Bathroom design. Bathroom arrangement How to install furniture in a small bathroom

The choice of tiles, colors, the selection of plumbing, the installation of cabinets - the arrangement of the bathroom requires comprehensive attention. I want to create an atmosphere of warmth, relaxation in this room, maintain functionality and free up space as much as possible. Of course, when the room is large, any solutions can be implemented, you say. But a small bathroom can also be unique and practical. The main thing is to know what to pay attention to. Regardless of the size of the room, the first thing to do is to decide on the style of decoration.

Luxurious, elegant and simple - choose the style of the room

In residential buildings, the first bathrooms appeared only in the 19th century, and before that there were baths, public baths and tubs. For two centuries now, people have been paying close attention to the design of the bathroom, because they know that the style will “prompt” the choice of furniture, sanitary ware, and colors.

  1. Greek style - it combines conservatism and good quality. The peculiarity of this style is the creation of the effect of "sunshine". The main color of the decoration is white, which can be combined with shades of wood, olive, green, pink, lemon yellow and the color of the deep sea. Decorating a room in the Greek style is quite simple - the walls can be covered with white textured plaster and decorated with plot frescoes (Greece is the birthplace of myths). Lay out the floor with large ceramic tiles of a light shade, and choose a small square-shaped furniture.
  2. Art Deco style is the most sophisticated and chic style. Its peculiarity is the use of contrasting black and white, an abundance of mirrors and glossy surfaces, as well as thoughtful lighting. Decorating a space in this style will not be as difficult as it seems. The walls should have a glossy sheen and it is best to choose tiles in ivory, white with black or brown patterns. The floor can be laid out in a “checkerboard pattern” of black and white wide tiles, and plumbing can be chosen with curved lines and an abundance of steel elements.
  3. Minimalism is the most popular style for a bathroom, especially if it is small. After all, minimalism implies the exclusion of unnecessary elements and almost no decor. This style is a combination of gray, white and black. To make the room expressive and visually expand it, it is enough to lay out the walls with gray tiles (the lightest shade), and use black trim around the perimeter of the ceiling and floor. A bathroom decorated entirely in white or light gray will look spectacular and spacious, where two or three details will become bright accents, for example, a picture with a bright landscape or a green vase.

Greek style bathroom decor

Do you think that all these styles can only be realized in large rooms? Art Deco and Minimalism are styles that are made for small to medium sized bathtubs, because they require light and pastel colors, plenty of light, and compact plumbing to create them.

art deco bathroom photo

If you have a large room, you will not think about what to put - a bath or shower, what colors to choose - your favorite red or a warm shade of pink. But a small room requires compliance with all these points.

To make it easier for you to deal with the necessary and unnecessary things, here are some tips for arranging:

  • do not want to give up in favor of a shower cabin? And you don't need to. Just look under your bathtub and notice how much space there is. Make the most of it. Get a special screen, close the opening, and store household chemicals under the bathroom;
  • change cabinets. For a small room, it would be rational to choose cabinets with rising doors. The best option is to choose such doors with a mirrored facade or light-colored glass. So, you can visually add a couple of square meters to the bathroom;
  • do not get carried away with small decor - this applies to the choice of tiles for both the wall and the floor. For a small bathroom, small mosaics and patterns can be detrimental. It is best to choose a plain tile of a standard or large size, without a pattern. But the color of the tile can be cheerful - light yellow, blue, light green or cream;
  • visually “raise” the bathroom and make it wider with a simple white stretch ceiling;
  • in order not to suffer with the choice of plumbing - immediately pay attention to the suspended models. A hinged sink and toilet will free up space and greatly simplify the cleaning process. A hanging sink will also allow you to place a small cabinet or compact washing machine under it.

With these simple tips, you will know exactly how to furnish a bathroom, even if it is no larger than three square meters. Remember that for a small room, every centimeter is the right space. So try to use it effectively. For example, build a closed cabinet above the door, choose hanging shelves, and use only mirrors as decor - they can visually expand the space.

For few of us, a large bathroom turns from a dream into a reality. But in the mornings, you really want to enter a spacious and comfortable bathroom to cheer up, refresh yourself and recharge your batteries for the rest of the day.

