Wallpaper design for a teenager boy's room. What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room? years - what design is suitable for boys at this age

Everything that is in the nursery, necessarily affects the development of the baby. According to psychologists, not the last role in this is played by children's wallpapers, for boys and girls. for girls here are the general rules.

  • If there is no pattern or pattern on the walls, then the development of the child is slower than if the room has colorful wallpapers with a clear, large image.

This is explained by the fact that the drawing serves as a kind of “anchor” that fixes the baby’s gaze, thanks to which he not only learns to distinguish shapes and colors, but also trains attentiveness. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to choose the right wallpaper for children's bedroom.

Color matching for a child by age (the theory of Rudolf Steiner)

If you are a supporter of the scientific method in choosing a color for a children's room, then you can safely choose a shade, coordinating your choice with color theory by age. Rudolf Steiner.

To retell its essence in brief, then any period in the life of a child after 6 years, a teenager or an adult corresponds to a specific color or shade in which he feels most comfortable. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to re-paste the wallpaper every year or buy new furniture! It will be enough just occasionally to complement the design of the children's room with accents and accessories in the appropriate color scheme:

Types of wallpaper for a boy's room: material

The main criterion that determines the choice of material from which the wallpaper for the children's room will be made is safety for the health of the child. Several types of wallpaper fit this criterion:

  • Paper - the simplest, most affordable and cheapest, they practically do not use "chemistry" and synthetic additives in their production, but it will be useful to check the certificate. Its presence is a sure sign of a conscientious manufacturer.

Important feature: paper wallpaper“breathe”, which improves air quality parameters. At the same time, the lack of paper wallpaper is fragility. But the low cost completely negates this minus.

Advice! The wallpaper in the children's room should be changed regularly - there are several main age periods (0-2 years old, 2-4 years old, 4-6 years old, 6-9 years old, 9-11, 11-14 years old), when it is worth surrounding the child with appropriate decorations - the color, its intensity, patterns, etc. are important. In other words, wall decor should keep up with the times, that is, with age.

Therefore, there is no need for long-term preservation of wallpaper, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to save them in their original form for a long time. For children, walls can become a platform for creativity, and paper wallpapers are optimal for this - it is convenient to draw and glue applications on them. And when they are already significantly “tired”, they can be replaced inexpensively.

Advice! A good move - pasting wallpaper in two levels. On the lower third - cheaper, those that are not at all a pity, they can be changed more often. And above - more interesting, the main ones, the child will not reach them, they will be well preserved.

  • The liquid wallpaper is a modern and practical solution. They are environmentally friendly - they include gelatin, cotton, tree bark, mica, flower petals. These wallpapers are antistatic, do not attract or accumulate dust, and are fireproof.

Such a wall is easy to paint, and a uniform, seamless surface is obtained, so for a child's room it will require additional decor. For example, you can apply stencil drawings or paste pictures-stickers. Undoubtedly, vegetable (

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From about the age of 13, when the boy begins to grow up rapidly, it is time for a complete or partial renewal of his personal space. From this article you will learn how to equip a room for a teenage boy 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old, where he can relax, study, read, chat with friends, play video games and even play sports. The material is useful for those who equip the interior from scratch and for those who wish to update the existing environment.

13 room decorating tips for a teenage boy

Tip 1. Do you want the owner of the room to take care of things and keep it in order?

It is not typical for young people to bring comfort and beauty into their homes with enthusiasm, but they can and should participate in the repair and some decorating processes. So, for example, a boy can independently choose a mattress, work chair, sports complex, pick up, frame and hang posters on the wall. The color of the walls and the style of the room can be chosen together by arranging a joint viewing of photos of modern teenage interiors.

  • The more the owner of the room contributes to its arrangement, the more economical and tidy he will be.

Tip 2. The most versatile colors for walls in a boy's room aged 13-17 are white, light gray and beige.

These shades can be safely used in large quantities in almost any room - classic or modern, in the room of a 13-year-old schoolboy or a 17-year-old graduate. They are easy to combine with any other colors.

  • If the room is already too small or there is not enough light in it, then it is best to decorate the walls in white. And so that the interior does not seem like a hospital, complement it with bright accents.

Design of a small room for a teenage boy 15 years old with white walls

If there is enough light and free space in the room, then more complex shades are also suitable as the main shade: gray-blue, blue, gray-green, khaki, graphite, brown, orange and even black.

  • Remember that if there is a lack of light in the room, then warm or neutral shades should be preferred: beige, orange, green, brown.

