Panic button (PTS) for burglar alarms. Installing and connecting the panic button What if you accidentally press the panic button

1. Employees of the Kola SKOSHI use the alarm button in case of a threat of a terrorist act, theft of material assets, or an attack.

2. Alarm test:

2.1. It is necessary to check the operability of the communication button with the duty officer of the private security control panel daily. On even days of the week, check the operability of stationary alarm buttons. On odd days of the week, check the performance of wearable alarm buttons (key fobs) held by duty administrators and teachers.

2.2. The operability of the alarm button is checked by employees during the shift of duty.

2.3. To check the functionality of the alarm button, you need to call the remote control, give the control number, the name of the organization and your last name, inform about the scheduled check, with the permission of the on-duty remote control, press the alarm button, find out about the test result from the on-duty remote control, after passing the signal, press the button key.

2.4. After checking the operability of the alarm button, the intervening employee of the boarding school is obliged to make an appropriate entry in the Log for checking the operability of alarm means.

2.5. The time for checking the alarm operability button is determined by the order of the head of the educational institution.

4. In case of false pressing it is necessary to urgently call the control panel on the alarm button, give the control number, last name and report a false press.

5. In the event of a malfunction of the alarm button, you must report by phone.


This instruction was developed on the basis of federal laws "On countering terrorism" dated 06.03.2006 No. 35-FZ, "On countering extremism" dated 07.25.2002 No. 114-FZ in order to ensure anti-terrorist protection of students, employees and educational institutions when public events and public holidays.
1. Not later than seven days before the start of the event:

1.1. Joint commissions with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Fire Protection Service, who ensure the protection of the Shelter, carry out an inspection of the security in the Shelter, the serviceability of life support systems, the condition of fire-fighting equipment. Pay special attention to the condition of emergency exits, entrances to basements and attics, to the serviceability of locking devices (document the results of the check with an act). Eliminate the identified deficiencies no later than three days before the start of the event (holidays).

1.2. Inform the territorial departments of state fire supervision about the holding of a mass event.

1.3. Organize interaction with the local police department on the approach of patrol routes to the OS on holidays and send applications for the allocation of police officers to the OS for the duration of the mass event.

1.4. Bring to the local police department information about the presence of abandoned, dismantled vehicles and unauthorized parking of vehicles near the territories of the Shelter.

1.5. Coordinate the scenario of holding a mass event, where fireworks are planned to be used, with the inspector of the State Fire Supervision Authority in charge of the OS.

1.6. Prohibit construction, repair and maintenance work in the building and on the adjacent territory during a mass event and on holidays.

1.7. Prohibit the use of open fire during a mass event (holidays); fireworks and non-industrial electrical equipment.

1.8. With the introduction of a special access regime and (or) the operating mode of the educational institution for a given period, bring these changes to all employees, students and their parents.

1.9. Take additional security measures provided for in the Security Passport (anti-terrorist security).

1.10. To oblige security personnel on holidays to bypass the territory of the OS and check the entrances to the basement and attic premises at least twice a day.

1.11. Appoint persons responsible for the organized conduct of the event both directly in the institution and outside it, as well as additional duty officers of the educational institution.

1.12. Approve the duty schedule of the administration during the mass event, bring it to the attention of those on duty against signature and put it in the folder of the security worker.

1.13. Conduct briefings for those responsible for organizing a mass event.

1.14. Instruct OS personnel on their actions in case of detection of explosive devices, hostage-taking and other emergencies. If necessary, clarify the plan for organizing the security of the institution during a mass event. To check the provision of OS duty officers with telephones for operational communication with duty services that ensure the operation of OS equipment and life support systems.

1.15. Instruct students on the rules of conduct, on the observance of precautionary measures and ensuring personal and collective safety in the venues of the event.

1.16. Check organization of OS security; implementation of organizational and technical measures for the maintenance of fences, entrances to the territory and buildings; condition of fire fighting equipment; functioning of alarm buttons for an emergency call to the police; pass state. Clarify the communication procedure, forces and means allocated to the local police department to enhance patrolling near the OS.

1.17. Check the availability of documentation at the security post and with the administrator on duty (if a shortage is found, complete the additional staffing no later than 3 days before the start of the mass event (holidays)).

