DIY house with sandbox drawings. Homemade sandbox for children's games on your site. The simplest option

A comfortable sandbox, once in which the baby forgets about everything in the world, must be in every yard. After all, she doesn’t just occupy a small growing man. It helps hone your skills fine motor skills, develop imagination, spatial thinking and logic. And finally, explore the world in every possible way through spatulas, molds and buckets. It’s not difficult to make such a sandbox with your own hands. To do this, you just need to collect a basic set of tools, find some free time and show a little imagination.

Selecting a location

Choosing a location for a sandbox is one of the most important stages its arrangement

Not only the peace of mind of the parents, but also the mood of the baby depends on the correct choice of location for such a structure. Therefore, the sandbox should:

  • be in sight of parents;
  • be simultaneously protected from the hot sun and drafts;
  • build on a hill so as not to collect sedimentary moisture;
  • be far from water;
  • be located away from excessive vegetation, otherwise you will have to constantly clear it of leaves and twigs;
  • be open enough to the rays of the setting sun.

Thus, it is better to arrange it next to the house, which will protect it from wind and heat. As an option, you can hide a piece of such a structure under a tree or fungus, providing shade at its location. However, the second side of the sandbox must be open so that the sand can dry out faster after rain. This will reduce the risk of hypothermia for the child.

Additionally, it is worth taking care of access for a car that periodically brings new sand.

Design calculation

Calculation future design always carried out individually

There are a lot of options for designing a sandbox. Round or oval, in the shape of polygons, cars or stars, made by the caring hands of loving parents, it will definitely please its owner. But, as practice shows, square or rectangular ones are popular and easy to make. They can be easily equipped with a regular lid or a bench lid.

The selection of sizes for the sandbox is individual. The optimal design is considered to be in the shape of a square, the side of which is 1.2–1.5 m. Being compact, it is still suitable for games of 1–3 children. If there is enough space, the length of the side can be increased to 3 m. Surely the kids will appreciate this.

The height of the sides can vary between 25–50 cm. This will allow you to fill in a sufficient amount of sand. And it will not create problems for the child when climbing into it independently.

When thinking about the design of the lid, you can settle on the knocked down wooden shield. Or build a hinged lid-bench, bringing pleasure to your children.

Required materials and tools

For a sandbox, it is better to choose boards made of pine, linden or larch

  • Boards for the frame and cover with a thickness of at least 32 mm. Their number is calculated in individually. Based on the consideration that two boards on one side of the frame are enough, it is necessary to prepare at least 8 pieces. It is also worth taking care of the boards for the lid. It is better to give preference to pine, larch or linden, since these species are less susceptible to rotting;
  • 4 bars for fixing on the corners;
  • emery;
  • impregnation for wood;
  • 6 loops;
  • self-tapping screws or screws;
  • screwdriver or set of screwdrivers;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • agrofibre for bottom arrangement;
  • shovel;
  • pencil.

Manufacturing instructions

When a suitable place for the sandbox has been found, and all the tools and materials have been prepared, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the structure itself. Conventionally, this process can be divided into several stages.

Foundation construction

To set up a sandbox, you need to prepare the foundation

Initially, it is important to decide on the size of the future sandbox. Then it is advisable to apply them to the drawing and to the area itself. The latter must first be cleared of vegetation and debris. For marking, you can use 4 pegs driven into the ground and a cord stretched between them.

When installing pegs, it is important to take into account the additional 25 cm on each side for digging out the soil. You also need to mark the center of the future structure.

Now is the time to start removing the top layer of earth up to 30 cm thick and digging a hole in the center up to 80 cm deep. This will serve as the basis for drainage system, thanks to which sedimentary moisture can be absorbed into the soil. To do this, it is lowered into the dug hole. metal pipe with holes, which is covered with a mesh on top to prevent grains of sand from getting in.

If such a pipe is not available, coarse crushed stone can be used. It is poured to a depth of 15 cm and compacted. A “cushion” of sand 5–6 cm high is poured on top, on which the base itself can be laid directly. In addition to agrofibre, it can be:

  • dense polyethylene film;
  • geotextiles;
  • paving slabs;
  • a sheet of plywood with holes made for perforation.

Such bedding materials prevent sand from mixing with the ground. They also block the way for rodents and insects into the sandbox.


Having prepared the boards for the sandbox, you can begin building the frame

To construct the sides, you need to dig the bars in the corners to a depth of 15–20 cm. And then nail the prepared boards to them. The process of their preparation also has its own characteristics. Like the bars, they should be:

  • polished to prevent splinters from appearing in children;
  • treated with drying oil, bitumen or any other antiseptic at least 2-3 times to prevent wood rotting.

Based on the fact that minimum height the sides are 25 cm, you need to nail 2 boards on each side. This means that to make the body you will need 8 boards of the required length. Using a hacksaw, grooves are cut into them and the boards are inserted into each other, forming two squares. The lower one is placed in the prepared recess. The top one is installed on it. And the structure itself is secured by using small bars in the corners.

