NNO generator do-it-yourself drawings. How to make a hydrogen generator for your home with your own hands: practical tips for manufacturing and installation. Video: How to properly equip hydrogen heating

Modern methods heating of buildings and premises are offered on the domestic market in the form of many options. It is understandable that consumers choose those that promise maximum efficiency at minimum cost.

One of alternative ways space heating is considered to be the use of a hydrogen generator.

A bit of history

The principle of operation of hydrogen energy was noted in ancient times. The famous healer Paracelsus, during his scientific experiments, noticed that when some elements were combined, bubbles formed, which at that time he took for air. Later it turned out that it was hydrogen, which is a gas without color, under certain conditions, exhibiting explosive properties.

At present, hydrogen has been learned to be used for various purposes, including for heating a residential building or any other structures. These technologies are being actively developed and implemented in many industries. Being an innovation in the market of scientific developments, heating with hydrogen has already attracted the interest of many consumers and continues to gain popularity among the general public.

It has been proven that hydrogen is considered not only a fairly common, but also an easily accessible substance. The only difficulty is that it has to be mined from chemical compounds most often water.

Features of the hydrogen generator

Based on the requirements and quadrature of a private or municipal building, it is necessary to choose a hydrogen burner with an optimal power level adapted to the needs specific premises. It should be noted that the maximum possible generator power is 6.

The production of hydrogen, rightfully recognized as the most economical type of fuel, is possible in any quantity. A prerequisite for this is the presence electrical energy, as well as water.

The main task of technology is a complete independent heating premises. However, hydrogen-based installations can perfectly complement existing home heating systems. It is only necessary to ensure that all elements of the heating system function at low temperatures.

Also, these units are used for space heating using warm floors, which are currently easy to assemble with your own hands.

The principle of operation of the device

The heat generation process is based on the electrolysis of water in an environment saturated with a catalyst. The main condition for normal operation, as well as the safety of the generator, is that under such conditions, water does not decompose into oxygen and hydrogen, the combination of which can be explosive.

Modern generators operate to produce Brown's gas. This is a completely non-explosive substance of a brownish or green hue, also called water gas. After working out and heating up to 40 degrees, it immediately goes to the combustion chambers, and more specifically, to the heat exchanger. There it is mixed with air-fuel cells.

The main structural components of the simplest hydrogen unit are pipes and the boiler itself. Often no technical accessories or additional elements and no more tools are required.

This also applies to components designed to remove combustion products. Indeed, as a result of the functioning of the generator, only steam is released into the atmosphere: water, clean and completely safe.

Often burners of this type have modular design, each part of which has its own catalyst, which increases the overall efficiency of the system.

With regard to pipes for a hydrogen heating system, it is advisable to use those whose diameter is in the range from 1 to 1.25 inches. Some deviations are allowed, but most often these are used to heat the house. Important rule, which should not be neglected when installing heating pipes, - each previous branch must be larger in diameter than the next one.

Features of Electrolytic Hydrogen Generator

A hydrogen generator based on the principle of electrolysis is most often produced in a container version. A prerequisite for the purchase of such a device for heating is the presence of the following documents: permission from Rostekhnadzor, certificates (compliance with GOSTR and hygienic).

The electrolytic generator consists of the following elements:

  • block, which includes a transformer, rectifier, junction boxes and devices, water replenishment and demineralization unit;
  • devices for separate production of hydrogen and oxygen - an electrolyzer;
  • gas analysis systems;
  • liquid cooling systems;
  • a system aimed at detecting a possible hydrogen leak;
  • control panels and automatic system control.

To achieve the most efficient process of electrical conductivity, lye drops are used. The tank with it is replenished as needed, but most often this happens about 1 time per year.
Any electrolytic generators industrial type are produced on the basis of European environmental and safety standards.

It has been experimentally proven that the purchase of a hydrogen electrolytic generator is much more profitable than the regular purchase of gas. So, for the production of 1 cubic meter of gas from hydrogen and oxygen, only about 3.5 kW of electrical energy is required, as well as half a liter of demineralized water.

