How long does the primrose bloom. Primula perennial garden - planting and care. What are the breeding methods

Primrose is a delicate flowering plant from the Primrose family. Its name can also be translated as "primrose". In its natural environment, the flower is found on the slopes of the Alps, as well as in the temperate climate of Eurasia and North America. A cap of delicate flowers on low growth appears already in the middle of spring and lasts a very long time. Today, primrose is grown not only in the garden, but also at home as a houseplant. There are many varieties with different flowering time and appearance. Florists know how to make this beauty bloom at the right time, so for the holidays, pots with colorful primroses appear in abundance.

plant description

Primrose is a perennial, and occasionally an annual herbaceous plant. It has a compact size. The height during the flowering period does not exceed 20-50 cm. The plant is nourished by a fibrous branched rhizome, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. Immediately above the surface of the earth, a dense leaf rosette is formed. It contains sessile or petiolate leaves of oval, lanceolate or ovoid shape. They are painted in a gray-green hue without a pattern. The surface of the leaf is smooth or embossed, swollen between the veins. Leaf margins are either entire or finely serrated. Due to the short pile, the foliage seems fluffy and soft.

A long bare peduncle grows from the center of the rosette. Its top is decorated with a dense brush or umbrella, although there are varieties with single flowers on short legs. Regular corollas consist of five oval-shaped petals with a rounded or, conversely, pointed edge. At the base, the petals fuse into a narrow, long tube, and sharply bend along the edge. The color of the flower is very diverse (solid or variegated) - white, purple, lilac, pink and red. The center is almost always yellow. Flowers replace each other within 3-8 weeks.

After pollination by insects, oblong seed pods with soft edges ripen. Inside contains small elongated seeds with a smooth dark brown or black surface.

Variety of primroses

A very diverse genus of primrose includes about 400 plant species. Conventionally, they are divided into 38 sections.

Common primrose (vulgaris) or stemless (acaulis). This species is especially popular with gardeners. Plant height is 5-20 cm. Oval leaves with a corrugated surface grow on short petioles. They have a bright green color without spraying and grow up to 25 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm are distinguished by a variety of colors. They are grouped in a dense umbrella inflorescence and bloom in April-July.

The inhabitant of the alpine slopes grows denser, oval leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and a grayish coating. In the center of the leaf rosette there is a cylindrical stem up to 20 cm long with a dense spike-shaped inflorescence of 6-7 yellow fragrant flowers.

A rather large species up to 30 cm high grows wide oval leaves with a wrinkled surface and serrated sides. The length of the leaf reaches 20-40 cm. A dense spherical inflorescence about 10 cm in diameter blooms on a long stem. It consists of purple, lilac, red or white tubular flowers up to 15 mm in diameter. Flowering occurs in April-May and lasts up to 40 days.

Primula obconica (obconica). Herbaceous perennial with many round or oval leaves grows up to 60 cm in height. Wavy petiolate leaves in diameter reach 10 cm. A large umbrella of white, pink or purple flowers rises above them.

The plant forms a dense rosette of openwork lobed leaves. Above them grow pubescent red-brown peduncles 30-35 cm long. Each bears only a few large (4 cm in diameter) flowers.

Perennial garden variety with elongated lanceolate leaves that form a symmetrical rosette. Peduncles 40-50 cm long contain several tiers of umbrella inflorescences, which are arranged in whorls. This species belongs to the group of candelabra primroses. The diameter of tubular flowers of various shades of red is 3 cm.

An inhabitant of the south of Europe grows wrinkled oval leaves with small teeth along the edges. The length of the leaves is 5-20 cm, and the width is 2-7 cm. Beautiful delicate flowers with a diameter of 2 cm have a light yellow color with a brighter center. They are grouped in an umbrella inflorescence of 5-15 units. The height of the peduncle is 10-35 cm. Flowering begins in April and lasts up to two months. Varieties:

  • Primula colossea - larger flowers with crimson petals and a yellow star in the center;
  • Duplex - dark yellow throat surrounded by bright cherry petals.

On the basis of species primroses, breeders have bred many varieties primrose terry. They differ in a large number of petals compared to ordinary ones. From a distance, the buds look like small roses with softer petals. The Rosanna variety is especially popular. Bushes about 15 cm high are covered with a dense cap of narrow flowers of white, apricot, yellow, pink and red.

