the procedure for obtaining a loan in order to receive the desired amount of funds for business development. In this situation, planning is the main element of work with bank employees, investors or partners. Through this document, you provide data on how effective and profitable your business will be, as well as how much the investment will pay off.

When drawing up a plan, you should definitely adhere to a certain structure, which involves general description project, taking into account all its features and nuances, as well as the structure for calculating all costs. Moreover, the costs will need to include all cost options that arise, both at the initial stages and at the stages of business development (monthly expenses). Among other things, you will have to carry out a process of detailed analysis.

Planning to open a service center

The structure of the plan is quite simple. At the same time, you must understand that there is a mass already ready-made templates, which you can use as a kind of example. Basically, if you use your own funds, you can rely on ready-made options calculations. If you plan everything to the smallest detail, then indicate your real data, then you will foresee all the nuances and will be able to competently manage free funds in such a way that in the future there will be no difficulties and problems.

General data

A very important block, which includes the following information:

  • Description of the project - name, form of business, taxation structure;
  • Location - city, in which part of the city the office will be located, how many residents in the city;
  • Competition - indicates the number of service centers, the period of existence, the level of demand for services;
  • Enumeration of own services - indicate those services that are in high demand. In this case, it is recommended to use the initial process of studying the audience of the target format;
  • The amount of the initial investment is indicated;
  • The pros and cons of the project are indicated;
  • Form of ownership of the premises - rent or personal ownership;
  • The options for promoting services are being calculated.

Cost calculation

In this paragraph, you should adhere to clear and accurate data. You should specify:

  • The amount of funds required to rent the premises;
  • The amount of payment for business registration;
  • The amount of expenses for the arrangement of the premises;
  • The cost of purchasing furniture and equipment;
  • Costs that determine the conduct of an advertising campaign;
  • Unexpected expenses.

The last point must be included in planning, since on its basis you get a kind of reserve of funds that can be used if necessary.

Monthly expenses

Every month, the business will require certain investments. In this case, you must understand that accounting for all expenses to the smallest detail is the main element in shaping the stability of your business. If you want to avoid any unpleasant nuances, indicate all the costs that you think may arise in the course of doing business:

  • Expenses for renting the premises;
  • For the remuneration of specialists;
  • The cost of paying utility bills;
  • All types of expenses that are directly related to the payment of state contributions;
  • Expendable materials;
  • Advertising;
  • Purchasing parts and accessories, etc.

Estimated earnings

You can calculate income based on the formation of data that relate to the number of residents of the city. Based on this figure, you can calculate the number of visitors to your service center. Also, you can carry out the process of determining the number of orders for certain services. Thus, you can get the final figure for the estimated income.

Description of services

Be sure to describe all the services you intend to provide. Moreover, in this case, you will have to draw up a certain price list, which will contain not only a description of all the nuances of the services provided, but also the cost of them.

Activity analysis

It should be said that in without fail it is necessary to sum up the original results, to determine the nuances of the advertising campaigns, clearly set the features competition and so on. Also, you should come up with a final indicator of what benefits your business has. Make a plan of cons and positive aspects.

As you can see, the structure of a business plan is quite simple. If you want all the data to be clear and accurate, it is best to implement the calculation structure yourself. So, you will be sure that you have taken into account all the nuances, all possible costs, which means you can find right amount funds to open. Among other things, you can immediately analyze the prospects for profit, performance, business development features.

10 ideas with examples

  1. Business based on the skills to open a standard service center in office space. In this case, the structure of work is formed by attracting potential customers. In this business Special attention paid to the quality of the work performed to a wide range of services, as well as to the provision various options discounts for regular customers. Example: As an example, you can look at how standard service centers work. There are several professionals working in different fields. The speed of work is paid separately. The level of service in popular service centers is high. Accordingly, if you opt for this option of doing business, you certainly need: the right organization, hiring experienced professionals, a system of discounts, competent advertising;
  2. Opening a standard version of the service center without initial investment. This opening option assumes that you can draw up a plan and contact the bank to obtain loan funds. Or find a partner who will provide funds for your ideas. Example: at the moment, many banks provide unique lending options for starting a business. In this case, you can carry out the development process detailed plan and apply for a loan. Many entrepreneurs start out this way;
  3. Renting a workplace in a service center. In many large service centers, a structure of piecework is being formed. In essence, you are given the opportunity to rent workplace at all necessary equipment. You just need to advertise your services yourself, clients will be offered to you if other specialists are busy, and you will pay rent every month. Such a service is quite new, however, it acquires significant aspects of relevance;
  4. Small service center with one specialist. If you have the necessary level of knowledge, skills and abilities, and are confident that you can carry out any repair, as well as resolve difficulties with software then you can rent small room and carry out all repairs yourself. In this case, we can cite as examples a lot of such workshops that are in every city. Their advantage is an affordable pricing policy, as well as the opportunity to acquire a kind of friendly relationship with the master, which allows you to receive discounts and a more attentive attitude in the future, as well as the speed of work from the master;
  5. Organization of business with home visits. A very popular option is the organization of a service center, without an office. In fact, such a structure offers a very significant number of advantages. First, you will not need to carry out the process of renting a room. Secondly, you reduce the cost of your funds for the arrangement, repair and payment of utility bills. Accordingly, the benefits of developing such a business are more significant. Surely, in your city there are specialists who provide home visits. As an example, look at how their case is set up and how they capture the attention of potential customers. Typically used standard version attraction through the distribution of flyers or other printed materials, where the coordinates of the master are simply indicated. Subsequently, the client contacts him and arranges a meeting;
  6. Remote service center. In this case, we are talking about the same home visit, but only with the organization additional internet resource. On the site you provide a description of all your services, a list of prices, indicate the structure of work and coordinates. Let's say right away that there are many examples of such a business. Accordingly, one can immediately assume that it has certain advantages, which creates the need to study just such a business organization structure, since it contributes to cost savings and forms the structure of actively attracting potential customers;
  7. A business based on providing services to companies. In this situation, the work of a freelancer is formed to provide computer equipment repair services to various companies. The business structure is based on signing preliminary agreements with leaders. As you know, at the moment computer technology is used by all companies and enterprises. At the same time, not every employer dreams of having an officially employed employee who will be engaged in the adjustment and repair of such equipment. The thing is that breakdowns do not happen regularly, and it is extremely convenient, and most importantly, more rational, to have a third-party specialist who travels and performs the assigned tasks. As you understand, the employer in this case pays exclusively for the repair services provided. At the same time, he does not need to sign with a specialist labor contract, pay holiday pay, standard wages etc. Such services today have significant aspects of relevance. Numerous Internet resources can serve as an example for the development of such a business, which indicate that the main activity of the service center is precisely servicing companies;
  8. Service center with a wide range services. This situation assumes that you will have to carry out the process of hiring specialists in various fields. This business has all the advantages, as the demand for services will be phenomenal. But, you have to make a substantial investment process. That is, investments will be larger, and such a business will require you to make more serious investments in the process of updating and popularizing services;
  9. Service center and web studio. The structure of such a business is quite complex, but the benefits of development are very significant. A web studio can be organized through a specialized Internet resource. The office may be shared. You will immediately distribute clients, specialists will work in an additional room, where repairs will be carried out. To organize such a business, you will need one or two computer repair specialists, as well as several experienced specialists who will develop, design and design websites;
  10. Employment in big company piecework specialist. That is, the more you complete orders, the higher the payment for your services will be. Such option is suitable for those who want to gain a more significant amount of experience and skills, and based on the data received, open their own service office or workshop.

