Analog ops. Security and fire systems: modern solutions for device integration. The principle of operation of combined detectors

Nowadays, modern security systems create comfortable conditions in all areas of human life. One of the key components of systems of this kind is the security and fire alarm. The installation of fire alarm systems is a prerequisite for ensuring the safety of any object: whether it is a large industrial complex, a shopping center or a country house. Fire and security alarms will help prevent material and human losses in the event of an emergency.

INFOTECH LLC is a team of professionals. We provide a high-quality full-cycle service for the installation of alarm systems: design, installation and maintenance. Our company has everything you need to fulfill your order: reliable equipment, high-level specialists and rich experience in installing such systems. The main goal is the high-quality work of all components of the fire alarm system being created at your facility. We are responsible for conscientious installation with our reputation.

Design and calculation of fire alarm systems correctly!

Our advantages

Free visit to inspect the facility in Moscow and the Moscow Region
Free preparation of a commercial offer based on the developed project
Efficiency - from your first call to the start of installation work from 3 to 5 days

According to the current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety, almost all public, industrial and administrative buildings and structures are equipped with fire safety systems. The security and fire alarm system, together with organizational measures, helps to quickly localize the source of fire, thereby saving lives and property. First, consider what tasks the OPS system solves:

1. fast detection of the place of ignition;
2. prompt notification of people about the danger that has arisen;
3. transmission of control signals to automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems;
4. transmission of relevant messages to interested persons or services.

To date, OPS systems are divided into the following types:

1. Conventional (traditional) fire alarm system;
2. Address-threshold fire alarm system;
3. Analog addressable fire alarm system.

Address-analogue systems are divided according to the type of installation: wired and wireless. Wired systems are considered more reliable, because. do not depend on the influence of frequency interference of the transmitted signal from detectors and control devices.

Structural diagram of the fire alarm system using the equipment of the NVP "Bolid" as an example:

Fire alarm system

Let us consider in more detail each type of fire alarm. Let's start with the conventional (traditional) system.

Often non-address systems are used in small and medium-sized facilities. Due to the small amount of equipment, these systems are relatively inexpensive. The devices use a modern digital signal processing algorithm, which can significantly increase the reliability of the received signals from the detectors, and as a result, the probability of false alarms is reduced, but it must be taken into account that detectors operating in a non-address system do not provide an adequate level of reliability. The principle of operation is approximately the following: control panels determine the state of the alarm loop by two static states: “normal” and “fire”. When the detector generates a "Fire" notification, the current in the alarm loop changes.

When the reliability criterion for issuing an alarm message at an object comes to the fore, it is necessary to install an address-threshold or address-analogue system. At small and medium-sized objects, it is advisable to use threshold-address systems that combine the advantages of analog-address and traditional systems. The main difference between the address-threshold alarm system and the non-address one is in the topology of the circuit construction and the algorithm for polling the detectors. The control panel polls the connected fire detectors cyclically to ascertain their status. At the same time, each detector in the loop has its own unique address and can already be in several static states: “normal”, “fire”, “malfunction”, “attention”, “dusty”, etc. In this case, the detector independently makes a decision on the transition to another state. Unlike traditional systems, such a polling algorithm allows you to accurately determine the location of the fire to the detector.

To date, addressable analog systems are the most progressive and reliable. They do not have the disadvantages inherent in non-address and address-threshold systems. Most often, these systems are used in medium and large objects. The advantages of installing analog addressable systems are obvious: free topology plus the ability to determine the location of a line break (this is essential for long cable routes). In such systems, the decision on the state of the protected object is made by the control device, and not by the detector. In the configuration of the control panel, for each connected addressable device, the response thresholds ("Normal", "Attention" and "Fire") are set. This allows you to clearly form the operating modes of the fire alarm for a particular room. The monitoring device constantly polls the connected detectors and analyzes the obtained values, comparing them with the threshold values ​​set in its configuration. It is desirable to make the topology of the address line ring. This is necessary so that in the event of a break in the cable route with detectors, the entire system retains its operability, since it simply breaks up into two radial independent loops. All these advantages of the analog addressable system provide early fire detection and reduce false alarms.