Benefits of using a hydrogen unit

The device attracts many for the following reasons:

  • Coefficient useful action is about 90%, the technique competes with the most advanced achievements of science and technology related to the heating of any home.
  • There is no need to use a flame to achieve heat. The whole process is based on chemical reactions with catalysts.
  • Absolute harmlessness of the device.
  • Hydrogen generators are sources of clean energy that cannot be exhausted.
  • The use of hydrogen as the main source of heat minimizes the need for the constant exploitation of fossil resources, the extraction costs of which are many times higher than the costs of producing heat from hydrogen.
  • Perfect soundlessness of the unit. Installation of the device does not require separate chimneys.

Negative aspects of hydrogen-type building heating

In fairness, it is worth highlighting some of the disadvantages of this heating method:

  • explosion hazard, which can be provoked by incorrect operation of the unit;
  • insufficient prevalence of hydrogen devices on Russian market, which is accompanied by problems with the installation or purchase of equipment;
  • lack of specialists and service masters capable of certifying or servicing heating appliances such a class.

Is it possible to independently create a hydrogen generator?

It is better not to take risks, because such a process is associated not only with the need to know the intricacies of technology and chemistry, but also requires proper compliance with safety rules. But do-it-yourself installation of equipment is possible. To do this, it is enough to follow the instructions and not allow amateur performance.

The heating of any home should provide not only comfortable accommodation human, but also environmental cleanliness environment. This is achieved due to the fact that after the combustion of hydrogen, no harmful compounds are formed.

In Western countries, heating with hydrogen generators has been widely accepted and economic justification. If a similar method takes root in Russia, this will significantly increase the heating efficiency with minimal cost for resources.

Due to the constant price increase utilities people are starting to wonder alternative sources heat. in a modern way home heating is heating with hydrogen using a special generator. Experts often suggest installing such a heating system, and some craftsmen even tell you how to assemble it yourself.

Characteristics of hydrogen

Hydrogen is a substance unique properties. A colorless and invisible gas has absolutely no mass in a solid and liquid state. Hydrogen is the most abundant substance on the planet, and it does not contain any toxins. If you mix it with the surrounding air, then the properties of the resulting mixture will be preserved for a very long time, and ignition will occur from contact with fire.

Scientists and engineers classify hydrogen as an explosive gas because of its flammability. That is why it is stored in special sealed cylinders made of alloy steel. Despite the increased explosiveness, Hydrogen is actively used in various spheres of human life:

Use of hydrogen instead natural gas, coal and oil is becoming more popular in recent times. This is due to the fact that the extraction of such fuel is much cheaper, because only water and electricity are needed to obtain it.

The principle of operation of the generator

Hydrogen generator for heating a private house - great way save money, but you will have to invest a lot in the installation. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made design. The average price has a cost of about 50 thousand rubles. But it is not uncommon for owners to simply adapt their old hydrogen fuel processing equipment.

To create an efficient hydrogen plant for heating a house with your own hands, you need to understand what fuel is created from and on what principle the device works. There are several methods for hydrogen extraction:

  • with the help of oil refining (cracking);
  • by passing steam over coal coke;
  • extraction from methane.

All these technologies are most often used in industrial scale, and to provide a home with heat, they choose the simplest and most affordable way- electrolysis.

Hydrogen in home heating

Electrolysis is a technique in which a constant electricity goes through water solution saturated with salt. As a result, a chemical reaction occurs, consisting in the splitting of the substance. This reaction can be more accurately described using the equation 2NaCl + 2H 2 O→2NaOH + Cl 2 + H 2 .

The heat released during the combustion of hydrogen is the so-called electrolyzer, that is, hydrogen fuel for heating.

The design of the NNO apparatus

If the equipment is assembled by hand, then in addition to the heat exchanger, catalysts will be needed to optimize chemical reaction, a burner for burning hydrogen, as well as a pipeline.

The burner is located in the furnace and is responsible for heating the system. With the help of pipes, the recommended diameter of which is from 25 to 32 mm, the boiler is connected to the water supply. Also, for work, it is required to connect the boiler to the mains, because this is the only way to carry out electrolysis. Of course, building a boiler for heating with hydrogen with your own hands will be much more pleasant in financial plan, however, it must be taken into account that a home-made NHO generator is less compact than a factory one.

Household generators have more than simple design than industrial ones. That is why they do not produce pure hydrogen, but the so-called Brown's gas - a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This is more practical, besides, the resulting gas is burned immediately. It's even better, because storing it somewhere is quite problematic.

