Wallpaper for a teenage girl's room. We select wallpaper for a teenage room for a boy: ideas and photos Modern wallpaper for walls for teenagers

Creating a comfortable room design for a teenage boy is a difficult task even for experienced professionals. It is very important to modernize the room so that everything in it looks harmonious and creates a whole picture.

Any little thing that was incorrectly selected can ruin the entire interior. Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention not only to the creation of a general design, but also to such an important element as wallpaper.

What should be the room for a boy?

Teenage room design photo 2015: modern ideas, wallpapers

Before you start choosing wallpaper, you should figure out what the modern design of a room for a teenage boy should be like and what is popular in 2015-2016. Having understood the main trends in the design of teenage rooms of a modern type, it will be possible to proceed with the choice of wallpaper.

What are the features of wallpaper for a teen boy's room?

fragility. It should be understood that adolescence is a fleeting period, and you do repairs not for a year, but if possible for a longer time. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that the child will want to express himself, therefore, it will be necessary to make repairs, at least superficial, in a few years, when your son grows out of adolescence and he wants to decorate his room more seriously.

Room design for a teenager boy with photo wallpaper

Brightness and uniqueness. This is another factor to consider when designing a room for a teenager. In no case should the room be boring and monotonous. Try to make it as unique as possible so that it is not only different from other rooms, but also juicy and bright.

Complete bad taste. Many parents believe that a teenage boy's room is necessarily ugly and tasteless. But it is worth considering the preferences of your son. You should not go too far and force him to decorate the room the way you want it. The child will outgrow this period, and you will ruin your relationship with him.

Wall mural for a teenage boy's room

Let the child take part in creating the design and individual style, as he himself will be able to add a touch of uniqueness.

Choice of different wallpaper options

To date, there is a wide variety of wallpapers on the market, and it would seem that it would not be difficult to pick them up, however, it is not easy to do this for a boy's room. The complexity is manifested not only in the choice of color scheme and pattern, but also in who exactly from the family should make the selection of the wall decoration element: parents or a child.

Room design with photo wallpaper for teenagers photo

Many parents believe that their child should not have an opinion at the age of 14-15, so they allow themselves to make decisions even in such trifles as choosing wallpaper for the walls of a room. You should still take into account the views of the child and listen to him. This is a chance to let him be independent and feel like an adult.

If you cannot allow the child to be so independent, you should familiarize yourself with what to look for, what are the options and agree on the best option for a common family decision.

Monochromatic wallpaper. This option is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to do repairs every few years. The wall is a place of self-expression for a teenager, but it is not necessary to make it in a bright and appealing style, which even a child can get bored with time.

Wallpaper for a teenager boy's room photo

The ideal option is wallpaper of the same color, and much-needed accents can be made on other things: for example, it can be furniture, curtains or other decorative elements, pillows, bedspreads, carpet.

You can also stick posters of your favorite football players, actors or heroes from films on a white wall. This option is budget and win-win for those who know how changeable their child's tastes are.
Also, so that the wallpaper in the nursery for teenage boys does not look boring, you can choose coatings with an unobtrusive, but slightly contrasting pattern.

Geometric pattern. This option has already become almost a traditional design for teenage boys' rooms. With the help of drawings of various shapes, you can create a unique style of the room, and despite the presence of an ornament on the wallpaper, the room will look masculine.

Wallpaper in the nursery for teenage boys

Strip. A variety of geometric wallpaper is a strip. This is a relatively neutral option that looks stylish. This design, even in black and white, suggests that it is also suitable for boys.

What wallpaper to choose for a teenager boy's room?

What should be avoided?

It is best to avoid ornaments and the classic design of not only wallpaper, but the room as a whole. If your teenage child is not a fan of conservative views, you should refuse this option. You can see the video below on how to properly decorate a boy's room with wallpaper:

Highlight in the interior

When creating a unique design, it is important to find a zest that will become a juicy accent and will maintain the style of the wallpaper in the teenage boy's room, as in the photo:

Room for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper

Advice! Don't turn a teenager's room into a theater stage, even if they have many interests.

