How to make a weather vane with your own hands from a bearing. Beautiful do-it-yourself weather vane: interesting solutions. Propeller in the design of the weather vane

A weather vane is a flag or other structure mounted on a vertical axis and rotated under the influence of the wind. The counterweight is directed in the direction from which the wind blows.

According to the horizontal pins oriented along eight points, the direction is determined. Modern weather vanes allow you to do this thanks to the presence of electronic devices - encoders.

A weather vane can also be an ordinary decoration. Making a weather vane with your own hands is possible after mastering some skills.

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of a weather vane, it is necessary to prepare tools and materials. Previously, this design was made of wood, then metal became popular.

Steel is fine for the job, but the most successful choice is copper sheet, which does not corrode and has a natural sheen that makes a weather vane made from it very attractive.

Another advantage of the copper construction is its long service life: wood, even water-resistant and additionally treated with water-repellent enamel, deteriorates very quickly under the influence of frequently changing temperatures, precipitation and wind.

Of the modern materials, plastic should be called, which is very light, and also does not rust. Plastic-based panels are very convenient because they can be cut into pre-designed parts. For convenience, a drawing should be made on paper.

In the manufacture of parts, you can also use plastic bottles, although such a weather vane is only suitable for a country house, and not a stylish country cottage. Solid buildings require more expensive materials.

For the manufacture of a weather vane, carpentry or locksmith tools are needed, which are used for processing wood, metal or plastic.

Plywood (wood) and plastic are processed using an electric jigsaw equipped with a special file, sandpaper, and a file. To make holes, you will need a drill with drill bits of a certain size.

When processing metal, jigsaw files, a grinder, and special scissors are also used.

Some design features, additional chips

Of course, you can buy a weather vane, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself.

The design principle is extremely simple: the most primitive model can be made from a metal flag with a counterweight.

When the wind direction changes, the flag equipped with a counterweight turns around the vertical axis.

To simplify the determination of the direction of the wind, a wind rose is horizontally attached to the bottom of the weather vane in the form of two crossing plates indicating the four cardinal points (in the form of letters).

To be able to visually determine the intensity of the movement of air masses, it is recommended to equip the weather vane with a propeller.

By the speed of its rotation, one can judge the strength of the wind. For this purpose, a plate freely swinging in one plane can also be used: the magnitude of its deviation depends on the strength of the wind.

Types of weathercocks

We present to your attention a photo gallery: “Weathervanes from around the world”

Depending on their purpose, weather vanes can be divided into types.

  • Meteorological

They are highly accurate instruments. This quality is achieved as a result of careful balancing. The most common way to make them is forging.

Over time, these instruments passed into the hands of meteorologists. They are called anemorumbometers.

  • Designed to measure wind intensity (Wilde weather vane)

Their design includes a special vertical plate that can swing freely to the sides. The strength of the wind is determined by the degree of deviation of the plate from a strictly vertical (zero) position.

Often, a propeller of small mass is used to determine the desired value. The presence of a propeller helps to drive away birds from the roof.

  • chimney

Their purpose is to protect the chimney from blowing out.

  • Decorative

The main task of this type is to decorate the house and give it a complete look.

The shape of the weather vane can be chosen depending on taste. Despite the wide range of types of weathervanes, the most common is the classic version: figurines of birds and animals made of metal.

In Russia, the cockerel on a knitting needle has been the most popular since ancient times. It is traditionally considered a talisman.

In the Scandinavian countries, weather vanes in the form of a stork, symbolizing the strength of the family hearth, are very popular. The lion is the personification of nobility and will, vitality.

There are many other options: a cat, a sailboat, a dragonfly, signs of the zodiac, a boy with a pipe.

There are no restrictions on the choice of the form of the structure.

Design and manufacture of a weather vane

The weather vane parameters also do not have specific standards, but usually adhere to sizes from 700 to 800 mm in length and 400 mm in height for a cottage. For a summer house or a gazebo, you can choose smaller dimensions.

To make a weather vane, you need to sketch out the drawings in advance, according to which all structural elements will be created.

According to the drawings, a support is also made. For it, you need a metal pipe with a diameter of 13 mm and a length of 125 mm. To attach the cover, a thread is cut in its upper part.

A bearing is installed in the lower segment of the support. For a strong fastening of the weather vane on the roof, metal strips (four pieces) bent at a right angle are required.

They should be fixed with one part to the support, and the other - to the roofing material. It is necessary to ensure that, when rotating around its axis, the parts do not touch the protruding parts of the strips.

The cover is made of steel. For all parts, except for the flag, stainless material is most suitable.

On the inside of the cover, it is necessary to make a thread similar to that made on the body.

A wind rose is attached to the upper part of the lid - a decorative element constructed from long tubes of small diameter folded crosswise at an angle of 90 degrees, to the ends of which letters indicating the cardinal points are attached.

To protect the bearing from moisture penetration, a cap is attached to the top of the housing.

The main part of the weather vane- checkbox. Stainless steel can also be used to make it, but, as already mentioned, sheet copper is the best choice.

Both materials are resistant to moisture and precipitation, but outwardly, a copper product looks much richer, and besides, it can be minted.

First, the contour from the drawing is transferred to the sheet material, after which the figure of the flag is cut out of it.

Cutting is done with metal shears or a jigsaw. Sharp edges must be filed. You can give the figure a much more expressive look if you highlight some details with the help of chasing.

Since copper is a rather soft material, this processing method will give the structure volume and great attractiveness.

How to make a weather vane with your own hands from improvised means

For the construction of a weather vane for a country house, it does not make sense to use expensive materials. The design will look very original if you put an additional dynamic element into it.

For example, you can build a pecking bird or a horse figurine, which will be driven by a rotating propeller (via a transmitting part).

To make such weather vanes, a certain degree of creative imagination is required. The easiest way to realize the idea is to use special moisture-resistant plywood.

The propeller wheel can be cut out of tin with metal shears. The blades are formed by bending the edges of the material.

In order not to disturb the dynamics, the wooden movable elements are not very rigidly connected. We should not forget about the need to stain them with enamel for outdoor use.

The use of a dynamic weather vane on country houses is justified by the fact that they are inferior in height to cottages, and this makes it possible to view the rotating decor element well.

In addition to improving the aesthetic appearance of the building, it will also keep birds off the roof.

In addition to plywood, plastic bottles are also suitable for making a garden weather vane. One bottle is cut in a special way and a propeller impeller is obtained.

A wind vane is cut out from the body of another bottle. After manufacturing, the parts must be planted on a metal rod and fixed on top of the roof of the house.

There is an even simpler option: the neck and bottom of the bottle are cut off, and the rest is fixed asymmetrically on a vertical rod. The wind will turn the resulting pipe, and you can find out its direction.

Installation of a weather vane on the roof

After the manufacture of the weather vane, a very important moment begins: its installation on the roof. The minimum installation height of the weather vane is from 10 to 12 m from the ground.

