Types of security fire alarm systems. The purpose of the fire and security alarm system is its capabilities and functionality. Purpose of reception and control devices

To provide high level security at real estate objects, special electronic systems are used. These include security and fire alarm.

In order not to install two independent alarms, which will require large financial costs, an integrated OPS system was developed, what it is and how it is used will be discussed below.

OPS is a fire and burglar alarm, which are combined in one multifunctional system.

The advantage of such complexes is that they have a single software and hardware module that controls the operation of all security and fire sensors, as well as external systems and devices that maintain security at the facility.

Modern security and fire alarms can be part of:

  1. automatic fire extinguishing systems;
  2. smoke protection;
  3. integrated security systems;
  4. access control systems.

The purpose of the OPS

In accordance with the GOST 26342-84 standard, the main task that a security and fire alarm system must solve is to receive alarm signals from sensors, process them, then transmit an alarm signal to the security and fire services consoles, and also provide users with information about an attempt to enter the premises or about fire.

Purpose of means of the security and fire and disturbing alarm system:

  • support of the round-the-clock control of the territory of the protected object;
  • detection of fires at the earliest stages;
  • accurate determination of the place of penetration to the object or the beginning of a fire;
  • providing security and fire services, as well as property owners with information about a burglary attempt or the start of a fire;
  • management of warning devices, autonomous fire extinguishing, smoke removal, personnel evacuation;
  • automatic self-diagnosis of security and fire sensors, as well as executive systems;
  • support for full alarm functionality when powered by redundant power supplies.

OPS classification

Fire and security alarm systems have their own classification, which includes three categories.


This security and fire alarm system is designed to monitor large and medium-sized facilities, protecting them from robbery and fire.

Such alarms allow you to determine the exact location of the start of a fire or penetration.

This feature is associated with the ability of the sensors used to transmit to the central console, in addition to the alarm signal, also data on which of the sensors and in which loop worked.

Thanks to this, it is possible to accurately determine a dangerous place, which will allow timely liquidation of a fire or neutralize intruders.


This type of security and fire alarm system is designed to protect small-scale objects.

Its difference from the previous system is that it allows you to determine only the number of the loop, the sensor of which transmitted an alarm signal. To determine the exact place where the danger is detected, this type of system does not allow.

Addressable analog

Fire and security alarms of this class are among the most highly efficient and reliable systems that continuously monitor the protected object by analyzing various telemetric information: air temperature, presence of smoke, strong mechanical vibrations, sound waves, etc.

The main difference from all previous OPS is that the decision to notify a hazard at the facility is made by the central processor based on the analysis of a set of indicators obtained from different sensors and sensors installed at the facility.

This type of fire and security alarm is a complex electronic complex, which differs high precision identifying hazard locations and has virtually no false positives.

In addition, this type of alarm provides for the constant receipt of information from the sensors about the controlled parameter, so if a sensor breaks down, this can be instantly found out through a visual notification of the alarm control panel.

Standard set of OPS

A fire and security alarm of any of the listed types incorporates a certain set of devices that ensure its functionality.

The main ones include:

  1. detectors (security and fire sensors);
  2. reception and control console;
  3. hazard warning devices and systems;
  4. communication lines between sensors and the console, as well as between the console and sirens (can be radio channel, wired loop, GSM or GPRS);
  5. backup power system (this can be a battery, a gasoline / diesel generator, thanks to which the alarm system functions continuously);
  6. peripheral executive devices;
  7. specialized software to control the operation of the alarm.

The sensors that are equipped with a fire and security alarm system, depending on the technology for detecting penetration into an object or the presence of a fire, are divided into the following categories:

  • ultrasonic;
  • infrared (passive or active);
  • magnetic contact;
  • radio wave;
  • vibration;
  • acoustic;
  • light;
  • combined action.

Depending on the specific tasks for which security and fire systems are designed, they may also include other types of sensors that allow you to control the parameters of the environment.

These can be sensors that control air temperature and humidity, gas and water leakage, etc.

Their use will significantly expand the purpose of automatic fire alarms, providing them with functions that are typical for systems such as "smart home".

There are many types of sensors that are equipped with security systems.

Among those used by fire alarms, the following should be highlighted:

  1. smoke - determine the presence of smoke in the room (depending on the sensor used, they can be photoelectric, ionization, differential, aspiration, optoelectronic, radioisotope);
  2. temperature (thermal) - fix the temperature rise above the set threshold (they can be differential, absolute, linear thermal cable, multipoint);
  3. flame sensors - determine the presence of open flames (the fire alarm system can have ultraviolet, infrared, optoelectronic and multi-range);
  4. gas sensors - detect the presence of air environment a certain concentration of gas (can be semiconductor, electrochemical, optoelectronic, thermal wave, thermometric);
  5. multi-sensor sensors - this type of device can detect a fire by several parameters, the number of which is determined by the number of sensors in the sensor.

Standard functionality

Regardless of model and manufacturer, every fire and burglar alarm should provide a standard feature set that includes:

  • detection of fires in the early stages;
  • determination of the moment of penetration to the object;
  • detection of gas or water leaks in the premises;
  • determination of temperature increase above the norm, as well as the appearance of smoke;
  • transmission of an alarm signal to the consoles of security and fire services;
  • activation of warning and alarm systems;
  • management of stationary smoke removal and fire extinguishing systems;
  • management of the process of evacuation of people from the facility.

From what is presented above, we can conclude that even the basic functions that the fire alarm system has will effectively protect the object from fire and robbery.

Features of the design and installation of fire alarm systems

In order for the security and fire alarms to function effectively, it is important to correctly design it and subsequently perform the installation of all functional elements with high quality.

The main points to be considered when designing an OPS system include:

  1. choice of structure and type of system used;
  2. determination of the number of security and fire sensors of a certain type;
  3. analysis of the need to place additional functional sensors and sensors at the facility;
  4. selection of the type and characteristics of the communication line through which communication will be carried out between the central console, detectors and actuators;
  5. selection of the receiving and control console, which should control the operation of the alarm and communicate with the fire and security service consoles (the console must be compatible with the consoles);
  6. determination of the optimal sources of autonomous power supply, thanks to which the security and fire alarm system will function without interruption.

In the design process, it is also important to consider the possibility of expanding the alarm functionality in the future. In such a case, the alarm system can be easily upgraded by adding new sensors or warning devices without the need for significant reworking of an already functioning system.


A modern security and fire alarm system is precisely the security tool that will protect the facility from both “uninvited guests” and a possible fire.

Today, there are a large number of both ready-made kits and individual devices, with the help of which an optimal fire alarm system for a particular object can be built.

To system being created fire safety has always functioned correctly and could help in case of trouble, you should entrust the installation of such systems to professional companies.

They will competently draw up a project, select the appropriate equipment and perform its installation and configuration. Subsequently, the client will have a multifunctional and fail-safe fire and security alarm.

Video: Fire and security alarm

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Subject:" Technical means of security and fire alarms"


1. Technical means of fire and security alarms, their classification and purpose

1.1 Basic terms and definitions

1.2 Classification of technical means of signaling, security and security fire detectors

2. Organization of protection of objects of owners with the help burglar alarm

3. Purpose, technical characteristics, principle of operation of control panels

3.1 Purpose of control panels

3.2 Typical control panel devices, conditions of use




In this paper, we will consider the characteristics of the technical means of security and fire alarm systems permitted for use, and the technical means of fire alarms recommended for use at the present time by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the technical means of protection that were most widely used earlier.

