We study the characteristics of LED lamps. Which LED lamps are better: how to choose LED lamps for the dashboard characteristics and description

Information about what LED lamps are, what their operating principle is and why they are better than other lighting sources. This topic is relevant because they are the future (diodes), so now we will review the most important technical characteristics of LED light bulbs!

The device, or in other words, the design of the LED lamp is represented by the following elements:

  1. plastic light diffuser;
  2. LEDs (usually at least 5 of them);
  3. installation board;
  4. aluminum radiator (removes heat);
  5. driver that converts network voltage;
  6. ventilation holes (air circulates through them, as a result of which the driver is cooled);
  7. base (is a conductor of electric current from the network).

It can be seen that inside the light bulb there is a rather complex mechanism, the principle of operation of which differs from alternative light sources. It is because of the driver that is present in the circuit that the light bulb can blink when connected to a dimmer. In this case, it is recommended to use special ones.


Main technical characteristics of LED lighting lamps:

  • Base type. Can be screw (marked E27, E14) and pin (G19, G13, GU10, etc.).
  • Power consumption – from 3 to 30 W.
  • Rated voltage 220 V.
  • Luminous flux – from 250 Lm to 2500 Lm (on average 100 Lm/1 W).
  • Operating temperature range from -10 to +40°C.
  • Degree of protection (IP index, taken into account if the LED lamp will be installed in rooms with excess moisture or dust, for example, in a bathhouse).
  • Color temperature from 2700 to 6400 Kelvin.
  • Service life from 30 to 50 thousand hours.
  • Overall dimensions (length*width*height).
  • Weight (each product is individual).

Visual video review


As such, there is no variety of LED lamps, which cannot be said about. Usually they can be distinguished by the type of base, operating power and color of the glow.

ABOUT plinths we have already spoken above when considering the technical characteristics.

We draw your attention to the fact that it is quite difficult for a novice electrician to learn everything, especially since it is not at all necessary to do this. If you need to buy a new LED light bulb, it is best to take the old one to the store and show it to the seller.

Regarding working power, then the lamps can operate from 4, 12 and 220 V. The first group is used in decorative lighting of objects, the last two can be used as general lighting.

Color glow LED lamps can be different: warm light, cold, daylight, etc. (the difference is shown in the photo below).

Scope of application

The scope of LEDs knows no limits. They can be used wherever possible: in supermarkets, in interior lighting, for decorative lighting of furniture and various architectural objects. Most often, light bulbs are used in private homes. They have proven themselves well due to many advantages, which we will talk about later.


Finally, we have moved on to the most interesting part of the article, in which we will consider the pros and cons of LED lamps for the home.

The main advantages are:

  • highest energy savings (products can save 10 times more electricity consumption than);
  • the highest luminous efficiency, which reaches a record 120 Lm/1 W;
  • service life significantly exceeds 40,000 hours, which is also the highest indicator;
  • a wide range of products of various shapes, colors and dimensions;
  • high hull strength;
  • does not harm the environment (has no inert gases inside the flask);
  • works during power surges;
  • the number of on/off switches does not affect the service life;
  • the heating is low (up to 60 degrees Celsius), so there is no need to be afraid when installing the product next to flammable materials.


The main disadvantage of an LED lamp is its high cost compared to other lighting sources.

Also, the disadvantages of the products include:

  • the spectrum of luminescence can negatively affect a person’s well-being;
  • the light is narrowly focused, which requires the installation of several LED bulbs to uniformly illuminate a small room;
  • for efficient and long-term operation it is necessary to purchase expensive radiators, drivers and power supplies;
  • the service life indicated on the packaging does not correspond to the real one (due to the fact that the crystals begin to spontaneously extinguish over time);
  • Most products do not function well when

LED lamps are economical, effective elements for arranging a practical and comfortable household lighting system. They provide good light flow, consume minimal electricity, withstand impressive operating loads and operate for a long time.

These qualities make products attractive to consumers and stimulate growth in demand for products. However, choosing the right option from the variety of assortments is not so easy, don’t you agree? We will help you determine the best LED lamps that are optimal for your specific operating conditions.

The article provides a detailed classification of LED lamps, identifying parameters and characteristics that should definitely be taken into account when choosing devices. In addition, we have prepared a review of the best manufacturers whose lamps have proven their quality and reliability in practice.