For example, if a boy likes to play the guitar more, you can hang it on the wall, and the wallpaper itself can be plain, or posters or murals of your favorite music group can hang on the opposite wall.

Wallpaper for the room of a teenager boy 16 years old

If your child is engaged in boxing or other sports, has awards, you should focus on this. Instead of a guitar, you can make a shelf that will decorate the teenager's awards and remind him that he has found an activity that he does better than others.

Check out the best wall covering that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing without darkening a tight space.

Many parents very often ask themselves the question of what wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room. This is not easy to do, but if you take the interests of the child as a basis, it is quite possible to create a beautiful room and choose the right wallpaper for the general style. In this case, you will get a successful combination of every little thing in the interior of the room, and the teenager will surely be grateful that his opinion was taken into account.

More photos of teenage rooms with photo wallpapers - for inspiration:

Creating an interior for a teenager is not an easy task even for an experienced designer, and it often baffles ordinary parents. What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room, what to be guided by when making a decision, and how to create a truly cozy atmosphere - all this makes your head spin, and you definitely can't do without outside help.

The tastes and preferences of teenagers are extremely changeable, it can be difficult to get into the current that would captivate your son. Therefore, the first condition for creating an ideal room for him is to maintain good, friendly relations with the child during this difficult period of his development. Do not pull the blanket to your side and try to decorate the nursery only to your liking. By listening to the opinion of a teenager, taking into account his interests, you will ensure your trust and respect from his side.

The first thing that determines the style of the room and its atmosphere is the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper is still the most popular design method due to its affordability, wide selection and ease of installation. Even people with minimal experience in the repair and decoration of premises can decorate the walls with wallpaper. But what kind of wallpaper to glue in the room of a teenage boy - far from everyone can handle this issue.

  • Monophonic. The most common option is plain wallpaper. That they can look boring is a myth. You can add zest with the help of an unusual texture that imitates, for example, fabric or stone. Textiles will play the role of bright accents, and multi-level light will diversify the atmosphere. Your teenage son will be grateful for the opportunity to place posters of idols on the walls, make drawings or notes, fix a skateboard, snowboard, and other sports equipment.

    With drawing. It is better to entrust the choice of a pattern on the wallpaper to a teenager, or do it together. In the boy's room, geometric ornaments, stripes, stars will be appropriate. If the child is passionate about something specific, you can choose a thematic drawing in accordance with his interests.

    Combination. The most advantageous option is the layout of two or more types of drawings on the walls. You can choose companion wallpapers yourself, or with the help of a designer. For example, you can paste over one wall with plain wallpaper, or, conversely, highlight it with a dynamic pattern. The main condition is that companion wallpapers must be made of the same material and have a similar texture.

Design Ideas

Despite the complexity, professional designers love to create projects for teenagers, as it is always interesting and allows you to apply many unusual solutions. The first thing interior designers start with is choosing the style in which the room will be decorated. nie. This choice is based on the character and hobbies of a teenager. For example, for a lover of adventure and travel, a marine or safari style is suitable. For creative individuals - loft or avant-garde design. For guys with technical inclinations - high-tech.

If the interests of a teenager are focused on a narrower subject - for example, the culture of a certain country or on one computer game, style of music, it is easy to choose a themed wallpaper or photo wallpaper for him.

A few design ideas for decorating a teenager's room are worth considering in more detail.

  • Sea style. This topic is quite broad, so creating a unique interior in a marine style is not so difficult. Suitable wallpapers are white, blue, blue shades, as well as reminiscent of wood in texture and pattern. You can find options with marine symbols (anchors, ropes, lifebuoys, helms), or with a pattern in the form of waves. These wallpapers go well with plain or striped - red or blue and white. The nautical theme is best suited for 10 year olds or a little younger.


  • High tech. It may seem to many that this style is too “cold” for a child, but at the age of 14-15, teenagers actively deny that they are still essentially children, they strive for everything “adult”. If, moreover, your son is almost a computer genius, then a high-tech room will certainly please him. Wallpaper is better to choose plain. The color can be anything, up to poisonous shades. Gray or light wooden furniture with metal elements will complement the interior.