And also consider the organization of the protection of the objects of the owners with the help of security alarms in open areas, buildings, premises and individual items. Let us describe the organization of the transmission of information about the alarm operation. We list the types of control panels and the conditions of use.

1 Technical means of fire and security alarms, their classification and purpose

1.1 Basic terms anddefinitions

Security and fire alarm (OPS)- this is the receipt, processing, transmission and presentation in a given form to consumers of information about the penetration of protected objects and a fire on them using technical means. The consumer of information is the personnel who are entrusted with the functions of responding to alarm and service notifications coming from protected objects.

notice in the OPS technique, a message is called that carries information about controlled changes in the state of the protected object or technical means of the OPS and is transmitted using electromagnetic, electrical, light and (or) sound signals. Notifications are divided into alarm and service. An alarm notice contains information about an intrusion or a fire, an official one - about “arming”, “disarming”, equipment malfunction, etc.

Protected object (OO) called separate room, containing material or other valuables, equipped with the technical means of the security guard, or a complex of premises dispersed within one or more buildings, united by a common territory and protected by security units. Places of possible entry to the OO or separate protected areas are equipped with various detectors, which are included in the alarm loop.

Protected area- this is a part of the protected object, controlled by one loop of the alarm system or their combination.

Security and fire alarm complex- this is a set of jointly operating technical means of security, fire and (or) security and fire alarms installed at a protected facility and united by a system of engineering networks and communications.

Security detector (fire)- FPS technical means for detecting intrusion (fire), an attempted intrusion or physical impact exceeding the normalized level, and generating an intrusion (fire) notification. The security and fire detector combines security and fire functions.

Reception and control device (PPK)- this is a technical means of a fire and security alarm system for receiving notifications from detectors (alarm loops) or other control panels, converting signals, issuing notifications for direct perception by a person, further transmitting notifications and issuing commands to turn on annunciators. Depending on the security system, which includes the FPS complex, another control panel can be connected to the control panel output (in the case of autonomous security if there is an autonomous security point) or an endpoint object device (in the case of centralized security).

Security and fire alarm- this is a technical means of an alarm system designed to alert people about penetration, an attempt to penetrate and (or) a fire.

Autonomous security system consists of OPS complexes with access to annunciators and (or) another control panel installed at an autonomous security point.

Autonomous Guard Point (PAO)- this is a point located at a guarded facility or in close proximity to it, serviced by the security service of the facility and equipped with technical means for displaying information about penetration and (or) fire in each of the controlled premises (zones) of the facility for direct human perception.

Notification transmission system (SPI)- this is a set of jointly operating technical means for transmitting via communication channels and receiving at the centralized security point notifications of penetration into protected objects and (or) fire on them, service and control and diagnostic notifications, as well as for transmitting and receiving telecontrol commands (if any return channel).

SPI provides for the installation of terminal devices (TO) at facilities, repeaters (R) at ATS cross-countries, in residential buildings and other intermediate points and centralized monitoring panels (CMS) at centralized security points.

UO, R, PTSN are the components of the SPI. The UO is installed at a protected facility to receive notifications from the control panel.

Centralized Security Point (CPS)- This control room centralized protection of a number of dispersed objects from penetration and fire using SPI.

Depending on the characteristics of the OO (length, number of rooms, number of storeys, etc.) and the value of the material assets located at the facility, its protection can be implemented through one or more alarm loops. In the event that the security structure of the object includes several loops placed in such a way that when an intruder enters the OO and moves to material values, he needs to overcome several protected zones controlled by various loops with exits to individual monitoring station numbers, security should be considered as multi-line . Thus, a loop or a set of loops that control protected areas on the way of the intruder to the material assets of the OO and have access to a separate monitoring station number is called the signaling boundary, and the set of protected areas controlled by the signaling boundary is a security boundary.

1.2 Classification of technical means of signaling, security and security fire detectors

Technical means of security and fire alarms designed to obtain information about the state of monitored parameters at a protected facility, receive, convert, transmit, store, display this information in the form of sound and light alarms, in accordance with OST 25 829-78 is classified into two features: scope and functionality.
According to the field of application, vehicles are divided into security, fire and security-fire; according to their functional purpose - to technical means of detection (detectors) designed to obtain information about the state of controlled parameters and notification vehicles, intended for receiving, converting, transmitting, storing, processing and displaying information (SPI, PPC and annunciators).

In accordance with GOST 26342-84, security and fire detectors are classified according to the following parameters.

By appointment: for indoors, for open areas and perimeters of objects.

By type of zone controlled by the detector: point, line, surface, volumetric.

According to the principle of operation, security detectors are divided into: ohmic, magnetic contact, shock contact, piezoelectric, capacitive, ultrasonic, optoelectronic, radio wave, combined.

By the number of detection zones: single-zone, multi-zone.

According to the range of action, ultrasonic, optoelectronic and radio wave security detectors for enclosed spaces are divided into: short range - up to 12 m, medium range - from 12 to 30 m, long range - over 30 m.

According to the range of action, optoelectronic and radio wave security detectors for open areas and perimeters of objects are divided into: short range - up to 50 m, medium range - from 50 to 200 m, long range - over 200 m.

According to their design, ultrasonic, optoelectronic and radio wave security detectors are divided into: single-position transmitter (emitter) and receiver combined in one block (there may be several transmitters and receivers in one block); two-position transmitter (emitter) and receiver are made in the form of separate blocks; multi-position - more than two blocks in any combination.

According to the method of power supply are divided into: current-consuming (dry contact is used); powered by AL, from an internal autonomous power source, from an external DC source with a voltage of 12-24 V, from an AC network with a voltage of 220 V;

Security and fire detectors According to the principle of operation, they are divided into: magnetic contact, ultrasonic and optoelectronic. According to the number of detection zones, range and design, security and fire detectors are classified similarly to security detectors.

2. Organizationprotection of objects of ownerswith burglar alarm

Protection of the perimeter of the territory and open areas

Perimeter security alarm technical means can be placed on the fence, buildings, structures, structures or in the exclusion zone. Security detectors should be installed on walls, special poles or racks, ensuring the absence of oscillations, vibrations.

The perimeter, with the gates and wickets entering it, should be divided into separate protected areas (zones) with their connection by separate alarm loops to the low-capacity control panel or to the internal security console installed at the checkpoint or in a specially designated security room of the facility. The length of the section is determined based on security tactics, technical characteristics of the equipment, the configuration of the external fence, line-of-sight conditions and the terrain, but not more than 200 m for ease of technical operation and prompt response.

The main gate should stand out in an independent section of the perimeter. Spare gates, wickets must enter the section of the perimeter on which they are located. Medium and large-capacity control panels (hubs), SPI, automated notification transmission systems (ASPI) and radio notification transmission systems (RSPI) can be used as internal security consoles. Internal security consoles can operate both with direct round-the-clock duty of personnel on them, and autonomously in the “Self-protection” mode.

Installation of security detectors on the top of the fence should be carried out only if the fence has a height of at least 2 m.

