Dome house: construction technologies and planning features. Do-it-yourself domed greenhouse - a suitable solution for lovers of original ideas Elongated dome in private construction

In the minds of most people, a residential building is a rectangular box under a pitched roof.

The attitude towards structures of spherical and dome shape is twofold. Attracting the attention of many with their unusual “space” appearance, they raise doubts about the reliability and convenience of living.

This article will help you overcome the existing “cubic” stereotype, objectively study the advantages and disadvantages of domed houses, and assess the possibility of building them yourself.

House sphere - an architect's whim or a hint from nature?

Let's start with the fact that man borrowed many outstanding inventions from nature, observing the life of animals. Let's pay attention to the “technologies” used by birds in the construction of their homes. It is easy to notice that there are no right angles anywhere here. Hemispheres, balls, circles - these are the only forms nature recognizes. It turns out that our beloved living “box” is not at all the crown of creation.

Paying attention to this natural phenomenon, engineers studied the mechanical properties of spherical and dome structures. It turned out that they not only have excellent aerodynamics, but are also much stronger than rectangular ones.

The energetically spherical surface is flawless. With a maximum internal volume, it has a minimum area. Therefore, in a domed structure, heat loss during external environment several times less than in a regular house. It’s not for nothing that the Eskimos, inhabitants of the Arctic, have been building spherical “igloos” out of snow for centuries. Practical experience told them what a wind-resistant and energy-efficient design should be.

Nowadays, spherical houses have moved from the realm of theory to the category of practical technologies for environmental construction. Thousands of people around the world have managed to appreciate their advantages and do not regret their choice.

Examples and varieties of dome structures

A spherical structure can be built in two ways:

  • In the form of a geodesic dome (assembled from triangular frame cells joined together using node elements - connectors).
  • Made of bent pillars or arched segments connected at the tops (stratodesic dome).

Geodesic dome

Stratodesic dome

Bent-laminated wooden posts for assembling a stratodesic dome

Using the technology of a stratodesic dome, “poppies” are collected Orthodox churches. The geodesic dome came to us from America. Its inventor is considered to be engineer Fuller.

Despite the differences in appearance, these structures are characterized by minimal weight, high rigidity and stability.

Houses in the shape of a sphere can be built from any material, from foam plastic to concrete. The choice of a specific option depends on the technical equipment of the performer. For the construction of residential buildings, structures with a wooden frame are most often used.

There are several reasons for this. Wood is an environmentally friendly and durable material with high elasticity. Geodesic domes are made from wooden beams, connecting them with steel connectors.

Frame of a house based on a geodesic dome

Stratodesic residential structures are built from bent-laminated beams.

Building frame based on a stratodesic dome

Japanese spherical building technology is based on the use of bent foam blocks with locks. Small one-story buildings are assembled from them. Polystyrene foam in such a house performs two functions at once: construction material and insulation.

A modern “igloo” house is built not from snow, but from a foam “shell”

The minimum weight of the sphere house allows it to be erected on a shallow belt or pile foundation. To insulate sections, use mineral wool, straw, ecowool or polystyrene foam.

The most common type of roofing is soft bitumen shingles. This material fits perfectly on curved surfaces.

Sphere house covered with bitumen shingles

Green building advocates are opting for wooden shingles– thin planks forming an original scaly coating.

Wooden shingles look natural on a spherical building

Two-level house based on a stratodesic dome with shingle cladding

Recently, new materials have appeared on the market that are ideally suited for creating a seamless roofing carpet. These are “liquid cork” (balsa wood particles in an acrylic polymer) and liquid rubber.

As we have already said, the material for building a spherical house can be varied. If you prefer concrete, no problem.

Using spray technology, it is possible to erect domed buildings from lightweight concrete

Modern technologies make it possible to build such houses using PVC pneumatic formwork, onto which foam insulation is applied. Then they put on the insulation reinforcement cage and apply the concrete mixture to it using shotcrete method.

You cannot build a sphere house from straw blocks alone. This material is used as insulation. Straw is densely stuffed into cells made of boards and a dome is assembled from them.

The spatial frame is made of wooden cells filled with straw

Construction Features

Just recently, a dome house was an exotic construction item. Its construction was undertaken by enthusiasts of the environmental movement and amateurs original designs. Today the Internet is filled with factory kits of spherical houses. You can buy an unusual dwelling based on a geodesic dome and a stratodesic structure without leaving your city apartment.

For those who prefer to do everything with their own hands, we recommend choosing a geodesic dome. It is a little more complicated to assemble than a sphere house made of semi-arches, but it does not require complex equipment for bending and gluing wood.

The most important structural unit is the connector. The spatial joining of all elements depends on the accuracy of its manufacture. Therefore, for work it is better to buy a ready-made factory kit.

The next step is to prepare the frame ribs from wooden blocks 50 mm thick. Their width should be equal to the thickness of the insulation (minimum 10 cm). The length of the ribs is selected based on the assembly diagram of the geodome.

Required explanation: in calculations of dome frames, the term “frequency” or “section” is used, denoted by the symbol V. It determines the density of the dome surface divided into triangles. The higher the frequency, the less “angular” and more spherical the dome structure becomes.

However, an increase in frequency causes an increase in the number of ribs and connectors, significantly complicating the design. Therefore, in practice, domed houses are most often built with a frequency of 2V.

The breakdown frequency (V) of the dome surface is a basic element of calculations

In addition to the frequency, you need to decide on the diameter of the dome and its height. If you buy a ready-made set of connectors, then you will not have to use an online calculator to calculate the lengths of the ribs. The manufacturer makes connectors to assemble a frame of a given height and diameter.

