Log cabin from hewn logs. Our services. Construction from dried profiled timber

Walls of a true classic wooden house should be from a round log. Thickness wooden wall not less than 35cm, can keep warm, along with brickwork 1.5m thick. Raw wood for building a house needs to be prepared. This includes removing the bark, planing to the desired shape, drying, impregnating the wood protective equipment… There are two ways to get round log, this is a manual tes and a log running on a machine (rounding).

is a laborious and expensive method. After all, manual processing is always valued higher. high technology. You can plan a log with both an ax and a planer. When processing with a planer, the log is pre-cleaned from the bark with a manual scraper.

Mature forest is selected for manual trimming conifers, aged 50 years and above. Select trees of approximately the same age and the same relative size. The distances between the growth rings of a log are located more densely on the north side of the tree. This side of the log is placed outside when building a house. The craftsman picks up the logs one by one during the construction of the log house, stacking the thick ends of the logs on the thin ones and vice versa.

When trimming a log with an ax, the porosity of wood decreases, due to its compaction from all sides. The most popular diameters of hewn logs are 24 cm or 32 cm, but if desired, any log diameter can be cut down.

The advantages of manual trimming are:

  1. Processing of trunks of any thickness. How larger diameter, the warmer the house will be;
  2. The outer layer rich in resins is preserved, which protects the log from atmospheric influences;
  3. At manual processing logs, there is a uniform drying of wood and the log cracks less.
  4. Using different kinds cutting with an ax, you can decorate the house with various ornamental or plot carvings.

The disadvantages of manual trimming are:

  1. Spending a lot of time processing logs
  2. For drying (curing) natural method logs large diameter takes a year and a half, or even two years.
  3. The presentation of a chopped log is inferior to a rounded log

When assembling a log house from about hewn log, the gaps between the crowns are laid with moss or tow. Caulking and cutting corners. The finished log house shrinks throughout the year. A year later, you need to produce an additional caulk of seams with combed tow. Sometimes you have to caulk twice. When all the cracks are closed, the house keeps heat well.

To live in wooden house nice, because the tree natural material, he always pleases with his warmth

Today we propose to figure out what material is better to build a house from, what qualities does this or that construct have? I would immediately like to put aside the aesthetic component of a particular design - the fact is that all this is a purely individual aspect: someone understands the value of a tree, loves how a log house looks like, someone likes flat walls, others need a finish from modern materials. Every wish has the right to exist. We just want to reflect all the pitfalls of the main wood building technologies.

So, let's begin. We will divide the article into two parts, the first materials of natural moisture, in the second, those that have undergone the drying procedure.

Construction from edged timber of natural moisture.

bar- Inexpensive and practical, at first glance, material. A log cabin is one of the cheapest in construction. But all this is only at the first stages. The thing is that a log house is not yet finished house, as it often seems to many customers. Yes, indeed, if we compare the cost per cubic meter of 200 * 200 timber, on average it is 7,000 rubles, at the time of writing. However, you need to understand that timber is bought with a margin of 10% to 30%, depending on the specific project and the purchased moldings. The work of assembling a log house from a bar usually costs more than assembling a finished house kit, since it takes more time to wash down the locks and adjust the crowns. The quality of these locks remains on the conscience of the carpenters.

After the assembly of the log house, a fairly long-term shrinkage of the house up to 2-3 years is required. Interval gaps are often formed in a log house from a bar, the geometry of the walls is violated. The thing is that when the timber shrinks, the effect of warping occurs. The beam twists with a screw, this is due to the different density of the layers.

The figure shows exactly how the beam is made. It is not profitable to produce timber from small-caliber timber, since a lot remains for waste. They saw it from a large-caliber forest. Thus, the core of the tree, the densest layer, rarely gets into the center of the beam, which is clearly visible in the photo above. The warping of the beam is a source of violation of the geometry of the walls, and, as a result, inter-crown freezing of the log house.

