Functions of fire alarm systems. Types and cost of security and fire alarms. Variety of security and fire systems

Double-digit growth is expected in this market - especially in all things related to the installation of addressable devices and wired systems.

The source of renewable income in the security industry, in fact, its "cash cow", is console protection, as well as the technical means that are supplied to customers to ensure it.

"We just fell in love with subscription revenue," says Wayne Beck, CEO A-Com Protection Services Inc., of Columbus, pc. Georgia. “If we're going to stay in this business, we're going to have to face the fact that we can only rely on renewable revenues if we keep our costs under control. We had to change the paradigm. If it didn't, we wouldn't be able to stay in business. Believe it or not, we are now making money by guarding the residential sector."

Beck expanded the security system hardware offering to customers while raising the price of the basic user kit to $400 and lowering the price of a monthly subscription to monitoring services by $10. At the same time, the decrease in the actual price amounted to $2, and the remaining $8 were freed up due to the abolition of the monthly system maintenance fee. This strategy contributed 20% to the growth of his business.

"We felt that it was necessary to demonstrate to the client that if he buys systems from our competitors, then at lower one-time costs he will pay a higher monthly fee, and with us - on the contrary; over a long period of time, his total monitoring costs will be significantly below -- and we've made that our marketing philosophy," explains Beck.

Ronald Petrarca, Director of Operations, Licensing and Compliance Administrator, Electronix Systems C.S.A. Inc. from Huntington Station, pc. New York, believes that the console security industry "punished" itself with a price crisis. "Competition has taken its toll on this business as the rise in the supply of 'lightweight' and free-to-install systems has resulted in some customers becoming more comfortable with low-budget security systems," he says.

Thomas Patterson, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Kimberlite Corporation of Fresno, pc. California reported that its sales are successful. "In the last three years, we've been really breaking through, raising sales by a quarter in a year," he says. "Today certain share this growth is provided by video surveillance systems, in this moment at the peak of popularity; but with sales security systems things are going well."

"If the growth trend in the video surveillance sector continues, it could hurt our bottom line because the competition in this market segment is too intense -- it's hard to compete with the Internet," he admits.

Patterson is optimistic about business prospects in the segment fire alarm. “For companies that have taken care to put together a team of professionals, the opportunities for working in the field of fire alarms are simply huge,” he says. “There is still intensive construction in the commercial market, and the old generation players are still in some confusion, and that's good for people like us."

"Over the past few years, we have created a separate division that works on a fire-fighting profile, and gathered professionals in it fire brigade“And so we are in a very good position to do business in this area as well,” emphasizes Patterson.

John Doyle Jr., CEO of Doyle Security Systems Inc. from Rochester, pc. New York, reports a 15% increase in sales of intruder alarm systems over the past year. He talks about clients who travel frequently and therefore are absent from their place of residence, as well as those who own a second house or apartment, sometimes empty.

Drew Chernoy, Finance and Business Development Officer at Scarsdale Security Systems Inc. from Scarsdale, pc. New York, concludes that the need for customers to inquire about the state of their homes in their own absence has helped grow his company's business. But he also acknowledges the fact that clients who want to buy the cheapest possible solution do not come across very often in his practice.

“If the client wants to install the system for free, then he will find those who will be able to do it,” Chernoy believes. “The main pillar of our business is local clients who recommended us to the same clients who are satisfied with our work. understand that their money is well spent and appreciate our attentive service and support."

The firm's participation in the Discovery Channel reality show To Catch a Thief also contributed to the company's efforts to market its services. "It looks like this little 'flare' has paid off," says Chernoy.

Wayne Warzager, President of New York Merchants Protective Co. Inc. from Freeport, pc. New York, reports a 30% increase in sales of fire alarm systems by his company. He explains this by the fact that the municipalities have become more stringent to control the implementation of norms that had previously remained only written on paper - and therefore a tangible scope of work has appeared.

"The systems in demand today are somewhat broader in scope than in previous years," Varsager explains. "Municipalities are now more aware of what properties new facilities should have, and are demanding this more and more."

Producers show optimism

Those involved in sales and distribution of systems security and fire alarm, as well as security monitoring, are generally optimistic in their forecasts for 2007.

"The commercial and residential fire alarm markets are set to grow strongly," says Richard Roberts, senior product manager, Security Products Division, System Sensor in St. Charles, Illinois. security."

Innovation also contributes to the growth of his company's business, which supplies public address devices and peripherals worldwide. "We're constantly bringing new products to market and improving existing models," says Roberts. "That's a real source of strength for our company."

Roberts predicts a fairly strong sales growth rate of close to 10% for the fire alarm market in 2007. "This trend has been observed over the past two or three years," he says.

Among those who also have an optimistic outlook for the market in 2007 are Rick Falbo, internal sales manager at Summit System Technologies Inc. from Toronto. "We still feel, based on our internal forecasts, that 2007 will be a good year," says Falbo. "We think the construction and renovation markets are solid in most areas."

"Here is concentrated the bulk of the country's potential," he emphasizes. "And in other areas, even if they do not shine with super-successes, everything seems to be relatively strong. If we take into account the totality of these forecasts, the year seems to be very successful."

Bill Jackson, President of Digital Monitoring Products Inc. (DMP) from Springfield, pc. Montana is reporting double-digit growth, especially in wireless technology and high-end network addressable security consoles.

More restrained in his forecasts, Jim Paulson, general product manager of the intrusion alarm group at GE Security in Bradenton, pc. Florida.

"In general, the market is alive, but the competition is too intense, - says Paulson. - It requires a lot of effort from each player, because the fight is for the same "piece of the pie."

"Manufacturers haven't yet developed products that expand the market or business offerings that put us on the path to growth," says Paulson. ways to expand the pie for yourself and your clients, and that's not easy."

Operators of centralized console stations report a significant increase in service volumes and expect further growth in 2007.

"We're seeing that top dealers with better business plans and adequate funding are growing volumes much faster than they've seen in the previous five years," said Russell McDonnell, Chairman of the Board of Rapid Response of Syracuse, N.Y. YORK: From our point of view, this year is one of the best in the last five years.

Scott Sturges, director of product marketing for fire and intrusion systems, Melville, ADI distributor. New York, talking about record growth. "In 2006, ADI set a record for sales of security and fire products," he says. "Our sales numbers have been growing very well over the past 24 months."

However, as Sturges warns, a strong start in January this year is not necessarily an indicator of future success. "It's difficult to predict what will happen next," he admits. this year."

