How to cut an arch from drywall. How to make a drywall arch - a step-by-step installation and decoration technology. Trapezoidal plasterboard arches

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

To transform a house or apartment inside, it is not at all necessary to break walls, lay bricks or make concrete pouring. Drywall is able to replace messy construction activities and easily create complex architectural forms. This material is very popular today, as it is convenient to mount it. Drywall makes it possible to create multilevel structures on the surface of the ceilings and in the opening, build columns various forms and sizes, or arches. Do-it-yourself drywall arch - real and not complex project. Observing the right technology using special tools and following clear instructions, the arch can be equipped in 2-3 days.

Able to emphasize the style of the interior of the room, introducing new architectural solutions and original changes. In addition, a well-mounted arch can easily hide such a defect in the ceiling as a problem in the mismatch of the slabs in the ceilings. The arch should be equipped if you want to get rid of the interior door, but do not leave door frame in the opening. The installation technology will vary depending on the measurement of the opening and the characteristics of the material from which the walls of the house or apartment are made.

In the opening between rooms it can also be installed on a solid wall. AT this case you will have to cut an opening in the wall that matches in height and width with the desired dimensions. The edges of the opening may be uneven; in any case, they will be hidden by an arched structure.

Types of arches

A material such as drywall is very convenient to use, allows you to build complex structures of various shapes. It lends itself well to cutting, easy to install, and when wetted, it can bend and take the desired shape. The material has a smooth flat surface, so most often does not require additional finishing and puttying. Drywall is lightweight, so work can be done alone without anyone's help.

Due to its functional properties, drywall makes it possible to build arched openings the most complex, original and bizarre forms, also creating carved through holes and decorative shelves. What design is better to choose, and how to make a plasterboard arch:

Choose the design of the arch should be based on your interior. The design should complement the overall picture and fit into the style of the apartment. The technology for constructing a drywall arch with step-by-step instructions is shown in this video.

Advantages of drywall constructions

Drywall is the material that is increasingly being chosen for the construction of door arches. Plasterboard constructions today they are popular and in demand among builders and designers, they are widely used in interiors due to their many advantages:

Most often door arches installed in the living room, hallway, corridor, balcony or loggia. graceful arch do-it-yourself drywall is shown in the photo.

Before you begin the process of mounting the arch, you should not forget about a few questions:

Necessary materials

  • Drywall sheets. It is better to purchase two types: special thin arched plasterboard sheets up to 6.5 mm thick and wall plasterboard 12 mm thick.
  • Gypsum-based putty mortar.
  • Fiberglass mesh.
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  • Rack metal profiles.
  • Paint or wallpaper.

Do-it-yourself construction of a drywall arch is shown in this video.

Necessary tools

  • Drywall saw or electric jigsaw
  • simple pencil
  • Roulette and carpenter's square
  • Grout grater
  • Perforator, drill and screwdriver
  • pliers
  • Metal shears
  • Building level
  • Putty knife
  • Needle roller
  • Sandpaper
  • sharp knife

arch toolkit

For the construction of a metal frame for arches made of plasterboard, you will need several types of guide U-shaped profiles made of aluminum: rack for straight parts (60 * 27), guide for contours (28 * 27), arched and reinforced corners.

Stages of construction of the arch

The arched structure is created in several stages, following the sequence of which will bring you the desired result:

  • Creation of a project plan.
  • Preparing the doorway.
  • Profile setup.
  • Preparation of material for work.
  • Installation work.
  • Additional finishing.

Let's consider each stage in detail:

  • Installation work.

Sometimes you want to ennoble the resulting arched structure. They are especially attentive to the design of the arched opening, if it is the main focus in the interior. Designers recommend paying attention to the options for the most winning finish:

Building the arch of your dreams on your own is not difficult. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions and carefully think over the design of the arched structure in advance.

Thanks to drywall, you can make an arch of any shape When interior doors are removed, there remains an opening with a door frame installed in it, but this situation is by no means attractive. Replacing the entire structure with a drywall arch is the most rational option in this case, and it has many advantages. At the same time, anyone can build an arch in their apartment, the installation process is simple, and it can be done by a master of any level, it is enough to have everything necessary tools and great desire. Step-by-step instructions will help you create a design of any type and complexity.