Separately, we note the radio channel systems of the OPS. These systems or its elements are in demand at those facilities where it is not possible to lay wires. Often, the security and fire alarm system existing at the facility is supplemented in the future with radio channel elements of the system. Recently, there has been a sharp jump in the level of development of the element base responsible for transmitting and receiving signals over a radio channel. Reliability and service life of devices of radio channel systems meet modern requirements for reliability and noise immunity. Installation of radio channel signaling requires significantly less material costs due to the absence of the need to lay cable routes. On the other hand, the cost of the radio channel devices themselves is higher than their wired counterparts, and the system commissioning procedure is more laborious due to the impossibility of accurately calculating the interference situation at the facility and the non-linear dependence of the signal level in the radio channel on the parameters of the supporting structures of the building. Also, the cost of maintaining a radio channel system is more expensive, due to the need for periodic replacement of batteries.

Protect your business from fire
A reliable fire alarm system is a guarantee of the safety of any enterprise and its employees. The fire safety system "Caesar Satellite" is able to recognize the slightest signs of smoke and fire. Information about the incident is received by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 11 seconds. Emergency services will arrive at the scene in minutes.

Smoke detector

temperature sensor

fire siren

Alarm button


Smoke detector

Recognizes even minimal smoke.

temperature sensor

Designed to detect the fire factor - heat. Estimates the temperature value and its rise

fire siren

A device for alerting a fire alarm at an object using sound signals.

Alarm button

Provides the ability to report a fire when the main sensors are turned off. In case of fire, open the cover of the device and press the button to switch the system to the "Alarm" mode.

  • Design The security alarm engineer visits the site and takes measurements. The list of necessary equipment and the scheme of its location during installation is specified.
  • Installation A team of engineers performs the installation of a security system according to a project agreed with the customer, taking into account all applicable requirements and standards.
  • Maintenance and modernization Preventive and warranty service, checking all settings and system performance, proposals for equipment upgrades.

Fire protection

24/7 fire alarm monitoring

Acoustic evacuation signal when sensors are triggered

Fire extinguishing system

Responsible for staff safety

Preserving client property

Emergency response

In 11 seconds information about the incident is broadcast to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Prompt arrival at the scene

Elimination of the source of ignition at an early stage

Technical support and service

Over 40 service engineers

Departure to the object for warranty and preventive maintenance

Maintaining System Health

Modernization and replacement of equipment

International and state certification

Licenses of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and certificate of SRO for the provision of services

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certificate

Thatcham international certification since 2006

We provide fire safety in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Fire alarm "Caesar Satellite"

No matter how new the repair in your house is, no matter how much the office rent costs, even if you are sure that the premises have high-quality wiring, no one is insured against spontaneous combustion or accident. The only way to eliminate the emergency consequences of a short circuit or fire is to install a fire alarm with console protection.

How a fire alarm works: installation and installation

A fire protection system is not an ordinary alarm that reacts to the presence of smoke in a room. This is a complex project that consists of several mandatory steps:

  • Design. Our experts evaluate the features of the premises, access to communications, potential ways of spreading fire and smoke in order to respond to the threat as soon as possible and minimize the consequences of fire, as well as prevent any damage. For each object in Moscow, a fire alarm system is installed taking into account the established safety standards and GOSTs.
  • Implementation. In order not to distract you from everyday worries and not change your schedule, all work on the installation of sensors and signal transmission systems is carried out in a short time. Most often, our specialists hand over to the customer a room with a functioning security and fire alarm within 3 hours after arriving at the facility. As a result, sensors have been installed throughout the building that respond to smoke and sound signals to warn of the need to evacuate people from the premises.
  • Service. The fire alarm is active 24 hours a day. All this time, the dispatcher is watching her, and in the event of an emergency situation, a signal about a potential danger will be sent to the control panel. The regulated response time to a threat is a few seconds. This is enough for the operator to report the threat to the services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as to send a rapid response team to the scene. A trained crew, even before the arrival of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, begins to eliminate the causes of fire and evacuate valuables.

Advantages of the fire alarm "Caesar Satellite":

  • for 17 years of work we received 1,500 positive customer reviews and thank you letters and not a single complaint about employee negligence or system failure;
  • the staff employs 40 service engineers, has its own training center, where employees regularly improve their skills;
  • all processes comply with ISO 9001 standards, there is a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the provision of services;
  • in addition, a direct contract with the Ministry of Emergency Situations confirms the highest quality of service and the effectiveness of certified fire alarm systems.

The cost of the fire alarm "Caesar Satellite"

The price of a fire alarm system depends on the configuration. For maximum reliability and awareness, Caesar Satellite specialists offer installation of wireless equipment with connection of equipment to a mobile application on your smartphone. The price of installation and maintenance depends on the area of ​​the room and the number of sensors.