He is equally cautious about the prospects for the burglar alarm market, although he is convinced that fire alarm distribution will do well because commercial construction has held its ground and budget spending in this category is still high.

“As far as burglar alarms are concerned, here I am somewhat less optimistic, since the advantages of the market housing construction noticeably weakened,” he warns. "There are a number of signs in the state of this market that could negatively impact the US intruder alarm business."


Beck believes that competition between burglar alarm companies has remained at the same level as in previous years. "We watch everything large quantity companies wishing to engage in this business, he says. -- I also own a telephone company, and we are something of an integrator in this area. And if reseller companies compete with me here, this is almost not observed in the field of burglar alarms.

Petrarch agrees that you often have to face competition from companies that don't even work in the security field. "Alarm signaling is no longer only made by manufacturers of network and telephone equipment - it has also reached the manufacturers of audio equipment," he complains. "Oil workers have been doing this for a number of years."

Doyle is faced with the challenge of finding qualified contractors for his contracts. "In many cases, their shortage increases either the cost or the time required to complete the work," he notes.

Beck is also trying to raise the level of customer service. “We aim to provide the customer with the service they want, not what we think they want,” says Beck. Problems..."

"I've been in this business for 34 years and I still get calls from clients sometimes with complaints," he admits. so I'll be aware. If you talk to him about it first, you'll take responsibility for making sure the client is taken care of properly."

One of Patterson's preoccupations is the staffing of his company's central console. "Our central security station in Fresno, Calif., helped local police catch 552 burglars in the act of robbing or damaging our client's secure properties during 2006," he says. "There were 576 arrests in 2005. A After all, we have only 6,900 security systems in service."

“We can’t get enough of our central station, seeing it as the main key to our success,” proclaims Patterson. “Because, you know, we have to constantly hire employees, train them and improve the skills of the station staff in order to improve communication with customers on the new level quality. It's never easy and we're just happy to have a first-class team and brilliant management at our station."

What products are profitable?

Roberts cites as one of the reasons why his company sees certain prospects for its growth, the stringent legal requirements for the installation of fire alarm systems in residential and industrial facilities, as well as systems for detecting the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air.

"We're all seeing this market grow," he says of carbon monoxide detectors. In recent years, the legislation obliging to apply them has been constantly tightened. He also lists addressable and wireless smoke detectors among the products that are growing in sales.

“It is expected that their sales growth rate could approach 20%, while sales of conventional wired smoke detectors will remain at about the same level,” he says. “This is primarily due to the fact that addressable and wireless smoke detectors provide a wider range of options than wired detector systems."

Falbo's company, Summit System Technologies, was formed in January 2006 by parent company Mircom Technologies Ltd. from Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. This was in response to the growth she noted in sales of addressable fire alarm panels.

“We are seeing this trend: installers prefer to lay new lines for addressable signaling devices instead of existing wire piping. And addressable systems are being installed not only on large, but also on small objects, as well as in reconstructed buildings,” emphasizes Falbo. Legislative requirements are becoming more and more stringent, which in practice gives a green light to the implementation of addressable systems, since they are more user friendly, especially in an emergency."

Paulson is also enthusiastic. "Our fire systems sector is growing at double-digit percentages. That's three times the market as a whole, thanks to our channel partners and our product platform features," he notes. of our security systems are approaching the 10% mark."

“Our fire alarm channel has grown slightly faster than the security dealer channel, so I would say that the engineering systems integration channel has grown slightly past the 10% mark, while the security dealer channel has not reached that threshold. " continues Paulson.

Paulson's earnings performance is also good, but he himself continues to see this as a problem area. "We must continue to invest in new product development and look for opportunities to formulate unique service offerings that have no precedent in today's market -- and we're already working on some of that," he says.

He is also concerned about the problems that some dealers and integrators face. "Some can't grow because they can't find enough installers," says Paulson. more active implementation of wireless systems.

New products from the Amityville, Napco Security group of companies. New York, are designed to simplify the installation procedure. "Sales of legacy wired systems appear to be slowly declining, being replaced by new, easier-to-install hybrid systems that require less skilled labor to install," said Judy Jones, group vice president of marketing. -- Our dealers' need to limit labor costs led us to make these changes, and we responded by adjusting to changes in their labor cost structure."

Industry issues

Jackson attributes growth opportunities to several vertical markets. "Our product continues to appeal to financial institutions because it enables them to operate in their familiar network environment," he notes. retail also remains very promising, and our sales figures in it are growing year by year. The federal government provides a lot of options, and we have remotes specifically designed to meet government requirements."

Among the trends noted by Rod Garner, president of Mountain Alarm in Ogden, pc. Utah, includes the development of wireless technology.

"The success of the summer marketing programs has changed the way investment capital views the industry," he said. positive result. As an old schooler, I believe the new model will be seriously bitten by wear and tear, but the smart money will find quality operators to strike a good balance between growth rates and things like asset wear and tear."

Sales of new equipment by Electronix Systems continue, Petrarch says, to compete with obsolete but surviving systems. He sees the problem in the fact that Internet telephony continues to develop.

"Fewer customers are installing landline phone lines," he points out, adding that as monitoring services over analog cellular links are fading from the market, "radio and Internet based systems are selling well."

Warzager is already gearing up to deal with the challenges posed by the decommissioning of AMPS analog cellular networks and the rise of Internet telephony.

"It basically interferes with the signaling process," Warzager says of Internet telephony. "Telephony without our knowledge. The fact is that it takes a little longer to reconfigure the system to use VoIP services than a normal support call - and therefore this affects our company in a certain way."

Melissa Brankman, director of customer service for Custom Alarm in Rochester, NY. Minnesota is seeing a significant increase in the number of homeowners switching from traditional land lines to using the Internet or cable connections, but sees this as a negative side.

“There is a strong push for full home automation and all-in-one solutions – especially in new builds,” she notes. “But for a security system, this is not always the best option. services in the same hands, forgets about the adage against "putting all your eggs in one basket".


New products create new markets for Doyle. "Customers are also interested in our ability to secure their homes with water leakage sensors, airborne carbon monoxide monitors and temperature sensors," he says.

Beck is optimistic about the industry's outlook. “I think that everything is in order with the future,” he says. “We just have to make sure that our professionalism is preserved and even increased and that we keep the interests of the client in sight. about our own considerations about what exactly we should sell, not noticing that customers may want to purchase something completely different.

