Primula obconica primula obconica. Indoor primrose: home care, photo of obkoniki. plant care

Primrose is called lovely ornamental plant pertaining to Primroses. This miniature indoor flower got its name from the Latin word "primus" - the first, because it feels the spring before anyone else and begins to bloom before the snow has melted. The second "folk" name for room primrose is primrose.

The homeland of primrose is considered Central Europe, some Asian and African countries. However, this indoor flower is distributed throughout the planet.

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Description and types of primrose

Indoor primrose is a flower about 25 cm long. Primrose is an annual or perennial. For planting at home, annual varieties are often chosen.
The leaves of indoor primrose are about 7 cm in diameter. The inflorescence contains five petals ending in 3 lobes. The house primrose flower is distinguished by a variety of colors. Flowering occurs about 2 times a year (spring and winter periods) and may last several months.

It is believed that this indoor flower inherent healing properties, however, some types of flower in direct contact with human skin can cause allergic reaction.

Consider the main types and varieties of indoor primrose plants.

Primula indoor soft

Comes from China. It is a perennial of medium length. It has one rosette of basal leaves. On a long root, oval-elongated leaves of a light green color appear. The peak of flowering falls in the spring and lasts about three or more months. The inflorescence can reach up to 10-12 flowers. In the natural environment, the flower is painted lilac, but the cultivated plant has a variety of colors.
The most common varieties of room soft primrose:

  • "Snow Queen" - inflorescences of whitish shades;
  • "White Pearl" - according to the name, the flowers have a pearl color;
  • "Mars" - lilac inflorescences;
  • "Juliet mixed" - has terry inflorescences with a double color - lilac and pink;
  • "Enchantment" - bright blue inflorescences.

Primrose obconic (obconic)

The most popular variety of primroses. It comes from the Chinese primrose family. It is much smaller in size, the primrose is soft. Can reach a maximum of 20 cm in length.

The leaves are oblong ovoid with "cut" edges on a long petiole. Flowering occurs in spring and winter, however, when created good conditions blooms almost continuously. The flowers are located on a short peduncle, due to which the plant looks like a cap of flowers. In their natural habitat, the flowers are lavender in color. A cultivated plant may have lilac, purple, pink, lavender color. Some varieties of reverse conical primrose cause an allergic reaction.
Primrose back-conical (obconic): photo The most popular variety is "Twilly Touch Me".

Primrose stemless (common)

Primrose stemless refers to the hybrid. This means that it can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Habitat habitats - Europe, Asia and Africa. It has a miniature size, can reach a maximum of 20 cm in length. On long roots are bright green leaves in the shape of an ellipse.

Flowering continues for quite a long time - from April to June. Flowers are singly. Peduncles are quite tall. In size, the flower can reach from 2 to 4 cm.
The most common varieties of stemless primrose:

  • Primula "Sphinx Apricot" - flowers have a double color: red gradually becomes bright orange;
  • Primula "Sphinx F1 neon Rose" - inflorescences are bright, crimson;
  • Primula "Eclipse Violet with Rim" - has purple color with gold border.

How to care for primrose at home

The flower loves and demands to be carefully looked after. Annuals are often thrown out after it has faded. But even for a short period of use, it is important to create a comfortable environment for the primrose.

  • Watering. During the flowering period, primrose needs abundant watering. Distilled water is suitable for irrigation. Be sure to monitor the condition of the soil - it should not dry out. Wet should try to keep upper layer soil. If the primrose is perennial, then after it fades, it is necessary to stop watering. It is important to let the soil rest a bit (dry out). Do not overfill the flower with water, otherwise rotting may begin. Therefore, it is better to fill the pot tray with water or immerse the pot completely in water, for example, in a basin of water.
  • temperature and humidity. During the flowering period of the reverse conical primrose, it is necessary to maintain temperature regime within 16-20 degrees. For other species, the optimum temperature is 10-12 degrees. To maintain moisture, you can regularly spray primrose leaves with bottom side or keep an open container of water near the pot.
  • Lighting. Indoor primrose loves western and eastern window sills. The bright rays of the sun can damage the flowers of the plant. Also dislikes shade.
  • The soil. The flower loves fertile soddy or deciduous soil mixed with peat and sand. Creating a layer of drainage in the pot is necessary. Pine needles can be used to add acidity to ordinary soil.