For more information about color in the interior of a children's room, see the section:.

Tip 3. You can choose accent colors in accordance with the character of the boy

In large quantities, saturated and bright colors begin to irritate and crush, but as accents they are good both from an aesthetic and psychological point of view.

  • If your son lacks activity and perseverance, he is shy and gets tired quickly, does not like to sit at home, then yellow, orange and red colors will help him develop communication skills, they will charge him with vigor, energy, good mood, optimism, desire to learn new things every day. . The ideal background for such bright colors is neutral (shades of white, gray, beige). Ideal companions are shades of blue and green.

  • If a young person lacks perseverance, patience, and the ability to calmly relate to problems and difficulties, then it is better to choose restrained shades as accents: green, blue, blue, brown or black.

Tip 4. Loft, industrial and Scandinavian style are the most suitable interior styles for teenage boys

In the boy's room, not so much decorativeness is important as practicality, functionality and comfort. Therefore, it is the loft, industrial and Scandinavian styles that are so suitable for a teenage interior. It is easy to keep order in such a room, and numerous posters and posters will successfully fit into the atmosphere.

  • To create a teenage or industrial interior, decorate the walls with brickwork or “concrete”, finish the floor with textured wood, furnish the room with wooden / metal furniture, pick up simple natural textiles, leather accessories and retro-style lamps.

  • To decorate, use predominantly natural materials, neutral colors, furniture of modern design or in the style of the 60s. Geometric and abstract prints will look good in the decor.

Other related styles:

  • Sporty style;
  • Strict and simplified classics (American classics);

Three teenage boys of different ages can live in such a room, for example, 13, 15 and 17 years old

Tip 5. Height-appropriate and orthopedic mattress are the main requirements for a teenage bed

A teenage boy should buy an "adult" bed in width and length. The ideal option is an ordinary one-and-a-half bed made of wood / metal with additional “bonuses”: drawers, a soft headboard or a headboard with built-in shelves. The mattress should be firm and orthopedic.

  • A couch, which often has not only drawers, but also a soft back, and a mechanism for transforming into a double bed, will also be a good choice. In addition, it can be used as a sofa when friends come to visit. True, often the couches are not too large and for tall guys 16 and 17 years old can be cramped.

  • If the room is small, then instead of a regular bed it is worth buying. So, on the ground floor it will be possible to equip a working area or a sofa for relaxation.

A room for a teenage boy aged 16 with a half-sleeping loft bed and a workplace on the ground floor

Tip 6. The work area should be as functional and comfortable as possible.

After 13-14 years, when the boy's height exceeds 150 cm, a work table and chair can be bought in standard sizes in an adult store. However, ideally, it is better to purchase furniture for study that transforms and adjusts the dimensions individually for the growth of the child. Read more about the principles of selecting work furniture for a student, creating the right lighting and storage system for school things, read our article:. In the meantime, we offer a look at some successful examples of arranging offices in the rooms of teenage boys.

Workplace for computer classes and lessons

Two jobs for two teenage boys aged 13 and 15

Tip 7. Choose practical and not too expensive pieces of furniture, textiles and wall decoration

Frequent snacking in bed and at your desk or, say, fun gatherings with friends are fraught with quick damage to walls, curtains, carpets and furniture upholstery. Therefore, you should not decorate the teenager's bedroom with too good wallpaper, furnish it with expensive furniture and decorate it with curtains made of expensive fabric. Ideally, the walls should simply be painted, and the furniture should be bought without carvings and unnecessary details that complicate cleaning. Ideal curtains for a teenager's room are thick or (they are easy to wash and adjust in length), as well as blackout curtains.

Here are some useful tips to help a young man learn how to keep order:

  • Buy a shallow closet and/or chest of drawers. Narrow furniture (30-45 cm deep) will not only save space, but also allow you to store things more intelligently. The fact is that in shallow cabinets it is very convenient to put things not in piles, according to the principle of vertical storage, when things are first folded into rectangles or rolls, and then stacked one after another (and not on top of each other). Thus, the effect of a house of cards on the shelves with clothes will be eliminated! However, in standard cabinets with a depth of 60 cm, you can store things in the same way.

It is more convenient to store things in a chest of drawers than on the shelves of a closet, but still you can’t do without a closet, or rather without hangers in a teenage boy’s room, because they allow you to store school uniforms, shirts and T-shirts so that they do not wrinkle.

