The technology of effective meetings and planning meetings in the sales department. How to hold staff meetings

Is everyone ready to work?


Great, let's go and work!

Is the situation familiar?

The shift meeting is the most valuable element of communication with your employees. You get the opportunity to motivate them, inform them about what key topics and issues need to be addressed today and listen to their ideas and suggestions.

The main objectives of the shift meeting:

1. Increase the enthusiasm of employees who must understand the specific goals set for the day (motivation at the level of the individual);

2. Achieve successful work in a team (group motivation);

3. Increase sales volume and revenue level by providing impeccable quality of service;

4. Setting a goal and defining a specific task for the shift. (For example, the plan for December is 2,000,000 rubles, the plan for the day is 64,516 rubles).

Ways in which the stated goals of the meeting can be achieved:

1. Employee motivation

2. Informing employees

3. Effectively listen to employees


They allow you to conduct continuous training aimed at performing specific tasks without devoting much time to it. Therefore, we can talk about the presence of the following advantages of this method.


For the buyer- Improving the atmosphere of service.

For staff- the possibility of continuous training, advanced training.

For manager, store manager- improving mutual understanding with the staff, identifying the needs of employees.

For organization- formation corporate culture organization and team spirit of its employees.

Shift Meeting Standards

When holding a shift meeting, certain standards must be followed, among them the following:

1. The structure of the meeting should be simple

2. Check in practice how employees learned the information

3. Wrap up the meeting

4. Anticipate and effectively solve emerging problems

5. Do a final review

The structure of the meeting should be simple

Greetings- may be different, depending on the style of conducting the meeting by the manager. The main purpose of the greeting is to attract the attention of all employees, as well as this right time inform employees about your current sales volume in the store.

Briefly let them know main questions that you are going to talk about in today's meeting. That. You will do short review the content of your meeting. The review must be short, for example:

“Today we will discuss ways to increase sales and what we will do in holidays».

“Today we will repeat the stage of making contact with the buyer, as it is one of the most important. After all, it is at this stage that the client decides whether he wants to communicate with you or not.

Main body of the meeting

In the main part of the meeting, you should explain to the employees each main issue, while using effective ways presentation of information so that employees better remember the main points and general content of the meeting.

for example: The title of the topic is using existing opportunities to increase sales. Discuss with employees how you can improve your customer experience during the holidays.

Use guided discussion. Ask employees to offer their ideas, their thoughts on the topic of the meeting. Write down all answers.

Questions and answers

At this stage, you have the opportunity to feedback from employees. They may ask you questions that may or may not be related to the main topics of discussion. When giving feedback and asking questions, you need to be specific.

For example: Do you need any information on the organization of work on holidays?


At this stage, you need briefly recall about what you have been talking about throughout the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, you should make a final review of the goals you have set for this shift so that employees feel their importance and so that you can make sure that these goals are met. clear, specific and realistic. The review should be short and should not add new ideas. It will be better if you ask open-ended questions on key topics that were discussed during the meeting.

For example: “Irina, please tell us what you learned today about how you can improve customer service during the holidays”

Such a review of the goals set will also allow make sure You that they:

realistic and specific and that employees may need further development or training during the day.

Conclusion - call

Call to action. It is necessary to inspire as much enthusiasm as possible in employees before starting work ...

Possible problems

It is necessary that you plan in advance for the possibility of any problems. Typical problems that may arise during a shift meeting are as follows:

  • Wrong choice of meeting place. You must choose a meeting place that in the best way would be suitable for resolving issues arising from your employees or discussing the main topics that you have prepared for this meeting. For example, if the main topic of the meeting is the quality of customer service at the checkout, hold the meeting near the cash drawer.
  • Deviation from the topic of discussion. If you strictly adhere to the structure of the meeting, you can avoid possible deviations from the topic. If deviations nevertheless occur, you should try to return to the main topic of discussion. For example:
  • « Svetlana, this is a very interesting idea and we will discuss it tomorrow at the meeting, but now we need to get back to discussing effective ways to serve our customer during the holidays.”
  • Too many main topics of discussion. If your employees are overloaded with information, they will be confused and will not be able to remember the basic questions. Ideally, there should be no more than 3 main topics of discussion. If, when discussing this topic, you need to use role play or a demonstration of a skill or procedure, then allow only one topic for discussion per meeting.
  • Employees who lag behind others in their work. You should not publicly criticize or scold such employees. Immediately after the meeting is over, discuss the employee's problem with them in private.

