Picking cabbage: timing, description of methods. In what cases is it necessary to pick cabbage and how to do it correctly. Is it necessary to pick cabbage?

Despite new, more productive ways of growing seedlings that have appeared in recent years, picking cabbage remains one of the favorite methods of most gardeners today. This word, sophisticated for beginning gardeners, refers to thinning seedlings and transplanting selected plants into separate containers.

Picking allows you to get the maximum number of seedlings from a small initial area of ​​a greenhouse or greenhouse. This simple agrotechnical technique is based on the fact that seed germination does not require large amounts of nutrients and microelements. But simultaneously with the growth of plants, the amount of substances they consume also increases.

These observations once led our ancestors to the conclusion that it is possible to first sow seeds densely for seedlings, and as they grow and develop, some of them can be transplanted to another place. As a result, what we have: in a small space, seedling seeds are sown twice or three times the norm, then, as they grow, part of the plants (a third or half, depending on the density of the seedlings) is transplanted to a new place.

Picking allows you to simultaneously solve several more problems: remove diseased or damaged plants, and provide the transplanted plants with new organic matter and microelements. As a result, strong, healthy, well-developed seedlings are planted in open ground.

When should cabbage seedlings be pruned?

It is impossible to name the exact date when you need to pick cabbage seedlings - it will be different for each type of cabbage. The recommended timing for picking seedlings of white, red and savoy cabbage is from 7 to 15 days after emergence. For kohlrabi, broccoli and cauliflower, these periods are slightly shifted - from 9 to 19 days.

But it is better to make a decision about picking seedlings, focusing not on timing, but on its appearance. Usually, it is recommended to pick seedlings when the plants throw out their first two true leaves. This is not an absolute axiom, you can do picking earlier, but younger seedlings still have very thin and brittle stems, so in the early stages of picking you need to be prepared for the fact that some of the plants will be damaged and become unsuitable for replanting.

Usually, cabbage seedlings are picked once. But sometimes there are cases when seedlings sown early “outgrow”. In this case, repeated picking will help save the situation, due to which, due to damage to the root system, the growth of seedlings will slow down for several days.

When moving, special attention should be paid to ensure that the roots do not bend after transplantation, but are positioned strictly vertically. The soil around the roots, but not at the stems, should be slightly compacted, and only then the substrate should be added to the very cotyledons.

Freshly picked seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight. It is better to place it in a cool place with a temperature of 10 - 15 ° C, and do not fill the soil with water, but only slightly moisten it.

How to pick seedlings correctly?

You need to replant cabbage seedlings following the rule “don’t rush without haste.” It is better to spend more time, but carefully straighten the roots on each plant, placing them vertically. It is better to transplant each plant into a separate container, although if necessary, you can plant it in pairs, and even, if the size of the container allows, three in one container.

There are several ways to transplant seedlings into new containers, but they all have one thing in common: the picking technique. It is similar for all methods without exception. The soil in the nursery needs to be well moistened so that the seedlings can be easily removed and the soil stays in a lump on the roots and does not crumble.

Then, using a metal spatula (most often the handle of a teaspoon plays this role) or a wooden splinter, carefully remove the plant from the nursery, trying to preserve the soil around the roots as much as possible. In a new place, you need to make a hole in the soil and carefully lower the plant into it, deepening it along the lower cotyledons.

After transplanting, the soil in the container should be lightly pressed down with your fingers, making sure that they do not reach the stem of the transplanted seedling. Then the space that appears is filled with planting substrate until its level reaches a pair of cotyledons.

Picking methods

You can plant cabbage in one large container, for example, an aluminum or iron basin, a wooden box, or even in a new greenhouse. But it is still much more practical to plant it in separate containers: the transplanted plants will grow better separately, and planting them in open ground from separate containers is much easier and painless.

Sometimes you can find information that there are several ways to plant cabbage seedlings in a separate container. In fact, this is all one method, and the only difference is in the container used for transplantation.

Cabbage can be replanted:

  • in plastic cups;
  • in plastic bags;
  • into peat tablets;
  • in the so-called "diaper".

Each method has its pros and cons. If you study all of them in advance, then even before picking you can choose the most suitable transplant method for you.

But all these methods have one thing in common: the picking technique is the same for all methods. And the composition of the soil mixture used for replanting is also the same for all methods (with the exception of replanting in peat cups).

Picking into one container

When picking into one large container, it is filled with a nutrient mixture, leaving low sides of 2-3 cm. If there are few seedlings, then it is better to purchase a special soil mixture for planting them.

If there is nowhere to purchase such a mixture, there is no time, or it is too expensive, then a home-made analogue is prepared for planting cabbage seedlings. To do this, mix soil, peat and sand in equal proportions, adding wood ash at the rate of 2 cups per bucket of the mixture.

Immediately before planting the seedlings, the prepared mixture must be disinfected to rid it of pests, harmful viruses and bacteria. This can be done quickly and efficiently either by placing the soil mixture in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour, or by watering it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

After the container is filled, the nutrient mixture in it needs to be slightly compacted and watered. Only after completing all the preparatory work can you proceed directly to picking and transplanting.

The transplantation itself is carried out in rows, and to save space, seedlings can be planted in a checkerboard pattern. But when replanting, one mandatory condition must be observed - the distance between adjacent transplanted plants vertically, horizontally and diagonally must be at least 8 cm.

Picking in plastic cups

To pick cabbage, you can use plastic cups or small plastic flowerpots with a diameter of 5 cm or more. You must make 3-4 small drainage holes in the bottom of the container so that excess water can flow out of it. If you forget about this precaution or neglect it, you risk rotting the roots of the transplanted seedlings in waterlogged soil.

Recently, gardeners are increasingly using plastic bags instead of plastic cups. They are much easier to cut, releasing the roots of the seedlings along with the soil into open ground.

Picking into peat cups

Peat cups for seedlings appeared relatively recently, but gardeners have already appreciated their benefits. Their main advantage: the seedlings grown in them do not need to be replanted - they are planted in open ground along with their original container.

Those. At first, the cups serve as a container for growing seedlings, and after planting in open ground, they serve as organic fertilizer. The very technique of picking cabbage seedlings into plastic cups is no different from picking them into plastic ones.

Picking in a diaper

When using this original method of picking cabbage seedlings, small pieces of polyethylene are used to grow them. Thick polyethylene film is cut into small rectangular pieces, the size of a notebook sheet.

Having placed one such piece on a flat surface, place a tablespoon of soil mixture in one of its upper corners. A cabbage plant is placed on top of this mixture. You need to lay out the seedlings so that their cotyledons are above the edge of the polyethylene.

Then carefully place another spoonful of soil on the laid out seedlings, after which they bend the bottom of the plastic flap, covering it with the top of the placed lump of soil along with the roots of the seedlings. The flap is rolled into a small roll and secured with an elastic band or adhesive tape. Rolled rolls of seedlings are placed in one large container with a sealed bottom.

The common container is placed on the windowsill and grown in the same way as ordinary seedlings, making sure that the soil in the rolls does not dry out. The only difference is that to water such seedlings, instead of ordinary water, a solution of mineral fertilizers is used.

When the seedlings form 3-4 true leaves, carefully unroll the diapers, add another spoonful of soil mixture to them, and then wrap them back. This addition usually no longer allows you to tuck the bottom edge of the diaper, so you need to transfer it into a common container very carefully, supporting the bottom edge with your hand, otherwise the soil may spill down.