Reproduction methods

Primula is grown from seeds, and also propagated by dividing the bush and leaf cuttings. It should be noted that when sowing self-collected seeds, the varietal properties of especially terry primroses are not preserved. The seeds themselves quickly lose their germination capacity, so they are sown as early as possible.

Seedlings should be grown first. To do this, in mid-February, shallow boxes are prepared with a mixture of turf, sand and leafy soil. Small seeds try to distribute evenly on the surface. They are only slightly pressed into the ground. To preserve moisture, the container is covered with a film and placed in a freezer for 25-30 days. You can take the box outside. The air temperature during this period should be at -10°C.

After stratification, frozen seeds are transferred to a lighted window sill, to a room with a temperature of + 16 ... + 18 ° C. Shoots appear slowly and heterogeneously. When the seedlings reach the age of 2 weeks, the shelter is removed. Plants with 2-3 true leaves dive into another box with a greater distance. As it grows, a few more picks are carried out. For open ground, primrose seedlings will be ready only after 2 years.

A bush aged 4-5 years is recommended to be divided into several parts. This allows not only to get more plants, but also to rejuvenate existing ones. Do it in August-September. Pre-plants are well watered, dug up and carefully freed from the ground. The roots are washed in warm water, and then the plants are cut into divisions with 1-2 growth points with a knife. Slices are treated with charcoal and flowers are immediately planted in a new place.

For cuttings, a leaf with a petiole and a bud at the base is used. It is rooted in a sandy-peat substrate. In this case, half of the sheet plate is immediately removed. It is necessary to keep the stalk in a warm (+16 ... + 18 ° C) room with bright but diffused light. The appearance of new buds indicates successful rooting. After that, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots with soil for adult plants. In the spring they can be sent to the garden.

Landing Rules

Primrose is planted in open ground in spring or early autumn. Most plants have good frost resistance. In temperate climates and more southerly regions, they overwinter normally under leaf cover. The landing site should be sheltered from the wind and slightly shaded. Plants are placed near shrubs or under the light crown of garden trees.

The soil should be loose and nutritious, without stagnant water. Primrose develops best on loam. Before planting, the site is dug up and, if necessary, sand, manure, and crushed sphagnum moss are added. Depending on the height of a particular variety, the distance between plants is 10-30 cm.

Homemade primrose should be repotted annually after flowering. Overgrown bushes are divided into parts. As a result, the leaves will be brighter, and flowering more abundant. The soil for indoor primroses is made up of peat, leaf and sod soil with the addition of river sand. A thick layer of drainage material must be laid out at the bottom of the pot.

Primrose care

With the right choice of place, caring for a primrose will not cause much trouble.

Lighting. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for the plant, burns quickly appear on it. It is better to keep it in shady places where the sun hits only in the early morning or at sunset.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature for primrose is + 16 ... + 22 ° C. Most of the time, flowers are kept outside or regularly ventilate the room. To bloom longer, you need to place the plants where the temperature is maintained + 12 ... + 15 ° C.

Humidity. Usually all types of primrose adapt well to natural humidity. However, they gratefully respond to periodic spraying. In too dry air, the edges of the leaves curl up and dry out.

Watering. The soil at the roots of primrose should always be slightly moist, but not waterlogged. It is better to water it often, but little by little. Water should be soft, well purified. At the end of flowering, irrigation is reduced.

Fertilizer. Several times a season, plants are fed with a mineral complex with a low nitrogen content. Start fertilizing in early spring. During the period of budding and flowering, top dressing is stopped and resumed only at the end of summer.

In landscape design

Thanks to the wide variety of colors, garden primrose allows you to create an amazing ornament on the site. Since flowering varies greatly in terms, you can pick up varieties that, replacing each other, will delight from April to August. Flowers are used to decorate a rabatka, an alpine hill, flower beds in the shade of trees, edging a border, shrubs, and a high bank of a reservoir. They look good in the neighborhood of muscari, tulips, daffodils, irises, phlox, soapwort. Some species with inflorescences on long stems are cut to make bouquets.

Primula (Primula) is a herbaceous plant of the primrose family, which is distributed almost throughout the globe, but mainly in Central Europe and the temperate climatic zones of Asia and North America.

The name of the genus comes from the Latin "primus" - the first, which is explained by the fact that the primrose blooms in the early days of spring, when the snow has not yet melted outside the window. In late February or early March, multi-colored bouquets in flower pots cheer up and can be a wonderful gift. In our region, primrose arrived from China. This plant during flowering consists, as it were, of small "gramophones". It is very fond of experienced flower growers and those who received this plant as a gift. Now, in order to save it, you need to learn everything about caring for it.

