Hydrangea paniculata - planting and care in the open field. Garden hydrangea: features of growing in the open field Hydrangea how to plant and care for in the garden

At the sight of these flowers, there is a feeling of airiness and lightness, I want to pick a huge fluffy bouquet or plant whole rows so that multi-colored hats are on both sides of the garden. The plant belongs to the Hortensia family. More often these are small trees or shrubs, but there are even liana-shaped forms. The flowers are small, collected in large spherical inflorescences, without aroma. Thanks to these beautiful inflorescences, the hydrangea is impossible not to notice.

Hydrangea planting is carried out in early spring or autumn. Desirable in cold climates spring planting seedlings so that they have time to take root well and it is easier to endure the harsh conditions of the first (after transplantation) wintering. A landing site must be chosen in advance: all hydrangeas love well-moistened soil. They can grow both in the sun and in partial shade.

Fertilizers are also applied to the prepared hole measuring approximately 30x30x30 cm, mixed well with soddy soil. Then they pour. In a hydrangea seedling, the roots are slightly shortened. The root neck is not deepened. The planted bush is well watered with humus or peat. When planting in spring, annual shoots are shortened a little (by 3-4 buds).

Usually hydrangeas are planted on the lawn, singly or in groups.

When planting in groups, the distance between plants should be at least 1 m. You can read more about the planting process in the article.

Reproduction of hydrangea

cuttings: cuttings are taken in April-June: annual green shoots 10-12 cm long are selected from the crown, cut at a right angle. Leaves are removed from the lower part of the cutting, processed and planted in a fertile soil mixture on a seed bed in a greenhouse. The first year after planting (already in a permanent place) in winter, the flowers are pruned.

Winter cuttings can only be carried out with large-leaved hydrangea. To do this, in October, you need to dig up the parent plant and plant it in a pot, put it in a room with a temperature of 0 ... + 2 ° C. In January, the temperature is raised to +7… +10°C. In February, the shoots of last year have already matured, cuttings with 2 internodes are cut from them. The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are cut off, leaving half of the leaf plate. The lower cut is treated with root formation and the cuttings are planted in pots with a nutritious soil mixture. Cover them with plastic bottles, glass jars.

By dividing the bush

Hydrangea can be propagated by division in spring and autumn. The plant is dug up and divided into several parts so that each division has a renewal bud, after which it is planted in prepared places.


Shoots no older than 1 year are bent to the ground and dug in, leaving a top about 20 cm long on the surface. In the spring or autumn of the next year, the rooted shoot is separated from the mother bush and transplanted.

Hydrangea large-leaved PRINCESS DIANA, 1 pc. LUX 495 rub

Large leaf hydrangea SO LONG EBONY, 1 pc. 560 rub

* Large leaf hydrangea Romance Pink (blooms all summer) 498 rub
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Hydrangea large-leaved Gertrude Glan 328 rub
Agrofirm Search

This article discusses the species that take root and grow in our latitudes.

The main garden types of hydrangea

Hydrangea suffers from intense heat, many species that love partial shade, slow down growth in the sun, their inflorescences become very small.

But there are those who tolerate heat well.

Flowering occurs in July-August. Flowers of white, pink, blue color in ordinary forms are collected in corymbose inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter; flowers of sterile forms are collected in lush spherical inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter.

Shrub up to 2 m tall, with large broad ovate leaves. Thermophilic: in frosty winters it requires shelter, tolerates frosts down to -10°C. The most common garden form in the world. The original form for potted hydrangeas. When potassium salts and aluminum sulfate are added to the ground, it allows you to get blue and blue inflorescences.

Shrub from 2 to 5 m in height or small (up to 10 m) tree. Blooms from mid-summer to late autumn . The flowers are collected in dense panicles of pyramidal inflorescences up to 30 cm in length, color from light green to white, changing to dull purple in late summer.

Differs in durability, unpretentiousness (grows in boggy, gassy places), frost resistance.

Bretschneider's Hydrangea (Hydrangea bretschneideri)

The bush is compact, with a wide rounded decorative crown up to 3 m tall. Flowering from mid-July to August. The flowers are small, fruit-bearing, collected in wide inflorescences in the form of umbrellas with a diameter of about 15 cm. The middle flowers in the inflorescence fall off early, the marginal ones bloom for a long time. The color at the beginning of flowering is bright white, towards the end - purple or reddish. The leaves are dark green in color, ovoid, 12 cm long. Shoots are hairy, reddish, with peeling bark in the form of thin plates; completely woody by winter.

The most winter-hardy variety, drought-resistant. Can be propagated by seeds.

Shrub liana is attached to the support with air suction cups, reaches up to 25 m in height, in the absence of support it spreads along the ground. Perfectly braids,. The flowers are white-pink, collected in corymbose inflorescences up to 25 cm in diameter, quickly fall off.

Hydrangea tree (Hydrangea arborescens)

A very beautiful shrub with many varieties. Bushes up to 3 m tall, with large oval leaves up to 20 cm long. The flowers are collected in fluffy inflorescences. It often freezes in winter, but quickly recovers in spring and blooms profusely. This form needs a heavy pruning (almost under the root) in April to keep the bushes in good condition.

Hydrangea arborescens "Annabelle"

It has been growing for me for 10 years, it blooms until late autumn, and in the flower garden it is more noticeable than many more elegant and bright flowers.