Unlike traditional incandescent lamps, LED sources do not have strict design features and are available in a wide variety of, sometimes very unexpected, configurations. This allows them to be built into modern and vintage lamps of any type.

Classification is carried out into three subspecies. The first category includes general purpose products. They are distinguished by high-quality light flux with a dispersion angle from 20° to 360° and are intended for lighting offices and residential premises for various purposes.

Using general-purpose LED lamps, you can organize a household lighting system of any complexity. It will work properly while consuming a minimal amount of electrical energy

The second block includes directional light modules operating on one or more LEDs. The use of these products allows you to create accent lighting and highlight certain areas or interior elements in the room.

For embedding lighting into furniture sets, sideboards or cabinets, products with a GX53 base are suitable.

Tube radiator accessories

Radiator devices that ensure correct heat dissipation in modern bulb LED lamps are:

  • aluminum - ribbed or smooth;
  • composite;
  • ceramic;
  • plastic.

Ceramic do not conduct current and are more expensive than all others.

Composite They remove heat efficiently, do not pose a danger to humans and are sold for reasonable money.

Aluminum are considered reliable and efficient, but at the same time they conduct current well and can cause injury or burns upon direct contact.

Modules equipped with a ceramic or aluminum base are usually installed in a suspended ceiling lighting system, since in this case the requirements for heat dissipation are critical, and overheating can cause a change in the structure of the fabric and loss of the primary color

Plastic They belong to the cheapest segment, however, they cope with the assigned tasks quite well. Their main trump card is the low price, which, in spite of everything, attracts buyers.

Features of device power

The luminous efficiency of LED products is measured in watts. Consuming a minimal amount of electricity, LED lamps produce a record large amount of light, almost 10 times greater than the capabilities of classic incandescent modules.

One ice product with a power of 9-10 W provides optimal light flow and successfully replaces a 100-watt Ilyich light bulb.

They offer the client the widest range of certified products that meet all the most stringent international requirements for the quality of light sources.

LED lamps from Phillips and Osram are considered to be among the most reliable; they can withstand intense operating loads and fill rooms with pleasant light that is not irritating to the eyes.

The company's products demonstrate normal quality at a low price "Feron" From Russia. The line of LED products includes lamps of various configurations, including modules designed for installation in furniture.

Ice lamps produced under the brand of a domestic company enjoy well-deserved success among customers. "Vatron". The brand sells both budget and premium modules and provides a 3-year warranty on its products.

For an LED lamp to live up to your expectations, you should buy it not at the market or a table near the metro, but in specialized brand stores. This will help protect against defective or downright low-quality products.

Russian company Era is a newcomer to the LED market, however, its consistently high-quality products have already attracted the attention of clients.

Now the company is actively developing production and in the future it plans to squeeze out competitors and even get ahead of them in the battle for buyers.

When choosing a lamp based on LED elements, you need to find an environmentally friendly, economical and safe product with a suitable glow temperature, no flicker, optimal light output and the correct dispersion angle.

The lighting system, equipped with warm spectrum lamps, creates a feeling of comfort and a relaxed, intimate atmosphere in the bedroom. The soft glow does not irritate the eyes, calms and has a calming effect on a person

If you need to illuminate a living space, you should take a module from the warm spectrum marked 2700-3200 K. This will provide a pleasant atmosphere in your house or apartment, conducive to spending a long time in the rooms for the purpose of relaxation or communication.

You can install 3700-4200 K lamps in the bath, kitchen, hallway or bathroom. They will fill the room with bright, neutral white light, reminiscent of the glow of the morning sun.

All objects with this lighting option will acquire additional clarity and will look a little harder. But this will not cause unnecessary strain on the eyes, because a person does not spend a lot of time in such rooms.

When the goal is to provide high-quality lighting for utility rooms, it is appropriate to use lamps of 6000 K and higher. They will bring a stream of light to every corner and not a single centimeter of the room will remain in the shadow.

Flickering is one of the weak points of LED modules. Popular manufacturers claim that this drawback is characteristic only of unnamed Chinese products, and branded products do not have it.

It is very easy to verify the veracity of these words. At the time of purchase, all you need to do is screw the lamp into the base and hold your smartphone camera close to it. When the light bulb pulsates, the image that appears on the screen will certainly flicker.