Hydrogen generator (WITHOUT ELECTRICITY) how to do it yourself


Before making the change existing system heating in a boiler on water with your own hands, it is worth creating a test sample. This model will give an understanding of how the system works as a whole, as well as help to understand whether it is worth doing hydrogen generator for heating a residential building independently. To create an experimental model of the electrolytic cell, the following components are needed:

  • reactor - a container made of glass or plastic with thick walls;
  • metal electrodes that will be lowered into the water and connected to a power source;
  • water solution tank;
  • gas outlet pipe.

Voltage is supplied to the electrodes, which are immersed in water, from an adjustable source. At home, to improve the reaction, a little salt is added to the water.

As a result of the reaction, hydrogen will be released from the cathode, and oxygen from the anode. The gases then enter the water seal, in which the separation of water vapor occurs. The explosive gas is supplied from the second tank, where it is burned to form water.

At home, the design of a hydrogen stove can be recreated using improvised materials. It only takes two plastic containers, a dozen self-tapping screws and a medical dropper. It will not be difficult to make such a design, moreover, this process is described in detail on any profile site dedicated to hydrogen heating. This is the most primitive model, so its performance will be extremely low.

But the generator also has significant drawbacks. To install it, you will have to significantly alter the existing heating system or dismantle the stove. In addition, factory devices have a very high cost, which makes homeowners create a hydrogen generator with their own hands. There are other important details, namely:

  • the gas intended for heating belongs to the category of explosive, it is highly flammable, and the leak cannot be determined;
  • the combustion temperature is very high, so all equipment must be carefully checked;
  • to improve the performance of the HHO generator, an annual replacement of the catalyst is necessary.

Heating with hydrogen! Small stand.

Before installation, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons well, and only then dismantle the existing equipment. It is best to seek help from specialists, because the installation of hydrogen generators for heating residential buildings- it is not an easy task, but you need to make the device qualitatively and technically correctly.

A hydrogen boiler is a home heating device that uses hydrogen gas as fuel. Since this gas does not occur in its pure form in nature, hydrogen boilers are equipped with a special device for generating hydrogen from distilled water.

A hydrogen boiler for heating a private house is one of those solutions that attracts a lot of attention today. On the "fields" of the Internet, you can find many offers that promise huge benefits to the owners of such equipment, for example, a radical reduction in "heating bills". Is this really so, and what a modern household hydrogen boiler can and cannot do, read in our review.

The myth that a hydrogen boiler is the most economical way to heat a house

You can often hear that a hydrogen boiler is the most economical way heating for a private house. Usually, to substantiate this thesis, references are made to the high calorific value of hydrogen - more than 3 times higher than that of natural gas. A simple conclusion is drawn from this - it is more profitable to heat a house with hydrogen than with gas.

Sometimes, as an argument for the effectiveness of a hydrogen boiler, the so-called “Brown gas” or a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen atoms (HHO) is given, which releases even more heat during combustion, and on which “advanced boilers” operate. After this, the justifications for efficiency simply end, leaving the layman's imagination to draw beautiful pictures under the general title "heating for next to nothing." Just think - hydrogen burns "warmer", and is obtained from practically free water, an absolute benefit!

Imagination is also fueled by the news of the ever-growing hydrogen-fueled alternative to traditional ones. Say, if cars “drive” on hydrogen, then a hydrogen boiler is a really worthwhile thing.

But in reality, things are a little more complicated. If pure hydrogen were an element readily available in nature, everything would be so, or almost so, it would be. But the fact is that pure hydrogen does not occur on Earth - only in a bound form, for example, in the form of water. Therefore, in practice, hydrogen must first be obtained from somewhere, moreover, with the help of energy-consuming chemical reactions.

Where does pure hydrogen come from?

Note to owner

"To draw attention to their products, some manufacturers of hydrogen boilers make references to some kind of "secret catalyst" or to the use of "Brown's gas" in their devices."

For example, you can extract hydrogen from methane gas, where there are as many as 4 hydrogen atoms! Only here, why? Methane itself is a combustible gas, why waste additional energy on the production of pure hydrogen? Where is the energy efficiency? Therefore, most often hydrogen is extracted from water, which, as everyone knows, cannot burn, using the electrolysis method for this. In the very general view this method can be described as the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen under the influence of electricity.