    Loft. A room designed in this style should resemble a production or industrial premises, equipped as a residential one. The walls are usually designed for brickwork or cement. Wallpaper with such patterns and textures is not at all difficult to find. Simple lamps without lampshades, beams on the ceiling, rough furniture without frills will support the loft-style interior. To prevent the room from appearing too gloomy, you can choose curtains and other textiles with bright drawings in the style of comics or pop art paintings. This style will appeal to older teenagers - 16-17 years old.


A great idea is to draw a design project of his future room with your child. So you can avoid conflicts at the stage of choosing materials for decor, and find the perfect option for wall decoration.


It is generally accepted that the traditional color for boys is blue and all its shades. However, adolescence is a time to break stereotypes and go against the generally accepted norms. The color of the walls in the room is a great way to redirect the aggressive energy of a teenager in a useful direction. Let him choose the shade that he likes - red, orange or neutral gray.

The most advantageous look interiors in which one bright accent is applied. For example, three walls are calm beige, and the fourth is sunny yellow or turquoise. The accent can be supported by other interior details.

It is also important to follow the simple rules for choosing the color of the walls. In small rooms, dark wallpapers should be avoided, they will only increase the feeling of tightness.. With a low ceiling, you need to choose the vertical location of the pattern or pattern - this will visually “raise” it.

Also, do not forget that adolescence tends to end as unexpectedly as it began. Consequently, after a few years, bold colors and interior solutions can begin to annoy an older young man. Therefore, it is important to select combinations so that they are easy to replace, or still choose a calm base color as the main one, against which over time you can create completely different interiors.

Which ones to choose

Currently, there is a huge variety of wallpaper types on the market. It is worth choosing them based on the needs of the child and the financial capabilities of the parents.

  • Paper- the most budget option for wallpaper. But not the worst - you can find quite interesting drawings and textures. At the same time, the undoubted advantage is that such wallpapers can serve as a canvas for a creative child, he can express himself without causing serious damage to the parent's wallet. Paper wallpapers are eco-friendly, stick well to any surface. The only drawback is that thin canvases are not able to hide wall defects, so they will have to be leveled to perfect condition.

  • Non-woven or vinyl- available with or without paper. The paper side is easy to stick to the wall. And wallpapers without this layer are more durable, better hide the unevenness of the walls, and besides, they are subjected to wet cleaning. This property makes such wallpaper an excellent option for a nursery. These wallpapers do not contain harmful substances, so you do not have to worry about the health of the child.

    Liquid- wallpapers that are applied like plaster, and after drying form a dense surface without seams and joints. The main advantage of such wallpapers is that any damage to them is easy to fix by simply covering the area with a small amount of the mixture. No signs of damage will be visible.

When your child grows up, it is very important to find a common language with him. And in order for him to make sure that you show interest in him and his problems, pick up original photo wallpapers in his room. Firstly, their use will emphasize the individuality of your child, and secondly, it will demonstrate that you also like his taste and even that your tastes are completely the same.

Due to the fact that in adolescence, a child's interests and preferences very often change, photo wallpapers will have to be changed periodically. But thanks to the easy peel-and-stick process, this won't be a difficult task for you, and the affordable cost for a teenager's room will be another advantage for you. With the rest of the positive properties of such photo wallpapers, we will acquaint you further.

Benefits of using

Why is it so beneficial to use photo wallpaper to decorate your children's room? This is due to the fact that at a conscious age they are more and more I want to be different from my peers.

Standard plain wallpaper will not help them stand out and create a unique style. And here is the wallpaper with interesting drawings easily cope with this task.

Advice: You can offer your child to make a photo wallpaper to order. Let him choose the picture on his own, and also determine the location and size of the photo wallpaper.

What Benefits does it involve the use of photo wallpapers in the interior of a teenager? Let's look at the main ones:

  • The first and perhaps most important benefit for parents is the complete health safety. Photo wallpapers include only environmentally friendly materials, so they will not affect the well-being of your children in any way;
  • The second positive property is the presence of a top protective layer (film), due to which your wallpaper will not fade, will not be erased by constant contact with foreign objects, and will also calmly react to moisture, temperature changes and many other factors. Thanks to these properties, photo wallpapers are quite durable and practical to use;
  • at the expense huge selection of patterns you can not worry that your child will not be able to find an option that matches his character and interests. And if he gets tired of the drawing, such photo wallpapers are very easy to replace;
  • Another significant advantage is aesthetic qualities of photo wallpaper. This design method is considered an alternative to various posters, stickers, drawings, photographs, which together would create confusion and an unpleasant atmosphere in the room.

