Preparation of steel doors in the workshop. How to open a workshop for the production of interior doors. Door production in Russia

Production steel doors: relevance and feasibility of business + methods of organizing production + registration entrepreneurial activity+ manufacturing technology + list of equipment and raw materials + analysis of premises requirements + personnel selection + marketing plan + capital investments and payback.

Doors, including steel ones, are a product that is unlikely to ever become unclaimed. If any finishing materials or other building materials are in demand with varying success, then doors represent just that component of housing that will always be needed.

That is why the production of steel doors is a promising business idea that can be easily implemented in Russia, although competition in this area is relatively high.

Almost anyone can organize such a business, because making doors is not very difficult from a technological point of view.

In this article we will tell you how steel doors are made, how in demand they are on the Russian market, and how to organize a profitable business yourself.

Will the business of manufacturing Russian-made steel doors be relevant today?

As we have already noted, it is difficult to find a more in-demand item in every home than doors. After all, they protect our monastery both from bad weather and from unscrupulous citizens.

This is especially true for the front door, which must be made of durable material to allow its owners to sleep soundly and peacefully, without worrying that something might happen to the house.

Today, steel doors are very popular and, despite the fact that there are many of them on the Russian market, such production can become a profitable and competitive business.

Several factors contribute to this:

  • Firstly, high demand is the main condition that influences the fact that the door market will never be completely filled.
  • Secondly, the production of steel doors is a simple task that requires an average amount of investment, which allows them to be produced at reasonable prices. Namely, the affordable price of Russian-made doors makes them so competitive among foreign manufacturers.

Of course, there are quite a lot of competitors in this area, because there are large enterprises that produce steel doors, and small, “garage” workshops where doors are produced in small quantities.

But, in any case, you can take a place in this niche. Some “zest” of your enterprise will help you find your consumer and your segment.

It could be:

  • An unusual design solution for a steel door is now in trend for a variety of new items and unique interiors.
  • Reasonable price - there are a lot of luxury products on the market, but people need more budget options.
  • Non-standard shapes and sizes - not only rectangular, but also arched doors are in great demand.

Non-standard forms of steel structures

The main consumers of your business can be several categories of citizens:

  • Private developers.
  • Tenants in large office centers.
  • Construction hypermarkets.
  • Owners of apartments in new buildings.

It is also noteworthy that steel doors are in demand throughout Russia, and not in any particular region. Therefore, a business can flourish no matter where its founder lives.

The main condition that must be met when working in this area is the high quality of the products produced, which will show the consumer that Russian-made steel doors at an affordable price are a good alternative to foreign brands.

In what ways can you organize the production of steel doors in Russia?

Steel doors, as a rule, have the same purpose - they are used as an entrance door, to which very high demands are placed.

But, despite their identical purpose, production technology may be different. And the way you will produce steel doors directly depends on the volume in which you want to produce them, and what starting capital you are counting on.

Depending on all the above factors, there are three ways to organize the production of steel doors.

No. 1. Having opened a large enterprise.

Large, large-scale door production enterprises involve the production of 200-500 units per day using a fully automated production line.

Such lines operate almost completely replacing manual labor. All processes are automated, which increases productivity and reduces the number of defective products.

But such equipment is very cumbersome. To install it, you will need up to 2 thousand square meters. m. area. In addition, it is very expensive - it will require 5-7 million rubles. investments.

It is advisable to open such an enterprise only if you have such significant start-up capital and at least a little experience in this field.

Sample of automatic production line

No. 2. By organizing a small production.

Small and medium-sized enterprises are much easier to organize. To set up, you will need a smaller area and cheaper equipment that will combine automated processes with manual labor.

On the one hand, this allows you to save on the purchase of equipment, and on the other hand, it additional costs to pay wages.

In small enterprises, from 10 to 50 steel doors can be produced per day.

No. 3. By implementing a home business.

“Garage” enterprises, despite the presence of large manufacturers on the market, are also in demand.

All processes in small enterprises are performed manually using hand tools. This type of production allows you to produce up to 3 doors per day, which can bring a good profit.

To open a mini-factory for the production of doors, you will need more people, since there will be no automated processes.

Decide which production method you choose based on your financial capabilities and skills, but pay attention to the last two options.

Large enterprises must have very good marketing strategy and, in addition to doors, they need to produce a lot of related products in order to break even.

Therefore, we will analyze small and medium-sized businesses, which are easier to organize and can be done without even having experience in entrepreneurial activity.

How to organize the production of steel doors from a legal point of view?

Making steel doors is not a very science-intensive process. But due to the fact that they must meet certain requirements from a construction point of view, before starting a business you will need to familiarize yourself with a certain list of literature and obtain a construction license (SNiP 11-23-81).

Be sure to pay attention to the following GOSTs:

In addition to obtaining a license, you will also receive legal registration of business activities.

For the production of steel doors, you can register as an individual entrepreneur, but it would be better to choose. It will allow you to collaborate with major construction networks and hypermarkets, and position itself as a qualified enterprise.

Registering as an LLC is quite simple: you need to come to the Federal Tax Service at the location of the business, submit the relevant documents and indicate the OKVED codes of your future activity.

The following codes must be selected:

As for the package of documents required for registration, it consists of 5 mandatory papers:

  • Russian citizen passport.
  • LLC Charter.
  • The founder’s decision to create an LLC or minutes of the founders’ meeting.
  • Application on form P11001.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

As a taxation system, it would be advisable to use the General Taxation System - OSN.

Steel door manufacturing technology: step-by-step guide

can be done in two main ways – pipe-coal and profile bending. The most popular is the latter, in which bent rolled profiles are used for manufacturing.

The technology for the production of steel entrance doors using roll forming equipment consists of 7 main stages:

    Metal preparation.

    The technological process must begin by identifying defects metal coating and its checks regarding the quality of the material.

    Cutting blanks.

    After the metal sheet is prepared, markings are applied to it, which in the future helps to cut product blanks from it.

    Manufacturing and processing of workpieces.

    The cut blanks are sent to bending machines, where they are formed into a profile for door frame. All blanks in mandatory are filed, that is, all irregularities are removed to give them a neat appearance.

    Also at this stage, using special equipment, holes are formed for the future steel door, where the lock and fittings will be placed.

    Welding the door panel.

    When all the door parts have already passed necessary processing, the assembly and welding stage begins.