Electrolysis has long been known and widely used to produce pure hydrogen. In practice, not a single industrial hydrogen boiler, so far in any case, can do without electrolysis plant or electrolyzer. Everything would be fine, but this installation requires electricity. So, the hydrogen boiler must without fail consume energy. The question is, what are these energy costs?

All talk about the "calorific value" of hydrogen takes us a little away from this issue, meanwhile, it is the most important. So, a hydrogen boiler can be profitable in the only case - the thermal energy must be higher than that used for the operation of the boiler.

Energy efficiency of a hydrogen boiler

In order to understand whether we get more energy “at the output” of the boiler than what was spent, just take a closer look at the water molecule - it has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen, which are tightly connected to each other. To break this connection, it is necessary to “attach” quite a lot of energy, and this is what the electrolyzer does at the expense of electricity. The result is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, which have potential (literally, dissolved in them) energy, and which can be released as a result of the combustion process and provide heat to the house. To understand how much energy will be obtained from combustion, it is worth taking a closer look at what will be obtained as a result of combustion. And we will get ... the same water that we split into atoms.

In fact, after all these manipulations, at best, we will get exactly as much energy as was spent on the separation of the original water molecule. Since, we left the water, and we came to the water. But this is in the ideal case, where there are no inevitable losses in reality. Those. even in the ideal case, how much electricity we spend, how much heat we get.

The manufacturer indicates the presence of a "secret" catalyst

There is also nowhere to take additional water molecules for splitting - how many were first divided, so many later we will combine when burning a hydrogen-oxygen mixture. Again, minus losses. In addition, we must not forget that the hydrogen boiler is powered by distilled water, the production of which also consumes energy. As can be seen with the naked eye, the efficiency of a hydrogen boiler cannot be high.

Then a logical question arises - why all these difficulties with splitting, if there are devices that directly convert electricity into heat and are called? If you simply heat water using electrical energy, all this energy will be spent on heating water with virtually no losses - it turns out to be more profitable than through electrolysis decomposition and the subsequent “recovery” of water by burning a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen with associated losses.

Comparison of a hydrogen boiler with other heating devices

As you know, the electric boiler is considered the most inefficient heating device, in other words, the cost of heat produced by this device will be the most expensive.

Comparison of heating with heat pump with other ways.

Heating type

Energy efficiency, %

electric boiler

Hydrogen boiler

As we have already found out, heating due to a hydrogen boiler is inferior in efficiency even to an electric one. True, the world does not stand still. It is quite possible that the day will come when the use of modern technologies will reduce the cost of hundreds of household processes, and heating due to a hydrogen boiler or its analogues will become really profitable.

Prospects for the use of hydrogen boilers

Why is it generally worth talking about hydrogen boilers as promising way heating a private house? It's all about the global trend towards the transition to "green" technologies and the growing demand for such technologies. The hydrogen boiler is undeniably "number one" in the list of the most environmentally friendly solutions in the field.

Firstly, in the process of its operation it does not form carbon dioxide- "the main scourge" of equipment operating on hydrocarbon fuels: gas, liquid and solid fuels.

Secondly, because combustion product in a hydrogen boiler is pure water, it does not require for its operation the arrangement of ventilation, devices for the removal of combustion products. Which, in turn, may require additional energy to ensure their work. And they just need more space inside the house. That is, by installing a hydrogen boiler, you can save on the area of ​​​​the boiler room.

Note to owner

“Today, either very rich people or inveterate optimists risk installing a hydrogen boiler for heating their homes.”

Thirdly, the water vapor released as a result of the combustion of hydrogen humidifies the premises of the house.

But most importantly, a hydrogen boiler is well combined with electricity generators powered by renewable energy sources (RES) and having a pronounced periodic nature of work. For example, with wind turbines, and devices powered by bio-gas. In this case, during peak modes- renewable energy generators can produce hydrogen using electrolysis, which will later be used as fuel for the boiler. Connecting these generators to the network directly will require the use of additional expensive devices.