Dear colleagues, we hope that this article will be useful for you. What did you like the most? What would you like to apply? Write us a review or leave your questions.

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Best regards, Diamond-training team

Regular sales meetings essential tool management of sales managers, which should not be neglected by any head of the sales department. Meetings can be weekly or daily, depending on the specifics of your work. But they should be regular and inevitable and take place at least once a week.

The key function of regular meetings is to prepare your salespeople for sales, share experiences, bring new ideas, acquire new skills, set the mood for victory and raise morale.

The main trouble with such meetings is that they often turn into boring gatherings, which both the boss and subordinates serve as a kind of duty. The first does not know what to tell new and holds such meetings simply because it is necessary or the authorities insist, and the latter, not seeing the benefit, treat them as a necessary evil, losing their mood for productive work during such a pastime. The result is a loss of precious time and a waste of energy and emotions.
But meetings are really necessary. You don't have a choice to run or not to run. There is only one answer - definitely do it.

Conclusion - you need to have every week good topic for the meeting and clearly understand what new things you can convey to your sellers to improve their work. This is the big problem for many sales executives.
You should never waste your salespeople's time, but it's also wrong to overload them with information. You must clearly strike a balance between planned productivity and a comfortable environment and atmosphere. The key to success in such an event is to make it interesting, useful and positive.

And today I want to offer you some tips on how to make your regular sales meetings more effective.

Set the rules and appoint a senior, who will strictly enforce it so that meetings run at a good pace and do not drag on for half a day or go into the night if you hold meetings in the evenings.

A good start is half done.
If you start a meeting at 7:30 a.m., in order to have time to resolve all issues before the start of the working day, offer your employees coffee, buy a cake or a box of chocolates. This will not ruin anyone, but it will create an excellent backlog - your employees will start the meeting at good location spirit. And the situation will be less tense.

Be sure to take the time to mark the success of your sellers publicly at a meeting - congratulate Ivanov on the fulfillment of the plan, applaud the entire department of Sidorova, because she finally completed a complex large deal that she had been conducting for several months, mark Petrov for selling Ivan Ivanovich a large batch of your goods, although before that no one could approach Ivan Ivanovich and close, because he was the most capricious and intractable client. Show sellers that you value their success and encourage them to achieve new victories.

Be sure to tell a story. interesting stories of sales experience is fully in stock with every experienced salesperson. Of course, your story should illustrate something and carry some practical meaning. It should be positive and solve some specific production problem.

Invite an outside speaker to your meeting. This is very effective reception and it works great. A third-party person always arouses interest among employees and allows a little distraction from the usual routine.

Who can be such a person?

The coolest option is to invite your regular customer and let him tell you why he buys from you, what he likes about your product and your company, and answer the questions of your sellers. This will give your employees tremendous confidence in the product and in the company. After all, there is nothing worse than doubting whether someone needs your product. And those always arise from sellers when something starts to go wrong.

The guest star in your meeting can be more than just a client. Invite your boss production department, let him talk about the products, about what is expected in the near future in the product line, what is being done to improve the quality of the product. If customers complain about a product, have them listen to those complaints from your salespeople.

Call the CFO and let him talk about the pricing of the product you are selling, about the cost structure, so that the sellers have an understanding of what high price on the product is not a consequence of someone's greed, but an objective reality based on market factors.

Call the marketing director and let him tell you what marketing activities are planned in the company to promote the product, trademark and facilitate the work of sellers. Let him talk about the competitive advantages of your product. They are usually known to sellers in in general terms but repetition is the mother of learning. As practice shows, it is never superfluous to remind sellers of them.