In such diapers, seedlings grow before planting in open ground. When planting, the cellophane film is carefully unfolded, and the seedlings are transplanted along with the soil in which they grew.

Caring for transplanted seedlings

In order for the transplanted seedlings to take root better, you need to provide it with a comfortable place with a temperature of 10-15 degrees and no direct sunlight. Also, in the first days after transplantation, you need to carefully ensure that the soil substrate remains moist all the time, but under no circumstances fill it with water.

If there is insufficient lighting, it is necessary to organize additional illumination of the seedlings with fluorescent lamps. In the future, caring for the transplanted seedlings comes down to timely watering, fertilizing, and hardening a week or a week and a half before planting in open ground.

Strictly speaking, picking is not a mandatory requirement when growing cabbage - many gardeners prefer to initially sow its seeds in such a way that there are no thickened seedlings. In the southern regions, with their mild winters and warm springs, cabbage can even be grown without seedlings, sowing seeds directly into open ground.

But in most central, not to mention northern regions, cabbage is grown mainly through seedlings. And to get a good harvest, it is important to initially lay its reliable foundation - to grow seedlings strong and healthy. And picking seedlings is a simple but effective way to achieve your goal.

Growing cabbage in the climatic conditions of the middle zone is a rather difficult task. This culture is demanding and even capricious for most Russian regions, since it is heat-loving. In this regard, sowing seeds in open ground is impossible. Growing cabbage must begin with seedlings. The time for sowing seeds varies depending on the variety:

  • Early varieties ripen in 2 months, so seed sowing occurs in late April - early May;
  • Late cabbage grows for about 4 months, so growing seedlings begins in February - March.

Favorable conditions for transferring adult cabbage seedlings to open ground occur at the end of May.

Scheme for growing seedlings:

  1. Sowing seeds in nutritious, moist soil;

Important! In order to prevent fungal infections, it is recommended to pre-treat the seeds with a 1% manganese solution for 10 minutes.

  1. Cover the container with glass or cling film to create a greenhouse effect. The germination temperature is +20˚C and above, so the containers are placed on a warm windowsill;
  2. After germination, the containers are freed from cover and left on the sunny side. In bright sunlight, you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture.

About homemade cabbage seedlings

What is a pick (dive)

Picking cabbage seedlings is an activity that involves transferring young shoots to a larger container in order to increase the feeding area. This process does not always mean transfer to a permanent place (to a garden bed or greenhouse). It is possible that the cabbage was sown in individual small capsules (for example, cells in boxes of chocolates) or en masse in a common container, and as the sprouts developed, it was transferred to large containers (for example, plastic glasses). When seeds are planted in the soil, they only need to maintain moisture and good air exchange. The small area allows you to get this to the fullest. The appearance of leaves means that the plant begins active development. A root system is formed that absorbs nutrients from the soil. Therefore, the volume of soil must be larger.

What is picking

Is it necessary to pick cabbage?

Picking cabbage solves a number of problems:

  1. Thinning of thickened crops;
  2. Renewing soil for seedlings enriched with nutrients;
  3. Natural selection of diseased and weak shoots;
  4. Improving the conditions for the development of seedlings by increasing the volume of the earthen coma.

The cabbage root system develops quite quickly, filling the space. In a small space, the roots begin to get tangled and crawl out of the container. At this moment, the plant urgently needs additional nutrition, so picking cabbage at home is a necessary measure. Some gardeners try to simplify the task and immediately sow cabbage in large containers, so as not to have to worry about planting in the future. This decision is incorrect, since an excess of substrate often leads to flooding of seedlings, which, in turn, provokes the spread of a fungal infection.

When to pick cabbage

There are no strict guidelines for when to pick cabbage after germination. Previously, summer residents were guided by the lunar calendar from the moment of sowing, going through all phases of growth and development, until harvesting. In 2018, agronomists recommend taking into account approximate dates, but taking the appearance of the plant as a basis.

When to plant cabbage seedlings

When to plant cabbage seedlings

When the sowing date is fixed, you can begin to monitor the development of the seeds. The leaves from the cotyledons appear first; they are not real, but only indicate seed germination. At this time, the seedling is still very tender and weak, so it may not withstand picking. You need to wait until 2 true leaves appear on the seedlings. At this moment, the plant is already more or less strong and ready to be transferred. It is also not worth delaying this procedure, since overgrown seedlings develop more slowly in a new place, since they need more time to adapt.

A variety of cabbage, Peking cabbage, does not require picking, as it does not tolerate movement well. It is recommended to initially sow the seeds in peat pots, and when the seedlings grow enough, they are transferred to a permanent place along with the pot. This is the safest way to grow Chinese cabbage.

How to pick cabbage

You need to plant cabbage very carefully and carefully. All roots need to be straightened and given a vertical direction into the depth of the container. With proper picking, there is one sprout per pot. If planting capacity is in short supply, then double and even triple picking is allowed, followed by planting in separate holes.

How to pick cabbage

Before picking cabbage, you need to study the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Before removing seedlings from the container, the soil must be moistened to reduce resistance. This will reduce the number of torn sprouts. In addition, moistened soil remains a lump on the roots, which reduces stress during transplantation;
  2. To transfer a plant to a new place, you need to prepare a special tool: a spatula, spatula or any available tool made of metal or wood. The tool allows you to pry up the cabbage along with the earthen lump without damaging the roots;
  3. In the planting container, it is necessary to make a depression in the soil, with a diameter and depth slightly larger than the size of the earthen ball on the transplanted seedlings. The plant must be buried at the level of the lower cotyledons;
  4. After the plant is installed in a new place, the hole should be sprinkled with earth and lightly compacted with your finger. You need to pour soil again on top to the level of the cotyledons. All manipulations must be done extremely carefully so as not to touch the seedling with your hands.

Picking is carried out in two ways:

  1. Transfer. 2 hours before starting work, water the soil well; this will allow you to easily remove the sprout from the ground without damaging the roots. The method is used if it is necessary to pinch the main root for further branching of the root system. After picking, you can test for planting density: if you pull the leaves up, the seedling should remain in the ground. If it is easily pulled out, then the soil is not adjacent to the plant, and it will not take root well;
  2. Transshipment. The advantage of this method is that the risk of root injury is minimized. In addition, cabbage does not need additional time to adapt; it immediately begins to grow in a new place. During transshipment, the seedling is removed along with the earthen clod and installed in a new location.

Basic diving methods

Basic diving methods


The technique was developed back in the 60s of the 20th century and is suitable for most crops. Its essence lies in the uniform placement of seeds on natural or synthetic material, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Then this workpiece is tightly twisted and visually resembles a snail. This technology has a number of advantages:

  • Saves space 10-15 times;
  • The seeds germinate quickly and amicably, as this type of twisting creates a favorable thermal effect;
  • Isolating the roots allows them to develop freely and not intertwine with each other;
  • Convenient watering. The snail is placed in a shallow container, from where moisture is evenly collected. This method helps to avoid overflow;
  • Soil saving;
  • Snail seedlings can be transferred directly to open ground.

Among the negative aspects is the stretching of stems in low light conditions. This situation occurs when the seeds are planted too densely, so this problem can easily be solved by more sparse sowing or additional illumination with phytolamps.