Some brands will only provide warranty replacement under certain circumstances. For example, when more than 5% of the diodes in a lamp have burned out or the light flux has lost 10% saturation

In branded stores, when purchasing ice lamps, customers are provided with a guarantee from the manufacturer. It usually lasts from 1 to 3 years depending on the brand.

In order to use it and replace a faulty product with a working analogue, the buyer will have to keep the cash receipt and coupon, where the seller noted the date of purchase and certified it with his signature.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Companies holding leading positions in the lighting equipment market in the segment of household LED elements. The main pros and cons of branded products:

What mistakes do customers make when purchasing LED products? How to avoid them and purchase the right LED products that will work long and reliably. Reminder for potential buyers:

We can talk for a long time about which types of modern LED lamps are better. There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the purpose of the lighting system and the area of ​​its use. Based on these parameters, it is worth choosing a suitable LED product.

There is no need to purchase nameless products in order to save money. It makes more sense to choose a module from a trusted brand that has proven itself well in the market.

Do you have anything to add or have questions about choosing LED lamps? You can leave comments on the publication, participate in discussions and share your own experience of using LED lamps. The contact form is located in the lower block.

The choice of LED lamps for your home must be taken seriously. This light source may be similar in appearance only to a traditional incandescent lamp. All other characteristics are very different. The main mistake that people make when buying lamps is choosing a product based on power. There are other, equally important indicators that require attention. To understand this issue, let's look at the main characteristics of LED lamps and find out how they affect the level of illumination.

Main characteristics of LED lamps

LED lamps differ from traditional models in the complexity of the device. If an incandescent lamp consists only of a tungsten filament connected by conductors to a base, then the LED analogue has a set of LEDs. For them to work, an electronic board is mounted inside the light bulb housing. It contains a stabilizer with diodes and a capacitor, called a driver. Some models are equipped with sensors for control. In general, the LED lamp is an electronic light source that can be repaired, which highlights its advantages.

Power is one of the important characteristics of the product

For an LED light source, power is not the main indicator of brightness, but it is still one of the important characteristics. Power by definition is a measure of the conversion or rate of energy consumption. That is, this indicator is needed only to account for electricity consumption.

When considering the technical characteristics of LED lamps, you need to pay attention to their advantages. The main one is efficiency. LED products consume negligible current compared to traditional incandescent lamps. On the packaging and case of each LED product there is a power marking, and it ranges from 3 to 25 W. This indicator is usually indicated by the letters “W” or “P”.

Everyone who is accustomed to ordinary light bulbs does not understand how it is possible to screw in 10 W instead of 100 W in a chandelier to illuminate the entire room. The fact is that with less voltage consumption, LEDs emit greater brightness. For example, a 10 W LED lamp corresponds in brightness to a classic 75 W light source. To compare the power of different lamps, there are special tables that allow you to choose the right product.

However, we must remember that Chinese LED lamps actually have less power than what is indicated on the package. A significant difference can be seen with a run-up of 5 W. Such shortcomings must be immediately identified and it is better not to purchase such a product.

Light temperature

LEDs have different glow colors. There are three main types:

  • daylight white light, matching natural light;
  • warm light similar to an incandescent lamp;
  • cold light is characterized by white color, but it has a blue tint.

Color temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin. This parameter is marked on the product with the letter “K”. By the numbers opposite it, you can determine the color of the light emitted by the LEDs. There is a special scale that helps determine the shade of light.

The colder the shade, the higher the glow temperature. For example, LEDs with a light temperature of 4000 K emit an analogue of daylight. It will not replace the sun's rays, but in the dark the brightness of such a lamp will be strong. The bedroom needs a calm atmosphere, which can be provided by warm light with an indicator of 2700 K. LED lighting devices with the ability to adjust the light temperature are very convenient to use at home. They allow you to change the color of the glow as you wish.

What voltage are LED lamps designed for?

LEDs can only operate on 12 volt DC power. In order for an LED light bulb to operate on a 220-volt AC network, a driver is installed in its housing. This is a kind of voltage converter that passes 220 V through itself and produces a reduced voltage at the output.

However, there are light bulbs designed to operate on a 12 or 24 volt network. Most often they are used in cars. When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the voltage, otherwise an incorrectly selected light bulb may burn out.