Growing primrose from seeds at home

The best period for propagation of reverse conical primrose seeds is in April and May. Soft primrose propagated by seeds preferably in the summer.

For planting primrose flowers the best option there will be fertile deciduous soil mixed with sand. The pot is filled with prepared soil, seeds are sown in it. You don’t need to cover the seeds with soil from above, just moisten the soil a little (make sure that it doesn’t appear). Glass is placed on top of the pot. Seeds need periodic ventilation and spraying. The first shoots will appear in about a couple of months.

Possible primrose diseases

Primrose room is most susceptible to fungal diseases, in which the leaves and roots of the plant rot. Viral diseases can also cause the death of a branch.

If the leaves of the primrose began to fade, turn yellow, turn brown and dry, they appeared yellow dots, and later - large discolored and dried areas, then the plant is probably affected.

If on the bottom, less often on upper surface leaves you see small 2-3 mm white insects and wingless yellowish larvae, which means the plant was struck by such a pest as.

If the primrose flowers are covered with small light speckles, and the leaves turn brown along the edges, this sure sign pests that actively reproduce in flowers, usually in the region of the stamens.

See also a video about caring for primrose at home:

Primula - perennial herbaceous plant primrose family. root system superficial, growing rapidly. The height of the stem is 10-25 cm. The leaf plates are whole, wrinkled, collected in a basal rosette, painted dark green. Primula is grown as an ornamental flowering plant. Flowers of the correct form, consist of 5 petals, rise above the bush on a short peduncle, are located singly or racemose, umbellate inflorescences are collected. Diverse in color.

Usually flowering begins in the spring, but varieties that bloom in the winter are bred.

AT natural environment lives in temperate climate zone Europe, Asia, North America, China, where it grows on moist soil near water bodies.

Growing room primrose from seeds at home

Primrose is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. The time depends on the variety of primrose. In general, this is the period from mid-spring to early summer.

  • Fill container with mixture leaf ground and sand, distribute the seeds as little as possible over the surface of the soil, without deepening, otherwise they will not sprout.
  • Spray with a spray bottle. For successful germination, cover the crops with glass or film.

  • Place in a bright place with an air temperature of 16-17 ° C.
  • Shoots will appear in a couple of weeks. The cover must be removed.
  • Leave the lighting and air temperature the same.
  • Water sparingly, thin out as you grow.
  • After about 3 months of life, young plants will get stronger enough, then plant them in separate containers.

  • When transplanting into individual cups, use something as a "shovel", such as a fork, to gently pick up the seedlings with an earthy clod without breaking it, and transfer it to a larger container.
  • Transplanted plants are carefully watered.
  • Further care is simple: moderate moisture and heat, diffused lighting are needed. When the violets grow up, they are transferred to permanent pots.

Reproduction of room primrose by dividing the bush

During transplantation, divide the bush. For this, plants at least 3 years old are suitable. Remove the primrose from the pot, divide into 3-4 parts, a voluminous bush can give up to 6 divisions. Sow in small pots. For creating greenhouse effect cover with foil. When the delenki take root and grow, a second transplant may be required. At each transplant, remove dried leaves, apply complex mineral fertilizers.

Reproduction of primrose leaf cuttings

Spend in the spring or fall. Separate the part of the shoot with the growth bud and leaf. Cut the leaf in half. Root in a mixture of leafy soil and sand. Lighting will be required diffused, keep the air temperature at 17 ° C, water moderately. With the appearance of 3-4 leaves, transplant into a pot with a diameter of about 10 cm.

How to care for primrose at home

Site selection and lighting

The plant is photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The best place will be the windows of the eastern and western directions, it also grows normally on the northern windowsill.