As practice shows, a dome with a diameter of 8 meters and a height of 4 meters is optimal for the construction of a two-level country house with a total area of ​​64 m2, winter garden or saunas.

In order to build domed house You need to perform several operations yourself:

  • Mark the foundation for the frame on the site (strip, column, Swedish slab or pile).
  • At the concreting stage, place anchors in the foundation. They are needed for attaching the backing beam, to which the first row of “triangles” of the frame is fixed.
  • The assembly is carried out in parallel rows, connecting the frame ribs into a spatial structure using connectors.
  • Having completed the installation, the dome is sheathed from the inside wooden clapboard or drywall.
  • Insulation is placed in the cells of the frame and covered with windproof membrane and sheathed on the outside with slabs or OSB.
  • There is no cladding in places where windows are installed. In the area where the doors are installed, the frame is “torn”, leaving a niche of the required size in it. The stiffness of a geodesic dome is very high, so doorways cannot significantly reduce it.

Two-level house-sphere at the stage of external cladding with OSB boards

Some developers make the first floor in the form of a polyhedron, and crown the second with a geodome.

The doorway fits perfectly into the design of the spherical building. But the triangular windows and additional elements door frame are more expensive than usual. They have to be ordered as non-standard products.

Advantages and interior of domed houses

In addition to the mentioned advantages - unique strength and wind resistance, spherical structures have other advantages:

  • cost-effectiveness (due to a lightweight foundation, assembly without the use of cranes, and the use of effective insulation);
  • the possibility of free planning of the living space due to the absence of internal walls;
  • excellent soundproofing qualities;
  • attractive appearance and unique interior.

Inside round buildings surprisingly roomy and beautiful. The large height makes it possible to place a second floor in them without any problems.

Even under a small 4-meter dome you can place a comfortable bathhouse. The spherical shape and central location of the stove ensures heat savings and uniform heating of the rooms.

Sauna under the dome - compact and convenient

The nature of reviews about domed houses is mostly positive. The owners like the original shape, comfort and spaciousness of these buildings.

Energy savings and low construction costs of spherical buildings are also often mentioned in the comments of their owners.

Among the subjective positive emotions, one should note the peace and tranquility felt by a person in such a house.

Many gardeners strive to ensure that their dacha buildings are attractive, original and functional. Moreover, their construction was affordable even for a beginner, and the cost of materials was minimal. A geodesic dome fully meets these requirements.

Video presentation of country houses in the shape of a geodesic dome

A little history

Geodesic domes - architectural structures with a load-bearing mesh shell first appeared in the late 40s of the last century. The American Richard Fuller received a patent for this invention. Unusual buildings were supposed to solve the problem of quickly constructing inexpensive, comfortable housing. The idea has not caught on for mass development, but is actively used for the construction of futuristic cafes, swimming pools, and stadiums.

The spheres are no less popular among landscape designers. Such buildings are quite spacious and can be used for a variety of purposes. Their unusual look immediately attracts attention, they become the center of the landscape composition.

The geodesic dome has a large bearing capacity, besides, it can be built from simple materials to the most short terms without the involvement of teams of specialists and equipment. Thus, a dome 50 meters high can be built by three people without involving construction crane.

Lightweight and durable + multi-functional geodesic dome for your site

Thanks to its shape, the geodome harmonizes space and charges it with positive energy. The round room is spacious and incredibly cozy. The advantage of a geodetic structure is that it does not require a solid foundation. This greatly simplifies the work, reduces its time and the cost of consumables. Another advantage is the minimum quantity construction waste and noise. Frame-panel technology, which underlies the construction of a geodome, is very economical. It is perfect for the construction of buildings for various purposes.

You can install a geodesic bath, a sauna, equip a swimming pool under a dome, build a house, a summer kitchen, a gazebo, a garage, a light and spacious hut for children's games. There are many options. But in our country, a spherical structure is most often used as a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Making a basic calculation of the geodome

The engineering calculations required for the construction of a permanent residential building, of course, should be entrusted to professionals. However, for construction on a summer cottage it will be enough simple calculations using ready-made tables that are easy to find on the Internet. They indicate the number of ribs of the same length, the ratio of the lengths of the ribs taking into account the radius of the dome, as well as the number and type of connectors - durable fasteners for connecting parts.

The tables reflect information about the designs of domes with a frequency of ribs from 1 to 6. The gardener can only decide what kind of dome he will install, what is the required area and height of the building. Then look at the table data using the coefficients, calculate the length of the ribs taking into account the radius of the dome and prepare required quantity building material.

We are building an original greenhouse

  1. First we need to decide how much area we want to allocate for the greenhouse, and also what its height should be. Then we determine the frequency of the ribs of the future dome.

    Dome circuit most commonly used, with fin frequency 2V

    The best option is a greenhouse with a fin frequency of 2V, an area of ​​3 m and a height of one and a half meters. Now we do the simplest calculations using a special table. We find out that we need 35 ribs 0.93 m long and 30 0.82 m long. We also need to prepare 6 five-pointed and 10 four-pointed and six-pointed connectors.

  2. We are preparing building material. You can use bars, a profile pipe, a fence board, or special double spacer posts. The main thing is to immediately take into account the width of the rib. So, the boards will have to be cut into several pieces using a jigsaw.
  3. We level the area for construction and fill it with crushed stone. Using a building level, we check that the site is perfectly level.

    A building level will help make the area for the gazebo perfectly level.