Thick polyethylene is used as a diaper, which is cut into rectangular pieces measuring 15 cm * 20 cm. The sheet is laid out on a flat surface and 1 tablespoon is placed in one of the corners. moistened soil mixture. Place the seedling on top so that the border of the cotyledon is outside the polyethylene, and sprinkle it with another 1 tbsp. soil. The free edge of the piece is bent so that it covers the ground. The resulting structure needs to be rolled up so that you get a roll with a seedling in the center. You can secure it with tape, rubber band or band-aid. After all the seedlings are wrapped in diapers, they are placed tightly in a wide and shallow container. Growing occurs in the usual way - on a windowsill with periodic watering.

Important! Due to the limited volume of soil, watering is carried out not with clean water, but with a nutrient mixture.

When the seedlings grow another 2-3 leaves, you need to unroll the diaper and add another spoonful of soil.

The method is convenient because at the moment of transferring the seedlings to the garden bed, you just need to remove the polyethylene and place the cabbage along with the earthen ball in the planting hole. It turns out that the root system is practically not affected, which means that it will be easier for the plant to take root in a new place.

Peat cups

Peat containers are widely used in large agricultural enterprises that grow seedlings and plants for sale. Over time, gardeners appreciated this material and began to use it on their plots. The main advantage of these containers is that the plant does not need to be disturbed at all; it grows in a pot and is immersed in it to a permanent place in the open ground. When growing seedlings, the pots serve as a container, and when they fall into the ground, they decompose and become organic fertilizer for cabbage. The picking process is similar to transferring it into a plastic container.

Peat cups

Plastic cups

The optimal diameter of the container is 5 cm. The bottom must contain holes so that air can pass through easily and excess water does not accumulate. Otherwise, the roots may rot or fungus will begin to multiply. The inconvenience of this method is that removing the cabbage from the container along with the lump is problematic. Root breakage often occurs. In this regard, to be on the safe side, 2 sprouts are planted in 1 glass. Hard plastic cups began to be replaced with bags, since they can be cut and the seedlings can be easily removed.

Cauliflower dive

The process of transferring cauliflower is slightly different from other types. In this regard, summer residents are interested in the question of when and how to plant cauliflower so that it takes root in a new place.

Firstly, the pick-up date is shifted a week later. Secondly, soil preparation is different. For regular picking, it is enough to use nutritious purchased soil or treated soil from a summer cottage. The soil for cauliflower must be fertilized beforehand. An aqueous solution enriched with 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 25 g of lime, 12 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium sulfate is added to 10 liters of soil. Next, the transplant process occurs as standard.

Cauliflower dive

Picking in the cotyledon phase

Most often, cabbage is picked in the phase of 1 or 2 true leaves, but earlier transplantation is also allowed if the plants in the cotyledon phase are strong enough and visually strong. The advantage of early picking is that the plant adapts very quickly and begins to actively develop. You need to choose specimens suitable for transfer very carefully, since weak shoots are easily injured and do not recover in a new place.

Caring for young shoots

After transplantation, seedlings experience stress, so they need to be provided with comfortable conditions and care:

  • The temperature of keeping seedlings in a new place is +10˚C...+15˚C;
  • Shading from direct sunlight;
  • Keeping the soil moist;
  • If there is a lack of light, you need to organize additional lighting;
  • Emerging weeds must be removed;
  • 10 days before planting in the garden, seedlings need to be hardened off daily; if the weather permits, then in the last days you can leave the seedlings outside around the clock. This is only permissible if the temperature at night does not drop below +10 ˚C;
  • Mineral fertilizing after picking allows young shoots to grow more actively.

In general, the picking procedure is not included in the list of basic agricultural techniques. It is considered an additional activity for growing seedlings. For southern climates, it is permissible to skip this stage, since the temperature allows cabbage to be planted directly into the ground. In central Russia and northern Russia, it is impossible to obtain a rich cabbage harvest without first growing seedlings. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer healthy and strong seedlings into open ground, which will quickly take root and grow.

One of the main periods in growing cabbage is the seedling period, and the harvest depends on exactly how it goes.

The cabbage has been sown and sprouted, when to pick the cabbage after germination remains a question for many vegetable growers. However, being a flexible crop, cabbage tolerates transplanting and picking well, and is also capable of producing an excellent harvest without such agrotechnical measures.

If you plan to grow cabbage seedlings to obtain an early harvest, then sowing is carried out in protected soil. Since sowing capacity does not always allow for sparse sowing, thickened sowing is practiced.

Beautiful thick cabbage has sprouted. Picking in the cotyledon phase is not carried out even if it is very crowded. It is necessary to wait for the true leaf phase. Cabbage grows quickly, but the spring sun quickly warms the ground and picking can be done under a film cover. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 5 cm.

Growing without picking

If the temperature allows, then sowing is carried out directly into the ground under film covers. In this case, the cabbage germinates more slowly and also grows more slowly, but the seedlings are strong, dense, and weighty.

Picking cabbage seedlings at home is practiced less and less. The majority of vegetable growers admitted that this process does not make sense, since it does not affect the quality of the final product and the speed at which the vegetable reaches the table.

Having received cabbage seedlings under film covers, it is necessary to wait until two true leaves grow, and then thin them out. By leaving a distance of 5 cm between plants, we give the plant the opportunity to completely develop the soil ball and provide space for the leaf apparatus.

If the distance is maintained correctly and the soil nutrition is sufficient, you will get good cabbage seedlings.

Sometimes picking is called plant transplantation. From a technological point of view, this is not correct, but the process itself, carried out on time, helps to increase the root mass of the cabbage plant. Cabbage produces roots from its main trunk and provides itself with additional feeding area. If the transplant is done late and the trunk begins to become lignified, roots will not form, and it will be difficult to achieve a good harvest from such seedlings.

Feeding seedlings

Feeding cabbage seedlings after picking or transplanting is carried out after the cabbage has taken root and started to grow.

If the cabbage is planted in soil pre-filled with complete mineral and organic fertilizer, then fertilizing is carried out only at the moment the heads of cabbage begin to knit. If the soil is fresh and unprepared, then after rooting the cabbage plant must be provided, first of all, with nitrogen compounds in order to provide growth energy.

For feeding, you can use ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate. These mineral fertilizers are quickly soluble in water and quickly absorbed by the root system of the plant. After dissolving 30 g of fertilizer in a bucket of water, add 0.5 liters to each bush.

You can fertilize with a solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1:20, or farm animal manure in a ratio of 1:10.

​Similar articles​

When is seedling picking necessary and is it needed at all?