At the checkpoint, in the security room, technical devices for graphic display of the protected perimeter (computer, light panel with a mnemonic diagram of the protected perimeter and other devices) should be installed. All equipment included in the perimeter alarm system must be tamper-proof. Open areas with material assets on the territory of the facility must have a warning fence and be equipped with volumetric, surface or linear detectors different principle actions.

Protection of the building, premises, individual items. T

Objects of subgroups AI, AII and BII are equipped with a multi-line alarm system, objects of subgroup BI - single-line.

The first line of the security alarm, depending on the type of alleged threats to the object, is blocked by: wooden entrance doors, loading and unloading hatches, gates - for "opening" and "destruction" ("break"); glazed structures - for "opening" and "destruction" ("breaking") of glass; metal doors, gates - for "opening" and "destruction", walls, ceilings and partitions that do not meet the requirements of this Guiding Document or behind which premises of other owners are located, allowing for hidden work to destroy the wall - for "destruction" ("break"), shells of storages of values ​​- for "destruction" ("break") and "impact"; grilles, blinds and other protective structures installed on the outside of the window opening - for "opening" and "destruction"; ventilation ducts, chimneys, places of input / output of communications with a cross section of more than 200x200 mm - for “destruction” (“break”);

Instead of blocking glazed structures for "destruction", walls, doors and gates for "breach" and "impact", it is allowed, in justified cases, to block these structures only for "penetration" using volumetric, surface or linear detectors of various operating principles . At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the use of passive optoelectronic detectors for this purpose ensures the protection of the premises only from the direct penetration of the intruder.

If it is impossible to block the entrance doors of the openings (vestibules) by technical means of early detection according to clause 5.6.5, it is necessary in the doorway between the main and additional door install security detectors that detect intruder penetration. These detectors should be included in one loop of the door lock burglar alarm. To exclude possible false alarms when the object is armed, the specified alarm loop must be output to the control panel, which has a delay in arming the object.

Detectors that block entrance doors and non-openable windows of the premises should be included in different alarm loops in order to be able to block windows in the daytime when the door security alarm is turned off. Detectors that block entrance doors and openable windows can be included in one alarm loop.

The second frontier of the burglar alarm protects the volume of premises for "penetration" with the help of volumetric detectors of various principles of operation. In large rooms with complex configuration that require the use of a large number of detectors to protect the entire volume, it is allowed to block only local zones (vestibules between doors, corridors, approaches to valuables and other vulnerabilities)

The third line of the security alarm in the premises is blocked by individual items, safes, metal cabinets, in which valuables are concentrated. The technical means of protection installed in buildings should fit into the interior of the premises and, if possible, be installed hidden or masked.

In different areas, it is necessary to use security detectors operating on different physical principles of operation. The main types of detectors that protect the premises of the object and its structures from the alleged method of criminal influence.

The number of burglar alarm loops should be determined by security tactics, the size of buildings, structures, structures, number of storeys, the number of vulnerabilities, as well as the accuracy of localization of the penetration site for prompt response to alarms.

The perimeter of a protected building, as a rule, should be divided into protected zones (facade, rear, sides of the building, central entrance and other areas) with their allocation into independent alarm loops and the issuance of separate signals to the control panel or the internal security console of the facility.

To enhance security and increase its reliability, additional detectors - traps should be installed at the facilities. Trap signals are output via independent or, in the absence of technical feasibility, via existing security alarm loops. Each room of subgroups AI and AII must be equipped with independent security alarm loops. The premises of subgroups BI and BII, assigned to one financially responsible person, owner or combined for any other reason, should also be equipped with independent security alarm loops, and, for ease of use, no more than five adjacent rooms located on the same floor should be blocked with one loop .

In premises where personnel must be around the clock, separate sections of the perimeter of the premises, as well as safes and metal cabinets for storing valuables and documents, should be equipped with a burglar alarm.

Organization of the transmission of information about the alarm.

The number of security alarm lines displayed on the ARC by separate numbers is determined by a joint decision of the management of the facility and the private security unit based on the category of the facility, risk analysis and potential threats to the facility, the possibilities of integrating and documenting the control panel (internal security console or terminal device) of incoming information, as well as the procedure for organizing the duty of security personnel at the facility.

The minimum required number of security alarm lines displayed on the ARC from the entire protected facility should be for a subgroup.

BI - one united frontier (the first is the perimeter);

AI, BII - two combined borders (the first is the perimeter and the second is the volume) *.

In addition, if there are special premises at the facility (subgroup AII, safes, weapons rooms and other premises requiring increased security measures), the boundaries of the security alarm of these premises are also subject to the ARC.

If there is an internal security console at the facility with round-the-clock duty of its own security service or a private security company, the ARC displays: one common signal that unites all the boundaries of the security alarm of the facility, with the exception of the boundaries of special premises of the facility; security alarm boundaries (perimeter and volume) of special premises. At the same time, registration of all incoming information from each security line of premises on the internal security console should be ensured.

If there is an internal security console at the facility with round-the-clock duty of private security officers (Micro-PCO), all the boundaries of the security alarm of all premises of the facility (including special rooms) are connected to the internal security console, which provides automatic registration of all incoming information, and one general signal to the ARC.

At facilities where only special premises are guarded, all security alarm lines of these premises are subject to output to the PSC.

When protecting only certain devices (ATMs, slot machines, distribution cabinets and other similar devices) one line of the security alarm is displayed on the ARC (blocking for "destruction" and "opening").

If there is no technical possibility at the protected facility to fulfill the requirements, the issues of removing the boundaries of the security alarm are decided by the private security unit in each specific case. The boundaries of the security alarm must be displayed on the central monitoring station from the internal security console, control panel or terminal device, which ensures that the alarm state is memorized and fixed on a remote light (sound) annunciator or indicator. For objects of the residential sector, it is allowed to use terminal devices and object blocks without corresponding storage of the alarm state and its fixation.

Notifications from the alarm loops are output by one combined signal to the ARC and / or to the duty department of the internal affairs bodies directly or through the control panel, the SPI terminal device, the internal security console.

Security and alarm notifications can be transmitted to the ARC via specially laid communication lines, free or switched telephone lines for the period of protection, a radio channel, busy telephone lines using compaction equipment or informant SPI via a dial-up telephone connection (“auto-dialing” method) with mandatory channel control between the protected object and ARC. From protected objects, "auto redial" should be carried out by two or more telephone numbers.

In order to prevent access of unauthorized persons to detectors, control panels, splitting boxes, and other security equipment installed at the facility, measures must be taken to mask them and hidden installation. The covers of the terminal blocks of these devices must be sealed (sealed) by an electrician of the security guard or an engineering and technical worker of the private security unit indicating the name and date in the technical documentation of the facility.

Distribution cabinets intended for crossing alarm loops must be lockable, sealed and have blocking (anti-tamper) buttons connected to individual numbers of the internal security console “without the right to turn off”, and in the absence of an internal security console - to the ARC as part of the alarm system .

3 . On thevalue, specifications,principleactions of control panels

3.1 Purpose of control panel devices

Reception and control devices in fire alarm systems are an intermediate link between the facility's primary means of detecting intrusion or fire (detectors) and notification transmission systems. In addition, PPCs can be used in offline work with the connection of sound and light annunciators at the protected facility. Depending on the PPK appointments are divided into security, security and fire, security and route, universal, programmable.