Fans of hydrangeas will certainly be interested in these publications: What kind of hydrangeas grow in your garden? Tell!

Hydrangea refers to brightly flowering plants. According to taxonomy, hydrangea is a representative of the dicotyledonous class, the dogwood order, the hydrangea family. Translated from Latin, hydrangea means "vessel of water."

Hydrangea in the country is popular as an ornamental plant. It can reach a height of 4 meters, it is actively used to decorate parks and gardens, thanks to large bright inflorescences. Hydrangea planting and caring for it does not require much effort. Hydrangea grows quite quickly. Growing a plant begins at home. For 2 years, the seedling will delight at home with the first buds. After this period, the bush should be transplanted into open ground conditions.

It is known that hydrangea is a photophilous plant, and the composition of the soil should contain an abundance of organic matter and have a neutral or slightly acidic pH.

Planting hydrangeas

How to plant hydrangea? To plant hydrangeas, you should purchase a bush seedling. However, you can grow a seedling from seeds. This method will take much more time.

How to plant hydrangea seeds? Sowing seeds should be carried out in the autumn. For planting, you must choose a soil rich in organic matter. You can independently prepare the soil mixture from peat, leafy soil and river sand in a ratio of 2: 4: 1. The prepared land must be carefully loosened. After sowing the seeds, they need to be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, which should be moistened with a spray bottle.

After planting the hydrangea, the container should be covered with a film or glass, removing it several times a day to ventilate the soil. Maintaining soil moisture is also important.

Planting bushes

The ideal temperature range for seed germination is 14-20°C. After the appearance of seedlings, the shelter must be completely removed.

Picking is carried out in 2 stages. The first time to dive seedlings should be when the cotyledons appear, the second time - in early spring. During the second pick, you should choose a small size of pots.

After the second transplant, young plants need to start hardening procedures. To do this, the pots in the summer can be taken out into the fresh air. You should choose places protected from direct sunlight, drafts and precipitation. At night, hydrangeas must be returned to the room.

Growing at home lasts for 2 years. During this period, you can keep pots outside in summer, and in well-lit, cool conditions in winter.

Important! During this period, all buds should be cut off, as they take away strength from the young bush.

At the age of 2 years, seedlings are ready for transplanting to the main growing site. How to plant a hydrangea in open ground?

It is better to transplant in early spring. Proper choice of growth site is the key to good plant growth.

How to grow hydrangea in the garden? Hydrangeas are demanding on lighting conditions, they need to choose places with indirect sunlight. The soil for the seedling should be chosen as rich as possible in organic matter, with a neutral or slightly acidic pH.

Attention! With a clear alkaline reaction, the soil should be acidified. To do this, you can use peat or a commercial preparation, for example, Asid plus.

Planting hydrangea bushes next to other plants with a superficial root system is undesirable. This neighborhood will lead to the development of competition for nutrients and moisture.

When is the best time to plant hydrangeas in autumn or spring? Spring planting will help the seedling get stronger for winter.

For landing, it is necessary to prepare a landing pit. Its size should be 2 times larger than the size of the root system of a young plant, together with an earthen clod adjacent to it. After that, you need to make complex fertilizers, both organic and mineral. In addition, it is necessary to make a peat mixture mixed with the ground.

Remove the sprout from the pot along with the soil. After shaking and straightening the roots, lower them into a hole and cover them with soil with compost.

Note! It should be ensured that the root system is elevated above the soil surface.

Having buried the roots, the soil covering them must be carefully compacted, watered and mulched with needles around the trunk circle.

Hydrangea Care

Hydrangeas in the garden are demanding on compliance with the irrigation regime. They almost always need moist soil. Planting next to Erica and crowberry will allow you to constantly maintain a slight acidity of the soil for hydrangea.

Growing on dense soils imposes the obligation to loosen frequently. The introduction of organic matter stimulates the growth and development of shrubs. To aerate the soil, loosening should be carried out to a depth of 5 cm.

Street hydrangea bushes are characterized by poor drought resistance. In hot conditions, weekly abundant watering is required at the rate of 15-20 liters of water per 1 plant. In normal times, it is enough to water 1-2 times a month. Mulching the soil with needles, wood chips or bark helps to maintain soil moisture and maintain the acid balance.

Hydrangeas in the garden

As a rule, hydrangea does not have good frost resistance. Although there are varieties that calmly endure the winter season. For the period of cooling, it is necessary to use special covering materials to prevent freezing of the bush.

To obtain maximum flowering, it is worth feeding the bush at least 2 times a year. It is worth feeding during the period of the beginning of flowering and after the fall of the last flowers. In early spring, a urea solution is suitable as top dressing. It should be prepared according to the scheme of 2 grams per 1 liter of water. One plant requires 30 liters of this solution.

After the end of flowering, minerals must be used as top dressing. In the summer, it is better to use slurry.

Important! For beginners, it is important to avoid overfeeding hydrangeas. Because of this, unnecessarily large inflorescences are formed, breaking young branches with their weight. Timely garter will help keep the shoots intact.

Sanitary pruning of shoots is required for bushes older than 3-4 years after planting. Pruning, that is, taking care of the shrub, cutting off the flowering stems of the current year, should be at the beginning of the summer season.

Note! In order to avoid the death of the plant from the loss of juice, pruning must be carried out before the opening of the kidneys.