Call the head of the delivery department, let him talk about what is happening in his department, let him answer questions from employees, especially if there are problems with delivery and there are complaints from customers.

Spend a reading day: the topic of your meeting might be a discussion of what your salespeople read by profession. Do they read professional literature? I hope I don't need to explain why this is necessary? You have to control this issue, and the meeting is a great control tool. They should definitely read books and magazines on sales in order to improve their professional level. And the task for your next meeting can be just the following: everyone should tell at the meeting some one sales technique that he read in a book or magazine and uses or plans to use in his work. Firstly, you need to read not just like that, so that later everything disappears from your head. You need to read in order to apply. And if you read it, and even told others, you yourself remember from school that such a lesson is learned better. So, let everyone offer some kind of chip, deducted somewhere, and the rest discuss it, find the pros and cons. This is again a team work, which is very good.

Nobody canceled role-playing games! There is no more useful training than a fake sales, where one employee plays the role of the seller and the other the role of the buyer. And then the team discusses mistakes and good luck ..

Conduct brainstorming sessions. Let everyone come to the meeting with his own problem, which he encountered in the process of communicating with the client, with his own objection, to which he did not find what to answer, and look for answers collectively.
You can also brainstorm on how we can sell more. Sometimes good ideas are born in such conversations, encourage your salespeople to create and be creative, this is a very useful skill anyway.

evoked a strong response among his readers. Several of my clients admitted that they recognized themselves in the story told: they say, the article is “on the topic of the day” and “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.” Given the relevance of the topic raised, I wanted to continue it and talk about the key points that are useful to follow when implementing changes in a company.

Actually, such key points just two.

Firstly, it is important to make sure that the news about the changes planned in the company is correctly communicated to the staff, and does not fall like “snow on the head”, or is not transmitted in a distorted form via the internal “broken phone”. Secondly, be prepared (first of all, morally) for the resistance of employees to innovations (this is a natural reaction) and for the use of unpopular measures against them (up to exemplary layoffs). Let's take a closer look at the voiced theses and your possible actions.

So, immediately after you have decided on a new company development strategy, set deadlines and criteria for the success of its implementation, spend general meeting with personnel affected by these changes. If your company is small in size, hold the meeting in person - this will strengthen your credibility and make the changes being implemented more meaningful.

During the meeting, tell employees why you decided to change, what the current state of affairs in the company is, and what threatens the company and everyone present in particular by ignoring this situation. Then explain the benefits and prospects for staff from the planned innovations.

In fact, you need to “sell” a new company development strategy to your employees so that it is loyally accepted by them and “takes root” to the maximum short time. The strategy for such a presentation is very similar to the one I described in. At the same time, try to talk about what is important and valuable for your employees, and not about "a physical horse in a vacuum." Most likely, your staff will be more inspired by the argument: “Now you will have the opportunity to make a career in our company” than “Thanks to these innovations, the company will save a lot on the salary fund.”

Personally, I love strawberries with cream, but for some reason fish prefer worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I love, but about what the fish loves. © D. Carnegie

If the changes you are planning are large enough, good decision will establish a "transitional period" for the restructuring of personnel on the "new rails". Depending on the global nature of the changes, you can determine the period from 2 weeks to a month.

During this "transitional period", the staff will already have to act in a new way, in accordance with the newly established rules(accordingly, the demand from it will already be by new standards), but at the same time, penalties for mistakes made will be minimal or absent altogether.

It is very important that, along with this, you take care of training employees in new work standards so that your people are not left to their own devices, but receive prompt prompts and answers to their questions (this can be both daily and 10-minute planning meetings before beginning of the working day).

At the same time, let the staff know that if they have fixed time there are no questions and clarifications regarding innovations, then by default it is assumed that the employees understand everything. Therefore, at the end of the “transitional period”, excuses regarding improper performance of work such as “I didn’t understand how to do it right” are not accepted and are counted as errors and violations (with all the ensuing consequences).