Therefore, the important question remains how to equip a small bathroom so that all the necessary pieces of furniture, plumbing, hygiene products and household chemicals can be compactly and beautifully placed in it, and besides, there is a place where to turn around.

Bathroom arrangement: 12 options

You need to carefully consider what you want to see in your bathroom in order to rationally use every ten square centimeters of free space.

Indeed, in addition to the main components of the ablution room, such as a bathroom, sink, toilet, mirror, shelves for washing accessories, you may need to place, for example, a washing machine.

What techniques can be applied for the optimal arrangement of the bathroom?

Options for solving the issue of saving space

1. The first and rather radical option is to install a shower cabin instead of a regular bath.

The advantages of such a solution:

  1. without wasting extra water and time, you can instantly take a shower;
  2. each shower stall has sealed doors that prevent even the slightest splash from penetrating beyond its limits;
  3. the cabin will take up 2 times less space than a regular bath;
  4. the vacated space is enough to accommodate a bidet, a column locker or a washing machine;
  5. some types of shower cabins have special modes for relaxation: “rain shower” from the ceiling, hydromassage and aromatic oil therapy in combination with modes such as: contrast shower, Turkish bath or infrared sauna;
  6. shower cabins can be with a deep enough tray, it can replace a small bath if you need to bathe the smallest members of the family;

Disadvantages of replacing a bathtub with a shower stall:

  1. the opportunity to lie down and pamper yourself in a bath filled with hot water and an abundance of foam will disappear;
  2. in cases where the water pressure in your apartment is too low, it will be possible to install only the simplest shower stall, in which there are no additional modes, however, this problem can be solved by installing additional fittings;

If this solution is not to your liking, move on to the next option.

2. You can move the washing machine from the bathroom to the kitchen.

However, this is not always the best solution, because:

  • the machine will make a lot of noise and interfere with those of the family members who are going to have dinner or cook, and each time you will have to choose a certain time for washing;
  • if dirty laundry is stored and dried in the bathroom, it becomes quite overhead to regularly drag it from the bathroom to the kitchen and back to wash, hang and dry.

Among the equipment of modern plumbing, there is one that allows you to place the washing machine under the sink in the bathroom directly. What requires only the purchase and installation of a washbasin with an appropriate drain - a drain to the side, in contrast to the standard one, which has a drain elbow directed downwards and often interferes with the installation of the machine under the sink.
However, even in this case, only representatives of compact models of washing machines can fit under the sink, since standard machines will not fit in height.

3rd option for arranging a small bathroom

If you have already purchased a large-sized washing machine, and it does not fit under the sink, then you can install it by building a countertop on top, which will be one piece along with the washbasin. Still often the machine looks good enough, being installed in a niche or under some locker.

4th option for arranging a bathroom

Often, the very limited space of the bathroom forces the owners of the apartment to find really original and sophisticated ways to save space. For example, you can place the washing machine in the space above the toilet.

5th option for arranging a bathroom

It is worth noting that the place under the washbasin should not be wasted. Here you can assemble a small cabinet with shelves for rags, detergents and various other household chemicals, or, for example, take a special place for cosmetics. On sale are often cabinets with a bathroom sink. The advantage of such sets is that the cabinet and sink are perfectly and beautifully matched in color and style.

Draw your attention to!

Such kits often include both narrow and tall cabinet-pencil cases, inside which both a laundry basket and many additional shelves can fit.

6th option

If there is no desire to get rid of the bathroom, then space can be saved by putting instead of a rectangular one.

Moreover, the sink can be positioned in such a way that it partially hangs over the bathtub. This option looks harmonious, saves space, while leaving a free approach to the washbasin.

7th option

If you think about what other places in the bathroom remain unused and are usually empty, then it immediately comes to a vast space that remains unoccupied under the bathroom. To rationally use it, with built-in shelves. There you can hide brushes, washcloths and bottles of household chemicals. Such a useful solution also decorates the appearance of the bath.

However, if there are curious little children among your family members, this option is unlikely to work. It will be easy for them to get to the poisonous chemicals, and this cannot be allowed to happen.

