Foam generator from a sprayer. Do-it-yourself foam tablet. Replacing the mesh in the foam nozzle Homemade foam generator

The cost of the simplest car wash is 300-400 rubles, which is quite a lot and ineffective, given that for the cost of 5 such car washes, you can assemble your own do-it-yourself foam generator for car washing.

Washing a car today is a luxury, even the simplest, not to mention contactless with a foam generator.

The cost of the simplest car wash is 300-400 rubles, which is quite a lot and ineffective, given that for the cost of 5 such car washes, you can assemble your own do-it-yourself foam generator for car washing. Of course, you can buy a new and branded one for 16-18,000 rubles, but again, this is not effective and expensive. When assembling this equipment, the most expensive part will be the compressor, which is responsible for pumping air, but you can buy a car compressor that will cost 1200-1600 rubles.

The device of the foam generator and the principle of its operation

Before you start building your own foam generator, you need to understand exactly how it works. The main purpose of this device is the disclosure of foam and its further smooth and uniform distribution over the machine body.

The water jet passes through the solution, which is mixed with air pumped from the compressor. During this process, an active foam is formed, which can easily clean the car from dirt. In addition to the fact that the foam has formed, it must be dense, which is achieved by passing lightly foamed soapy water through the tablet (multilayer metal mesh), which foams the solution intensively. Next, the liquid enters the parallel plates-regulators so that the flow of the solution is flat. A hose is needed to remove foam, a nozzle for distributing water flows or just a shower head is attached to it.

The easiest way to make a foam generator for car washing is from a garden sprayer like a Beetle. In its structure, the garden sprayer is almost identical to the foam generator. In total, it takes 1-1.5 hours to change the sprayer to a foam generator, unless, of course, all the necessary parts for creation are available.

So, to create a foam generator from a garden sprayer, you will need:

  • Sprayer capacity;
  • Manometer for measuring air flow pressure;
  • Single flow valve, allowing air to flow in only one direction;
  • Flow regulator or just a faucet;
  • Pipe for air injection inside;
  • A hose with a wall thickness that can withstand a pressure of 6-8 atm;
  • Metal bandage for connections;
  • Mesh for the formation of foam.

The first thing you need for a foam generator is a container that can not burst at a pressure of 5 atmospheres, the sprayer container is just right for this purpose, since the walls can withstand a pressure of 4-6 atmospheres.

The step-by-step process of creating a foam generator from a garden sprayer looks like this:

Two metal shackles: a hose is screwed into the first, air will be supplied to the second

  • The final step is to connect a car compressor (cost from 1200 rubles) or a compressor purchased on the secondary market specifically to create a foam generator.

This method is even easier and simpler than the previous one. To make a foam generator you need:

  • Automobile compressor (cost from 1200 rubles);
  • Pistol;
  • Canister (as a container);
  • Nozzle;
  • hoses;
  • pressure gauge;
  • Union.

All together it will cost a maximum of 1600-1800 rubles, while the cost of one car wash is 300-400 rubles.

The first thing to do is take a tube with a length of 60-65 cm (in general, the length of the tube can be different and depends on the size of the plastic canister, the length of the tube should be 2-3 cm less than the height of the canister from the hole to the bottom) and fill with fishing line, which will play the role of a foaming tablet. The ends are covered with plugs with threaded holes. A T-shaped transition link is mounted on one of the holes, a fitting is mounted on the remaining hole. Two hoses are connected to the T-shaped adapter, one of the holes must have a tap to control the flow of water, the second is needed to connect a pressure gauge. It should be remembered that the canister must be made of dense plastic that can withstand a pressure of 5-6 atmospheres, otherwise all work will go down the drain.

Many people try to find a compressor in the secondary market, however, for the purpose of washing a car, a cheap car compressor with a pressure gauge is quite enough, the price of which is 1200-1300 rubles, and the pressure created by even the cheapest model ranges from 2 to 7 atmospheres, which is necessary to create foam generator.

How to make a foam generator with your own hands or where to start?

How to make a foam generator with your own hands? The answer is simple - you have to try. For the manufacture of a foam generator, it is important to choose not a compressor, but a container that can withstand a huge volume of water and pressure inside. All the variations of creating a foam generator presented above are the simplest and most understandable, but also one of the most dangerous when used because of the case. So, at the slightest deviation in pressure, the device can at best crack and leak, at worst - explode in the hands. The best basis (capacity) for this kind of foam generator will be a gas cylinder, but to create a foam generator in this case, you will need welding experience and, in fact, a welding machine, which is long and problematic, but reliable.

How to use a homemade foam generator?

The step by step process of using the generator looks like this:

  • Through the main hole - the neck, water is poured, preferably purified, by 60% of the volume;
  • In the water, again through the neck, a washing concentrate is poured in a ratio of 10-18 grams per 1 liter of water;
  • After the first two stages, the valve and the neck are closed;
  • The compressor starts;
  • Air is supplied to the container;
  • Hose with a gun is connected;
  • Open the faucet very slowly;
  • Foam is applied (its density can be adjusted with a watering nozzle or a gun, depending on what is installed in the form of a distributor);
  • The foam should be on the surface of the car for 15-20 minutes;
  • After applying the foam, you can rinse the container and pour water into it and, just as the foam was applied, rinse it off, but with clean water.

At modern car washes, one of the most popular and high-quality types of services is a touchless car wash. This method will not only quickly clean the car from dust and dirt, but also save the paintwork of the car, leaving no chips and scratches on it. The same "bath" for your iron horse can be arranged at home. To do this, you will need a foam nozzle. To make it with your own hands or purchase it in a store is a personal matter for everyone. Buying, of course, is easier, but self-production will be cheaper, although it will require certain skills.