The choice of the type of arch depends on its location, that is, which rooms it shares, from general interior the entire room, as well as the height of the ceilings. Before starting work, you need to choose the shape of the arch. All stages of work will depend on what type of arch will be.

Before you start making an arch, you need to buy drywall, self-tapping screws, a metal profile and the necessary tools

What are the types of arches?

  • Dome symmetrical arch;
  • Arch with a displaced center of an asymmetric design;
  • Gothic arch;
  • Openwork arch;
  • Multi-level arch;

The dome is considered the most familiar type, it is chosen much more often, and can be found almost everywhere. Its installation can be considered the most simple. Asymmetric is the most economical, since it requires the reconstruction of one part of the wall and the top of the doorway.

The dome of the Gothic arch is sharp and asymmetrical, so the calculations are relatively simple, but installation requires some skills. For an openwork design, a lot of space is needed. She is different unusual shape and topics. That the walls around it are decorated with various holes. Most difficult option- multilevel. To implement such a project, it is necessary to have creative and design skills, and it is also required great experience drywall work. Door arches of this type are individual and are created in a single project.

Be sure to remember that the arch must be appropriate and that its design captures some space.

If in the initial conditions there is a doorway height of up to 2 m, then the arch in this case is a categorically wrong decision. In this case, you can simply decorate the shape of the top of the doorway. Knowing how to install the simplest type of arch, you can improve your skill and build the most complex structure on one's own.

How to make a drywall arch with your own hands

Before starting construction works with your own hands, must be purchased construction tools and materials. The doorway must be thoroughly prepared. Preparing before installation work consists in dismantling the old door frame. This is a mandatory step, as the arch requires more area and space, and the box takes up a lot of space. The disassembled and released doorway must be cleaned. If the surface can crumble or break off, then all such areas are removed.

An excellent solution is to equip the plasterboard arch with spotlights.


  • All dust;
  • Dirt;
  • Pieces of wallpaper.

The elements of the arch may differ, but the most normal version consists of 3 parts: 2 side parts and the top curved. It is necessary to measure the width of the doorway, and thus calculate the bending angle of the upper part. The side parts in most cases must be made absolutely identical.

It is very easy to draw the top part with your own hands.

It is believed that this is the most difficult, but it is recommended to depict a kind of compass with a thread, a pencil, and an awl. We take a dense thread, the length of the calculated radius, on the one hand we fix an awl on the loop, on the other hand a drawing tool - a pencil or some other. We firmly insert the awl into the GKL sheet, and with the tension of the thread we draw the contour of the arc. Next, you can cut the arch blank with a special knife from the drywall profile. The second part must match exactly, its outline is drawn using the first part as a template.

Instructions: how to make a drywall arch

After the installation is completed, the arched structure must be completed, that is, completed decorative processing. Finishing options can be varied, but there are some steps that are not recommended to be skipped.

Before creating a drywall arch, it is worth drawing it on paper, indicating all dimensions


  1. The finished arch must be processed sandpaper, overwriting all the bumps and roughness.
  2. The joints are glued with a special adhesive tape, such an action will greatly strengthen the structure.
  3. All seams are sealed with seam putty.
  4. The putty layers are dried under normal conditions, and all irregularities are rubbed with sandpaper.
  5. The entire structure is primed.
  6. After all layers have dried, a special finish is applied.

Since the structure is rounded, but has many corners, they must be additionally strengthened. It is recommended to use a metal profile for this, which will protect the drywall from possible mechanical influences.

The profile is attached to the putty and covered with it on top.

All steps must be strictly followed. In this way, interior design it turns out strong and reliable, and ready for finishing with any material. It is necessary to decorate the arch, in accordance with the interior of the rooms to which the arch belongs. It could be water-based paint, wallpaper or other wall decoration elements.