The advantage of primrose is not only the varied and bright color of flowers, but also the ability to please with its flowering for a long time. The plant has perennial, biennial and annual species. The room primrose has a fibrous root system, a very short stem and soft, slightly fluffy leaves. The color of the flowers is lilac, pink, purple, milky white, dark blue, but the throat of the flower tube is always only yellow. There are usually a lot of flowers, they seem to be collected in a small bouquet.

Location and lighting

Primula is very fond of light and moderate heat, but not direct sunlight, but diffused lighting. A flower pot with primrose is best placed on a windowsill located on the east or west side of the room.


It is better to grow primrose in a room with a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees Celsius. In winter and spring, during the flowering period, the most optimal temperature is 8-12 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the plant remains flowering and beautiful for a long time.

When the flowering period is over, the plant can be transplanted into open ground. An ideal place for a primrose would be a shady area, under the crown of a tree, which will become her reliable protection during heavy rain or from hot sunlight.

For the winter, you can again make the primrose a houseplant, but it’s not scary and leave it to winter in the garden. These flowers also do well as garden flowers and can overwinter outdoors in temperate climates.


For watering room primrose, you need to use only water that has been settled for several days or rain (you can also melt). The watering regimen is different before, during and after primrose flowering. During the flowering period and before it, watering should be moderate, but regular. The soil should always be slightly moist, but overflows and waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed.

When flowering ends, watering is somewhat reduced. Now the plant needs to be watered only when the topsoil begins to dry out a little.

Air humidity

It is very important for primrose to be in a room with high humidity. With its lack, the indoor plant will react negatively - the tips of the leaves will begin to dry, and the flowering time will be reduced significantly. City apartments, on the contrary, are usually characterized by excessive dryness of the air. In this case, the plant simply needs daily spraying. They need to be carried out regularly and at the same time make sure that only the leaves and stems are moistened. It is not recommended that water get on the flowers.

If it is not possible to spray plants, then you can put a flower pot in a small container with wet expanded clay. The plant itself will take the required amount of moisture.

The soil

For growing primrose, you can purchase a special soil mixture (for example, “Geranium Mix” is suitable), or you can cook it yourself. To do this, it is better to take neutral soil, even from your garden plot, and mix it with a small part of the sand (preferably river and coarse). Or use a substrate of hardwood and sod land, peat and river sand in equal proportions.


If your indoor primrose is a perennial species, then it will need a transplant. Since the roots of the plant are not long, you need to choose a wide, but not deep flower pot. A thin drainage layer is laid out at the bottom (for example, expanded clay or fine gravel), and soil is placed on top.

Primrose breeding

A relatively simple and better method of breeding primrose is reproduction by division. You need to choose a three-year-old or even a four-year-old plant after the flowering period is over. Parts of the plant are separated from the primrose, necessarily with their growth bud.

A more troublesome and lengthy method is propagation by seeds. Seeds are sown in any month of the first half of the year, but it is still more favorable to do this in the summer.

The purchased “Universal Soil Mix” is poured into the prepared container and watered moderately. Next, the seeds are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled with earth on top. The seed container can be covered with glass or glass jars can be used. Such a greenhouse is put in a cool place. Sprouts should appear in about 15-20 days.

Thick seedlings can be divided and transplanted into individual pots. These pots need to be transferred to open ground, but always to a shady place (for example, under a tree), where the primrose will not be harmed by hot sunlight or heavy rain and wind.

With the onset of autumn, the plant is transferred to a cool room and left there until spring. With proper care for young primroses, they can please with their flowering by the New Year.

Distillation of room primrose

Distillation of one plant is used once every three years. In autumn, with the onset of the first frosts, the garden primrose must be dug out along with a small earthen clod and transferred to a flower pot. The plant should overwinter in a cold room (for example, in a basement or cellar) with a temperature of about five degrees Celsius. At a higher temperature, the primrose will begin to grow, and the flower buds will be oppressed.

Until the end of February, watering the plant is not required. But at the end of the calendar winter, the plant must be brought into the house and regular and proper watering should begin. Very soon, the primrose will begin to grow actively and will please with its bright flowering. After flowering, the primrose can be planted again in the garden.