Contactless car wash

The washing effect of this type of washing is achieved through a special car shampoo, which is applied using special devices - these are foam nozzles. The process itself looks like this:

How does a foam generator work?

The principle of a touchless car wash is very simple - the more foam, the cleaner the car. To get a good result, you will need a foam generator. This is a special cylinder or other container with a volume of 20-100 liters, into which car shampoo or a special reagent diluted with water is poured. A pressure of at least 60 bar is supplied to the vessel using a compressor - this is enough to eject the mixture through a special hose gun.

The nozzle of the foam generator can have several nozzles (up to 4 pieces), which allows you to increase the amount of active foam. Such devices are usually used in industrial car washes, where it is necessary to wash a large number of cars in a short time. At home, under the foam generator, they usually remake the cylinder from under the sprayer, and instead of the compressor, manual air injection is used. It turns out such a homemade Karcher. Foam tablet, nozzle, car shampoo - and your car shines with cleanliness!

The device and principle of operation of the foam nozzle

Now let's talk about what is a good foam device. A special do-it-yourself foam nozzle is a rather troublesome, time-consuming task and, most likely, will require special skills. To be honest, it's easier to buy ready-made, well, if not all, then at least some of the details. The kit includes:

The foam sprayer has special regulators:

  • The first is lamb, located on top of the device. It is a special micrometric screw with a jet for adjusting the nozzle opening and is used to regulate the flow of car shampoo into the mixing chamber.
  • The second is cylindrical, located in front and is a special "legs" like a duck's beak, opening at an angle of up to 40˚. This allows you to turn the usual jet of the mixture into a vertical fan and increase the spray area.

Another very important element of the foam sprayer is the foam tablet. It is very easy to make it with your own hands, and this is important. A tablet is a consumable item that requires periodic replacement, especially if the device is used improperly.

Foam nozzles: causes of failure

In order for the device to work properly, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • do not throw the foam nozzle on the ground, this may cause clogging of the tablet or solution jet;
  • do not throw the device on hard surfaces, as the nozzle has a lot of plastic parts that can crack;
  • after using the foam nozzle, rinse it;
  • do not leave the finished solution in the nozzle tank, it is better to pour it into a separate container and hide it away from children.

What is a foam tablet? Why is she breaking down?

One of the main parts of the device is a foam nozzle tablet. It is she who is responsible for the quality of the foam and its quantity. The failure of this element can completely paralyze the operation of the sink.

The cause of the breakdown may be the following:
  • the foam tablet has worn out due to frequent use of the device;
  • the mesh is clogged with sand or mud, as the device was often thrown to the ground;
  • the remains of the washing solution have dried up inside the tablet, since the device was not washed after the previous use;

On large commercial washes, the mesh changes quite often - once every 2-3 months, and at home, one tablet is enough for several years, of course, subject to proper operation.

How to make a pill with your own hands

What to do if a faulty mesh became the cause of the breakdown, and the car needs to be washed urgently, and you don’t want to spend money. There is only one way out - to make such a device, a foam tablet, with your own hands, especially since it is very simple to do. The fact is that this thing is called a tablet only because of its shape, but in fact it is a small cylinder made of pressed wire. Therefore, making a foam tablet with your own hands is very simple. To do this, you need to take an ordinary metal washcloth for washing dishes and compress it into a tight lump.

In order to give the tablet the desired shape, you can take a regular plastic bottle and cut it into a funnel. Put it on the table and tightly fill the neck with a metal mesh for dishes. Leave the mesh in the neck of the bottle for a while to fix the shape well, then gently squeeze it out. That's all - do-it-yourself foam tablet is ready.

Change mesh step by step

It remains only to replace the foaming element. In order to change the tablet, it is not at all necessary to completely disassemble the foaming agent. You need to do it like this:

  • there is a pin on one of the plastic parts - we pull it out with a thin drill or;
  • remove the plastic casing of the jet regulator;
  • now we take out the guide block - “duck”;
  • using a wrench of the desired size, unscrew the foam mesh holder;
  • using a screwdriver or drill, push the foam mesh out of the body of the holder;
  • press in a new tablet;
  • tighten the foam tablet holder again, while not forgetting to apply a layer of sealant to the threaded connection;
  • then we perform all the actions in the reverse order: we insert the “duck”, we return the casing and the pin to their place.

That's all, the foaming agent is ready to work again.

How to rinse the foam nozzle

In order for the foam net to serve you longer, it is imperative to rinse the foam concentrate after each use. You need to do it like this:

Carry out this procedure after each use of the sink, otherwise the foam tablet may become clogged. Foam residues can clog the jet or mesh tablet itself, compact inside and block the foam outlet. If this happens, you can try to fix the mesh. To do this, you need to take it out and soak it in kerosene for a while, and then try to clean it mechanically using a knitting needle or a thick needle. If the above manipulations did not bring the desired result, then the foam tablet will have to be replaced.

The foam generator is a device that is actively used in many areas. For example, car owners use it for non-contact car washing. The main task of the apparatus is the formation of foam by creating pressure. Buying such a device for use is the desire of many, but the foam generator is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Another thing is if you make a foam generator with your own hands.

Structurally, the foam generator is very similar to a conventional sprayer, the main circuit is almost identical. But there is one caveat that the foam generator is high-pressure equipment.

The main components of this equipment are:

  • cylinder (from 25 to 100 l);
  • mixer;
  • a gun;
  • hose.

Large size equipment with high capacity balloon can be mounted on the transport cart to ensure easy movement.

Since the equipment operates under high pressure, the cylinders are made of stainless steel or metal with an integral anti-corrosion coating. In some industrial modifications, a straight ruler is installed on the cylinder, which makes it possible to control the flow and timely filling.

