Motion sensor circuit for lighting with a switch. Select and install a motion sensor to turn on the light. General connection information

In order to simplify the process of controlling lighting and automate its switching on and off in certain places (entrance, corridors, entrance to a house on the street, etc.), devices such as motion sensors are used.

In addition to working in lighting networks, they can be used in security systems. For example, to give a sound signal (siren roar, ring a bell) when motion is detected in a protected area.

They can also be configured to open automatically entrance doors, which is widely used in shopping centers and shops.

Let's look at how to properly connect this device, analyze popular circuits and list the errors that directly affect the operating error of the device.

Two-wire connection of a motion sensor

First of all, decide what sensor model you have based on the type of connection. They come in two and three wires.

First, let's study the simplest two-wire circuit.

Two-wire motion sensors are most often installed in ordinary socket boxes. The general picture of its connection consists of 4 elements:

  • distribution box
  • the sensor itself
  • lamps

Connecting the device is similar to installing a single-key light switch. That is, you need to bring the power phase to the sensor and pass it through it to the lamp.

In this case, it is better to use the “sensor - lamp” combination on a separate circuit, rather than placing it on general lighting.

Let's look at the installation process from the very beginning. First of all, run the three-core cable VVGng-Ls 3*1.5mm2 from the machine in the panel into the junction box. Designate and mark its conductors: phase, zero, ground.

Where is the best place to place it?

The classic option for models installed in a socket box is at a height of 1.2-2.0 m from the floor level.

Don't confuse them with wall devices, placed in passage corridors or entrances of high-rise buildings, or at the entrance to the building. These usually go up to the very ceiling, not far from the doors.

Please also note that no open doors did not block the viewing angle of the sensor.

First zeros. From the power cable to the lamp cable.

But we connect the phase from the machine to one of the cores that goes down to the sensor (L). We connect the second core from the sensor cable to the lamp (L sensor).

All that remains is to connect the sensor itself in the socket box. We connect the incoming phase with the symbol L to the corresponding terminal.

We connect the second core to the terminal where the lighting fixture or the “load” sign is drawn, as in the figure below.

All that remains is to hide the entire mechanism in the socket box and install a decorative frame.

  • 1 - put the device into automatic mode

  • 2-set the sensitivity threshold

So that the sensor does not turn on during the day or at another time of day that you do not need, depending on.

  • 3-set the time after which the lighting will turn off as soon as there is no movement in the device’s coverage area

That's all. Apply voltage and check the operation of the entire circuit.

The advantages of such a two-wire circuit and motion sensor data:

  • ease of installation and connection
  • versatility

You can easily replace any single-gang switch with a similar device and automate your lighting system, without any capital costs.

However, there are also disadvantages. These devices often do not work well with energy-saving and LED light bulbs.

They begin to flicker, sometimes very strongly.

Three-wire motion sensor connection diagram

Let's move on to three-wire sensors with three terminals. The most popular brands on our market are infrared motion sensors IEK models from DD-009 to DD-019.

Their popularity is explained primarily by their low price. But more expensive copies from other manufacturers are, in principle, made according to exactly the same model. And the connection and setup process will be similar.

When purchasing such devices, pay attention to the degree of their moisture protection. For the most part this is IP44.

Outside buildings they can only be placed under a canopy or canopy. They are not protected from direct rain. Here you will need fully waterproof IP65 models.

Also look at the operating temperature if you intend to use it outdoors. Most of them are designed to operate only down to minus 20C. Then they begin to mercilessly fail.

The three-wire sensor will have to be supplied with full 220V, that is, phase and zero. The whole system also consists of 4 elements:

  • circuit breaker
  • distribution box
  • sensor
  • lamp

If desired, many add a separate light switch. Let's look at this diagram below.

When connecting a three-wire sensor, 3 cables will enter the junction box:

  • three-wire from the machine (phase-zero-ground)
  • three-wire for lighting (if you have lamps with a metal body)
  • three-wire per sensor

The zeros are collected at one point. The “ground” from the machine is connected to the “ground” on the lamp. Everything is as per the previously discussed scheme.

It’s just that the motion sensor is no longer supplied with one phase, but with full phase-zero. This device has three terminals under the body.

  • two input - here you supply 220V power

They can be labeled as L (phase) and N (zero).

  • and one exit

Designated for example by the letter "A".

To get to the terminals, unscrew the two screws on the housing and remove the bottom protective cover.

If you already have three different colored wires out of the housing, look for their markings in the instructions. Usually this is:

  • red A - exit
  • blue N - zero
  • brown L - input phase

But it’s better to open the cap and check everything visually.

It is the phase that comes out that controls all the lighting. In the distribution box, you connect it to the phase core of the cable going to the lamps or other load.

The whole scheme will look simplified as follows.

If you do not want to use a junction box as a connection point for all the wires, then you will have to insert all the wires into the sensor itself and connect them at its terminal block. Twist the two neutral wires together and tighten them onto the N terminal.

You connect the phase from the power supply to terminal L. And to the remaining output, connect the wire that goes to the lamp. Roughly speaking, phase-zero was supplied from one cable, phase-zero was removed from the other. Nothing complicated.

It turns out the same 3-wire circuit, only without a junction box.

Setting and adjusting sensitivity

After connecting, look for controls and settings on the case. One of the “twists” is responsible for the time of day. There are drawn the sun and the moon (Lux).

In order to use the device during daylight hours, set the switch to the mode where the sun icon is. If you need it to work at night or in a dark room where there is no natural light, turn it to the moon.