Diseases and pests

Primula can get sick after being in the garden for a long time. Signs of the disease can be easily seen by the appearance of the plant. Fungal or infectious diseases, as well as the presence of pests, appear on all parts of the plant. Leaves may begin to dry out or become covered with dark brown or yellow spots. Flower buds will fall without opening. And flowering may not come at all. The most common of the diseases and pests are and.

In this case, you should not transfer the primrose indoors so as not to infect other plants. It is necessary to immediately use special insecticidal preparations.

Primula - cultivation and care (video)

Long flowering primrose to the delight of gardeners. Read in today's article, how many times a year does primrose bloom? Is it possible to prolong the flowering of primrose? Why do we need a forced rest period?

Primula - primrose, which means the plant will be the first bell of spring. Primrose is planted in the garden or grown at home - at the discretion of flower growers. The flowering of primroses both at home and in the garden can be repeated several times if a forced dormant period is created for the plant. Flower growers are convinced that re-blooming also accompanies primroses, which rest on their own. Because primrose blooms several times a year the timing of the appearance of inflorescences can be distributed as follows:

  • The appearance of flowering in early April and ending in May;
  • Rest period of 1-2 weeks;
  • Repeated flowering from the beginning of June to the end of August;

Delicate, pretty plant decorate the garden for the spring-summer season, if it rests well and releases inflorescences several times. Sometimes primroses do not want to leave for a dormant period, so the flower must be forced to rest, creating a forced respite.

How to put a primrose into a state of rest:

  1. Dig up and send for storage in a dark and cool place;
  2. Create dark storage conditions at home or in areas: air temperature 8-10 ° C, lack of lighting and watering;

How to expel primrose?

You can make a primrose bloom after a forced or natural dormant period by returning the plant to a lighted place - planting it in a garden or creating the same conditions at home. The air temperature is raised gradually until it reaches the +17-19 ° C. The air is moderately humid, the lighting is diffused and plentiful. The place in the garden is not heated, and the soil mixture of the potted house is well-drained. Watering is also introduced gradually, draining the remnants of accumulated water in the pan so as not to overmoisten the roots. In the same way, you can expel the primrose by March 8 for a gift or for sale.

Again, after flowering, the primrose is shaded or moved to a cool place for a few weeks of rest until it is time to force it to bloom again.

Types of primrose and flowering features:

  • Yellow primrose: rosette up to 10 cm, inflorescence diameter 1.5 cm, plant height up to 30 cm. It blooms several times, opening umbrellas at the end of April.
  • common naya: short peduncles, but with large rosettes - 3 cm each, bright color, can bloom several times by itself.
  • Primula Ceruleia: blue inflorescences, tall and beautiful stems, blooms several times.
  • Primula Aurea: golden inflorescences, velvet leaves, color with 20 beautiful shoots.
  • Primula Gartenprimel (raspberry) : bright and pleasing to the eye primrose up to 40 cm in height, a beautiful option for the garden - a lush rosette with 15 shoots.
  • Primula Julia : undersized variety - up to 12 cm - with bright inflorescences. It is this primrose that is divided into pink and blue, calling garden Romeo and Juliet.

Important: when transplanting, propagating or otherwise caring for a primrose, work with gloves and always process tools after contact with the plant, since the shoots and leaves of the primrose containing juice are poisonous. After contact with the mucous membrane, it can leave a burn or cause an allergic reaction.

↓ Write in the comments how many times a year your primrose blooms and what varieties do you grow?

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Primrose from seeds at home

How to sow primrose at home?

Why do room primrose leaves turn yellow?

When does house primrose bloom?

When to plant primrose in open ground?

The snow began to melt, and multi-colored islands appeared in different parts of the garden - the primrose bloomed! Do not hold back a smile: spring has come, now it's finally! After all, primrose is a real spring flower, which is called primrose. But it is not necessary to be in alpine meadows in early spring to admire a delicate flower. Indoor primrose feels great at home, on any windowsill, and can delight its owners all year round. Let's get to know the primrose closer, learn how to care for an amazing flower.

In the photo, stemless primrose

In a low room primrose (usually no higher than 25-30 cm), flowers are remembered first of all. At the time of flowering, the plant is densely strewn with five-petalled petals. A feature is the most different colors of flowers: blue and yellow, purple and pink, white and blue, represented by many shades. Bright or delicate inflorescences are beautifully arranged on a rosette of bright green oval leaves with prominent veins.