The foam converter cannot work on its own. The norm is the operating pressure for the foam generator 5 - 6 bar. For control, a pressure gauge is installed in the tank, pressure supervision is performed by the existing pressure regulator.

Purpose and principle of operation

Foam dispensers are very popular devices. They are used at technological service stations, in the fire, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The active composition of the foam contributes to excellent cleaning:

  • production equipment;
  • road transport;
  • premises after renovation;
  • pools.

The action of the foam is aimed at cleaning the surface, removing dirt, disinfection.

The main component of the device is the so-called foaming tablet. In fact, this is a grid with a small grid, closed in several layers and made of corrosion-resistant wire. It is defined in a housing mounted on a cylinder. And it is connected to the supply hose. This tablet guarantees foam delivery in the fine fraction at a high frequency.

And then the foam goes into the gun, which is applied to the plane. This manual gun is equipped with a feed regulator, which makes it possible to set the parameters of the jet.

Do-it-yourself washing unit

Considering the equipment system, it can be seen that the main component is an expandable tablet, which can be purchased separately. This means that you can make a homemade foam generator without any problems. The easiest way to make a contactless machine is to take an ordinary sprayer as a base and rework it a bit.

Thus, you need:

  • stabilizer;
  • two half-inch drills and nuts for them;
  • check valve;
  • duct;
  • foam and adapter;
  • metal tube.

It is worth considering one of the simple designs of the foam generator, which can be made from improvised means. It is important to follow the instructions.

Work order:

  • it is necessary to disconnect the valve and the connecting hose from the sprayer;
  • insert bushings into the holes and fix them with nuts on both sides and with the help of gaskets;
  • on one of the actuators, install a pipe so that it almost reaches the bottom of the tank, a check valve and an air supply connection;
  • on the second disk adapter;
  • the pump must be depreciated as it is needed.

It remains only to connect the hose to the outlet. Thus, the product is ready. Working with the device is not as convenient as with factory equipment, but acceptable.

For washing you will need:

  • fill the container with cleaning solution 2/3;
  • connect the compressor and supply air to the cylinder (it is important to monitor the pressure and not exceed the norms);
  • after opening the spray valve, the air squeezes out the solution, passes it through the tablet, and at the exit the foam is of quite acceptable quality.

Among the disadvantages of the foam generator, one can single out the need for periodic pumping of pressure, since the controller does not have a regulator. There is also no regulation of the exhaust flow.

But the described design can always be improved by installing additional equipment to eliminate the shortcomings and improve the usability of the foam generator.

The device from a plastic canister

This method is even easier than the previous one. It makes it possible to collect a source of foam for cleaning appliances with minimal cost. You don't need much for a product. It is not difficult to make a foaming agent for washing with your own hands.

To do this, you only need:

  • set of wrenches;
  • Bulgarian;
  • pistol;
  • plastic container;
  • nozzles;
  • compressor;
  • flushing hoses.

You need to take a tube with a length of 70 cm. Both ends must be blocked with special plugs. Plugs must be put on threaded holes.

On one of the plugs of the foam generator, you need to put an adapter in the form of the letter T. On the second, fix the connection. Connect the hoses to the 2 outlets of the T-adapter. Don't forget the stopcocks.

One hose of the foam generator for washing will lead to a reservoir of liquid, and the other to the compressor. This kind of method makes it possible to make a generator at home with your own hands at the lowest cost.

If you turn on a homemade foam generator for washing a car for the first time, you need to supply plain water with a small amount of dye. This will help identify weaknesses in the structure, if any.

Alternative view of the tank

When assembling a foam generator with your own hands, choosing the right tank is of particular importance. Simple methods have been depicted previously. There is one more option.

Making a foam generator for a car wash with your own hands is not difficult. To form a do-it-yourself foam generator for washing a car from a propane cylinder, you must use welding. It is necessary to weld all the old holes and make 2 new ones: one at the bottom end point, the second in the middle. Weld pipes with fittings.

You can use both collet adapters and couplings. The main thing is that this do-it-yourself component of the foam generator installation withstands the pressure that is generated by the compressor.

For the greatest convenience, a hatch can be made for a foam generator. The container must be completely airtight. The bottom connection of the tank is connected directly to the compressor, the top connection is connected to the atomizer. As you can see, the principle of turning on a tank from a propane tank is the same. However, the period of operation and reliability are many times higher.


Creating a device like a foam generator for washing Karcher with your own hands takes time and effort. However, the result fully compensates for all costs. Now any car wash will be practically free.

Many car owners, for the purpose of high-quality cleaning of their vehicle, entrust this business to professional car wash employees, because it is believed that only they can perform this task at the highest level. And all why? That's right, because they have special equipment and corresponding materials for this.

As a rule, the treatment of cars in such places is carried out automatically, in which an important role is played by such a tool as a foam generator - a special device designed to form bubbles obtained from a synthetic detergent that can provide quick, and most importantly, high-quality cleaning of a contaminated surface car. Of course, it would be nice to have such a unit at home, but the truth is that it is not cheap at all and not every car owner can afford it. The solution to this problem can be the independent creation of a foam generator, which will be much cheaper, but we will now tell you how to complete the specified task and what this will require.

1. What is a foam generator and what does it look like?

Before moving on to the implementation of our plans, let's figure out what a professional machine is used for washing cars at specialized service stations. To begin with, the foam generator is used when active foam is used. The main functions of the apparatus are the preparation of this foam and its subsequent distribution over the surface to be cleaned.

Unlike conventional sprayers, the devices we are interested in are able to form a more uniform and finely dispersed foam, which is achieved by exposing the car shampoo to a jet of compressed air passing through the foaming agent. The foaming process in the installation consists of two stages: first is the production of primary foam, and then the creation of the final, output product. At the first stage, a jet of water under high pressure leaves the jet and connects with the car shampoo solution, simultaneously capturing the air that enters the device through its holes. The result is such a foamy tincture, but it is not yet suitable for washing.