The soil must be fertile: peat + humus + sand. To 10 liters of this mixture, add half a liter of ash, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 1 glass of dolomite flour and half a glass of “Shine -2”, mix everything, sprinkle with Fitosporin - M. Then put the earth in a plastic bag, compact it, twist it and put it in a warm place place.​

  1. ​Before planting in the ground, strong, healthy seedlings should be dark green, have 4-7 leaves and a well-developed root system.​
  2. ​Immediately after picking, the plants need a temperature of 17-18°C; as soon as they take root (after 2-3 days), the temperature is reduced to 13-14°C during the day, 10-12°C at night.​
  3. Cabbage seeds can be sown in a box or small cups if subsequent picking is intended. If there is no desire or opportunity to dive, then choose larger individual containers, 7-8 centimeters deep. Any container for growing seedlings must have drainage holes, do not forget to check this, and if necessary, make them yourself.​
  4. ​Both early, mid-season, and late-season cabbage are grown mainly by seedlings. With mid- and late-ripening varieties, everything is simple and clear - they are planted as seedlings in April-May, directly in a greenhouse or greenhouse. But early cabbage has to be grown on a windowsill, the soil prepared, planted, and hardened. So much... Today we invite you to understand the tricks and intricacies of growing cabbage seedlings, so that you can do everything correctly from the very beginning.​
  5. ​Those pots, cups, boxes into which you will transplant the seedlings are filled 3/4 with the prepared soil mixture and compacted. Use a stick, pencil or just your index finger to make a hole in the soil. The root and stem of the seedling are lowered here.​

​If all stages of picking are carried out correctly, then you will certainly wait for the harvest on time and it will be as rich as possible.​ ​. Then the film needs to be rolled into a tube and its ends secured with paper clips or other objects.​​10 grams of ammonium nitrate​

​, but it can take too long to restore them, and picking at the same time delays the development of the plant;

When to pick cabbage

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings varies depending on the region. For the middle band, the approximate timing is as follows:​

​There are some rules for picking for different crops.​​When growing seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cabbage and other garden crops, after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings are picked, that is, transplanted into separate containers. Do you need to pick seedlings? What is the purpose of picking? The fact is that when seedlings obtained in this way are planted in open ground or a greenhouse, the soil clod is completely preserved and the root system is not injured. When transplanted, the seedlings quickly take root, grow well and do not get sick. Containers without a bottom are placed close to each other in a box or on a layer of soil. Then they are filled with soil and compacted by hand, the remaining space between the containers must be filled, and the soil in the pots must be watered.​

Planting cabbage before transplanting

​. You also need to prepare a mixture of the following components to fertilize the plant when picking: When the root is damaged, the lobe of the lateral roots develops and covers a large area of ​​nutrition. The main root contracts and does not allow the plant to receive moisture and nutrition, as a result of which the plant needs to be watered as often as possible; Picking seedlings has a number of both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of planting seedlings are:

​After 1 week, loops will appear and the jars should be immediately exposed to light under a phytolamp. It is very important that at this moment there is good lighting and a cool place. Since the room is very warm, you can put the jars on the loggia, where the air temperature is lower than in the room. The air temperature during the day should be 14-15 degrees, and at night 8-10 degrees. Or you can put the seedlings in the refrigerator overnight on the bottom shelf.

How to pick

​Everyone knows that cabbage loves water, however, under no circumstances should you go too far. Cabbage seedlings are watered as the top layer of soil dries, approximately once every 7-10 days. Excessive moisture can provoke fungal diseases that can destroy all seedlings. After watering, it is advisable to ventilate the room where the containers with seedlings are located. You can sow two seeds in each glass, so that later you can choose a stronger seedling. In the box, grooves are made one centimeter deep and three centimeters apart from each other, and a seed is planted in them every one and a half centimeters. Then lightly sprinkle with soil, do not water with anything else and send to a warm place. To germinate, cabbage seeds need a temperature of 18-20°C. Early cabbage - March 10-25.

  1. Tomato seedlings can be buried almost to the cotyledon leaves, and pepper or eggplant seedlings should be planted at the same depth as they grew in a common container. In this case, hold the seedlings by the cotyledon leaves, and not by the stem, which can be easily damaged when picking.
  2. Until now, gardeners treat picking differently. Some believe that this is a mandatory and necessary procedure when growing good quality seedlings. Others, on the contrary, consider picking seedlings an unnecessary stressful moment and sow seeds for seedlings immediately in large containers.​
  3. ​Also you can​
  4. ​ammonium nitrate – 10 g;​

Picking cabbage is too costly in financial and time terms, sometimes the costs are not justified at all later. If you live in regions with a hot climate, then you don’t need to pick plants at all, just like planting seedlings.​

​The feeding area of ​​the plant expands;​​At the first true leaf, the seedlings are planted into separate pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm. The plant, one at a time, is buried in jars in the soil up to the cotyledon leaves, kept in a room for two days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, and then the temperature is reduced to 13-15 degrees by slightly opening the windows. At night, the jars are placed in a cold loggia or in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. If this requirement is not met, then the subcotyledon of the cabbage may become very elongated, the seedlings will be defective, and in the future they will not produce a head. For the first time, seedlings grow slowly for 25 days. In our country, cauliflower began to be grown back in the 18th century. Cauliflower is the most valuable in terms of nutrient content: for example, there is 2 times more vitamin C in cauliflower than in white cabbage, there are vitamins B1, B2, B3, potassium salts, iron, phosphorus and microelements.​

When the soil is prepared correctly, the seedlings do not need any fertilizing. But if you are unhappy with the appearance of your plants, you can start feeding:

Choosing a picking container

​If you watered the soil well before sowing, no additional watering is necessary until germination. The first cabbage shoots usually appear after 5 days. Time to place containers with seedlings on a cool windowsill. During the week, the temperature must be maintained at 7-9°C (ventilate the windowsill or, conversely, wrap the containers, depending on your conditions), otherwise the seedlings will begin to stretch. Then the temperature is increased to 16-18°C.​ ​late cabbage - April 25 - May 10.​​If desired, you can pinch the longest main root of the plant by 1/3 of its length to stimulate the formation of lateral roots.​

​Here, of course, the choice is yours. When is it necessary to pick seedlings?

​use nutritional cubes as well ​double granulated superphosphate – 12 g;​​If you want to get an early harvest of cabbage already in the last days of June or early July, then you need to plant the early varieties of cabbage as seedlings in mid-March, and they should be harvested around the first days of April. Planting on the garden bed occurs in early May.

  1. ​old soil is replaced by fresh;​
  2. ​ When the cotyledons come out, you need to feed the Uniflor seedlings - growth or Uniflor-bud: 1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water.​
  3. ​The predecessors of cabbage are onions, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, and legumes.​
  4. ​First feeding:​

​All the benefits of picking have already been discussed in the article “Picking seedlings: what is it and why is it needed.” But we are all busy people and we understand that sometimes there is simply no time for additional fuss with seedlings. If you decide to grow cabbage seedlings without picking, remember the following:​

Picking cabbage onto the ground

​The soil mixture for growing cabbage seedlings should be given special attention. Various fungal diseases love cabbage too much, the notorious “black leg”, and prevention, as we know, is the best solution to the problem. Then carefully compact the soil around the seedling. You can even check whether you did the picking well: lightly lift the seedling up by its seven-lobed leaves. If the picking is unsuccessful, the plant is pulled out without difficulty, that is, the soil does not adhere tightly to the main root and stem. And if it’s good, you can even tear off the seven-lobed leaf, but the seedling will hold tightly to its new place.​ ​Firstly, picking is needed if you sown the seeds not in cassettes or separate pots, but in a common container. Picking done in time will protect the plants from intertwining roots and will make the process of planting seedlings in a permanent place easier.​

​. The manufacturing process is as follows:


Picking seedlings - how not to harm the seedlings

​potassium nitrate (potassium sulfate) – 5 g;​

Before diving seedlings

​the problem of dense crops disappears;​

​ Seedlings - growth - this is a water-soluble fertilizer, use according to instructions.​

​What mistakes do summer residents make when growing cauliflower? This is improper care of the plant before heading. It is necessary to grow seedlings with high quality. Early ripening cauliflower is best grown at home.​

​2 grams of potassium sulfate, 2 grams of ammonium nitrate, 4 grams of superphosphate per liter of water. 7-10 days after picking (2 weeks after germination).​

​to provide the plant with adequate nutrition area, plant the seeds immediately in separate pots or cups;​

The soil mixture is usually prepared in the fall. Seedling soil options for cabbage:​

After picking, the seedlings are watered. If these are very small plants, for example, celery, then the pots are placed in a tray and the plants are sprayed. After picking, the plants can even be moved into the shade, away from bright light - this way they will better withstand a stressful situation.​

​Secondly, you will not be able to avoid picking if a lot of seedlings have sprouted. In addition, they will still have to be separated from each other. It is better to do this when the seedlings are still small and their roots have not grown.​

Methods for picking seedlings

​place the soil mixture in a low box;​

​lime – 25 gr.​

​planted in boxes

​save sown area;​

​ In phase 2.3, feed 3 true leaves with mullein. The next feeding should be done in a week with mullein.