The optimal time is when the kidneys swell and begin to look alive. Excessively long stems should be cut at the level of 3-4 buds. In addition, it is necessary to cut off damaged and dried branches.

After the procedure for cutting the branches, an excess of various segments remains. They can be used to propagate hydrangeas from cuttings. To do this, each cutting must have at least 2 knots. To form a cutting, it is necessary that the cut above the knot is straight, and under the bottom it is oblique. For a competent cut, it is necessary to measure 2-3 cm from the node. To plant such a cutting, it is necessary to equip a greenhouse container. As a soil, choose a mixture of peat and sand. The cuttings are planted to a depth of 3 cm, after which it is necessary to water the soil abundantly.

Important! After planting, the greenhouse container should be covered with a film like a "house". Cuttings are demanding on soil moisture, so you need to regularly moisten it with a spray gun. After rooting, cuttings can be planted in open ground in spring. By next winter, they will already be strong.

The ability to bloom directly depends on the development of the root system. Therefore, it is necessary to properly follow the fertilizer and watering scheme. Excessively overfed plants form the root system for an order of magnitude longer, which will lead to no or very poor flowering.

Types of hydrangeas

A variety of bred species allows you to choose a variety that suits the given conditions.

Tree hydrangea is popular among garden owners. The plant has the appearance of a shrub, 1-3 meters high. Inflorescences are formed at the tips of annual branches. The color of the flowers is usually light green when opened, but cream or white when fully bloomed.

Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle

Paniculata hydrangea is a tree-like shrub. Its height can vary between 2-5 meters. Under favorable conditions, such a plant can last for more than 40 years. Lignification of stems occurs in a short time. This quality makes the plant hardy. Inflorescences are formed in the upper parts of young stems. A characteristic feature is the presence of foliage inflorescences. The flowering period falls on August-September. The shape of the inflorescence resembles a pyramid. Interesting color change. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences are pale green in color, after full disclosure they turn white. At the end of summer, the flowers become light pink, and after - brick. By the end of flowering, the inflorescences turn white again.

Large-leaved hydrangea or garden broadleaf is often used for growing in the garden. Certain varieties can be grown in pots. The leaves of such a hydrangea are rich green in color, quite dense. The stems that have grown this year are herbaceous, and therefore the bush has practically no frost resistance. Inflorescences are formed on last year's stems, since budding occurs in the autumn. The inflorescences themselves are of a viburnum-shaped umbrella, otherwise called hemispherical. The color of the inflorescences depends on the pH of the soil: in an acidic environment - blue, in a neutral one - lilac.

Note! Hydrangea Oakleaf is a shrub up to 2 meters in height. Blooms profusely with paniculate inflorescences, 10-30 cm long. The flowering period falls on June-July. In the process, the color changes from white to purple. The shrub does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures, requiring high-quality insulation.

Ground cover hydrangea is a winter-hardy species. In height reaches 2-3 meters. Often used to form a standard form. Long green leaves are smooth on the front side, pubescent on the inside. The corymbose inflorescences are white at the beginning of flowering, then changing color to pink.

Growing hydrangeas in the suburbs

How to grow hydrangea in the suburbs? In the central zone of the Russian Federation, for example, the Leningrad or Moscow region, planting hydrangeas requires preparation. It is better to place the seedling in a shaded place. Having planted a bush under the scorching sun, it is necessary to shade. Otherwise, in conditions of moisture deficiency, it will not work to get a viable plant.

On a note! Wet soil with a slightly acidic reaction is preferable for the plant. It will not be easy to grow on clay or sandy soils. Before planting, complex fertilizers must be applied to the soil.

Creating favorable conditions for wintering will allow you to get rich flowering. Proper feeding will allow the plant to develop a root system. For the first fertilizer, you should take urea with a high percentage of nitrogen in the composition. After 2 weeks, you need to feed with a complex organomineral fertilizer. In the process of bud formation, you can feed the bush with a complex of organic and mineral substances.

Summing up, we can say that the hydrangea is rightfully considered an excellent ornamental plant, pleasing to the eye with lush and bright flowering. By following the prescribed care conditions, you can get a strong plant, whose life span will be more than 40 years.

The most important thing in classes with Hydrangea shrubs is the correct determination of the place for planting, the study of the composition of the soil, which will allow you to get a healthy fruit of your work in the future, save the plants from diseases and yourself from unnecessary disorders. Planting Hydrangeas in the spring is best done at a time when the ground is thawing and the buds on the trees have not yet had time to blossom.

How to plant Hydrangea and what is needed for this?

  • moderate sun exposure
  • Abundant cyclic watering

To choose a place for such an ornamental plant, you should take care of a good place with respect to sunlight. Hydrangea does not like open sunny fields, long exposure to sunlight contributes to inhibition of plant growth, as a result of which we will not achieve the desired result, lush inflorescences will lose their effectiveness. All success in cultivation depends on this. These shrub flowers love a dark place. but not too much. A place devoid of through winds will be very useful. Compliance with such important rules will extend the time before the first signs of wilting flowers.