Bath Screen

8th option

If, then one or two small hatches with doors can be constructed on the sides of the bathroom. In such narrow, but deep caches, you can place all the necessary detergents.

At the same time, hatches fit well into and can look like a neat decorative element. On top of that, making them is not difficult.

In addition, the hatches are locked tightly with a latch, so that access to household chemicals will be closed to children.

9th option

Another way to free up space in the bathroom is to replace the floor-standing toilet and bidet with hanging ones. Due to the fact that the bidet and toilet will be attached to the wall, and not to the floor, there will be visually more space, and the bath will seem more spacious. In addition, it looks stylish, elegant and emphasizes the refined taste of the owners.

10th option

Corner can be made not only a bath, but also the rest of the plumbing. This technique well disguises the small size of the bathroom and gives the interior a special modern look.

11th option

It has long been known that mirrors visually expand the space. So in our case, you can use the well-known fact and make the facade of the cabinet above the sink mirror or hang a large mirror on one of the walls.

Above the door, you can place a separate locker for things that you rarely use. It will be useful, and it will practically not take up extra space.

12th option

An excellent solution to fill the ever-empty corners of the bathroom are. They easily fit all the bath accessories, soaps, washcloths and a hundred other little things that we need every day.

Bathroom corner shelves

We will be very happy if our advice will encourage you to create your own cozy bathroom and help you achieve the desired result. Combine different options and you will easily find an elegant and original solution. Good luck!

Arranging a bathroom with your own hands is a serious matter and requires increased attention: after all, in a relatively small room it will be necessary to install not only plumbing, but also pieces of furniture, and arrange decorating elements. We will talk about how to properly equip a bathroom, taking into account all the nuances, in this article.

How to start work on creating comfort?

The bathroom is a special place in every home: it is designed not only for hygiene procedures on its territory, but also for relaxation after hard working days - after all, a refreshing shower or a fragrant bath perfectly relieves feelings of fatigue and irritation. Therefore, thinking about how to furnish a bathroom, you need to highlight two main points for yourself:

  • The bathroom should be unequivocally clean and tidy - the order in any bathroom not only characterizes the owners positively, but is also necessary for full-fledged personal hygiene care. And keeping the bathroom in order is easier if it is not cluttered with furniture and unnecessary decor;
  • Excessive brightness and originality - not for this room. Too saturated and flashy tones, an abundance of pretentious decorations prevent you from relaxing and fully resting.

Having understood these important criteria, you can proceed directly to the work of restoring beauty in the future bathroom. And they always begin the arrangement of the bathroom with finishing work.

How to equip a bathroom in terms of finishing is also a very important moment. Not only comfort in the bathroom, but also the durability of the repair will depend on the quality, color and properties of the ceiling, walls and floor. You should start small - decide on the color scheme for all types of coatings.

Tip: In an environment where the bathroom has a small area, light colors of coatings, correctly placed mirrors and enlarged wall tiles will help visually increase its space. Grout for tile joints is better to take the same shade with the base material, so the walls or ceiling in the room will look smoother and more uniform.

You don’t have to worry about how to equip the bathroom in order to save space for the owners of spacious rooms for water procedures - in such bathrooms you can experiment with a dark palette, and with a bright pattern on the tiles and rather large decorative elements.

The arrangement of bathrooms requires the knowledge of some useful tricks: for example, to visually make the ceiling higher, you will need to choose it a few tones lighter than the color of the walls, and the floor, on the contrary, darker.

The location of the fixtures in the bathroom is also best thought out before finishing work begins. Lighting in this type of room plays a significant role - it expands the space of the room, and highlights especially interesting decorative details, and fills the bathroom with unique comfort.

Tip: If it’s hard for you to imagine in your mind what the installed lights in the room will look like, draw a diagram of their arrangement. The layout of lighting fixtures in the bathroom is useful both in the process of finishing work and when decorating a room.

Upon completion of all finishing work, they proceed to the installation of plumbing fixtures.

Features of installing plumbing

The arrangement of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom is undoubtedly one of the most significant moments in the entire process of work on its arrangement. The following bathroom layout will help you plan and install plumbing correctly: divide the entire space into zones that you plan to create in the room. Design professionals typically identify three main areas of bathroom function:

  • Morning treatment area: it includes a shower and washbasin;
  • Evening treatment area: it includes a bath directly;
  • Necessary zone: usually it includes a toilet and a bidet.