The second switch configures the shutdown time (Time). Move the rheostat from minimum to maximum and increase the time automatic shutdown light, from a few seconds to a few minutes.

How can I set the settings so that the device does not accidentally react to pets? Remember the main thing, in this case the sensitivity should be adjusted not by switches, but by the angle of rotation of the entire sphere.

That is, where the transparent window looks, that’s what it will react to. If you don't want the light to come on when a cat or dog runs past, don't point the sphere down toward the floor. Place the window perpendicular to the plane of the wall or at the level of your head.

Well, if you suddenly want the sensor not to work at all, then turn its “head” so that the window looks at the very top, as if into the sky.

The actual capture area of ​​the sensor beams is approximately 9-10 meters. Although the documentation says more.

Also pay attention to such a property as sensitivity depending on the direction of a person’s movement. It will be maximum when you pass by, and minimum when you walk towards the rays.

Therefore, in the corridor or entrance of high-rise buildings, it is better to place sensors immediately above the doors, and somewhere closer to the corner. In this case, in any case, you will be crossing the rays, and not moving towards them.

The main disadvantage of such a 3-wire circuit is the lack of forced switching on of the lighting. The motion sensor may fail or begin to work incorrectly. Because of this, you will be left completely without lighting.

To avoid such problems, use a third circuit with an additional light switch.

Scheme for connecting a motion sensor with a switch

This scheme is the most universal. It uses a regular one-keyboard.

Many will ask: “It only has two contacts and two wires, while the sensor has three. Where to put the excess?” Everything is very simple, just connect it in parallel.

That is, the phase from the power supply must be immediately connected not only to the sensor, but also to the single-key light switch. The second wire from the single-keyboard is connected to the lighting circuit, that is, to the output conductor from the sensor.

It looks like this.

Now you can turn the lamps on and off at any time, regardless of whether it is day or night, whether there is movement in the range of the device or not, whether it is working or broken.

By the way, if you install the switch not in parallel, but in series in the circuit, that is, after it, so that the phase is broken before the sensor, you will encounter a not entirely obvious problem.

It would seem that this option is the best. The entire circuit can be completely disconnected from the voltage, and if necessary, turn it on and immediately turn on the light. But the fact is that with a complete blackout and subsequent supply of voltage, the light bulb does not light up immediately.

No matter how much you jump in front of the sensor and wave your arms. It needs a certain amount of time to scan the entire area for objects. For many models this takes 10-20 seconds.

Meanwhile, you will stand in the dark and patiently wait for the light. Agree that this is not very convenient.

How to connect a three-wire sensor to two wires

Is it possible to connect a 3-wire sensor not in parallel, but instead of a one-key switch? That is, throw it out of the circuit and put it in a phase break as in the very first case, connecting only two wires and without connecting zero?

With some LED bulbs this trick may work. But you will need additional components.

  • diode VDI 1N4007
  • capacitor 2.2 microfarads at 400V

The diode is installed between two terminals:

  • A-output from the sensor
  • N - zero connection point

The capacitor is soldered parallel to the light bulb. Schematically, it turns out that only the phase will arrive at the sensor. Moreover, it enters contact L and exits from contact N.

The normal output "A" remains empty. Only the diode leg “sits” on it and no more conductors need to be connected here.

This diagram is useful for those who have only a 2-wire cable, and you don’t want to change or redo anything. However, it does not work with all lamps. Models must be selected individually.

Some types may catch fire, but the pulsation coefficient on them will be of such magnitude that it will seriously harm the eyes and vision.

Any other load besides LED lighting(door opening, alarm, incandescent lamps), cannot be switched on according to this scheme. It simply won't work.

In addition, the total lighting power for such a connection is no more than 80W.

Circuit with two sensors

If you have a very long corridor, and even with turns, you have to install several sensors along the wall.

To avoid drawing separate power to each of them directly from the switch, use parallel circuit connections.

The number of devices here is not limited. How does this work? For example, you went to the beginning of the corridor, the first sensor was triggered, the lights came on. We left his area, reached the second device - the lighting continued to burn.

We went around the corner where the third sensor is located, its elements are short-circuited, the lights are still on. And only when you leave the coverage area of ​​​​all elements, the light will go out after a specified period.

Circuit with starter or contactor

All such motion sensors are designed to connect a load of about 1 kW. But what to do if we are talking about powerful lighting lines made with HPS lamps?

Or if you need such devices to open doors or start fans? In this case, use a circuit with a magnetic starter.

The entire powerful load will be connected through the contacts of the starter, and the sensor will control its switching coil.

The phase conductor coming out of the device will power the coil. Zero can come either directly or from the same sensor.

Motion sensor is not working properly - connection errors

1 False positives.

False positives often occur when exposed to extraneous factors. For example, if sensors are placed incorrectly near heating elements or outside, near trees.

When there is wind and movement of branches, the device will operate and turn on the lighting every time. But sometimes this happens due to a malfunction of internal components.

To find out what is to blame for false alarms, simply cover the sensitive window with opaque electrical tape.

If this does not change anything and the device still starts up spontaneously, then it is definitely out of order and it’s time to change it.

2 Connecting phase and neutral.

From the point of view of the logic of the device, it doesn’t matter where you connect the phase and where you connect the zero. But from a safety point of view, it is the phase conductor that should break.

The same rule applies when connecting any lamp socket.