For correct orientation to the cardinal points, a compass should be used. After combining the letter index N (Nord) of the finished device with the direction of the compass arrow to the north, it will be possible to obtain a fairly accurate device.

By means of bolting or welding, a steel wire with a diameter of 8-10 mm is attached to the fixed part of the weather vane, and the free end is stuck into the ground to a depth of 1.5-2 m. It turns out an excellent lightning rod.

The entire installation process is not particularly difficult, but some points will need to be paid attention to.

Main nuance: the geometry of the roof should not be affected. If possible, the weather vane should be attached to the part of the roof that is not responsible for its shape. For example, a stove or ventilation pipe cap is suitable, but only if the material thickness is more than 1.5 mm.

If it is necessary to attach the weather vane to the part of the ridge, you will need fasteners of a different shape: two rather thick plates bent at a certain angle.

For work, additional devices and tools will be required: a progon, a lerka, a riveter with rivets, nuts, washers, a wrench.

The process of installing a weather vane is divided into several stages.

The brace-bracket is installed in the cap of the chimney or ventilation pipe in a diagonal direction. For this purpose, a metal strip 2 mm thick is bent on both sides. The bracket is fixed with rivets and a riveter.

In the pipe cap, it is necessary to prepare a hole corresponding in diameter to the diameter of the rod.

Using a lerka, a thread is cut at the end of the rod.

The rod is inserted into the hole made in the cap.

Then a washer is put on the rod and a nut is screwed on.

The core of the structure is twisted into a brace, and the wind rose pointer is set in accordance with the location of the cardinal points.

To securely attach the rack to the brace, insert an additional washer on the rod and screw on the nut.

Since the movable part must rotate freely, a radial ball bearing (No. 1000099) corresponding to GOST is attached to the weather vane.

The diameter of its inner ring is 9 mm, and the outer ring is 20 mm. When selecting the weather vane strut housing, the outer diameter of the bearing is taken into account.

When designing and manufacturing parts, as well as attaching them to the roof, care must be taken to ensure a sufficient level of strength, since the structure is constantly exposed to significant wind loads.

Those parts that will rub against each other during operation must be lubricated with grease or lithol. From time to time it is necessary to inspect the weather vane, tighten the nuts and screws at the lightning rod attachment points, and renew the lubricant.

Main points

  • A weather vane is used to determine the direction and strength of the wind.
  • For its manufacture using wood, stainless steel or copper.
  • According to their purpose, weathercocks are meteorological, designed to measure wind strength, chimney and decorative.
  • The shape of the weather vane is chosen arbitrarily.
  • To make a high-quality weather vane, you need to make a drawing.
  • A weather vane for a country house can be made from improvised means.
  • When installing a weather vane, it is necessary to monitor the correct orientation to the cardinal points.

Video on how to make a simple weather vane with your own hands:

The history of the weather vane goes back hundreds of years. The convenience of an unpretentious device, which made it possible to quickly determine the direction of the wind, was first appreciated by the sailors. Therefore, the tradition of installing weather vanes on roofs first came to us from Holland, the Netherlands and other European countries with access to the sea. Over time, a simple mechanical windsock has evolved into a stylish decorative element that can add personality to the most ordinary roof. An original and at the same time simple weather vane can be easily made with your own hands from tin, plywood or plastic. If, however, this process is approached with fiction and fantasy, then the rotating figurine will be able to tell others about the character, tastes and preferences of the owner of the house.

Windsock on the roof: device and principle of operation

Although today the weather vane is most often used as an element of the decor of country houses, it is too early to write it off from the pages of history. Even in this digital age, mechanical windsocks are still in service at small weather stations, ports and airfields. Depending on the purpose, several types of weather vanes can be distinguished:

  • meteorological windsocks, which are made of forged metal and are characterized by high mobility, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the accuracy of the readings;

    A modern weather vane is not a simple mechanical device, but a complex electronic device.

  • devices combined with a device for determining wind speed, which, after the name of the creator, are called Vilde weathercocks;

    The turning plate of the Vilde weather vane shows how strong the wind is blowing

  • chimney - with a body, which additionally plays the role of a chimney cap;

    In addition to its main purpose, a weather vane installed on the chimney will protect the chimney from precipitation and debris.

  • decorative - they serve mainly for decoration, so their flag and pointer are made in the form of figures of birds, animals, fairy-tale characters, etc.

    Used as a decoration, a decorative weather vane will indicate the direction of the wind just as good as a real meteorological instrument.

No matter how simple the design of the weather vane may seem, a reliable and durable windsock can only be obtained if it contains the following parts and assemblies:

  1. The vertical axis on which the flag and counterweight are mounted. The axle can rotate 360° freely thanks to the sliding or rolling unit.
  2. Housing that is attached to the chimney or mounted on the roof. Being the basis of the structure, the body acts as a holder for the movable axis.
  3. Bearing. This assembly is fixed in the body and provides ease of rotation of the axis of the windsock. The design can use one or more ball bearings, as well as sliding units consisting of low friction bushings.
  4. Protective cap. It is mounted on a vertical axis and prevents the penetration of precipitation into the windsock housing.
  5. Reference angles or rhumbs. They are two bars crossed at an angle of 90 ° with printed letters indicating the cardinal points (North-South and East-West pairs). The points are rigidly fixed to the body and during the installation of the weather vane they are oriented according to the compass.
  6. Arrow (pointer) - is attached to the axis at an angle of 90 ° and serves as an indicator of the direction of the wind.
  7. The flag is a blade mounted on one side of the boom. In a large surface area of ​​this element, in fact, lies the entire decorative potential of the weather vane.
  8. Counterweight. Mounted on the other end of the pointer and serves as a balancing device that balances the boom.

The turning part, which consists of an arrow and a flag, is also called a weather vane.

The design of the weather vane is so simple that it can be easily recreated at home.

Already one glance at the weather vane circuit is enough to understand how it works. Due to the high windage of the flag, the indicator turns even from a slight movement of air masses. The rotation of the blade will occur until it is installed parallel to the wind - in this position, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdrag will be minimal. In this case, the arrow will be directed in the direction from which the wind is blowing, and the flag will accurately indicate the place where the air masses are moving.

Video: roof weather vane - design ideas

What can a weather vane be made of

If you decide to approach the manufacture of a weather vane thoroughly, then there is no better material for a flag than a sheet of copper. A figurine made from this material will not only look good against the background of tin products, but can also become a reminder of your skills for future generations. And all thanks to the fact that copper perfectly resists corrosion. Copper roofs and domes of ancient cathedrals have not lost their functionality for several centuries and also successfully resist precipitation. The advantage of copper as a material for a flag is that this ductile metal is easily processed, so the figurine can be made more voluminous, and its surfaces can be decorated with embossing.

Due to the plasticity of copper, the figure of a weather vane can easily be made voluminous

If you can’t get a copper sheet, then you can use aluminum or stainless steel - they certainly won’t let you down in terms of durability. The situation is a little worse with sheet structural steel, however, if a ferrous metal flag is painted in accordance with all the rules, then it will also be able to survive more than one owner.