We make a step-by-step interior arch with our own hands

by the most milestone in the creation of the arch is the installation of the frame. Step-by-step instruction greatly facilitate the manufacture of the arch. It is carried out according to a certain principle. We take material for manufacturing - a metal profile. The guides are fastened to the dowels at the top of the opening, and then on the sides until the arch is rounded. The profile is easily amenable to physical impact, you can bend it as you like. Cuts are made on the profile, and based on a drywall template, it is given the necessary shape.

The size for the interior arch should be chosen depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room

In order for the frame structure to be very strong, it is necessary to additionally attach additional pieces of the profile between the arcs with dowels. After installing the frame, you can proceed with the installation of drywall. The side elements are fixed first, and then we proceed to the installation of the curved elements. The lower part of the curved element is cut out of the sheet, having previously measured the door frame with a flexible centimeter. 10 cm is added to the length of this element.

The end element must be bent carefully, without damaging the material. Top surface drywall is soaked and pierced. You need to wait a little for the element to get wet well. Then it will be attached to the desired place with adhesive tape and remains in this position for a while, then it is screwed on with self-tapping screws.

Making a drywall arch with your own hands (video)

The finished structure of the metal profile and drywall is left for a day until completely dry. Thus, the arch is ready for finishing decoration. Doing everything right, you get a great design.

Do you dream of creating on your residential squares original interior and bring some zest to this space? Pay attention to the design of interior openings, which can become the central object that sets the tone for the entire design. Arches with different shape and decor.

The arch in the apartment creates beauty, comfort, emphasizes the refined taste of the owner.

If your apartment has openings of at least 1000 mm and you do not want to hide the room behind interior doors, then we will tell you how to make an arch in the apartment. At first glance, it seems that this activity is not for an amateur. But after examining the features arched openings, the possibilities of modern finishing materials and detailed instructions for mounting the arch, you decide to do it yourself.

The correct shape of the arch will emphasize the dignity of the apartment.

This is, of course, a rhetorical question. Many people who are interested in art are familiar with the arch, they have been in beautiful buildings with high ceilings and large aisles, examined the interiors country houses on the picture. In many places it is a subject of admiration and a connecting element of the interior. The shape and size of the arch depends on the opening in which it is created:

    • semicircular;
    • elliptical;
    • rectangular with small rounded edges;
  • rounded on one side of the passage.

The list is endless, because each passage and room is individual. But there are certain arch standards that have a specific shape and name:

    • classic;
    • modern;
    • ellipse;
    • romance;
    • portal;
    • trapezoid;
    • transom;
  • arch with top elements.

We offer you to see a photo of the listed elements:

Choose the shape of the arch that is appropriate for your apartment. Consider the features of the room, especially the height.

For yourself, you can choose a ready-made option on how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands or turn on your imagination, take into account the features of the opening and create your own template.

You can come up with your own design of the arched structure by viewing already ready-made options.

Just remember one nuance - in apartments with low ceiling you can choose more elongated shapes so that the arch does not give the impression that your ceilings are lower than they really are. Otherwise, the arch helps to expand the space, eliminate the overlap of rooms door leaf. But you can’t make an arch in an apartment if the design doesn’t match this. Before making a decision, we advise you to review different photos how to make an arch in an apartment and what form to prefer.

Arched structures are appropriate not only in interior aisles, but also in the design of the walls, where a beautiful baguette or vase will be located.

Arches can be created not only in interior openings, but also complementing the design of the room with them.

Often there are fireplaces, the upper part of which is made in the shape of an arch. Perhaps in your apartment you can make such elements so that the interior arch does not look lonely.

Having talked about what an arch is, let's move on to the practical part of our conversation, namely how to make interior arch in the apartment, what material can be used for this.

How to make an arch in an apartment: choose the material, prepare the opening

To properly make an arch in an apartment with your own hands, study the interior opening. It should be smooth, without holes, distortions, reliable. If in doubt, clean and level the surface with plaster, primer. Decide what the wall is made of - brick, blocks, wood. This is important, because you can fasten the arched structure with different fasteners, depending on the material of the walls.