However, not in all bathrooms the area will allow you to install all of the above devices. Here you should focus on your personal preferences on how to equip the interior of the bathroom - if you do not like to take a bath, then it is quite possible to refuse to install a volumetric bowl in the room by installing a shower cabin and saving space for cabinets and shelves. You can also experiment with the placement of the bath - you can buy a container of reduced dimensions or an unusual shape.

The ergonomics of the bathroom is extremely important in solving the interior issue in small spaces, and here the following tips can help you:

  • If you plan to install a washing machine in the bathroom, then choose this household appliance as compact as possible;
  • Saves space by installing a washbasin directly above the bath bowl or purchasing a wall-hung model of a toilet bowl with a sink;
  • The corner bath also does not absorb too much free space, and if you replace the bathtub with a hydrobox, you can “win” enough space for furniture.

Bathroom furniture

The arrangement of furniture in a small or large bathroom should also be correct, an abundance of cabinets and shelves is not the best idea for storing things, because they not only visually “heavier” the space, but also make cleaning this room uncomfortable and long. What you need in the bathroom from pieces of furniture and what you can refuse - let's figure it out.

The rational organization of the bathroom requires the mandatory installation of cabinets and shelves for storing things and cleaning supplies. In addition, furniture can help hide pipes and other elements of the room that spoil the interior.

Installing a special screen (if the bowl model allows) under the bathtub makes storing things in the bathroom not only convenient, but also ergonomic. On the shelves in such a screen, you can place washcloths, detergents and cleaning products, remove powder and other laundry accessories from them.

How to properly equip a bathroom and not clutter up its space with furniture? Very simple: hang storage cabinets above the bathroom or place them on the doors. The mirror can be built into the wall, however, in this case, the question of placing the mirror should be decided at the stage of construction and finishing works.

The arrangement of objects in the bathroom is always directly related to its size - in a large room you can install massive cabinets and cabinets, stylized as natural material, with a small area it is better to choose things that look less massive - from glass, plastic, light metal. Remember also that the storage system in rooms with high humidity has its own specifics, and all furniture must be made of moisture-resistant materials.

Tip: Choosing the color of bathroom furniture should be based on the color palette of finishes and plumbing tones. Naturally, for the harmony of the design, it is recommended to maintain the entire entourage of the room in one stylistic direction.

It is up to you to decide how best to equip the bathroom and decorate the room with decorative details. Designers advise not to be afraid of experiments and choose interior items of a very different style - for example, a crystal chandelier in the bathroom is considered the trend of the season.

Place photos or paintings on the walls, put a small vase with fresh flowers on the shelf and you will see that the bathroom will become more comfortable in terms of the overall atmosphere.

Interior items for the bathroom can add brightness - buy unusual rugs, towels, soap dishes and turn daily hygiene and care procedures into a real feast for body and soul.

As you can see, furnishing your bathroom is a very simple process, it is only important to show a little patience, imagination and not be afraid to experiment with materials and colors.

The bathroom is, first of all, the place where you can relax and pamper yourself with hygiene and beauty treatments. Therefore, its beautiful and comfortable arrangement is a matter of paramount importance! We have collected for you 31 ideas for arranging a bathroom that will not cost you a pretty penny and will please the eye for many years!

1. DIY shower curtain

All you need is a simple cotton fabric, acrylic paints and a little imagination to create the curtain of your dreams that will perfectly match your bathroom decor!

2. Cold tile floor gets 110% cozier with pom-pom carpet

Make your morning trip to the washbasin much more enjoyable. All you need is yarn and a base in the form of a simple rug.

3. Pour all your shampoos, conditioners and hair masks into matching bottles for perfect harmony

Use small and cute containers. Only not bulky plastic bottles!

4. Convenient organizer for storing small items

It will allow you to save space on the table, and it will be very easy for you to maintain order there.

5. A mirror in this design will look impressive in any bathroom.

6. Use a curved curtain rod

Such a rod will make your shower more comfortable than a straight one.