After the log house has dried, it is necessary to start finishing work - this is the most significant pitfall. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of the finishing material, but also the cost of additional elements, Supplies, all kinds of putties, grouts, wallpaper, as well as the cost of work.

Therefore, the savings in the construction of timber is imaginary, if we compare the cost finished house, and not a log house.

The beam is perfect for people who are limited in the initial budget, ready to wait until the log house shrinks. People who prefer modern solutions design, who like to periodically change the look of the house. Often, customers of log cabins from timber perform finishing work on their own, saving money on this. But the construction and further repairs can stretch for many years.

Building a house from hewn logs.

This technology is considered traditional. A house built using this technology can rightfully be called a Russian hut. Log - construction material who came to us through the ages. hewn log- this is a mechanically processed log, in which the bark is separated from the log with an ax or a plow (scrape). In production hewn log the structure of the tree is not disturbed, there are no warping effects, as is the case with a beam.

The cost of a house kit is the main disadvantage of such a log house. Hewn log cabin is made by hand, so this material is quite expensive, and the process is far from fast. The log house must be assembled at the production site, then disassembled again, brought to the construction site and assembled again on the foundation. Moreover, when paying, the customer pays for Cubic Meters raw materials, not finished products. The cost per cubic meter of a house set made of hewn logs cut into a cup is approximately 12,000 rubles. The thickness of the walls in such a house can vary from 200 to 500 mm. Therefore, it cannot be said that the entire volume of the log is stacked effectively. A house made of hewn logs, as well as a house made of timber, requires a long shrinkage time. In addition to interventional shrinkage, the shrinkage factor will also be important here, since the log house is very voluminous, it will dry noticeably. The advantages include the fact that the log does not require expensive finishing options. The house can simply be impregnated with protective compounds and enjoy the view of a valuable material - wood.

A hewn log house is perfect for connoisseurs of traditional materials. Such a house will be warm and comfortable housing. Open wood, able to breathe and accumulate heat, will always delight its household with an optimal microclimate.

Construction from the rounded log.

rounded log- This is enough modern material, produced on machines, the workpiece is clamped in the centers. Therefore, there is no warpage effect. This material absorbs the advantages of hewn logs, losing its disadvantages. Namely, the customer pays for a cube of the finished product, and not for raw materials, receiving logs of the same diameter already fitted to each other. To date, the cost of a cube of a house kit of 220 logs is 8,000 rubles. The house from the central bank does not require long terms shrinkage. In three months, up to 80% of the total shrinkage of the house will occur. There is an opinion that during the production of OCB, the densest or most protected layer of sapwood is removed. We will not dwell on this in detail, we will only mention that sapwood is a less dense, young layer of a tree, along which sap flows in the trunk, and it is protected only as long as the tree grows. Therefore, having removed the sapwood, we did not spoil the log, the material only gets better. The house is quite easy to install, does not require control assembly procedures. In the house, it is possible to immediately insert windows and doors, leaving a compensation gap for shrinkage, laying it with soft insulation. The OCB has a lunar groove - a kind of thermal lock that protects the wall from through interventional freezing, as is the case with a beam.

The log cabins from the OCB still remain 100% environmentally friendly, they also do not require expensive finishing. Therefore, such houses will suit the widest range of customers. Able to understand the benefit of the one-time cost of structural material and further savings on finishing and operation.

Construction from profiled timber of natural humidity.

Profiled timber of natural moisture- planed material, with a slaughtered profile. Along with rounded logs, it does not require finishing. Has not high price, about 8500 rubles per m3 of a house kit. The profile performs the function of a thermal lock that protects against through freezing. However, the main disadvantage of a log house made of profiled timber is natural humidity and still the same difference in the density of the layers as with a conventional beam. Therefore, the same warping effect, all the same long-term shrinkage and shrinkage as with a beam.

In principle, a fairly good material, given its cost, can also count on the mass market as an alternative to logs, with some drawbacks.

Construction from dried profiled timber.