Materials for arched structures in the apartment

You can make an arch with your own hands from different finishing materials available to you at a price:

    • drywall (GKL);
    • plywood;
    • fiberboard;
    • board;
    • brick;
    • stone;
    • plastic (for example, wall panels);
    • stucco;
  • finished arched structures.

Perhaps, after studying the information, you will have your own ideas of what to make an interior arch in the house with your own hands.

The easiest to work, affordable is drywall.

Drywall is better than other materials for making an arch with your own hands. The material is easy to cut and bend in skilled hands.

In skillful hands, you can make any design object with it, including an interior arch. It can be bent to the desired shape, and this is important for the arch, because the lower part of the portal will be exactly curved. Sheet area allows you to cut a semicircle big size. This is also very convenient. GKL is sawn with a jigsaw or a clerical knife, leaving no dirt in the room. Other materials are also available for self use in creating an arch, but will require more skill, time, tools. For example, a brick must be laid out beautifully, after taking care of a reinforced metal frame. The weight of the structure is large and can threaten to collapse if improperly laid.

Wood has the property of drying out, arching, which also affects the quality of the final result. It will take the skills of a carpenter to make an arch with your own hands from an array.

Finished arches from the array look perfect, but require careful preparation of the doorway.

It will be more affordable to buy a ready-made arched opening from an array, if funds allow. But even here there are some nuances - the interior opening may not correspond to the factory set. Then you have to adjust the opening for the finished product.

What is required to create an arch in the apartment

The success of any business depends on pre-training all you need is measurements of the object. We will need:

    • dimensions of the doorway;
    • future arch template;
    • GKL sheets;
    • metallic profile;
    • fasteners for wood / metal (depending on the walls);
    • roulette;
    • level;
    • drill;
    • jigsaw or stationery knife;
    • metal scissors;
    • screwdriver;
    • roller with spikes;
    • primer;
    • putty;
  • decorative finish for an arched structure.

Having decided on the shape of the arch, it is necessary to make the correct measurements of the arched structure in the apartment. The main parameters are the width and depth of the interior opening. With a sufficient height of the ceilings in the apartment, there is no need to particularly think about the height of the arched rounding. Here the size will be dictated by the shape of the arch and the width of the passage.

Even the most simple arch requires correct measurement interior opening.

Having received the dimensions, transfer them to a sheet of drywall. It is necessary to make a template on cardboard so as not to spoil the main material.

    1. Draw the shape of the front part of the arch. To do this, you can use a compass made by yourself. Take a simple pencil and a tight rope that does not stretch. The length of the rope must correspond to the radius, which corresponds to the size of the arch. Tie a string to a pencil. Set the stylus in the center of the sheet and draw a line of a semicircle or other chosen shape. The facade template is ready.
    1. One more detail is needed - the lower part of the arch, covering the wall along its depth. The width of the part is important here. It corresponds to the distance from the wall of one room to the wall of an adjacent room. Take the length with a margin, because only a specialist can accurately calculate the size of the arc. And then we cut off the excess.
  1. We transfer the template to the drywall sheets - the facades of the arch are two pieces, the bottom bar is in one copy.

We assemble a metal frame for a beautiful arch in the apartment

The metal profile must be prepared before installation in the interior opening. Scissors for metal will help to give the desired bend. It is necessary to make small cuts along the entire length of the profile. Consider the step from the shape of the arch. You can attach the profile to the front part of the arch and bend it along the contour of the part, making cuts at the bends. There should be two such elements, on both sides of the interior passage.

We fix the radius profile to the wall with self-tapping screws for metal or wood. You can pre-screw the dowel into the wall for better adhesion of the profile.

Mount a metal frame from a profile to secure the drywall arch elements into the opening.

Now we need to strengthen the structure. This will require a straight profile, which is set according to the depth of the arch. How to make a frame for beautiful arch in the apartment you can see in the photo:

We collect the interior arch in the apartment

It remains quite a bit before the logical conclusion of the process - to fix the details to metal frame and decorate the surface of the walls.