  4. We are building the base of the greenhouse. We use the simplest scheme polyhedron, collect its sides, connect them together.

  5. Let's make a dome. For convenience, edges of the same length can be marked with color, so there will be no confusion during the work process. Referring to a simple diagram of a geodome, we build from ribs isosceles triangles and connect them to each other with special fasteners - connectors. For small structures - greenhouses, conservatories, gazebos - you can use regular mounting tape and self-tapping screws to assemble the dome.

    We are building a dome, the basis of the structure is isosceles triangles

  6. We cover the greenhouse with polycarbonate. To do this, we cut it into triangles and attach it to the frame using special screws. We decorate the seams with a beautiful strip.

    To cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate, it must be cut into regular triangles and the seams insulated with a wooden strip

  7. Inside the greenhouse along the perimeter we make beds; their height should be equal to the height of the base of the dome. For fencing, you can use any available material, but natural stone looks especially beautiful.

    The path in the greenhouse should be made wide, the beds should be high, level with the base of the geodome

  8. For hanging plants, we attach polypropylene pipes to the edges of the dome and hang flower pots on them.

    Hanging plants feel great under the greenhouse dome

  9. We install a water tank on the north side. This is necessary to maintain an optimal level of air humidity. In addition, during the day the water will heat up and during the night it will give off heat. Above the tank, several dome blocks can be covered with reflective film - this will enhance the greenhouse effect.

    A container of water will provide an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse

  10. We plant plants. Along the perimeter there are short ones, in the center there are tall ones.

A greenhouse or greenhouse will retain heat and create better conditions for the growth and development of plants

Geodesic gazebo

An unusual gazebo will decorate your site. It can be collected during the working day. For the frame we use a profile pipe. For a gazebo the most optimal diameter domes – 6 meters, height 2.5 meters. On the resulting area of ​​28 sq. m. will comfortably accommodate all your friends and relatives.

We calculate the dome in the same way as described above. To build the dome we will need 120 steel ribs. 30 pieces 107.5 cm long, 40 x 124 cm, 50 x 126.7 cm. Their ends need to be flattened, drilled and bent relative to the pipe by 11 degrees. For ease of installation, each length can be marked with its own color: red, green, blue, for example.

The dome diagram will help you quickly assemble a geodesic grid

Now we assemble the frame according to the dome diagram. It shows parts of different lengths in color. We connect the metal parts using bolts, washers and nuts, and tighten them carefully.

Joining iron ribs is simple: align the parts and connect them using bolts, washers and nuts

When the dome is ready, we begin the final stage of construction. The choice of material is yours. You can cover the gazebo with sheets of plywood, colored polycarbonate, soft tiles, clapboard or other material convenient for you. You can make only the top of the dome closed, and leave the sides free, decorating them with light curtains. At this stage of work, everything depends only on your imagination and design ideas.

We close the gazebo. Decor and choice of materials is yours

The advantage of a dome with a frame made of steel pipes is that it can be assembled and disassembled several times. If you sew a cover from water-resistant fabric, you will get a spacious mobile home for lovers active recreation in the lap of nature. You will appreciate its comfort on any trip.

Geodome can be the best alternative for a family vacation on the lakeshore

We are building a country house

A self-made geodesic dome can become a cozy home in your dacha. The construction principle is the same as for greenhouses or gazebos. However, to build a futuristic house you will need a foundation. The specificity of the structure allows the use of conventional shallow thermally insulated wooden foundation. All its parts should be carefully processed with special protective equipment.

We attach the corner posts of the base walls and horizontal struts to the foundation.

Then we install the dome sheathing. From the outside we sew up the spherical structure with sheets of plywood 18 mm thick. We install windows and doors.

When finishing the interior, we put insulation in each opening and also cover the walls with plywood.

Sheets of plywood 18 mm thick are well suited for covering the frame.

The construction period for such a house is 2 months. The consumption of materials is significantly less than for the construction of a traditional frame dwelling. The advantages of the sphere over an ordinary house are fully manifested during operation. Thus, energy consumption here is significantly lower. No corners fewer walls– as a result, heat loss is significantly reduced.

The geodome, regardless of the style of interior decoration, gives the room special comfort and harmony

The special aerodynamic properties of the dome prevent drafts from blowing away heat. A special microclimate is established in the room, so the geodesic house is comfortable at any time of the year. If over time the home has become cramped, it is easy to make a functional extension to the geodesic dome without any damage to the strength of the structure.

If you approach the design of a domed house more creatively, you can end up with a real masterpiece!

A geodesic dome is a great opportunity to quickly and inexpensively install an original structure on your site. The main thing is desire designer fantasy and a little skill.

In the article we will talk about the technology of domed construction, the features and advantages of domed houses, and the three most famous methods of constructing such buildings. But the main thing is that we will introduce you to the calculation economic costs, the result of which gave domed houses an undeniable advantage.

The use of dome construction technology makes it possible to reduce costs by half building materials and reduce the construction time by three times. The solution to the problem depends only on technical re-equipment construction sites, because everything necessary materials have been used in construction for a long time. In the USA and Western European countries, this technology has been successfully used since the end of the twentieth century. Fortunately, now in the post-Soviet space a good and solid foundation has been laid for the development of domed housing construction.

A little about the history of origin

You should start getting acquainted with domed houses by studying the history of their origin. Since ancient times, man has known for certain the essence of harmony with the surrounding world, partly expressed in the form of buildings. An example of this is the multiple prototypes of ancient dwellings created in the shape of a hemisphere: Eskimo igloos, wigwams North American Indians, tents of African tribes. It is also common for many cults and religious denominations to use domes as elements or the basis for temples, cathedrals and chapels.