It’s not without reason that many parents have already taken a closer look at the murals: this inexpensive and very stylish, and your child will be pleased with the design of his room.

When choosing, you will come across a very wide palette: these are striped wallpapers, plain and colored, with decorative ornaments and small patterns.

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General rules for decorating a room

When choosing a pattern for a teenage room, you need to focus on a few important rules, otherwise such wallpapers can not only break the style, but also negatively affect the mood of your child.

First rule: murals in such a room should not be covered by furniture or supplemented with unnecessary parts and accessories. Wall mural for teenagers should be as free as possible. Sometimes it is allowed to combine them with lamps or bookshelves, but in any case, the details should not spoil their appearance.

Usually, wide-format wall murals are glued to a spacious wall opposite the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room. For example, if there is a sofa in the teenage room, it is better to stick such wallpaper in front of it so that the child can easily contemplate the interesting pattern.

Second rule: the smaller the size of the teenage room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. Some parents make a standard mistake: they think that bright wallpaper with a lot of drawings will be appropriate in any room. Actually it is not.

Large drawings will visually reduce the space of the room., and if it is already small, it will put pressure on vision and the psyche. The best option is wallpaper in neutral shades with one image in the center.

Third rule: When choosing wallpaper for a teenage room, be guided by the overall style.

In addition, the photo wallpaper should be in harmony with the pieces of furniture, the shades that were used in decorating the room, and the theme of the image should correspond to the general theme of the room.

Fourth rule: observe the zoning of space. For example, in the sleeping area it is better to stick calmer drawings, in the game or sports area you can pick up brighter shades.

Remember! In the area intended for study, it is undesirable to glue photo wallpapers, as they will interfere with your child's study.

Fifth rule: in no case do not use too childish drawings. Remember that your child has already grown up, and the photo wallpaper should show his age.

In addition, the main goal that a child will pursue when choosing photo wallpapers is the opportunity to show them to his friends, and children's drawings will cause the wrong reaction from their peers.

And finally, a very important rule: rooms for a boy and for a girl should be different, and this should be visible on the photo wallpaper. Therefore, in this matter it is very important to observe the line.

Advice: for boys, colder shades (blue, blue, brown) are suitable, for girls - more delicate ones (pink, beige, yellow).

Wall mural in the teenage room of boys and girls

The most common way to decorate a room for teenagers with photo wallpapers is use drawings that match your children's interests. But depending on the gender and character of the child, interests differ, so consult with your son or daughter about the drawing.

In the event that both a boy and a girl live in the children's room, you can use abstract drawings or photo wallpaper, suitable for everyone: these are animals, marine themes, travel and other options.

Naturally, they should not have children's elements: for example, a marine theme is no longer drawings of cartoon fish, but beautiful seascapes or ships; animals are not butterflies or cats.

The pattern on the photo wallpaper should intersect with your child's hobby. In the room for a teenage boy, you can stick photo wallpapers corresponding to the following topics:

  • sport(football, basketball teams, image of sports paraphernalia, famous athletes);
  • cars(modern or retro models, car races. Instead of cars, you can pick up images of bikes);
  • computer topics(heroes of computer games, matrices, unusual equipment, robots, and so on);
  • creation(unusual paintings, abstractions, graffiti);
  • music(famous musicians or bands, sheet music, musical instruments, vinyl records, etc.);
  • movie(frames from films, actors);
  • geography and travel(maps, beautiful cities, landscapes).

Advice: to make the interior of such a room look as harmonious as possible, do not stop at photo wallpapers. Use appropriate paraphernalia and decor elements to decorate the rest of the room, as well as select furniture that best suits this direction.

In order to give the photo wallpapers a more modern look, you can additionally decorate them with neon lights or make a decorative frame from shelves and pieces of furniture. Do not be afraid to experiment: in such a room everything new will look bright and unusual.

