Water-heating boiler GOST. Boilers are water-heating. Terms and Definitions. Boiler operation mode peak






General technical requirements

Official edition

Form Standards

GOST 21563-2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2015 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 244 "Energy Stationary Equipment". Open Joint Stock Company Taganrog Boiler Plant Krasny Kotelshchik (OJSC TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik). Joint Stock Company "Plant of Boiler Equipment" (JSC "WKO")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of October 25, 2016 Ne 92-P)

4 Order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated March 14, 2017 N9 121-st interstate standard GOST 21563-2016 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from July 1, 2016


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards" (as of January 1 of the current year), and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (ivivw.gosr.ru)

© Standartinform. 2017

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 21563-2016


WATER BOILERS General technical requirements Hot-water boriera.General technical requirement»

Introduction date - 2018-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to hot water boilers heat output from 0.63 (0.54) to 209.0 MW (180 Gcal/h) and water temperature at the boiler outlet from 95 *C to 200 *C. designed for operation in the main or peak mode.

This standard does not apply to steam boilers, mobile hot water boilers, power and waste heat boilers, electrically heated boilers and other special purpose hot water boilers.

8 of this standard, the normative reference to the following standard is used:

GOST 23172-78 Stationary boilers. Terms and Definitions

Note - When using a non-current standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated referenced reference standard has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If the reference standard to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of this standard with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above. If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without regard to this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision. in which a link to it is given, it is recommended to apply in the part that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and definitions

8 of this standard, terms are used in accordance with GOST 23172.

4 Symbol

The marking of the boiler must consist of an alphanumeric index indicating the main type of boiler and information about temperature regime and heat output of the boiler.

The reference designation of the boiler must consist of sequentially located indices:

Boiler type - KV (hot water boiler);

firebox type;

The value of the heat output of the boiler. MW;

Official edition

GOST 21563-2016

The value of the nominal water temperature at the outlet of the boiler. in C;

For earthquake-resistant boilers - additional index "C";

For pressurized boilers - additional index "H".

Firebox types have the following designations:

Zh - a flame tube as part of a fire-tube-smoke-fired boiler for burning liquid or gaseous fuels:

P - combustion chamber solid fuel on the grid;

T - chamber furnace for burning pulverized fuel:

C - cyclone thrust for burning solid fuels:

F - fluidized bed furnace for burning solid fuels;

M - furnace for burning liquid fuel (fuel oil);

G - sense for burning gaseous fuels;

B - vortex thrust for burning solid fuels;

D - furnace for burning other types of fuel.

Example symbol hot water boiler for gaseous and liquid fuels with a heat output of 209 MW (180 Gcal / h), with an outlet water temperature of 150 *C. seismic-resistant and pressurized:

KBTM-209-1S0 CH

Note - 8 technical documentation on the boiler, after the designation of the standard size of the boiler according to this standard, it is allowed to indicate in brackets the model designation adopted by the manufacturer.

5 Main parameters

5.1 The nominal values ​​of the main parameters of hot water boilers must comply with the technical conditions ( terms of reference) for boilers of specific sizes.

5.2 Permissible deviations of the parameters from the nominal values, as well as the efficiency during the combustion of the main fuel at the rated load, must be agreed with the consumer in the technical specifications (technical assignment).

5.3 The nominal values ​​of the main parameters of the boilers must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1 - Nominal values ​​of the main parameters of the boilers

Nana warping main parameters

for water-tube (CATCHING, operating in the main mode

for water-tube boilers operating in basic or secondary mode

for fire tube boilers

Heat output.

MW (Gkwl/h)

GOST 21563-2016

End of table 1

Name of the main parameters

for water tube boilers.

for water tube boilers.

working mainly

working mainly

milking fire tube boilers

or pmcoom mode

The temperature of the water leaving the boiler. "S. no more

The difference in water temperature at the outlet of the boiler and at the inlet to the boiler. *WITH. at the outlet water temperature

Estimated (excessive) water pressure at the inlet to the boiler.

MPA (kgf/cm*). at tempera-

temperature at the outlet of the boiler. no less.

The absolute pressure of the water at the outlet of the boiler at a temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler and subheated water to boiling is 30 °C. MPa (kgf / cm 7). no less.

5.4 Boiler design, its auxiliary equipment and system automatic control must ensure stable operation on the calculated fuel in the following range of heat output:

From 30 to 100% of its nominal value - for water-tube boilers operating on gaseous and liquid fuels:

From 15 to 110% of its nominal value - for fire tube-smoke boilers operating on gaseous and liquid fuels;

From 25 to 100% - for water-tube boilers with layered furnaces with return grates:

From 50 to 100% - for water-tube boilers with layered furnaces with straight-running grates and manual fuel supply;

From 60 to 100% - for water tube boilers with pulverized coal furnaces with solid slag removal:

From 80 to 100% - for water-tube boilers with coal-fired furnaces with liquid ash removal.

5.5 Upon commissioning, the hydraulic resistance of the boiler at nominal water flow should not exceed 0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf/cm g) in the main mode and 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/cm g) in the peak mode.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, an increase in hydraulic resistance up to 0.4 MPa (4 kgf / cm 2) in the main mode and up to 0.19 MPa (2 kgf / cm g) in the peak mode.

GOST 21563-2016

5.6 In the entire range of heat output, the water flow through the once-through boiler must be at least 0.9 of the nominal value.

5.7 The efficiency values ​​of boilers operating on gaseous fuels must be at least the parameters. indicated in table 2.

Table 2 - Efficiency of boilers operating on gas fuel

5.8 The reliability indicators of the boiler and their values ​​are determined by the technical conditions (technical assignment) for the supply of the boiler and must not be less than those given below.

Mean time to failure - not less than 3000 hours.

Duration of work before the first cleaning from internal pollution - not less than 3000 hours. Service life between overhauls- at least 3 years.

The total designated service life for boilers is:

Heat output up to 4.65MW-. 10 years;

Heat output up to 35 MW - 15 years;

Heat output above 35 MW - 20 years

with an average duration of the boiler operation per year with a nominal heat output - 3000 hours.

GOST 21563-2016

UDC697.432.6:006.354 MKS27.060.30 OKP31 1280

Key words: hot water boilers, heat output. outlet water temperature, types of boilers, designation of boilers

Editor A.S. bubnov Technical editor 8.N. Prusakova Proofreader JO U. Prokofieva Computer proofing by I.A Nvpvikina

The set was delivered on 1S.03.2017. Signed for printing on 04/17/2017. Format 0*84/£ Headset Arial Print Cond. l. 0.9E. Uch.-ed. l. 0.74 Circulation 35 eq Order no. S03.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FSUE STANDAR TIN FORM. >23995 Moscow. Grenade ler., 4. wtvw.goslinro.ru info^goslinroru

GOST 25720-83
Group E00



Terms and Definitions

Heat water boilers. Terms and definitions

ISS 01.040.27
OKP 31 1280

Introduction date 1984-01-01

Decree State Committee USSR, according to the standards of April 14, 1983 N 1837, the date of introduction is 01.01.84.

Reissue. June 2009

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of the basic concepts of hot water boilers used in science, technology and industry.
The terms established by the standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific and technical, educational and reference literature.
The standard fully complies with ST SEV 3244-81.
There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms - synonyms of the standardized term is prohibited. Synonymous terms that are not acceptable for use are given in the standard as reference and are designated "Ndp".
The established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.
The standard provides alphabetical index the terms it contains.
Standardized terms are in bold, invalid synonyms are in italics.