Luminous flux indicator

When buying a light bulb, a person is primarily interested in its brightness. There is such a thing as luminous flux. It directly depends on the power of the product and is measured in Lumens. Light is obtained from voltage conversion. In this case, energy is wasted on heat. If you take a tungsten filament, then only 70% goes to glow, and the rest of the energy goes away with heat, which shows the great shortcomings of outdated light sources. LEDs do not emit heat and 100% of the energy is used to brighten the light.

Modern LED lamps can emit from 1 W to 80 Lm. There are developments of LEDs with a high indicator, but they are very expensive and are not used in everyday life. There are special tables to compare the luminous flux of different lamps.

High-quality LEDs are very expensive, which pushes many manufacturers to install cheap analogues. Naturally, the declared luminous flux of 80 Lm from 1 W cannot be obtained from such a product. In addition, you need to pay attention to the color of the flask. If it is matte, then the loss of luminous flux will be from 15 to 30%.

In many homes it is now customary to install dimmers to adjust the brightness of the light. You need to know that for LED lamps there are special dimmers that change the pulse, not the voltage. If you connect an LED lamp through a regular dimmer, when the voltage decreases, the luminous flux will not only decrease, but also be distorted. In addition to changing the shade of light, the efficiency of the LEDs themselves will also decrease.

Possibility of lamp dimming

Since we are talking about dimmers, we must immediately say that not all LED light bulbs can be connected to a dimmer. It depends on the product driver which is or is not able to respond to the dimmer. Typically, the manufacturer indicates this parameter on the packaging of the LED product. If the marking does not contain information about dimming, it is better to discard such a product.

Color rendition

Rarely does anyone pay attention to this indicator. The color rendering index allows you to perceive the color of an illuminated object close to reality. For example, a value of 70 on the packaging label indicates that the color of an object illuminated by LEDs will be 70% identical to the real thing. That is, a white object will remain snow-white, a green surface will take on the color of meadow grass, etc. The color rendering index is determined for each lamp in the laboratory.

Types of socles

In addition to the main indicators, when purchasing an LED lamp, you must select the correct base, otherwise you simply won’t be able to screw it into the lighting fixture. The most common are threaded sockets E14 and E27. They are used in many home chandeliers. Although there are varieties of carob bases installed in different models of lamps, for example, spotlights. A description of all types of LED lamp bases can be found in the table.

Lamps with sockets, designated by the letter “G”, are usually designed for a voltage of 12 V. Externally, their pins are similar, but they still differ in thickness and distance from each other. Products with E27 and E14 sockets are used in a 220 V network, and light bulbs with an E14 socket have a maximum power of 6 W.

Working environment temperature

The manufacturer indicates the optimal operating temperature for LED lamps in the range from -40 to +40 o C. Although in reality, the products work well in the northern regions at -55 o C. When purchasing lamps for the home, you can skip this characteristic.

Classification by degree of protection

The classification of the degree of protection determines the conditions under which the light bulb can operate. If a traditional light bulb can withstand rain, then for an LED analogue moisture can be destructive if it gets on the electronic circuit. The degree of protection on the packaging is indicated by the letters “IP”. There are numbers next to them, and the larger they are, the better the product is protected from penetration of moisture, dirt and from mechanical impact on the body.


LEDs tend to produce pulsating light. You won’t be able to see it with a normal glance, but if there is a lot of flickering, it will quickly affect eye fatigue. Flicker is very harmful to vision. For medical and children's institutions, this figure according to the norms should not exceed 20%. In cheap Chinese light bulbs, the ripple rate can be up to 60%.

You can determine the shimmer strength yourself with a simple pencil. They need to sharply hold it in front of the glowing light bulb and look at the remaining trace. Smooth solid stripes indicate normality. If, after swinging a pencil, an intermittent trace remains, such a lamp should be discarded. Its pulsation level is very high.

Light scattering angle

An incandescent lamp emits light in all directions of a transparent bulb. Sometimes this is good, but for targeted lighting such radiation is characterized by large losses. LEDs emit light in a beam. That is, there are no losses, all the light is purposefully used to illuminate a specific object. In order for the light bulb to illuminate a large area, the LEDs under the bulb are placed at different angles.

For a night light or spotlight, light bulbs with a small scattering angle are suitable. In the home, the ideal choice would be products with a dispersion angle of 180 o. If you need to provide general lighting for a large area, you should pay attention to light bulbs with a scattering angle of 360 o.