Next important step is to make sure that each employee is sufficiently familiar with the new "rules of the game". Print out the new standards (or, in extreme cases, the minutes of the meeting) and give it to everyone present against signature, and also set a deadline for employees to thoroughly study the documents provided.

Consider penalties for dishonest attitude to the task: from a reprimand with entry in a personal file to a fine. Be sure to check the implementation of your order, otherwise the subordinates will quickly “cut through” that it is not necessary to fulfill your orders, and “nothing will happen” to them. Accordingly, they will work "the old fashioned way", and your attempts to make changes in the company will sink into oblivion.

So, by the appointed date, you can organize testing of personnel for knowledge of new work standards, and for those employees who did not complete or poorly coped with the task, set a “correction period” of 1-2 days. After that, re-test and apply appropriate penalties to those who ignored your order this time, regardless of the past merits of the “guilty”.

Resist the temptation to cajole and/or just "rebuke". Practice shows that beliefs "in words" do not help, and every time people will hope that "maybe it will blow over." Convey the seriousness of your intentions by punishing with a ruble. Or even saying goodbye to disloyal employees. Often 1-2 demonstrative dismissals are enough for the rest to suddenly start to succeed and claims and dissatisfaction evaporate by themselves. In addition, in most cases, teaching a new person from scratch is much easier than retraining.

If you leave “recalcitrant” employees in the company, then, firstly, this will be a “bad example” for the rest, and secondly, these “Trojans” from the inside can decompose the team in such a way that then you will be forced to completely replace the entire staff.

“I have a management team. Among them there is a person who wants to subdue the team, but does it not openly, but quietly... When she Bad mood she spoils it for other managers. When I am present at these moments, she becomes silent and does not say anything, but she likes to talk behind her back, quietly go to complain. Because of this, the manager was removed from the previous head of sales and three managers. She has been working here for a long time, about 4 years. Accordingly, so far she has a strong trump card, that she has been working for a long time. I did an analysis of her work - all the clients of the dismissed managers were transferred to her, she copes with her work, does it professionally, but in personal plan decomposes the team, because of it there is a mess, you constantly have to strain about this and extort some working moments. © From private conversations with leaders

Remember: a cancerous tumor must be removed in a timely manner. Don't be afraid to be "bad". No, I certainly do not encourage you to become a tyrant. I just stand up for equally fair demands on every employee of the company.

You can love those whom you order, but you cannot tell them about it. © Antoine Saint-Exupéry

After all, you don't have an interest club here. You pay people to work according to the rules you set. Moreover, these rules may change unilaterally. And if you allow employees to "push" you and change the rules "for themselves", in a way that is convenient for them, you may end up with a completely different result than you expected to see when all these changes were started.

It just seems that “okay, here we’ll give in a little”, “here we will reduce the requirements”, “and this may not be necessary at all.” In fact, only impeccable adherence to the rules is the key to a stable result.

Do you want to bake delicious cake- follow the rules (recipe): you need to beat the eggs separately, put exactly 200 g of flour, bake for exactly 60 minutes and only at a temperature of 200 degrees.

If you want to get from point A to point B, follow the rules traffic: keep to the right lane of the road, stop at a red traffic light, do not overtake on a continuous one.

If you want to lose weight, follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle: consume fewer calories than you expend, exercise, eat more vegetables and fruits and less fatty and sweet, etc.

Imagine what a mess would start if all motorists did not drive as they should, but as they please? What happens if you put salt in the cake instead of flour? Or add not 200 g of flour, but a pound? Or bake not 60 minutes, but only 6? Will you get the result you expect?

So here. If you are determined to implement changes in the company, go ahead, no matter what, strictly demand that the staff comply with all points as intended. And without regrets, say goodbye to those who turned out to be with you "not on the way." Otherwise, your time and other resources spent on developing a new strategy will be wasted, and things will remain in the same place. And this means that you will still lose profits.

Meetings should be like spices sprinkled on a dish. Too many spices ruin the dish. Too many meetings destroy the morale and motivation of sales reps.

Here are 5 tips you can use to make meetings more effective.