1. Boiler
Ndp. steam generator

According to GOST 23172-78

2. hot water boiler

Pressurized water boiler

3. Hot water waste heat boiler
Ndp. Waste water boiler

Hot water boiler that uses the heat of hot gases technological process or engines

4. Hot water boiler with natural circulation

Hot water boiler in which water is circulated due to the difference in water density

5. Hot water boiler with forced circulation

Hot water boiler in which water is circulated by a pump

6. Once-through hot water boiler

Hot water boiler with sequential single forced movement of water

7. Combined circulation hot water boiler

Hot water boiler with natural and forced circulation circuits

8. Electric hot water boiler

A hot water boiler that uses electricity to heat water

9. Stationary hot water boiler

Hot water boiler installed on a fixed foundation

10. Mobile hot water boiler

Boiler mounted on a vehicle or on a movable foundation

11. Gas-tube hot water boiler

A hot water boiler in which the products of combustion of fuel pass inside the pipes of the heating surfaces, and water - outside the pipes.
Note. Distinguish between fire-tube, smoke-fired and fire-tube-smoke boilers

12. Water tube hot water boiler

A hot water boiler in which water moves inside the pipes of the heating surfaces, and the combustion products of the fuel - outside the pipes


The amount of heat received by water in a hot water boiler per unit time

14. Nominal heating output of the boiler

The highest heat output that the boiler must provide during continuous operation at nominal values ​​​​of water parameters, taking into account permissible deviations

15. Estimated water pressure in the boiler

Water pressure taken when calculating the strength of a boiler element

16. Operating water pressure in the boiler

The maximum allowable water pressure at the outlet of the boiler during the normal course of the working process

17. Minimum operating pressure water in a hot water boiler

The minimum allowable water pressure at the outlet of the boiler, at which the nominal value of water subcooling to boiling is ensured

18. Estimated temperature of the metal of the walls of the boiler elements

The temperature at which the physical and mechanical characteristics and allowable stresses of the metal of the walls of the boiler elements are determined and their strength is calculated

19. Nominal water temperature at the boiler inlet

Water temperature to be maintained at the inlet to the boiler at nominal heat output, taking into account tolerances

20. Minimum water temperature at the boiler inlet

The water temperature at the inlet to the boiler, providing allowable level low-temperature corrosion of pipes of heating surfaces

21. Nominal boiler outlet water temperature

Water temperature to be maintained at the outlet of the boiler at rated heating output, taking into account tolerances

22. Maximum water temperature at the boiler outlet

The temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler, at which the nominal value of water subcooling to boiling at operating pressure is provided

23. Nominal water flow through the boiler

Water flow through the boiler at nominal heat output and at nominal values ​​of water parameters

24. Minimum flow water through a hot water boiler

Water flow through the boiler, providing the nominal value of water subcooling to boiling at operating pressure and nominal water temperature at the outlet of the boiler

25. Subheating water to a boil

The difference between the boiling point of water, corresponding to the working pressure of water, and the temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler, ensuring that no water boils in the pipes of the heating surfaces of the boiler

26. Nominal hydraulic resistance of the boiler

Water pressure drop measured downstream of the inlet and outlet fittings at nominal boiler output and at nominal water parameters

27. Temperature gradient of water in a hot water boiler

Difference between water temperatures at the outlet of the boiler and the inlet to the boiler

28. The main mode of operation of the boiler

Operating mode of a hot water boiler, in which the hot water boiler is the main source of heat in the heat supply system

29. Peak boiler operation

Operating mode of a hot water boiler, in which the hot water boiler is a source of heat to cover the peak loads of the heat supply system



Water gradient in a hot water boiler temperature

Water pressure in the boiler operating

Water pressure in the hot water boiler operating minimum

Estimated water pressure in the boiler


Hot water boiler


Gas-tube hot water boiler

Mobile hot water boiler

Direct-flow hot water boiler

Hot water boiler with natural circulation

Hot water boiler with combined circulation

Hot water boiler with forced circulation

Stationary hot water boiler

Waste water boiler

Electric hot water boiler

Water-heating waste-heat boiler

Subheating water to a boil

steam generator

Minimum water flow through the boiler

Water flow through the boiler nominal

Boiler operating mode basic

Boiler operation mode peak

Boiler resistance hydraulic nominal

The minimum water temperature at the inlet to the boiler

Water temperature at the inlet to the boiler nominal

Maximum water temperature at the boiler outlet

The water temperature at the outlet of the boiler nominal

The temperature of the metal of the walls of the elements of the hot water boiler is calculated

Heating capacity of the hot water boiler

Nominal heat output of the boiler

ROSSTANDART FA for technical regulation and metrology
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FA FOR TECHNICAL REGULATION"Dangerous goods" system: www.sinatra-gost.ru

GOST 30735-2001


from 0.1 to 4.0 MW

General specifications




1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Sanitary Engineering (NIISANTEHNIK) INTRODUCED by the State Standard of Russia 2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 20 dated November 1, 2001) Voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan Azgosstand art
Republic of Armenia Armgosst and art
Republic of Belarus State Standard of the Republic of Belarus
Georgia Georgia and Art
The Republic of Kazakhstan State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Ky rgy zst and art
The Republic of Moldova Mold ovast and art
the Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Taji kst and art
Turkmenistan Glavgossluzhba "Tu rk menstand artlary"
The Republic of Uzbekistan Uzgosstandart
Ukraine State Standard of Ukraine
3 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated June 13, 2002 No. 239-st, the interstate standard GOST 30735-2001 was put into effect directly as state standard of the Russian Federation since January 1, 2003 4 INSTEAD OF GOST 10617-83 regarding hot water boilers




Heating hot-water boilers with capacity from 0.1 to 4.0 MW.

General specifications

the dateintroductions 2003-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to heating - hot water boilers (hereinafter referred to as boilers) with a nominal heat output of 0.1 to 4 MW with a working water pressure of up to 0.6 MPa (6 kg s / cm 2) and a maximum water temperature at the outlet of the boiler up to 115 °С, intended for heat supply of buildings and structures. The standard does not apply to condensing and electric boilers and boilers for special purposes. Mandatory quality requirements for boilers that ensure safety of use, environmental protection and resource saving are set out in 4.1.7, 4.1.8,,, 5.1 - 5.10, 6.1. The standard is suitable for certification purposes.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 2.601-95 Unified system design documentation. Operational documents GOST 12.1.004-91 System of labor safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements GOST 12.1.005-88 System of labor safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for air working area GOST 12.1.010-76 Occupational safety standards system. Explosive safety. General requirements GOST 12.1.028-80* Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources. Indicative method * On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 51402-99 is valid. GOST 380-94 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Grades GOST 1412-85 Cast iron with lamellar graphite for castings. Grades GOST 6357-81 Basic norms of interchangeability. Cylindrical pipe thread GOST 7293-85 Nodular cast iron for castings. Grades GOST 7931-76 Drying oil natural. Specifications GOST 8135-74 Iron minium. Specifications GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors external environment GOST 16093-81 Basic norms of interchangeability. The thread is metric. Tolerances. Landing with a gap GOST 23170-78 Packaging for engineering products. General requirements GOST 24643-81 Basic norms of interchangeability. Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces. Numerical values ​​GOST 24705-81 Basic norms of interchangeability. The thread is metric. Main dimensions GOST 27570.0-87 (IEC 335-1-76) Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. General requirements and test methods