PPC perform the following main functions:

Reception and processing of signals from detectors;

Power supply of the detectors (via the loop or via a separate line);

AL state control;

Transmission of signals to the monitoring station;

Management of sound and light annunciators;

Ensuring procedures for arming and disarming the facility.

The main characteristics of the PPK are information capacity and information content. PPK of small information capacity are intended, as a rule, for the organization of protection of one room or a small object. High-capacity control panels can be used to combine the signaling of a large number of premises or security lines of one object (hubs), as well as consoles for autonomous systems protection of objects. For certain types objects, there are also special types of control panels, for example, for the protection of apartments, fire and explosion hazardous premises. According to the method of organizing communication with detectors, control panels are divided into wired and wireless (radio channel).

According to the climatic version, the control panels are produced for heated and unheated premises.

3 .2 Typical PPC, conditions of usePPK of small information capacity

"WITHsignaled-3 M-one","WITHsignaled-3 1 » are the earliest developments and perform the simplest functions. The object is handed over under protection according to the tactics “with open door» (there is no time delay for entry - exit). There is no power supply redundancy.

Single loop receiving and control devices"Signal-37 A","WITHignal37M», "WITHsignaled-3 7Yu» have the tactic of putting the object under protection “with the door open”. There is no redundancy of the power circuit, but in the event of a power failure, the control panel switches the loop to direct control from the monitoring station and back without issuing an alarm.

"AtUTS-1-1" has the tactic of putting the object under protection "with the door open". The device provides for redundancy of the main power circuit, two outputs to the monitoring station (normally closed and normally open relay contacts). It is allowed to turn on security and fire current-consuming detectors in the loop with a total current consumption of not more than 13 mA and a current limit of not more than 20 mA.

Single-loop control panel"AtUTS-M" has the tactic of putting the object under protection "with the door open". The device provides for the redundancy of the main power circuit. It is allowed to include security current-consuming detectors in the alarm loop. The device provides for separate issuance of notifications to the monitoring station about the violation of the loop and about the deviation of its parameters from the established limits.

Single loop receiving and control devices"WITHsignaled-4 1 », "WITHignal41M» designed to protect apartments. The object is handed over under protection according to the tactics “with closed door» (there is a time delay for entry-exit). There is no redundancy of the power circuit, but in the event of a power failure, the control panel switches the loop to direct control from the monitoring station and back without issuing an alarm. The device provides for: control of the health of the alarm loop, indication of arming, control of penetration into a guarded apartment.

Single-loop control panel"WITHsignaled-4 5 » designed to protect apartments. Delivery of the object under protection is carried out according to the tactics "with the closed door". There is no redundancy of the power supply circuit, but in the event of a power failure, the control panel switches the loop to direct control from the monitoring station and back without issuing an alarm. The device provides for: control of AL serviceability; arming indication; control of entry into a guarded apartment.

The device has three modes of operation:

Centralized protection with switching of the alarm loop to control by the monitoring station when the supply voltage is turned off. In this case, two options for issuing an alarm notification by the device can be implemented - an alarm notification is issued constantly, the device is not restored to standby mode regardless of the state of the alarm loop, an alarm notification is issued for a limited time, the device is restored to standby mode 6 ± 4 s after the restoration of the AL;

Centralized protection without switching the alarm loop to control by the monitoring station when the supply voltage is turned off. In this case, both options for issuing an alarm notification are implemented;

Autonomous security (without connection to the monitoring station). In this case, there can be two options for issuing an alarm notification - an alarm notification is issued constantly, the device is not restored to standby mode, regardless of the state of the loop; an alarm notification is issued within 3.5 minutes. regardless of the state of the SC.

Single-loop control panel"WITHsignal-VK» has the tactic of putting the object under protection "with the door open". The device provides: redundancy of the main power supply circuit; providing power supply to active detectors on the output ±12 V; setting a delay for turning on the sound annunciator (up to 30 s) after issuing an alarm notification; alarm notifications when turned on for 1 - 4 min. are not fixed; preservation of operability with a decrease in the mains and backup supply voltage, respectively, to 140 V and to 12 V; control of the device status by the built-in indicator when operating from a backup power source. It is allowed to turn on security and fire current-consuming detectors in the alarm loop with a total current consumption of not more than 1.2 mA and a current limit of not more than 20 mA.

Single-loop control panel"WITHsignal-VK-R" similar in its characteristics to the PPK "Signal-VK". Distinctive feature PPK "Signal-VK-R" is the ability to control the device via a radio channel (up to 30 m) using a remote control transmitter. At the same time, the device provides: remote arming and disarming from outside the protected facility; remote re-taking of the object from the outside without opening; transmission of an alarm signal to the device using a remote control; installation of the device in a hidden, inaccessible place.

"WITHsignal-VK-4" used to replace up to four single-loop devices or organize multi-area security at the facility. The device has an additional input for connecting a cipher device or a remote switch for remote arming and disarming, which also allows you to install the device in hidden inaccessible places. The object is handed over under protection both according to the tactics “with an open door” and according to the tactics “with a closed door”. The device provides: redundancy of the main power supply circuit; providing power supply to active detectors on the output ±12 V; alarm notifications when turned on for 14 min. are not fixed; maintaining performance when the mains voltage drops to 140 V; selection of the input signal by duration; tracking a slow change in the loop resistance and fixing the “Alarm” signal in case of a fast change in the loop resistance; control of the device status by built-in indicators; four independent outputs to the monitoring station. It is allowed to turn on security and fire current-consuming detectors in the alarm loop with a total current consumption of not more than 1.2 mA and a current limit of not more than 20 mA. When the jumpers "ShS3" and "ShS4" are installed, the device controls all four loops only in the "Security" mode, when the jumpers are removed, the AL3 and AL4 are set to the "without the right to remove" mode, i.e. control of these loops and in the "Removal" mode.

Single-loop control panel"WITHsignal-SPI» has the tactic of putting the object under protection "with the door open". The device provides: redundancy of the main power supply circuit; providing power supply to active detectors on the output ±12 V; setting a delay for turning on the sound annunciator (up to 30 s) after issuing an alarm notification; alarm notifications when turned on for 14 min. are not fixed; preservation of operability with a decrease in the mains and backup supply voltage, respectively, to 140 V and to 12 V; control of the device status by the built-in indicator, including when operating from a backup power source; two outputs to the monitoring station (normally closed and normally open relay contacts). It is allowed to turn on security and fire current-consuming detectors in the loop with a total current consumption of not more than 1.2 mA and a current limit of not more than 20 mA in offline mode.

The device operates in two modes: centralized protection (joint control of the state of the AL of the control panel and the SPI); autonomous protection (monitoring the status of the alarm loop only by the control panel).

Five-loop control panel"TOVINTA» used to replace up to five single-loop devices or organize multi-area security at the facility. Delivery of the object under protection is carried out according to the tactics "with the closed door". The device provides: redundancy of the main power supply circuit; in the event of mains and backup power failure, the control panel switches AL1 and AL5 to direct monitoring of the monitoring station and back without issuing an alarm (outputs of monitoring station1 and monitoring station2, respectively); alarm notifications when turned on for 1.52 min. are not fixed; maintaining performance when the mains voltage drops to 140 V; monitoring the status of the device using a remote display panel, including when operating from a backup power source; two switched independent outputs to the monitoring station; indication of taking the object under protection; setting the mode "without the right to turn off" for AL1, AL2 and AL5. In the loop it is allowed to include security and fire current-consuming detectors.