As you can see, there are a lot of different ideas for organizing a computer repair business. On the net you can find a lot interesting examples, which form a description of a business organization from scratch and describe the structure of its development. By using sample data, you can choose the right direction for your business and benefit from the progressive promotion of your services.

Pros and cons

Any business should be evaluated from the standpoint of positive and negative aspects. Naturally, each person must determine for himself which moments prevail in his particular situation. We invite you to evaluate in detail all the nuances of the advantages and possible disadvantages in order to further evaluate the possibility of starting a business, taking into account your individual position.


  • Profitability. Remember that the demand for such services is very significant, it is for this reason that you will get your customers. However, do not forget that it is imperative to take into account the peculiarities of competition. You can get real profit prospects only if you competently organize your business, and also approach the issue of developing a structure to protect your interests from the actions of competitors no less competently;
  • It is possible to open with minimal investment. For those professionals who know how to do everything with their own hands, this is a great chance to get the prospects for incredibly active development of opportunities. The thing is that such a business rests precisely on the professionalism of the masters. And if you can provide potential clients with this professionalism, then very soon your business will flourish;
  • We will certainly say that one of the advantages this business it is considered that it is possible to provide services that relate directly to the issue of repair, and it is also possible to additionally provide services for setting up, diagnosing, and treating viruses. That is, most often people have software problems, the solution of which is not always possible to implement on their own. It is for this reason that services in the program aspect will be quite in demand;
  • Opportunity to refuse office rent. We will immediately say that it is the office rent and its arrangement that is a significant expense item. You will be able to carry out the process of providing services with a home visit. In this case, your services will be in demand, as they will be incredibly convenient for potential customers. Among other things, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that you will receive a significant savings bonus. Since you do not have to pay for the rental of premises, arrangement and repair, for utilities etc.
  • You should also carefully consider and evaluate all the shortcomings, which will help you rationally determine the level of expenditure of funds, as well as assess the benefits of further development of your business.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  • In the case of renting an office, you generate significant expenses. To start a business, it will be extremely difficult to find funds to rent a decent room and equip it with the use of modern technology and equipment. That is, in the case of organizing a business that involves renting an office, you will need to prepare for serious expenses;
  • If you yourself do not have the necessary knowledge base, it will be difficult to control specialists.
  • It is imperative to draw up a plan on the basis of which you can estimate all the expected costs;
  • Careful attention should be paid to the choice of specialists. If you recruit inexperienced craftsmen, this will be the basis for reducing the reputation of your organization;
  • Carefully consider the issue of choosing promotional products. Remember that competent advertising can become the basis for the active promotion of your services;
  • Be sure to create your site. It is on the basis of the resource that you will be able to carry out the process of familiarizing potential customers with all the services of your enterprise, with prices, with the features of cooperation, etc.;
  • Make a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of work, to eliminate all kinds of shortcomings;
  • Carry out systematic processes of professional development among employees;
  • Use modern methods repair and maintenance.

Is it worth it to open such a business?

You must determine for yourself how well you understand computer repair. Only the presence of professional skills will help you organize a truly effective business.

Do not forget that if, when calculating the plan, you get the lack of the desired efficiency from opening a large service center, then it is better to organize a small workshop in which you can organize a stable income, and on its basis, further work out the development structure more big business. A business of this direction will actually be profitable and promising, but only if proper organization. If you are unable to organize a quality service this moment time, it is better to give preference to private repair or opening a small workshop with the provision of home repair services for customers.