The nails and screws that will be used to secure the wood must be completely buried in it, eliminating the risk of injury to children during play. For greater strength, they can be puttied.


One of the most interesting stages of arranging a sandbox is its decoration.

The process of decorating a sandbox is individual. It can be painted in all the colors of the rainbow or decorated with flowers, letters, numbers, geometric shapes and images of animals. The main thing is that the activity is a joy, and the result is to the taste of the future owner.

And if you have the desire and a piece of awning, you can build a real sail over the sandbox, turning it into a long-distance ship.

Video instructions for making it yourself

Watch this video to see one of the options for creating a sandbox with your own hands:

In order to build a sandbox with your own hands, you need to put in a minimum of effort, which will ultimately be rewarded with happy children's smiles. But they are priceless. Get creative, build simple structures for your children and enjoy their boundless gratitude!

Little children love to play in the sand. To provide them with this opportunity, caring adults install sandboxes at home and in the country. Of course, there are ready-made ones for sale, but their price is not at all childish. The best way out is a sandbox made by yourself. When making it, you will certainly try to take into account all the characteristics and preferences of your child.

What can you make a sandbox out of?

The most popular material for building a children's sandbox is wood. It could be edged boards, small diameter logs, timber, block house. This is basically what they make from. To make the work go faster, you can buy polished materials. They are more expensive, but have a smooth surface. If you need to save money, take ordinary materials, then manually or using a grinder you will bring everything to perfect condition.

You can use plywood (moisture resistant) or OSB (OSB). Not everyone likes them, due to the presence of glue and harmful fumes (formaldehyde). But in air these emissions are not dangerous, and you can also use material with emission class E0 or E1. It guarantees safety - children's furniture is made from this material. It is convenient to work with plywood and OSB: cut out required form parts, twisted them together, processed the ends and can be painted.

At the dacha, you can use improvised material. For example, plastic bottles. Just so that they stick, they are attached to the board: the lids are nailed at a certain pitch, bottles are screwed into them. Having received one “sidewall”, take a piece of thick wire equal to twice the length of the sidewall + 20 cm, pierce the bottles with the wire, retreating about 5-7 cm from the bottom, turn the wire upward and pierce it in the opposite direction from above. The ends are twisted, trying to hide the “tails”.

This is how it will be necessary to “stitch” the bottles with wire

This twist is obtained only on one side - on the other there is simply a bent wire. When you install the sides, place them so that the “tails” are covered by the bottle. The finished sides of the bottle sandbox are installed in a shallow ditch, the board and the tapering bottom of the bottles are sprinkled with soil, and compacted well. You can throw a sheet of plywood at the bottom, and pour sand on top.

The second most popular “waste” material for country houses. They also make sandboxes. It is necessary to cut off the side panel on one side old tire. You will get quite high sides. Then there are two ways:

In any case, the cuts will have to be secured. Some tires have plastic cord (reinforcing fiber), some have metal. The plastic one can be sanded, but the metal one will have to be covered somehow.

To make a sandbox, you can use fallen tree trunks cut into pieces. They make a very interesting and quite reliable fence. Before digging in, the wood needs to be treated so that it lasts longer. There are modern impregnations with a simultaneous tinting effect. Comfortable. The treated stumps must be dried, and while they are drying, dig a ditch around the perimeter of the future sandbox. Its depth is at least 20-25 cm. There is no need to do less - the children will walk and jump on the stumps, so they must hold up well. Insert the logs into the ditch, level them, fill the gaps with soil and compact them well.

You can also make a fence for a traditional sandbox from logs. Place a base on the ground: a piece of linoleum, for example, with several holes in it to drain water after rain. Place logs on the base, making a rectangle/square out of them. They can be fastened with long nails, but more securely with studs - steel rods with threads at both ends. Under them, you will need to drill a hole diagonally at the junction of the logs. Diameter - slightly larger diameter hairpins. Drill out the edges of the hole so that you can recess the nuts and washers. Insert a rod into the hole, put washers on both ends, and tighten everything with nuts.

You can make benches on top - one or two boards and benches for kids are ready. Of course, they rarely sit on them. More often they build their sand castles on them.

How to make a sandbox: step-by-step instructions

First, let's look at general principles manufacturing sandboxes of any design. With some modifications they are repeated every time.

Step one. Selecting a location . The location must be chosen so that part of the sandbox is in the shade, part in the sun. If this is not possible, set it to sunny place, and we make a canopy over it. Please note that there is no nearby large trees or bushes. They, of course, provide good shade, but leaves fall off them, and the sand will have to be sifted often.

Do not place the sandbox in strong sun, nor should it be in a corner where there is no air movement at all. But it also has no place in a draft. Another important point: if you plan to let your baby out to play in the yard on his own, the place for playing should be clearly visible from the window of the room where you spend most of the time.

