We draw up the correct estimate for the installation of a fire alarm system. Prices for the installation of security alarms: design and budgeting Sample estimates for the installation of security alarms

Most burglar alarms are quite complex engineering systems. For installation in an enterprise or organization, as a rule, separate projects are developed that take into account many site criteria. Starting from the plan interior spaces and wiring of power supply networks and ending with decorative suspended ceilings.

estimate burglar alarm is one of the most important design documents. According to it, the customer will have information about the cost and range of equipment used, the cost of installation work, their duration, sequence.

Compilation features

Design work and budgeting should be carried out by the organization that will install the security alarm. The use of a project developed by other companies is not desirable. There are several objective reasons why the use of a "foreign" estimate is inappropriate:

  • The cost of installation and components can vary significantly, usually upwards. This is due to the fact that each company has its own pricing policy, suppliers. In addition, prices for detectors and controllers in different regions Russia are significantly different;
  • The price coefficients associated with the location of the object, its area, remoteness from the main base of building materials and devices are individual for each company;
  • In most cases, such estimates, as part of the design work, are made free of charge as a bonus from the contractor company.

It is strongly recommended that you work with a professional design engineer specializing in security systems to prepare an estimate. Since there are many nuances that an ordinary engineer may simply not know about. As a result, the cost may differ significantly from that laid down in the document, both upwards and downwards.

Description of the main positions

  1. Externally, the estimate is a table in which the following information must be present:
  2. The name of the product used in the work or the work process itself;
  3. The unit in which work or goods are measured (pieces, running meters, connected devices);
  4. Number of products or work processes;
  5. The cost of one unit of a product or work performed;
  6. The total amount for each item, which is added to the total total amount of the entire estimate of both the products used for the burglar alarm system and all the work performed on their installation.

The estimate must contain the exact designations of the products used. specific models and their short description. For example, glass break sensor "Glass - 3". Also, specific types of work should include exact amount cycles. For example, laying an information cable network in the director's office 37m, connecting 4 smoke detectors.

Therefore, a properly drawn up estimate will have three main sections:

  1. Used materials and products;
  2. Works (services) performed;
  3. Overheads.

It is allowed to include in the estimate such non-obvious costs as depreciation of equipment, the coefficient of territorial expenses (if the facility is located far from the contractor's company).

Among other things, the estimate signed by the contractor's organization is evidence in court in case of obligations fulfilled in bad faith.

Often, to protect their property, they install a burglar alarm system. They can notify the guard about the penetration of the object. A burglar alarm contains a device that, if the information received is correctly analyzed, signals a violation. In addition, the system includes a control panel, sensors and other auxiliary devices. The security system requires careful design and compliance with all established standards.


An example of a security alarm project (OPS)

It is better to create a project at the stage of construction or repair, since the work may disrupt Finishing work and lead to additional financial costs. The design of the security alarm takes into account the type, layout of the building and regulations.

The design of a security alarm takes place in three stages. At the initial stage, several draft sketches are made. Here, all the set technical tasks are taken into account, there is a full study of the documentation that is available for the future protected object, and all recommendations of experts are taken into account.

The draft design is the most important because it contains the final location of the security devices. In addition, the budget is calculated here and the tasks of the future security system are determined. Example draft design will be supplemented by an explanatory note, which explains the entire installation, its advantages or disadvantages.

After drawing up several sketches, where there may be significant differences in the degree of protection and its management, the customer will choose the most suitable option for him. Changes in the course of negotiations are not ruled out.

Having decided on the project, they proceed to the second stage of design. It is already of a technical nature, which determines the installation of the security system in accordance with the structure. Here, routes are selected for laying networks, they choose software and resolve power issues. The example will also be provided with an explanatory note, drawings and technical documentation. The technical project already gives the right to carry out the installation.

The design of the security alarm system must comply with all established and approved standards listed in the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), GOST and SNiP. Special organizations in the design and installation always take into account necessary requirements. The same thing happens when budgeting, as the installation may change significantly during the validation of standards.