The need for emergency calls is expected to increase

The potential for increased demand for monitoring services, optimistically noted by Scott Sturges, director of marketing for fire and intruder products at ADI in Melville, NY. New York, consists in the development of personal emergency response systems (PERS).

"I think one of the somewhat ahead of its time technologies that we're trying to market today is personal emergency call systems (PERS)," admits Sturges. "We see significant potential for business growth in them." for the next few years."

"Many of our dealers sell PERS systems because they are fast to install, they are wireless, and they charge more than standard security and burglary systems," he says. they have client base, they can actually distribute PERS products for use in aged care. With the general aging of the American population, our dealers have a good opportunity to enter the sector of emergency paging systems."

Wayne Warzager, President of New York Merchants Protective Co. Inc. from Freeport, pc. New York agrees that PERS systems are important. "Lonely old people and social workers will want to be able to stay in their homes, and monitoring PERS systems will become a very significant business," he says.

Sturges also notes a "tremendous increase" in the use of cellular digital GSM radio systems as backups, as analog systems are scheduled to be decommissioned in February 2008.

Fire is a terrible element that claims thousands of lives every year. No less problem is the protection of property of organizations, enterprises and individuals. To prevent casualties, death and theft of material assets, fire alarm systems or, in short, fire alarm systems, are installed at the facilities. With the help of its technical and hardware means, a fire alarm system is used to prevent and minimize the losses of enterprises and organizations. With this approach, in addition to timely notification, the fact, place and time of violation of the protected zone is additionally recorded.

Functions of modern OPS:

  • Perimeter security;
  • Fire warning;
  • Call for help (alarm function);
  • Warning about some emergencies in the life support systems of buildings (gas leak, water supply, etc.).

The installation of a fire alarm is prescribed by the law on fire safety, the installation of a security alarm at the facility is most often a mandatory requirement of enterprises providing security services, as well as insurance companies.

Development, design, installation and maintenance of a fire alarm system of any generation is one of the most demanded services of our company GEFEST-ALARM LLC.

What is a fire alarm system for?

As mentioned above, the purpose of the fire alarm is to timely notify the responsible personnel and people at the facility about emergency situations, such as a fire or violation of the perimeter. This is one of the oldest, most effective and well-established security systems.

Combining security and fire alarms into one system is caused by purely economic considerations. After all, security and fire systems have much in common, except for the obvious purpose of saving lives and property. These are identical communication channels, algorithms for processing information coming from sensors, sending alarms and signals, and many technical means are similar.

Composition and means of security and fire alarms

Technical means of security and fire alarms are quite diverse. The composition of the modern OPS includes the following tools and components.

  • Sensors and alarms, the purpose of which is to react (automatically trigger) to a given alarm event. They are infrared, vibration, optical, vibration, etc.
  • Communication lines - wired and wireless, including via the Internet;
  • Receiving and control devices (PKP, "controllers") - the purpose of this FPS tool is to receive and process, according to the specified algorithms, the signals from the sensors and control the actuators, that is, turn the sensors on and off if they work falsely, turn on the alert and etc.
  • Executive devices - their purpose is to perform a given work. This means giving a signal, dialing emergency numbers, activating other systems, such as fire extinguishing or smoke extraction.

Modern fire and security alarm systems include complex electronic components, and they are often controlled by a computer, so they also include software.

Varieties of fire and security alarm systems

There are also quite a few varieties of OPS currently used. According to the principle of action, they can be divided into 3 main categories:

  • Non-address (analogue) fire and security alarm systems are currently used mainly at small facilities; when one sensor is triggered, a signal is sent along the entire cable;
  • Targeted alarm systems allow you to determine the place of fire or violation of the perimeter according to communication protocols, there are interrogatory and non-interrogatory;
  • Combined systems OPS - the most common due to the universality of the price of funds and components.

Employees of Gefest-Alarm LLC have extensive experience in designing and installing fire and security alarm systems and means, we can implement and help coordinate any fire alarm systems at various scale objects in the regulatory authorities. All necessary permits for such work, we offer warranty and post-warranty service.

Now it is impossible to imagine any industrial or civil facility not equipped with security and fire alarms. The purpose of the fire and security alarm is to perform a certain sequence of actions, according to a given algorithm. These actions include alerting personnel and relevant services of entry into a protected facility or a fire hazard.

Operation of the burglar alarm

The security alarm system is a combination technical means special purpose.

The alarm kit includes the following devices:

  • Sensors for various purposes
  • Main unit or control panel
  • Uninterruptible power supply
  • Alerts

Sensors, depending on the purpose, respond to certain external factors that trigger them. These devices can respond to the opening of doors and windows, the movement of a physical object, glass breaking, the destruction of wall structures and digging. To implement these functions, the design of sensors involves the use of various physical principles. The operation of the sensor entails a break (opening) of the electrical circuit. Several series-connected sensors of the same type form a security alarm loop. Using the control buttons, each loop can be armed or disarmed.

Designed to connect a certain number of loops, supply power to sensitive sensors and send an alarm signal. The simplest devices designed for protection small apartments or offices, allow you to connect from one to four loops.

Control panels used in large shopping malls, educational institutions, healthcare facilities and industrial enterprises can have up to several tens of loops. Such a complex is controlled by a special remote control using software.

An important element of the security alarm is uninterruptable power source, which ensures continuous and round-the-clock operation of the system. To do this, the power supply circuit provides automatic switch to battery, in case of network failure in case of emergencies. Time battery life depends on the capacity of the battery.

Purpose and functions of the security alarmprovide for notification of the security structure in the following cases:

  • Opening doors and windows
  • Movement in the tracking area of ​​the sensor
  • glass breaking
  • Attempts to destroy the wall

Inclusion of means of the notification is made automatically in the event that the alarm system is armed. These means include light and sound signaling devices. The main function of the security alarm is to transmit a signal about unauthorized entry to local security console and / or calling an immediate response group through the centralized monitoring dispatcher console via cable line, GSM channel, Wi-Fi or radio channel.

Purpose and key functions

The fire protection system is also a special-purpose sensors connected via two-wire lines (loopbacks) to the control panel.

Fire sensors (detectors) include the following models:

  • Temperature sensors
  • Smoke detectors
  • Manual call points (IPR)

Temperature sensors with self-healing react to an increase in temperature above a certain limit. Usually this threshold is + 70 0 C. Smoke detectors (DIP) are triggered at a certain level of smoke in the room. With the help of manual call points, anyone who notices smoke or fire can activate the fire alarm system by breaking the glass and pressing the latching button, or by turning the lever. The design of the IPR does not allow reverse switching without opening the case. When fire detectors are triggered, the control panel turns on signaling and warning means.

