Primrose obkonika from seeds. Primrose obkonika and care for her. Dangerous properties of primrose

Unlike garden primroses that open spring, primrose obkonika is a perennial indoor plant, blooming almost all year round. Pale pink, white, purple umbrellas of inflorescences adorn a lush rosette of large fleecy leaves from February to December, with a short summer break. Despite the capricious nature, she is very much in demand in indoor floriculture, is represented by traditional varieties and new Dutch large-flowered hybrids.

The dark green of the foliage emphasizes the grace and touching defenselessness of delicate petals.

Description, biological features

In terms of habit, flowering time, and individual nuances of agricultural technology, primrose obconica is on a par with saintpaulias and pelargoniums.

This is a small potted plant 25–30 cm high. By nature, it is a perennial, but since it blooms most abundantly in the first year, cultivation is practiced in one- and two-year-old culture. The herbaceous plant forms a rather lush rosette of large velvety rounded leaves with a wavy edge. Petioles are long, pubescent. It blooms 4-5 months after sowing the seeds - by this time a rosette of 8-10 leaves has formed.

Primula obkonika belongs to the large-flowered representatives of the family. Flowers with a diameter of 6–8 cm are collected in multi-colored umbrellas on long stems and are located in the second tier above dark green foliage. One plant throws out up to 10 flower stalks at the same time. When sown in summer, it blooms from February to May, re-blooms in autumn and pleases the eye with bright bouquets until December.

To successfully cultivate this indoor beauty, pay attention to some of the biological features of the species.

  1. A herbaceous plant in its natural form grows in the lower tier of subtropical flora, on hillsides, on the banks of water bodies, therefore it prefers bright but diffused sunlight in combination with moist soil and good aeration of the root system.
  2. Primrose obkonika prefers loose nutrient soil with a slightly acidic reaction (pH from 5 to 6 units). The substrate for it should contain high-moor peat and leafy soil - components that regulate acidity in the desired range.
  3. Despite the subtropical origin, the plant loves moderate heat, even coolness (15–18⁰ C). This is fine. So it adapts to the light regime of the northern hemisphere.
  4. P. obconica differs from most indoor primroses in that it does not need a period of cold temperatures and dormancy to form buds. With proper care, it can bloom year-round - in autumn- winter period on the windowsill, in spring and summer - on open balcony, terrace, flower bed.

Note! Primrose obkonika refers to plants that cause an allergic reaction, which must be taken into account when leaving. It is not poisonous, but all parts in contact with the skin cause redness and itching, the smell of flowers irritates the nasal mucosa. It is not recommended to place a flower in the bedroom, children's room.

Varieties and hybrids of primrose obconica

On sale, the most common primrose obkonika grown from seeds of the Dutch selection. Old varieties that cause allergies have been replaced by new varieties and hybrids.

  • The variety group Touch me (“Touch me”) impresses not only with the variety of colors and flower size, but also with the fact that it is safe for health. The peak of flowering of an elegant bush is spring and autumn.
  • The Grace F1 series is represented by compact plants 20–25 cm tall and the same width. Large-flowered mixture contains a bright palette of shades of white, blue, pink, red, purple.
  • The Libre F1 series, like Touch me, does not emit primine, a substance that causes allergies. In a group of 9 shades, flowers look unusual orange color and two-tone.

Rules for home care

Primula obkonika is considered unpretentious by flower growers who know how to care for her at home, and capricious - those who encountered a flower for the first time. Both the first and second are right - the plant has simple agricultural technology, but is not "omnivorous", it knows what it wants.

The soil

The best substrate for planting is a light loose mixture consisting of various soil components - acid peat, turf and leafy soil in equal proportions, coarse sand (can be replaced with vermiculite). Ready-made soil mixtures based on peat are suitable - universal, slightly acidic for saintpaulia, flowering plants.


Primrose obconica prefers diffused light. What does it mean? In the summer, it must be removed from direct sun rays by 0.5–1.5 m. It can be a table, a flower stand in the back of the room, but opposite the south window. The flower feels good on the terrace, balcony, where it can be shaded by larger plants.