    1. Let's take one front part of the arch and fix it to the wall and metal profile. It is more convenient and faster to screw screws into the arch frame with a screwdriver. It's good if you have an assistant. It is very difficult to keep the parts even and tighten the fasteners alone. There shouldn't be any twists. The beauty of the future arch in the apartment depends on this.
    1. We do the same with the second part of the arch, fixing it on the back of the opening.
    1. Now we will install the lower bar of the arched structure. This is a little more difficult because the drywall needs to be curved. To do this, the GKL should be wetted with a damp cloth along the entire length and left for a while near the wall. The sheet will begin to bend forward, then you can take the part and carefully begin mounting it on the wall. A roller with spikes is also used to smoothly bend the sheet. Pass them over the entire area of ​​the plasterboard, the plaster will begin to take the desired shape. Fix the part in the opening with self-tapping screws and cut off the excess, if any.
    1. The vertical walls of the interior opening can also be decorated with drywall, if no other finish is provided.
    1. Check your result before finishing. The caps of the self-tapping screws should be slightly recessed into the GKL so as not to interfere with further finishing.

Surface ready for decorative trim to match the rest of the walls or something else.

Today, dear readers, we will talk about how to make and install a drywall arch with our own hands. Let's figure out what it is in general, what types of it are most often found in a modern interior, what is needed for installation, and, in fact, its very order.

Types of interior arches

In general, there are several dozen types of openings, but we will highlight the most suitable in terms of practicality and design for the interior of an ordinary apartment.

  1. Round or "classic". The radius of curvature is equal to half the width of the opening. The most popular option. It looks especially advantageous in interiors made in classical style. The most significant drawback is that it takes the height of the opening more than other types of arches.

    Round arch - the most popular option

  2. Segment or "modern". The radius of curvature is greater than half the width of the opening. Slightly less common than round. This type of arch looks best on wide openings with thick walls. It can be with sharp edges, or it can be smoothed, which makes it more like the next option.

    The Art Nouveau arch also has many admirers.

  3. "Romantic" (or "romance"). It has two small roundings and a flat upper part. It is much rarer than the first two species, and looks more interesting. She also has a reduced consumption of drywall.

    The romantic-style arch looks more elegant than the most popular options.

  4. "Portal". Super simple and super cheap solution. Appropriate as in classic interior, and in high-tech style, and especially where the walls form an angle.

    The simplest and cheapest solution

  5. Semiarka. Most stylish option. Most suitable for modern interiors and is used quite often. It can be formed not only by a quarter of a circle, but also by a very small part of it (a circle with a very large radius), or it can, for example, have only a rounded corner.

    The most stylish option

We have analyzed the main types of arches, now we can briefly recall why it is worth choosing drywall.

Its main advantages include:

  • Ease of construction;
  • Cheapness;
  • Ease of installation.

Tools and accessories

For assembly you will need to have:

  1. Ceiling guide profiles PNP 28×27 mm.
  2. Ceiling profiles PP 60×27 mm (possible).
  3. Sealing tape.
  4. "Dowel-nails".
  5. Electric jigsaw.
  6. aluminum rule.
  7. Drywall sheet.
  8. Putty for drywall joints.
  9. Reinforcing tape for seams (serpyanka) or paper tape.
  10. Roulette.
  11. A hammer.
  12. Stationery knife (or special knife for cutting the Civil Code).
  13. Perforator + drill.
  14. Screwdriver.
  15. Self-tapping screws for metal 25–35 mm (black, frequent pitch).
  16. Acrylic primer.
  17. Metal scissors.
  18. A set of spatulas.
  19. Plastic protective corner.

Here's what you need to stock up in order to install the arch

For mounting the arch, there is not much difference in how thick drywall is taken. For the ends, 12.5 mm is best, and for the vault, 9 mm.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for installing a drywall structure with your own hands

We have a room with an opening in which we would like to place an arch - let's stop at the "modern" option:

Empty room with opening

Opening in the room close-up

First of all, we must decide what height and radius our arch will be. We have an opening of 130 cm, we propose to determine the height at 22 cm. The highest point should be at least 7 cm away from the upper ceiling (taking into account the thickness of the plasterboard), so that two guides can be fixed without problems, which means that our lower point drops by 22 + 7 = 29 cm.