Its "improvement" takes place at the second stage, when the foam begins to flow from the mixer to a special foaming tablet at high speed. This tablet is made from a hydrophobic wire (or mesh) with increased anti-corrosion resistance and has a calculated cell size. When the foam tincture passes through this element, a stable high expansion foam is formed, and the higher the expansion level, the better the quality of washing the surface.

At the exit from the tablet, the foam flow takes the form of a flat jet, which is facilitated by parallel-mounted regulator plates. On the surface of the machine, the foam is applied using a special gun, and thanks to its long and flexible hose, even the most inaccessible places can be reached. The maximum possible height of the jet reaches 6 meters.

The use of a foam generator has a number of undeniable advantages, which include:

- application of the required amount of foam, without any loss of it;

Formation of stable high quality foam;

Possibility to adjust the appropriate rate of foam consumption (for example, on average, one charge of a 50-liter cylinder is enough to wash 10-15 cars).

The main disadvantages, and they are everywhere, experts attribute the need to install a compressor and regularly refill the cylinder. In general, with a contactless wash, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a foam generator, since it is he who is responsible for creating foam, which cleans off the dirt, and the water pressure only washes it away.

2. Selection of materials to create a foam generator yourself

As you know, our compatriots have always been resourceful and enterprising, so it is not surprising that the turn has come to the creation of a home-made car wash, along with the same home-made foam generator. We will not describe the process of creating a sink, but we will still pay attention to the foam generator. And so, what might be needed to complete the task? In fact, for the manufacture of such an apparatus, a small amount of tools will suffice, including a grinder, a set of wrenches and standard, inexpensive tools for contactless washing: a “gun”, a flushing hose with a nozzle and a compressor, which, preferably, should be factory .

Everything except the compressor does not have to be new and expensive, as used appliances can also cope with the task, which need to be slightly redone. Of course, the compressor is the most expensive part of the future foam generator. In some cases, they use a unit taken from a ZIL truck, of which there are tens of thousands in our country. The main thing is to carefully check that there are no defects on such a compressor (oil leaks or some obvious signs of wear), indicating an imminent possible failure, otherwise, such a foam generator will only last for a few washes.

Quite often, a home-made device of this type also needs a piece of pipe, the diameter of which will be equal to 2.5 centimeters, and the length will correspond to 30-40 centimeters. The specified part must be connected to two plugs located on the thread, which allow the connection of other devices. A T-shaped adapter is screwed onto one of them, and a fitting adapter is screwed onto the second, from which foam will appear. To the outlets of the T-shaped adapter, with the help of stopcocks, hoses are connected connecting it with a compressor and a container with car shampoo, from which foam is produced.

In another version, creating a foam generator for home washing, two tees are attached to the plugs, preferably made of steel. Also, it is worth preparing a tank for future filling of liquid, for the role of which an old propane cylinder, presented in the form of a large-diameter barrel, is perfect. The final touch that completes the design of our device will be the foam generator mesh, which, in fact, is responsible for the formation of small bubbles - so effective in removing mud deposits. The following materials are suitable for its creation: foam sponge with large holes, polyethylene synthetic body washcloth, nylon fishing line.

3. How to make a foam generator at home?

Well, having prepared everything you need, you can begin the process of creating our home foam generator. To begin with, let's take care of the spray device, for the creation of which we use a pre-prepared pipe segment. Inside the segment, you need to insert a grid created from the materials described above. If you decide to use a body washcloth, simply cut out a circle of the desired diameter and place it in the pipe, making sure that it is firmly fixed and will not be washed away under the pressure of the foam solution.

In the case of using a fishing line, it must be twisted tightly, resulting in a small tangled ball, and placed in the pipe in the same way.

Note! It is important that in the atomizer of a home-made generator there are as many threads as possible blocking the path of the liquid, because only in this case, the foam can be formed taking into account small bubbles with a sufficiently high density.

On both sides of the pipe, it is necessary to install threaded plugs - the outer one is used to fix the fitting. In addition, a damper can be additionally installed on the foam generator, which will limit the flow of liquid and make it possible to quickly change the characteristics of the flowing jet. On the other side of the pipe, the plug should be connected to a steel tee, and for greater reliability, it is better to put it on a sealant. A flexible hose is connected to the second outlet and with its help we connect the pipe to the compressor, on which a tee is also installed.

If you want to improve the device of the foam generator and increase the density of the foam, then for this the pipe can be made more authentic, and inside it create more obstacles using the materials already described. The only disadvantage of this option is that the jet pressure at the outlet will be somewhat lower.

But back to our design. After completing the described steps, you will notice that there are still free places on the tees (one on each) - we use them to supply the detergent solution. However, first, let's deal with the reservoir for its storage. As mentioned earlier, a propane tank is perfect for this role. All possible holes should be welded in it, and then two new ones should be created: one should be at the bottom point of the end, and the second should be in the same plane, but somewhere in the middle.

Pipes with fittings are welded to them, which are used for quick connection of flexible hoses. From a theoretical point of view, the type of connection used is not limited in any way, and even collet adapters or couplings of the most diverse designs can be used in the foam generator, the main thing is that they can withstand the pressure created by the compressor. Well, it remains only to check the performance of the homemade foam generator, and if everything goes as it should, then there will be no problems with washing the car.

4. Modernization of the foam generator device

If the above example of creating a foam generator does not suit you, and you want to make the unit even cheaper, while not dealing with welding, then you can replace the propane tank with any other plastic container that can withstand strong pressure. For example, it can be a plastic five-liter oil canister or a similar larger canister. In this case, in order to get the desired device, it will be enough to solder a tube to it, the second hole of which will be located on top in a plastic vessel.