Air temperature

Avoid overheating. Optimum temperature air temperature will be 18 °C. The plant will be positively affected by lowering the temperature to 12-15 ° C during the flowering period.

Ventilate the room, but protect from drafts. In the period March-October, place on the balcony, loggia.

How to water

During the soil should be constantly slightly moist. The rest of the time, water as the topsoil dries. Avoid excess moisture. It is better not to water once again - the leaves may blow, but the plant will quickly recover after watering. Use bottom watering or apply water, moving along the edge of the pot so that water does not fall on the leaves of the plant. Pour soft water at room temperature.

You can not spray the plant. To maintain humidity, periodically place the plant pot on a pallet with wet moss, pebbles, expanded clay.

How to feed

During the flowering period, complex mineral fertilizers. Divide the dosage recommended by the instructions in half and feed every 14 days. The rest of the time you do not need to feed.

Transplanting room primrose

Transplant every year in spring or early autumn. Soil: mix sod land, peat and sand. Lay a drainage layer about 2 cm thick at the bottom of the container.

Choose a wide, shallow container.

Remove the primrose from the pot, inspect the roots, remove diseased, damaged roots, treat the cuts with a fungicide. Place the plant in new pot, fill with soil to the brim, compact a little, water.

Distillation of home primrose

Plants that are 2 years old are suitable for this. It is necessary to place the primrose in late autumn dark place with an air temperature of about 3 °C. Do not water. Usually they want to get flowering by March 8, so by further action start at the end of January-beginning of February. Replant primroses. Provide diffused lighting, air temperature within 5-10 ° C, water moderately. With the advent of buds, start feeding.

Diseases and pests of room primrose

Rust, jaundice, anthracnose, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus, tomato spotted wilt virus - possible diseases primrose. To save the plant, it is necessary to remove the damaged areas and treat with a fungicide.

Plant pests: nematodes, spider mites, aphid. It needs to be treated with an insecticide.

Primrose leaves turn yellow and buds fall

  • Due to excess moisture, rotting of the root system and stems is possible. Perform an emergency transplant. Remove affected areas, treat with fungicide. Adjust watering;
  • The leaves turn yellow. This happens for a number of reasons: elevated temperature or dry air, the soil is waterlogged, watered hard, cold water, excessive feeding;
  • Dropping buds, flowers quickly wither. Dry air, high air temperature, lack of moisture in the soil.

Types and varieties of room primrose with photos and names

Common primrose or stemless Primula vulgaris

Common primrose or stemless Primula vulgaris variety Sphinx Apricot photo

Flowering occurs in April-June. The flowers are large, yellow, red, blue.


  • Sphinx Apricot - flowers have a bright orange color;
  • Sphinx F1 neon Rose - variety with raspberry flowers;
  • Eclipse Violet with Rim - lilac corollas with a golden border.

Soft-leaved primrose or soft Primula malacoides

Primula soft-leaved or soft Primula malacoides variety Snow Queen photo

Plant height is 30-50 cm. The edges of the leaf plates are wavy. Umbrella inflorescence consists of 10-20 flowers.


Mars - the color of the corollas is lilac;

White pearls - white flowers with pearl overflow;

Juliet mixed - terry flowers with a double color: from pastel to pink-lilac;

Enchantment - inflorescences have a bright blue color;

Snow Queen - white flowers.

It reaches a height of 20 cm. It has oblong oval leaves, they are cut into 3 lobes. Flowers pink, red, blue.

TwillyTouch Me is a group of varieties of this species. The color can be pink, lavender, purple, combine 2 shades or colors.

Primroses are about 30 cm high with large leaves about 15 cm long. The edges of the leaf plates are serrated or wavy. The diameter of the corolla is 4 cm.

Primula Kyuskaya - leaf plates are heart-shaped, pubescent. The flowers are small, bright yellow.

Useful properties of primrose

The ground part contains ascorbic acid, carotene, many vitamins. Roots are rich essential oils, glycosides.

A decoction of the leaves is taken as a sedative, hypnotic, to strengthen the immune system. Primula has a diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant effect.