IN modern world The technology of domed housing construction dates back to the first half of the twentieth century, when the American engineer Richard Fuller patented a construction technology capable of providing post-war Europe with affordable housing. Unfortunately, the idea did not spread, but fifty years later they started talking about domed houses again, and this time - seriously.

Initially, ordinary people became interested in the idea of ​​houses in the form of a hemisphere only because of their original shape. A little later, people realized the undeniable advantages of such buildings and their number in the modern world is constantly growing.

Design Features

Due to their special shape, domed buildings can easily be classified as works of art. They look very tiny, but this image is deceptive: despite their external compactness, these houses are very spacious. You may get the impression that the structure is fragile and unreliable, but it is attractive appearance in this case does not at all imply the presence of technical flaws. Dome houses are superior to conventional cubic buildings in all respects.

Basis for building a house

The very essence of domed housing construction implies the absence of ceilings and load-bearing supports. This not only provides up to 30% savings on wall and ceiling materials: the structure becomes lightweight and does not require a massive base.

Obvious savings from the construction of a domed house are visible already at the first stage of construction - during the construction of the foundation. A lightweight base saves 50% of the money spent on excavation and concrete work. A strip or pile foundation is usually used as a base.

Construction of buildings based on a geodetic sphere

First known method The implementation of dome buildings was a technology based on a frame in the form of a triangular hemisphere. The method is based on the use of triangular blocks of equal size, which, with increasing height, increasingly tilt their tops towards the center, thus forming a dome. When connected, the blocks form a frame up to forty centimeters thick.

The outside of the house is finished with pressed cellulose impregnated with bitumen, metal casing or just plastered. The main requirement for materials exterior finishing- absolute water resistance. WITH inside the walls are covered with boards, and medium-density mineral wool is used as insulation. The problem of natural lighting in the house is solved by triangular double-glazed windows in a plastic frame, made to the size of a standard frame cell. If the double-glazed window is enclosed in a reinforced metal frame, adjacent frame cells can be combined, achieving a non-standard geometric shape windows.

The peculiarity of this method is that the buildings are made from environmentally friendly materials. The geodesic dome is today used as a basis in exhibition pavilions, greenhouses and sports complexes.

Another construction method became available relatively recently, and owes its appearance to rapid development polymer materials. This technology is the most unusual and complex, but it is thanks to it that the construction time of a house can be reduced to a minimum. The question of the applicability of this method directly depends on the availability of specialized equipment in the construction area: spraying installations concrete mixtures and equipment for installing pneumatic frames.

The foundation of the house, as always, is a light strip foundation in the shape of a ring or a solid monolithic slab. “Tails” are drawn along the perimeter of the foundation with an indentation of 20 cm from the outer edge vertical elements reinforcement The rods must protrude by at least 40 cm, and the distance between them is from 30 to 50 cm, depending on the size of the structure and the diameter of the rods. The reinforcement used must be profiled, with a thickness of at least 12 millimeters. It is better to entrust the task of calculating a concrete structure and its reinforcement scheme to an organization specializing in architectural design. Although the technology for constructing domed houses is not regulated by specific government regulations, the methodology for calculating the strength and technical characteristics concrete structures spherical shape was established in the last century.

The next stage is the construction of a grid of the main reinforcement of the walls. Steel rods are added to the protruding reinforcement by welding or threading nominal diameter, the length of which is equal to a quarter of the circumference of the central section of the sphere. After extension, the rods are bent towards the axis of the building, forming a dome. Typically, the length of the longitudinal rods is chosen with a margin, cutting off excess reinforcement during mating, which is subsequently used for additional connection of the elements of the reinforcing mesh.

The following can be used as an end connection:

  • a ring with an I-beam or channel profile, if you plan to make the top of the dome transparent;
  • pairing of two steel sheets round shape;
  • connecting section in the form of a star made of tubes of the appropriate diameter (the number of vertices is equal to the number of longitudinal elements of the reinforcing mesh).

When the frame has acquired the shape of a hemisphere, transverse ones are added to the vertical rods by welding or knitting with wire.

This technology should involve a prefabricated pneumatic frame. It is made individually and, when inflated, completely follows the contours of the inner surface of the dome. In those places where windows and doors should be, the frame has protrusions of a given shape and size. Manufacturing a pneumatic frame is the most expensive and complex stage of construction, but since the technology cuts construction costs in half, its price is fully recouped.

You can order the frame from companies that produce inflatable trampolines, prefabricated pneumatic structures or water slides. It is better to choose fabric as a material high density with latex or polyvinyl chloride impregnation. The cost of the frame will be from 50 thousand rubles, the production time is about two months. After use, the product can be sold to any construction company.

All subsequent work is carried out in stages:

  1. The pneumatic frame is firmly fixed inside the steel sheathing and inflated.
  2. At the locations of doors and windows, the dimensions of future openings are marked on the reinforcing mesh according to the shape of the protrusions on the frame.
  3. The frame is deflated and removed during welding work.
  4. According to the markings made, the reinforcement is cut out. Edging of openings is carried out from all four sides profile fittings in 2-3 rows.
  5. The frame is treated with a hydrophobic compound and installed in place.