In winter, the primrose is kept on the windowsill of the east or south window. There she receives enough light, does not overheat - the temperature near the glass, as a rule, is several degrees lower than in the room. This coincides with the preferences of P. obkonik.

Temperature regime

The ideal temperature for indoor flower- 16–18⁰ C. The warmer the apartment, the more intense the leaves will grow, and the buds will not form. In winter, the plant prefers a cool loggia with 12–15⁰ C to a hot room.


Primula obkonika is demanding on such an element of care as watering, especially during the period of budding and flowering. The plant cannot be flooded, but it is not worth letting the earthen coma dry out. Irrigation methods are preferred so that moisture does not fall on the leaves, and the excess does not stagnate in the pan. Irrigation options:

  • immersing the pot in a container of water for a few minutes;
  • through the pallet;
  • from a watering can along the edge of the pot with the removal of excess water from the pan.

Between flowering, the plant freezes, reduces water consumption and nutrients. At this time, it is not fed, watered less often.

top dressing

Top dressing for flowering plants can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • for the growth of green mass with a prevailing nitrogen content (NPK - 3:2:1);
  • for the formation of buds and flowering with a ratio in favor of potassium (NPK - 1:1:2).

The former are used at the stage of plant awakening after dormancy, when young leaves are actively growing. The second - after the appearance of the first flower buds.

Primula obkonika is watered with liquid fertilizers every 10-14 days.

Care during and after flowering, transplant

In order for the flowering bush of the primrose obkonika to always look well-groomed, do not forget about such an element of care as the removal of wilted peduncles and dried leaves. This procedure allows you to save food, prolong flowering.

As soon as the plant has faded, it is removed in the shade. After summer dormancy, it quickly restores its shape and blooms a second time. Some Dutch varieties do not stop blooming at all.

Once a year, primrose needs rejuvenation and transplantation. After autumn-winter flowering, old leaves are cut off, and the pot is placed in a cool place. After some time (in January-February), the plant begins to quickly grow young foliage. At this time, the overgrown bushes are divided and transplanted into a fresh substrate.

A week later, they begin intensive watering and top dressing in order to see the delicate bouquets of indoor primrose again in the middle of winter.

Sowing seeds of primrose obconica:

Primrose obconica is a perennial houseplant that blooms almost all year round. Large fleecy leaves of this flower are collected in a lush rosette, on the top of which are umbrellas of inflorescences of pale pink, white, lilac. Primrose has a rather capricious character, but despite this, it is very popular in indoor gardening. To date, there are both traditional varieties of primrose, and new Dutch large-flowered hybrids.

This article will tell you in detail what a primrose is. Growing from seeds at home and proper care behind the plant will also be the focus of our attention.

Variety Description

Habitus, flowering time and individual nuances agricultural techniques of primrose obkoniki put it on a par with pelargoniums and saintpaulias.

The obkonika itself is small potted plant about 30 cm high. In fact, it is considered a perennial, but the most abundant flowering shows in the first year, so in practice it is grown as an annual or biennial crop. This herbaceous plant has a fairly lush rosette with large velvety leaves. The shape of the leaves is rounded, the edge is wavy. Leaves are located on long pubescent petioles. Flowering begins approximately 5 months after sowing seeds. At this time, a rosette with 8-10 leaves appears at the flower.

Primula obkonika is a large-flowered representative of the family (flower diameter 6-8 cm). The flowers are collected in multi-colored umbrellas with long stems and rise above dark green leaves. At the same time, up to 10 peduncles appear in one plant. If the seeds were sown in the summer, then the obkonika will bloom continuously from February to May, after which there will be a summer break, and the flowers will reappear in the fall and last until December.

Biological features of the variety

The successful cultivation of this room beauty will largely depend on the knowledge of some biological features type:

  • In nature this herbaceous plant prefers the lower tier of subtropical flora, hillsides, shores of water bodies, therefore it is well suited to bright, but scattered sunshine, moist soil and good aeration of the root system.
  • Obkonika (domestic primrose) grows well in loose nutrient soil with a slightly acidic reaction. The substrate for obkoniki is also prepared from leafy earth - these components regulate acidity.
  • Despite the fact that the plant belongs to the subtropical flora, it grows well in moderate heat and even coolness (15-17 degrees). Primrose needs such a temperature to adapt to the light regime of our strip.
  • Primrose obconica differs from other primroses in that it does not need cold temperatures and rest to form buds. If you provide her with appropriate care, then she can bloom all year round - in winter and autumn on the windowsill, in summer and spring - in a flower bed or on a balcony.