If you need "quickly and inexpensively", then you can use materials such as plywood or plastic. And although a weather vane made of these materials will not be as solid as a metal one, it will also be able to please your family and give invaluable experience in making a functional windsock.

A weather vane made of wood is less durable, but it is not inferior to metal in beauty and functionality.

It is wood and thermoplastics that are often chosen by novice home craftsmen, preferring quick processing with sandpaper and a jigsaw to more time-consuming work with power tools and an emery wheel.

For the manufacture of other parts of the weather vane - arrows, hulls and axles, pipes and metal bars of various diameters are suitable. As a rotation unit, you can take suitable bushings, balls, thrust or radial bearings from automotive or agricultural machinery.

We make a weather vane with our own hands

Having decided to decorate your house with a windsock, first of all, you should decide what kind of weather vane and rhumbs will be, think over the design of the turning part and the method of attaching the decorative device to the roof. Then they prepare all the necessary materials and tools, and only after that they proceed directly to work.

Whom to settle on the roof: symbol meanings

Being both an original decorative element and a real meteorological instrument, the weather vane can become a talisman and protector from dark forces for your home. It is able to create an aura of romance and magic, reminiscent of the times when the inhabitants of medieval cities looked closely at the figurines revolving on the pointed towers of castles and the spiers of city halls.

When choosing a weathervane flag, one should not make hasty conclusions. This simple action gives you a unique opportunity to declare to others about your passions, to show the strength of your character and the romantic nature of nature.

When making a weather vane, you can choose a flag of any type - either a simple silhouette or sign, or a complex composition of several figures - it all depends on your skills when working with metal

Belief says that meeting a chimney sweep on the street is good luck. By installing such a figurine at home, you give every passerby a chance to try their luck and attract prosperity and well-being.

A figurine of a man in a cylinder on the roof will attract happiness and money to the house.

Ethnic plots can be a series of figurines in different parts of the roof. Such weather vanes look great on wooden houses and characterize the owner as a person who is not indifferent to the history of his native land.

A series of weather vanes based on folk motifs is suitable for buildings made in the traditional Russian style

The cat has long been considered the worst enemy of evil spirits, so its silhouette will serve as an excellent amulet against dark forces. And also a fluffy creature will create a mood of kindness and tranquility.

The cat and the rooster are perhaps the most common characters that can be seen on weathervanes.

When installing an eagle figurine on the roof, do not forget that this bird is the master in heaven. Such a symbol is the best fit for a person with an imperious character and high social status.

An eagle-shaped weather vane would be appropriate on the roof of tall buildings

The silhouette of a horse on the roof testifies to the desire of the owner to explore the world and love to travel. Perhaps the figure of a running horse will be the starting point that will move you to new achievements.

A horse flying at a gait, or a calm, peaceful animal - you can put any idea into its silhouette

The griffin is a mythical animal with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle, which is a symbol of dominance in heaven and on earth. Describing strength, retribution and vigilance, the griffin above the house will show others your independence and ability to fight for your interests.

The figurine of the griffin will show that you will defend your ideas to the last

A weather vane in the form of a sailboat will tell about the owner's aspirations to explore the world around him, his love of travel and the search for new horizons in his career. Such a windsock will look harmoniously on a large cottage with a pitched roof, several entrances and a grand staircase.

A weather vane in the form of a sailboat is quite difficult to manufacture, so it can be recommended for experienced home craftsmen

An owl, as a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, will tell others about the remarkable mental abilities of the owner of a country house. When deciding to install a weather vane with a turning owl, consider whether you can match this symbol in terms of self-improvement.

An owl-shaped flag is a great way to declare the owner's intelligence

If you are a religious person, then you can rightfully decorate the roof with some scene from the Bible or the Koran. At the house of an inveterate atheist, a weather vane based on the lives of saints and prophets will look ridiculous. If it is this theme that attracts you, then choose some neutral scene or a heroic plot - for example, the figure of an angel or St. George slaying a snake.

If faith is close to you, install a weather vane in the form of a singing angel on the roof

A great find is a weather vane in the form of a flying Baba Yaga, since her broom is an excellent blade. It should be noted that fairy tales are an excellent basis for developing a weather vane of your own design, and the windsock itself will magically arouse delight in the views of passers-by of any age.

Baba Yaga is not only a favorite character in Russian fairy tales, but also one of the most popular figures on decorative weather vanes.

Windsock drawings

One of the advantages of the windsock is a simple and uncomplicated design. When developing your own device, you should take care of the stability of the device and good mobility of its rotating part. To do this, you need to think through all the ways to reduce friction between the parts of the weather vane and decide how and to what it will be attached. You can make a one-on-one weather vane or use individual ideas - it all depends on the availability of a particular material, capabilities and personal preferences. In any case, even the simplest weather vane will function and delight others in the same way as a custom-made windsock.

Photo gallery: drawings and diagrams of weather vanes

The dimensions of the weather vane must correspond to the drawing Even a novice master will cope with the model of a simple windsock Dimensional grid for figures can be increased or decreased The weather vane in the form of Carlson is equipped with a working propeller The figurine can be made fully movable

What will be needed in the process of work

The weather vane design presented above is easy to repeat at home. Everything you need for this can be found in the nooks and crannies of any garage or locksmith shop. The complete list of required materials is as follows:

  • copper, aluminum or sheet steel with a thickness of 1.2 to 2 mm;
  • steel pipes Ø1/2˝, Ø3/4˝, Ø1˝;
  • copper pipe Ø18 mm;
  • steel pipe Ø2˝ 50 mm long;
  • profile steel pipe with a section of 15x15 mm;
  • steel ball Ø80 mm;
  • steel bar Ø12 mm;
  • ball Ø15 mm from a rolling bearing;
  • steel plate with a thickness of 12 to 15 mm, size 60x60 mm.

Since you have to work with steel, you will need not only the simplest plumbing tools, but also electrical equipment. Before starting work, prepare:

  • electric jigsaw and metal saws;
  • "Bulgarian" with a cutting and grinding disc;
  • electric drill and a set of drills for working with steel;
  • welding machine and electrodes Ø3 mm;
  • chisel;
  • files;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

To reduce friction in the nodes of the weather vane, they will need to be lubricated. You can take any automotive grease or even grease. In addition, be sure to take care of protecting windsock parts from corrosion. For high-quality painting of the flag, arrow and other parts of the device, you will need a rust converter, solvent, primer and enamel.

The weather vane needs corrosion protection

Step-by-step instruction

The manufacture of a weather vane consists of many stages, so the work is best done in a certain sequence. The algorithm presented below will not let you lose sight of the slightest detail and will allow the novice locksmith to avoid rework and improvements.

  1. Making a flag begins with transferring the outline of the selected figure to a sheet of metal. To avoid displacement of the template, it is attached to the workbench together with the metal blank. To do this, you can use carpentry clamps.
  2. Cut out the pattern along the outline. It is best to use an electric jigsaw with a metal file for this purpose. If there is no such tool at hand, then on straight sections you can use an angle grinder, and in places with bends and roundings, perform a series of drillings and cut through the contour with a chisel.