These include:

  • Light and sound signaling devices of the "Mayak" type
  • Siren
  • Light boards
  • Voice notification system

The fire alarm must provide round the clock continuous operation work and maintain their performance in fire conditions. Modern fire alarms, thanks to the built-in communication modules, allow the signal to be transmitted when the sensors are triggered. fire alarm in the departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Additional features

Fire and security alarm functions may include additional features that are implemented by software. So, for example, the basic security alarm device may include any external devices. It can be a digital automatic camera or a hidden video camera with recording information on a memory card. If the offender managed to leave the protected facility before the arrival of the task force, he can be subsequently identify with video.

The fire alarm system can be programmed to activate an automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal system. In some cases, in industrial facilities, fire alarms can control sealed fire doors, cutting off the source of ignition from the rest of the premises.

Classification of security and fire systems by types and types can be carried out according to a number of different parameters. The most obvious of these is purpose. There are three big groups here:


As part of security systems can also be used Various types sensors, which are wired and wireless, differ in the way intrusion detection, signal processing. The principles of building security systems may vary depending on their purpose: for a house and a summer residence, an apartment, objects of various organizational and legal forms.

An elementary option is an alarm system consisting of one motion sensor with a built-in GSM module. Despite the apparent simplicity, this type of protection is quite reliable and is well suited for protecting small country houses.

In general, the burglar alarm system uses several types of detectors, which are classified according to their purpose and principle of operation. To ensure reliable protection, sensors are used that control:

  • opening windows and doors;
  • breaking glazed surfaces;
  • breakage of walls, partitions and ceilings.

The listed equipment serves to protect the perimeter of the premises. In addition, there is a group of sensors that detect movement inside or on the outskirts of the object. The choice of specific types of detectors is made taking into account individual features object to be protected.

Fire and security alarm systems (OPS) are designed to determine the fact of unauthorized entry to a protected object or the appearance of fire signs, issue an alarm and turn on actuators (light and sound annunciators, relays, etc.). OPS systems are very close to each other in terms of construction ideology and at small facilities, as a rule, they are combined on the basis of a single control unit - a receiving and control device (PPK) or a control panel (CP). In general, these systems include:

  • technical means of detection (detectors);
  • technical means for collecting and processing information (reception and control devices, notification transmission systems, etc.);
  • technical means of notification (sound and light annunciators, modems, etc.).

Technical means of detection- These are detectors built on various physical principles of operation. A detector is a device that generates a certain signal when a particular controlled parameter changes. environment. According to the field of application, the detectors are divided into security, security and fire and fire. Currently, security and fire detectors are practically not produced and are not used. Security detectors according to the type of controlled area are divided into point, linear, surface and volume. According to the principle of operation - on electrocontact, magnetic contact, shock contact, piezoelectric, optoelectronic, capacitive, sound, ultrasonic, radio wave, combined, combined, etc.

Fire detectors are divided into manual and automatic detectors. Automatic fire detectors are divided into heat, responsive to temperature rise, smoke, responsive to smoke, and flame, responsive to optical radiation. open flame.

Security detectors

Electrocontact detectors- the simplest type of security detectors. They are a thin metal conductor (foil, wire) fixed in a special way on a protected object or structure. Designed for protection building structures(glasses, doors, hatches, gates, non-permanent partitions, walls, etc.) from unauthorized penetration through them by destruction.

Magnetic contact (contact) detectors designed to block various building structures for opening (doors, windows, hatches, gates, etc.). The magnetic contact detector consists of a sealed magnetically controlled contact (reed switch) and a magnet in a plastic or metal non-magnetic housing. The magnet is installed on the movable (opening) part of the building structure (door leaf, window sash, etc.), and the magnetically controlled contact is installed on the fixed part (door frame, window frame, etc.). To block large opening structures (sliding and swing gates) with significant backlash, electrocontact detectors such as limit switches are used.

Impact detectors designed to block various glazed structures (windows, showcases, stained-glass windows, etc.) for breaking. The detectors consist of a signal processing unit (BOS) and from 5 to 15 glass break sensors (DRS). Location constituent parts detectors (BOS and DRS) is determined by the number, relative position and area of ​​blocked glass sheets.

Piezoelectric detectors designed to block building structures (walls, floors, ceilings, etc.) and individual items (safes, metal cabinets, ATMs, etc.) for destruction. When determining the number of detectors of this type and the place of their installation on the protected structure, it must be taken into account that it is possible to use them with 100% or 75% coverage of the blocked area. The area of ​​each unprotected area of ​​the blocked surface should not exceed 0.1 m 2 .

Optoelectronic detectors divided into active and passive. Active optical-electronic detectors generate an alarm when the reflected flow changes (single-position detectors) or the received flow (two-position detectors) stops (changes) of infrared radiation energy caused by the movement of the intruder in the detection zone. The detection zone of such detectors has the form of a “beam barrier” formed by one or more located in vertical plane parallel narrow beams. The detection zones of different detectors differ, as a rule, in the length and number of beams. Structurally, active optical-electronic detectors, as a rule, consist of two separate blocks - an emission unit (BI) and a receiver unit (RP), spaced apart by a working distance (range).

Active optical-electronic detectors are used to protect internal and external perimeters, windows, shop windows and approaches to individual items (safes, museum exhibits, etc.).

Passive optical-electronic detectors are the most widely used, since, with the help of optical systems specially designed for them (Fresnel lenses), it is possible to quickly and easily obtain detection zones various shapes and sizes and use them to protect rooms of any configuration, building structures and individual items.

The principle of operation of the detectors is based on registering the difference between the intensity of infrared radiation emanating from the human body and the background ambient temperature. The sensitive element of the detectors is a pyroelectric transducer (pyro receiver), on which infrared radiation is focused using a mirror or lens optical system (the latter are the most widely used).

The detection zone of the detector is a spatial discrete system consisting of elementary sensitive zones in the form of beams located in one or more tiers or in the form of thin wide plates located in a vertical plane (“curtain” type). Conventionally, the detector detection zones can be divided into the following seven types: wide-angle single-tier “fan” type; wide-angle multi-tiered; narrowly focused “curtain” type, narrowly focused “beam barrier” type; panoramic single-tier; panoramic multi-tiered; conical multi-tiered.