​Cauliflower seedlings​

​Second feeding:​

​First fill the container 2/3 with soil, and then as the cabbage grows, add loose soil to stimulate the growth of lateral roots;​

​1) 50% humus, 50% turf soil; 2) 75% peat, 20% turf soil, 5% sand; 3) 45% humus, 50% turf soil, 5% sand; 4) 35% turf soil, 35% humus, 30% peat; 5) 75% turf soil, 15% ash, 5% lime, 5% sand.​

Transshipment of seedlings. The second method of picking seedlings is transshipment. This technique is good because the roots of the picked plants are not damaged at all. The seedlings will not need any time to adapt and their development will not slow down at all.​

​Thirdly, picking allows you to select the best and healthy seedlings for planting in a permanent place.​

​level and compact the soil;​

Please note that components other than lime and superphosphate are added dissolved in water. The resulting mixture must be mixed and moistened so that when you pick it up, it forms a dense lump that will not disintegrate.​

​. For soil, peat soil or a mixture of turf and humus is used. In the absence of components, fertile garden soil is also suitable for such a mixture. To prevent possible diseases, the soil can be treated with additional lime.​


​Thanks to picking, weak and diseased crops are removed.​

​ With 4 true leaves, feed the seedlings at the root: ½ teaspoon of boric acid plus half a teaspoon of manganese sulfate, plus ammonium molybdate on the tip of a knife. With a lack of boron, the apical bud of cabbage dies and the head rots. With a lack of molybdenum, the head becomes ugly.

Needs a cool place and good lighting. An early variety of cabbage should be started to be grown at home 45 -50 days before it is planted in the ground. A prerequisite for its cultivation is: a cool place, good lighting and soil close to alkaline. Let's look at growing cauliflower seedlings step by step.​

  • ​4 grams of potassium sulfate, 4 grams of ammonium nitrate, 8 grams of superphosphate per liter of water. Two weeks after the first feeding.​
  • ​be sure to provide good drainage in the cups;​

Preparing soil for seedlings

In addition, you can always use the recipe for a universal, highly nutritious soil for any seedlings: 1 part vermicompost or humus and 2 parts coconut substrate. It is better not to take garden soil (especially from beds where cruciferous crops grew) for cabbage seedlings.​

​When transshipment, a couple of days before the procedure, they stop watering the seedlings so that the earthen lump comes out of the cup freely. Just as with the first method, fill 3/4 of the containers into which you will transfer the seedlings with soil mixture.​

​Fourthly, it may happen that you sowed untreated seeds for seedlings or that you came across contaminated soil (alas, this also happens). Thus, the plants showed signs of some kind of disease at an early stage. So, picking seedlings will help save uninfected plants from fungal diseases, the pathogens of which may be in the soil.​

​after a couple of hours, using thin plywood, cut the contents lengthwise and crosswise every 6 cm;​

​To ensure better nutrition for the plant, make cartridges from a sheet of iron with a diameter the size of a picking pot, you can also use

Pre-sowing seed preparation

​When the soil is ready, the seeds for seedlings are planted every centimeter, maintaining the distance between the rows of seeds.

But, like other crops, it is not at all necessary to pick cabbage, because

​ Watering at the root of Uniflor - micro: 1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water.​

​Of the early varieties, I prefer varieties such as Movir, Snezhinka, Malimba, Stargate. Among the newest varieties appeared: super early hybrid Express, Metelitsa.​

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

​Third feeding:​

​be prepared to feed the seedlings; perhaps they will not have enough nutrients from the soil.​

It is advisable to freeze the prepared soil mixture or pour it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, and also add a tablespoon of ash for each kilogram of prepared soil. This will help prevent the development of diseases in cabbage seedlings.​

​Small cups with seedlings are turned upside down, while passing the above-ground parts of the plants between the fingers. Then they gently press on the bottom of the glass - the plant, along with a lump of earth, remains in the hand. Then the plant is placed in a large container, and the empty space is filled with soil mixture.​

To dive or not to dive cabbage seedlings?

​Fifthly, picking promotes the development of lateral roots, which means that your seedlings will have a powerful root system after transplantation.​

  • ​You should get 40 cubes; in the center of each cube, use a peg to make a hole for picking seedlings.​
  • ​cut tin can​
  • ​about 2 cm​
  • ​full heads of cabbage can be obtained without this procedure​

Cabbage responds well to fast-acting mineral fertilizers and poorly to organic fertilizers.

  • Cabbage is a fairly cold-resistant, moisture- and light-loving crop. She loves cold water, good food and drink, but she really doesn’t like acidic soils, heat, shade and drought.​
  • ​8 grams of potassium sulfate, 3 grams of ammonium nitrate, 5 grams of superphosphate per liter of water. 2-3 days before planting in the ground.​
  • ​Those who prefer to dive should know:​
  • ​Seeds purchased at the store may already be properly prepared for sowing. This will be written on the packaging.​
  • ​I advise you to use transshipment when picking seedlings of peppers and eggplants, since their delicate root system is very painful to transplant with exposure of the roots.​

Caring for cabbage seedlings: watering, fertilizing, hardening

​And lastly, picking will slow down the growth of seedlings when there is a danger of overgrowth. That is, replanting will help delay the development of plants.

​You can place the resulting cubes in boxes and grow seedlings there until you transplant them onto the ground; they are placed on top of manure in a greenhouse or hotbed.​

​.​ ​. The furrows should be covered with a small layer of peat or humus soil.​

​. Often, summer residents and gardeners grow cabbage not only without the picking procedure, but also without seedlings. Cauliflower seedlings

​Seeds should be sown at home from March 15-30, and ready-made seedlings should be planted in the ground from May 10-15. You can also sow seeds in a greenhouse around May 8-10.​ ​For supporters of natural farming, and everyone who does not inspire confidence in chemical fertilizers, we recommend using organic fertilizers for seedlings.​

Picking is carried out 10-14 days after germination;

​If the seeds are painted in bright colors, no further manipulation is required with them.​

​That's all the wisdom. I am sure that your seedlings will tolerate the picking procedure perfectly and will please you with a good harvest in the future.​

​I think that I have convinced you that picking is very important and must be taken with full responsibility. The further growth and development of seedlings depends on its quality.