True, in this case, you will have to constantly monitor the liquid level, because if it is not enough, the detergent will not be able to enter the sprayer. Moreover, in the process of work, carefully monitor the condition of the canister itself and if you notice even the slightest signs of imminent damage, immediately stop working, because if they turn into holes, you risk falling into the epicenter of a mini-explosion.

You can improve a homemade foam generator in another way. To increase its efficiency and ease of use, you will need a small tank from an airbrush (aerosol gun) and a pressure washer nozzle, often referred to as a “spear”. It is with this part, in the improved device, that the pipe with the filler is replaced, while instead of the cylinder, a plastic container from the spray gun is used. As a result of this modernization, the compressor becomes the most bulky and heavy element of the structure, and all equipment can be lifted with "bare hands".

Naturally, such a foam generator will require much more money, but it will be portable if, of course, you put it on a small welded frame on wheels. And so, what do we get in the end? Despite its "homemade", our foam generator meets all generally accepted standards that are used by manufacturers of professional equipment for car washes. Of course, in this case, workarounds were used, but for a household foam generator, especially if it is used only a few times a week, this is more than enough.

The positive aspect of this design (in addition to cheapness) is that if any of its components fails, you can replace it as soon as possible without spending serious financial resources on it. However, as practice shows, the service life of a well-made home foam generator is slightly inferior to the “life activity” of a factory product, the resource of which is sometimes excessive for home use. So why pay more?

Foam nozzle, foam kit, injector, and in some cases even a foam generator

As soon as they do not call this small, but at the same time very important device used for contactless car washing. And in order not to get confused with the definitions, let's call these devices here in the same way as the title of the article - foam nozzles.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately clarify that this material will focus exclusively on professional devices, i.e. Foam nozzles for household car washes will not be considered. The fact is that most household foam nozzles, to put it mildly, are far from ideal, and their design and execution do not allow achieving the required results when foaming. In other words, the use of non-professional (household) foam nozzles, at least, can lead to increased consumption of car shampoo and poor washing quality.

The principle of operation of any foam nozzle is based on the ejection effect. If you do not delve into physics and, in particular, into the laws of hydrodynamics, then we can say that the essence of the ejection effect is the transfer of energy from one medium moving at high speed to another. According to Bernoulli's law (the great physicist and mathematician Daniil Bernoulli - Wikipedia link), the flow of water inside the foam nozzle creates a reduced pressure of one medium in the tapering section, which causes another medium to "suck" into it (cleaning solution from the cylinder), which is then transferred and removed from the place of absorption by the energy of the first medium.

To ensure the maximum washing effect, it is not enough to apply a washing mixture in liquid form to the surface of the car, because, frankly, this could be done without resorting to a foam nozzle. However, practical experience shows that a much better result can be achieved when applying the detergent in the form of foam. To transfer the car shampoo from a liquid state to foam, a special insert is provided in the design of the foam nozzle, popularly referred to as a “tablet”. It is a small cylinder (diameter about 10 mm, height ~ 7 mm) of thin pressed stainless steel wire. At the same time, there are so-called “pores” between its fibers, passing through which the washing solution is converted from liquid to foam. Just in the foam that is applied to the car and provides a high-quality non-contact body wash.

Rice. 1 foam tablet

The design of the foam nozzle also provides for a mechanical regulator of the detergent flow rate - a valve. Its function is to increase or decrease the nominal flow diameter of the water flow through the foam nozzle. If we go back a little and remember the great physicist Bernoulli, due to whose law our device works, we can understand exactly how a change in the nominal bore diameter affects the consumption of auto chemicals. At the minimum flow diameter (fully closed valve), the water flow rate is maximum, at the maximum (fully unscrewed valve) - the minimum. According to Bernoulli's law, the higher the flow rate, the more liquid from another medium this flow can rush along with it. As a result, we find that at different positions of the control valve, the consumption of detergent is different: the valve is turned on - the consumption of auto chemicals is large, the valve is unscrewed - the consumption is small. Thus, this simple device, with skillful use, allows you to flexibly adjust the composition of the applied solution, thereby achieving significant savings in detergent.

The last (but not least!!!) thing worth mentioning when talking about the design of foam nozzles is the foam jet adjustment unit. It consists of two stainless steel plates located inside a cylindrical hollow body (jet regulator). When this regulator is rotated, the plates are either brought together or separated, which directly affects the shape of the cross-section of the foam jet, which changes from a round spot of small diameter to a narrow strip that immediately covers a significant part of the car body surface. As practice shows, most washers prefer the latter option, since it allows you to apply the detergent composition more evenly, more economically and much faster.

Foam nozzles , like any other equipment, require careful handling and, at least occasionally, maintenance.

The main points to pay attention to during operation and maintenance:

  1. The foam "tablet" tends to become clogged with dirt, impurities and other debris, which in one way or another may be present in the water. To increase the life of the “tablet”, be more careful about cleaning / replacing water filters, as well as the purity of the detergent solution. It is also necessary to avoid getting dirt on the connecting surfaces of the foam nozzle and the HP (high pressure washer).
  2. It must be remembered that the use of a foam nozzle as a liquid wax sprayer significantly reduces the life of the foam “tablet”. Wax, like nothing else, clogs her pores. Foaming properties drop sharply and, as a result, the performance of the nozzle deteriorates.
  3. Periodic complete disassembly with cleaning of parts, channels and valve will not damage the device. The ingress of dirt grains into the control valve causes an increased consumption of detergents, which can be avoided by a simple preventive cleaning.
  4. Be very careful when disassembling and assembling the device. Most parts of the foam nozzle are made of brass, and therefore the likelihood of damage to the device due to inaccurate maintenance is quite high.