3 Classification. Main settings

3 .1 According to the purpose, boilers are divided into heating, intended only for heating, and combined, or two-functional, intended for heating and hot water supply and equipped with a built-in water heater. 3 .2 According to the type of fuel used, boilers are subdivided into: - multi-fuel boilers suitable for operation on various types of fuel without re-equipment requiring boiler dismantling; multi-fuel boilers can have one or two fireboxes; - solid fuel boilers; - gaseous fuel boilers; - liquid fuel boilers. 3.3 Fuel As a solid fuel in boilers, it is allowed to use wood (firewood, chips, sawdust, briquetted wood waste), peat (milling, lumpy, briquettes), brown coal, coal, anthracite, as a gaseous fuel - natural and liquefied gas; as a liquid fuel - light (domestic furnace, diesel autotractor) and heavy (heavy motor, naval and furnace fuel oil). 3 .4 The following letter designations are recommended for furnace types and types of fuel: a - automatic burner; m - mechanical or semi-mechanical firebox; p - manual firebox; B - brown coal; K - coal; M - fuel oil; A - anthracite; Gn - gas low pressure; Gs - medium pressure gas; Gszh - liquefied gas; LV - light liquid fuel. It is allowed to include in the symbol of the boiler the name of the material from which the heating surfaces are made: Ch - cast iron; C - steel; M - copper and other information (for example, B - the presence of a built-in water heater). Boiler symbol structure:

Examples of symbols for boilers: rated heat output 1.25 MW with automatic burner for low pressure gas:

Cate l KVA -1.25 H GOST 30735-2001

The same for medium pressure gas and light liquid fuel:

Boiler KVa-1, 25 Gs/LZh GOST 30735-2001

The same, with a heat output of 0.25 MW with a manual firebox for coal:

Boiler KV r-0.25 K GOST 30735-2001

In the technical documentation, after the symbol of the boiler, it is allowed to indicate the name and (or) model designation adopted by the manufacturer. 3 .5 The rated heat output and efficiency of the boiler must be ensured when burning the fuel taken as the design fuel when designing the boiler. When using ordinary coal instead of screened heat, the boiler capacity is reduced to 85% of the nominal one. 3.6 Nominal heat output of boilers with manual firebox should be, MW, not more than: 0.3 - for firewood, wood waste and peat; 0.5 - for brown coal; 0.8 - for coal and anthracite. 3.7 According to the requirements for efficiency (see Figure 1) and harmful emissions (see Table 2), boilers are divided into three classes. To assign a boiler to a specific class, it is necessary that it meets all the requirements established for this class.

4 General technical requirements

4.1 Characteristics 4 .1 .1 Boilers and spare parts for them should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner. 4 .1 .2 Boilers should be made of non-combustible and deformation-resistant materials. Combustible materials can be used for: - parts of accessories located on the outer part of the boiler, for example, the burner casing; - elements of instrumentation, safety and regulation automation; - handles; - electrical equipment. Components, controls, equipment of the safety and control automation system must be installed in such a way that the temperature of their outer surface does not exceed the values ​​established by the manufacturer or regulatory documents. 4 .1 .3 Requirements for materials for the manufacture of elements of boilers under pressure of the working medium 4 .1 .3 .1 Cast iron GOST 7293. Correction of casting defects by welding is not allowed. Corrections of boiler sections in places exposed to radiation from the furnace are not allowed. 4 .1 .3 .2 Steel It is allowed to use carbon and low-alloy steel with a tensile strength of not more than 520 N/mm2 and a relative elongation of at least 20%; with an elongation of at least 20% and an austenitic class with a tensile strength of not more than 800 N/mm2 and a relative elongation of at least 35%. 4.1.4. Connecting nipples should be made of ferritic grade ductile iron. It is allowed to manufacture nipples from calm and semi-quiet carbon steel according to GOST 380. 4.1 .5 The minimum nominal wall thickness of parts under water pressure is given in Table 1. 4.1 .6 Requirements for welds must be specified in the design documentation for specific boilers. 4 .1 .7 Boilers and their elements under the pressure of the working medium must be tight and strong. Not allowed through holes into the water volume to accommodate threaded and other detachable connections for fixing parts of the boiler, with the exception of holes for sensors of the safety and regulation automation system and measuring instruments. 4 .1 .8 Steel welded assemblies under the pressure of the working medium must withstand a hydraulic test for static strength with a test pressure of at least two times the working pressure, sections of cast-iron boilers - at least four times the working pressure plus 0.2 MPa. Table 1 Dimensions in mm


Radiation heating surfaces (except for round pipes under internal pressure), flat walls of convective heating surfaces

Unheated walls (except for round tubes under internal pressure), rigid (e.g. corrugated) convective heating surfaces

Round pipes under internal pressure

carbon steel, aluminum alloy
made of stainless and corrosion-protected steel, copper alloys
gray cast iron, aluminum alloys
high-strength (with spherical graphite) and malleable cast iron, copper alloys
NOTE Smaller wall thicknesses are allowed only when equivalent performance is confirmed.
4 .1 .9 The sealing of conical nipple connections shall be provided with an interference fit, due to the tolerances established by the working drawings. It is allowed to use minium iron according to GOST 8135 or other paints on drying oil according to GOST 7931 and other materials with similar properties. The use of fibrous sealing materials and (or) products is not allowed. 4.1.10 The design of the boiler should ensure the convenience of setting up control devices and monitoring the readings of instrumentation, and for liquid and solid fuel boilers - the convenience of servicing the furnace, cleaning the heating surfaces from external deposits. If tools and devices of a special design are required for cleaning the boiler, they must be included in the boiler delivery set. 4.1.11 Boilers must have vent pipes with shut-off valves, providing the possibility of removing water and sediments from the lower sections of all elements of the boiler and from the upper sections of the air. Conditional passage of drainage pipes - not less than 20 mm, pipes for air removal - not less than 15 mm. 4.1.12 Connection to the mains of the boiler room Not recommended threaded connections with an outer diameter of more than 50 mm. The use of threaded connections with an outer diameter of more than 80 mm is not allowed. If non-standard flanges are used, then mating flanges with gaskets must be included in the boiler delivery set. 4 .1.13 Removable and replaceable parts of the boiler (e.g. internal partitions, turbulizers, shaped refractory products, etc.) must be designed or marked in such a way as to exclude the possibility of incorrect assembly. 4.1.14 Installation of measurement, control and safety equipment Each boiler must be equipped with at least one connection with a nominal diameter of at least 15 mm for installing a thermometer, sensors of the regulator and water temperature limiter. Exceptions are possible if this equipment is included in the delivery and cannot be replaced by another. The location of the temperature sensors should be chosen in such a way that the water temperature is determined as accurately as possible. 4.1.15 Boilers must be gas-tight. Boilers designed to operate under forced draft (with overpressure in the furnace) must provide a leakage volume of not more than 2% of the volume flow of flue gases at a nominal heat output and at a pressure in the furnace of 120% of the nominal aerodynamic drag boiler. Boilers with blast burners for gaseous and liquid fuels, designed to operate with a vacuum in the furnace, must provide, with a vacuum in the furnace of 5 Pa, air suction of no more than 1% of the volumetric flow rate of combustion products at a nominal heat output. The specified requirements are not mandatory for boilers that include more than one package. cast iron sections. Note - Boilers under forced air are boilers in the furnace of which, at rated heat output and rated vacuum, there is excess pressure behind the boiler, specified by the manufacturer; boilers with vacuum in the furnace are boilers, in the furnace of which, at a nominal heat output and a nominal vacuum behind the boiler, specified by the manufacturer, there is a vacuum. 4 .1 .16 The casing of the boiler and other elements accessible during maintenance must not have tears, cracks or sharp edges. 4 .1 .17 The flatness tolerance of the joining ribs of cast iron sections must correspond to the 14th degree of accuracy in accordance with GOST 24643. 4.1 .18 Metric thread on parts - according to GOST 24705, tolerances for it - according to the coarse accuracy class GOST 16093, cylindrical pipe thread - according to the accuracy class B GOST 6357. 4.1.19 Thermal engineering requirements The following thermal engineering requirements must be ensured when operating on the types and grades of fuel specified by the manufacturer in the documentation for a particular boiler. Nominal heat output and control range of the boiler when operating on different types and (or) grades of fuel may not match. When comparing actual values efficiency and harmful emissions determined from the test results, with the requirements of this standard, measurement errors are not taken into account, since the latter are already taken into account in the requirements of the standard. The efficiency of the boiler at the nominal heat output must not be less than that indicated in Figure 1. For boilers with atmospheric burners, it is allowed to reduce the efficiency by 2% (abs.) relative to those established by dependence 1 (Figure 1).