  • Hang a trouser hanger and a couple of hooks for belts, caps and sweatshirts in your closet.
  • Place a laundry basket in the dressing area so that mom doesn't have to look for scattered socks and T-shirts all over the room.

The boy's room is highly desirable. It's so great when a young person has a place where he can warm up, let off steam, work on muscle tone and health. Choose a sports complex should be as far as possible premises. So, in a small room, a horizontal bar, on which you can hang a punching bag or gymnastic rings, will be an ideal choice for a teenager.

  • If the room has at least 1 free square meter, then you can install a sports complex consisting of a Swedish wall, a horizontal bar, bars and a bench for the press.

In addition to the sports complex, the boy’s room will also include: a basketball hoop, kettlebells and dumbbells (up to 16 years old these should be small weights, until this age it is more correct to train with your own weight).

The photo below shows examples of how a sports complex can fit into the interior of a teenage boy's room.

Teenage boy's room 13 years old

Tip 10 . Let the room have a little decor, but it should be super-stylish and reflect the interests of the owner.

In the room of a teenage boy, decorations are not needed, because they only clutter up the space and complicate cleaning. But this does not mean that the decor should not be at all. Here is a small list of things that every boy aged 13-17 will want to have in his bedroom:

  • Original wall/table clock;
  • Pillows plain or printed;
  • Stickers and signs, posters, posters and posters of your favorite music artists, video games;
  • Living plant (for air purification);
  • Stylish lamps;
  • Globes and wall maps (you can even in the form);
  • Music records;
  • Conceptual photo within frames;
  • An organizer board to which you can pin class schedules, commemorative tickets to concerts, photos with family and friends, and more.

The main thing is that all decor items should not only please the eye, but also reflect the interests and character of the boy, mean something to him, amuse and even motivate him. Below in the selection of photos are examples of the decor of the rooms of teenage boys.

Uniform lighting creates a cozy atmosphere and visually enlarges the room, and most importantly - does not strain the eyesight of its tenant. Ideally, the chandelier should be supplemented / replaced with spotlights. On the desktop and by the bed, there must be table lamps or sconces, and in the play / sofa area you can put a floor lamp.

Tip 12. If possible, arrange a place to relax and receive guests

In their room, the boys not only sleep and study, but also, of course, relax, read, watch movies, play video games and chat with friends. Therefore, a recreation area here will be very useful.

  • A TV in a teenager's room is not the most useful thing, but very desirable, especially if the boy is the proud owner of a game console. The most compact option for placing equipment is with wall mounting, while the console is placed on a narrow wall shelf. An example of such a solution is shown in the photo below.

Another good option is placement in a shelving unit/bedroom set.

  • It’s good if the room has a place for a couple of armchairs or for where 2-3 comrades can fit at once and where a guest who has stayed up can spend the night.

If there is not much space in the bedroom, put a cozy chair or ottoman.

Well, even if there is not enough space for ottomans, then just lay a carpet on the floor and get guest pillows, which, if necessary, can simply be scattered on the floor for Turkish gatherings.

  • In addition to the set-top box and TV in the room of a teenage boy, you can put a table for chess and board games, a synthesizer, a drum set, and table football.

According to sports superstition, you should not count your trophies so as not to frighten off luck. But we are sure that it is possible and necessary to store them on the shelves and in plain sight. After all, diplomas, certificates, cups and medals not only decorate the interior, but also inspire new achievements.

Adults often spend as much time in the bedroom as children. Both sixth graders and university applicants need personal space. For boys and girls, the room is not only a place of rest: they do their homework, play, listen to music there. When choosing wallpaper for a teenager's room, you need to consider this. The material should not emit harmful substances into the air, and the colors should not tire the eyes.

You will learn about:

Primary requirements

When choosing wallpaper for the walls of a teenager's room, you should pay attention to:

  • design;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

Choosing the right color and pattern, correctly dividing the space into zones means creating good conditions for sleeping and staying indoors for a long time. Wallpaper should not be painted in aggressive colors that have a strong effect on the nervous system. If the room is not well lit, dark colors should be abandoned, otherwise it will become even gloomier in it, which will increase eye strain. Aesthetics is also important, but after examining the range of stores, you should discard options that do not meet safety requirements for the health of the child.

The following types of wallpaper are considered environmentally friendly:

  • paper - affordable material, perfectly breathable;
  • textile - a more expensive option; the fabric can be both natural and synthetic (the first one burns out more in the sun);
  • jute, from bamboo fiber - canvases consisting of a paper base and vegetable fibers; they are durable, perfectly breathable, have soundproofing properties.