It is important to remember that obconica can cause an allergic reaction. However, it is not considered poisonous. When breeding it, it is not recommended to put a flower in a bedroom or children's room.

Primula: growing from seeds at home

Grow primrose obconica from seeds. Approximately six months pass from the moment of sowing to the beginning of flowering. Germinate seeds in a special soil from a mixture of turf and sand. Sow seeds directly on the surface of the soil, without sprinkling anything on top. After that, the container must be covered with glass and the soil should be sprayed regularly. If you maintain the optimal temperature regime (20-22 degrees), then shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. After that, they need to be put in a bright place, and the temperature should be slightly lowered.

When the first true leaves appear, the seedlings can dive. The distance between them should be 3-4 cm. Thus, they will grow until they become crowded. Then the second pick is carried out, while the seedlings of the primrose obkonika are seated after 8 cm. When, after the second pick, the plants become crowded again (the leaves of neighboring plants will close), they can be transplanted into a pot. Now you can start feeding the flower. To do this, use a solution of bird droppings, mineral fertilizers or mullein solution.

This is how primrose obconica is grown. Reproduction of an already adult plant can occur in two ways: by cuttings or by dividing the flower. It is produced between obkoniki flowering.

New varieties

To date, the most common obkonika, bred by Dutch breeders. But old varieties that cause allergies are being replaced by new improved varieties and hybrids.

1. Variety Touch me ("touch me"). The flowers of this variety of primrose are large in size and a variety of colors. But its most important difference is that this primrose is safe for health, it does not cause allergies. The peak of flowering occurs in spring and autumn.

2. Libre F1 - this variety of primrose also does not cause allergies, as it does not emit primine. In this group 9 various shades flowers, especially stand out from total mass flowers are orange and bicolor.

3. Grace is a large-flowered compact plant with various bright colors: white, blue, pink, red, purple.


Primula is considered a very capricious house plant, but if you know what obkonika primrose loves, how to properly care for a flower, then it can even be called unpretentious.

For planting obkoniki, a light loose mixture is prepared, which includes various soil components: sour peat, turf and leaf ground, coarse sand. You can buy ready-made soil mixture.

The location of the flower also matters. Given that the primrose obkonika prefers to grow in diffused light, it must be removed from direct sunlight. For example, it can be placed on a table next to a window or on a balcony where it is shaded by larger plants.

In winter, the primrose is placed on the windowsill of the south or east window. There she has enough light and the temperature is slightly below room temperature. The ideal temperature for primrose obkoniki is 16-18 degrees. If the room is warmer, then intensive growth of leaves will begin and buds will not form.

It is very important to monitor the watering of the obkoniki, especially during flowering and budding. Watering should be moderate, while water should not fall on the leaves.

This is flowering plant loves food very much. You need to feed about 1 time in 2 weeks. At the awakening stage, when the green mass is growing, fertilizers should contain more nitrogen. When the first flower buds appear, the fertilizer should contain more potassium for bud formation and abundant flowering.

Features of care during and after flowering

During the flowering of primrose, wilted peduncles and leaves should be removed in time. Thus, food is consumed sparingly, and therefore the process lasts a long time.

When flowering ends, the flower must be removed to the shade - so it will quickly restore its shape and bloom again.

After 1-2 years, the primrose needs to be rejuvenated and transplanted.

When the autumn-winter flowering ends, the old leaves should be cut off and the pot should be placed in a cool place. After that, the plant will grow young leaves, and then the bushes can be divided and transplanted into fresh soil.

Possible diseases

Primrose obkonika often suffers from fungal diseases - in this case, the leaves and roots of the plant rot. Also, the flower can die from viral diseases.

Of the pests, the most dangerous are: spider mite, whitefly and thrips. Insecticides will help to cope with them.