The name of this flower is translated as "primrose". In nature, there are more than five hundred species from the Primrose family. This is a herbaceous plant prefers to settle in moist soils in river valleys and mountains. On the this moment breeders have bred many varieties of this plant and many of them managed to extend the flowering period for quite a long time.

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  • Short stature. The stem height ranges from ten to twenty centimeters.
  • The root system is superficial, fast-growing.
  • Inflorescences are painted in a wide variety of colors. There is pink, purple, white and even striped primrose. The heartwood is bright and often of the opposite color.
  • Flowers are small in diameter , and the flowering itself is very plentiful.
  • The leaves are small and bright green.

This domestic flower is credited with many useful properties. For example, primrose leaves added to tea are said to be very soothing, and their effects are often compared to mint. And also young leaves can be cut into fresh salads. The content of vitamin C in the leaves of primrose is so huge that one leaf can give the daily rate for a person.

Primula indoor cultivation and care

This is unpretentious flower. The main thing is to correctly place the primrose and provide it with a temperature regime and watering and proper care.

Several species are grown as a home flower. Most suitable varieties for indoor floriculture:

  • Small-leaved - refers to annual plants. It starts blooming in February. She has large leaves with teeth, reaching twenty centimeters in length. It grows in the form of a bush about fifty centimeters high.
  • Chinese - growth is lower, with small flowers and small leaves. The height of the bush is a little more than thirty centimeters . Inflorescences with wavy petals, and the leaves are also toothed.
  • Ordinary - blooms in large inflorescences, bright colors. The colors are usually yellow, red and blue. The leaves are all wrinkled, and the stem is practically absent.
  • The most popular is the reverse conical. Its height is approximately fifty centimeters. The leaves are wavy, rounded and slightly drooping. Their length is about ten centimeters. There are many non-poisonous species among the reverse-conical primrose. Inflorescences are usually pink, blue, purple, white and red.
  • Kyurskaya - has a pleasant aroma coming from small yellow flowers. Leaves are heart-shaped with a white coating.

Reverse conical - the most common type in home greenhouses. Its maintenance is simple and correct selection space, sufficient lighting and regular watering.

The flower will be happy if you plant it in the garden in the spring, and return to the house in the fall. This plant tolerates cold very well and unlike others indoor flowers, a temperature of about ten degrees does not frighten him.

How to care for primrose? Care for room primrose involves the creation of temperature conditions, watering, feeding and transplanting as needed. Pruning the flower is not required, and transplantation is carried out no more than once every three years. Feeding is also rare.

Lighting and watering

Primrose prefers diffused light and feels great in partial shade. Water the flower as needed when the soil dries out. In winter, put the pot in a container with sand and pour water into it. Thus, water, when evaporated, does not allow the flower to dry. Water the primrose with settled water at room temperature.

The soil

This plant is completely unsuitable for soil with hyperacidity. Primrose land can be purchased at flower shop, and you can cook it yourself. For this, two parts of the park land are taken, one part of peat and one part of sand for drainage of the soil mixture.

top dressing

Fertilize it little and dosed. In order for the plant to gain green mass, nitrogenous fertilizers are used, and for budding and enlargement of inflorescences- fertilizers containing potassium. An excess of minerals in the soil can adversely affect the condition of the plant. Usually top dressing is applied in February, before flowering and in March, after it ends. Fertilizers are purchased at the store, and the rate indicated on the package is halved.


This flower loves coolness and does not tolerate heat, so the flower pot is usually placed on the western or eastern side of the house. The ideal temperature for growing primrose is fifteen degrees, and the most abundant flowering starts at ten. Primula is a frost-resistant plant, it is often planted in gardens. middle lane and leave to winter, a little covering with branches and leaves.


You can not transplant a flower during the period of budding and flowering. In addition, the primrose is transplanted at any time, but not more than once a year. A pot is selected, a little larger than the previous one, drainage in the form of expanded clay is placed on the bottom and poured half of the prepared soil mixture. Gently straightening the roots, plant the plant and pour the remaining soil mixture. After that, the flower is watered and put in place.