In conclusion, we give some classification of professional foam nozzles.

Their main difference is in the “trigger-nozzle” docking elements. Each manufacturer of car wash equipment prefers to use their own docking parts, whether it be quick-release couplings of various configurations, a nut, a fitting or a wedge-turn locking mechanism.

Rice. 2 Classification of foam nozzles by types of docking station



Foam nozzle for household Karcher

Quick release90°

Foam nozzle for prof. Karcher

Foam nozzle for Comet, Kranzle, Portotecnica.

Foam nozzle with “KW” nipple for Alto, Wap (long nipple)

KW quick coupling

Foam nozzle LS3 with Nipple PA (short nipple)

PA quick coupling, car wash equipment, and car care products.

For all questions, please contact by phone and e-mail specified in the section.

At modern car washes, one of the most popular and high-quality types of services is a touchless car wash. This method will not only quickly clean the car from dust and dirt, but also save the paintwork of the car, leaving no chips and scratches on it. The same "bath" for your iron horse can be arranged at home. To do this, you will need a foam nozzle. Do-it-yourself to make it or purchase it in the store & minus is a personal matter for everyone. Buying, of course, is easier, but self-production will be cheaper, although it will require certain skills.

Contactless car wash

The washing effect of this type of washing is achieved through a special car shampoo, which is applied using special devices & minus - these are foam nozzles. The process itself looks like this:

How does a foam generator work?

The principle of a contactless car wash is very simple & minus - the more foam, the cleaner the car. To get a good result, you will need a foam generator. This is a special cylinder or other container with a volume of 20-100 liters, into which car shampoo or a special reagent diluted with water is poured. With the help of a compressor, a pressure of at least 60 bar & minus is supplied to the vessel - this is enough to eject the mixture through a special hose gun.

The nozzle of the foam generator can have several nozzles (up to 4 pieces), which allows you to increase the amount of active foam. Such devices are usually used in industrial car washes, where it is necessary to wash a large number of cars in a short time. At home, under the foam generator, they usually remake the cylinder from under the sprayer, and instead of the compressor, manual air injection is used. It turns out such a homemade Karcher. Foam tablet, nozzle, car shampoo & minus - and your car shines with cleanliness!

The device and principle of operation of the foam nozzle

Now let's talk about what is a good foam device. A special do-it-yourself foam nozzle & minus is a rather troublesome, time-consuming task and, most likely, will require special skills. To be honest, it's easier to buy ready-made, well, if not all, then at least some of the details. The kit includes:

Video: How to modify a foam nozzle or foam kit

The foam sprayer has special regulators:

  • The first & minus - lamb, located on top of the device. It is a special micrometric screw with a jet for adjusting the nozzle opening and is used to regulate the flow of car shampoo into the mixing chamber.
  • The second & minus is cylindrical, located in front and is a special "legs" like a duck's beak, opening at an angle of up to 40. This allows you to turn the usual jet of the mixture into a vertical fan and increase the spray area.

Another very important element of the & minus foam sprayer is a foam tablet. It is very easy to make it with your own hands, and this is important. The &minus tablet is a consumable item that requires periodic replacement, especially if the device is used improperly.

Foam nozzles: causes of failure

In order for the device to work properly, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • do not throw the foam nozzle on the ground, this may cause clogging of the tablet or solution jet;
  • do not throw the device on hard surfaces, as the nozzle has a lot of plastic parts that can crack;
  • after using the foam nozzle, rinse it;
  • do not leave the finished solution in the nozzle tank, it is better to pour it into a separate container and hide it away from children.

What is a foam tablet? Why is she breaking down?

One of the main parts of the device is a foam nozzle tablet. It is she who is responsible for the quality of the foam and its quantity. The failure of this element can completely paralyze the operation of the sink.
The cause of the breakdown may be the following:

  • the foam tablet has worn out due to frequent use of the device;
  • the mesh is clogged with sand or mud, as the device was often thrown to the ground;
  • the remains of the washing solution have dried up inside the tablet, since the device was not washed after the previous use;

On large commercial washes, the mesh changes quite often - minus - once every 2-3 months, and at home one tablet is enough for several years, of course, subject to proper operation.

How to make a pill with your own hands

What to do if a faulty mesh became the cause of the breakdown, and the car needs to be washed urgently, and you don’t want to spend money. There is only one way out - to make such a device, a foam tablet, with your own hands, especially since it is very simple to do it. The fact is that this thing is called a tablet only because of its shape, but in fact it is a small cylinder made of pressed wire. Therefore, making a foam tablet with your own hands is very simple. To do this, you need to take an ordinary metal washcloth for washing dishes and compress it into a tight lump.

In order to give the tablet the desired shape, you can take a regular plastic bottle and cut it into a funnel. Put it on the table and tightly fill the neck with a metal mesh for dishes. Leave the mesh in the neck of the bottle for a while to fix the shape well, then gently squeeze it out. That's all &minus- do-it-yourself foam tablet is ready.

Change mesh step by step

It remains only to replace the foaming element. In order to change the tablet, it is not at all necessary to completely disassemble the foaming agent. You need to do it like this:

  • on one of the plastic parts there is a pin & minus - pull it out with a thin drill or a slotted screwdriver;
  • remove the plastic casing of the jet regulator;
  • now we take out the guide block &minus- "duck";
  • using a wrench of the desired size, unscrew the foam mesh holder;
  • using a screwdriver or drill, push the foam mesh out of the body of the holder;
  • press in a new tablet;
  • tighten the foam tablet holder again, while not forgetting to apply a layer of sealant to the threaded connection;
  • then we perform all the actions in the reverse order: we insert the “duck”, we return the casing and the pin to their place.

That's all, the foaming agent is ready to work again.