One of the videos where the "advantages" of a hydrogen boiler are described

With the development of technology, cheap energy from renewable energy sources can be "converted" into hydrogen, as is already happening in industrial plants. But for the time being, either very rich people or inveterate optimists risk installing a hydrogen boiler for heating their homes.

The use of hydrogen as an energy source for heating a house is a very tempting idea, because its calorific value (33.2 kW / m3) is more than 3 times higher than that of natural gas (9.3 kW / m3). Theoretically, in order to extract combustible gas from water and then burn it in a boiler, a hydrogen generator can be used for heating. What can come of this and how to make such a device with your own hands will be described in this article.

The principle of operation of the generator

As an energy carrier, hydrogen really has no equal, and its reserves are practically inexhaustible. As we have already said, when burned, it releases a huge amount of thermal energy, incomparably more than any hydrocarbon fuel. Instead of harmful compounds emitted into the atmosphere when using natural gas, the combustion of hydrogen produces ordinary water in the form of steam. One problem: this chemical element is not found in nature in free form, only in combination with other substances.

One of these compounds is ordinary water, which is completely oxidized hydrogen. Over her splitting into constituent elements many scientists worked during years. It cannot be said that it is ineffective, because technical solution on the separation of water, however, was found. Its essence lies in the chemical reaction of electrolysis, as a result of which water is split into oxygen and hydrogen, the resulting mixture was called explosive gas or Brown's gas. Below is a diagram of a hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) powered by electricity:

Electrolyzers are mass-produced and designed for gas-flame (welding) work. A current of a certain strength and frequency is applied to groups of metal plates immersed in water. As a result of the ongoing electrolysis reaction, oxygen and hydrogen are released mixed with water vapor. To separate it, the gases are passed through a separator, after which they are fed to the burner. In order to avoid a kickback and explosion, a valve is installed at the supply that allows fuel to pass only in one direction.

To control the water level and timely make-up, the design provides a special sensor, on the signal of which water is injected into workspace electrolyzer. Overpressure inside the vessel is monitored by an emergency switch and relief valve. The maintenance of the hydrogen generator is to periodically add water, and that's it.

Hydrogen heating: myth or reality?

Welding generator is this moment the only thing practical use electrolytic splitting of water. It is not advisable to use it for heating a house, and here's why. Energy costs during gas-flame work are not so important, the main thing is that the welder does not need to carry heavy cylinders and fiddle with hoses. Another thing is home heating, where every penny counts. And here hydrogen loses to all currently existing types of fuel.

Important. The cost of electricity for the separation of fuel from water by electrolysis will be much higher than the explosive gas can be released during combustion.

Serial welding generators cost a lot of money, because they use catalysts for the electrolysis process, which include platinum. You can make a hydrogen generator with your own hands, but its efficiency will be even lower than that of a factory one. You will definitely succeed in getting combustible gas, but it is unlikely that it will be enough to heat at least one big room, not like the whole house. And if enough, you will have to pay fabulous electricity bills.

Rather than spending time and effort on getting free fuel, which does not exist a priori, it is easier to make a simple electrode boiler with your own hands. You can be sure that in this way you will use much less energy with greater benefit. However, home craftsmen - enthusiasts can always try their hand and assemble an electrolyzer at home in order to conduct experiments and see for themselves everything. One of these experiments is shown in the video:

How to make a generator

The mass of Internet resources publish the most different schemes and drawings of a generator to produce hydrogen, but they all operate on the same principle. We will provide you with a drawing. simple device, taken from popular science literature:

Here, the electrolyzer is a group of metal plates bolted together. Insulating spacers are installed between them, the extreme thick plates are also made of a dielectric. From the fitting, mounted in one of the plates, there is a tube for supplying gas to a vessel with water, and from it to the second. The task of the tanks is to separate the steam component and accumulate a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in order to supply it under pressure.

Advice. Electrolytic plates for the generator must be made of stainless steel alloyed with titanium. It will serve as an additional catalyst for the splitting reaction.

The plates that serve as electrodes can be of any size. But we must understand that the performance of the apparatus depends on their surface area. How more electrodes will be able to engage in the process, the better. But at the same time, the current consumption will be higher, this should be taken into account. Wires leading to a source of electricity are soldered to the ends of the plates. Here, too, there is a field for experiments: you can apply different voltages to the electrolyzer using an adjustable power supply.