Usually, the plant is transplanted every year for up to two years, and then the transplant is reduced to once every three years. The preferred period for this procedure is September or October. It has been observed that due to transplants primrose stimulates flowering. Remember to use a new potting mix every time.

Distillation of primroses for the holiday

Many gardeners forge these charming flowers by the Eighth of March to give to relatives and friends or sell. To grow a flower for the holiday are created special conditions with sufficient care. Extraction is carried out as follows. Greenhouse required in which the temperature will not exceed fifteen degrees.

Before the onset of the first frost, two-year-old seedlings are taken and planted in containers along with part of the soil. In early February, the flowers are transferred to a warmer and lighter room and I begin to water them, occasionally feeding them. Already towards the end of February, primroses begin to bloom.

Primrose breeding

Primula obconica from seeds

Such a popular primrose as obkonika is grown from seeds. Prepare a container with earth and sow the seeds directly on the surface without sprinkling. Spray them with a spray bottle and cover with glass. The temperature for growing seeds should be at least twenty-two degrees. dive hatched seeds so that the distance between them is at least two centimeters. The soil should not dry out, so be sure to spray it. Usually shoots appear after twenty days. The container is moved to a bright and cool place, and the glass is removed.

Seeds are sown usually in early January, so that in February there are already strong seedlings. Thus, in the summer it will be possible to see the first blooming inflorescences. As soon as the seedlings grow enough and start to interfere with each other in the container, they are planted in pots. Be sure to fertilize the flowers with mineral and organic fertilizers. Diluted cow or bird droppings are suitable as organic matter.

You can also propagate okonika using cuttings and dividing the root system.

Reproduction by cuttings

If your flower has one rosette, then it can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, cut a leaf with a kidney sharp knife treated with alcohol. Do not tear sheets or use blunt tools. Prepared soil mixture pour into a container and insert a cutting into it.

The soil mixture is made in the usual way: peat is mixed with sand. The roots germinate at the cutting under the condition of a constant temperature of at least twenty degrees and frequent moisture. You can cover the cuttings with a transparent bag to create a greenhouse effect.

Cuttings usually take root within three months. During this period, they should have not only roots, but also at least three leaves on each cutting. After they are ready for independent life, they are transplanted into pots with soil consisting of earth, humus and sand. Usually a new plant begins to bloom after six months.

Reproduction of primrose by dividing the roots

propagate home flower only after it blooms. Each root can be divided into two or three bushes. Divided roots are planted in a container, watered and covered with glass. To grow a new bush, the place where the container will stand should be well lit. After the finished bushes are planted in new pots, immediately fertilize them with mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen. Feeding is repeated after two weeks.

Diseases and pests

The most famous diseases that primroses are susceptible to:

Obconica hybrids contain a small amount of poison in the leaves and stem. Therefore, when working with them, use gloves, otherwise an allergy may appear on your hands. Breeders from Holland bred a special variety in which there is no poison. It's called Stroke Me.

To help reveal the beauty and characteristics of plants that provide beneficial effect On us, the Holland Flower Bureau holds a monthly House Plant of the Month campaign, honoring in turn not the most popular plants, which in a certain period show their most interesting sides. The houseplant of the month is an inexhaustible source of positivity that can cheer you up on gloomy days.

One of the first in the year, primrose obkonika opens its bright and lush flowers, enveloping the house with a light and warm breath of spring. Dressed up in flashy reds, mysterious purples, or discreet whites, under the right conditions, she can be the centerpiece of your window sills for a few weeks. Thus, the joyful primrose, whose botanical name "Primula obconica" in Latin means "first", deserved its honorable first place in the list. best first spring flowers, claiming the honorary title of "Houseplant of the month February 2015"! A native of the mountainous regions of the South-East and East Asia primrose feels great throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and, thanks to its exotic look and a long flowering period quickly won the hearts of Europeans.