​You can only dive onto the ground


Cauliflower seedlings | Dacha secrets

​Now fill the cartridge with the mixture so that the pot is not too loose and dense, as it may lose its shape and cause the seedlings to develop poorly. The top of the pot is leveled and squeezed out of the cartridge. Then make a depression in the central part of the pot, where the seedling root will subsequently be moved.​

​When caring for seedlings, observe strict temperature conditions and monitor humidity, this is especially important at the very beginning. At a recommended temperature of 20 degrees, seeds germinate in about 4 days. After germination, the temperature should be lowered and not water the plant before you plant it.​

​There are also a number of arguments in favor of the fact that there is no need to pick cabbage at all:​

​does not require heavy watering. It is necessary to water rarely, only when the top layer of soil dries out - otherwise the seedlings will get sick with Blackleg. But the soil should not be allowed to dry out. As the seedlings grow, sprinkle washed sand under the cotyledon leaves. The seeds are heated in a thermos, in water at a temperature of 50 -52 degrees for 20 minutes, with immediate cooling in cold water for 20 minutes. Then they dry well and sow. Cabbage seedlings need fresh air, like... uh... air. Therefore, two weeks before planting in the ground, hardening can begin. The first couple of days this means three to four hours of the window being open. Then the seedlings are taken out to the balcony for a couple of hours, and in the last three to four days before planting in the bed, the seedlings should be kept on the balcony constantly.​

Cabbage picking is carried out when it is necessary to thin out the crops or provide young plants with sufficient nutrition before planting them in open ground. Most often, seedlings of cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and savoy varieties with late ripening periods require such preliminary transplantation.


Plant pot


mineral fertilizersSprayer



You can transplant seedlings into separate cups (paper, peat, plastic or plastic film), into ready-made cassettes, nutrient cubes, wooden boxes, or by direct planting in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

The photo shows cabbage seedlings

As for the soil, its composition is somewhat different from that which was used for sowing, because seed germination does not require nutrition, but already developing plants must receive all the necessary micro- and macroelements, and good circulation of air and moisture is also important for the root system. Based on this, a mixture of garden soil, peat and a little sawdust enriched with mineral fertilizers will be optimal. Sawdust is prepared as follows: 2 days before transplanting, 10 g of ammonium nitrate (incomplete matchbox) and 5 g of potassium nitrate, diluted in water, as well as 12 g of double superphosphate granules and 25 g of dry lime are added to a bucket of sawdust. After thorough mixing, the mixture is moistened and left for some time for complete dissolution and distribution of substances.


In the southern regions, cabbage is grown quite successfully by directly sowing seeds in the ground. But the climate of the northern regions does not allow getting a full-fledged harvest in a relatively short summer, so the only way out is the seedling method of cultivation, when young plants spend the first period of their growing season at home. In this way, the warm season is artificially extended, and the cabbage can fully ripen. Video about picking cabbage Thanks to early sowing and timely picking, many gardeners have mastered the cultivation of heat-loving varieties of cabbage with a long ripening period, even in the harsh northern climate. And it is possible to obtain high-quality, promising seedlings only if the optimal timing of transplantation is observed and the seedlings are properly cared for.

You should also take care in advance about sufficient lighting of the seedlings, because on cloudy or rainy days there is not enough sunlight and this can be an additional negative factor for disturbed seedlings. Therefore, it is better to wait for favorable weather or provide artificial additional illumination of the picked plants.

Ensure sufficient nutrition for the plant with a volume of fresh soil mixture of 150-180 ml. This is exactly the amount that needs to be calculated when transplanting cabbage for growing in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Only healthy, strong seedlings are selected for transplantation, discarding crooked, damaged and those that have even the slightest thickening on the roots.

Photo of cabbage picking

Before picking, water the cabbage thoroughly to make it easier to remove the seedlings and less damage to the roots. Using a wooden stick or just the back of a teaspoon, carefully pry up the seedling along with a lump of earth and transfer it to a new place. If the central root is too long, you can pinch it off, but it is better to still try to preserve it. The fact is that it is the long roots that are able to extract water from the lower layers of the soil, providing the plant with moisture even during dry periods.

The plant needs to be buried down to the cotyledon leaves (those that appear first). This deepening stimulates the development of additional roots, which means the plant’s nutrition will increase. After transplantation, the cabbage is watered and protected from direct sunlight in the first two days and the temperature is ensured when during the day it is not higher than 12-13°C, and at night - about 10°C.

Advice! If the seedlings wilt somewhat, they can be supported with the Epin bioregulator by preparing a solution for spraying 7 drops of the drug onto a glass of water.

In the future, to prevent fungal diseases, it is important to carry out measures as, for example, in the case of picking strawberries. Video about picking cabbage seedlings

Picking is needed if you sowed the seeds early to get a harvest in early summer, and the weather conditions in spring do not yet allow planting seedlings in open ground, but even at home they are already withering from lack of nutrition and dense crops. When and why else might picking be beneficial:

  • preliminary dense sowing followed by planting in greenhouses allows you to save space on window sills;
  • depleted soil is replaced;
  • removal of weak and diseased plants;
  • After picking, seedlings have enough light and nutrition, so by the time they are planted in open ground, the plants are already stronger and more promising with a good root system and healthy appearance.

Photo of growing cabbage

At the same time, it is worth remembering that only correct and timely picking will bring benefits, because plants, to a greater or lesser extent, are still injured and need time and effort to recover. Therefore, the rationality of an additional transplant should be considered, taking into account all the pros and cons.


Growing cabbage seedlings of different types

To grow cabbage seedlings, several techniques are used to ensure that the harvest is a success. It is customary to distinguish 10 different types of this culture. Each of them has separate varieties. Very often cabbage is grown through seedlings. To do this, you need to know the peculiarities of sowing and observe all aging periods.

Cabbage is usually grown through seedlings. If the sprouts are strong and healthy, then we can say with confidence that the harvest will be good.

It is important to know how to properly grow seedlings. To do this, it is necessary to provide high-quality, effective care for the sprouts, and then carefully place them in a garden bed or greenhouse.

Growing cabbage seedlings

First of all, you need to prepare the seeds. To do this, they are disinfected, that is, dipped in hot water for 20 minutes, then taken out and dipped in cold, boiled water for 2 minutes. Next you should dry them. If you purchased the seeds from a reliable supplier or in a store, it is not necessary to disinfect them, since the treatment has already been carried out. Thanks to this, growing seedlings will be faster.

Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for a day. The water temperature must be at least + 2°C. This procedure is necessary in order to increase the frost resistance of the plant. It also makes the seeds germinate better. In stores you can often find special colored seeds that have previously undergone a training course. They don't even need to be soaked before planting. However, it is after soaking that the germination of ordinary seeds can last for 3 years. The time and characteristics of sowing should be compared with the cabbage variety. It is also important to take into account the climatic conditions during the period of growing seedlings. The timing of planting seedlings in the ground directly depends on this.

It is important to know all the intricacies of growing cabbage. To do this, you need to determine its age, the period from planting the seeds to their planting in the greenhouse. This period is different for each variety. For red and white cabbage it is 50-60 days, for broccoli 40-45 days, for cauliflower 50 days, for Savoy from 30 to 50 days and for kohlrabi 30-35 days.