With proper care, primrose plantings are durable.
Abundant flowering occurs in spring and winter, and with good care it is possible almost throughout the year.

Types of room primrose

Types of room primrose, which are common and are loved by flower growers:

  • soft-leaved

In the photo, indoor soft-leaved primrose

Light green large leaves in the rosette are somewhat elongated, there is one basal rosette on the primrose bush, in inflorescences from 15 to 20 white, lilac, pink, red flowers. Peduncles are tall, grow vertically. It blooms in early spring, has a long flowering (from three months or more).

  • reverse conical

In the photo, primrose room obkonika

Reverse conical indoor primroses have another name - obkonika. They are especially popular among indoor flowers. The elongated leaves with wavy edges are painted in a beautiful emerald green color. Peduncles are short, beautiful flowers of crimson, pink, white, red, lilac shades are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The size of the inflorescences is determined by their diameter and is equal to 7 to 12 cm. The obkonika blooms from 1.5 to 2 months, but many flower growers, having provided high-quality content, lengthen the flowering period,

  • common stemless

Pictured is a common primrose or Primula vulgaris

Miniature (up to 20 cm) stemless indoor species have a bright shade of green leaves. Another difference is related to the arrangement of the flowers. They grow singly, fixed on individual peduncles. The peduncles are long, the flowers are small, the color of the flowers is varied. Flowering of stemless primrose begins in spring (April) and lasts four months.

All types of primroses are beautiful in their own way, able to please lovers of indoor flowers, are a spectacular element of interior design.

Video "Indoor primrose"

Reproduction and planting

Flower growers can use one of three types of its reproduction. Each method has its own rules, the observance of which will help to obtain high-quality plants.

Sowing seeds

A fairly simple and effective way to breed primroses is to use plant seeds. Seed producers provide the opportunity to choose the variety you like. You can not buy seeds, but collect them from an existing flower.

It is important to observe the optimal timing of sowing seeds:

The sequence of action when propagating primrose seeds:

  1. We pickle the seeds by dipping them in turn, first in hot water (from 15 to 20 minutes), then in cold water (2-3 minutes). Dry the treated seeds completely. Please note: dressing is only necessary for self-harvesting seeds. Purchased seeds have passed the procedure in preparation for sale.
  2. We are preparing a landing tank. For sowing primrose, a small container is required, which we fill with soil. You can use commercially available special soil. But it’s not difficult to cook it yourself: we mix earth and sand in equal proportions. Plentifully spill the soil with water at room temperature.
  3. We sow the seeds, evenly distributing them on the surface of the soil. Seeds do not need to be covered with a layer of earth or sand on top! But do not forget to shed the seeds lying on the ground!
  4. We create the conditions necessary for germination. The container with seeds must be covered and at the same time left in the light. This can be done using glass or cellophane film. Keep the seeds at a temperature not higher than 18 °. It is good to use the vegetable shelves of the refrigerator. We keep a container with primrose there until sprouts appear, not forgetting to water and ventilate. After that, you can change the location and rearrange it on the windowsill. The final planting in pots is carried out when leaves appear on the sprouts.

Video "How to sow primrose in winter"

The division of the bush

Reproduction of primrose by division is carried out when the flowering of the bush selected for reproduction ends. When preparing a primrose flower for division, we rearrange the pot in a dark room, where the plant remains until new shoots appear. Make sure that the primrose does not dry out, do not forget about watering!

We water the bush with new shoots abundantly, and after a while we carefully take it out of the pot, trying not to cause serious damage to the roots. We also carefully divide the plant into several parts. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that on the roots of each detachable part there is a dormant bud, from which a rosette of leaves will subsequently appear. Cut off too long roots. The procedure is completed by planting the prepared parts of the plant in well-moistened soil.


If there is a desire to propagate the primrose, but its young bush is still too small and cannot be divided into parts, you can use cuttings. For such reproduction, a primrose stalk is first prepared. It becomes a cut leaf, which is cut off, keeping the stalk. For the further development of the plant, the presence of a bud on the cutting is also important. The best planting soil for cuttings is a mixture of sand and peat. A cutting is planted in a container with moistened soil. The correct position of the sheet is at an angle. A small layer of earth is applied on top, watered.

Experienced flower growers know: all methods of breeding primrose are quite simple and effective.

Conditions for growing room primrose

Growing a plant that will delight with its healthy appearance, long and colorful flowering is possible subject to simple conditions. What will provide the flower with competent care?

