How to make money in small business. Sheet bending and rolling machines. Production is always profitable

For many people, the word plant is associated with huge workshops, smoke and tall chimneys. But that is long gone. Of course, gigantic factories producing oil platforms, ocean-going ships, turbines and steel are in operation and under construction. But a huge mass of products that we use in everyday life are produced in mini-factories. If only the state or a powerful corporation can build a giant plant, then a small group of people or even one person can create a mini-production for small businesses. You don't always need to have a lot of capital to get started. Recall that the automotive industry and television began with small workshops. Mini-factories in Russia is a fast growing business.

Investing in these industries provides a quick payback, as well as a high rate of return.

What is a mini-factory, in which industries is it most profitable? A mini-factory is an enterprise that employs from a few people to several dozen workers. What are the benefits of mini-factories for small businesses?

Let's consider everything in order

  1. Mini-factories are extremely mobile. Mobility here is not only the ability to quickly transfer equipment to a new location, but, most importantly, it is the ability to adapt to rapidly changing market requirements. Mini-factories are rebuilt to new products within days or weeks.
  2. Small-scale production is highly economical and profitable (with the right choice of a niche in the market). This is due to the fact that such industries do not have cumbersome administrative and maintenance personnel.
  3. Small-scale custom-made products can be produced at mini-factories. The exclusivity of such works ensures their high profitability.
  4. Mini-factories are characterized by a quick payback. As a rule, they do not require large capital investments during creation.

If you decide to create a mini-factory, then the first task is to determine the field of activity in which you intend to work.

There can be no universal solutions here. It all depends on the region in which you are located, the availability of raw materials, start-up funds, the market situation, etc. However, you can list some areas in which mini-workshops for small businesses are successfully operating. So let's consider some manufacturing business ideas for small businesses.

  1. Production of building materials. In Russia, there are already many mini-factories for the production of bricks, concrete blocks, paving slabs, foam concrete blocks, etc. But this market is still not saturated enough. There are regions, especially remote from the center, where there is a shortage of such materials.
  2. Food production. These are mini-bakeries, the production of dairy products, sausages, exclusive confectionery, soft drinks, dried fruits, etc. It all depends on your small production idea.
  3. Household goods and plastic products. Here you can fully realize your ideas and ideas. One good idea can make you a millionaire. Remember the Rubik's Cube. Kitchen appliances, original appliances that make the work of the hostess easier, even souvenirs can be the start of a mini-workshop for a family business.
  4. Household chemicals, auto chemicals, cosmetics. The capital investment is very low here, and the payback is very fast. However, it should be borne in mind that the market in this area is very saturated with goods of various price categories.
  5. Recycling of waste plastics and waste paper. This type of activity is in high demand, but requires licensing and permits from fire and sanitation services.
  6. Manufacture of metal products. Foundry, as well as forging, is easy to organize in limited areas. Production requires experience and sufficient qualifications.

Read also: Paving slabs of rubber crumb

Before you start building a mini-factory, you need to conduct a thorough market research of the products that you intend to produce. It is best to start with the products that you are familiar with. It is very important to evaluate the sources and reliability of the supply of raw materials, as well as the costs of marketing products. Assess your real financial possibilities. Indeed, in any work there can be failures and temporary failures. Write a business plan. When drawing up a business plan, take into account the cost of renting production space (if you do not have your own), transportation costs and repair work.

Business plan

Consider drawing up a short business plan for the construction and operation of a mini-factory for the production of foam concrete blocks.

Initial data

An analysis of the situation on the building materials market showed that in our region there is an intensive construction of low-rise buildings and cottages. There is no production of heat-insulating and structural foam concrete in our region. Nearby there is a cement plant, a sand pit, as well as metallurgical slag dumps. A decision was made to build a mini-factory for the production of foam concrete blocks with a capacity of 10 m3 per shift. The average selling price of foam blocks of various brands is 2400 rubles / m3.

Risk Analysis

The main risks are the seasonality of construction work. To minimize this factor, during a favorable period of 5-6 months, we create a stock of materials that we sell in the winter for the arrangement of internal partitions. We stop production during the frosty period. There are no support staff costs at this time. Taking into account market conditions, existing equipment can produce cinder blocks. The equipment of the mini-plant is mounted and dismantled within 3-5 hours, which allows, at the request of customers, to produce foam concrete directly at the customer's construction site for the construction of monolithic structures.

Purchase of equipment

A set of equipment for producing foam concrete, depending on productivity, costs from 80,000 to 250,000 rubles. We have chosen a set of equipment for 100,000 rubles. Forms for foam blocks decided to make their own. The costs are 20,000 rubles. We have transport (a car with a carrying capacity of 3 tons). Thus, the cost of equipment is 120,000 rubles.

Plant location and preparatory work

The plant is supposed to be located in a production building with an area of ​​250 m2, which has a connection to the power grid. Water comes from a nearby artesian well. The rental price is 20,000 rubles. per month.

Calculation of current costs

The calculation is carried out according to a conservative scenario, taking into account the shutdown of the plant in the winter. The cost of materials, electricity and water for the production of 1 m3 of foam blocks on average (for different grades) is 1400 rubles/m3, including transportation costs. With a production volume of 200 m3 per month, the cost of raw materials will be 280,000 rubles / month. Salary for hired personnel - 80,000 rubles / month, taking into account the UST (two workers are employed in production, we outsource bookkeeping). Rent - 20,000 rubles / month. So, the current costs are 380,000 rubles / month.

Read also: Making wooden pallets as a business

Mini-factory payback calculation

The volume of sales per month is 480,000 rubles / month. Profit - 100,000 rubles. The payback period is less than 1.5 months. Thus, even taking into account the need to establish permanent relationships with consumers of products, the mini-factory pays off in one summer season. Taking into account seasonal fluctuations in sales, the income is about 600,000 rubles. in year.

Today you can buy complete mini-factories, both domestic and imported.

Below we give a list of some mini-factories, the payback of which ranges from 6 months to two years.


Initial costs, rub.

Brief description of production

Production of profiles from galvanized sheet400-600 Sheet metal bending machines allow the production of profiles for drywall systems, drainage, brackets, etc.
Production of tiles and tiles from polymer concrete300-400 Production of tiles and tiles from sand, cement, waste polymers using press equipment
Production of building mixtures200-300 Production is based on the preparation of recipes from finished raw materials (sand, gypsum, additives, etc.), grinding and packaging.
Mini bakery500-600 Very quickly payback production, subject to successful placement, a wide range, high quality products.
Production of polyurethane foam insulation for pipes and heating mains. 400-500 Production is based on injection of polyurethane foam mass into molds to obtain "shells" that are attached to pipes of various diameters.
Production of bricks and cinder blocksfrom 1000000The payback of production depends on the proximity and availability of raw materials (slag, clay, sand), as well as consumers in the region. Well-designed, high-quality recipes from available raw materials ensure quick sales and high profitability.
Mini pet food plant 200-300 There are complete mini plants on the market. Suppliers often offer a set of basic product recipes.
Production of sauces, mayonnaises and ketchups 800-900 In large cities, there is high competition in this segment, but in remote areas, production will be highly profitable.
Production of PVC profile windows 500-600
Production of exclusive paintwork materials 200-300 Complete equipment with a set of basic recipes allows the production of luminous and fluorescent paints.
Manufacturing of building nails 600-700 Production is implemented on a small area, does not require a large number of workers. Could be the backbone of a family business.

Many people think that small business is a very risky investment of money and an event in general. However, for a professional in his field, mini-production in the field of small business can be a profitable business that combines a favorite pastime.

As practice all over the world shows, it is a small manufacturing business that not only turns out to be the most viable, but can dynamically grow and develop over time. Take at least Steve Jobs, who assembled the first batch of computers in the garage. This room, by the way, is very often used by novice entrepreneurs. We will touch on it in the article. However, probably, all huge corporations and giant companies once started small.

The relevance of mini-production does not fall. Consider what are the best business ideas for organizing small industries that exist today. We will also calculate approximate financial planning at the start for an entrepreneur.

What business idea to stop and where to start?

In order for a mini-production for a small business to be successful, already at the planning stage it must have:

  • original idea;
  • knowing how to implement it;
  • cash.

As in any business, it all starts with the idea of ​​a mini production. One finally decides to fulfill his old dream. Others just want to make more money. But, one way or another, an entrepreneur has a better chance of success if he takes up a business, the essence of which is clear to him.

In addition, personal property will help, which can be used for the site where the mini-production is carried out. Then the cost of rent will be saved. Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs often choose mini-production ideas that are easy to implement using their home. When deciding on a business, they also analyze the regional market in those places where it is planned to sell the goods. It is also important to calculate the degree of demand for the future product.
An entrepreneur must have deep knowledge and skills to implement his business idea. Mini production without a good theoretical and practical base is doomed to failure. After all, you will have to hire staff who understands all the intricacies much better than him. And this is a significant additional financial investment.

Without start-up capital, it is impossible to start a business. Mini production costs money. Since this is a rather acute issue for beginner entrepreneurs, we will choose such options that can be implemented with the least investment. At the same time, the ideas of mini-production must certainly be promising. Without this, they are useless.

Why do business ideas for small businesses have a future?
Having chosen a mini-production, the entrepreneur at first is usually both the owner and the worker in one person. Therefore, he knows well what is needed for the functioning and development of his enterprise. Because of this, he is able to:

  • respond quickly to changes;
  • focus on the most promising areas;
  • even change location if the need arises.

The entrepreneur is completely free in his actions, therefore he is capable of rapid changes, which is impossible to implement in large companies. This mobility helps increase income.

At the same time, of course, mini-production has its drawbacks. First of all, it concerns risks. An entrepreneur can go bankrupt, from which an employee is fully protected. But, if you do business wisely, analyze and predict the market, you can achieve excellent results.

The best mini production ideas at home and in the garage

So, if you do not need to spend money on renting a room, you will save a lot of money. You can organize an excellent mini-production for a small business right in the garage. It is equipped for an ordinary auto repair shop or many other business projects are implemented. Aspiring entrepreneurs find all new ideas for mini-production in a garage. We have already published a list of 40 different ideas for production in the garage. We list some of them:

  • furniture manufacturing (for example, assembly of cabinets, upholstering of soft elements, tailoring of covers, painting, production of frameless or garden furniture);
  • souvenirs and home decor (for example, magnets, bookends, jewelry, soaps, ceramics, bells, baskets, pillows, mirrors, blinds, and so on);
  • goods for animals (cages, beds, sharpeners for claws);
  • children's products (kites, sandboxes, toys);
  • construction and repair (mini-production of stained glass tabletops, showcases, hand stamping, forging, printing on tiles);
  • fashion accessories (bags, belts, printing on footballs, posters, key rings, airbrushing).

Let's take a closer look at how to organize a mini-production for a small business.

Top Best Mini Productions for Small Businesses

Food products deteriorate, and therefore many nuances have to be taken into account both in their manufacture and marketing. However, their production can be highly profitable with sufficient depth in the subject. But, we will consider what mini-production can be opened at home, mainly for non-food products.

Facing and building materials are quite in demand today. You can, for example, open a shop for the production of tiles. The roadway is usually repaired by large companies. But sidewalks, from the production of materials to laying, are given to small businesses. Wholesale sales allow you to get up to 50% of net profit, and in retail trade, the figure rises to 80-90%.

Another relevant mini-production for small businesses is the manufacture of pet food. Sitting on dry food alone "our smaller brothers" is highly discouraged. And some foreign popular feeds have long earned themselves a “bad reputation”. But the doors are opening for domestic producers who are ready to create natural animal feed.

Many studies have shown that the demand for this type of product is stable regardless of the economic situation and remains relevant all year round. Investments in this business are minimal. It all starts with the organization of a mini-workshop for small businesses. The equipment here will need virtually the same as for the manufacture of cutlets. The recipes are not secret. Veterinary institutes will easily provide a whole host of them. The only thing you have to spend money on is massive advertising for the final sale of the product.

If you look at other business ideas, the mini leather accessories business is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs. The demand for belts is only growing. But the cost of materials is very low. And if a thing can be made really cool, then the price for it can jump at times.

The raw materials and equipment necessary for mini-production at home according to the chosen business idea will cost only 20,000 rubles. Net income starts at 100%. Compared to foreign products, the price can be several times lower, while remaining profitable for the manufacturer.

A beloved home décor or gift item opens up countless creative business opportunities. All the most creative ideas can be applied here. And, most importantly, products are easily manufactured in a mini-workshop for small businesses. Souvenirs can be from:

  • acrylic (for example, fridge magnets);
  • metal, followed by the application of enamel or inlay;
  • stone (but this will require a considerable amount of patience);
  • glass (images on it and laser art design are especially popular today);
  • wood (it is best to set up a mini production - as a business to order).

Mini production business plan

Any entrepreneur knows that planning is an important part of ensuring the success of a project. A business started without a detailed calculation of expenses and income, market analysis, risks, and so on, is likely to end unsuccessfully and very quickly.
Therefore, in order for mini-production for small businesses to function and make a profit, a business plan is drawn up, an essential part of which is a financial plan.

It includes the amount of necessary investment, the cost of raw materials, mini equipment for home production business ideas, profit calculation and forecast of sales volumes, project payback. If investment funds were attracted from outside, then a detailed plan for their return should be drawn up.
You should try to make the calculation as realistic as possible, given the risks. Then mini-production for a small business at home has every chance of a successful existence.

For example, the purchase and installation of equipment and materials for the manufacture of plastic windows costs about 500,000 rubles. In one shift, 10 windows are produced, and 22 shifts are obtained per month. Thus, it is realistic to produce 220 standard windows per month. The wholesale price of products is 4000 rubles. It turns out that for the month the revenue will be 880,000 rubles. All equipment will pay off in six months. The profitability of the enterprise is 15%.

At the same time, if the work is carried out in two shifts, self-sufficiency can be 3 months. But you need to take into account the great competition in this market. Therefore, to enter it, you may have to lower the price.

This article will focus on machines for business in the garage.
There are actually a large number of interesting production and processing machines. Unfortunately, most of them are from foreign manufacturers. In connection with the dollar exchange rate, the cost of delivery and customs clearance, the cost of such machines is estimated at millions of rubles. Such large sums contradict the very concept of building a small business in a garage. That is why the site team made a selection of compact equipment for their own production in the garage, with a cost of no more than half a million rubles.

At the end of the article, we also posted the price list we collected, with approximate prices and links to manufacturers and suppliers of this equipment. The main feature of these machines is that almost all of them are produced by Russian manufacturers and therefore are relatively affordable.

Where to begin?

At the very start, of course, you need to think about sales. If this is not done, then you can remain in the red, with purchased equipment and unsold products on hand.

One of the effective and universal methods for checking the demand for a product is the Internet bulletin boards. Advertise for different categories of goods and receive calls. The number of incoming calls and communication with potential buyers will allow you to test the demand and decide on the most popular products. And don’t let the lack of goods stop you at this stage, just say that the goods are over and that you will call back as soon as it appears.

Next, let's talk about equipment for home production, with an indication of the approximate cost, for your orientation. If you wish, you can always find used equipment, which will cost much less.

Top 15 Machine Tools for a Garage Business:

1. Machines for the production of chain-link mesh

The chain-link mesh is a fairly demanded product for a long time. This is primarily due to its practicality and low cost. Also, recently there have been trends towards decorating the chain-link and giving it a presentable look, using a photo grid or artificial needles.

Chain-link mesh can be made in the garage, using compact machines, with a capacity of hundreds of running meters per shift. Machines are manual, semi-automatic and automatic. The most expensive are the latter - approximate cost 250 000 rubles.

2. Extruder

An extruder is an installation for producing a thermoplastic composite (dough-like mass). The machine heats up and mixes the components of the polymer-sand composite (polymer, sand, dye). With the help of an extruder, you can produce facing and paving slabs, as well as polymer sand tiles.

The approximate cost is 500,000 rubles.

3. Vacuum forming machines and injection molding machines

The vacuum forming machine is designed for the manufacture of products by hot forming from sheet thermoplastic materials.

With this installation, you can produce a variety of products:

  • parts for cars (bumpers, fenders, pads, etc.);
  • a variety of molds for casting paving slabs, artificial stone and monuments;
  • mannequins;
  • packaging;
  • signs, etc..

The approximate price is from 75,000 rubles.

For the production of small-sized products from polymeric materials, an injection molding machine is more suitable. The machine melts the plastic and feeds it under pressure into previously prepared molds.

With the help of the machine, you can produce any plastic parts, without which no industry can do in our time.

The approximate cost of an injection molding machine is 350,000 rubles.

4. Wood splitters

These hydraulic machines are designed to increase productivity and facilitate work when harvesting firewood. Such equipment allows processing from 5 cubic meters per hour.

As for the business, ready-made chopped and packaged firewood can be placed for sale near various shops and gas stations. Firewood can also be harvested for private houses. For example, distribute leaflets in cottage areas. Thus, you can find regular customers who need firewood for barbecues, fireplaces and heating boilers.

The approximate cost of wood splitters is from 70,000 rubles.

5. Charcoal kilns

Also, chopped firewood or the remains of them may be needed if you decide to place a charcoal kiln near the garage. With the help of such a furnace, charcoal can be obtained. You can sell coal to restaurants, cafes, barbecue and other enterprises.

The approximate cost of the furnace is from 100,000 rubles.

6. Nailing machines

Machines for the production of nails are compact enough, so they can also be used in the garage. Such nail machines can produce tens of tons of finished products per month. Nail sizes are customizable.

The approximate cost of nailing machines is 350,000 rubles.

7. Vibropresses

The fact that with the help of manual machines or automatic vibropresses it is possible to produce various building blocks at home is not news to anyone. It's all about competition and distribution.

You can try to take your place in the building materials market by offering exclusive products. So far, heat blocks or euroblocks are a kind of exclusive - such blocks consist of 3-4 layers: a base, a heater and a finishing part (for example, artificial marble from cement). Houses from heat blocks are built quickly and immediately have a presentable appearance.

In addition to a number of advantages, such blocks also have disadvantages, so first of all, start by studying reviews about this material.

The approximate cost of machines for the production of euroblocks, as well as paving and facing tiles made of artificial marble - from 90 000 rubles. When buying equipment, you will also be consulted on production technology.

8. Equipment for the assembly of greenhouses

Another option for a garage business is the manufacture of prefabricated polycarbonate greenhouses.

Such equipment mainly consists of conductors and pipe benders. Up to 20 greenhouses can be produced in an 8-hour shift.

The approximate cost is 70,000 rubles.

9. Vibroforms for the manufacture of well rings

Such forms are used for the production of wall well rings made of reinforced concrete, using the vibroforming method. This technology can produce rings of any size.

Up to 30 products can be produced per shift.

The approximate cost of the forms is from 20,000 rubles. When completing forms with vibrators - from 60,000 rubles.

10. Glove-knitting machines

More than 300 pairs of gloves per day can be produced with these automatic knitting machines. Such machines come with a control panel, which makes it easy to control the process, set the knitting speed and the size of the gloves. The multifunctional system allows the production of work gloves, frost-resistant, multi-colored and fashionable go-out gloves, as well as socks with fingers.

The approximate cost of knitting machines is from 150,000 rubles.

11. Clothes hanger making machine

At first glance, this product may seem inconspicuous, but in fact it can be quite in demand. Every clothing store needs hundreds and thousands of items of these products.

The raw material for such machines is galvanized, steel or iron wire. Production speed up to 2000 pieces per hour.

We managed to find only automatic machines made in China. The approximate cost with delivery to the Russian Federation is 340,000 rubles.

12. Artistic forging machines

If you decide to make a small forge out of your garage, then a hydraulic forging press will become an indispensable tool for you. Such machines can be used both for decorative bending and for cold and hot forging, as the units come with a small gas furnace. The machine allows you to produce more than 40 complex forged elements from rolled metal. It is only necessary to pre-install a suitable matrix.

The approximate cost of the device is 300,000 rubles. More simple analogues from 150,000 rubles.

13. CNC machines

Also, we could not help but mention the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine business.

Such devices produce products according to a template made using special programs on a computer. They differ in their versatility, accuracy and the nature of the work performed: engraving, milling, turning, drilling and others.

A number of products that can be manufactured on CNC machines are limited only by your imagination and your customers. These can be products from different materials (wood, metal, plastic):

Souvenir products (frames for photographs and mirrors, carved boxes, backgammon, chess, etc.).

Creation of precise molds for subsequent casting.

Engraving (on the surface of precious metals, inscriptions on lighters, making medals, etc.).

And much more.

Orders can be searched on the Internet and executed according to drawings, sketches and verbally stated ideas of the client.

The approximate cost of CNC machines is from 200,000 rubles.

14. Sheet bending and rolling machines

With the help of such machines, it is possible to produce a wide range of products in demand in the construction market. These can be: ventilation systems, corrugated sheets, eurostacks, drywall profiles, metal sidings and more.

The cheapest are manual bending machines - from 50,000 rubles. Semi-automatic rolling machines already amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

15. Equipment for food production

If you manage to make a sterile room out of your garage and bring it to sanitary standards, then you can think about food production.

For example, these can be machines for the manufacture of semi-finished meat products (dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, rolls, etc.). The approximate cost of the devices is from 100,000 rubles.

If you decide to install your barrels with delicious and fresh kvass around the city, then you should think about purchasing a kvass brewery. On which you can also make beer, fruit drinks and various lemonades.

The main goal and at the same time the expected result of trading and production activities is to make a profit at the least amount of costs, that is, the business, first of all, must be profitable.

Crisis conditions for the existence of an enterprise are no exception, which implies a certain test of strength while maintaining at least a minimum amount of income.

We determine the client base and sales region

Initially, you need to find out for whom it will be profitable to produce goods and where the production will be located. Successful business is to a large extent related to the characteristics of the target audience for the sale of a particular product or service, as well as the regional characteristics of the market.

Potential buyers may include the following segments of the population: the poor, the middle class, the elite. Accordingly, the manufactured products belong to the economy class, the middle segment or are expensive. The production of goods for each social niche can be profitable in its own way: expensive goods benefit from high margins, while goods of the middle or economy segment have a high turnover. However, if we are talking about a crisis period of economic development, then the population prefers inexpensive everyday products, as well as cheap mass-produced goods, often to the detriment of quality.

Region, in which the manufactured goods will be sold, should provide a suitable trading niche to the maximum. So, in a large city, a metropolis, competition among manufacturers can be very high, but goods will always be in demand due to the large number of potential buyers. In a small town or town, it is better to find an unoccupied area, having previously thoroughly studied the needs of the local market.

Possible areas of production for small and medium-sized businesses

Main areas of production having commercial interest for small and medium businesses will be:

  • Construction;
  • Agriculture;
  • Light industry;
  • Waste recycling;
  • food industry;
  • Public catering, etc.

At home it will be most profitable to produce goods that do not require a complex production process, costly materials. The main business ideas for women: tailoring, embroidery and knitting, the production of handmade soaps, creams and candles, the manufacture of designer jewelry, etc. The most promising occupations for men at home: the manufacture of home decor and interior items, exquisite wicker furniture, production decorative tiles, etc. For rural residents, growing vegetables, fruits, raising poultry (, etc.) in their own backyard is ideal.

In a crisis new approaches to doing business are needed. Since demand for some products has almost halved, many businesses have been forced to either close or change. It became obvious that now it is more profitable to produce your own products than to resell goods, mainly of imported origin. Despite the fact that the organization of own production requires more effort than trading activities, it is also expected to be significant. In addition, in some industries, for example, in agriculture, you can count on receiving. However, it is important to remember that entrepreneurial risks in a crisis acquire an unprecedented scale.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest this can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant at your plant and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

What is profitable to do in the field of production

Even in times of crisis, people continue to build various buildings and renovate premises. That's why, production of building materials and related products - almost a win-win idea. This area is traditionally distinguished by both high consumer demand and an increased competitive environment. To always stay in the black, you should choose for yourself the optimal combination of "price - quality" in the production of finished products and subsequent sales.

New technologies orient the production sector towards high-quality, environmentally friendly energy-saving materials. So, despite the still high popularity of installing windows and doors made of plastic, the demand for window frames and doors made of natural wood continues to grow.

Low cost and profitable is the production of cinder blocks and foam blocks, foam plastic, wooden pallets, paving slabs, parquet boards, chain-link mesh, nails, self-tapping screws, construction tools, wallpaper, dry building mixes, water-based paints.

Mini-production is quite possible to organize in a garage. The purchase of quality used equipment, as well as local raw materials, often from waste, do not involve large investments.

Household products

Consumer goods are necessary for the population in any economic situation.

These are the everyday things without which it is impossible to imagine any modern house or apartment. As a rule, moderate prices are set for such products for the sake of affordability, however, due to the increased turnover, their sale will bring a stable income to the entrepreneur.

Within this area, you can organize production various things made of plastic: furniture, household items, dishes, packaging. The production line is expensive, however, to purchase it, you can take or get equipment from. Plastic recycling will also become promising.

Other personal hygiene items are always in demand (paper napkins and towels, soap, shampoos, gels, creams, detergents, washcloths, household chemicals, etc.). Here you will also have to spend money on the purchase of equipment, but raw materials can be purchased at very competitive prices, for example, for toilet paper - organize the purchase of waste paper from the population.

A successful option for small and medium-sized businesses in the regions can be furniture manufacture economy class on request. To do this, you need to organize your own workshop, hire a small staff of craftsmen and make cabinet furniture from fiberboard, chipboard and other economical materials. The raw materials for furniture production will be cheap waste from woodworking enterprises.

The pallet production process is discussed in the following video:

Profitable goods for agriculture

In the field of agriculture, there can be many options for the successful development of business, especially since it is here that one can hope to receive state subsidies, grants, support from the state on the basis of various programs. In addition, lending rates for the development of agriculture are among the lowest.

Many agricultural producers are interested in installing greenhouses and purchasing various types of garden tools all year round. assembly greenhouses can be made of wood or polycarbonate, and metal, wood, plastic are suitable for garden tools. Such production can be organized even in your own garage.

Environmentally friendly products farms are in high demand. Their production does not require expensive equipment or materials, just the right technology and organization, as well as everyday work, is enough. The demand for healthy quality food among the population will only increase every year, and public catering establishments are also interested in agricultural products of local production.

The technology for growing raspberries is discussed in the following video:

On your personal plot under the force grow vegetables, fruits, seedlings, herbs, mushrooms, flowers, breeding poultry (chickens, ducks, etc.), . As a rule, the production of such products does not require large investments.

Other ideas for opening your own production with profit:

Many entrepreneurs are interested in choosing a profitable win-win business model for organizing their own production under any economic conditions. Its choice will depend on the characteristics of the production sector, the purchasing power of the target audience, the region of sales and the starting opportunities of the business project.

The business idea for the production of belts is discussed in the following video:

It is realistic to start a manufacturing business small. 10 mini-production ideas will allow you to start with minimal investment, get real profit and expand your business horizons in the future, creating a real mini-factory if you wish.


The very concept of "production" alarms novice businessmen. It is perceived as something global and large-scale. But everything big starts small. Moreover, small-scale production has established itself as a promising and long-term business. Where to start? Buy a mini-workshop for the production of pasta or sausages, or maybe start making self-tapping screws or toilet paper? All this is beaten and requires a solid investment. We offer 10 mini-production business ideas for small businesses that are relevant for 2018, and which really have a chance to become a life's work, expand in the future to a large plant and make a profit already at the start.

Table 1. List of 10 mini-productions for small businesses

Idea name

Minimum investment, rub.

Embodiment Features

Yarn production

The need for specific equipment. Smart advertising campaign.

Fruit chips production

A room that meets sanitary standards.

Wicker furniture manufacturing

You will need special tools and a place for drying raw materials.

Production of detox juices

Acquisition of a powerful juicer, volumetric refrigerator.

Production of paper bags

Purchase of blanks and equipment.

spice packaging

Search for quality raw materials.

Preparing an office, obtaining a license, buying a 3D printer.

Tailoring of overalls

Purchase of sewing equipment, warm room, hiring seamstresses.

Room up to 70 sq. m. Purchase of tools and consumables.

Making a glowing decorative stone

You need a warm room, running water.

Features of opening a business in the field of production

Opening even a small production requires elaboration of the concept and main points. Before starting you need:

  • formalize business activities;
  • analyze the market, sales channels;
  • select a suitable location for equipment placement;
  • make a list of equipment and find equipment suppliers;
  • hire, if necessary, employees with professional experience in the selected production area, or provide for the possibility of training;
  • work out the technological moments of production;
  • find suppliers of materials and raw materials;
  • work out the marketing and delivery of finished products;
  • evaluate the financial component of the business in terms of initial investment and possible income.

Let's consider the ideas of mini-productions in more detail in the context of the features of running a manufacturing business.

Yarn production

Handmade yarn is especially appreciated by craftswomen for its healing properties and quality, which is lost during production on an industrial scale. This affects the price of handmade yarn, which you can use to organize your own business.

Such an idea requires perseverance, creativity. After all, the wool will have to be sorted out, cleaned of dirt, coarse hair - and all this by hand. Of the equipment you will have to purchase:

  • carding machine;
  • spinning wheel;
  • electric spinning wheel;
  • winding machine.

You will also need consumables in the form of cotton thread, sheep wool or goat down. In total, the initial investment will be about 73,000 rubles.

From 10 kg of wool worth 4,000 rubles. comes out to 150 pcs. 15-gram balls, which can be sold for 35 rubles. per piece Goat yarn is sold more expensive - a ball costs up to 190 rubles. From 10 kg of fluff, which is sold for 16,000 rubles, you can wind up to 200 such balls.

That is, it is realistic to earn on a batch of wool - 1,250 rubles, and on distillation of angora - up to 22,000 rubles. Net profit from processing 20 kg of raw materials will be up to 23,000-25,000 rubles.

The actual profit depends on the volume of processed raw materials, the quality of the finished product and marketing. The material will have to be purchased from private traders, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to its quality, the presence of litter and impurities.

You can sell yarn via the Internet, or by renting a shelf in shops for craftswomen.

To expand your own business, you can start the production of dyed yarn or the production of knitwear from your own threads.

Fruit chips production

Novice businessmen will like this idea with a low entry threshold and lack of competition.

But children and young people can also be attributed to potential buyers.

The technology for the production of fruit chips consists in cutting, drying and packaging the finished product. The main thing is to clarify the temperature conditions, which will have to be selected at first not only for each fruit, but also for the variety.

The main costs - purchase of equipment:

  • cutting machines;
  • electric dryers;
  • packaging machine;
  • kitchen utensils.

In total, investments will amount to 80,000 rubles.

Production belongs to the food industry, so the premises must meet sanitary requirements.

The production of 1 kg of chips will cost approximately 200 rubles. A portion of 200 g, packed in a paper bag, can be sold for 150 rubles. Earnings per 1 kg will be 550 rubles. Up to 100 kg of goods can be manufactured per month without the involvement of hired employees, which will bring profit - from 55,000 rubles.

Wicker furniture manufacturing

You can realize your creative ideas and make good money on this by opening a workshop for the production of wicker furniture. From natural vines or willow branches, as a popular environmental material, you can make dining sets, country furniture, baskets, decorative figurines, stands for flowers and fruits, chests of drawers and whatnots, armchairs and baby cradles.

The main problem for the implementation of such an idea is the search for raw materials. You can not only buy raw materials, but also harvest them yourself, which will significantly reduce costs.

Initial investments do not exceed 100,000 rubles. and include the cost of purchasing tools and a drying chamber. In summer, raw materials can also be dried in natural conditions.

It is possible to place such production in an ordinary garage, but it is better to provide places for drying, varnishing and directly manufacturing furniture. Additional space will be needed for storage of raw materials and finished goods.

The wicker furniture business is highly profitable. The cost of a standard chair is 1,000 rubles, and you can sell such a product for 2,000-3,000 rubles.

Production of detox juices

You can make good money on people's desire for a healthy lifestyle.

The production of freshly squeezed juices can even be started in your own kitchen, if it meets the requirements for food production premises.

To start a business you will need:

  • Auger juicer;
  • refrigerator for storage of raw materials and finished juices;
  • a portable refrigerator for the delivery of ready-made juices;
  • kitchen stuff and tools.

Ready-made vegetable or fruit juice is packaged in small bottles of 250 or 500 g.

In total, the cost of starting without renting a room will not exceed 115,000 rubles. The income from the sale of 500 bottles per month will be 80,000 rubles.

A significant drawback - fresh juices are not stored for longer than 3 days. Therefore, you will have to work out distribution channels and an advertising campaign. You can cooperate with beauty salons, fitness centers, coupon sites. The website, social networks and a small online store will become the key tool for advertising and sales.

At first, you can do it on your own, but as you expand your business, you will have to think about renting a small workshop and hiring employees. It is possible to expand the boundaries of the business by increasing the range or geographical boundaries of sales.

Paper bags

Another eco-friendly way to make money. Paper packaging is in demand among manufacturers of fast food, pastries, bulk products, gift sellers, alcoholic beverages, and branded items. However, you will have to turn on your ingenuity in order to win the fight against "plastic bags".

You can start an interesting business with manual assembly. In this case, the investment will be minimal.

You can buy package blanks and independently carry out only a phased assembly, including:

  • sticking a seal under the handles;
  • longitudinal gluing;
  • formation of sidewalls and top of the package;
  • production of a bottom with a sealant;
  • firmware for handles;
  • tie-in rope handles.

Production will require cutters, manual bending devices, racks for storing blanks and finished products, long tables. In total, up to 50 thousand rubles must be spent on the purchase of equipment. The purchase of the first batch of blanks will take up to 100 thousand rubles. Costs can be reduced if you purchase paper in rolls rather than blanks. Consumables include thread, tape, rope, glue.

The cost of 1 package with a size of 300x400 mm is 25 rubles. You can sell such a product from 40 rubles. It is realistic to manually produce up to 3,000 such bags per month. This will bring profit up to 45,000 rubles. But the real income depends on the volume of products sold.

spice packaging

The production of spices is not such a simple matter. It is necessary not only to understand the taste characteristics, but also to take into account the compatibility of seasonings.

At first, you can limit yourself to packaging ready-made spices in bags or glass containers. To do this, it will be enough to find a dry room and purchase a packing unit, which can be purchased from 150,000 rubles. True, some aspiring entrepreneurs start their business with manual packaging, which significantly affects productivity.

In the future, you still have to attract a technologist who will make unique recipes. In this direction, it is important not only to work out sales, but also to find suppliers of high-quality raw materials. If you do not rely on the supply of raw materials from China, but buy, for example, Russian herbs, it is profitable to locate production in the southern regions.

The profit from such production depends on the type of spices produced: homogeneous, multi-component, raw, dry, liquid. But on average, the profitability with active advertising reaches 70%.

Production of 3D orthopedic insoles

The use of innovative technologies makes it possible to model orthopedic insoles, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client's foot shape. To open such a business you will need:

  1. Find a suitable room, if necessary, make repairs, purchase furniture.
  2. Registration of entrepreneurial activity and obtaining a license.
  3. Buy equipment (3D printer) and raw materials (thermoplastic).

In total, investments will amount to 180 thousand rubles. no space preparation costs.

On average, the manufacture of one orthopedic insole takes 30 seconds, and you can sell it for 4-5 thousand rubles. Such production, with competent advertising, can bring income up to 300-400 thousand rubles. per month. Additionally, you can earn on the correction of finished insoles and consultations with an orthopedist. In the future, the business is easy to expand by starting the manufacture of 3D shoes.

Tailoring of overalls

Overalls for personnel are constantly purchased not only by industrial enterprises, but also by hotels, restaurants, private medical centers.

To implement such an idea, you will have to find a suitable room for accommodating a studio with heating. Location does not matter, so you can save on rent by placing a mini-workshop in a residential area.

You will have to spend money on the purchase of sewing equipment and the purchase of fabrics and accessories. In total, the costs will be from 200,000 rubles. It is important to select qualified personnel, since it is the quality of sewing that will become a good advertisement in the future.

A huge advantage of this type of business is bulk orders. Therefore, you can count on the first profit after the first order is completed. The actual payback period will depend on sales volumes, but usually is up to six months. In the future, it is possible to expand production by sewing school and sports uniforms.

Production of solar collectors

Alternative energy sources are a promising direction. The niche for the production of solar collectors in Russia is practically not occupied, and demand will only grow over time. Such environmentally friendly batteries are in demand for heating residential buildings, small industrial premises, greenhouses, workshops, heating water in swimming pools.

It is advantageous to organize self-assembly of collectors in your own garage or a rented small room up to 80 sq. m. You will have to invest in the purchase of construction tools and consumables, renting a room, which in total will not exceed 300,000 rubles. The actual amount depends on the volume of consumables purchased.

The cost of one collector is 31,000 rubles. You can reduce the initial investment if you work on an advance payment. But buying consumables: cellular polycarbonate, water pipes, fittings, plugs, paint, rubber hoses is still more profitable in bulk.

Profit depends on the margin and completed orders. If you mount 1 collector every day, you can actually earn up to 300 thousand rubles per month.

To install solar collectors, you will have to hire an assistant - doing such work on your own is inconvenient and inefficient. A hired employee can be initially involved in the assembly of finished products, which, when expanding production, will eliminate the need to hire additional workers and train them.

Do not forget about the seasonality of orders. In winter, you will have to basically work “idle”, that is, to make blanks for future orders.

Luminous facade stone

Lumobeton is an original finishing material that glows in the dark. It is applied to finishing of external and internal surfaces.

The technology for the production of artificial stone is quite simple, even a novice entrepreneur can master it.

You can get acquainted with the nuances of technology in the video:

The stone is made from a mixture of quartz sand, gypsum, cement, dye and directly a component that gives the stone a glow.

For production, you will need to purchase:

  • vibration table.
  • mortar mixer;
  • molds for pouring stone.

In total, 100 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of equipment and technology, and 270 thousand rubles on consumables. You can sell such a stone for 1,000-2,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m. From every 10 sq. m. of sold products really earn about 10 thousand rubles.

It is important to take into account when choosing a room for organizing production that the stone is dried at a temperature of + 30 ° C, and water is needed to make the mortar.