In this regard, it is necessary to observe optimal disembarkation times. White and red cabbage are planted from March 15 to 25, late varieties of the same breed are planted on April 15. Broccoli and cauliflower should be planted in several crops: the first in mid-March, the second at the end of May. Brussels sprouts are planted in late April, and kohlrabi in mid-March. Seedlings are kept in an open, illuminated area. The first thing you should do is start planting white cabbage. Seeds of some breeds, for example, red cabbage and Savoy, must be planted in 3 stages with an interval of 4 days.

In order for growing seedlings to ensure a good harvest, the biology of the crop must be determined. Cabbage is cold-resistant, light-loving, tolerates moisture well and places increased demands on soil quality. It is recommended to use soft seedling soil for sowing. It is important that it is not too loose. The main component that must be present in optimal quantities is peat. Its content in the soil should be at least 80%, sand about 5%, and turf soil about 20%. Often a humus mixture (compost) is added to the soil, this improves its quality and ensures good fertility.

“Pick” landing method

The “picking” planting method involves planting cabbage seeds in boxes.

This method involves planting seeds in boxes. It will be necessary to prepare wooden rectangular boxes, the recommended height is 5 cm. They are filled with soil and small grooves are made, 1 cm deep. Seeds are placed at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The seeds are sprinkled with soil on top and compacted. The box is usually placed on the windowsill if the air temperature is 15-18 °C above zero.

On the 5th day, it becomes noticeable how the seeds germinate. After this, they are placed in a room with a low temperature, approximately + 10 ° C. This is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch. Then, when the seedlings have reached the age of 11 days, they are planted in small containers. Their size can be 6-7 cm. Containers with seedlings are stored at a temperature of 18 ° C for 3 days. Afterwards the air temperature must be reduced to +14 °C.

If you grow the crop at home, make sure there is sufficient lighting in the house. Cabbage is very demanding of light. Light has a beneficial effect on its development and protects seedlings from lodging and stretching. Normal growth is also ensured. If you see that the seedlings are starting to stretch out, this may indicate that you planted the seeds too close to each other or did not reduce the temperature.

In order to isolate the seedlings from each other, special partitions are used; as an alternative, you can use planting trays. If you use them, you need to put 2 seeds in each tray. After the shoots are already visible, one plant that is weaker should be removed.

Other growing features

To grow seedlings, you must not forget about watering. It should be moderate.

To grow good seedlings, you need to constantly water and moisten them.

It is important to observe light and temperature conditions and maintain optimal conditions for seedlings. It is recommended to ventilate the room more often.

It should be remembered that dry soil impedes the growth of seedlings. Hydration is one of the most important tasks. We should not forget that excess moisture is dangerous. This can cause the roots to rot, resulting in the death of the plant. Lack of light indoors usually causes plants to stretch out. High temperature also promotes upward stretching.

Seedlings need to be hardened off. Thanks to this, it becomes frost-resistant. Crop rotation must be observed. This will help protect the seedlings from pests and protect them from diseases. Cabbage should be grown in one place for no more than 2 years. The site must rest from planting for at least 3 years. After the cabbage crop has been harvested several times, it will be good to plant beets, potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers in this area.

It is not recommended to grow cabbage after turnips, radishes, lettuce, turnips and radishes have previously been planted on the ground. In order to grow cabbage, you can use different types of soil: loamy, sandy loam, soddy-podzolic and neutral. Soils with a high clay content are unsuitable for use. Cauliflower and broccoli produce good yields even in soil with a high clay content. The area where cabbage will be planted should be well-lit, spacious and free.

Organic substances, such as compost and manure, can be used as fertilizer. Wood ash is often used. Fertilizers are applied for 1 year. If possible, provide more space for planting. If you use a narrow bed, for example, less than 1.5 meters, the seedlings will need to be distributed in 1 row. However, some species can be planted in 2 rows. In some cases, cabbage is planted in a checkerboard pattern. This ensures good germination.


How to grow broccoli


Broccoli, like all other crops, requires care during its cultivation. In order to reap a good harvest of broccoli in the fall, you need to maintain optimal conditions for its cultivation in the spring and summer, timely watering, fertilizing, loosening and destroying weeds and pests.

Broccoli is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs to be not only watered, but also sprayed.

Broccoli is a moisture-loving crop and therefore prefers light loamy, humus-rich soil. The soil for broccoli is prepared in the fall: it must be deeply plowed and organic (manure or compost) and mineral (superphosphate and potassium chloride) fertilizers applied. In the spring, ammonium nitrate is also added, since broccoli requires a large amount of minerals to form a full-fledged head of cabbage.

Cabbage can be grown either by seedlings or by directly planting seeds in the ground. Broccoli is grown as seedlings to get an early harvest. To do this, seeds are sown in the prepared soil in mid-March to a depth of 1 cm. After emergence, the seedlings can be fed with mineral fertilizer, and as soon as 5-6 true leaves have formed, broccoli can be planted in open ground, if weather conditions permit.

Cabbage dive

You can also plant cabbage in pots or seedling boxes. It all depends on how much time you are willing to spend growing broccoli seedlings. Seedlings are planted in the prepared soil according to the following 35x60 cm pattern: 35 cm in a row and 60 cm between rows. There is also another way to grow broccoli, when the seeds are sown directly into the ground in the first 2 weeks of May. As soon as the seeds have sprouted, they are thinned out according to a 70x50 cm pattern.

To provide broccoli with a favorable microclimate, you can make organic compost from finely chopped weeds and bark and apply it at the root, that is, make a kind of mat that will get rid of the weeds and feed the plant with nutrients. And if in your area the temperature is lower than that at which broccoli grows well, you can cover the soil in the cabbage bed with black film, which will warm the soil well. You can grow cabbage and get a good harvest using one of the listed methods; the main thing in the process of growing broccoli is to take care of the crop in a timely manner.

Cultivation care

Knowledge of the biological characteristics of broccoli guarantees timely and high-quality care.

After harvesting broccoli, do not remove the entire plant - the lateral growths of cabbage inflorescences form 35% of the main harvest.

For example, broccoli cannot be planted in the same place; the best predecessors are legumes, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. Return to the previous landing site is possible only in the 4th year. To grow cabbage that you can show off to your neighbors, you must feed it with various fertilizers. The first fertilizing is done during planting. Add 1 tbsp directly to the well. l. ash and 1 tsp. urea, not counting the fact that fertilizers are also applied when preparing the soil. The second feeding is necessary after planting cabbage in the ground after 2 weeks, and 3 weeks if the seeds were sown directly into the ground. It is as follows: you need to dilute 0.5 liters of mullein and 1 tsp in 10 liters of water. urea. The third feeding is carried out 12 days after the second, for this purpose 2 tbsp are diluted in 10 liters of water. l. nitroammofoski.

It is important to know that nitrogen compounds contained in the soil have a direct effect on the growth of cabbage; thanks to these compounds, broccoli gains vegetative mass and forms heads. Low nitrogen content in the soil contributes to poor development of cabbage. The deficiency can be determined by the yellowing lower leaves of the crop, which then die. If you do not apply fertilizer in time, you may lose broccoli as a plant or not get a harvest. Do not overfeed the plant with phosphorus fertilizers, as phosphorus stimulates early flowering. A lack of potassium affects the color of the leaves, which changes from healthy to bronze or purple, and the edges of the leaves begin to dry out. You can make up for the lack of potassium by watering and adding a little potassium fertilizer to it.