Indoor primrose has long won the sympathy of lovers of indoor plants. It is distinguished by unpretentiousness in care, its beauty and shades of flowers. By itself, primrose in height can reach 25 centimeters.

root system fibrous, rosette leaves, about 7 cm in diameter. Primrose blooms twice a year - in spring and winter.

They are both perennial and annual. For growing in room conditions annual primroses are best suited.

At home, it is best to grow obkonika or Chinese primrose.

Did you know? Primrose belongs to the primrose family, which includes more than 1000 plants. In nature, primrose grows in temperate latitudes, mainly Europe, China, North America and Asian countries.

The main varieties of indoor primroses

Indoor primrose differs from garden features care. Garden is more resistant to cold than indoor.

In order to answer the question: "Is it possible to plant indoor primrose on the street?" - you need to understand the varieties and types of primrose. After all, there are hybrid species that can be grown both in the garden and on the windowsill.

- this is one of the most common species of this plant. Inflorescences consist of 10-20 flowers, leaves are light green in color, grows up to 30 cm in height. Varieties of soft primrose:

  • Mars- purple inflorescences;
  • White pearls- white flowers with pearl tints;
  • Juliet mixed- double coloration of flowers from lilac to pastel. Differ in terry flowers;
  • Enchantment- bright blue inflorescences;
  • The Snow Queen- White flowers.

belongs to the Chinese family. Is different large sizes colors. This is perennial reaches a height of 20 cm. It can bloom all the time with good care.

A popular variety of reverse conical primrose - Twilly touch me. Its flowers are lilac, purple, lavender.

Important!It is known that some varieties of the reverse-conical primrose cause allergies.

is a hybrid species. Such a primrose can be grown in the garden and at home on the windowsill. blooms this species from April to July and has many varieties. Some of the most popular are:

  • Sphinx Apricot- flowers with bright orange color, which turns into reddish;
  • Sphinx F1 neon Rose- crimson color of flowers;
  • Eclipse Violet with Rim - lilac flowers with gold border.

In addition to the species listed above, there are also chinese primrose(white, pink, red flowers and wavy edges) and primrose qew(with small yellow flowers).

So that the primrose does not get sick and blooms, you need to know how to care for the primrose at home. The features of primrose care are as follows: a competent choice of a place for a plant, proper watering, lighting and temperature conditions, top dressing and watering. If everything is done correctly, the primrose will thank you beautiful flowers and decorate your home.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Primrose loves warmth and sunshine. But the rays should not be straight, as they are detrimental to the delicate leaves of the primrose.

It is best to put the plant on special shelves or window sills on the west or east side. Then the sun will illuminate the primrose, but in limited quantities.

Temperature regime for primrose should be supported as follows:

  • Spring-autumn - from +18 to +20°С;
  • Winter - from +16 to +18°С;
  • During flowering - from +16 to +20°C.

If the correct temperature is observed and proper lighting, primrose will bloom longer and more abundantly.

And if you had to think about why room primrose leaves turn yellow, then you should pay attention to poor lighting or too warm air where the plant is.

flower substrate

The substrate for primrose can be purchased ready-made, for the Primrose family, or you can cook it yourself. In order to prepare the land for primrose, you should adhere to the proportions: leafy ground, sand, peat - 1:1:1.

Be sure to take care of drainage so that the roots of the plant do not rot.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

Primrose can be fed with weak mineral solutions with trace elements. This is best done during flowering, fertilizing once every two weeks.

If you add fertilizer before flowering, then only the leaves will grow. During the dormant period, it is better not to feed the primrose, since it does not particularly need it.

Fans of indoor primroses often ask themselves: "How to water the indoor primrose?" During flowering, the plant needs abundant watering.

Make sure that the earth does not dry out too much, but you do not need to fill it, as the roots may begin to rot.

Water should be soft and at room temperature. Do not pour water directly from the tap, let it settle.

Important! Make sure that water does not fall on the primrose leaves during watering. This can cause them to start to rot.

Plant transplant

For growth and stimulation of flowering, the primrose needs to be transplanted. To do this, you should adhere to the technology of how to transplant a primrose. Young plants are transplanted once a year, adults - once every two to three years.

For correct transplant need:

  • Pick the right pot. The new container should be wider than the previous one.
  • Soil and drainage should be selected specifically for primrose.
  • When transplanting, the socket should be on the surface.
  • The land needs to be completely replaced.

