Home redevelopment: opportunities, dangers and pitfalls. Stunning reconstruction of an old house - competent redevelopment of the premises and a sophisticated sense of style Do-it-yourself redevelopment inside a wooden house

Not every homeowner builds a home from scratch. Someone inherits a country property, someone buys a plot of land with a finished building, which for some reason he doesn’t like. In addition, in the spring, inconveniences and unacceptable shortcomings are often discovered in an already built house, or the family grows and the house becomes cramped for it. Then you need to accept difficult decision related to the reconstruction of a private house - extension, superstructure or repair. And often the owners try to redo everything with their own hands.

Reasons for reconstruction

Nowadays housing stock The country includes a fairly significant sector of “dilapidated” houses built more than 30 years ago. In most cases, they are now in an uninhabitable state. Naturally, owners of such real estate try to get rid of such objects by selling them to buyers for next to nothing, because they are more interested in a piece of land than in what is built on it.

Of course you can demolish it old house and build a new one in the vacant place. However, you can do without this. Properly organized and executed reconstruction country house will make it possible to turn it into the most modern cottage, which meets the highest requirements of comfort and coziness. In this case great value has how to legalize the reconstruction of a private house.


Sometimes it happens that you can make your home cozier and more convenient only through major changes in its design, and it is unlikely that you can get by with just redevelopment. Construction of a veranda, addition of additional floors and others construction work, which are associated with changes in technical and economic indicators (total area and construction volume) and functional purpose of private houses fall under the concept of “reconstruction”.

The rules for reconstruction are regulated by the regulations on the procedure for reconstruction of residential private houses and non-residential buildings. According to this normative act, before carrying out reconstruction, you must submit an application to the local government authority, which must make a decision within a month on permission to reconstruct a private house or a reasoned refusal and inform the applicant about this in writing.

In addition to the application, you must provide the following documents: development plan for plot of land that is completed individual entrepreneur or legal entity, which has the appropriate permission; description of work to change the purpose or physical parameters of the premises of a residential private house; written consent of all residents, including those temporarily absent for the reconstruction of the house.

In addition, the applicant must provide copies of documents that certify ownership of the private house and a piece of land. Having permission in hand, the developer develops the project, removes the axes of the reconstruction works and opens financing.

Attic conversion

How can you achieve the result described above? It is best to start rebuilding a private residential building from the attic. If its height and area are too small, then it is recommended to simply think about insulating the room to avoid heat leakage through the ventilated attic from the main house. If the area of ​​this room is large enough, then it is an unaffordable luxury to lose it and in such a situation you need to seriously think about converting the old attic into an attic.

The initial task is to strengthen the floor, for which you need to strengthen the rafters with a corner and place new strong logs, preferably made of timber. It is also important to take care of the thermal insulation of the roof slopes, which serve as the walls of the future attic. For this, it is best to take mineral wool panels, although more modern ones can be used roll materials, if funds allow.

An essential component of such a “pie” is a vapor barrier layer that allows air to pass through only in one direction. It is also recommended to replace the roof, because you know that metal roofs make a lot of noise when there is wind or rain. This is not important for non-residential attic, but for a residential attic it is of great importance. Therefore, it is better to buy soft roofing materials, which also have excellent thermal insulation properties.


Completing the second floor and converting the attic of a house into an attic invariably leads to an increase in total mass residential building, and therefore provokes an increase in loads on the foundation and requires the preparation of certain documents for the reconstruction of a private house. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study its external and internal condition, for which you should not limit yourself solely to a superficial inspection of the above-ground surface of the foundation. You will have to drill a hole to the entire depth of the foundation.

If you find defects, you need to try to take measures and try to do everything to strengthen it. If you have log house, which is not uncommon for old buildings, it is also necessary to subject the lower crowns of the log house to examination. They often rot over time, which reduces the stability of the structure. If there are rotten fragments, they should be replaced immediately.

Main room

When reconstructing a private house with your own hands, the question of remodeling the main room often arises. In this case, some problems arise - to combine the space, it may be necessary to remove the wall, which is a load-bearing one. In such a situation, it will not be possible to demolish it cleanly; you will have to replace the wall with a special structure created from articulated supports with support walls and beams laid on them.

This allows you to preserve the load-bearing capacity of the housing and unite the space; if you wish, the beam and supports can be decorated with plasterboard panels. When choosing this approach, it is important to take special care at each stage of the work. This is exactly the case when it is recommended to play it safe once again rather than risk and end up with a collapse of the structure.

Brick wall repair

Brickwork is often done carelessly, so in old private houses the walls need to be finished in such a way that they look more beautiful. To do this, it is necessary to restore the broken parts of the bricks by first preparing the mortar, treating the seams and giving them a concave or straight shape.

On early stages It is important to identify the reasons for the formation of deformations in the masonry and check its quality, horizontalness, thickness of the dressing and seams. It is customary to dismantle brickwork that is laid on mixed or low-grade lime mortar using electric hammers and pneumatic jackhammers.

The masonry is dismantled in sections approximately 1.5 meters long. The masonry should be dismantled in horizontal rows, starting from the top of the wall. The brick must be cleared of the mortar with the sharp end of a pick and lowered down through closed gutters. Crushed stone is also poured down the gutters.

It is recommended to break concrete and rubble masonry manually using a pneumatic or electric hammer with shock part in the shape of a peak or flat blade. Weathering of seams is usually eliminated by strengthening the seams with cement mortar.

Jumpers with some cracks need to be restored by injecting a special liquid into them - polymer cement or cement mortar. When repairing arched lintels, the loads from the floors must be removed from them and subsequently repositioned. When repairing ordinary and wedge lintels, they should be reinforced with reinforced concrete or steel beams.

The most optimal method of enlargement load-bearing capacity brick wall with a low grade of masonry mortar by performing peripheral replacement in the masonry joints of the mortar, which exists on a polymer-cement base. The advantage of this method, along with significant savings, is restoration without increasing the mass of the brick wall and reducing internal dimensions premises.

If cracks appear under the supports of purlins and floor beams, it is necessary to replace sections of the masonry, install a reinforced concrete backing slab, having previously made temporary vertical mounts before installing it.

Repair of wooden walls

Repairing wooden walls old house, it is necessary to restore the basement, replace sections of the walls and lower crowns in the partitions and under the windows, level and hang the housing during subsidence, and seal the openings in the wooden walls. When repairing the basement, the wooden fence is replaced with a brick one. When replacing rotten logs and beams, you need to hang the overlying crowns using jacks, and when changing beams upper crown- attic floor and rafters.

Rotten logs must be replaced with new ones. A three-layer roofing material should be laid on the foundation, and the lower surface of the crown should be treated with an antiseptic and bitumen. Replacing rotted lower crowns brickwork, it is customary to do waterproofing between the new masonry and the foundation, between the preserved crowns and the new masonry.

To strengthen wooden walls, install vertical clamps consisting of 2 beams every 2 meters, which have a cross-section of 12 by 14 centimeters for one-story private houses and 15 by 20 centimeters for two-story houses. It is customary to tighten the bars with bolts every meter along the height of the compression. Install the first bolts at a distance of 30 centimeters from the compression end.

When making openings, the jambs and the crowns of the walls are connected with a tongue and groove. If settlement of the walls has stopped, do not leave a gap above the opening, but lay insulation. The side jambs are left, and the top and bottom cushion are removed. The opening must be filled with beams or logs, repeating the design of a wooden wall.

Reworking floors

Repair of floors is carried out by replacing the roll-up, or by strengthening individual wooden beams and the structure of the floors in general over the entire area. After removing the floor, insulation material, steam and sound insulating layers and roll-up are usually inspected wooden beams. To repair, remove the skull blocks, clean the beams and reinforce with side plates, while installing them with nails or bolts. Place a temporary support under the structure to be repaired and remove the unusable part of the beam.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete floors that have to be repaired are divided into:

Flooring-flooring that rests on the walls of the house and covers the entire span between load-bearing brick walls;

Floors that consist of individual reinforced concrete beams different profiles and filling in the form of lightweight concrete liners or slabs that lie on the flanges of the beams;

Prefabricated monolithic floors, which consist of beams with reinforcement exposed at the top of the section, on which vaulted or ribbed reinforced concrete slabs are laid, and the voids are filled with concrete;

Monolithic floors, which consist of small blocks, which are laid on a temporary flooring with grooves in which they are laid monolithic concrete and reinforcement cages.

Often the reconstruction of an old private house is carried out without dismantling the covering and ceilings, then it is better to place the ceiling elements into the window opening. When a private house requires dismantling of floors and coverings completely, it is most rational to use large-sized floorings.

Partition repair

Repair of partitions includes the following work: complete replacement dilapidated partitions or installation of additional partitions when choosing redevelopment of premises; rearrangement and strengthening of partitions; replacement of frame posts, strappings and individual elements made of wood; partial or general consolidation of elements of shrunken partitions with the addition of boards; constructing new or sealing existing openings in partitions, as well as hanging partitions that have sagged.

Ask what documents to prepare for the reconstruction of a private house. When reconstructing an old house, it is customary to dismantle existing partitions and erect new ones from gypsum fiber, gypsum and gypsum concrete slabs, as well as from lightweight concrete and ceramic stones and brick. The partitions are laid from different materials- bricks, stones and gypsum boards. Brick partitions are a quarter of a brick thick, length and height - 3 meters. If the height and length are greater, then it is customary to lay half a brick.

Partitions can be reinforced with thin reinforcing wire, which has a diameter of 6 millimeters, to ensure their stability. Where the structure intersects with the main wall, it is necessary to drive in steel pins. To make the brick partition reliable, make it strictly vertically, filling each seam well with mortar. Brick partitions in bathrooms there should be a floor or a quarter of a brick thick, and they are usually laid out according to a metal template with markings.

If there is a doorway in the partition, the box must be installed after the second row of gypsum concrete slabs, fastening is carried out with wood plugs, which are usually laid in 3 places between the slabs on both sides in height and filled gypsum mortar. Place jumpers in plaster partitions symmetrically relative to the center of the existing opening.

After this, a gap is left between the partition and the ceiling for settlement of the structures. Later it should be caulked with tow and gypsum mortar. The dressing of the seams is observed when pairing the partitions. Place anchors made of reinforcement into the horizontal seams, pre-coating them with bitumen varnish, use brushes when attaching to external wall, placing them along the height of the entire wall in three places. There, lay steel reinforcement in horizontal joints along the length of the wall to ensure its stability.

Completing stage

The most difficult thing in a private house reconstruction project and façade finishing is choosing a specific option from the many proposed solutions. Modern market finishing materials for facades provides the widest range: from artificial stones to vinyl siding.

Serious problems can arise when updating communications. Most private houses old building are not equipped with running water and sewerage. This is unacceptable for modern people. Connecting to city communications laid nearby does not pose a problem from a technical point of view; the technology for such connections has been developed for a long time.

However, again, most of the time has to be spent on coordination with utility services and local authorities, who are happy that developers are doing their work at their own expense and with their own hands, but at the same time they still cannot refuse bureaucratic delays. So in this case you will have to be patient.

Thus, you understand that registration of the reconstruction of a private house - an old village or country house - is not simple task, but quite solvable. Therefore, if you wish, you can completely do without high costs and turn your old, but not too dilapidated building into a comfortable and modern home for a family.

Taking into account the experience of FORUMHOUSE users, we will tell you how to do the redevelopment on your own.

There is no room that cannot be made more comfortable. Update communications, break down partitions or make new ones, sew up doors, install a convenient frame veranda instead of cold hallways - any of these events will make housing more comfortable for your family.

From the point of view of the law, redevelopment is considered to be any changes after which the house no longer corresponds to the plan according to which it was built. Almost all of this work can only be done with permission from the relevant authorities in your municipality. The architectural and construction supervision authority of your municipality will tell you whether your planned alteration requires official permission, but in general, approval is not required if:

  • You are moving plumbing fixtures within the bathroom to another location.
  • Sew up doors (fill openings) in load-bearing walls;
  • Making temporary partitions between rooms;
  • Demolish non-load-bearing partitions;
  • Make doorways in interior partitions.

At the same time, the law obliges you to notify regulatory organizations. You don't have to, but if you decide to sell your home, problems may arise: all changes must be made to the house plan. Yes, one of FORUMHOUSE members To sell the home, the built-in closet had to be returned to its original place - without full compliance with the plan, the bank refused to give the buyer a mortgage.

Approval is required for:

Permission is given for this work.

You will not be given permission to do any work that reduces the safety of your home or weakens load-bearing structures; for work in a dilapidated house, for heated premises. At FORUMHOUSE you can get advice on your specific case.

Let's look at specific examples users of our portal, with their own hands, without involving designers or hiring builders, can change their home beyond recognition, upgrading it to the level of “you want to live here.”

The house that was rebuilt Sailer197

An old house, built in the 40s of the last century, with an old stove, a cold attic and outdoor toilet got it user FORUMHOUSE Sailer197 by inheritance. Family Sailer197 lived in rented apartment, the issue of moving was acute; before the move and the birth of the child, the most important issues had to be resolved: to build a bathroom and new heating, than Sailer197 and studied for the first two months. In total, the renovation and design work took a year and a half, but the result was worth it.

Beutiflet User FORUMHOUSE

Since then, I have repeatedly broken all sorts of stereotypes and continue to treat them rather dismissively.

The main innovation of this kitchen is the table, installed not traditionally, but diagonally.

As a result, three family members can easily fit at the table, and there is still “room for maneuver.” A shelf for a kettle and mixer is also located in the corner; moreover, there is room for drawer with forks and knives. The table was also made by hand, and behind the yellow doors under the stove there is a drying rack for dishes.

In general, many designers and architects, based on many years of experience, say that the first decision is usually the most correct. And if the implementation of this idea is technically possible, then it makes sense to bring it to life.

How to decide on color and hide volumetric details

When designing on your own and boldly breaking all stereotypes, it is important to restrain yourself when it comes to color. Color solutions there shouldn’t be a lot, especially in minimalist rooms. The task seems difficult, but it’s enough to decide on the main color, add a background or contrasting color, and everything will work out by itself.

If patterns are used in decoration, you should remember that they look best in background colors. That is, if the decoration you have, roughly speaking, is strawberries on a green lawn, then it is better to make the kitchen green, etc.

House owners are often faced with the need to “do something” with a beam running under the ceiling. And if in some other rooms the beam can be played up so that it becomes more of an advantage, then in the bedroom it is an extra element that weighs down the design. Especially if, after arranging the furniture, it ends up directly opposite the bed: you open your eyes in the morning and there is a beam hanging over you.

Experts say there are two good ways“eliminate” a volumetric detail - do not pay attention to it at all or decorate it with mirrors. Constantly thinking about how to hide the beam, we assign it disproportionate importance in our minds and, accordingly, in the interior of the house. great place, and the result inevitably turns out unnatural, inharmonious. Perhaps the best solution would be to sew up the beam, just like suspended ceiling, and paint it with matte white paint. In the photo below we see how to solve a similar problem using a mirror. Here the bedroom was taken out into the loggia, and after dismantling, an impressive beam hung directly above the bed.

But we should remember that a mirror is still a bold solution that is not suitable for everyone.

According to existing Russian legislation, redevelopment and reconstruction of an apartment or house must be reflected in the technical passport. The redevelopment of an apartment or house can include the construction of new walls or dismantling of old ones, as well possible changes or removing door and window openings. Redevelopment of a private house involves changing all engineering systems: electrical, technical, gas or other systems.

Let's look at a simple way to remodel a residential building.

Below we provide a list of required documents:

  1. Technical passport plan and its copy received from the BTI.
  2. Extract from the house register issued by the house management.
  3. IN construction company who is remodeling a house, you need to take a copy of the plan of the future house.
  4. A copy of documents confirming your legal right to this residential premises.
  5. Written statement.

Having collected the necessary package of documents, contact the administration at your place of residence in order to obtain official permission to conduct of this type works

After you have collected the necessary package of documents, and your future project at home does not contradict state regulations and rules, then the administration will approve your request.

After certain repair work and carry out the transformation, which is also called redevelopment, you will need to call specialists - technicians from the BTI, who will document all the new changes and on this basis will issue you a new technical passport Houses.

They can be demolished during redevelopment, provided certain details. If you decide to break a brick partition and move it to another place, then over time it may fall.

The reason for this problem is that the floor slabs can only withstand a certain load, which varies differently in different parts of the house.

Brick walls 2.6 m high weigh much more than a person’s weight, so the panel will not support the weight of a heavy partition. Over time, it will begin to sag and eventually simply collapse.

To avoid this situation, when moving the wall, use structures made of slabs treated with special

When deciding to redevelop an old house, you should choose a reliable construction company, which can cope with this important task.

Redevelopment and construction of a house- these are different things, so when reconstructing a house, leave the work to the professionals, and you will definitely be confident in the reliability of the redevelopment and the absence of any emergency situations in the future.

And of course, it is better to contact specialists or a construction company with whom you can enter into an agreement for the development of the entire project, redevelopment and all related work.

You will need to specify the exact terms of production and quality of redevelopment, as well as penalties that may be applicable in case of failure to fulfill obligations under the contract.

If we schematically describe a private residential building, then it consists of a frame or box, which is internally divided by partitions into separate rooms. Walls allow you to delimit space and highlight rooms for different purposes. So, most often the living room and kitchen are located on the 1st floor, bedrooms and other rooms are on the 2nd floor...

But the basic layout of a cottage is not always to the taste of its owners. The feeling of comfort and practicality come first, while older layout options may not meet the requirements modern requirements. If you just recently bought a house and don’t agree with its layout, you can always make your own adjustments.

If you are thinking about this, you need to understand whether the redevelopment will improve the current condition of the house, whether it will harm the functioning of communications or technical condition housing. In addition, the legislative aspect plays an important role. Let's consider all the nuances in more detail.

House layout. What can be improved?

Before you begin planning a renovation, it is important to assess the overall picture, determine the budget and sequence of work.

The home owner in this situation has two options. It can improve a room by creating additional space or completely change internal layout. The choice of one solution or another depends on the budget and family circumstances (for example, expectations of a new addition to the family).

As a rule, the desire for improvement is associated with the following reasons:

  1. Another family member has appeared, which requires allocation new room, there is an opportunity through movement interior partitions create a separate bedroom on the top floor;
  2. Renovation is outdated, chosen by owner new style and to implement ideas, space redevelopment is required;
  3. It is uncomfortable to live in the purchased house; the distribution of space is poorly thought out;
  4. I'm tired of the current design and want drastic changes;
  5. There are plans to expand and add to the house.

At the initial stage, you need to create a list of improvements and wishes. You will need careful analysis for a number of changes, since the measures taken may affect operational characteristics cottage

To carry out work on redevelopment of a house or cottage, it is recommended to involve professionals in the construction industry. They will help you avoid engineering mistakes, create a project and help you implement it at minimal cost.

What should a competent redevelopment look like?

The owner of country property should take into account that most houses are built according to standard projects, which have already proven their effectiveness. If you want to change the standard layout to an individual one, you cannot thoughtlessly demolish the walls and rebuild them in another part. Such movements may jeopardize the integrity of the building. For example, demolition load-bearing wall without installing reinforced supports, it can lead to the destruction of the house.

When remodeling, it is important to follow the principles of ergonomics:

  1. noisy rooms (kitchen, living room, bathroom) should not be adjacent to quiet rooms and should be provided with additional sound insulation;
  2. The kitchen and bathroom should be installed in the location of the corresponding communications (risers);
  3. the developer rents out the cottage taking into account the expected layout of the building - this is indicated by the location of sockets and wires. Therefore, during redevelopment, they will have to be moved.

Before remodeling your house, compare your plans with the documentation. Making changes will require approval from the Housing and Architectural Department. If you do not understand these nuances and do not want to get involved in these details, contact the architect-designer in advance. The specialist will provide you with a redevelopment project in technical and visual form, consisting of:

  1. conclusions on coordination of actions with architectural and construction institutions;
  2. water supply, sanitation and electricity project;
  3. the architectural and structural part, which describes the redevelopment.

In a conversation with the designer, you will be able to fully describe your wishes. A professional is obliged to take into account all the points in the project and provide alternatives in case it is impossible to implement the stated ideas.

To quickly find the right decision, it is necessary to start from real possibilities. For example, in a 50-meter square room it will not be possible to create 5 separate bedrooms. Depending on the purpose of the room, it has its own area standards.

Redevelopment options

Changing the arrangement of rooms and walls provides opportunities for creativity, new ideas and inspires new life into a familiar space. The basic principle that must be followed is that they must change the house in better side and take into account the needs of all its inhabitants.

There are several redevelopment options that meet modern interior design trends.

1. Hallway

The main problem with hallways is that they generally look like a dark and narrow closet.

To make the hallway spacious and bright, you can combine it with next room or install a partition with recesses for shelves instead of a wall. Adjacent to the hallway should be either a living room or a dining room.

2. Kitchen

Nowadays, the kitchen should not only be a place for preparing food, but also beautiful decoration Houses. Installation of a ready-made kitchen set with countertops and built-in household appliances will turn the room into a real work of art.

Should the kitchen be combined with the living room? This is a matter of taste and personal wishes. Some people don't want the smell of cooking food getting into their common rooms, and others mount good hood and enjoy being with friends without having to spend time preparing snacks.

3. Bathroom

Bathrooms are special rooms closed type. There should be a sufficient number of them. Current trends in residential construction - each bedroom = one bathroom. However, in practice, this is not always possible due to space limitations and the location of communications. In this case, one of possible options solutions - dividing one bathroom into 2 parts and connecting doors with the nearest bedrooms.

But this is possible if the bathroom is spacious in size. Otherwise, if you need to expand the bathroom area, and the bathroom and toilet are separated by a partition, combining Not large rooms will create extra space to place the required household appliances and longer stays in comfortable conditions.

Why are walls being torn down?

As a rule, the presence large quantity blank walls and partitions creates cramped conditions, hides sunlight and prevents the free movement of air. Because of this, the atmosphere in the house becomes more closed, and discomfort may occur after a long stay in such rooms.

Moving or removing individual walls can solve this problem, redistribute the air and make the house brighter. The space zoning technique will help you divide the space according to its intended purpose.

Another optimization option that many people forget about is the use of basements and attics. In a cottage setting, the attic can turn into a picturesque attic. If technical parameters houses allow you to do this; you can install an additional terrace at the top, which will provide shade and help allocate space on the porch for a gazebo.

Thus, you will not only use another floor, but also improve the area near the front door.

The demolished walls inside the cottage will help unite color scheme interior decoration, create individual style and make your home more harmonious. Some customers ask architects to provide for the location of rooms in parts of the world and think through the layout in accordance with the principles of ancient teachings (Feng Shui, Ayurveda, etc.).

Downsizing large rooms creates space for other areas, such as an additional bedroom, study, recreation room, dressing room, etc. To create individual comfort, you can be creative and realize any idea.

1) You can carry out the redevelopment gradually and combine this work with current repairs. This will help you save your budget and quickly get used to the changes.

2) When remodeling is being done, take a moment to assess the current condition of the wiring and pipes. They may be worn out and require maintenance. It is better to do this during work than to deal with leaks or short circuits later.

3) Start from the real possibilities of the area and do not expand the house in spite of project documentation. It's a matter of safety and rational use space.

4) Where you do not understand how to change walls or have concerns, consult an expert. Do not spare money, because building materials spent on incorrect work cannot be reused.

5) When remodeling in current moment, think about the future. If there is a chance that in 5 years you will have a child, it is better to allocate a room in advance where the new family member will live. It is not necessary to furnish the nursery right away. Use the room as an office and reserve for expanding your family.

6) Please note that after the project has been approved by the designer, it will be too late to make adjustments. You will have to pay extra money to redesign the project.

7) During repairs, carry out the necessary heat and sound insulation work. This way you will increase technical specifications buildings and solve several problems at once.

8) Don't skimp on building materials, which wear out quickly. This category includes floor coverings, windows, doors and wall decoration. It is much easier to change furniture than to make repairs.

9) If the redevelopment is carried out without significant repair work, do not forget to protect the walls and ceilings with film and paper.

10) Sometimes bring something new to life design solution possible without redevelopment - by repainting the walls, installing accessories and new lighting. Assess the feasibility of renovating a cottage before ordering a project and starting its implementation.

The correct layout of a private house will allow you to use every meter of it as profitably and comfortably as possible. If there is a possibility of reconstruction and the need for this, do not delay and are afraid of changes, consult with professionals, and then feel free to implement your ideas and plans.