Video: Easy Foam Nozzle Repair, Bottle Replacement #1

How to rinse the foam nozzle

In order for the foam net to serve you longer, it is imperative to rinse the foam concentrate after each use. You need to do it like this:

Carry out this procedure after each use of the sink, otherwise the foam tablet may become clogged. Foam residues can clog the jet or mesh tablet itself, compact inside and block the foam outlet. If this happens, you can try to fix the mesh. To do this, you need to take it out and soak it in kerosene for a while, and then try to clean it mechanically using a knitting needle or a thick needle. If the above manipulations did not bring the desired result, then the foam tablet will have to be replaced.

Attention, only TODAY!

Every car owner must visit a car wash. Water procedures help keep the vehicle clean, and special products that are applied during washing create an additional barrier to dirt and protect the body paintwork. For high-quality cleaning, a thick active foam is used, obtained by foaming in a special device. Some motorists use self-made foam generators when washing.

Benefits of using a car wash foam generator

The foam generator is sold in a store that sells equipment for professional car washes. The price of a purchased foam generator is from 10 thousand. And if you take a branded device, you will have to pay twice as much. Such costs are not affordable for everyone. Therefore, below is a small instruction on how to make a foam generator yourself and spend only 500 to 2 thousand rubles on its manufacture. In addition to saving money, the owner of a homemade generator receives the following benefits:

  • saving time - washing the car with active foam is faster, by about 10-15 minutes;
  • detergent is used more efficiently and economically;
  • active foam eliminates the use of a sponge, which helps protect the paintwork from mechanical stress;
  • The foam generator allows you to thoroughly wash hard-to-reach places.

We assemble with our own hands: a drawing diagram and instructions for manufacturing

To understand the principle of operation of the foam generator, a diagram is placed below. Water is poured into the container and detergent concentrate is added. Air from the compressor is supplied through a shut-off valve. A manometer must be used to control the pressure in the tank. The output is a mixture of water and detergent. It passes through the foam tablet, which produces a dense active foam.

A simple and understandable foam generator circuit helps to understand the principle of operation of the device

What you need for assembly

To make your own generator, you will need:

  1. Capacity.
  2. Pressure gauge.
  3. 1 shut-off valve (it only allows air to flow in one direction).
  4. 1 tap (they regulate the supply of finished foam).
  5. Metal tube.
  6. Reinforced hoses that can withstand a pressure of 6-8 atmospheres.
  7. Metal clamps for reliable connection of hoses and fittings.
  8. Foam tablet.

First of all, you need to decide on the capacity. The main requirement is the ability to withstand a pressure of 5–6 atmospheres. If it is possible to carry out welding work, then a receiver from a truck or an old compressor can be used for the generator. Weld on top of the body 2 fittings one and a half inches and a filler neck. The optimal volume is 20-30 liters, this is enough for personal use.

If an old water heater is lying around in the garage or shed, then it can be used to create a foam generator. In this case, welding work is not needed.

How to make a foam generator without welding: video

won't be needed. How to do it, watch the video:

Homemade unit from an old sprayer

In the household of every summer resident there is always an old sprayer, which is a pity to throw away. With a little upgrade and using the blueprint attached above, it's easy to turn it into a foam generator. Getting Started:

Remember that the body of the sprayer is able to withstand a pressure of 4-5 atmospheres. Do not overdo it, control the pressure on the pressure gauge.

We buy a foam tablet in a store or make it ourselves. The main element of the tablet is a metal mesh. It is easy to make from an ordinary metal dish brush. It is sold at any hardware store.

Using a homemade device: highlights

Pour water through the neck to ⅔ of the total volume of the container and add detergent concentrate in the amount indicated on the package. Usually it is 10-20 g per 1 liter of water. We securely close the neck and the valve at the outlet. We supply compressed air from the compressor to the inlet. Be sure to monitor the pressure on the arrow of the pressure gauge.

At the outlet, we connect a hose with a nozzle for irrigation. Gradually open the faucet. We direct the hose to the car and apply foam. The density can be adjusted with a garden nozzle for watering.

Thick active foam quickly corrodes dirt and removes it from the surface without a washcloth

The foamed car should stand for 10-15 minutes. Active foam flows down together with dirt. Then it is enough to wash off the foam with plain water and wipe the surface of the car.

As you can see, it is not difficult to assemble a foam generator with your own hands. Special skills and abilities are not required. It will cost 10-15 times cheaper than purchased. The quality of washing will increase several times, and the savings in time and detergent are tangible. Remember that the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Good luck!

The safest method for the paintwork of a car body is a non-contact washing method using a foam generator (we also call it a foam generator). The essence of this method is to apply a chemical detergent on the surface of the body in the form of fine foam. After application, it softens dirt and dust, then it remains to wash everything off with a stream of water. with a paint coating (rag, brush, etc.) eliminates damage to the surface layers of the varnish, that is, the formation of the so-called "cobweb" is completely excluded. Therefore, this method of car washing is now more priority and advanced.

The washing efficiency is in many ways - the higher its density, the better the cleaning properties, the lower the consumption of water and chemicals. And the foam gives just a foam generator. Therefore, the main task of the foam generator is to obtain finely dispersed dense foam, as well as its uniform distribution over the surface of the car body.

Structurally, the foam generator is very similar to a conventional garden sprayer, their circuit diagram is almost the same. But there is one significant nuance - penogen is equipment operating under high pressure.

The main components of this equipment are:

  1. Cylinder (the volume is different - from 25 to 100 liters).
  2. Mixer.
  3. Pistol.
  4. Connecting hose.

Large equipment, with a large capacity cylinder, can be mounted on a transport trolley to ensure easy movement.