When transplanting, be careful not to injure the fragile root system. Primrose is transplanted in the fall, around the end of September. Between transplants, the soil around the plant needs to be updated from time to time.

Forcing primrose

If you want to drive out the primrose, it is worth using seedlings about two years old.

They need to be planted in pots or special containers along with a clod of earth. Flowers should be in a cool room, such as a greenhouse. Forcing should be done before the onset of frost.

Primroses are easy to care for. Follow the temperature regime (+5 ... + 8 ° С), you do not need to water the plants. In February, plants should be moved to a lighted place with a temperature of + 8 ° C. From now on, start watering the primroses. Plants with proper care will bloom in mid-February.

Did you know? Gardeners often forcing primroses by March 8th. On the spring holiday, primrose flowers today, along with the famous tulips and mimosas, are given to women.

Reproduction of primroses at home

Reproduction of primrose occurs in two ways: by dividing the bush or by seeds. Both the first and second methods are not complicated and are not particularly time-consuming.

In order to obtain seeds, the primrose is artificially pollinated. Sow seeds in the summer in shallow, but wide containers or containers. After the seeds have been sown, they must be covered with a film or glass.

In order for the primrose to sprout, it is necessary to provide it with the desired temperature regime - this is + 16 ... + 17 ° С. At proper fit, shoots will be in 2 weeks.

By dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush occurs during transplantation. To do this, you need to know how to plant a room primrose.

New, young rosettes are separated from adult plants and planted in separate pots. In order for the plant to take root better, transplant it with the soil in which it previously grew.

Useful properties of home primrose

Home primrose is different useful properties. Primula is used in medicine in the treatment various diseases. She is known for her great content. ascorbic acid, carotenoids, phenolic glycosides.

The roots of the plant contain sapomin. It is used to strengthen the immune system, fight cholesterol, protect the liver. Primrose roots are used as a storehouse of essential oils.

Dry flowers are used for tinctures and teas for headaches, vitamin deficiency and colds.

Pests and diseases

Although primroses and hardy plants, but, like others, can get sick and suffer from pests. Common primroses are most often affected.

The most common diseases are:

For the fight with caterpillars and ticks check mother plants frequently for their presence. For mild injury treat the plant with soap (household) or mineral oil. With a severe injury use Fitoferm, Akarin, Fufanon Iskra-M, etc.

Thus, if you notice that the primrose has begun to look unnatural or does not bloom, pay attention to caring for it.

To know what to do if the primrose fades, you need to understand the possible shortcomings during watering or temperature regime which is suitable for the plant.

Keep an eye on the humidity in the room and do not forget about fertilizer during flowering. If you follow the rules for caring for primrose, it will bloom beautifully and for a long time.

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A riddle for you: which houseplant creates a joyful spring mood among the gray autumn days, dilutes the monochrome of winter days with spring colors and decorates any interior? This is a primrose obkonika (P. obconica).

Other names for this primrose are primrose oblanceolate or obverse conical. In room conditions, it blooms for several years in a row.

Belongs to the primrose family. A rosette of rounded wavy leaves densely planted at the base during flowering is covered with a canvas of large flowers of various shades of yellow, red, purple, pink, orange.

Umbrella-inflorescences are gracefully arranged on long legs, called peduncles. The average height of a primrose is 25-30 cm, it can reach 60 cm. Professor Timofeev N.N. brought primrose with a flower diameter of 8 cm, usually it does not exceed 6 cm.

You look at the photos of these delicate elegant flowers, and it seems that it is possible to grow and preserve such beauty only through great efforts.

plant care

In fact, home care is very simple. We note the conditions necessary for the successful development, growth and flowering of room primrose.

The soil

Choose light fertile soil. Line the bottom of the pots with a layer of drainage material (pebbles, expanded clay). Loosen the soil periodically. Avoid acidification of the soil.

Temperature regime

In order for the primrose to bloom actively, maintain an air temperature of 10-15 degrees. Remember, despite the fact that primrose obkonika is a cold-loving plant, it does not like falling temperatures below 5 degrees. Temperatures above 20 degrees also have a negative effect. The leaves are starting to turn yellow rapid flowering stops.


