Beautiful decoration of an orchid in a pot. Growing orchids in pots: features and photos of flowers. original arrangements of orchids

The most erotic flower: exquisite orchids - 3 ways to show their beauty + 50 ideas

Among the many luxurious representatives of the floral universe, this plant stands apart and has always caused a lot of emotions. In the tropical rainforests, amazing flowers were born, similar to fluttering butterflies. Their way of life in the surrounding world, exquisite forms of inflorescences, a rich palette of shades - all this became an occasion for admiration and a variety of, often very sexual associations.

In the regions where orchids live in natural environment, they have long been considered aphrodisiacs, love drinks and desserts were created from them. And modern Europeans and Americans have become infected with “orchidomania”, which, they say, is very similar to what the Dutch once experienced in relation to tulips. Serious passions play out around rare orchids, and the heroes of films and books go on risky journeys in search of exotic flowers or amass amazing collections.

Orchids are excellent as a gift - elegant, romantic, exotic. But they are no less original for everyday home decoration, especially since they can be purchased as indoor plants.

For all connoisseurs of orchids, we have put together this collection of ideas. Whether you were given orchids as a gift or you purchased them yourself, there is a single flower or a whole bouquet - here you will find a lot of incredible beautiful options orchid decoration. We have divided them into 3 parts:
orchids for table setting;
how to create an unusual composition of orchids;
what vases or flowerpots will emphasize the luxury of this wonderful plant.


the beauty of one flower - orchids in the table setting:

In the East, they know how to appreciate the beauty of one flower. Orchids, like no other plant, are ideal for this purpose. You can decorate personal appliances of guests or shelves with sweets, combine orchids with candles or sophisticated sea shells.


original orchid compositions:

Orchids go great with natural materials in eco style, as well as with the styles of "glamour" and "art deco". Sea pebbles or small shells located at the bottom of the vase, driftwood and bamboo as the basis for flowers, several types of orchids, decorated in different ways. All this plays on the contrast.

A more sophisticated option is to add accessories made of silver or just white metal, as well as decorating the bottom of the vase or the top of the planter with acrylic pebbles.

Florists create luxurious wedding decorations and solemn bouquets from orchids, and you can use individual tricks to make an appearance in the house. little corner exotics.


choose a vase and planter for orchids:

The main rule is that the type and color of a vase (pot, bowl) should not compete with the beauty of orchids. Therefore, neutral tones are preferred. If the orchids are bright, a very delicate shade of the same color is quite acceptable for a vase.

As for the form, there is an unlimited space of options. Low and high, round and with edges, made of glass, ceramics and wood. See how varied the solutions are - for a single flower, for a bouquet, for an orchid as a houseplant.

Beautiful and delicate orchids can serve as a wonderful home decoration. This exotic flower, like no other, emphasizes the refined atmosphere, gives a feeling of tenderness and peace. In addition, the design with orchids fits perfectly into almost any interior, except for deliberately rough ones, like rustic ones.

Beautiful orchid in the interior of the living room

Orchids are used quite widely in the interior - you can find wallpapers with them on sale, and in a more realistic version they are present on photo wallpapers, in bouquets, in wreaths of natural and artificial flowers, etc. In the article, we will consider how orchids are used in the interior and popular uses.

Paintings with orchids in the living room

Apartment design and orchid

In what interior these flowers will look as harmonious as possible, consider:

  • If the interior contains elements oriental style, then here you simply cannot do without orchids. In a rich and decorative oriental setting in a bedroom or living room, orchids look “in their place”, diluting an overly heavy and pompous design, giving it airiness and grace. Eastern includes chinese style, and Asian. AT Japanese interior orchid - a very popular decor theme - paintings with orchids, decorative tiles, wallpapers are very common in this country. Of course, you can’t call it heavy, but rather minimalistic and concise. But in this case, the orchid brings liveliness and freshness to the interior, does not allow the atmosphere to “freeze”.
  • In the case of using minimalism, orchids in the interior perform the same functions as in Japanese - they give the room dynamics, bring in a fresh stream. In addition, in contrast to laconic and strict minimalism delicate flower orchids look especially elegant. A little unexpected, bold, but this is what the modern approach to interior design consists of.
  • The orchid makes a high-tech room more comfortable and homely. And the kitchen, which has a photo wallpaper with this flower, will look more stylish and modern.
  • The classic style, very popular in all countries, is also great for design with orchids. Although this flower is not a classic and common, it nevertheless fits well into a traditional setting, giving it a little modern vibe. AT traditional interior it is better to use classic wallpaper color combinations or put pots with live orchids.
  • In ultra-modern loft and industrial styles, orchids can look very interesting, making the room more lively and warm. To decorate a bedroom or living room, you can even use avant-garde paintings with bright orchids or put up-to-date laconic vases with artificial or natural flowers.
  • Where it is undesirable to use orchids is in the design of a room in a country style, rustic or rustic. Rough design is not combined with a delicate and sophisticated flower.

Bright pink orchids in the interior

Orchid in the bedroom

Modular picture with orchids

artificial or alive

Of course, nothing better than living plants has yet been invented. However, not everyone has the opportunity to keep real orchids at home, as they are quite tender. tropical flowers, and their breeding requires special conditions.

artificial orchid on the window

But nothing prevents the use of the image of orchids and their artificial counterparts. In addition, a well-made artificial variation outwardly sometimes does not differ at all from a living one. And in terms of texture, they are now almost “caught up” with their living counterparts. And you don’t need to take care of artificial flowers, you don’t need to create special conditions either. Sheer benefit. And they decorate the interior in the same way as living ones. So there is nothing wrong with using artificial orchids no. In addition, they can be individually selected for your design, given its colors and general style. Tiles and wallpapers with the image of a flower are also a worthy option for decorating an apartment with “little blood”.

Refrigerator with orchid

Modular painting in the living room depicting an orchid

Orchids in every room

Consider how exactly you can use these flowers in the apartment:

  • For the bedroom, orchids are useful because they bring a romantic touch and tenderness to the interior. But there is such a theory that living orchids at night are able to take energy from the surrounding space. Therefore, keeping real flowers in the bedroom is not recommended. But artificial analogues are what you need. For the bedroom, photo wallpapers or paintings with pink or snow-white plants are suitable. This technique will perfectly decorate the interior, give it tenderness.
  • The kitchen, where the design with orchids is applied, always looks luxurious and fashionable. Such a kitchen will become a favorite gathering place for the whole family in the mornings and evenings.
  • Where, if not in the living room, can live specimens be placed in elegant pots? If you put such a composition or a single flower, it will decorate the interior, add a festive touch to it. Elegant wallpapers with these colors are also suitable.
  • Exotic flowers will successfully fit even into the interior of the bathroom. They can give this slightly chilly room an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. In addition, the combination of glossy cold tiles and lively warm flower looks very unusual and interesting. It is better to put the orchid in a conspicuous place so that it is immediately noticeable when entering the room - this way the bathroom will take on a stylish and elegant look. Also suitable for the bathroom tiles or washable wallpaper with a picture of a flower.

Artificial wreaths with orchids

The image of an orchid in the interior of the bedroom

Orchid in the bathroom

Advantages and Features

Consider what advantages and specific nuances there are when using orchids in the interior of a house:

  • By choosing a flower or its image that is suitable in color and size, you can decorate the interior, give it a modern, stylish touch and, at the same time, make the design of the room more comfortable and elegant.
  • The orchid can contrast perfectly with the deliberately rough surfaces that are often used in industrial and loft styles. For example, against the background of unprocessed brick wall a delicate flower will look especially gentle. Such design fit to decorate a bedroom or living room, even the kitchen will look more modern and fashionable.
  • Particularly suitable for home interior flower white color. Such an example will perfectly fit into any interior. Use the technique of contrast by placing white flowers against dark surfaces and vice versa. This interesting technique makes the interior lively and dynamic. There are paintings and tiles with this design on sale, pay attention to them.
  • Using orchids in the design of a room, it should be understood that the flower will be the main "character" of the composition, the semantic center of the bedroom or living room interior. Therefore, the whole environment should be reduced to shading the beauty of this flower.
  • You should not place an orchid next to chic, pompous interior details: paintings, large gilded vases, etc. The presence of such elegant and too decorative items nearby will not allow you to enjoy the exquisite and stylish simplicity of the flower. To make the orchid look as harmonious as possible, it is better to place it next to simple lines and shapes, discreet colors. laconic paintings, simple tile and wallpaper will come in handy.
  • Orchids look great, put in large floor vases. Vases should not have too much decorative design so as not to distract attention from the flower.

Large picture with orchids in the bedroom

Modular picture with orchids in the living room

White orchids on the window

Wall mural

If it is not possible to keep a living plant in the house, this is not a reason to refuse a flower. There are many other options for using orchids in the interior. One of them is to purchase photo wallpapers with the image of a plant. Features of the use of photo wallpapers:

  • Wallpapers with photorealistic images fit perfectly into the interior, look stylish on the wall, add sophistication.
  • They can be used as the semantic center of the interior of the apartment or to set off other decor items or furniture.
  • It is better to use photo wallpapers of sufficiently large sizes, which you involuntarily pay attention to when you enter the room. Such a catchy touch can serve as both an interior decoration and a distraction when you need to divert attention from other interior flaws.

Wall mural with orchids in the living room

Wall mural with orchids in the bedroom

Kitchen apron with white orchids

Other uses

  • traditional paper and vinyl wallpapers - great choice for those who prefer classic solutions. They harmoniously fit into the interior and are suitable for many styles. Paintings and tiles with floral ornaments have the same qualities.
  • Vinyl stickers with a picture of a flower - perfect solution for those who are not yet ready to breed live specimens. Stickers can be applied to any smooth surface, they can be either a stylized drawing or a photorealistic image. Great for the bedroom where they are often worn on mirror surface closet.
  • Panel on the wall with an image wonderful flower perfectly decorate the interior of the living room or bedroom, give it peace and a romantic touch. The panel may be different materials: fabrics, glass, mosaics, etc. The design depends only on the general style of the room.

Artificial beautiful wreaths with orchids

Red orchid in the living room

White orchids in a pot

Bright pink orchid in the interior

Photo gallery (21 photos)

Orchids are flowers of extraordinary beauty, but at the same time very demanding in terms of care. This is especially true for orchids in pots, which many people like to grow at home.

However, even the pot needs to be chosen correctly for orchids so that they delight you with their flowering. Today we will tell you what pots should be for these flowers and how to properly care for them at home. You will also see photos of orchids grown on balconies or window sills in flowerpots.

What should be the pot?

Orchids are those types of flowers that do not grow in the ground, but are attached to other plants. So pots for them should be selected so that they serve as a stand and support for them. If you choose it wrong, then root system will rot, respectively, the flower will die.

AT vivo orchids are strengthened on tree trunks, so their root system allows them to do so. At home, this function is shifted to pots. They must have such a shape and structure that the plant develops well., did not dry out and was not subjected to negative impact dry indoor air.

An orchid pot should be chosen from materials such as:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics.

Also, the following conditions are put forward for pots for growing orchids:

Description of pots with photo

Below is a description of pots made of different materials. Some are shown in the photo.

Plastic containers for orchids

Most Popular plastic structures. The advantages of plastic are obvious:

  • favorable cost;
  • durable plastic;
  • easy to clean;
  • durable;
  • transparent and well transmits the sun's rays.

Also, this characteristic is good because you can look at the root system of the orchid and prevent it from starting to rot. In plastic pots, you can make additional holes on the walls or bottom for drainage..

Glass structures

Many people prefer to use glass-based pots for growing orchids. They are also transparent and transmit light well. Compared with plastic containers, they have an external appeal and perfectly decorate the interior. But they also have a minus - this is the inability to make holes for drainage.