1.18. Issue an order “On ensuring the safety of the OS during a mass event (on holidays).
2. Three days before the start of the event:

2.1. Carry out a control check of the implementation of security measures in preparation for a mass event or on the eve of holidays (according to the results of the check, draw up the readiness of the educational institution for the event by the relevant act).

3. Before the start of the event:

3.1. Provide disposal of household waste.

3.2. All premises that are not used during the event, close, seal and prevent unauthorized people from staying in them.

3.3. Responsible persons conduct an additional inspection of the premises and venues of the event for their safety (absence of explosive and other suspicious objects, substances); if necessary, professional inspection and verification of the venues of the mass event, invite police officers with representatives of the cynological service.

3.4. Enforce access control.
4. During the event and holidays:

4.1. Ensure compliance with the access control and operating conditions of the OS.

4.2. Ensure the duty of the administration and employees of the OS.

4.3. In case of detection of foreign objects, the appearance of suspicious persons and all other emergencies, immediately inform the duty officer of the Municipal Education Management Authority and the local police department.


Specific deadlines, as well as a list of measures for anti-terrorist protection in preparation for holding a mass event, are determined by regional and (or) municipal legislation, as well as local acts of an educational institution.

For emergencies, the panic button is the most indispensable type of burglar alarm. Her virtues:

  • The panic button is connected in the police department, private security company or private security to the remote control
  • The panic button is invisible to strangers - it cannot be turned off or damaged without knowing its location
  • Signals from the panic button to the security console are received directly and instantly, without delay
  • You can place the panic button anywhere - under the table or on the wall

There are three ways to activate the panic button: by pressing your hand, pressing your foot (in the form of a pedal), using the control panel (it is made in various forms convenient for you). In 2-3 minutes after activating the panic button, an armed detachment arrives at the protected object.

In fact, the panic button looks like a regular button, usually red. Her feature is that she is invisible. The button is installed so that it is in the access zone of the responsible person for timely pressing, but at the same time it cannot be pressed accidentally.

Where should the panic button be installed?

Setting the panic button needed where there are visitors day or night. That is almost everywhere. It is necessary just in case of a robbery in the presence of staff in the institution. Of course, it won't come in handy when robbing. And that's where it's needed:

  • Bars, restaurants, cafes
  • Museums, auctions and exhibitions
  • Branches and departments of banks
  • The shops
  • Warehouses
  • Educational institutions and kindergartens
  • Amusement parks
  • Palaces of Culture
  • Any enclosed space intended for the accumulation of many people

Mounting a panic button it is not necessary to conduct only where there is a turnover of money. In our time, in addition to raids for the purpose of robbery, unfortunately, acts of vandalism and, God forbid, terrorism are also committed. So any room for business, trade, sports, taxi fleet should be equipped with an alarm button. It is useless to expect that troubles will bypass an unprotected enterprise, because you don’t want to spend money on connecting an alarm button. And the crime reports of the Metropolitan Police confirm this.

Installing a panic button - how does it work?

To ensure your safety and install an alarm button, decide which organization will be responsible for protecting your facility. Police? Any CHOP? Or maybe private security in your neighborhood?

Then you need to determine whether you will buy the equipment for mounting the panic button yourself, or choose from those offered by the security company.

After - you need to write a statement. To do this, just fill out a short questionnaire on the Okhrana-MSK website, or dial the hotline number. You will find the number on the website.

You and a consultant accepting applications for the provision of security services will determine the time when specialists from the technical department will inspect your premises. There, on site, they will develop the best and most convenient plan for the location of the alarm button, the central control and button settings, and calculate the exact cost of services.

And after the conclusion of the contract, the alarm button will be installed at your facility, its operation will be checked, and you and your employees will listen to the detailed instructions for operating the alarm button.

Mounting and connection of the panic button - price

The cost may vary slightly, based on the size of your premises, location and many technical parameters of the entire building. The average cost for legal entities is as follows:

  • The alarm button itself with installation and installation - from 6000 rubles
  • Panic button maintenance - from 4000 per month

Please note that usually a panic button is part of an entire alarm network. And very rarely installed alone, without additional sensors. Check with the security department for this.