It is important to observe moderate watering settled water. The soil should always be moist, especially during the flowering of the plant. During the period of tying the buds, top dressing with liquid complex fertilizers is added to the watering.

Light and location

It is better to place flowerpots with primrose obkonika in a well-lit place (excluding windows facing north). Direct sunlight is undesirable.


The breeding cycle of the plant is as follows:

  • sowing seeds,
  • shoots dive,
  • re-dive seedlings,
  • summer rest,
  • transplanting into flowerpots.

Primula obconica is easily grown from seed. If you want autumn, winter and more than half of spring to please the eye with your own flowering corner, sow seeds from January to early summer once a month. Seeds are sown directly on the surface of the soil in containers or containers for future seedlings. Often a mixture of hardwood and sand is used in equal proportions. Then the earth is thoroughly moistened, the container is covered with a film or glass. It is necessary to regularly ventilate and moisten the plant. A room with bright light and cool air is ideal for successful seed germination.

Seedlings will sprout in one and a half to two weeks. Dive young growth 6 weeks after sowing. For the first time, a flower is planted in pots with a diameter of 6-8 cm, after a month it is increased to 10-12 cm. In summer, you can dig seedlings into a front garden in partial shade so that there is enough ultraviolet radiation. After summer holidays, in September, the reverse conical primrose is transplanted into flowerpots with fresh earth. Primula obkonika grown from seeds begins to bloom about six months after planting. To prolong the flowering time, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers and dried leaves. Also, you can propagate a houseplant by dividing the overgrown bushes, planting them in separate pots.

The optimal temperature for wintering and wild flowering this type of primrose is 10-15 degrees. In the winter months, care involves reducing watering to avoid stagnant water in flowerpots.

If you provide the plant with proper care, its life span will be 3-4 years.


All hybrid species of obkoniki primrose have one feature: not only life-giving moisture circulates through the veins of the plant. The substance primin, contained in the stems and leaves of this type of primrose, causes skin allergic reactions due to contact with her.

The breeders of Holland brought out new varieties of primrose obkoniki and lovingly called "Touch me", which translates as "Pet me". Stroke and holte plenty and do not be afraid of the consequences.

Possible diseases

If whitish spots appear on green leaves, this is a symptom of gray rot. Treatment is as follows: you need to remove the affected areas, spray with a fungicide.

If the leaves turn yellow, then the acidity of the soil is likely to be increased. Add ferrous sulfate to water for irrigation.

Among the many varieties garden primroses, there are several types for growing at home. Indoor primrose - an ideal plant for northern window sills, the flower blooms in early spring, for which it is ranked among the primroses of the kingdom of flora. The ancient sagas of the Scandinavian peoples compare the plant with the keys with which the goddess Freya opens the gates to spring. This article is all about proper cultivation and caring for room primrose at home.

Multi-colored indoor primroses begin to bloom in early April.

Usually primroses bloom for a short time, but very brightly, brightly. Amazing flowers are distinguished by a rich palette of colors from the most delicate pastel colors to bright red or purple colors with contrasting eyes in the center of the flower. The eye can be intense yellow or pure white.

At home, the most commonly grown inverted primrose (Primula obconica) or annual (Primula malacoides). AT last years for growing on windowsills, stemless varieties are used (Primula vulgaris and Primula acaulis). Each species has its own characteristics, growing secrets and care nuances, but these plants have the following requirements in common - plants cannot tolerate heat and bright sunlight.

Primrose stemless

More recently, stemless primrose began to be grown indoors. To date, there are more than 50 varieties recommended for window sills. Every year, breeders bring out new varieties with bright huge flowers; resistant to dry indoor air; compact size; with a delicate aroma.

It is worth noting that in all primroses, not only flowers have a smell, but also leaves, peduncles and other parts of the plant. Most of them release allergenic substances into the air, cause irritation of the mucous membrane if plant juice gets on it, so it is not recommended to smell the plants.

Stemless primroses are low plants.