    With the help welding machines(or welding robots in automated lines) all elements are welded to the frame, after which both sides of the door are fastened together. Between them is placed a material that acts as a sound insulator and seal.

    Door painting.

    Previously assembled doors need to be painted after going through all stages of production. In this case, paint performs not only an aesthetic function, but also a protective one, protecting the metal from environmental influences.

    Steel door trim.

    To give the door a more attractive appearance and increase its durability, it is customary to sheathe it various materials, which can be wood, veneer, leather, dermantin, MDF, forged elements.

    Installation of accessories and quality control of the finished product.

    To avoid loud noise when opening and closing a finished door, shock-absorbing material is glued to its edges, and locks and fittings are also embedded.

    After all stages, each door undergoes mandatory quality control, which helps to avoid defective products reaching the end consumer.

As a result of passing through all stages of production, we obtain finished steel doors, which in section have the following form:

Equipment for the production of steel doors: devices for a small workshop and a small enterprise

Whatever enterprise you start to organize, you will still need equipment to manufacture products.

If this is a semi-automatic line of devices, then its cost will be in the range of 1.5 - 2 million rubles. If you are planning a very small business, then hand tool will cost an order of magnitude cheaper - up to 500 thousand rubles.

So, for each of the methods you will need the following equipment for the production of steel doors:

NameCost (RUB)Sample
Semi-automatic production line (for a small enterprise)
Metal cutting machine (plasma or laser)120 000
Press brake1 500 000
Welding machines (devices)100 000
Spray gun20 000
Compressor2 500
Hand tools (for home business)
Bulgarian10 000
Mechanical guillotine for metal cutting140 000
Milling machine100 000
Lathe90 000
Hand tools5 000

To save some money on purchasing equipment, it is rational to buy used devices. But at the same time, there is no need to try to save money by buying low-quality, too worn-out equipment for the production of steel doors, because the quality of the product largely depends on the devices themselves.

To accommodate semi-automatic equipment used for small enterprises, 250-350 square meters will be enough. m. area. For manual and mechanical equipment, you can find a workshop area starting from 100 square meters. m.

It is important that both premises are renovated and prepared for such production. The walls and floor must be fire-resistant, which will protect the enterprise from fire when working with welding machines.

Since it is planned to make frames, and paint, and sheath doors, the premises for production need to be zoned so that some technological processes do not interfere with others.

Select at least 7 separate rooms in your enterprise:

  • For raw materials warehouse.
  • For warehouse finished products.
  • For sheet processing and rolling workshop.
  • For the assembly and welding shop.
  • For the dyeing shop.
  • For the finishing shop.
  • For the control room.

What raw materials need to be purchased for the production of steel doors?

Raw materials are an important element in organizing the production of steel building structures, the quality of which will determine the quality of the finished product.

The purchase of raw materials for this enterprise will consist of two parts:

  • the first is the purchase of material for door frames,
  • the second is the acquisition of fittings for equipping a steel structure.

Of course, both raw materials must be of very high quality. But the requirements for fittings are very high, since high-quality locks are already 50% of the success of a steel door.

As raw materials for the production of structures you will need the following materials:

  • Sheet steel - thickness 2 mm (some manufacturers believe that the thicker the steel, the better the door will be, but this statement is erroneous, since every additional 2 mm adds weight to the structure, and this leads to its rapid wear).
  • Mineral wool.
  • Electrodes.
  • Solvent.
  • Primer.
  • Dye.

You will also need materials for sheathing. Which ones exactly depends on your choice.

As for accessories, you will definitely need to purchase the following items:

  • Castles
  • Handles.
  • Loops.
  • Retainers.
  • Valves.
  • Latches.
  • Eyes.

How many employees does it cost to hire to start working at the enterprise?

The number of employees required to work at the enterprise will depend on what kind of business you are planning - small or medium.

If you want to start with a small amount of work, and plan to use mechanical machines and hand tools, then for the work you will need:

  • Technologist performing the duties of a production manager.
  • 2 machine operators monitoring the operation of the milling and lathe.
  • 2 workers carrying out different processes.
  • 2 welders who will be directly involved in welding doors.
  • 1 installer who will install the door.

Functions general director, the accountant and manager in small enterprises can be performed by the owner himself.

If you are planning a larger business, that is, medium-sized, it would be better to hire the following specialists:

  • Accountant.
  • Technologist.
  • 2 welders.
  • 3 workers.
  • Installer
  • Marketer.

If desired, here too accounting statements The owner can take charge, but in larger enterprises it will be better if a specialist does this.

By the way, although the production of steel doors is not a complicated process, it would be a good idea to hire people who have the appropriate education or experience in this field.

Since the equipment is not fully automated, skilled personnel will help reduce waste and increase productivity.

Marketing production plan: to whom and how to sell steel doors?

In order for a business to start making a profit as soon as possible, you need to take care of establishing distribution channels and advertising.

We figured out who your consumers will be at the beginning. These can be private individuals, tenants, and construction stores.

So that as much as possible knows about you potential buyers, use the following:

  • Develop your own website to serve as your showroom and online store. To make your website colorful and functional, it is better to entrust its creation to experienced programmers and web designers.
  • Order printed materials (business cards, booklets). Leave them in large retail networks, distribute to passers-by.
  • Let's advertise in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio.
  • Cooperate with large construction hypermarkets, selling your products from them.
  • Use email newsletters to potential consumers.

In order to stand out among other manufacturers, do not forget to think through the advantages of your company and tell all customers about them.

Quality and reliability should be your calling card; this is the only way you can gain clients and reputation.

Production of metal entrance doors.

What technology is used? Manufacturing stages.

How much will you have to spend on organizing the production of steel doors?

Since we analyzed both small and medium-sized businesses, we will calculate the amount in this area for both options.
ExpensesAmount (rub.)
Total:1,100,000 rubles2,600,000 rubles
Small business Medium enterprise
1. LLC registration 18 000
2. Registration of a license 35 000
3. Renting premises15 000 37 500
4. Purchase of equipment345 000 1 700 000
5. Purchase of raw materials350 000 500 000
6. Payment of wages165 000 190 000
7. Advertising 75 000
8. Other expenses (utilities, taxes) 100 000

Now let's move on to calculating the payback.

The approximate productivity of a small enterprise is 60 doors per month. Their market value fluctuates within 13 thousand rubles, the cost price is 7 thousand rubles.

It turns out that by selling 60 doors a month, you will receive an income of 780 thousand rubles. The net profit will be about 360 thousand rubles. It is easy to calculate that with such forecasts the enterprise will be able to pay for itself already after 3-5 months.