    An electric jigsaw is best suited for cutting a weather vane figure.

  3. Perform processing of the edges of the workpiece. If the flag was cut with an electric jigsaw, then a “grinder” with a peeling wheel will be enough for this work. Otherwise, you will need an emery machine with a coarse-grained wheel. Sharp corners and hard-to-reach places are processed with files of various shapes.

    For processing edges in hard-to-reach places, it is convenient to use several files of various shapes and sizes

  4. Having fixed the workpiece on a workbench or clamped it in a vise, drills are performed, which in the future will play the role of the nose and eyes, and will also be used to fix the mustache. Holes for the eyes with a file give a characteristic elongated shape.

    Holes for the eyes are made by drilling, followed by finishing with a file

  5. Make mustache blanks. To do this, L-shaped fragments 90–100 mm long with a part of 10–20 mm bent with pliers are cut with pliers from a steel wire Ø3 mm.

    For the manufacture of blanks of the cat's whiskers, steel wire is used.

  6. Make a cat's nose. To do this, you can cut a ball bearing of a suitable diameter or make a hemisphere from a bar Ø20–25 mm. In the latter case, notches can be made with a chisel, resembling the characteristic depressions on a cat's nose.

    The nose of a cat can be made from a bar or a steel ball.

  7. Using a welding machine, the nose is mounted in place. After that, the mustache blanks are fixed by welding, having previously inserted them into the prepared holes.

    For mounting and nose use a welding machine

  8. Clean the welds until the surface is perfectly flat.
  9. In a similar way, they are transferred to the metal and the outline of the pointer is cut out.

    Drawing is applied to a metal plate

  10. Prepare two segments of a round or square bar with a cross section of at least 15 mm in diameter. An arrowhead is welded to one of them, and plumage to the other. Clean up the seams.

    The weather vane boom consists of two parts, which are connected by welding

  11. Make a pivot point. To do this, Ø12 mm is drilled in a 60x60 mm steel plate with a thickness of 12 mm. The same hole is made in a steel ball.

    The figurine will be attached to a hollow metal ball in which a hole is drilled.

  12. On one side of the plate, a 50 mm piece of pipe Ø60 mm is welded, and on the other, a piece of metal profile 20x20 mm 150–200 mm long.
  13. Small cuts are made on the surface of the steel ball. They will be needed for a tighter fit of the ends of the boom base and the swivel assembly. After that, an axis from a bar Ø12 mm is threaded through the swivel unit and the steel ball.
  14. Both parts of the indicator base are welded to the sphere.

    When assembling the weather vane, be sure to lubricate the moving parts

In the presented design of the weather vane, you can do without a copper tube. To do this, use a ball bearing with an inner diameter of 12 mm, which is mounted at the upper edge of the housing - a pipe section of a suitable size can be used as a holder for the rolling unit. The bearing support is fixed by welding after the assembly of the structure, observing the principle of alignment.

On this, the construction of a homemade windsock can be considered completed. A steel ball and a copper tube will eliminate friction between the axle and the hull, so that a hand-made weather vane will easily rotate from the slightest breath of wind. All that remains is to correctly install the weather vane on the roof and securely attach it to the chimney or roof.

Video: do-it-yourself metal weather vane

How to fix the weather vane on the roof

Collecting a weather vane is only half the battle. In order for the device to function reliably and be clearly visible from any place around the house, it must be installed correctly.

  • it is necessary to fix the device in such a way that its weather vane is at the highest point of the roof, at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the roof;
  • for the correct orientation of pointers (rooms) on the ground, use a compass;
  • vertical alignment of the body is performed using a plumb line or building level;
  • fastening of the windsock is carried out with the help of strong metal brackets, anchor and dowel connections;
  • before installation, the rotation unit must be lubricated;
  • in order for the structure to perform the function of a lightning rod, the case is connected to the ground loop using steel wire.

You can fix the weather vane on the roof in several ways:

  1. To the chimney. This option is the most successful, since the chimney is most often made of brick. To ensure the stability of the structure under strong wind loads, strong metal brackets with holes are welded in the upper and lower parts of the vertical base of the device. For fastening, metal anchors with a diameter of 10 mm or more are used. If the house is equipped with an exhaust pipe or a metal chimney, then the weather vane can be attached with crimp C-shaped clamps made of a metal bar with a diameter of at least 8 mm.

    A weather vane mounted on a chimney not only indicates the direction of the wind, but also additionally protects the chimney and enhances draft

  2. To the pediment. If the side surfaces of the gable roof are covered with bricks, then the windsock housing is attached to the upper part of the gable in the same way as in the case of a chimney. If boards are used for sheathing the ends of the roof, then through holes are made in them, and pads or washers with an area of ​​​​at least 25 square meters are used for fastening. cm.

    To fix the weather vane, the gable board must be impregnated and have a thickness of more than 50 mm

  3. To the horse. The ridge is most often made of wood, so this option should only be considered if it is impossible to fix the weather vane in another way. To securely fix the structure on the roof, the body should be equipped with supporting paws, which will ensure its stability.

    The weather vane fasteners must be reliable, as the design is quite heavy

  4. To the elements of the truss system. This method of mounting will provide excellent stiffness and stability to the windsock, but will require a hole to be made in the roofing material. You can secure the device using suitable brackets or clamps. If the design of the weather vane allows you to make through drilling in its vertical stand, then you can fix the device with nails or powerful self-tapping screws. The disadvantage of this method is the violation of the integrity of the roof and, as a result, the need for additional waterproofing.

When choosing a place to install a wind vane, one should be guided not only by the criteria of aesthetics, functionality and reliability, but also take care of the safety of installation work and the possibility of servicing the windsock in the future.

When deciding to decorate a house with a weather vane, approach this process with all responsibility. First of all, the device must be reliable and stable, and only then - beautiful and functional. Do not forget that the figurine on the roof will somehow tell others about what kind of person you are - a dreamy, romantic nature or an independent, pragmatic person. Use the symbolism of the weather vane correctly, and it will bring good luck and prosperity to your home.


To know the direction of the wind, its speed and strength in such a science as metrology, a special device is used, shown in the photo, which is called a weather vane. It has the appearance of a flag, for the manufacture of which various materials are used, including metal. At the opposite end it has a counterweight. You can make weathercocks with your own hands.

Relatively recently, many homeowners installed these devices on buildings, especially in coastal cities, but today they are less in demand. True, in the Baltic republics that were previously part of the Soviet Union, as well as in the Scandinavian countries and a number of other European states, they can be seen on many roofs of residential buildings and structures for various purposes. There, among the population, making weather vanes with their own hands is popular.

In such cities as Tallinn, Riga, Amsterdam, the weather vane has become a visiting card. Outstanding local craftsmen have turned the manufacture of a weather vane into a real art. So unique in appearance and elegance of execution, these products have been decorating the Moscow Kremlin in the Russian capital, the building of the city hall in Riga, and in St. Petersburg the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral for more than one century.