Therefore, everything is done in the same way here. Place the phase exactly on the terminal where it is prescribed in the instructions.

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To ensure safety and improve people's comfort, motion sensors have recently been added to conventional lamps. They are designed to react in the area of ​​their control - when moving, they transmit a signal through a wire to the lighting device, which turns on the light. If previously such devices were used exclusively for security purposes, today they have gained wide popularity in private houses and apartments. They perform the following functions:

  • prevents searching for the switch in a dark room;
  • save energy by turning off when movements are not detected;
  • can activate an alarm and scare away intruders.

Externally, such lamps are represented by a plastic rectangular or round box, which is covered by a Fresnel lens. Through it, the device monitors movements in the control zone. The Fresnel lens is made of quite fragile and thin material, which requires special care when installing the lighting fixture. Also, when installing, you need to consider the size of people or animals that will pass through the control zone of the sensor.

Motion sensor with built-in light

When choosing a lamp with a controller, you need to pay attention to its appearance:

  • motionless - does not move as a person moves;
  • movable - turns in the direction where movement was detected, and is often used for security purposes.

Depending on the type, sensors can be:

  • active - work on the principle of an echo sounder;
  • passive - triggered by heat detection human body.

As a rule, the sensor range is limited to 12 m. And when installed indoors or in an area that does not have rectangular shape, you will need to buy additional lighting fixtures with sensors.

Motion sensor connection diagrams

Expert opinion

When choosing a motion sensor, you should give preference to infrared models. They respond to the heat of the human body and are resistant to sound vibrations and vibration (unlike ultrasonic sensors that respond to temperature changes). They are the most accurate, but they require fine tuning, preferably professional.

Konstantin Kotovsky

Connecting the motion controller to the lighting fixture

Connecting a motion sensor according to the diagram is a simple operation that resembles connecting an ordinary switch. This is logical, because this device, like a switch, opens and closes contact through the electrical circuit where the lighting device is located.

Typically, a diagram for connecting a motion controller according to the diagram is attached along with the instructions or shown on the packaging or the device case.

According to the diagram, there are 2 types of sensor power wire: phase (conductor brown) and zero (wire blue color). When a phase leaves it, it is transferred to one of the two ends of the lamp in the luminaire and vice versa. When the controller is triggered, the relay contact closes, which leads to phase transfer.

To connect the motion controller to the lamp according to the diagram, you need:

  • remove the back cover and find the terminal block. There are 3 wires connected to it coming out of the device body;
  • looking at the diagram indicated in the instructions or on the case, connect the wire from the sensor to the corresponding wire in the device case;
  • After connecting the controller, put on the back cover;
  • for connecting wiring to distribution box, where there are 7 wires (3 from the motion sensor, 2 from the lamp, as well as zero and phase), the phase wire of the power cable is connected together with the phase wire from the motion controller. Then the “0” wire from the power cable is connected to a similar wire from the lamp and sensor. Last stage- connection of the 2 remaining conductors.

Connecting the switch to the sensor

Some users of lamps equipped with motion sensors decide to connect them through a common circuit and a switch. This is necessary so that the light will be on in some cases regardless of the operation of the sensor, for example, if you need to stand still or turn on the light in a room or in the yard before entering it.

Connection diagram for a motion sensor for lighting, for operation in two modes, as well as a switch + motion sensor

To connect the switch you will need to follow a simple diagram that can be found on the Internet. According to it, the switch will duplicate the functions of the sensor, in in some cases in forced mode by controlling the light. This scheme assumes parallel connection switch and motion controller.

When the switch is active in the circuit, the light will not go out for the required period, and when it is turned off, the lighting will be controlled through the controller.

Motion sensor settings

In addition to connecting according to the diagram, you also need to adjust the following parameters:

  • illumination (LUX);
  • shutdown delay (TIME);
  • sensitivity to infrared rays (SENS).

By adjusting the time settings, you can set the period during which the lighting will turn on from the moment movement is detected in the controlled area. Typically, this value for lamps ranges from 1 to 600 seconds. A person’s speed will also play an important role in setting the time period. It also determines whether the controller will work or not. If a person quickly passes through the control area, it is better to reduce the light burning time. And vice versa - when installing such a device in a garage or utility room It would be logical to set a longer shutdown delay.

Setting up motion sensors

As for the LUX illumination parameter, it adjusts the operation of the lamp during the day and at night. If the light level outside or in a room drops to a certain level, the light turns on. You can also change the light threshold yourself.

Setting the LUX parameter to the largest scale division is recommended if there is a small amount of daylight and vice versa.

In many motion sensors in lamps, you can also adjust the sensitivity to lighting activation - SENS. The controller's response depends on what level of sensitivity to objects is set there. If the motion sensor is triggered quite often, or “sees” the slightest vibrations, the sensitivity needs to be reduced. A simple turn of the lamp in the direction can help in changing it. desired point. In addition, you can set:

  • range (no more than the maximum, which usually reaches 10-12 m);
  • volume (if you do not want the lamp to turn on due to a flying bird).

By the way, in many models operating outdoors, reconfiguration must be carried out in winter and summer - some indicators in them may go astray.

Received higher education majoring in Fundamental Informatics and information Technology in Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov. After that, he became an expert in a well-known online publication. After a while, I decided to try writing articles on my own. He runs a popular blog on YouTube and shares interesting information from the world of technology.