A good solution is painting. You can buy glass wallpaper and change their shade by applying a new color scheme. Water-dispersion acrylic paint is suitable for children's walls.


A teenager has the right to independently choose the design of his room. Children of senior school age are generally unlikely to tolerate ignoring their opinions. Be sure to ask the wishes of the child before buying wallpaper. Visit the store together, look at the photos in magazines. Follow some guidelines when choosing wall material.

Wallpaper for a teenage girl

Colors should be chosen taking into account the interests of the child. In her younger teens, a girl can love fantasy, in her older teens she can be a fan of a musical group or get involved in movies. You can buy photo wallpapers or choose a plain coating for the walls, decorating it with posters, photos, paintings. This is especially true if the girl is engaged in drawing or likes to take pictures.

What wallpaper color do you prefer - traditionally "girlish" pink? Not necessary. Almost any shade will do, but it's best to avoid:

  • red, because it is able to increase the pressure, the pulse of a person, excite the nervous system; sleeping in such a room can be uncomfortable;
  • orange and yellow: they are considered less aggressive than scarlet, but also interfere with relaxation;
  • dark (black, purple): these colors depress the nervous system, being in such a room for a long time, people begin to feel tired.

If the girl really likes one of the “forbidden” colors, choose a shade that is not too intense.

A good choice is lilac, blue wallpaper. It is worth paying attention to pastel colors. Light colors in interior design are used to visually expand the room, improve lighting.

Studies show that women like calm, cool colors, while men prefer brighter tones. Both adults and teenagers often choose blue. This is one of the best options. Blue color calms, helps to concentrate. In such a room it is easy to study and relax. The decor doesn't distract.

For a teenage girl's room, photo wallpapers with images of nature are suitable. Seascapes look great. You can create several zones: work, rest, active classes (space for training, dancing, games).

Teen boy wallpaper

Male teenagers do not like lilac and turquoise colors. Many consider them - on a subconscious level - "feminine". But the boy will surely like black. Solid dark wallpaper should not be purchased, but you should pay attention to striped canvases. It is permissible to highlight one of the zones, painting it in black, deep blue or gray, hanging a photo, a mirror or a lamp on the wallpaper.

What drawings will the boy like? A teenager of 11-12 years old may like images of heroes of science fiction films, cars, motorcycles. Let's say a bright pattern, catchy colors. You can see examples in the photo.

At an older age, a teenager may be shy of his interests, preferring a discreet interior. A great option is plain wallpaper.

Photo wallpapers are also suitable for a teenage boy's room. If they depict a landscape, it should be done in rich colors. You should not choose sea views - the room will visually appear larger, and the teenager will lose the opportunity to feel protected.

When choosing a wallpaper for a boy or a young lady, remember that a teenager can choose a design on their own, because they are no longer a child. Your task is to help him make a choice.

Before buying, look at the wallpaper for a teenager in the photo: it will be easier for you to make a decision.

For a teenage boy's room, as well as any things for him, it is not at all easy to choose because of the wayward nature of a child at this age, as well as because of the frequent and abrupt changes in tastes and preferences. At the same time, it is impossible to leave children's decoration in the bedroom in a situation where the son has already grown to adolescence, because it will be uncomfortable for him to be in the room.

Of course, when choosing wallpaper, you need to consult with the boy himself, but you can’t completely let go of control over the situation, as well as make rash decisions.

What should be the wallpaper?

Teenage wallpapers have several criteria that distinguish them from the rest. These points must be considered when choosing:

  • Adolescence is characterized by non-standard ways of self-expression, the craving for which quickly passes. Many adults are often even embarrassed by some of their teenage hobbies, which at one time considered an integral part of their lives. Do not drive yourself into a situation where your son wants to change the interior of the room, and you feel sorry for the almost new wallpaper - in case of a lack of finances, it is better to purchase inexpensive wallpapers.

  • Uniqueness. Every teenager is sure that he is unusual, not like everyone else. All his behavior is aimed at expressing himself - to show how unusual he is. Own room should be fully consistent with the momentary interests of the teenager. Later, an adult guy will want a wallpaper "like someone else's", but now uniqueness is much more preferable. It is often advised to choose bright wallpapers, but in fact it is only interesting for younger teenagers.
  • Lack of taste. The concept, of course, is conditional - everyone has his own. However, teenagers differ in their own vision of everything around, their ideals often seem tasteless parents, as well as vice versa. If a child suddenly wants something ordinary and something that you like, do not refuse, but ask yourself if the same age son will not be called too old-fashioned and boring. Perhaps it is better to hint that you are not against daring experiments.