How to plant a Hydrangea

In order to choose the right site for planting, it is necessary to take into account the size of the plant, since they reach very impressive dimensions in height and width: three and a half and one and a half meters, respectively. The choice of soil is by far the most important. Shrub prefers data a large amount of moisture, this means that the soil must be moisture-intensive. In advance, you can take care of enriching the soil by adding rich nutrient mixtures in the form of:

  1. humus
  2. peat rocks
  3. hardwood composition

Of the chemical ingredients for nutrition, you can use superphosphate and potassium fertilizers, urea. The more variety in the diet, the better.

When to plant hydrangea

Nevertheless, there are types of Hydrangeas that, contrary to the traditional principle, can be grown in sunny conditions. With this choice, it will simply be necessary to provide brightly colored flowers with an increased level of watering on hot days. The soil must be well drained. The combination of leaves, humus, peat, rich river sand, in proportion to each other, respectively, 2:2:1:1. It is worth remembering that the presence of lime in the soil during planting will have an extremely negative impact on the further growth and development of plants. The pH level must be within 5.0.

Landing Hydrangeas in open ground in the northern direction of the country, preferably in the spring. In the southern regions, this can be done in the fall. The correct arrangement of the landing pit is determined by its size. You need to focus on the root system, when planting in depth, since Hydrangea has an extensive root system. Half a meter in diameter and half a meter in depth is the best option. You can buy varieties of planting material in specialized stores, as well as learn about the reproduction of flowers from the seller firsthand for self-growing in the future. To plant Hydrangeas in any particular way, you need to know what they are.

Methods for propagating hydrangea bushes

  1. cutting
  2. dividing the bush
  3. grafting
  4. sowing seeds

We will analyze the main points of each landing method.

Cutting propagation

When breeding, a certain type is used. For better rooting, shoots that are not too hard and not too soft are suitable. Lateral shoots are present on any plant. Rooting occurs in a nutrient substrate. A favorable soil environment with good moisture capacity is created; for these purposes, the addition of sphagnum can be used. The drug Kornevin is perfect for processing cuttings before planting, which will allow them to take root better and faster.

The landing process is as follows. Cuttings are planted in the ground to a depth of several centimeters, the distance between individuals is 5 cm. The process of rooting cuttings in the ground takes less than 1 month, in favorable conditions a little more than 2 weeks. The optimum temperature for this is about 20 degrees. Adults can be propagated by dividing the bush system into several parts. Each individual must have kidneys to replace.

We get an unusual plant using one of the methods

Through vaccination

You can make an unusually beautiful standard plant. In this way, an absolutely extraordinary effect is achieved. A shrub plant will grow like a tree, with a dense crown-cap, cascading branches. Shtambs are grown mainly by specialists, but you can also do this at an amateur level. To get a beautiful standard inflorescence, you need to know the nuances of this process. You can create a stamp for a person, who does not have extensive professional knowledge in horticulture, and use the shaping method for this.

In short, it looks like this: we form the trunk, cut off the crown. The most important thing in this method is to choose a good seedling. It should have, preferably, a perfectly even trunk. Escape in the process of landing, tied to a support. It can be a wooden or metal rod driven in near the seedling.

As the seedling grows, it is tied to a support above, and the growing shoots are removed with scissors. This procedure is carried out until the seedling reaches the desired height. The apical shoot is then subject to pinching, to start the formation of crown growth. Immediately, shoots will begin to form together with pinching and, as they grow, they will also need to be pinched. With this approach, the crown will form fluffy and thick, like a real tree.

Reproduction by seeds

The simplest and most straightforward method is used very rarely due to the more time-consuming process. Hydrangea seeds have a fine structure. They are planted in boxes, on a soil substrate, and covered with glass to create greenhouse conditions. The temperature regime with this method should be stable and be from +15 to +20 degrees.

The laboriousness of seed breeding consists in diving plants. This process, at the stage of germination, is repeated twice. The first time a dive occurs under greenhouse conditions in the winter season in the form of cotyledon leaves. The second time the process is repeated in May, when warm weather has set in outside the window, it is needed in order to take out pots with seedlings for a day, the process of hardening or getting used to future conditions. At night they are taken back. Before planting seedlings in open ground, 2 years should pass. When the first buds appear, they are cut off. This allows the root system to develop, to provide them with good access to nutrients.

In the process of planting seedlings, the previously prepared soil mixture is brought into the pit and a small hilly elevation is made. A seedling is placed on it, the roots are carefully straightened and the plant is covered with earth to the level of the root collar. It should be level with the ground, this will prevent it from possible rotting in the future. Deviations of a few centimeters in the direction of deepening are permissible. The earth near the trunk must be tamped. Mulching the ground is also recommended. To do this, take peat, sawdust or chopped bark to choose from, and mulch a 5-centimeter layer.

These actions will prevent dehydration of plants during a hot period or during a period without regular watering. Plants are best watered into the near-stem area, so the water will disperse as the roots are located and reach them at a depth of 30-40 cm. It is enough to pour about 15 liters of water and this amount will be enough to maintain normal soil moisture.

Garden hydrangea is grown in open ground. In the first couple, cuttings should not be planted in garden conditions. The plant is ornamental and, if planted early, may not be able to cope with the winter cold. We'll have to wait, use a 2 or 3 year cycle of growing flowers indoors. Absolutely any materials for pots are suitable, you just need to take care of the required height of the container, it should be equal to the diameter. Diameter fit about 10cm.