Like many other types of primroses, obkonika is characterized by an impressive range of colors. It captivates with its small round flowers with petals wavy at the edges, collected in umbellate inflorescences, which, depending on the variety, amaze with rich colors and delight with delicate pastel colors. This perennial herbaceous plant with rounded, entire leaves on short petioles forms bushes up to 30 cm high and is ideal as a decor for spring interior, creating an aura of freshness and light aroma.

Varieties of primrose obconica

All old varieties of primrose obkonika, which is mainly grown as room culture, enjoyed a rather dubious reputation. The culprit for this is the substance primin, which is secreted by glandular hairs present on all terrestrial parts of the plant.

Therefore, upon contact with leaves or flowers, some flower growers may develop itchy rashes on their hands. But those troubles are in the past! Dutch breeders have managed to develop varieties that do not irritate the skin. These are almost all new plants from the “Touch me” variety group, which means “touch me” in English. Primula obconica variety "Touch me" is able to bloom all year long, but autumn and spring are considered to be the peak of its flowering.

Location: Primula prefers a bright and cool location without direct sunlight. That's why she's perfect. fit window facing north.

Temperature: Obconic primroses tolerate room air temperature from 100 to 200C. However, the cooler it is on the windowsill, the longer the flowering will last. Regularly remove faded flowers - this promotes the development of new buds.

Watering: Primrose obkonika loves abundant watering, and its roots should not dry out completely. But excess water, which only harms the plant, must flow out through the drainage holes. Such water should be poured out of the pan immediately.

Fertilizer: During the main flowering period, which lasts from February to April, the primrose is fertilized every two weeks. weak solution complex fertilizer with trace elements in order to maintain the abundance and splendor of flowering.

Transfer: If possible, then for the summer the primrose obkonika is planted in the garden, digging it along with the pot. Then in September it is transplanted into a fresh substrate, which should be fertile, slightly light and slightly acidic.

What to look for when buying primrose

Pot size, buds and ripeness. During the purchase, pay attention, first of all, to the size of the pot, which should be shallow and wide, the number of buds and their maturity.

Colour. Great importance also has a mixture of flowers in one pot.

State. It is very important that the plant you choose is disease-free and not damaged by any pests. Dirty and damaged leaves or flowers are often the result of transport or storage.

decorative value. Take care that the plant does not have wilted flowers or yellow leaves.

Fungal infection. In conditions of too high humidity (condensation), leaves or flowers can be affected, as a result of which it is very quickly lost. decorative look plants.

Dryness. A plant experiencing a lack of moisture may droop the leaves. However, after correcting the misses, the primrose recovers very quickly.

Thanks to a wide color scheme, great variety primrose species go well with other spring flowers, such as potted bulbous plants. Such compositions can decorate both the interior of your home and the garden. Several identical flowers, placed in a row, can revive and decorate even the most boring interior.

Few people can imagine that the inflorescences of primrose obkonik look spectacular and elegant in bouquets, decorating graceful vases.

Primrose obconica in a simple terracotta pot decorated with cloth

Primula obconica in the original flower pot is spectacular, bright and always fashionable. Just a few steps - and the fabric with a daring black and white print transforms an inexpressive flower pot into a full-fledged element of decor, making our indoor plant month of February. Ordinary flower pots made of clay or are best suited for this, which, thanks to their rough surface, provide an ideal basis for gluing. You can choose any fabric to your taste.

So, you need:

  • three clay or terracotta flower pots
  • pieces of fabric with beautiful pattern(we chose black and white)
  • scissors
  • fabric decoupage glue
  • tassel
  • three specimens of primrose obconica

Step 1

We cut out a rectangle from a piece of fabric (depending on the size of the pot), adding 4 cm in height to the hem, and 2 cm in volume. We apply glue to the upper edge of the pot and glue the fabric in a circle, wrapping its edges respectively inside the pot.

Step 2

Since the flower pot tapers downwards, it is necessary to make cuts on the fabric at the same distance around the entire circumference in order to glue it without unnecessary ugly folds. Fabric with a geometric pattern can be cut along the pattern.

Step 3

Now you can apply glue to the entire surface of the pot and glue strips of fabric one by one. If one strip comes over another, then glue must be applied to the bottom.