An example of an estimate for the installation of a security alarm in the Grant Estimate program

The estimate always includes three groups: material, services, overhead. In addition, it is compiled on the principle of a complete listing of the prices of goods and works for the installation of a security alarm.

Main characteristics of positions:

  • Name;
  • unit;
  • amount;
  • the cost of one unit of goods or work;
  • total amount.

Before accepting and signing the acceptance certificate, you should carefully check the strict compliance of the specified works and the name of the goods. Here it is necessary to double-check the name of the product and its model, which will be indicated in the estimate and upon installation. Often the estimate includes additional items that are carefully checked.

For budgeting, use special computer programs. Usually, each company works according to a program that is convenient for it, and also use those that are designed for their type of activity. The most popular programs include Grant Estimate, Estimate, My Estimate, Mini Estimate, Kors Estimate, etc. Some large firms use their own development of estimate files in Excel format or programs that contain company standards and approved estimated price for material and work.

Approximate installation cost

When calculating, a certain coefficient will be used. It directly depends on the number of security lines. For two lines, a coefficient of 1.2 is used, for three lines - 1.3. Often a building consists of several rooms where different operating modes are applied, therefore, a coefficient of 1.1 is used in the calculations.

Often, the installation of a guarded alarm system is carried out together with the installation of video surveillance. Then, when drawing up an estimate, the cost is summed up, that is, services for installing a security alarm and video surveillance are separately calculated. Installation of security fire alarm is calculated using an underestimated coefficient - 0.8.

No business is complete without a security alarm. This is important aspect in the work of the organization.

One of the important questions that property owners ask when planning an alarm installation is question of cost. The estimate for the security and fire alarm (OPS) is developed by the contractor and submitted to the customer, for approval, before the start of work. Some items in the estimate may be subject to change.

Preparatory work for the OPS

Everything starts with the preparation of working papers. To do this, the object is visited by a representative of the security organization to draw up a draft design.

The project takes into account the following characteristics of the object:

  • Number of rooms
  • The number of doors, windows and other access points (hatches, ventilation shafts and etc.)
  • Ceiling height
  • The presence of possible "dead" zones
  • Other characteristics

Based on these data, a necessary documentation , which includes the plan of the object and technical task for installers. The plan shows all technical means, including sensors, the main unit, warning and indication means, cable routes, power supply and external device connection points.

The estimate for the security alarm includes the following items:

  • Project preparation and documentation
  • The cost of all components
  • Basic device programming
  • Commissioning of the system

The cheapest way is to install an alarm system with security sensors in a standard apartment.

Almost 90% of all apartments in the housing stock performed according to standard projects , and therefore a separate installation plan is not required.

Specialized installation organizations use ready-made schemes alarms for apartments with different number rooms. At drawing up a project for a non-standard object the calculation is made based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, and ranges from 60 to 200 rubles per square meter.

Based on this, the minimum cost technical project for an object with an area of ​​​​50 m 2 will cost the customer about 3,000 rubles.

What increases the cost of installation work

If it is supposed, then the client of the security organization is entitled to various discounts. You should know that the cost of the project depends on the number of floors. So cost duplex apartment area of ​​150 m2 will be higher than the cost ordinary apartment the same area. Increasing coefficients also exist for ceilings over 3.5 meters and over 5.0 meters, for work in the evening and at night and for work on days that are considered non-working.

Separate coefficients that increase the cost of work:

  • Coefficient for urgency - 1.2-1.3
  • Work according to the customer's schedule (morning and evening hours) - 1.4
  • Work at night - 2.0
  • Work in holidays – 2,0
  • Installation work at a height above 3.5 meters - 1.5
  • Installation work at a height above 5.0 meters - 2.0

Performance electrical work in a hidden way increases the total cost by 10%, and the use of technical means from foreign manufacturers increases the cost by at least 30%.

Equipment costs - an example of an estimate

Main item of expenditure when installing any type of alarm, includes the cost of equipment and Supplies, which includes cable and fasteners of various types.

