Navien boiler service. Repair of Navien boilers of all models with an official guarantee Service center for Navien boilers

Thermis- is a group of engineers united by a common cause, who have considerable experience in the installation of heating systems, heating equipment, in carrying out commissioning, repair work and maintenance work gas equipment manufacturers such as Baxi, NAVIEN, Ferroli, VAILLANT, Proterm, Ariston.

We are an authorized Navien service center in St. Petersburg, which has its own spare parts warehouse, staff and great experience in the repair and maintenance of boilers of this brand. We are responsible for the quality of the services provided.

Statistics at the beginning of 2015 show that Navien occupies a leading position in sales of wall-mounted gas boilers in the Russian Federation. This fact is due to the relatively low cost combined with the latest Navien smart technologies. For this reason, the market has a large number of mounting organizations, but, as is most often the case, these organizations do not have the right to carry out repairs, commissioning works and maintenance of Navien equipment.

Navien repair request

Here you can leave an online application for maintenance, repair or replacement of the necessary unit of your Navien! Our warehouse of spare parts for wall-mounted gas boilers allows you to as soon as possible troubleshoot your equipment.

Fill in simple form and our service specialist will contact you, clarify the problem and find a solution.

Submit your application

Spare parts

We have our own warehouse of necessary Navien spare parts in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region(Gatchinsky district). Here you can purchase the necessary spare parts and expendable materials for Navien boilers. We also have trained personnel and a technical specialist for this line of Korean boilers. If necessary, you can contact us and get the necessary advice.

When buying Navien spare parts, you can leave an order for work on the replacement of this unit and a discount on maintenance

Navien spare parts catalog

Our Navien Service Benefits

    We have our own spare parts warehouse for Navien boilers in St. Petersburg

    Our employees have been trained and have the necessary experience in the maintenance and repair of Navien boilers

    We have contact with the manufacturer

    Our prices are lower. We arrive when others refuse

    Thermis has the right to exercise Maintenance and repair of gas boilers

    We are a Navien Service Center.

    Availability of all necessary permits and certificates

    Higher technical education employees

    We provide post-warranty maintenance and repair of boilers

Service Contract for Maintenance

Thermis offers a maintenance contract for your Navien boiler.

The Maintenance Agreement includes:

Troubleshooting the Navien Problem

The Thermis team carries out Repair of Navien Boilers in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. We have contact with parts suppliers, Navien manufacturers and technicians. The Thermis staff can pinpoint the cause of a problem with near-failure and take corrective action. In the absence of a contract for Thermis maintenance, the cost of work is calculated in accordance with the price list.

Works performed during maintenance of the boiler:

  • Checking the condition of the combustion chamber
  • Cleaning the combustion chamber
  • Cleaning nozzles and gas distribution manifold
  • Inspection of the integrity, operability of equipment
  • Gas path monitoring with static and dynamic pressure check
  • Checking and cleaning filters
  • Checking the tightness of all connections (if necessary, troubleshooting)
  • Service maintenance of sensors, boiler automation
  • Checking the safety automation
  • Checking the quality of the power supply network
  • Inspection of the chimney and smoke exhaust system (if necessary)
  • Checking the air pressure in the expansion tank
  • Service maintenance of shut-off valves
  • Gas valve calibration
  • Customer consultation

Navien Ace gas boilers are known for their adaptability to the specific operating conditions in Russia. To keep them uninterrupted operation need regular maintenance. You can get this service at the service center of the TECHNODOM company.

Our services

We carry out maintenance and repair of Navien boilers. The list of our main main services:

  1. Gas and diesel burners.
  2. Montage demontage.
  3. Boiler volume cleaning in devices.
  4. Flushing the boiler volume from scale.
  5. Diagnostics of malfunctions in floor and wall equipment.
  6. Replacement of the fan, electrode, pump and jet (nozzle).
  7. Replacement of the front, rear and middle boiler sections.

We are also working on troubleshooting, dealing with errors that have arisen during operation. TECHNODOM specialists are ready to repair any damage to your heater.

We work for residents of St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Moscow and the Moscow region. To find out the terms of cooperation or place an order, please contact us via chat on the website or call the numbers listed in the "Contacts" section.