The final stage of work is spraying the base material onto the dome. The process is divided into several stages: layer-by-layer application of the composition with a layer thickness of 3.5 to 8 cm, depending on the type of material. After the first layer has been applied, but has not yet hardened, special beacon rods of a fixed length are immersed into it perpendicular to the plane of the frame, which will be used to control the thickness of the walls and the uniformity of spraying. Cement-polymer or shotcrete concrete, polystyrene foam, or a combination of different materials can be used as the main wall material. For example, the outer and inner layers of spraying are made of shotcrete, thereby providing increased surface strength.

After the mixture has completely hardened, the frame is dismantled, coating defects in the openings are eliminated, and the process of erecting the dome ends.

Dome houses based on permanent formwork and factory-made buildings

Dome construction has become widespread in Russia largely thanks to systems of permanent polystyrene formwork and spherical block-type buildings. The initial task of these technologies is the implementation of so-called objects rapid construction. In this case, the construction of domed houses takes no more than two weeks (excluding the construction of the foundation and interior design).

Both technologies have a number of similar features:

  1. The main elements of buildings are produced in house-building factories, after which they are transported to the site and assembled there.
  2. Expanded polystyrene is used as the starting material for the blocks.
  3. The buildings are characterized by increased energy efficiency: in fact, the domed house becomes a kind of “thermos” due to the high content in the structure heat-insulating materials. External finishing in both cases is carried out by applying waterproof facade plaster.
  4. Any type of foundation can be used as a foundation, including a lightweight foundation for a frame house.
  5. The delivery set almost always contains a technical design of the building and recommendations for carrying out construction work.

There are several differences:

  1. Block houses do not require additional concrete work.
  2. A prefabricated structure made from prefabricated blocks can be disassembled and moved. Very often the use of such houses is seasonal.
  3. Technologies differ in the methods of arranging door and window openings.
  4. Block buildings, unlike formwork buildings, are often supplied fully equipped (including doors, windows, ventilation systems etc.).
  5. The use of permanent formwork somewhat limits the variety of shapes and sizes.

As for the construction technique, it is quite simple. Structural elements, after delivery to the construction site, are sorted and divided into groups. The basement level is mounted first: it is attached to the base using brackets or anchors. Behind it the construction of the dome part is underway. The blocks are shaped like honeycombs of the same size and shape. They are secured to each other with locking or overhead mechanical connections.

If we are talking about buildings with permanent formwork, then pouring concrete can be done both after complete assembly and during its process. In any case, as the main structure is erected, a reinforcing frame is installed inside it. The top of the dome is a separately supplied multilayer block, which can be made in the form of a double-glazed window in a plastic frame.

After the walls are erected, the following is carried out:

  1. Installation of doors and windows:
    • in formwork houses window and doorways remain smooth. Installation is carried out in any available way;
    • block buildings often have factory grooves and locking (mechanical) connections, which facilitates the installation process.
  2. Sealing joints with polyurethane foam.
  3. Exterior finishing, installation window sills, ventilation grilles and other accessories.
  4. Construction of the foundation blind area and installation of drainage channels.

Exterior finishing of formwork buildings requires the application of a layer of rough plaster using fiberglass mesh. In block houses, the outer layer of parts has a special coating (for example, polymer cement), which facilitates the process of facade finishing, or a finished waterproof surface with decorative elements.

Installation of ceilings and partitions

The construction of interfloor ceilings is provided mainly in domed houses based on a geosphere and a pneumatic frame. Floors can be either prefabricated or reinforced concrete. The process of their construction is quite simple:

  1. First, the main frame is assembled from metal or wooden beams. In the first case, T- or I-beam assortments with “nickels” at the ends are used. Steel beams are secured with anchors or through brackets, and to secure wooden beams, screw pins are used that are screwed into the outside of the building.
  2. Load-bearing structures connected by connections.
  3. Prefabricated wooden floor is filled mineral wool and stitched up edged board or wood boards.
  4. If reinforced concrete is required, a reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 10x10 cm and a wire thickness of at least 6 mm is installed in the spaces between the load-bearing beams.
  5. The formwork for pouring concrete is made of OSB boards, which are attached to the beams using galvanized wire. As a rule, for one linear meter beams are required from five anchor points.
  6. The formwork should be covered with polyethylene, after which the concrete mixture can be poured.

Features and advantages of domed houses

Houses built using any of the dome construction technologies differ in a number of ways special properties, which cannot be achieved with traditional construction methods. It is thanks to these differences that domed buildings are not just an alternative to cubic-type houses. They are completely new look structures capable of solving most pressing everyday problems without any material costs.

Energy saving features

Heating a domed house in winter period requires 20-30% less energy resources compared to conventional buildings. Firstly, this is achieved thanks to the unique shape of the house: with the same area, the volume of a domed building is much smaller. In addition, the spherical shape of the room helps maintain constant natural air circulation, which means that warmer air will not accumulate at the top of the room. This feature is clearly visible during thermal imaging examination. There is another trick that can help you achieve additional savings on heating: if you place panoramic glazing or a transparent dome top in the upper part of the building, the house will be additionally heated due to the greenhouse effect.

Unsurpassed strength characteristics

Ideally uniform distribution of the load on the structure is ensured by its spherical shape. No matter what section of the construction is carried out mechanical impact, it will be effectively distributed throughout the entire array. This property is especially pronounced in houses built on a triangular frame due to the balanced placement of stiffeners and support points. Domed houses are suitable for regions with unstable climates in the best possible way: Thanks to their streamlined shape, they remain immune to wind gusts of up to 230 km/h.

Maximum savings

As mentioned above, building a house using dome technology saves about 50% of money. Let's check this statement by comparing a domed house with a traditional one.