Flask size

The size of the product is not very relevant to the characteristics, but it still requires due attention. Many chandeliers and other similar lighting fixtures have shades of limited size. This must be taken into account when choosing a light bulb, since it may stick out unattractively from the lampshade or sink deep inside, which will take away some of the light. It’s worse if the light bulb doesn’t fit into the lampshade at all.

Based on the dimensions, we can say that the greater the power, the naturally larger the size of the product body. The shape of the bulb can also be different, in the form of a candle, a pear, etc. Recently, models with a power of 15 W have appeared on the market with a small body, similar to less powerful lamps from 7 to 8 W. However, they do not overheat due to the special materials used.

Service life

Manufacturers guarantee the performance of LED products for up to 30 thousand hours. If you recalculate this in days, assuming a constant glow, you get more than three years. However, no one has lights on at home for days. The light bulb shines no more than 8 hours a day. When used this way, LEDs will last up to 10 years.

Home light bulbs with E27 socket

An LED light source with an E27 threaded base is ideal for home use. This is due to its interchangeability with traditional incandescent lamps. It is enough to unscrew one lamp from the socket and replace it with another. If we talk about the technical characteristics of the E27 LED lamp, then all the parameters are identical to those discussed above.

Whatever the types of LED lamps, they all have the characteristics discussed above. This must be taken into account when choosing a product in order to select a suitable light source.

Modern LED lamps shine brighter, are more energy efficient and last longer than all previous light sources. They have a soft, uniform glow and excellent light output. Nowadays, many companies produce various LED lamps of different types, sizes and shapes. It is very easy to get confused in this diversity.

In the last article we talked about all kinds of LED lamps. But this is such a broad topic that one article is clearly not enough. LED lamps can be used for various purposes, have different bases, shapes, supply voltage, and even active LEDs. In this article we will dwell in detail on such an important topic for users of LED lamps as the sizes and shapes of LED lamps.

Unlike conventional incandescent lamps, which in most cases come in a standard pear-shaped shape, LED lamps can have different shapes and sizes depending on their purpose. They can follow the shape of conventional incandescent or halogen lamps to simplify their replacement, or they can have their own special shape, dictated by their design features or simply for a beautiful appearance.

Now let's move on to considering the shapes of LED lamps. We will talk about the most popular forms, letter designations, as well as their purpose, so that you can easily choose what you need.

Shapes of LED lamps

The shape of LED lamps is usually designated by one or more English letters and numbers. Usually the letters are an abbreviation for an English word that resembles a shape, such as a ball, a candle, etc. And the numbers here are the diameter of the lamp in millimeters. In addition to the shape, the size of the base is also important, but bases are beyond the scope of our article.

Form A- the most common standard shape, corresponds to the shape of conventional incandescent lamps. It is not known why it is called A. It does not look like the letter A, unless, of course, it is turned upside down. Maybe it is called that because the first lamps were produced in exactly this shape. She looks more like a pear. Probably this form will not exist for a long time, in a few generations, perhaps people will already forget what a 60-watt incandescent lamp is. The most common Shape A lamps are A60 and A65, and are used in a variety of chandeliers, lamps and other lighting fixtures. The numbers after the letter of the LED lamp shape indicate its size in millimeters.

Shape "Pear"

Form B- these are lamps of a slightly elongated shape, somewhat similar to a candle or an oval, but they usually have a blunt end. The name of this form comes from the word Bulged - elongated. Such lamps are used in more modern chandeliers and lamps, as well as for decorative lighting. Examples of models are B8, B10.

Shape – “Candle”

Form C- these lamps are popularly called Candle - for their shape in the form of a candle flame. The name comes from the word Candle, which is translated as candle. They are used in modern chandeliers where the lamp itself will be visible, chandeliers, candelabra and lamps. Most often found with E14 base.

Shape – “Candle”

CA form- the so-called candle in the wind. In English Candle Angular. A lamp with the shape of a candle and the tip of the flame bent slightly to the side. Looks very nice. Used in decoration, the most popular are lamps with a warm shade of light, reminiscent of a real candle. Common models: CA8, CA10.

Shape: “Candle in the Wind”

Form CW- another type of candle, a twisted candle. The name stands for Candle Twisted. It is also mainly used for decoration.