To plant Hydrangea in a pot, use a slightly acidic prepared soil mixture. If the earth is not acidic enough, you can add a little coniferous forest, its sawdust, to the planting hole. In equal parts, mix the ingredients of sand, leaves and peat. Perfectly suited for this and purchased soil mixtures. A small layer of expanded clay is laid on the bottom of the pot, it will help to remove excess moisture into the pan. On the other hand, the moisture remaining on the upper layers of expanded clay will help maintain the moisture level of the earth. A small layer of soil is sprinkled on expanded clay, plants are planted on it, the roots are straightened in favorable conditions and completely sprinkled with soil, followed by compaction. The stalk should be well watered.

In such conditions, Hydrangea grows up to 3 years. After 1 year, the Hydrangea is transplanted into a new pot of larger diameter. Upon reaching a certain age and the growth of flowers, in the spring, with the May warm sun, they are transplanted into open ground conditions, flower beds or a garden.

This controversial plant loves slightly acidic soil, does not accept excessive, but feels favorably in an environment of abundant moisture. The sun should dip the flowers in the morning and evening. It is worth knowing that the heavily overgrown Hydrangea bushes lean low to the ground. In garden paths, it is necessary to indent a meter distance so as not to hurt them, otherwise you will have to say goodbye to beauty. Supports are not recommended. because they don't look very aesthetically pleasing. Planting plants is most favorable in the spring, away from large trees. It is known that they will draw out the moisture necessary for flowers.

In Japan, this flower is sometimes called "yearning for water". It is not surprising that Hortense loves watering so much, infrequently, but plentifully. From here comes the second name of this flower - Hydragea.

On the surface lies the fact that the hydrangea is one of the most beautiful plants, which is increasingly found not only in decorating urban park areas, but also in the backyards of country houses. And if you already had thoughts about growing a magnificent shrub flower with your own hands, then do not forget that this perennial requires special attention in the process of planting in open ground in autumn. About when and how best to plant different varieties of hydrangeas, about the features of care after the autumn planting (watering, top dressing, pruning and shelter, diseases and pests), and even how to change the color of hydrangeas, will be discussed in our article.

The main types of hydrangea are:

Also exists petiolate (curly, climbing) hydrangea, but it is grown much less frequently.

Naturally, each species has a wide selection of varieties.

Video: types and varieties of hydrangeas

When to plant hydrangea in the fall: the optimal timing

In autumn, it is recommended to plant only seedlings with a developed root system (and preferably those in pots, that is, with a closed root system), it is better to transfer the planting of very young seedlings to spring, because. they may not have time to take root before the cold snap.

The approximate timing of planting hydrangeas in the Middle lane (Moscow region) is the month of September. In southern Russia, the planting of seedlings may well be postponed until October.

By the way! Large-leaved (the most non-frost-resistant, requiring thorough shelter for the winter) hydrangea is usually planted in the spring. The exception is the warm southern regions.

Can I plant in the spring

Hydrangeas can also be planted in the spring. As a rule, it is in spring that hydrangeas are planted in cold climates, for example, in Siberia and the Urals. In the same Middle lane (Moscow region) large-leaved hydrangea(which needs to be covered for the winter) it is also recommended to plant exactly spring, approximately in the second half of April-May.

How to propagate hydrangeas

This article will talk about landing in open ground in the fall. ready seedlings hydrangeas, but you can grow these beautiful flowers from seeds However, this is difficult and time consuming to do. Where propagate hydrangeas faster and more efficiently layering, dividing the bush(used for transplant) or(most popular way) .

How to plant hydrangea outdoors

In order for the planting of the hydrangea to achieve its result, it is necessary to responsibly and thoughtfully approach the choice and purchase of a seedling, find a suitable place in the garden, properly fill the planting hole with acidic soil, and, finally, plant the seedling itself in open ground.

Choosing and buying a seedling

Naturally, when choosing a hydrangea seedling, you should carefully examine it before buying.

He must be in a pot, the soil in which should be wet(but not waterlogged). The seedling must have developed root system(for example, it can peek through the open bottom of the pot), otherwise, after the autumn planting, it simply will not take root. To understand that the hydrangea has been living and developing in this pot for a long time, you can carefully take hold of the seedling and shake the pot.

Important! You should not buy a seedling that has a rotten smell.

Place in the garden

It is believed that hydrangea is a shade plant, but it will bloom profusely only in a relatively sunny area.

Advice! It is quite acceptable if you plant a hydrangea in a place where the sun is only until lunchtime (until 12-13 noon), or only in the morning or evening (for several hours). Hydrangea is very fond of the afternoon shade.

Paniculata hydrangea is better to plant in light shade, in a place that is too sunny, it will fade faster. In addition, it is very demanding on watering, and in the bright sun it will be difficult to maintain constant humidity (you will have to water it very often).

And here large-leaved hydrangea - real shade plant, it is quite possible to plant it in partial shade.

Important! If you have a very hot climate with a burning sun, then, of course, you cannot plant a hydrangea in an open place, it is better to find a place at least in partial shade.

It is also very important to choose a place well protected from the winds, otherwise, eastern or northern hurricanes will simply break all your hydrangeas.

It is optimal to find a place near the fence, or landed in the background.

And here do not plant under trees, otherwise the plants will not have enough nutrient moisture and they will begin to compete for it among themselves.

If you do not want the hydrangea to grow alone, then it will be beautiful to plant it nearby or nearby. with garden jasmine (mock orange), spirea or .