Comparison of material costs for building different types of houses

Comparison criteria Standard one-story house House built using dome technology
Total area: 100 m2
Smallest possible perimeter length: 40 m
Inner perimeter length: 34.4 m
Total area: 100.24 m2
Outer border radius: 5.65 m
Inner border radius: 5.25 m
Outer circumference: 35.48 m
Inner circumference: 35.08 m
about the foundation
Area in horizontal plane: 26.04 m 2
Minimum permissible height: 0.7 m
Volume of concrete mass: 18.23 m3
Horizontal area: 13.69 m2
Minimum permissible height: 0.4 m
Volume of concrete mass: 5.48 m3
about external walls
Wall thickness: 0.6 m
Building height: 2.7 m
Volume of wall array: 59.62 m 3
Wall thickness: 0.4 m
Building height: 4.7 m
Wall mass volume: 57.94 m 3
Decorative finishing External wall surface area: 108 m2
Inner wall surface area: 92.88 m2
External wall surface area: 157.08 m2
Inner wall surface area: 132.95 m2
Roofing works Wanted Not required
Estimated cost of main types of materials, rub.
Purpose For a standard house For a home on the geosphere For a house on a pneumatic frame
(concrete only)
Per cubic m: 2900
Complete: 52,867
Per cubic m: 2900
Fully: 15,892 + 20% * = 19,070
Per cubic m: 2900
Complete: 15,892
Walls Cinder block + Brick
Per cubic m: 3250
Complete: 193,765
Per cubic m: 2900
Complete: 168 026
Wood + Mineral wool
Per cubic m: 2300
Full: 133 262
Roof Per sq. m: 2850
Complete: 359 100
Not required Not required
Ceiling Per sq. m: 1100
Total: 110,000
Not required Not required
Per sq. m: 950
Complete: 102,600
Per sq. m: 1300
Full: 204 204
Per sq. m: 500
Complete: 78 540
818 332 391 300 227 696

* Strip foundations in this case are almost a quarter higher.

Optimal space distribution and unsurpassed comfort

Due to the fact that load-bearing walls are absent, the domed house has no restrictions in the layout. It can easily combine the living room and dining room into one spacious room with high ceiling. The rest room can occupy at least half of the entire house, and there will be no problems at all with installing a jacuzzi in the bathroom. It is noteworthy that during overhaul the layout can be changed by moving prefabricated partitions. In domed houses there is no need to insulate closed rooms, trying to protect yourself from irritants: the sphere effectively absorbs sound and at the same time does not allow noise from the street to pass through.

The dome house is quite complex technologically. Construction of a domed house requires skill, and you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. And of course, we need a project. Is it possible to build a domed house with your own hands?

And what to build from? Most often they are built from wood. It is technologically possible to build dome walls from bricks and blocks, from panels and monolithic reinforced concrete. This unique house, shaped like a hemisphere or cone, due to its design will not require a lot of building materials.

This is understandable, because the sphere, or egg, with a minimum thickness of the shell can withstand the greatest loads compared to other configurations, because this “structure” by its nature distributes the applied loads in the best possible way. This is not a plane that fights with the whole world, exposing itself to wind and fire... but it’s difficult to set fire to a sphere from the outside. And there is nothing new, remember a tent, hut, yaranga or church dome. So, enough philosophy! The science of eniology is certainly interesting, and in the world dome structures are built and people live in them, this is a fact, for example, the Japanese.

A practical question - how to build a domed house for yourself? Get the maximum amount of living space on a minimum plot area, save on building materials and foundations, and get a durable, sustainable and energy-saving house?

Pros of a domed house

  1. Unconditional originality and complete freedom in planning internal space. Externally, the house is modern and aesthetically pleasing, as natural as nature itself. (And the desire to live in peace with her is clearly expressed. Finally.)
  2. Good speed of construction and not the highest financial costs compared to a stone or concrete rectangular house.
  3. Due to the light weight of the house, the foundation can be minimized and taken over the ground. If the foundation soils and the behavior of underground water allow, then the foundation will do elementary – non-buried tape. Technologically, the dome is a self-supporting structure, and therefore requires minimal building materials.
  4. You can build in both the south and the north, if properly equipped, the thermal efficiency will exceed all expectations. An energy-saving house in the full sense. The area of ​​the “walls” and “roof” is minimal - so is heat loss. One interesting point, which often has to be ignored, since it is difficult to deal with it - a powerful cold bridge of the house occurs at the junction of its facade and roof, which the dome simply does not have.
  5. The aerodynamics of the dome reduces wind resistance to a minimum - there will be no draft and no heat loss. There is no windage - there is resistance to wind loads. All loads are distributed evenly throughout the house - a hemisphere, and ground movements, as well as seismic events, are less dangerous. A hemisphere, even if it is pierced at one or several points, does not lose stability and does not fold up like a house of cards. For instant complete destruction of the hemisphere, at a minimum, the soil underneath it needs to open up.
  6. Plus to the design - the harmony of the form provides excellent acoustics and favorable light distribution. It is always lighter under the dome, since the spherical shape scatters light, while the cubic shape absorbs it. Heat, light and sound are distributed evenly. As a result, it is possible to actively use passive lighting and solar heating, which leads to savings during operation.

You can continue for a long time. So what are the specific requirements for domed house designs?

Foundation of a domed house

According to the foundations. As already said, due to the light weight of the house, the foundation is taken as simple as a shallow foundation, although any foundation is possible, pile or columnar. In the coldest areas, it is worth considering a Swedish insulated board.