Approximate cost of individual technical means of alarm systems:

  • Magnetic contact sensors (a pair of magnet-reed switch) for opening - from 30 to 180 rubles
  • Infrared motion sensors - from 370 to 450 rubles
  • Radio wave motion sensors - from 870 to 1,200 rubles
  • Glass breaking sensors - from 380 to 690 rubles
  • Fire thermal sensors - from 46 to 80 rubles
  • Smoke fire detectors DIP - from 230 to 850 rubles
  • Cable KSPV 2 X 0.5 mm - 3 rubles a meter
  • Cable KSPV 4 X 0.5 mm - 5.50 rubles a meter
  • Fire-resistant cable KPSE "ng" 2 X 0.5 mm - 15 rubles a meter
  • Basic devices, depending on the model - from 2,300 rubles

Appliances and cable listed domestic production. Products from foreign branded manufacturers can cost much more.

Many, trying to save money, purchase sensors and other devices on their own. This is not recommended for a number of reasons. Firstly, security organizations purchase technical equipment at a discount, and they will also cost less to the customer. Secondly, everything that is offered by the security structure, tested and certified, and if you buy it yourself, you can buy a defective product.

The cost of electrical work

The cost of construction and installation work, for different companies, can differ markedly, therefore, before concluding an agreement, it makes sense to get acquainted with the prices and warranty obligations various firms and only then make your choice.

The cost of some construction works:

  • Drilling one hole - 10-20 rubles
  • The passage of a through channel in the wall up to 10 cm with a drill with a diameter of 20 mm - 100 rubles
  • The passage of a through channel in the wall from 10 to 50 cm with a drill with a diameter of 20 mm - 500 rubles
  • Chasing the wall, depending on the material - 200-400 rubles
  • Laying one meter cable channel– from 50 rubles

Electric installation work:

  • Laying one meter of cable open way- from 20 rubles
  • Laying one meter of cable in the channel - from 15 rubles
  • Mounting and connecting the sensor - from 200 to 350 rubles
  • Installation, connection and configuration of the main unit - from 2,300 to 3,500 rubles

Examples of estimates for a burglar alarm one-room apartment, area 35 m 2 .

  • Project and wiring diagram– 2,100 rubles
  • magnetic contact sensors front door and two windows - 690 rubles
  • Three IR volumetric sensors (cost and installation) - 1710 rubles
  • Single-loop control panel "Quartz" - 2,250 rubles
  • Siren - 350 rubles

To the amount of 7,100 rubles, you need to add the cost of the cable and fasteners. Thus, the cost of an autonomous burglar alarm small apartment, can cost about 8,000 rubles. Prices are approximate, but the order allows you to draw certain conclusions, and.

There are quite a lot of ready-made estimates posted on the Internet today, so it’s not difficult to download a LAN to the OPS. All examples of estimates can be divided into several types of calculations:

- estimate for installation security and fire alarm ;

- // - setting of technical means;

Commissioning works at established OPS facilities;

Repair and Maintenance operating equipment.

To draw up estimates for the installation of fire and security equipment, connection and connection of devices, installation collections of territorial or general elemental standards in part 8, 10 or 11 are used according to the existing specification or project for the fire protection system. If the structure of section 8 is described in sufficient detail in the example of an estimate for the production of electrical work, then about the 10th and 11th parts, containing most of the prices for the installation of fire and security alarms, you can read in general provisions to these collections. Thus, the standards for the installation of communication equipment take into account the costs of setting up, adjusting and installing antennas, feeder devices, painting auxiliary structures and so on. In addition, usually for collections for electrical installation (electrical installations), the costs of laying cable products, grounding, as well as material resources specified in the annexes to the sections. At the same time, non-standardized resources are averaged in the list of resources at around 2% of the wages of workers. Section 8 of the collection for the installation of communication equipment is used to assess the funds for the production of works on the installation of devices, not including the costs of manufacturing and fastening incomplete structures to receiving and control devices, protecting interlocking cables with surfaces with their color, the operation of the lifting mechanism when installing detectors and sensors on height. Commissioning of the security and fire alarm system, consisting of on-site signaling devices and receiving control devices, taken into account in part 2 for commissioning automated systems management.