Step two. Marking . If the sandbox is rectangular, use pegs and threads stretched between them. We drove the pegs, measuring the required dimensions ( standard size children's sandbox for children from 2 to 5 years old - 1.7 m * 1.7 m). Twine, rope, and cord were pulled between them. We checked the diagonals; for the angles to be right, they must be equal.

If the sandbox has rounded corners or sides, you can draw an arc using sand poured into a bag. A small hole is cut in the corner of the bag and the required shape is “drawn” in this way.

Step 3. We are digging a pit. We remove the sod and take it to the side, remove some soil, cleaning out the roots as we go, removing stones. The depth of the pit is 20-30 cm.

Let's start earthworks - digging a pit

In the middle of the sandbox, make a small square of greater depth: with a side of about 60 cm and a depth of another 30-40 cm (the total depth of this hole will be 60-70 cm). Pour crushed stone into the hole. This will be the “water drainage system”. If you form a small slope from the edges to it, the sand will dry quickly after rains.

Step 4. Laying the base.

Add a little sand (5-6 cm) to the bottom of the resulting pit, leveling it well. Now you need to lay the foundation. Most best option— . This non-woven material, very tear resistant. It will not allow grass to sprout and will not allow sand to mix with the soil. If you bring it to the edges of the pit, it will also “hold” the earth, preventing it from flowing inside when it rains.

If geotextiles are not found, you can lay a piece of plywood or linoleum. You just need to cut a few holes in them (1.5-2 cm in diameter) for water to drain.

DIY sandbox: step-by-step photo reports

No matter how simple the design may seem, when it comes to implementation, questions arise. To make there fewer of them, we are publishing several models of homemade sandboxes with step-by-step photos depicting the main components.

Simple design

The simplest thing you can do is knock down a rectangle or square from the boards. For a sandbox, the normal side of a square is 1.7 m. So you will need 4 or 8, 12 boards of this length. Make the sizes larger or smaller - the choice is yours. The number of rows of boards depends on their width and how tall you want it to be.

If, as described before, you dug a pit 25 cm deep, then poured in 5 cm of sand, you get a 20 cm deepening. If you want the sides to protrude 10 cm from the ground (for 2-year-old children this is convenient, for older ones it can be from 20 cm and above), the total height is 30 cm. If the board is 10 cm wide, you will need 3 tiers (boards, respectively 3 rows * 4 pcs = 12 pcs).

You will also need a block with a cross section of 40*40 mm. It will need to be cut into pieces equal to the height of the sides of the sandbox. In our case it is 30 cm. You will need 4 pieces. The total length of the required timber is 1.2 m. All lumber is sanded well, then impregnated with protective impregnations, otherwise the wood will quickly lose its appearance.

We take two boards and fold them at an angle of 90°. We place a block at the joint, nail both boards or screw in self-tapping screws - two for each fastening. We attach to one of the ends next board, place the block and repeat the operation. This is how we assemble the first row. It will look like in the photo on the left.

The second and third rows are assembled in a similar way. For each connection we place two hardware (nails or self-tapping screws). Just make sure that the heads do not protrude and the points do not stick out.

After the required height has been collected, we can consider that the sandbox is made with our own hands. But, as always, now I want to add something to make it more convenient for the children. They usually like to make Easter cakes, and they need a platform for them. You can nail small triangles made of plywood or also assembled from cut boards in the corners. Another option is to nail two longitudinal boards. They fit perfectly on the bars in the corners. We hammer nails into them.

Adding comfort

Continuing the theme of “improving” sandboxes. Carrying toys home that are stained with sand every time is not very pleasant. The problem can be solved simply: fence off the part for toys. Convenient for both you and the child. Placed additional wall, which is also attached to the existing ones using bars.

Separate the compartment for toys - put an additional wall

And so that there is no temptation to pour sand there, you can come up with a lid. You can sit on it, or you can build Easter cakes.

A couple of boards, a little imagination and an ordinary box turns into a car. The boys will definitely like this one.

Transformable sandbox with folding lid

Construction begins in exactly the same way as described earlier: a box of boards is assembled. The trick is in the design of the lid. You will also need boards for the lid and hinges - four regular door ones and four with one long shelf.

In our example, there were 6 boards on each side of the lid. They were attached in pairs. First, two boards were nailed to the finished box on one side and the other.

A short shelf of a loop, similar to a barn one, was screwed to them. Two boards were also attached to the long shelf. It is important that the second one is attached at least half the width, otherwise it can be twisted.

Screw onto regular ones door hinges next board. The shelves are on the other side. Then it turns out that the second part of the lid tilts in the other direction. The second board is attached to the fixed one using an auxiliary block. It is stuffed on both sides at a distance of about 15 cm from the edge.

To prevent the folded lid from pressing on the hinges, an additional piece of board is stuffed onto the first two boards. It serves as a support; when loaded, the board does not bend.

Based on operating experience, we can say that children almost never play under the seats: it’s uncomfortable. To use this area more rationally, it can be fenced off as a compartment for toys. Another advantage of this solution is that less sand will be required.