Glass containers are best used by experienced flower lovers, but beginners are advised to take plastic flowerpots. All because the substrate in glass container dries unevenly, and the roots can rot. BUT poor air exchange can cause algae to appear on the walls of the vessel. Only experienced gardener can prevent this. Features of ceramic pots

But ceramic pots for orchids are not particularly suitable. Very often, the roots of a flower adhere to their walls, and this greatly injures them. And what to ceramics are often heavily covered with a glazed layer, which causes blockage of pores, respectively, the plant does not have access to air. But if you stop at ceramic pot, then take a pot for orchids, and put a plastic container inside.

The cost of the pots ready-made depends on such factors:

  • material of manufacture;
  • registration;
  • the form.

The cheapest - plastic pots, the most expensive are ceramic pots.

DIY orchid pot

A pot for growing orchids can also be made independently. To do this, you need to prepare a plastic base, for example, a food container. Choose your own form The volume of the structure must correspond to the size of the flower. At the bottom of the container, you need to do it with a knife, screwdriver or drill a large number of through holes, it is also desirable to do them in the side walls of a homemade pot. From the inside, in the middle of the container, install a shampoo stopper so that the flower cannot fit snugly against the bottom of the container and breathe better.

Preparation of the substrate for home orchids

You can purchase ready-made substrate for orchids at a specialized outlet. And you can do it yourself according to the instructions:

  • prepare the pine bark by separating it from the trees;
  • boil it for 20 minutes;
  • dry;
  • grind to the size you need.

If you soak such pieces of bark in fertilizer for a flower, it will bloom especially profusely. To this end, we put the substrate under oppression and fill it with ready-made top dressing. After a few hours, the bark needs to be removed and dried.. Then the plant can be transplanted.

When you are just starting to grow orchids in pots, it is better to buy special soil mixtures for them in specialized outlets. The packages always say what varieties they are suitable for, you should always pay attention to this.

Well, for those who have been growing these flowers for more than a year, it will be interesting to try to prepare the soil on their own based on the substrate with the addition of dry moss and earth from the garden.

Orchid transplant

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant these flowers. In doing so, you must follow these rules:

After transplanting, the orchid can be watered only after five days, and fed only after a month.

Rules for caring for a home orchid

Remember that you need to transplant a flower only when you really need it. Moreover, it can be transplanted even during flowering. The orchid can be rearranged from one place to another, so that she herself chooses the one that is most comfortable for her.


How you follow the rules for lighting a flower depends on how it will bloom and whether it will bloom at all. If an orchid there will not be enough light, then she will not have enough nutrition for a full growing cycle, and if it is too intense, then the flower will simply burn out.

Therefore, it is very important in this regard to find golden mean». If the flower has little light, then its leaves will acquire a dark green hue, and if there is too much, they will either turn yellow or become covered with brown or dry spots.

Watering rules

Successful growth and flowering of orchids also depend on proper watering. In many ways, it all depends on the type of plant. Most orchids in natural conditions are not in water and their roots cannot stand stagnant moisture. and saline solutions.

Some varieties need the soil to be slightly damp, while others are such that the substrate for them should dry out between waterings.

The intensity of watering also depends on the following factors:

It is worth noting that orchids tolerate a lack of moisture more easily than its excess. They love enhanced watering only during active growth, with the release of peduncles and flowering. And here you need to reduce their number in the period after flowering and in winter when there is little light and the room is cool.

For watering orchids, you need to use only settled water, as an option - boiled or filtered. After the plant has faded, two vines or three buds must be counted below it, and the rest is cut off.

When the last flower is dropped, the plant needs to be given rest: transfer it to a semi-dark place and keep it at a temperature of 24 degrees. During this period, you can not change the location of the plant and water it.. Sometimes spraying of the roots is allowed.

What temperature should be for orchids?

Most varieties of these flowers feel great at home at temperatures from 18 to 27 during the day and from 13 to 24 at night, respectively.