Can be used as an electrolytic Plastic container from the water filter by placing electrodes made of stainless tubes into it. The product is convenient in that it is easy to seal it from the environment, leading the tube and wires through the holes in the cover. Another thing is that this homemade hydrogen generator has low productivity due to the small area of ​​the electrodes.


At present, there is no reliable and efficient technology, allowing to realize hydrogen heating of a private house. Those generators that are commercially available can be successfully used for metal processing, but not for the production of fuel for the boiler. Attempts to organize such heating will lead to an overrun of electricity, not counting the cost of equipment.

Hydrogen practically perfect look fuel, but the problem is that it is found on our planet only in the form of compounds with other chemical elements. The share of "pure" matter in the atmosphere is no more than 0.00005%. Given these realities, it becomes topical issue about the hydrogen generator. Consider the principle of operation of such a device, its design features, scope and the possibility of self-manufacturing.

Description and principle of operation of the hydrogen generator

There are several methods for extracting hydrogen from other substances, we list the most common:

  1. Electrolysis, this technique the most simple and can be implemented at home. A constant electric current is passed through an aqueous solution containing salt, under its influence a reaction occurs, which can be described by the following equation: 2NaCl + 2H 2 O → 2NaOH + Cl 2 + H 2. AT this case an example is given for a solution of ordinary kitchen salt, which is not the best option, since the released chlorine is poisonous substance. Note that the hydrogen obtained by this method is the purest (about 99.9%).
  2. By passing water vapor over coal coke heated to a temperature of 1000 ° C, the following reaction proceeds under such conditions: H 2 O + C ⇔ CO + H 2.
  3. Production from methane by steam reforming ( necessary condition for the reaction - temperature 1000 ° C): CH 4 + H 2 O ⇔ CO + 3H 2. The second option is the oxidation of methane: 2CH 4 + O 2 ⇔ 2CO + 4H 2.
  4. In the process of cracking (oil refining), hydrogen is released as a by-product. Note that in our country, the burning of this substance is still practiced at some refineries due to the lack of necessary equipment or sufficient demand.

Of the listed options, the last is the least expensive, and the first is the most affordable, it is he who is the basis of most hydrogen generators, including household ones. Their principle of operation lies in the fact that in the process of passing current through the solution, the positive electrode attracts negative ions, and the electrode with the opposite charge attracts positive ones, as a result, the substance is split.

Design features and arrangement of the hydrogen generator

If there are practically no problems with obtaining hydrogen, then its transportation and storage still remain urgent task. The molecules of this substance are so small that they can even penetrate metal, which poses a certain safety risk. Absorbed storage does not yet differ high profitability. Therefore, the most best option– generation of hydrogen immediately before its use in the production cycle.

For this purpose, they are made industrial plants to generate hydrogen. As a rule, these are membrane-type electrolyzers. A simplified design of such a device and the principle of operation is given below.


  • A - a tube for removing chlorine (Cl 2).
  • B - removal of hydrogen (Н 2).
  • C is the anode on which the following reaction occurs: 2CL - →CL 2 + 2е - .
  • D is the cathode, the reaction on it can be described by the following equation: 2H 2 O + 2e - → H 2 + OH - .
  • E - a solution of water and sodium chloride (H 2 O & NaCl).
  • F - membrane;
  • G - saturated solution of sodium chloride and the formation of caustic soda (NaOH).
  • H - removal of brine and diluted caustic soda.
  • I - input of saturated brine.
  • J - cover.

The design of household generators is much simpler, since most of them do not produce pure hydrogen, but Brown's gas. This is the name given to the mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This option is the most practical, since it is not required to separate hydrogen and oxygen, it is possible to significantly simplify the design, and therefore make it cheaper. In addition, the resulting gas is burned as it is produced. Keeping and accumulating it at home is not only problematic, but also unsafe.


  • a - Brown's gas outlet tube;
  • b - inlet water supply manifold;
  • c - sealed housing;
  • d - a block of electrode plates (anodes and cathodes), with insulators installed between them;
  • e - water;
  • f - water level sensor (connected to the control unit);
  • g - water separation filter;
  • h is the power supply supplied to the electrodes;
  • i - pressure sensor (sends a signal to the control unit when the threshold level is reached);
  • j - safety valve;
  • k - gas outlet from the safety valve.