An average enterprise is capable of producing 200 steel doors per month. Considering the same market value and cost, we find that monthly income will be 2.6 million rubles. You will receive about 1 million rubles net of them.

If we take into account the additional costs in the first month of operation and some time required to search for distribution channels, we can calculate that an average enterprise will pay for itself within the first six months of operation on the market.

Thus, we can conclude that the production of steel doors in Russia is a profitable, uncomplicated and quickly payback type of business.

To launch it, you need to carefully think through the concept of the enterprise and try to find several sales channels at once. Such actions will help to return the invested money in a short time, thereby positively influencing the development of production.

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Just as the theater begins at the coat rack, the introduction to a home begins at the front door. And although its main function is protection, the aesthetic qualities of the product play an important role. The most reliable, obviously, are metal door structures, protecting both from intruders and from negative influences external environment. Modern models entrance doors delight owners and guests not only with high quality, but also with a spectacular appearance that perfectly complements any interior. But how are they made?

Door production is a complex process. The reliability and durability of the final product depend on the manufacturing technologies used. To really choose quality door, you should know about the production features of these products.

Stages of metal door production: modern technologies and approaches

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the production techniques used. After all, they determine not only the speed of door production, but also its design features, accuracy of fitting of parts to each other and overall quality. There are three known approaches to making doors. This:

  • Handicraft method. It is based on manual labor with minimal use of equipment. The disadvantages of this approach are the length of time it takes to manufacture the product, high labor costs, high requirements for the qualifications of craftsmen, the lack of high-tech equipment, and as a result - the possible discrepancy of structural elements with the required dimensions and many other technological flaws. The main advantage of the method is the ability to manufacture products according to complex individual orders.
  • Industrial method. In this case, the production of products is almost completely automated. It is performed on special lines, where almost all work is carried out using robotics. This approach allows us to minimize the time spent on the production of goods, and also ensures maximum accuracy in the execution of all work.
  • Combined method. The combination of manual and industrial labor involves the use of semi-automatic lines and the performance of some work manual method. This method is more different high efficiency and accuracy than the artisanal method, but is significantly inferior to automatic production in terms of speed and quality of production of goods.

But no matter what method is used, the production process includes a number of mandatory steps:

Frame assembly

The production of metal doors begins with the assembly of the frame. To do this, marking and cutting of material is carried out using mechanical equipment, as well as oxygen, laser or plasma methods.


Hot-rolled or cold-rolled steel is used in production. The first differs from the second in low cost and simpler manufacturing technology. Thus, during hot rolling, the sheet is given the required shape after heating to 1400 degrees Fahrenheit, while cold rolling is carried out at room temperature after preliminary hot casting. In addition, cold rolled sheets are characterized by higher ductility, angular accuracy and corrosion resistance.

There is a widespread belief among users that the thicker the steel sheet, the better. But in reality, each additional millimeter of steel adds about 8 kg to the weight of the product. In addition, heavy doors are difficult to open and close. Also, heavy products show rapid wear of the hinges. Therefore, the optimal steel thickness for a door leading to outbuildings is 0.8–1.0 mm, to a secure office - 1.0–1.2 mm, to an apartment - 1.2–1.5 mm, in country house- from 2.0 mm.

The stability and strength of the structure is ensured by stiffening ribs, which are installed between the steel sheets and do not allow the sheets to bend or separate from the structure during a break-in attempt. They are made from pipe square section, channel or corner and have a horizontal, vertical or diagonal arrangement. One door of standard sizes must have at least one horizontal and two vertical ribs. The more ribs installed in the product, the stronger the structure.

Welding technologies

  • Traditional, involving the use of corners or profile pipe. This method requires significant labor costs, but allows the production of large-area products and non-standard designs. At the same time, the finished products are quite heavy.
  • Bending and welding. This technology is based on complete automation of the manufacturing process, which reduces labor costs. The technique makes it possible to minimize deviations in the dimensions of metal profiles and significantly reduce the weight of finished products.

When the base of the door structure is ready, additional elements are installed on it - locking mechanisms, fittings, insulation, etc.

Installation of locks

Maximum protection against burglary is provided by the use of a combination of two different locking mechanisms. Usually these are cylinder locks, for which it is extremely difficult to find a key, and lever (or “safe”) locks, which are massive and highly resistant to mechanical impact. The simultaneous use of these two types of locks provides effective protection against intruders.

Installation of additional security elements and fittings

At the next stage of manufacturing, the following elements are installed:

  • Loops: hidden (more reliable) or mounted. For a structure weighing no more than 70 kg, two loops will be sufficient. For armored structures you will need 3-4 of them.
  • Armored pads for locks: internal and external manganese plates 1.5–4.5 mm thick, which are installed on lever and cylinder types of locks and protect them from drilling. Armor plates are overhead, semi-mortise, mortise, magnetic and classic.
  • Anti-burglary pins: small devices located on door leaves and inserted into openings in the frame when the doors are closed. Used as additional protection for structures with hinged hinges.
  • Eyes: there are standard optical, bulletproof (made of steel and special glass), panoramic, electronic. Video eyes and others are also popular.
  • Individual access systems: devices that restrict access to premises. To authenticate visitors, special identifiers are used, which are compared with data in the system memory.
  • Signaling: autonomous, remote control.

Filling the internal space

Protection from the negative influence of the external environment (primarily from low temperatures) provide not only external elements, but also filler, which is placed between the metal sheets that form the door leaf. Heat and soundproofing materials. The safest and most common of them (and also having fire-fighting properties) are mineral wool and polyurethane foam. Foam plastic (in cheap models), non-flammable basalt slab and various glass wool (very heavy materials), cellulose (practically not used today) and polypropylene are also used.

Exterior cladding or painting

After assembly, the door blank is cleaned, sanded and degreased, and then painted using the powder method, jet coating, spraying (pneumatic or electrostatic field). Powder (hammer) or graphite paints are used. The door can also be covered with finishing panels made using leather, leatherette, natural wood, chipboard, MDF, thermal film, veneer, etc.

Installation of seals

To ensure that the door is tightly closed, seals made of rubber, foam rubber, polyethylene foam, plastic or silicone are installed at the points of contact with the frame. The most popular option is a magnetic rubber seal, which is installed in one or two rows. The sections of rubber seals resemble the letters of the Latin alphabet: C, K - profiles for cracks less than 3 mm thick, P, V - 3–5 mm, O, D - up to 7 mm.