1 - gas and light liquid fuel η = 88 + l g Q nom; 2 - heavy liquid fuel η = 77 + 3 l g Q nom; 3 - solid fuel, class 1 η = 73 + 3 l g Q nom; 4 - solid fuel, class 2 η = 62 + 4 l g Q nom; 5 - solid fuel, class 3 η = 49 + 5 l g Q nom.

Figure 1 - Coefficient useful action boiler

Figure 2 - Maximum vacuum downstream of a natural draft boiler

4.1.19 .2 The required negative pressure downstream of the natural draft boiler at nominal heat output shall not exceed that shown in Figure 2. 4 .1 .19 .3 The aerodynamic resistance of boilers designed to operate with forced draft and pressurization shall not exceed that shown in Figure 2. 3. Exceptions are allowed for boilers, which include special heavy duty machines.

Figure 3 - Maximum aerodynamic resistance of a forced draft or pressurized boiler

4 .1 .19 .4 Thermal insulation and external surface temperature 4.1.19 .4.1 All boilers must be thermally insulated. Thermal insulation must not undergo significant changes during the life of the boiler and emit harmful substances under normal operating conditions. Thermal insulation of elements not cooled by water must consist of non-combustible or hardly flammable materials. 4 .1 .19 .4 .2 The average temperature of doors, cleaning covers, peepers and other similar non-insulated elements shall not exceed the air temperature in the room by more than 100 °C. 4 .1 .19 .4 .3 Temperature of handles, organs controls and other parts used in manual maintenance should not exceed the temperature in the room by more than: 35 ° C - for metals and other similar materials; 45 °C - for porcelain and other similar materials; 60 °C - for plastic and other similar materials. 4.1.19 .4 .4 The temperature of the surface of the boiler casing at a nominal heat output and an average water temperature of 80 ºС shall not exceed the room temperature by more than 30 °С, except for 100 mm wide areas around non-insulated elements (doors, peepers, etc. .), as well as places for attaching the casing to the boiler body. Boilers shall be capable of operating within the range of heat output specified by the manufacturer. Note - Under the range of heat output of boilers, one should understand the range of heat output within which stable operation of the boiler is ensured with efficiency and emissions of harmful substances within the limits established by this standard and the manufacturer's documentation. 4.1.19 .6 Flue gas temperature at nominal heat output, as a rule, should not exceed ºС; 200 - for gas boilers; 220 - for liquid fuel boilers; 280 - for solid fuel boilers (the average value is determined as the average integral value for the entire period of solid fuel combustion). If the flue gas temperature at the nominal heat output of gas and liquid fuel boilers is less than 160 °C, then the operational documents should give instructions on the arrangement of the flue gas path, including chimney.4 .2 Completeness 4 .2.1 The boiler delivery set must comply with the documentation for a specific boiler. 4 .2 .2 The set must be accompanied by operational regulatory documents in accordance with GOST 2.601 for the boiler and components (furnaces, burners, automation devices, instrumentation, heavy machinery): - form (passport); - technical description; - manual (instruction) for installation and operation. It is allowed to combine the specified operational regulatory documents into one document. Operational regulations must be in the language of the country to which the boiler is delivered. Deviations from this requirement are allowed upon agreement with the customer (consumer). 4 .2 .3 In operational normative documents the technical characteristics of the boiler, instructions for installation and operation must be included. Specifications must include at least the following data: - types of fuel; - nominal heat output (range of heat output) for all types of fuel; - flue gas temperature at nominal and minimum heat output; - emissions of harmful substances (CO, NO x) and particulate matter (for solid fuel boilers); - coefficient of excess air; - required negative pressure behind the boiler; - aerodynamic resistance (for pressurized boilers - nominal pressure in the furnace); - hydraulic resistance at a water temperature difference of 10 - 25 °C, indicating the specific value of the temperature difference to which the reduced hydraulic resistance corresponds (temperature differences of 10 and 20 °C are preferable); - mass flow rate of flue gases at nominal and minimum heat output: - boiler class; - To PD; - maximum working water pressure; - maximum water temperature; - operating range of the water temperature controller; - the minimum water temperature at the boiler inlet; - connection dimensions for the water path and flue gas pipe; - water volume; - dimensions and volume of the furnace (for gas-fired boilers); - connecting fuel pressure (for gas and liquid fuel boilers); - type and voltage of power supply, degree of protection; - installed capacity of pantographs within the boiler; - life time. 4 .2 .3 .2 Installation instructions must contain recommended schemes for connecting the boiler to the mains of the boiler house, as well as information about: - the boiler design; - about the features of the foundation and thermal insulation; - on hydraulic testing at the installation site; - on the design of the exhaust gas path, if their temperature is below 160 °C; - on the requirements for the boiler room; - on the procedure for setting up, commissioning and commissioning; - about instructing the personnel of the boiler room; - about checking gas tightness (if necessary). In addition, this section should indicate the applicable safety codes and regulations that the installation must comply with. 4 .2 .3 .3 The operating instructions shall contain the following information: - on the actions of the personnel during start-up, shutdown, change in the boiler heat output and in emergency situations; - on the cleaning of heating surfaces from external and internal deposits, including the frequency of cleaning; - on the correct selection of fuel, its preparation and measures to reduce emissions of harmful substances; - on the content of instructions (recommendations) for service personnel. 4 .3 Marking 4 .3.1 In a conspicuous place, each boiler must be securely affixed with a plate containing at least the following data: - name and (or) trademark manufacturer, address; - brand, type of boiler; - serial number and year of manufacture (according to the manufacturer's registration system); - nominal heat output, MW; - allowable working pressure, MPa (bar); - allowable water temperature, ºС; - marks of conformity. The place, size and methods of marking should ensure its legibility and safety. 4 .3 ​​.2 On each cast-iron section of the boiler, the trademark of the manufacturer and the year of manufacture must be cast. The marking should be placed on a surface not facing the firebox. 4 .4 Package 4 .4.1 All machined surfaces of parts and assembly units, except for mating ribs of boiler sections and holes for fasteners that do not have threads, must be subjected to temporary anti-corrosion protection - covered with grease or other materials that provide anti-corrosion protection. The validity period of conservation is at least 12 months. 4 .4 .2 Plugs shall be installed on open flange and nipple connections of bundles of sections of boilers and transport units. 4 .4 .3 Fittings, fuel-burning devices, instrumentation, automation devices, as well as small and fragile components and components (if they are not installed on the boiler) must be packed in wooden or cardboard boxes and secured in them. The fastening should exclude the possibility mechanical damage during transportation and storage. 4 .4 .4 Specific data on the packaging of boilers and components, weight and overall dimensions of packages must be specified in the design documentation for specific boilers.