It should be noted that do-it-yourself weathercocks have recently become not necessary metrological instruments, but a tribute to national traditions and beautiful toys that can decorate the roof and appearance of the building. From a practical point of view, they are not necessary, since modern instruments are now used, showing very accurate results.

To decorate the roof of a building and give it an individual style, you can order this product to a professional or make a weather vane with your own hands - drawings for it are available on the Internet and in special literature. For some craftsmen, a drawing and a sketch are enough.

Small products with moving parts are clearly visible on gazebos, garages, greenhouses, and besides, for example, a do-it-yourself weather vane with a propeller scares birds away from garden plots.

Manufacturing materials

The most common is a do-it-yourself steel or copper turntable weather vane, which is coated with paint for outdoor work. Forged products are less common. Weathercocks made from improvised materials are rare.

It can be a do-it-yourself weather vane from a bottle, worn-out discs, tin, moisture-resistant plywood and other things. Folk fantasy knows no limits and this allows you to make your home original. If wood is used, then the moving elements should not be rigidly connected. But a do-it-yourself weather vane made of paper can only be used as a toy.

The main elements of the weather vane

Before you make a weather vane with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with its design and prepare materials and tools.

The weather vane consists of the following main parts:

Making a weather vane

You can make a weather vane with your own hands from metal elements in the following sequence:

Many owners are trying to find a zest for the exterior of their home, but there are not many such devices. A weather vane is ideal for this. It simultaneously performs both practical and aesthetic functions.

Features of a weather vane with a propeller

This device can be of different shapes, most often the weather vane has the shape of a domestic and wild animal, an angel, a fairy-tale hero, an airplane.

The weather vane is not only a functional device, but also a decoration of the roof of the house.

The choice of material for the manufacture of a weather vane

The main criterion when choosing a material for a weather vane should be the ultimate goal of its manufacture. But, despite this, it is recommended to choose the material that will make the structure a decoration of your home for a long time. A weather vane is made from almost any material, but each of them requires different tools and equipment.

weather vane made of wood

A fairly light and easy-to-work building material that does not require specific tools and skills. For a weather vane, high quality raw materials are suitable. Before use, it is recommended to impregnate wood with mixtures to protect it from dampness and harmful insects. However, this product will not last long.

This material is durable, resistant to any mechanical stress. Most often, black or stainless steel is used for a weather vane. The second type is corrosion resistant, has a long service life, but still requires proper maintenance and timely repair. This can be a problem as the weather vane is installed in a location where it is difficult to repair.

Steel has high anti-corrosion properties, which is why it is the steel weather vane that can most often be seen on the roof.

It is a durable metal that can withstand even hurricanes. It is quite easy to work with him. Additionally, a layer of silver can be applied to the surface of the copper weather vane, for which the reagents used in the manufacture of photographs are ideal. This metal is resistant to corrosion, so that the product can be exposed to rain for a long time and will last a long time without repair.

Copper resists weather adversity perfectly, so it is best suited for making a weather vane.

Plastic structures

Plastic is a modern material, characterized by high strength and resistance to sunlight. Another advantage is its ease of processing. Plastic products can be sawn, glued, soldered, while the properties of the material do not change.

Plastic weather vane can be made in any color, it has high strength and resistance to sunlight


For the manufacture of a weather vane, only multilayer waterproof plywood is suitable, but you need to be prepared for the fact that such a product will not last long. Coloring the material will help to artificially increase the service life, but for a very short time.

For the manufacture of a weather vane, you can only use multi-layer waterproof plywood

Tools for making a weather vane

The list of tools for making this device is quite simple:

  • metal scissors;
  • hacksaw or saw;
  • sandpaper of different fractions;
  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • stationery tools, e.g. ruler, pencil, glue.

The main elements of the weather vane

Regardless of what shape your weather vane will be, certain elements must be present in it, the main of which are the axis and the flag with a counterweight.

Body and axis of the weather vane

The body serves as a support for the entire structure. For its manufacture, both steel and brass pipes with a diameter of 1 inch are suitable. In the case, an axis is located strictly vertically - a rod, usually made of steel reinforcement.

The main function of the carrier rod is to hold the windmill. The diameter of the reinforcement is about 9 mm, this is enough to withstand strong winds and any other mechanical load that will act on the weather vane.

The weather vane body is the support of the entire structure

Flag with a counterweight (wind vane)

The main part of the device, located on the vertical axis. The flag shows which way the wind is blowing. The counterweight serves to balance the flag and is located on the opposite side. The main difficulty in the manufacture of this element is that the flag and the counterweight must be evenly located on both sides of the axis, that is, they must have the same mass.

Of the entire structure, it is the weather vane that is of artistic value. An experienced craftsman is able to perform a detail of any shape, while not disturbing the balance between the flag and the counterweight.

In the manufacture of a wind vane, it is important to observe a uniform distribution of mass on both sides of the axis

protective cap

The protective cap has the shape of a circle or cone and is located on the axis of the weather vane, most often directly above the body. Its main function is to protect the housing and bearings from moisture and dirt.

Rose of Wind

An indicator of cardinal directions, consisting of two rods crossed at an angle of 90 °. As a rule, the rods are attached to the top of the cover in a stationary state. Letters are set at the ends of the pointer to indicate the cardinal points. To fix the element in the correct position, you need to use a compass.

To set the direction indicators in the correct direction, you must use a compass


They are located inside the body and provide free movement of the carrier rod under gusts of wind. The internal diameter of the parts is 9 mm.


The choice of fasteners depends on the material used and the method of fastening. These can be corners, linings, bolts, rivets.


It helps to determine the wind speed. The propeller can be made independently from plastic and wood, or you can use ready-made parts.

It is the plane with the propeller that looks the most organically, since this part is also present in the original design. Yes, and modeling this form is much easier than others.

The aircraft is ideal for making a weather vane with a propeller

Drawing of an airplane weather vane with a propeller

The weather vane is usually located on the roof, so high aesthetic requirements are set for it - by its appearance they will judge not only the taste of the owner of the house, but also prosperity. Therefore, it is very important to design the structure correctly, while showing maximum imagination and creativity. The drawing of the future model should be as detailed and accurate as possible.

The drawing of the future aircraft model should be as detailed as possible and with exact dimensions.

Step-by-step instructions for making an airplane weather vane

This device will become a hallmark of the house only if the element is correctly made and installed.

Metal weather vane

It is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Cut the pipe 120 mm long. Make small holes in it for fastening to the support with rivets or bolts. Pre-holes must be threaded.
  2. Insert bearings at each end into the pipe, securing by welding. Additionally, the bearings can be fixed by heating the pipe into which the bearing must be inserted. After the pipe has cooled, the bearings will sit quite firmly in it. Fill the pipe itself with grease.