Four-loop control panel"BUTKKORD» is used to replace up to four single-loop devices or to organize multi-line security at the facility with variable operation algorithms. The device has an additional input for connecting an encryption device or a remote switch. The object is handed over under protection both according to the tactics “with an open door” and according to the tactics “with a closed door”. The device provides for: redundancy of the main power circuit using a built-in battery with a voltage of 12 V or external power supplies with a voltage of 12 V and 24 V; providing power supply to active detectors via two ±12 V outputs, one output being switchable; maintaining performance when the mains supply voltage drops to 160 V; AL state control by built-in indicators; two relay outputs to the monitoring station (normally closed contact) and two high-frequency outputs organized according to the type of Atlas-3 and Atlas-6 devices; for transmission of notices over busy telephone lines, memorization of alarm loop violations. In the loop it is allowed to include security and fire current-consuming detectors. The device operates in three modes: standby ("Disarm") - control of the alarm and fire alarm loops; "Protection" ("Capture") - control of all loops; "Alarms".

Changes in the device operation algorithms, AL operation modes are set using technological jumpers installed on the MPC, MPA and MHD boards.

Single-loop control panel"ANDinterval» created for technical control service by the security personnel of the facility. The device provides: redundancy of the main power supply circuit; including a built-in power supply (battery type 3336) to power the memory of the hours of operation counters and the number of route passes; indication of the duration of work (up to 31 hours) and the number of missed routes (up to 7); the ability to set the patrol time (15, 30, 45, 60 minutes) and the pause time between patrols (30, 60, 90, 120 minutes); relay output to the monitoring station; transmission of an alarm notification when a route is skipped or when any “MI” button or the “Call the police” button is pressed three times.

The control panel and power supply are installed on the wall of the room, excluding direct sunlight on the front panel. The distance between the PSU and the control panel should not exceed 10 m. The MP is installed in a place convenient for operation.

PPK of medium information capacity

Control panel device"Rubin-3" designed to organize autonomous security of large objects with the ability to transmit a generalized signal "Alarm" to the monitoring station. The device consists of a 10-number base and 10-number line units, which allow increasing the capacity up to 50 numbers. The PPK provides a backup of the main power supply.

Control panel device"Rubin-6" designed to organize autonomous protection of large objects with the ability to transmit generalized signals "Alarm", "Fire", "Fault" to the monitoring station. Maximum amountШС - 20. The device provides: backup of the main power supply; maintaining performance when the mains supply voltage drops to 140; “self-protection” mode for the 20th security zone with surrender under protection according to the “with an open door” tactic; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and the alarm loop; indication of taking the control panel under protection from the monitoring station; four outputs to the monitoring station, with three outputs for transmitting alarm notifications and one for transmitting a signal about a AL malfunction; changes in the signal processing algorithm for each loop, and the loops can be grouped to different outputs of the device, set to the “without the right to turn off” mode (alarm and fire alarms). PPK has modular design. At the same time, the modules that control the AL (selection modules) are interchangeable.

Fireman selection module"Mjoint venture» allows you to organize two fire alarm loops in the Rubin-6 control panel with the ability to connect current-consuming fire detectors. The MSP module is installed instead of any Rubina-6 selection module.

The maximum number of current-consuming fire detectors N for each loop is determined by the formula: N = 5/Ip, where Ip is the current consumption of one detector in standby mode.

In the PPK "Rubin-6" it is allowed to include up to five modules "MSP".

Control panel device"Rubin-8 P» designed to organize autonomous security of medium-sized objects with the ability to transmit a generalized signal "Alarm" to the monitoring station. The maximum number of loops is 8, of which two are firemen and six are security guards. It is allowed to include active current-consuming detectors in fire loops, fire loops can be converted into security loops (cancellation of the “without the right to remove” mode). The device provides: redundancy of the main power supply; “self-protection” mode for the 8th AL with the surrender under protection according to the tactics “with an open door”; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and the alarm loop; indication of taking the control panel under protection from the monitoring station; one exit to the monitoring station.

Control panel device"Pulsar" designed to organize autonomous security of large objects with the ability to transmit a generalized signal "Alarm" to the monitoring station. The maximum number of loops is 40. The device provides for: backup of the main power supply; maintaining performance when the mains supply voltage drops to 140; “self-protection” mode for the 40th security zone with surrender under protection according to the “with an open door” tactic; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and the alarm loop; indication of taking the control panel under protection from the monitoring station; four outputs to the monitoring station, with three outputs for transmitting alarm notifications and one for transmitting a signal about a AL malfunction; changes in the signal processing algorithm for each loop, and the loops can be grouped to different outputs of the device, set to the “without the right to turn off” mode » (alarm and fire alarm). The PPC has a modular design. At the same time, the modules that control the AL (selection modules) are interchangeable.

PPK of large information capacity

Control panel device"BUG" designed to organize autonomous protection of large objects (of particular importance). The maximum number of loops is 60. The device provides for: backup of the main power supply; automated delivery of objects under protection and disarming with the help of a cipher device; automatic registration of messages about the state of objects and service information on a digital printing device; anti-sabotage protection of device blocks; majority logic of signal processing; the decision on the correctness of the information received is recorded after three confirmations; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and the alarm loop; five exits to the monitoring station; software change of the signal processing algorithm for each loop, loops can be grouped into security zones with access to different monitoring station lines, set to the “without the right to turn off” mode » (alarm and fire alarm); software change of entry/exit delay time for each zone.

Maximum length four-wire communication line with a wire diameter of 0.5 mm, depending on the number of object blocks connected to it: 150 m - 10 pcs., 300 m - 5 pcs., 600 m - 1 pc. Provided that the supply voltage on the last object block is not lower than 18 V, otherwise an additional four-wire line is required. The BUG device consists of a signal processing and control unit (SCU), a digital printing device (CPU) and up to 30 BP.

Control panel device"BUTdress» designed to organize autonomous protection of territorially concentrated objects via a two-wire communication line. The maximum number of loops is 96. The device provides for: backup of the main power supply; manual delivery of objects under protection and removal from protection; automatic registration of messages about the state of objects and service information on a digital printing device; anti-sabotage protection; the decision on the correctness of the information received is recorded after three confirmations; diagnostic mode; two exits to the monitoring station; software change of the signal processing algorithm for each loop, loops can be grouped into security zones with access to different monitoring station lines, set to the “without the right to turn off” mode; non-polar inclusion of object blocks (BO) in the communication line; two options for connecting the BO to the communication line. According to the first option, up to 32 BOs can be connected to the communication line, according to the second one, up to 96 BOs. It is allowed to turn on security and fire current-consuming detectors with a total consumption current of not more than 0.5 mA in the loop. The maximum length of a two-wire communication line with a wire diameter of 0.5 mm, with 96 (32) BOs connected to it, is 200 m. The supply voltage at the last BO must be at least 24 V. The Address device consists of a control unit (CU), power supply unit (PSU), digital printer (CPU) and up to 96 BO.


Thus, to sum up, we come to the following conclusion - technical means of security and fire alarms designed to obtain information about the state of controlled parameters at a protected facility, receive, convert, transmit, store, display this information in the form of sound and light alarms, in accordance with GOST 25 829-78 is classified according to two criteria: scope and functionality.