To order the installation and maintenance of a fire alarm, so as not to worry about the safety of important documents and valuables, in order to know at any time that your property is safe, leave a request on our website. The manager will call you back and help you choose the best set of equipment in terms of cost and efficiency.

Fire is a terrible element that claims thousands of lives every year. No less problem is the protection of property of organizations, enterprises and individuals. To prevent casualties, death and theft of material assets, fire alarm systems or, in short, fire alarm systems, are installed at the facilities. With the help of its technical and hardware means, a fire alarm system is used to prevent and minimize the losses of enterprises and organizations. With this approach, in addition to timely notification, the fact, place and time of violation of the protected zone is additionally recorded.

Functions of modern OPS:

  • Perimeter security;
  • Fire warning;
  • Call for help (alarm function);
  • Warning about some emergencies in the life support systems of buildings (gas leak, water supply, etc.).

The installation of a fire alarm is prescribed by the law on fire safety, the installation of a security alarm at the facility is most often a mandatory requirement of enterprises providing security services, as well as insurance companies.

Development, design, installation and maintenance of a fire alarm system of any generation is one of the most demanded services of our company GEFEST-ALARM LLC.

What is a fire alarm system for?

As mentioned above, the purpose of the fire alarm is to timely notify the responsible personnel and people at the facility about emergency situations, such as a fire or violation of the perimeter. This is one of the oldest, most effective and well-established security systems.

Combining security and fire alarms into one system is caused by purely economic considerations. After all, security and fire systems have much in common, except for the obvious purpose of saving lives and property. These are identical communication channels, algorithms for processing information coming from sensors, sending alarms and signals, and many technical means are similar.

Composition and means of security and fire alarms

Technical means of security and fire alarms are quite diverse. The composition of the modern OPS includes the following tools and components.

  • Sensors and alarms, the purpose of which is to react (automatically trigger) to a given alarm event. They are infrared, vibration, optical, vibration, etc.
  • Communication lines - wired and wireless, including via the Internet;
  • Receiving and control devices (PKP, "controllers") - the purpose of this FPS tool is to receive and process, according to the specified algorithms, the signals from the sensors and control the actuators, that is, turn the sensors on and off if they work falsely, turn on the alert and etc.
  • Executive devices - their purpose is to perform a given work. This means giving a signal, dialing emergency numbers, activating other systems, such as fire extinguishing or smoke extraction.

Modern fire and security alarm systems include complex electronic components, and they are often controlled by a computer, so they also include software.

Varieties of fire and security alarm systems

There are also quite a few varieties of OPS currently used. According to the principle of action, they can be divided into 3 main categories:

  • Non-address (analogue) fire and security alarm systems are currently used mainly at small facilities; when one sensor is triggered, a signal is sent along the entire cable;
  • Targeted alarm systems allow you to determine the place of fire or violation of the perimeter according to communication protocols, there are interrogatory and non-interrogatory;
  • Combined OPS systems are the most common due to the universality of the price of funds and components.

Employees of Gefest-Alarm LLC have extensive experience in designing and installing fire and security alarm systems and means, we can implement and help coordinate any fire alarm systems at various scale objects in the regulatory authorities. All necessary permits for such work, we offer warranty and post-warranty service.

Fire and security alarm systems are today a necessary element of security in commercial and industrial premises, as well as in private facilities. The systems are designed to effectively help save lives, protect property from fire and theft.

Modern fire and security alarm systems

The security system is a complete solution with two functional elements - security and fire department alarm. This system allows you to detect the source of fire at the initial stage, process and transmit the information received. The system includes:

  • fire detection sensors,
  • Remote Control,
  • communication lines.

The system requires an uninterrupted power supply, as well as an audible fire alarm to signal a fire to the control panel and alert people who are in the building.

These systems are focused on use in offices, administrative institutions, industrial premises, trading floors, as well as in houses and apartments.

Ordering a solution for your facility

In Shop 01 you can buy security and fire alarms in Moscow. We offer you a wide range of quality solutions: security, fire detectors, radio channel systems, warning and broadcasting devices, as well as explosion-proof equipment, receiving and control devices, power supplies.

Our consultants will assist in the selection of the device for the maximum solution to your problem. We also offer professional installation of fire alarm systems at the customer's site.

To ask any clarifying questions about products, find out the price of an automatic security and fire alarm or make a profitable order, please contact us by contact phone.