5 Safety requirements

5 .1 The design, installation and operation of boilers operating on gaseous fuels must comply with the current rules and regulations for the safety of gas-using equipment in force in the country of the enterprise and manufacturer and in the country of destination. 5.2 Boilers equipped with electrical equipment must comply with electrical safety requirements in accordance with GOST 27570.0. 5 .3 All moving parts of mechanisms located in places accessible for maintenance should be guarded. 5.4 Boilers shall contain a device to enable safe observation of the flame. It is allowed to manufacture boilers without special viewing devices, if any, in the burner and allow safe observation of the flame. 5 .5 On the outlet pipe or the top tee of the boiler up to stop valves pressure gauge and thermometer must be installed. 5 .6 On the inlet and outlet pipes of the boiler, shut-off devices must be installed to ensure the possibility of completely disconnecting the boiler from the heat supply system. 5 .7 A device for measuring the fuel temperature in front of the burner must be installed on the fuel line of a boiler burning heavy oil. 5 .8 The safety automatics of boilers operating on liquid or gaseous fuels must ensure that the fuel supply is cut off when the power supply is interrupted and the burners are extinguished, the shutdown of which is not allowed during the operation of the boiler, as well as when the limit values ​​of one of the the following parameters: - gas pressure in front of the burner; - rarefaction in the furnace or behind the boiler (for boilers with balanced draft); - water temperature at the outlet of the boiler; - water pressure (it is allowed to install one pressure sensor per group of boilers included in the common system); - air pressure in front of burners with forced air supply. 5.9 Automation of boilers with mechanical furnaces should turn off the fuel supply and blowers in the event of a power outage, as well as when the limit values ​​of one of the following parameters are reached: - rarefaction in the furnace; - water temperature at the outlet of the boiler; - water pressure (installation of one pressure sensor per group of boilers included in the common system is allowed). 5 .10 Sound level at control points during boiler operation should not exceed 80 dB BUT .

6 Environmental requirements

6.1 The content of nitrogen oxides (in terms of NO 2) and carbon monoxide in dry undiluted (in terms of the air excess factor equal to one, and normal physical conditions: 760 mm Hg and 0 ° C) flue gases should not exceed the values , indicated in table 2 . Recalculation is carried out in accordance with Appendix A. 6.2 The content of solid particles in the flue gases of solid fuel boilers should be indicated in the operating regulations for specific boilers. 6.3 The soot number for boilers with blast burners for light oil must not exceed 1 on the Bacharach scale. table 2

Type of fuel and fuel-burning device

Rated heat output, MW

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Nitrogen oxides in terms of NO 2 (NO x)

Boilers for solid fuels with manual firebox
Anthracite and volatile coal V daf< 10 % St. 0.1 to 0.3
» 0.3 » 0.5
» 0.5 » 0.8
Hard coal with an output of volatile substances V daf > 10 % St. 0.1 to 0.3
» 0.3 » 0.5
» 0.5 » 0.8
Brown coal St. 0.1 to 0.3
» 0.3 » 0.5
Wood, peat St. 0.1 to 0.3
Boilers for solid fuels with a mechanical firebox
Anthracite and coal St. 0.1 to 0.5
» 0.5 » 1.0
» 1.0 » 4.0
Brown coal St. 0.1 to 0.5
» 0.5 » 4.0
Wood, peat St. 0.1 to 0.5
» 0.5 » 1.0
» 1.0 » 4.0
Natural gas
Atmospheric burners
Blast burners St. 0.1 to 4.0
Light liquid fuel St. 0.1 to 4.0
Heavy liquid fuel St. 0.1 to 4.0

7 Acceptance rules

7 .1 To check the compliance of boilers with the requirements of this standard, acceptance, acceptance and periodic tests are carried out, and, if necessary, qualification and type tests. 7.2 Acceptance tests are carried out by the manufacturer. Boilers are subjected to continuous control for compliance with the requirements of 4.1.1, 4.1.7, 4.1.9, 4.1.15, 4.1.16, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 5.2 (boilers having their own electrical equipment, not included in the delivery set of the fuel-burning device) and materials for the manufacture of boiler elements under pressure of the working medium, for compliance with the requirements of 4.1.3. The list of parts and assembly units subject to acceptance control, controlled parameters and control methods must be regulated by the manufacturer's documentation. Selective acceptance control in the amount of 5% of shift production is subjected to boilers for compliance with 4.1.17, 4.1.18. The results of acceptance control are drawn up in the form established by the manufacturer and stored for at least three years. 7 .3 Acceptance tests 7 .3.1 Acceptance tests are carried out by technically competent testing organizations (subdivisions) in order to determine the compliance of the boiler with the technical specifications or other initial technical requirements, the requirements of this standard and decide on the advisability of putting it into production. 7 .3 .2 To the program acceptance tests includes, at a minimum, the determination of all indicators (characteristics) of the boiler, the qualitative or quantitative requirements for which are established by this standard. 7 .4 Periodic testing 7 .4.1 Periodic tests are carried out by the manufacturer and (or) technically competent testing organizations (subdivisions) in order to control the stability of the quality of the boilers and determine the possibility of continuing their production. 7 .4 .2 Every year at least five cast iron sections and welded assemblies of each type are tested for static strength in accordance with 4.1.8. 7 .5 Qualification tests of the pilot series of the first industrial batch of boilers are carried out by technically competent testing organizations (divisions) in order to determine the manufacturer's readiness for the production of specific boilers in a given volume, as a rule, with: - the use of new technologies, special tooling and equipment, the degree of development which the manufacturer significantly affects the characteristics of the boilers; - putting into production boilers, previously mastered at other enterprises. The qualification testing program is developed by the testing organization together with the manufacturer, taking into account the design features and production technology of specific boilers. 7 .6 Type tests are carried out by technically competent testing organizations (subdivisions) in order to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of changes in the design and (or) manufacturing technology of boilers. The need for type testing is determined by the manufacturer together with the developer and the testing organization (department). The qualification testing program is developed by the testing organization together with the developer and manufacturer, taking into account the essence of the proposed changes in the design and manufacturing technology of the boiler.