Technical means of perimeter security alarms should be selected depending on the type of perceived threat to the object, interference conditions, terrain, the length and technical strength of the perimeter, the type of fence, the presence of roads along the perimeter, the exclusion zone, its width. The security alarm of the perimeter of the object is designed, as a rule, as a one-line one. To strengthen security, determine the direction of movement of the intruder, block vulnerabilities, multi-line security should be used.

T all premises with permanent or temporary storage of material assets, as well as all vulnerable places of the building (windows, doors, hatches, ventilation shafts, ducts, etc.), through which unauthorized entry into the premises of the facility is possible, should be equipped with technical security alarms.

The transfer of notifications about the operation of the security alarm from the object to the ARC can be carried out from the small-capacity control panel, the internal security console or terminal devices.


Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation No. 455 of 09/03/91 "On approval of the rules for the use of special means in service with the Internal Affairs Department of the Russian Federation."

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 170 - 1991 "On measures to implement the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation of 03.09.91 "On approval of the rules for the use of special means in service with the Internal Affairs Department of the Russian Federation."

Technical descriptions and operating instructions for STsN, PKP, detectors.

Information and technical magazine "Security Technique", M., Research Center "Protection" VNIIIPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1994-1997.

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The consumer market offers the buyer various alarm systems that can be equipped Vacation home, cottage, apartment or provide protection for the backyard area. Equipment for security and fire alarms can be purchased separately, but there are also devices that combining systems of two types - security and fire.

Technical means are designed to provide owners with information indicating the state of monitored objects, save data, and convert the received alarm message into sound and light signals.

A characteristic feature of burglar and fire alarm devices is their classification, which provides for the division of detectors according to the following parameters:

  • according to their direct purpose (place of application);
  • according to the principle of operation of the device;
  • by the number of detection zones;
  • by type of controlled and protected zones;
  • by the maximum range of the detection system;
  • on constructive manufacturing;
  • according to the method of electrical supply of devices.

In addition to the classification of detectors by parameters, the fire alarm system is divided into three types, which differ from each other in the location of the sensors.

  • One-line. It controls the perimeter of the house or the perimeter of individual premises. Controls doors, windows, technical entrances.
  • Two-line. It performs all the functions of a one-line system, and also monitors the approaches to the building and the state of the territory adjacent to the site.
  • Multifaceted. Functionally combines the two previous security systems, but additionally controls individual valuable items inside the house, in the garage or workshops.

The operation of a multi-line notification system can be provided both from one and from several interconnected or independent autonomous points. Enabling and disabling the alarm of various protected objects, objects and territories can be done independently of each other.

Regarding the place of application

The choice of equipment largely depends on the place of its application. According to its purpose, OPS can be characterized by several types:

  • alarm system for the apartment;
  • alarm system for the cottage;
  • alarm for country house;
  • alarm for personal plot and areas adjacent to the house.

The owner who wishes to install an alarm for the security of the house or the territory adjacent to it must be well aware that with complication design developments costs rise for operation security systems, as well as increasing the cost of devices.

For an apartment

To protect apartments in multi-storey residential buildings, they are mainly used one-line notification systems, which control the premises around the entire perimeter, including the entrance doors and windows of the apartment.

Manufacturer-supplied equipment includes:

  • system unit;
  • remote control panel;
  • Motion Sensor;
  • bracket for mounting the sensor;
  • sensors that respond to the opening of windows and doors;
  • sensor batteries;
  • power adapter;
  • sound detector;
  • GSM antenna;
  • instruction.

Security alarms for apartments can be additionally equipped with various types of sensors that respond to broken glass, the presence of smoke or gas in the room, as well as sensors that respond to vibration or flooding.

For a cottage

Security of a private cottage is carried out two-line or multi-line systems alerts. For outdoor protection of the facility, from 6 to 12 sensors and a four-zone monitoring and signal receiving device will be required.

Door magnetic contact sensors, single-frequency and dual-frequency sensors that react to broken glass, as well as various types of motion sensors are used to protect cottages. To create additional lines of protection, internal security alarm sensors are used.
To eliminate the possibility of false alarms and timely detect a real danger, when choosing equipment for protecting the cottage Special attention must be given to outdoor sensors that do not respond to weather conditions.

In cottages protected by devices, IR motion sensors are mainly used, which are equipped with a double peer element and equipped with a built-in filter. Such a system eliminates the response to the presence of pets in the house.

For a country house

Due to the remoteness of the object of protection from the city, it may be difficult to maintenance difficult engineering systems. Some owners who want to install an alarm system prefer simpler but more reliable protection options, understaffing them necessary quantity outdoor motion sensors.

Devices placed on the walls around the perimeter of the building allow you to create protected area up to 5 meters wide, which provides early detection of an intrusion attempt and helps to take necessary measures protection.

Equipment with external light annunciators, as well as external sound signals, has a deterrent effect on intruders and practically does not require maintenance. The cable passing along the walls of the building is usually hidden from prying eyes by embedding it into the wall using the construction method.

When protecting a country house, the use of internal sensors is possible at the request of the owner, as an additional protective line.

For plot

When choosing technical equipment, which will ensure the protection of the territory, it is necessary to take into account characteristics terrain, topography, and possible visibility restrictions.

For the protection of the site is mainly used:

  1. Vibration protection system. Reacts to the vibration of the ground from a person walking on it. This method of protection allows you to control the area up to 200 meters long. Response of devices to the movement of animals, travel road transport, precipitation and gusts of wind at speeds up to 20 m/s are excluded.
  2. capacitive system. It is used mainly in conditions of complex perimeters or terrain. Reacts to an intruder's touch to the top edge of the fence.
  3. Radio wave system. Reacts and issues an alarm signal when a person crosses the terrain. The system is resistant to weathering, creating electromagnetic interference, is not distracted by movement Vehicle and animals crossing the site.
  4. radio beam system. There are two types:
    • single-position, emits radio waves into space, informs about the appearance of an intruder by giving an alarm signal;
    • two-position, contributes to the creation of an electromagnetic barrier above the soil surface. It is impossible to cross such a protected area unnoticed.

Almost all security devices are equipped with an automatic alarm notification mode, which, in the prescribed sequence, informs users by auto-dialing their phone numbers.

What are the types of fire alarms?

OPS combines two types of systems: security and fire. Automatic fire alarms are divided into three types:

Conventional signaling system

Non-addressed OPS. A simple threshold system that uses detectors with two positions - "norm" and "fire". The system is triggered when the a certain parameter above a given threshold. This may be an increase in temperature or smoke levels. On the control panel, the number of the loop of security detectors is recorded, the address of the room and the number of sensors are not transmitted to the panel. It is used to protect objects and territories with a small area.

Addressable signaling system

. It is used to protect objects with medium and large sizes. The system has the ability to determine the places of entry into the protected area, as well as fire points, thanks to the address schemes and information exchange protocols built into the detectors. This type of fire alarm is usually installed in schools, kindergartens and other important social institutions.

Addressable analog signaling

Addressable analog OPS. This type of fire alarm system is characterized by high efficiency, quality and reliability. The controller constantly analyzes the information that is continuously received from installed sensors to the main panel. Tracks fires, a sharp increase in temperature, the appearance of smoke, penetration into the territory, etc.