For the convenience and safety of people, motion sensors have been invented that respond to the appearance or presence of a person in their coverage area. When a person appears in the sensor’s coverage area, the automation is triggered and any electrical equipment connected to it is activated, for example, lighting, a sound warning system, and an alarm system are turned on.

The photo shows a motion sensor, using an installation example of which I will demonstrate how to properly connect it to electrical wiring to automatically turn on the lamp when entering the room.

Appearance The motion sensor is a rectangular or round plastic box with a window covered with a matte plastic film, which is a Fresnel lens. Through this window, using infrared waves, the appearance of a person in the control zone is monitored. The material from which the Fresnel lens is made is delicate, and when installing and operating the motion sensor, care must be taken so as not to accidentally damage the lens.

Before installing a motion sensor, you need to choose the one suitable for solving the task based on the size of the room and the conditions under which people and animals stay in it.

Choosing a motion sensor model for your home

Based on the method of detecting the presence of a person in the control zone, motion sensors are either active or passive.

Active ones work like a radar or echo sounder. They emit a signal and analyze its reflection. If the distance that the signal travels from the sensor to the obstacle and back has changed, then it is triggered. Passive sensors simply detect heat emitted by a person. There are also combined ones, which combine active and passive control methods.

Active sensors operate in ultrasonic or high radio frequencies. The ultrasonic range lies within 20,000 Hz; humans cannot hear such a sound, but dogs, cats and other animals hear it and begin to behave restlessly. If there are living creatures in the house, then it is not permissible to use motion sensors operating in the ultrasonic range.

Active motion sensors operating at high radio frequencies do not “notice” obstacles in the form of walls or furniture, and only detect the movement of objects. If installed incorrectly, they can even react to the swaying of trees outside the window or the movement of people in a neighboring apartment, causing false alarms. Moreover, they are the most expensive.

To control the switching on of lighting in an apartment, passive infrared motion sensors that respond to heat emitted by the human body are best suited. Therefore this type is the most common.

You should also pay attention to the horizontal and vertical angles Motion sensor detection and range. Typically, the detection area for ceiling-mounted motion sensors is 360° in the shape of a circle. Motion sensors designed for installation on walls usually have a horizontal detection angle of 180° and a vertical detection angle of about 20°.

In the drawing, blue lines indicate the outline of the room, and the figure formed by red lines is the detection zone of the motion sensor. As you can see, the detection zone does not cover the entire volume of the room, therefore, when choosing an installation location, the detection zone is the determining criterion.

The detection range of motion sensors is usually limited to 12 meters, which for home use quite enough. If the room large sizes, is not rectangular in shape or multi-story, for example, like an entrance to a house, then in this case, several devices are installed to detect the presence of a person throughout the entire area.

By design, motion sensors can be movable or fixed. The movable device allows you to change the detection zone by moving the sensor relative to the base in horizontal and vertical directions.

As you can see, this motion sensor provides the ability to change the position of its head, thanks to which, after installing it on the wall, you can change the control zone within small limits.

Choosing an installation location
light motion sensor

Before installing a motion sensor, in order to ensure its reliable operation and eliminate false ones, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the installation location. It is necessary not only to provide the necessary detection zone, but also to protect the motion sensor from the influence of external factors that cause false alarms or block the operation of the sensor and take into account the need to connect it to the electrical wiring.

It is not recommended to install motion sensors near radiators of electrical and central heating and pipes supplying hot water, in close proximity to air conditioners, near thermal and electrical appliances that emit electromagnetic interference.

Even if you take into account all the recommendations and understand technical specifications, theoretically it is correct to choose best place difficult to install without practice. Therefore, it is advisable, before performing electrical installation work do a little research.

Designation of motion sensor terminals

The motion sensor inside has an electronic circuit and in order for it to work, it must be connected to the supply voltage. Typically, motion sensors are designed to be connected directly to a 220 V household power supply, except for radio sensors, which are powered by a battery installed inside. Connection diagram in mandatory available on the housing, usually next to the terminal block for connection. In this model of motion sensor, the markings are made directly on its body using plastic embossing.

In order for the motion sensor to start working, it is enough to apply supply voltage to the terminals of its terminal block L and N. To connect it to the mains, you need to take a piece of double wire, install a plug on it on one side, and connect the other end, not forgetting to remove the insulation, to terminals L and N of the terminal block. Phasing of wire connections, in in this case, doesn't matter. Moreover, if you make a mistake and connect the wires incorrectly, then nothing bad will happen, the motion sensor simply will not work. In this case, the blinking motion sensor indicator will not light up.

In the photo, for clarity, a short piece of wire is connected. The length of the wire should ensure that the motion sensor can be connected to the nearest outlet when choosing an installation location. If you do not have a piece of wire of sufficient length, you can use an extension cord.

Typically, motion sensors have an LED that indicates what state they are in. If the sensor is connected to the power supply and is in standby mode, the LED flashes approximately once per second. When triggered, the blinking frequency of the LED increases, which allows you to know, without connecting a load, when choosing an installation location, whether the sensor has triggered or not. It should be taken into account that some types of motion sensors, after connecting to the power supply, become ready for operation after some time, 15-30 seconds.

Purpose of the parameter adjustment knobs

There are knobs on the body of the motion sensor for adjusting its parameters. Depending on the model and its purpose, there are from two to four handles. Next to the knobs there is usually a letter designation of the type of adjustment, a picture of the purpose of the adjustment and the direction of rotation of the knob to change the setting. Therefore, before installing a motion sensor, you need to understand what parameter and how each of the handles affects and in what position they need to be installed to optimal performance in specific conditions.