IN in this example The docks are painted with an impregnation, which at the same time gives color to the wood. If desired, you can use regular opaque paint. Only take it for wood, for outdoor use. Otherwise, after a couple of rains, it will bubble or crack. Using paint, you can paint the sandbox in more “girlish” colors, although impregnations can also be different colors, but they just give a tint.


For boys you can make a sandbox-boat or ship. The main “body” is built as usual, all other superstructures are attached to it.

In this version, it was decided to make the sandbox low. A triangle was attached to the downed hull - the bow of the future ship. It is significantly higher than the main part. To ensure that the boards hold tightly, two boards are driven into the ground 60 cm deep on each side. The boards were nailed to them. In the corners they are also fastened, but only to each other - with nails (they were hit diagonally).

Since the height difference turned out to be significant, a staircase was made from the “deck” to the bow. The top is covered with boards and the masts are reinforced.

There are only finishing work and equipment. After some time, it was decided to build an extension at the stern - a place to hide from the sun, and put a toy box there. They installed poles made of timber and covered them with plywood cut to size. In the final version the ship looked like this.

Another boat was built using approximately the same technology.


It is not always possible to place a sandbox in partial shade. More often they place it in the sun, and then provide shading - some kind of canopy or umbrella. There are many interesting designs of such canopies that are quick and easy to make.

Perhaps the easiest to implement is this canopy: two posts are attached in the middle, with a crossbar between them. A thick tan is thrown over the crossbar and attached to the driven loops.

This canopy isn't much more complicated. Four racks are required. They are connected at the top by strips - they make the top trim. The awning is sewn to size and stretched. You can fasten it either with buttons or with decorative nails. The main thing is to have the opportunity to remove it in the fall.

Making such a roof is a little more difficult. TO top harness triangles are attached to the racks - rafter system. They are connected at the top by a longitudinal beam, which is correctly called a “ridge,” and supports are placed in the middle. Under soft tiles, which is used in this case, plywood or OSB is nailed, and roofing material is already laid on top.

Pay attention also to the decor of the sandbox itself: birch logs are driven/dug in around the perimeter, which are covered from the inside with boards: so that the peeling bark does not fall into the sand. Quite an interesting solution.

Another simple sun shade for the sandbox. The two triangles are connected by thin strips. They are attached to the racks, but it is advisable to make the racks more solid. For small children, this section is enough, but for older children - from 4 years old - something more solid is required - at least 60 * 60 cm. To save money, you can sew two boards - nail them on both sides. Pulling the awning will not be difficult.

How to make a sandbox with a “fungus” with a small wooden canopy - watch the video


The second attribute necessary for sandboxes is lids. Not only do leaves fall into the sand and all sorts of garbage gets into the sand, but animals also love to be there...being there. You can prevent attacks on the purity of the sand by using a lid. In the very simple version This is a shield knocked out of boards or cut out of plywood, to which handles are attached.

Cover made of boards

To avoid having to remove and install the panels every time, you can attach hinges, and to prevent the doors from hanging, weld handles on which they can rest. When the lid is folded back, you get two small play areas. Children can sit on them or build their own sand castles. Therefore, it is more convenient to make such covers from plywood: there are no cracks and they are lighter in weight.

There are even more interesting design— away. This type of cover is definitely made from plywood. Nail the top bar so that there is a gap left. A sheet of plywood is inserted into it. And so that opposite end not dangling, nail the legs - small pieces of timber.

The same principle is implemented differently in the version in the photo below. It is already for those who are good at carpentry.


To build a sandbox with your own hands quickly and easily, all that remains is to provide you with a few drawings. You can build on them and take them as a basis. Adjustments can and should be made.

Sandbox with roof - photo and drawing

The suburban area is actually all year round requires attention and care. Adults, busy with chores, cannot devote enough time to children. Therefore, it is very important to organize leisure time for children at the dacha. The ideal option is to build a children's playground. It’s better to start setting up a children’s corner with a sandbox. A sandbox made with your own hands, even as an independent element, will keep little fidgets occupied for a long time.

You need to choose the location for installing the future sandbox and the materials for its manufacture, taking into account the following factors:

  • Children, even those who are passionate about play, need supervision. Therefore, the sandbox must be installed so that the child is always in sight of adults.
  • The sun's rays can harm a child's health, leading to sunstroke and burns, but solid shade is not the best option. Therefore, it is advisable to place part of the sandbox in the shade, and part on open place so that the sand can dry out after the rain.
  • Drafts and excess moisture also negatively affect children's health. Therefore, the sandbox should be located away from the water and not exposed to the wind.
  • Trees, especially old ones, often fall into dust and dry leaves. Therefore, in order to avoid sand contamination, it is better to install the structure away from them.
  • Some plants cause allergies, and some attract stinging insects. Therefore, you need to make sure that there are no honey plants or plants that cause allergies nearby.
  • Well crafted wood and reliable fastenings will help avoid splinters and injuries.
  • Hard materials such as stone, brick or iron can also cause harm, so it is advisable to avoid using them. And of course, you need to monitor the absence sharp corners, nails, cords and so on.