It differs from profiled timber in the procedure for pre-drying the workpiece before cutting the profile. Ideal bar - devoid of all flaws edged timber, and most importantly, it is devoid of the effect of warping during shrinkage due to the absence of this process in the finished product. It has all the advantages of profiled, except for one - the price. You have to pay for the ideal, moreover, a lot of about 20,000 rubles per m3.

Such housing is suitable for a fairly wealthy person. The log house does not require shrinkage, so you can move in immediately. It comes as a house kit, so installation is quick, no finishing required.

Construction from a glued bar.

Glued laminated timber is a material consisting of separately dried lamellas glued into an array. It has a profile that acts as a thermal lock, it is supplied as a ready-made house kit. Similar in quality to dried profiled timber. It is also quite expensive about 21,000 rubles. The main disadvantages include the construct of the beam itself. The customer sees the outer layers of the array, which, as a rule, look quite aesthetically pleasing. However, there is no way to look inside this design, which creates a huge field for all kinds of fraud on the part of the manufacturer. An unscrupulous manufacturer is able to put wood with flaws and flaws into the mass, covering it all with pretty front panels. No one knows how the connecting element will behave in 25 or 50 years in our climate. And because of the use of glue, the house can hardly be called 100% environmentally friendly.

Nevertheless, high-quality glued laminated timber remains one of the promising materials. Splicing of lamellas in an array allows using only the good part of the board in production, cutting off defects and shortcomings, thereby significantly reducing production waste.

An alternative to dried profiled timber. The house does not require shrinkage and shrinkage, it is immediately ready for living.

There are many variations of wood construction technologies, we have touched on the main ones used today. All of the above does not claim to be the ultimate truth, but is part of the experience accumulated by our team. We are happy to discuss and listen to the opposite point of view of opponents. The choice of our company is round logs and dried profiled timber.


Among all the variety wood materials it is hewn logs that often become the foundations of modern private houses. Why? The answer lies in the features and properties of the material itself, which are achieved during processing.

Unlike round logs, hewn logs do not have an absolutely identical shape, which has a positive effect on appearance buildings, bringing it closer to a traditional Russian hut.

However, this is not the only difference. Hewn log retains its natural protective layer(resin layer), which increases the resistance of the material to the impact environment. Additional processing and antiseptic impregnation increase the durability of wood by a few more points.

Technology developed over the centuries

In the process of implementing a project, Marisrub specialists use the very construction technology that has proven its effectiveness and has stood the test of time.

Of course, we use much more modern devices and tools that allow us to speed up the construction process and bring the quality of the result to the maximum possible. However, the basis is still the same technology that our great-grandfathers used.

To build a house from hewn logs, special types of wood are used:

  • pine;
  • deciduous;
  • cedar.
  • the correct geometry of the trunks, which are easy to work with. The minimum number of knots and distortions allows you to save a maximum useful properties wood;
  • a feature of pine resins is a healing effect. It has been known since ancient times and has a positive effect on the health of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases;
  • high strength, durability and excellent thermal insulation performance.

"MariSrub": we will build a house that the neighbors will envy

Becoming our client means getting all the benefits of cooperation that every customer is looking for:

  • reliability and stability in meeting deadlines;
  • competent architectural and planning solutions;
  • a full range of construction services (from design to turnkey implementation);
  • Availability finished projects and architects ready to implement individual orders.

We work on a staged payment system, which is also strong point companies. Marisrub clients do not need to spend the entire construction budget on the day the contract is concluded. Instead, there is a stage system that allows you to split the payment into parts and pay them after the acceptance of the work of each construction phase.

The result of the work of the company's specialists is always houses that can last for many decades, admire their external beauty and make the neighbors sigh enviously.

log houses manual felling- a centuries-old Russian tradition of erecting residential and outbuildings. New materials and construction technologies have not supplanted the original Russian skills of building houses.

The masters of our company perform work with buildings of manual felling of any complexity. We use the technology of our ancestors, where only manual labor is used.