Step 4

After the entire flower pot is covered with fabric, it must be covered with glue again - it will protect the flower pot from moisture. Glue the next two pots in the same way. Let the glue dry completely. Now you can plant the primrose obkonika.

Translation: Lesya V.
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Home and garden decoration with primrose obkonika

Primrose obconica is a perennial herbaceous plant suitable for both garden and home cultivation. She can bloom all year round, but in the off-season and in winter, when the temperature drops, it is especially plentiful. A pot with a small plant gives out a lush bouquet of conical flowers and becomes the main decoration of the windowsill or a wonderful gift.

The primrose obconicana flower can bloom all year round, but in the off-season and in winter it is especially plentiful.

The color scheme is extensive - from deep purple mysterious to white immaculate. The color of the petals can be both saturated and pastel with smooth transition between two colors. If provide comfortable conditions, the plant will thank with several peduncles (up to 10), each of which can give up to 20 flowers.

Characteristics, breeding and reproduction

This gentle plant can stand up for itself and until recently was considered a strong allergen, leaving ten out of a hundred people with itching, redness and rashes on the skin after contact with it. In self-defense, it uses primin, a substance secreted by the glands of the hairs that cover the stems and leaves.

For seed germination, a mixture of turf and sand is used.

The flower growers were saved by the Dutch, who selected the Touch me group of primroses, which, loosely translated, in relation to the existing problem of plant toxicity, can mean: the plant is accessible and it is quite possible to touch it.

Primrose is propagated by seeds. It takes about six months from sowing to flowering, therefore, in order for the plant to bloom in the second half of summer, it must be sown in January. For seed germination, a mixture of turf and sand is used. Seeds are sown on the surface, not buried in the ground, cover the container with glass and regularly spray the soil, preventing drying out. At a temperature of 20-22 ° C, seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks, after which the container with seedlings is placed in a bright place, and the temperature is lowered by several degrees.

When 1-2 leaves appear, the seedlings dive, leaving a distance of 3-4 cm between them. So they grow until the leaves of neighboring plants close. Then a second pick is carried out, planting sprouts after 8 cm. The plants are transplanted into a pot when, after the second pick, the leaves of neighboring plants close again. From this time, you can start feeding with a solution of bird droppings, complete mineral fertilizer or a solution of mullein. mature plant subsequently, it can be propagated by cuttings or dividing the bush, which, like transplantation, is carried out during the rest of the plant between flowering.

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plant care

The comfortable temperature for the flower does not exceed 20°C, and during flowering it drops to 15°C.

Primula obconica loves light, but not direct Sun rays. First of all, home care is to create comfortable temperature and light conditions. Southeast or southwest light window sills will be a great place for a plant. It is allowed to place a pot on the north window if there are many sunny days a year, since in cloudy weather from the north the lighting is rather poor. On a south-facing window, a bush in sunny weather should be shaded or placed not on the windowsill, but a little further from the window.

A comfortable temperature for growth does not exceed 20°C, and when flowering begins, the optimum temperature drops to 15°C. This contributes to the extension of the period during which the primrose obkonika will decorate the interior and delight the eye. As with any plant, drying flowers should be pruned regularly, this will save energy for the development of new buds.

Primrose equally dislikes both stagnant water and drying out of the soil, but tolerates short-term drought well. A plant with withered leaves quickly restores a peppy appearance after watering.

Primrose does not tolerate both stagnant water and drying out of the soil, but tolerates short-term drought well.

Avoid extreme watering / drought will help regular moderate watering, good drainage, loose soil with additives that retain moisture or drip irrigation. An earth lump should be well shed and after 5-10 minutes, drain the water from the pot tray. At a constant high humidity flowers or leaves can be affected by a fungal disease.

During the formation of buds and flowering, once every two weeks, use a complex mineral fertilizer, preferably at half the recommended dose.

For the summer, the pot can be buried in the garden, in the shade of a building or other plant. In open space, the bushes will become stocky and lush.