1. Have a clear plan and purpose for the meeting

Prepare for the meeting like a business meeting, where you have a clear, defined goal. Think of sales reps as business partners you want to do business with.

Meeting start example:

“We are faced with the task of increasing sales volumes by increasing the efficiency of work on the route by more than 75%. What is the efficiency of work on the route, I want to show you in short video(show this video clip up to the period 1:14).

After that, state the purpose of the meeting: "The purpose of today's meeting is to plan the targets for each day along your route for January 2016 (4 weeks)".

2. Schedule the meeting time

Do you know what annoys you the most when you meet? It's not clear when this will all end. Make sure you set a clear meeting time. This will make her more productive, because everyone will know that time is running out. Set a timing for each question and follow that timing.


Working hours for today:

  1. Agree on the Plan for the number of visits for each day for a period of 4 weeks - from January 4 to January 31, 2016. Time - 1 hour.
  2. Plan the coefficient of increase in the efficiency of work on the route based on the past performance for each day. Time - 30 minutes.
  3. Answers to common questions. Time - 20 minutes

3. Invite only the right people

Very often, the whole team of sales representatives is invited to meetings, even if it may not concern them. Often, to analyze the mistake of one of the sales representatives, they invite everyone to a meeting as an educational measure. Avoid this type of gathering for everyone. Appreciate the time of each person and invite only those who are required to be at the meeting.

In our example, invite to the meeting only those sales representatives whose route performance score is lower than established norm, say below 75%. Print out the ad and post it on the bulletin board:

You know how much we hate to attend meetings ourselves. This practice of holding such meetings is also educational in nature. Sales reps will think, “I’d rather make a 75% figure and not go to a meeting that takes me 2 hours of time, and even more so on a weekend.”

But there are meetings to which all sales representatives must be encouraged to attend. To do this, write an ad that will encourage them to come to it.

For example:

4. Give everyone a chance to speak

There have been studies that have shown that most of the time in meetings, only leaders speak. It showed that this destroys the possibility of innovation in the company, because there are only the ideas of the leader. Give staff the opportunity to voice their ideas and share information. When a person feels that he is appreciated, then he has an additional incentive to meet.


“We chose 20 items that bring the company 50% of the gross profit. From this list, 5 specific items are to be selected, which will be assigned to each outlet as a standard for ordering by assortment.

I would like to hear your opinion on which positions should be secured for each retail segment and which positions should be selected for “difficult” outlets.”

5. Use programs to keep track of tasks

Often meetings are held to find out the results of sales representatives for the current day and to find out the reasons for the lack of orders and payments for outlets. But this can be learned remotely if you have automated control of intermediate and final results for the day for each route. This will get rid of unnecessary morning and evening meetings, and most importantly, will increase the efficiency of sales representatives.

Announce that the meeting will start at 2:00 pm and it won't start until 2:10 pm. Schedule a meeting for 10:13 and the employees will take you literally.

Cyril Northcote Parkinson

In this review: how to conduct an effective meeting, which are the criteria for the effectiveness of meetings. And also the main stages and rules will be considered, which will help to hold a high-quality meeting and achieve the set goals.

To determine the effectiveness of meetings, conduct an experiment. Carefully write down all the questions that subordinates address you (in individually, on e-mail). Count the number of hits. Think about which of these issues can be resolved once in a meeting and calculate how much time you will save.

As your meeting technique improves, the number of these "distractions" will definitely decrease.

In many organizations, it is not customary to consider meetings as a working tool that allows you to solve everyday problems. Basically, meetings are held chaotically, from time to time, they are not prepared, the Leader does not know how to lead them. Therefore, many meeting participants perceive information incorrectly (“didn’t hear”, “didn’t understand”, “forgot”), the right solutions are not accepted (postponed and hung), and if they are accepted, they are often not executed.

The statistics say the following: “When managers start holding meetings with their subordinates, they do not give them at first of great importance and don't expect much from them. But the longer they hold meetings, the more useful they become. Firstly, they “push” 90% of the routine in this way. Managers do not need to control employees so tightly - the results speak for themselves, and this is a great incentive for the staff. Meetings help streamline the work of the Company, and it immediately becomes clear what needs to be done next.