8 Control methods

8 .1 Appearance, correct assembly, completeness, marking and packaging are checked visually, by comparison with the design documentation; quality and grade of materials (4.1.3) - according to manufacturer's certificates or laboratory analysis results. 8 .2 The dimensions of parts and assembly units should be checked with universal and special measuring tools that provide the required measurement accuracy. 8.3 The flatness tolerance of the surfaces of the joining ribs of sections (4.1.17) should be checked on a control plate (measurement error not more than 0.1 mm). 8 .4 Strength and density test(4.1.7) 8.4.1 Boilers, parts (other than connecting nipples) and assemblies working under the pressure of the working medium are subjected to a hydraulic strength and density test of at least one and a half times the working pressure for a time sufficient for a complete examination of the test subject. products, but not less than 10 min. 8 .4 .2 During hydraulic tests, a pressure gauge with an accuracy class of at least 1.5 with a measurement limit of not more than twice the test pressure should be used. 8 .4 .3 Before starting hydraulic tests, air must be removed from the internal cavities of the tested products. 8 .4 .4 During the entire test period, the pressure shall be at least 1.5 times the working pressure. 8 .4 .5 Assembled boilers, assembly units and parts are considered to have passed the test for strength and density, if during the hydraulic test no leaks, sweating, signs of rupture or violation of the strength of the connection and a noticeable (visual) change in the shape of the tested product are detected. If defects are found in the parts and assembly units of the boiler during a hydraulic test, the correction of which is allowed, then after correction they must be subjected to a repeated hydraulic test. 8.5 Static strength tests (4.1.8) should be carried out by hydraulic tests. The upper measurement limit of the pressure gauge used in the tests should be, MPa, not more than: 2.5 - for welded assembly units; 6.0 - for cast iron sections. If with increasing pressure at a rate of not more than 0.5 MPa / min. up to the limiting pressure specified in 4.1.8, failure will not occur, then the element is considered to have passed the test. If one or more elements did not pass the test, then a second test is carried out on their doubled number. The results of repeated tests are considered final. If, upon examination of the destroyed elements, it is established that the cause of the destruction is previously undiscovered manufacturing defects, then the results of testing such elements are not taken into account, provided that their number does not exceed 20% of the total number of tested elements. 8 .6 Tests for gas tightness (4.1.15) are carried out on a stand (Figure 4) consisting of a fan or other flow driver, flow meter or counter, pressure gauges, thermometer and connecting air ducts with shut-off and control valves. For ease of use, it is advisable to place the stand on an inventory trolley.

1 - branch pipe of exhaust gases; 2 - tested boiler; 3 - burner loophole; 4 - regulating body 1, 5 - flow meter; 6 - regulatory body 2; 7 - regulatory body 3; 8 - fan

Figure 4 - Scheme of the stand for testing boilers for gas tightness

Before testing, a blind cover with a gas-tight, for example rubber, gasket is installed on the exhaust gas pipe. A similar cover with an air duct fitting is installed on the burner opening. Additional sealing of covers, inspection holes, flange connections and other places of possible air leaks that are not provided for by the design documentation is not allowed. The fan is turned on and with the help of fittings a constant pressure in the furnace is set equal to 120% of the nominal aerodynamic resistance of the boiler. Measure the leakage volume under actual test conditions and calculate the leakage volume under normal conditions (0°C and 760 mmHg) V n, m 3 / h, according to the formula

, (1)

Where AT - atmospheric pressure, mm Hg Art.; p p- air pressure in front of the flow meter, mm Hg. Art.; tp- air temperature in front of the flowmeter, °C; V ism - measured leakage volume, m 3 /h. The boiler is considered to have passed the gas tightness test if V n does not exceed 2% of the volumetric flow rate of flue gases at the rated heat output, reduced to normal conditions. Similarly, tests are carried out for gas tightness of boilers operating with a vacuum in the furnace. In this case, the stand is attached to the fan's suction pipe, a vacuum of 5 Pa is maintained in the furnace. The boiler is considered to have passed the gas tightness test if the air intakes comply with the requirements of 4.1.15. 8.7 Thermal testing 8 .7.1 Thermal tests are carried out according to a special procedure approved and certified in the prescribed manner. 8 .7 .2 The error of measuring instruments is given in Table 3. Table 3

Measured value


return temperature and hot water
Fuel combustion heat

±0.2 s (up to 5 min)

Gas temperature
Gas and air pressure in front of the burner
Atmosphere pressure
NOx concentration

±5 pp m (up to 100 pp m)

Air temperature, flue gases
Water flow through the boiler
Relative humidity of air, gas
Fuel consumption
Pressure (vacuum) in the furnace, behind the boiler
water pressure
Mass of fuel, focal residues
8 .7 .3 Tests are carried out in the entire control range of the boiler in the form of balance experiments. The number of experiments is at least five, and at least two experiments must be carried out at a boiler heat output equal to 90 - 110% of the nominal heat output declared by the manufacturer. Balance experiments should be preceded by adjustment tests, during which the combustion device fuels are adjusted in accordance with the instructions for its operation. The main adjustment tasks are to ensure the permissible values ​​of harmful emissions with a minimum excess air ratio and adjust the sensors and actuators of the safety and regulation automation system. 8 .7 .4 The dependence of the boiler operation parameters on the heat output (hydraulic resistance - on the water flow through the boiler) in the form of polynomials of the 2nd degree is established by approximating the test results using the least squares method. Based on these approximating polynomials, the nominal values ​​of efficiency, flue gas temperature, fuel and air pressure, excess air coefficient, aerodynamic and hydraulic resistance of the boiler are calculated. The values ​​of harmful emissions for boilers equipped with fuel and combustion devices with smooth control of heat output are determined as the arithmetic average of those obtained in all experiments; for boilers equipped with fuel-burning devices with step regulation of heat output - as the arithmetic average of the values ​​corresponding to all steps of regulation. Instructions for determining and recalculating environmental protection indicators are given in Appendix A. 8 .7 .5 Tests of safety automation for correct operation are carried out by artificially removing the controlled parameters beyond the allowable limits. The operation of automation for each of these parameters is checked at least ten times. The functioning of the safety automation is considered unsatisfactory if at least one of the checks gives a negative result. 8 .7 .6 The sound level is determined at a heat output equal to 90 - 110% of the nominal heat output, in accordance with GOST 12.1.028. 8 .7 .7 The test results are documented in a protocol. 8.8 Test methods for electrical safety shall be specified in the manufacturer's documentation.

9 Transport and storage

9.1 Transport marking of packages - in accordance with GOST 14192. 9 .2 Boilers are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. 9 .3 Transportation of boilers in terms of exposure to climatic factors - according to group Zh1 GOST 15150, in terms of mechanical - according to group C GOST 23170. Storage of boilers - according to group OZHZ GOST 15150. 9 .4 Requirements for packaging, marking, transportation and storage of boilers, intended for regions of the Far North and hard-to-reach areas, are established in the regulatory documents for specific boilers.

10 Instructions for use

10.1 Placement and installation of boilers and auxiliary equipment, water chemistry their work must comply building codes and rules and Sanitary standards operating in the country of the consumer, GOST 12.1.004, GOST 12.1.005 and GOST 12.1.010. 10 .2 Installation and operation of boilers operating on gaseous fuels must comply with the rules and regulations for the safety of gas-using equipment in force in the country of the consumer. 10 .3 Maintenance of gaseous fuel boilers is carried out by local gas services and (or) other authorized organizations. 10 .4 Boilers may be used in heating systems with a nominal temperature difference of 95 -70 º C and 115 -70 º C. hot water temperature 95 °С; 0.35 - at a maximum hot water temperature of 115 °C.

11 Manufacturer's warranties

11.1 The manufacturer is obliged to guarantee the compliance of the boilers with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of storage, transportation, installation and operation. 11.2 Warranty period - 18 months. from the date of commissioning or 24 months. from the date of sale.