Features of the production of metal entrance doors in different countries

The production of metal entrance doors, widely represented on the domestic market, has the following geography: China, Belarus and Russia. All of these are inexpensive and, accordingly, the most popular products aimed at mass demand.


Currently, many suppliers offer their customers Chinese products at prices up to 10,000 rubles. The low cost attracts buyers, but at the same time, owners can expect a number of unpleasant surprises. Thus, cheap products from the Middle Kingdom are made from steel, the thickness of which is less than 1 mm (and most often 0.5–0.8 mm). If you lightly press the blade with your hand, the steel will bend a little. You can open such a door using a regular can opener, so no additional funds protection (high-quality locks, hinges, etc.) will not be able to save the situation. In addition, due to the small thickness metal sheets During production, practically no welding work is carried out, which also significantly reduces the burglary resistance of the structure.

Most Chinese manufacturers remain unknown. Moreover, sellers do not even always admit to buyers that the product is made in China. Perhaps the only well-known Chinese manufacturer (which, moreover, sells high-quality products) is the Forpost company.


Belarusian-made products are distinguished by high quality (the thickness of the metal sheet is 2 mm or more), durability and ease of maintenance. In addition, they correspond to the climatic characteristics and social conditions of the CIS countries.

The cost of standard class doors is 14,000–20,000 rubles. Offer customers products with excellent performance characteristics and at an affordable price allows the absence of customs duties and significant costs for transporting products. Another important advantage of Belarusian products is the breadth model range. The most famous manufacturers include the companies "Doors of Belarus", "Steel Line", "Reed", "Iron House" and "Business Metal".


The greatest demand (up to 85–90%) in the middle price segment is for domestically produced doors. This is explained by the combination high quality goods and affordable prices (10,000–20,000 rubles). The main advantages of Russian products are:

  • the ability to manufacture goods to order (including for special projects);
  • often - in the absence of logistics and dealer margins;
  • in quality service and guarantee: representatives of manufacturing companies carry out all measurements and installation at a time suitable for the customer.

Among the most famous Russian manufacturers include the following enterprises: door factory "BRAVO", "Elbor", "Guardian", "Torex", "BelKa", "Arsenal Service Steel", "Metal Geometry", "Bastion", "Columbus", "Proyem", "Jaguar" -M”, “The Door Nicknamed the Beast”, “STEEL”, “Gerda”, “Dierre”, “MasterLok”, “Optima”, etc.

So, the quality of a metal door depends on the thickness and strength steel sheets, reliability of safety elements and features of fittings, as well as production technology. The optimal ratio of price, quality and appearance of products is offered by numerous Russian, as well as Belarusian and some Chinese manufacturers of this product.

In this article:

For a house to truly be a fortress, the entrance to it must be blocked by reliable metal doors - protection from uninvited guests, cold winds and street noise. Entrance doors made of durable steel are a standard requirement that every average person makes today for their own home.

Despite the fact that competition in the entrance door market is quite high, you can still find a niche here: in lately demand has increased not only for the quality and reliability of door leaves, but also for the spectacular appearance(especially in luxury new buildings, well-guarded entrances and cottage villages). Therefore, having thought through an interesting stylish design and a product range of several models, you can enter the average price niche on a par with branded manufacturers.

However, as practice shows, price remains the deciding factor when purchasing for 80% of consumers. Therefore, even “garage production” - with the help of hand tools and mechanical machines - is quite capable of bringing profit in the shortest possible time, which will allow you to step into the next stage of business development.

  • GOST 31173-2003 — Steel door blocks. Technical specifications;
  • GOST 23118-99 Steel building structures;
  • GOST 5089-97 - Locks and latches for doors. Technical conditions.

Equipment for the production of steel doors

1. Automatic lines

Used in large factories with high performance from 200 doors/day and more. The technological process is fully automated; it takes about 2 minutes to produce one door leaf. High-precision technology ensures the same geometry of the product, the formation of profiles, drilling holes for fittings and connecting fasteners, painting the door leaf and filling internal voids - everything happens automatically, with minimal intervention manual labor.

Welding of the product is also automated, thanks to the use special welding robots. Strong weld joints do not require additional stripping or grinding by hand.

Pros: automated lines make it possible to produce 500-600 finished products per day with minimal risk of defects.

Cons: high price and the cost of maintenance (lines are made to order, the cost starts from 6 million rubles). For the full operation of such equipment, a large production area is required (from 1500 m2), where, in addition to the workshop itself, it is necessary to provide significant areas for storing raw materials and finished products.

2. Semi-automatic lines (using manual labor)

A set of equipment and machines for opening partially automated production:

  • Semi-automatic guillotine or metal cutting machine (plasma - Fig. 4, laser) - from 120,000 rubles;
  • Press brake – RUB 70,000;
  • Welding machines (includes spot welding, door panels, tong welding, final welding in the environment carbon dioxide) – from 100,000 rub. Can be replaced with conventional welding machines;
  • Equipment for painting (painting gun, compressor).

Rice. 4 (Plasma)

Using such equipment it is possible to produce 15-20 doors per day. The required room area is at least 250 m2.

Pros: The cost is quite reasonable for a medium-sized business - the price of a semi-automatic line completely depends on the configuration (from 400,000 rubles). But some machines can be replaced more simple equipment, which will significantly reduce the starting capital, but will increase the amount of manual labor and, accordingly, the cost of wages to workers.

Cons: “human factor” - the less automation, the higher the number of defects. In addition, highly qualified craftsmen will be required, trained to work both on machines and manually, to ensure that the production technology is carried out correctly at all its stages.

3. Manual labor and mechanical machines

Minimum set of equipment:

  • Bulgarian;
  • mechanical guillotine for cutting metal (Fig. 5);
  • milling machine;
  • lathe;
  • auxiliary hand tool.

Pros: minimum costs for the purchase of equipment (from 60,000 rubles) and rental of premises (60-80 m2).

Cons: 2-3 doors per day is the maximum productivity for such equipment. Such mini-production can only be aimed at the low price segment. To avoid a large number of defects, specialists who know how to work with metal are needed.