Landing hole and soil

The soil for planting hydrangeas requires loose and fertile. And most importantly, hydrangea will grow well only on slightly acidic soils (5.2-5.5, up to a maximum of 6.2 pH). To make the soil more acidic, you will need to make a substrate based on acidic riding (brown) peat. Molded sawdust of coniferous trees, coniferous litter or pine bark are also well suited. In addition, mineral (60-80 grams) and potassium sulfate (30-40 grams) can be added to the mixture. Don't forget to mix everything thoroughly.

Naturally, the size of the planting hole will depend on the size of the seedling itself, as well as the need for additional fertilizers and acidifiers.

For example, if you bought very young 1-2 year old seedlings, then for such a hydrangea it will be enough to dig a planting hole 30 by 30 cm in size, but for adult 3-4 year old seedlings (which will begin to bloom next year) it is optimal to make a hole - 50 by 50 cm.

If you plan to plant several plants, then plant at a distance of at least 1-1.5 meters, because. the bushes grow quite strongly.

Direct landing

Step-by-step instructions for planting hydrangeas in open ground:

Important! On the example of panicled hydrangea, but there are no special differences in planting tree-like or large-leaved.

  1. Choose the most suitable place in the garden.
  2. Dig a planting hole and introduce the necessary nutrient and acidic substrate into it.
  3. Moisten the soil by pouring a bucket of water.
  4. Pull the seedling out of the pot (after spilling it with water) and put it in the hole. If you have a seedling with an open root system, then you need to put it on a previously poured small mound, and then straighten the roots.
  5. Cover with soil up to the root collar so that it is at the level of the soil (if you deepen it too deep, it may begin to rot) and lightly tamp.
  6. Water generously.
  7. If the earth settles, then it will definitely need to be topped up. In general, it is better to perform the procedure of watering and adding soil at least a couple of times. This will help get rid of the air between the roots and the ground.
  8. At the end, be sure to mulch (with high-moor peat, bark of coniferous plants or coniferous litter) with a layer of 5-8 centimeters, because hydrangea loves moisture very much, especially if you planted it in the sun.

Video: planting panicled hydrangea in autumn

Let's repeat! There are no special differences in planting a large-leaved hydrangea from planting a paniculate one, but there are a couple of author's nuances that you will definitely be interested in.

Video: features of planting large-leaved hydrangea

Outdoor Hydrangea Care

Hydrangea is a perennial with specific requirements for soil, watering, fertilizing, pruning and shelter, and they simply need to be taken into account when properly cared for after planting.

Features of care after autumn planting

In principle, all hydrangea care after planting in the fall comes down to watering, if it is, of course, necessary, because autumn is rainy, which means it is high chance of contracting a fungal disease, That's why as a preventive measure recommended a couple of times shed soil in the near-stem circle of hydrangea light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

By the way! Top dressing with potassium permanganate tree hydrangea stimulates compaction (become thicker and stronger) of shrub shoots.

It will be just great if you acidify the soil by spilling it a couple of times with a solution of citric acid, vinegar, or another acidifier.

If you decide to plant in the fall large-leaved hydrangea then remember very carefully shelter her for the winter.


As for the hydrangea, it is better to overfill it than underfill it, because. This plant is very, very moisture-loving.

If in the summer there is a 30-degree heat, then you need to water the hydrangea whenever possible every day, pouring 1 bucket of water onto a medium bush. Or at least after 2-3 days, but in this case, the portion should be increased to 2-3 buckets, of course, provided that the plant is also mulched.

top dressing

If you want your hydrangea to always bloom profusely and magnificently, it needs regular and good feeding.

In general, the hydrangea feeding scheme is as follows:

  • At the very beginning of growth (awakening) and for a set of green mass - mainly nitrogen fertilizers and a little potassium and phosphorus ..
  • During budding - potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
  • During flowering - again potash-phosphorus fertilizers.
  • After flowering (in autumn) - again phosphorus and potassium.

Advice! If you rarely go to the country, then it is optimal to use special complex fertilizers of prolonged action. In other words, in early spring, you need to close up top dressing in the near-trunk circle of hydrangea, and the plant will gradually receive nutrition throughout almost the entire season.

There are also special fertilizers for hydrangeas (also suitable for rhododendrons and azaleas).


The soil under hydrangeas for their successful cultivation and abundant flowering should always be acidic, which means that it needs to be acidified periodically (once every 2-3 weeks) (otherwise the plant may get chlorosis).

Here's how you can acidify the soil for hydrangeas:

  • slightly acidic electrolyte solution (10 ml per 10 liters of water);
  • sulfuric acid;
  • vinegar (100 gr 9% vinegar per bucket of water);
  • citric acid (20-40 g per 10 liters of water).

Moreover, it is desirable to add to the solution iron chelate or(20-30 grams per 10 liters).


If you planted a tree-like hydrangea, then when the flowers begin to gain strength, so that they are not bent down and broken by rains and winds, the plant should be tied up if possible. And you can do it very effectively, so that the inflorescences form a kind of tent.

Diseases and pests

As a rule, hydrangeas are rarely overcome by diseases and pests, but this also happens, so you should know the most typical problems that arise in the process of growing this wonderful flowering shrub.