7. Hang two shower curtains to create a special atmosphere

This double panel shower curtain will make your bathroom look more luxurious. If you have a small bath, you can simply cut the curtain in half and hem the edges. As easy as pie!

8. Hang Towels on a Rustic Ornamental Staircase

A nice little thing: such a piece of furniture is very mobile, and you will not need to drill holes in the walls.

9. Make your life easier by adding a second curtain rod to your shower

In addition, it is very convenient, and hanging things dry much better.

10. Get Peculiar Spa Treatments with a Pebble Mat

All you need is a rubber mat (with holes for drainage), waterproof caulk, and smooth rocks.

11. Pour your mouthwash into a carved crystal decanter

12. Make this cheap and easy to use tray for wine or reading books in the bathroom

13. Turn a cheap chest of drawers into a dressing table

14. A brightly colored frame for a mirror will significantly change its look.

15. These under-sink coasters will virtually wipe out the clutter in your jars.

16. Save space in a small bathroom with hanging makeup jars

It is not just a convenient way to store, but also a beautiful wall decoration!

17. Reliable protection from prying eyes - this is photosensitive paper for contact copying


No clutter of curtains.
- Natural light enters the bathroom.
- Such paper can be found in any store of printing materials.

18. Store your curling irons, flat irons, and hair dryer in a PVC plumbing pipe.

Cords no longer get tangled and everything stays in place!

19. Add some rustic charm with a pallet shelf

20. Your ordinary sink table can be turned into a granite one thanks to special paint!

21. Turn an old window into an original first aid kit

22. Now in the morning you will remember all your plans thanks to the writing board on the dressing table

You will need a glass frame, white paper and any stencil. Everything ingenious is simple!

23. Fun antlers on the wall as a great alternative to a boring towel hook

24. A glass-top dressing table will let you see all your cosmetics.

An ingenious solution for an original bathroom!

25. Decorate bathroom walls with geometric mirror accents

Mirrored decorations are perfect for making a small bathroom look bigger. For this amazing decoration, you only need DIY cardboard figures for the base and pieces of a mirror.

26. Give new life to cheap glass bottles and vases

To do this, you will need a spray gun with milky paint.

27. Refresh your shelves and brighten them up with your favorite paint color

Attach labels to shelves for top-level order and organization!

28. Add some vegetation to bring natural freshness to the bathroom

But choose plants that suit the conditions of the bathroom - preferably those that do not need a lot of natural light and that are suitable for a humid environment.

29. Flickering garland light will be a great decoration for your room in the evening and at night

You can lay out any word or any form you want.

30. Such extraordinary shelves can fit perfectly into any interior.

31. Finally, make your bathroom experience a lot more enjoyable with a fun Dino toilet paper holder.

Get inspired and experiment with colors and shapes for more coziness, order and comfort in your home!

The bathroom is an integral part of a modern apartment, where you can wash off the fatigue accumulated during the whole day, take a bath and carry out cosmetic procedures. What should be the bathroom?


Any bathroom should contain a certain set of household appliances and sanitary equipment, as well as elements of decoration and decor:

  • ceramic tiles with decor;
  • bath or shower;
  • sink;
  • bathroom furniture: cabinet, cabinet, shelves;
  • washing machine;
  • heated towel rail;
  • mirror, lighting, bathroom screen.

The bathroom is just as important as the bedroom. It is a place for solitude and relaxation, as well as for domestic work - furnishing a bathroom is a difficult task of conveying its character to the room.

Depending on the preferences and financial situation of the owner of the apartment, the color of the bathroom and its furnishings may vary. Someone likes minimalism, someone cares about functionality, someone is an adherent of a romantic style.


There are several fundamental principles on how to equip a bathroom correctly:

  1. Firstly, its color scheme should not differ too much from the design of the entire apartment - provided that the apartment is decorated in the same style.
  2. Secondly, you need to choose colors for the bathroom warm, soothing. These include: beige, warm blue, pale pink, coffee, milky green.
  3. Thirdly, furniture and sanitary ware should match each other in design. The choice of individual elements is determined by the chosen style for the bathroom.