The soil

Indoor primrose flowers do not tolerate increased! The most suitable is a mixture of sand, earth, peat parts. We take all components for the mixture in equal proportions. The prepared composition must be placed in a container for drainage (expanded clay, small pebbles).


Home care is, first of all, proper watering. Indoor primrose will be grateful for timely hydration, especially when the plant is in bloom. How much water does a houseplant need? The best option is to keep the soil moist all the time. In this case, overflow should be avoided, which can lead to waterlogging and rotting of the roots. Lengthen the periods between watering so that the soil can dry out when flowering is over.

For irrigation, water is first defended. When conducting root watering, be careful not to allow moisture to enter the upper surface of the leaf.

Using a watering tray is ideal for primrose.

top dressing

Primrose at room conditions does not force the use of top dressing all the time. Mineral formulations containing microfertilizers will benefit if applied during budding and flowering. Prepare a weak concentration of fertilizer in accordance with the instructions for its use, apply 1 time in 14 days, and the plant will thank you with beautiful flowers.

Lighting and temperature

Care for primrose at room conditions involves compliance with light and heat conditions. The light-loving flower does not respond well to the direct rays of the sun. Shade and partial shade are better tolerated by primrose. The normal development of a flower occurs in a room with a temperature of + 18 °.

Excessively dry air also does not please the plant. To make the primrose feel more comfortable, you can use systematic spraying with water. Be careful: you can only spray the leaves, and their lower part. Do not allow moisture to enter the petals!

Disease and pest control

Fungal and viral diseases (rot, powdery mildew, spotting) or pests: spider mites, aphids, weevil can harm a delicate flower.

Compliance with an irrigation regime that does not allow rotting will help in the prevention of diseases. And in case of disease, the appearance of pests, urgent intervention is required! The plant is freed from diseased leaves and flowers, fungicides (Fundazol, etc.) and special preparations are used to treat the soil and the primrose bush.

Be careful when using special chemicals! It is useful to remember that it is useful to use gloves when interacting with primroses. Not only preparations, but also primrose leaves sometimes become sources of skin irritations.

Video "Why primroses die"

According to legend, the first primrose flower appeared at the place where the keys to paradise fell. They fell out of the hands of the Apostle Peter and helped the miracle happen. Since that time, the primrose magically turns any place where it grows into a paradise.
Becoming a magician and creating a heavenly place in your home is real and within the power of everyone. To do this, you just need to start a room primrose ...

The spring flower, also known as the primrose, is able to bloom even before the final melting of the snow cover. Thanks to this feature, the plant attracts the close attention of many landscape designers and flower growers. The perennial primrose, planting and caring for which does not take much time and effort, captivates with the spring attractiveness of bright inflorescences against the backdrop of nature that has not yet awakened.

Each gardener or gardener has a plot unsuitable for further cultivation of crops on it, in their opinion. However, an unpretentious primrose can fully develop in such areas, delighting the owner with spring colors. And although the beauty of the primrose is not able to outshine the surrounding flowers, it is able to give its flowers over a long period - from mid-spring to mid-summer, and sometimes twice during the growing season.

planting flowers

Proper planting is the key to successful plant growth.

Site and soil preparation

Different types of primrose have their own preferences: some love sunny areas, others - areas shaded by other plants, and others - damp banks of water bodies. The best solution would be to plant a crop in a shaded area or on the east side of the house, which will protect it from drying out in the midday scorching sun. If the planting of flowers is planned for the design of the rock garden, then the south side should be avoided.

Primrose prefers light fertile soils with high humidity and a good drainage system that prevents stagnant water, which the flower needs most during the phase of intensive development and flowering. In case of severe depletion of the soil, additional enrichment with nutrients is carried out by introducing organic matter at a rate of 20 kg of a mixture of compost, humus and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 per 1 m2 and mineral fertilizers - 20 g of nitroammophoska for a similar area.

How and when to plant?

Planting perennial primrose in the garden is carried out in spring or autumn in the second year of development. Compact varieties are seated with a distance of 15 cm between specimens, and large species are located 20 cm apart.

Important! The bushes should be planted in such a way that when the growth is completed, the plantings are closed: the primrose has a negative attitude towards excess space.