But for the time being, we are not interested in this distance, but in the fact that WITHOUT taking into account the thickness of the lower strip of the Civil Code, that is, 28.1 cm. We draw lines on both sides in the opening. The thickness of the wall in our example is 17 cm, and in order to mount the frame, we need to take into account the thickness of the drywall. We take a small, preferably a long piece of the Civil Code and the rule. We put the rule horizontally along the wall through the opening and slip our piece under it. We fix the guide profiles at a distance equal to the thickness of the drywall from the corner, like this:

We fix the guide profiles at a distance equal to the thickness of the drywall

Naturally, we glue each profile sealing tape. We slightly bend the lower edge of the horizontal profile - we will have an inclined surface. We do the same on the other side of the opening, after which we fasten the profiles up. We insert them into the already fixed side ones and, constantly controlling the rule with a piece of “gypsum”, we fix the dowel-nails. It turns out something like this:

Setting profiles to the top

Opening with installed profiles

The next step is marking the drywall sheet directly under the arch. It is most convenient to do this on the floor: first we mark out rectangles 130 × 28.1 cm, then with an impromptu compass (using a thread or tape measure) we draw our radius.

To draw a radius, we need an impromptu compass

In the case of the classical arch, this would be a trifling matter, but with our “modern” it is not so obvious. How to choose a radius? Only height and width are known. Recall the school geometry course. For clarity, let's build everything on paper and calculate the radius using the Pythagorean theorem, denoting the width of the opening - a, and the height of the arch - b:

It's time to remember the Pythagorean theorem

In our case, we get a radius of 107 cm. Using improvised means, we draw arcs on the sheet and cut out the resulting figures with a jigsaw. Now we can hang them on our exposed guide profiles, or we can not hang them yet. This will depend on where it will be more convenient for you to mount the following guides further: “on the ground” or “in place”. Let's try it on the spot, while we sew one blank to the frame. We will now need to take a segment of the guide profile as long as the arc of the arch and approximately every 65 mm. cut one side and back edge with scissors for metal, like this:

Profile cuts close-up

This is necessary so that the profile can bend. The distance of 65 mm was not chosen by chance - if our wall is thicker than 25 cm, it is recommended to insert jumpers from ceiling profile, which, as you know, has a width of 60 mm. In our case, jumpers are not needed. We sew the profile onto the sheet, trying not to pierce the finger.

We sew a profile onto a sheet

Now we repeat the operations on the other side of the wall, fix the sheet to the frame and sew on the guides:

And now - the second side face

The same installation method is used, for example, for boxes.

Remember the need to chamfer the ends of the sheet.

Now it remains only to attach the strip from below. If the arch has a large radius, as in our example, the strip can be fixed immediately - the drywall bends well (across the sheet is much better than along). If the radius is too small and there is a danger that the strip will break, just moisten it with water, no needle rollers are needed. Moisten the top with a brush, let it lie down a bit and you will see that it will be even easier to bend. You can make a long strip of several short ones, but then you will have to insert jumpers at the joints and additionally process the seams. Our sheet width is less than the width of the opening, so we are forced to cut off a strip along the sheet, but this is not scary - at such a radius it can be bent without problems.

Finished result close up

That's all. It remains only to seal the seams and expose the protective corners. They are placed, as a rule, on gypsum putty. This occupation, let's say right away, is quite difficult, since the corners constantly stick out everywhere, crumple, etc. Usually they have to be fixed with self-tapping screws at several points, and after the putty has set, they must be unscrewed.

Installing plastic corners is not an easy, but mandatory process.

Besides, plastic corners(and ordinary metal ones too) are quite thick, so after installing them, we advise you to additionally level the plane with putty “under the rule” using Fugenfüller. And then putty everything together with a finish.

In the case when the arch is made in a partition made of HA, everything becomes even simpler. You will have to suffer only at the stage of installing the corners, but without this you can’t go anywhere - you won’t form a clear corner in another way. Other types of arches are assembled in the same way, only the markup is different.