Our advantages - Your benefit

So that your security does not become a problem for your budget, we are ready to provide you for free:

  • Analysis and selection of an alarm system and a panic button - so that you get the most reliable equipment without losing money and time
  • Mounting and installation of all components of the panic button
  • Depending on the configuration of the system you choose, you will receive either absolutely free of charge or with savings of up to 15,000 rubles.
  • In case of damage or expansion of the number of sensors or replacement of the panic button - reinstallation at our expense

So you can get confidence in security and peace of mind for your business, saving 50% of all expenses! And get a panic button with round-the-clock security, instant response of the security team to the signal of the panic button and daily remote monitoring of your premises.

An alarm system is one of the simplest and cheapest types of security systems. It is used for a timely signal to the authorities that can ensure the safety of the object if it is attacked by intruders or hooligans. Turning the system on and off manually is done by employees of the enterprise or the head of security. This is used in financial institutions where constant monitoring of employees and the cash desk is required. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to control visitors.

General information

The KTS alarm button should be placed away from the eyes of customers, as criminals can remember its location and use this information for personal gain. At the same time, its location should not interfere with the use by company employees if necessary. After pressing the alarm button, the signal goes directly to the security service, where specialists monitor it around the clock. Investigators are immediately dispatched to the scene. The alarm button is used as a security system in small organizations that have just opened and do not have the opportunity to use more serious methods of protection against criminals.

Main types

Alarms are divided into the following types:

  • Compact fixtures for classic concealed installation.
  • Devices installed in the public domain, while hiding behind other interior elements. This type is divided into two subspecies: simple devices that disguise themselves as common items, and exclusive devices manufactured in accordance with the personal preferences of the client. On exclusive buttons the firm logo of the company is applied.
  • Panic button - security alarm of a new type (attached to jewelry, watches or key rings).
  • Combined models - designed to prevent false calls. In such devices, a signal will be sent to the security console if both buttons are pressed.

Important! When using wireless devices, it is important to consider its range. You should also think about the placement in advance, as some construction materials can drown out the signal.

Where is it applied?

There are many types of alarm buttons on the market. The principle of operation is based on signal transmission by a switching mechanism - this applies to mobile devices. If a conventional wired system is used, then the alarm module first perceives the alarm signal, after which the information is sent to the dispatcher console. A few minutes later, the security service arrives at the scene.

The KTS is equipped with a transmitter, the operation of which depends on the GSM band. They are widely used due to their coverage area as well as easy installation and maintenance. Of the negative aspects, it is worth highlighting the dependence on the mobile operator and the possibility of signal jamming by criminals who use special devices. Additional devices are connected to amplify the signal and range.

The burglar alarm system can have a different structure, which depends on the object where it is required to be installed:

  1. Financial institutions (banks and pawnshops) - KTS is installed without fail and affects the overall security of the institution. In some cases, the button is provided with additional functions, such as closing windows and doors.
  2. Hangar or warehouse - depending on the goods in the warehouse. KTS can function together with an evacuation warning system or video surveillance.
  3. A house or apartment - it is not advisable to install such a system. It is used when the communication line is connected with the security service.
  4. Cottage or garage - the alarm system functions together with a GSM modem.

Burglar Alarm and Panic Alarm - Main Differences

The security system is based on the performance of actions that have been pre-programmed. In the event of a break-in or other violations, a signal is sent to the dispatcher on the console.

An emergency alarm allows a person to independently send a signal for help. These systems are installed in almost all small shops, which allows you to call for help in case of an attack.

Advantages of application

Ready-made devices are much cheaper than burglar or fire alarms. Standard alarms can be installed without problems on your own. It will take several days to install a more serious system.

These devices show high efficiency in the protection of an object with a large quadrature and with a complex arrangement of rooms.

Most requested types

The Ep-6216 alarm system performs the functions of warning during the evacuation of the population. For its functioning, it is necessary to purchase an additional controller with 5 linear inputs.

The block performs the following functions:

  • when a fire is detected, a video recording from the place of fire is turned on and a text or sound alert is issued;
  • when connected to a digital tape recorder, you can play alarm messages;
  • the presence of a self-checking function.

Alarm HS-R1 is used to protect the premises. Due to the high frequency, the range is about 150 m. Several key fobs are included in the package. The first performs the function of a radio receiver, and the alarm is directly connected to the second. HS-R1 can switch various electrical appliances: lighting, gate and door opening, heating system, etc.