If you do not properly prepare the soil for planting hydrangeas, or if you do not periodically acidify it, then it will eventually become too alkaline (due to rainfall and watering), and your favorite hydrangeas will certainly get sick with chlorosis.

It is possible to determine that hydrangea has chlorosis by the leaves - the leaves become light green in color, spots appear on them, and they begin to fall off, and the ovaries of flowers become smaller.

To eliminate chlorosis, it is necessary to apply measures to treat the flower, namely, the plant requires an increased amount of iron and an acidifier for its absorption. You can, of course, old-fashionedly dig nails or tin cans into the soil, but this can hardly be called a modern solution to the problem. Where it would be better to use or iron chelate. As soon as you make a solution prepared with one of the fertilizers, the shrub will recover fairly quickly.

Advice! Do not forget that it is imperative to acidify the soil, for example, using various acids: citric, acetic, sulfuric.

And it is better to prepare a tank mixture: for 10 liters of water you will need 20-40 grams of citric acid and 20-30 grams.

It happens that on the leaves of hydrangea you can notice powdery mildew. Spraying with a solution will help to cope with it. or

Control other pests such as aphid, spider mite, you can use insecticides such as Fitoverm, Fufanon or Aktellik.

Video: hydrangea diseases and pests


You can cut hydrangeas both in autumn and in spring, there are no fundamental differences. But often preference is given to autumn pruning (just before frost), because. in the spring it can be difficult to catch up before the start of sap flow, and after that this procedure is very undesirable, or rather, even prohibited. In addition, hydrangea bushes often break badly due to snow, so it is better if they leave to spend the winter in a more compact form.

However, even if you cut hydrangeas in the fall, then in spring or summer (before flowering), all thin shoots (less than 1 cm thick) should be additionally cut.

Shelter for the winter

large-leaved hydrangea is a completely non-frost-resistant shrub, therefore shelter him just needed.

Advice for the future! Even in the last month of spring (in May), in the middle lane, you cannot completely remove the shelter from large-leaved hydrangeas, because there may still be frosts, the shoots will freeze, and then the hydrangea will not bloom.

But the tree-like variety does not need shelter.

Paniculata hydrangea also does not require any shelters. But in order for the plant to overwinter better, and the snow masses (even the cut ones) do not break it, it should be slightly tied into a bundle.

Although some flower growers still additionally mulch the paniculate variety for the winter.

Thus, if you do not like to bother with sheltering plants for the winter, you need a more unpretentious hydrangea, and your choice is the paniculate and tree-like variety.

Why the hydrangea does not bloom or is not too plentiful

Hydrangea begins to bloom, as a rule, only in the 4th year, and from the 5th year - abundantly. Therefore, in the first year after planting, it may not bloom (although it is usually 3-4-year-old seedlings that are sold).

It is also worth remembering that for good flowering, you need a lot of sun. And in no case should you overfeed the plant in the spring with nitrogen.

Important! Pruning also directly affects flowering. Without it, for example, it is virtually impossible to achieve a chic and friendly flowering of a tree-like hydrangea, which blooms only on the shoots of the current year. But it should be understood that this does not apply to all hydrangeas, so it is very important to know the characteristics of your particular variety.

How to change the color of hydrangea: ways

Hydrangea color can be adjusted by changing the acidity of the soil. So, the more sour soil, the color will be more purple or blue . If a acidity is lower, then it can be pink or raspberry.

Thus, if you want to turn pink hydrangeas in blue, then you need to acidify the soil (how this can be done is described above in the subparagraph "Acidification").

Important! However, making pink blue hydrangeas is not so easy. It often happens that you seem to have acidic soil, but it is precisely mobile aluminum that is lacking. More specifically, you need solution of potassium alum(30-40 grams per 10 liters, consumption for an adult plant - up to 2-3 liters), or use aluminum sulfate(dig into the soil, up to 500 grams per 1 sq. meter).

And if you're tired blue color and I wanted pink, then, on the contrary, deoxidize. For example, using traditional deoxidizers such as lime or.

Interesting! You can achieve a riot of color on one bush by simply making the soil more acidic on one side and less on the other.

They even sell special products, after which the hydrangea inflorescences change color.

Note! It will not work to change the color of the originally white hydrangea (more often it is tree-like varieties) no matter how much you acidify it.

Video: how to change the color of hydrangea

Thus, in order to properly plant a dazzling hydrangea in the fall, you first need to take into account a number of its inherent features when choosing a seedling, a place in the garden, and suitable soil. Well, now it's all about skillful care after planting: watering, fertilizing, acidification, garter, pruning and shelter for the winter.

Video: care, planting and pruning of hydrangeas

In contact with

To decorate your summer cottage with large multi-colored hydrangea caps, it is important to know what growing conditions this plant prefers. In the event of an unsuccessful choice of location and composition of the soil, the bushes, at best, will bloom poorly, get sick, and at worst, they may die.

Types of hydrangeas: is there a difference in the method of planting

Bushes or small trees with inflorescences of medium-sized flowers of different shades - from white and blue to pink and crimson - belong to the Hortensia family. There are about 80 varieties of this plant, but most often grown:

  • treelike,
  • paniculate,
  • large-leaved.

Photo gallery: types of hydrangeas

Tree hydrangea hats are most often white.
Panicled hydrangea owes its name to panicle-like inflorescences.
Large-leaved hydrangea strikes with an abundance of colors

Usually hydrangeas are tall (up to 3 m) shrubs or trees, but there are also creepers (petiolate variety) that climb a tree up to 30 m in height.