Determination and recalculation of harmful emissions

A.1 In tests, measure and record: RO 2 ´ - volumetric concentration of carbon dioxide and sulfur,%; O 2 ´ - volume concentration of oxygen, %; CO ´ - volumetric concentration of carbon monoxide, mg/m 3 (rr m); NO x ´ - volumetric concentration of nitrogen oxides, mg/m 3 (rr m); CH 4 ´ - volume concentration of methane, %; t - temperature of the air entering the furnace, °С; d- absolute air humidity, g/kg. A. 2 Mass concentration of carbon monoxide CO, mg / m 3, and nitrogen oxides NO x, mg / m 3, in dry undiluted (in terms of the air excess factor equal to one) flue gases at normal physical conditions(0 ° C, 760 mm Hg) is determined by the formulas:

C O \u003d 1.25 h C O´ ; (A. 1)

NO x = 2.054 h NO x ´ (A.2)

Where h - dilution factor determined by the formula


Where RO 2 max is the theoretical concentration of carbon dioxide and sulfur in dry undiluted combustion products, %. It is allowed to determine h according to the formula

The values ​​of the theoretical concentration of dioxides in dry undiluted combustion products of fuel and the net calorific value of fuel L , referred to the volume of dry undiluted combustion products, for various kinds fuels are given in table A.1. Table A.1

Type of fuel

L , MJ / m 3

Donetsk anthracite
Kuznetsk coal grade 2 SS
Brown coals:
Reich and Chinese
Azeis ki y
Liquid fuel:
diesel autotractor
kerosene and TP B
natural gas
A.3 Specific emissions of CO "and NO x", mg / (kW t h), are determined by the formulas:

(A. 5)

, (A.6)

Where η - Boiler efficiency, %; q 4 - heat loss from mechanical incompleteness of combustion, determined according to the test data of the boiler or by the calculation method, % . A. 4 The obtained values ​​of NO x "are subject to correction if the temperature of the air entering the furnace differed from 20 ° C and the absolute humidity - from 10 g / kg, according to the formula

Where NO x "is the result of calculation according to formula (A.6). Key words: heating water boilers, technical requirements, safety, environmental protection, transportation, storage

1 area of ​​use. 2 2 Normative references. 2 3 Classification. Main parameters.. 2 4 General technical requirements. 3 5 Safety requirements. 9 6 Environmental protection requirements. 9 7 Acceptance rules. 10 8 Methods of control. 11 9 Transportation and storage. 13 10 Instructions for use. 14 11 Manufacturer's warranties. 14 Appendix A Determination and conversion of harmful emissions. fourteen

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of the basic concepts of hot water boilers used in science, technology and industry.

The terms established by the standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific and technical, educational and reference literature.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 3244-81

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms for the standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as reference and are designated "Ndp".

The established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.

Standardized terms are in bold, invalid synonyms are in italics.


1. Boiler

Ndp. steam generator

By GOST 23172

2. hot water boiler

Pressurized water boiler

3. Hot water waste heat boiler

Ndp. Recycling hot water boiler

Hot water boiler that uses the heat of hot process gases or engines

4. Hot water boiler with natural circulation

Hot water boiler in which water is circulated due to the difference in water density

5. Hot water boiler with forced circulation

Hot water boiler in which water is circulated by a pump

6. Once-through hot water boiler

Hot water boiler with sequential single forced movement of water

7. Combined circulation hot water boiler

Hot water boiler with natural and forced circulation circuits

8. Electric hot water boiler

A hot water boiler that uses electricity to heat water

9. Stationary hot water boiler

Hot water boiler installed on a fixed foundation

10. Mobile hot water boiler

Boiler mounted on a vehicle or on a movable foundation

11. Gas-tube hot water boiler

A hot water boiler in which the products of combustion of fuel pass inside the pipes of the heating surfaces, and water - outside the pipes.

Note. Distinguish between fire-tube, smoke-fired and fire-tube-smoke boilers

12. Water tube hot water boiler

A hot water boiler in which water moves inside the pipes of the heating surfaces, and the combustion products of the fuel - outside the pipes

13. Heating capacity of the hot water boiler

The amount of heat received by water in a hot water boiler per unit time

14. Nominal heating output of the boiler

The highest heat output that the boiler must provide during continuous operation at nominal values ​​​​of water parameters, taking into account permissible deviations

15. Estimated water pressure in the boiler

Water pressure taken when calculating the strength of a boiler element

16. Operating water pressure in the boiler

The maximum allowable water pressure at the outlet of the boiler during the normal course of the working process

17. Minimum operating water pressure in the boiler

The minimum allowable water pressure at the outlet of the boiler, at which the nominal value of water subcooling to boiling is ensured

18. Estimated temperature of the metal of the walls of the boiler elements

The temperature at which the physical and mechanical characteristics and allowable stresses of the metal of the walls of the boiler elements are determined and their strength is calculated

19. Nominal water temperature at the boiler inlet

Water temperature to be maintained at the inlet to the boiler at nominal heat output, taking into account tolerances

20. Minimum water temperature at the boiler inlet

Water temperature at the inlet to the hot water boiler, providing an acceptable level of low-temperature corrosion of pipes of heating surfaces

21. Nominal boiler outlet water temperature

Water temperature to be maintained at the outlet of the boiler at rated heating output, taking into account tolerances

22. Maximum water temperature at the boiler outlet

The temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler, at which the nominal value of water subcooling to boiling at operating pressure is provided

23. Nominal water flow through the boiler

Water flow through the boiler at nominal heat output and at nominal values ​​of water parameters

24. Minimum water flow through the boiler

Water flow through the boiler, providing the nominal value of water subcooling to boiling at operating pressure and nominal water temperature at the outlet of the boiler

25. Subheating water to a boil

The difference between the boiling point of water, corresponding to the working pressure of water, and the temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler, ensuring that no water boils in the pipes of the heating surfaces of the boiler

26. Nominal hydraulic resistance of the boiler

Water pressure drop measured downstream of the inlet and outlet fittings at nominal boiler output and at nominal water parameters

27. Temperature gradient of water in a hot water boiler

Difference between water temperatures at the outlet of the boiler and the inlet to the boiler

28. The main mode of operation of the boiler

Operating mode of a hot water boiler, in which the hot water boiler is the main source of heat

29. Peak boiler operation

Operating mode of a hot water boiler, in which the hot water boiler is a source of heat to cover the peak loads of the heat supply system


Water gradient in a hot water boiler temperature

Water pressure in the boiler operating

Water pressure in the hot water boiler operating minimum

Estimated water pressure in the boiler


Hot water boiler


Gas-tube hot water boiler

Mobile hot water boiler

Direct-flow hot water boiler

Hot water boiler with natural circulation

Hot water boiler with combined circulation

Hot water boiler with forced circulation

Stationary hot water boiler

Boiler hot water recycling

Electric hot water boiler

Water-heating waste-heat boiler

Subheating water to a boil

steam generator

Minimum water flow through the boiler

Water flow through the boiler nominal

Boiler operating mode basic

Boiler operation mode peak

Boiler resistance hydraulic nominal

The minimum water temperature at the inlet to the boiler

Water temperature at the inlet to the boiler nominal

GOST 21563-93

Group E21



Main parameters and technical requirements

Hot-water boilers.
Main parameters and technical requirements

OKS 27.060*
OKP 31 1280

* According to the official website of Rosstandart OKS 27.060.30,
here and beyond. - Database manufacturer's note.