Highly it is important to observe the difference in night and day temperatures for successful flowering. If the heating does not allow you to feel it, then it is necessary for the plant to be cooler at night than during the day, such conditions must be created independently.

When transferring orchids at night to cool places, new flower stalks may appear faster.

In most cases, orchids perceive slight temperature fluctuations quite normally. But remember that when lowering temperature regime watering needs to be reduced, and when increasing - increase accordingly.

Now you know what a pot should be like for growing a beautiful and healthy orchid at home, and what needs to be done for this in terms of care. If a follow all the rules and recommendations, the flower will delight you with its beauty.

Exotic, refreshing, gorgeous, with a touch of romantic sensuality: orchids are one of the most luxury flowers. And the use of these colors in the interior - wonderful way bring into the house that bright, natural beauty that all living plants bring with them. However, in the case of beautiful, incredibly feminine orchids, you will have more opportunities to create a truly spectacular and stylish decor. Blue, white, lilac and deep purple - the variety of orchid colors can turn your head. Let's take a look at 19 interesting examples decorating rooms with orchids, including even flowers in the form of a picture.

This photo shows a beautiful composition that you can easily make: take a large shell (or something similar) and put some orchids in it. See how wonderfully this composition complements the interior of the hallway, creating elegant, summery notes?

This accent really sets the tone for the atmosphere - refined and relaxing, giving rise to the desire to spend more time here. Here we see a branch of an orchid with magnificent white and pink petals in a simple glass vessel.

In bloom

This blooming orchid is the perfect complement to exquisite interior dining room. Liven up your room with fresh flowers, but remember that such orchids planted in flower pot, will live much longer than freshly cut ones.


Thought-provoking and kept in a graceful vintage style, it doesn't hurt to have a little liveliness. There is something about these orchids that is timeless - and that something makes them the perfect element of such decoration.


It's impossible not to fall in love with this eclectic and cozy interior, and small additions in the form of orchids only enhance the impression. They create such a gorgeously elegant touch in this casual atmosphere.


This living room with light tropical motifs has been given a new lease of life with the help of beautiful orchids located right in the center of the room. As a great accent, they bring the charming, exotic atmosphere of the room to perfection.


Let the beautiful orchids bloom forever - in the form of a picture on the wallpaper. Believe it or not, finishing accent wall such wallpaper can be the answer to all your aspirations.


Give your terrace an elegant, feminine touch. Surround the terrace with orchids, creating an unusual and sophisticated atmosphere that attracts attention.

home garden

This corner was created specifically for orchids, which can grow and bloom here at their pleasure. And also pay attention to how orchids serve as a bright touch added to the interior painted in neutral colors.


Add some showiness and charm with a few sprigs of orchids placed in a conspicuous place. They really add elegance and sophistication to the design.


And here is another example of how wallpaper with a pattern of bright petals can be a real surprise: they not only complement the design, but also serve as a creative accent.


Take a look at how clean and fresh a bathroom can be, decorated in crisp white with a touch of fresh flowers.


If nature accents really inspire you, why not arrange a variety of living plants throughout your home? Plant them in pots, hang them, or place them in unexpected places for more impact.


Give a warm welcome to your guests by delighting them with a large flower arrangement located right in the middle of the hallway. Having arranged the composition correctly, you will create such an elegant and spectacular motif that visitors will remember it for a long time.

Asian motives

Orchids can serve as a source of inspiration in any room. Just look at the minimalist, luxurious interior this bathroom Asian style, to which living plants give an even more fresh and inspiring atmosphere.


Orchids fit perfectly in. See how elegant these vases of luxurious blooming orchids look, lined up exactly.


Stunning decoration - that's what you need to create the right atmosphere in the house. Orchids can serve as an accent piece, but add a few more elements to create texture.

Fresh flowers always go well with charming cottage-style decor, and snow-white orchids are no exception.


Orchids surprise with a variety of colors, including the brightest, catchy shades of yellow. Just look how much brighter and more colorful the dark "hipster" interior of the living room becomes thanks to these bright colors.