Thanks to the possibility of forming detection zones different configuration, passive infrared optoelectronic detectors have universal application and can be used to block the volumes of rooms, places of concentration of valuables, corridors, internal perimeters, passages between racks, window and door openings, floors, ceilings, rooms with the presence of small animals, storage facilities etc.

Capacitive detectors designed to block metal cabinets, safes, individual items, create protective barriers. The principle of operation of the detectors is based on a change in the electrical capacitance of the sensitive element (antenna) when a person approaches or touches a protected object. In this case, the protected item must be installed on the floor with good insulating coating or on an insulating pad.

It is allowed to connect several metal safes or cabinets to one detector in the room. The number of connected items depends on their capacity, design features of the room and is specified when setting up the detector.

Sound (acoustic) detectors designed to block glazed structures (windows, showcases, stained-glass windows, etc.) from breaking. The principle of operation of these detectors is based on a non-contact method of acoustic control of the destruction of the glass sheet by the oscillations that occur during its destruction in the sound frequency range and propagate through the air.

When installing the detector, all areas of the protected glass structure must be within its direct view.

Ultrasonic detectors designed to block the volumes of enclosed spaces. The principle of operation of the detectors is based on the registration of perturbations in the field of elastic waves of the ultrasonic range, created by special emitters, when moving in the human detection zone. The detection zone of the detector has the shape of an ellipsoid of rotation or a teardrop shape.

Due to low noise immunity, they are practically not used at present.

Radio wave detectors designed to protect the volume of enclosed spaces, internal and external perimeters, individual items and building structures, open areas. The principle of operation of radio wave detectors is based on the registration of disturbances electromagnetic waves microwave range emitted by the transmitter and recorded by the detector receiver when a person moves in the detection zone. The detection zone of the detector (as with ultrasonic detectors) has the shape of an ellipsoid of rotation or a teardrop shape. The detection zones of different detectors differ only in size.

Radio wave detectors are single- and two-position. Single-position detectors are used to protect the volumes of enclosed spaces and open areas. Two-position - for protection of perimeters.

When choosing, installing and operating radio wave detectors, one of their features should be remembered. For electromagnetic waves in the microwave range, some building materials and structures are not an obstacle (screen) and they freely, with some weakening, penetrate through them. Therefore, the detection zone of the radio wave detector may, in some cases, go beyond the protected premises, which may cause false alarms. Such materials and structures include, for example, thin plasterboard partitions, windows, wooden and plastic doors, etc. Therefore, radio wave detectors should not be oriented towards window openings, thin walls and partitions behind which during the period of protection the movement of large objects and people is possible. It is not recommended to use them at objects near which powerful radio transmitting facilities are located.

Combined detectors they are a combination of two detectors built on different physical principles of detection, combined structurally and schematically in one housing. Moreover, they are schematically combined according to the “and” scheme, i.e. only when both detectors are triggered, an alarm notification is generated. The most common combination of passive infrared and radio wave detectors.

Combined security detectors have a very high noise immunity and are used to protect the premises of objects with a complex interference environment, where the use of detectors of other types is impossible or ineffective.

Combined detectors are two detectors built on different physical principles of detection, structurally combined in one housing. Each detector operates independently of the other and has its own detection zone and its own output for connection to the alarm loop. The combination of infrared passive and sound detectors is the most widely used. Other combinations also occur.

Detectors alarm are intended for manual or automatic alarm notification to the internal security console of the facility or to the internal affairs bodies in cases of a possible criminal attack on employees, customers or visitors of the facility.

Various buttons and pedals of manual and foot action based on magnetic and electrocontact detectors are used as alarm detectors. As a rule, such detectors are latched in the pressed state and return to their original position is possible only with the help of a key.

For the same purposes, special mini-alarm systems operating over a radio channel have been developed and are being used. They include a receiver connected to a control panel or control panel, and several wearable key fobs for wireless transmission of alarms. Some key fobs include a fall sensor. The range of such systems ranges from several tens to several hundreds of meters.

A special place among the alarm detectors is occupied by trap detectors. They are designed to give an alarm in case of an attempt to steal money or rob a protected object, regardless of the actions of the personnel. They are an imitation of a bundle of money in a bank package with a volume of 100 banknotes, in which a magnet is mounted, and a magnetic sensor (reed switch) is placed in a special stand on which the bundle is located.

When removing (moving) an imitation bundle of money from the stand, the contacts of the magnetic sensor open and an alarm notification is sent to the security console of the facility. There are similar trap detectors, where, together with a magnet, a special cartridge containing colored (orange) smoke, 5 m3, is built in. 2 The smoke composition is sprayed with a time delay (3 minutes) after the magnetic sensor is triggered.

Types of interference and their possible sources

During operation, the detectors are exposed to various interfering factors, among which the main ones are: acoustic interference and noise, vibrations of building structures, air movement, electromagnetic interference, changes in temperature and humidity of the environment, technical weakness of the protected object.

The degree of influence of interference depends on their power, as well as on the principle of operation of the detector.

Acoustic interference and noise created industrial plants, vehicles, household radio equipment, lightning discharges and other sources. Examples of acoustic interference are given in table 1.

Table 1. Examples of acoustic interference

Sound power, dB

Examples of sounds of indicated strength

The limit of sensitivity of the human ear.
The rustle of leaves. Weak whisper at a distance of 1 m.
Quiet garden.
Quiet room. Average noise level in the auditorium.
Silent music. Noise in residential area.
Weak speaker performance. Noise in facility with open windows.
Loud radio. Noise in the store. Average level in colloquial speech at a distance of 1 m.
Truck engine noise. Noise inside the tram.
Noisy street. Typing bureau.
Car horn.
Car siren. Jackhammer.
Strong blows thunder. Jet engine.
Pain limit. The sound is no longer heard.

This type of interference causes the appearance of inhomogeneities air environment, vibrations of non-rigidly fixed glazed structures and can cause false alarms of ultrasonic, sound, shock-contact and piezoelectric detectors. In addition, the operation of ultrasonic detectors is affected by high-frequency components of acoustic noise.

Vibrations of building structures caused by trains and subway trains, powerful compressor units etc. Shock-contact and piezoelectric detectors are especially sensitive to vibration interference, therefore, these detectors are not recommended for use at objects subject to such interference.

air movement in a protected area it is caused mainly by heat flows near heating devices, drafts, fans, etc. Ultrasonic and passive optical-electronic detectors are most susceptible to the influence of air flows. Therefore, these detectors should not be installed in places with noticeable air movement (in window openings, near radiators central heating, near ventilation openings, etc.).