Intrusion and fire detection technology

The alarm system is completely dependent on monitoring sensors that respond in a timely manner to the detection of fires and penetration into the protected area. Sensors are divided into several types, which allows you to use a variety of solutions when installing fire alarm systems.

According to the types of sensors, fire and security alarm systems are divided into:

  • ultrasonic;
  • acoustic;
  • vibration;
  • infrared;
  • magnetic contact;
  • light;
  • radio wave;
  • combined and other systems.

OPS can be equipped with other sensors, the variety of which is difficult to list. Among the control devices used in the system, there are gas analyzing and smoke sensors, water leakage control sensors, multi-sensor devices that analyze a fire according to four signs, etc.

Characteristic features of wired and wireless OPS

Wired signaling implies the installation of a cable on the walls of a building and, as a rule, provides in advance, before finishing. This method of protection is considered more reliable than the wireless counterpart due to the lack of incoming radio signals that can be interrupted.

In a wired alarm system, you can achieve the maximum possible range of protected areas, control not only the house and territory, but also the gate, as well as the fencing of the site around the entire perimeter.

The wireless system is easy to install. The structural elements of the devices communicate using radio waves (signals), which are tuned to the desired frequency. The wireless alarm system is mainly equipped with autonomous sensors, allowing you to control the windows and doors of the house, approaches to the building on distance not exceeding 100 meters and fire safety in the area.

At the time of buying security equipment not only the features of the object are taken into account, intuition is important and personal experience person. In order to correctly select the equipment, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of all the characteristics of the purchased devices, and only professionals can do this work.


In this paper, we will consider the characteristics of the technical means of security and fire alarm systems permitted for use, and the technical means of fire alarms recommended for use at the present time by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the technical means of protection that were most widely used earlier.

And also consider the organization of the protection of the objects of the owners with the help of security alarms in open areas, buildings, premises and individual items. Let us describe the organization of the transmission of information about the alarm operation. We list the types of control panels and the conditions of use.

Technical means of fire and security alarms, their classification and purpose

Basic terms and definitions

Security and fire alarm (OPS)- this is the receipt, processing, transmission and presentation to consumers in a given form of information about the penetration of protected objects and a fire on them using technical means. The consumer of information is the personnel who are entrusted with the functions of responding to alarm and service notifications coming from protected objects.

notice in the OPS technique, a message is called that carries information about controlled changes in the state of the protected object or technical means of the OPS and is transmitted using electromagnetic, electrical, light and (or) sound signals. Notifications are divided into alarm and service. An alarm notice contains information about a break-in or a fire, while an official one contains information about “arming”, “disarming”, equipment malfunction, etc.

Protected object (OO) called a separate room containing material or other valuables, equipped with the technical means of the security guard, or a complex of premises dispersed within one or more buildings, united by a common territory and protected by security units. Places of possible entry to the OO or separate protected areas are equipped with various detectors, which are included in the alarm loop.

Protected area- this is a part of the protected object, controlled by one loop of the alarm system or their combination.

Security and fire alarm complex- this is a set of jointly operating technical means of security, fire and (or) security and fire alarm systems installed at a protected facility and united by a system of engineering networks and communications.

Security detector (fire)- technical means of fire alarm system for detecting penetration (fire), an attempt to penetrate or physical impact exceeding the normalized level, and generating a notification of penetration (fire). The security and fire detector combines security and fire functions.

Reception and control device (PPK)- this is a technical means of fire and security alarms for receiving notifications from detectors (alarm loops) or other control panels, converting signals, issuing notifications for direct perception by a person, further transmitting notifications and issuing commands to turn on annunciators. Depending on the security system, which includes the FPS complex, another control panel can be connected to the control panel output (in the case of autonomous security if there is an autonomous security point) or an endpoint object device (in the case of centralized security).

Security and fire alarm- this is a technical means of an alarm system designed to alert people about an intrusion, an attempted intrusion and (or) a fire.

Autonomous security system consists of OPS complexes with access to annunciators and (or) another control panel installed at an autonomous security point.

Autonomous Guard Point (PAO)- this is a point located at a guarded facility or in close proximity to it, serviced by the security service of the facility and equipped with technical means for displaying information about penetration and (or) fire in each of the controlled premises (zones) of the facility for direct human perception.

Notification transmission system (SPI)- this is a set of jointly operating technical means for transmitting via communication channels and receiving at the centralized security point notifications of penetration into protected objects and (or) a fire on them, service and control and diagnostic notifications, as well as for transmitting and receiving telecontrol commands (if any return channel).

SPI provides for the installation of terminal devices (UO) at facilities, repeaters (R) at ATS cross-countries, in residential buildings and other intermediate points and centralized monitoring consoles (CMS) at centralized security points.

UO, R, PTSN are the components of the SPI. The UO is installed at a protected facility to receive notifications from the control panel.

Centralized Security Point (CPS)- this is a control center for centralized protection of a number of dispersed objects from penetration and fire using the SPI.

Depending on the characteristics of the OO (length, number of rooms, number of storeys, etc.) and the value of the material assets located at the facility, its protection can be implemented through one or more alarm loops. In the event that the security structure of the object includes several loops placed in such a way that when an intruder enters the OO and moves to material values, he needs to overcome several protected zones controlled by various loops with exits to individual monitoring station numbers, security should be considered as multi-line . Thus, a loop or a set of loops that control protected areas on the way of the intruder to the material assets of the OO and have access to a separate monitoring station number is called the signaling boundary, and the set of protected areas controlled by the signaling boundary is a security boundary.

Classification of technical means of signaling, security and security fire detectors

Technical means of security and fire alarms designed to obtain information about the state of monitored parameters at a protected facility, receive, convert, transmit, store, display this information in the form of sound and light alarms, in accordance with OST 25 829–78 is classified into two features: scope and functionality. According to the field of application, vehicles are divided into security, fire and security-fire; by functional purpose - to technical means of detection (detectors) designed to obtain information about the state of controlled parameters and notification vehicles, intended for receiving, converting, transmitting, storing, processing and displaying information (SPI, PPC and annunciators).

In accordance with GOST 26342–84, security and fire detectors are classified according to the following parameters.

By appointment: for indoors, for open areas and perimeters of objects.

By type of zone controlled by the detector: point, line, surface, volumetric.

According to the principle of operation, security detectors are divided into: ohmic, magnetic contact, shock contact, piezoelectric, capacitive, ultrasonic, optoelectronic, radio wave, combined.

Fire alarm (PS) is a set of technical means, the purpose of which is to detect a fire, smoke or fire and notify a person in a timely manner. Its main task is to save people's lives, minimize the damage caused and preserve property.

It may consist of the following elements:

  • Fire control panel (PPKP)- the brain of the entire system, controls the loops and sensors, turns on and off automation (fire extinguishing, smoke removal), controls annunciators and transmits signals to the control panel of a security company or a local dispatcher (for example, a security guard);
  • Various types of sensors, which can respond to factors such as - smoke, open flame and warmth;
  • Fire alarm loop (SHS)- this is a communication line between sensors (detectors) and the control panel. It also supplies power to the sensors;
  • Annunciator- a device designed to attract attention, there are light - strobe lamps, and sound - sirens.