Workshop for the production of metal doors

All basic processes of steel door manufacturing technology must be carried out in separate rooms. Therefore, the production area should include:

  • metal acceptance and preparation workshop;
  • workshop for processing steel sheets and rolling profiles;
  • assembly and welding shop;
  • paint shop;
  • decorative and finishing (and if the finishing is made directly at the enterprise, and is not purchased ready-made, then separate room for the technological line for its production) (Fig. 7);
  • assembly and control shop;
  • finished goods warehouse.

Special requirements include the presence of a fire safety system, finishing of walls and floors with non-combustible materials, and good ventilation.

Technological process for the production of metal doors

The manufacturing technology of a steel door includes a certain sequence of actions prescribed in a special document (technological or route map), indicating:

  • requirements for the quality of materials;
  • rules for their transportation, storage and acceptance;
  • the sequential process of converting raw materials into a steel door block, painting and assembling it;
  • complex technical requirements to each process;
  • quality control and testing methods;
  • method of transportation, storage of finished products and other technical conditions (production specifications), which are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31173-2003.

Main stages technological process steel door production

1. Metal preparation

Before going to production, the metal is sorted. The markings are checked, the presence of deformations after rolling or transportation, and corrosion and scale are removed. In the raw materials warehouse, rolled metal products are stored stacked or on stable racks (at least 2.5 m high).

2. Marking and cutting workpieces

Door production begins with cutting sheet metal according to patterns applied using center punches and inscriptions. For cutting rolled metal use:

  • mechanical equipment (guillotine shears, presses, saws);
  • oxygen method (cutting on stationary machines with gas cutting or hand torches);
  • laser, plasma cutting.

3. Processing of workpieces

The profile for the door frame is made on bending equipment, where under pressure from a press the metal plate is given a shape bent at the required angle.

This can be either a standard rectangular design or an arched model. In the second case, the arched profile of the upper part of the door is passed through rolling machine to give the desired shape. After rolling, the profile is cut into the required parts.

The workpieces are filed - to eliminate irregularities and burrs, the top layer of metal in the cutting areas is removed. The sawdust is done manually, using files or using special sawdust machines. After processing, the blanks are sent to a stamping machine, where holes of various diameters are punched for locks and fittings in accordance with the prepared cards.

4.Assembly and welding

The door leaf is assembled using resistance welding, which eliminates deformation of the leaf and ensures the absence of welding seams. The sheets are welded to the frame, a 15-20 mm indentation is left on the front side, which will serve as a rebate. In the manufacture of metal doors, a multi-seam type of welding is used. The density of the canvas structure is achieved through the installation of special stiffening ribs.

Door locks are installed simultaneously with the stiffeners, in places reinforced with metal plates (the so-called “technological pockets”). A non-flammable basalt slab is used between the door leaves as a seal and sound insulator ( alternative options: wood, mineral wool, glass wool, polyurethane foam, polypropylene).

TO assembled door The hinges are manually welded, maintaining the required gaps between the leaf and the door frame. Assembly is carried out using several types (by marking, in jigs, by copiers) and is controlled at each stage for compliance with the geometry in order to correct the defect if necessary.

5. Treatment with paints and varnishes

After assembly, the door blank is sent for painting. The paint is applied to a cleaned, sanded and degreased surface in one of the following ways:

  • jet dousing;
  • pneumatic spraying (Fig. 13);
  • spraying in an electrostatic field.

Nitro, powder, graphite, hammer paint various colors– such a coating forms good protection, protecting the door from corrosion and light mechanical damage. After drying, the thickness of the applied layer is checked and there are no visual defects - air bubbles, unpainted areas, cracks, stains.

6. Covering with decorative elements

To impart high wear resistance and an original decorative effect, additional protective coating– molded or laminated finishing panels, which are manufactured at the enterprise by cutting (automatic or semi-automatic) according to ready-made templates or purchased in the form of blanks.

Types of cladding:

  • leather, leatherette, vinyl leather;
  • wooden lining;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • natural wood;
  • thermal film, plain or with imitation wood of various species;
  • forging elements;
  • veneer.

7. Installation of locks, fittings, quality control of the finished product

The fittings are inserted and the locks are checked manually. To avoid the characteristic knock of metal on metal when closing the door, to enhance heat and noise insulation, a special shock-absorbing material is glued to the door leaf - a rubber seal made of rubber or silicone.

To control the quality of assembly and the tight fit of the door leaf to the frame, the finished product is installed on a control stand. If all requirements are met, the door is packaged and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Raw materials for making steel doors

There are two technologies for manufacturing steel doors:

  • pipe-coal, using rolled pipes fastened by electric arc welding;
  • roll forming - using bent rolled profiles.

Today, the second technology is most successfully used in production, where the raw material for the manufacture of doors is ready-made sheets of rolled metal. Many people believe that the thicker the steel sheet in a metal door, the better. And this is not entirely true. Doors that are too heavy can lead to a lot of problems, for example, difficulty opening/closing due to heavy weight, rapid wear of hinges due to high load. Therefore, 2 mm is the upper “bar” for standard apartment doors. Each additional millimeter adds about 8 kg of weight.

Required accessories:

  • locks;
  • loops;
  • latches/latches;
  • pens;
  • additional (closers, eyes, clamps, blocking devices).

Business plan for the production of metal doors

1. It is planned to open a mini-factory for the production of steel entrance doors. The target consumer group is construction organizations and private households.

2. For legal registration of business, an LLC was created on common system taxation indicating the following types of OKVED:

  • 28.75.21 “Production of armored or reinforced safes, fireproof cabinets and doors”;
  • 45.25.4 “Installation of metal building structures.”

To produce metal doors and provide services for their installation, it is necessary to obtain a license in accordance with SNiP 11-23-81. The cost of completing packages of documents and obtaining a license is about 35,000 rubles.

3. The production workshop is planned to be located on 100 m2 of non-residential rented premises. Rental cost – 15,000 rubles/month.

4. Costs for the purchase of equipment - 125,000 rubles:

  • guillotine crank shears NK3418A;
  • sheet bending mechanism MGL-2500;
  • drilling machine 2116K;
  • abrasive cutting machine;
  • welding machine TDM-403;
  • spray gun;
  • Bulgarian;
  • additional equipment (hand tools, racks, exhibition stand).

5. Calculation of the cost of 1 product - a metal door measuring 2180 * 1040 mm.

  • sheet steel 2mm – 0.098 t * 31,600 rubles = 3096.80 rubles;
  • insulation (mineral wool) – 0.2 m 3 * 1475 rubles = 295 rubles.
  • electrodes – 4 kg * 43 rubles = 172 rubles;
  • mortise lock – 820 rubles;
  • hinges, handle, peephole – 550 rubles;
  • cutting and grinding wheels – 420 rubles;
  • primer – 4 l * 87 rubles = 348 rubles;
  • solvent – ​​2l * 210 rubles = 420 rubles;
  • paint – 2 kg * 460 rubles = 960 rubles.