Electromagnetic interference are created by lightning discharges, powerful radio transmitting means, high-voltage power lines, power distribution networks, contact networks of electric transport, installations for scientific research, technological purposes, etc.

Radio wave detectors are most susceptible to electromagnetic interference. Moreover, they are more susceptible to radio interference. The most dangerous electromagnetic interference is interference from the power supply network. They occur when switching powerful loads and can penetrate into the input circuits of the equipment through the inputs of the power supply, causing its false operation. A significant reduction in their number gives the use and timely maintenance of backup power sources.

To exclude the effect of electromagnetic interference from AC networks on the operation of detectors, compliance with the basic requirement for the installation of low-voltage connecting lines allows: the laying of the power lines of the detector and the loop must be parallel to the power networks at a distance of at least 50 cm between them, and their intersection must be made at right angles.

Changes in ambient temperature and humidity at a protected facility may affect the operation of ultrasonic detectors. This is due to the fact that the absorption of ultrasonic vibrations in air is highly dependent on its temperature and humidity. For example, when the ambient temperature rises from +10 to +30 °C, the absorption coefficient increases by 2.5-3 times, and when the humidity increases from 20-30% to 98% and decreases to 10%, the absorption coefficient changes by 3-4 times. times.

A decrease in the temperature at the object at night compared to daytime leads to a decrease in the absorption coefficient of ultrasonic vibrations and, as a result, to an increase in the detector's sensitivity. Therefore, if the detector was adjusted during the daytime, sources of interference that were outside this zone during the adjustment period may enter the detection zone at night, which can trigger the detector.

Technical unfortified facilities has a significant impact on the stability of the operation of magnetic contact detectors used to block elements of building structures (doors, windows, transoms, etc.) for opening. In addition, poor technical strength can cause false alarms of other detectors due to drafts, vibrations of glazed structures, etc.

It should be noted that there are a number of specific factors that cause false alarms of detectors of only a certain category. These include: the movement of small animals and insects, fluorescent lighting, the radio permeability of elements of building structures, direct contact with detectors sun rays and car headlights.

Movement of small animals and insects can be perceived as the movement of the intruder by detectors, the principle of operation of which is based on the Doppler effect. These include ultrasonic and radio wave detectors. The effect of crawling insects on the detectors can be eliminated by treating their installation sites with special chemicals.

When using fluorescent lighting at an object protected by radio wave detectors, a column flashing at a frequency of 100 Hz is a source of interference ionized gas lamps and lamp armature vibration with a frequency of 50 Hz.

In addition, fluorescent and neon lamps create continuous fluctuation noise, and mercury and sodium lamps - impulse noise with a wide frequency spectrum. For example, fluorescent lamps can cause significant radio interference in the frequency band of 10-100 MHz or more.

The detection range of such light sources is only 3-5 times less than the detection range of a person, therefore, for the period of protection, they must be turned off, and incandescent lamps should be used as emergency lighting.

Radio transmission of elements of building structures It can also cause a false alarm of a radio wave detector if the walls are thin or have significant thin-walled openings, windows, doors.
The energy emitted by the detector can go outside the premises, while the detector detects people passing outside, as well as passing vehicles. Examples of radio permeability of building structures are given in table 2.

Table 2. Examples of radio permeability of building structures

Thermal radiation of lighting devices can cause false alarms of passive optical-electronic detectors. This radiation is comparable in power to the thermal radiation of a person and can cause the detectors to operate.

In order to exclude the impact of these interferences on passive optical-electronic detectors, it is recommended to isolate the detection zone from the effects of radiation from lighting devices. Reducing the influence of interfering factors, and, consequently, reducing the number of false alarms of the detectors, is mainly achieved by observing the requirements for the placement of the detectors and their optimal setting at the installation site.

AT table 3 the types and sources of interference are given and ways to eliminate them are given.

Table 3. Sources of interference and ways to eliminate them

Types and sources of interference Detectors
shock contact, magnetic contact ultrasonic acoustic radio wave optoelectronic capacitive piezoelectric Combined IR+MW
passive active
External acoustic interference and noise: vehicles, construction machines and units,
aircraft, loading and unloading work etc. near the object
Do not affect Do not affect Apply at noise level in the room up to 60 dB Do not affect
Internal acoustic interference and noise: refrigeration units, fans, telephone and electric bells, fluorescent lamp chokes, hydraulic noise in pipes Do not affect Do not affect Do not affect
Joint operation in one room of detectors of the same principle of operation Do not affect Do not affect Correctly install the detector. Use detectors with different letters Do not affect Properly install and configure detectors Do not affect
Vibration of building structures In the presence of constant vibrations of large amplitude, it is impossible to use
Air movement: drafts, heat flows from radiators Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector Do not affect Properly install and configure detectors
Moving objects and people behind non-permanent walls, wooden doors Do not affect Properly install and configure detectors Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector Do not affect Properly install and configure detectors
Moving objects in the protected area: swinging curtains, plants, rotation of fan blades Do not affect Do not install near sources of interference. Set up the detector correctly Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector
Small animals (mice, rats) Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector Do not affect Properly install and configure the detector Do not affect
Movement of water in plastic pipes Does not affect Do not install near sources of interference. Set up the detector correctly Shield pipes Does not affect Do not install near sources of interference. Set up the detector correctly Set up the detector correctly
Changing the free space of the protected area by bringing in, taking out large-sized objects with an increased ability to absorb or reflect Does not affect Reconfigure the detector Does not affect Reconfigure the detector
AC voltage fluctuations Use DC backup power supply
Electromagnetic interference: vehicles with electric motors, high power radio transmitters, electric welding machines, power lines, electrical installations with a power of more than 15 kVA Does not affect With a field strength of more than 10 V / m and VHF radiation of more than 40 W at a distance of less than 3 m from the detector, it is impossible to use
Fluorescent lighting Does not affect Turn off lighting for the period of protection Eliminate the influence of direct illumination. Install the detector correctly Does not affect
Illumination by the light of the sun, headlights Vehicle Do not affect Install the detector correctly Do not affect
Changing the background temperature Does not affect The rate of change in the background temperature is not more than 1°С/min Does not affect Does not affect

When choosing the types and number of detectors for the protection of a particular object, the following should be taken into account:
- the required level of security reliability of the object;
- expenses for the acquisition, installation and operation of the detector;
- construction and design characteristics of the object;
- tactical and technical characteristics of the detector.
The recommended type of detector is determined by the type of structure to be blocked and the method of physical impact on it according to Table 4.