    Bearings help the wind vane to easily rotate around its axis

  3. Close the top of the pipe with a cap, which can be a plastic plug. Now you need to seal this place with insulating tape. Between the cap and the body it is necessary to lay a layer of felt gland.
  4. Now you can start making the wind vane. On paper, you need to make a drawing, which later needs to be transferred to a steel sheet. Remember that the dimensions of the aircraft must be proportional to the parameters of the hull. It is recommended to make a product 400–600 mm long and 200–400 mm high.

    With special scissors for metal, steel sheet is very easy to cut

  5. After the aircraft figurine is ready, you need to attach it to the carrier rod using clamps or welding. The last step is the installation of the propeller. You need to install it on a weather vane or on a carrier rod. In the case of an airplane, it will look more harmonious on a weather vane. For fastening, it is recommended to use a bolt, which must be placed between two washers. To reduce the noise of the weather vane, it is recommended to fit it on a bearing.

Weather vane from plastic bottles

You can make an airplane weather vane from plastic bottles. For this you need:

  1. Collect empty containers, wash them thoroughly. For a weather vane in the form of an airplane, 4 bottles are enough. For two bottles, cut off the top half with the cork. As a result, you should get 2 cut off tops with a cork and 4 bottoms, the height of which is 5 cm.

    From the bottle you need to cut off the top and bottom

  2. On each bottom at an angle of 45 °, make cuts in the form of burrs, which will be fasteners.

    Cut the bottom of the bottle into strips

  3. Now you need to work with the tops of the bottles. It is necessary to unscrew the plug in which to make holes for the axis. This can be done with an awl or a hot rod. Screw this cap back on. Leave the top of the bottle without the cork.

    In traffic jams with an awl, you need to make holes for the axis

  4. Now you can start collecting the weather vane. The two upper parts are connected by cut surfaces to each other. This process is similar to collecting nesting dolls. It is necessary to attach the bottoms with slices, placing them around the body in one direction. Now, through the bottom holes of the bottle, you need to pass a bar or metal rod, on top of which you install the bottle cap. That's it, the weather vane is ready. Install it in a suitable location.

    The weather vane from a plastic bottle does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but it performs its functions effectively

Video: weather vane airplane made of plastic bottles

For a homemade weather vane, you can use plywood scraps. In addition to this material, you will need:

  • nails or screws;
  • flat beads - 3 pieces;
  • special glue for plywood;
  • a small wooden block;
  • protective paint.

All work on the manufacture of a weather vane from this material is carried out in the following order:

Video: weather vane made of wood with a do-it-yourself propeller

The propeller can be made from any material

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Prepare a wooden block with a side of 5 cm. Draw diagonals on each face of the cube, mark the place where they intersect. Drill a through hole in one of the planes.
  2. On a sheet of tin, mark segments equal to the width of the bar. Cut strips 15x5 cm in size. There should be 4 such strips. Process the edges of each strip with a grinder.
  3. Each strip is conditionally divided into 5 parts. Bend one of them with pliers at a right angle. As a result, you should get four L-shaped blades. Place each blank diagonally on one side of a wooden cube with a hole.
  4. The protruding parts of the tin must be cut off in such a way that the part that will be fixed is acute-angled.
  5. Now the blades must be fixed with screws in two places.
  6. Sharpen another wooden beam from one end under a cone, from this side fasten a cube with blades with a nail. This propeller can be installed on a weather vane made in advance.

Video: do-it-yourself tin propeller

Remember that when installing a weather vane on the roof, you need to ensure that the waterproofing of the latter is not broken, otherwise leaks cannot be avoided. It is also not recommended to install a weather vane on a ridge or chimney pipe. Incorrect installation can also lead to the fact that the device will make a lot of noise, scaring away birds and annoying others.

The history of the weather vane goes back hundreds of years. The convenience of an unpretentious device, which made it possible to quickly determine the direction of the wind, was first appreciated by the sailors. Therefore, the tradition of installing weather vanes on roofs first came to us from Holland, the Netherlands and other European countries with access to the sea. Over time, a simple mechanical windsock has evolved into a stylish decorative element that can add personality to the most ordinary roof. An original and at the same time simple weather vane can be easily made with your own hands from tin, plywood or plastic. If, however, this process is approached with fiction and fantasy, then the rotating figurine will be able to tell others about the character, tastes and preferences of the owner of the house.

Windsock on the roof: device and principle of operation

Although today the weather vane is most often used as an element of the decor of country houses, it is too early to write it off from the pages of history. Even in this digital age, mechanical windsocks are still in service at small weather stations, ports and airfields. Depending on the purpose, several types of weather vanes can be distinguished:

  • meteorological windsocks, which are made of forged metal and are characterized by high mobility, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the accuracy of the readings;

    A modern weather vane is not a simple mechanical device, but a complex electronic device.

  • devices combined with a device for determining wind speed, which, after the name of the creator, are called Vilde weathercocks;

    The turning plate of the Vilde weather vane shows how strong the wind is blowing

  • chimney - with a body, which additionally plays the role of a chimney cap;

    In addition to its main purpose, a weather vane installed on the chimney will protect the chimney from precipitation and debris.

  • decorative - they serve mainly for decoration, so their flag and pointer are made in the form of figures of birds, animals, fairy-tale characters, etc.

    Used as a decoration, a decorative weather vane will indicate the direction of the wind just as good as a real meteorological instrument.

No matter how simple the design of the weather vane may seem, a reliable and durable windsock can only be obtained if it contains the following parts and assemblies:

  1. The vertical axis on which the flag and counterweight are mounted. The axle can rotate 360° freely thanks to the sliding or rolling unit.
  2. Housing that is attached to the chimney or mounted on the roof. Being the basis of the structure, the body acts as a holder for the movable axis.
  3. Bearing. This assembly is fixed in the body and provides ease of rotation of the axis of the windsock. The design can use one or more ball bearings, as well as sliding units consisting of low friction bushings.
  4. Protective cap. It is mounted on a vertical axis and prevents the penetration of precipitation into the windsock housing.
  5. Reference angles or rhumbs. They are two bars crossed at an angle of 90 ° with printed letters indicating the cardinal points (North-South and East-West pairs). The points are rigidly fixed to the body and during the installation of the weather vane they are oriented according to the compass.
  6. Arrow (pointer) - is attached to the axis at an angle of 90 ° and serves as an indicator of the direction of the wind.
  7. The flag is a blade mounted on one side of the boom. In a large surface area of ​​this element, in fact, lies the entire decorative potential of the weather vane.
  8. Counterweight. Mounted on the other end of the pointer and serves as a balancing device that balances the boom.

The turning part, which consists of an arrow and a flag, is also called a weather vane.

The design of the weather vane is so simple that it can be easily recreated at home.

Already one glance at the weather vane circuit is enough to understand how it works. Due to the high windage of the flag, the indicator turns even from a slight movement of air masses. The rotation of the blade will occur until it is installed parallel to the wind - in this position, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdrag will be minimal. In this case, the arrow will be directed in the direction from which the wind is blowing, and the flag will accurately indicate the place where the air masses are moving.