Now we can easily with my own hands assemble an arch from drywall. Good luck in your construction business!

Master of Architecture, graduated from the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

In an effort to move away from generally accepted standards and give elegance to the interior, the owners of apartments and country houses change their usual doors to arches. This is no longer a new, but to this day a popular design highlight. The arch in the doorway is bought ready-made or made by hand. It comes in a variety of configurations, so it allows you to realize any idea.

Forms of arched openings

Interior door arches are selected not only based on taste preferences, but also depending on certain parameters: ceiling height and . The structures are made of drywall, wood, MDF, PVC. Drywall is the easiest to work with as it is the most flexible material.

Currently there are a large number of different types arches that vary in shape. The most common are:

Arched openings also have various designs and on the basis of this are divided into several varieties:

Looking closely at your interior and picking up desired model arches, you can start phased implementation work.

Step-by-step instructions for self-production

In order not to spend extra money on finished products, you can do the decoration of the arched opening yourself. To do this, you need to follow a well-established scheme.

Making the necessary measurements

Any building process requires accuracy, which is achieved by preliminary measurements. You need to start from the opening itself, so first measure its width and height. The size of the span between the walls of the opening is equal to the width of the arch. In order to make a semicircle as accurately as possible, this indicator must be divided by two.

Before making the arch, you need to decide on its future configuration. If you are going to perform it in a classic style, then pre-align the walls. Otherwise, the design will look ugly. You can remove all defects from a vertical surface with putty or plaster using beacons.

Creating a Structural Frame

To make the installation of the frame, you must perform a series of sequential steps:

  1. Along the opening lines with dowels, a contour of metal profile. Vertical guides are set indented from the surface of the interior wall. The size of the indent is equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet and the plaster layer (about 0.2 cm).
  2. We install two such profiles parallel to each other on each side.

    For the frame device, two profiles are installed in parallel

  3. Having finished working with the profiles, we take up the installation of the first sheet of drywall. If its thickness is 1.25 cm, then it is recommended to fasten it with 3.5x35 self-tapping screws. If the GKL thickness is not more than 0.95 cm, use smaller screws.

    Drywall fixed with self-tapping screws

  4. Sheathe the second side of the frame with drywall.

  5. Make a metal profile in the shape of an arc. To do this, cut the side walls of the profile with special scissors every 7 centimeters. As a result of these actions, it is easier for him to give the required shape. For an arched structure, two such blanks are required.

    An arched arc is made from the profile

  6. Install and fasten the arcuate profiles to the main part of the frame.

    The arcuate profile is attached to the main part of the frame

  7. In order for the arcs to be securely fixed, they are attached with suspensions to a straight guide located on top. The number of hangers depends on the width of the opening. Usually three pairs are enough.

  8. In increments of 0.4-0.6 m, attach reinforcing crossbars along the perimeter of the frame, fixing them on the guides of the two contours.
  9. As a result of the above actions, a reliable metal structure in the form of an arch from the profile. In the future, it will be covered with plasterboard or plywood.

If it is assumed that the columns of the arches will not be too large in thickness, then it is permissible to change 2 arcs to a wide profile. Cutting and bending is done in exactly the same way. Only in this case, the installation of crossbars is not required.

Sometimes instead of a metal profile they use wooden slats. The technology of mounting the frame does not change significantly.

Bending drywall sheet

After installing the frame, they are accepted for bending the GKL. Experts recommend using drywall, designed specifically for arched structures. It easily takes the desired shape if the material is washed in the longitudinal direction.

If you decide to use ordinary drywall, then you will have to tinker with it. Mounting element cut out right size in the form of a rectangle. Bend it in two ways: wet and dry.

Scheme for manufacturing a bend

The wet method takes a lot of time and is not rushed. So that the material does not crack when bent, it is moistened with water and punctures are made. In this form, the drywall sheet is left to lie for some time, and then it is bent on a template of the desired configuration.

The dry method refers to the application of cuts parallel to each other on the wrong side of the GKL. The cut goes deep into the sheet, affecting the outer cardboard layer and gypsum. The cardboard layer on the front side remains intact.