Shape – “Twisted Candle”

Shape G- lamp in the shape of a ball. From English Globe - Means ball. These lamps come in different sizes, most often found with E14 and E27 sockets. The most common models are from G45 to G95. Let me remind you that the numbers mean size in millimeters.

Shape – “Ball”

Form E— an elongated lamp in the shape of an ellipse.

Shape – “Ellipse”

Form R— Reflector is translated as reflector. The numbers indicate the width of the lamp. Available in diameters from R20 to R40. LED lamps of this shape have a small scattering angle, which is why they are used in decoration and for spot lighting. Can be protected from moisture and damage and used outdoors.

Shape - “Reflector”

Form BR— Big Reflector, or large reflector. The lamp is slightly larger in size and the surface of the reflector is slightly convex, this allows the light to spread in a special way that is pleasing to the eye.

Shape - “Large reflector”

Form MR- Multifactored Reflector - mirror reflector. Typically used to replace halogen lamps and operates on low voltage. Typically found with G10 and G5.3 sockets

Shape - “Mirror reflector”

Form PAR— Next, let's look at PAR lamps. Parabollic Reflector, or parabolic reflector. In analogues it was used to describe lamps that have an aluminum parabolic reflector. Since in principle there are no reflectors in LED lamps, this designation is used to indicate the shape. The LEDs are arranged in a U shape. The shape of the lamp is very similar to the R and in some cases they are interchangeable.

Shape - “Parabolic reflector”

Shape T— tube-shaped lamps may also be popularly called corn lamps, due to their visible LEDs. Very similar to ordinary fluorescent lamps. They are mainly used in industrial premises and offices, in wall and ceiling lamps. Popular models T5 and T8.

LED lamps have come into use relatively recently. The well-known incandescent lamps have long since become obsolete, although they still have a large number of adherents due to their low cost.

Following them, fluorescent, halogen lamps and others appeared, the main criterion of which was low electricity consumption. LED lamps, whose characteristics have surpassed those of other light sources, are becoming cheaper every year. LED electric lamps have been talked about for a long time, but their widespread development and distribution among the masses has begun relatively recently.

Scientists have long proven that LED lamps are absolutely safe for health, economical and durable to use.

Externally, a 220V LED lamp consists of elements familiar to the eye: a lamp that repeats the shape of standard connectors for incandescent lamps and a glass dome.

Inside there is a completely new design, which includes: reinforced housing - radiator; drivers are unique control panels; boards with built-in one or more LEDs; a diffuser of light rays with a phosphor substance applied to it. The phosphor slightly dulls the artificial light of the diode and at the same time saturates it with other “sunny” shades.

The diode is based on semiconductor materials (germanium, silicon), and is very similar to the operation of a semiconductor device. When charge carriers of electrons and holes pass in the forward direction, photons are released - elementary particles of electromagnetic radiation in the light range. This effect makes the LED light up.

Since new types of lamps are widely used in all areas of life, formally, according to the type of design, they can be divided into categories:

  • General purpose - for residential premises and offices (round, oblong or candle-shaped);
  • With a directed luminous flux - for illuminating landscapes and architectural monuments using a spotlight;
  • Linear, designed to replace fluorescent ones (tube shape).

Main characteristics of LED lamps

The characteristics of Led are the main parameters by which the effectiveness and necessity of using such lamps in everyday life are judged.

  • Luminous Flux (Lm)
    Indicates the amount of light, measured in lumens, that the lamp emits. Accordingly, the higher the numbers on the lamp packaging, the brighter it will shine.
  • Power consumption (W, R)
    Amount of energy consumption. Expressed in the number of watts required to operate the lamp in 1 hour. The lower the power rating indicated on the packaging, the more economical the lamp will be.
    The table below presents comparative characteristics of various types of lamps and:

  • Base type
    Depending on the area of ​​application, the lamps (industrial, home) vary. The most common are screw and pin. For home and general use, LED lamps with E socket are produced. These are E14, E27, E40; G – G4, G9, G5.3, GU10 and others.
    E sockets replace incandescent lamps. G and GU sockets are used to replace halogen and fluorescent lamps.