Landing Rules

Primrose is planted, as a rule, with seedlings, for which you must follow the instructions:

  1. At the beginning of February, seeds purchased from a specialized store are distributed over the surface of a moist soil mixture consisting of leafy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, so that there are up to 5 pieces per 1 cm2.
  2. The dishes with crops are covered with polyethylene and placed in a freezer with a temperature of up to -10°C.
  3. After 3-4 weeks, the container with frozen seeds will be moved to the windowsill, where it is shaded from the direct sun.
  4. A week after the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed.
  5. When seedlings, characterized by slow growth, form two pairs of true leaves, the seedlings are dived into boxes with tweezers.

Important! Primrose from seeds is planted in the garden only after two years of growing in boxes.

Perennial garden primrose care

Primrose does not need special care. However, in order for a flower to please its owner with flowers for a long period, it is required to adhere to the basic agrotechnical requirements for growing primroses in open ground.


Culture needs constantly moistened soil. In the spring, abundant watering is carried out once a week. During hot periods, the frequency of irrigation and the volume of water used doubles - 1 m2 is irrigated with three liters of liquid.

top dressing

Enriching the soil with nutrients is an integral part of proper care. During the growing season, the primrose is fed weekly with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers with a concentration two times less than indicated on the package.

Advice! To avoid building up green mass instead of forming flowers, fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers should alternate with the application of potassium and phosphorus.

flower transplant

Primula belongs to the strongly growing plants, therefore, it needs a systematic transplant every 4-5 years, in which the bush is divided.

Protection from pests and diseases

Since the primrose is cultivated on moist soils in partial shade, it is prone to fungal diseases in the form of powdery mildew, rot, rust, and bacterial blotches. When manifestations of fungal diseases are detected, fungicide treatments are carried out, and in the case of bacterial diseases, the affected specimens are destroyed. Of the pests on the primrose, aphids, spider mites, weevils, fleas are noted, which can be fought by spraying plantings with an insecticidal preparation.

Preparing for winter

After flowering is completed, the soil under the primroses is loosened and cleared of weeds, after which the flowers are left alone. In the autumn period, the culture begins to build up a green mass, which serves as a natural shelter for the flowers for the winter period.


The seed method is not the only possible way to breed primrose. The flower can be propagated by vegetative methods - cuttings, dividing the bush and rooting the shoots.

The division of the bush

After the bush reaches three years, as a rule, you can begin to divide it. However, there are exceptions: some varieties reproduce using this method only after five years of age. The optimal time for dividing the bush is early spring or autumn - periods before or after the flowering phase.

When carrying out the procedure, you should be guided by the following algorithm:

  • The plant is carefully dug up, and its root system is cleared of soil residues.
  • The rhizome is divided with a sharp knife into parts, each of which should have 2-3 roots and a leafy rosette.
  • Places of cuts are sprinkled with wood ash as an antiseptic.
  • After the separated parts of the rhizome are planted in the garden.
  • During spring division, each new plant is watered daily for 12-14 days.
  • If the procedure is carried out in the fall, young specimens take refuge even before the onset of serious cold snaps.

Reproduction by cuttings

When applying this method, the largest primrose bush is selected, from which, after extraction from the soil, parts with developed roots are separated.


  • The tops of the cuttings are cut longitudinally, which allows you to accelerate the growth rate of the kidneys.
  • Prepared cuttings are planted in open ground to a depth of 4 cm.


In the case when the plant does not have a formed root system and fully developed rosettes, the rooting method is the most suitable method of propagation.

To be successful, you need to do the following:

  • From the very base of the rhizome, a leaf petiole with ⅓ of a leaf plate is separated.
  • The shoot is planted in a container filled with a substrate of leafy soil and sand in equal parts.
  • The pot is transferred to a room with a large amount of diffused light and a temperature regime in the range of 16-18 ° C.

When a shoot develops from the bud, the plant is moved to the garden, provided that the weather conditions allow it.

Application in landscape design

Primrose's variety of species and varieties, as well as its ease of cultivation, have contributed to its growing popularity among landscapers, some of whom prefer primroses over tulips or daffodils. After all, if you choose the right varietal composition, a flower garden can delight the owner with flowers from mid-spring to the end of summer.

Most often, primrose is used to decorate the following objects:

  • The shores of artificial reservoirs are often decorated with moisture-loving primroses.
  • Borders and paths are organically shaded by bright varieties.
  • Rock gardens and rockeries are also often decorated with primroses due to their undemanding soil and lighting.

So, garden primrose, being an undemanding flower, is an ideal crop for any garden plot. And the species diversity makes it possible to enjoy long flowering almost until the end of summer.