Video: roof weather vane - design ideas

What can a weather vane be made of

If you decide to approach the manufacture of a weather vane thoroughly, then there is no better material for a flag than a sheet of copper. A figurine made from this material will not only look good against the background of tin products, but can also become a reminder of your skills for future generations. And all thanks to the fact that copper perfectly resists corrosion. Copper roofs and domes of ancient cathedrals have not lost their functionality for several centuries and also successfully resist precipitation. The advantage of copper as a material for a flag is that this ductile metal is easily processed, so the figurine can be made more voluminous, and its surfaces can be decorated with embossing.

Due to the plasticity of copper, the figure of a weather vane can easily be made voluminous

If you can’t get a copper sheet, then you can use aluminum or stainless steel - they certainly won’t let you down in terms of durability. The situation is a little worse with sheet structural steel, however, if a ferrous metal flag is painted in accordance with all the rules, then it will also be able to survive more than one owner.

If you need "quickly and inexpensively", then you can use materials such as plywood or plastic. And although a weather vane made of these materials will not be as solid as a metal one, it will also be able to please your family and give invaluable experience in making a functional windsock.

A weather vane made of wood is less durable, but it is not inferior to metal in beauty and functionality.

It is wood and thermoplastics that are often chosen by novice home craftsmen, preferring quick processing with sandpaper and a jigsaw to more time-consuming work with power tools and an emery wheel.

For the manufacture of other parts of the weather vane - arrows, hulls and axles, pipes and metal bars of various diameters are suitable. As a rotation unit, you can take suitable bushings, balls, thrust or radial bearings from automotive or agricultural machinery.

We make a weather vane with our own hands

Having decided to decorate your house with a windsock, first of all, you should decide what kind of weather vane and rhumbs will be, think over the design of the turning part and the method of attaching the decorative device to the roof. Then they prepare all the necessary materials and tools, and only after that they proceed directly to work.

Whom to settle on the roof: symbol meanings

Being both an original decorative element and a real meteorological instrument, the weather vane can become a talisman and protector from dark forces for your home. It is able to create an aura of romance and magic, reminiscent of the times when the inhabitants of medieval cities looked closely at the figurines revolving on the pointed towers of castles and the spiers of city halls.

When choosing a weathervane flag, one should not make hasty conclusions. This simple action gives you a unique opportunity to declare to others about your passions, to show the strength of your character and the romantic nature of nature.

When making a weather vane, you can choose a flag of any type - either a simple silhouette or sign, or a complex composition of several figures - it all depends on your skills when working with metal

Belief says that meeting a chimney sweep on the street is good luck. By installing such a figurine at home, you give every passerby a chance to try their luck and attract prosperity and well-being.

A figurine of a man in a cylinder on the roof will attract happiness and money to the house.

Ethnic plots can be a series of figurines in different parts of the roof. Such weather vanes look great on wooden houses and characterize the owner as a person who is not indifferent to the history of his native land.

A series of weather vanes based on folk motifs is suitable for buildings made in the traditional Russian style

The cat has long been considered the worst enemy of evil spirits, so its silhouette will serve as an excellent amulet against dark forces. And also a fluffy creature will create a mood of kindness and tranquility.

The cat and the rooster are perhaps the most common characters that can be seen on weathervanes.

When installing an eagle figurine on the roof, do not forget that this bird is the master in heaven. Such a symbol is the best fit for a person with an imperious character and high social status.

An eagle-shaped weather vane would be appropriate on the roof of tall buildings

The silhouette of a horse on the roof testifies to the desire of the owner to explore the world and love to travel. Perhaps the figure of a running horse will be the starting point that will move you to new achievements.

A horse flying at a gait, or a calm, peaceful animal - you can put any idea into its silhouette

The griffin is a mythical animal with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle, which is a symbol of dominance in heaven and on earth. Describing strength, retribution and vigilance, the griffin above the house will show others your independence and ability to fight for your interests.

The figurine of the griffin will show that you will defend your ideas to the last

A weather vane in the form of a sailboat will tell about the owner's aspirations to explore the world around him, his love of travel and the search for new horizons in his career. Such a windsock will look harmoniously on a large cottage with a pitched roof, several entrances and a grand staircase.

A weather vane in the form of a sailboat is quite difficult to manufacture, so it can be recommended for experienced home craftsmen

An owl, as a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, will tell others about the remarkable mental abilities of the owner of a country house. When deciding to install a weather vane with a turning owl, consider whether you can match this symbol in terms of self-improvement.

An owl-shaped flag is a great way to declare the owner's intelligence

If you are a religious person, then you can rightfully decorate the roof with some scene from the Bible or the Koran. At the house of an inveterate atheist, a weather vane based on the lives of saints and prophets will look ridiculous. If it is this theme that attracts you, then choose some neutral scene or a heroic plot - for example, the figure of an angel or St. George slaying a snake.

If faith is close to you, install a weather vane in the form of a singing angel on the roof

A great find is a weather vane in the form of a flying Baba Yaga, since her broom is an excellent blade. It should be noted that fairy tales are an excellent basis for developing a weather vane of your own design, and the windsock itself will magically arouse delight in the views of passers-by of any age.

Baba Yaga is not only a favorite character in Russian fairy tales, but also one of the most popular figures on decorative weather vanes.

Windsock drawings

One of the advantages of the windsock is a simple and uncomplicated design. When developing your own device, you should take care of the stability of the device and good mobility of its rotating part. To do this, you need to think through all the ways to reduce friction between the parts of the weather vane and decide how and to what it will be attached. You can make a one-on-one weather vane or use individual ideas - it all depends on the availability of a particular material, capabilities and personal preferences. In any case, even the simplest weather vane will function and delight others in the same way as a custom-made windsock.

Photo gallery: drawings and diagrams of weather vanes

The dimensions of the weather vane must correspond to the drawing Even a novice master will cope with the model of a simple windsock Dimensional grid for figures can be increased or decreased The weather vane in the form of Carlson is equipped with a working propeller The figurine can be made fully movable

What will be needed in the process of work

The weather vane design presented above is easy to repeat at home. Everything you need for this can be found in the nooks and crannies of any garage or locksmith shop. The complete list of required materials is as follows:

  • copper, aluminum or sheet steel with a thickness of 1.2 to 2 mm;
  • steel pipes Ø1/2˝, Ø3/4˝, Ø1˝;
  • copper pipe Ø18 mm;
  • steel pipe Ø2˝ 50 mm long;
  • profile steel pipe with a section of 15x15 mm;
  • steel ball Ø80 mm;
  • steel bar Ø12 mm;
  • ball Ø15 mm from a rolling bearing;
  • steel plate with a thickness of 12 to 15 mm, size 60x60 mm.

Since you have to work with steel, you will need not only the simplest plumbing tools, but also electrical equipment. Before starting work, prepare:

  • electric jigsaw and metal saws;
  • "Bulgarian" with a cutting and grinding disc;
  • electric drill and a set of drills for working with steel;
  • welding machine and electrodes Ø3 mm;
  • chisel;
  • files;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

To reduce friction in the nodes of the weather vane, they will need to be lubricated. You can take any automotive grease or even grease. In addition, be sure to take care of protecting windsock parts from corrosion. For high-quality painting of the flag, arrow and other parts of the device, you will need a rust converter, solvent, primer and enamel.