According to the standards of part 10 of the collections, the following installation can be marked on construction and installation works:

Object, launching and signal reception and control devices: base blocks for a different number of beams, intermediate devices;

Automatic fire alarm detectors: electrical and magnetic contact, thermal, photoelectric, smoke, light;

Burglar alarm detectors: magnetic and shock-contact window or door, electromagnetic;

Object signaling devices: capacitive, ultrasonic, photo- and opto-electric devices with separately installed power supplies, transducers or receivers, adjustable and fixed reflectors;

Structures for OPS devices.

Laying wires on wooden, metal, concrete foundations for security and fire alarm systems it is made at the prices of table 10-08-005.

Part 11 considers the work on the installation of structures for instruments and actuators, desktop and floor equipment, and devices installed on flanged and threaded connections, shields, consoles, metal structures. For wiring in consoles and switchboards, the standards of department 6 are used, for connecting cables to devices - department 8 of the same collection.

For example, we will draw up an estimate for the installation of a fire alarm system with the connection of a set of detectors, a remote control, auxiliary devices, laying of cable products and additional works on electrical installation.

Sample estimate for the fire alarm system (connection of fire and security alarm devices).

Rationale Name Qty. Main salary EkMash W/n Fur Total
TERm11-04-005-01 Installing a remote control weighing up to 300 kg PCS. 145,44 109,91 4,46 312,64
509-4291 Security and fire control panel PCS. 5548,93
TERM10-08-001-06 Installation of alarm, receiving and control devices (base unit) PCS. 38,74 0,22 44,09
509-4297 Block S2000-KPB PCS. 2306,07
TERM10-04-087-14 Digital Recording Devices PCS. 58,24 0.00 0.00 62,58
509-4294 Indication (control) block 1 PC. 0,00 0.00 0.00 3719,85
TERm10-02-016-06 Separate power supplies 1 PC. 89,89 50,49 3,4 177,22
TSC-509-1810 Accumulator battery for 12V battery-12 1 PC. 0,00 0.00 0.00 255,55
509-4553 RIP (backup power supply) PCS. 0,00 0.00 0.00 3697,15
TERm08-03-526-01 1-, 2-, 3-pole circuit breaker on the wall PCS. 11,9 0.76 0.00 81,19
TSC-509-2227 Circuit breaker VA47-29 single-pole PCS. 0,00 0.00 0.00 13,4
TERm10-08-002-02 Automatic fire alarm switch (photoelectric, light, smoke) PCS. 12,97 0.22 0.00 15,11 509-3780 Fire smoke detector PCS. 0.00 0.00 655,14 TERm08-02-390-01 Laying of a plastic box up to 40 mm 124,29 29.9 0.09 175,75 509-1830 Cable channel 20x10 0.00 0.00 10,87 TERm08-02-409-01 Laying of vinyl plastic pipes with brackets on the walls d=25 m 179,69 55,12 1,14 1055,46 500-9450 Smooth PVC pipe for electrical wiring d=16 mm m 0.00 0.00 5,46 TERM08-03-573-05 Installation wall cabinet(remote) control m 18,87 58,47 3,49 81,44 KP Shield SHMP 800x650x250 m 0.00 0.00 861,75 TERm08-02-397-01 Perforated profile gasket 2 m long 80,79 103,67 3,42 561,75 KP Galvanized DIN rail PCS. 0.00 0.00 7,75 TERM08-02-399-01 Wire laying in boxes up to 6 mm2 m 26,58 2,46 0,1 108,53 KP Cable VVGng FRLS 3*1.5 m 0.00 0.00 7,22

The presented example of an estimate for the installation of security and fire systems shows the algorithm for the production of installation and configuration of control and receiving devices with output to the control panel of the cabinet design. Competent local estimates on the OPS, compiled on the basis of a project or specification, should be made according to the current collections of territorial (TER, or FER / GESN) standards, adjusted for clarifying factors from the applications and general parts of the current estimated pricing base.