Alarm KNF1 - is used to transmit a signal to the dispatching security console. The signal travels through the cables. It is triggered after a violation of the loop contacts.

KTS (panic alarm) is used as a security device that can be controlled from a distance. It will help prevent fire, attack by criminals and other unpleasant situations. After pressing the button, a rapid reaction squad arrives at the place. Therefore, its installation is essential in many facilities.

Stationary devices

Stationary alarms are an electrical device that is freely accessible to personnel, away from the eyes of visitors and criminals. As a rule, they are mounted behind the counter, near the cash register or exit. The signal is transmitted to the control panel via a special communication line. Stationary KTS may refer to the fire system, while it is installed in a conspicuous place.

The signal is transmitted by pressing the button with your hand or foot. Due to various design features, the alarm system is available with and without fixation.

To return the button to its original position, you must enter a special code. It should be known to authorized employees of the company, in most cases these are security representatives.

Mobile devices

Such compact devices are popular, since you can set an alarm from anywhere. This is due to the radio signal and cellular communication. The alarm range is less than 100 meters. In the second case, it is limited to the coverage area of ​​the network operator. Mobile KTS must be kept by the head of security or other authorized person.

Thanks to these buttons, you can send a signal to the security console remotely. Now, in case of an incident, you do not need to run to the destination and press the button.


Maintenance of an alarm system does not take too much time and a lot of professionals. The only ones who "attach" to it are the installers, the person who monitors the signal, and a group of security guards. They are already directly involved in the protection of the facility and the capture of criminals or hooligans who attempted to attack the enterprise.


To prevent various incidents and crimes, an alarm button is installed. When the CTS is turned on, a signal is sent to the dispatcher console. Then, within a few minutes, a task force arrives at the facility. This device is installed in stores, financial institutions, warehouses, etc. It must not be visible to the visitor. Only employees of the organization should know about its existence.

In order for the panic button to really become useful, it is necessary to make the right choice and configure it for a specific room. The most popular device is the mobile panic button. Thanks to it, you can give an alarm signal regardless of location. Maintenance of an alarm system does not take much time and effort. It can easily be performed by a company that specializes in this industry. The main advantages of KTS: ease of installation, long range, simple maintenance, protection from incidents.

If there is doubt about the ability of an organization to allocate an amount of money for a good security system, then there is nothing better than an alarm button. The most important thing is that the object will be guarded at any time of the day.

Annex to the contract No. ___ dated "___" _______________ 200_.

The alarm button (PTS) is designed to prevent crimes by transmitting an "ALARM" signal and an emergency call to a police squad. The departure of the police squad, when the CCC is triggered, is carried out within the period of time agreed by the parties, according to the annex to the contract (list of services).

The operability of the CTS is controlled by a daily check before starting work with a mandatory mark in a separate log “Checking the CTS)”, the log indicates: the time of the check, the number of the operator who received the control signal when checking its operability, the result of the check. Checking the operation of the alarm pedal is carried out in the following order:

Before starting work, call the duty officer at the central monitoring station (CMS) at tel. _________, provide the address of the object, name;

Warn the officer on duty about the control check of the operability of the CTC;

Press KTS;

Make an entry in the log of the time of the control check, note the time and number of the operator who received the control signal. In order to avoid accidental triggering, do not touch the CTS unnecessarily, do not disclose information about the number assigned to the monitoring station and the time of protection of the object.

Memo "If you find a suspicious (explosive) object"

Signs of explosive objects can be:

An ownerless bag, briefcase, box, bundle, detail, any object found at school, in the entrance, at the door of the apartment, under the stairs, in the car and public transport;

Stretched wire or cord;

Wires or electrical tape hanging from under the machine.

Remember that ordinary household items are used as cover, disguise for explosive devices: bags, packages, bundles, boxes, toys, etc.

In all of the above cases, you must:

Do not touch, do not open, do not shift the find;

Move to a safe distance;

Report the find to the teacher, parents, police officer, driver, train driver.

When entering the entrance of the house, always pay attention to ownerless items. Don't touch them! Report them to the police!