There are slight differences in planting different types of hydrangeas:

When is the best time to plant hydrangea?

Hydrangea can be planted in early spring, before the buds awaken, or in autumn, in September or October, after the end of the growing season. Usually, shrubs are planted in spring in regions with frosty winters, so that the plant takes root well over the summer and more easily endures the first winter. It is necessary to wait until the soil warms up to positive temperatures and there are no severe frosts. In the southern regions of Russia, where the autumn is long and relatively warm, the planted hydrangea has time to take root before a steady frost. Only seedlings with a well-developed root system should be planted at this time of the year - they will take root faster in a new place.

In regions of Russia with a warm and long autumn, hydrangeas can be planted even in October

How to choose a seat

This is one of the garden plants that prefer partial shade. Too bright sun will lead to overdrying of the soil, which the moisture-loving hydrangea does not tolerate, and in full shade one cannot wait for abundant and prolonged flowering, the inflorescences will be smaller.

Hydrangea does well at the fence, where the sun is only part of the day

The soil should be moist, but stagnant water should not be allowed - hydrangeas need good drainage. If trees grow next to lush bushes, they will take too much moisture and nutrients, as a result, the plant may dry out.

My tree hydrangeas grow between the fence and the house. The sun in this part of the garden is only in the first half of the day, plus there is an outdoor tap nearby, from which we take water for irrigation. In this place, the bushes feel great and every year bloom with lush white caps all summer.

What kind of soil does hydrangea like?

All varieties of hydrangeas prefer acidic soil (pH=5.0–5.5) with good breathability. You need to be very careful about water permeability: on the one hand, the plant does not like stagnant water, on the other hand, if the water goes to depth too quickly (this happens when there is a lot of sand in the soil), the hydrangea roots will not receive the right amount of moisture. Therefore, the soil for flowers is prepared from the following components:

In no case should lime and ash be added to the planting pit, as these substances reduce the acidity of the soil. But you can put pine or spruce coniferous litter and 1 glass of superphosphate.

Planting hydrangeas: doing everything in order

So that hydrangea seedlings, while growing, do not interfere with each other and receive water and nutrients in full, it is important to keep the distance between them:

  • for large-leaved - 120–150 cm;
  • for panicled - 1500–240 cm;
  • for a tree - 100–140 cm.

The landing process itself consists of several steps:

  1. They dig a hole with a diameter twice as large as the root system of the seedling together in an earthen clod (usually from 30 to 70 cm). The depth of the hole should be at least half a meter.

    The hole for the hydrangea seedling should be twice the size of the earthen clod around the roots.

  2. At the bottom of the pit, a layer of gravel or broken brick is poured for drainage.

    Drainage must be laid at the bottom of the hydrangea pit so that there is no stagnant water.

  3. The prepared soil mixture is poured into the pit in such a way that a mound 20–30 cm high is formed.
  4. The roots of a seedling with a closed and open root system are pre-soaked in water to loosen and moisten them. Carefully inspect, damaged and too long (which do not fit in the pit) are cut with a clean pruner, dipped in Kornevin or another stimulant.

    The roots of a hydrangea seedling are carefully examined and damaged and too long are removed.

  5. Hydrangea is set on a mound, carefully straightening the roots.
  6. They fall asleep a bush, shaking it so that the earth fills all the voids, while not deepening the root collar (it should remain at soil level).
  7. Tamp the earth around the trunk.
  8. The plant is watered in such a way that water seeps into the ground to a depth of 30–40 cm. In order not to erode the newly compacted soil, it is better to water around the bush (making a groove).
  9. Mulch the ground around the hydrangea with a mixture of high (sour) peat with compost or other material.

    To keep moisture in the ground longer after planting, the hydrangea bush is mulched with sour peat and compost or sawdust of coniferous trees.

What care is required for the plant after planting

The Latin name for the flower is Hydrangea, which means "vessel of water" in Greek. The plant needs regular (once or twice a week) and abundant watering - up to 20 liters under an adult bush and up to 5 liters - immediately after planting. The soil under the bush should never dry out. The bushes are watered early in the morning or in the evening with non-cold water, in which potassium permanganate (up to pink) can be added two to three times per season to prevent root rot.

Since the plant does not tolerate the presence of lime in water and soil, water is defended by watering for two days so that it ceases to be hard, or add 2 teaspoons of food or 1 teaspoon of soda ash to a bucket of water.

To achieve a bright color, hydrangea is watered only with settled soft water.

After planting, if the soil mixture has been prepared correctly, the bushes do not feed the first two years. Hydrangeas planted on soils poor in nitrogen, two weeks after planting in a flower bed, can be watered with a solution of urea (25–30 g per 10 l of water) or slurry (a third of manure per bucket of water, 50 g of superphosphate, insist 7–10 days in depending on air temperature).

If a white coating appears on the leaves of a planted bush - a sign of powdery mildew damage, the bush is treated with Bordeaux liquid. Aphids are destroyed with the help of Fitoverm or Aktellik.

Unpretentious and abundantly flowering from the beginning of summer until autumn, the hydrangea will decorate the garden if you prepare for planting and properly plant the bushes. It is important to take into account the plant's requirements for light, soil acidity and water regime.