In addition to the entertainment function, playing with sand has a developmental and psychological function. Soft bulk material calms and relaxes nervous system, promotes the development of creativity, fine motor skills, perseverance.

Different types of sandboxes: pros and cons (table)

Classification parameter View Description
Design featuresOpen sandboxA typical simple design that performs the main function of a playground
Closed sandbox
  • The presence of a lid allows you to keep children's crafts intact, protect the sand from weathering, debris, excess moisture and unpleasant “gifts” from animals that can use the sandbox as a toilet.
  • It is easy to store children's equipment under the lid.
  • And the lid, which transforms into benches, will provide additional space for relaxation and games.
  • Natural, environmentally friendly material is easy to handle. Subject to availability good tools even an inexperienced craftsman can cope with the manufacture of the simplest design.
  • It is important to sand the parts well, round corners and edges to avoid injury.
  • The only negative is that the wood is not durable. It dries out, rots, and bugs may appear. This can be avoided if you carefully treat the future sandbox.
  • Plastic is a durable, strong, safe, beautiful material.
  • This model is easy to dismantle, store or transport to another location.
  • The main disadvantage is that not everyone can afford a plastic sandbox.
Other materialsTo this day, other materials are used to make sandboxes: brick, stone, metal. But these materials do not guarantee the safety of children. solid, sharp surfaces increase the risk of injury.
Accommodation typeIn-depthThe sandbox can be deepened into the ground, which is very effective for strengthening the foundation. In this case, drainage about 15 cm thick is necessary to avoid moisture accumulation. Then it is covered with agrofibre or thick film, in which holes are made every 10 cm. Such a base will prevent the germination of grass, the appearance of insects and the mixing of sand with the soil.
ElevatedThis design is installed on concrete base or grass. It is necessary to ensure that even the most small child could climb into it on his own, for which low sides 380–400 mm high are made, which are half filled with sand.
ConfigurationFigured sandboxesStructures in the form of cars, boats, flowers, animals and so on serve as additional game details.
Game centersThe simplest example is a sandbox made of stumps. The child can not only play with sand, but also run around the structure itself.

Photo gallery of options

You don't have to stick to the traditional square shape Use of car tires
It is necessary to protect the child from sun rays: a bright, large umbrella will help The cover will help protect the sand from debris and moisture The bright cover transforms into comfortable seats, thereby adding a place to relax An easier to use, but more difficult to manufacture option with a solid lid Can also serve as a separate game element This sandbox allows the child not only to play with the sand, but also to walk along the sides and warm up a little Standard sandbox - easy to make To protect children from the sun, you can make a canopy Also protects sand from contamination An original boat will delight your child Another version of the sandbox in the form of a ship

Preparatory work

Considering all of the above, it is more convenient and practical to make a deep wooden sandbox with a lid.

Drawings and dimensions of a children's sandbox

Initially, you need to decide on the dimensions of the future structure. If there are a lot of children and there is enough space on the site, then you can make a large sandbox measuring 2x2 m. For one or two children to play, it is enough to make square design size 1.5x1.5 m.

Despite the simplicity of the design of the future sandbox, it is better to have before your eyes visual diagram. Thus, you first need to draw a drawing that will help you decide the necessary materials, correctly calculate the size and quantity.

Looking at the drawing, you will notice that the side boards on both sides should be slightly longer in order to form the correct closed corner.

How to choose material

Consider the following facts:

  • Tree is different from tree. The durability of a structure may depend not only on the quality of processing, but also on the type of wood: pine, linden or larch are less susceptible to rotting.
  • The sides of the future design must withstand heavy loads. To ensure strength, it is necessary to use boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm.
  • Sand and sand already assembled structure extremely inconvenient. It is advisable to sand the prepared parts well and treat them with an antiseptic before assembly, which will avoid unprotected areas. It would be prudent to paint the iron hinges in advance as well.
  • The main thing is not to forget what’s inside. The sand must be clean, free of foreign impurities, and mold well. Therefore, it is better to give preference to river or quartz sand, having first sifted it through a fine sieve, which will help get rid of dust, possible insects, and foreign objects.

Materials and tools (for a structure measuring 1500x1500 mm)

When purchasing materials, one cannot discount the presence of a foundation. To build the foundation you will need:

  • expanded clay, small stones or river pebbles for drainage;
  • agrofibre, dense polyethylene or plywood sheet.

The basis of the sandbox is a frame with sides 1500x1500 mm. To make the frame you will need:

  • timber 50x50x450 mm (for corner elements) – 4 pieces;
  • beam 50x50x1000 mm (for strengthening corners) – 1 piece;
  • board 30x150x1500 mm (short side walls) – 4 pieces;
  • board 30x150x1560 mm (long sides) – 4 pieces;
  • seal - 1620mm;
  • self-tapping screws 45 mm - 50 pieces.