Total: RUB 7,081.80

6. Income from sales

The plan is to manufacture and install 3 doors per day based on a 21-day workday. The selling price of the product was established by conducting a comparative analysis of prices on the market and is equal to 12,500 rubles. Installation cost – 1200 rubles.

Projected monthly revenue: 63 pieces * 13,700 rubles = 863,100 rubles/month.

Material costs – 63 pieces * 7081.8 rubles = 446,153.4 rubles/month.

7. Other costs of doing business:

  • rent – ​​15,000 rubles;
  • electricity – 1200 rubles;
  • depreciation of fixed assets - 5,750 rubles;
  • advertising – 15,000 rubles;
  • staff salary (director, 5 workers and sales manager) – 65,000 rubles;
  • salary taxes – 24,375 rubles;
  • income tax – 58,124.32 rubles.

Total: 184,449.32 rubles/month.

8. Financial results

Net profit: 863,100 rubles - 446,153.4 rubles - 184,449.32 rubles = 232,497.28 rubles/month.

The initial investment (equipment + license + material costs for 1 month of work + other costs) will pay off in 4 months of work.

The championship of the easiest to open locks is headed by the pin cylinder lock with a cross-shaped key. The presence of such a lock on the door does not protect it, but, on the contrary, attracts a thief due to the ease of opening it. Opens with a Phillips screwdriver.

The opening time for criminals is 2-3 minutes. /A Second place is shared by the two most common types of locks: a pin cylinder lock, popularly called “English”, and a cylinder disc lock. The “English” one is opened by selecting keys, and the disk one is opened with a locksmith’s tool.

Opening time using a master key is 5-10 minutes. c) The last place in this rating is occupied by a cylinder lock with a perforated key or with a laser sharpening. Without special linings, this lock can also be quickly opened with master keys or by breaking out the cylinder from the lock wrench. But the armor plates installed on the lock complicate and slow down the work of thieves for up to 30-40 minutes, but, unfortunately, they do not stop them. Now much more serious data appears.
“My home is my fortress” - this is probably what each of us thinks today. But the statistics are merciless, they say the opposite.

|§Ъ The above information suggests that you should not rely only on a lock to protect your home; complex measures are needed here: a reliable, expensive lock and a high-quality metal door. It is precisely this tandem that will stop the attacker from carrying out his treacherous plan.

After all, no matter how super-secret the lock is, if you install it in the old entrance wooden door, he won't help. But they don’t even install cheap, outdated locks on a good metal door. Yes, the criminal situation is pushing owners to protect their homes, and more and more people are purchasing new metal doors.

This situation, in turn, affects the demand and expansion of the Ukrainian market for metal doors.

Moreover, market players use frightening crime statistics to attract buyers. Many companies that manufacture metal doors have an exciting story in store for their clients about how attackers robbed several apartments in staircase by breaking in, but it was their branded door that remained impenetrable. And each of the market operators thinks that this PR story is unique. Although in fact this story is popular among everyone who sells doors. It seems like a small thing, but it shows how little the participants in this market know about each other.

And marketers did not bother to analyze the Ukrainian market for metal doors, so our review will be based on the conclusions of market participants and the opinions of independent experts.


The Ukrainian market for steel doors began to take shape back in the distant 90s. At the beginning of the 21st century, it developed rapidly until a crisis struck, which in one way or another affected all sectors of the economy. For some steel market participants
doors, the drop in sales led to disastrous consequences; many operators left the market. But by the beginning of 2010, the Ukrainian market for steel doors began to gradually revive. Today the number of operators is approximately 300 companies. And only about 20 of them are large and have a well-known brand of metal doors.

It should be noted right away that the main market participants are Ukrainian manufacturers and importers of Chinese doors. It is difficult to name the proportion of the ratio, but the order is somewhere around 15-85% (at wholesale prices).
The share of imports from other countries (Poland, Russia, Turkey, Italy) is small and does not affect the overall picture.

As can be seen from the diagram [on page 47], chinese doors took over the market. But according to the consumers themselves, who managed to buy a door made in China, cheap Chinese doors are wasted money. After all, until 2009, Chinese doors were present on the market only in one price segment - up to $125. Today, the price range for Chinese doors starts from $60 per unit and reaches $315 per door.

But there is a problem here (in terms of safety): the thickness of the metal sheet on a door of Chinese origin does not exceed an average of 1.5 mm. Some market participants joke that this is due to the fact that thieves are being shot in China and the problem of crime in the Middle Kingdom is close to a final solution. Although the attractive appearance of these doors seems to indicate that they were produced using quite modern equipment.


The market itself shows how you can organize your business for the production of metal doors: from a mini-garage workshop to a large factory. And you can do without own production, significantly reducing the initial investment in purchasing equipment, and becoming a dealer of a large and well-known manufacturer. Each method has its own advantages.

To organize a mini-factory-shop for the production of metal doors, you will need at least $10,000-15,000. This amount includes expenses for renting premises, equipment, components, advertising and wages workers (in the first month of work).

Rent of premises for door production

The success of a business largely depends on finding suitable premises.
Minimum area production premises should be at least 200-250 m2. Workshops of former factories or hangars are ideal for production. The cost of renting a hangar ranges from $1100-1500 per month, capital premises cost from $1800. These are the prices of the capital.

It is clear that many novice entrepreneurs cannot do this. Therefore, most companies operating in the capital’s market for cheap metal doors locate their production facilities
ness in the regions. There the rental price is several times lower.

Mini-factory equipment

The minimum set of equipment for a door production plant includes welding machines, grinder saws, a guillotine for cutting metal, lathes, milling and other machines. You can save money by purchasing used units. The amount of equipment depends on the volume of products produced.


The number of employees also depends on the production capacity of the plant. The average welder can “weld” two or three doors per day. Thus, a company producing 300 doors per month

Based on production technology, domestic doors can be divided into two main groups:

1 Doors made by handicraft outside industrial production.

This is the largest group of steel doors on the market. The design is extremely simple; in most cases, such doors require the installation of a conventional rim lock. There are not even very approximate statistics on the number of door manufacturers in this group. And this is understandable: it is difficult to keep track of welding machines, but doors can be made in any premises, including garages.