Before you start looking for a place to install the motion sensor, it is advisable to adjust its parameters on the table and mark it with a marker to make it easier in real conditions. In low light, the factory markings are difficult to see.

Dimmer LUX allows you to set a light threshold above which the motion sensor will not respond to movement. Why turn on the lights during daylight hours if you can already see clearly. Initially you need to set it to maximum.

Timer time control TIME motion sensor. This is the time during which the light will remain on after the motion sensor is triggered. Initially set to minimum on time. It should be noted that if, after the motion sensor is triggered, a person continues to move in the detection zone, the timer is restarted, and the countdown until the motion sensor turns off will begin from the moment the person stops moving. For example, if you set the timer to 10 seconds, and a person moved or waved his hands in the detection zone for 10 minutes, then the light will be on all this time.

Sensitivity control SENS Rarely installed on motion sensors, as there is a practical need for it. It happens, it is needed if you want to not control part of the room, and this can always be done by adjusting the position of the motion sensor during installation. Initially you need to set it to maximum.

Microphone sensitivity control MIC It is present very rarely, since it is not in demand in everyday life and has low noise immunity. The noise of a passing truck or a child's scream in the entrance of a house can trigger a motion sensor. But to perform the security function, if properly adjusted, it can serve as an excellent means of protection, since the detection zone will be practically unlimited. Initially you need to set it to minimum.

Now that the preparatory work has been completed and all the controls are set to the required positions, you can begin to determine the installation location of the motion sensor. To do this, you can temporarily mount the sensor on a stepladder or board, and by placing the motion sensor in the intended installation locations, try to find the best one. As I wrote above, a rapidly blinking LED will indicate that it has been triggered.

It is convenient to connect the motion sensor for lighting to the electrical wiring in two places, in the junction box or directly at the point where the chandelier is connected to the wires coming out of the ceiling or wall. Therefore, before searching for a location to install the motion sensor, you need to determine where it is easier to connect it. It is difficult even for a professional electrician to deal with the wires in the distribution box, especially in houses built a long time ago, and the boxes are often covered with wallpaper or located under plaster. The easiest way to figure out the connection is to a chandelier or wall lamp.

After determining the installation location of the motion sensor, you can begin mounting it on the wall and installing electrical wiring.

Attention! Before connecting the motion sensor to the electrical wiring, to avoid damage electric shock, it is necessary to de-energize it. To do this, turn off the corresponding circuit breaker in the distribution panel and check the reliability of the shutdown using the phase indicator.

An example of installing a motion sensor in an apartment

The plaster on the brick wall was quite loose, and the distance between the centers of the holes had to be maintained to the nearest millimeter. I used a simple jig and a certain sequence of drilling holes in the wall. To make the conductor, a piece of plywood was taken, in which two holes were drilled, 4 and 6 mm. After drilling the first hole in the wall, a dowel was inserted into it and the jig was screwed through a 4 mm hole with a self-tapping screw. A second hole in the wall was drilled through a 6 mm hole in the jig.

With this simple technique, using plywood trim, it was possible to drill holes exactly in the specified places.

All preparatory work done, and you can begin installing the electrical wiring and installing the motion sensor. But in order to carry out the work competently, and not just mindlessly connect the wires to each other, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the chandelier connection diagram.

Electrical diagram for connecting the sensor

As can be seen from the diagram, the neutral wire, which is designated by the letter N, connects directly to the chandelier bulb, and the phase one, which is designated L, connects to the second terminal of the chandelier light bulb through a switch.

In practice, you may encounter the fact that the switch opens not the phase wire, but the neutral wire. From a safety point of view, this is incorrect, but opening the neutral wire does not affect the performance of the chandelier. If there are a lot of light bulbs in the chandelier or double switch, then the chandelier connection diagram is more complex. To meaningfully connect a motion sensor, it is enough to consider how to connect it to a chandelier of one light bulb.

From a functional point of view, a motion sensor is an ordinary switch, only it turns off the light not from pressing the switch key with a person’s hand, but from movement in the detection zone. Since the motion sensor contains an electronic circuit, for it to work it is necessary to apply supply voltage to this circuit.

Motion sensors are available for installation instead of a switch. But to connect it, you need one more additional wire, and of course it is necessary that the detection zone with such an installation corresponds to the required one. Three wires sometimes fit to the switch to separately connect two groups of chandelier bulbs. If such use of the chandelier is not necessary and the detection zone is suitable, then you can install a motion sensor instead of the switch without laying an additional wire by making connections in the junction box.

Wiring diagram

The simplest case is when the motion sensor is connected to the terminal block of the chandelier. Since my lamp did not have such a block, I had to install it. I made the connection according to the wiring diagram below.

As can be seen in the diagram, the phase wire is connected to the upper contact of the terminal block and from it goes directly to the terminal block terminal, designated by the letter L. The neutral wire is connected to the middle terminal of the terminal block and then goes to the terminal block terminal, designated by the letter N. It also goes to it two wires are connected, going to the light bulb and an additional socket.

Phase wire L is connected to the normally open contacts of the relay, in the same way as to the contacts of an ordinary key switch. Next, from the relay contact, the wire goes to the lower contact of the terminal block and is then connected to the lower contact of the chandelier terminal block. The second terminal of the light bulb and socket are also connected to the same contact. When the motion sensor is triggered, the relay closes the contacts and voltage is supplied to the light bulb and socket.