Basic materials for building a domed house

Let's take a closer look at the wood - dry or laminated timber, the cross-section is calculated depending on the size of the dome, snow and wind loads in the construction area. If the house will be sheathed on both the inside and outside, then the cross-section of the timber must be increased further.

The main problem is the connectors. If the house has large area, you can’t do without them. Wooden structures assembled using factory-made five- and six-beam connectors are assembled like a construction set; you only need to supply scaffolding and a sliding ladder; no mechanization or special equipment is required. A great variety of connectors have been invented, from different materials. But homemade production of metal connectors in a garage, followed by anti-corrosion treatment with primer or paint, is unlikely to create conditions for long service life. A reliable connector must withstand low weight and high corrosion resistance high load, this requires factory casting or stamping.

Exists modern technology assembly, in which the panels are made with precision grooves and edges, allowing them to be connected into one whole with a minimum number of joints and without gaps. And for a domed house small sizes We use a connectorless installation method.

To protect against precipitation, roofing materials will be required - flexible tiles or rolled materials are possible, as well as aluminum-based sheets.

The technology for constructing a dome is complex, but if compared with an ordinary house, calculations show a reduction in costs, both financial and time. This is due to the savings in building materials and the ability to do without special equipment.

Materials and tools for installing a domed house

  1. for the frame - wooden beam, cross-section according to the design, but minimum 50*50 mm. Fasteners - screws, nails, self-tapping screws, and so on. Insulation. Galvanized steel. Polyurethane foam.
  2. for finishing exterior finishing – roofing materials, preferably flexible, tiles or roofing felt, depending on the construction budget.
  3. tape measure, level or laser level, corners, rulers.
  4. electric drill, jigsaw, hacksaw, grinder. A woodworking machine will save a lot of time with good quality processing of parts.
  5. screwdrivers, hammer, brushes, metal scissors - the entire construction kit is needed. As well as consumables and protective equipment - glasses, gloves. Everything is as usual, and each builder is guided by the situation.

A project for a dome house is necessary to prepare the main elements of the building.

Calculations are carried out using triangulation methods, directly related to the height of the dome. The dimensions of the edge elements, the number of their standard sizes and the number of connectors can be varied, “increasing” the triangulation. The lengths of the elements must be chosen so that dried boards or timber can be purchased for them good grade, and then work with them safely and technologically.

The project can be ordered, but many builders, having knowledge of basic technology and design, create it themselves, using open sources of diagrams and designs and technical literature. At the design stage, the type of foundation, the dimensions of the dome, the required number of connectors, the sizes and shapes of all cells and the number of frame and fence elements are determined.

Construction of a domed house

Here is an approximate list of work on installing the dome of the connector assembly

  • marking on the ground, preparation of the foundation is carried out according to conventional technologies. Vegetation layer The soil is cut off, replaced with a layer of compacted crushed stone, and then with a layer of sand. If a strip foundation is chosen, reinforcement and pouring are carried out using standard technology. All communications are completed at this stage. As a foundation option, a decagonal support structure made of piles is possible. Support elements in the form of trapezoids and the foundation frame is assembled with screws according to the drawings.

  • for the installation of “walls” they use timber elements prepared according to the drawings, joints with tongues and grooves, reinforced with screws. Door and window frames are also pre-prepared and installed on site with additional strapping and fastening.

  • the ribs forming the main frame must be treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant compound. Then the house is sheathed from the inside. You can use regular plywood. For exterior decoration, it is easiest to work with roofing felt, cutting it into triangles and fixing them to the dome with a melt of ordinary resin or glue. This layer will be waterproofing; it must be done with overlapping parts.

  • a sheathing of bars is laid over the waterproofing layer, with a gap height according to calculation required thickness insulation, then make external cladding, finishing “roofing”, and finishing. Insulating the dome from the inside is a more practical option. Sometimes they arrange backfill thermal insulation domes - from sawdust. Waterproofing of such a design must be done very carefully.

  • flooring, installation of windows and doors, connection of communications.

The conversation was about geodesic domes. The type of dome, called stratodesic, differs from geodesic in the principle of simpler installation and adjustment of windows and doors, the absence of connectors and cold bridges that they inevitably give to the house, as well as a much higher consumption of material, in particular, expensive laminated veneer lumber or rolled metal. But their strength is still lower than that of surveyors.

The question of the future of the widespread construction of domes - comfortable and cheap - is not only a question of technology. Perhaps this is a question of ideology and new construction systems?

A type of building erected using frame-panel technology is a geodesic dome - an incredibly practical object that can perform more than one function. A similar design can be used as a basis country house, greenhouses, gazebos or play area for kids.

  • This form has great load-bearing capacity. The weight is distributed perfectly evenly - this allows you to withstand heavy loads and save on the foundation.
  • Remarkable aerodynamic properties. The “streamlined” shape of the geodome increases resistance to even the most powerful air flows - in the form of destructive tornadoes and hurricanes.
  • The undoubted resistance of the spherical frame to shocks and tremors allows us to recommend this type of construction for the most earthquake-prone areas.
  • The cost-effectiveness of this method of creating multifunctional houses-shelters-greenhouses-sports grounds is indisputable: the surface area of ​​the side parts is extremely minimized.
  • A geodome structure is the best option for organizing a perfect system for maintaining a microclimate: hemispherical walls facilitate the circulation of an air stream.
  • A dome-like object of rare beauty easily fits into an area designed according to any design criteria and is “raised” quickly even by non-professional builders.