Lockable design

Way of influence

Detector type

Windows, showcases, glass counters, glass doors, frames, transoms, vents


Magnetic contact

Glass breaking (breaking and cutting glass)

Electrocontact, shock contact, sound, piezoelectric


Passive optical-electronic, radio wave, combined

Doors, gates, loading and unloading hatches


Magnetic contact, terminal switches, active optoelectronic

Electrocontact (NVM wire), piezoelectric


Passive optical-electronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Window grilles, lattice doors, grilles for chimneys and air ducts

Opening Sawing

Magnetic contacts (for metal structures) Electrocontact (NVM wire)

Walls, floors, ceilings, ceilings, partitions, utility entry points

Electrocontact (NVM wire), piezoelectric, vibrating


Active linear optoelectronic, passive optoelectronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Safes, individual items

Destruction (impact, drilling, sawing)

Piezoelectric, vibrating Capacitive

Touching, approach penetration (approach to protected objects)

Active optoelectronic, passive optoelectronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Item movement or destruction

Magnetic contact, electrocontact (NVM wire, PEL), piezoelectric



Active optoelectronic, passive optoelectronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Room volume


Passive optical-electronic, radio wave ultrasonic, combined

Outer perimeter, open areas


Active linear optoelectronic, radio wave

Fire detectors

Fire detectors are the main elements of automatic fire and fire alarm systems.

According to the method of actuation, fire detectors are divided into manual and automatic. Manual call points do not have the function of detecting a fire source, their action is reduced to transmitting an alarm notification to the electrical circuit of the alarm loop after a person detects a fire and activates the detector by pressing the corresponding start button.

Automatic fire detectors operate without human intervention. With their help, a fire is detected by one or more analyzed signs and a fire notification is generated when the controlled physical parameter reaches the set value. As controlled parameters, elevated air temperature, the release of combustion products, turbulent flows of hot gases, electromagnetic radiation, etc. can act. In accordance with the primary signs of fire detected, the detectors, as mentioned earlier, are divided into heat, smoke, flame, gas and combined. It is also possible to use other fire signs. Combined detectors respond to two or more parameters that characterize the appearance of a fire.

Heat detectors can use the method of generating an analyzed signal, which allows them to respond not only to an increase in the absolute value of the temperature above the maximum set threshold, but also to the excess of the rate of increase of its limit value. Therefore, in accordance with the nature of the reaction to a change in the controlled trait, they are divided into maximum, differential and maximum differential. According to the principle of operation, smoke fire detectors are divided into optoelectronic and ionization.

According to the method of power supply, fire detectors are divided into:

  • powered by an alarm loop from a control panel or control panel;
  • powered by a separate external power supply;
  • powered by a built-in internal power source (autonomous fire detectors).

The detection zone of the detector is the space near the detector, within which its operation is guaranteed in the event of a fire. Most often, this parameter is expressed in units of area (m 2 ) controlled by the detector with the required reliability. With an increase in the installation height of the detector, the area controlled by one detector decreases. If the installation height is higher than the specified maximum, effective detection of the source of fire by the detector is not guaranteed.

For light detectors, the protected area is determined by the maximum detection range of an open test fire and the viewing angle, depending on the design of the optical system.

Fire detectors must provide reliable detection of a fire source in specific protected premises. To do this, when choosing a detector, it is necessary to take into account the probable nature of a fire and the development of the main fire factors over time: temperature increase, smoke concentration, light radiation at various points in the room. Depending on the type and amount of combustible materials in a fire, there may be a predominance of one or more detectable signs.

More often, a fire is accompanied by the release of smoke in the initial stage, so in most cases it is most advisable to use smoke detectors. When choosing a smoke detector, it should be taken into account that ionization (radioisotope) and optoelectronic smoke detectors have different sensitivity to combustion products, the smoke particles of which have different colors and sizes. Optoelectronic point detectors respond better to light fumes characteristic of cellulose-containing materials, as well as fumes consisting of small aerosol particles. Ionization detectors have a relatively higher sensitivity to combustion products emitting black smoke with larger particles (for example, when burning rubber).

Premises in which, in the event of a fire, the rapid appearance of an open flame is most likely, it is preferable to equip with light detectors.

It is advisable to install heat detectors, first of all, in cases where a significant power of the fire source is provided and, therefore, intense heat will occur during a fire.

When choosing a detector, it is also necessary to take into account special additional requirements for their design and principle of operation. For example, radioisotope detectors are not recommended to be installed in residential premises and children's institutions. In explosive areas, detectors with a special design should be installed.

The calculation of the total number of detectors and the determination of their installation locations should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the room, as well as the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. The latter includes the relevant documents regulating the general issues of design and installation of fire automatics installations, fire and security alarm systems and complexes, as well as operational documentation for the corresponding type of detector.

Increasingly widespread are fire detectors created using the element base of the fourth generation: specialized controllers and microprocessors.

A common feature of such detectors with advanced tactical and technical capabilities is the use for joint work only special devices (control panels) that are part of the fire and security alarm system of the corresponding company.

The use of computer technology makes it possible to create addressable fire detectors that transmit information about their location to the central processor of the control panel, which ensures an accurate reproduction of the picture and analysis of the process of fire initiation and development. They carry out automatically or upon request from the center health monitoring and transfer to digital form data about the parameters of its functioning. In such detectors, if necessary, it is possible to adjust the sensitivity when the environmental conditions change. Analog type detectors can also transmit information about the level of the controlled parameter. Expansion of the nomenclature of detectors is carried out through the use of new technologies. For example, modern foreign linear heat detectors ( cable type) capture the difference between normal and elevated temperatures, which allows you to generate an alarm signal even before the development of a fire (the appearance of smoke or fire) when the controlled object is overheated. The signal is transmitted in analog form from the detector to a special control panel, which allows you to determine the distance to the overheated area. Such detectors can be effectively used to control objects with electrical equipment, rooms with false ceilings, cable routes and channels.

Technical means of collecting and processing information

The technical means of collecting and processing information include control panels, control panels, signaling and triggering devices, notification transmission systems, etc. They are designed to continuously collect information from technical detection means (detectors) included in alarm loops, analyze the alarm situation at the facility and display it, control local light and sound annunciators, indicators and other devices (relay, modem, transmitter, etc.). ), as well as the formation and transmission of notifications about the state of the object to the central post or the centralized monitoring console, They also ensure the commissioning and disarming of the object (premises) according to the adopted tactics, as well as in some cases, the power supply of the detectors.