Even logs are hewn with an ax by hand, as are the subsequent operations for installing a log house.

Dismantling an old log house from logs

Our craftsmen will help you quickly and permanently get rid of old log buildings on your site. The dismantling of the log house is done in 1-4 days (depending on the size of the building), after which we leave you logs suitable for further use, and we remove all waste and garbage from the site on our own.

Repair/reconstruction of chopped sauna

We carry out all types repair work in your chopped bath. Replacing the logs of the log house, raising the sauna, anti-corrosion treatment of wood, performing any finishing works, expansion or reconstruction of a bath, installation of outbuildings. All work is carried out by a team of professional craftsmen in the shortest possible time.

Repair/reconstruction of log house

We carry out all types of repairs in your chopped house. Replacing logs, raising the house, anti-corrosion treatment of wood, performing any finishing work, expanding or reconstructing the house, installing outbuildings. All work is carried out by a team of professional craftsmen in the shortest possible time.

Assembling a log house from a log of a customer

Hand felling an unhewn log

We carry out professional manual felling of customer's unrooted logs. We chop by traditional technology only with the use of an ax and a planer, which guarantees the preservation of the natural bast layer that wood is so valued for. All work is done on your site.

Service Cost, rub. unit of measurement
Log cabin caulking, punching old tow, corners on one side 70 running meter
Grinding the log house and ends 250 square meter
Manual polishing of the log house 150 square meter
Painting the log house with a brush, priming, bleaching 50 square meter
Cord trim 40 running meter
subfloor, ceiling 150-200 square meter
plywood flooring 200 square meter
Installation of skirting boards, lighthouses, extensions 100 running meter
Frame partitions inside the house 300 square meter
Lathing clapboard walls 300 square meter
Cladding clapboard straight ceiling 350 square meter
Lathing clapboard ceiling embedded in the beams 400 square meter
Ceiling clapboard at an angle 500 square meter
Finishing with imitation timber (block house, angles at 45o) 400 square meter
Flooring with grooved board 300 square meter
Laminate flooring with underlay 400 square meter
Pouring the foundation using a mixer 3000 cubic meter
Covering the roof with corrugated board 280 square meter
Covering the roof with metal tiles 300 square meter
Trimming corners 1000 3 meters
Insertion of floor beams 1000 1 beam
Steam and waterproofing 50 square meter
Installation of siding with beacons 350 square meter
Installation of siding with beacons and insulation 400 square meter
Installation of insulation 50 mm in one layer 50 square meter
window installation 1500 1 window
Cashing doors-windows 1500 1 side
Installation interior doors, loop, lock 3000 1 door
Metal installation front door 3000 1 door
Overhangs from the roof 500 running meter
Drainage device 450 running meter
Sheathing gables with guides 500 square meter

*All types of work are performed with the customer's material

AT suburban construction appear more and more hewn log houses. In terms of beauty and good quality, they are not inferior to the ancient monuments of wooden architecture. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the projects of hand-cut houses in the catalog of our portal. The term tessellation means:
  • smoothing, leveling irregularities on the surface of logs;
  • removal of the top layer of wood;
  • removal of the edging (oval side) of the log.
The process of wood processing is long and laborious. All work is done by hand with a carpenter's axe. As in any industry, the construction of hewn houses has its pros and cons. It takes 1.5 - 2 years for natural drying of logs and at least a year for shrinkage of the finished log house. Manual labor is more valued.

Waiting and worrying will pay off comfortable living in a house that is cool in summer, warm in winter, sleeps well at any time of the year. Why? Because wood is a natural air conditioner, a breathable material with high thermal insulation properties.

Turnkey hewn log houses

You can buy or order a turnkey planed log house project on our portal. The photo of the project from the manufacturer clearly shows how the design looks in ready-made how much space it will take on the site. Call, specify the details, together we will select a project taking into account the soil, terrain, and your financial capabilities.