A characteristic feature of such devices is the use of electrode blocks, since separation of hydrogen and oxygen is not required. This makes the generators quite compact.

Applications of the hydrogen generator

Due to the problems associated with the transportation and storage of hydrogen, such devices are in demand in industries where the presence of this gas requires a technological cycle. We list the main directions:

  1. Production related to the synthesis of hydrogen chloride.
  2. Production of fuel for rocket engines.
  3. Creation of fertilizers.
  4. Production of hydrogen nitride (ammonia).
  5. Synthesis of nitric acid.
  6. AT Food Industry(for obtaining solid fats from vegetable oils).
  7. Metal processing (welding and cutting).
  8. Restoration of metals.
  9. Synthesis of methyl alcohol
  10. Production of hydrochloric acid.

Despite the fact that the production of hydrogen in the process of oil refining is cheaper than its production by electrolysis, as already mentioned above, there are difficulties with the transportation of gas. The environmental situation does not always allow building hazardous chemical production facilities, directly next to oil refineries. In addition, hydrogen produced by electrolysis is much cleaner than oil cracking. In this regard, industrial hydrogen generators are always in high demand.

domestic use

There are also uses for hydrogen in everyday life. First of all, these are autonomous heating systems. But here are some features. Pure hydrogen plants are significantly more expensive than Brown's gas generators, and you can even build the latter yourself. But when organizing home heating, it must be borne in mind that the combustion temperature of Brown's gas is much higher than that of methane, so a special boiler is required, which is somewhat more expensive than usual.

On the Internet, you can find many articles that say that ordinary boilers can be used for explosive gas, but this is absolutely impossible. At best, they will quickly fail, and at worst, they can cause sad or even tragic consequences. For Brown's mix, special designs with a more heat-resistant nozzle are provided.

It should be noted that profitability heating systems based on hydrogen generators is highly questionable due to low efficiency. In such systems, there are double losses, firstly, in the process of gas generation, and secondly, when water is heated in the boiler. It is cheaper to immediately heat water in an electric boiler for heating.

No less controversial implementation for domestic use, at which Brown's gas enriches gasoline in fuel system car engine to save money.


  • a is the HNO generator ( accepted designation for Brown's gas);
  • b - gas outlet to the drying chamber;
  • c - compartment for removing water vapor;
  • d - return of condensate to the generator;
  • e - dry gas supply to air filter fuel system;
  • f - car engine;
  • g - connection to the battery and power generator.

It should be noted that in some cases such a system even works (if it is assembled correctly). But you will not find the exact parameters, the power gain, the percentage of savings. These data are highly blurred, and their reliability is questionable. Again, the question is not clear how much the engine resource will decrease.

But demand generates offers, on the Internet you can find detailed drawings of such devices and instructions for connecting them. There are also finished models made in the Land of the Rising Sun.

We make the simplest hydrogen generator with our own hands step by step

We'll tell you how to do it homemade generator to obtain a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (HHO). Its capacity for heating the house is not enough, but for gas burner for cutting metal, the amount of gas produced will be sufficient.

Rice. 8. Diagram of a gas burner


  • a - burner nozzle;
  • b - tubes;
  • c - water locks;
  • d - water;
  • e - electrodes;
  • f - sealed case.

First of all, we make an electrolyzer, for this we need a sealed container and electrodes. As the latter, we use steel plates (we choose their size arbitrarily, depending on the desired performance), attached to a dielectric base. We connect together all the plates of each of the electrodes.

When the electrodes are ready, they must be fixed in the tank in such a way that the connection points of the power wires are above the expected water level. The wires from the electrodes go to a 12 volt power supply or a car battery.

In the lid of the container we make a hole for the tube for the exit of gas. As water locks, you can use ordinary glass jars with a capacity of 1 liter. We fill them 2/3 with water and connect them to the electrolyser and burner, as shown in Figure 8.

It is better to take a ready-made burner, since not every material can withstand the combustion temperature of Brown's gas. We connect it to the output of the last water lock.

We fill the electrolyzer with water, to which ordinary kitchen salt is added.

We apply voltage to the electrodes and check the operation of the device.