The transforming cover will be attached to the finished frame. For it you need to prepare the following materials:

  • board 20x125x1560 mm - 12 pieces;
  • timber 30x30x250 mm (for fastening the seat) – 4 pieces;
  • timber 30x30x450 mm (to strengthen the back) – 4 pieces;
  • hinges (canopies) 40 mm - 12 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws 45 mm - 50 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws 25 mm - 60 pieces.

For processing and registration you need:

  • antiseptic for wood processing;
  • wood primer;
  • paint or varnish for coloring.

The materials are ready, but without tools the process will not move forward. Therefore it is necessary:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • pegs with a rope tied to them;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • sanding machine or sandpaper;
  • drill and drill bits;
  • screwdriver or set of screwdrivers.

Step-by-step instructions: making and installing a wooden sandbox with a lid

It is better to carry out the work in several stages. First of all, it is advisable to assemble the frame of the sandbox, then make the base and install the box in the prepared place. And only after that install the cover.

Housing assembly

We fasten the sanded and antiseptic-treated boards together in a square shape using corner elements - long bars, not forgetting to first mark and drill holes for the screws.

If you glue regular insulation between the first and second tier, the boards will fit closer to each other and sand will not spill out into the cracks.

To avoid sand spilling out through the cracks between the boards, it is advisable to glue regular insulation

To give greater strength to the future sandbox, you need to securely secure the corners with the help of additional bars.

An additional bar attached diagonally will add reliability to the structure.

The ends of the corner bars, approximately 15 cm long, will be in the ground, so they must be covered with drying oil, bitumen or waste machine oil. Now the frame of the future sandbox can be carefully moved to the installation site.

The frame of the future sandbox is ready for installation

Construction of the base and installation of the frame

The area chosen taking into account all the tips and recommendations is leveled and cleared of debris. For more precise marking it is necessary to add 15–20 cm on each side to the dimensions of the future sandbox. We make markings using pegs with a rope stretched over them, checking the correctness of the angles.

Filming top layer to a depth of approximately 20–25 cm, making a slight slope towards the center. This is necessary so that water that gets into the sandbox does not accumulate, but ends up in the drainage. In the center we make a hole with a diameter of about 50 cm and approximately the same depth. We fill it with the material prepared for drainage.

Then you need to pour a five-centimeter layer of sand and compact it thoroughly.

On the resulting “pillow” lay the base itself, which can be from different materials. The main thing is not to forget to make holes in it at a distance of about 10 cm from each other, again to prevent moisture accumulation.

We install the finished frame on the resulting base. Now you can proceed to the main stage.

Installation of a cover that transforms into seats

We thoroughly screw two boards on each side to the sides. Then we proceed to assembling the moving parts of the lid. To do this, we fasten the remaining boards in pairs using bars.

The elements obtained from the first pairs will serve as a seat, and the elements with long bars will serve as a backrest. The protruding parts of the beam will serve as a support, preventing the backrest from reclining.

We attach the “seat” element to firmly screwed boards using three loops located at the same distance from each other. The hinges should be on top, and the bars connecting the seat boards should be on the bottom.

We attach the backrest to the seat, also using hinges, not forgetting that this time the hinges “look” inside the box, and the bars are on the outside.

In this build option, last stage quite problematic, because the backrest part has to be screwed in virtually by weight. There is another way. First fasten the back and seat together, and only then put them on top of the box and attach them to the rigidly attached boards.

Attention! To avoid possible injuries, it is important to “drown” the screw heads. You should also check that the lid opens and closes easily.

Final finishing

So, the sandbox is ready! Now it is desirable sandpaper or grinder smooth out possible corners. After this, even if all the wooden and iron parts have already been treated, it is better to go through the antiseptic again.

You can simply varnish the resulting structure, but it is best to paint it. And here fantasy comes to the rescue. Don't forget that this is a children's play area. And the kids love it very much bright colors. Color the sandbox different colors. Additionally, you can draw patterns, funny pictures by hand or apply using a stencil. The main thing is that the children are happy and feel comfortable in the new sandbox.

To prevent little builders from spreading sand all over the site, it is better to make a separate path to the sandbox.

Video: master class on making a transforming sandbox with your own hands

It’s easy to please your child by making a bright, beautiful sandbox with your own hands. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a simple box of sand or an interesting design. The main thing is that the sandbox is pleasing to the eye, safe, and comfortable. And then the child will receive incomparable pleasure. And if the children are happy, then the parents are happy.

Your baby is growing up, and it's time to think about childcare cozy corner on personal plot. What is your favorite pastime at this age? Of course, games fresh air. One of the main attributes of a playground is a sandbox, where children can play with sand from morning to evening. Installing such a structure in the yard is as easy as shelling pears, since they are sold in specialized stores already in finished form. However, their price is often not encouraging caring parents. The best solution in this situation, a sandbox with a lid, made by yourself, will become. This does not require special skills, and you can use any available means as material.