The weather vane needs corrosion protection

Step-by-step instruction

The manufacture of a weather vane consists of many stages, so the work is best done in a certain sequence. The algorithm presented below will not let you lose sight of the slightest detail and will allow the novice locksmith to avoid rework and improvements.

  1. Making a flag begins with transferring the outline of the selected figure to a sheet of metal. To avoid displacement of the template, it is attached to the workbench together with the metal blank. To do this, you can use carpentry clamps.
  2. Cut out the pattern along the outline. It is best to use an electric jigsaw with a metal file for this purpose. If there is no such tool at hand, then on straight sections you can use an angle grinder, and in places with bends and roundings, perform a series of drillings and cut through the contour with a chisel.

    An electric jigsaw is best suited for cutting a weather vane figure.

  3. Perform processing of the edges of the workpiece. If the flag was cut with an electric jigsaw, then a “grinder” with a peeling wheel will be enough for this work. Otherwise, you will need an emery machine with a coarse-grained wheel. Sharp corners and hard-to-reach places are processed with files of various shapes.

    For processing edges in hard-to-reach places, it is convenient to use several files of various shapes and sizes

  4. Having fixed the workpiece on a workbench or clamped it in a vise, drills are performed, which in the future will play the role of the nose and eyes, and will also be used to fix the mustache. Holes for the eyes with a file give a characteristic elongated shape.

    Holes for the eyes are made by drilling, followed by finishing with a file

  5. Make mustache blanks. To do this, L-shaped fragments 90–100 mm long with a part of 10–20 mm bent with pliers are cut with pliers from a steel wire Ø3 mm.

    For the manufacture of blanks of the cat's whiskers, steel wire is used.

  6. Make a cat's nose. To do this, you can cut a ball bearing of a suitable diameter or make a hemisphere from a bar Ø20–25 mm. In the latter case, notches can be made with a chisel, resembling the characteristic depressions on a cat's nose.

    The nose of a cat can be made from a bar or a steel ball.

  7. Using a welding machine, the nose is mounted in place. After that, the mustache blanks are fixed by welding, having previously inserted them into the prepared holes.

    For mounting and nose use a welding machine

  8. Clean the welds until the surface is perfectly flat.
  9. In a similar way, they are transferred to the metal and the outline of the pointer is cut out.

    Drawing is applied to a metal plate

  10. Prepare two segments of a round or square bar with a cross section of at least 15 mm in diameter. An arrowhead is welded to one of them, and plumage to the other. Clean up the seams.

    The weather vane boom consists of two parts, which are connected by welding

  11. Make a pivot point. To do this, Ø12 mm is drilled in a 60x60 mm steel plate with a thickness of 12 mm. The same hole is made in a steel ball.

    The figurine will be attached to a hollow metal ball in which a hole is drilled.

  12. On one side of the plate, a 50 mm piece of pipe Ø60 mm is welded, and on the other, a piece of metal profile 20x20 mm 150–200 mm long.
  13. Small cuts are made on the surface of the steel ball. They will be needed for a tighter fit of the ends of the boom base and the swivel assembly. After that, an axis from a bar Ø12 mm is threaded through the swivel unit and the steel ball.
  14. Both parts of the indicator base are welded to the sphere.

    When assembling the weather vane, be sure to lubricate the moving parts

In the presented design of the weather vane, you can do without a copper tube. To do this, use a ball bearing with an inner diameter of 12 mm, which is mounted at the upper edge of the housing - a pipe section of a suitable size can be used as a holder for the rolling unit. The bearing support is fixed by welding after the assembly of the structure, observing the principle of alignment.

On this, the construction of a homemade windsock can be considered completed. A steel ball and a copper tube will eliminate friction between the axle and the hull, so that a hand-made weather vane will easily rotate from the slightest breath of wind. All that remains is to correctly install the weather vane on the roof and securely attach it to the chimney or roof.

Video: do-it-yourself metal weather vane

How to fix the weather vane on the roof

Collecting a weather vane is only half the battle. In order for the device to function reliably and be clearly visible from any place around the house, it must be installed correctly.

  • it is necessary to fix the device in such a way that its weather vane is at the highest point of the roof, at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the roof;
  • for the correct orientation of pointers (rooms) on the ground, use a compass;
  • vertical alignment of the body is performed using a plumb line or building level;
  • fastening of the windsock is carried out with the help of strong metal brackets, anchor and dowel connections;
  • before installation, the rotation unit must be lubricated;
  • in order for the structure to perform the function of a lightning rod, the case is connected to the ground loop using steel wire.

You can fix the weather vane on the roof in several ways:

  1. To the chimney. This option is the most successful, since the chimney is most often made of brick. To ensure the stability of the structure under strong wind loads, strong metal brackets with holes are welded in the upper and lower parts of the vertical base of the device. For fastening, metal anchors with a diameter of 10 mm or more are used. If the house is equipped with an exhaust pipe or a metal chimney, then the weather vane can be attached with crimp C-shaped clamps made of a metal bar with a diameter of at least 8 mm.

    A weather vane mounted on a chimney not only indicates the direction of the wind, but also additionally protects the chimney and enhances draft

  2. To the pediment. If the side surfaces of the gable roof are covered with bricks, then the windsock housing is attached to the upper part of the gable in the same way as in the case of a chimney. If boards are used for sheathing the ends of the roof, then through holes are made in them, and pads or washers with an area of ​​​​at least 25 square meters are used for fastening. cm.

    To fix the weather vane, the gable board must be impregnated and have a thickness of more than 50 mm

  3. To the horse. The ridge is most often made of wood, so this option should only be considered if it is impossible to fix the weather vane in another way. To securely fix the structure on the roof, the body should be equipped with supporting paws, which will ensure its stability.

    The weather vane fasteners must be reliable, as the design is quite heavy

  4. To the elements of the truss system. This method of mounting will provide excellent stiffness and stability to the windsock, but will require a hole to be made in the roofing material. You can secure the device using suitable brackets or clamps. If the design of the weather vane allows you to make through drilling in its vertical stand, then you can fix the device with nails or powerful self-tapping screws. The disadvantage of this method is the violation of the integrity of the roof and, as a result, the need for additional waterproofing.

When choosing a place to install a wind vane, one should be guided not only by the criteria of aesthetics, functionality and reliability, but also take care of the safety of installation work and the possibility of servicing the windsock in the future.

When deciding to decorate a house with a weather vane, approach this process with all responsibility. First of all, the device must be reliable and stable, and only then - beautiful and functional. Do not forget that the figurine on the roof will somehow tell others about what kind of person you are - a dreamy, romantic nature or an independent, pragmatic person. Use the symbolism of the weather vane correctly, and it will bring good luck and prosperity to your home.