Primrose stemless in nature grows in the foothills of the Caucasus and the Crimea, where it forms cushion-like thickets of compact, undersized bushes. The leaves are elongated, short-petiolate, form a dense rosette, in the center of which a bouquet rises. decorative flowers. Up to 7 flowers can bloom on a plant at the same time. bright colors. The first wave of flowering coincides with the beginning of April and continues until the end of spring. Sometimes plants bloom again in autumn, but hot summer time is absolutely not suitable for flowering.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Primrose stemless requires some care when grown indoors:

  • Lighting - partial shade, direct sunlight for the plant is detrimental.
  • Watering is regular, but indoor primrose categorically does not tolerate stagnant water and overflows. You can not leave water in the trays, as well as carelessly water the primrose from the watering can, getting into the center of the outlet. Excessive waterlogging can lead to rotting of the roots and rosette of leaves of a wonderful plant.
  • Top dressing - regular application of fertilizers containing phosphorus during the period of budding and flowering.
  • The soil for planting is light, fertile, with a high content of peat.
  • Air humidity - in extreme heat it is useful to humidify the air around the bowls with planted sockets.
  • Pot sizes - young plants of stemless primrose are planted in small pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm, pots or planters with a diameter of up to 15 cm are suitable for adult plants.


Bouquet of magnificent primroses.

For breeding perennial primrose you can use parts of the mother bush, which are obtained during the annual transplantation of the plant in early autumn.

You can not neglect the annual transplantation of plants, otherwise they quickly stretch out and disappear.

During the autumn transplant, the mother bush is divided into separate parts that have a growth point and a lobe of roots. Young plants are planted in small pots, trying not to bury in the ground, watered abundantly and left on a bright window. If young plants are slightly drooping, they can be placed in a greenhouse to restore leaf turgor.

Reproduction of primrose seeds is a more troublesome task. To plant small seeds in the ground, you should wait until the end of winter. If at this time there is still snow cover on the street, you can sow the seeds in the snow. To do this, prepare low bowls with light soil, on top of which snow is poured in a thin layer. Small seeds are scattered over the snow, then the bowl is placed on a warm windowsill, covered with glass. The snow will melt, turning into water, which is absorbed into the ground, entraining small seeds into the soil. Sowing seeds on snow avoids the stratification of seed in a cold place (usually they are frozen in a household refrigerator).

Young seedlings dive at the 5th leaf stage. In the first year, the plant is not allowed to bloom - all the buds that appear should be carefully broken out.

Primrose reverse conical

Primula inverse conical is much taller than other species.

The primrose is reverse-conical, as a houseplant, it is not at all like Primula acaulis. This beauty reaches a height of up to 40-50 cm, has a sprawling bush with rounded leaves on long fragile petioles. Original flowers rise above a large rosette, resembling an elegant bouquet. The color of the primrose obkonika is the most diverse, but more often the plant blooms delicate flowers pastel colors. Each peduncle is capable of carrying up to 20 open flowers. Primrose is an ideal plant for a gift or interior decoration.

The flowering of the reverse-conical primrose in room conditions can last indefinitely, the break occurs only in the hot summer months.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Primrose room back-conical develops beautifully at home, subject to the following rules care:

  • Lighting - shade or partial shade, the plant needs protection from direct sunlight and dry air.
  • Watering - regular, plentiful. Water for irrigation must be defended for a long time.
  • Top dressing - regular application of complex fertilizers, the period of budding and flowering of the plant is useful to feed with phosphorus.
  • Soil for planting - light, fertile peat-based soil is ideal.
  • Humidity is high in hot or dry weather.
  • Pot sizes - growing primrose room obkonika is best done in pots with a diameter of 20 cm or more.


The reverse conical primrose is bred exclusively by seeds. It takes about six months from sowing to the appearance of flowers, so the sowing of seeds begins in the middle of winter.

For sowing, use low bowls filled with light soil mixture. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, watered, and arranged greenhouse conditions, for which it is enough to cover the bowl plastic wrap. Seed germination lasts up to 3 weeks. At this time, it is worth monitoring the soil moisture, preventing it from drying out. The ideal temperature for seed germination can be considered + 20C.

Young primroses dive at the stage of appearance of 2-3 leaves, using for transplantation peat pots 6-8 cm in diameter.

The reverse conical primrose was considered a strong allergen for a long time, until Dutch breeders developed new varieties that were odorless.