With the dry method, the bend of the installation element takes the correct shape. At the same time, it is important to know that sawing GKL is best done with a jigsaw, and not with a hacksaw. Then the edges will not be torn.

Rough frame trim

If the bend was carried out by the wet method, then first of all it is necessary to wait until the drywall sheet is completely dry. The material is fixed first with adhesive tape, and then with self-tapping screws. The minimum step between them should be from 5 to 6 centimeters.

perforated corner prevents edge chipping

After fixing the edge trim drywall sheet are cleared. And in order to prevent chipping of the curved edge, a perforated plastic corner is installed on it.

Leveling with putty

To make the surface even, you need to finish the arched structure. To begin with, a primer is applied, and after it dries, putty. Fiberglass mesh is used to reinforce the second layer and strengthen the corners..

Fiberglass mesh reinforces the corners of the arch

applied to the grid last third putty layer. After about 10 hours, it dries up, after which you can start cleaning up the bumps with sandpaper. With a quality work done, the surface will be without roughness, irregularities, and the caps of the self-tapping screws will not be visible in it.

Ways to finish arches

Those who wish to finish the arches on their own will have to work hard, cutting out each detail separately. However, many do not look for difficulties and choose a simple path - they acquire factory structures from prefabricated elements.

Ready-made and prefabricated linings

There are two types of factory-made overlay: wooden and foam.

Styrofoam elements

Foam arches are often preferred as an alternative to plaster products. The advantages of such structures are as follows:

  1. Fast installation. The installation speed is much higher than arched structures made of plywood or plasterboard.
  2. Low price.
  3. Easy transportation. Styrofoam is enough lightweight material, so you do not need to hire movers to deliver the product to your home.
  4. Light weight. Arches of this type can be installed even on very weak structures.
  5. Various forms.

Foam arches are assembled from prefabricated elements and cut in place to fit the size of the opening

Negative sides arched foam structures are: brittleness, toxicity, rapid flammability.

Wood elements

Wooden arched structures do not require advertising. They look rich and rarely do not fit any interior style. However, it should be understood that the word "wooden" does not mean that all components are made of pine, oak or other wood.

The arch can be made from natural wood, MDF, chipboard or plywood

Arched elements are also made from inexpensive MDF, laminated chipboard, plywood, veneered. Desired option is selected in individually based on the taste and thickness of the wallet.

wooden elements ordered from a catalog and then cut to length before installation

Mounting wooden structures simple to do. AT construction stores arches are sold both assembled and disassembled. The first option is considered more reliable, since the work was performed by a specialist.

Decorating with finishing materials

Currently, there are many ways to beautifully and neatly. The decor is selected so that it is in harmony in color, texture, material with the home environment. The most popular options are:

  1. Simple staining. The arch will look elegant and complete if it is simply painted white, Brown color or to match the walls. This finish is often complemented decorative elements, backlit.

    Monochrome painting looks advantageous in combination with backlighting

  2. Wallpapering. This is the fastest, most affordable and easy process. For these purposes, vinyl or non-woven options are best suited.

    Slopes highlighted with wallpaper - a very stylish design move

  3. Finishing with wooden, plastic clapboard. The method guarantees not only a beautiful aesthetic appearance, but also ensures the durability of the structure, its protection from moisture and mechanical damage.

    The clapboard option is great for interiors with wall decoration from the same material.

  4. Decorative plaster. The surface of the arch is beautiful, embossed and durable. True, such a finish needs to be restored sometimes, and it requires some care.

    This method looks especially advantageous in deep arches.

  5. Stone. Arch in a house made of natural or artificial stone installed only with the help of a professional. Finishing fascinates the eye, makes the interior unusual.

    The ragged edges of the arch can be the highlight of any interior.

  6. Cork- it is quite expensive, but environmentally friendly pure material. He lends himself easily mechanical damage, therefore, to prolong its service life, it is recommended to cover the cork with wax.

    Cork finish brings a sense of environmental friendliness and comfort to the interior