Types of sandboxes for children

If you decide to make a sandbox for your beloved child with your own hands, so that you won’t be ashamed to show your friends a photo of the structure, then before you start work, you need to figure out what types of these structures exist.

By design features It is customary to distinguish between two types of sandboxes:

  • open;
  • closed.

Open structures

Perhaps the presented type can be called the most common and popular in playgrounds. It is made and installed quite simply. Although you can rarely find them in their “pure” form. Today, many masters complement them with a variety of decorative elements, giving them original shapes. Open sandboxes are often combined with houses, benches, slides and other elements. The most popular options are:

  1. Sandbox mushroom. In the center or on the side of such a structure they place wooden post with a roof so that children can play quietly without overheating in the sun.
  2. Sandbox sailboat. An umbrella or a canopy acts as a roof, which serves as a protection for children from the sun's rays.
  3. Mobile sandbox (foldable). A special feature of this structure is the ability to move it to any place. This may be due to the presence of a collapsible frame.


  • all materials for manufacturing are available and relatively inexpensive;
  • installation does not require special skills;
  • develops the child’s physical and mental skills;
  • if a breakdown occurs, it is quite easy to repair it;
  • simple and easy to use.


  • Since the structure does not close, leaves, sediment, and debris get into it.
  • while the sandbox is unattended, animals can “choose” it, turning the child’s favorite structure into a toilet;
  • sand erodes over time.

Despite the fact that the open sandbox has few disadvantages, its functionality compared to closed design sharply decreases, in particular due to the need for constant cleaning of debris.

Photo gallery: open sandboxes

Mushroom - a classic design for a children's sandbox The sandbox-sailboat perfectly protects the baby from exposure to sunlight A folding sandbox is perfect for those who like to travel a lot with children An open sandbox is the most popular option The canopy can also be placed near the sandbox

Indoor sandboxes for children

This type of sandbox appeared relatively recently, but thanks to many advantages it has already earned the sympathy of parents.

Closed sandboxes are divided into:

  1. Classic (covered with a lid). In this version, the structure is tightly covered with a board after the game.
  2. A sandbox that transforms into benches or a table. This structure differs from the others in that it allows you to turn the lid into an additional playground or into seats with backrests on both sides.


  • the lid closes the sandbox from precipitation, debris and animals, and also prevents sand from weathering;
  • you can store various children's equipment (spatulas, scoops and rakes) under the lid;
  • there is an additional play area for children;
  • prices for materials for manufacturing are low;
  • reliable and durable design.


  • in the event of a breakdown, repairing a closed sandbox will be more difficult than an open one;
  • will be required large number materials for manufacturing.

Photo gallery: sandboxes with lid

Appearance closed sandbox can be absolutely anything The lid protects the sand from moisture and debris The lid can be transformed into benches

Almost every parent has the opportunity to build a sandbox on their garden plot for their beloved child. However, in order for the structure to last a long time and not pose a danger to the child, it is worth following several recommendations during its manufacture and installation:

  1. The sandbox should be within sight of parents so that they can check what their child is doing at any time.
  2. In order to reduce the likelihood of infection through sand, it is recommended to choose an installation location away from trees.
  3. The dimensions of the structure must be chosen such that it can ultimately accommodate more than three children.
  4. The structure should be installed on an elevated area, since with this location it will not collect sedimentary moisture.
  5. It is necessary to install the sandbox so that one part of it is in the sun and the other in the shade. This will allow the sand to warm up evenly without burning the child.
  6. It is better to choose river sand because it is cleaner and contains a minimum amount of impurities.
  7. To prevent stray animals from trying to “take a fancy” to the sandbox, you can treat the outer perimeter with a special product that repels cats and dogs.
  8. Before you start construction, you must check that all the boards are sanded.
  9. For manufacturing, use only high-quality materials.
  10. When choosing a location for installation, it is recommended to immediately check whether there are thorny bushes, allergens or other plants nearby that could harm the child.
  11. Ensure that there is no electrical wiring, various hoses and pipes.
  12. It is advisable to make a lawn around the sandbox, seeded with trampling-resistant grass.
  13. It is recommended to locate the structure on the south side - this way the sand will warm up faster.

Which material to choose

There are three classic options, which can also be combined with each other:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Wood structures are classic and popular.


  • long service life with proper care;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • accessibility;
  • poor thermal conductivity.


  • the need for periodic painting to maintain a neat appearance;
  • susceptibility to rotting, since wood is easily susceptible to any influence (this can be avoided by processing by special means);
  • increased risk of injury if the surface is untreated and there are gaps.


Constructions made of plastic and resin can be safely called modern version sandboxes They are often purchased ready-made, because these materials are extremely inconvenient to process with your own hands.


  • safe, harmless and high-quality plastic is used in production;
  • there is no need for constant maintenance and periodic painting;
  • He doesn’t care about any precipitation;
  • the sandbox is easy to install and operate;
  • has compact dimensions;
  • pretty plastic lightweight material, which means the sandbox design will be mobile;
  • presented wide range bright, colorful and rich colors of the design.