If the teenager himself wants this, but you are just against it, it is better to give in at a certain moment, otherwise you can greatly ruin your relationship with your son because of a trifle.

Which one is better to glue?

If we talk about varieties, wallpaper can be classified according to several criteria:

  • Material. Perhaps nothing is more expensive than ordinary paper or non-woven fabric. Firstly, they are inexpensive, which is very appropriate in view of the boy's frequent change of tastes. Secondly, they offer the widest possible choice of design solutions, which will match the tastes of the child.

  • Color palette. Most often, it is recommended to choose light, cheerful colors for the bedroom, but teenagers are unusual in that they are ready to abandon any generally accepted standards. They can give preference to a strict black and white color scheme, and emphasized gloomy atmosphere, and childishly bright multi-colored design, and quite classic pastel colors. In the case of a destructive choice, you can try to defend the good old classics, but remember that it is undesirable to insist on your own too much.
  • Visual design. Since originality is needed, many parents are sure that murals are required in a teenager's room, but this is not entirely true. Even a completely monochrome finish is acceptable, and posters and posters will play the role of decoration.


With the help of style, you can very favorably emphasize the hobbies of the child, which he will undoubtedly like. This is exactly what you should be pushing away from. The following popular styles among young people should be considered:

  • Loft. Deliberate abandonment, "industrial" interior, which will appeal to fans of computers and other equipment, and severe athletes, and even bohemians.

  • High tech. Emphasized manufacturability and focus on maximum interior comfort to the detriment of its brightness is an ideal habitat for a computer programmer, although in recent years high-tech has basically turned into a typically masculine style.

  • Ethnic style. In the global world, you often meet a teenager who is passionate about the culture of a particular country. In recent years, the passion for Japan can be called rampant, and the United States and Great Britain also enjoy success among young people.

  • Sea style. Constantly alludes to movement and far travel, which is suitable for those who cannot sit still for a long time. Teenagers are rarely experienced travelers at this age, but dreaming and making plans is much more pleasant in the right environment.

  • Kitsch. This is the most complex of all possible styles, since it is an analogue of what is called the word "casual" in clothes. The point is to combine completely unexpected things, but you are unlikely to be able to do this in a way that your child appreciates.

More precisely, the result can cause a certain sympathy, but you can bring kitsch to an ideal state only for yourself.

Color and design

The choice of colors has already been mentioned above - there are no specific requirements for it, teenagers are too capricious to drive themselves into some kind of framework. Another thing is that space for choice can remain thanks to various design options.

The simplest solution is ordinary one-color wallpaper. Only at first glance they do not fit into the teenage bedroom - in fact, they belong there. The fact is that they themselves, without being flashy and individual, allow you to freely hang any posters and posters on top of them without harming the background, which still allows for the durability of the repair - it will not be the finish that will change, but only the accessories on top of it, which is much cheaper and allows the interior to always be relevant.

Relatively common is such an option as simple geometric shapes or an inconspicuous strip. The advantages are the same as for plain wallpaper, although there may be additional difficulties due to the fact that the color scheme with the change of accessories on top of it can contrast worse and worse with the overall palette of the room.

Wall mural, of course, in a teenage room is very appropriate. You need to choose them according to the taste of a young person - these can be both idols (football players, boxers, musicians) and urban landscapes (skyscrapers of a night city, bridges, masterpieces of world architecture).

In general, the choice of photo wallpapers is limited only by the client's imagination, because they can even be made to order - with such a picture as you can provide for a sample.

Wallpaper layout and zoning options

It will be much easier to achieve originality if you use not one type of wallpaper, but two, for decoration.

In addition to the purely visual effect, there will be a direct benefit - a room divided into zones will allow you to more effectively engage in a particular activity. For the recreation area, light and soothing tones are more appropriate, and if the son plays sports at home, then in the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis room, on the contrary, you can stick bright, defiant wallpapers.

You can also combine finishes of different colors for accents. It is possible both in simple ways, such as combining plain wallpaper of different colors or two different discreet patterns, and with the help of photo wallpapers. The latter can occupy both an entire wall and a relatively small part of it, acting as a kind of picture without a frame.