About the disadvantages

  • The flatness of the walls complicates the alignment of shelves and racks in a geodome greenhouse. In a situation with a domed roof of a home, the division of living space becomes difficult.
  • During construction work, there are an abundance of joints that must be sealed and insulated separately. This is a complex process that requires certain skills and patience.
  • Design calculations are not an easy task– as well as the desire for jewelry precision and beauty of the bars and triangles used in “laying out” the coating.

Preparation for construction and calculation of the geodome

If this is a greenhouse-type structure, look for an area flooded with sunlight. If you are planning to build a gazebo or an indoor sports ground, choose the shady side of the territory. If you dream of an original, unusual little house, a semi-shaded option with a closely adjacent garden would be quite appropriate.

The construction site must be cleared of hills, uneven areas, remnants of stumps and roots. In the case of a large dome, a solid base may be needed - then marking strip foundation will become one of preliminary stages construction sites Having outlined the boundaries of the circle, you will dig a trench and install the formwork. It is permissible to start construction without concreting the base - if available required quantity metal piles. Note: weak ground- an unfortunate prerequisite for such an idea.

If you are planning to use the “umbrella” being built under a transparent greenhouse, you will most likely act differently. The first phase will be the removal of soil from a circular area inside the structure. It makes sense to move the soil mass somewhere - in order to subsequently use it for planting plants in a fertile environment. The base circle is lined non-woven material(for example, agrofibre) - this measure will not allow weeds to germinate. The flooring is covered with a thick layer of gravel.

Geometry: general and specific aspects

Another series of actions is associated with the exact calculation of the dimensions of both the dome itself and each of its constituent fragments. The most common ratio is 1:2, that is, the height of the dome structure is half the diameter of its base. The result is a regular hemisphere. The bottom area is calculated using the formula known to everyone: S = π * r 2, where r means the radius of the circle, and the stable value π is 3.14. The area of ​​the dome itself will be 2 π * r 2.

Note: in reality, the curved part will be slightly smaller, since the frame also contains connecting beams and slats. As for determining the length of the faces of the triangles from which the hemispherical “mosaic” will be assembled, it is best to turn to Internet sites that specialize in such complex calculations. They will help to calculate both the area of ​​a dome-hemisphere and a dome structure extended upward by ¾ of a sphere (there are also such ones: they are incredibly beautiful).

Here we present the result of the finished calculations. Definitely, the complete set of “roofing” parts of the dome with a total diameter of 4 m will include 35 large triangular tiles-plates with edge A (side length 1.23 m) and 30 smaller triangles with edge B (length 1.09 m). Remember: the number of triangle planes increases as the domed “roof” grows larger. If your gazebo house looks like a ball cut into quarters, you will need more than 90 triangular panels. The size of the base will noticeably decrease.

Necessary elements and stages of construction

Since most often a hemispherical structure is created for “agricultural” purposes, it is advisable to consider the stages of translating into reality an idea with a greenhouse bias. We are building a dome as a room for early vegetables, fruits, flowers and others ornamental crops. This goal setting will be reflected in the choice of tools and building materials. Their range is extensive, and several design options are allowed - depending on what is already in stock and what can be purchased beyond this stock.

The frame of the greenhouse can be made of wood

Basic materials and tools:

Assembly procedure and technological nuances

  • About types of coverage

Highlighting the features of the “cladding” construction group, we point out: each type of coating is good in its own way, but not without negative qualities. Polycarbonate is not perfectly transparent and overheats in hot weather, but it demonstrates excellent heat-saving properties and is convenient for installation. The film is also not super transparent, but it makes the installation process even easier. Glass does not block the way sun rays, very durable. Nevertheless, it’s a bit heavy, and it’s not cheap. The best option is double glazing. Definitely expensive.

  • Installation recommendations

The greenhouse “house” is mounted on a pre-installed base-floor – from bottom to top, in “rings”. The partitions are fastened with special fasteners - connectors. They can be screwed both from the outside and from the inside. From the point of view of technical skills, the process is simple, but it requires accuracy. The closer the sections fit to each other, the smaller the gaps at the joints, the easier it will be to ensure the integrity of the shell in the future. On the north side, this “network” is complemented from the inside with a reflective shiny stripe.

The use of metal tube rods is permissible when constructing a geodome

At the penultimate stage of work, when the skeleton is already covered with “skin,” you will have to devote time to sealing and insulation. The ventilation system (for the hot summer period - forced) should also be thought out in advance. Several movable sections will serve as vents. It is also possible to use a door device for ventilation - sometimes it is made transformable. Since the bottom of the greenhouse “clothing” is not involved in lighting, here you can “build up” the heat-insulating side by using a series of bricks, a mound of wood chips, and sawdust.

  • Interior garden problems

The design and arrangement of a greenhouse are entirely subordinated to the desire to optimize the living conditions of plants and give the room a cozy, pleasing appearance to the eye. The winner will be the one who correctly arranges the shelves with herbs and does not forget about the needs of the main “inhabitants” of the garden. It would be wise to allocate a place for the beds on the south side: there is more warmth and light. It is advisable to “power” the fan from a solar battery mounted above the “ceiling” part of the dome. It would be nice to provide the fences of the beds with benches - “for relaxation.”

Model of the greenhouse of the future: a reasonable plan for arranging planting rows is visible inside

Domed greenhouse at the dacha: ventilating edges are visible

All that remains is to plant seedlings, bushes and flowers - and begin to enjoy contemplating the all-season riot of greenery. We hope that the dream of a home tropical park under a fabulous dome has come true, and now you have years and years of positive things ahead that give us unity with beautiful nature...