Read about how the whole interior design can change: colorful and memorable photos with photo wallpaper options in black and white.

Learn how to paint vinyl wallpaper: self-painting with our instructions will not cause any difficulties.

As for the girls, then, of course, it is better for their rooms. choose more feminine wallpapers. For example, these could be the following directions:

  • Fashion & Style(photo models, clubs, designer shows or even her own photo in a chic dress);
  • romance(hearts, flowers, beautiful romantic landscapes, couples in love, Paris);
  • music(soloists and musical groups);
  • movie(actors and actresses, stills from films);
  • natural motives(for example, flower theme) and many others.

For both boys and girls, urban-style photo wallpapers are suitable. It can be beautiful streets, night cities, wide bridges and other drawings. And to make the plot look even more realistic, complement the style with suitable lamps.

Teenage rooms should also be combined with each other.

The background color of the wallpaper is better to match the tone of the photo, taking as a basis a light, pleasant shade of a neutral range.

Brighter colors will please a preschooler, while teenagers - both girls and boys - will like soft pastel, light gray, blue, pale green and lilac shades.

A teenager's room is exactly the place where he can show his individuality. And at this age, you should not prevent this manifestation.

Support your child in his endeavors and choose a picture suitable for photo wallpaper with him. And you will see how the children's room will be transformed, and the original photo wallpaper will cheer up both your child and yourself.

In adolescence, children strive to be different from their peers, have non-standard thinking and all their personal opinions, which must be taken into account when decorating the interior of their rooms. Wall mural in a teenager's room is a simple opportunity to creatively decorate the interior, create a special atmosphere and mood in the room.

Wall mural in a teenager's room: 3 ideas for decoration

Our online store KLV-wallpaper offers a variety of children's images for printing in the room of a child of any age. Let the child choose the plot for printing wallpaper, perhaps you will learn about the new features of his personality and character.

  • graffiti and art. Plots of artistic themes are an excellent solution for the interior of a creative child's room.
  • sports theme. Football, basketball, hockey, swimming or figure skating - if your child is seriously into sports, then wall decor with a thematic story will emphasize his personality and character.
  • school theme. Smarties and smarties will prefer to surround themselves with appropriate decor elements in the room: be it a geographical map, a rocket or space objects.

Adolescence is complex in its uncertainty. Your child is no longer a child, but he is still far from being an adult. Wallpaper for a teenager's boy's or girl's room should reflect his interests and be environmentally friendly. With their help, a multifunctional room is zoned and a mood is created. In a properly designed room, a teenager will feel free to invite friends, and not seek to go outside.

Wallpaper for a multifunctional teen room

The children have grown up. A friend and I faced the question of the correct design of a teenage room for our girls and boys. Since I am a builder, I was instructed to select the wallpaper.

A teenager spends a lot of time in his room. He rests and studies in it, meets with friends. He is no longer a baby, has his own tastes and certain hobbies. Wall decoration with wallpaper must meet a number of requirements.

  1. Materials must be environmentally friendly, do not emit harmful substances.
  2. It is better to stick cheap wallpapers in order to change them to others soon.
  3. The theme of the design of the walls should correspond to the hobbies of the teenager. For this, it is desirable to use wallpapers and posters.
  4. With the help of tapestries it is convenient to divide the room into functional zones.
  5. Colors should not be flashy and annoying. The shades in the room of the girl and the boy are different.
  6. The interior should be stylish. Use retro and classic in extreme cases when a teenager is fond of it.

The main thing in the teenage room is to create a unique environment that will not get bored after a few months. It is advisable to select background wallpapers in light colors, plain or striped. Posters and photographs serve as decor. Against such a background, they will look good, as well as vinyl stickers, including the now fashionable lettering.

Zoning a room with wallpaper

It is advisable to paste over a teenage room with combined wallpaper. A zone of calm tones is created near the desk. Usually it is located next to the window. For boys it is gray, blue. Girls will prefer lilac and olive. Beige and milky neutrals are suitable for everyone.