Memo "If you are taken hostage"

Get a hold of yourself, calm down and don't panic.

If you've been tied up or your eyes closed, try to relax, breathe deeper.

Don't try to run if there is no complete confidence in the success of the escape.

Remember how can more information about terrorists, their number, degree of armament, features of appearance, topics of conversation.

Detailed information will help later in identifying the terrorists.

On various grounds try to find your location.

Be sure that the police and special services are taking the necessary measures for your release.

Relationships with kidnappers

From the very beginning (especially the first half hour) fulfill all orders of the kidnappers.

Take a position of passive cooperation.

Do not offer aggressive resistance, do not provoke terrorists for reckless actions.

If you have health problems, declare this in a calm manner to the people who captured you.

Be calm while maintaining self-esteem.

Panic button (PTC) for burglar alarms is a security tool designed to remotely call security officers in case of an emergency (robbery, fire, inappropriate behavior of visitors, etc.).

First responders arrive at the site within minutes of activating the button. With the help of such security elements, you can significantly reduce the number of unpleasant situations and prevent emergencies at a protected facility.

The principle of operation of the CTC

Today, this method of protecting the object is one of the most popular. It is installed in offices, industrial plants, homes, etc.

This device allows you to urgently call firefighters or security services to the facility.

To activate the CTS, it is necessary that a person click on it. This should be done when he is fully convinced of the presence of a potential danger and he needs the help of the relevant services.

The CTS is an electromechanical device that provides continuous communication with fire services and rapid response teams. This is precisely its main function.

The button must be activated in the event of an emergency at the facility. When you press the device, the signal from it is sent to the alarm unit, and from there it is sent to the nearest guard line or to the fire station control panel.

The panic button consists of the following elements:

  1. Pay.
  2. Indicator.
  3. Button.
  4. Battery.

Interesting to know!

It is easy to silence a mobile panic button; attackers use special “Graber” devices that allow you to suppress the radio signal at almost any frequency. At serious protected objects, stationary devices are most often preferred.

Types of KTS

Modern fire and burglar alarms may include various types of panic buttons. All of them can be divided into 2 categories:


Stationary KTS is an electromechanical module installed in such a place that employees can quickly and easily reach it. Most often, it is mounted in the checkout area, near the exit, under the counter, etc.

Signal transmission from such panic buttons is carried out via a wired line. If the KTS is part of the fire safety system, then it should be clearly visible. In the case of a burglar alarm, it must be placed in the most secretive place.

Stationary buttons can have a foot or manual drive. According to their constructive solution, they are divided into buttons with and without fixation. In the first case, the button will be in an activated state until someone moves it to its original position. This is done with a special key.


Portable CTS is a compact mobile device. You can activate it anywhere. For signal transmission, a cellular connection or a radio channel is used.

The range of the button in the first case is limited only by the coverage area of ​​the operator providing cellular services, and in the second, its range is about 100 m.

Portable KTS allow you to send an alarm signal remotely. This greatly saves the time it takes to get to its location.

Use of CTC

The design of Astra panic buttons or any other models provides for a switching mechanism, after exposure to which an alarm is sent.

Video: Panic button Astra RK. Principle of operation.

In the case of a wired line, the signal will be electrical. It will go to the electronic module, and from there - to the control panel of the special services.

The GSM button is equipped with a special transmitter. Its work is carried out in the GSM-band. The advantages of such devices include ease of installation and a large coverage area.

If necessary, with the help of special equipment, it is possible to amplify the transmitted signal. Disadvantages of mobile CTS: dependence on the quality of mobile communications, the possibility of blocking the signal by intruders.

Radio channel KTS also transmits an alarm signal remotely. It differs from GSM devices in that its operation does not depend on the cellular network. Also, the radio channel is more secure. It is more difficult to interrupt or drown out.


Using the panic button makes the alarm system more efficient. With its help, you can very quickly call the security service or fire brigades, which will prevent trouble.

When choosing a button, it is necessary to take into account the features of the object on which it will be installed. It is also very important to make its correct setting. Only in this way will she be able to justify the expectations placed on her.

If you have never encountered the installation of panic buttons, then it is better to entrust this work to professionals who have been installing fire and burglar alarms for more than one year.

Video: Independent connection of the panic button to the alarm.