Introduction date 1997-01-01


1 DESIGNED BY Interstate technical committee MTK 244

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification on March 15, 1994 (Report of the Technical Secretariat No. 1)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Belarus


The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


the Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia



The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine

3 By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated April 2, 1996 N 247, the interstate standard GOST 21563-93 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 1997.

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 21563-82


Item number




This standard applies to hot water boilers with a heat output from 0.63 (0.54) to 209.0 MW (180 Gcal / h) and a water temperature at the outlet of the boiler from 95 to 200 ° C, intended for operation in the main or peak mode.

This standard does not apply to steam boilers and hot water boilers operating at nuclear power plants, installed on sea and river vessels and other floating facilities, on railway rolling stock, power technology boilers and waste heat boilers, boilers with electric heating.

This standard should be used in conjunction with GOST 24569-81, GOST 25365-88, GOST 27303-87 and the "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers" of the USSR Gospromatomnadzor.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory.

1 The nominal values ​​of the main parameters of the boilers must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of the main parameters

for boilers operating in the main mode

for boilers operating in basic or peak mode

Heat output, MW (Gcal/h)

Water temperature at the boiler outlet, °С, max

95, 115, 150, 200

Difference between water temperatures at the outlet of the boiler and at the inlet to the boiler, °C, at the temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler:

Estimated (excessive) water pressure at the boiler inlet, MPa (kgf/cm), at the water temperature at the boiler outlet, not less than:

Absolute pressure of water at the outlet of the boiler at a water temperature at the outlet of the boiler and subcooling of water to boiling point of 30 °C, MPa (kgf/cm), not less than:

Intake air temperature, °C, not less than

Specific emission of nitrogen oxides, kg/GJ (g/m), at =1.4, not more than:

brown coal



1 The values ​​of the boiler parameters indicated in Table 1 must be ensured when the design fuel is burned and the quality of the network and make-up water complies with the requirements of standards and specifications.

2 Deviation of nominal heat output values ​​from those given in Table 1 within ±5% is allowed.

3 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture boilers for operation in the main mode with a water temperature at the outlet of the boiler up to 190 ° C with a temperature difference between the water temperature at the outlet of the boiler and the inlet to the boiler of 80 ° C.

2 The design of the boiler, its auxiliary equipment and the automatic control system must ensure stable operation on the design fuel in the following range of heat output:

- from 30 to 100% of its nominal value - for boilers operating on gaseous and liquid fuels;

- from 25 to 100% - for boilers with layered furnaces with return grates;

- from 50 to 100% - for boilers with layered furnaces with straight-running grates and manual fuel supply;

- from 60 to 100% - for boilers with pulverized coal furnaces with solid slag removal;

- from 80 to 100% - for boilers with pulverized coal furnaces with liquid slag removal.

3 Parts and assembly units weighing more than 20 kg, as well as supply blocks of boilers must have devices or they must indicate places for slinging during loading and unloading and installation work. Slinging schemes must be given in the design documentation handed over to the customer.

4 Upon commissioning, the hydraulic resistance of the boiler at nominal water flow should not exceed 0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf/cm) in the main mode and 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/cm) in the peak mode.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to increase the hydraulic resistance up to 0.4 MPa (4 kgf/cm) in the main mode and up to 0.19 MPa (2 kgf/cm) in the peak mode.

5 In the entire range of heat output, the water flow through the once-through boiler must be at least 0.9 of the nominal value.

6 The water temperature at the inlet to the once-through boiler for boilers operating in the main mode, regardless of the type of fuel, must be at least 70 °C, and for boilers operating in peak mode on fuel with a reduced sulfur content S<0,05% · кг/МДж (0,2% · кг/Мкал) и S0,05% · кг/МДж (0,2% · кг/Мкал), должна быть соответственно не менее 90 и 110 °С.

7 Boilers must be equipped with instrumentation and devices for automatic control, technological protection, blocking and warning alarms.

8 The design of the boiler must provide for the possibility of complete drainage of water from the boiler.

9 The boiler must be provided with places for sampling impulses to sensors of gas pressure, air, heating water, rarefaction in the furnace (for boilers with balanced draft), temperature and flue gas sampling points for analysis. For boilers with a network water temperature of 115 °C and below, the installation of sensors for measuring the temperature and composition of flue gases is not required.

10 The range of boiler reliability indicators and their values ​​must comply with the following:

Mean time to failure - not less than 3000 hours.

Duration of work before the first cleaning from internal pollution - not less than 3000 hours.

The service life between overhauls is at least 3 years.

The full designated service life for boilers with a heat output of up to 4.65 MW is 10 years, a heat output of up to 35 MW is 15 years, a heat output of more than 35 MW is 20 years, with an average boiler operation time per year with a rated heat output of 3000 hours.

11 The designation of the boiler size must consist of consecutively located:

Designations KB - hot water boiler;

- designation of the furnace type;

- boiler heat output values, MW;

- values ​​of the nominal water temperature at the outlet of the boiler, °С;

- for boilers made in seismic design - additional index "C";

- for pressurized boilers - additional index "I".

Firebox types have the following designations:

P - furnace for burning solid fuel on a grate;

T - chamber furnace with solid slag removal for burning pulverized fuel;

Zh - chamber furnace with liquid slag removal for burning pulverized fuel;

C - cyclone furnace for burning solid fuel;

F - fluidized bed furnace for burning solid fuels;

M - furnace for burning liquid fuel (fuel oil);

G - furnace for burning gaseous fuel;

B - vortex furnace for burning solid fuels;

D - furnace for burning other types of fuel.

An example of a symbol for a hot water boiler or gaseous for gaseous and liquid fuels with a heat output of 209 MW (180 Gcal / h), with an outlet water temperature of 150 ° C, in an earthquake-resistant design and operating under pressurization:

KV-GM-209-150 SN

In the technical documentation for the boiler, after the designation of the standard size of the boiler according to this standard, it is allowed to indicate in brackets the model designation adopted by the manufacturer.

12 The quality of network and make-up water for the boiler must comply with the requirements of the "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers" of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.

13 Each boiler must have a passport and instructions for installation and operation.

14 Boiler gross efficiency values, referred to the net calorific value of fuel, at nominal heat output, nominal water temperature at the boiler outlet and air temperature at the boiler inlet of +30 °С, must be not less than those indicated in Table 2.

table 2

Type of fuel

Rated heat output, MW (Gcal/h)

in chamber combustion

in stratified combustion


0.63 (0.54) to 3.6 (3.1)

" 4,65 (4) " 35,00 (30)

" 58,2 (50) " 209,0 (180)


0.63 (0.54) to 3.6 (3.1)

" 4,65 (4) " 35,00 (30)

" 58,2 (50) " 209,0 (180)


0.63 (0.54) to 3.6 (3.1)

" 4,65 (4) " 35,00 (30)

" 58,2 (50) " 209,0 (180)

Brown coal

0.63 (0.54) to 3.6 (3.1)

" 4,65 (4) " 35,00 (30)

" 58,2 (50) " 209,0 (180)

Note - The efficiency values ​​given in Table 2 must be ensured with the characteristics of the fuels adopted during the design of the boiler as calculated, corresponding to the current standards and specifications.

Efficiency values ​​for the combustion of fuels with degraded characteristics and fuels that are not calculated are established in the regulatory and technical documentation for boilers of specific sizes

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 1996