But in order for the meetings to really work, you need to take into account a lot of subtleties of its conduct.

An experienced leader knows that meetings create an organization. With their help, you can maintain communications within the Company and implement the decisions made, verify the degree of approach to goals and break down barriers between employees. If you do not hold meetings with your subordinates, then there will be a problem of rumors, which leads to disunity and uncertainty of employees in the future, and then to loss of control.

A well-organized and conducted meeting allows:

  • quickly solve current problems in the team;
  • motivate staff to implement the plan;
  • collect opinions and test the planned changes;
  • form a team from the team;
  • move the Company forward as quickly as possible and at minimum cost;

Unfortunately, universities don’t teach how to hold meetings properly…

With some of the most common errors in the conduct of meetings and methods for correcting them, we will get to know you in this overview.

When conducting meetings, there are 3 main points to consider:

  • and AFTER the meeting.

What should be done BEFORE the meeting?

1. Select several types of meetings that you will hold regularly. Define their rules and carry out according to the schedule. Until you meet regularly, your team will not develop.

2. Sudden meetings cause unnecessary talk, anxiety, and sometimes fear of administrators. Organize such meetings extremely rarely, only in case of a “fire”. In emergency meetings, address only one issue. Emergency meetings should be short (try to keep it under 45 minutes, even if it's a complex and difficult issue). Clearly formulate and communicate in advance: the purpose of the meeting, participants, time from ... to ..., place. Let employees not gather unnecessarily, but calmly go about their main business, namely, earning money.

3. It is extremely difficult to prepare for every meeting. Where can I find time for this? Therefore, it is optimal to do it once Assembly Rules, in which you write down all important aspects: regularity of the meeting (monthly / weekly), time and place of the meeting, participants, questions for the meeting. Now you need to prepare not a meeting, but only information on each issue.

4. Duplication of information at different meetings causes general dissatisfaction of administrators - everyone values ​​their time. Consider only pressing matters. Do not repeat yourself - make generalizations, references. Transfer everything that is possible to the board in a visual form - tables, graphs. Then it will not be necessary to read out, you can immediately proceed to the analysis. (In addition, according to some estimates, up to 55% of people are visual, and they perceive by ear new information bad - no more than 7% of all information).

5. Create a report form on which everyone will report.
First, everyone will know what exactly he has to say and will prepare the numbers in advance.
Secondly, you can see this report in advance, which means you can prepare for the meeting and make an analysis of the information, conclusions, and think over decisions.
Thirdly, the information will remain for history / statistics, which is priceless for business.
For questions that are not regular, prepare information separately.

6. Think carefully about what you want to achieve on each issue and how exactly you will do it. If possible, say the text to yourself or to someone else. clean up unnecessary words. Speak clearly and simply. Prepare every time - this will save you time and the time of your employees.

What should be done DURING the meeting?

1. If someone is not at the meeting, consider how they can find out about the decisions made. At the beginning of the meeting, appoint a person in charge who will write down the main points and tasks.

2. Learn self-discipline, develop the Rules of the meeting and do not succumb to temptations and "creative impulses." Don't skip meetings: If your weekly meeting falls on a public holiday, reschedule it to another day and report it to the previous meeting.
Always start on time! Never wait for anyone - "the ship leaves right on schedule." Only in this way will you be able to accustom everyone to gather exactly according to the Regulations.
If it's time to change the Rules, make changes in writing, let everyone know about it, and live by the Rules again.

3. Don't let the speaker deviate from the Rules. Immediately interrupt: “Your time is up. You've deviated from the topic." Lead the meeting according to the following procedure: the question was raised, everyone reported, the problem was identified, everyone spoke out. The leader summed up, asked: “Are there any other questions and opinions on this item? No. Let's move on." Participants also need to be taught competently, to participate in meetings.
First you need to explain the rules of the game, and then follow them: interrupt the talkers, give - briefly and succinctly - an assessment of information and deeds.