Photo wallpapers help with zoning, different types of them can even be combined, choosing an unobtrusive seascape for the recreation area, and for the working area - a photo of a famous boxer to motivate work with a pear and barbell, or an equally famous musician for inspirational guitar rehearsals.

How to choose?

When choosing a finish for the walls of a teenager's room, you should definitely listen to his opinion, but you can promote your point of view or just give him good advice only if your position is sufficiently reasoned. When choosing, follow a few simple tips:

Choose plain or striped solutions only if the boy's preferences change with stunning speed, and he does not have any specific hobbies or notable achievements in any area. This will allow the owner of the room to instantly switch from one hobby to another with the help of new posters, which is especially typical for a boy of 14-15 years old, who is still very impulsive and sharp.

Wall murals, especially expensive ones, should be chosen only if the teenager has one very stable hobby - for example, a musical group or a football player.

Decorating a bedroom for a teenage boy. Tips on how to win-win rebuild a children's room into a multifunctional room for a growing son. Photo gallery - 90 ideas with a variety of room designs in several variations for each interior style.

Choosing a General Room Style

Even, it would seem, quite recently you brought your baby from the hospital, but now he is already going to middle school. He has his own hobbies, first love. Friends come to visit him, and the guy is ashamed to invite them to his place, because his room is more like a nursery. Do not forget that children grow, and their room should change with them. After all, a teenager should be “on time” not only for a bed, but for the whole room as a whole, reflecting his inner world.

Before you start repairing the nursery with your own hands, be sure to ask the young man to tell you what he wants himself. In no case do not try to do everything in your own way, because he is already a person and wants you to reckon with his opinion. Having determined the future room, you can safely proceed to the realization of the idea.

Room for a teenage boy:

The tonality of the style is mainly expressed in such colors as:

  • all tones of pearl;
  • brown and its derivatives;
  • silver;
  • smoky;
  • sand.

It is bright accents that add contrast to the general background - paintings or photos in frames, colored rugs and thought pillows, stylish elegant lamps or posters with your favorite actors and athletes. They can become the main highlight of your son's room.


Sea style


Of course, daisies and clouds are more for. Boys prefer a more strict style - stretch ceilings, as mentioned earlier, will be the best option.

Floor finish

The choice of material for finishing the floor again depends on the chosen style. For example, dark wood parquet, reminiscent of the deck of a ship, is best suited for a marine environment. But if your boy is an athlete, then it is better to choose carpet. For Hi-Tech style - porcelain stoneware or. Universal can become - linoleum or laminate.

Choice of curtains

At the same time, do not forget about blackout curtains or, which are necessary during hours of rest and peace. Ask your son about the color and arrangement of the slats (the strips that make up the blinds). Perhaps he will suggest some interesting option that both of you will like.


With the help of lighting, you can skillfully zone the space in the bedroom of a teenage boy. A small spotlight by the bed, a stylish sconce lamp by the armchair, a good table lamp. But without the general diffused light, which softens the general atmosphere, it is also indispensable.

Design nuances depending on the age of the boy

For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase.

13-14 years old

By this age, your boy already has some kind of established idea of ​​​​the world, he has his own hobbies and favorite things. That's it from these hobbies and push off. Invite him to choose the style of the room, colors and furniture. He will be delighted. Perhaps this is his first serious choice in life. Treat this with understanding.

15-16 years old

And this time period is distinguished by a zealous search for an idol, authority - that person who wants to admire. Rest assured, the young man will want to have posters of his favorite football team or musical group on his wall. So do not try to spend money on expensive "solid" wallpapers. They are of no use to him.

17-18 years old

Closer to adulthood, young people are already more or less determined with the main occupation in their lives. So you can safely entrust him to independently make the entire interior and design of your room - it will become exactly the way he wants to see it.

If the room of a teenage son has, then the question sharply arises - how to place the furniture more compactly so that the child is comfortable not only to sleep, but also to study, and also to engage in his favorite hobby. To do this, you need to optimize the entire space, namely:

First of all, you should pay attention to the marine style - there you can constructively solve many issues with.

All boys, without exception, have some kind of hobby. It is not difficult to determine this. It doesn't matter how much time he devotes to it and how fixated he is on it. The main thing is that his room can be decorated based on this hobby. For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase. The list goes on and on. We think you get the idea. There are a great many such individual decor elements, or you can simply decorate the walls and shelves with awards and crafts from your child. Still, it will be creative and original.