As a light source, you can connect not only incandescent lamps to the motion sensor, but also energy-saving LED lamps and monochrome and RGB LED strips connected through adapters. You can also connect a radio or any other device.

Before connecting the wires, prepare their lengths sufficient for free connection with the terminal blocks. The insulation is removed from the ends of the wires and, according to the diagram, the wires are twisted together. After twisting, tinning with solder is performed using electric soldering iron. If you do not plan to pass large currents, then it is not necessary to tin the wires.

When the ends of the wires are prepared, they are connected to the terminal block of the chandelier.

All that remains is to screw the base of the chandelier to the wall and screw the shade into it. As you can see, all the wires and the terminal block are hidden under the base of the chandelier and do not protrude anywhere.

I laid the wires to the additional outlet in a cable channel, since I didn’t want to scratch the wall and spread dirt. During the next toilet renovation, I will hide the wiring in the wall.

Now you need to make adjustments, set the timer time, the sensitivity of the motion sensor and the work can be considered complete.

Although the light has now begun to turn on and off automatically, out of habit, when approaching the door, the hand reaches for the switch, and when leaving, everyone constantly turns off the light without even noticing. I had to short-circuit the terminals of the switch on the wall so that it would no longer affect the turning on of the light, since if the light is turned off by the switch and turned on again, the motion sensor is triggered only after the time set by the timer has expired.

Features of connecting a motion sensor to turn on the light
in the entrance with an elevator

By email I received a letter from Sergei from St. Petersburg. Sergey is a professional electrician and encountered difficulties when installing motion sensors in the entrance of a seven-story building equipped with an elevator, and turned to me for advice. With Sergei’s consent, I decided to publish our correspondence.

Yesterday we installed active motion sensors to turn on the lights in the entrance on seven floors, and it turned out that when the elevator moves, the lights on each floor turn on, it’s beautiful, but the customer didn’t like it. The electromagnetic field's effect on sensors is understandable. But in another house under the same conditions everything works fine. Maybe the elevator is not grounded? Or maybe the elevator is old and causing such interference. How to protect yourself from this?

Regarding influence electromagnetic field, then I doubt it, since the elevator is just a box with buttons and a lamp, and all the power equipment is located on the roof of the house in a special room. When the elevator car moves, only the limit position sensors on the floors are switched, but there the currents flow several milliamps and cannot have any effect.
The absence of grounding of the elevator is excluded, since this is one of the main points of safety requirements and is mandatory checked by supervisory organizations.
The influence of network interference due to the operation of the elevator power equipment also does not occur in your case, since then the lamps on all floors would turn on simultaneously.
One thing remains, the effect of moving the cabin itself on the sensors. If the motion sensor is highly sensitive, even if the elevator car moves in a blind shaft, even a small gap at the junction of the elevator doors may be sufficient, especially if the sensor is installed opposite the elevator door. You can check this by closing the gap on one of the floors, or reducing the sensitivity of the sensor.
If, nevertheless, the culprit of the false operation is network interference, then you can try connecting a capacitor with a capacity of 0.01-0.1 mF for a voltage of at least 300 V in parallel with the motion sensor to the network connection terminals.

Good afternoon Alexander, I was touched by the quick answer to my question. Today we closed the elevator window with an aluminum shield, the sensitivity of the sensor is max, the elevator is moving and still turns on the light - this means that the sensor “sees” the elevator. We reduced the sensitivity - everything worked as it should, but a representative from the company that manufactured elevators of this brand protested, since according to the regulations, it is not permissible to close the window in the elevator door. As a result, they set infrared sensor, passive option, and the problem disappeared.
P.S. I would like to add from the bitter experience of installing active sensors, they are buggy and the timer is buggy, the solution to the problem is simple: you need to turn off the power several times in a row, and everything starts working.

Why do energy-saving and LED lamps blink?
included after the motion sensor?

I received a letter by email from Anatoly from Primorsko-Akhtarsk.

I'm also a bit of an electrician, I installed the motion sensor myself. As long as the incandescent lamp was on everything was fine. I installed a saving lamp - when it is turned off, it blinks, and the LED lamp also switches on. How can I get rid of this?

Energy-saving and LED lamps, unlike incandescent lamps, have an electronic circuit inside with rectifying diodes and an electrolytic capacitor installed after them. To produce a weak glow, these lamps require a current of only a few microamps. Therefore, if the switch opens a non-phase wire, then due to leaks through the air, a charge may well accumulate in the electrolytic capacitor and when it accumulates to a certain level, the lamp may blink. This phenomenon is also observed when using backlit switches.

When connecting a lamp through a motion sensor, there are two possible reasons why blinking may occur. If the sensor uses a mechanical relay as a switch (a click is heard when activated), therefore, when connecting, the neutral and phase wires are swapped.

When a semiconductor device, such as a triac, is used as a switch in a motion sensor, it has a leakage current when turned off. In this case, if the phase and zero connections are correct, blinking can only be eliminated if you connect an electromagnetic relay instead of a light bulb and power it through its contacts, breaking the phase wire of the energy-saving or LED light bulb. You can do without a relay if you connect a 5-10 watt resistor with a nominal value of 5-10 kOhm in parallel with the light bulb. But then it goes down economic efficiency use of energy-saving lamps.

How to adjust the motion sensor model TDL-2012-AC

I received a letter from Vyacheslav by email asking me to help me understand the controls of the motion sensor model TDL-2012-AC, due to the fact that the product does not come with instructions for connecting and adjusting.