4. If there is a painful and boring atmosphere at the meeting, then perhaps irrelevant issues are discussed - important issues include everyone. Or subordinates are closed, they do not trust you, they are afraid to express their opinion. Or maybe everyone is just tired.
Always keep an eye on the mood of those present.
React quickly to the situation. Try to defuse the situation, joke. Let the participants smile and the issues will be resolved faster.

5. Each participant must speak. The leader starts and ends the meeting - make the most of these moments. Everyone should have a “word” on both current and development issues. One speaker's remark should not exceed 3-5 minutes. Including Leader.
As a result, everyone is included and actively involved in resolving issues.

6. Let each employee report on their own results.

7. Let everyone speak first, engage in discussion, ask everyone's opinion.

8. The leader must know when and how to properly praise and scold, encourage and punish, and the meeting is the most right place for this. Get informed before the meeting and prepare your opinion, and if necessary - this will help you quickly respond to the facts and have the right impact on the team right away. Sometimes it’s impossible to prepare in advance, but you need to react quickly, put the question aside and say: “I’ll think about it” - you can’t. The easiest way to solve this problem technologically is to compare the figures for the past period with latest results. There should only be growth. Who has growth - well done. Who has no growth - a red signal. You can dance from the plan: “Are we holding out? How can we increase the performance?

9. If suddenly at the meeting there is a need to discuss an unprepared issue and a hasty decision at the meeting itself, then you will postpone the discussion, and even more so the decision. The most you can do is to listen to the opinion of other participants, if it is also relevant for them. Write down the question so you don't forget. Return to him after the meeting and decide what to do with him.

10. Use the "execution" tool with extreme caution - its power is very great, you can turn it against yourself. If it’s impossible not to scold, pour it to the strongest. The rest will understand everything themselves. Never scold everyone at once, so as not to become in opposition to the team. It is much more efficient to conduct “debriefing” according to the scheme: “We made a mistake, we did this and that, and this is what it led to. How are we going to fix the situation, and how can we not let it happen next time?”

11. The result of each meeting should be actions, concrete deeds otherwise there is no point in gathering. By the end of the meeting, everyone should know what and how he must do to implement the decisions made. The task of the Manager is to check that those responsible have really taken responsibility and are ready to implement the tasks set. To do this, conduct a risk assessment, ask each participant: “What can prevent you from achieving your goals? What risks do you see? If it is not possible to make a decision within the framework of this meeting, say where and when it will be made and who is responsible for it.

What should be done AFTER the meeting?

1. Upon leaving the meeting, the participants should have a clear idea of ​​the state of affairs in the Company and what each individual must do to move towards a common and personal goal. Leave documentary traces after the meeting: appoint a person responsible for keeping the minutes of the meeting, let him write down the decisions made.

2. Decisions made must be supervised by the leader, check, implement. If you allowed yourself at least once to "release on the brakes" the implementation of your common solutions, then why would someone follow other meeting decisions next time? Do not hold the next meeting, dismiss the people - go to implement the decisions made.

3. The manager should do an analysis of his mistakes after the meeting. Review the meeting plan again. Scroll in your head how you did it. Write down recommendations for yourself

How often do you need to have meetings with your employees? How do you think? What does it depend on?

“Debriefing” on typical problems is quite appropriate to do at monthly meetings, if you have such meetings. If you urgently need to convey information to employees related to any changes in the Company, you can convey these changes electronically.

There is another interesting way to check the quality of your meetings is to find out how those who are absent feel about it. Why weren't they at the meeting? They are upset that they missed the meeting and meticulously find out from those present what passed them by. Or did they have better things to do? Draw appropriate conclusions.

Remember that the rules of meetings should also be changed regularly. This applies both to the issues under consideration and the frequency of the meeting. Your subordinates grow up, learn to work: both report and resolve issues. Gradually reduce the time to review the current situation. Increase the time for solving issues and, of course, for questions of their development. The weekly rhythm will allow you to have time to complete tasks for the meeting. They take time, and current work nobody canceled.