Points to consider

Factors such as light, water and temperature influence head formation. The optimal temperature for broccoli growth and head formation is 16-25°C; at high temperatures, growth and the process of head formation slow down. Broccoli should be placed in well-lit areas, but in the early stages of development the plant cannot withstand the scorching rays of the sun, so you need to cover still young shoots with buckets or large leaves, creating artificial shade. In dry weather, it is necessary to humidify the air by spraying the plants every 15 minutes with water during especially hot hours.

Since broccoli is a moisture-loving crop, it requires good watering. You should not forget about loosening the soil for greater access to oxygen and hilling the bushes to form lateral roots, since the plant itself is tall. Of course, for good growth it is necessary to destroy weeds and monitor the appearance of pests.

As soon as caterpillars, aphids or other pests appear, measures must be taken to destroy them. Of course, you can treat broccoli with various chemicals, but do not forget that this is not such a safe method. You can prepare the poison yourself using available means. For example, you can prepare a decoction from tomato tops, take 1 kg of tomato leaves for 3 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes, then bring this decoction to the volume of a bucket, that is, dilute it with water and spray it on broccoli in calm, dry weather. Another way to combat pests: pour boiling water over garlic and tobacco, leave for 12 hours and spray the plants. There are other harmless ways to control broccoli pests.


When planting in a hole, you need to use 3-4 seeds. The distance between the holes is 30 centimeters.

The ripening of broccoli depends on the variety; there are early ripening ones, which are ready for consumption after 70 days, and there are late ripening ones, the ripening of which lasts for 100 days. As soon as the heads begin to appear, you need to closely monitor their development and not miss the moment when they need to be cut off. On average, the head ripens within 2 days. If the moment was missed, then you will admire the beautiful broccoli flowers in your garden, but the harvest will be lost forever. Therefore, broccoli is cut while it is in the state of strong closed buds; it is better to cut it in the morning, while the inflorescences are elastic, so they will retain their taste and presentation longer. It is necessary to wrap the head in film and store it in the refrigerator.

After cutting off the central head, do not rush to remove the plant completely from the garden, as you can still harvest the cabbage. Removing the main head allows side shoots to develop; you just need to maintain the care of the broccoli, and an additional harvest is guaranteed. And thanks to the fact that broccoli can withstand frosts down to -10°C, cabbage can be harvested until late autumn.


When and how to properly plant cabbage seedlings (video instructions)?

Optimal timing for each variety

To obtain high yields and quality vegetables, the stems should not be overgrown. By the time they need to be planted in open ground, the sprouts can be approximately 15-20 cm in height. In terms of the number of leaves, early ripening varieties have 6-7 pieces, and late ripening varieties have 4-5.

Usually, at home, cabbage seeds are planted in March. However, for each region, due to different climates, planting conditions may differ. As well as the time of planting shoots in the garden.

The best age for planting sprouts in the garden is 55-60 days. Based on this, you can determine the optimal period when to sow cabbage for seedlings yourself. For example, if you plan to plant seedlings in open ground in the last days of May, it is correct to sow the seeds of the crop at home from March 25 to March 30. Also in March it is worth planting Chinese cabbage to produce seedlings. It is preferable to sow the seeds of the crop in the second half of March. Its ripening period is 45-55 days.

Preparing to sow seeds for seedlings

Productivity depends not only on the timing of planting vegetable crops. In order for the seedlings to be strong and able to withstand sudden frosts, you need to know how to properly grow seedlings. In particular, you should follow the rules for sowing and caring for seedlings.

Planting work begins with the acquisition of seeds and the preparation of containers and soil. Planting material in the form of cabbage seedlings can be purchased at every flower shop. Basically the same as soil. To grow seedlings, you can prepare wooden boxes with a depth of 10-15 cm. They are filled either with a special substrate purchased on the market or with a soil mixture. You can prepare it at home yourself. To do this, you need to take pre-disinfected:

  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 1 tsp non-acidic peat;
  • 1 hour humus.

It is preferable to choose only large seeds. It is better to properly process them before sowing. If information about this is not contained on the packaging. Unlike the standard pre-sowing preparation procedure, cabbage seedlings should be immersed in hot water. It is enough to keep them in this liquid for 15-20 minutes. After that, put it in a container with cold water for 2 minutes. Now they can be sown in the ground.

Sowing and growing seedlings

Having prepared everything you need, you can start planting. Cabbage seedlings should be placed on the surface of the soil with which the boxes are filled. Upon completion of the procedure, they should be sprinkled with a small (up to 1 cm) layer of soil, then watered. Then place the boxes closer to the light. It is desirable that the temperature in that place be in the range from +6 to +12 degrees.

Cabbage shoots usually appear on days 4-6. During the entire germination period, the soil should be properly watered as it dries. When the first leaf appears on the sprouts, the seedlings should be plucked. Unlike white cabbage, Chinese cabbage can be grown without picking.

Those who have heated greenhouses can transplant seedlings into them. At home, picking is carried out in deeper individual containers. It is best to grow cabbage sprouts in peat-humus cups. In this way, you can protect the root system of the crop when the time comes to plant it in open areas.

When using deep wooden boxes for picking, it is correct to maintain a distance of 7 to 10 cm between the cabbage stems. To fill the containers, it is advisable to use a soil mixture prepared from:

  • 7 parts peat;
  • 1 tsp turf soil;
  • 1 tsp mullein.

This mixture, if the proportions are maintained correctly, stimulates the growth of cabbage heads. And if you use it to fill peat cups, you can harvest the crop in the form of mature vegetables 1.5-2 weeks earlier. Compared to traditional planting methods. It is advisable to fertilize cabbage seedlings. The procedure can be performed 7 days after picking the plants. Bird droppings or manure should be used for these purposes. It is also worth ventilating rooms with crop seedlings. However, it is better to exclude drafts.

Regarding the temperature at which this crop will be grown, it is recommended to maintain:

  • during the day from +14 to +18 degrees;
  • at night – from +7 to +10.

Cabbage seedlings can be planted in the garden bed from the second half of May. By that time, each stem should have 4-5 leaves. No more. Chinese cabbage can be planted when it has no more than 3 leaves. Taking into account the variety and climatic conditions of the growing region, you can choose the optimal period yourself.

How and where to transplant seedlings

It is better to plant seedlings of a vegetable crop such as cabbage at a distance of 40-50 cm. It is better to determine the depth of the hole based on the size of the peat cups. If you grew sprouts in boxes, then you can make a hole in accordance with the height of the walls of the container. The hole is watered just before planting. Pour about 1 liter of water into each, then immediately place the sprout in it. It is necessary to plant the stem so that the soil level is level with the first leaf on the plant stem.

If you choose the right place for further growing white cabbage, the yield can increase significantly. And it will become easier to care for the crop. For example, it is best to plant cabbage seedlings after legumes and grains. Cabbage heads also grow well if its predecessors on the site were cucumbers and root vegetables. Beijing cabbage can also be grown after potatoes and carrots.

As you can see, growing will not be difficult if you know when to sow cabbage for seedlings. And also, if you become familiar with the characteristics of the culture in order to properly cultivate and care for seedlings.


How to pick cabbage.

In this video you will see how to properly pick cabbage. How to prepare the soil mixture, at what distance to pick cabbage, to what depth to bury the seedlings, how to water, how to care for cabbage after picking.

Thank you for watching the video and grow the biggest harvest!

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