Please tell me about the Chinese motion sensor model TDL-2012-AC. What parameters control the first two switches? The first one seems to be the level of illumination at which the sensor is triggered. And the second one?

Pictograms, letters and numbers indicate the following:
- switch 1 regulates the sensitivity to illumination, that is, the level of illumination in the room at which the sensor will start working;
- the second is used to select sensitivity to movement;
- the remaining switches numbered 3-8 are designed to set the time for which the motion sensor will turn on the lighting, 5, 40 seconds. and 1, 4, 8 or 16 min.

Initially, motion tracking systems were intended to protect territories and important objects. Motion sensors are now widely used to turn on lights. This electronic device allows you to save up to 85 percent of electricity. Let's consider the basic principles of operation of the device, its types and installation procedure.

The sensor will not only help turn on the lights, but also warn about unwanted guests

The tracking device monitors the area covered by the viewing sector. The territory is limited not only by the angle of action of the device, but also by the range of the sensor.

Pay attention! For efficient work the sensor is located in a place that provides maximum visibility.

How the sensor works

The device records the level of infrared radiation. If an object with the temperature of a living creature appears in its field of responsibility, the device receives several impulses that affect the circuit and turn on the lighting. As soon as the pulses stop coming, the circuit breaks and the power goes out.

Below is a sample motion sensor circuit for lighting.

Advantages and disadvantages of using sensors

Thanks to an indoor or outdoor light sensor to turn on the light, there is no need to frantically search in pitch darkness or for keys in a bag.

Types of motion tracking devices

Motion sensors can be divided into two categories:

  • installation location: external and internal devices;
  • alarm type: ultrasonic, infrared, microwave, combined.

External sensors monitor a given perimeter and are intended mainly for large adjoining spaces and outbuildings. Their response radius reaches five hundred meters.

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Installing this device will allow you to automate lighting depending on the time of day. How does such a device work and how does it work? More details in a special publication.
Useful information! Thanks to street sensors movement to protect the perimeter will not require any special alarms. They will work as soon as an outsider approaches the protected area. An attacker will not risk intruding into the illuminated area.

Indoor sensors are designed to work indoors. They are not resistant to sudden change temperature and active exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Ultrasound devices

The operating principle of such a product is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the surfaces of objects. This simple process, named after the Austrian physicist Doppler, makes it possible to easily calculate moving objects by changing the frequency of the pulses. Such a sensor uses a device that generates ultrasound, inaudible to the human ear.

If any movement occurs within the range of the device, the ultrasonic waves change their frequency, which is recorded by the sensor.

Useful information! In addition to lighting systems, such devices are widely used in automatic devices"Parking sensors".

Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic motion sensors for turning on lights.

Infrared devices

Their work is based on temperature measurement environment. When high-temperature objects enter the sensor's operating range, it reacts by turning on the light.

Infrared radiation from the human body, through a set of lenses and special mirrors, affects the sensor that activates the lighting system.

Useful information! The sensitivity of the device depends on the number of lenses; there are up to thirty pairs in one device.

Advantages and disadvantages of such devices.

Allows precise adjustment of detection angle and rangeFalse alarm for radiation heating devices or, for example, an electric kettle
Triggers only on temperature objects, so can be used outdoorsMalfunctions when exposed to adverse weather conditions
Completely safe for humans and petsSmall adjustment range
Transmits objects coated with materials that do not transmit IR radiation

Microwave sensors

Microwave devices act like radars. The device sends a signal and receives its reflection.

A microwave device emits a high frequency wave. The slightest deviation in the returned signal causes a chain reaction that turns on the light.

Advantages and disadvantages of microwave sensors.

Combined instruments

Combined motion sensors for turning on lights combine two or three types of sensors at once. Tracking is carried out in parallel and very accurately detects an object in the coverage area. There are no other disadvantages to such devices other than their cost. The most common sensors on sale are those that combine infrared and ultrasonic devices.

Manufacturers and prices

In motion devices, the price is directly related to the quality and performance of the device. The more expensive the device, the large area it is capable of embracing. Among the popular brands it is worth noting devices from the following companies:

  • Camelion;
  • Theben;
  • Ultralight.

The cost of sensors starts from 400 rubles and reaches several thousand. The most rated among budget models according to

ImageModelViewing angle, degreesRange, metersAverage price, rubles
Camelion LX-39/Wh180 12 558
Rev 3180 12 590
Feron SEN30 (hand motion sensor)30 5-8 759
PIR16A180 12 505
IEK LDD12-029-600-001120 9 508
Elektrostandard SNS M 02180-360 6 512
TDM SQ0324-0014120 12 519

Pro Tips: How to Connect a Motion Sensor for Lighting

You can install and configure the product yourself. When purchasing, you need to check the availability of instructional material and follow its advice.

Pay attention! The tracking device must be mounted in a place where it cannot be triggered by extraneous signals.
  • It is important to know that the sensitive device does not like to be moved frequently, so you need to carefully consider its location.
  • In the room, in parallel with the sensor, you need to install a regular switch so that, if necessary, you can turn off the lighting manually.
  • In order to prevent accidental damage to the device, it can be recessed into the wall by cutting a corresponding hole in the drywall.
  • It is important to ensure that the tracking device is not exposed to sunlight, as it will disrupt the operation of the sensor.