Since the equipment operates under high pressure, the cylinders are made of stainless or ordinary steel, but with a mandatory coating with anti-corrosion agents. In some factory models, a measuring ruler is installed on the cylinder, which allows you to control the flow rate and refuel in a timely manner.

Penogen cannot work independently, since a compressed air supply is required. For this, a fitting is provided on the cylinder for connecting the compressor. Typically, the operating pressure for the foam generator is 5-6 bar. To control the pressure on the tank, a pressure gauge is installed, the pressure is adjusted by the pressure regulator available in the design.

foam tablet

The main element of the mixer is the so-called foaming tablet. In reality, it is a fine mesh, folded in several layers and made of corrosion-resistant wire. It is installed in a housing mounted on a cylinder. And it is to him that the supply hose is connected. This tablet provides a breakdown of the primary foam supplied to it, into a finely dispersed high-density fraction.

The principle of operation of the foam generator

Do-it-yourself foam generator

The principle of operation of the penogen is very simple:

  1. The washer fills the cylinder with a solution of water and a foaming agent (detergent). Then the neck is tightly closed, which ensures the tightness of the container.
  2. The compressor is connected and air is pumped up to the required pressure.
  3. When the gun valve is opened, the air begins to squeeze out the solution through the jet, where the primary foaming occurs.
  4. Moving at high speed, the foamed solution hits the grid of the foaming tablet and, passing through it, is separated, which is accompanied by the formation of fine foam.
  5. The finished foam is fed to the gun and then through this nozzle to the surface of the body.
  6. If necessary, the washer can adjust the feed on the gun (make the spray front wider, increase the speed of the jet).

It is noteworthy that another equipment for contactless washing, the sprayer, works approximately according to this principle. But unlike the foam generator, at the outlet of the gun, it forms an emulsion, in which the washing effect is lower than that of foam.

The difference between the two comes down to the different application guns used. An emulsion is a slightly different state of a liquid than foam, so a nozzle with an enlarged opening is needed to spray it. In addition, the sprayer cannot adjust the emulsion supply parameters, that is, there are no adjusting elements on the gun. These nuances will help to easily distinguish the foam generator from the sprayer.

The main advantages of the foam generator are:

  • economy of detergent consumption;
  • the resulting foam has an excellent washing function;
  • the ability to adjust the flow of the jet;

There are two main disadvantages of this equipment - large overall dimensions and the need to connect a compressor. Of these qualities, the foam generator is considered equipment for not very suitable for home use.

Foam kit as a kind of foam generator

In garage conditions, it is better to use a foam kit - a variation of equipment for contactless car washing.

The gun with a nozzle for a sink. Connects via a hose to a pressure washer

This equipment works a little differently. It also has a capacity, but it is much smaller in volume than the foam generator - only 1 liter. Also, its design includes a foaming agent, which immediately plays the role of a gun for application. But unlike foam, the foam set does not work from a compressor, it is a nozzle for high pressure washers.

A container with a foaming agent, otherwise called a foam nozzle for contactless washing

The foam kit works like this:

  1. It is put on the water supply hose from the pressure washer.
  2. After the washing is switched on, high-pressure water is supplied to the foaming agent, and from there to a container filled with detergent, where primary foaming occurs.
  3. The solution obtained in the tank is squeezed out by the incoming water again into the foaming agent, where it passes through the foaming tablet.
  4. At the exit from the tablet, finely dispersed foam is formed, which is fed through the socket to the surface of the body.

For ease of use, extension cords (spears) of different lengths can be connected to the foam concentrate to ensure that foam is applied to any surface of the car, including the roof and bottom.

The jet obtained at the outlet of the foam set can also be regulated using a valve installed on the foaming agent.

Video: Do-it-yourself foam nozzle for washing

The foam set is different:

  • small overall dimensions;
  • output foam of good quality;
  • ease of refilling (no water is required to create a solution);

But without a high-pressure washer, the foam kit will not be able to work.

Due to the powerful jet output, the detergent consumption of such equipment is slightly higher than that of foam. In general, this is quite an acceptable option for a contactless car wash at home. Yes, and the foam kit is much cheaper than the foam generator.

Video: Do-it-yourself foam generator for $ 2

Do-it-yourself foam generator for washing

Complete foam generator

Considering the design of both types of equipment, you can see that their main component is a foaming tablet, which can be bought separately. This means that it is quite possible to make a homemade foam generator.

The easiest way to make foam is to take a regular garden sprayer as a basis and remake it a bit. At the beginning it was mentioned that the foam generator and the sprayer are structurally similar, and this fact is often used when creating homemade foam.

Foam tablet assembly

  • sprayer (volume may be different);
  • two drives ½ inch and nuts for them;
  • check valve;
  • air fitting;
  • foaming tablet and adapter for it;
  • metal tube.

With all this, you can start reworking:

  1. We cut off the pressure relief valve and the fitting for connecting the hose from the sprayer.
  2. We insert the spurs into the holes obtained and fix them with nuts on both sides and using gaskets.
  3. On one of the drives we install a tube (so that it almost reaches the bottom of the container), a check valve and an air fitting.
  4. On the second drive, we wind a foaming tablet through the adapter.
  5. The sprayer's manual pressure pump must be completely shut off, as it will not be needed and will only act as a reservoir cap.

Video: Do-it-yourself foam generator

It remains only to connect the hose to the outlet fitting of the tablet, on the other end of which put a garden spray gun. On this, the product can be considered ready.

It is not as convenient to work with it as with factory equipment, but it is quite acceptable. To wash your car:

  • fill the container with cleaning solution (2/3);
  • connect the compressor and pump air into the cylinder (it is important to monitor the pressure and not exceed the allowable limits);
  • after opening the sprayer valve, the air will squeeze out the solution, push it through the tablet, and at the outlet of the gun we will get a foam of quite acceptable quality;