Reception and control devices are classified according to information capacity (the number of alarm loops controlled) into devices of small (up to 5 AL), medium (from 6 to 50 AL) and large (over 50 AL) information capacity. In terms of information content, devices can be small (up to 2 types of notifications), medium (from 3 to 5 types) and large (over 5 types) information content.

Notification transmission systems are classified by information capacity (the number of protected objects) into systems with constant information capacity and with the possibility of increasing information capacity.

According to the information content, the systems are divided into systems of small (up to 2 types of notifications), medium (from 3 to 5 types) and large (over 5) information content.

According to the type of lines (channels) used, communication systems are divided into systems using lines telephone network(including switchable), special communication lines, radio channels, combined communication lines, etc.

According to the number of information transfer directions, they are divided into systems with one- and two-way information transfer (with the presence of a reverse channel).

According to the algorithm for servicing objects, messaging systems are divided into non-automated systems with manual tactics for arming (disarming) objects after conducting telephone conversations with the control panel on duty and automated systems with automatic arming and disarming (without telephone conversations).

According to the method of displaying information received by the centralized monitoring console, notification transmission systems are divided into systems with individual or group display of information in the form of light and sound signals, with display of information on a display using devices for processing and accumulating a database.

Control panels for the main tasks to be solved correspond to domestic receiving and control devices. Let us also clarify the concepts of a security zone (a term used in foreign literature) and an alarm loop used in domestic literature. We immediately note that these concepts are different.

Alarm loop- this is an electrical circuit that connects the output circuits of the detectors, including auxiliary elements (diodes, resistors, etc.), connecting wires and boxes, and is designed to issue notifications of intrusion, attempted entry, fire, malfunction, and in some cases to supply power to the detectors.

Thus, the alarm loop is designed to monitor the state of a certain protected area.

Zone- this is a part of the protected object, controlled by one or more alarm loops. Therefore, the term “zone”, used in the descriptions of foreign equipment, is in this case a synonym for the term “alarm loop”.

Modern multifunctional gearboxes have wide opportunities on the organization of security, fire and security-fire alarm systems. Knowledge of these capabilities will make it possible to make the right choice of a command post, the characteristics and parameters of which most fully satisfy the solution of the tasks set for the protection of a particular object.

The structure of the alarm system organized on the basis of the CP will be largely determined by the method of connecting the alarm loops, which affects the functional characteristics of the organized security system and largely determines the cost of installation work. According to the method of connecting loops, the following types of CP can be distinguished:

  • with trains of radial structure;
  • with a tree structure;
  • address.

In KP with radial structure loops, each loop is connected directly to the panel itself. Such a structure justifies itself with a small number of loops (usually up to 16) and at objects that do not require the organization of remote loops. They are usually used for small and medium-sized objects.

KP with a tree structure have a special information bus of several wires (usually 4). Expanders are connected to this bus. In turn, radial loops are connected to the expanders. Several basic stubs can also be connected to the CP itself. The total number of loops is usually in the range of 24-128. Expanders monitor the status of the loops connected to them, encode information about their status and transmit via the information bus to the CP, which has an indication of the status of all loops. Such KPs are used to build security systems for medium and large objects.

Addressable KPs using loops with addressable detectors stand somewhat apart from the rest and are usually used to create fairly complex integrated security systems for large and critical facilities. Obviously, addressable detectors are more complicated and more expensive than conventional ones, and their use and advantages are fully manifested in complex and large objects.

There are addressable KPs that have different construction of their loops:

  • radiation;
  • ring;
  • annular with radial branches.

The ring loop has a rather serious advantage. If it is damaged (break), it retains its operability, since the information exchange line is preserved. When the loop is closed, special devices, loop separators, turn off the shorted section, and the rest of the loop continues to function.

Reception and control devices (PPK) and control panels (KP) are the main elements that form the information and analytical system of security, fire or security and fire alarms at the facility. Such systems can be autonomous or centralized. In the first case, the control panel or control panel is installed in the security room (point) located at the protected facility. In case of centralized security, the object complex of technical means, formed by one or more control panels (CP), forms an object subsystem of the security and fire alarm system, which, using the notification transmission system (STS), transmits information about the state of the object in a given form to the centralized monitoring console (CMS), placed in the center for receiving alarm notifications (centralized security point - PSC). The information generated by the control panel or control panel during autonomous and centralized protection is transmitted to employees of special services for ensuring the protection of the object, which are entrusted with the functions of responding to alarm notifications coming from the object.

Key terms used in the section:

  1. Detector detection zone- part of the space of the protected object, in which the detector issues an alarm when the controlled parameter exceeds the threshold value.
  2. Detector sensitivity- numerical value of the monitored parameter, above which the detector should be triggered.
  3. Optical density environments is the decimal logarithm of the ratio of the radiation flux passed through a smoke-free medium to the radiation flux attenuated by the medium during its partial or complete smoke.
reference Information

Requirements for the placement of fire detectors in accordance with NPB 88-2001 “Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Design norms and rules»

In accordance with NPB 88-2001 “Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Design codes and rules”, the area controlled by one point smoke detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detectors and the wall, must be determined by table 5

Table 5 Requirements for the placement of smoke detectors

When monitoring the protected area with two or more linear smoke detectors (LDPI), the maximum distance between their parallel optical axes, the optical axis and the wall, depending on the installation height of the fire detector units, should be determined by table 6.

Table 6 Requirements for the placement of smoke detectors

In rooms with a height of more than 12 m and up to 18 m, the detectors should be installed in two tiers, in accordance with table 7.

Table 7 Requirements for the placement of linear smoke detectors with two-tier placement

The area controlled by one point heat detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detector and the wall, must be determined by table 8, but not exceeding the values ​​specified in the technical specifications and passports for the detectors.

Table 8 Requirements for the placement of heat detectors

Classes of thermal fire detectors, in accordance with NPB 85-2000 “Thermal fire detectors. Technical requirements fire safety. Test Methods»

In accordance with NPB 85-200 “Thermal fire detectors. Technical requirements for fire safety. Test methods”, maximum, maximum differential detectors and detectors with a differential characteristic, depending on the temperature and response time, are divided into ten classes: A1, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, H (see . table 9).

Table 9 Classes of maximum differential detectors


Medium temperature, °C

Response temperature, °С



minimal maximum

Indicated in the TD for detectors of specific types