Motion sensors for turning on lights: installation diagrams

The device can be installed in several ways:

Checking, setting and adjusting

To check the correct connection, a temporary circuit is used; you need to connect it following the instructions in technical passport products. If the device does not work, it means that errors were made during installation.

Complex devices can be tested as follows:

  • assemble a temporary connection diagram;
  • set the light control to maximum;
  • set the timer to minimum.

If the LED indicator lights up when the object moves, the device is working. Instead of an indicator, a relay can be installed that will start clicking when motion is detected.

After installing the sensor, it must be adjusted. The timer operation time can be set from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour. Adjusting sensor sensitivity is a complex process, main task in which - to exclude the device from triggering the appearance of pets.

How to connect a motion sensor (video)


Home touch sensors will allow you to significantly save on lighting. The device will turn on the light in the hallway, kitchen, bathroom, on the threshold of the house when a person appears and turn it off if there is no movement.

The cost of the simplest sensors starts from 400 rubles. You can install such sensors yourself. Installation of more complex and expensive devices It's better to leave it to professionals.

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To illuminate a dacha area, an approach to an entrance, a tunnel, an arch on the street, to bring light into a garage and other buildings, powerful lighting devices are used - spotlights. Modern technologies allow you to make this type of lighting economical and automatic. Such problems are solved by connecting a motion sensor to the lighting device. It is not difficult to mount a device that controls the appearance of a person to a lamp. Even a person without special knowledge can perform the work.

Operating principles

The main task of the motion sensor is to turn on the spotlight when a person appears in the control area and turn off the light after a certain period of time until the next time it is turned on. At correct installation this system saves up to 70% energy. In addition, a light device with a sensor that suddenly turns on can scare away uninvited guests, performing a security function.

The lighting device operates by connecting to the power supply if the sensor detects infrared radiation other than the environment. Using a Fresnel lens, the presence of movement in the controlled area is determined. When moving an object electrical circuit closes, turning on the spotlight.

The motion sensor can be purchased separately or as a set with lighting device. The question of how to connect a motion sensor to a spotlight arises during the initial installation of a lighting device or during the reconstruction of an existing lighting system.

Connection diagram

Incorrect activation of the sensor electrical network may cause damage to the device or short circuit. The instructions for the motion sensor must contain a diagram for connecting the device. But even in its absence, connecting the device is quite simple.

Before connecting, you must determine optimal places location of the motion sensor and spotlight. They may vary. The sensor should be oriented to the place where people are expected to appear. The viewing angle and maximum response distances must be taken into account. Devices should be positioned to take into account the size the required cable and it is easy to install the system after checking.

The figure shows standard scheme connecting devices.

L (brown wire) – incoming phase;

N (blue or cyan wire) – zero;

A (red wire) - outgoing (switched phase).

Compliance with the rules for marking electrical wires simplifies the task. To connect the motion sensor to the electrical network, you need to open the cover intended for connecting the wires.

You can determine the phase by ringing the cable with a tester. The phase wire is connected to the sensor terminal with the brown wire. The zero must be connected to both the spotlight and the device ( blue wire). Then you should connect the remaining terminal of the IR sensor with the red wire to the free line of the lamp.

It is often useful to leave a switch in the circuit. By connecting it in parallel, you can necessary cases leave the light on for more long time than is provided for automatic control. The diagram on how to connect a floodlight with a motion sensor and a switch is in the following figure.

In this case, the automatic switching on of the spotlight will only work when the switch is in the open position.

There may be situations when it is necessary to connect several sensors to the lamp. This is required in situations where there are several approaches to the illuminated area, or when the coverage area of ​​one sensor is insufficient. In this case, the IR sensors are connected in parallel. The lamp turns on when power is supplied through any sensor. The following figure shows the connection diagram for a spotlight with two sensors.

It is best to connect a floodlight with a motion sensor to a panel with automatic machines. However, the cable can be connected to a nearby outlet via a plug or direct contact.

Some floodlights have a yellow-green ground wire. If available, connection is required.

Some lamps are immediately designed with a motion sensor. This is the simplest option. To connect a floodlight with a motion sensor, you need to connect the wires of the device to the electrical wiring, observing color matching.

Adjusting the IR Sensor

Modern motion sensors have two or three controls.

The first one, “SENS,” is designed to control the sensitivity of the device. By changing the position, you can set the size of the object to which the sensor will react, and the distance to the object.

The second - “TIME” determines the duration of the lamp after the machine is triggered. You can set it for a few seconds. Experts advise setting it for 1-2 minutes to prevent the device from constantly triggering.

Third - “DAY LIGHT” adjusts the sensor operating time depending on daylight hours. It is possible to turn on the device only in the dark, or at any time of the day.

The user determines the position of the regulators empirically. The sensors themselves can move up and down, left and right, depending on the model. This allows you to determine optimal angle inclination and coverage area of ​​the device.

Classification of floodlights with motion sensors

Motion sensors on the market can be divided according to several parameters.

  • According to the mounting method - wall and ceiling;
  • For protection from dust and moisture. For outdoor use, sensors with a protection level of at least IP65 are recommended.

Lighting devices can use different sources lighting. Incandescent lamps, due to their unreliability and high energy consumption, are rarely used in floodlights. Until recently, the most popular were halogen lamps. However, the low service life and high energy consumption of halogen floodlights lead to their replacement with more modern lamps.

Floodlights with LEDs are considered the best. They consume less energy and last a long time.

The connection diagram for spotlights does not depend on the light source. However, motion sensors must be selected taking into account the power of the lamps used.

Video on the topic