2 Doors manufactured by manufacturers using technological equipment.

Steel doors belonging to this group are manufactured in mixed-type production facilities using less sophisticated equipment, but using highly skilled manual labor (hence the relatively low prices).

Although it should be noted that many manufacturers of high-quality prestigious entrance metal doors have recently seriously modernized their production, introducing modern technologies from the best Western companies. Already today we can say that, from the point of view of finishing, domestic doors of the elite class are
in quality and range they come close to imported ones, and sometimes seriously surpass them in their characteristics.

This is a group of serious manufacturers who have been working on the market for many years. There are not many of them: for example, in Kyiv, according to various estimates, from 7 to 10, and throughout Ukraine there are no more than 20 such firms.

At least 5 welders will be required. The functions of a measurer and installer in small companies are usually performed by one person. In addition, small manufacturers usually do not have their own vehicle fleet. Therefore, measurers and installers also have to be drivers operating their own cars. Installing one door takes 1.5-2 hours. That is, in a day, taking into account moving from client to client, one installer can complete 2-3 orders.




Another costly part is hiring highly qualified sales managers, who are not cheap. However, these investments are justified. Real professionals will be able to explain to the client that an expensive door is not only distinguished by its external beauty, but is also an effective protection for the home.


A production that produces at least 200-300 products per month is considered profitable.

The fact is that prices for products are initially low and there is no way to raise them due to fierce competition. In the cost scheme, imported components take up approximately 30-40%, another 30% goes to employee salaries, the rest is consumed by advertising and rent.

There is only one way out: increase production and reduce production costs. And therefore, most entrepreneurs involved in this business invest most of their income in the purchase of new equipment.

More profits with lower sales volumes are received by companies engaged in the manufacture of expensive products: doors trimmed with laminated panels,
MDF, artificial or natural veneer valuable species tree. The cost of such products is higher, but they also cost 100-2000% more. So, a door finished with MDF costs $280, and a door finished with oak veneer costs $800. The high cost is due not only external finishing, but also expensive fittings and locks, mostly made in Italy.

The demand for such doors is lower, but the profitability is higher. Such a production can become profitable by producing 60-100 products per month.

The cost of raw materials, components and labor costs is approximately a third of the cost of an expensive door.
According to market players, the profitability of this business depends on the price segment in which the company operates. If doors with expensive finishes are sold, then you can count on 25-30%, but if the average order value is small, then the profitability will be lower - 10-12%.

Having become familiar with all the intricacies of this type of door production business, we can summarize: it is so interesting to be in this business. So, the turnover of a small enterprise will be a maximum of $105,000 per month. The net income of the workshop owner is $10,500.

Is this not enough? Need to earn more? Then you can open a more powerful enterprise.
The initial investment in this case will be at least $110,000-$!50,000. About half will have to be spent on purchasing equipment. In addition to welding machines, large production all kinds of presses, guillotines, lathes, milling and grinding machines, automatic hacksaws, as well as bending machines that allow bending a metal profile are needed. Another $50,000-$70,000 will be the cost of renting premises, purchasing vehicles, organizing exhibitions, advertising and paying staff in the first months of work.

Real estate for door production

Since the production of doors is a full range of interconnected operations, then, accordingly, there should be several premises:

Hi Administration building(office).

Workshop for working with rolled metal (marking, cutting, bending, filing).

Painting and drying shop.

Door assembly workshop: complete
installation of locks, handles, eyes, insulation.

Storage warehouse.


The staffing consists of more than 50 people with higher or secondary technical education.

General manager.

Hi Chief Accountant.

Head of Planning and Economic Department.

Head of Sales.

Head of Production.

Hi Master, drivers, workers.

To ensure that the production of doors does not stop, it is necessary to regularly sell products, so that employees receive their salaries on time, and there is also the opportunity to pay for the purchase of rolled metal and components for further production activities.

Such companies have a special department: sales. It is he who organizes advertising campaigns, calls potential clients, offering its products, enters into contracts with construction stores and building materials databases.
On the Internet, it is effective to have your own website telling

door production with real photo and video materials, as well as phone numbers and company address.

Costs for starting production

Initial opening costs consist of:

workshop rental - approximately $9,300; purchases necessary equipment, that is, fixed assets: a sheet bending mechanism, a welding machine, an angle cleaning machine - a total of $60,000.

Monthly expenses will consist of:

rent (if leased) - $9300;

transportation costs - $3000;

utility bills (water, heat, electricity) - $2100; security - $900;

salaries and other expenses - $25,000;

other expenses - $3,300. Total: $9300+3000+2100+900+ 25,000+3300 = $43,600.

Potential earnings

If we produce 50 doors of different price ranges daily, and calculating the average cost of doors at $250, we will calculate:

50 * $250 * 22 = $275,000 Conclusion: $275,000 - $43,600 = $231,400 profit.

Door production is a complex business, but quite profitable. Go for it!

Source of article: magazine Making Money 2013

In this article we will tell you how to start the production of metal doors and make a profitable business out of it. Let's consider all the important points: from market analysis, company registration with the tax authorities to product manufacturing technology, its promotion and financial indicators.

Analysis of the market and its prospects

One of the main features of the business in the production of metal doors is high competition. Moreover, you will have to compete not only with domestic ones, but also foreign manufacturers. However, the latter are not so important, because the consumer, in order to save money and not overpay, prefers Russian companies.

Despite the fact that there are many door manufacturing companies, they cannot fully satisfy the demand. Therefore, taking your place in the niche and getting a share of the market will not be difficult. But this is subject to affordable prices, high quality products and additional services.

The target audience of the business is:

  • People building a house, apartment or already living in a new building.
  • Owners of old housing who have planned major renovations.
  • Owners or tenants of offices.
  • Private construction companies building country houses.

You can stand out in the market by offering reliable, beautiful and unique products. That is, it is enough to competently think through the design of the doors, which competitors will not have.

“Analysis of the metal door market in Russia shows that 80% of sales are inexpensive products starting at $200. Luxury products are in low demand.”

To analyze the market, just look at competitors' offers. This can be done by visiting their website or requesting a catalog with door models and prices. Based on the information received, it will be possible to create a competitive business plan.

Business registration

To start producing metal doors, you need to legally register your business. This can be done in two ways:

  • Register individual entrepreneur. Suitable for small production.
  • Register a Limited Liability Company. Option for large enterprises.

You will also need to choose a taxation system: a simplified one will be optimal. And also indicate the codes: 28.75.21 - for the production of doors; 45.25.4 - for the provision of door installation services.

To start production, you will need to obtain a license, as specified in SNiP 11-23-81. The price of such a document is 35,000 rubles.

You should first get acquainted with the current GOSTs:

  • 31173-2003 - technical conditions for the manufacture of metal doors;
  • 23118-99 - requirements for steel structures;
  • GOST 5089-97 - technical conditions for door locks and latches.

Door production equipment

The equipment is divided into automatic, semi-automatic and mechanical. You don't have to buy everything at once, initial stage you should choose one thing.

Let's consider each option separately.


It is suitable for large enterprises with a workshop area of ​​more than 1,500 m2, producing more than 200 units per day. Almost all processes are automated and require minimal human control. This helps save on staffing costs.

Such equipment immediately produces products of the desired shape and size. It paints them, fills the voids between the canvases, and drills holes in the required place for fasteners and accessories. Welding work is also carried out automatically.

These production lines allow the production of more than 500 doors per day and reduce the risk of defects. Their price is more than 6,000,000 rubles.


Here the process requires human intervention. The production capacity of such equipment is about 20 doors per day. Therefore, it is suitable for a small company. Its cost is from 380,000 rubles.

The set of such equipment includes:

  • Semi-automatic machine for cutting metal.
  • Press for bending sheets.
  • Welding machine or apparatus.

One of the advantages is the high price for such equipment for medium-sized businesses. The downside is that the risk of receiving a defective product is higher than when working on automated devices.


Such option will do any future entrepreneur who decides to start his own production of metal doors. It is enough to purchase:

  • Bulgarians;
  • manual machine for bending and cutting metal;
  • milling and lathe;
  • additional tools: drills, screwdrivers, etc.

All this can be purchased for 60,000 rubles.

Among the shortcomings, we should note the weak production capacity - about 3 doors per day. There is also a high risk of getting defective, because the whole process comes down to manual labor.

The future businessman decides what equipment to choose. Because everything depends mainly on the amount available for investment.

Choosing premises for a production workshop

When choosing premises for an enterprise, it is worth considering that it must be zoned into workshops for:

  • receiving and preparing metal for further processing;
  • processing of metal sheets and steel profiles;
  • assembly and welding of products;
  • painting;
  • finishing and decorating finished doors;
  • final assembly and quality control.

You will also need a separate room for a warehouse where finished products will be stored.

Each room must be finished with fireproof materials and equipped fire protection systems and high-quality ventilation.

If the administration of the company is located in the same place as the workshops, then it will be necessary to prepare a separate room for an office.

It will be possible to determine the area of ​​the enterprise only after selecting the equipment. Because this is the only way it will become clear how much space it will take up, and how much space will be taken up by materials, raw materials and finished products.

Creating a technological map

A technological map is a mandatory document for almost any production. It contains the following.

  • Requirements for the quality of materials and raw materials.
  • Rules for receiving, storing and transporting material.
  • A step-by-step description of the production process until the finished product is received.
  • Technical requirements for each individual process.
  • Methods of quality control and verification.
  • Rules for storage, packaging and transportation of finished doors.

All this makes it possible to create uniform rules in production and obtain quality product on the way out.

Materials for production

Roll forming technology is suitable for the manufacture of metal doors. It involves the use of ready-made steel sheets up to 2 mm thick.

“You shouldn’t use sheets thicker than 2 mm in production, because the doors will be heavy. This will lead to difficulties in using them, rapid wear of the hinges and sagging of the product.”

In addition to the main material, additional fittings are needed: door handles, locks, latches, latches, hinges, eyes and closers.

You will also need paints and varnishes for painting and raw materials for the exterior decoration of doors. It can be leatherette, lining, veneer, MDF, etc.

Employees for production

You must immediately understand that the number of craftsmen will depend on production capacity. Accordingly, for a small workshop with mechanical equipment you will need:

  • 1 technologist to manage and control all production processes.
  • 1 foreman, who is also responsible for production control.
  • 2 operators to operate the machines.
  • 1 welder for door assembly work.
  • 1 driver for transporting materials or delivering finished products.
  • 1-2 installers to install doors for clients.
  • 2-3 general workers to perform other work: loading/unloading, transporting raw materials or products to the warehouse, etc.
  • 1 manager who will receive and process applications, draw up reports, and engage in promotion and advertising.
  • 1 accountant for bookkeeping and communication with the tax service.

Each employee involved in production must be instructed in production technologies and safety precautions, including fire safety. The briefing can be carried out personally by the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him.

Either a technologist or a foreman is usually appointed responsible for safety precautions.

Marketing: promotion and advertising of products

In such a business, you can use any classic promotion methods offline and online.

Offline advertising

  • Advertisements in local media: printed publications, radio and TV.
  • Advertising in public transport and metro.
  • Distribution of leaflets throughout mailboxes residents of new buildings.
  • Signs and billboards around the city.
  • Demonstration of your products at specialized exhibitions.

Internet advertising

  • Creation and promotion of a company website on the Internet.
  • in Yandex and Google.
  • on the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram.
  • PR in local online publications.
  • Advertisements on specialized websites.
  • Email distribution to potential wholesale buyers.

You will spend no more than $1,500 per year to promote your products.

Financial side of business

Now about the main questions: how much does it cost to open a metal door production facility and what kind of profit can you expect?

Starting investments

A workshop with an area of ​​100 m2 will be taken as the basis for calculations.

  • Rent of premises - 25,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 100,000 rubles.
  • Materials and raw materials for 20 doors - 140,000 rubles.

It’s worth adding 35,000 rubles here. for a license and 10,000 rubles. authorized capital for LLC.

Total: 310,000 rub.

Monthly expenses

  • Rent - 25,000 rub.
  • Utility payments - from 5,000 rubles.
  • Marketing - 20,000 rub.
  • Salary fund - 70,000 rubles.

Total: 120,000 rub.

You will also have to add income and salary taxes to the amount received.


For calculations, standard 21 working days and a production capacity of 4 doors per day are taken.

The price of one door is 12,000 rubles. Installation – 1,500 rub.

84 doors are produced per month, which is equal to 1,008,000 rubles. From installation - 126,000 rubles. Total: 1,134,000 rub.

Production costs: 7,000 x 84 = 588,000 rubles.