Wall and floor decoration

The most successful solution is to tile the walls and floor of the bathroom. Modern hardware stores and markets amaze with the variety of tile assortment - there are samples that radically differ in size and color. Each tile comes with a range of decor options that can be used to elegantly decorate any bathroom.

Tile on the floor is the only right solution when arranging a bathroom.

Note! If there is an opportunity to conduct a warm floor under the tile, you need to use it. This solution will not only make you feel comfortable in the bathroom, but also keep the floor dry.

Any bathroom, regardless of its color, needs a minimum set of sanitary equipment. This includes:

  • bathtub and/or shower cabin with its own faucet;
  • sink with separate faucet;
  • heated towel rail.

The choice - a bath or a shower - largely depends on the goals that the owner of the apartment sets for himself. If you plan to regularly take a bath with sea salt, aromatic oils and foam, then a bath is necessary. If preference is given to a quick shower, the bath can not be installed indoors at all.

Faucets on the adjacent sink and bathtub should preferably be kept in the same style. That is, either both are single-lever, or both are valve. If the sink and tub are far enough apart - given the space - the faucets don't have to be the same. For example, a bath thermostat and a single-lever basin mixer.

The color of the sink and bathtub varies from pure white to black. Shower cabins of the average price level and above are also widely presented in various shades. Inexpensive models are delivered mainly in white.

Note! Depending on who will use the bathroom, you need to choose various additional functions of sanitary equipment. If there are children in the family, it is advisable to avoid glass parts in the shower, provide for the absence of a slippery bottom in the bath, install a convenient single-lever faucet on the sink.

The heated towel rail in the bathroom serves not only as a holder, but also as heating. On it you can easily dry not only a wet towel, but also small things. Thanks to modern technology, you can choose both a water heated towel rail and an electric one.


The concept of furniture in the bathroom includes a cabinet under the sink, a cabinet in the bathroom, wall cabinets or shelves. All details of the situation must be selected in accordance with the color scheme of the bathroom:

  1. If the sink and bathtub are white, then the choice of furniture color depends only on the tiles that the bathroom is lined with.
  2. If the plumbing fixture has a certain shade, then in addition to tiles, it should also be taken into account.

Bathroom furniture can be made from:

  • marble;
  • wood treated with water-repellent varnish;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • Chipboard with a protective waterproof film.

Which material is suitable for a particular bathroom depends on the taste and material capabilities of the owner.

Note! When purchasing wooden furniture, you need to make sure from the seller that the wooden parts are reliably protected with a special varnish.

The most popular bathroom items are:

  • nightstand,
  • sink cabinet,
  • wall cabinet,
  • open shelves with wall mounting.
  • mirror with built-in lighting and wardrobe.

In plumbing stores, furniture sets made in the same style are widely represented: a sink with a cabinet, a cabinet for linen, wall cabinets, a mirror with a cabinet for cosmetics and hygiene items. In addition, manufacturers try to cover the largest possible volume of potential buyers by releasing the same element in different sizes. This will allow you to choose a set of furniture for any, even the smallest bathroom.

Additional accessories

An important place in the interior of the bathroom is played by a wall mirror. It can be included in a furniture set or, if space permits, purchased and installed separately.

Complex solutions are good in that they already include the lighting function, while a separate mirror will have to be bought and connected to lamps that are suitable in style.

Additional accessories include also a screen under the bath. It can be a plastic or wooden panel mounted on rails and having sliding doors. In some cases, the screen is made of tiles: after installing the bath in the room and tiling the floor with ceramic tiles.

Bathroom lighting plays a big role. In many ways, the decision depends on the choice of ceiling. The false ceiling provides for the installation of built-in lamps. If the ceiling is tiled, then the lighting can be done in the form of spotlights installed on the walls.

small bathroom

Unfortunately, most modern bathrooms do not have enough space to accommodate everything that seems necessary. Therefore, when starting to equip a small bathroom, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. The color of bathroom tiles should be light - this visually expands the space.
  2. Decor elements should preferably be discreet. On the contrary, bright details visually narrow the room.
  3. Plumbing equipment, as well as furniture, you need to choose the minimum width and depth.

If there is no need for a bath, you can get by with a shower. This solution will save space for the washing machine.