    For industrial areas, lamps with bases R (with a recessed contact), spotlights S, focusing P, etc., as well as baseless W lamps are typical.
  • Flask size and type
    Directly proportional value - the larger the lamp, the higher the brightness of the light and the dispersion angle. The appearance of the light source is also important, as are its other parameters from an aesthetic and practical point of view. The picture below shows common light bulb shapes

  • Brightness (designation F, lm, lm)
    Perhaps the most important property of such lamps. Bright and strong light emission, coupled with low energy consumption, is an undeniable advantage of LED energy-saving lamps. The brightness of the LED can be adjusted with a special device - a dimmer.
  • Color (TC, °K)
    LED lamps have a wide palette of shades or colors, starting from cool white light, moving to neutral white (daylight) and ending with warm white (closer to yellow). The color of the paw (from the technical side) is expressed as the temperature of the glow and is measured in Kelvin (°K). Yellow shades are suitable for the home, creating an atmosphere of comfort, located in the range from 2,700 to 3,500 °K; for offices - neutral white, increasing the productivity of employees 3,500 - 5,000 °K; Cool shades of colors from 5,000 to 6,500 °K are suitable for lighting industrial or warehouse premises.

  • Color rendering index (CRI, Ra)
    Determines how accurately and realistically the light source reproduces the colors of surrounding objects. The higher the CRI value stated on the packaging, the more natural everything around will look. For residential premises, you should choose lamps with a CRI above 80.
  • Light scattering
    Angle of light scattering to the sides. The diodes are designed to shine straight with minimal loss on the sides. Therefore, you should know in advance where the diodes will be used. For example, if local illumination of an object is required, then choose a lamp with a minimum scattering angle of 30-40. For large areas or street lighting, 150-270 degrees are preferable.

    When choosing a lamp, you should pay attention to its shape and the number of diodes in it.
  • Voltage
    LED lamps, unlike incandescent lamps, have such a parameter as a voltage range, that is, during power surges in the network, they will shine the same without damage to their heating elements. In such cases, other types of lamps may dim or shine with “scorching” intensity.
  • Ripple
    All electric lamps emit pulsating light, invisible to the eye. If pulsation becomes noticeable, it can have a detrimental effect on human health, especially dangerous for the nervous system. For home use, choose lamps with a pulsation of no more than 5-15%. Larger values ​​are allowed for industrial premises.

    Note! When buying a light bulb in a store, you should check it for quality. To do this, you need to look at the light of the lamp through the camera of your mobile phone. If strong pulsation is noticeable, then it is better to refuse such a lamp.

  • Protection level
    Individual indicator of a specific lamp model against dust, dirt and water. Modern LED lighting sources are well versed in this regard.
  • Operability under ambient temperature changes
    The unique semiconductor design of LEDs increases their operating temperature range. Thus, the uninterrupted glow of LEDs will be equally effectively maintained at different ambient temperatures from -50 to +50, +60 °C.

  • A device that regulates the power of an LED lamp and, accordingly, the brightness of the light. Available as a switch with a rotating wheel or as a remote control. Some LED strips come complete with a dimmer for easy adjustment.
  • Warranty period
    Depending on the type and purpose of a particular LED lamp, the manufacturer determines its warranty service life of 10,000, 30,000, 50,000 thousand hours, during which the company can replace a low-quality light bulb free of charge. However, in reality, LED lamps can last longer.
  • Efficiency class
    Some time ago, the highest class of efficiency of the device was considered “A”. Today, LED lamps have reached the “A+” and “A++” levels, that is, high operating efficiency with minimal energy consumption.

You can watch the video characteristics of LED lamps below:

Advantages of LED lamps

Diode light sources have proven themselves well in the market and firmly hold their positions. Their main positive parameters were: environmental friendliness, high performance, low power supply and extended service life (3.5-10 years), resistance to voltage surges, universal types of bases, a bright palette of colors, disassembled housing, etc.

Disadvantages of LED lamps

Along with a long track record, LED lamps are not without their drawbacks. These include: high price (payback 1-2), a large number of fakes, a moderate decrease in light brightness after several years of operation.


All the characteristics of various LED models presented above determine the quality and feasibility of using such lighting elements. Some parameters, such as service life, color range, may deviate slightly from the norm. This is determined by the specific operating conditions of the lamp: frequency of switching on and off, duration of continuous operation, aggressive environment. But this factor does not surpass all other positive aspects of an LED lamp over other light sources.
Also watch the continuation of the review of video characteristics: