The best furniture for a child's room. Interesting furniture for a children's room in interior design. Directions in arranging furniture in the children's room

For the room where the child grows and develops, they select special furniture that belongs to the category of environmentally friendly and safe industrial products. In addition to general characteristics, such as naturalness and accessibility, children's furniture should be interesting and original in exterior design. In addition, it should be comfortable when each segment, whether it be a box or shelves, was easily accessible from the child.

In many families, nurseries are equipped for two or more children. AT this case an important factor becomes the arrangement of not only the ergonomic environment of functional areas, based on childhood and gender of children. After all, the immediate task of any children's furniture is to form a child's broad horizons, and furniture significantly affects the overall development of the child.

Fantasies and creativity

Create a bright, but not colorful and unusual room perhaps every family strives for their child. Cheerful décor and original furnishings, appropriate for the age of the younger generation, characterize the interior of the nursery. If a child is interested in his territory and reluctantly leaves the room, then the efforts made to decorate the room were not in vain.

Nursery furniture unusual shapes and coloring contributes to the formation of positive emotions and a positive psychological mood in the child. It is worth creating an interior in a primitively cheerful children's style, as the whims and age-related harmfulness of the baby begin to wane. In addition to a calming factor, creative furniture contributes to the development of artistic taste and lays the basic foundations for craving for creativity and abstract vision that accompany the child in the future.

AT design decoration it is extremely important for a nursery to equip a microcosm that fully corresponds to the interests, inclinations and hobbies of the small owner of the room.

To do this, the space is zoned in accordance with the functions - a place to study, a corner of creativity, a zone for sleeping and relaxing, a play area. Concerning stylistic orientation, for the children's most right decision will be the choice of neoclassical style, since this is not a living room and not an entrepreneurial office. abundance soft toys, extraordinary curtains or fancy light curtains, the presence of dense sofa cushions with the function of a pouffe, will help to create a light spiritual atmosphere in the nursery.

Specificity and diversity

The difference between the nursery and the rest of the rooms is the lack of a conservative approach to interior design. Transience in change appearance space is directly related to the growth rate of the child. Within just one year, the room can undergo a threefold change - the cradle is replaced by a crib, and after a certain time period it has to be changed to a full-fledged bed, devoid of fencing systems. The stage of frequent purchase of furniture for one room is familiar to all parents, and not every couple is able to afford it. Most often, beautiful furniture for a child is purchased “for growth”.

The modern furniture industry produces not only details and parts of the interior that are exquisite in appearance. Modern furniture for children is characterized by additional criteria and very important characteristics:

  1. Furniture structures are designed for the anatomical features of a growing organism.
  2. Transformer furniture grows together with the child - height-adjustable tables and chairs, a folding bed equipped with folding sides for younger children, which are removed as the child grows up.
  3. Cabinets, mezzanines, shelves are modulated according to the growth characteristics, and modern walls for children's use can be reformatted at any time.

The range of manufactured products is extensive. These are cabinet and modular samples of cabinets and walls, beds of various modifications, made of natural wood or metal. A colossal variety of decor is visible - canopies and capes made of all kinds of textiles that protect your beloved child from insects in the summer and protect them from drafts in the cold season.

Originality of models

Modern transforming furniture for a child is ergonomic and easy to use. It is created in such a way that weak children's efforts are enough to simulate the necessary category - the bed freely leaves the closet. Or ladder, leading to the loft bed, was within reach from a child's height and installed with ease.

Modern children's furniture sets are very safe. As a rule, children's furniture does not have sharp corners, which significantly reduces the percentage of injuries from bruises.

More children's furniture is peculiar original design. Beds in the form of cars, trucks, racing cars or an Atlantic cruise ship captured by pirates. Wardrobes with asymmetrical or broken shelves create a unique atmosphere of secrets and mysteries.

Built-in furniture allows you to free up additional area for a play or study area. But the insides of built-in wardrobes are equipped with all sorts of retractable systems and constructive mechanisms that allow you to lower and raise sections without much effort.

In a room for a teenager, installing a wardrobe with functional sections is considered the most optimal solution the issue of room arrangement and preparation young man or a girl to adulthood. Only decoration teenage visually distinguishes the room from other living quarters of the apartment or house.

Style and direction

In our country, it is extremely rare to find a nursery decorated in the style country music. This orientation is more typical for the American continent, where this style originated. But you can find children's rooms decorated in modern rustic or art deco style if all housing rooms adhere to this style orientation:

Very often, children are made out in nautical style . It is closer and clearer to our children. Romantic piracy with elements of the game is very popular not only among boys, but also among girls there are often adherents of this style direction:

Purity and naturalness eco style, extremely fashion direction for the last 2-3 seasons in a row, the nursery has proven to be boring. To add variety, designers offer to place in the room, in addition to sports equipment and sports equipment, fantastically original special technology pieces of furniture. Oddly enough, but such an option for children has become an occasion for expressing sincere delight. Original wardrobes, beds and coffee tables for teen room:

The placement of toys, books and sports equipment, as well as collectible sets and hobbies can be organized in storage systems designed in style good old retro. Clothes chests of drawers, shoe lockers and small chests with accessories will become a convenient and original decoration for a growing child's room:

Upholstered furniture enjoys a special status in the system of forming the interior of a children's room. Sofas, pouffes and voluminous armchairs upholstered in expensive textiles or leather are best installed in other living rooms, freeing up additional space for children's games. Better to replace upholstered furniture decorative pillows, which are very sympathetic to children, and decorate the child's room in fairy tale style, relying on fairytale heroes and other idols of the mythical ethnic group:

The arrangement of the play area with bright and spectacular slides, swings, original houses and tents, alas, is possible only in spacious rooms. About designing a nursery in the style of the Wizard of Oz or emerald city many children dream. In a modest space, folding tents or wigwams can be set up in a room, emphasizing indian style children's.

Modern children's furniture photos of selected and very interesting samples, which are particularly original, in a video selection of interior solutions for creative design:

The layout of the children's room should be approached especially carefully, because it is here that the child will have to spend a considerable part of the day in the most important period of his life. It should provide security and comfort, promote comprehensive development. Including stimulate the imagination with an original appearance.

Let's try to figure out how to choose modern furniture for a nursery.


Faced with the assortment of any children's goods store, it is not difficult to be puzzled. The abundance of all kinds of items can be a real headache for a young parent. How to understand what exactly is worth buying and what will be a waste of money?

In the children's room, four zones can be conditionally distinguished, the arrangement of which should be focused on:

  • for relax;
  • for work;
  • for games;
  • to store things.

From this zoning immediately follow four items that need to be purchased first:

  • bed;
  • Desktop;
  • sports complex;
  • cupboard.

Check out the kit modular furniture unusual colors, including all these items, made in the same style.

Depending on the gender, age and interests of the child, their models are bought. Look at the photo of furniture for the children's room: what interesting ideas manufacturers offer!

Choice according to age

For a newborn

When decorating a nursery for the little ones, choose a gentle, pastel color scheme. Dark colors are out of place here. Complete the interior with a few bright accents, such as colorful stickers.

Buy safe and reliable furniture reducing the risk of accidental injury to zero. Lacquered wooden furniture does not belong here. When children begin to cut their teeth, they all pull their mouth: it is likely that he will gnaw it and eat varnish.

Note! The ceiling in the children's room - how to design and combine in the interior? 120 photos of design examples!

The berth must have a height adjustment mechanism.

A rocking chair will be a good option for mom: she will have to spend a lot of time here, let there be a place where she can relax. In addition, it is convenient to rock the baby on such an armchair.

For preschooler

During this period of life, the child actively explores the world, everything is interesting to him and he wants to climb everywhere. Take care of his safety. Minimize the amount sharp corners and mirrors. Glass is also better to hide away. Furniture should be firmly in place, and drawers should not threaten to fall out under the weight of a dangling child.

For a student

The basic requirements remain the same: stability, reliability, a minimum of angles and glass. In addition, the desktop becomes an obligatory attribute of the nursery. He should tune in to fruitful studies, but at the same time not be too strict so as not to discourage the desire to learn.

At this age, many children have already formed interests and hobbies, therefore, when choosing furniture, be sure to take them into account. It is best to go shopping together.

For teenager

The best option would be to entrust the arrangement of the room to its owner. For a teenager, self-expression is extremely important, which he can fully demonstrate on his territory. Of course, you should not take the situation to extremes, but the main thing is that he himself likes to be there. No teenager will tolerate the imposition of someone else's opinion, so do not insist on your own, but try to find a compromise.

Furniture for a teenager is similar to an adult, adjusted for size. Put a closet in the room with big mirror and a dressing table for a young girl.

Furniture selection

Children's bed

Is the most important object of the nursery. First of all, it must provide healthy sleep and good rest. Depending on the age, interests and number of children, their own type of bed is chosen: cradle, bunk bed, folding sofa.

Car beds that look like a small car have become very fashionable. A loft bed will free up extra space in a cramped room. Under such a bed can be a desktop.

Separately, you need to approach the choice of a mattress. It is extremely important for a growing body that during sleep the spine is in correct position. Choose only orthopedic mattresses. They take the form of a lying body, positively affecting the health and quality of sleep.

The mattress cover should be breathable so that you can sleep comfortably at any time of the year. It should be easy to remove and wash, be pleasant to the touch, not accumulate dust and static electricity, and be hypoallergenic. When washing, follow the instructions, otherwise there is a risk that the fabric will shrink.


As soon as the child has learned to sit, he needs a table. For the smallest, it can be a special table at which it is convenient to feed the baby.

Growing up, children begin to engage in creativity: drawing, modeling, applications. In order to increase discipline, it is better to immediately teach the child to do this in a strictly designated place. In addition, in this case, the apartment will not be threatened by the random consequences of creativity.

The student needs a full-fledged desktop. It would be great if the table top was height adjustable. This will allow both first-graders and teenagers to study comfortably.


You can't do without this piece of furniture in the nursery. A small chest of drawers is enough to store sliders and vests. Many manufacturers take care of the convenience of the mother and combine them with a changing table.

For older children, it is better to buy a full-fledged wardrobe. Let it be not too big so as not to cause psychological discomfort. In addition to the shelves, it should have a place for hangers. It is better to take the lower compartment under the toys: it will be easier for the child to get and clean them.

In addition to the usual straight cabinet, there are such designs:

Sports section

Of course, this element is not as important in the interior of a children's room as a wardrobe or a bed, but even a small wall will not be superfluous. Small swings or a mini climbing wall are enough for a preschooler. It is better for older children to equip the complex more difficult. This also applies to girls: instill a passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Photo of furniture for a children's room

In fact, there is a huge difference between furniture for adults and for children. It lies not only in size, but also in the fact that children's furniture is made safer and more interesting. external design. Indeed, in the interior of children's rooms there is always comfort and, of course, originality. Be inspired by our photos of children's furniture and arrange for your child the most incredibly cool conditions in his room!

Looking for furniture for arranging a children's room, many, especially young parents, cannot decide for a long time what to make their choice, since the variety of furniture offered today is really very huge. But in fact, it’s even difficult to decide what you need to buy from the main one, because you like and want a lot. Well, if there is a financial limitation in the family, then it can be difficult at all, since it is necessary to invest in the minimum amount to acquire the maximum of useful and necessary items for the children's room.

Be that as it may, in each nursery, 4 zones must be provided: for sleeping, studying, storing things, for relaxing and playing.

Also mandatory are 4 types of furniture that are required, these are: a bed, a wardrobe, a table and a corner for physical activities. What are the characteristics of each of these species? Read on.

This is a very important question, because for each child it is very important that it is comfortably organized sleeping place where the baby can replenish supplies own forces and energy, for which a full-fledged healthy sleep is necessary. You have probably already looked at our photos of baby beds and noticed that they are very different: cradles for newborns, bunk beds, transformers, etc. If you have one child and the room is not too big, you can put a loft bed. Thanks to her, you will have an additional place in which you can organize one of the important-necessary zones. Regardless of the type and type of bed that you still choose, it is also important to put the right mattress in it. And his choice will also take time.

For the child's body, it is important that the mattress has orthopedic effects. This is needed for correct formation posture. The quality of your baby's sleep also depends on this factor.

The materials from which the mattress is made must be exclusively natural. This will ensure not only hypoallergenicity, but also free air circulation inside the product. This, in turn, will provide the child with comfort at any time of the year.

In addition, when choosing children's mattress pay attention to its upholstery fabric, which should have the following qualities:

  • Ease of removal and washing
  • naturalness
  • Pleasant to the touch
  • Does not accumulate dust and static
  • Hypoallergenic

When you wash the cover from the baby mattress, carefully look in advance what should be temperature regime and follow it strictly. After all, the fabric has the property of "sit down", which is why it does not subsequently fit on the mattress.

Such an item will be needed from preschool age. After all, after the baby has already learned to sit, he can be seated at the table to eat or play. In addition, modern production provides for many various risks, making such furniture the safest and most comfortable for the baby.

When the child is in preschool age, he also can not do without a table. After all, on it the baby will be able to do the same drawing, modeling from plasticine, etc. creativity. This method has two main advantages. One of them is the ability to avoid painted walls. To another is that the child is gradually disciplined until the school period begins.

Selection and photo of children's wardrobes

Items such as diapers, undershirts, sliders, etc., are more convenient to put in a chest of drawers. As for older children, not only things, but also toys can be stored in the storage area. To date, many manufacturers of furniture for children's rooms provide for the issue of practicality and functionality. Therefore, for example, you can buy a chest of drawers with a changing table.

As for the wardrobe for the child, it should be selected taking into account his height, otherwise it will be very inconvenient for him to reach out every time to get necessary thing. The closet must contain necessarily shelves, as well as hangers. There may also be drawers, which is very convenient, but such products will cost more. Toys are best stored in one of the lower cabinet compartments.

Hiding toys at the bottom of the cabinet will help your baby hide them on their own, which may help them become more independent and ambitious.

Common models of cabinets are:

  • Classic straight line. It should not be too large, so in addition he will need a chest of drawers, bedside table or shelving.
  • Enough roomy closet, which will last a very long time. If the doors of such a cabinet are mirrored, the room will visually be larger. free space. It is also possible to issue doors under the order, with drawing any photo or drawing.
  • Corner version of the cabinet, which is quite convenient to install in a small room. After all, with the help of it you can save a lot of space.

How to choose furniture for a nursery for a sports corner?

Sport is very important for adults, and especially for children. In addition, children cannot always splash out their energy on the street, since the same weather is not always, say, “flying” and warm. This is the reason for the need to install a children's sports corner for your baby. If he is still of preschool age, you can buy and install a ladder with a horizontal bar, a small swing, or maybe a climbing wall up to one meter high.

If your boy is already more mature, then you need to choose a more serious sports complex. In addition, in a girl’s room, such a corner will not be superfluous at all, because an active lifestyle has not harmed anyone yet, and it’s also a great way to teach a baby to take care of herself from childhood, in addition to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Children's furniture transformer

Such furniture options are especially relevant, especially when apartments small areas. With the help of it, the space can be organized very comfortably and rationally. Usually, such furniture options are very easy to transform and even your baby will be able to quickly learn its modifications, and later he will learn how to fold or unfold it.

Very often, these beds are made with the expectation of different age child. For example, such furniture for a newborn can be provided with the installation of a cradle directly inside the crib. When the child gets a little older, the bed will be used as a playpen. And thanks to the side panel, which falls, the bed can be used until the child goes to school.

Different age of children and choice of furniture

For newborn babies

In this case, it is not recommended to use black and white colors, as well as other colors that are too dark. Furniture should be chosen in soft pastel shades. Recommended application bright accents. You can make them yourself by decorating the bed with bright stickers.

The issue of reliability of furniture is very important, thanks to which you can be calm that the baby will not be damaged, for example, about the same sharp corners. In such a crib, there must be an option to adjust the height of the bed.

For newborn babies, it is categorically not recommended to choose furniture that has been opened paint coatings! After all, when his teeth begin to erupt, he will begin to pull into his mouth everything that only comes across. And, of course, if he nibbles on the varnish, it can be deplorable for his health! The best version of the crib with silicone pads.

In the room where the newborn sleeps, it is appropriate to put a rocking chair. Yes, it's for mom! Indeed, sometimes there are difficult days, or the child may not fall asleep for a long time, for which it will take a long time to lull him, and all the time, standing on his feet, it is very difficult.

At this age, children are the most curious. They become more independent and irrepressibly interested in everything, which is why they climb wherever they can.

It is important to be sure that installed furniture especially if it has drawers.

Also, the presence of sharp corners, as well as the surfaces of their glass and mirrors, is highly undesirable.

For this age, design is extremely important. working area, which in no way should distract the baby from classes. At the same time, it should be interesting so that the baby still has a desire to sit down and do homework.

At this age, there is also still a risk of injury, which is why the choice of furniture should include the same precautions as for preschoolers.

Considering that schoolchildren, as a rule, already have certain hobbies and hobbies, furniture can be selected in accordance with them.

Furniture for a teenager

It is very important to take into account the taste of the child. If he does not like the design of the room, he will feel completely uncomfortable here. Because of what, perhaps, he will spend a minimum of time not only in his room, but at all, at home. Even if you are not at all satisfied with his taste and preference, find a compromise solution.

Furniture for teenagers is already more reminiscent of "adult options". However, it matches his small stature.

For almost every teenager, how they look is very important. Therefore, it is worth installing a wardrobe, on the door or doors of which there will be mirrors. And if you have a girl, then at all, you can put a real girl's boudoir table! It will be very original and stylish to arrange a hanging version of the chair in a teenager's room.

Gender of the child and the choice of furniture

Furniture for girls

Any girl in the future is a woman. And all women, starting from a very young age, need a large and roomy closet. After all, there can be a lot of outfits and they all need to fit somewhere. It is also very important to have a full-length mirror.

The most popular colors for interior design for girls are: pink and yellow, lilac, white or beige. You can apply not too intrusive motives flower decoration. If we talk about the choice of style, then the most interesting options will be: classic, Provence, Mediterranean style, Shabby chic.

Boy's furniture

It is very important to arrange a corner for sports. You can use colors such as green, blue, terracotta. Topics can be sports, computer, racing, space, nautical. Loft, Hi-tech or the same classic style is most suitable.

They may have combined functional areas. So, for example, install a bunk bed, the wardrobe can be conditionally divided into 2 equal parts, and play area make it general.

Each of them should have at least a little of their own space. So, it is better to make beds and wardrobes separate, and the area for games and homework can be combined.

Children's furniture to order

There are also situations when you have looked at some options for furniture, but the price for it, by no means, does not suit you at all. It may be that you liked a certain version of the cabinet, but because of its too large, or maybe quite a bit, dimensions, it simply cannot fit in the room. But in such cases, there is no need to despair. After all, any furniture today can be ordered, and it will be made based on the dimensions that you need. See our photos for inspiration!

Children's furniture differs from adult furniture not only in its size, but also in its special safety and interesting appearance. The interior of the children's room combines comfort and originality. Get inspired by unusual ideas and bold decisions in the photo below!

What kind of furniture does the baby need?

When wondering how to furnish, young parents are often faced with the fact that from a wide range children's furniture is very difficult to distinguish necessary minimum for a child. This issue is especially relevant if the financial possibilities of the family are somewhat limited. However, the child's room must have four functional areas:

  • Sleep zone
  • Work zone
  • Recreation and games area
  • Storage area

Based on these zones, we can distinguish four types of furniture for the nursery, which must be purchased first:

  • Children's bed
  • Table for a child
  • Sports section

What are the features inherent in these types of furniture for the children's room?

Children's bed

A place to sleep is the most important area in the nursery, because first of all separate room for the child is allocated in order to provide the baby comfortable rest and complete sleep. Beds can be very different: a cradle for a newborn, a bunk bed for two babies, a folding sofa for a teenager, etc. In a small room for one child, you can install a loft bed, which will free up additional space for a work area or a children's leisure area. But no matter what type of bed you choose, pay special attention to the mattress.

Firstly, for a developing organism, and especially for a developing spine, it is extremely important that the mattress (even by the sofa) be orthopedic. This not only promotes the development of a healthy skeleton, but also directly affects the quality of your child's sleep.

Secondly, it is desirable to choose a mattress from natural breathable materials. Only in this case, thanks to active air circulation, your child will sleep comfortably at any time of the year, without overheating in summer and without freezing in winter.

Thirdly, the fabric for the children's mattress cover should:

  • Easy to take off
  • Easy to wash off
  • Be natural
  • Be pleasant to the touch
  • Don't accumulate dust
  • Do not accumulate static electricity
  • Do not cause allergies

When washing a cover for a children's mattress, be sure to observe the temperature regime for this type of fabric. Otherwise, the fabric may “sit down” and not fit back onto the mattress.

Children's table

How complete workplace table becomes necessary in . But even before that time, a table for a child is an extremely useful thing. Starting from the age of six months, when the child has learned to sit, the child can eat and play at the table. Modern mobile children's tables with fixing straps will make this process easy and safe.

At preschool age, when the baby begins to be interested in pencils, paints, plasticine, applications, you can’t do without a table either. On the one hand, if the child does this in a strictly designated place, this will save the room from global cataclysms in the form of spilled paint on the carpet, and on the other hand, it will discipline and prepare for school.


In the storage area in the children's room, not only clothes, but also toys are stored. Diapers, undershirts, sliders and other wardrobe items for newborns are conveniently stored in a small chest of drawers. Modern manufacturers children's furniture take this into account, therefore, on this moment There are a huge variety of changing chests, which are designed not only for storing things, but also for convenient swaddling and baby care.

Children's wardrobe should be appropriate for the height of the child, so as not to cause psychological discomfort. It is desirable that the closet has not only shelves, but also a place for hangers. Very convenient to use, especially for folding all sorts of little things, drawers. But the price of cabinets with drawers somewhat higher. To store toys, it is better to use one of the lower compartments of the cabinet.

If the toys are stored in the lower compartment of the cabinet, then the baby will be able to get them at any time on their own. And he will learn to clean them up after the game faster.

The most popular models of children's wardrobes:

  • Regular straight cabinet. As a rule, not very large, therefore, it requires additional pieces of furniture (bedside table, chest of drawers, shelving)
  • . A capacious closet that will serve your child for more than one year. Thanks to the mirrored doors, the space in the room visually expands. It is also possible to manufacture doors to order: with a picture or photo.
  • . Convenient for small rooms because it saves a lot of space.

Sports complex

Unfortunately, nature does not often please with fine days, and the baby needs to develop and splash out energy every day. Therefore, experts highly recommend placing at least a small space in the children's room. sports section. For a preschooler, this can be one ladder, a small swing or a mini-climbing wall no more than a meter high. For an older boy, it is better to choose more diverse and complex sport complexes. However, in a room for girls, such a zone would be appropriate, because this way you can instill in your child a passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Children's furniture-transformer

The use of transformable furniture in a children's room is very important for small apartments, because it allows you to organize the most comfortable leisure and recreation for your child with minimal space losses. Such furniture is very easy to transform, so that the child can master its modification. This will turn even the boring process of going to bed into a game and will be an excellent catalyst for the development of the baby's imagination.

Many transforming cribs are designed for several ages at once. For example, for a newborn, a cradle can be installed in the crib, when the child grows up a little, the bed can be used as a small playpen, and the sidewall lowered down allows you to use the bed up to school age.

Children's furniture for different ages

Furniture for a newborn

For newborns, it is not recommended to use a black and white palette in the design of the room. It will also be inappropriate to use too dark colors. Therefore, furniture for a nursery for a newborn is better to choose soft bed shades. It is advisable to use bright accents.

If bright and rich details are not provided for purchased furniture, you can decorate it yourself with bright stickers. However, don't overdo it! Everything should be in moderation.

Furniture must be reliable. This will help the curious baby avoid injury. Therefore, it’s better not to save money, but choose products from manufacturers that have been proven over the years with an impeccable reputation (for example,).

The crib must be equipped with a height-adjustable sleeping area.

Under no circumstances should lacquered wooden furniture! When a child starts teething and puts everything in his mouth, there is a high probability that he will gnaw and eat this varnish! It is best to buy a crib with rubberized high-quality silicone bylts.

Despite the fact that the rocking chair is more likely to be furniture for, it is quite appropriate for a newborn nursery, because a young mother will spend most of her time here.

Furniture for a preschooler

Preschool age is the most curious. The child begins to show independence, and an irrepressible interest in everything around provokes him to climb into the most unexpected places.

Make sure your furniture is securely in place! This is especially true for furniture with drawers! Hanging on the drawer, the baby can accidentally turn over the whole chest of drawers!

In addition, it is desirable to minimize the number of sharp corners (choose smooth rounded lines), as well as to use mirror and glass surfaces as little as possible.

School furniture

Since the main occupation of schoolchildren is study, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the design of the workplace. It should not be very defiant and flashy, otherwise it will distract from the working mood, but at the same time it should not be boring, so as not to discourage any desire to learn.

Despite the fact that schoolchildren are already more conscious than preschool children, the risk of injury during the game remains no less, and sometimes even greater. Therefore, the criteria for furniture safety remain the same:

  • Sustainability
  • rounded shapes
  • Durable materials
  • Minimum glass

At school age, many children have already, as a rule, decided on their hobbies and hobbies, so furniture can (and should!) be selected in accordance with their preferences.

Furniture for a teenager

The main rule when decorating is to rely on its taste! Making a room in which a teenager will feel uncomfortable, which he will not like, is useless. Most likely, he simply does not want to spend time in it. However, you should not completely go on about and decorate the room in the style of a horror movie. Try to find a compromise option that will not last a couple of months.

Teenage furniture often resembles cabinet furniture for adults, but its dimensions are more consistent with the growth of the child.

For adolescents, their appearance, so it is best to use a spacious closet with a large mirror. Girls will really enjoy a little dressing table. An original and stylish solution for decorating a teenage room can be a hanging chair.

Children's furniture depending on the gender of the child

For girl

It is extremely important for a girl to have a huge closet in the room that would fit all her outfits. As already mentioned, a small dressing table will be a great addition. In addition, it is necessary large mirror in full growth.

Popular colors include pink, lilac, yellow, light beige, white. In the decoration, unobtrusive floral, puppet motifs are preferred.

Furniture in the styles of classic, Provence, shabby chic, Mediterranean will look good.

For boy

An important element is the sports corner. In the design, you can give preference to more dark colors: blue, green, terracotta. Themes for creating stylized furniture can be chosen from sports, computer games, racing, space travel or seafaring. It is better to give preference to loft, hi-tech, classic styles.

Children's furniture for two children

For same-sex children

Despite the possible rivalry between same-sex children, in principle, all the functional areas of their room can be combined: use, divide one closet in half, make a common play area. It is both cheaper and easier in terms of stylistic design - an interior made in one (general) theme will delight both kids at the same time.

For heterogeneous children

Children of different sexes, due to psychological and physiological characteristics, should have their own independent space. And if the play area can be combined in one sports complex, desk maybe for two workplaces, then it is better to use cribs and lockers separate from each other.

Children's furniture to order

It happens that you saw amazing children's furniture on the Internet, but it costs a lot of money. Or you like a chic wardrobe for a child, but it does not fit into the dimensions of the room. Do not despair! You can make custom furniture individual sizes. And if you have not yet decided what exactly you want - be inspired by our photos below.

Almost all couples, waiting for the birth of a child, plan in advance the arrangement of a room for a child. How to choose furniture for the nursery? In fact, this is not at all easy and very responsible, since it should be multifunctional and comfortable for the baby. At the same time, it should be taken into account that interior solution planned for a fairly long period.

During this time, the child naturally grows up, which means that the design must be thought out so that the room matches his age. In this regard, you can consider options for the purchase and installation of specialized furniture.

Options for arranging a children's room with furniture

Health and normal age development are the main reasons. Sitting at a large adult desk for younger family members is uncomfortable and harmful to posture, in addition, the rest of the muscles will be in tension, it will also not be easy to get the necessary stationery or school supplies. As a result, this will negatively affect the spine and overall health.

But, in addition to the above, there is another important reason for organizing an individual space for a child. From a very early age, children strive to show independence, to prove to everyone that they are individuals, and parents should not interfere with this by limiting freedom of action, they can only tactfully and imperceptibly make amendments.

Arrangement of personal children's space, just the case where you can learn to express yourself on your own: put toys on shelves, put things in a closet, arrange books on shelves, etc.

Rules for choosing a furniture set for children

To make the right choice of furniture components in the nursery, you need to know the following rules!

You should not buy products for growth. To furnish the interior of the room of the youngest family member, it is enough to install small closet for storing clothes, a bed, a desk by age, a chair or an armchair, bedside table and rack. For children of school age, if the area of ​​​​the room allows, you can purchase a desk and a bookcase.

The child's room should not be completely filled with furniture elements. It is necessary that a sufficient area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe space of the room remains free. If the parameters of the room are not large, an excellent solution would be to install modern furniture for a children's room of the "transformer" type. It is multifunctional and does not take up much space. For example, a transforming bed that folds compactly and fits easily under a table or near a wall.

Useful advice! For a couple of kids suitable option there will be a bed of two tiers.

Furniture should be appropriate for the age category and fit in size. Furniture that is not chosen for height can harm health in the form of problems with the spine and impair vision. The child should freely get the necessary items from the boxes or from the shelves. A chair or armchair should have height adjustment devices so that the legs are free to stand on the floor or a special stand.

Furniture must comply with safety requirements. When purchasing furniture for a child, first of all, pay attention to the materials used in its manufacture. Some may contain toxic substances or impurities harmful to health. For example, plastic and chipboard. Fabrics for furniture upholstery must be breathable, easy to clean and hypoallergenic. The corresponding certificate serves as confirmation of these properties and qualities. In addition, all materials must pass quality control.

Don't buy for children's room furniture with mirrors or glass elements, with protruding parts and pointed corners, as this can injure the child.

The color scheme should not irritate the eyes. Saturated flashy colors and tones can have a bad effect on mental and physical health. The ideal solutions to the issue of color in the children's room will be calm pastel shades. Thanks to this palette of tones, general form the room will not become dull sad and not interesting.

Choosing furniture for the nursery, it is worth consulting with the child. A grown-up kid will certainly have his own opinion. Therefore, consult with him, ask him what kind of children's furniture he would like to choose. After all, the owner of the room is the child. And he will be very pleased that he is heard and respected as an adult.

Furniture structures must be safe, reliable and strong, without sharp corners and fragile materials.

Now the furniture industry produces a fairly diverse range of children's furniture for every taste, using the latest technology, constantly releases new furniture for the nursery, which are very comfortable, meet all the requirements of certification. But the pricing policy of these furniture products is much higher. But, as they say, you should not save on quality. The ideal solution would be to choose a set of cabinet furniture.

The following set of furniture in the form of a set consisting of two tiers is suitable for a small-sized room. The first tier is a desk, the second is a bed.

Nursery furniture should be beautiful and colorful, perhaps with elements of the image of your favorite cartoon characters. But do not use aggressive and annoying colors. For a family in which several children grow up, it is imperative to provide everyone with their own items: a student table, a chair and a wardrobe.

If you are unable to arrange a children's room on your own and choose the right quality furniture, you should visit special sites where you can see a lot of various options or hire qualified design professionals.

Very popular today universal kits for the arrangement of children's rooms. These include: folding sofas, wardrobe beds, retractable shelves and tables, two-tier structures or the so-called "attics". With the help of them you can save space and teach the child to be neat. But from a medical point of view, mounted options beds are not a good option, as they are made without a headboard and side rails for safety, which can provoke nervousness and discomfort in a child.

Headsets in the form of modules consist of independent items and furniture parts. Practicality is considered their main advantage. When growing up, the elements of such headsets can be changed, modified or supplemented. It also allows you to experiment with color palette and a stylish solution that will give the room individuality and originality.

Transformer furniture is a wonderful invention for those who like to create century-old interiors. They have telescopic sliding structures, mechanisms with lifts and springs, auxiliary sections and elements that "grow" at the same time as their owner. In addition, the cost is a very profitable option.

An alternative option is ergonomic furniture. It is comfortable and safe, corresponds to the anatomical structure of the student, adapts to growth throughout the years of schooling. Available as tables, chairs, armchairs, etc.

What to look for when choosing children's furniture?

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to:


– For the production of products, wood, MDF and plywood are mainly used, with a thickness of 15 mm (at least);

- The quality of the fittings meets the standards;

- The product must be inspected from all sides for flaws and damage;

- Be sure to check the availability of certificates confirming the quality.


- Try to imagine furniture set in a real nursery setting;

– Furniture items are made in accordance with the age of the child;

- The presence of a height regulator is mandatory;

- The parameters of the table and chair should correspond to the height of the child.

Safety requirements:

– Harmlessness of paint and varnish products used in production;

– Equipment of mechanisms with special closers;

– Stealth from the view of existing wires and the presence protective coating;

– Smoothness or roundness of sharp corners.

The children's version of furniture, chosen according to all the rules, comfortable and corresponding to the growth of a small owner, will make studying proccess at home pleasant, cozy and healthy.

We wish you a quality purchase and comfortable use on long years! Good luck with your choice!