According to the method of control over the loops, fire alarms are divided into the following types:

PS threshold system

It is also often referred to as traditional. The principle of operation of this type is based on a change in resistance in the loop of fire alarm systems. Sensors can only be in two physical states "norm" and "fire". If the fire factor is fixed, the sensor changes its internal resistance and the control panel issues an alarm signal on the loop in which this sensor is installed. It is not always possible to visually determine the place of drawdown, because. in threshold systems on one loop, an average of 10-20 fire detectors are installed.

To determine the malfunction of the loop (and not the state of the sensors), an end-of-line resistor is used. It is always installed at the end of the loop. When using fire tactics "PS triggering by two detectors", to receive a signal "Attention" or "probability of fire" additional resistance is installed in each sensor. This allows the use of automatic fire extinguishing systems at the facility and the elimination of possible false alarms and damage to property. Automatic fire extinguishing starts only in case of simultaneous operation of two or more detectors.

PPKP “Granit-5”

The following FACPs can be attributed to the threshold type:

  • series "Nota", manufacturer Argus-Spectrum
  • VERS-PK, manufacturer VERS
  • devices of the "Granit" series, manufacturer NPO "Siberian Arsenal"
  • Signal-20P, Signal-20M, S2000-4, manufacturer NPB Bolid and other fire appliances.

The advantages of traditional systems include ease of installation and low cost of equipment. The most significant drawbacks are the inconvenience of maintaining a fire alarm and a high probability of false alarms (resistance can vary from many factors, sensors cannot transmit information about dust content), which can only be reduced by using a different type of fire alarm system and equipment.

Address-threshold system PS

A more advanced system capable of automatic mode periodically check the condition of the sensors. Unlike threshold signaling, the principle of operation lies in a different algorithm for polling sensors. Each detector is assigned its own unique address, which allows the control panel to distinguish them and understand the specific cause and location of the malfunction.

The Code of Rules SP5.13130 ​​allows the installation of only one addressable detector, provided that:

  • The PS does not manage fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations or fire warning systems of the 5th type, or other equipment that, as a result of launch, can lead to material losses and reduce the safety of people;
  • the area of ​​​​the room where the fire detector is installed is not more than the area for which it is designed given type sensor (you can check it according to the passport of the technical documentation for it);
  • the sensor performance is monitored and in the event of a malfunction, a “fault” signal is generated;
  • It is possible to replace a faulty detector, as well as its detection by external indication.

Sensors in the address-threshold signaling may already be in several physical states - "norm", "fire", "fault", "Attention", "dustiness" and others. In this case, the sensor automatically switches to another state, which allows you to determine the location of a malfunction or fire with an accuracy of the detector.

PPKP "Dozor-1M"

The following control panels can be attributed to the addressable-threshold type of fire alarm:

  • Signal-10, manufacturer of airbag Bolid;
  • Signal-99, manufacturer PromService-99;
  • Dozor-1M, manufacturer Nita, and other fire appliances.

Address-analogue system PS

The most advanced type of fire alarm to date. It has the same functionality as the address-threshold systems, but differs in the way the signals from the sensors are processed. The decision to switch to "fire" or any other state, it is the control panel that takes it, and not the detector. This allows you to adjust the operation of the fire alarm to external factors. The control panel simultaneously monitors the status of parameters installed devices and analyzes the obtained values, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of false alarms.

In addition, such systems have an undeniable advantage - the ability to use any address line topology - tire, ring and star. For example, in the event of a break circle line, it will break up into two independent wire loops, which will fully retain their performance. In star lines, special insulators can be used. short circuit, which will determine the location of the line break or its closure.

Such systems are very convenient in maintenance, because. you can identify in real time the detectors that need to be purged or replaced.

The following control panels can be attributed to the analog addressable type of fire alarm:

  • Two-wire communication line controller S2000-KDL, manufacturer NPB Bolid;
  • A series of addressable devices "Rubezh", manufactured by Rubezh;
  • RROP 2 and RROP-I (depending on the sensors used), manufacturer Argus-Spectrum;
  • and many other devices and manufacturers.

Scheme of an addressable analog fire alarm system based on the S2000-KDL control panel

When choosing a system, designers take into account all the requirements of the customer's technical specifications and pay attention to the reliability of operation, the cost of installation work and the requirements for routine maintenance. When the reliability criterion for a simpler system starts to drop, designers move on to using a higher level.

Radio channel options are used in cases where laying cables becomes economically unprofitable. But this option requires more funds for maintenance and maintenance of devices in working condition due to the periodic replacement of batteries.

Classification of fire alarm systems according to GOST R 53325–2012

Types and types of fire alarm systems, as well as their classification are presented in GOST R 53325–2012 “Fire fighting equipment. Technical means of fire automatics. General technical requirements and test methods.

We have already considered address and non-address systems above. Here you can add that the first ones allow you to install non-address fire detectors through special expanders. Up to eight sensors can be connected to one address.

According to the type of information transmitted from the control panel to the sensors, they are divided into:

  • analog;
  • threshold;
  • combined.

According to the total information capacity, i.e. the total number of connected devices and loops are divided into devices:

  • small information capacity (up to 5 loops);
  • medium information capacity (from 5 to 20 loops);
  • large information capacity (more than 20 loops).

According to information content, otherwise, according to the possible number of issued notices (fire, malfunction, dustiness, etc.), they are divided into devices:

  • low information content (up to 3 notifications);
  • medium information content (from 3 to 5 notifications);
  • high information content (from 3 to 5 notifications);

In addition to these parameters, systems are classified according to:

  • Physical implementation of communication lines: radio channel, wire, combined and fiber optic;
  • By composition and functionality: without the use of funds computer science, with the use of SVT and the possibility of its use;
  • Control object. Management of various fire extinguishing installations, smoke removal facilities, warning and combined facilities;
  • Expansion possibilities. Non-expandable or expandable, allowing mounting in a housing or separate connection of additional components.

Types of fire alarm systems

The main task of the warning and evacuation management system (SOUE) is the timely notification of people about a fire in order to ensure safety and prompt evacuation from smoky premises and buildings to a safe area. According to FZ-123 "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" and SP 3.13130.2009, they are divided into five types.

The first and second type of SOUE

For most small and medium-sized objects, according to fire safety standards, it is necessary to install the first and second type of notification.

At the same time, the first type is characterized by the mandatory presence of a sound annunciator - a siren. For the second type, more “exit” light displays are added. A fire alarm should be triggered simultaneously in all premises with permanent or temporary stay of people.

Third, fourth and fifth type of SOUE

These types are for automated systems, the launch of the notification is completely assigned to automation, and the role of a person in managing the system is minimized.

For the third, fourth and fifth types of SOUE, the main method of notification is speech. Pre-designed and recorded texts are transmitted, which allow the evacuation to be carried out as efficiently as possible.

In the 3rd type additionally, “exit” light indicators are used and the order of notification is regulated - first service personnel, and then all the others in a specially designed order.

In the 4th type there is a requirement for communication with the control room inside the warning zone, as well as additional light indicators for the direction of movement. Fifth type, includes everything listed in the first four, plus the requirement that there is a separation of the inclusion of light indicators for each evacuation zone is added, full automation of the management of the warning system and the organization of multiple evacuation routes from each warning zone is provided.