Photo wallpapers occupy a free wall that is not covered by cabinets or are located above the bed. Striped tapestries can be glued into these zones and decorated with posters and photographs. On them you can stick various letters and words in a contrasting bright color. It is desirable that the lettering elements are not classic black.

Wallpaper pattern is selected in accordance with the size and shape of the room. In a small, preferably wide light stripes arranged horizontally. Bright reds, greens and blues accentuate a particular area and emphasize style.

Wallpapers with floral patterns and geometric patterns are suitable as an addition to the main theme. Only small pictures and small photos in bright frames can be hung on them.

Themed wallpaper for a boy

Choosing wallpaper for the interior of a teenage room

Teenagers are no longer kids, but almost adults with their own tastes and hobbies. This should reflect the wallpaper. Boy Themed Room Includes Images:

  • favorite groups;
  • cars and motorcycles;
  • diving;
  • sea ​​travel;
  • sports idols and game moments.

It can be photographs and just schematic drawings. Since tastes can change during adolescence, the main elements that reflect the theme of the interior should be dismantled and replaced with new ones without much effort and expense.

The wallpaper in the boy's room is mostly plain, with stripes and geometric patterns. Additional decoration can be boxing gloves, a stick, a guitar on the wall.

The background should be soft and light. Very colorful images, especially with a predominance of contrasting combinations of black, green, purple and red, quickly get bored and negatively affect the nervous system.

The tastes of girls are romantic

Girls are romantic and dreamy. They want to see on the posters of their musical idols and heroes of their favorite films and cartoons. They love flowers and colors close to pink and nature.

The girl’s room is dominated by soft, clean tones:

  • lilac;
  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • fuchsia;
  • withered rose.

There may be stripes on the wallpaper in the girl's room. Preference is given to floral motifs and floral ornaments. The images on the walls reflect fantastic situations, the sea, nature, flowers. Stickers with inscriptions and letters will decorate the wallpaper.

The decor of the walls of the girl's room can be hand-made crafts, paintings, embroideries. Ballet slippers and figure skates, an old toy can hang on the wall. When wallpapering in a girl's room, it is necessary to provide a place for them and an appropriate background, plain or in a small pattern.

Wall mural solves many issues

Stylish wallpaper for a teenage boy's room

We have already encountered the fact that our grown-up children quickly got bored with some hobbies and were replaced by others. They changed sports circles, musical idols and attitudes towards films. Therefore, it was necessary to solve the issue of a quick and budgetary change in the theme of a teenager's room.

Practice has shown that photo wallpapers are such a solution. Now you can order the production of any picture on a given wall size. The paper base and the coated non-woven decorative layer make it easy to stick photo wallpapers and quickly remove them. The original and stylish look of the room is given by the illumination of the image on the wall.

Wall murals are at the same time a worthy replacement for posters. Teenagers could not limit themselves to a couple of posters, especially boys. As a result, the room gave the impression of a mess from the multitude of pictures randomly arranged in accordance with the taste of the child.

Interior design in the room of a teenage boy

The main thing for parents is to understand that their children are no longer small children and have their own opinion. Therefore, you can not buy wallpaper, and do repairs without their participation. I repeatedly had to redo the children's rooms after a few weeks. Parents believed that they knew better how to decorate the abode of a teenager. As a result, the child began to get nervous, he was embarrassed to invite friends to his room. Then they called me and already with a boy or a girl they chose wallpaper for the walls.

I downloaded the main wallpaper shops, workshops that make images and custom stickers into computers at home and at a friend's. After that, we invited each of our children to choose a decor for their room.

Why this or that option would not work was entrusted to me, as the most experienced and able to explain it.

Wallpaper in the room of teenage boys

We chose duplex paper wallpapers. They are double, with a decorative layer and dense. At the same time, they pass air well and are easily re-glued. A large selection of textures, shades and patterns allowed everyone to choose their own option. They did not take detergents. After all, the children are already big and will not draw on the walls.

Wall murals were ordered for the open walls. They covered themselves a little with sports corners in the children's rooms. But they did exercises next to their favorite image. The working area was decorated with shelves. T-shirts of idols, sports equipment and other items related to the hobbies of a particular teenager were hung over the beds.