  • plastic fades and becomes faded over time;
  • is expensive;
  • unstable to ultraviolet radiation, as a result of which the plastic is susceptible to deformation.


Metal structures, like wooden ones, are familiar to everyone since childhood. Quite often they could be found in the courtyards of the city. However, today they are purchased and built quite rarely, since their disadvantages are several times greater than their advantages.


  • long service life;
  • strength and reliability of the structure.


  • manufacturing complexity, since without welding machine and you can’t build such a sandbox with special skills;
  • high cost;
  • increased thermal conductivity;
  • susceptibility to corrosion.

Preparing for work

Careful preparation will help make the work of making a sandbox with a lid with your own hands easier.

Drawing up a drawing with dimensions

It is customary to start any construction with a design diagram. Having decided on the type of design and material for manufacture, you must consider whether you will have a regular lid or a transforming one. Also carefully plan all stages of creating a sandbox.

The sandbox cover consists of:

  1. Door hinges.
  2. Back support.
  3. Basics for fastening.
  4. Sandbox side boards.
  5. The backs of the bench.
  6. Limiter.

This version of the lid is optimal, since it not only covers the sandbox from debris, but also transforms into benches.

Tools and materials

Due to the fact that the structure is square in shape, we will need boards of the same length and width. Materials you will need:

  • 8 boards measuring 1500x150x30 mm (2 boards on each side of the side);
  • 12 bars measuring 700x50x50 mm (for securing wooden elements sides);
  • 4 boards measuring 1500x175x30 mm (for the bottom and base for fastening);
  • 4 bars - 1500x200x30 mm (for the back of the bench);
  • 4 limiters - 175x60x30 mm;
  • 4 stops - 700x60x30 mm;
  • 4 metal door hinges.

To cover the base, you will need a special waterproofing coating. Great option It will be thick polyethylene. The area it will occupy is easy to calculate: you need to multiply the width of the structure by its length (1.5 m * 1.5 m = 2.25 m²). Since the sides will also need to be covered with polyethylene, it is recommended to leave a margin of 12 cm on each side.

For construction you will need a few more tools:

  • bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper;
  • brushes and roller for painting;
  • chisel;
  • electric drill;
  • square;
  • set of wood drills;
  • bolts with nuts;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • construction tape;
  • wooden stakes and cord.

Photo gallery: tools for making structures

A shovel will help make indentations for the base. A screwdriver will help speed up the process of tightening bolts Instead of a jigsaw, you can use a hacksaw The chisel will allow you to make indentations in the wood required sizes You can also take a professional angle

Step-by-step instructions for making a children's sandbox with a folding bench

  1. Once you have decided on the location, you need to mark the area. To make calculations more accurate, it is recommended to install pegs around the perimeter and stretch a cord between them. Using a tape measure and a square you can make the corners even.
  2. Now you need to remove the top layer of soil with a shovel. It is advisable to make the depth a little more than 25 cm. This step will eliminate the rotting of plants and the appearance of various living creatures in the sandbox, and will also ensure the reliability and stability of the structure.
  3. Next, you need to level the bottom and fill it with gravel and sand in a 10 cm layer. Then the surface of the pit is compacted and leveled. Due to this, water will not accumulate under the sandbox.
  4. After preparing the bottom of the pit, you need to lay the base of the structure. Polyethylene is suitable for this. It needs to be laid at the bottom of the hole, after making several holes in it with a nail. This is necessary so that moisture does not linger in the sand for a long time, but goes into the ground.
  5. At this stage you need to make a frame for the sandbox. To do this, sides are constructed from two boards. For fastening, it is customary to use self-tapping screws, bolts or metal plates. The connecting parts are bars - they fasten the sides with inside sandboxes.
  6. Before installing the sandbox in the soil, you need to dig 9 holes around the entire perimeter of the prepared hole, into which the supports will then go.
  7. Then the boards are secured with self-tapping screws to the upper edge of the side, serving as the basis for the lid.
  8. You need to attach door hinges to the boards you just installed at a distance of 35 cm from the edge.
  9. Now you need to secure two more boards. The hinges are installed on the opposite side.
  10. Then you should install boards that will act as a backrest. Relevant wooden parts secured with self-tapping screws.
  11. Now you need to fix the stops to the base of the seat.
  12. In order for the back of the benches to have a stop, you need to install the bars and secure them with self-tapping screws.
  13. At the end, it is necessary to install the structure in specially prepared holes in the ground and secure it well.

Features of finishing of a wooden structure

Having completed the construction of the sandbox, it is necessary to treat it with special means that will make it look beautiful. It is important to choose the right paint. Cheap options can evaporate in the hot sun and emit harmful chemicals, which can enter the child’s lungs. Also, some paints and varnishes begin to stick to your hands after drying, and this is extremely undesirable. Therefore, you should contact a specialized store, where they will tell you the safest and most convenient option for a children's sandbox.